#snowpiercer rewatch
julesnichols · 10 months
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Quick question guys, does this look like Melanie's praying?
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girlpog · 1 year
I wish more people saw Snowpiercer so we could poor little meow meowify this woman
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hypnowave · 1 year
what is ur icon. explain
taron egerton as elton john in Rocketman (2019) because that movie fundamentally altered my brain chemistry when i first watched it. i've been listening to elton john since i was a little kid and i think i watched the movie at least 3 times in theatres lmao
the first time i watched it it had been dubbed in spanish and i was still getting used to the language so i missed some of the most gut-wrenching moments like when elton's mother mocked him and said "you'll never be loved properly" just because he was gay. when i finally watched it in english it was like AUGH
anyways i love this movie. i love the songs i love the outfits i love the cinematography i love taron egerton and jamie bell so so so much
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ruthiesrambles2 · 11 months
Ruthie rewatches: Season One, Episode One (part one)
Here have a stream of consciousness as I watch. Had so much to say that I'm cutting off halfway through the episode because it's taken me an hour and a half to get this far.
Ohhh the animated intro! I forgot about this. I remember first watching this and being enthralled. Fucking love the art and the transition to live action.
Baby Miles… Oh. This scene fucks me up more every time. His dad and sibling being left outside??? Let me tell you that has killed me now we have K2.
Yeah yeah Layton is already boring sorry. Do love the face he pulls at Grey though. Feel kinda bad for Grey, there's zero redemption for him he's just straight up bad guy.
Can I take a minute to appreciate the intro? I'm in love with the blueprints and I wish there existed a full version (not that that would work given the amount of disbelief we have to suspend).
What is the thing on the engine room door? I keep trying to work it out, it doesn't look like a standard W or anything.
Aw yiss boss lady emerges!
We get a shot of a jumble of paperwork on a messy desk and then the booth itself is neat and spotless. 100% the desk is Melanie's and no one can touch it but Ruth cleans the booth.
Also there's a Dell laptop. Strange mix of tech on this show and we see surprisingly little of it.
Perfectly central and still shot of Melanie in uniform. The crisps lines. The colouring. Yes.
Melanie has sensible nails. Only one possible explanation for that, clearly. Gay.
Our introduction to the train… classroom is cool but confusing. It seems the number of children is quite small and a broad age range but all the work and art seems to be primary level. There must be at least one more classroom. Third class. Tail. Watch the colour seep out of shots.
Something about measuring days since departure. I love it but surely that would be so depressing. Every day it's "everyone you know in the world died x days ago. Praise Wilford"
The balls on Josie. The swagger on Till!!
So we've got Josie the vet being the closest thing we have to a doctor in the Tail but here's an extra who clearly knows how to use a stethoscope. We won't ever see her again.
Strong Boy my lad!! What a character. Not sure who's hairbrained idea it was to give up rations for one (1) super-soldier (mediocre grade). Probably Layton's.
Why isn't Miles as bedraggled as the other kids? He's not only clean but smiley too. Layton proximity powers.
Pike with hair! I have no love for the character but really starting to appreciate Steven Ogg's acting.
13 Arms. How many nightmares did Ruth have that night huh. The sound of shattering frozen flesh rings a little like champagne glasses, doesn't it? How many times did she relive that day setting up for First Class dinners. Forgive me I am 8 minutes in and already daydreaming about her.
Mama Grande… Miss you babe.
"I don't want you on the front line tomorrow" uhh I'm sorry Mr Layton but who do you think you are. Leave Miss Balls of Steel Josie alone she doesn't need your patronising bullshit. Oh wait, kiss/cuddle/domesticity. Eh. Let you off then.
OHHHH TIME FOR THE BEST SCENE IN THE WHOLE SERIES. MAMA GRANDE SING IT. This scene is honestly breathtaking. The song, the prayer, the weapons, the togetherness.
"Wilford's train is a fortress to class" excellent line is excellent.
God the faces shown here. Knowing they're going to be ripped from us. Not all at once but. Most of them.
Melanie at the steps to first class dining… they mirror this shot in s3 and it's such a great call back.
How does she walk in those heels? My feet hurt just looking at them.
Iguana time!
Incredible variety of food at breakfast time considering the delicate balance of the food system.
Gay dad time!
Throwing in Melanie speaking Cantonese to remind us she's SuperSmartGeniusGirl
First shot of my most specialist blorbo!! She looking so fine.
Look how in step Melanie and Ruth are. The mirroring! The eyelash flutter. Gay.
Also obsessed with the difference in cut between their uniforms. I wonder if the rest of hospitality have their uniforms tailored to body shape too.
Lilah, baby, they invented the sauna. They can be nakey and sing songs. It's OK. Bodies are natural.
LJ with the sunglasses. Girl who packs sunglasses to get on a train travelling forever through a perpetual winter wasteland? Iconic. Her fashion is so baby gay here. Bi LJ is basically canon right?
Why does Melanie turn to look at Ruth like she's staring into her soul. Gay.
OH NO. Eye flutters to Lilah now. Super gay.
TRACK TALK. For every ounce that @train-pirate hates it I double down on loving it. I'm keeping it. I'm going to say it to you all the time. Track talk.
Arm touch arm touch! Gay.
Walking brushing against each other! Gayer.
Fixed stare open mouth. Even gayer.
Eye lash flutters. Getting gayer.
Back to the Tail. Has anyone checked Pike can actually count? The man's just throwing up fingers he has no idea. Also look buddy. It's the woman you're gonna bang once and die for. Started from the bottom didn't ya.
Alison has confirmed it's a faux fur. So I can have a clear conscience about the way I'm looking at Ruth in it, right? ✨Respectfully✨
Alison my beloved. Pick an accent. I love it.
Tristan! Baby.
Ruth does not have the gay nails. Pillow princess.
I know we get this decontamination scene to see Layton dehumanised but they are not consistent with it at all. The jackboots and brakeman have no infectious disease control protocols so what's the point?
The subtrain seems set up for engineering/maintenance purposes but they talk about it later like whole swathes of people use it. Do you think it was designed like that or did people start using it as a shortcut after departure and Melanie couldn't stop it?
Okay I've gotta give it to DD his acting of a hungry man facing his favourite food is really great. I don't understand grilled cheese and tomato soup though. Shit tier food combination.
Okay so there's been debate about how Osweiller came to be a Brakeman and the consensus is he joined W security before the freeze. But the way Roche phrases it here "most of us were Wilford security. Some were… soccer players?" makes it very much seem he wasn't. Os is smart and resourceful but I so wanna know how he got in.
Ohhhhh Miles calling Josie mom. Crush my heart why don't you.
"yall got some serious problems up in here" Sassboy Layton. And the face he gives Osweiller. Okay DD you're winning again.
"What about his… Um…dick?" spoken like a true lesbian Bess Till.
Footie jokes. Just bantz innit.
"smooth relations". Girl. You're so awkward.
Melanie's eye contact is so strong. Forceful even. Unusually long. Autie vibes for sure, that's learned behaviour and masking and overthinking. Just doesn't look as creepy when you have a face like JC's.
… How does never-left-the-Tail Layton know what the Drawers are? He just rolls with it.
To be continued…
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onetrainscifi · 2 years
Ruth's messenger rat is incredibly underrated.
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skittidyne · 2 years
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tagged by @missysdiabolicalmusings
top 9 favorite movies
this was really hard! i’m not sure i have many “favorite” movies... this is maybe more “movies i really love but thought of first because i’m bad at having favorites and remembering them”. either way, i am not taking criticism. but i will watch them with you.
special shoutout to “midsommar”, which is “a movie i’m gaga over the aesthetic for and the idea of the plot, but somehow is not a favorite”
tagging @entelechies @tarotdactyl @dgalerab @ihavenoideahonestly
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ruthiesrambles · 2 years
Does Ruth play an instrument? And if so, what does she play?
Ahhhh all I can think of is that I know Alison doesn't play an instrument!
Hmmm. Okay let me dive a little into my headcanon backstory.
Ruth's family wasn't particularly wealthy, and there were 3 kids to find money for. So I don't think music lessons were high on the priority list. But, her grandfather had an electric organ that he saved up for in the 50s, so she grew up playing about with that on the weekends.
After she set up the B&B, she moved the organ into the sitting room and sometimes guests would sit and play. Over time she picked up a collection of second hand music books to go with it, and one lonely night she sat and worked her way through a children's one. Just enough to play Für Elise. A different life.
She likes to sing though. Lyrics that feel like you're reading someone's soul. Never in public, never too loud, but alone in her cabin she sings all the songs that make her heart ache.
And then, one day, an unexpected musician asks is love alive? And Ruth remembers the old electric organ, remembers sitting on her grandad's knee, remembers a time when everything didn't hurt.
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pupkinpumpkin · 10 months
Bro I was rewatching the Tim Burton Willy Wonka movie (just to get it out here and now, Tim Burton's is my favorite Wonka movie cause I grew up with it, but Gene Wilder is the best Wonka in my eyes followed closely by Christian Borle) and I was thinking of how utterly disappointed I am going to be with the new Wonka movie
Now you may think I'm going to be disappointed because of Timothée Chalamet being Wonka and because it's a cheap cash grab, and you're sort of right about that
Timothée Chalamet is a good actor, but he's not insane enough to play the iconic role as other Tumblr users have put it, and it is most likely a story that has no heart in it, but that's not the main reason I'm upset with it
The original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie is about Charlie, while the 2005 remake Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is about Wonka, so I think it is incredibly insulting that they do not continue this joke and make the new Willy Wonka movie all about Charlie
You think I'm joking but I'm not
I mean, the movie probably has no heart whatsoever, so why not at least make it a shitty sequel and let us keep joking about the mix up? The movie could be about Charlie trying to live up to Willy Wonka's image, balancing work and home life, the stresses of OSHA violations, building a gigantic classist train for when the world freezes over and starting to use kids from the poorest and most overpopulated part of the train to keep it running after all the needed tools have been used throughout the years (go see the Snowpiercer theories on YouTube for that last one)
One could argue that Timothée Chalamet could make a much better older Charlie than a Wonka and he looks slightly like that kid in the Tim Burton version.
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Im actually not all that good at recognizing facial features, so someone can correct me on that if they look literally nothing alike
But the point is, it's a better option, at least to me, than what they have now and will try and do after they (hopefully) give writers and actors what they deserve if they aren't that big of assholes
Literally all they need to do is strike it and reverse it
I'm not saying I want an older Charlie movie, but I at least want to keep the joke running, and the fact it's gonna get ruined for a movie that has a high possibility of being shit is really annoying to me
Anyway, night
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caleblandrybones · 7 months
rewatching snowpiercer the movie
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delusionaid · 6 months
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑(𝐒): green and gold :) and black.. but I also like coral and that specific kind of vintage pink.. and shades of red and..
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑(𝐒): fresh strawberries (but not artificial strawberry flavor), sweet grapes, nectarines.. I guess I like fruit :D as for savory things I really like curries (when it's not too spicy) and blue cheese and bolognese! and sushi... and--
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂: I like too many artists and songs to narrow this down to anything specific but a few long-time favorites are: Smash Into Pieces, The Beatles, BTS, Joan Baez, The Longest Johns
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄(𝐒): Again, too many to pick just one but some all-time favorites are Merlin (with Sam Neill), Bridget Jones' Diary, War of the Buttons (1994), Rock'N'Rolla, Lucky Number Slevin, Donnie Darko, Memento, Snowpiercer (the movie!!!), Mean Machine
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: ...again, too many that I love dearly, but some top picks are NBC's Hannibal, Queer As Folk (US Version), The Untamed (CQL), Word of Honor, Ashes of Love, King's Avatar (live action), One Piece (the live action was actually surprisingly good!!)
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆: White Brown Black - Avvy Sra
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄: I.. don't remember the last time I watched a movie D: Possibly a rewatch of Yin Yang Master: Dream of Eternity?!
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆: Blood of Elves by Andrzej Sapkowski
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍: replies *cries*
TAGGED BY: @suffearable thank you :3
TAGGING: @orchideae @immobiliter @spiderwarden @infernaliscor @dhahabibi @inanthesis @arlquin @feilyne @affarista @givenfate @maquiscursed & you!
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julesnichols · 1 year
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WHY is there a man dressed in full cowboy regalia on the middle of this apocalypse hell train
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lerios · 1 year
omg i haven't done a tag game in so long, i thought these had died out! thanks for tagging me @baynton <3
Three ships: Enjoltaire - the original and eternal OTP (Les Mis), Chelldos (Portal), Thomas/the Captain (BBC Ghosts) Last Song: The Good Left Undone - Rise Against Last movie: i don't really watch films tbh. i saw about half of Shrek while absolutely smashed last month, but the last one i actually paid attention to and watched, like, on purpose? probably Snowpiercer (2013) a few years ago Currently reading: the Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Debt: The Last 5000 Years by David Graeber, and (very slowly lol) State And Revolution by Lenin Currently watching: i'm at the very beginning of a Ghosts rewatch, and i have 2 episodes left of Yonderland (i just can't bring myself to finish it 😭) currently consuming: raspberry cookie currently craving: also diet coke ngl, theres probably more coke in my blood than blood tbh nine tags: ahhhhhh i dont think i have nine but i'll give it a go @reluctantjoe, @the-illuminated-one, @personinthepalace (hi anh!), @toomanyfandomsneverenoughtime, @thattransboyaled if any of yall want to do it 💕
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Gonna break the rule and go off anon 😉
What is your ranking for your favourite Chris Evans movies/TV shows????
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Niamh! do you know how hard this is.
Top ten-
Snowpiercer- Really is anyone surprised? I loved this film for how dirty, tragic, and beautiful it was, Curtis is my husband forever and ever. I love him.
Captain America Trilogy- Loved them all, especially The Winter Soldier. I have watched them so many times.
Puncture- God this movie was so tragic and Mike was such a mess but I still really enjoyed this movie and appreciated the issues this film covered.
Avengers Trilogy- comfort series for sure. I will never forget seeing Endgame in theaters, that scene still makes my heart race.
Defending Jacob- Loved Andy! So so much. Probably too much. It's not higher on the list because it's a tv show and tv shows are hard for me to watch cause it felt like such a long movie.
Gifted- Beautiful story and it always makes me tear up
Playing It Cool- This movie was messy but I loved it because of that. Even the storytelling was a mess.
Before We Go- Honestly simple and not exciting but it had some beautiful scenes in it and I was so proud of the work he did for this.
Knives Out- Ransom really was just a piece of the artwork of this film. Top Tier, I am so glad I got to see it in theaters.
Ghosted- Honestly, I thought this one was good, even for all the hate it got. Cole was a disaster and unreasonable at times, over dramatic, but I loved it. Also, I think he had better chemistry with Ana than some of his other female co-stars over the years.
Push- One of those films I saw right around the time it came out and I just liked it. If they just left out his love interest, it would have scored higher.
Losers- Just a fun movie! He should do more comedy.
The Red Sea Diving Resort- This film has so many mixed reviews but I did enjoy it beyond Chris being fucking beautiful in it.
The Gray Man- Fucking Lloyd man... I just loved that mustached prick more than I should have.
What's Your Number? This was a cute one and I absolutely adored him working with Anna. I wish they did more films together.
Fantastic Four 1 and 2- Johnny was a cutie and I had a little crush on him back in the day.
Streetkings- I have only seen this movie a couple times but always enjoyed the drama.
Sunshine- What a interesting Sci Fi. Only watched it once or twice, mostly in bits and pieces, and I find myself getting really frustrated every single time that no one just listened to James.
Lightyear- It was cute. It won't be one I watch regularly though, but cute.
Loss Of A Tear Drop Diamond- I wanted to throttle all of them, but I did love Jimmy in those suspenders and Chris trying his hardest at that accent.
The Nanny Diaries- Cute, but not really my kind of movie.
Cellular- HAHAHA I did love this back in the day, BUT rewatching it I forget that my standards for films has gotten higher and I do cringe. Especially with Jessica popping in, I just don't like her or Jason Statham all that much. William H Macy though... loved him. Lol.
TMNT- I loved this for him, but it wasn't MY TURTLES from the 80's and 90's, so yeah I was judgy.
Fierce People- everyone was just annoying in this movie. I kinda liked it, I kinda didn't. Depends on the day.
The Perfect Score- probably if I had watched this when it came out, I would have loved it. I only recently watched it a few years ago and had a very "just wait till you all start actual adulthood" frame of mind. Lol.
Not Another Teen Movie- My first ever introduction to Chris and I absolutely hated Jake although I admit I still laugh at his insulting jokes.
The Ice Man- So I will give Chris credit in his acting in this, I wouldn't have realized it was him except I mainly watched it to see his work in this. I can't say it was a great film, for me it felt slow. But I can see where others would like it for the true crime aspect of it.
Scott Pilgrim- His part was small but funny. I will never get over the eyebrows. Beyond that part, I didn't have an interest in the rest of the film.
Never Seen -
The Newcomer- no real interest.
London- Y'all really don't know the absolute dislike I have for Jessica Biel. She is the main reason I don't watch this film. Syd also sounds like an absolute prick and I would probably hate him with a passion. I know, I'm sure I am missing out on some great scenes, but... I just don't think I could listen to Jessica's character and Syd whine and carry on the whole movie.
The Battle for Terra- No real interest.
Or the few shows he was in as a kid.
So, how do we compare? I know you didn't ask for reasons, but I am in a writing slump and wanted to give something.
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ruthiesrambles2 · 2 years
"Shall we recolonize the Earth, or nah?"
You know mostly I just ignore Layton's existence but the man got some SASS
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onetrainscifi · 2 years
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