#and the modern internet and social media
threadmonster · 8 months
I think a (potentially) generation defining thing is how you feel about the phasing out of internal optical/DVD/CD (however you say it) readers in laptops.
I do not want to have to buy an extra external device that has to be plugged in. That (in my opinion) is way more inconvenient than a laptop that's heavier.
I have plenty of physical media I still want to enjoy! (I also want to collect more before things disappear.) I already own them!! so, I'm sorry, the only way I'm experiencing it digitally is if I can rip it or if I download it by other means.
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thistledown-moved · 1 year
So funny when people make posts like "if you REALLY had [disability here] you wouldn't be ABLE to have a social media account" like god forbid disabled people do anything that isn't lament in total isolation until they are Fixed or until they die.
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dramioneasks · 11 months
= social media aus and i would recommend trying twitter!!! a simple "dramione socmed" or "dramione smau" might work
Ahh okay thanks, we actually have a tag for that: dramioneasks (tumblr.com)
And here are some more:
brb. by ellieauthor - M, 7 chapters - An ominous message from a boy Hermione doesn't want to hear from generally, let alone on Valentine's day, leaves her scrambling for an alibi. There's only one other person who is usually on campus at this hour. And it's just her luck, he's already online. //or: a Dramione AOL Instant Messenger fic
daddy’s best friend: a dramione social media au by riddikulus_puff - E, 7 chapters - a dramione social media AU where hermione granger's father's best friend, draco malfoy, found the smutty book that she wrote about him
Cat Daddy (A SocMedAU) by hellodarknessdarling, HolyGnocchi - M, 8 chapters - While their friend groups have slowly blended over the years, Hermione and Draco have remained resolutely outside of each others' orbit. Until fate in the form of a furry friend takes matters into his own paws. In which Hermione is distraught, Draco makes a friend, and Crookshanks plays matchmaker. [[A Social Media AU told through text messages, social media posts, and narrative]]
Thicker Than Water by sweetestsorrows (katschako) - M, one-shot - Even though they agreed to keep their new relationship private for the time being, Draco can't resist the opportunity to let Ron know that he doesn’t stand a chance with Hermione. The news is all anyone at Hogwarts University can talk about.
Bloom Into You by magicandmanuscripts - M, 38 chapters - Hermione Granger returns to London after living in New York City for seven years. The dynamic she returns to is much different than when she left. • Social Media AU • Hermione Homecoming • Hermione and Neville open a flower/plant shop. • NottPott Side Pairing • Meddling Friends • Mutual Pining Content warnings will appear on the portions they apply.
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onemillionfurries · 3 months
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starfalltanuki · 1 year
Me getting ready to explain how so many pieces of Digimon media are perfect encapsulations of what our relationship with technology and the social climate surrounding it was like at the time each piece of media was made and how not only are the older pieces of media amazing time capsules of old perceptions and fears about relatively new technology that was quickly evolving at an incredible pace, the newer pieces of media showcase how that technology has embedded itself so deeply in our lives for both good and bad that our relationship to it and fears about it become much more defined and personal instead of generalized and large scale:
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kvothe-kingkiller · 8 months
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btw im goofballproximitysurveyor on discord and I also have a server for BB story discussion (It's mainly focused on the story but you all can organize playing the game together there too idc) and I'll probably end up making a dreamwidth at some point to have a more centralized archive of a lot of the art/scanlations/writing/other content I have posted and a place where I will probably make more long form posts talking about my interests in case of tumblr catastrophe. I am not getting out of this chair though lol I will be here until they pull the plug.
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lindwurmkai · 3 months
the word "reactionary" is so unfortunate
i just saw someone use it in a context completely unrelated to politics, attempting to convey something like "acting in response to something else" (you know ... reacting)
which is extremely not what that means! but i myself was confused by it for months after learning what it actually meant because i just couldn't figure out why it was called that if it had nothing to do with reacting to stuff. until one day i thought of re-enactment and then it started to almost make sense
wikipedia tells me the french are at fault. as usual
but the average person isn't going to scroll far enough down the wikipedia article to find that out, if they look it up at all. most will probably assume they can infer the meaning from context since it looks like a perfectly logical adjective. hate to see this happen every time some highly specific term escapes containment 🙃
reactionary 🤝 intrusive thoughts
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bobthedragon2 · 4 months
soooOOooo sick of feeling creatively unhealthy
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kainisticinstincts · 6 months
Now let me say that I am not discussing the Morality of the Israel and Palestine. That's not what this post is about. I'm just discussing the Armchair Military aspect of this conflict, the PR Nightmare it is and why Hamas doesn't ever seem to go away.
Insurgencies live and die by their public support. As long as you have a resentful and angry populace then you will have insurgents. The thing about wars like Afghanistan and Iraq is that counterinsurgency was a nightmare because for every civilian you kill you produce 10 insurgents from their friends and family and attempts at Infrastructure in Afghanistan were fucked due to bad terrain. You cannot win a Guerilla war without winning over hearts and minds.
Not to start moralizing but I think any attempts at hearts and minds now are pretty fucked because of the constant airstrikes. This effectively means that Hamas will keep existing until things get better and Palestine citizens no longer feel motivated to go to war which I do not see happening in the near future.
I also want to talk about what an Absolute PR Clusterfuck this entire war has been. I have never seen a country bungle golden PR like Israel has. You have the perfect PR dream of Extremists attempting an antisemitic terrorist attack and killing babies then it somehow devolved into posting fucking AI images of Voldemort and comparing him to Hamas. It's so fucking surreal.
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depressedraisin · 10 months
when zakir hussain rakesh chaurasia and niladri kumar are playing a triple concerto for sitar tabla flute conducted by alpesh chauhan and accompanied by the symphony orchestra but you're just a broke student living in the other end of the country
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punkalope · 11 months
tbh seeing ppl call tumblr a social media is odd to me. its a blogging platform with social aspects... you CAN socialize but every time a "social media feature" is added the entire site hisses and spits in its direction. Because... Tumblr isn't a social media, it's a blogging site.
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rotturn · 2 years
this is ur fun reminder that kurts parent's go through his cellphone constantly whenever they want and that his social media accounts are run entirely by them. they search EVERYTHING in his phone, from texts and calls to photos and messages he may send or recieve in apps. search history and youtube history and Everything. kurt has never in his life had privacy and any attempts he makes to get it will often end very badly
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idontdrinkgatorade · 1 year
reading sources about the internet and its impact on culture for an english paper and yeah this is super interesting but the problem is that half of the sources that google scholar is spitting out of the search function are from 1995 which isn't that long ago in regular years but considering that the highest grossing social media platform (facebook) wasn't launched until 2004 (nine years later) then i don't think those are the most relevant sources for what i'm trying to find
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astraltrickster · 2 years
You know there IS a lot to be said about how social media favors simplifying information into short bites and the algorithms are very much preying on the human tendency to be drawn to sensational takes and rapid-fire dopamine hits but some of you take that criticism and just veer hard into being really ableist about ADHD, like - not everyone who gets bored and understimulated easily and has to really struggle to stay engaged with things that don't immediately hook them and might want to avoid that struggle as much as possible in their leisure time after having to do it all fucking day at work or school has "TikTok brain poisoning".
But, in fact, fuck it, I'm gonna take it a step further and say, if anything we should be wrapping this into the conversation about how the environment is disabling people - physically and mentally - and then blaming and exploiting them for being disabled. Yeah, actual ADHD may have a known genetic cause and understood neurological mechanism, but...as an adult with ADHD, who does love the curb cut effect, I do catch myself wondering if this current wave of ADHD/autism "curb cuts" is really just because the things that are growing more popular are just near-universally beneficial, or if it's partially because this online environment is actually inducing ADHD/autism-adjacent traits in more people through actual, literal, clinical addiction. Which we ALSO shouldn't be ableist about!
And no, I don't mean this in the "WE MUST STOP SOCIAL MEDIA IT IS A PLAGUE BEING DISABLED IS A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH" kind of way, and anyone who treats this that way will catch a block and these hands. I don't even know for sure whether it's really happening, or just an illusory effect of those traits being more okay to talk about and having more spaces to see people's mostly unfiltered thoughts - though the political landscape irl, election results and the like, do seem to imply to me that it's at least a little bit of both.
We do not appreciate enough that the quick and easily accessible dopamine hits generated by social media can become a literal, physiological addiction. Like, this is the actual, literal chemical pathway by which addiction happens. Yet, unlike other potentially addictive things, at this point in our culture, you are, at best, considered a social pariah if you're between the ages of 11-65 and don't use social media at least somewhat regularly, and at worst it can actually materially harm your career prospects to abstain.
I honestly suspect there's a lot of overlap between symptoms of ADHD (and some autistic traits, for that matter) and symptoms of clinical social media addiction, and this predatory, potentially addictive use of social media algorithms, especially in the post-No Child Left Behind education environment leaving people with limited tools to question misinformation and spot baseless sensationalism...much like overwork-related burnout, genuinely strikes me as a mental parallel to how we're "handling" covid: demand that people live in the environment that can cause an acquired disability, and then when someone gets it, either deny that it's a problem (long covid is "just something you have to push through, it's normal to still be tired after getting sick", burnout from overwork is "just buy this nice home spa product and you'll be fine tomorrow", and loss of attention span and new sensory-seeking behaviors are at best "oh everyone gets like that sometimes" and at worst "well maybe you're just stupid"), or when that's impossible, blame the person experiencing the problem ("well you should have worn your mask and sanitized your hands more! You did? You should have worn a better mask! You couldn't afford it? You should have budgeted better!" or "well you should have taken care of yourself better before it got to this point!" or "well you should just put that damned phone down sometimes, it's easy!").
And holy fucking shit, even in disabled spaces, we STILL treat addicts like shit. There's this horrible, pervasive attitude that they don't really count, because they brought their problems on themselves by engaging with the thing in the first place when they should have known the risks (unlike the guy who lost a limb in an extreme sports accident, that's totally different*).
(*Note that I recognize that there are tons of abled people - and even some disabled people - who absolutely would also blame this theoretical guy as a reason to discredit them, but I'm talking about a specific brand of individual hypocrisy I have seen many times within the disabled community, anyone who reads this as "yeah! NO ONE would say that about someone with a PHYSICAL disability!" - after reading the previous paragraph no less - can also catch a block and these hands. The fact that some people would be equally ghoulish about both doesn't take away the fact that enough people do carry that double standard to make a significant impact.)
In fact, even if I'm 100% wrong and there is no even semi-common problem with clinical social media addiction...we very much do use that very same anti-addict victim-blaming template to demonize victims of predatory online fuckery anyway. "It's your own fault because you just refuse to put down the damned phone." Because it's so easy to break a habit, let alone an addiction, right? And of course, you end up victimized by disinformation and predatory marketing practices because you know better. [/sarcasm]
What people need is coping strategies, not shame, because shame doesn't magically make people stop being disabled or having symptoms of a disability, but coping strategies can help make those traits and symptoms a lot less distressing and exploitable, whether they're innate or induced.
Tl;dr: Yeah, the companies behind the major social media platforms ARE a plague, now stop using that as an excuse to be ableist, forgetting what the real problem is, and crying about how Idiocracy was a documentary.
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lunarelly · 1 year
Why jail? 😆 (tag from the tumblr post)
actually it’s because your tags made me laugh so i felt competitive and i needed to come up with something just as startling
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