#and then I forgot my login details
shark-bark · 8 months
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Odhradan, my lotro character, he's a high elf thief! (And yes I will be remaking him for a playthrough of BG3...)
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faythsang · 1 year
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[Independent Dream of the Fayth AU!Lenne loved by Apple]
promo credit
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suenitos · 11 months
im only 1 karma and made today :(
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space--butterflies · 2 years
deviantart decided it’s going to use it’s users art in their AI generator and the only way to opt out is to file a form for each individual piece and wait for them to do something about it. personally i haven’t used deviantart since they forced eclipse on me, but hey, finally had an excuse to just deactivate my account all together.
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fuck my stupid baka life
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greenyvertekins · 2 years
If Sega doesn't want a proper encyclopedia, then that's what Concept: "Mobius" will have to be.
Aye. And that's very much my aim :> I want to update the characters profiles right now with the intel I discovered through translation. Like add to Knuckles' design inspirations and process. And update Sonic's VA list.
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presenteyesonyou · 2 years
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quicksilver-kto · 9 months
hi!! this is my new account for my (greeneryandcacti) past blog, because I'm stupid, deleted the login details and forgot everything( In any case, new pictures and a couple of old ones that I like :p
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starsdrs · 10 days
જ⁀➴ about : starsdrs
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*:・゚✧*:・゚ star’s drs admin details other ! *:・゚✧*:・゚
no antishifters pls
hello & welcome to my shiftblr blog !! i had to unfortunately restart my account as i forgot the login to my old one & then got locked out ✨ i’ll be talking about my shifting journey and relationships with shifting as i am currently in the process of restarting after a very long break !! i’m so excited to start again !
here is a little bit about me while i continue to set my account up fully
⊹ you can call me saturn or star — i’ll not be going by my irl name !!
⊹ i am comfortable with male / masc pronouns ( he/they mainly as i am trans )
⊹ i have minishifted several times, but not recently so i hope to again very soon !
⊹ i talk & post lots, be aware of it before following or interacting with me !
⊹ i have a lot of drs & mainly only shift for one/two people, apart from a few other drs. one of my main significant others is severus snape, but also alan rickman. but i also have other s/o’s as well.
⊹ i am excited to make friends on tumblr, so im always down to talk or interact !!
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brandstifter-sys · 1 year
For @dukexietyweek Day 1: Tattoo Shop/Florist             (Ao3) (login required)
Word Count: 1261
Characters: fem Virgil (Violetta), fem Remus (Reina)
Rating: T
Warnings: Trans fem Remus, Genderbend, genderfuckery, miscommunication, mild sexual themes
Vi is just an average florist, working a job she doesn't like, but it's worth the frustration because of the tattoo artist across the street. Reina is confident and apologetically trans, why wouldn't Vi have feelings for her? But when Reina comes in to order a bouquet of flowers so she can ask someone out, Vi is heartbroken. If only she knew just who was getting those flowers.
If there was one thing Violetta hated in her life, it was her job. She was fine with flowers, but she was so done with the people buying them. Someone is sick or dying, someone forgot their anniversary, bridezillas demanding the very best for their "special day," cheaters trying to make up for being scum—she hated working with those people. And she hated the people who tried to flirt with her on the clock. 
It was an average Tuesday and business was slow as usual. Vi was scrolling through her phone, finished with cleaning and stocking. She was happy to have some quiet time and roll up her sleeves. 
So she had to keep her arms covered at work because of her ink. Her boss was a little old man with some old fashioned ideas about professional appearance. He and his husband were absolutely wonderful beside that one detail, so Vi didn't complain. 
She was considering adding more detail to her arms later. She was happy with the black angular vines creeping down her forearms and the fluttering burning rose petals dancing around them. But she wanted to add some webs and thorns. And she knew exactly who she wanted to do it. 
Her mind wandered to the tattoo artist across the street. She was so bold and fearless, proud to let her freak flag fly. She was so energetic and friendly, gorgeous and strong. Vi had no idea how to talk to her without making a fool of herself. 
"Hello!" a familiar, nasally voice pulled her out of her trance. Vi put away her phone and looked up at the customer. She knew that mustachioed grin immediately. 
"He—Hey Reina," Vi stammered and hid her face behind her hair. Reina giggled and flipped her wavy dark curls over her bare shoulders. 
"I didn't know you had ink! It's so cool!" 
"Uh, thanks," Vi said softly and rubbed her neck, "What brings you here?
"I need your help," Reina gasped and shimmied, drawing attention to her muscular tits.
"With what?" 
"I need the perfect bouquet to ask a total babe out, and you would have to know the perfect flowers for her!" Reina beamed. She didn't seem to notice Vi's heart breaking. 
Violetta pulled her sleeves down and cracked her neck. She could do this. 
"So what are you thinking, something big and dramatic?" 
"No, she's pretty subtle, except when she smiles—I would rip off my bike shorts and corset in an instant if she told me to while wearing that grin!" Reina gushed and squished her cheeks.
Violetta bristled but tried to keep her feelings out of her work. Whoever made Reina this giddy had to be special and incredible. 
"So, a subtle way to ask her out—You'd probably want morning glories, white jasmines, pink camellias," Vi said and grabbed a notepad to write down the order. 
"What would you want in that kind of bouquet?" Reina pressed and wiggled her mustache.
"Me? Uh, I kinda ignore flower language, but I would probably want to get purple hyacinths, irises, and violets. Pretty much anything purple." 
"Gimme a small bouquet of all of those!" Reina gasped and bounced on her heels. 
"How soon do you need it?" Vi asked and wrote down her order. 
"How soon can old Vince make it?" Reina asked with the excitement of a puppy. Vi could make it and have it ready by the end of her shift. Vince had a lot to do.
"It can be ready by 3." 
"Sweet! I'll be back by then! Thanks Vi!" Reina giggled and skipped off, making Vi regret waking up that morning.
Of course she was going to regret it a lot more when the next customer came into the shop.
Reina was thrilled when she clocked out and skipped into the flower shop. The curvaceous chubby violet wasn't at the counter, but that was okay! Old Vince was there and the humble bouquet was just waiting for her. 
"Hey Vinny!" she cheered and skipped up to the counter, "I have an order to pick up!" 
The old man chuckled at her hype and picked up the purple bouquet. 
"Is this for who I think it's for?" Vince hummed knowingly. Reina beamed and nodded. 
"Then it's on the house. She'll be out any minute." 
"Really? You're the best Vinny!" 
"It's free if she accepts it." 
"I hope she does! She's so pretty and hot and I want to worship her butt and cuddle under the stars! God I hope she's into genderfuck trans women!" Reina gushed, unaware that Vi was trying to sneak past with her hood up. 
"See you tomorrow Vi," Vince called to her. Vi turned to him and waved. Reina saw her runny eyeliner and immediately marched up to her, bouquet in hand. 
"Who do I need to fight?" she asked and grabbed Vi's shoulders. Her eyes were so red and puffy. 
Vi pulled away and shook her head. Reina didn't need to know why she was crying. It was mainly because of that bouquet. 
"It's nothing—just another bridezilla. You don't have to worry about me. Go ask your girl out. Cut flowers don't last forever," she said and hurried out the door. 
Reina hurried after her. 
"Vi, wait!" Reina gasped and nearly barreled into her on the sidewalk. 
"What the hell?!" Vi snapped as she regained her balance.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm trying to ask you out. I can't even ask if you leave!" Reina giggled with an adorable blush on her cheeks. 
"Yeah! I really like you and I know I'm not the most feminine woman so I understand if you aren't interested in—" 
"Are you telling me I made a bouquet for me?" Vi scoffed incredulously.
"I thought I said I wanted Vinny to make it," Reina pouted, "So you wouldn't have to make your own bouquet." 
"And you're sure you want to ask me out? You have to have other options." 
"How many options do you think I have?" Reina giggled, "I’m a genderfuck trans woman who won’t take any shit about being the right kind of trans!” 
“If you want to say no, I won’t be mad at you, I won’t take it too bad,” Reina sighed, “I’m not trying to force anything or hurt you.” 
Vi bit her lip and took a deep breath. She could do this, even if she was hesitant. She wanted this. 
“Ree,” she said and stood on her toes to kiss her cheek, “You wanna come over and get take out? We can marathon Halloween and cuddle.” 
“Should I go home and get comfy clothes?” 
“No, I have some stuff that should fit you. And if you tear the sleeves, I don’t mind,” Vi shrugged, “I kinda like the idea of having a buff girlfriend.” And then she squeaked as Ree scooped her up, holding her by the thighs.
“If you just want me to go shirtless, you can say so!” she giggled as Vi hid her face in her shoulder, “I won’t stop you from freeing the tiddy!” 
“Ree, put me down,” Vi huffed, “People are staring.”
Reina kissed her head and gently set her on her feet. Vi grabbed her hand and led her toward her apartment. 
“And maybe if you want, I can show you the rest of my ink,” Vi suggested. Reina would be thrilled to take her up on that offer, but she was happy just to hold her hand and call Vi her big tiddy goth girlfriend. Even if the flowers did nothing to get them there.
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plushie-neopet · 4 months
I'm going to relive my history with the site a lil, but it's already running long, so I'll put it under a readmore.
When I was first told of Neopets in ~2000 I was frequenting a Digimon oekaki (drawing board) and drawing Lopmon/Floramon/Kiwimon with alarming regularity. I joined Neopets because friends on the oekaki asked me to. I made a blue shoyru, which I painted purple because I liked the user hrobi's purple shoyru Antorcha and the art on the site card for Antikia Lighten. I think at the time I thought the site made the card based on the user's pet.
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I joined my friends' guild, and in a guild event I won a silver paint brush and re-painted my shoyru. It was actually pretty interesting, because I was trying to make her look mirror-shiny in art I made of her, and that taught me a lot about colouring. I played for a bit over a year. I legit talked about 9/11 as it happened in that guilds' lil chat area. I had to calm down an American kid who went by the name 'Piggy' because her parents were REALLY upset about it and she was panicking. And shortly after I lost interest and the login details.
When I came back March 1st 2002, I made my kuroi_muchi account but occasionally I would look up my first account. It was wiped in the purge, however. The first pet I made on my kuroi_muchi account was a gelert... But I didn't connect with the old gelert art and didn't feel inspired by it.. Also, I forgot to capitalise her name, and that bothered me. I pounded her. She still exists on-site, but now she's a Woodland Poogle. As I write this, she is 8005 days old, so she is almost 22 years old, like my account. Her owner plays semi-regularly, but was last spotted about three months ago.
I still have the second pet I ever made on my current main, but she's on a side account. She's a Halloween Aisha named Itla, and given I always drew the red 'outfit' as part of her fur I don't want to remove it to put other clothes on her... She was my first serious roleplay character (a demon catgirl RP'd on MSN messenger) and now I like to joke that she's happily retired.
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Shortly after making kuroi_muchi, I found a Neopet-themed Oekaki called 'Sako's Oekaki'. This drawing board was accessed via Sako the then-shadow aisha's petpage. Sako's petpage is now a jumbled mess of broken script, but it mentions the Oekaki to this day.
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My Halloween aisha was quite popular there! The board focused quite a bit on aishas and roleplay, as well as art. There was an ongoing theme with angel and demon aishas - and my Halloween girl was obviously one of the demons. I'm not even going to say it was cringe - we were kids playing with concepts of belief and morality. I feel like that's pretty important when you are developing your world views. I made a lot of very dear friends there. Actually, I met my first ever girlfriend there. Long distance, but cute and meaningful. One of my friends from that board wanted to make plushie pets together, to match. Plushie grundo/chomby MPs were under 100k np, so we made those. He made a grundo, and I made Kijiwa the plushie chomby. And I kinda fell in love with plushie neopets after that. I wanted to make more... but then conversion happened and they lost a lot of their charm, and gosh they were EXPENSIVE, so I didn't until much later.
When the purge happened a lot of people had long lists of names they wanted, but I only had one. My name is Rain, and I like birds, and I like the meaning of 'rainbird' - a bird that sings to warn of an incoming storm. Rainbird was the only name I grabbed when it was released, and they became the pet to represent me. For a while I lab zapped them, unsure what would work as 'me'... But I eventually decided that they had to be a bird, and I would acknowledge my love of plushies and try to draw them the way they should look. So Rainbird is a plushie bruce. If Toy had been around I might have been tempted, to be honest! But I quite enjoy my fat purple penguin.
Rainbird is female on-site (but uses they/them) because I made them before my own public transition. It's one of the few things I might like to change, if it becomes easier/cheaper in the future. I am aligned more with masculinity than femininity, but... Well, it's fine to have little markers of how I've grown. Hell, I 'announced' my transition subtly with art of Rainbird. Before the pride flags were added to the site, and when discussion of the subject was against the rules. I wasn't discussing it, though. I just... drew a bruce wearing a bow.
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I think I won a gold BC trophy for this picture.
It's probably silly that I can connect a lot of memories to a pet site. It's probably silly that I have a rainbow chomby plushie on my desk right now, when I'm in my mid-30s. It's probably silly how sentimental I'm feeling about all this. It's probably silly to be running a blog dedicated to a 25 year old site and the art that people make based on it. Sometimes it's nice to be silly.
This year I made Teald - based on an OC I have been writing and roleplaying for years. It felt like coming back, looping around to something familiar. I will take inspiration from strange places, and I will bring my inspiration back to places I know. I am glad the NCUCs came back - realistically, that faerie lenny mp probably would have sat in my SDB for years more. I just don't like the converted lenny art. But I knew that if Teal was anything, they'd be a faerie lenny.
I don't know why I felt like sharing all of this. Perhaps this too is a little marker I am leaving online, so I can look at it years from now and remember. If you read it all... well, thanks. Thanks for coming on this stroll down memory lane with me. There's more I didn't add - I have many more Neopets, after all! But this felt worth sharing, or at least writing down somewhere.
Stay excellent.
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volknersraichu · 2 years
I completely forgot my login details for this account which is why I’ve been MIA for a few months 😭
Please take this random excerpt from a fic I started writing a while back.
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afreakingdork · 1 year
It's been a hot minute. I accidentally deleted tumblr and forgot my login details.
ANYWAY, how has everything been??? It's been weeks. I started writing tests two weeks ago. I actually have one later today (it's 3:40am) that i never fully studied for so that's fun. Being the only fully out and (socially) transitioned transgender student in the grade is tough though 😭 Someone was dared to slap me as hard as possible cause "i wanted to be a guy, so i had to get the treatment". Didn't hurt that much tbh. The guys are actually kinda nice though in a weird way?? They probaby find me a bit weird but they let me hang out with them so that's nice. I made one of them laugh a shit ton too
Bones, woah! That sounds like a wild initiation. I hope things continue to go well for you! It's too late now, but good luck on your tests regardless. Ya never know how much you don't or don't know sometimes on tests 😅
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qclod · 2 years
hello everyone i am back
i forgot the login details for my newer tumblr, so i’m back here i guess? please excuse all the outdated information on my about page.
so hello! it’s been about 4 years. how are you all doing?
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fvkvrodani · 11 months
...i forgot my login details...
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ineedtopurgemyurges · 2 years
Hey guys i'm not dead i was just hella depressed and forgot my login details lol
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