#and then i was excited that i accidentally found brian
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bettyfrommars · 7 months
Betty Betty bo-etty, banana fanna fo-fetty…
If your blurb requests are still open… may I please humbly request something fluffy of Biker!Steve? Making Monster Cookies with leftover Halloween candy Ollie had from trick-or-treating? I bet him and Robbie always make sure his pillowcase is filled and heavy with the good stuff- but that would also mean there’s fun-size candy lingering around until Christmas lol 🖤
Drac, what a treat, I was so excited to get a request from you. And then to have it based in the biker!steve universe? Made my day. I adore you.
Note: Steve & Robin live together in the I'm on Fire universe, platonically of course, and have been raising Steve's son Oliver together since he was born.
18+Only for mature themes and some talk of sexual favors and boobies in the beginning, but nothing graphic.
wc: 871
Steve had just finished tattooing one of the Bad Faeries from one of the Brian Froud books on a redheaded woman’s bicep when she made it clear she wanted to tip him in trade.  Her two friends had moved onto the bar next door, and he was just about to lock up the shop for the night, but before he knew it, the woman was unbuttoning her shirt, and then unhooking the front of her bra, revealing boobies that were so perfect, a small mew escaped the back of his throat.  “Touch me,” she begged in a breathy whisper, closing in on him until his back was against the wall. 
“Um, this is nice,” Steve swallowed, turning his head before her lips could find his, and then she proceeded to suck his earlobe instead.  He held her by her shoulders and pushed back with gentle force.  “But I don’t have time right now.  Rain check?”
“Rain check?” She snapped, giving him a dirty look.  “You don’t find me attractive?”
“No sweetheart, that’s not it,” he huffed, taking both of her wrists in his hand to lower them.  “You’re painfully hot, but I have somewhere important to be tonight.”
That somewhere important had him returning home to a warm kitchen, and a table scattered with leftover, fun-size candy, a mixing bowl full of dough, M&M’s, and thick chunks of Snickers bars. There was a trash can for wrappers, but many of them had ended up on the tile floor, littering the place like a family of raccoons had found Oliver’s Halloween score.
Also, there was the smell of something burning and a gray haze of smoke in the air.  
“Robs?” Steve called out over the sound of a Bugs Bunny episode on the tiny TV that sat between the toaster and the spice rack.
He went over to the stove to make sure that it was off, and that something hadn’t accidentally been left inside.  There was, indeed, a metal sheet of extremely flat splotches of cookies that were charred to a delicate dark brown, almost black.  He grabbed an oven mitt and coughed a few times from the smoke as he moved it to the top of the burners.  
“Daddy you made it!” Oliver squealed, charging in from the hallway to wrap his arms around Steve’s legs.  He had his cozy, big bird footy pajamas on, and a floppy, wet head of hair since he was fresh from his Mr. Bubbles bath.  
“There’s my boy,” Steve bent to pick him up, kissing his soft, warm cheek as he balanced Ollie on his hip.  The eyes that looked back at him were his own, a complete match right now to the long eyelashes.  “I missed you.  Where’s mommy?”
“I’m here,” Robin looked frazzled when she appeared from the living room, brushing hair back from her face with a yawn.  Her baggy Tina Turner tee was smeared in flour and dough handprints.  One leg of her sweatpants was hiked up at her knee, and she wore flip flops, exposing that her toenails were each painted a different color, thanks to Ollie's mastery. “The smoke alarm went off and I had to disassemble the damn thing because it would not stop beeping.”
“Did you disassemble it with the blunt end of a hammer again?” His son grabbed his face, squishing his cheeks together so that his lips puckered out.  
“I think she broke it, dad,” Oliver offered.  “But that’s okay because I said I’d make her a new one.”
“A new smoke alarm?” Steve met his gaze, impressed.
Oliver nodded emphatically.  “But with black licorice this time.”
Robin hopped up to take a seat on the counter by the sink.  “Oh good, then we can just eat it the next time it beeps.”
Oliver nodded again, excitedly.  
Steve released Ollie and let him slide down until his feet were on the ground again.  He took his dad’s hand and yanked on it a few times.  “We made cookies.”
“I see that,” Steve stuttered, eyes darting from the scorched delicacies on the baking sheet, and then to Robin.
“We tried, anyway,” Oliver corrected, ever the optimist. "I think with some milk they might taste good.
There was a blue and white apron with a ruffle trim on the skirt in the very bottom drawer and Steve bent to pull it out, losing no time in hooking it around his neck and tying the sash at his waist. He spun in a dramatic circle, and then did a curtsey, picking the end of the skirt up with thumb and forefinger.
“Let the master take over,” he winked at his son, and the new frilly addition to his apparel made Oliver guffaw with a few breathless giggles.  
“You look silly, dad,” the little boy snorted, running a small hand through his hair in a way that mirrored his father.  
“We’ll see who’s silly when I make the best cookies you’ve ever had in your life.” He took the wooden spoon in his hand at the mixing bowl and asked Oliver to start unwrapping more candy.
He raised an eyebrow at Robin who had a fond smile on her face.  “You gonna grab me some eggs, boss, or do I have to do all the work?”
Robin jumped off the counter and went to the fridge.  “Coming right up, Chef.”
“I love you daddy,” Oliver said, revealing a 3 Musketeers from the package with precision, swinging his feet under the table.  “But maybe you two should let me try this time.”  
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madsworld15 · 2 months
Heal Me, Hold Me, Make Me, Know Me Chapter 4 Part 1
This isn't nearly as long as the sections I usually post, but I stopped at the best stopping point for this section. This part of Chapter 4 is in Justin POV.
Please enjoy! Thanks always to my lovely pals @winderlylandchime @maryp50 and @lostcol
Justin’s hand control was getting better, day by day, but he still struggled to draw or paint for an extended period of time. It wasn’t anything super frustrating; it just prevented him from quickly getting anywhere with the ideas he had for art pieces. His mother had been insistent that he “keep up the work in OT,” while Emmett and Daphne would smile at him and say, “You’ve come so far!”
The only person in Justin’s life who didn’t insist that he be fine with the functionality of his hand was Brian. The older man wouldn’t praise him or begrudge him about it. In fact, more often than not, Justin found Brian was ambivalent about what was going on around him. Pride weekend had been a great example of how much Brian could do the “couple thing” when he wanted to. But, since then, their conversations had been more vague and distant. Brian still allowed Justin to live with him, but he was back to working all the time or going out to Babylon until the wee hours. 
Justin didn’t care as much, considering he was now back to working at the diner a couple of nights a week. It was slower at night, so Justin could ease himself into being around crowds again. Plus, when his hand got tired and started to shake, he had extended periods between customers where he could let it relax. 
“Can I ask you something?” Justin approached Emmett, who sat at the counter with a low-cut tank in bright green and pleather pants to match.
“Sure, baby.” Emmett put his fork down, rested his hands atop one another, and gave Justin his full attention, “What is it?”
“Do you think Brian is annoyed that he still has to keep an eye on me? I know it’s been months, and if I ask him, he ignores me and continues to let me stay.” Justin bit his lip nervously.
“Hmm.” Emmett paused, “Brian is really hard to read on a good day. But has he threatened to kick you out yet?”
“No.” Justin shrugged looking his best friend up and down.
“Well, then, you are still in good hands. If Brian is annoyed by you, he will not so politely ask you to leave. I’ve seen him do it to Michael once when he accidentally spilled beer on Brian’s new designer couch.” Emmett reached out and grabbed Justin’s hand.
“Besides, from what I hear. You don’t need much caretaking these days.” Emmett winked at him and motioned to the diner around them.
His message was loud and clear. Justin was simply making a mountain out of a molehill. He was back to working and doing art; however, the process was slow. There was no reason to worry that he was annoying Brian. 
So, then, why won’t he talk to me like we once did?
After helping out a customer on the other side of the diner, Justin came back over to where Emmett sat. The charming Southerner was done eating his meal, but he made no move to leave. Justin appreciated that he seemed to be hanging out for Justin.
“Okay. So he hasn’t kicked me out yet. Then explain why he doesn’t come by the diner while I’m working.” Justin gave Emmett a raised eyebrow look.
“Well, now that Brian is partner, he has to work longer, harder hours.” Emmett shrugged, but then he leaned over the counter to be closer to Justin for the next set of words out of his mouth.
“Add in that he’s extremely attracted to you physically, and he wants to respect your boundaries. So, he has to find alternatives.” Emmett’s eyes swam with joy and excitement at what that meant for his friend.
“What changed that he avoids me now? I mean, he’s been attracted to me physically since before I finally agreed to be with him.” Justin shrugged, still not convinced that Brian’s distance wasn’t a bad thing.
“You guys now live together, and you told me yourself that you share the same bed.” Emmett gave him a pointed look, “Do you know how often Brian shares his bed with someone without having sex?”
“I’d guess very rarely,” Justin whispered, wiping the counter off with his rag.
“I’ve known Brian upwards of a decade, and I would say I’ve only heard of it happening one other time. He was drunk, and Michael was there to comfort him after a nasty round with his dad.” Emmett shrugged.
Just then, Alex came into the diner yawning, his eyes only half-alert. He gave Justin a forced smile and stepped behind the counter to put on his apron.
“Hey, Justin. Slow night?” Alex looked around at the lack of patronage.
“Yeah. But Babylon is closing, so there are sure to be some stragglers coming in soon.” Justin handed over his order pad and took off the apron he was wearing. “Have a good night, Alex.”
Emmett walked with Justin all the way to Brian’s loft. It was 2 am, and Justin was exhausted, so the two friends barely uttered more than ten words between them. This was becoming a bit of a routine anytime Emmett happened to be at the diner during Justin’s shift. He would hang out until Justin got off, and then he would walk the young man home. Justin’s attackers had been arrested the Monday after Pride, but everyone was still on edge. Especially Brian, Justin, and Emmett. 
“So, Brian told me the trial is coming up soon.” Emmett tried to make conversation as they approached Brian’s building.
“Yeah. Debbie wants me to go, but my mom and Brian think it’s probably not a good idea since I’m still having nightmares and mini freakouts when strangers get too close.” Justin reached into his bag to get his keys out. His eyes darted all around him as a precaution.
“What do you want to do?” Emmett placed a protective hand on Justin’s shoulder and held it there while the younger man unlocked the front door.
“Honestly? I have no idea. Part of me wants to see the judge nail the bastards. But on the other hand, what if they get off? I don’t want to be in the room when that happens.” Justin shrugged as they both climbed into the freight elevator.
Arriving on the top floor, Justin could hear light music and voices coming from the loft. It was weird because Brian rarely had anyone come over now that Justin was staying with him. He looked at Emmett, who shrugged but didn’t look too concerned. Perhaps Michael had come over to drink with Brian like they sometimes did. 
Justin slid the door open and was immediately met with the visual of Brian fucking some guy over the back of the couch. He felt the air leave his lungs the minute his eyes landed on the brunette – his face scrunched up in a mixture of effort and ecstasy. Justin had always known that Brian slept with anything that moved. It was never a secret, even after they started considering themselves together. But, once Justin had agreed to move in with Brian, they had agreed that Brian wouldn’t fuck anyone in the loft. That was the only rule Justin ever put on Brian and their relationship.
“Oh, hey.” Brian smiled at Justin over the top of his latest trick. With one last groan and jab of his hip, Brian came into the man under him and then collapsed.
Justin could feel the sting of tears in his eyes, which he didn’t dare let Brian see. In fact, he didn’t want Brian to have the satisfaction of knowing he had gotten to him at all. Without a word to his boyfriend, Justin crossed over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. Emmett silently followed him. Once they were a bit away from Brian, Emmett addressed the situation.
“Do you want me to stay? Do you want to come home with me for tonight?” Emmett’s eyes were brimming with emotion like Justin had never seen before. And after he shook his head, he saw Emmett throw the dirtiest look over his shoulder at Brian.
While he knew he hadn’t known anyone in his newfound family for more than a year at this point, Justin had never seen Emmett be less than understanding toward Brian. He didn’t always approve, but he’d never before been blatantly disgusted by Brian’s behavior until now. Emmett leaned over and wrapped Justin in a hug while placing a kiss on his cheek.
“I’m just a call away, baby if you change your mind,” Emmett said loud enough for Brian to hear. 
Then, Emmett and the trick left with as much fanfare as they’d both probably arrived.
Brian pulled on some pants but didn’t fasten them. Instead, he sauntered over to where Justin was still standing in the kitchen and attempted to kiss the younger man. Justin ducked out of his touch and moved away from the man entirely.
“What’s got your dick in a twist?” Brian’s voice was on the verge of anger, and Justin knew this wouldn’t be a fun conversation, but he didn’t care. 
“I come home from work to find you on the couch…” Justin muttered, motioning toward the spot where Brian and his trick had just been. His frustration and anger seeped out more than he had intended.
“How is this anything new? You knew going into this that I fuck any guy I want and have no remorse about it.” Brian slammed the refrigerator door shut after grabbing his own bottle of water. “We’re not fucking married, Justin!”
“No! But we did have an agreement!” Justin stepped closer to Brian as his temper flared, “You promised you wouldn’t fuck anyone here at the loft.”
Brian didn’t respond. Instead, he just scoffed.
“This is my loft. I don’t have to fucking answer to you. You’re not my fucking wife!”
“You’re right. I’m not!” Justin started and then continued just as passionately, “If you wanted me to move out, you could have just used your words and told me to get the fuck out.” Justin’s chest heaved with all his pent-up anger.
“I’m well aware that you don’t share your personal space with anyone for longer than it takes for you to fuck them. So, why’d you let me stay here? Huh? Was it because you felt guilty? Because I’m not going to stick around and be at the mercy of someone’s pity!” Justin moved about the loft, gathering up some of his things and throwing them into his duffle. He wasn’t sure where he would end up, but he knew he had to get out of there.
He half expected Brian to say something, anything to get him to stay, but he didn’t. It was just as well. Brian didn’t want him around anymore anyway. Justin might as well move out now and find his own way. He could go back to living with Daphne now that things with his injuries had settled down. But, for tonight, he would go somewhere else to avoid waking Daphne up at 3 am.
With one final look back at Brian, who was standing in the kitchen still, trying to make sense of what was going on, his eyes still angry, Justin left.
Justin walked until he realized his feet had carried him all the way to Debbie’s house, just around the corner from the diner. He hadn’t ever been to her home unexpectedly before, but something in his gut told him that she would welcome him in with open arms. Sure enough, he’d barely just finished knocking when the door swung open to her smiling face.
“Sunshine! Imagine seeing you here. Where’s Brian?” She looked around behind him as if perhaps Brian was hiding in the shadows.
“We kind of had…” Justin couldn’t even bring himself to say fight because a fight would imply that Brian cared at all. Which his lack of a reaction when Justin left said otherwise. “Anyway, could I crash here tonight?”
Debbie grabbed him around his shoulder and ushered him into her front room as she said, “Of course, honey. My house is always open.”
“I promise I will be out of your hair tomorrow. I am going to ask Daphne if I can move back in with her. I’m doing much better now.” Justin paused long enough to lick his lips and look at Debbie’s face instead of the room at large, “It’s time.”
“So, Brian kicked you out huh?” Debbie scoffed. Her apparent disdain for Brian’s behavior dripping from her every word. “Wouldn’t say I’m surprised.”
“I am.” Vic said from where he now stood at the bottom of the stairs. “Things seemed different this time.”
“A leopard never changes his spots.” Debbie pointed at her brother, “Brian might try to do the right thing but in the end his selfishness wins out.”
Then without another word to Vic she turned back to Justin and motioned him to follow her. “C’mon hon. I can get Michael’s old room set up for you for the night.”
Vic gave his shoulder a squeeze as Justin walked past the older man. “Don’t make any quick decisions about him. Give him a chance.”
“A chance? Justin has given that man so many chances. Why should now be different?” Debbie screeched from the top of the stairs.
“Because, sis. He’s under alot of pressure right now. You know I saw him taking his mother to church yesterday. Brian Kinney, in a church.” Vic once again defended the brunette.
“Oh.” Debbie paused with a load of clean sheets and blankets in her hands. “Yeah. You should sleep on it sunshine. Give him some room.”
Justin wanted desperately to ask what it was about Brian’s mother that immediately changed Debbie’s tune about his behavior, but he could tell from the way Vic and Debbie were exchanging looks that he wouldn’t get anywhere. Instead, the blonde took the blankets from Debbie and went into the room he’d stayed at a few weeks prior when Brian had been out of town.
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winderlylandchime · 2 months
I had to wait to reply to your last message and to write this one because I know that my brother still at times checks your blog to see if there are fic updates (i now told him about subscribing to fics).
Anyway the reason I had to wait is because yesterday (the 6th) was his birthday and we (as in me and our parents) got him the full seasons collections box set from ebay. Our cousin found one that was a pretty decent price so we all got it together for him. And I couldn’t tell you about it when you said we should do that because we already had it and it was hidden at my parents house!! But he also saw that message and sent it to me saying ‘YEAH! Why don’t you lil shits do that for me? I mean it IS your fault, I’m like this now’ And I will forever deny that I did this because all I did was show him qaf…he did mind maps and diy merch and tell everyone and their mom about it.. So this is all on him.
ANYWAY! I do have something to tell you though about his birthday. We’ve been laughing about it all day and the minute my cousin told me the story, I thought of all of you who watched this monster be brought to life.
Like i said his birthday was yesterday and he got blacked out drunk with his friends to celebrate it. And then they went to his house to continue because and i quote from a video i got sent ‘i might be 37 but the party doesn’t stop bitcheeeeesssss’ anyway I was suppose to be there but work had different plans, so our cousin who was the designated driver, made sure to send me updates throughout the day and according to him (and also a too short but amazing video he sent me), my dumb drunk brother made EVERYONE watch fan videos of Britin. And not on tv or like hey let me show you something on my laptop. Nope, he stood in the middle of the living room, holding his laptop while kinda stumbling and the fan videos were playing on it. Apparently most of them were too drunk to actually pay attention, including him but they kinda caught a few glimpses and words and every once in a while, my brother would shush them to say ‘hey! The pretty boy is talking’ and when he wash asked who’s the pretty boy, he would try to point at the pretty boy (both of them) and obviously the scenes were changing so he kept going ‘him, him, him’ while pointing all over the screen. And then he pointed to debbie and a friend went ‘that’s a woman’ and he responded with *putting his index finger up to like prove a point* ‘actually, that’s Debbie’. I wish you guys would be able to see my cousins reenactment of it because it was hilarious. However I was told that the way the night ended was that he went to his room to get his phone so that he can and I quote ‘I gotta read some shit to you guys, you’re gonna fuck with it because I fuck with it, understood?’ and then when he didnt come back, our cousin went to look for him and found him passed out on the bed, hugging Brian the cat and his phone. And I have no way to actually prove this since he only remembers bits and pieces but I genuinely think he was about to “read” one of the fics he’s been reading to them. Today when we were all on facetime and our cousin was telling him/us about everything he did (this was just the tip of the iceberg, he almost fell down the stairs again) his only response was ‘i have no memory of any of that but it does sound like me, doesn’t it?’
So even when absolutely blacked out drunk, Britin is still one of the main things he thinks about. And sorry (again) for a late reply, I’ve been buzzing with excitement about him getting the box set but couldn’t tell anyone since he does pay attention from time to time and unfortunately he is no longer drugged out of his mind on pain pills. In fact I was panicking that I accidentally mentioned it in the last message I sent until you responded. Talk about bad memory
Dear sweet anon! I hope your brother knows that you got him the DVDs before I suggested it. I just want to be sure you and your family get full credit. Also, hello Brother… how are you doing fellow Aries? (My birthday is next week) (I’ll be in Vegas to seeing RPDR Live and hopefully finish my drag au)
I am dying over the image of your brother, drunk and swaying. making everyone watch fan vids and trying to point out Brian. And I am dying over “That’s a woman” “Actually, that’s Debbie” like she defies gender.
I am also a little dead at the idea of him reading fic. Out. Loud. to his friends. I’m curious which fic it was.
I’m very glad he did not fall down the stairs while black out drunk. We need to keep your brother in one piece. Now.
Also, brother, if you’re reading - Hi!
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m323200 · 6 days
4x05: Flight or Fight
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photo is perfect for this part
Find out what happens to Luke and Isabella.
ALSO MY SISTER WROTE THIS. To me I think she did this good. She wanted to make this part based off an episode of her favorite show.
I found a body outside the house, it was Luke. I called 9-1-1, "I have a male who's 19-20 with multiple stab wounds to his torso. Need medical and police response.", that's what Dylan told me to say. The person said, "Okay, ma'am, can I get your name?" 
I said, "Haley Dunphy. I'm his brother.". The dispatcher had a familiar voice, but I knew who it was, my old friend. "Stacy?". Dylan took over the phone, "He's got profuse bleeding to his abdomen. Breathing is labored. Might have hit a lung.".
I kept crying. I held his hand and helped Dylan by stopping the blood. Stacy said that the RA unit's two minutes out. I kept panicking and thinking if he would be alive. 
Stacy asked, "Do you know how this happened? How long has he been down?". Me and Dylan didn't know. We had just gotten here. 
Dylan said it looked like he was bleeding out for minutes. Stacy told us, "How's his pulse?". Dylan looks for a pulse. It was weak, but there. "Brian...", he talked but not a lot. 
I told Stacy that he's talking. I said to Luke, "It's okay...I'm here, okay? Just stay with us Luke". Luke said, "Isabella...". Sirens were approaching close as it gets louder. 
I asked him, "Where is she? Where's Isabella, Luke?". The paramedics came, "We got it, guys.". I ran inside the house, "Isabella! Isabella! Dylan look upstairs!". 
He ran upstairs and we both called out her name. I found something, "Shit..." Stacy asked, "Haley? What is it? What did you find?". 
I told them her stuff was all here, her phone, wallet, keys. Stacy put out an alert, "All units be advised, we also have a critical missing 19 year old female: Isabella Wheeler."
2 Years Ago
Before The Incident and After The Hollywood Murders
Brian yelled, "Hey babe! Look at this!". I came running in seeing if everything was good or bad. He pulled up a rare wine bottle. "Happy Birthday to my one and only precious diamond. Now let's celebrate!". We kissed.
We danced to the music. He danced. He pulled me to dance. I got excited. He then spin me around and I accidentally knocked over the wine bottle and glass cups. I panicked. He said, "That's okay. People made mistakes. But why can't you ever learn.". He then punched me.
Present Day
Brian yelled at me after he punch me, "Damn it, Isabella! This is your fault. I said you can't leave me no matter what. I warned you. But this happens when you don't listen." I kept crying with tears. I asked, "Is he dead?". He told me if he's not, he's not our problem anymore.
I tell him that he's a good man, that he wouldn't hurt anyone. Brian said he want to hurt him. That they were friends. I got confused. He said, "If you'd have just stayed-", I interrupted, "Brian, how long have you been here?". 
He said he needed to make sure I was safe, "I saw you with your family, I thought, all right, fine. She needs some time, just give her some space. She always comes home. Then I saw you with Luke in that house, holding hands, kissing...I knew... I knew I waited too long.". I tell him it's not too late. He said that he killed someone for me and there's no going back for both of us.
Jay and the whole family besides Claire, Haley, and Dylan. Mitchell, "I got here as fast as I could. How's he doing?". Jay said he's alive, but got stabbed bad. Alex asked if he's in surgery. Gloria said he lost a lot of blood. As soon as he's ready, they'll prep him for surgery. They wonder who would do that. 
I said with confidence, "It was Brian. Isabella told me that if she left him he would kill her. He did this.". The cop investigator said, "You said he lives in Pennsylvania. He knows she was here?" I sorta said, "No, she-she...". Claire's cop friend, Emma, said that she was filing for divorce and that could've put her on his radar. They said they'll take a look at him. 
I told them, "Wait, detective. Luke said he had a new friend, some guy he was... he was gambling with. I never met him, but now I know why, you know, 'cause it was Brian. He got close to Luke so that he could get close to Isabella.". I looked at their faces, it looked like they didn't believe me and thought I was going crazy. 
I tell them to check his phone. They said they can't open it without the victim's consent. That's bullshit. Emma said that they'll go through his phone records, but it'll take time.
I yelled, "Isabella don't have time! Brian did this! He could've killed Luke and he could maybe kill her next...". Claire told me, "But he didn't. Haley, may-maybe you're right. It's Brian. And he found out where Isabella was, and he came here, and he hurt Luke, but look it. 
Dylan said, "No body. Only Luke's blood. If he wanted to kill her, we would've seen her, but we didn't. She is alive when he took her, and that's what we're gonna hold onto right now."
I asked if I could change into a fresh pair of clothes that mines are covered in some blood. They tell me not to touch anything. The detective tells Emma, Claire, and Dylan, that someone has to prepare me. 
Emma said, "We're not there yet.". Claire thought, "You don't think you're gonna find her alive." They said in these scenarios, they don't end good. I asked, "Can one of you guys drive me to the hospital, I wanna see Luke.".
Dylan said he'll take me. Emma said to Claire, "We found a camera across the street caught a man forcing her into his car. All we got is a four-door sedan, dark in color. Doesn't exactly narrow the search.". Claire looked, "Where's Luke's phone?".
Emma came out with Claire and two cops. Claire said "You know, they didn't believe me. They said no one is stupid enough to steal that phone. I said, "You don't know Haley.". 
Alex told me that was a dumb move, but smart how she got the phone with no one noticing. I told Alex, "I told Isabella...that...she didn't need to keep on running, that she could start over here, that she would be safe. That I, we would keep her safe.". Alex said not to blame me. That it could've happened either way. 
Emma said, "I spoke with detective. He's not happy with you. You unlocked Luke's phone without his permission. He can't use any of it.". I had apologized. 
She said the car's out front. I was confused if they're arresting me. They said no, but there's a countdown.  I asked where, Emma said, "To find Isabella. This phone is how we find them.". 
Claire ran to me to tell me the rules. The rules were don't go out of sight, lie, withhold any information from her, don't break the law again, and don't do something I would do that'll force her into early retirement. I promised that I would bring her home.
Brian said, "Come on where is it...". I tell him to kill me already. I guessed that was his plan. He told me that wasn't the plan. That I was the love of his life and he can't imagine his life without me. The destination was found.
Me and Emma went to where Stacy works. I hugged Stacy and saying it's been awhile. They asked how we could help. Emma thought of something.
I needed to get out of the car. I found paper. I stuffed it in my pockets. I eventually found a way to get out. Brian saw me, "Hey, where you going?". 
I said I needed to pee and that there's no where to go. He uncuffed me with his knife. Tells me to keep my head down. 
We went in and we asked the cashier if there's a restroom I could use. He said it's in the back. I grabbed the key and a pen. 
He asked if we were vacationing? Brian said we were on a road trip. Meanwhile, I was in the restroom writing the car plate. He knocked on the door and asked if I was okay. 
I told him yeah. He pounded on the door on telling to hurry up. I open up the window, it felt like it was stuck. He keeps pounding on the door and telling me, "Let's go Isabella.". 
I opened the window and jumped out the window. Brian yelled, "Isabella!". I ran but he got me. I struggled to get loose. 
He said, "You're always running. Aren't you tired by now? I sure am tired of chasing you.". I tell him to let me go. The cashier came out with a gun telling him to let me go. 
He says he got it wrong. Brian attacks him, the gun went off. He got the gun at his stomach and shoots him. I screamed. 
I went up to him and tried to make sure not a lot of blood came out. I told the cashier to stay with me and that I would call 9-1-1, but Brian shot him in the head. 
I panicked and cried. He said, "No one's saving anyone now. Let's go. Let's go.". I kept crying and saying softly, "No! no!"
Emma said, "Marcus it's Emma. Listen, you're gonna get a call from Stacy at dispatch. She might have a lead on Brian's location and let's call this an anonymous tip." 
Detective Marcus said that they'll meet us there. She ended the call. Emma noticed I'm quiet. I was worried I'd find Isabella's body there because he almost killed Luke and could kill her next. 
Emma said, "Isabella didn't just restart her life. She rebuilt herself. You guys did that, with love, support, and family. Brian may have her, but I don't think he has any idea who he's dealing with now.". 
We were still on the road. A siren was heard, it was a cop. He hid the gun under his leg just in case. The cop car passed by. 
I told him that we need to get off the road, but yelled at me to shut up. I told him there were cameras and wheat could happen when they find the dead cashier. 
Brian yelled at me, "Do you think this was my fault?". I told him it was mine. He said that's what happens when I run away, people gets hurt. 
He thinks that I know he's an idiot but I called him a dipshit mother fucker. He grabbed my hair hard. It hurt. He said, "You were being honest, but I don't respect the name you called me.". 
I told him we needed to figure out where we were going. He said that he'll figure it out. 
I told him, "The longer we are on this road, the more likely it is that we get pulled over, and we both know how that ends.". 
He asked me on what we should do. I told him that I found vacation homes back there and it's probably empty. 
He does a U turn and drives there. I panicked and was filled with sadness and stress. All I hope was that Luke was okay.
Luke had finally waken up, "Welcome back idiot, We were worried all about you.". He said he wasn't worried. 
I told him he's thinking he's invincible. Joe said, "Like a superhero?". I told him, "Yeah. Just like a superhero.". 
Jay said, "Okay, buddy. Let's let Luke rest. We can visit him later.". Joe waved bye. Jay told him to have a good rest. Luke asked, "Where's Isabella?".
A truck driver said, "It's not my phone. I don't know where it came from.". The detective said he found the phone, but no signs of them. 
I questioned him on why he has the phone. He said he'd been on the road ever since and had no clue on how the phone ended up in his truck. Emma asked, "Sir, you make any stops?". 
He said he went to a gas station before sunrise. I asked if he saw anyone. He saw a couple going into the store. Emma said that he knew that we could use the phone to track him and that he threw the phone in the truck just to throw us off. 
I said, "So they could be anywhere by now.". Emma made sure I didn't get stressed or worried a lot. I just focused on one thing, finding Isabella.
Evan and Alex sat down together seeing Joe and Lily played along with Joshua who's grown up. Evan said, "I don't think I brought enough.". I told him he didn't need to bring anything. Evan was worried about Haley and Isabella. 
I told him to just pray on it and that they will come back alive. Evan thought that he didn't do enough to protect Isabella and that she protected them from making sure they don't go with their parents and he could've done something to protect her. I told him, "Isabella is a fighter, she always fights to survive.". 
We were at the gas station. Emma said, "Our best guess is that she climbs out the back window, Brian catches her.". The detective said that the cashier saw something wrong and helps her, gets shot with his own gun. 
We all guessed tha he thought he could handle it on his own. One of the officers found a paper. Emma said, "It's a rental car agreement for a dark gray, four-door sedan.". 
The detective think that she started to write the license plate on the back. It was rented near Burbank Airport. They said they would put out an APB. 
I asked if we can use that to track him. Emma said that rental car companies don't use GPS tracking because "it's too expensive.". All I know is that Emma is a great cop and that she always finishes the job.
We were at a cabin. Brian had kicked open the door. I told that he was lucky there wasn't an alarm. He told me "Why do you think I cut the phone line?". I said so I couldn't call for help. He said "That too". 
He said he'll try to make us a fire. I told him, "I'll see if I can get some food.". He didn't want me in the kitchen because that's where the sharp things are at. He made me sit down.
 I started to reflect back to the past with what happened to me with staying with Brian. It was a fucking nightmare. There was a time when our neighbors asked if everything was okay.
I opened the door for them and found out it was our neighbors, Benny and Laura. "Hi. How can I help you?". Laura said they heard some yelling and it sounded like a fight. I told them that everything was fine and that it must have been a mistake. Benny said, "It's a warm night for a sweater.". 
I told them that everything was fine. Laura asked if I was okay. Brian said, "Hey, babe, everything okay? Benny. Laura. Hi. What's going on?". Benny said that there were reports of some cars being broken into in the neighborhood. They were just checking if we heard or seen anything. Brian felt bad. I said, "Yeah, I was just saying that we, um, we didn't hear anything.". 
Brian said that we'll take a lookout for anything suspicious and then later left. Laura said, "I get you're scared of what he'll do if you run, but you need to think about what he's gonna do if you stay.".
"We can be happy again. A fresh start in a new place. Sure we would need new names and become new people. Not just to the world, but to each other. And you'll forgive me and love me again. I know it.", Brian said. 
I told him, "Your right...I always found a way to forgive you. One way or another...". I grabbed the fireplace poker secretly. Brian said that we could try again and to start now, but I had other plans. 
I hit him in the eyebrow and I had hit him so hard that he bled a lot. I panicked and kept thinking and saying, "Oh, my God". I ran out the cabin and ran away. Brian yelled, "ISABELLA!". He fired the gun at me. He missed. I screamed in panic. He yelled my name once more. Shot at me again, missed again. He started to follow me. 
Luke thinks that he was an idiot. He said, "I'm the one who put her in danger. He played with me the whole time just to get to her.". I told him it wasn't his fault nor hers and that everything would be fine. He asked if he was gonna kill her. I didn't know, I didn't know what to say or to express it. I just stayed silent...
I kept running through the snow, through the trees, and through the cold air. I was running out of breath, but I was determined to run as far as I can away from him. I could hear him yelling my name. I could hear it echo from here. 
He says I can't run long, but I then stopped. I looked down and saw my footprints. I must've left my prints since I laid my foot on the snow. I keep hearing his voice inside my head and I can't get it out.
I could hear the sirens. I heard one of the offices saying they had found the rental car, but no signs of them. The detective said, "We found the kidnapper's abandoned vehicle nearby, so we're looking for a couple. They, uh, may have come in earlier looking for a last-minute rental.". The owner of the cabins saying no one has been it and that it's been quiet. I asked how many listings are there. She said 300. Not a good sign.
I could hear Brian. I was behind the tree. He found out that there was no more footprints. "You backtracking bitch.", he said. I then hit him in the back of the head with the fireplace poker. He fell straight to the ground. I ran away. He shot at me, but missed. He shot again, then missed again. I ran back. 
He tried to shoot again, but there was no more ammo. He grabbed a pocketknife out his pocket, the knife part was out. "I'm not running.", I yelled. I hit him again and he fell down. I raised it up, but before I could hit him, he scratched my leg with the knife. I was in pain. 
He crawled and climbed up to me. I tried to stop him and move, but my hand was on my leg where the cut was. He held the knife up and stabbed me on the side. I screamed. I then found something to throw the knife away. And I did. The knife flew away, but I tried to crawl to it. 
Brian then grabbed my legs to pull him towards me. I tried to grabbed the knife, but as soon as he climbed on me, I kicked him in the face. He quickly came back and tried to hold me down. I then hit him, but then he punched me. I screamed again. 
I was in big pain. He then crawled to the knife and officially grabbed it. I then grabbed him while he had the knife, then I bit him in the wrist. He groaned in pain. I then grabbed the knife and once he came up to me, There was no choice to do this, I stabbed him in the shoulder and in the back repetitively. 
I kept sobbing as I stabbed him.
 I then pulled his body off of me. I could hear him cough out and gurgle blood. There was nothing for me to do. I felt weak. Too weak. I couldn't feel a thing, my vision was blurry. I could hear bird cawing in the distant. I closed my eyes slowly and knew this was the end for me...
Brian said as I closed the door, "You don't have to lie to me. I know what they said. What they all say. They want you to leave me. They should understand that we're meant to be together. We're meant to live together, to grow old together and die together. That's how this story ends.
I woke up. I could still feel the pain. My vision was still blurry. I got up, panting and groaning.
This wasn't the end, not for me at least.
The detective is saying that the local sheriff got a report of gunshots. Emma said that the rental manager notified her that all the lake cabins are vacant. 
They knew someone was here and left in a hurry. I asked, "It's got to be them, right?". It wasn't sure. We're wondering now is which way did they go? 
Detective said, "They're sending more officers. Search and rescue's on its way. Choppers, dogs.". Emma knew it was gonna be a full-court press. An officer said, "I got blood out here!". I yelled and ran quickly, well I tried to run. I was yelling Isabella's name.
I was carefully walking back towards the cabin. I slipped, but I didn't fully fell. I felt like I could see someone, someone who was rushing towards me. My sight was still blurry. I heard my name be shout. I thought it was Haley, or I think it is. It was her. She yelled my name and I yelled hers. I rushed to her as she rushed to me. I hugged her, then we were on the floor hugging. She was happy that I was alive. I told her while crying, "I didn't give up. I... I didn't give up.". She still was hugging me and I was hugging her still.
The detective said that he never seen red snow and that it's a miracle she made it out alive. I told him, "No miracle here. That woman fought like hell. She's a survivor. After what she dealt with during 'The Hollywood Massacre', no wonder she's alive.".
I was in the ambulance with Haley next to me. She says we are almost there. I felt tired. Haley said, "I know you're tired, but I need you to keep your eyes open for me.". 
I tried to stay awake and not fall asleep. Haley tried to cheer me up, "Hey, you, uh... you think you had a hard day. Me and mom's officer friends, Emma have been running all over the state looking for you. I wasn't dressed for snow.". I said, "Me, either.". 
We both chuckled. Haley told me that Emma said that she would call Claire and let everyone know that I'm okay. I knew everyone would be so relieved. Haley said, "Luke. Luke most of all-". I interrupted her, "Luke's alive?". Haley said that it was true. That Luke was alive, She said, "He made it through. You both did.".
In the hospital, the doctor said, "How are we doing, Mr. Dunphy? Ready to get out of here.". Luke was ready to go back to work and make money. The doctor said he might want to pace himself. Luke admits he's gonna start pacing myself up and down these walls pretty soon. 
The doctor said, "Well, maybe... your friend can distract you.". I came in the room while in the wheelchair. Luke questioned me on what I was doing here and that I should be in the hospital? I told him I am in the hospital. I got myself transferred so I could see him. 
I got up to the wheelchair and to the bed. Luke was worried and hope nothing happened while I got up. I told him that all of this is gonna heal. I asked how he was feeling. He said he's starting to hate hospitals. He's glad we weren't in a coma. Luke said, "I thought...I really thought that we...-". I told him, "Me too. But, You're okay. We're okay. And I don't wanna be apart any longer.". I straight up kissed him on the lips. Maybe he was my future.
I hope you enjoy. This may be my new favorite part. Also I'm taking a break from this story and making a new one. The ones I have plan to make is one with Mason Thames and Malachi Barton. (Separately not them together, although I'm thinking about making one of with a male... idk comment if I should.) I'll let you guys know when they release and what's it about and both will be on Wattpad and Tumblr.
Also let me know if you want my sister to write any future parts.
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therealbattleangel · 2 years
I have a request! Paul Dano characters react to accidentally walking in on you while you're still changing~
Paul Dano Characters Reacting to Walking in on You (Headcanons)
TW: Some hints of smut from some of the characters but mainly just fluff again, as usual
(Requests Open !)
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He knocked but walked in before getting an answer
He gasped and quickly covered his eyes when he realizes you were changing
At this point, y’all had already seen each other naked so you found it really funny that he all the sudden acted shy seeing your body
“Sorry I should have waited to get permission to come in. So sorry”
He would probably end up closing the door on his foot or his head accidentally or something like that
You would feel really bad but it was funny as hell
Dwayne Hoover
Another one that would panic but he would do it silently and act like he didn’t
He would just walk in without thinking about knocking and then quickly shut the door
He would then tell you to let him know once you were finished
While he would act all cool and chill about it, he was having a full meltdown on the inside
Once you told him that he could come in, he would slowly open the door and peak in before fully walking in
He would have probably just been coming in to ask you if you wanted to go play with Olive with him which you agreed to
Brian Wilcox
When he would walk in and fully understand what was going on in front of him, he would probably make some snarky comment about how good you look or something like that
You would have to kick him out or else he would just stand and watch you
He is a horny teen so of course he is going to make it about sex somehow
After you let him back in, he would say something like “I mean I like you more without the clothes on”
You would blush and hit his shoulder
He would be smirking and would continue to try to make you flustered for the rest of the day afterwards
The most polite one of the bunch
He would probably never actually walk in on you because he would wait for you to give him permission to let him in
But maybe he was busy with work and wasn’t even really thinking about it, he might have walked in on you
To be honest, though, he would just walk past you, grab the thing he needed, kiss your cheek and walk back out
He didn’t even notice that you were in the middle of changing
Once you told him, he would apologize about ignoring you and walking in on you changing
Another horny teenager boy so guess what he would do?
He would walk in on you and see you changing and would probably try to get you onto the bed or get you to fully strip
You would have to kick him out too or whatever you were changing for would have to be canceled because he would not let you go anywhere
He thinks you are hot as hell so seeing your body even somewhat exposed gets him real excited
Depending on your mood, he is the best and the worst reactor to you getting dressed
I mean if you told him you are not in the mood then he would leave but if you don’t, he would stay and love on you for hours
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jayfortheday · 2 years
Stargazers (Brian Wilcox)
Word Count: 663
Pairing: Brian Wilcox x GN!Reader (romantic)
Description: After Brian finishes work, he and Y/N go to hang out at a nearby park.
Tags: Fluffy, Brian loves you and loves being sarcastic, third person
Y/N sat in the back corner of the empty Mickey’s, watching the minutes on the clock count to 11 pm. The restaurant officially closed at 10, but Brian wouldn’t be done with his closing duties until around 11. Y/N had one earbud in their ear while they used the other to listen to the ambient sounds of the space; soft music playing over the speakers, the low hum of the soda machine that had yet to be turned off, laughter and clattering from the kitchen. 
As soon as the hand on the clock struck 11, Y/N got up from their table and half ran to the front counter. Just as they got up there, Brian exited the kitchen, his work bag in hand. He looked surprised to see Y/N at the counter already, usually he had to go to the back corner to tell them he was done. 
“You’re eager tonight,” he laughed as he twirled his car keys on his finger.
“Nah,” Y/N said sarcastically. “I was dreading seeing you, hence why I’m so excited to leave.” Y/N shrugged as they smiled nonchalantly. Brian laughed with a snort, took Y/N’s hand, turned off the light switches near the door, and exited the Mickey’s. 
Once the pair reached Brian’s car, he unlocked it and they both got in. Brian turned on the engine and let it run to get the air going. 
“Anything you wanna do?” He asked, leaning forward on the steering wheel. Y/N thought for a second before speaking, leaning forward in the seat. “How about that park over on Pine street? The one with the swings?” Brian exhaled from his nose and smiled.
“God, what are you, five? Yeah, sure, whatever,” he half-laughed before putting the car in reverse to leave his parking space. 
The drive was short and full of Brian talking about random things that happened during his shift, like how he heard a customer being rude to Amber and how he accidentally dropped a case of burgers on the floor and picked them up like nothing happened. Y/N nodded along, half listening. They mainly looked out the windshield, occasionally looking at Brian’s face. When they arrived at the park, Brian parked on the side of the road despite the street having a ‘no parking’ sign. Y/N thought about commenting on it, but decided against it. 
Brian got out of the car and leaned against the hood while Y/N got out the passengers side. Y/N then took Brian’s hand and led him to the swingset, all the while he giggled under his breath. Once they reached the swings, they let go of Brian’s hand and sat on one of the swings. Brian took the one next to Y/N and swung half-heartedly. Instead, Y/N stayed still and looked up to the night sky. 
When Brian noticed they wasn’t swinging, he looked over to them and saw their eyes searching the night sky.
“Whatcha looking for,” Brian asked, looking up at the sky as well, hoping to see something. Y/N gasped quietly and smiled contentedly, then looked over to Brian.
“I was looking for Orion, and there, I found it,” they explained, smiling, grabbing Brian’s hand and using it to point at the three stars dotting the sky. “I can see Orion best from here. I think it’s my favorite.” Y/N continued to look at the sky, continuing to observe the constellation.
Brian scanned Y/N’s face with his eyes and smiled. A feeling of strange admiration filled his heart. Of course Y/N would find the best place in the whole town to view their favorite constellation, and of course they would drag him out there at midnight to show him. In this moment, it was so clear why he loved them. He reached up his hand and ruffled their hair lovingly.
“God, you’re such a nerd.”
A/N: I love the idea of a stargazing date, it sounds so romantic. I love writing for Brian, but considering I haven't seen the movie and he has like 4 minutes of screentime, it's hard to get a gist of his personality. If there are any characters in my masterlist you want to see/see more of, please let me know :)
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My friend for me a signed ANATO!!!!! It’s Brian and Rogs signatures!
I mean I’m a little frustrated bc he accidentally told me (bc it’s my Xmas gift) and I found out the price and told him to return it bc it’s too much money for me but he told me he did then apparently didn’t. But I’m obsessed 😭😍
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I just wanted to show u guys bc I’m exited and idk anyone else who understands my level of excitement lol
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The Brissy, Jonica and Domtay Hotlist!
Hello! Sorry for the slight delay in this one, I'm half way through moving back to Stirling and doing exams, so it's been a bugger to find the time, but hopefully people enjoy this, and complete apologies for not being able to add my own descriptions, I've only had a couple of hours for this compared to the usual 8-9 to read though them all properly. And please tell me if I've fucked up the creditation, I can fix it/ add ones that are missing
Also, if you feel like there's anything missing from this list, by all means either dm me and I'll add it, or drop it in a reblog.
Through Chrissie's eyes by andywblackstorn, "the story of Queen band told from the point of view of Brian May's wife", (part of a very long, but very good series)
Doing Alright by Elli-Green95, "Chrissie isn’t excited when her friend Jo takes her to her boyfriends concert but when the band begins to play she realizes that there is nowhere else in the world she would rather be." (completed multi-chapter)
Evaluating the Worth of Honesty by newsoftheworld, "Consciousness is a blurred spectrum, and Brian May finds himself navigating its extremes in a most circuitous fashion." (completed one shot)
leave your stuff by the door (at least we can speak) by @sammyspreadyourwings, "Brian comes home to find his things in boxes out in the hallway, he also finds Freddie laying in the contents of said boxes. No one ever said bonding had to make sense." (completed one shot)
Everyone's favorite frocked fantasy by luna65, "Clothes make the man...and help create a legend. (aka: Brian tries to be a model and hilarity ensues.)" (completed one shot)
In the year of '74 by newsoftheworld, "Consciousness is a blurred spectrum, and Brian May finds himself navigating its extremes in a most circuitous fashion." (incomplete multi-chapter)
Bohemian Blade Runner (Queen au) by officialdaddymaylor, "the story of a smog-choked dystopian city of Los Angeles where former bounty hunter, turned guitarist and Astrophysicist, Brian May is called out of retirement to hunt down a group of NEXUS 39 Replicants" (completed multi-chapter)
Funny how love is by @sweetestsight, "Things change over the years. Outtakes of four people, their shifting relationships and what they mean to each other." (completed one shot)
Lily of the Valley by @kinole009x, "Ronnie Tetzlaff, a roadie for Queen, was not expecting to become pregnant. Freddie, Brian, Roger, and John have zero experience with pregnancy and childbirth." (completed multi-chapter)
Papa Don't Preach by @talkingismylifewrites, "Veronica had been feeling rather like life had kicked her in the crotch when she wasn't looking, and wanted nothing more than to pull the covers over her head and sleep it all away." (completed one shot)
Don't you Misfire by wetmisfire, "John and Veronica are a young couple dating for a while now and have decided to move forward and finally have sex for the first time. What could possibly go wrong?" (Completed multi-chapter)
You're my best friend by @nothingelsematterswrites, "Veronica wakes to the sound of John creating." (completed one shot)
There's a cottage in the woods (witches X monsters au) by @eileen-crys, "A weird quartet of travellers, made by a Witch boy, a curly Vampire and two Werewolf brothers, accidentally met a trio of Witches while wandering in the woods the night of Hallow's Eve. They found out the Witches live in a cozy cottage protected by an ancient creature and the travellers will soon be able to call it home." (unfinished multi-chapter)
When I'm in your arms (the rest of the world can wait) by @yasmamamercury, "All those nights you told me how much you missed me, missed being inside me, filling me up. Remember how needy you were when you promised you’d fuck a load into me when you got home" (completed one shot)
Johnica Request fills by @bambirexwrites, "Compilation of requests about Johnica" (compilation fic - fem)
Angel by @peachydeacon, "veronica pegs john, who is an actual angel" (completed one shot)
My heart's jittering by @blossom-melina-burnickel, "In the summer of 1977, John Deacon decides to have his long, wavy auburn locks cut short. What prompted this decision, and what will his wife Veronica think?" (completed multi chapter)
Into every life a little rain must fall by @stormtrooper-in-clogs, "When Veronica tells John that he's going to be a father, he doesn't know what to do next." (completed one shot)
Domtay Request fills by @bambirexwrites, "Compilation of requests about Domtay" (compilation fem)
Pet by @emmaandorlando, "Touring takes an enormous toll on Roger. Luckily, Dominique knows exactly how to take care of him when he gets back home." (completed one shot)
Good boy by @peachydeacon, "dominique takes good care of her pet", (completed one shot)
how roger learned to stop worrying about the bomb and embrace rope bondage by @rock-it-tonight, "Roger's having nightmares about the nuclear holocaust. Dominique wants to help him unwind by sharing a private hobby." (completed one shot)
pegging lil dickie roger by roggieboy, "Roger and Dom spend the morning together." (completed one shot)
One perfect night by rogersdrums, "Looking back, Dominique never expected that someone like Roger Taylor would fall for a simple girl like her." (completed multi chapter)
Just us two by @aboutthatmelancholystorm, "A rewrite of the Twilight Zone episode Two. In another world, in another time, a war has disrupted what might have been. It's left Roger and Dom not lovers or partners, but soldiers of different factions." (completed one shot)
Roles by @emmaandorlando, "For most of his girlfriends, Roger has been forced to take the traditional role of the man in the bedroom. Dominique shows him something different." (completed one shot)
Underneath the pale moonlight by @anotherhystericalqueen, "Dominique is the head of a coven that takes in Regina after she is banished from her extremely devout (re:cultish) Christian family." (completed one shot)
Learning Curve by @yasmamamercury, "Roger wants to learn some French, so Dominique employs her own methods of teaching." (completed one shot)
Time Enough by @aboutthatmelancholystorm, "But they are not here, no. Here alone, is Roger, seeking to survive this nightmare in the world that remains. All that is left...in the Twilight Zone." All three ships.
Slightly mad by @kinole009x, "It's 1993. After a terrible fight with John over his depression, Veronica encounters Freddie's spirit, who sends her back in time to find a way to help John emotionally." Jonica
Nevermore by @kinole009x, "In the land of Nevermore, the vengeful god Trident curses John Deacon with uncontrollable powers, transforming him into the feared, hated, and exiled Black Queen. The curse can only be broken by the love and trust of the White Queen, a young village schoolteacher named Ronnie." Jonica
In only seven days by @kinole009x, "It's 1978. John gets down on one knee and proposes to Veronica, but it's not in the way you're thinking." jonica
You're still the one by @eileen-crys, "After the Magic Tour and a rough patch in their relationship, John and Veronica decided to work on them and took extended vacations in Biarritz with the family. To John, it seems like his life has been shattered in a million pieces, but he's determined to glue them back together. Healing takes time, but he's not alone..." Jonica
All that I've been yearning for by anon, "Omega Roger Taylor goes on a gap year to explore the world. On the way he meets three alphas; Freddie, Dominique and Crystal and well, you can guess what happens from there." Domtay
Break down the door by theheartofthestar, ""Remember, love-" Crystal barely heard Dominique over the rush in his ears. She bit him hard in the back, painful, just as he liked. He felt his member throb at the sharp sting. "-you promised to obey me"" Domtay/ Taytay
Quick reminder that the April fic list is coming up on the 28th if you wanna send in your recs, feel free to self recommend or be on anon or get a mate to do it!
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saiilorstars · 3 years
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[ Previous Chapters • Sequel to Falling in Temptation • Avalon’s Masterlist ]
Fandom: Doctor Who 
Chapter summary: The Doctor, Avalon, the Ponds and Lena stumble across a spaceship full of dinosaurs and of course Avalon wants to keep one as a pet!
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother​​​ @anotherunreadblog​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​ @stareyedplanet​​ @perfectlystiles​​
[If you’d like to be added to this specific OC’s stories/edits, send me a message!]
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The Doctor hurriedly headed for the TARDIS with a trailing Egyptian queen behind him, "Bye then! Lovely meeting you. Sorry about the mess!" he tried to wave and head into the TARDIS when the woman yanked him back and pushed him against the blue box.
"You think I'll let you leave without me?" the woman raised an eyebrow while rubbing her hands along his chest, "After what we've just been through?"
There was a clearing of a different voice followed by the comment — threat. "You have 0.1 seconds before I activate every last weapon in this box."
The Queen stepped back to investigate the new stranger.
There was no one else around them until the TARDIS doors opened up and Avalon stepped out. She wore a fake, polite smile across her mouth, "And next time you try anything with my husband, I'll just have to kill you."
The Doctor straightened himself and whispered to Avalon. "She's a Queen, remember," he told her.
Avalon glanced a him without a care for his words, "And I am your wife, meaning I don't give a damn."
"Fair enough," he raised his hands in defeat.
"By the way," she handed him the psychic paper from her cardigan's pocket, "Got a message and it's not from my grandparents, my sister, or River."
The Doctor took the paper from her to read while the ginger looked around the new room she was in. She'd been visiting Mary Costa again — the voice actress of her favorite princess, Aurora — when she got the distress signal from the Doctor who'd somehow gotten stuck in Queen Nefertiti's time even though he was supposed to be visiting an old friend, someone named Riddel, in a completely different time zones. Due to a bet, he had lost piloting the TARDIS for a good month and had to let Avalon take the controls.
He should really stop making bets with her.
"Nice place you got," Avalon remarked as she stepped in front of the Queen.
"And you are?" Nefertiti studied her curiously.
"The wife of the husband you just tried to seduce, Avalon Reynolds," Avalon narrowed her eyes, "Don't let that happen again."
"Are you threatening me?" Nefertiti stepped up, a condensing tinge taking over her voice, "Because I do not let any person, much less a commoner—"
"Watch your fucking tone with me," Avalon stepped forwards, eyes blazing with outrage.
Nefertiti was no less outraged. "How dare you—"
Avalon took another step forwards, revealing she was just as tall as Nefertiti. "I dare whatever I want when somebody's overstepping with my husb—"
"Uh, Ava!" the Doctor called nervously and made both women look at him, "Situation," he waved the psychic paper, "Interesting, but still a situation!"
"What is?" Nefertiti walked over and missed the death glares Avalon had on her back.
"Nothing! Not at.. Ohh!" the Doctor had looked again at the paper and found new information, growing excited for some reason, "Never been there, exciting!" Nefertiti opened up the TARDIS again and pushed him inside.
Avalon stared mouth opened and frankly undignified, "HEY!" She ran inside the box to take back what was hers.
~ 0 ~
Avalon felt like the Doctor was making more and more mistakes the more time passed. First, he had for some reason allowed Nefertiti to come with them on the trip and also picked up his friend Riddel, who made it quite clear early on that he was a womanizer. Apart from that, he had collected her grandparents...and Brian Williams...and Lena Reynolds. And although Lena had been on purpose, the Doctor seemed to be missing the fact he accidentally picked up another person who had no idea about time travel...and him.
"Where the heck are we?" Lena whispered to Avalon when they came out of the TARDIS into a lonely spaceship. Lena didn't want to complain of the new adventure but she was actually in the middle of applying for college when she was materialized into the TARDIS.
"No idea," Avalon tugged her cardigan closer as the chilly air touched her skin.
"Spiders," the Doctor remarked as he stood in front of a spiderweb, "Don't normally get spiders in space."
"That's gross," Lena pulled her head back, "Big brother, did you really have to take me on this adventure?"
Brian stepped out behind Amy and Rory, gawking at the sight, "What the...?"
"Don't move!" the Doctor suddenly ordered and strode back to the group, specifically to Brian, "D'you really think I'm that stupid I wouldn't notice? How did you get aboard? Transmat? Who sent you?"
"Oh no," Avalon sighed and looked to the side. He really was an idiot.
"Doctor..." Rory stepped between them, having to tug the Doctor's arm a bit so he wasn't right in front of Brian's face, "...that's my dad."
The Doctor whirled around to Rory, looking indignant, "Well, frankly, that's outrageous."
"You think you can bring your dad along without asking? I'm not a taxi service, you know!"
"You materialized around us!"
"Oh," the Doctor realized it was indeed his error and as such, quickly moved past it. "Well, that's fine then, my mistake." He then faced Brian with a cheery smile as if he hadn't been threatening him two seconds ago. "Hello, Brian, how are you?" He shook Brian's hand, "Nice to meet you. Welcome, welcome!" He spun around excitedly, "This is the gang. I've got a gang - yes!"
Avalon cleared her throat and leaned on her hip, "And I'm part of your gang?"
"Course not," he reached out for her and grabbed her hand, "You lead the gang with me, cos you're my wife!"
"Hm," Avalon pretended to think about it.
The Doctor didn't allow for a answer as he stole a kiss from her then dragged her down the corridor, calling for the others soon after, "Come on then, everyone!"
Amy went after them along with Lena. Both struggled to remain standing when the ship rocked for a bit. Still. Amy tried to greet the pair of travelers in a hurry. "All right, where are we, and what is that noise? And hello! Ten months!"
"Orbiting Earth - well, I say orbiting, more like pre-crashing on a spaceship," the Doctor shrugged and glanced back, "And hello, Pond," he turned and hugged her, making a face everyone missed. He hadn't intended to let such a long time pass for the Ponds, and Lena, and much more allow for an even longer time to pass with him and Avalon. Amy would not be happy to know he and her granddaughter had gone far longer than ten months without seeing them.
Avalon hugged her sister in the meantime, "Oh it's really good to see you too."
Lena hugged back, but was in confusion when her sister said those words, "How long has it been for you guys?" she looked between Avalon and the Doctor suspiciously.
Avalon looked at the Doctor with slightly-wide eyes, "Ten months," they both answered rather fast.
"Really?" Amy had caught up on the suspicion and placed a hand on her hip.
"Yup..." the Doctor rubbed the side of his neck.
"Have you met the others?" Avalon offered as a distraction, forgetting she didn't even like Nefertiti that much.
"With you?" the distraction seemed to have worked as Amy peered around them to see Nefertiti and Riddel coming closer, "They're with you, are they the new us? Is that why we haven't seen you guys?"
"Clearly, no one is going to replace my grandparents," Avalon shook her head, chuckling at the irrelevancy of that statement.
"They're not Ponds!" the Doctor agreed, "I have to have Ponds in the TARDIS," he wrapped an arm around Avalon's waist and pulled her closer to him, "And the occasional Reynolds," he nodded to Lena who playfully rolled her eyes in response.
Grinding gears ended the conversation as the nearby lift was coming up to the level, "It's coming down," Lena had turned around to see it.
"What is it?" Riddel questioned.
"No idea," the Doctor bluntly answered.
The lift doors opened up and let a bright light take over the room. During their momentary blindness, the group heard growling sounds coming from the lift along with the casting shadows of large animals.
"Not possible!" Brian exclaimed once they were getting a better look.
"Run!" the Doctor ordered and was going to do so himself when he caught sight of Avalon.
She was completely awed by the sight of dinosaurs across them, "COOL!" She exclaimed delightedly.
The Doctor broke out a smile and took her hand, "I know, dinosaurs!"
"On a spaceship!" she beamed as two ankylosaurus came roaring out of the lift.
Amy had noticed the two were still standing there in the open and returned for them, "C'mon!" she called and gestured for them to get moving.
Beaming, and buzzing, the two ran after Amy as the dinosaurs finally chased after them. Nefertiti was at the head of the group and therefore found a place to hide in, "In here!" she turned for a narrow side in which the dinosaurs couldn't follow.
They all hid in the niche while the dinosaurs came to a stop for a moment. Riddell pulled out a large knife from his jacket and glanced back at the group, "I could take one of them, short blow, up into the throat."
"How about we don't?" Avalon frowned at the idea, "It's not every day you see dinosaurs on a bloody spaceship! We need to preserve them!"
"And who's going to preserve us?" the hunter snapped.
"Clearly us!" Avalon frantically gestured, accidentally smacking Rory in the process. She apologized with a quick rub on his shoulder.
Lena shushed everyone and pointed to the dinosaurs. The creatures stomped around for a moment then backed out of the corridor and left the group to safety, at least for a while.
"OK, so, how? And whose ship?" Rory looked at the Doctor for the answers.
"There's so much to discover. Think how much wiser we'll be by the end of all this," the Doctor clapped a hand on his shoulder.
"Sorry. Sorry," Brian cut into the conversation as he moved up to the two, "Are you saying dinosaurs are flying a spaceship?"
"Brian, please! That would be ridiculous," the Doctor pointed, "They're probably just passengers. Did I mention missiles?"
Avalon felt like she had to intervene there and then. She smacked the Doctor and glared, "You don't mention missiles to a man who didn't even know time travel was possible five minutes ago."
The Doctor opened his mouth to retaliate...when the truth hit him, "...yeah, alright," he shrugged and turned to Brian and Rory, "Anyway, six hours is a lifetime...not literally a lifetime, that's what we're trying to avoid. And we're all really clever! Let's see what we can find out. Come on."
"That still wasn't good!" Avalon complained while they continued exploring. The Doctor's response, however, was a kiss on her hair and a tug of her hand to get going.
~ 0 ~
A room covered in vines and spiderwebs was the next stop they made. The Doctor led Avalon up to a computer at the end of the room while the others explored.
"Ew," Avalon crinkled her nose as the Doctor cleared a spiderweb from the screen. He was looking around for somewhere to clean the webs from his hand and unfortunately found it in Brian who had just moved closer to him and Avalon along with Rory.
With the sonic's use, the screen flickered on and allowed the Doctor to look through it, "Oh, well done, whoever you are. Looking for engines. Thank you, computer."
"Look at that, different sections have different engines," Avalon pointed out "But these look like the primary clusters."
Agreeing, the Doctor spoke to the computer, "Where are we now, computer? We need to get down to these engines..." he touched the screen and teleported away with his wife and the two Williams men. Next thing they knew, they were on a windy beach, the Doctor still in the middle of his sentence, "...and find out how..."
"What?!" Rory didn't even know why he was so surprised anymore. This was the usual thing for them after all.
"We're outside," Brian blinked, "We're on a beach."
Avalon smacked the Doctor, "You activated a teleport!"
"Must have activated on my voice," the Doctor scratched his head while he observed the new environment they were now in.
Brian was angry by that point and started shouting, "Ah, yes, well, thank you, Arthur C Clarke! Teleport, obviously, I mean, we're on a spaceship, with dinosaurs, why wouldn't there be a teleport? In fact why don't we just teleport now?!"
"Is he alright?" the Doctor blinked in surprise while Brian took a leave.
"He hates travelling," Avalon recalled the small detail and made a face.
"Makes him anxious," Rory added, "He only goes to the paper shop and golf."
"What did you bring him for?" the Doctor asked cluelessly.
Rory controlled himself not to yell, "I didn't! Why can't you just phone ahead, like any normal person?"
"Because that would mean he has to be normal," Avalon cut in distractedly. She thought she'd saw something in the sky. As such, she missed the brief deadpan her husband sent her.
Brian returned a tad less angry but nonetheless upset, "Can somebody tell me where we are, now?"
The Doctor stuck out his tongue and felt the breeze, more like tasted it, "Well, it's not Earth. Doesn't taste right, too metallic."
Avalon finally realized she did see something in the sky, albeit a bit strange. It was a large bird flying high in the sky. "Um...is that a kestrel?" she pointed up and made the Doctor glance up.
"...I do hope so."
"Hope is for losers," Avalon declared and turned away.
The Doctor looked at her a moment, upset by her words she used so easily. It wouldn't be the first time she said it too. He preferred not to get into it at that moment given the situation (and the fact his wife still did not believe in such an important aspect of life made him feel useless to her). For him, it meant she still wasn't happy enough — he hadn't made her happy enough, given her the faith she should have in him and the world.
That deeply hurt.
"The beach is humming," Rory brought the Doctor back to the present. He was tapping his shoe on the sand to feel the humming.
"Is it?" the Doctor bent and felt the ground, "Oh yes!" he stood up again, "Right, well, don't just stand there — you two, dig! I'm going to look at rocks. Love a rock...and my wife," he considered afterwards, gaining a small chuckle from Avalon. He beamed and took her along with him.
"You realize my sister is back who knows where," Avalon remarked nervously, "and not properly protected."
"I don't know, there's Riddell," the Doctor shrugged, "And Amy."
"Yeah, well, between us, I think Riddell is just going to scare Lena. I would just like to get back to my sister and make sure she's fine throughout the rest of the trip."
The Doctor nodded in agreement and let a moment of silence pass before he brought up her words from before. "Ava, when you say you...don't have hope...do you mean—"
Avalon could really do without that conversation again. She knew he meant well but she was tired of having to repeat herself over something that had just grown to be a part of her. "It has nothing to do with you, sweets," she turned to him and took his hands, offering him a comforting smile. She presumed that's where his thoughts were going. "I just..." she paused to consider the best words to make her point, "...don't think there's a point to believing in hope. It's nothing —just a tangible force," she shrugged, chuckling lightly, "It can't do anything for me; it hasn't done anything actually. But I swear it has nothing to do with you, or our little family, alright? It's just my own personal issue. Don't you ever think that I'm not happy with you or with what we have. Because if you do..." she leaned closer to him with a mock glare, "...I'll hit you."
A dim smile broke across the Doctor's face from her threat, "Understood Miss Pond."
"Technically it's Reynolds," Avalon pointed at him, "Reynolds-Pond...or Williams, since that's the correct term."
"Pond," the Doctor repeated as if she hadn't corrected him at all.
"Reynolds!" she chuckled.
"Avalon Pond," the Doctor made a gesture with his hands as he said the name, "Oh yes," he clicked his tongue, "Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
Avalon had her arms crossed as she looked at him with a 'no way' expression, "My uncle's not gonna like me changing my name just because it 'has a nice ring to it'. I'm a Reynolds-Williams-Pond."
"Avalon Reynolds-Williams-Pond," the Doctor tested out the name and ended up shaking his head, "Nope, no."
"You're so ridiculous," Avalon chuckled, "I am never changing my name, so quit your attempts."
The Doctor mumbled a 'no' as he found a screen much like the one in the room before they'd been teleported away.
"Doctor! Ava!" Rory was running for them with Brian slightly behind. The couple turned just as Rory reached them.
"See! Metal floor, screens in rocks," the Doctor gestured to the screen, "It was just a short-range teleport. We're still on the ship."
"No, we're outside, on a beach," Brian pointed to the waters to prove his point.
"It's part of the ship," Avalon corrected.
"Don't be ridiculous!"
"No, that's his job," Avalon pointed a thumb at the Doctor.
"Well then I am brilliantly ridiculous," he declared, "But this is why the system teleported us here - I wanted the engines," he gestured to the beach, "This is the engine room! Hydro-generators."
"I have literally no idea what he's saying," Brian declared with hands raised for defeat.
"A spaceship powered by waves," Avalon translated in amusement.
"Fabulously impossible!" the Doctor swung an arm around her shoulders, "Oh, think of the things we could learn from this ship if we manage to stop it being blown to pieces."
"Oh yes, just spells 'come and learn'," Avalon playfully rolled her eyes and looked away.
"Plus, not dying," Rory pointed out.
"Bad news is - can't shut the wave systems down in time. Takes..." the Doctor happened to look up and trailed off, "...takes way too long."
Rory took a turn studying the screen, "If these are the engines, there must be a control room."
"Exactly," the Doctor agreed, "That's what we need to find," and then his voice went into a whisper, "Now, what do we do about the things that aren't kestrels?" Everyone looked up to the sky and saw the non-birds getting closer.
"Definitely not birds," Avalon made a face of disappointment. Just for once, could there not be strange creatures trying to kill them?
"Oh, my Lord," Brian breathed in shock, "Are those pterodactyls?"
"Yes. On any other occasion, I'd be thrilled," the Doctor shrugged as he slowly took Avalon's hand, "Exposed on a beach, less than thrilled. We should be going."
"Like now," she added and turned to get a start.
"Where?" Brian cried as they followed down the ruff rock cliffs.
"Definitely away from them!" the Doctor pointed at the pterodactyls.
"That's the plan?!" Rory irritably questioned them.
"Clearly there's nothing better at the moment!" Avalon snapped.
"Hey!" he pointed at her warningly, "Watch your tone! Can't we just teleport or something?"
"No, local teleport's burned out on arrival," the Doctor explained, "There's an opening in the cliffs over there!"
Getting into the cave was no easy task but they managed to do it with no injuries. They rested to catch their breaths and figure out what their next move would be.
"What do we do now?" Rory asked the Doctor, "There's no way back out there."
"Through the cave, c'mon," the Doctor started for the cave when the sound of loud stomps emerged from the inside, "That suggestion was a work in progress."
"Bad, bad plan," Avalon sighed and hung her head.
"We're trapped!" Brian exclaimed.
"Yes, thanks for spelling it out," the Doctor rolled his eyes and stepped back.
"Doctor, whatever's down there is coming this way," Rory remarked as the stomps grew closer.
"Spelling it out is hereditary, wonderful," the Doctor huffed, "Ava, I sure hope it didn't get to you."
"Hey," the ginger warned, "The sounds are getting nearer..."
The Doctor would've liked to point out that was the third obvious thing and she was definitely related to Rory and Brian...but that would prompt for his death there and then.
He backed up with her and the others as two large yellow robots appeared before them, and the first words spoken to them were, "We're very cross with you!"
Of course as they were taken custody by the robots and led back into the corridors of the spaceship they were in earlier, the Doctor came to realize the robots were pretty much harmless.
They were full of childish scoldings.
"You're going straight on the naughty step," one of them was telling the group.
"Shut the hell up," muttered Avalon who was severely trying not to kill the robots. They were severely annoying and if she had some type of weapon they would surely be dead by now.
"What's the escape plan?" Brian whispered to them from the side of his mouth.
"Why do we want to escape?" the Doctor genuinely looked at him with confusion, and of complete calmness.
"They have us hostage," Brian felt a tad ridiculous pointing out the dangerous truth.
"They're taking us somewhere. We might learn from it," Rory explained for him.
"Oh, you see?" the Doctor pinched Rory's cheek, "That's where my Ava gets it, so clever all of you Ponds!"
"Are you saying I can't be smart on my own?" Avalon raised an eyebrow, hand on hip.
"Dangerous territory," warned Rory to the Time Lord. He recognized that look to be from Amy's, and even more so from River...that was one look all men should watch out for.
"Love you," the Doctor went for the easy way out of the potential disagreement.
"Mhm," Avalon rolled her eyes, recognizing that move so easily by now. It was his way to avoid arguments in which he would of course lose against her.
"Excuse me," Brian cut in again, "but these robots are going to kill us!"
"They wouldn't do that," the Doctor assured and turned to the robots, tapping one of them on the chest, "You're not going to kill us, are you, Rusty?"
"Who are you calling Rusty?!" the second, sounding indignant, snapped.
"Own a mirror by any chance?" Avalon scoffed.
"You try being on this ship for two millennia, see how your paintwork does!"
"I'm an all natural," she quipped and patted her curls with a smile.
"Don't listen to them, they're just being mean cos we captured them," the first robot told the second.
Brian happened to look back and was startled to find a triceratops in front of them, "Oh, my goodness..."
"Woah," even Rory was taken aback that time.
"Ooh. Herbivore," the Doctor observed, "Brian, don't panic. Triceratops. Ha! Beautiful."
"It's kinda cute," Avalon remarked and leaned closer to pet it.
"Shall I shoot it?" the first robot asked.
"We're not supposed to shoot the creatures, stupid!" the second scolded.
"Stop calling me stupid!"
"Think we can keep one?" Avalon looked at the Doctor with sparkling blue eyes.
"Now I think, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it might be a little too big," the Doctor responded with amusement, "But you're welcomed to bring any pet decent sized."
"I want this one," Avalon returned her gaze to the triceratops, "You're such a cutie-pie, aren't you? Oh, maybe we can call it Tricey," she chuckled, "Simple but good, don't you think?"
The triceratops had apparently found something interesting in Brian as it started to sniff him, "What do I do?! What do I do?!" the man panicked, "What's it doing?!"
"You don't have any vegetable matter in your trousers, do you, Brian?" the Doctor curiously asked.
"Only my balls."
Rory covered his eyes in embarrassment, but the Doctor continued on, "I'm sorry?"
"Golf balls," Brian clarified and pulled out two white golf balls from his pocket, "Grassy residue."
"What're you carrying those around for?" Avalon found amusement in the fact.
The triceratops licked Brian's face and left a not-so-lovely trail of saliva over his face, "Urgh! Eurgh! Argh! Get it away from me!"
"Throw one," Avalon suggested and pointed to the golf balls in his hands.
"Really?" Brian considered as he looked at the triceratops, "Is this what you want? Is it?" he chucked one of the balls and the triceratops broke into a chase after it.
"And now you may want to breathe out," Avalon chuckled.
The Doctor took opportunity and turned to the robots, "Right! Take us to your leader."
"You did not just do that," Avalon rolled her eyes.
The Doctor glanced back at her with a smirk, "Too good to resist."
"You've got to be kidding me! Why did I ever marry you!?"
"I've got qualities," the Doctor didn't hesitate to say with an even wider smirk.
Avalon rolled her eyes but nonetheless felt a blush creep over on her face, "Shut up," she mumbled and wished she could wipe that smirk off his face there and then.
The robots forced them to keep going and were finally led up to what looked like another ship, far smaller than the actual spaceship. The Doctor leaned close to a cage-like gate barring them from the small spaceship, "Love what you've done with the place down here."
"Let him in," an older man from the inside requested, "Open the gate."
The robots followed orders and opened the gates. The Doctor walked through but the gates shut instantly afterwards, keeping the others out.
"No," Avalon stepped to the gate and looked around for a button that would let them in. "No! Absolutely not! Open this thing again!"
"He's not interested in you," one of the robots told her.
She spun around angrily, "Did I ask!? Open the damn gates right now!"
"Avalon," the Doctor called to her twice before she turned back to him. "Don't fight with the robots!"
"Why not?" she hissed. "They're not opening the gates!"
"That's okay!"
"No it's not!"
"Yes, now keep your lovely mouth quiet, please!"
Avalon scrunched her face, obviously offended with the oh-so-kind request.
Rory decided to step in and tug Avalon away from the gates, giving the Doctor an encouraging nod to go ahead. The Doctor thanked Rory immensely and felt confident enough to step away.
He trespassed cautiously until he realized the only person in the new room was an older man lying on a bed. The room was surrounded by all kinds of machinery — seemingly old by the state of it — and some very noise ones at that.
"Fantasia in F Minor for four hands," he remarked.
"You know it," the older man replied.
"Know it? Say hello to hands three and four! Schubert kept tickling me to try and put me off. Franz the Hands. Oh, that takes me back. Well, this is...cozy."
"It's fate you came," the older man announced.
"Is it?" the Doctor thought about it but couldn't see why it would be. What he did know was that the old man seemed certain of what he was saying. "I'm the Doctor."
"Yes, I know. I'm Solomon."
The Doctor was startled by a blue light that seemed to have scanned him, "What's that?"
"System malfunction, ignore it."
But the Doctor wasn't too sure it should be ignored. "What happened to you?"
"I was attacked. Three raptors. They cornered me. The robots rescued me, but it was nearly too late."
"Ah, yes. The robots," the Doctor looked around, "They're...unusual. Picking fights they might not win." Avalon was a force to be reckoned with when decently angered.
"I got them cheap, from a concession on Illyria Seven. The robots did as best they could with my legs, but...you can help me so much more."
"Oh, a "doctor" doctor! I see," the Doctor excitedly breathed on his hands before getting to work. He never shied away from a challenge. "Let's have a look," he lifted the material from Solomon's wounds.
"They chewed through part of the bone in my legs," Solomon explained.
"Yes, very nasty."
"But you can repair them."
"If you tell me how you came by so many dinosaurs," the Doctor made the offer swiftly. Unfortunately, the consequence was not a good one.
"Injure the woman," Solomon ordered.
"What!?" the Doctor barely had time to process the order when he heard Avalon's scream from the other side.
~ 0 ~
Avalon hadn't even blinked when one of the robots fired at her. "What the hell was that for!?" She was on the floor yelling at the pair of robots. There was now a hole in her cardigan on her right arm. She was lucky that it was only that but she had every right to be angry about it.
"AVALON!" The Doctor came running up to the other side of gate, frantically searching for his wife until he spotted her on the floor.
"I'm fine, it's okay..." Avalon tried to say despite it being quite the contrary. She learned long ago that when the Doctor got truly mad, it would not go well for anyone including himself.
Luckily, Rory was at Avalon's side to examine the injury as much as he could through the cardigan's hole. "Doctor, it'll be alright. Go deal with that guy and get us out of here."
The Doctor would go deal with Solomon but not because of what Rory said but to put an end to Solomon.
"Don't you dare get mad!" Avalon called as soon as he took off. It was almost like she could read his mind. "Doctor! Doc—who am I kidding, he's mad."
"Well, I'm not so happy myself," Rory muttered, pausing his examination to get up and confront the robots. ""I will take you apart cog by cog, and melt you down when all this is over!"
"Oh, I'm so scared!" countered the first robot with sarcasm then took a pause before saying: "Actually, I might be. A little bit of oil just came out."
"Rory," Avalon didn't mean to whimper but the gash on her arm was beginning to hurt. She started pulling her cardigan off to see just how much it was.
The sound of her voice pulled Rory away from the robots and in a flash, he was back with her. "Stay still," he instructed her once her cardigan was on her lap. He pulled out a small kit from his pocket. A pressure bandage was pressed to her shoulder, "It's just a burn, it's nothing serious."
"What's that?" Brian pointed at the small kit. He hadn't dared inch closer in fear of hurting Avalon or worse, making the robots feel like they had to keep shooting.
"Well, you carry a trowel, I carry a medpack. It's all about the pockets in our family," Rory shrugged then told Avalon, "This is an ice patch. It cools the skin."
"It's not too cold is it?" Avalon made a distasteful face, "And what kind of ice patch looks like that?"
"I look out for cool stuff wherever we go. Some people it's cars and hardware, for me it is nursing supplies," he put the patch on her.
Avalon snorted. "You trying to be a cool grandpa or something?"
"Is it working?"
"Absolutely not."
"Cool grandpa?" Brian looked between Avalon and Rory in confusion. "What on earth are you two talking about?"
Avalon's eyebrows raised at Rory. "I feel like you should take that one...if you want to of course."
Rory knew well why Avalon would say that last bit. They had never really openly discussed between them how they would go forwards with their familial relationship. Their small town of Leadworth had no idea that Avalon Reynolds was actually the granddaughter of the Williams — they didn't even know that Amy had been pregnant at all. It was easy to skip over River because she wasn't at Leadworth anymore. She didn't make visits very often and when she did, it was mostly to take them away to some distant planet or galaxy. There was no need to explain her presence.
Avalon was another story. As distant as she could be in the TARDIS, she still made more appearances in Leadworth. People knew her, they knew of her, and it was mostly for a bad reputation. Avalon was aware of it and had always tried to keep it separate from her friends. She had no doubt assumed that neither he nor Amy would want to disclose their familial ties.
"Rory, it's okay," Avalon whispered, thinking she had assumed correctly. She started getting up, prompting Rory to quickly do the same.
"No, it's not," he said, glancing at his father who was still waiting for an explanation. "Dad, I know it's going to sound crazy but look where we are?" He made a gesture to the ship and the robots for emphasis. "We're on a spaceship with a time traveling alien so really, what I'm about to say shouldn't be that big anymore."
"Rory, you're beginning to scare me," Brian admitted, "And like you said, given where we are, measure my words carefully."
"Rory—" Avalon tried to intervene again but Rory waved a finger at her to keep quiet. Her grandfather had spoken.
"Amy and I have daughter — we had a baby about a year ago and she grew up far away from us and she's an adult now. She had a daughter and that's Avalon." Rory gestured with both hands towards Avalon who could only sheepishly smile at the stunned Brian.
"Excuse me?" Brian blinked.
"Avalon's my granddaughter...your great-granddaughter," Rory said, smiling softly at Avalon. "Say hello, Ava."
Avalon felt like a child with his tone but nonetheless greeted Brian like it was the first time she was meeting him. "Hello..."
"Uh..." Brian found no words that would describe how he felt at the moment. Avalon thought it was a fair response.
"It's okay," she assured him, "It's big to take in and it will probably take a while for you to accept it. But if it's any comfort, I really do try to keep my act together now that I know it really affects my grandparents."
"Avalon," Rory grabbed something off the floor and walked to her side, "I have to give you a painkiller now. It won't hurt."
Avalon nodded and readied herself. She yelped when the needle jabbed into her arm. "That did hurt!"
"I lied." Rory grinned much like River had years ago on the Byzantine. His phone started ringing and giving it a quick glance, he answered it. "Hello, Mrs!"
"Where are you?" Amy demanded angrily.
"Still on board. Met some pterodactyls and some rusty robots," Rory glanced back at the robots with anger again, "That I'm going to melt down."
Avalon grumbled as she picked up her cardigan off the floor and slipped into it. "Not before I throw them off the ship," she muttered.
"Rory, this is a Silurian ship. Put the Doctor on the line now, please. It's urgent!"
Rory looked at the phone for a moment but did as told. He went up to the gate and cleared his throat, "Doctor?" he called and soon came the Time Lord, "Amy," Rory held the phone for him. The Doctor took the phone but was trying to get another glimpse of Avalon, "She's okay," Rory promised.
The Doctor took his word for it and answered Amy's call, "Amy?"
"This is an ark, built by the Silurians. They were looking for another planet," Amy got straight to the point of the problem.
"Where are they now?"
"None on board. I mean, thousands of stasis pods - all empty."
"I'll see you soon," the Doctor hung up and handed the phone back to Rory, "Be ready," he whispered before going back inside the room.
"I'd like to go home now," Avalon declared after Rory had returned to them, "Possibly write in my journal about how much I hate robots now."
"How's that entry to university going?" Rory curiously wondered. The last time they'd seen each other the Doctor had mentioned a desire to see Avalon finally start a path to become what she had always dreamed of: a writer. Of course, for him and Amy, that had been ten months ago, but for Avalon and the Doctor it had been far more than that.
Avalon felt guilty remembering that plan of hers. It wasn't that she didn't want to go to school but it hadn't been the main priority. She was secure in her previous decision to spend a good decade or so with her husband and finally enjoy their time together. After everything, she knew she deserved that much. She pushed back her ideas of going back to school and she would continue doing so until it felt right to her.
And there were some other feelings she was still trying to work through, all having to do with her parents.
"I'm...considering it..."
Rory eyed her for her odd answer. "You said that the last time we saw each other and you did say it'd been a long time since you last saw us."
"Umm..." Avalon rubbed a hand on her good arm, "I just have lots of thoughts on it."
"You're going back to school?" Brian jumped on a conversation that he knew he could follow. College. Perfectly human and normal.
Avalon shook her head fervently.
"Avalon!" Rory exclaimed incredulously.
"I'm sorry!" Avalon stepped back, her expression falling, "I just got to thinking if it was really my best choice."
"Why wouldn't it be? You know you have a good career with it. You've written short stories for several publishers now!" Rory started lifting the strange names she'd told them about. They were all off-world which made them hard to remember but the point still stood. "Why don't you apply to Luna University? That's where River and your father went."
"I know," snapped Avalon, startling Rory. "River — Melody — was a fantastic student there. She graduated there, she became one of the top students in her program. She's a doctor, basically. And my father? He was going to become a musician and he was damn good at it too. I don't want to be accepted just because I'm their daughter. That's not good enough, that's favoritism. And apart from that, the university knows that I'm with the Doctor and he's like bloody famous even though he's supposed to be dead. I want to know I'm accepted because I have talent, not because of my relationships."
"Avalon, you can't think like that!" Rory shook his head, about to go on a whole lecture when his father spoke over him.
"Then apply under a new name," Brian had said so matter-of-factly that neither Avalon nor Rory understood the first time.
"I'm sorry, come again?" Avalon asked.
Brian didn't understand why they were both looking at him so strangely. "Well, that's what writes do all the time, don't they? They change their names or go by an alias when they publish stories. If your parents actually went to that university you're talking about and you're afraid you'll be accepted only because of that, then apply under a new name."
"Woah," Avalon scratched the side of her head. "Thanks grandpa."
Brian blinked at the woman but Avalon was too deep in thought to notice it.
Avalon had considered other universities to apply to but she knew that Luna University was the top school with the best writing program for her. Plus, it was where her parents went and like it or not, that's where her father's story started and ended. It would mean a lot to her going there.
She just didn't want to be accepted because of them.
Suddenly, the Doctor came rushing out of the room looking a bit too jittery. "Hey!" He clapped his hands and turned to the robots. "He wants to see you!"
The robots didn't think to question it.
The Doctor immediately grabbed Avalon's hand. He kissed the back of her hand, meeting her gaze with all the worry in the world. She offered up another smile for him and because of time, he had to take it for the moment. "And we're off!"
Rory and Brian were left to run after the pair, both asking what the Doctor had done to make them have to do this. He didn't bother answering the question, instead focusing on how to best increase their speed. The answer came in the form of the triceratops they met earlier.
"Just do exactly as I do!"
"Oh hell no," Avalon declared as he got closer to the creature, skidding to a stop and thus forcing him to let go of her hand in the process.
"What!?" He turned around, mighty disappointed. "But you wanted to keep her as a pet!"
"Yeah, but not to ride her! She's gigantic!"
"I know, isn't that great!?" The Doctor grinned and took Avalon's hand again, running them up a stack of crates beside the creature. "Geronimo!"
"NO!" Avalon exclaimed as she was placed on the triceratops. "I hate you!"
"It'll be alright!" He assured as he took a seat behind her then prompted Rory and Brian to do the same. "Go, Tricey! Run like the wind!" He exclaimed and received some bellows from the creature but no movements. They were startled by the laser bolts shot by the nearing robots, frustrating the Doctor, "How do you start a triceratops?!"
"Tricey, fetch!" Brian threw the last golf ball he still had and successfully made the triceratops go.
All was fun and games as they began losing sight of the robots behind them. The triceratops made a brisky turn when the golf ball hit a wall and nearly dropped them all. However, the triceratops was beginning to reach a dead end and since it appeared that she wouldn't be stopping, they would have to figure out a quick detour.
"Where are the brakes?!" the Doctor barely had time to ask when the creature came to an abrupt stop and sent everyone to the floor.
"You had to ask," Avalon groaned and opened her eyes to see him over her with a wide grin on his face. She looked around and formed a clean smirk, "Well, something about this is peculiarly familiar." She ran her hands up his arms.
The Doctor's grin faded to be replaced with a mortified look, "Shhh! Shush!" he scolded, "Not in front of your grandfathers!" He whispered to her frantically, but the smirk on her face told him she was enjoying his embarrassment.
"Some payback," she laughed, pushing him off her so she could sit up.
She laughed and pushed him off her to sit up, "So where the hell are we now?" She found a screen much like the one in the room and quickly got up to go and investigate, "Doctor, there's an incoming message from Earth. Maybe it's Indira?"
"Probably," the Doctor agreed and went to check it out. He activated the message and greeted cheerfully despite the current situation, "Hello, Earth! How are things?"
Indeed, it was their soldier friend Indira who'd originally called them in to investigate the ship, "'Doctor, the ship's coming through the atmosphere. I have to start the missile program."
"No. No, no, no - don't do that, everything's under control here, turning round any moment. Need a bit of wriggle room on the timings..."
"'I can't do that.'"
"You have to!" Avalon frowned, "This ship contains the most precious cargo—"
"'My only responsibility is the Earth's safety. I'm launching the missiles. Goodbye," and the message ended.
"I don't like her," Avalon declared with a huff.
The Doctor began to pace while he thought of a quick, clever way to get them all to safety. Meanwhile, Rory came over with Brian and peered at the screen. Avalon was poking things on it trying to find something that could help, "Okay, this ship should have defense systems, so where are they?"
"My brilliant Ava!" the Doctor stopped pacing and gave her a sloppy kiss on the lips. He took over the screen and searched properly for the systems, "Computer, show us weapons and defense systems," but the screen responded with a 'no' for the system, "Well, that was a waste of time, wasn't it? Getting my hopes up like that."
Avalon raised an eyebrow, "Excuse you?"
"Love you," the Doctor quickly realized his mistake and once again took the easy road. "Love you so, so, so much!"
"What ship doesn't have weapons?" Rory cut in before the Doctor made another mistake.
"The ancient species, Rory - still full of hope," the Doctor answered and secretly thanked him for the little help.
"And once again look at what hope does," Avalon sighed and looked away, not wanting to tell the Doctor 'see?' but it was pretty clear where her thoughts laid.
"What about the control deck?" Brian questioned, "You said we should go to the control deck next."
"It's too late, it won't make any difference!" the Doctor shook his head.
"We could at least try," Rory offered.
"It won't work, Rory. The missiles are locked on."
"Well we can't give up," Avalon tossed the option away, "Maybe if we—" her sentence was cut off by the flash of light across them.
Solomon appeared with his tantrum robots behind, "You were telling the truth, Doctor. Earth has launched missiles. This vessel is too clumsy to outrun them, but I have my own ship."
"You won't get your precious cargo on board, though," the Doctor smirked, "It'll just be you and your metal tantrum machines."
"We do not have tantrums!" one of the robots argued.
"Shut up!" Solomon snapped and walked up to the Doctor, "You're right, Doctor. I can't keep the dinosaurs and live myself. But I had the IV system scan the entire ship and it found something even more valuable. Utterly unique. I don't know where you found it or how you got it here, but I want it."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Earth Queen Nefertiti of Egypt. A face stamped across history. Give her to me and I'll let the rest of you live."
"No," the Doctor promptly said.
"You think I won't punish those who get in my way?" Solomon took on the challenge, "Whatever their worth?"
One of the robots turned and shot the triceratops they group had ridden on.
"No!" Avalon cried sharply and ran for the creature, "Oh, no, no, no..." She wanted to touch it, pet it, but was afraid she'd just hurt it even more.
The Doctor walked over and pulled her from the creature that slowly died, "I'm sorry," he whispered to it and gently brought Avalon back to the others.
"You must be very proud," Avalon spat at Solomon.
Solomon remained completely calm like nothing had happened, "Bring her to me. Or the robots will make their way through your corpses. Bring her now."
"No," the Doctor firmly replied. However, a flash of light managed to complicate everything. Amy, Lena, Nefertiti and Riddel appeared several feet from them. Panicked, the Doctor hurried over, "What are you doing?"
Nefertiti raised her head, "I demanded to be brought here."
"No, no, no, no - no way."
"It isn't your choice, Doctor. It's mine."
"Listen to me, if you go with him, I can't guarantee your safety."
"You saved my people," Nefertiti reminded, "I am in your debt."
"No. No debts, you don't owe me anything."
"Then I do it of my own will," Nefertiti declared and walked to Solomon.
The Doctor sighed, "Neffy, Neffy, Neffy..."
"No!" Riddell cooked his rifle and aimed it at Solomon, "Take her, I shoot you."
Nefertiti held an arm out to keep him back, "Put your weapon down. Let me make my choice."
"Do it, boy," Solomon ordered, clearly loving the fact he was getting his way, "My bounty increases. And what an extraordinary bounty you are," he reached to touch Nefertiti when she shoved his hand away.
"Never touch me," Nefertiti spat angrily.
Solomon slammed her to the wall with his cane pressed against her throat to keep her still, "I like my possessions to have spirit. It means I can have fun breaking them. And I will break you in, with immense pleasure," he took a moment to speak to the others, "Thank you, Doctor. Computer? Take us back to my ship."
After they were teleported away, the sounds of an alarm blared and warned, "Hostile targeting in progress. Hostile targeting in progress. Hostile targeting in progress. Hostile targeting in progress. Hostile targeting in progress."
"Bingo..." the Doctor whispered when his mind created an idea that was sure not to fail.
"What is it?" Avalon curiously stared at him, assuming their escape plan had already been built.
Unfortunately, she did not get a worded answer. Instead, the Doctor teleported the entire group to the central command area of the ship. He went by the two piloting chairs and got to work on the post between the chairs.
"So, what's the plan?" Avalon tried her luck again.
"Come on. The missiles are locked on to us, we can't outrun them, we have to save the dinosaurs and get Nefertiti back from Solomon. Isn't it obvious?!"
"It's sort of the opposite of obvious," Lena sheepishly admitted and looked around for other's thoughts. Thankfully, it seemed she wasn't alone.
"What are you going to do?" Amy questioned.
"17 minutes before the missiles hit, we need to turn this ship around," The Doctor informed while using his sonic on the inside of the post.
"You said it was too late, there wasn't any time," Rory pointed out and received an irritated look back.
"Ah, yes, but I didn't have this plan then, did I? Riddell? Keep an eye out for dinosaurs."
"I was rather hoping you'd say that," Riddel smirked and handed off his gun to Brian before leaving.
"No killing any," called the Doctor, "Rory, Brian, get rid of the cobwebs."
"Yes, please," Lena said before sneezing, "The dust has been giving me allergies."
The Doctor changed over to the computers but apparently had troubles since he started slamming his hand on the side of the computer, "No - don't be like that! Really unhelpful."
"What's the matter?" Avalon frowned.
"Parallel pilot compartments, bio-configured, needs two operators of the same gene chain. That's why Solomon couldn't change the ship's course and neither can-" he had stopped upon looking at her and Lena.
"Oh I see where you're heading," Avalon stepped back, "And no."
She swatted his hands away from her, "Absolutely not! And besides," she managed to grab his hands and keep him still, "While I love Lena to death — like if we were full blooded sisters — reality says otherwise. Lena and I are cousins, meaning half of our genes won't correspond in the machine. You know it."
As much as the Doctor would like to prove her wrong, she was actually right. The machine needed full blooded relatives. Half of it just wouldn't do.
"But," Avalon brought the Doctor to Brian and Rory, "I think my grandfathers will do just fine."
"Oh," the Doctor perked up at the suggestion, "Yes! I love that! The Ponds at work!"
"They're not Ponds," Avalon sighed. "Do we need to wear name tags for you or what?"
"Shush! Love you," the Doctor said distractedly as he motioned for Rory and Brian to sit on the chairs, "both of you. Ship does all the engineering, the controls are straightforward, even a monkey could use them," and then he stopped to see if the joke was understood.
Instead, he received a smack on the arm, "Those are my grandfathers!" Avalon frowned.
"It was comedy gold," the Doctor gestured, "Where's a Silurian audience when you need one? Anyway, two eye-line screens - velocity and trajectory. Steer away from Earth, try not to bump into the moon otherwise the races who live there will be livid."
"What?" Brian looked at all the controls and wondered just how he would actually pilot the entire ship.
"Primary controls in the arms of the chairs, principle's the same as any vehicle. Eight minutes, 45 seconds," the Doctor used the sonic and activated the piloting system. Get us as far away as you can," he moved to the post and peered inside, "Right, phase two sorted. Now for phase one."
Lena chuckled as she moved closer, "Phase two comes after phase one, big brother."
"Humans, you're so linear," he playfully rolled his eyes, "Shine a torch in here please, baby sister."
"What exactly are you doing?" she curiously peeked inside while still doing his request.
"Mixing my messages," he shrugged, "How's the job?"
"It's not a job," Lena shook her head, "it's an internship, remember? I'm not actually getting paid. I'm there to observe the kids."
"But it's not bad, right? Bunch of school children? Just because you're not getting paid."
"Of course not! I'm actually very happy where I am right now." Lena was over the moon with her internship at an elementary school. It was always her go-to career choice and she was finally making good on it. "I feel like my life's finally coming together. I've got an internship, got a boyfriend—"
The Doctor nearly dropped his sonic. "You've got a what now!?"
Avalon and Amy snorted into laughter on the other side of the room.
Lena didn't think it was that funny. "I don't understand why you're so confused," she said to the Doctor, "You knew I was dating someone."
"I thought it was one date!" the Doctor exclaimed. "Nobody told me that my baby sister had a boyfriend!? Who is this guy!?"
"I already told you — he was one of the doctors I met when I had my relapse!"
"What?" the Doctor frowned, "He can't date his patient!"
"And why not?" It was Lena's turn to frown now. "You married one of the little girls from 5 minutes ago."
"Now wait a minute," Avalon called, losing all of her giggles once she was brought into the argument...
Lena broke out with a smile afterwards and chuckled. "And there's nothing bad with that too," she put a hand over the Doctor's, "His name's Tristan, he's an excellent doctor and excellent boyfriend. And I really hope you'll get along. I told him all about you guys. We've even had dinner with Amy and Rory."
"Yeah, he was a decent guy," Amy gave a thumbs up as she came beside up the Doctor.
"Okay, I think we're done talking about me now," Lena said, raising her hands in front of her. "Let's switch to something more interesting like the fact Amy gave up her job again!"
"What!?" Amy gaped at Lena. "Lena!? Why!?"
Lena smiled mischievously. "Because I don't like the attention."
"Oh, great," Amy muttered now that the Doctor was eyeing her. "Don't look at me like that!"
"Byeeee," Lena hurried away from the two, meeting Avalon on the other end.
"And I'm the awful one," Avalon whispered.
"Amy — why'd you give up the job again?" the Doctor had to ask. "You gave the last one up!"
"And how would you know that given you haven't been around in ten months," Amy crossed her arms, "I'm actually afraid to ask how long it's been for you."
The Doctor visibly gulped.
"Mhm," Amy deadpanned him. "That's the reason right there, you know? I can't hold a job because I'm always listening out for that stupid TARDIS sound."
"What — so it's our fault now?" the Doctor made a face. "I don't think I'm responsible for your job, Pond."
Amy wasn't intending on arguing with him, much less over a stupid job she didn't really want anyways. "I can't not wait for you two." Her eyes flickered over to Avalon who was giggling with Lena over something. Amy sighed. "To be honest, I'm scared."
The Doctor stopped working again and met Amy's eye. "Why?" he asked, genuinely wanting to know.
"The gaps between your visits are getting longer," Amy started, knowing full well that she had a point when the Doctor ducked his head. "I mean I understand that you and Avalon want to be alone sometimes but at the same time I feel like you're trying to wean us off you."
"I'm not, I swear," the Doctor said fast, "I would never do that to you."
"Doctor, you never looked back on your friends — Dr. Jones and the Captain?"
The Doctor continued shaking his head. "It's different. Your family. You're my Ava's grandparents. It's just that you and Rory have lives. I thought that's what we agreed."
"I know," Amy nodded, "I know that's what we said but it's different now. Time's change. You know that better than anyone, right?" The Doctor half smiled at her. "The fact is, the gaps are getting longer and I'm afraid that there'll come a time when you and Avalon won't turn up anymore. That something will have happened to you two and we'll still be waiting...never knowing what happened..." Tears shined in Amy's eyes at the mere idea of that ever happening. She didn't like thinking about the knot in her stomach either, nor the lump in her throat. It felt like when she lost Melody as a baby.
"No, no," the Doctor said, reaching for Amy's hand and squeezing it tightly, "That's not happening."
"Can you promise that?" Amy smiled through her tears.
"I can — I promised Rory that," the Doctor admitted. From his end, it was an age old promise that he made to Rory to keep Avalon safe no matter what. Avalon would come first no matter what, even if it meant putting her above his love. "I'm keeping that promise even if it kills me."
Amy had no doubt that he would put his best efforts forwards. The Silence alone proved it. "I just can't help but worry."
"I understand," the Doctor assured her, "Your a mother and a grandmother. It's in your nature. But like I told Rory, I'll always put Avalon first and even if I don't come back, she will."
"Both of you," Amy said slowly so he would hear her well, "I want both of you at my doorstep."
The Doctor smiled. "Of course Miss Pond."
~ 0 ~
Ten minutes later, Riddell returned with a demand that he needed a partner. "It's a two-man job!" he had declared.
"I'm easily worth two men!" Amy had happily volunteered and took another gun to head out with Riddell.
"I would've volunteered too," Avalon grumbled.
"Don't worry Ava, you can stay with Lena," the Doctor said, reaching for the large crystal from the innards he'd pulled out.
"Absolutely not," Avalon scowled. "Lena, you stay here and keep yourself safe." She hurried towards the Doctor before he would have a chance to tell her 'no'.
"What are you two going to—" Lena was cut off by the bright white light of a teleportation. "Oh, of course!"
~ 0 ~
The Doctor and Avalon reappeared inside Solomon's ship. The Doctor glared at Avalon beside him, the latter smirking in return.
"Can't send me back now," she tapped his nose then gestured him to start the way.
"Fine," the Doctor muttered and led the way. "Having trouble leaving?" He called out to Solomon. Avalon eyed the strange hand movements of her husband which seemed to be touching just about every damn button in his proximity. "Ship's still magnetized, couldn't bear to lose you."
"Release my ship, Doctor," Solomon turned and threatened Nefertiti with his weapon-like cane, "Or I kill this precious little object."
Nefertiti kicked the can from his hand and held to his throat once he hit the ground, "I am not your possession now, nor will I ever be. Now stay there."
"Kay, that was badass," Avalon nodded. At Nefertiti's questioning look, Avalon elaborated. "I meant I'm impressed."
"Really?" Nefertiti smiled. "Thank you."
The Doctor walked to the controls with his own smile; he preferred Avalon getting along with the Egyptian queen than arguing any day.
"What're you doing?!" Solomon demanded from the Time Lord who had begun pushing more buttons.
"Disabling this ship's signal and replacing it with the one from the Silurian ship. I send this craft off emitting the signal they're looking for, the missiles will follow," he turned around with a grin, "Hopefully Silurian ship safe, dinosaurs safe, everybody safe. Ava, time?"
Avalon checked her watch — the same watch she'd won from him years ago — and made a whistling sound, "There is definitely no time to chat."
The Doctor motioned for Nefertiti to get moving, "Neffy, let's go." He let Avalon go ahead as well but remembered something important, "How remiss of me, almost forgot - the thing about missiles, very literal, this is what they latch on to." He carefully set down the crystal and aimed his sonic at it, "Now, one press on this and the ship's demagnetised."
Solomon's panic began to set after that. "Doctor!" He called. "Whatever you want, I can get it for you! Whatever object you desire!"
The Doctor stared long and hard at Solomon's frantic face. "Did the Silurians beg you to stop?" He glanced at the computers, "Look, Solomon. The missiles. See them shine. See how valuable they are. And they're all yours." He activated the crystal and made his move to leave.
"You wouldn't leave me, Doctor..." he heard Solomon say and had only one more thing to say.
"Enjoy your bounty," he shut the gate after himself and left. It wasn't very often he could leave so easily in a situation like this but Solomon had made one too many mistakes, among them mass murder and harming his wife.
~ 0 ~
After everything was done and saved, the Doctor led back the group to the TARDIS. "So, dinosaur drop-off time!" He opened the doors and barely got a step in when words of disappointment were spoken.
"Actually, we think home for us," Rory glanced at Amy for agreement.
The Doctor turned around in time to see Amy giving the nod. "Oh, fine...of course. Lena?" He looked at the brunette with dim hope.
"Sorry, I was supposed to be meeting Tristan about an hour ago," Lena confessed sheepishly, "I really hope he won't be mad."
"Got it," the Doctor nodded and turned back for the TARDIS, "Well, I was pretty busy anyways," Avalon sadly smiled at him without noticing. She knew he was upset her grandparents and sister were turning down adventures. As much as Amy and Rory wanted to be in the TARDIS, the fact remained that when they were they didn't stay for long. It was more like they just wanted to check in on them.
"Can I ask for a favor?" Brian cut into the silence that had fallen and made everyone look at him, "There's something I want to see."
"What did you have in mind, great-grandfather?" Avalon asked curiously, loving that he wasn't even correcting her on the name. She'd just gained one more family member!
~ 0 ~
After dropping off Nefertiti and Riddell, both in the same era, and even Lena back on New Earth, Brian finally asked the Doctor to allow him for some peaceful lunch...while floating in outer space. Brian sat on the doorway with his feet dangling out, Amy and Rory standing behind him all watching their home. A couple feet away from them was the Doctor who was watching them with a sad smile. Those were his Ponds, and they were slowly fading from him.
A pair of arms wrapped around his waist and a head rested on his back. The Doctor glanced over his shoulder and smiled softly at Avalon who was looking up at him. He turned around and raised her head to place a kiss on her lips. Afterwards, he scooped her up into his arms, making Avalon squeal in surprise, and headed to the console.
"Where are we going?" she whispered to him so not to ruin the moment by the doorway.
The Doctor placed her on the console chair and leaned closer to her, "Anywhere you want," he declared as he reached to stroke her ginger locks, "My Pond."
"I'm not a Pond," she corrected with amusement. "I don't know what I have to do to get that through your head!"
"You're my Pond," the Doctor insisted, almost pleading with her. "And I love you my Ava. Avalon Pond."
Because, after everyone was gone — friends, family, companions — his Ava would always be there. She was the only Pond who would never leave him. It was like he said, he would always have a Pond in the TARDIS.
I just want to say I'm sorry for taking so long with this story. I've got several questions here and on tumblr asking me if I was going to continue with this story and my answer is YES. The only thing right now is that I've decided to go back to school and since I'm working full time as well, my schedule for all of my stories has taken a hit. For Avalon's stories, I'm making it my goal to finish it up at least to 11's regeneration. I have big plans for Clara's arc and her season is already fully written (I'm writing 11's regeneration chapter as we speak) so it's just a bunch of editing that I have to do before I update the next chapters.
12 notes · View notes
cutetinyartist · 2 years
🧵 What fictional character(s) would you like to see tiny?
Ooh this is a cute one to think about! 👀🥺🖤 I'll list a few characters off the top of my head:
Butters Stotch (South Park)
Honestly I think he'd be EXTRA adorable I he was Tiny + I just wanna scoop him up and protect him 😭🥺 Poor babie has gone through way too much shit, I wanna bitch-slap his parents and save him from them-
Izzy Moonbow (My Little Pony)
Y'all know I'm obsessed with this adorable Unicorn (I mean she is my PFP at the moment) and I just think she'd be adorable if she was Tiny! 💙 Especially if she still did Arts and Crafts and found exciting ways to get around as a Tiny, I just think it'd be really cute 🥺
Tweek Tweak/Craig Tucker (SP)
I listed them both together cus I love how cute they are as a couple, and I genuinely can't decide which idea I prefer more:
Tweek being Tiny and Craig holding him during one of his anxiety-attacks so he can help calm him down, cus Giants calming down rlly anxious Tinies is always 🥺🥺🥺
Craig being Tiny and having to try to calm down Giant Tweek, cus it's a cute reversal of the usual "Giant calms down Tiny" trope AND it'd just be adorable with their character dynamic 😭🖤
Danny Sexbang/Ninja Brian (NSP)
Listed them together cus I just think it'd be funny seeing one member of the band Tiny! 😂🖤
I love the idea of Danny being Tiny but still trying to seduce everyone and being extra adorable whilst doing so (kinda like the Pour Some Sugar on Me MV!) 🖤
The idea of Ninja Brian being Tiny but still filled with murderous rage (all while Danny constantly teases him about how Tiny he is) is rlly funny to me 😂🖤
📖 Got any G/T fics and/or art you can recommend? Or perhaps any G/T fic and/or art ideas you want to share?
Honestly I haven't been reading many Fics lately, but I keep looking at art by @chamomile-g-tea cus it's so pretty 🥺🖤
As for G/T Ideas I wanna share, I guess most of the tropes/ideas I listed on the previous ask I answered (🧪) would be fun to turn into art/fics! I definitely wanna try writing something involving a Mad Scientist + accidental growing/shrinking when I get the chance 👀🖤
Thanks for the ask! 🥺🖤
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nike-shawn · 4 years
Tiny Jerseys
Request: You and Shawn telling Connor and Brian that you’re pregnant
I’m a sucker for the pregnancy blurbs. Also, I’ve been outta this fandom for a long time so... I’m not entirely sure who Connor and Brian are but I’ll just assume they’re friends of Shawn’s 😬 Send in more requests!
You’re hiding in the kitchen.
Shawn and a bunch of his friends are watching the game in the living room, shouting and throwing things, and you’re just... hiding. Worrying. Thinking about telling them your big news. Your boyfriend invited his best friends over mostly because he hadn’t seen them in a while, but also because you’ve finally hit that milestone in your pregnancy where it’s safe to start telling people about it. Shawn couldn’t be more excited— your parents all knew about it the second you yourself found out because Shawn just absolutely couldn’t keep it a “secret, baby, this can’t be a secret. It’s a huge thing! How’m I supposed to keep that to myself?”
So, the only people left to tell are the friends. You have a dinner planned next weekend with your closest girlfriends, but with the first game of the season on this afternoon, Shawn thought it would be the perfect time to spill the beans. And that’s a great idea. Except for the fact, of course, that you’re incredibly scared of disappointing them.
You’ve always had this weird fear when it came to Shawn’s friends that they didn’t like you, that they thought you stole their bestie away. A baby will only add to any existing tension. (Of course, Shawn tells you that there is absolutely no tension at all, but you remember that one time Brian yelled at you for taking the last chip and that memory hasn’t quite shaken away. Apparently it was a joke, but. When you’re pregnant nothing is taken like a joke).
“We’re up,” Shawn says excitedly, breaking into the kitchen in a flurry of jersey and buffalo dip. He scoops more chips onto his plate. “I fuckin’ told Connor that the injury last season wouldn’t make much of a difference. Thank God I was right. Right, babe?”
You smile and nod, the butterflies in your stomach still hinting at your lingering anxiety. Shawn doesn’t notice— instead, he pats your ass on the way out of the kitchen and yells “let’s gooo!” The boys echo his excitement and they’re back to cheering.
After a while of feeling bad for yourself, you decide to join in on the fun. However, when you head out into the living room, all the boys are just staring at Shawn. Your boyfriend looks up to meet your gaze from his position on the couch. “Oh, hey. Uh. I accidentally spoiled the surprise.”
In his hands is the tiny jersey with “Baby Mendes #1” on the back. You could’ve sworn you hung it up in what is slowly turning into the nursery. “Oops,” you nervously laugh off, perching on the armrest of the couch. “Well. Surprise!”
The boys all look at each other, then at you and Shawn, then to the jersey. Then Brian hops up and says “well congrats you two!” That starts the chain of congratulations and hugs.
After the game ended and everyone cleared out, you turned to Shawn and asked “where did you find that jersey anyways? I could’ve sworn I hung it up.”
Shawn sheepishly rubs at the back of his neck where a blush is starting to rise up into his cheeks. “Yeah, it wasn’t really an accident. I just couldn’t wait anymore. Too excited, I guess.”
The two of you share a laugh and as the conversation falls silent again, Shawn pipes back up. “They said something kinda cool today,” he starts.
“What was it?”
“Connor and Brian pulled me aside and said that I couldn’t have found a better person to settle down with. They really love you.”
You can’t stop from smiling. “Really?”
“Yeah, babe, of course. It’s impossible not to like you.”
That night, you fall asleep dreaming of little babies in oversized hockey jerseys and the incredible support system they’ll be born into.
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truecrimesstuff · 3 years
The 11-year-old serial killer:
Mary Flora Bell, born on 26th May 1957 in Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England. The area where she was born and brought up was a locality with a high crime rate and violence. She was born in an abusive home. Her mother, Betty was herself a minor 17-year-old when she gave birth to Mary, her second child. Betty was a mentally unstable, alcoholic, who prostituted herself as a profession and had to travel frequently to Glasgow for business. She had a disliking towards Mary, from the very moment she gave birth to her and told the doctors to take her away. Mary didn't know her biological father, but thought Billy Bell, a habitual criminal as her father for most of her life, though she was a baby when Betty married him. He too was an alcoholic and had issues with the law and used to remain away from home. Mary, therefore, received less attention from any of her parents. Her mother also attempted to kill her many a time, though she later told that they were all accidents, eyewitnesses testified otherwise. She once threw Mary from a second storey window, due to which she suffered brain trauma and severe damage to the prefrontal cortex - the area of the brain required for decision making and involuntary action. Mary had also claimed that Betty used to force her to involve herself in sexual activities with her clients since the tender age of four. She was known at School for attacks on other children, defacement, and theft but coming from an economically depressed and abusive locality these did not attract undue attention. She had also developed a reputation as a "show off", so her proclamation, "I am a murderer" was dismissed as just another one of her idle boasts. Her school teachers described her as a bright, pretty little girl, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes, but expressed concerns over her lack of feeling towards others.
On 25th May, just one day before her 11th birthday, Mary strangled a four-year-old Martin Brown to death in a dilapidated house in Scotswood, England. When the police found the lifeless body, they didn't find any signs of violence. Moreover, an empty bottle of painkillers lay near him which led to the police speculating that it was a case of accidental overdose and the issue wasn't taken up. Days after Martin's death, Mary showed up at Martin's door and asked to see him. His mother thinking that the young girl didn't understand death, explained to her that Martin had died. Mary then eerily replied that she already knew that and wanted to see little Martin in his coffin. Shocked at her reply Martin's mother slammed the door on her face.
Some days later, Mary and her friend Norma Bell(no relation) broke in and vandalized a nearby nursery school. They also left behind notes claiming they were the killers of Martin Brown. The police thought it was a sick joke and didn't investigate the matter any further. When there was a string of similar break-ins and vandalizing the nursery was forced to install an alarm, which was successful in catching Mary and Norma loitering around the school one night. When the police arrived they denied having any part in the previous break-ins. Thinking they were just innocent children looking for trouble, the police let them go without any further questions.
Two months after Martin Brown's murder, Mary Bell struck again, this time with an accomplice, the 13-year-old Norma Bell. The two girls equally took part in the strangulation of a three-year-old boy, Brian Howe in the same Scotswood area. After killing him, they returned and mutilated his body. First, Norma grafted her initial N on his stomach which was changed to M by Mary later. Mary also used a pair of scissors and cut off his hair, scratched and bruised his legs, and even mutilated his genitals.
The body of Brian Howe was found the same day. The community went into upheaval. The police started questioning the children in the area. Amidst twelve hundred children who were questioned by the authorities, two raised suspicions. They were 13 years old Norma Bell and 11-year-old Mary Bell. It was seen that Norma was excited, smiling throughout the questioning and Mary was acting secretive. When the police pressurized them Mary pushed the blame towards another boy, claiming that she saw him with Brian Howe and he was carrying a pair of scissors. But Mary implicated herself by mentioning the scissors because the boy who she had accused was in the airport that day and the information regarding scissors had been kept confidential up until that time.
The police realized that somehow both Norma and Mary were involved in the crime. So, police again questioned Mary's friend, Norma who told them shocking information regarding Mary's involvement in the crime. Mary was immediately interrogated after Norma's confession but she still kept on acting secretive, calling Norma a liar. After repeated questioning, Mary confessed to killing Martin Brown and Brian Howe.
On 17 December 1968, at Newcastle Assizes, Norma Bell was acquitted, claiming that she acted under a bad influence, but Mary Bell was convicted of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. Psychiatrists who were appointed by the court diagnosed her as having "classic symptoms of psychopathy". The judge, Justice Cusack, described her as dangerous and said she posed a "very grave risk to other children". She was sentenced to be detained at Her Majesty's pleasure and was initially sent to Red Bank secure unit in Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire. She was released in 1980 with a new identity and under license.
Picture courtesy: Pinterest.
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uwua3 · 4 years
Hi Bunnie! Your Misumi jealousy headcanon was so so amazing! Would it be okay to request the same hc but for Kazu, Tenma + Taichi? Ty and can't wait to see more from you! 🐰
oh my gosh! thank you so much!!! that makes me so happy to hear you enjoyed it; tbh i was a bit nervous due to the different take on misumi’s more thoughtful, erratic side so i’m glad it wasn’t too ooc! for you, i’d love to do a jealous hc for kazunari, tenma, and taichi! let’s GOOO !!!
summary: everyone gets their heart broken, and you were the cause of their broken hearts
warnings: anxiety, cheating, fake/toxic relationships, heartbreak, unrequited love
author’s note: i hope you enjoy it! thank you so much for your support ♡ this is definitely on the longer side for sure, i hope it’s worth the read!!!
i explored different types of jealousy for each person and how it would affect their daily lives! sometimes, the best thing to do is not act on your impulses. is it really worth losing a relationship with someone over? arguably, the only person with a “happy ending” would be taichi~ fair warning!
word count: 4,799 (total) — 2,078 (kazunari), 1,616 (tenma), 1,105 (taichi)
music: ghost heart – closure (kazunari), shouldn’t couldn’t wouldn’t – niki, rich brian (tenma), needs – verzache (taichi)
jealousy (pt.1)
🌻🎨 miyoshi kazunari
it was so hard to always thrive off the attention of others when it was exhausting keeping a smile up
sure, kazunari was a burden when he was excited with his nonstop, loud rant about whatever he learned in his liberal arts university... but people seemed to like him even less when he was quiet and contemplative. he was the butt of the joke, so he had to fake it until he made it
he’d rather be the funny jokester of the group and be remembered as the tolerated clown than forgotten completely
kazunari wanted people to come to him, be his friend, and find him important in their life. kazunari wanted to be everyone’s favorite, the #1, the name you’d say when asked who your best friend was
but no one liked him like that. no one looked to him first when a joke was made to check if he was laughing, everyone assumed he was. but it was so much energy to keep this happy go lucky act and it began taking away from his art
envy made up every cell of his being as he saw groups of supportive friends, students congratulated in front of the class, and just happiness in general. kazunari was always jealous, he wanted so much. he wanted someone to be his best friend
and then, you aced the role with no auditions needed. you made the cut, you entered his life as kazunari’s best friend
you made an effort to include him in group activities, responded to his over–the–top DMs with too many emojis, and even amused him with his spontaneous ideas like road trips to the next town over for the hell of it
it didn’t matter if he called you at the crack of dawn, you picked up before the last ring with just as much enthusiasm to go wherever to make lifelong memories
kazunari didn’t have to pretend like he was full of energy around you, because he was! you charged him up to his full battery and he wouldn’t stop moving until he had you to himself for a few hours
at first, it started out by staying a little bit longer after group project meetings, offering to get absolutely buzzed on overpriced hipster coffee he had to perfect as a barista, and exchanging obvious notes in class while getting in trouble for snickering way too loud
then it became seeing premieres of movies kazunari honestly didn’t care about, he just wanted to do the yawn trick without getting made fun of. he liked dramatically fighting over the popcorn with you before pretending to give up, knowing damn well at the end he’d let you have all his snacks. movies became any event possible: single mixers that were just them huddling in a corner planning to make the most memorable exit ever, mall trips that had inappropiate fashion shows in the dressing rooms before getting kicked out, even beach visits year–round and complaining when the temperatures were too extreme but still having the sickest bonfire
all these moments were posted on his private, more personal instagram where his feed would have your face in every row (he also posted the extremely candid shots of you, he was sneaky with his camerawork). everyone with a social media account knew you guys were platonic soulmates, people destined to meet each other and be by their side for every lifetime
it moved into territory like bringing you to his favorite secret hideouts. eventually, it came down to places he knew his other friends would trash and poke fun at. he began trusting you with his most prized places. his safe space that became yours as well
even his art studio rented out at the border of the urban city with a water–damaged wooden floor. you would drop by everytime he didn’t respond to your text within 10 minutes, with plenty of food because you knew kazunari gets into an obsessive state with completing a project in one sitting. he let you in without a second thought even though you had the spare key; now you were lounging upon a thrifted sofa staring at the sunset
golden hour was gorgeous on you, kazunari thought out of no where, shocking him to the core when he nearly dropped his paintbrush onto the plastic covers. get a hold of yourself man! whatever, he always hyped you up, it wasn’t a big deal. it was just usually, intentional
you didn’t seem to notice, scrolling through your phone as your shadow giggled at something on screen. kazunari felt sick (and it wasn’t the cheap takeout), he hated not being in on the joke and getting left out. jealousy brewed at the pit of his stomach as he faked a childish huff to get your attention. you didn’t look over, too busy sending a meme to someone
“whatchu laughing at?” kazunari asked curiously as he resumed painting, to which you fidgeted under his gaze. shrugging nonchalantly, you pocketed your phone that pinged with a notification. the vibration caused you to read the screen immediately without a second thought. huh...
“just some guy.” you offhandedly mentioned, opening some dating app kazunari could pinpoint. he didn’t know you even liked those types of meet–ups, he dropped his brush this time before fumbling to pick it up as cool as possible
pretending to pay attention to the painting, he lost focus as he glanced at your frame. you looked so relaxed, so casual, who were you so close to? you always told him about the few partners you had, this one threw him for a loop
“guy? don’t tell me my best friend is falling in love~!” kazunari quipped, feigning a pose of shock like it was the worst thing he’s ever heard. honestly, maybe it was, or he was a damn good actor and those hours of practice were working. maybe they were if his best friend couldn’t even see past his facade
you blushed at the implication, but didn’t deny it. you just muttered something about having privacy and rolling over to your side, continuing to text at an inhuman speed
kazunari frowned slightly, drawing his eyebrows together as he couldn’t help but steal glances at your backside. usually he got a joke, a confirmation he was basically your boyfriend, and they both hysterically laughed about it at the end of the day. not this time, apparently
this time, it was different. next time he saw you wasn’t sitting next to him in class, or beneath his arm hiding from the scary film on the projector, it was at the café you frequented to see him. except, you were with someone else. kazunari hadn’t seen you in so long, ever since you were caught messaging someone else
you ordered the same thing as always, you didn’t even have to ask before kazunari had it ready for you. but his whole personality was jittery, like he accidentally ate the entire stock of cacao beans raw. he stammered and his tone fell flat, contrasting his lively speech and flair for drama. he looked... overwhelmed
kazunari spilt your date’s drink last second, his chaotic mind barely controlling his limbs as he knocked over the order. as you tried helping him, every customer saw kazunari hide back in the shell he tried so hard to break. he simply shook his head and delivered his customer service monologue about being very sorry and the next one was on the house
there was at least in attempt in sounding cheerful, but coach would’ve definitely cursed him out for his terrible performance. he knew he was showing too much teeth right now and his eyes were too big to be genuine, but he couldn’t do anything else without his foot tapping repetitively
when you shot him concerned side–eyes from their usual table by the window, you looked different in the orange–hued sky. you were gorgeous in golden hour, kazunari bitterly thought as he wiped down the surfaces until he could see his teary eyes staring back with disgust. he was letting his guard down in front of everyone, how lame
he could hear your walls coming down, you becoming attached to the hip with that date of yours as you two became the only customers left. he heard it all, the flirting, the conversations that would definitely lead to you going back to their place with them. he excused himself to his indifferent manager before hiding in the employee stall, sliding his back down against the wall to sit down on the cold tile floor
kazunari found dates boring. all they led to was him getting his unfinished meal in styrofoam boxes and taking an uber to your place to spill what happened like it was a daily struggle. you laughed and laughed, never having stories of your own since kazunari lived through a lifetime of them for the tall tales
kazunari wanted to go back to that, when both of you were single and laughing together about how absolutely dumb committed relationships were. who else would they need besides each other? kazunari remembered asking, knowing all they could trust in was each other forever
but more importantly, maybe kazunari wanted to be more than your best friend. you were the one who cured his constant artist’s blocks with just words of affirmation, the heartfelt gestures making his serotonin levels skyrocket to oblivion before maxing out on the motivation to create anything that would make your efforts worth it
kazunari thought he just did his best with his friends by his side. but, was it normal for friends to feel like this? kazunari began imagining a painting of a figure, of someone that looked like you, except they were so far away and out of his reach. he wanted to jump through the frame and find you, manifest you for him only
no matter what he did, he couldn’t get the face to resemble anything like yours, like you weren’t his to claim creative rights over anymore
kazunari was jealous. jealous of how easily passerbys fell in love with the way you made anyone feel like they were the main character of their own story. kazunari felt stupid, like he was your comic relief sidekick who so desperately would do anything to be your final love interest
alone, kazunari laughed pitifully to himself as he picked his head up to hear your voice through the thin walls. whatever elaborate joke you were playing on him, it wasn’t funny in the slightest
he only wanted you to laugh with him, hell, he’d go make a fool of himself at any time even if meant you laughed at him
you weren’t one of his artworks, yet you were a masterpiece compared to any canvas he could have made in his entire career
kazunari wanted to paint you in all the colors possible, make you see how you were the rainbow after his rainy life
pushing himself up, kazunari stumbled out of the bathroom before shaking his head. it wasn’t worth it, he got what he wanted, didn’t he? you’re still his best friend, you just loved someone else, that’s all. all he ever wanted was a best friend, why wasn’t he satisfied with that?
when would he stop being jealous? (when would he be your #1 boy? he thought against his will)
taking a deep breath to compose himself, kazunari smiled and waved at the new couple. he saw the relief on your face before you resumed the discussion with the most animated expression he hadn’t seen in a long time. he couldn’t even recall when
everything would go back to normal before you became kazunari’s best friend. you would begin hanging out with the other person more, taking them to all kazunari’s best events. you would eventually stop answering his calls because it interfered with the other person’s schedule. you’d have plans outside of him, and kazunari would go back to being by himself. he’d keep going on dates and stay till the end this time, searching for his #1
(he would have to mute your account after seeing your posts with them, but he never told you that)
kazunari heard something other than you. he looked towards the window: it was raining again, again, and again. he opened his smartphone to take a picture:
kaz–PIKO [new post!]: i hope this rain ends soon!!!
it didn’t, at least, not for a very long time
🌻☀️ sumeragi tenma
tenma was what you would call, gifted. grew up with successful, charistmatic parents who watched his every move like a hawk, never giving him the time to improve from his mistakes
so every time he didn’t immediately get something, he’d give up and find other things to beat others at
the only thing he did that was acceptable to his father was acting, so he never looked back
tenma became a headliner of countless blockbuster movies and walked the red carpet as a fabricated actor with no authenticity
magazines labelled tenma as the playboy with on & off again relationships, although they were staged by his label to make him appear like some heartbreaker
truth was, he’s just like every other high school student who was really bad at focusing on academics (and had definitely not been in a real relationship)
but tenma was famous, fake friends came and went every time his popularity rose, hitting him up for favors. it was okay, he was famous, anyways. it’s not like he needed a bunch of no–bodies
at least, that’s what he told himself every time he sat with his parents at awards banquets with no one to share his success
(tenma was not jealous at all of stars with full rows of people of their friends who were always so loud and supportive)
(it wasn’t awkward going up on stage to receive a trophy with only polite clapping in the background)
you got cast as tenma’s next love interest
you were supposed to be a fake relationship that lasted longer than every other person he’s been with before
you were an up and coming actress full of potential and enthusiasm to boot, ready to take on in the industry like you were the biggest threat around
but it was clear, you loved acting
you loved playing different characters like they were an extension of yourself, paying close attention to other people’s habits so you could incorporate it in your own persona
it was strange—meeting someone who loved acting at its core and didn’t do it for the money. most people wanted their name in lights, drama with them in the middle, to have an adoring fanbase. who actually liked acting as an art form?
tenma was sure you were just hiding something, lying about your sweetheart public image to gain fans
you and tenma became public by having a public brunch date (tenma hated brunch, it was so pointless!) where photographers hid in bushes to take expensive pictures of tenma’s newest girl
tenma at first put on a facade, pretending to be the cocky star everyone made him out to be by flexing his muscles with a charming but practiced wink. why not, right? every girl loved that!
all of a sudden, you were gripping the tablecloth, dying laughing as you tried your best to stifle your outrageous response. tenma grew hot under the collar when it was clear you were very much a real, hard to hide your feelings type person off screen
immediately, he told you off in an aggressive manner but before he could apologize for being so suddenly boyish, you retorted back just as quickly. the friendly banter between you two sent sparks flying from the electric energy
those staged acts didn’t have any effect on you (unless he was in the mood for some serious jokes which he gladly fought back) so a genuine friendship formed
due to you both being competitive at heart, you guys were always caught in a friendly rivalry where you two shared real bonding moments together
your chemistry was off the charts (your managers were both very pleased with the outcome, oblivious to tenma’s defensive no ways!)
tenma’s favorite memory was ditching a panel interview without his parent’s permission to go blow his money on a popular chain arcade im the mall he could most definitely afford with his credit card. it was impulse but he texted you the address and miracously, you showed up on your own
both of you wore the worst disguises possible: snapbacks and funky graphic tee shirts as if you two were just regular students. tenma tried everything that even caught his eye, and you knew he wasn’t entirely happy with anything he got despite winning ten games already
clearly he wasn’t getting distracted enough, something must have happened on set
so you made a bet, whoever won the basketball hoops game would take all the tickets. you knew this would ignite the competitive flame within tenma
“you’re on!” tenma declared, shaking your hand with a firm grip and wolfish grin. that would be one of the last times tenma saw you as “one of the boys”
it was when you finally won against his bruised ego but chose a prize for him that tenma realized, he liked you for you. normally, he’d be showering his fake partner with stuffed animals before being ditched on the street corner, the plastered smiles gone and replaced with nasty annoyance
(he’d never admit it, but even the fake affection was nice while it lasted)
no one really liked him for him, he was just another famous teen actor with passable looks to be the side boyfriend
yet, you still got him something despite winning, giving him the plant and ignoring his surprised face
it wasn’t expensive, but it was the most meaningful gift he’s ever received
it was the first time tenma was given a present like that: a tiny bonsai tree
“maybe that’ll teach you some responsibility!” you joked, pushing him teasingly as he just stared at the little tree, feeling like something inside grew as well
he ignored it by challenging you to a DDR tournament (you won, again)
tenma began seeing the bonsai as a symbol of your friendship with him, and it felt good to finally have someone who would go out of their way to be his friend
(as a result, the bonsai was as healthy as ever)
but maybe, his macho–man act turned you off the wrong way and made him seem like a spoiled rich kid. you never could open up seriously about problems you had without laughing at tenma’s serious face, always messing up his bright orange hair and calling him a loser
tenma was tired of being a kid in your eyes, he wanted to be your manly boyfriend that wasn’t just a legacy actor
he was jealous every time you talked about your actual friends from home, who you shared everything with and made them out like they were the best people on the planet
it was silly, but did you think about him like that? did your friends even know you were with him?
tenma, for the first time, wanted a relationship that was more than just a publicity stunt. he wanted to be your boyfriend, more than just the faker
he wanted to meet your friends, then your family, and learn more about who you actually were. know what you were made up of, past the glamarous movie lifestyle he knew too well
tenma wanted to stop lying to the media because you deserved the truth
tenma wanted to recite his script about love but mean it, pretending like he was staring into your eyes and delivering the best performance of his life (if you ignore the fact he almost said your name)
but every time you guys went out, you acted like you were a babysitter and tenma was a child. you never could see him as a potential partner, just a rival who reacted like a brother would
but you read his behavior all wrong
(though honestly, tenma took every opportunity possible to have you close, because he knew you’d never be his again)
by the time the contract was up, tenma was too late. you were ruffling his hair and smiling like a sibling would, commenting on how fun it was to be with him and he could call you up anytime for tutoring. to you, he was just some high schooler who needed you to study with
but to tenma, he had caught feelings and there was nothing he could do about it
tenma would soon see the tragic news titles of how japan’s favorite it–couple split and you moved onto someone else
(someone much more serious and cool than he was, unfortunately)
tenma began booking roles in much more different films, ones with much more somber tones and melancholy scenes that fit his jealousy perfectly (he was often reviewed as having a “real connection” to his character, like he lived through the pain)
tenma noticed the way you were around the same age as your idol partner, how you actually held his hand while blushing for once. you even kissed them and hugged them in front of the cameras, which you refused to do with tenma, saying it would be weird to kiss a kid
tenma was jealous. jealous how he wasn’t as grown up as you wanted him to be. how he wasn’t mature and had a fiery temper and didn’t think things through. but his next partner was assigned and he had an outing with them soon
as soon as tenma met up with them, he flashed a picture perfect smile and heard the cameras flash behind him. they seemed to like that
his new partner didn’t question a thing as tenma addressed them by your name without noticing
that day, tenma came home to his bonsai dying, despite watering it properly
tenma gave up on you, despite the jealousy. if he wasn’t good at this dating game, there was no need to try anymore
he didn’t return back to that arcade for a while
🍁🛹 nanao taichi
the moment taichi saw you, he was convinced you were the one like every hopeless romantic out there
he was literally blown away. the wind picked up stronger when he saw you and he swore he saw red hearts around you
pretending to skateboard like he was just passing by, he bumped into you on veludo way and pretended like he had no idea where he was going
“sorry! i’m a bit lost... could you help me?” taichi paired it with his puppy eyes and tragic pout, unaware he was a bunny face to face with a wolf in sheep’s clothing
but you recognized him, the famous actor from mankai’s autumn troupe
yet, you pretended to follow his plan, knowing how quickly mankai was regaining its popularity status in theatre
(hey, maybe you’d even get free stuff if you played your cards right)
then began your relationship with taichi, where he was head over skates for you and did everything in his power to make you stay
taichi rearranged his schedule for you, staying up countless hours into the next day just to text you and have every possible moment with you
taichi always reserved you front row seats for every mankai production, sometimes even bringing you backstages despite the warnings from his other members
(they never really liked you, especially not the way you had so much control over taichi)
“taichi... you look tired. are you okay?” omi asked one day, when taichi had been on his phone the entire meal and anxiously fidgeted for a reply
(you sometimes did that just to mess with him a little, by leaving his multiple messages on read) (he hated it)
“me? i’m doing the best i could be!” taichi exclaimed, sneaking a glance at his screen to still see it dark
when omi carefully nodded and turned around, taichi’s posture slouched and the insomnia he was developing just to talk began catching up to his performance
taichi did everything a perfect boyfriend did in plays: wrote you love letters (you never read them), created thoughtful playlists that flowed well (you never listened), even learning new fun talents just to impress you (you never paid attention)
it was never enough to make you see him as more than a key to the theatre industry
to you, taichi was nothing more than a loyal puppy on a leash
taichi didn’t realize how tight his collar was until he was confronted by his troupe members, all who were as serious as it got with them
“what’s up?” taichi offered, faking a grin and suppressing the yawn building in his throat. the bags under his eyes were dark, and his blue eyes were dull. he hadn’t slept in so long. he was low on money for buying too many things. he couldn’t remember the last time he finished a meal
omi exchanged looks with the others, knowing he had to be the one to deliver the news because well, maybe he’d soften the blow a bit better
it must be bad if even juza and banri are not fighting, taichi mused, not really listening until he heard:
“—they’re cheating on you, taichi.”
taichi’s head snapped up, his body becoming rigid from the accusation. his sight landed on a digital image on banri’s phone screen, where you were clearly all over another person
(taichi remebered them, they were your lockscreen. he never questioned it)
(even if he was always jealous of how you hung out with every other friend much more than him, you own boyfriend!)
there was nothing to justify. banri explained how he and juza came upon them at the mall, and he was sorry
(it wasn’t banri’s fault, but he apologized because he was genuinely sorry for all taichi went through)
it’s not like he could say anything, the photo was clear as day! but taichi’s fists were tight by his side and he stood up defiantly
“that’s not true! maybe, that’s just their friend! or family member! i trust them, stop making baseless claims against them!” taichi knew he was making a scene, but it gave him a window to storm out of the front door and run down the sidewalk
“taichi!” he heard, but no one dared followed him. maybe he needed to face it by himself and open his eyes
they’d be back waiting for him at the end of the day when he finally realized he didn’t deserve to be in a toxic situation like this
(taichi did so much to become even better, just so you would like him more... it never worked)
taichi stopped at the park, panting deeply and leaning forward to catch his breath
this couldn’t be possible! he was the perfect boyfriend, right? he did everything for you... what wasn’t enough? when would he be enough?
but the proof was right there. taichi could see you with the same person in the image right in front of him
that’s when it hit. you knew taichi had acting practice right now, he wouldn’t know any better
all the pent–up anger within him exploded, his desperation masking a much more weak, unstable truth: fear of abandonment and the unrequited jealousy of the other person, no matter how much he hated to admit it
taichi was jealous. jealous of how you liked everyone else so much better than him, taichi wanted to be better, for you
but you were gonna leave him, toss him aside like your time together was nothing, like he was nothing
you never loved him, you liked the attention
taichi finally saw the signs, the red flags you were manipulative and knew he was easy enough to twist and break. he opened his eyes and you hadn’t even noticed him
but then, he tried to tell himself maybe he actually liked that, but it sounded hollow and fake even to him
taichi had to say no now
taichi was hurt, but he couldn’t show that to you anymore. you didn’t deserve the privilege having a say in his feelings anymore
walking by and pretending to bump into you, your face didn’t change as you saw him, simply raising an eyebrow in question
“just leave me for somebody else,” taichi humorlessly laughed, staring at the way you felt nothing for him
you stepped onto his heart and broke it, there was nothing else to say. even then, he wish he was the person you loved, even if it killed him
“enjoy yourself.” taichi finished, knowing these would be the last words he would ever say to you before returning back to the dorms
he didn’t look back, not anymore
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
How Day6 would react to overhearing you admit your crush on him to one of the other members
AN: a request from anon. i feel ive treated this more seriously (and focused perhaps more on the confessions themselves, bc i interpreted ‘crush’ subconsciously as ‘having long-term-feelings for’) than you meant in your request but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
“hyuuun, i’m in love please make it stop.” “only way that’s going to happen is if you go tell him.” “...i hate you.”
sungjin... i picture is going to date to marry (or an equivalent if marriage is not for you, as though i get the vibe he’s quite traditional, for the right person he would be very easily convinced), so he takes crushes and confessions quite seriously
probably would feel bad for eavesdropping
then would feel happy that you felt the same way
but then more serious issue of now having to confess would take over
would spend a long time thinking of the best way to do it
would probably settle on a classic walk or cinema/theatre depending on what’s showing
would make damn sure he and you would be alone while confessing—so to save both parties from pressure and embarrassment should things go wrong 
also he’s quite a private guy and would want to let others know on his own and your terms
ngl probably wouldn’t admit he’d overheard you until like... a long time later
it would be under the initial reasoning that he would wait until you were stable so it wouldn’t have too big of an effect
but then he would forget
until it randomly came up in conversation 
like we may even be talking years here
maybe when you live in your own place, just the two of you, and you’re hanging out with him and younghyun who is just refusing to go home bc the food is too good at yours who brings it up 
“i don’t understand how it took so long for you two to get together, like even wonpil was starting to find yn’s pining sickening.”
and you would be salty, because “excuse me i hid my desperation very well!”
and sungjin would just immediately come to support you because he’s a loyal motherfucker and would begin, without thinking “she did, i didn’t know until i—”
that would be when he stops himself bc hes like oh shit i didn’t tell her and now two very curious sets of eyes are like staring at him and he’s 98% sure he can’t backtrack at all 
“when you what?”
and he would just sigh “when i overheard you telling younghyun that you liked me”
and there’d be a moment of silence, followed by laughter 
youngk would be confused, probably, having a surprisingly better recollection that you perhaps would “wait i remember that—how did it take you two months to work out what to do next?!”
and you end up just laughing harder, before noticing the the mix of emotions on sungjins face and reassure him “it doesn’t matter how long it took, we’re together now”
anyway overall sungjin is probably quite serious about it, but it will have a happy ending, you’ve just got to be patient lmao 
“dowoon, what do i do?” 
jae would be playful about it
after hearing you ask dowoon for advice since hes good friends with him he would be ecstatic, but would try and keep it lowkey
he’d hide out of sight of the doorway he’d passed by to have his little moment
and then he wouldn’t be able to stop smiling
his eyes would keep glancing to you for the rest of the day, even more than usual
but i think he would want to make things more official as soon as possible, as he doesn’t want to waste any time when he could do it sooner and be with you
and so he’d ask if you had a spare moment on the day or so, and take you some place quiet
not necessarily his room, more likely just outside the front door in the warm summer air
and ngl i think he would totally pull the “i think you know why i summoned you here today”
of course, yall have no idea, but you’re used to his occasional crackheadery—otherwise why would you crush on him so hard? “not a bit, but if its a trip to get snacks you don’t even have to ask, i’m in”
“well, that is a plan for later... depending on how this goes”
that’s the point where you would get confused and begin to wonder if something is up, but hel’l continue “i found out something really cool today yn.”
“really? was it the pin to brian’s credit card?”
he would laugh but shake his head, “nah even better” and that would give you the heads up that this was serious, and it would occur to you that he might have overheard something
but it becomes obvious when he follows with “a little bird... told me that someone, likes someone else, in our group. our friendship group.”
you briefly consider panicking, as the whole thing could still be construed as him not liking you back, but you put on a brave face and push through, “oh really? who?”
“that’s the problem, i don’t know, but i was wondering if you did.”
the chance was clear for anyone to see, and seeing the glimmer of hope, you seize it “well, i know someone who likes you... but i’m not sure if its mutual, so that might be why they haven’t said”
“if it’s who i think it is, then it definitely is... mutual” he would admit
and that would be the closest the two of you ever got to literally word-for-word confessing, because out of nerves neither of you would probably be able to admit it at the crux of the moment
however, like in all the movies idc if its cliche you would gravitate towards each other, and that would be the moment where you both recognised your feelings as well as shared your first kiss together
ok i’m going to stop before i combust 
anyway as for whether he’d admit he’d overheard you, he would probably be quite quick to the chase on that one too, probably right after the kiss and you’ve spoken about it a bit more, he’ll probably just say “i kind of accidentally overheard you telling dowoon, please don’t be mad at me”
but how could you be, you’d gotten what you wanted after all
in conclusion, jae is lighthearted about it and woudn’t waste any time
“wonpil did i tell you how much i love his eyes?” “hmmm... perhaps... but tell me again, to just to make sure.”
god bless wonpil his emotional support would be A+
right off the bat our youngk is a songwriter
he probably finds a lot of inspiration out of love
and so his feelings for you coalesce to create love songs that he may or may not use in the future
anyhow, it means that to cope with his feelings he’s probably half composed something small where he admits them 
with little intention of you probably ever hearing it at all
or at least, not without big chunks edited and names changed/cut
but when he overhears you rambling to wonpil who doesn’t mind the sappiness a characteristic you probably got off our brian anyway with his occasional borderline emo-ness
he’s grateful to his past-self for starting it, and realises that maybe its time to finish it
so it’ll take a week or so for him to finally confess
bc even though hes a bit of a flirt, i don’t see him wanting to tarnish love, since he owes it so much and its not fun to play with someone’s heart, especially not yours
so it might take him a little longer, and when he gets round to it, it’ll be perfect, just like you in his eyes
so prepare to be serenaded
yes, that sort of serenaded
in dim evening light, with the sun’s glow beginning to fade and make way for the stars, flickering like the candles laid out for you
again, that classical vibe won’t be missed on him
as for whether he’d tell you, probably only if you asked, but he would add that he’d been writing the song beforehand
he just may not admit to not planning on ever performing it
overall? when it comes to romantic flair, kang younghyun is king 
“sungjin, uh, do you know where wonpil is? i can’t—” “isn’t he at your hip?” “as much as i kind of wish he was, he kind of isn’t.”
wonpil, my lovely sweetheart
probably wouldn’t be able to stop himself from just
walking straight in when he accidentally overhears you to ask right there and then
like, you’re probably pestering talking to sungjin in the kitchen or another equally frequented place, so it was likely that someone was going to overhear anyway 
and maybe that was part of sungjins plan dont put it past him
but also it meant wonpil got further into the room the hunt for sustenance spurring him on, you know how it is before he caught onto what was being said, thus making it harder to back out
thus sungjin knew he’d overheard, but you with your back to the door were still clueless
and would’ve stayed that way had wonpil not continued and straight up asked or sungjin not said anything, which lets face it by this point he was really considering doing
he would be really excited about hearing that the feelings were mutual, and you were right there so what harm was really being done if he did just straight up waltz in?
as soon as you heard his small “you like me too?” you would whip around 
aaand that would be sungjin’s cue to leave
“do you mean that?”
“it only feels right when you’re by my side, pillie.”
the words you would exchange would be in a soft flurry of emotion tbh, out of disbelief but excitement for the future
most likely ending with you embracing, foreheads resting against one another’s
fluff hours only in the house of pil, ok?
“jae, do you think dowoon will be free tomorrow?” “yea why?” “i want to take him to the cat cafe—” “oh my god is it happening?! is it really happening? are you finally going to tell him? plan ILU is underway?” “keep it down!” “oh god everybody stay calm, stay fucking calm—!”
my bean
my lovely bean
would feel guilty over accidentally eavesdropping, and this would reflect in his shyness later
however, he decides to run with the silver lining of having the chance to be prepared for tomorrow
and so he would not say a word and try and act natural
especially when you ask him if he wants to go out somewhere with you the next day
he’s not sure how he did, he tried to hide his ears as best he could but he was also well aware you knew him too well
when the next morning rolls around, he’s up early, getting ready in nice clothes that he hopes aren’t suspiciously too nice
and then he waits, trying to calm is nerves, before realising that maybe ignorance is bliss
when the time comes and you make your way to the cafe, he finds it difficult to act surprised, but also to try and keep his breath steady
finally, near the end, after asking if he had a good time and wanted to come back, you confess you liked him and it’s as if a weight lifts off his shoulders
he would kiss your cheek soon after, without much warning, out of relief and joy and nerves and a whole lot of else
and you’d probably pull him in for a proper kiss by his collar as soon as you’re sure he’s ok with it
and then the fact he eavesdropped would be a secret that he would die with
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Here is the piece I wrote for @mechanismszine! Just a little ivy/raph/marius for the soul.
 Ivy Alexandria woke covered in sweat and took a moment to get her heavy breathing under control before sitting up. She looked around the room, noticing that she was in a prison cell with two other people. Ivy’s eyes landed on the woman with wings sleeping next to her and she started to go through what she was slowly remembering about her.  Raphaella LaCognizi, science officer, Mechanism: her wings.
Ivy went through her memories of this woman, the first time they met, Raphaella doing some morally questionable science experiments, the two of them stargazing together on some planet whose name had long since been forgotten, the time Raphaella had “accidentally” killed Marius in the process of trying to figure out if octokittens liked to eat human flesh. Ivy knew that she had a connection to this woman, but she couldn't figure out what it was. 
Ivy looked at the man sleeping on her other side. He looked calm and peaceful. Ivy tried to remember who he was. Marius von Raum, doctor, Mechanism: his right arm. She remembered him trying, and failing, to convince her he was actually a doctor, him helping her organize the archives a few times, and the two of them feeding the octokittens together.
Next, she started to remember the events leading to her ending up in this prison cell. She could remember their arrest in perfect detail, down to the exact temperature it had been that day. She remembered the very tired looking transport police officer who’d tried to interrogate them a couple of times before disappearing. Ivy estimated there was an 80% chance he’d left because of how annoying Marius was.
Ivy didn’t have an emotional reaction to anything she remembered, save for a little amusement at Marius’s antics along with a surge of love for him.
That’s right! She loved him, and she loved Raphaella too! Ivy felt happy to have realized that. She re-remembered it every morning, and every time it made her just as happy. She started to remember more about her time with Marius and Raphaella–how they’d helped each other through their imprisonment, how they'd made each other laugh, and how they held each other when they cried. Ivy smiled at these memories as well as the knowledge that she had these two people with her right now.
The longer Ivy was awake, the more her memories came back. She remembered her time with the rest of the crew of the Aurora. She remembered cooking dinner with Brian, sitting with Ashes as they took inventory of the supplies on board, helping Tim figure out how to work a weird gun he’d found on one of the planets they’d visited, explaining to Jonny that as first mate of a pirate ship he had virtually no power, sitting with Nastya as she worked on fixing The Aurora, and laughing as an octokitten tried to eat The Toy Solider’s nose. Ivy missed them a lot now that she remembered them. But the 40 years she'd been in this prison cell was a very small amount of time in the grand scale of her very long life.
“Ivy?” a voice spoke from beside her. She turned to see Raphaella’s beautiful face staring up at her. “Good morning love,” she said, sitting up and giving Ivy a quick kiss.
“Good morning.” Ivy smiled at her girlfriend.
“Are you okay? You seem like something’s on your mind,” Raphaella said, giving Ivy’s hand a quick squeeze.
“I’ve just been remembering everything and I’m starting to miss everyone else. I don’t feel anything for them but I know when I was around them I loved them all.”
Raphaella pulled herself into a more comfortable position sitting in front of Ivy and grabbed both her hands.
“I don’t really understand how you’re feeling but I know missing people. I miss the rest of the crew too. Well, maybe not Tim, he blows stuff up a lot.”
“You do too,” Ivy interjected.
“Fair enough,” Raphaella laughed. “But I do miss the rest of the crew. We can bust out of here if you want-”
Ivy shook her head.
“Okay, that’s a relief, we still have an album to work on. What can I do to help you?” Raphaella put one of her wings around Ivy and looked into her eyes.
“I don’t know,” Ivy sighed.
“That’s okay. Can I give you a hug?” Ivy nodded and Raphaella wrapped her arms and wings around her. Ivy leaned into the hug and buried her head in the crook of Raphaella’s neck. They held each other like that for a while, comforted by each other’s company.
Ivy pulled away first.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Of course! Anything else I can do for you?” Ivy shrugged. “Do you think a distraction would be helpful?” Ivy nodded. “Alright, let me think of something we can do that won’t cause too much chaos.”
“Chaos?” Marius yawned and opened his eyes. “I can help you cause chaos.” He sat up in bed and turned to look at Ivy and Raphaella.
“I was thinking a nice breakfast together would be a good distraction without too much chaos but with Marius there, things could definitely get out of hand.”
“Hey!” Marius threw his pillow at Raphaella. She yelped and ducked out of the way. “I mean, you’re right but still,” Marius said, pouting a little.
“How does breakfast sound to you?” Raphaella said, turning to address Ivy.
“Breakfast sounds great.”
“Can I come? I want breakfast too,” Marius said.
“As long as you promise not to cause too much chaos,” Raphaella said.
“There’s only a 10% chance he won’t cause chaos,” Ivy said.
“Oh, Ivy I’m hurt!” Marius said, feigning insult. Raphaella and Ivy laughed.
“I was just stating the facts, you can still come,” Ivy said, still laughing. She gave Marius a quick kiss and then hopped out of bed.
“I hope getting out of here won’t be too hard,” Marius said, as he and Raphaella followed Ivy out of bed and started getting ready for a prison break.
The three immortals had a relatively easy time breaking out of prison, they could have done it at any time, but they had been busy observing the events taking place in the Yggdrasil system. Now that they had a reason to get out, they had a fun time doing it.
Ivy broke the lock on their cell; it was very simple compared to some of the others she’d broken, and the group entered the hallway. Marius quickly incapacitated the nearby guards,  stole their guns, and distributed them between himself, Raphaella, and Ivy and the group set off down the hallway.
The rest of their escape went off with very few complications. Ivy handled the security system and Marius and Raphaella handled the guards. A couple of times Ivy had to help them get past the guards. The first time she killed one was horrible. Blood splattered everywhere and Ivy started to feel sick. That feeling was quickly followed by distrust and fear of herself and a lot of guilt. She stopped in the hallway in the middle of the fight and took a bullet to the knee, but she barely registered it, caught up in the horrible feelings coursing through her.
“Ivy!” Raphaella called out to her. Ivy didn’t respond.
“It’s okay Raph, I’ve got this, keep fighting!” Marius said as he jogged over to Ivy.
“Ivy, look at me.” Marius stood in front of her, grasping her hands. Ivy looked up at him, tears flowing down her face. “Ivy, it’s okay. I know how you’re feeling. I used to feel the same way when I killed someone. But Ivy, you've got to remember, you won’t feel this way tomorrow, you can kill millions of people today but tomorrow you will forget the weight of their souls.”
Ivy wiped her eyes and took a few deep breaths.
“You’re right, thanks,” she said to Mauris before kissing him on the cheek and pulling out her gun. She still felt bad, but it was incredibly easy to ignore that feeling once she knew it would be gone come the next morning.
After an amount of murder that would terrify normal people but was pretty typical for the crew of The Aurora, Ivy, Marius, and Raphaella broke out jail and set off to find breakfast.
“Marius, do you know where you’re going?” Raphaella asked as Marius turned down a street she was pretty sure they’d been down before.
“Of course!”
Ivy sighed. “We’ve been down this street three times already. Can I just navigate?”
Raphealla nodded in agreement with Ivy.
“Just because I don’t have a brain like Ivy’s doesn’t mean I can’t navigate to breakfast,” Marius said.
“It’s not about my brain, I have a map.”
“Oh. ”
“Though my brain is very impressive,” Ivy said, grinning.
Marius looked disappointed.
“We still love you even if you can’t navigate well,” Raphaella said, giving him a friendly shove.
“I know, I just wanted to contribute to Ivy feeling better in some way,” he replied.
“Oh, I’m sorry Marius. You can navigate if you want,” Ivy said, realizing he was feeling sad and offered him the map. “Though you still helped me feel better, just by being you.” She walked over to him and hugged him. He hugged her back.
Raphealla walked over and joined the hug, enveloping both of them in her wings. They stayed like that for a while, until Marius mumbled something about being hungry and they set off to the restaurant, this time following the map.
Breakfast was a very pleasant affair. The three immortals found themselves at an adorable little restaurant serving classic New Midgardian breakfast food. Ivy, Marius, and Raphaella stuffed themselves on food, talked about their past adventures, and reviled in each other’s company.
Ivy felt herself relaxing after a very stressful morning. She was still missing the rest of the crew of The Aurora, but she was excited about the progress she and her partners were making on the new album they were writing. She was still feeling guilt and anger about the people she had killed getting out of the prison, but with her lovers and friends by her side, she knew she could get through the rest of the day and be okay until she could get rid of those feelings.
Ivy Alexandria looked around the table at Marius, handsome Marius, currently antagonizing Raphaella by refusing to think planets were round. She looked at Raphaella, beautiful Raphaella, her wings vibrating with annoyance at Marius, but still enjoying the debate. She looked at her lovers and smiled, she was safe, happy, and surrounded by people who cared for her. And even though she knew she'd have to relearn those facts the next morning, she felt content with being in the present with her lovers.
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