#and this poem my god
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pants-lint · 1 year
Just had a Thought and now I'm curious. What's you guy's strangest comfort media? It doesn't have to be strange as in like creepy/fucked up/whatever, it can just be smthn a lil odd.
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" Out of Line"
It's the person who's "out of line" who is always told to, "Get back in line!"
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I'm "out of line," and the students tell me to, "Get back in line!" But I say, "No, " and I saw a smaller line, and they all seemed happy and stood out as different. They were dressed in school uniform. So I started making my way over there. And the teacher of the line I left came and asked me to, "Get back in line" and when I replied, "No", immediately that teacher took it to the principal and now the principal and teachers from my original class started threatening me in front of the students. Who were trying to scare me to get back in place. When I started to break down and cry, my original classmates and other students of that class said, "If you would have stayed in line, this wouldn't have happened to you!" Even with that being done, I kept making my way to the other line. Now, the teachers became furious, and bullies from that school approach me, telling me to turn around. Once again, I refused, so the principal gave a "signal" to the bullies, and they said, "Fine, you could go." As I turned and walked a couple steps further, they added by yelling, "This school dressed you! So we're taking your clothes from off your back!" They started ripping the clothes off of me in front of my classmates and other students. "Hahahaha," they would all laugh as I became naked. Once, I was stripped, and the students of that class noticed the scars and bruises on my naked body. The bullies moved aside so all could see, and I saw pointing, I heard whispering and laughing, and from the laughing crowd, words came out, "How long you had that there!" followed by more laughter. I even heard the ones that had pitty for me say, "If he would have only stayed." At that exact time, I got up from off the ground and turned my back against them
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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the sunset.
a comic about two outlaws who loved each other, despite everything.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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cathamburger · 5 months
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and the universe said i love you because you are love
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panthermouthh · 9 months
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And I said, “Hello, Satan
I believe it’s time to go.”
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aru-art · 10 months
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two-headed calf by laura gilpin
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rthwrms · 2 years
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Cordyceps' Love Letter to Carpenter Ant
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dandrew-stuff · 2 months
They’re each other biggest fan🥹🥰
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h-yellowfell · 6 days
Take your final bow
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The show is over, the courtains are drawn
In your final moments you were nothing but a pawn
But you did well, you earned your rest
So take your bow, end the scene
When you wake up this will have been nothing but a dream...
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it’s their’s to burn
sharing a cigarette with joan of arc - dante émile ( @orpheuslament ) // photography by brendon burton
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fandom-trash-goblin · 3 months
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i wish i could save my mother.
@/veniennes on tiktok // Elena Poniatowska, from "La Flor de Lis," published c. January 2011// love drought - beyonce // Athena Farrokhzad, "My Mother Said" // Oleander, by Janet Finch// Hannah Green from "Night Terrors" // Sharon Olds, “Holding To A Wall, Treading Saltwater” // Kyung-sook Shin, Please Look After Mom // take care: mothers, daughters, and inheriting self-hatred by Ella Wilson // tumblr user honeytuesday // Marge Piercy from "our neverending entanglement", Made In Detroit // Honey Girl, Morgan Rogers// supernatural season 12 ep 22 // Silas Denver Melvin, from Grit: Poems; “Twenty” // Hayan Charara, from Mother and Daughter
for @shestrying
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simmyfrobby · 8 months
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― "Nazareth," Rosario Castellanos
Hockey Poetry Post 94/?
(Photo credit: Denny Simmons, Denny Simmons, Dave Sandford, Dave Sandford, Bruce Bennett, Dave Sandford, link, Dave Sandford, Jason Kempin)
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metamorphesque · 2 years
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— a prayer, tathève simonyan
[text ID: a prayer / i look up at God and see my ceiling staring back at me. / whimpered prayers leaving through the gates of my lips, ricocheting and landing right onto my eyes. / now everything i see is tainted with the colors of my pending longings. / a desire so raw you could still see the specks of blood gathering at seams. / a prayer … / a man on his knees in front of a woman, hands on her hips, holding the cathedral that was neither built nor can be destroyed / lips kissing the source of life / lips kissing the source of light / lips kissing / a   prayer! – a body to crawl into! (to grow into?) / a prayer! – a dead language we refuse to let go of, / a language of the dead that we refuse to let go of / a prayer! – Grandpa’s favorite tie, hanging from the bedroom door, decades after he passed / because my Grandma was the only one of us who knew what a prayer was / a prayer! – Grandma: “sitting with someone until they finish their meal is the purest sign of love” / a prayer! – i’ll sit with you till the very last sip, till the very last grain / a prayer! – a hymn to the Sun written by the coldest of hands / a prayer! – a mouth full of tongues that can never find the right language to weep in / Rage, that is love – rotten! / Rage, that is desire – rotten! / Rage! – like a prayer, unanswered, ricocheting from your ceiling and landing right onto your eyes, never quite reaching where it was meant to.]
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wwxsflutesolo · 10 months
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"Chuuya. Come to your senses. Our fate will not end in a place like this. Because you and I are destined to—"
@/kedreeva// ernest hemingway - the old man and the sea// death cab for cutie - summer years// unknown// unknown// lidia yuknavitch - the chronology of water: a memoir// richard siken - saying your names// taylor swift - gorgeous// unknown// victor hugo - les miserables// jeanette winterson - lighthousekeeping// sylvia Plath - lady lazarus// margaret atwood - power politics// tory adkisson - Anecdote of the Pig//richard siken - planet of love, wishbone// ethel cain - hard times// margaret atwood - variations on the word love
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