#and then boom i realised
girlypopastro · 1 year
cant wait for the moon to leave leo. moon opposite pluto by sign transiting my 4h is not for me !!!
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keferon · 4 months
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"Mind if I make a little music?" Drift asked, holding out a hand for Ratchet to pass him the synthboard.
"Not at all," Ratchet said, offering it up by the strap.
Drift spun it above his head, hands dancing over the board and making a truly awful sounding ruckus out of the speakers. His optics were locked on something behind Ratchet. He took the clue and ducked his head to Drift's chest so that Drift could swing. The speakers screeched and a body fell back."
Unfortunately I can’t kiss the author of this fic, so I decided to do the next closest thing and drew this instead haha
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pinkypastal · 2 months
I love samfly so much like-
It's so refreshing to see the 'frienamy with Romanic tension' be a woman for once. Like. A complex and interesting female character ( or nb since she might be she/they we'll see) with such an Interesting and fun dynamic with the protagonist AND she's a sympathetic character willingly with the badass villains, AND has such a fun effect on the narrative because of that??Omg
Cool complex frienamy is literally my favourite trope ever but it's usually dudes and AAAAA
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neptunym · 1 year
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ms paint doodles for @post-it-notes7 's fic series, heart and soul. i highly recommend it to anyone that either likes the kirby anime or meta knight bc it's a delight to read :]
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hella1975 · 8 months
hiiii haha. hello. exceptionally awkward introduction bc idrk how to start something like this so let's just jump right in. im taking a break from this account for a bit. i know i said i wanted taob out before halloween and currently im fine sticking with that deadline, but if i decide i need longer away then i will take longer away. every time ive reassured people that id never abandon a fic and updates will always come eventually i never once considered that my writing and ability to feel safe and comfortable on this site would be actively taken from me, so im not even going to apologise. i dont want this either and more importantly i dont fucking deserve it. i dont know what it is in the past year, if ive hit a certain amount of followers or 'popularity' that's made it so the natural ratio of positive to negative interactions must in turn go up, but there's been a serious uptick in weird asks for me. the annoying part is that a very small amount of them are actually objectively mean and hateful, the rest are just weird and invasive from people who seemingly dont realise that's what they're being. ive reached a point where i dont care if the intentions are good. it's not my job as a 20 year old tumblr user of all things to defend the morality of someone who couldnt even bother to come off anon. unfortunately, after blocking only one or two anons, the weird asks have decreased substantially, which says all you need to know about the fascinating and exhilarating lives led by these people, but ive also gone on to turn anon asks off entirely. this is something i actively fought against doing and had to be pushed into by my mutuals (who have been the coolest people on planet earth during this entire thing). turning off anon was a big deal to me even if it sounds silly. i felt betrayed and like id been backed into a corner because it was so vehmently something i DIDNT WANT that to feel like i had to do it anyway for my own mental health??? that sucks. so even though ive 'fixed' the problem, im still kind of reeling and uncomfortable every time i come on tumblr. i hope it's just something i need time to ease because i'll truly be devastated if this becomes 'ruined' for me. tumblr exists as the only place in the world where i am honestly every facet of myself without shame or hesitation; losing that would be insanely harmful to me. and to the people who cant appeal to the actual human behind the post, let me put that in words you can understand: we wouldn't get any more writing 😦😦😦 riots and fires and sirens, i know. so yeah. to anyone who has sent me an anon ask and you're now wondering if you were part of the problem, im firmly of the belief that you'll know if you are. when i say 'weird asks' i dont mean 'you sent me a para about your personal life just to vent or ask for advice' or 'you sent me a really deep emotional compliment about the impact me and/or my writing has had on you' - i love asks like that, so much that i put off taking a break and turning off anon solely for the joy they bring me. im sorry that it might feel like you're being punished too bc of the actions of what in reality is a HANDFUL of weird people, but this is what i feel like i have to do to feel safe and not go insane every time i log in. love you guys, hopefully ill see you soon x
#seriously another shout out to my mutuals#id particularly like to say thank you to boom who's always right there for me no matter what's happening or how insane im being#and also everyone in our little discord that wound up having to make a whole new channel for venting#bc i was there so often like 'today's weird ask isssss.... telling me about my cupsize!! rip them to shreds!!!'#hannah and theo especially being there and pushing me to finally turn off anon. war is truly over#and of course rori bc the shamelessness u show when hating on my anon asks has been genuinely really cathartic#sometimes u really do just need a rottweiler mutual to tell random people online to kill themselves 😭#okay weird oscar acceptance speechcore gratitude over. i do just rlly love my mutuals#like i went three years not telling anyone about the worse side of internet popularity for fear of looking spoiled and ungrateful#so for the first time to open up about it and be met with outrage on my behalf and people saying in fact it's MORE fucked up#than i initially realised bc ive grown desensitised to it is. yeah cathartic i guess#they are singlehandedly reassuring me of the good this cursed app still holds#so everyone thank them and send them flowers NOW#okay im done i think. see you guys soon. i truly do want to come back asap bc like i said i NEVER EVEN WANTED TO FUCKING LEAVE#SOME ASSHOLES JUST HAD TO PUT GRENADES ON WHAT I ASSUMED WERE VERY UNIVERSAL AND OBVIOUS BOUNDARIES#if you're reading this like 'ohhh fuck i defo sent something invasive lately. i thought it was a joke/we were friends'#then 1) we arent friends if you're on anon. it immediately creates a power imbalance where you know me and any necessary context#but i have no idea who you are or how much you know about me. that's already a fucked dynamic#and 2) I HOPE YOU FEEL BAD. LIKE GENUINELY I HOPE YOU FEEL AWFUL AND HAVE A GOOD LONG LOOK AT YOURSELF#okay i think that's all. ta-ra lads??? how tf do u end something like this#ive queued this to reblog a couple more times throughout the day
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sapphoscompanion · 1 year
i was rewatching episode 5 for edit purposes and i realised something.
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here lydia is talking about the kiss, but it has a deeper meaning.
i can’t get out of my mind the fact that yes, she found cynthia annoying from the start, but it was the endearing kind of annoying. (or maybe that’s just my ship goggles.) because if you look back at episode 3, the first time they meet, and pay close attention to the expressions lydia makes in the background when the drama teacher is telling cynthia that she’s now a martian, there's no trace of hate or disgust.
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like, hello?? that’s flirting. (or maybe i would just swoon if someone looked at me like that.) and what about their rivarly?
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does this look like she’s angry at cynthia? to me, she seems mildly annoyed, but also interested. no one’s ever questioned her, and now this butch comes along and proves her wrong. but lydia doesn’t really understand how she feels about cynthia yet. she tries to re-establish her power in episode 4, but cynthia once again overthrows her.
and now yes, she is angry, and confused. ever since cynthia’s joined drama club she has brought nothing but chaos in the established hierarchy, and in lydia’s mind: why can’t she stop thinking about her?
is it hate, mere superficial attraction (see the “flirting” above), or something more?
she has to get it over with, quickly. “the quicker you get something over with, the less of a deal it becomes in your mind”. she needs to put a stop to these thoughts: what’s the quickest way to?
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stage kisses are meaningless. she obviously isn’t crushing on cynthia, just like she felt nothing for all the people she kissed on stage. thus the straightforward scientific experiment: she’ll kiss cynthia, she’ll be sure she feels nothing, and all will go back to normal. she’ll stop obsessing over cynthia. right?
rehearsing romeo and juliet is the best excuse ever. because no one can convince me she didn’t follow cynthia in an empty room (where guests shouldn’t enter) to test her theory, and then jumped at the opportunity. (like why else would she follow them? if not to flirt? which to her means bullying them, because she’s a mean lesbian.)
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but her plan backfired. and now she knows she’s got an actual crush. on cynthia.
while cynthia, sweet cynthia, thinks they just love acting.
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pharawee · 1 year
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Nailed it.
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khaotunq · 11 months
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I already have plans. ⇢ Boom Tharatorn as Pok (Hidden Agenda, 2023)
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randomwords247 · 10 months
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Today on things I have realised have been american-ised in Hilda that I didn't notice before: The walk signal.
Idk if I would've fully realised before going to the states on holiday but america does these bad boys way differently
Firstly, I've never heard anyone call them a walk signal. Pedestrian crossing or zebra crossing, or just "Green man".
Secondly: The signal's are different
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Usually its a guy standing or even a bike coloured red, and when you can go? It's a green man walking - Hence, green man. Idk how common the bike is off the top of my head but its not always there
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This is typically what they look like. The pole with the button you press has the green man, and sometimes there's also a traffic light (upper photo) with the green/red man.
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Sometimes they look like this, but typically it looks like the photos above
It's not important or anything, but I think it's interesting how many little things are different, like them calling jumpers "sweaters" or the side Johanna drives being swapped. Small changes from the original british comic that add up to be a little odd to see at first, but are pretty darn nifty to notice and talk about. I don't know if I would've fully clocked it as american/canadian before I went there and experienced the different signals in person
I just think its Neat
(also these photos are taken from google images. Before anyone thinks they can dox me. Its very dark outside I couldn't take a photo of these if I tried)
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juviavevo · 24 days
moffat’s episode boom is tonight… sorry for the “doctor who is almost never good only camp & fun which is why we love rtd2’s era so far” fans on this app but I’m actually looking forward to potentially finally getting some proper good television
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comixandco · 2 months
my favourite part of season 5 is still the reveal that Gabriel and Tomoe thought Adrien and Kagami made the perfect pair and wanted them to be together because it completely flips their relationship
Kagami and Adrien sneaking around and finding the slightest gaps in their schedule and giving their bodyguards/parents the slip to spend time together and feeling so clever that they’ve gotten away with it their parents don’t suspect a thing
only to smashcut to Gabriel and Tomoe doing an evil pound it because their ship is canon
#miraculous ladybug#ml s5#gabriel agreste#tomoe tsurugi#adrien agreste#kagami tsurugi#it’s the illusion of free choice™#it was a very clever plan tbf like if they told them to date it would be awkward and forced. but put them in the same room together and see#what happens… let them think it was all their idea… boom success!#then the next step is saying ‘yes i only just found out you’ve been dating kagami and i have decided to give you my permission to date her-#what do you mean you broke up a month ago and your dating the baker girl who made a hat for me one time?’#on the flipside though it probably wouldn’t have worked out in the long run bc kagami likes the thrill of a secret forbidden romance like#that’s partially what drove her to felix imo so if tomoe said one day ‘it’s come to my attention you’re dating the agreste boy. i approve o#of this match and have organised a date for you two on friday.’ you Know kagami would immediately go#‘oh no.. okay um so now i’m kind of feeling that everything about him that was attractive to me before isn’t really there anymore…’#also on the flipside like looking at it on a more deeper/serious level like it just goes to show how much control tomoe and gabriel have o#er their kids to the point that they would be willing to manipulate them into a relationship and then when#the two of them tried and realised it wasn’t working. instead of admitting they don’t know their children as well as they think they do#or acknowledging that their children are actual people who have their own feelings that don’t always match their parents#or coming to terms that their children aren’t extensions of their legacy and will that they can puppet however they want#instead they say ‘okay we tried the hands off way now we’ll just have to force them’
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homeskllet · 1 year
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these repainted skylanders were christmas presents for my friends. now that they've been given to said friends, i can share them here (:
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(i forgot to take a before photo of fright rider so i had to grab a random picture off the internet lmao)
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ilovefredjones · 5 months
i wish i had more collected and intellectual thoughts on jim and la’an. instead my brain just screams about them all the time
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kardulis · 4 months
thinking about saturday's wad show and the "there is absolutely no excuse to not facetime your grandpa" line... sir one of them has been dead for years and i went to the other one's funeral six days ago. like it's a funny line i nearly passed out laughing but. good god dude
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oh shit magnus protocol on thursday!!!??!!?
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tothepointofinsanity · 8 months
[Wasn't expecting the silly schizoid Sayaka post to get any attention so now I'm embarrassed.]
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