#and then go and blame the striking workers for not being open to discussions
genderfcker · 11 months
idk man im not saying that us government is a perfect model of a functioning system BUT when there's a pressing deadline they just...force everyone to sit down and miss their legislative recesses because sometimes having a working system is more important than like. vibing in a rich fancy house for a bit.
so what im saying is that theoretically there is NOTHING stopping studio executives from sitting down w/ the unions rn and actually listening to what they have to say, and it's kinda pathetic that i can say that us government is doing a better job at that kind of thing. it's also mindboggling. like dude. you do realize you could just like. call them to meet up. that's a thing. you can DO. and then you can listen to them, too. that's also not that hard i promise
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snowpiercer-recaps · 2 years
Season 1, episode 2: Sean Beef
Spoiler alert!!! This is a rewatch recap of Snowpiercer s1e2: Prepare to Brace. Naturally, it is full of spoilers for that episode. However, it also contains spoilers for some other episodes of season 1 and season 2. You have been warned!
It’s the morning after the battle. Josie provides this episode's voiceover, and explains that the only thing keeping her alive is petty spite. Highly relatable.
Meanwhile, Ruth is making sure to get her 10k steps in by walking to work through puddles of yesterday’s spilled blood. She takes to the IKEA stool/stage, and then continues Till’s tradition of treating the tailies like naughty school children.
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We learn that Josie and her clever revolution bandana managed to hit the sweet spot between sexism and white woman privilege: she’s completely off the hook for killing two Jackboots last night! Winnie, however, is not so lucky. Strong Boy’s personal trainer is plucked from the crowd, and for a tense moment the Tailies prepare to watch a five year old child get her arm frozen off. Thankfully, Winnie’s mom, Suzanne, rushes forward to volunteer as tribute. Ruth returns one foot to the stage, and announces that Suzanne Everdeen will be the Tail’s first ever volunteer.
There’s no doomscrolling Twitter before bed on Snowpiercer. Instead, they’ve created their own version: the Notary reads Z-Wreck, Strong Boy and Pike their rights - or, more accrately, their lack of rights. She also hints at some strange culty vibes. Fun! Then, Klimpt puts the revolutionaries into suspension in the drawers.
On a brighter note... 
Nope! Just kidding! It’s actually worse in the Tail. Much, much worse. Suzanne’s arm gets frozen and shattered into rat food.
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Josie then finally does the last part of the opening monologue. I don’t think I’ve ever heard “eat the rich” said in such a posh accent before.
After the opening credits, Melanie is having a lovely, nerdy time marking Javi’s homework, when the train begins to shake. 
Just like a family of rats in a geothermal vent, unnecessary gendering has, unsurprisingly, survived the apocalypse: we find out the train is a girl. 
Diversity win! Another woman in STEM!
Bennett and Javi casually inform Melanie that the train has triggered a few avalanches this morning. In return, she informs them that she has to go and deal with First, who are being overdramatic about just two little murders and one tiiiiny uprising. Javi would like to continue discussing the issue of the deadly avalanches with his superiors, and he insists they need to slow the train for safety. But Melanie thinks an avalanche would be less scary than Lilah Folger’s reaction to closing the Jacuzzi car for a couple of hours. So, she puts on her Manager Hat, ignores Javi’s very valid concerns, and tells him to just do what she says. Javi wears the expression of a weary employee who knows he’ll get the blame when everything inevitably goes wrong.
Layton - who was apparently allowed to go back to bed for five more minutes after watching his friends get drawered - gets woken up by his new dad Roche. Till has a very pretty bruise on her jaw, and she’s grumpy because it’s Layton’s fault. Roche tells Till to be nice to her new brother: they’ve gotta spend the whole day together!
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We move on to… another full shot of a naked ass! That’s two for two, so far. After their public biosecurity showers, some tailie sanitation workers run into Layton and Till on their way to their slavery shift. They barely get to interact, though, before the scene cuts to Melanie and Ruth’s daily flirting appointment in the First class dining hall.
Melanie’s W badge is upside down: turns out she was working for Milford Industries all morning. We don’t linger on that for very long though, because the iguana has to make another quick cameo! It's wearing the same outfit as the previous episode, which strikes me as very unusual for a first class passenger. I wonder if it lost its luggage at departure?
Ruth then notices Melanie's badge, and because it’s still Flirting Time she reaches forward and spins it around. In response, Melanie makes an expression that’s gayer than any joke I could ever write, and the good ship Mel/Ruth catches another wave.
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Lilah Folger and Mr. Sharma are worried about the rebellion, so Melanie does a little bit of gentle gaslighting to keep them calm. Lilah reveals that she used to be a lawyer, and LJ immediately publicly drags her mother. She’s a better comedian than Osweiller, at least. Lilah Sr. replies by casually reminding everyone that the freeze taught them all that they have the capacity to kill. Excuse me, what? Is she threatening to kill her daughter over a joke? Did she just admit to killing people? Is she also accusing Melanie of killing people? (e.g. Wilford and/or Alex?) I need a chat with Lilah Folger asap to dissect that comment, please.
Till takes her new big brother to the chains, where he receives verbal abuse and sees some more foreshadowing - a baby! Till and Layton grab some noodles with Jakes, the Tunnelman who found the body. Layton asks him “Hey, if I were to lead a band of revolutionaries through the train, what checkpoints would I need to worry about?” But Till is a quick learner: she detects what Layton is doing, and stops Jakes from answering the question.
In the clinic, Nikki’s having a pretty rough time waking up. Jinju suggests that maybe Mr. Wilford should stop drawering people because it’s clearly dangerous and doesn’t work properly. But Melanie and Klimpt don’t care about little details like that!
Meanwhie, Till and Layton have finished their noodles, and visit the nightcar!
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Miss Audrey’s foreshadowing medium of choice is song, so she treats us to a few lines of Say it ain’t so, Joe(seph Wilford). The song includes several on-the-nose gems, such as:
We’ve pinned our hopes on you, Joe
One man’s word held the country together
We’re clinging to his charm and determined smile but the good old days are gone
The image and the empire may be falling apart
I’m sure they’re telling us lies, Joe
The truth is getting fierce
So, by the time Layton asks Audrey about Melanie Cavill’s role on the train and she replies, “It’s her lips to God’s ear, isn’t it?”, we can be relatively sure that Audrey knows Melanie is Mr. Wilford.
To firmly establish herself as a true ally to the working classes, Audrey gives Layton a free drink and gets him some time alone with Zarah. Audrey and Zarah do a very poor job of describing what they actually do in the nightcar, and instead let Layton experience it for himself.
Layton’s nightcar experience takes him back to the day he proposed to Zarah. It’s a cute scene: they’re both naked, in bed, and they’re about to share donuts when Zarah notices a ring fall from one of them. Then, I shit you not, Layton asks her, “You wanna do this thing?” Zarah, very understandably, does not immediately say yes to his lame ass proposal. But, after a bit more discussion, they get engaged.
(Sidenote: the subtitles spell Zarah’s surname differently in this scene and I find it very annoying!)
Zarah was clearly not trying to get laid when she walked into the experience room - she is wearing the ugliest brown suit I’ve ever seen, and she almost immediately began to talk about meditation.
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However, their shared memories of donut sex prove too hot to handle, and Zarah and Layton fuck against the door to an unnecessarily epic soundtrack.
As they get redressed, Zarah tells Layton that Sean Wise - who so clearly had a spy's name - was probably a spy. He got perks, like winning the baby lottery. She was going to have a baby with him. i.e. she recently stopped whatever birth control they use in Third. But Layton either doesn’t understand her implication, or is completely happy with the idea of having an unplanned child with his ex! Before they have time to discuss it further, Till interrupts them to pass judgement and be jealous of her new big brother: she’s never had sex in the Nightcar!
They head down to the clinic next, and meet Doctor Pelton. She tells them all about how she ended up working on Wilford’s Dreamliner while she prepares to do her first ever autopsy. She’s a bit quirky and sarcastic, but overall a lot more reasonable than Klimpt. 
Layton stares longingly at Till’s pen the whole time Pelton is monologuing. When Pelton finishes, Layton teaches his new little sister how to be a homicide detective. They ask some questions, take some notes, and have a proper look at the body’s legs. At this point, Layton finally suggests that the missing limbs could have made their way to the butchers.
Somehow, despite Till and Pelton’s dark senses of humour and this show’s propensity for heavy foreshadowing, nobody refers to the cannibalised murder victim as Sean Beef. I would like to lodge a formal complaint.
Layton does a bit of dramatic storytelling about how one time, at band camp, everyone in the Tail ate a bit of raw cannibal heart. Even the writers don’t know what to say about that revelation, so instead we cut to the cattle car.
Layton and Till try to get the butcher to let them in, claiming “Brakemen’s business.” But the butcher knows his rights! He tells them to come back with the notary. Take note, kids: no warrant? No entry! Don’t let cops trick you into inviting them in.
Elsewhere, Melanie lives her best matrix fantasy by chipping open several cars full of drawers, as far as the eye can see. But before she has time to start fighting Klimpt and Jinju in slow motion, an avalanche hits and they have to brace.
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Melanie should have listened to her employee! There’s a huge avalanche, it slams the train, and the butcher and the cows all die. But that’s good news for Till and Layton: they get to play in the butcher’s freezer without a warrant! Layton finds a handy bit of wire, and Till discovers a ventilation shaft full of dismembered, frozen limbs. A fruitful trip to the freezer for everyone!
Boki waits for Melanie and Bennett to finish investigating the breached car, then pretty much just indirectly accuses them of lying about Mr. Wilford. Bennett and Melanie do not do the best job of hiding their initial reaction:
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But eventually they unconvincingly cover for why Melanie is wearing a breachsuit. Boki and Melanie argue about the speed of the train, and Melanie once again doesn’t give a fuck about health and safety: she gives him just half the speed reduction he needs to repair the damage. HR are still working through their complaints from last episode, so she'll get away with it for now.
Back in the Tail, it’s time for school! Since the middle school trigonometry teacher had to die to trigger a revolution, the pre-teens have rejoined the younger children this morning. Miles keeps answering the easy questions aimed at kids half his age. Lights is far more patient than I would be, and manages not to tell the little shit to shut the fuck up.
Meanwhile, Patterson (Winnie’s brother) has been allowed out of the Tail to procure some painkillers for his mother. In an unsurprising twist, we discover Osweiller deals drugs to the Tail, in exchange for oral sex. They finish up early to avoid getting caught, and only when he's zipping up his pants does Osweiller explain that he doesn’t really have painkillers - just Kronole. He is a truly disgusting human being. Patterson tells Osweiller that wasn’t the deal; he doesn't want to give Kronole to his Mom! As always, Osweiller’s a dick about it.
Back in the tail, Patterson dejectedly hands Josie the Kronole. For everyone’s sake, he doesn’t answer her question about how he got it. Josie gives Suzanne the drugs. Tail life continues to be incredibly bleak all round.
Uptrain, Jinju inexplicably has to explain to Bennett that the dead cows don’t just mean ‘no more beef’. There’s also no more milk, manure, methane... How does Ben not already know this?? He's supposed to be smart!
Next, Ruth makes yet another trip to the Tail. Have they considered erecting a permanent stage for her? It would save a lot of stool placement time. Ruth gives Winnie a menacing little wave, then announces the new apprentices who will get to move uptrain: two kids we’ve never met, and the boy they call Miles and Miles!
From there, we immediately cut to Till having a phone call with her dad boss. Layton gets her to hang up before she accidentally ends with, “I love you” and makes things awkward for them all. Laytona and Till have another little detective lesson, before a Jackboot deliberately bumps into Layton and calls him a Tailie. After their day of bonding, Till has decided that, actually, she likes her new big brother. She defends Layton’s honour by beating up the bully, even though he’s twice her size.
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When she lets him go, the Jackboot calls her a Tail fucker.
Do you hear that? It’s the sound of absolutely no one writing fanfiction. Seriously: what the fuck is that Jackboot talking about?
Layton and Till head home to tell their dad boss that they’re friends now. Till gives Layton a two second patdown, and he manages not to sound sarcastic when he says she’s good at it. The Brakemen shut Layton in the cell, then leave for the night.
As soon as they’ve gone, Layton takes Melanie's eternal advice and prepares to brace. Sqeamish readers/viewers may want to do the same. The train detective undoes his pants, winces, and a moment later his folded-up piece of wire lands in the sink, next to a pen.
If Layton did what they’re implying that he did… look. I'm not trying to judge the guy. But imagine if they had to pause a murder investigation and a brewing revolution just because Layton perforated his bowel trying to smuggle a scrap of wire in his ass! Most of the doors are controlled by chips anyway! Miss Audrey is gonna need to have a thorough chat with him one day soon about the importance of flared bases.
Thankfully, Layton seems fine for now. He makes a little map of the train and tries to hand it off to the sanitation crew on their way home. But they don't manage to pick it up. He tries to buy them time, by letting the Jackboots beat him to a pulp. Unfortunately, only the second part of of his plan is successful. He receives several strong kicks to the ribs and multiple potentially-fatal blows to the head.
Miles and Josie have a sweet but boring goodbye that I can't be bothered to write about, and then we cut back to Layton. Luckily, lethal injuries don't affect main characters on Snowpiercer! Layton's got a few cuts, but he's fully conscious. He's cuffed to a chair in the Brakemen's lockup, and his mom and dad Melanie and Roche are Very Disappointed in him. Melanie asks what he sees when he looks at the train, and Layton just copies his friend Old Ivan's answer: it’s a fortress to class. Melanie is suitably unimpressed. She snaps again, and starts shouting about how difficult it is to keep everyone alive.
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But Layton is too busy spitting blood from his mouth to sympathise, and when Melanie finishes her rant, he confronts her: he knows that Sean Beef was a spy, and that the real reason that Mr. Wilford needs a detective is to find out what secrets Sean spilled before he died.
Melanie has had enough of Layton's shit, and decides to take some inspiration from Lilah Folger for her next move: she tells Layton he'd already be dead if Mr. Wilford didn't need him alive to resolve this case.
Layton has just enough time before the credits roll to remind her that she's not his real mom.
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
Reference material
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Synopsis: While in Hyougo, looking for inspiration for your company’s upcoming fashion chain, you end up meeting some of the former Karasuno and Inarizaki volleyball team members with whom you sit together and recollect.
So how did this seemingly innocent get-together end up with you having former captain Kita and former Libero Nishinoya try out some thigh-flattering clothes?
tags/warnings: suggested Kita x reader x Nishinoya ✅ thigh appreciation/marking/biting ✅ some Kita in a skirt towards the end ✅
A/N: my first and slightly delayed contribution to The Church of Meian’s Thigh July collab! I originally planned to do this scenario for one of the boys but got swayed by the church’s babes to do both, so here it is! (੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ Hope you enjoy and please make sure to check everyone else’s delicious works out as well! ♥️
.wc 4.6k
━━━━☆ ━━━━☆ ━━━━☆
Your heart was thumping hard against your chest as you nervously fiddled with your fingers and looked around your living room. You were so skittish that even the smallest sound made you jump and fixate your vision towards the door of your guest room. After taking a deep breath you tried to let your thoughts wander away from the two men that were just beyond the door you were facing.
How did we even end up in this situation…?
Just this morning you’d arrived in Hyougo per your boss’ request to look for inspiration for your new fashion collection. You wandered for hours, observing farmers, workers, students, and whatnot until you decided to take a much-deserved lunch break, and since you were in the home country of the renowned Miya twins, what place was best suited for a short break than Onigiri Miya?
The moment you’d entered the small and humbly decorated shop, you were greeted by the owner himself and his former volleyball team’s captain Kita. While you exchanged the typical greetings with both men, the blond twin came down from the upper floor and, much to Osamu’s chagrin, joined in on your conversation. Just as you and Kita were about to leave and go back to your respective plans the front door was practically kicked open by a short young man and his two companions.
“Well, I’ll be damned…if it ain’t Karasuno’s libero, ace, and moral cheerleader, what’s got ya so far away from Tokyo?” asked Atsumu in a slightly condescending tone. But before anyone could even comment on that, Nishinoya, who most likely didn’t even hear what the man before him said, spread his arms out and happily suggested that you all stay together and recollect over some delicious onigiri. 
Thanks to everyone’s enthusiasm, you got roped into it as well and ended up being surrounded by several young men who happily jugged one beer after the other and argued about who gets to eat the last piece of meat. 
Fortunately for you, you weren’t the only one that had decided to keep their hands off of alcohol. Nishinoya and Kita had both preferred to stay sober in case something were to happen. 
The time flew by and before you’d noticed the group had started to disperse. Asahi, who was surprisingly sober enough to support Sugawara, had gotten up first, excusing himself and his friend, saying that they had to get up early tomorrow in order to catch their flight back to Tokyo. Minutes later Osamu decided to single-handedly put a stop to Atsumu’s flirtatious behavior to which you’d fallen prey to, so he simply threw his brother over his shoulder, apologized to you three, and asked you to simply turn the “OPEN” sign around when you left as he carried the wiggling man back upstairs. 
“Alright then…I think it’s time for me to leave as well” announced Kita with a small smile as he started preparing himself. With a firm nod, the young man next to him followed suit and you were about to do the same when an idea popped into your head.
“You two live quite far away, right?” you asked as you pointed your finger to Noya who nodded, telling you that the motel he stayed at was almost an hour away, then you directed your finger to the captain who confirmed that his house was situated at a very remote part of Hyougo.
“Then how about you guys stay over at my hotel room? It’s just a walk away from here and thanks to my boss it’s big enough to accommodate an entire volleyball team and its substitutes.”
Both boys couldn’t help but giggle at the metaphor you’d used and despite the small fear of inconveniencing you, they yielded eventually.
Everything was going smoothly at first, you brought them over, showed them around, discussed where they wanted to sleep, and even had some time to sit down and continue your chat from before, but then Kita, as conscious as he was, just couldn’t let your generosity go unpaid.
“(Y/N), I appreciate ya going to such lengths to help us out, but I can’t let this sit on me like that. Please tell me what ya’d like us to do as compensation.”
From the exaggerated way he talked, one would think that you had done some kind of heroic act and his words were unfortunately inspiring enough for Nishinoya to start demanding the same. 
And just like that the two of them had backed you into a corner. You were so overwhelmed that you didn’t know what to tell them so that they were satisfied, but then your eyes caught a glimpse of a red suitcase you had tucked away under the sofa. 
“I…I think I know how you can repay me” you silently announced as your hand reached for the object. Both men remained silent as they waited for your terms.
“You see…the reason I’m here is that I was asked to look for inspiration for our company’s upcoming fashion collection and uh…how should I put this…?” Your internal struggle was obvious and the fact that your cheeks were flushed told the men that whatever you were about to ask wasn’t easy for you, so to take some of your nervousness away, Noya placed one of his hands on top of your and with his other one he gave you a thumbs up.
“W-Would you two be willing to try on some of these clothing pieces and model for me?”
The silence that followed made you anxious and you immediately regretted uttering that question, preparing yourself for a rejection, but before you could take it back Kita giggled, followed by a heart-warming laugh from the former Libero.
“So that’s all? Why are you even hesitating on asking us to model for you?” The nonchalance with which both of them reacted to your request was truly unexpected. While you still tried to process this turn of events, the suitcase was taken from your grasp and the men retreated to the guest room to change into the clothes you’d prepared for them…
And here you were, waiting for them for almost 15 minutes. Your nervousness was partially to blame because you couldn’t quite tell them what kind of clothes you’d tucked away in that red rectangular container and the fact that they were in that room for an unnatural amount of time made you wonder whether they’d given it up.
N-No, calm down! They most likely h-have some difficulties with fitting into the garments, si–
…no wait…didn’t boss give me the medium ones…?
While you panicked internally, you failed to notice the two men that slowly exited the room in front of you and with slow steps closed in on you.
“W-We finished changin’.”
Their soft voices finally caught your attention, making you instinctively look up and the first thing that you noticed was their legs. 
Kita had chosen the pair of black latex jeans while Noya had settled for the leather ones. With wide eyes, you take in the view before you. The two defense specialists, whose thighs were so well-toned, were wearing such tight and figure-enhancing pants that you just couldn’t help but stare at their lower bodies. 
Being stared at was nothing new for these two, but the way your beautiful and big eyes were fixated on them just because of some unnatural wear, made their cheeks heat up and redden ever so slightly. 
“Sooo should we turn or strike some kind of pose?” asked the brown-haired young man with his usual big grin. Before answering him you had to swallow first and then proceeded by affirming his question. 
”I need to design something that brings out the wearer’s thighs, s-so if you could…bend forward, kneel or something of that sort, i-it might help.“ 
A word and a blow, not even a second passed and you watched as the men before you started to arrange themselves in rather compromising positions. The libero went back a few steps, now facing the couch, raised his left knee, and placed it on the armrest. Kita, on the other hand, moved closer to the soft rug next to you, got on his knees, and though a little challenged by the tightness of his jeans, he stretched his left leg back, while he bent his right one at a 90-degree angle before him.
When they were ready, their eyes darted to you, eagerly awaiting your comment or reaction. You cleared your throat and nodded a few times before praising them for the fitting poses. 
Having two men dressed in these rather kinky garments excited you more than initially expected. The urge to go up to them and get more touchy-feely than necessary grew with each passing second you stared at them, until you decided to blame whatever you were about to do on that one glass of alcohol you had drunk some hours ago.
You walked towards the captain and intentionally circled him a few times at a slow pace. You knew fully well that this pose was difficult to maintain for a long time, but the moment you saw the slight tremble of his legs, you just couldn’t help yourself.
“Kita-san, please try to stand still.”
“Forgive me (Y/N), it’s just–”
“Give me your hands” you suddenly ordered, interrupting whatever he was about to say. He did as told and placed both of his hands in yours, slightly squeezing them for additional support. With a small smile, you explained what you were about to do and asked him whether he could manage to hold his balance for at least a couple more minutes. It took the young man a few seconds to answer, but he was set on repaying you so a little strain was a small price for your kindness. 
You took a deep breath and slowly lifted your hands, causing Kita to raise his own and with them the fabric of his white shirt, revealing the high waist of the latex jeans. 
Oh god…I knew it
“Please hold this position for a little and try to move as little as possible, I’ll have to touch you a couple of times to…to get a better grasp of the material and its effects on your body, ok?”
“G-Got it” answered the captain in a silent voice and closed his eyes. You unobtrusively bit your lower lip as you squat down and gently placed your hands on the man’s waist, an unexpected gesture that managed to educe a surprised gasp from the young man. This trousers’ waist, which was covering the entire abdominal area until it stopped a little over the navel, was designed the same way as a corset, meaning it had ribbons on both sides where your hands now were and an entire row of beautifully designed buttons running down to where his underwear probably began. 
You slowly moved his shirt up and savored the sight of his slightly trembling abdominal muscles, then continued down to his thighs, his delicious thighs. If you thought the tremble of his tummy was satisfying to look at then ready yourself for something even better. The way he tensed his muscles up every time your fingers trailed his body, combined with his reddened cheeks and slightly heavy breathing made you want to tease him even more and you did. 
“Ok Kita-san I want you to let yourself fall back as slowly as you can and when you’re lying on your back, please stretch out both of your legs so that your soles point to the ceiling” you commanded while you hooked your arm behind his back for the additional support he needed to perform the thing you asked of him. If it weren’t for your hand that didn’t let up even once from his left thigh, his movements might have been a tad more elegant. 
After almost a minute you had the young man on his back with his legs outstretched, just as you wanted…but was this enough?
“Please don’t be surprised, but I have to…step on you”
Kita’s wide brown eyes looked up at you in embarrassment as he felt your foot gently push against the back of his thigh. His hand immediately darted to both his mouth and your leg, but before his trembling fingers could reach you, you began moving your foot ever so slightly from one side to the other, enjoying how pleasant the plush skin beneath your sole felt. You’d lost yourself for a second and failed to notice just how close your foot was to the man’s most sensitive area and if it weren’t for the silent mewl that reached your ear, you most likely would’ve stepped on it as well.
In a slight panic, you set down the former captain’s legs and helped him sit upright.
“I-Is that enough (Y/N)..?” he then asked in a silent voice as he tried to look away from both you and Nishinoya, attempting to hide his flushed cheeks and the small tears in the corner of his eyes. You would’ve loved to go even further but seeing him that disheveled forced you to give him a break, at least while you were busy with the other boy behind you.
The two of you watched as the young man retreated into the guest room on wobbly legs. You sighed to yourself, your conscience nagging you with questions such as why you had to go so far and what you were even thinking, and just as you were about to sit back down on the floor Noya’s cheerful voice chirped in: “And, what am I supposed to do?”
When your eyes focused on the shorter man you saw him strike his earlier pose once again with a satisfied grin on his face. Looking at him genuinely enjoying himself made you smile and you wondered whether he’d be able to hold out more than the man before him.
“Could you…step on me?”
He was quite taken aback by your question and his slightly flushed cheeks let on that he was more embarrassed by your request than he might’ve expected. It didn’t take him long to agree though, which in turn caught you off guard.
As he slowly closed the distance between you two, you used this opportunity to take a better look at the pair of jeans he’d picked out. In contrast to Kita’s, Nishinoya’s were made out of leather. They seemed looser and if it weren’t for the laces that were tied around his thighs, up until they reached the area a little above his knees, you were sure that they wouldn’t have fit him. Additionally to this little perk, the designer had chosen to cut from the leg opening up to the middle of the wearer’s shins and then cord it, similarly as most sneakers, making this particular set of trousers more skin-revealing than the former one you “inspected”.
The moment the man was finally in front of you, he didn’t lose any more time than necessary and immediately asked where he should put his foot. With a satisfied smile, you explained that your shoulder was the main goal, but if the laces were too tightly bound then he could set his foot down lower, on your chest for example.
You watched as the young man slowly raised his left leg and as carefully as he could positioned it right between your neck and shoulder. Thanks to the slight tremble of his foot it was easy for you to tell that he didn’t put his entire weight on you, most likely out of fear of injuring you. A small grin adorned your lips as you moved your shoulder a bit and watched Noya freak out and almost lose his balance and fall down. Luckily for him, your reactions were quicker than his and you had taken a tight hold of his leg and hips, supporting him as well as making sure that he didn’t ruin his position. But now, thanks to your little escapade, he was forced to lean on you, so except having one hand on your shoulder and the other on your head, his crotch was dangerously close to your face.
“Um…(Y/N)? C-Can I just redo the pos–“
“Don’t move…this is perfect!”
Confused by your sudden enthusiasm, the young man took a glance down at you and saw how intensely you started at both his thighs and groin. Not wanting to embarrass himself any further, Noya copied the man before him and closed his eyes, giving you the freedom of doing whatever you wanted yet again.
You didn’t want to admit it, but there wasn’t a better way this could’ve worked out. Not only were you able to see how the tightly bound laces made some of his flesh bulge out in between them, but also how these pants had neither a button nor a zipper, and the wearer had to make use of the strings, that circled their thighs, to steady them. You slowly opened your mouth and bit the end of the laces, tugging on them slightly.
“W-Wait, if you do that then-!”
With a smile plastered on your face, you loosened the bow just enough that only the knot remained and murmured: “Sorry, had to make sure that such flashy trousers were sturdy enough to withstand a feline’s possible attack.”
A weak excuse which’s logic he first had to comprehend while you made use of his confused state in order to place your hands on his buttocks and squeeze them as much as the fabric allowed you to. While your hands kneaded his firm buttcheeks, you rubbed your cheek on his thigh, explaining that you and to test whether this design was comfortable for pets. You remained that way for a couple of minutes and softly kissed the young man’s trained leg before slapping his ass a few times, and finally allowing him to stand by himself.
To escape any uncomfortable questions from him, you quickly reached for the notepad you’d placed on top of the decorative table close to you and started scribbling down some nonsense, giving off the impression that whatever you were doing right now was truly work-related and not simply for your own pleasure. Only when you heard the door to the guest room shut behind him did you look up, burying your face in your hands not short after.
Just what am I doing, using them like that…?
Your excuse of using them as reference material was somewhere true, but stepping on Kita and kneading Nishinoya’s ass were not necessary advances you’d done only for the sake of satisfying your curiosity.
Left alone with your guilt, you waited for another ten minutes wondering once more what took them so long. As far as you remember, your boss had only put in these two sets of trousers and two other special items he refused to elaborate on further, telling you to find out for yourself. Now that you thought back, you remembered the pervy grin your boss had shot you after mentioning the suitcase and its mysterious contents, and you couldn’t help but be curious as to what the two men were about to put on and present you.
Speak of the devil, not even a second after you’d formulated your thought and the door opposite of you cracked open as the two young men slowly walked out.
I’m done for…
Before you stood the former Inarizaki captain with what looked like to be a schoolgirl’s skirt and fishnet tights, next to him Karasuno’s legendary guardian of the backcourt with overknee black stockings that he’d attached to his black boxer shorts with the help of a leather garter belt. 
Saying that you were at a loss for words was an understatement, this was absolutely jaw-dropping. Now that their legs were almost entirely exposed you just had to come up with some type of irrefutable excuse that would make it possible for you to not only touch their bare skin but also taste it.
You crossed your arms in front of your chest and covered your mouth with your hand, giving them the impression that you were lost deep in your thoughts when in reality you tried to hide your blushing cheeks.
“Ok before I do anything, I need to ask you guys if…if you can deal with pain” you began and observed how they looked at each other and then slowly nodded. 
In order to make up for your earlier teasing, you decided to directly tell them what you were planning this time, instead of keeping them in the dark.
“I need to test something out…you see, with such revealing pieces of clothing the buyers often focus on how good pantyhose such as these can hide markings or injuries, s-so I need to mark your thighs as reference” you paused and gave them a couple of seconds to process the explanation you’d offered them before continuing, “the way I want to mark you guys, will have to be with…my teeth. Usually, we’d use a marker or makeup, but neither of those would produce good results with these particular choices of material, especially Nishinoya’s might pose a bigger problem than the ones on Kita-san.”
While you dished out something that sounded professional enough to convince them, you were surprised at yourself and your creativity concerning these white lies. The moment you’d wrapped up your monologue you intended to give them some space so that they could think it over, but much to your surprise, they were quicker on board than expected.
“Are you two s-sure? I mean…I’m asking to bite your thighs here, you know?”
Nishinoya put both his hands on his hips and puffed his cheeks out as he answered: “Yeah so what of it? It won’t be the first time my thighs end up bruised.”
“I agree n’ more than that, we promised to do anythin’ to repay ya, remember?” added Kita with a small smile.
Yes of course…anything to repay me, huh?
The captain’s last few words left a bitter feeling behind, but you shoved it aside and figured that both of them most likely used that excuse to fulfill their own fantasies, just like you did, so in a sense you guys were even, right?
You focused on their legs once more and decided to start with Nishinoya first, so you commanded him to slowly remove the garter belt on his right leg, but the moment his nimble fingers had taken a hold of the leather you immediately stopped him.
“It might be better if someone who has no experience with it takes it off…Kita-san, please undo it for him.”
A small nod that represented said man’s answer was all you got before he got on one knee and started undoing the accessory. You had to admit that the older man’s overly gentle and careful way of loosening the small buckle warmed your heart, but regarding the entire picture, namely Kita in a skirt, kneeling, which caused the fishnet pattern around his legs to dig into his skin, making the plush of his thighs stick out, while Nishinoya stood above him in nothing but a shirt, boxers, and of course, the black stockings that perfectly hugged his toned legs, made your heart thump harder against your chest with each passing second.
Kita whispered a silent done and got back on his feet as he gently unclipped the garter belt from the libero’s briefs, letting it fall along the perfect curves of the young man’s leg. With a small nod, Noya readied himself for you and tried to somehow position his arms so that they don't get in your way. 
You copied the white-haired young man before you, kneeling and softly rolling down the black fabric, exposing some of his slightly tanned skin. With your right hand, you steadied his hips, minimizing his movements, and with your left, which you hooked under his thigh, you were now able to turn or raise it the way you needed. To avoid a similar fall from before, you asked if the captain could support Nishinoya, which he affirmed and got behind him, taking a hold of his hands and whispering something that sounded like I’m here, don’t be afraid, I got you.
God, these two…
You turned the young man’s leg in such a way that the inner side of his thigh was facing you and slowly let your teeth sink in his flesh, gradually hardening your bite until it almost pierced his skin. Millimeters before you could draw blood, you stopped and let your tongue glide along the marks you left behind. Without moving yourself too much, you simply turned his leg a little to the side and once again planted your mouth on his still flawless skin, but this time you gently clamped a portion of his flesh between your teeth, started sucking on it until it reddened and finally took on a bluish-purple tone, only then did you let up completely, licked your lips and looked up. The young man above you was leaning on Kita’s shoulder, panting slightly, and looking down at you through half-lidded eyes. You swallowed audibly, rolled the black fabric back up, and gently patted his thigh as a form of release. While he recomposed himself, you took a step back and looked at what you’d accomplished. The bite mark you’d left behind on his inner thigh was barely visible, the hickey on the other hand was quite eye-catching. 
You once again grabbed the notebook and scribbled something in it while Kita praised the young man with a rather awkward smile and tried to prepare himself mentally next for what was about to come.
At first, you confirmed the former captain’s readiness, then proceeded to ask Nishinoya for support this time, and finally offered your upper leg for him as some kind of footstep for him to step on, just so you could see his flesh stick out from the rhombus-shaped patterns of his stockings and poke at them for a short while. You asked him questions such as whether he felt uncomfortable or if it hurt when the string-like material pressed down on his skin, only when he answered these questions negatively did you place your hand on his leg, moved closer, and bit down on his stockings, tearing them easily with your bare teeth. That unexpected action of yours successfully managed to make the young man take a deep breath and cause him to hold on tighter to Noya’s hands.
At this point, you couldn’t even bother to come up with an excuse and simply started biting down on the exposed skin. You were so lost in observing how the teeth marks and hickeys you left behind gradually darkened, that only when Kita placed his hand on top of your head did you look up to see his cheeks redder than before and a small smile adorning his lips.
You gave the injuries you’d inflicted a gentle kiss and once again returned to scribbling in the notebook.
“How long do ya plan on keepin’ that fake writin’ up?” 
The sudden question caught you off guard, causing you to stop writing mid-stroke.
With wide eyes, you looked at both men who started at you with their mesmerizing sharp eyes. 
Nishinoya extended his hand towards you with a smile and said: “I’m sure you still need more references for your designs, right? So just come over here and do whatever you’d like…”
…we still have to properly pay you back after all
And with that, you finally dropped the notebook, and your act along with it. Now that you were aware of their true intentions and feelings there was no need for you to hold back anymore. 
A few more experiments weren’t going to harm anyone, right? 
Since all of this was for the upcoming fashion chain…right?
It’s not like you’d planned all of this out beforehand…
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huntertales · 3 years
Part Two: Watch Your Tone With Me, Boy. (Bad Boys S09E07)
Episode Summary: When an old friend of Dean’s asks for help to solve a murder, Sam and the reader discover that the older Winchester as a secret past—one that will help solve the hunt. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 4,533.
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You slipped the knife back into the waistband of your jeans and adjusted your jacket when you saw Ruth visibly relax a little bit to see that it was just you. And not some ghost that was supposedly haunting this place. You were an avid believer in the fact that every home had its own set of spirits and secrets. Eventually they struck without warning, but never without reason. It was your job to find out and put a stop to it before someone else could get hurt. Lucky for you, Ruth was more than a local. She knew the ins and outs of this farm since she was little. And even better, the tragic history from the previous owners and how Jack was tangled up in all of this mess. 
"I grew up in this town. I used to come up here as a little girl. The Wasserlaufs—Howard and Doreen—they used to own this farm back then. My co-worker, Jack, may he rest in peace," Ruth began to give you a bit of backstory to help explain things a little better. Ever the religious woman, she made a swift quick sign of the cross in hope he might be at peace after suffering his time on earth. "He worked here as a farmhand. Howard was a nice man, but…” 
Ruth never liked to talk ill of the dead. You could tell from the hesitation in her voice and how she trailed off for a second before going back to the story. “Well, he’d get into that corn liquor. And one night he got it into this thick skull that Jack and his wife, Doreen, were rolling around in the hay. It wasn’t true—but Howard’s paranoia got the best of him. He tried to kill the both of them. Jack got away, but Doreen…” 
“He killed her?” You asked, taking a guess of how this story ended.   
“With a meat cleaver.” Ruth whispered, nodding her head. You psychically winced at the gruesome details of a life cut short. “Which for Howard ended a year ago. He always swore he’d get his revenge on poor, old Jack, and...it looks like he finally got it.” 
A year was plenty of time for a spirit to grow powerful enough to seek his revenge that he wasn't able to get while still alive. The pieces were starting to come together. You thought there was no one else to blame, there was no need to. Ruth had been nothing but helpful to you. Still, there was one more question you wanted to ask her. An odd one that made her look at you with a confused expression. "Is Howard buried in town?"
+ + +
You and the boys headed to the cemetery during the usual time when the sky was pitch black and everyone was asleep in this little town. Easy access with no chance of anyone disrupting you form the several laws you were about to break. While you stood over the grave with sore arms from doing your share of digging, the brothers continued with the rest of the work under the light from the small lamp you brought out here. Most of the digging had been in complete silence with the occasional sigh and grunt from shoveling down six feet beneath the earth. You found yourself leaning against your own shovel and drifting to your own thoughts.
Ever since you left Sonny's home, you kept wondering why Dean kept this place a secret for so many years. He wasn't much of a talkative person about his past unless it was for a funny story or if he was feeling particularly vulnerable, which happened rarely for you. Sam was finding himself caught up with his own personal questions. He had been lied to for years about a story that didn't seem like such a big deal just to tell the truth. He wanted to know why his brother kept up this lie for so long. You had a sneaking suspicion there was more to this story than Dean was admitting to, or wanted.
"So...Dad didn't want you to tell me." Sam decided to strike up a conversation when he threw another pile of dirt into the growing one just a few feet from where you stood. His growing curiosity was hard to ignore anymore. Sam decided it was the best time to strike now before all of you headed back home. He needed to know the truth. "How come? was this place really so bad?"
"I don't really remember." Dean said. At first it sounded like another little lie to get himself out from talking about this any further. He felt the need to give you and his brother a peace of mind to keep from dragging this out more than it needed to. "I mean, look, nobody bad touched me. Nobody burned me with their smokes, or beat me with a metal hanger. I call that a win." 
You furrowed your brows slightly from his examples. You peered down into the grave where Dean caught your concerned expression when the both of you made eye contact for a second when he threw another shovel of dirt into the pile. "I'm afraid to ask if anyone actually ever did that to you."
"No." Dean mumbled without much of a thought, hoping you'd drop it. Only the same expression remained on your face as you wondered if he was telling the truth. "No! No, Y/N. No one beat me. I was kidding. Besides, if anyone tried to lay a hand on me back in the day, it'd be the last thing they ever did." 
Sam chuckled when he caught your eye roll at his brother's attitude that hadn't changed much since his teenage years. Dean felt his shovel hit something hard from the thunking sound he heard when trying to dig up another pile of dirt. You leaned over the grave a little more to see the boys had finally found the coffin. Sam did the honors of lifting open the lid to reveal a corpse that was well past the decomposition stage. You grabbed the supplies you needed while the boys made their way out of the grave for you to complete the final step. 
Your favorite part of burning a body was pouring the lighter fluid and salt over the body, a strange cocktail mix you had grown accustomed to doing as your part of the hunt when spirits were involved. The easiest part of a salt and burn while the boys were stuck with the manual labor. You mumbled a thanks to Dean when he handed you a book of matches and his lighter, the last thing you needed to wrap up this hunt. 
"All right." Dean said. "Let's barbecue old McDonland here, get the hell out of Dodge."
You flicked the lighter and watched as a small flame ignited from doing such, allowing you to catch fire to the book of matches. You threw them into the grave when you saw the orange hues grow enough for you to be confident the body would catch fire as well. Like the dozens of times you had done this before, you watched from a safe distance as the corpse quickly burst into flames from the fluid. If you ignored the several laws you were breaking and the smell of human flesh, the fire during a cold night like this was refreshing. You placed your hands over the fire and rubbed your hands together, smiling in amusement when Dean rolled his eyes at your behavior.
+ + +
The next morning you hoped to be back on the road and halfway to the bunker already, instead Dean wanted to stick around for breakfast at some local diner. You were a little bit annoyed at the change of plans he made without telling you or Sam. His brother didn't oppose the idea of having a warm meal for a change. You were tired from being up all night burning the damn corpse, Dean seemed a bit too cheerful. It wasn’t like him. Normally the trick took a few cups of coffee and an hour of being up for him to stop using grunts as forms of words. 
You scanned the menu to see if there was anything decent here you might want. To you, it seemed like every family run diner you’ve been to, and you’ve been to a lot from the years you spent on the road. Dean had a deeper connection to this place, it was the spot where Sonny took him after a month of staying at the farm. A tradition for every boy. For some reason it felt more special to the older Winchester than he realized until coming back here. 
He remembered the conversation shared with the older man over the best pancakes he ever tasted. Both of them discussed things that felt like something Dean should've been able to do with his own father. The littlest of things that were normal for most people, but to Dean, the topic of conversations like how he was doing in school and how he was overall, were strange and new territory. They were the stupidest things that made Dean feel like a teenager for the first time in his life—and not some kid who was forced to watch his brother for weeks at a time. Who spent days worrying if his parental figure was going to make it back alive. Sonny even opened up a bit about himself and the life he had back in the day. 
"Dean, you know I'm fine just grabbing a burger to go somewhere, right?" You turned the menu around to see if there was anything that you wanted, but for some reason you just weren't in the mood for anything offered. "Besides, I wanted to get home sooner than later. I'm tired. I miss my own bed.” 
"What, and miss out on the best banana pancakes you ever had? Come on, sweetheart. Live a little." Dean's infectious behavior didn't seem to rub off on you like he'd hoped. You glanced up from the menu to see his eyes weren't focused on you like you thought, instead they were wandering over to the busy counter. A frown stretched across your lips when you saw him eyeing one of the waitresses. "You can take a nap in the car." 
"Mmhm. I'm sure that's the reason." You muttered to yourself. 
The waitress seemed to be more than just a pretty face that caught Dean’s eye, on the rare occasion that it happened. She appeared to be about your age and overly friendly among her customers, as if she’d been doing this her whole life. After passing by a few tables and checking up on things to make sure everything was all right, she headed her way over to your direction, greeting the three of you with a welcoming smile, pen and pad ready to take your breakfast order. It took you a second to realize Dean must’ve known her from back in the day before he could say something. 
"Hi. Welcome to Cus's.” She greeted all of you. “What can I get you three?"
"Bet you've never thought you'd see me here, huh?" Dean offered the woman a little too friendly of a smile he’d flashed her plenty of times during their teenage years. You remained quiet as you watched the interaction unfold, curious as to how this was going to play out. 
Robin, from what gold name tag pinned to her shirt read, didn't return the overly friendly smile. She merely stared at him, wondering if she was supposed to remember him. "Uh, look, I'm a little bit slammed right now." She said. "Do you guys want to hear the specials?"
"Robin...Dean Winchester." He introduced himself to the woman, hoping it might spark a memory in her. You and Sam looked over at one another for a brief moment from the awkward interaction before focusing your attention back to the unraveling conversation that wasn’t heading in the direction Dean hoped for. "I used to live up at Sonny's farm." 
"Oh, oh. Uh, look, sorry. There's just so many boys that pass through there, it's hard to remember every name and face." Robin apologized for failing to remember someone from well over a decade ago. You bit the inside of your cheek from the way Dean's face immediately dropped in embarrassment from the way he was acting.
"Yeah. Uh, no. Sorry, I just—I remember you coming up there with your mom. She'd give us guitar lessons. It's uh," Dean shifted around in his seat as he told of a memory that you'd never heard of before. You perked up at hearing how Dean learned guitar. He never told you that. You were suddenly intrigued to hear more, curious even more now of how Robin played into all of this. And how well he knew her from the way he was suddenly acting. "It was a long time ago." 
"Yeah. Mom—she loved helping out the boys." Robin said, a small smile crossing her lips at the mention of the woman. You offered one yourself when she looked around at the table, retelling of a fond memory at least shared between the both of them. "I guess that's why I kept giving lessons after she passed." 
The conversation slowly veered into another pause of awkward silence as Robin and Dean's eyes darted back and forth between one another, not sure if full eye contact was appropriate. You bit the inside of your cheek from how the atmosphere was changing. Dean felt as if he'd made a fool of himself, Robin was embarrassed at the fact she didn't remember him. Luckily before things could get worse, Robin heard her name being called by another person on staff, needing help somewhere else. The woman excused herself with a polite smile before dashing off elsewhere. 
“Let’s go.” 
Dean didn’t want to waste another second here after a simple conversation nosedived into something mortifying. He didn’t know why he felt like such an idiot. You and Sam followed after the man when he snatched his jacket from the back of his chair and beelined for the door without saying anything else. So much for having those pancakes. 
You slipped on your jacket as you picked up the pace to try and catch up with Dean, wanting to know why he was suddenly acting so upset. You could put the pieces together on your own, but you wanted to be sure what you were about to say was the right thing. And you always liked to dig a little deeper into things that never quite concerned you. It was in your nature. 
"What was that all about?" You asked. Dean rolled his eyes from your pestering, shooting it down with a one worded answer that he hoped would make you drop the conversation once and for all. Of course it didn’t, for it only fueled your curiosity even more. “And don’t tell me it's ‘nothing.’ Because it was obviously something.” 
“Who was that waitress?” Sam questioned his brother, deciding to join in for himself. 
“Is she an ex-girlfriend of yours or something?” You pressed for more when a teasing smile crept on the ends lips at the way Dean stiffened at the mention. “Come on. I’m not jealous.”
"I said it was nothing, Y/N, all right? Drop it."You could tell by the tone of Dean's voice he wasn't in the mood to play this childish game anymore with you. It was your turn to roll your eyes from the way he was acting. You reached out to open up the backseat door as Dean's phone continued ringing. Finally answering it, you heard the familiar name of Sonny come out of the older Winchester's mouth, followed by a reaction from a call that wasn’t to congratulate you on a job well done. "What?!"
+ + +
You and the boys headed back to the farm after hearing the disheartening news of Ruth's strange passing. You thought the case was wrapped up for good, but it seemed the person whom you thought was to blame for all of this was the wrong target. Someone else was to blame. You watched as the coroner's van pulled away with Ruth's body after they took a look around the scene for themselves to figure out what happened. You overheard the hushed conversation among the officers who suspected it was most likely an accidental drowning. She probably fell asleep in the bathtub. While the cause of death might have been correct, their hypothesis of how it happened was wrong. There was nothing accidental about this. 
You crossed your arms tightly over your chest in frustration. Whenever someone else fell victim to the creature you were trying to hunt, it was the worst feeling of all. You let another innocent person die. You had been so sure. Ruth told you herself. She was set on the fact that Howard would get his revenge. And if he was to blame for this, it didn’t make sense of how she died this morning when you burned the man’s bones last night. Someone else was to blame for this. And you needed to find out quickly before another person suffered a terrible fate. 
“I tried to get in to save her, but the damn door wouldn’t open.” Sonny told you the story himself about what happened this morning, finding it all a bit strange from an invisible force that wouldn’t let him in. Sam wondered if it was because the door happened to be locked. A woman must’ve wanted privacy while she took a bath, but locks weren't a privacy the boys on his farm were allowed to have. Which made things even stranger. “There’s no locks on the farm.” 
Dean let out a sigh from the situation that was only growing crappier. “That means our little field trip to the cemetery was a bust.” He muttered. Sonny gave a slightly confused look as to what the hell you were doing there in the first place. He decided it was best not to ask. “Sonny, is there anything else weird you can remember?” 
“What, ‘cause we’re not already chest-deep in weird already, kids?” Sonny asked. 
“I know, I know.” Dean said. “I mean anything—really.” 
“There was one thing.” Sonny suddenly remembered now, feeling it might be important for you to know, and hoping it might help. “Ruth always had her rosary beads with her, but now I can’t find them anywhere.” 
"All right. Let's start with the vics, okay? I mean, both lived in the house. They both worked closely with the boys." Sam listed off a few similarities between Ruth and Jack that might tie in the reason why they were targeted in the first place. It wasn’t much of a solid thread, but you had to admit a small lead was better than nothing. 
“Why don’t Y/N and I go have a chat with the rugrats, see what’s up?” Dean suggested. You nodded your head in agreement. “Play bad cop, worse cop.” 
The both of you headed off to go search around the grounds to see if you might be able to find any of the boys to ask them a few questions. You figured most of them weren't doing their daily responsibilities Sonny gave them from all the commotion that went down earlier. It wasn't hard to find a few boys when you heard a set of voices echoing not too far from where you and Dean were standing, and from how the conversation was unfolding, it was anything but playful banter between friends. 
“Come on, whatcha gonna do about it? You gonna cry?”
“Timmy, you’re such a little weirdo.” 
Dean picked up the pace when he heard a familiar name dropped, making him realize who the two older kids were tormenting. You followed right behind to see the older man come to the rescue of a young boy who was cornered by two older and larger ones, making for an unfair fight to protect himself. Dean shoved the two boys away from who you guessed was Timmy before they could try and inflict anymore harm. 
“Timmy, what’s going on?” Dean asked the young boy, hoping for some kind of answer. The kid remained where he stood, cowering in his spot against the house, as if he was too afraid to speak in front of the bullies. The older man decided he’d get back to the kid in a minute, for now he focused his attention on the others. “All right, you two. Where were you this morning when Ruth had her accident?”
“Unless you’re a cop, we don’t need to tell you anything.” The taller one of the two bullies thought he was funny when he replied with a sarcastic comeback. You chuckled in amusement from how tough the kid thought he was. He was about to be in for a rude awakening. 
“Rude and smart. Well, guess what.” You took it upon yourself to pull out your fake badge from your pocket and flashed it to them, Dean doing the same in a more aggressive fashion when he got dangerously close. As if he was proving a point that he wasn’t fooling around. He was the worst cop in this situation. “Now, since you two obviously love running your mouths, why don't you answer our questions?"
“We weren’t even here this morning. Sonny sent us into town to get some chicken feed—we swear.” The kid said, making sure to add the last part when you gave them both a glaring expression their parents lacked to give from their foul behavior. 
“What about Ruth?” You asked them. “What can you tell us about her?”
“We used to call her the warden.” The shorter, skinner bully answered. “She was a real bible thumping hard-ass.”
“Obviously. What else?” Dean pressed for more information that might be useful. “Anything different or weird you can think of?”
“You mean besides Timmy?” You rolled your eyes when one of the bullies thought it was funny to try and go for a jab when you and Dean were standing right here, you had enough of their juvenile behavior. So did Dean from the reaction they were able to get out of him. 
“Hey. Either one of you touch him again, I’m gonna go all Guantanamo on you. Understand me? Now get the hell out of here.” Dean’s threat made the smile on the bullie’s face quickly drop from how serious he sounded. “Go on! Get!” It didn't take much else for the two boys to go running off somewhere else where they'd be useful. You let out a sigh before turning your attention over to Timmy. The poor kid was able to finally step out from the corner he was backed into and pick up his action figure. Dean made his way over to the kid, wanting to make sure he was all right. "Hey. You and Bruce okay?"
 “Yeah.” Timmy was soft spoken, obviously still shaken up about what just unfolded. 
"I want you and Bruce to meet someone." Dean said. You realized this Burce was the action figure Timmy was holding. You felt a smile grow on your lips at how natural Dean was around Timmy, they must've shared a moment together when you were here last. "This is Y/N. She's helping me find out what's going on around here."
“Very nice to meet you both.” You greeted the kid with a warm smile. You stretched out your hand for Timmy to take it, not expecting much. Most his age either would ignore you or give a limp shake. But the kid did it properly, even better than most. Firm and exactly like how Dean taught him. The older man smiled to himself at how the lesson paid off. 
“Listen to me. I wanna tell you something important.” Dean crouched down so he was at eye level with the kid, wanting to make sure he felt like he was being treated like an equal. Not looked down upon. “Guys like that—they’re cowards, okay? All you got to do is stand up to them one time and they’ll stop, I promise.” 
"You can trust this guy." You reassured Timmy, softly nudging Dean to help further prove his point. "You don't have to be big and strong to defend yourself, kid. All it takes is guts. And I bet you have lots of them." 
Timmy seemed to have started feeling better from the smallest of smiles that crept across his lips at your kind words. You were happy to see the kid was able to brush off the situation and go back to his daily chores. While Dean went to find the rest of the kids, what few of them were left, you decided to head back to the house to help Sam with the files to cut down on time. You needed to find out who was behind this before someone else got hurt. 
As you made your way back to the house, the layout of the farm started to grow a little bit familiar to you, you looked around to see the chaos of this morning was starting to slowly drift away. The boys were getting back to their chores and life picked back up again. You found yourself slowing down to take in more of the sights around this place, how many things that needed to be done in order to keep this place properly running. Not to mention little things around the house that made it personal. For some reason you must've overlooked the wall of awards and trophies hanging by the stairs. 
“Looks like you found our hall of fame.” You turned your head away from examining all the different sorts of awards that ranged from academic achievements to sports trophies from countless boys over the years to see Sonny had spotted you. He came up and stood next to you, looking over the achievements the kids he looked after got. “We had some pretty great athletes come through here, including Dean.” 
“Wait, really?” You followed the direction Sonny’s finger was pointing to find out what Dean had won an award for. You broke out into a smile at learning something else about the man you never would’ve guessed might have been an interest of his. 
“He was Sullivan County hundred and thirty-five pound wresting champion.” Sonny said. 
Hearing the accomplishment Dean was able to make on his own during his stay here made you happy, but at the same time, overwhelmed with sadness. Sonny sounded so proud of the kid for what he was able to do. But all you could think about was how John handled the news. Did Dean ever tell all of his adventures to his father, only to be brushed off as things that were nice—but not logical. It didn't fit the narrative of what John wanted for his boys. The reality of how he thought things needed to be. You were starting to slowly understand why Dean wanted to keep this place a secret, and not his father.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Minneapolis Braces for Verdict in Floyd’s Death (NYT) MINNEAPOLIS—Around midday last Monday, Samir Patel received a phone call from his friend, a dentist: Gunshots had rung out, his friend told him, and the contractors who were rebuilding the office he lost in last year’s unrest had fled. He was boarding up, and he told Mr. Patel he should move quickly to protect his own business, a dry cleaning shop. Elite Cleaners, Mr. Patel’s shop, is on a side street, not far from the shell of the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct station house, which burned last year in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death. The surrounding community of Lake Street, a corridor of immigrant-owned businesses—taquerias, furniture shops, liquor stores and cafes—was devastated by looting in the days of protests and the riots that followed. The city has said that the unrest led to $350 million in losses, with more than a thousand buildings either destroyed or damaged. As the trial of Derek Chauvin, the white former police officer charged with murder in the death of Mr. Floyd, a Black man, draws to a close, the city is on edge, fearing that a not-guilty verdict would bring anger, chaos and destruction once again.
New migrant facilities crop up to ease crowding, again (AP) For the third time in seven years, U.S. officials are scrambling to handle a dramatic spike in children crossing the U.S.-Mexico border alone, leading to a massive expansion in emergency facilities to house them as more kids arrive than are being released to close relatives in the United States. More than 22,000 migrant children were in government custody as of Thursday, with 10,500 sleeping on cots at convention centers, military bases and other large venues likened to hurricane evacuation shelters with little space to play and no privacy. More than 2,500 are being held by border authorities in substandard facilities. So many children are coming that there’s little room in long-term care facilities, where capacity shrank significantly during the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, minors are packed into Border Patrol facilities not meant to hold them longer than three days or they’re staying for weeks in the mass housing sites that often lack the services they need. Lawyers say some have not seen social workers who can reunite them with family in the U.S. Both Donald Trump and Barack Obama faced similar upticks in Central American children crossing the border alone in 2019 and 2014. The numbers have now reached historic highs amid economic fallout from the pandemic, storms in Central America and the feeling among migrants that Biden is more welcoming than his predecessor.
Students’ struggles pushed Peru teacher to run for president (AP) As schools across Peru closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, Pedro Castillo tried to find a way to keep classes going for his 20 fifth- and sixth-grade students. But in his impoverished rural community deep in the Andes, his efforts were futile. Seventeen of the students didn’t even have access to a cellphone. Tablets promised by the government never arrived. “Where is the state?” Castillo, 51, told The Associated Press after a day of planting sweet potatoes on his own land. It was the last straw for Castillo, who over 25 years had seen his students struggle in crumbling schools where teachers also cook, sweep floors and file paperwork. He’d already dabbled in activism with the local teachers’ union and helped lead a national strike in 2017. But now he went further, tossing his name into a crowd of 18 candidates in Peru’s presidential election. Defying the polls, the elementary school teacher came first in the April 11 voting, albeit with less than 20% of the overall vote. The stunning result gave him a place in June’s presidential runoff against Keiko Fujimori, one of Peru’s most established political figures and the daughter of former president Alberto Fujimori. It is her third attempt to become president. Castillo’s unlikely campaign comes at a turbulent time for the South American nation that has suffered like few others from the COVID-19 pandemic. It recently ran through three presidents in a week after one was removed by congress over corruption allegations. Every president of the past 36 years has been ensnared in corruption allegations, some imprisoned. One died by suicide before police could arrest him.
New direction needed: EU launches website for citizens to discuss its future (Reuters) The European Union launched on Monday a website for citizens to debate the future of the 27-nation bloc as the exit of Britain, climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of nationalism force the EU to reflect on how it wants to develop. The website, available for contributions in the EU’s 24 official languages, is part of what EU institutions call the Conference on the Future of Europe—a forum for debate to help identify issues the EU needs to address in the changing global context. “The conclusions of the conference could be the backbone for reforms in the Union in the future,” one of the leaders of the initiative, member of European Parliament and former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt told a news conference. The website prompts debates on subjects including climate change, the environment, health, the economy, social justice and jobs, the role of the EU in the world, values and rights, the rule of law, security, digital transformation, democracy and migration. Citizens can also launch their own topics.
Cheating at Greek universities (Foreign Policy) Greek universities are experiencing a crisis of confidence in their students as remote learning takes the place of traditional education. Professors have noted surprisingly high marks from previously poor students, raising suspicions that the students may be using underhanded tactics. “Result averages are up, and people we haven’t seen in years are showing up for exams because the system makes it easy to cheat,” Kostas Kosmatos, an assistant professor of criminology at Thrace’s Democritus University told AFP. Sofia, a psychology student, admitted to have taken two exams “on behalf of two of my friends and nobody realized.” Resourceful students have created technological workarounds to boost their chances during exams, crowdsourcing answers in live chats with students at the University of Crete even enlisting a linguistic expert to help them during exams. “But even he got a verse wrong,” Angela Kastrinaki, dean of the University of Crete’s literature department, told AFP. “So I got 50 papers with the same mistake. It was funny.”
Russia Expels 20 Czech Diplomats as Tensions Escalate (NYT) A day after the government of the Czech Republic blamed operatives from Russia’s military intelligence agency for a series of mysterious explosions at an ammunition depot in 2014 and expelled 18 Russian diplomats, the Russian government announced on Sunday that 20 Czech diplomats would be ejected in response. The expulsions signal further escalation of tensions between the Kremlin and western governments, reaching an intensity not seen since the Cold War. The spat between the Czech Republic and Russia comes just days after the United States imposed heavy sanctions on Russian government officials and businesses in response to a large-scale hacking of American government computer systems. In a statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry called the Czech accusations “absurd” and accused the government of being an American puppet. “In an effort to please the U.S.A. following recent American sanctions against Russia, the Czech government in this instance even exceeded its overseas masters,” the Russian Foreign Ministry statement said.
Montenegro’s billion-dollar dilemma (NYT) Few Europeans thought it was a good idea for Montenegro to take a mammoth loan from China to build a highway. Now the tiny, mountainous country is asking the European Union for help to repay the debt—and the answer, so far, has been no. The situation in Montenegro is the latest skirmish in an escalating global push for influence by China, which has made inroads in economically weak countries by offering loans that demand loyalty to Beijing but otherwise have few strings attached. Montenegro’s first debt payments are due this summer. The $1 billion loan is nearly a fifth the size of the country’s entire economy. Montenegrin leaders say they won’t miss their loan payment this summer even if no E.U. aid is forthcoming. European officials said they wanted to help Montenegro but were searching for a palatable way to do so. Linking the aid to the loan too directly could be politically difficult, since many E.U. officials do not want to be in the position of effectively paying down a Chinese loan that E.U. leaders warned against in the first place. “China has been filling any opening it felt it could,” said Vuk Vuksanovic, a researcher at the Belgrade Center for Security Policy, a Serbian think tank. “Local capitals were hungry for cash, particularly on big development issues like infrastructure. And the Chinese were willing to go places where Western institutions were not.”
Afghan Women Fear the Worst, Whether War or Peace Lies Ahead (NYT) Farzana Ahmadi watched as a neighbor in her village in northern Afghanistan was flogged by Taliban fighters last month. The crime: Her face was uncovered. People silently watched as the beating dragged on. Fear—even more potent than in years past—is gripping Afghans now that U.S. and NATO forces will depart the country in the coming months. They will leave behind a publicly triumphant Taliban, who many expect will seize more territory and reinstitute many of the same oppressive rules they enforced under their regime in the 1990s. The New York Times spoke to many Afghan women about what comes next in their country, and they all said the same thing: Whatever happens will not bode well for them. Whether the Taliban take back power by force or through a political agreement with the Afghan government, their influence will almost inevitably grow. In a country in which an end to nearly 40 years of conflict is nowhere in sight, many Afghans talk of an approaching civil war. “All the time, women are the victims of men’s wars,” said Raihana Azad, a member of Afghanistan’s Parliament. “But they will be the victims of their peace, too.”
Hard-line Islamists take 6 Pakistani security personnel hostage amid deadly clashes (Washington Post) A hard-line Islamist group on Sunday took six Pakistani security personnel hostage after days of deadly clashes in the northeastern city of Lahore over a French satirical newspaper’s publication of cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad and the arrest of the group’s leader by Pakistani authorities. A senior police officer and two paramilitary fighters were among those taken after protesters surrounded a police station and stormed the compound, according to Lahore police spokesman Arif Rana. A week of violence across the country has left at least four dead, according to the protesters. Police officials say thousands have been arrested. The tensions driving the protests, led by the Islamist party Tehrik-e-Labbaik Pakistan, have been simmering for months after French President Emmanuel Macron honored a teacher who was beheaded last year in France after he showed a class the cartoons depicting Muhammad. For many Muslims, depictions of the prophet are blasphemous and deeply insulting. Macron’s comments sparked protests across the Muslim world last year.
India’s capital to lock down as nation’s virus cases top 15M (AP) New Delhi was being put under a weeklong lockdown Monday night as an explosive surge in coronavirus cases pushed the India’s capital’s health system to its limit. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said in a news conference the national capital was facing shortages of oxygen and some medicine. “I do not say that the system has collapsed, but it has reached its limits,” Kejriwal said, adding that harsh measures were necessary to “prevent a collapse of the health system.” Similar virus curbs already have been imposed in the worst-hit state of Maharashtra, home to India’s financial capital, Mumbai. The closure of most industries, businesses and public places Wednesday night is to last 15 days.
Pacific Ocean storm intensifies into year’s first super typhoon (Reuters) Strong winds and high waves lashed the eastern Philippines on Monday as the strongest typhoon ever recorded in April barrelled past in the Pacific Ocean, killing one man and triggering flooding in lower-lying communities, disaster officials said. More than 100,000 people were evacuated from coastal areas, according to provincial disaster agencies. The core of Surigae, or Bising as the storm is known locally, is not expected to hit land. But with a diameter of 500 km and winds reaching 195 km per hour, parts of the eastern islands of Samar experienced flooding, while several communities lost power. The first super typhoon of 2021 foreshadows a busy storm season for the region in the year ahead, experts say.
Lebanon’s crumbling capital (AFP) Beirut’s roads are riddled with potholes, many walls are covered in anti-government graffiti and countless street lamps have long since gone dark. At night, car drivers creep cautiously past broken traffic lights and strain their eyes for missing manhole covers, stolen for the value of their metal. Many parking metres have been disabled in protest over an alleged corruption scandal, while cars are parked randomly on sidewalks. To many, the dysfunctional capital has become emblematic of a country mired in its worst crisis since the 1975-1990 civil war after decades of mismanagement and corruption. Much of Beirut’s infrastructure started falling apart long before last August’s massive portside explosion killed more than 200 people, levelled the waterfront and damaged countless buildings. Amid the crisis, the Lebanese currency has collapsed and continues its downward slide at a sickening rate that in itself is deepening the problem. As the currency has dived by more than 85 percent on the black market, wary contractors are steering clear of any municipal repairs that are paid for in Lebanese pounds.
Eleven dead, 98 injured after train derails in Egypt (Reuters) Eleven people were killed and 98 injured on Sunday in a train accident in Egypt’s Qalioubia province north of Cairo, the health ministry said in a statement. The train was heading from Cairo to the Nile Delta city of Mansoura when four carriages derailed at 1:54 p.m. (1154 GMT), about 40 kms (25 miles) north of Cairo. More than 50 ambulances took the injured to three hospitals in the province, the health ministry said. The derailing is the latest of several recent railway crashes in Egypt. At least 20 people were killed and nearly 200 were injured in March when two trains collided near Tahta, about 440 kms (275 miles) south of Cairo.
South Africa wildfire (Washington Post) Cape Town ordered precautionary evacuations of communities living along the edges of city landmark Table Mountain on Monday as firefighters struggled to contain a fire that gutted historical landmarks, including the oldest working windmill in South Africa and a library housing African antiquities at the University of Cape Town. The fire started Sunday morning near the memorial to colonial leader Cecil Rhodes and quickly spread uncontrolled beneath Devil’s Peak in Table Mountain National Park in an area popular with weekend hikers and cyclists. By Monday morning, strong southeasterly winds, which were expected to reach more than 30 miles per hour (50 km/h) later in the day, had pushed the fire toward densely-populated areas above Cape Town city. Well-known tourist sites, such as the Table Mountain aerial cableway, were temporarily closed. Heavy smoke engulfed the city forcing the closure of a major highway and other nearby roads. Hikers, park visitors, visitors to the nearby Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden and hundreds of students from the university campus were evacuated on Sunday.
NASA’s Ingenuity Makes First Powered Flight On Mars (NPR) “Orville and Wilbur would be proud. NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter has made the first-ever powered flight on another planet, 117 years after the Wright Brothers’ historic flight on this planet. The flight itself was modest. The 4-pound helicopter rose 10 feet in the air, hovered briefly, and returned to the Martian surface.
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What Keeps You Up at Night part 2: Michael Knights Pov
Bonnie’s POV X
Dedicated to @aspacerat1 and two other people who begged me to write this.
For most silence is craveable, worth more than its own weight in gold. However, for Michael Knight, the quiet is intrusive. An invading force that extends its wicked tendrils into corners of his life he'd prefer to leave undisturbed. He had enough personal demons plaguing him without reawakening those wicked wraiths left to slumber in the wakes of the past.
Stirring, walking, and working forced those unsettling spirits to remain cast out to bay where they belonged. Observant azure orbs behold Wilton’s garage, taking note of the thermal pools of light exuding from within. Michael pauses outside the industrial doors, his fingers clasped around the solid steel handle. Dare he interlope on the work being done within? Would Bonnie be receptive to the encroachment on her territory at this hour? Or should he travel onwards like the wayfaring soldier he was? Warring deliberation is evident upon his striking face though it rests in the realms of darkness. The unyielding urge to investigate eventually wins over.
Barstow hears him though his practiced steps are hushed. A fact, he deduces, comes from having been snuck up on one too many times. He is pleasantly surprised when she does not berate his nosiness but rather, welcomes it. A whimsical Cheshire-cat-like grin snakes across his lips at her prodding. “Ya know, Bons, I could say the same thing.” He casually leans his weight against Kitt’s door.
For posterity's sake, he casts a glance down at his watch. His azure orbs briefly denote the time. It’s the bewitching hour of three when thick blankets of fog cuddle close to the ground and envelope everything including the skyscrapers of the far-off city. Darkness has not yet tasted the welcoming vibrancy of sunlight. Even still, the sky is gradually perfecting a reverse ombre. Thoughts of any realm outside the present garage fizzle into nothingness.
Michael is genuinely touched by her obvious concern. His lips part ways with a gentler, more tame smile. “I’m fine.” Suddenly, he is overly conscious about the focus of her eyes flashing over him. His large hand smooths through the luxuriously thick tangles of his dark curls, hoping to bring some measure of order to the otherwise half disheveled and unruly appearance. After a pause, he finally embellishes his answer to her question. “Figured I might as well make myself useful since I can’t sleep.” Devon surely had mountainous stacks of manila folders laying around with new cases. Some of them might even become the Foundation’s priority before too long. Yet, he’s not really interested in swimming through the black inked collections of information. By preference, he invests fully in his favorite prepossessing coworker.
His azure eyes practically glow, wired by mild disquietude as if they were neon lights when she lets out a huff. Had he ventured to ask something he shouldn’t have? He is about to apologize for any offense he may have dealt her when she finally begins to speak. Any semblance of a smile completely evaporates. Her first answer to his inquiry felt deliberately vague but in a way, he fully understood it. There had been so many instantaneous reactions and so many moments over the years that he would amend if he was ever given such an opportunity. Lingering at the top of that very list was the way he spoke to the poor dying Wilton Knight the day he stormed into the garage. Devon said Michael had just struck a dying man. That phraseology though simple haunted him still. He’d spend the rest of his life wishing he could take those venom-laced words back.
Sympathetically, Michael nods. In existence, there were probably a trillion comforting words he could offer. Begrudgingly, not a singular term would willfully lend itself to snuffing out her quieted sufferings. Even still, he refused to be dismissive of her pain. “I get it. Trust me, I do.” And the hideous truth was, he painfully did comprehend. He waits till she stands to draw nearer. “Look I know you don’t need me to tell you this,” Michael starts, “but there’s no use in torturing yourself over the past. It just takes your mind away from your present.” A pause. “Besides, every mistake is a lesson propelling you on your way to success.”
“You stole that off some cheesy poster, didn’t you?” Bonnie playfully accuses.
Bonnie wasn’t wrong. He had pilfered some of it but adapted it to fit in his own lax lexicon. Notes of cheerfulness begin to creep back into his countenance and it is denoted in the softening of his eyes. “Well, it’s more like borrowed,” he cheekily returned. Stealing was such a dirty term.
Bon’s next confession cuts him to the quick. He felt as though he had been sucker-punched. The strangled breath that he emits attests to the awful palpable sensation of having been viciously belted by her words. “Bons...” Her nickname is expelled reverently, in the form of a near prayerful whisper. His hands which had been mindful of respecting her personal space now lurch forward, gingerly collapsing around the slopes of her shoulders. He swallows sharply with the realization of just how much responsibility she allowed to weigh down upon her shoulders. They’ve had their share of close calls but not a single one of them had occurred as a result of anything Bonnie had done. Michael couldn’t fathom how she’d ever shift that blame to herself.
Making sure he is holding her gaze, he speaks again. “You’ve never let either of us down. No matter how hopeless our situations have been. I know you constantly say that you’re a scientist, not a miracle worker, but I tend to think of you as both. Without your skills and expertise, neither of us would be here.” His chord is full of unwavering conviction. “I know you, Bon. You will never let Kitt and I peel out of this garage if you genuinely thought we would not return in, at the very least, a salvageable condition.” He knows that this will probably do little to assuage her fears. Yet, he is trying. Michael allows one hand to depart her shoulder to cup her face. His thumb purposefully swipes slow strokes across the smooth globe of her cheekbone half-committing her beauty to memory.
He can discern wisps of terror coiling through those turquoise pools of hers and immediately, his poor heart gives off a series of terrible thrashing pangs. He desired to remove that fear from her, to let her know that he and Kitt are always going to return to her. Perhaps, he thinks to himself; he should take some measures towards being less feckless. “We’re safe. We’re going to stay that way. I promise.” Sure, he knows he ought not to make vows that he is uncertain he can keep but it feels exceedingly important in this very moment to do just that.
He can feel unintentional crater-like chinks forming in his armor both physical and emotional. Shielding her from bearing witness to anything that may translate into the depths of his eyes, Michael opts to press a doting kiss to the expanse of her forehead. It’s a sin. He knows. But he allows the cracked leather of his lips to remain against the warm silk of her skin for a touch longer than he ought. While there, he reveled in the familiar scents of her shampoo and body wash. Man, oh man, he jealously coveted her the way pirates did their treasures.
Barstow’s question causes Knight to unintentionally recoil. It’s something he hadn’t allowed his mind to ruminate on. Hell, he can’t remember the last time he thought about the causes behind his insomnia. Withdrawing his lips and taking a step back, he elects to gaze upon her countenance. She deserved nothing but an honest answer.
The unspoken reply hits Michael the way a barreling freight train might. With every click along the tracks shot fleeting shadows, hollow phantoms of faces and places, resurrecting images imprinted on his mind. Whether they were imagined or real or an unholy collision of the two, he could not distinguish. There was nothing concrete left in the whirlwind the question created and still, the sparks felt indelible. Among these things, Michael dared not give a voice were: oppressively thick jungles with flickering silhouettes of soldiers traversing cautiously through them, glints off of silver and gold shields with the towering engraving of city hall etched in them and the casts of red and blue flashing lights, hot Nevada nights, his father and mother or a man and woman with near enough resemblance to Long, American flags draped over caskets, super-nova like bursts of light from guns being fired, and something- something way back in the blur of memory. He thinks though it is with no absolute clarity, that it might have been home. No. It is not his current place of residence but rather that of his, correction Michael Long’s, childhood. Having taken two bullets to the skull had done little to preserve the things most other people could never forget. Tanya Walker’s bullet managed to wipe out the most solid impressions of the past. While he was grateful not to relive a majority of the horrors and atrocities of Nam, he mourned the loss of recollection towards the rest of Michael Long’s life.
Somewhere along the way, the unspoken reminiscing to the lost voices of the past derails. It takes a wrong turn, spinning on an axis until it conjures up feelings of dread, anxiety, and intense anger. His fingers curl up, clenching tight at his side before going lax again. Just as quickly as the negative emotions arrived, they vanish.
Embarrassment flushes across his cheeks when he realizes that she is patiently staring and he had not given her a response. He had been floundering, drowning without hope of rescue, in things he couldn’t entirely understand himself. He’s never been raw and open about any of his wounds. Discussing them wasn’t going to be an easy feat.
Despite Michael Knight’s outward confidence, insecurities dogged his every step. “Sometimes,” he starts, his voice unusually gravely and husky. “Sometimes I lay awake, wondering why Wilton Knight chose me to carry on his legacy instead of someone else. Instead of Devon or .... or any number of readily available people.” His tongue trails briefly over the jagged edges of his lips. “If anyone deserved a second chance at life, Muntzy did.” It is a fact Michael whole-heartedly believed. He would have traded his life a hundred times over to ensure that poor Rebecca (Muntzy’s wife) and his three little girls wouldn’t have to face a life without their father.
Bonnie listened intently. Her eyes never daring to depart from him. She is so astonished by the revelation, that she finds herself at a rare loss for words. Her brows furrow in disbelief. In her mind, she never questioned Michael’s appointment to FLAG’s most trusted operative. Devon might have earned the position were he younger, more nimble, and less inclined towards a life of predictability. Sure, he had been wild in his youth but those days were long tossed to the wind. Regardless, Wilton had always been startlingly confident in his choice! There had been no doubt in his mind to Michael’s worthiness.
In a softer agonized tone, he rhetorically prods, “why me of all people?” He didn’t fancy himself as being overly special but more than that, he didn’t feel deserving of Wilton Knight’s incredible mantle. The extraordinary burden of which had been thrust upon his shoulders without his ever being asked with the demand that he walks away from everything and everyone he cherished. There hadn’t been one single moment where Michael had been gifted the opportunity to turn back. Michael Long was dead.  “What if I cease to make him proud? What if one man isn’t enough to make a difference?” He shifts uncomfortably. His hands briefly delving into the denim pockets of his jeans. His eyes dart around the garage before returning to her. Where he expected to find judgement, he found only empathy. Before she can open her mouth to further comment, he changes the subject.
Taking one of the cleaner rags he could find nearby, he starts running it along Kitt’s outer shell. It was easier to focus when he could be doing some menial task or other. Or so, he tells himself. “There are some nights where fragments of intelligence missions in Nam and my early days of police work come back to me. Can’t make odds or ends outta them but I know they’re there. They’re hopelessly jumbled like a tangled ball of yarn.” It was hard to put to words unless one had experienced it for themselves. It was like trying to recreate a phenomenal recipe with no real idea of what ingredients went into it. Even if you did, by some miracle, manage to secure all of the ingredients, there was still a mystery pertaining to measurements. When they’re all mixed together, it never really turns out like the original. Now, does it? Heck, sometimes it didn’t make for even a shallow reproduction.
When he tried to connect the dots of things that happened in Nam and on the big bad streets of Nevada and Los Angeles, they came out pixilated a kaleidoscope of images woven tightly together.  Everything would shift and warp with the slightest touch, altering in their entirety. Reality or fiction? It was impossible to discern which category each memory should be assigned to. There is no one he could ask to assist him with the task of making distinctions. A majority of his work gathering intel reports and sending them along in a timely manner had been highly classified. Worse still, there were no war or cop buddies who were made privy to the knowledge of Michael Long’s rebirth into Michael Knight. He had to circumnavigate lapses in memory on his own.
Relinquishing a frustrated breath, he continues in a low voice, “ there are nights when I close my eyes and see her. I see Tanya and that sharp burst of yellow light from the gun...” The words feel thick and he chokes a little. A frigid chill creeps down every vertebra in his spine. Even talking about it makes him recoil. He knows Bonnie wouldn’t ask him to further elaborate. She knows about the accident and a good bit of the aftermath.
Turning back to her with a plaintive expression, he decides to confess a terror that made every drop of his blood turn to ice. “Hear me out,” he starts, abandoning the cloth rag on Kitt’s T-top so that his hands might return to Bonnie’s frame. He hesitates, pulling his hands away from her shoulders at the last second and opting to cradle her face. “Those things are all intense but thoughts of losing you are by far the worst.” He spoke in a manner that left no debate towards his sincerity. Azure orbs vigorously drink her in. He’s lost one love and he made a vow before heaven and earth that he would stop at nothing to protect her.
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rwbyconversations · 5 years
Calxiyn’s Rooster Teeth production leaks reveal secrets of Gray Haddock’s time as RT Head of Animation
RWBY Youtuber Calxiyn has today put up a Google Doc (and accompanying video) detailing several anonymous complaints from within Rooster Teeth regarding the now-former Head of Animation Gray Haddock and also-now-former Supervising Producer Koen Wooten and the difficult production cycle they administered. Some of the accusations paint a rather harsh view of Haddock’s management style and point to accusations of potential embezzling, a heightened ego and usage of his position as Head of Animation to strike fear in his staff and keep complaints on the down low. I’m gonna do my best to share this around and take screenshots of the more important claims in case of the worst, but please share at the sources when possible. 
Calxiyn makes great pains to stress that all of these accusations are allegations at best but also stresses that everyone they talked to did work or currently work at Rooster Teeth. 
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“Gray was shitty & fired people in mass. Was a bit shocked. Genlock’s production caused a lot of the current issues. And Gray had stepped down for a hike after everything came to light before RTX. Things were so bad that most of animation now refuse to work on Genlock”
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Gray cared about Gray. He locked himself in his office the whole time or was out galavanting in japan having fun. He'd hold company meetings weekly to brag about the fun stuff he did until he, miles and kerry got in trouble from higher up because so many people complained about it. Probably one of the worst bosses I’ve had. I didn't work on genlock thank god. I was super worried about it as Gray was in charge sounds like all my fears were merited too from what ive heard
C: The anonymous poster also mentioned Keon Wooten but I don’t know anything about them. Like the post basically said he enabled Gray but idk who the dude is so do you know anything about that? Also thank you for responding to me : )
S3: Wooten is an asshole. Koen is the one right below Gray. head producer. He's a hollywood producer (worked for michael bay for 7 years). he gets people to do work by promising them what they want then making excuses or blaming them for not delivering
C:  Other sources are talking about how Gray prevented people from having creative control. Did you hear anything about that from any of the shows? Nomad, RWBY etc
Like that the plan was to do x, but Gray came and forced them to do y instead which was far from what they wanted to do
S3: Well the guy who created Nomad had it basically taken from him
C: How did that go down?
S3: Sadly I wasn't in 2D so i only heard it off-hand
Source 3 goes on to say that Miles and Kerry were fine to work with (”super nice people”) and seemed oblivious as to Gray and Koen’s actions behind their backs. 
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C: 2) In the anonymous post from yesterday they discuss gen:LOCK going super over budget. Did things need to be cut or rushed because they were blowing gen:LOCK money?
S2:  Gray supposedly took some of 2Ds money to dip into his own project THAT HE HAD FULL CONTROL ON. Some other shows were rushed.
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S2:  Grays personality is either he's completely clueless or knew exactly what he was doing and is a sociopath, it's hard to say, either way not leadership material in my opinion and never took responsibility for ANYTHING. 
S2:  I think Gen:lock was something he pushed through himself and because he was the head he could make the final call to show it to burnie and Matt on his own and push it over the other 3D pitches. Gray was already using company money to make concept art and work for it, without it being greenlit. The whole thing was sketchy. 
S2:  People were afraid of Gray because he was “Gray was judge, jury, and executioner”.  
Cal then goes on to say that Gray’s position as Head of Animation made workers hesitant to go to the HR department due to fears that they would be fired. Eventually someone went to Matt Hullum directly to tell him about the working conditions, after which Hullum stormed into the animation department and crammed everyone into a room. This seems to be where the choice was made to let Gray go. 
Calxiyn’s final source talks more about how Nomad of Nowhere suffered during this timeframe:
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S4: gen:Lock and Nomad were greenlit around the same time, but Gray put more time, budget, and resources for preproduction on gen:Lock. Nomad as a result was pushed up in the schedule, only had two months of preproduction before animation had to start. The creator of Nomad wasn’t offered a lead position and was barely consulted on the story or art. That’s all I’m willing to say about that. This is something that almost anyone in the animation department can tell you. I don’t want to talk about Nomad as everything that went into that is way more complicated and there’s no way I have the full story as it feels like all the incompetency that led to the 2D department having to crunch back to back that year goes further and further up.
S4: There’s actually an episode of Off Topic where Geoff jokingly likens Gray to a slave driver when talking about the animation department. Little did he know how apt that comparison actually was.
While the fact remains that at their core these are anonymous accusations and ones that may very well be false, I have a gut feeling that these are legitimate compared to some of the other accounts from supposed “RT insiders.” If even half or just a quarter of the accusations are true it’s a damning picture of Haddock’s management, to say nothing of how taking funds and putting them into Genlock concept art before the show was greenlit and then taking funds from Nomad for Genlock can potentially open Gray up to accusations of embezzling. Which for those who need a reminder:
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I’d like to thank Calxiyn for putting all this together. Hopefully now that the worst elements in the higher ups have been removed between Gray and Koen and the supposed managerial improvements being overseen by Margaret M. Dean, RT Animation can solve the issues that seem to have been plaguing it for the past year or so.
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
Compersion: Chapter 1 - The New Girl (Jolyne x reader)
Hoooo boi, I initially intended this to be a one-off Anasui/Reader/Jolyne threesome fic then somehow managed to create this monster of an AU. This is now going to be a multichapter poly relationship fic, hopefully with decent character development? I just love Stone Ocean so much  @peachfyzzy my angel you can consider this series as my contribution to your self ship week since low key, this is my self ship guilty pleasure 💗 Special thanks to the lovely @cocojumbohno for discussing the bar cameos with me! 💗 This chapter is purely Jolyne x Reader  Warnings: clubbing, alcohol, lots of making out, heavy petting, a small sprinkling of other ships if you look closely, sort of public sex/slight exhibitionism?
Modern Retail AU 4952 words NSFW under the cut
Green Dolphin Street has always been one of your favourite parts of town, its quirky atmosphere and cute stores drew you in and now here you are, lucky enough to have a job at Miu Miuller’s, an independent boutique specialising in bright, outlandish fashion.  
You enter the back office a few minutes late. Weather Report is sat at his desk reading a TV guide, he’s possibly the most chill manager in existence so not even an eyebrow is raised as you put your belongings in your locker and join your co-workers.
Aside from your manager, there’re two others in the room: Anasui who looks up but doesn’t bother to acknowledge your greeting any further than that and Gwess who’s just made coffee offering you your usual with a good morning and a huge grin.
No customers are currently on the shop floor but you’re curious why all of the staff have gathered in the back, you don’t remember a meeting being scheduled. You thank Gwess and take a sip of the hot, bitter liquid, revelling in the feeling of it slowly waking you up.
There’s a rapid series of knocks on the door, Weather Report puts down the guide and gets up to let in the visitor. Your breath catches as you watch the woman walk in, to say she’s gorgeous feels like an understatement. She’s tall, tattooed and with glossy, bluish-black and green hair tied in an elaborate style, her spider web print outfit a perfect fit for a place like Miuller’s. She looks like she could beat you up and spit you straight back out without so much as breaking a sweat –in other words, the woman is completely your type and it takes all your early morning energy not to gawk at her.
Weather’s soft voice cuts through the stunned silence.  
“I’d like to introduce you all to our new employee, Jolyne Cujoh. She’ll be joining us for a few months.”
Shit. She’s going to be working here? This could either go really well or most likely really badly. Workplace crushes can be a pain in the ass.                                                        
Gwess has the fakest smile forced on her face as she introduces herself in a sickly, sweet voice, grasping Jolyne’s hand a little too hard. She always hates newbies, it took even you a while to gain her favour and you expect she’ll try to rope you into pulling a few pranks on her later.
You’re next, you say your name trying not to stutter, why do you always have to get so flustered? Especially now, you’d read you only have 7 seconds to make an impression on someone and you feel you’ve already messed those seconds up. The handshake you give her is as brief as you can make it without seeming rude, not wanting her to pick up on their light trembling.
Anasui’s attitude has completely changed, he’s making that face…looks like you aren’t the only one who’s interested in the new girl and if Anasui is your competition this is going to be hell for you, he’s extremely possessive to say the least. You hope he hasn’t caught on, you don’t think you’re that obvious when you fancy someone, not to him anyway. When she offers her hand, he goes in to kiss the back of it but her reflexes are too quick, she jerks her hand back before he can do anything. Quite frankly his actions are giving you second-hand embarrassment, it’s like he doesn’t understand this isn’t appropriate at work or in general if you think about it, what a creep.
Weather Report turns to you unfazed with what has just happened, you suspect he’ll be having a private chat with him later. “Y/N, I’d like for you to show Jolyne around. Demonstrate how things work around here.”
Before you can agree Anasui starts whining. “Weather, you should let me do it. I have a lot more experience. I’ll do a better job at training her.” Weather Report looks from Anasui, to you, to Jolyne and sighs. He’d prefer Anasui to help with the accounts but is it worth dealing with him complaining all day if not all week?
“Okay but you’re doing these spreadsheets when you’ve finished.”
The phone rings and Weather Report reaches over to answer it. “Excuse me.”
With Weather distracted, Anasui grabs Jolyne by the wrist and leads her into the main part of the shop. You turn to Gwess when you’re sure you two are alone and out of earshot of the others. “What the fuck was that?”
You hear an ‘ow’ from the main room which taking Jolyne’s apparent athleticism into account is probably her paying back her captor. How he hasn’t been fired yet you do not know.
“Looks like Narc’s got a new obsession …are you a little jealous?~”
“Me? Jealous? No way. I’m just saying this is going to be a fun summer.” You say with a hint of bitterness that Gwess doesn’t miss, jealous isn’t the word you would have chosen but you hate how right Gwess can be sometimes.
“I can tell you now that girl is trouble, you don’t need her you’ve got me~!” Her smile becomes sinister. “It’ll be entertaining watching her suffer with his bullshit, don’t worry we’ll have so much fun messing with them~”
The rest of your morning is spent sorting out the new stock without Gwess’s company so you’re relieved when it’s finally your lunch break. You’re surprised by Jolyne coming to sit next to you nibbling on a cookie she’d stolen from the kitchen as you begin to dig into the food you’d prepared that morning. Apparently she’s managed to free herself from Anasui’s grasp, though with what happened earlier this should not be a shock. If anyone could do that, it was her.
“How’re you finding it here?” you ask.
“Better than I thought. I’d heard a rumour that Miu was a ratty, stuck up bitch but I showed up late on my first day and no one even said anything!” she smiles gleefully.
Jolyne isn’t wrong about Miucca Miuller from what you’ve seen of her although you’ve only met her once; luckily she has a few other branches and other business to attend to.
“Don’t worry about it, we barely see her. I’m nearly always late too. I literally entered a few minutes before you,” you laugh. “So I could sleep in and no one would tell me off? Awesome!”
“I wouldn’t push it. Weather is usually calm but you do not want to make him angry, trust me.”
She leans in closer to you, “Got something to share?”
You look around and lower your voice, “You should have seen him when this Karen-“
Anasui slams the door open, of course it wouldn’t take him long to find Jolyne again like he’d allow himself to be separated from his brand new fixation. You’ll give him credit where it’s due the guy is relentless and if looks could kill well…you’d be very dead.
“Jolyne, I need you back here.” He spits out. Reluctantly, Jolyne gets up and brushes the crumbs off her pants onto the carpet.
“I’ll catch you later, yeah?”
You’re totally not staring at her ass as she walks away.
Over the next few days you spend more time with Jolyne which manages to piss off both Anasui and Gwess. Each day that passes you find yourself falling for her a little more. She fits in nicely in the dynamic of your team, the bunch of weirdos that you all are.
One day Emporio comes over from the bakery next door with some freshly made treats and immediately takes a liking to Jolyne, it warms your heart seeing her as she thanks the kid for the pastry patting him on his head and striking up a conversation about baseball, recognising his uniform. Can this woman get any more perfect? It’s just so adorable that she’s the type to have a tough outer shell and a soft, squishy centre. If you really think about it of course she isn’t perfect, even in the small time you’ve known her you’ve seen this, most recently you witnessed her getting a little bit too feisty with the customers though you don’t blame her, retail takes a toll on anyone’s patience.
Saturday finally arrives and after a long week you’re glad you aren’t covering the weekend shift. Your friend from Uni, Dio, has invited you out to the local LGBT bar, just the two of you. Your relationship is purely platonic, having met him in your first year and somehow you two had just stuck together ever since. He lives only a few streets away so you’d decided to get ready at his, spending a good few hours making sure you look your best. Dio, persuasive as he is, gets you to take wine into the taxi much to the annoyance of your driver, sharing it straight from the bottle as you catch up with each other’s lives.
You can hear the dull thud of the beat vibrating through the air as you exit the cab outside of the bar. The bouncers thoroughly check your ID before allowing you both in, Dio pushing the inner doors in overdramatically and posing as Sissy That Walk plays in the background. You just know you’re not drunk enough to deal with his club bullshit yet and gesture to him that’ll you’ll be going over to the bar at the side of the dancefloor.
You head over expecting him to follow you, there’s not too big of a queue but some ginger guy is badly flirting with the bartender, you say badly but somehow his cheesy lines are working; the two seem to be enthralled in each other to the point where people are not getting their drinks. You suspect the bartender gets hit on a lot, because not only is he unusually handsome but his deep purr of a voice you can just make out over the music really is something else. The man standing to the left of you is becoming increasingly irritated at the exchange.
“Um HELLO can I get some service please?” he yells, snapping his fingers in their direction.
The bartender caresses the ginger’s face before walking past the man who huffs some expletives and something that to you sounds like “Don’t you know you I am!!!” you have no recognition of him if he is famous but you’re familiar with the attitude. You feel no sympathy for him as the bartender stands in front of you ignoring the man entirely and instead asking what you’d like. You order something light and watch in amusement as the other guy storms off, from your experience probably about to give the manager hell.
Instead of joining you, Dio has already captured the attention of one guy, he has always been remarkably good at picking up people, they’re already kissing…maybe you should ask him for some tips sometime. Well fuck, you can’t exactly join him now, you scan the crowd for potential groups to join as you take your order and drink.
There’re some other very interesting people out tonight. You observe a woman in a Marilyn Manson t-shirt yelling at the fruit machine in corner hitting it with each time she loses and a guy in a cow? (you think it’s meant to be a cow) suit is throwing shapes in the middle of the dance floor, next to him… your heart pounds as you spot the familiar black and green of Jolyne?
It’s definitely her. Although her hair is styled differently today instead of a braid her spare hair runs loose down her back, it really suits her.
You down the rest of your drink pretty quickly and use the sudden burst of confidence it gives you to approach her, pushing past the cow man to reach out and tapping her back to grab her attention.
“Jolyne, hey!”
She whips around and glowers apparently prepared to fight off some sleazy guy. It takes a second but all the aggression melts away as her face lights up in recognition and she squeals out your name and basically jumps on you, you’re glad it’s dark because no one can see you get all flustered.
“It’s so good to see you!” she says in your ear before turning back to her group and pulling you into the circle. “Hermes, F.F, meet Y/N”
The one she points out as F.F gives you a wave and Hermes gives you a nod, the surroundings are too loud and chaotic to bother with formal introductions.
“We’ve heard a lot about you-” you don’t see it but Jolyne elbows her friend who hisses in surprise and quickly changes the question, “did you come here by yourself?”
“No, I came with a mate but he’s busy…” You gesture to Dio messily making out with his victim in the corner on one of the leather sofas, it’s shocking to you that he hasn’t left with the guy already. The girls flash you a look of sympathy and F.F pats your shoulder.
“You should join us!” she chirps.
You take her up on her offer and dance with them as the alcohol tingles in you veins. Some of your favourite songs come on but you’re dancing so near your crush that it’s all you can think about. The crowd has grown much larger now and your forced closer to Jolyne, you’re practically grinding on her at this point. A song you don’t recognise with a slower, more sensual rhythm begins to play and you feel her hands snake around your waist, pulling you closer as you sway to the beat. You turn around in her arms so you’re facing her, your chests now pressed together instead. When did her mouth get so close…
“I didn’t know you were-”
You don’t even know if it was you that leant in or her but your lips meet cutting off your sentence which you’re happy about really because it’s was a pretty big assumption to make, a variety of people come here but the thought quickly dies at the softness of her mouth that starts to move against your own.
The kiss is slow, an ebb and flow of lips and tongue, maybe it’s the alcohol talking but it’s the best kiss you’ve ever had like this.  The people and the sounds around you fade into the background as you focus on the girl before you. The combination of the heat from her body flush against yours and the alcohol makes you grow so hot, the feeling is addictive and you think you could do this forever.
“Ewwww, gross!” Jolyne moves her head up pulling away from the kiss to see Hermes make a face teasingly.
She sticks out her tongue and flips her the middle finger of the hand not wrapped around you. ”You’re just jealous I’m making out with a hot girl and you aren’t!”
“Oh yeah?” in response Hermes turns to F.F and gives her quick peck with a loud mwah. The three burst out laughing and you wonder if there’s something more going on in this friendship but hey it’s none of your business. You focus on the contact you have with Jolyne, you’re held so close to her you can feel the curves and edges of her body, smell the heady scent of her perfume and feel her breath fan over you. Fuck you need more of her. Your hand instinctively entwines itself with hers, your palms are sweating but you hope she hasn’t noticed as you take a leaf out of Dio’s book, pulling her out of the crowd and guiding her onto the nearest free space of sofa with a light nudge of her shoulders. She willingly sits, a look of utter surprise plastered across her face, as you swing your leg over to straddle her. In this position you feel a mild discomfort at the pool of wetness in underwear as your hips press into her, you ache for release.
You take a new approach to kissing, trying a style that you feel is more her than you, lightly biting her bottom lip, sucking on it before tangling your tongue with hers past her teeth. She reciprocates by pushing back playfully, massaging one of your breasts and her other hand sliding down to your ass as you continue with your mouth until your head spins and you can barely breathe.
You sit up completely flushed and breathless, in your peripheral vision you see Dio flash you the filthiest smirk and a thumbs up from his corner. You roll your eyes, he’ll probably tell you later this was all his grand plan to get you laid.
“I never expected you’d be so wild…I have an idea, come on!”
This time it’s your turn to be dragged, Jolyne leads you across the dance floor forcefully pushing through the crowd, you hold on to her tightly so you don’t get lost amongst the sea of people. You see where she appears to be leading you and you can’t help the excitement grow in your core.
There’s not a single person in the girl’s bathroom which for a Saturday night is pretty weird, you’re lead into one of the middle cubicles giving you two even more privacy. Jolyne closes the stall door behind you and slides the lock shut.
The heavy feeling of anticipation sits in your stomach as you see Jolyne fully for the first time in the bright light of the bathroom, her lipstick has smudged (your heart flutters as you realise you were the one to do that) but it just increases her hotness and your arousal.  You meet her striking gaze free from the stares of others and without the constant pressure of the crowd around you.
Not a moment later you’re pinned to one of the walls and you cry out as her mouth finds your neck sucking at your skin as she pushes your legs apart with her foot. She brings her thigh up to your aching pussy and starts rubbing it slowly back and forth against you. You’re glad no one’s around because you can’t stop the sounds that leave your mouth and they’re loud. Her lips find your mouth again swallowing the sounds and her tongue slips inside as a hand touches under your shirt and into your bra to tease one of your nipples. The combined sensations are so pleasurable your legs shake and you grip onto her arms to hold yourself steady, her barely able to support you like this. Spurred on by your actions Jolyne repositions herself and uses her strength to lift you up, your back still pushed against the cubicle wall. In this position, your legs instinctively wrap around her waist as you continue to make out. In the quietness of the bathroom the little noises of your messy kissing echo lewdly.
There’s a loud bang as the door is pushed open and it sounds like a large group of girls have entered from the volume of the talking. Jolyne retracts, putting you down gently as not to make too much noise and places a finger against your lips. A tingle of arousal flows straight through you as you realise if you make sounds the others will instantly know what’s going on. She brings up her thigh once again this time gripping your hips and forcing you down, sliding against you more rigorously, you can’t stop yourself from enjoying this, your hips frantically moving on their own in her hold. The pressure of pleasure inside you builds faster than you can handle and one more stroke hitting your clit is all it takes to push you over the edge releasing all of the tension in your body. You moan letting the feeling wash over you but predicting this one of Jolyne’s hands comes up to cover your mouth managing to suppress the majority of the sound.  
You pant into her hand, legs weak as the aftershocks cause you to tremble in her arms. This is so unfair… so of course you decide to get payback and catch her by surprise by boldly thrusting your own hand down the front of her pants and begin circling the pads of two fingers over her. The reaction you get is more than you expected, her body tenses and she gasps, a bit too loudly. You pause, wondering if you’ve gone too far but she breathes into your ear in the quietest voice imaginable, “Don’t stop.”
You shudder, with two simple words she’s managed to turn you on again. The girls don’t change their conversation and no one sounds like they are acting any differently than before if they’ve heard so you begin moving your fingers in circles again, dipping down to gather more of her juices before gradually increasing the pressure and speed of your movements on her clit until you find a rhythm that makes her bite her lip. She rests her head on your shoulder and you realise she’s about to reach her peak, your other hand holds her as steady as you can in your state as she digs her nails into you cumming on your fingers, muffling the sound of her release with your skin and clothing.
You carefully pull your hand out and you two make eye contact, with the release of the tension it seems like you’re both trying hard not to laugh.
It only takes a few minutes more with the sound of the door closing all need you let out the laughter you’d been holding back.
“You could have got us caught!” you giggle.
Jolyne raises an eyebrow, “Do you care?”
“Not when it’s you.” you say as you move in to kiss her briefly again, it’s a stupid line but you’re drunk and that’s how you feel.
Your touch the skin of her exposed waist, brushing against her navel piercing. You may have both just cum already but you can’t help but want more. You stumble at bit your balance still off from your orgasm and get down on your knees before her, not caring that the floor is filthy and tug at the waistband of her pants attempting to pull them down.
There’s another bang as the bathroom door opens once more. Looks like you two will have to be quiet again, you’re hoping you’ll make her scream this time.
“Jolyneeee! It’s 2 am we’re leaving!” You recognise Hermes’ voice in your haze and Jolyne throws her head back with a groan of frustration.
“Yare yare you two have the worst timing! Can’t you wait, like, 10 more minutes?”
Two voices shout back no.
“Fuck’s sake, fine I’m coming out now.”
You stand up and reach out to her with a sense of desperation; you don’t want your time together to end. “Come home with me.”
Jolyne takes your hand interlocking your fingers and running her thumb over the back. “Earlier I kinda promised Hermes and Foo we’d have a girls night with takeout and movies.  I’m not gonna let them down, sorry.” She pulls you towards her and gives you a tight squeeze. “If I took you back with us, I wouldn’t be able to take my hands off of you…” her other hand ghosts over your thigh before she moves away completely.
You try your best not to look dejected but your smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes. “It’s okay, I get it.”
“We’ll continue this where we left off another time.” The words ‘another time’ catch in your mind and your hopes rise, she wants to see you again! “Have you got a way to get back home?”
You nod. You’ll have to see if Dio is still here which is unlikely so you’ll probably just catch a cab from outside.
She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her mobile offering it to you.
“I can’t believe we’re only exchanging numbers now.” You say entering your number and handing it back to her. She taps the screen a few times and your phone vibrates in response. It’s a text with just a single heart emoji and you blush, it shouldn’t affect you this much you think as you update your contacts.
She leans into you and places a chaste final kiss on your swollen lips which you are reluctant to let her draw back from. Her hand untangles from yours and she unlocks the door, stepping out to greet her friends.                                     
“Text me when you get home!” you call out.
“Byeee, get back safe!” her two friends wave you goodbye and exit the bathroom, Jolyne turns to give you one last glance back, winking seductively before following them out.
You gaze at your reflection in the mirror, you’re all messed up but your mind is preoccupied, racing with what’s just happened. This is what you’d be fantasising about but it brings up so many annoying questions. What are you to Jolyne? Is this something casual or something more? She said she wanted to see you again, but in what way? Ugh you wish you’d just asked her how she saw you because now you’re gonna not stop thinking about this or maybe it’s too early to even think about it. You don’t know. With her being a co-worker you’ll have to be more careful than usual with this, fucking up the workplace dynamic is not on your agenda, although watching Anasui throw a bitch fit about you getting with Jolyne would be hilarious…
More girls enter the bathroom and you decide it’s time to leave, there’s no use wallowing in your thoughts here.  A woman with short, pink hair stands at the sink next to you and begins topping up her lip gloss, before reaching back into her expensive-looking bag and pulling out a pack of wet wipes, turning to offer you one.
“I love your make-up, but from one girl to another you might want to lose the green before you head back out.”
You stare at your reflection once more. Fuck. How had you missed Jolyne’s lipstick that has managed to get everywhere. Next time you’ll suggest she should wear a matte liquid type instead of her usual or not… it’s sort of hot. You thank the woman and wipe off the stains, under them there’s the telltale sign of marks that, although are light now, will fully darken by the morning. You hope some heavy-duty concealer will be able to cover them otherwise you’ll be wearing a scarf in the height of summer…
It’s quarter past 2 when you make your way through the crowd of sweaty, writhing bodies and head out towards the sofas, Dio is still there so you decide to let him know you’re going home.
“Aww did your lady abandon you?” Dio taunts as he judgementally looks you up and down, “You’re a right state.”
You scoff but you’re too tired to come up with any witty banter right now.
“You don’t look much better, I’m going to head back now anyway.”
“We were just thinking of leaving too. Would you like to share an Uber with us?” Dio’s lover asks, sounding awfully polite while Dio narrows his eyes in a way that screams “don’t you dare say yes.”
“Yeah that’d be great!” Dio facepalms and you’re satisfied to have thrown a wrench in the works, serves him right for ditching you at the earliest opportunity without a hint of remorse. That’s just Dio though and you aren’t really that mad at him, he is what he is and to be fair, you did choose the bar over him.
The journey back is awkward. Dio’s partner, whose name he has told you but you’ve forgotten (even drunk, you’re too embarrassed to ask again) tries to start a conversation with you. Dio can’t stand this and forces himself in at every opportunity, not that you mind in this instance, you’re too busy thinking about Jolyne.
By the time you arrive the two have gotten pretty handsy but still you follow the pair into Dio’s place, they find another room as you gather up the belongings of yours you’d left there earlier. Through the walls you start hearing loud, deep moans so you sneak out without a word, shutting the door behind you as quietly as you can…there’s no point interrupting them and if you did you’re sure Dio would kill you. Instead you send him a text to say you’ve gone home. You predict you’ll be getting some juicy gossip back in the morning.
As you walk back to your place your phone buzzes, your pulse racing as you see that it’s from Jolyne and you open up the message, too eager to wait to read it.
Heyyyyyy we got pizza did u get bk ok? 😘❤️
It’s a simple friendly text but you can’t help but goofily smile at your screen as you reach your front door. You type back that you got home fine and that you want pizza too, you spend a good few minutes trying to choose an appropriate emoji before sending off the text, using the bathroom and heading to bed without bothering to remove your clothes or makeup. She doesn’t take long to reply.
Let’s grab sum after work maybe we can eat something else too ;)
You think it’s a good idea to send some dumb gif in response, the tiredness hitting you like a truck and you allow yourself to drift off to sleep still fully dressed, blissfully ignorant of the drama you might have just inflicted on your workplace.
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cerillosvillage · 6 years
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Eleven: What You Live By
Lay me down in the bed that I made/ Starved for sleep by the shrill serenade/ Singing over and over/ You will die by what you live by
Two hired hands slowly climbed down out of the back of the wagon, carrying a heavy slab of stone between them. The wagon looked out of place, sitting as it was on the floor of the box canyon. The canyon's walls were high and steep, and bent inwards towards the top, making the space feel like a natural cathedral. The rocks were striated with ancient layers of volcanic tuff and red sandstone, with black streaks like soot that ran perpendicular to the natural rock layers. The canyon floor was all rock and sand, the area devoid of any life.
The wagon was painted in a rich purple and lettered with gold paint, declaring in a fanciful script the name and occupation of its owner. The Spectacular Garmites, it read, Stage Magician, Psychic, Master of Illusions! But there was no magic show happening here; it just so happened that the show wagon was the only one Garmites owned.
"Are you sure you want to return this thing?" The magician asked as he watched the hired help struggle under the weight of the sheet of stone. "I dare say we could get more use out of it than this place could."
"Are you really suggesting we keep a piece of the place that killed me just because you want to have sex on it?" Picketwire asked. She had only blank white expanses for eyes, but Garmites was sure she was glaring at him out of the corner of them.
"Well, when you put it that way…"
"Men," she muttered, and he knew she had returned her gaze to the workers as they approached the canyon wall.
"Hey," he murmured, turning and reaching out to her with his stone arm. He cupped her face, running his thumb over her cheek. "I finally found out that I can touch you after six months of being in love with you. Can you really blame me?"
She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. Her hand came up and covered his, and he knew she felt the same. Both in that she felt the same longing need to touch him, and that she loved him. They had expressed the mutual feeling after the first time they made love - and immediately fell into each other's' arms to make love multiple times in the same day. Six months of an enforced distance because of their curses, and finally a chance for closeness… it was like a floodgate had opened.
But here she was, willingly getting rid of the one piece of furniture that she could sit or lay on.
Picketwire opened her eyes again, turning her face up to Garmites.
"We'll figure something else out. Better yet, we'll find a way to restore my body so that I can touch all of you."
A chill travelled up his spine at the thought. He had wanted to reverse his own curse for the sake of his life, of course, but now that he had a goal for what to do with his body after he was free from the stone that was replacing his skin, he wanted to find a fix more than ever. Of course Picketwire would only feel the same.
He leaned down to brush his lips against hers, to feel that gentle numbing tingle that he was coming to enjoy, when one of the hired hands called out to him.
Both he and Picketwire let go of one another, straightening and looking ahead.
The closed end of the canyon consisted of a great stone wall covered with paintings and pictographs displaying all sorts of symbols, from animals to people to celestial bodies. Some were so old that they were barely visible, while others were only a hundred or so years old. Chunks of the pictographs were missing, slabs of stone having fallen off or been broken off by archeologists and would-be tomb robbers.
And there, in the center of the wall, stood the thing that had attracted Picketwire to the canyon in the first place. A great stone door carved into the stone, covered with elaborate designs that were outside of the technological capabilities of the tribes native to the region. Unlike the pictographs, it was utterly untouched - except for an opening only a few inches wide.
Picketwire had come closer to opening the crypt than any other attempt - and she had paid dearly for it, the magic protecting the place immediately striking her dead and leaving her soul to wander the desert, alone and cursed.
At least, alone until she found Garmites.
She stepped forward, walking on nothing, floating just above the ground, to join the workers. She looked at the slab - she and Garmites had dismantled the table it was attached to - and studied the patterns painted on its surface. There was the back half of a huge lizard on one of its edges, the image almost a foot long. The slab had been cut into a rectangular shape, so there was no way she could find the exact spot it came from, but with luck, she might find the rest of the pattern.
She stepped back, gazing up at the wall, carefully studying each empty spot where a piece had been broken off.
It took her nearly ten minutes, but she finally spotted the front half of a large lizard. It was on the opposite side of the one on the slab and its legs angled down as opposed to the upward angle the back half. But by tilting her head and thinking, Picketwire figured that the slab simply needed to be turned one hundred and eighty degrees clockwise. She instructed the workers to turn the stone piece over, then guided them to the correct spot.
It took some effort to get the piece into place, as the empty spot was about four feet off the ground, and both Picketwire and Garmites pitched in to lift it up. They group managed to prop it up about where it was supposed to go, like a giant puzzle piece.
Picketwire stood back, looking up at the wall. Then, there was a feeling inside of her. Like something had clicked into place. Like a piece of herself that she didn't even know was missing at been restored.
"Are you alright?" Garmites asked, concerned at the strange look that had come over her face.
Was she alright? She felt somehow slightly more complete, but at the same time she felt a great pull. It was as if someone was trying to drag her towards the crypt's door.
"I have to go inside," she murmured, more to herself than to Garmites.
He looked at the door, furrowing his brow.
"Do you want me to come with you?"
"What?" She had only barely heard him. She felt suddenly like she was underwater. Everything was hard to hear.
"Do you want me to come with you, into that thing?" He repeated.
She thought for a moment. "No. I don't want both of us being killed."
"But you'll try again, despite what happened the first time?"
He had a point, she supposed. And yet…
"I feel like it'll be different this time. Because I'm already dead."
She had kept her eyes on the crack in the door throughout the entire conversation. Garmites caught her by the arm but still she didn't look at him.
"Just be careful," he said.
She nodded, but she hadn't been listening. She pulled her arm away and stepped towards the door. She'd been drifting closer to it without walking since the stone had been put in its place.
She reached the door and placed a hand on the smooth stone surface. When last she had tried to open the crypt, the door had felt like it weighed several tons, and had taken a great deal of force to open even a crack. This time, it yielded instantly to her hand, swinging open like a well-oiled gate.
Inside, the crypt was pitch black. But as she entered, she saw the walls as clear as day. A long, vaulted hallway stretched before her. Every few feet, there was a niche carved into the wall on either side, and in each niche sat matching skulls. The first she passed held small animal skulls; what looked like a bird, a lizard, a rabbit. The animals got bigger in size as she walked forward. A lynx, a coyote, a deer, an elk.
And finally, at the far end of the hallway, two human skulls sat, one on either side of the hall.
Here, the hallway dropped off into a sloping pathway with a much lower ceiling. The pathway was narrow, enough to make her feel claustrophobic, despite her work usually taking her into small burial chambers. Still, she headed down, down into the depths of the crypt. The pathway snaked along with many sharp turns, and then finally opened back up.
The burial chamber of the crypt was a gigantic room, no doubt a natural cave that had been shaped by workers into a smooth-walled chamber. In the center of the room sat a huge stone sarcophagus. Picketwire approached it, to find that it had been carved out of a rock formation native to the room itself, as it was attached to the floor with no sign of nails or adhesive.
The lid of the sarcophagus had been opened slightly. Picketwire grasped the heavy stone and pushed it aside without any hesitation.
The sarcophagus was empty, save for a fine coating of dust. Frustrated, Picketwire stepped back and looked at her surroundings. The walls, she saw, were decorated with paintings of a style far different from the pictographs outside. These images were more realistic and more delicate, depicting life scenes of some ancient civilization. She spotted what looked like pictures of people farming, of people writing, of people playing instruments.
But all of this was overshadowed by a massive painting in the center of one wall that stretched from floor to ceiling. It was an image of a feminine figure with six arms. Each one of her hands held a sword. On the top of her head were huge sickle-shaped horns.
A name came unbidden into Picketwire's mind.
* * *
"Her name is Nelan," Castlerock said over the discussion.
All eyes turned to him. RedRock stopped what he had been saying, which had been a rundown of the creatures of myth he knew about, none of which had matched the description of the thing that had attacked Glyph.
"What?" Magdalena asked, breaking the confused silence.
"The creature in the dust. Her name is Nelan."
"How do you know that?" RedRock asked. He did not hide the slight annoyance he felt at being talked over when he was, in fact, the most well-versed in the tribe's history.
"The spirits told me. They say she is also a spirit, but one far older than any of them. She is a patron of dust, and of battle."
"Your spirits -- do they know what she wants?" Magdalena asked. Her tone was urgent; unlike the rest of the tribe, she had been around to see Elyakim's angels. She had watched as the monsters had decimated the village on the plains, had seen her husband die at their hands. She had watched as they almost killed the Rockbreaker cult. She alone of the tribe knew the dangers that came from the magic that touched the region.
"They said she was put to sleep long, long ago -- before the history of any of the current tribes of the region began. She was trapped, because she was such a danger to the peoples living her. Something must have awoken her."
"But what does she want, Castlerock?"
The shaman paused, closing his eyes. He seemed to be listening to something that no one else in the room could hear - which he was.
"It's hard to say. They keep talking over each other -- I think they're afraid of her. But," he opened his eyes, "the one thing they've all said is that if we cannot defeat her in battle, we're all dead."
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Spring Cleaning
The air is starting the smell crisper, the days are starting to get longer, and the snow banks are starting to melt. It’s the season of awakening, the season that signals the start of new life. It’s no wonder this is the time of year where everyone begins to put the work in to set themselves up for the coming months.
As of tonight I have finally fixed my fridge (small victory, but after 6 weeks of living out of a tiny bar fridge this is great news). Ended up changing 3 different parts and lots of troubleshooting with a multimeter and learning how fridges work I finally got it working again.
Last week, while I had the kids there was the unfortunate situation where my kids’ daycare workers went on strike for 4 days (Monday to Thursday). This meant that I had to take 3 days vacation in order to watch them full time. Not a big deal, but still a challenge. I tried to fill their time with activities like going to the library, the grocery store, playing outside in the snow.. etc.. 
Made for a challenging week, that said, I handled it like a champ but with having to stay home this limited my ability to go to the gym. I had to use my one day that week where the ex took them to get to work and go to the gym, then also go the Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
This week I’ve been slacking on the gym and the food prep. However I think now that I actually have a working full fridge, I feel I can finally start back up with the routine of meal prep and gym workouts. 
My work has been really busy, and I feel like I should really step up my game at work. I need to start getting some wins in terms of my output. I have a new big project that just landed so at least I can start with that in getting all that work done. If only I can stop fighting fires and having to fix broken things over and over.
Comedy has been again on overdrive. This is my week without the kids, so I’ve been pretty busy. The one day off I had last week I spent it going to the local comedy club and seeing my friends compete in the winter comedy competition (the one I competed in the week before and didn’t make through), then last Friday I performed at an indie show, Saturday I went to 2 different shows, one is an indie show where I introduced myself to the show runners in order to try and secure a spot (Saturday spots are hard to come by). The second show was a late night show, with some of the more seasoned comics in town. 
Sunday morning after the gym I had my writing group, then that evening I performed at something completely different. This was a Storyteller show that is partly run by another comic. The idea isn’t necessarily to be funny, but to tell a 7 minute long form story. The theme of that night was called “Method to the Madness” and I used that to tell my long form story about my appearance as a guest on the Dr Phil show, way back in 2004 (yeah I know...).
That night, 3 of my other comic colleagues also performed, and we all quickly realized how interesting this show was. There is a strange comfort in having the freedom to tell a story without the hard expectation of having to be funny the whole time. There were other people who performed there and it was clear difference between the comic and non-comics. You can tell we all were much more comfortable in front of people, we have a better understanding of how to craft a story, cut out the parts of the story that don’t matter and be able to give a payoff or ending that made sense. I really enjoyed it and might perform this show again. I think it’s a very interesting experience.
A new development is my friend Peter is back in town after having completed his travels in Hawaii where he trained for and completed an Ultra Marathon. If you remember Peter back in my way earlier posts, he was my roommate in the HellHouse. Well he contacted me with interest in wanting to perform standup and after talking to him I think he would be amazing at it. He’s talked about it for a while and for anyone who knows him, will tell you, he is well suited for it. So on Monday I brought him over to the local Monday Night Open Mic and introduced him to the show runner and some of my comic friends. Not surprisingly he already knew a few of them.
Other discussions came up and I think I might actually have a roommate for the summer. He is in need of a place to stay until August and since he has a car and I’ve lived with him before, I think he’d be a great fit. Also it would be nice to have a few extra dollars to help with the bills at the house as well as have some company. He’s coming to visit tomorrow the check it out.
Last week however did bring some bad news. My hero in comedy passed away suddenly and it was a massive shock to our community here. His name was Mike MacDonald. He was a legend in comedy. I have a special relationship with him as I remember being a young boy watching standup on television, namely the Just For Laughs comedy gala and Mike MacDonald came up and was truly the first standup to really make me laugh. He has this ability to find hilarious situations and act out these ridiculous things to accompany his jokes was genius. I first met him when I attended a comedy show at a very small venue in Vancouver. I told him I was from his hometown of Ottawa and that I too was interested in performing comedy. He straight up told me that if I wanted to do it, just do it. Don’t doubt, if you are made to perform, you’ll do everything to make it happen, otherwise get off the stage.
I took that to heart and not one month after that encounter I performed my first time ever. Later when I moved back to Ottawa, I found out he too had moved back to Ottawa to recover from some major health issues. He was a regular at the local club and I would see him often. We’d chat in the green room, talk shop and eventually he remembered my name. He even was the judge when I performed the summer comedy competition last summer. I can’t say he was my friend, that would be disingenuous, but he was a comedy colleague, an inspiration. It was heartwarming to see the love and read the stories posted after he passed. He was a truly kind man, and a real friend to the new comics. He will be greatly missed.
As far as my ex is concerned, she is doing whatever she is doing. I still don’t know what she does all day anymore. I’m guessing at this point her parents are probably starting to get sick of her being in their house. I know she’s out there dating which is fine and none of my business. I just wonder if her parents wonder what the fuck she is doing.
I’m sure soon enough she’ll get her attention directed back at me and start throwing more agreements at me. This weekend is Easter weekend and it looks like I’ll be handling the kids during that time since it’s my week. There goes my long weekend sadly.. Oh well.
Today however is her birthday. A day where I definitely have a certain guilt over how I royally fucked up her birthday last year. You see, last year I had tried to make plans and tried to get things together for her. I wanted to go out to dinner and get her a gift and cake, however on the Friday of her birthday her friends had a surprise party planned for her. During the day she was mad at me because I didn’t have a gift, I didn’t have a cake, I hadn’t planned anything to what she had expected. What I was expecting to do was to get her a gift on the Saturday and go out for dinner that evening. However I should have been better at planning and we had a fight before she left for her surprise party. That night I baked a cake for her to try and make up and again.. fucked up that cake. 
I can’t blame anyone but myself for it. It was hard at that time to plan anything while working 50 hours a week, coming home and then being full-on dad. Since I was expected to arrive at a certain time, and my travel was tracked on my phone by her, I had no way of getting her a gift or a cake. I couldn’t order anything online because it wouldn’t have arrived on time and we had a shared Amazon account so she would have seen anything I ordered anyway. Anyhow these are my excuses and I own up to being a shitbag. I think back and this was probably the event that threw her over the edge with me, however the more I look at it, I suspect she was already done with me anyway. So anything I would have done probably wouldn’t have been enough.  
I think at this point in our relationship I was resolved to not really caring that much about the little things with us. I was shut off with caring about her since she had been in overdrive with the put downs and bickering. This wasn’t the happiest times we had. This was the time she was ignoring me a lot, playing on her phone and just giving me constant ultimatums. 
I know the birthday thing is something she has held over my head for a long time, and I’m pretty sure she’ll use it again to bitch to her friends how horrible a person I was. She forgets the other 8 years I had gone above and beyond with her birthdays, special events, anniversaries. Those are all quickly forgotten. It’s almost as if my value was based on what I did for her, and all the other amazing things I did for her didn’t matter because this was the most recent slight against her. Again playing into that victim mentality. Anything to make me feel like less of an individual. Needless to say today sucks.
Anyhow, I’m going to continue to soldier on. Keep moving forward, I can’t be perfect all the time, but at least there’s progress. This spring is going to have some big changes and some fun times coming. Also with that is probably some challenging times I’m sure, I’ll face them head on. 
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Biden will pledge to tackle immigration overhaul in address to Congress, while signaling openness to more targeted deal
President Biden will recommit himself to overhauling the immigration system Wednesday during his first address to Congress, while signaling openness to Congress passing smaller parts of his agenda that have bipartisan support, including guaranteeing a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children.
Biden will call on Congress to pass his immigration proposal, which includes a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants and funding for security upgrades at the border and ports of entry, according to an administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the address ahead of its public release. The move marks an attempt by Biden to show his seriousness on immigration policy at a time when he is under attack from Republicans over the migrant surge at the border and from Democrats over his handling of how many refugees should be allowed into the country.
Biden fulfilled his campaign promise to send an immigration bill to Congress on the first day of his administration, but the legislation has taken a back seat to more pressing issues for the White House, such as the recently enacted coronavirus relief bill and his infrastructure proposal.
At the border, a widely predicted crisis that caught Biden off guard
Even without the political fallout from the administration’s handling of a surge of Central American migrants at the border, a comprehensive immigration bill would be difficult to get through Congress given the need to secure at least 10 Senate Republican votes for its passage.
Given this political reality, according to the official, Biden will also use his address to a joint session of Congress to push for more targeted legislation that would guarantee a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children, known as “dreamers,” allow farmworkers already in the country to earn legal status and ease restrictions on visas for seasonal agricultural workers. Both bills passed the House with bipartisan support: The dreamers bill passed with nine Republican votes, while the farmworkers legislation had the support of 30 Republicans.
To make his sell, especially to skeptical Republicans, Biden will outline how immigrants play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and competitive economy, the official said.
Former president Donald Trump made restricting immigration a signature issue during his time in office and often used harsh rhetoric, which was at times called racist, to describe foreigners seeking to come to the United States. Many Republicans rallied behind this agenda, including Trump’s campaign to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, making any bipartisan deals a nonstarter.
But with Trump out of office, there have been some signs that there could be agreement between the parties on some immigration issues.
A bipartisan group of 14 senators — five Republicans and nine Democrats — are meeting in hopes of striking a deal on a narrower immigration compromise that would marry border security priorities important to Republicans with a pathway to citizenship for farmworkers and dreamers. Senators are discussing all bills that have been introduced, including a bipartisan measure recently proposed by Sens. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) on border security. These talks, however, are not very far along and a deal would be difficult to strike.
To lead ICE, Biden picks Texas sheriff who criticized Trump’s immigration policies
Biden is also expected to applaud Vice President Harris for her work on engaging with El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala — the Northern Triangle countries many migrants are leaving to escape violence and poverty. Republicans have criticized Harris for not traveling to the southern U.S. border to assess the situation there, but the White House has dismissed these attacks, noting that her assignment is to deal with the cause of the migration as other administration officials focus on problems at the border.
Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus are continuing to push Biden to include parts of proposed immigration legislation into the second plank of his infrastructure package, the “American Families Plan,” which he plans to announce on Wednesday. Although it is not expected to be included, caucus members may be pleased with the president’s attention to immigration during his first speech before Congress.
The handful of caucus members who met with Biden last week urged him to mention his support of the bills already proposed in Congress.
In June 2012, President Barack Obama issued an executive order that allowed dreamers to stay in the country and work without the threat of being deported. Democrats have been seeking to codify that program ever since, particularly after it survived Trump’s attempt to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), the policy’s official name.
Many Republicans have expressed support for permanently addressing the fate of dreamers, and it remains at the center of any potential immigration deal.
“I have always said that I’m open to finding — it doesn’t necessarily have to be the U.S. Citizenship Act, but it has to be more robust than dreamers,” said Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “If dreamers is all that happens, the community won’t be happy and I won’t be.”
As for Republicans, several strategists responsible for political messaging said that striking a deal on immigration may dampen efforts to pressure Biden on the migrant surge at the border, which Republicans have grabbed onto as a political issue.
“What we really need is for [Biden] to admit that his policies and rhetoric caused the crisis. The results of this crisis are as predictable as they are disastrous — for both migrants and American citizens,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said on the House floor last week while the chamber debated legislation that would bar future presidents from implementing countrywide travel bans — a bill introduced in response to Trump’s attempt early in his administration to ban travelers from several majority-Muslim countries.
Biden rescinded Trump’s travel ban on Muslim countries during his first day as president, completing a campaign promise.
Republicans blame Biden policies — such as his decision to halt the construction of Trump’s border wall and an order clarifying that only undocumented immigrants who pose a national, border or public security risk should be deported — as reasons there are currently problems dealing with the number of migrants at the border.
“These priorities are almost a parody of left-wing governance,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said last week. “Not securing the border. Not a better plan for these children. Just ‘woke’ proofreading. This is not going to get the job done.”
Biden has defended his approach, saying many of Trump’s policies were inhumane and that the flow of migrants at the border is, in part, seasonal.
The president has faced the fiercest backlash from his party for breaking his promise to raise the cap on the number of refugees that can be admitted to the United States each year. The White House quickly reversed course and said it will have a new proposal out soon.
Refugee cap Biden administration touted — then ditched — is back on table
Biden faced sharp criticism from activists early on in his campaign for not paying enough attention to the Hispanic community, a mistake he tried to reverse by pledging to send Congress an immigration bill on his first day as president.
Since taking office, Biden has taken several actions on immigration to fulfill promises he made on the campaign trail, such as signing an executive order that created a task force to unite 600 children separated from their parents during the Trump administration. He has partially completed some promises, like preventing undocumented military veterans from deportation and streamlining the naturalization process. He also attempted to pause deportations for his first 100 days, a move that was blocked by a judge in Texas.
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snowpiercer-recaps · 2 years
Season 1, episode 6: Blame it on the Bogie
Spoiler alert!!! This is a rewatch recap of Snowpiercer s1e6: Trouble Comes Sideways. Naturally, it is full of spoilers for that episode. However, it also contains spoilers for some other episodes of season 1 and season 2. You have been warned!
Osweiller’s having a shave and monologuing about how, actually, some peoples’ lives are better on the train. The other scenes under the monologue include some pale goop leaking into an electrical box, some dark goop leaking out of Layton, and Clay handing out flyers for a general strike. It’s gonna be a busy episode!
After the opening credits, the engineers are altered to an electrical short at subtrain platform 312. Bennett volunteers to go, and Javi is a little bitch about it. Bennett gets all the fun jobs! Bennett doesn’t have to follow protocol! Bennett knows exactly how to handle the situation: he’s a little bitch right back! Does Javi want to invoke Wilford’s no fraternising in the engine rule? Javi points out that Melanie said they’d keep Wilford’s order when they stole the train - but hey, if she can let LJ off at the trial, then she can shag the help, too. They’re both really mean today! Bennett goes in for the kill:
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Listen. I know that, realistically, Javi is probably just referring to having to lie about the whole ‘Melanie is Wilford’ thing. But I’m choosing to interpret this as him also confirming that he’s gay. Congrats, Javi! I love your shirt, by the way!
Next door, in the bunk room, Jinju is trying to get Melanie to meditate. I have never identified with Melanie Cavill more strongly than in this scene: she fidgets around for about ten seconds, then completely gives up. They discuss the strike plans. Jinju asks her what she’s going to do, and Melanie replies, “I’m going to crush it.” Girlboss! Crush those workers! What a capitalist hero! Then, to make sure she gets in her first HR complaint of the day, Melanie asks about Jinju’s wedding night. But we learn that there was no wedding night. Brakeman Bourgeoisie didn’t come home.
We immediately find out why: Till was searching for her little brother all night. When she finds him the next morning, she tries to apologise for smashing his skull in and leaving him for dead in the drawers car. As always, Osweiller’s a dick about it. This time, though, he's kinda justified.
In the Chains, Layton is still having a rough time in withdraweral. Zarah comforts him after a nightmare, and when he calms down a bit he asks her how he ended up in her container. Zarah tells him all about Josie’s quest, and that his curse is now lifted. Then, she asks him why he was in the drawers. He did what he was supposed to, so why would they punish him?
Given that Zarah outed Layton as a detective so that he could come uptrain and stop them pinning Sean Beef’s murder on her, surely she’s not ignorant enough to believe that people only get drawered when they deserve punishment? Anyway, they don’t dwell on that inconsistency in her character; Zarah and Layton quickly descend into their usual routine of yelling at each other about their breakup in the Tail.
But what’s not usual is Layton’s level of aggression: just one of many fun drawer side effects he’ll experience this episode! Zarah does what Roche has been itching to do for [however long has passed since episode 1], and slaps some sense into him. Layton asks whether Zarah is going to turn him in, and she tells him she won’t. But they are both still very angry with each other.
Outside, Melanie is being escorted through the Chains by three Jackboots. She’s treated to some unimaginative but semi-accurate insults from angry Thirdies.
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Just wait til they see what Audrey gets up to in season two!
Melanie climbs up onto a little stage and gives a speech. She reminds the Thirdies that their labour is their ticket. When someone tries to speak out against Melanie, the Jackboots promptly beat them to a pulp. Melanie finishes up quickly: if the strikes go ahead, then ten randomly-selected striking passengers will be forced to switch places with ten tailies. It sounds highly unlikely to me: if Layton knew too much to go back to the tail after a couple of daytrips around the train, then surely the Thirdies who have lived there for seven years also know too much to be sent there? But it’s a good bluff - she’s definitely given the people something to think about. Audrey and Clay, however, still seem pretty determined to go ahead.
As soon as Melanie’s speech is over, Josie invites herself into Zarah’s container. Do people not knock in Third? Josie passes Zarah in the tight doorway to remind the audience just how much they hate each other, then rushes over to Layton. Layton needs to leave: Zarah’s container is the first place Melanie will look when she realises his drawer is empty. Layton and Zarah haven’t had a chance to make up from their fight yet, and Zarah looks so heartbroken when she asks if she'll see him again.
But Josie doesn’t have time for sympathy! There can be no more contact between Zarah and Layton, for their own good. Can she do my next breakup for me, please? Zarah reminds them that she’s not the enemy, and gently hands Layton some clothes. The man can barely stand, which begs the question: did Josie and Zarah just have to work together to dress him? THAT’S a scene I wanna see! Imagine how hilariously awkward that must have been for everyone!
Josie carries Layton back through the Chains, and they catch each other up on their secrets as they stagger towards the clinic. Josie explains that she swaps out with Astrid to sneak uptrain, and Layton explains why he got drawered: he figured out that Wilford isn’t on the train, and that Melanie is just using Wilford’s name. Layton doesn’t want anyone else to know yet - not until they figure out how to best use the secret. In that case, discussing it in a public place might not be their best move? Whatever!
Down in the subtrain, Bennett checks out the electrical short. Lots of different things are sparking, especially something outside. Shit.
Josie has managed to carry Layton all the way to the third class clinic, where Dr. Pelton is waiting for him with all her usual tact and charm.
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Dr. Pelton puts up a little quarantine sign to prevent anyone walking in, and asks Layton to lie down on the bed. Josie helps him to remove his coat, and he snaps at her before promptly falling over. The drawers have really fucked him up! Josie lifts him onto the bed, and I really love this dynamic of tiny Josie throwing him around! Dr. Pelton is very familiar with withdraweral symptoms, and lists some off while Layton tries to resist examination. Josie insists that he lets the doctor check him and, yeah, I’d be kind of scared of her, too?
Dr. Pelton cracks out her best medical lingo and tells Layton that his “melon” might feel bad for days. Layton is too fucked up to understand and/or believe Josie when she explains that Dr. Pelton is an ally. And not just to the revolution! She is very supportive of Till and Jinju's marriage!
Layton immediately slurs out an accusation that Pelton knows so much about the drawers because she’s working with Melanie and Creepy Klimpt. The doctor remains pretty chill about it, even when Layton yells at her to make a guess about what the drawers are for. She tells Layton and Josie that there are hundreds of drawers, used for a variety of concerning reasons - namely mass incarceration, human experimentation and extrajudicial punishment. Yikes! She then refers to it as “[Melanie’s] own little North Korea”, which is somewhat problematic but also interesting! As far as Sean Beef and LJ knew, the drawers were Wilford’s plan. Maybe Dr. Pelton also belongs on the list of characters who suspect Melanie is Wilford?
Next, we catch up with Till and Osweiller. He’s busy telling her about his plans to blackmail her for an endless supply of seafood. If anyone finds out that she knocked him out and let two tailies loose in Third, she’d lose her job and an arm. And because that wasn’t mean enough, he adds that Jinju would dump her if that happened. Ouch! He’s such a dick!
The Brakemen head over to Walter the papermaker, to question him about the strike flyers. Osweiller steals some of Walter’s food, apparently just to taunt Till. When Walter insists he doesn’t know anything about the flyers, Osweiller assaults him. Walter looks to Till and begs her, “Please help!” But, if Till wants to keep both of her arms, she’s powerless to stop her little brother from being a dick. Walter finally reveals that it was Clay who made the flyers. Osweiller claims he’s having fun! Till looks nauseous and weary.
Down in the Tail, Suzanne has died. That’s the problem when the only doctor is also the community’s only Princess rescuer! Lights closes Suzanne’s eyes, while Big John tries to console Patterson and Winnie. Murray puts a load of unnecessary pressure on a kid who literally just watched his mother die, and Patterson decides he doesn’t want a ceremony. Lights and Murray cry together, and Lights comes up with a plan to lift everyone’s spirits: the rock climbing club are gonna join forces with the cinema club!
For Melanie's first flirt of the day, she visits Bennett in the subtrain. She puts on a nice warm coat, but honestly I can’t see it helping much when her legs are completely bare from the knee down? Her feet must be freezing! (not that I’m one to talk about femme fashion.)
We learn that the electrical short has caused a break to seize. Bennett seems pretty relaxed about it, but Melanie points out that the bogie motor can’t take the heat from all the sparks. They need a breach team, immediately. Shouldn’t Bennett have figured that out? Would they have avoided the incoming disaster if he had acted sooner? I'm gonna blame Bennett for this whole thing.
Up in the clinic, Layton is still being a dick to Dr. Pelton. We find out that she recently joined the rebellion because she just became one of the ten percent of passengers who have a little red X on their file. She doesn’t know what it means, but there are rumours of a list of enemies of the state. The doctor thinks that Melanie would be stupid enough to display information like that on a passenger file, where everyone could see. Interestingly, Layton and Josie both have passenger files. Melanie and co. must have much more information than we realised about the Tailies!
In the primary school, Boki is using a tiny model of Snowpiercer to tell the kids how cool the Breach workers are. That’s Breach workers, not ‘Breachmen’! Boki wants the kids to learn inclusive, feminist language, and I approve! He gets the kids to listen to the train’s ‘music’, and it’s very sweet. Then, Melanie comes to interrupt the lesson: Mr. Wilford needs Boki to help switch out the bogie motor. Before leaving, Boki ruins all the fun by using his last few seconds in the classroom to attempt to indoctrinate the children into the Wilford cult.
Miss Gillies tells the children to get back to work, and Melanie decides to wander through the class and distract Miles. Sure? Miss Gillies doesn’t seem at all bothered by the intrusion, so I guess Melanie must make a habit of disrupting the class to chat about the gifted kid’s homework.
In the Nightcar, Zarah is looking worried. From the other side of the room, Miss Audrey immediately notices. She takes Zarah aside for a scene that’s about to set a whole new ship asail. Zarah warns Audrey how awful the tail is, and says that she doesn’t have Audrey’s courage. In other words, Zarah isn’t going to join the strike. Audrey points out that leaving your husband to move to a place you’ve never been and work a mysterious job with a bunch of people you don’t know is actually pretty courageous. Then, she drops this line:
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Can season one Audrey adopt me, please?
Audrey then notices Zarah’s got her hand on her belly. Did she eat dodgy noodles again? Not everyone can stomach that new beef. Wait, no, that’s not it... Zarah’s a woman in her thirties who just had sex with her ex! She must be pregnant! Audrey goes straight ahead and congratulates Zarah which... Sure? Maybe they’re close enough that Audrey can be relatively confident that Zarah would be pleased to be pregnant. But given that they’re literally about to strike in protest of their living conditions, Zarah's partner was recently murdered, and she’s fresh off an argument with her ex-husband who was just falsely imprisoned... personally, I think I would have gone with a more cautious reaction than ‘congratulations’.
Melanie interrupts the moment with an announcement over the PA system: there’s a mechanical disruption in car 780, and some services will be closed until it’s fixed. In the clinic, Josie realises that the announcement means she has to get back to Sanitation duty. She’s going to leave Layton with Dr. Pelton. Layton has another little ragey withdraweral moment, and Josie tells him to slow down. It's a nice switch from their positions in episode one, when he wanted the revolution to go slower! He grabs her hand as she’s leaving, and sneakily steals her friendship bracelet. Lights is gonna be so upset!
Layton isn't particularly subtle about his escape, and Sweary Josie quickly chases him through a few cars. But he eventually manages to lock a gate behind him, blocking her path. Layton is determined to find Melanie in car 780: he might not get a better chance to reveal that he’s escaped from the drawers and doom them all!
Melanie and Ruth are doing today’s daily flirting on the move. I can’t say I blame Ruth: Melanie looks so much more comfortable in this black outfit than she does in her hospitality teals, and it’s nice to see her happy. Ruth asks Melanie how Mr. Wilford’s doing, because he’s been making some unusual choices recently, and Ruth is concerned. Then, in true Ruth fashionc, she takes it too far. She thinks that, by indulging the Thirdies at the trial, Mr. Wilford was asking for the strike action. “You can’t spare the rod with these people!” Yikes! Melanie decides that the best way to handle this is to be patronising. Because... of course she does. Ruth plays along until Melanie disappears down to the subtrain, then gives us the best Grumpy Ruth expression yet.
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While the breach team are taking out the broken motor, Layton is stumbling around the subtrain looking for someone to threaten with his scalpel. Luckily, Melanie walks right up to him. He grabs her and rants about lists of people getting thrown into the drawers, and we discover that Melanie has a bit of a knife kink. Fun!
Meanwhile, next door, a chain breaks sending a heavy mechanical part smashing into Engineer DiMarco. The camera gets splattered with fake blood, and then the heavy thing drops. Whatever it hits, it causes the train car to sway around on the rails. In turn, the car pulls some other cars with it, resulting in passengers all over the train getting thrown about in a very fun little montage! Boki and Ben peer down into the sub-subtrain to figure out how fucked they are.
Talking of sub, Melanie desperately explains to Layton that the drawers are ‘not a prison - they’re a lifeboat’. Four hundred people have been selected for diversity, health and skills, to ride out the freeze in a drawer in case there’s a deadly mold outbreak on Snowpiercer. Or in case there’s a deadly mechanics issue. Like right now. Layton stops threatening Melanie with the scalpel and lets her go fix the train.
Melanie needs to cool off after discovering some fun new things about herself, so she heads down to the sub-subtrain to take a look at the issue. Bennett can’t get a reading from one of their sensors. Someone’s going to have to go outside and check it. Boki is RIGHT THERE, so they’ve definitely given up pretending that Melanie isn’t an engineer. She insists she’s heading out, and suits up. Javi radios in to get an update, and they figure out that the whole train is going to derail in eight to fourteen minutes if they don’t fix the issue.
In the Brakemen's lockup, we catch up with Till and Osweiller who are bracing on the bars of the cell. Till finally says what we’ve all been thinking since episode one:
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She’s right, and she should say it!
Till explains that she’s growing a moral compass: that’s why she knocked her little brother out and aided a fugitive! She’s not gonna follow laws when those laws are wrong! Sweetie, you’re in the wrong profession. She tries to have a heart-to-heart with her little brother, and he tells her to bugger off.
Down in the Tail, they’re going ahead with the matinee showing of Frozen 3. Lights uses the spy hole to project an image of the outside onto a white sheet, for the whole Tail to see. I love her.
Uptrain, Ruth scuttles into the non-torturey hospitality room to make an announcement. Can all passengers please remain calm while they die? LJ flicks one of the few remaining unbroken dishes off a First class table while the rest of the First class passengers cower on the floor around her. She’s awful, but she’s iconic. The tailies are enjoying Frozen 3, even though the picture's upside down.
The engine has reached the bridge! Melanie has six minutes to fix the deadly mechanical fault. To do so, she has to dangle upside down out of a moving train. She really should have let Bennett and his long arms do this job, because she can’t fucking reach the broken tube. Did she seriously not think to bring something with her in case this happened? Are three thousand people about to die because Melanie [redacted] Cavill forgot that humans have evolved to use tools? Has she learned nothing from all those eugenics books?
Ruth goes off-book to deliver a very emotional speech about how she just knows they’re going to make it! Maybe some passengers find it comforting, but the ones we see certainly don’t: Zarah cuddles up to Audrey in the Nightcar. Jinju cries alone against the door of her apartment. And, in the clearest sign that at least some passengers are convinced they’re about to die, Till holds her little brother’s hand. He doesn’t even tell her to bugger off this time.
Layton’s hangover is wearing off, so he goes for a little run through the derailing train. He arrives back at the clinic to a warm welcome from Sweary Josie.
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These characters really know how to choose their last words!
Layton tells her that he didn’t kill Melanie. The damage is bad, and all he could think was that he wanted to see her. Aww. They cuddle and cry on the clinic floor.
Meanwhile, Melanie… still isn’t using a tool to reach the loose wire? Seriously!? Luckily she manages to reach it anyway, and jams it into the socket just in time to save the train from falling off the bridge.
The all-clear is called, and we take another quick tour of the train to catch up with some of the main characters. Zarah and Audrey hug more. Ruth clutches her chest and does the W salute in the non-torturey hospitality room. Electricity is restored to the Tail, and Winnie looks behind the projector screen to remind us all that she’s really fucking cute. Layton, Josie and Pelton laugh together in relief.
In the lockup room, Till and Osweiller notice that they’re still holding hands. They quickly drop them, and silently agree to never speak of it again. Then, he opens up: he was thinking about his mum at the end. He’s not going to tell on his big sister. She should probably go and check on her wife.
Back in the subtrain, Melanie has returned. Boki declares, “Ten fingers! One nose! Okay! We did!” What a guy! Then, Bennett takes the energy right down by telling Melanie, “You’re kind of amazing.” It’s one of the lamest lines I’ve ever heard, but Melanie seems to like it.
Next, Till finally shows up to her new apartment. She’s carrying a bag and a picture and crying, so you know she’s finally ready to commit! She apologises for fucking up last night and then asks “What if I’m not the person you think I am?” They’ve been married for one! fucking! Day! Jinju is very sweet and forgiving, but their relationship is clearly doomed already.
In the Chains, Boki and Bennett get a hero’s welcome. Boki is fucking loving it.
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Somehow, the responsibility of giving the speech falls to… Bennett? Okay!? His words don’t make a lot of sense, but luckily everyone has already started drinking. By the time he ends by shouting the word “roaring!”, the crowd cheer anyway. They toast to the engine eternal and the great Mr. Wilford.
As Miss Audrey and Clay walk through the car, Melanie spots an opportunity to gloat. Given that everyone almost died today, they’re too busy celebrating to strike. Audrey fires back that the celebration will end, but Third’s grievances won’t. Mr. Wilford won’t always have a disaster to save him. Season one Audrey is so fucking great. Melanie is riding too high to believe her, though. She tells Audrey to read the room. Why are half the arguments in this show so flirty? (I'm not complaining - just wondering!)
Meanwhile, Doctor Pelton is letting Josie and Layton stay in her apartment:
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Josie and Layton have a very quick chat, but he doesn’t want to talk about Melanie. Josie suggests that he should pick a topic, then. He picks sex. They kiss and strip to gentle piano music. She’s already thrown him onto Zarah’s bed yesterday and the clinic bed today, so decides to make it a hattrick and chuck him onto Pelton’s bed, too.
In a shocking turn of events, despite the extended sex scene, there’s not a single shot of a naked ass! This is the first episode with no naked bums! Those of us who have seen more of the show know that the assless streak doesn't last. Still, it was nice to have hope for a while.
In the final scene of the episode, Melanie is looking haunted in the non-torturey hospitality room. Miles comes in to see her, wearing WILFORD BRANDED TRAIN-PRINT PYJAMAS!
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Let’s just talk about that for a moment, shall we? It makes sense that there are Ws all over the train. It even makes sense that the jumpsuits and uniforms have some Ws on them. But why did Wilford Industries branch out into designing children’s clothes? It’s fucking wild! I can barely concentrate on anything else in this scene. These pyjamas are incredible! The “important” part of this scene is that Melanie gives Miles a symbolic caliper that Mr. Wilford once gave to her, and tells Miles that there’s something Mr. Wilford needs from him. BUT THE PYJAMAS! Never mind all of Miss Audrey's outfits, THIS is the best fashion moment in the show. Stunning.
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