#this is one of the many downsides of modern social media but like
lindwurmkai · 4 months
the word "reactionary" is so unfortunate
i just saw someone use it in a context completely unrelated to politics, attempting to convey something like "acting in response to something else" (you know ... reacting)
which is extremely not what that means! but i myself was confused by it for months after learning what it actually meant because i just couldn't figure out why it was called that if it had nothing to do with reacting to stuff. until one day i thought of re-enactment and then it started to almost make sense
wikipedia tells me the french are at fault. as usual
but the average person isn't going to scroll far enough down the wikipedia article to find that out, if they look it up at all. most will probably assume they can infer the meaning from context since it looks like a perfectly logical adjective. hate to see this happen every time some highly specific term escapes containment 🙃
reactionary 🤝 intrusive thoughts
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tricksterlatte · 13 days
I've always been fascinated by fandom history, and I know I'm not the only one. It's interesting to see how fans of pop culture can create a culture of their own, and in the modern age of social media and the internet in general, that culture is as widespread as ever. Unfortunately, that also means downsides are becoming bigger as this culture becomes widespread, and it's saddening to watch, maybe even concerning.
I don't discuss these things to be preachy, especially considering how I've fallen into several of these pitfalls before, and have perpetuated some of this behavior in the past. To say otherwise would make me a hypocrite and a liar, and I firmly believe this goes for most people in any fandom. I was just thinking about this recently, and how a lot of the biggest stressors in what should be our stress relief really can be pinned mostly into a few central talking points, which I would love to discuss to know if I'm not just going crazy here
The concept of Big Name Fan has evolved into a position of authority on fandom, which does not fall to anyone regarding subjectivity. No one in a fandom is an authority except the creators themselves, who have every right to stay away from the fandoms they have birthed.
Popularity in general being conflated to intellectual authority as well, especially on websites with public stats, particularly following counts. The algorithm is no benevolent god, but people will sometimes see someone with 30k followers and think they are correct on a minor non-issue that has spiraled into discourse, especially when compared to someone with 30 followers. This also is just...a bummer when fanon evolves into perceived canon, and newcomers to the fandom can't post even innocuous meta or headcanons without it being perceived as morally/intellectually incorrect.
Monetization of fanworks, but especially zines, have led to a hypercompetitive atmosphere that only escalates the bitterness and resentment. This is not a universal problem, but many zines across all fandoms habitually accept the same artists and writers, or diminish the value of fanfic due to the limitations of physical printing. The application process has devolved into such a disheartening debacle for a majority of people I see, and the way it is often framed as "your work just wasn't good enough" when it's really about what the mods deem mass marketable will destroy just about anyone's self-esteem after repetitive rejections, and will give some frequent zine runners a false sense of final say over the community (not usually, but it can happen).
The level of distrust for anyone new attempting to start a fan project is just so depressing nowadays (and this one we sadly can blame on a few people by name, but the ones who have sent this issue spiraling still don't care and that just sucks. I feel horrible for everyone who has been tricked).
Somehow comment and anonymous asks have gone backwards from "don't feed the trolls" to "suck it up, at least you're getting comments." I have seen some of these comments people have been told to suck up. It's not okay in general. It's particularly gross when it's an anonymous hate message unrelated to the fanworks themselves, perhaps born out of resentment or bearing an ulterior motive. And some will even attack and defame character due to identity. It's not subtle. It's not okay. People should absolutely be dunked on for this, and I gotta say I'm sick of unsolicited concrit being enforced as positive either. If they didn't ask, don't give it. There's a reason a lot of fic writers some people adore suddenly go ghost, and they can't even talk about it.
Don't like, don't read has been discarded in favor of don't like, tell others don't read and also don't write. Transformative works don't have to fit into a canon or even in character mold. That's why they're transformative! It's a different type of artistic expression. If you don't like it, chances are good it simply wasn't meant for you. It's not bad. Don't shame others, god especially not for non-issues such as a t/b preference or a different gender hc, preferred haircuts, types of animal you imagine them as in another lifetime, I could list literally anything here and I bet there has been a fandom fight over it.
Exclusive yet publicly advertised community Discords that will bar you from invite if you're not one of the cool kids. I have unfortunately fallen into this trap before, and refuse to ever enable or endorse that behavior ever again. This isn't about friend groups either, it's about fandom-dedicated servers that flaunt themselves as a VIP club instead of what they are: a friend group. I also don't even know how to broach the subject of private accounts that turn into fandom tea accounts with dozens if not hundreds of followers, only for people to be angry if someone isn't exactly okay with horrific stuff being said in general, let alone about their mutuals or friends.
I know none of this will likely ever change, and tbh i'm so tired of it all, but...does anyone else know what I mean? I'm stressed out whenever I try to enjoy myself, because popularity and a strange business mindset is steadily taking over fandom spaces. I'm not saying people should stop trying to make stuff that sells, or that people universally do any of this, but fandom is evolving into a thing I'm not sure is good. idk anymore
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mariacallous · 1 year
It had to happen. And now it has. Women are finally rising up against the pitfalls of dating app culture, and fighting back. Since March 2022, Are We Dating the Same Guy? Facebook groups have sprung up in almost every major American city, from New York to Little Rock, as a way for women to call out bad digital dating experiences.
What started as small-scale communities are now spreading internationally and have grown to include hundreds of thousands of members. “Boys, frickin’ buckle up,” one TikTok user said in July. “If you mistreat a girl, or are doing some sketchy stuff, the time is over, ‘cause you’re getting caught.”
Since joining some of these groups earlier this year, what I’ve seen, above all, is women trying to protect each other, including from sexual assault. In one east coast US city, a woman posted about a date with a man during which he pinned her down and choked her without consent. Other users gently walked her through her responsibility to report him to the dating app in order to protect other women. She did, and then posted a screenshot saying that he had been banned (a welcome decision, but one that doesn’t prevent him just joining another dating app and doing it again).
Are We Dating the Same Guy? appears to have been started by three women, none of whom have sought the limelight (and none have immediately responded to requests for comment). Their identifying details on social media are scant, lending an air of mystery to the open-secret quality of this enterprise. One must be approved to join, and agree to a lengthy list of ground rules, which includes not sharing any recognisable information about users or their posts in public.
Cautious to protect members’ privacy, I hesitated about writing about the groups at all, until I saw a male standup comedian on TikTok making fun of them, characterising women’s complaints as frivolous. “‘Saw him in the park, weird posture’,” he joked, mocking users’ comments. “‘Yellowing teeth.’ He’d probably say you were a bitch.”
Are We Dating the Same Guy? groups are full of pushback against misogynistic attitudes, as well as practical advice from women about how to navigate today’s broken dating culture. They offer support for heartbreak after being ghosted, warnings about catfishers and men who have scammed them for money. Members give their takes on some of the plagues of modern dating, such as “situationships”, those relationships that exist in a limbo of non-commitment. “My advice is never settle for a situationship again,” one wrote. “Your heart will get hurt and it never ends well.”
The women are often very funny, sharing stories of bad dates and relationships gone wrong. Or they are sad, many of them, at how difficult it has become to find true intimacy. “Why is it so hard to meet a gentleman who truly loves you?” one asked. “Two words,” another responded. “Swipe culture.”
The ostensible reason for the group, as suggested by its title – calling out men for cheating or dating multiple women at the same time – is only part of what goes on. But it is a big part. Women who have matched with men will post their pictures to get the inside scoop on what they are really like, beyond their profiles.
Members will also post a picture of someone they’ve been dating for a while to find out if he’s seeing others. In one of the most dramatic threads I’ve seen, a married man with four children was exposed for dating women on the apps, after women who apparently knew his wife saw the thread and said they were going to alert her. Often, the women express their gratitude to each other for the information. “This group is a godsend,” someone said. “I’m so glad we have a community to help prevent us from being preyed on by opportunistic men.”
Are there downsides to all of this? A key issue is privacy – the men’s privacy – which the administrators of these groups seem to be battling to protect as best they can, frequently issuing reminders that users must be “extra extra strict” in enforcing rules about not saying anything “accusatory” that could lead to “possible defamation”. The groups are also accused of operating within an increasingly lawless, internet sleuthing culture, where social media users on TikTok and other platforms publicly shame men for alleged transgressions, acting as judge and jury, sometimes with real life consequences.
The groups also have a decidedly heteronormative focus, with the majority of users being women mainly discussing cisgendered men (despite no indication that the groups exclude discussion of LGBTQ+ people or relationships).
But they are also an example of women taking problematic systems into their own hands, to protect themselves from toxic behaviours that for decades have disproportionately impacted women. #MeToo’s promised reckoning has been subject to a predictable backlash. Moira Donegan, the journalist responsible for compiling what was dubbed the Shitty Media Men list in 2017, a viral Google spreadsheet listing alleged sexual harassers in the US media industry, is currently facing a libel lawsuit. Are We Dating the Same Guy? groups are the whisper network in step with the digital age.
In one study of women who had used a dating platform in the past 15 years, more than a third said they have been sexually assaulted by someone they met on an app. In an ideal world, Are We Dating the Same Guy? wouldn’t have to exist, because dating apps would protect their users more. They would vet their users, provide background checks and age checks and proof about whether or not someone is married.
These Facebook groups have emerged and caught fire in reaction to the widespread, unchecked abuses rife in dating app culture – from cheating to rape. My only regret is that their members don’t turn the same passion they have for outing male misconduct on the dating app industry itself. Women have more power in this than perhaps they realise: they can refuse to use dating apps at all.
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“He who controls the mind controls the minds of the public.” - Noam Chomsky & Jim Morrison.
Most of us accept the fact that social media shortens our attention span.
But do we really understand the fact that it does not only do that, but much more - affecting our whole way of thinking?
“But it doesnt affect me” Is a commonly cited quote, which might be relevant to many readers of this text too. This is a projection of our everyday consciousness, which is ignorance. Our minds are very selective, and we are very prone to live in a one firmly set of habits. 
And in our day to day life, what are we actually working with, internally? 
If one can really be honest about this, one can observe that Memory is mostly being acted upon for the most part. That’s the main instrument that we are playing with. But there’s a downside to using primarily just memory. As wears out the brain, and gradually, when one gets old, brain gets slower and slower.
Unfortunately this has been taken as some sort of a fundamental truth, like there’s no other way to live, act, and learn. This is a very concerning trait of our Western culture. 
Piling up knowledge into our brains without really facing the fact that our brain has limited capacity, there are inevitable consequences and therefore the fragmentation of the brain will happen. The increasing amount of distractions in society and modern lifestyle takes us away from our true nature which is far beyond the common way of life, with a biased way of thinking and superficial emotional life.
What over indulgence of social media and the noncritical way of internalizing information does to us internally, is that it evades that essential spaciousness needed for the mind.
We don’t seem to realize that “Nothing is something”.
I strongly encourage you to take a step towards a better life and for the next moment when you notice yourself caught in the same behaviour pattern, just stop. When you’re after short term pleasures or constantly amusing yourself with entertainment, take a moment to reflect on your life. 
Another phenomenon of our state of mind is that “ It is not that deep bro “, also known as Postmodernism. This I wont go into into any further in this post.
Going back to what I was saying, it is essential for us to not always try to fill our boredom with something. Fun fact, indigenious people did not have a word for boredom. They were so aligned with nature, and the nature of universe, which is a gift and the alignment to that naturally brings out gratitude to oneself. Indigenious people would be stimulated to just see that the green is grass, wind is blowing, and the sky is blue. And the culture was more about mutual good. Meanwhile in our modern culture mental disorders are becoming more and more complex. 
Where do we go from here?
Order in the mind can only come out of the understanding of disorder.
Looking at ‘what is’, presently operating in the mind, IS in in fact disorder.
Our everyday consciousness, like previously said, is ignorance. 
There are at least 6 grand illusions that are inherited from the very beginning of our childhood, and are encouraged by educational system. 
1) The illusion of thought 2) The illusion of self 3) The illusion of knowledge 4) The illusion of time 5) The illusion of control 6) The illusion of fear.
Look up: Self-enquiry
It is also to mention, that division inevitably brings about conflict. Very dangerous way of thinking is that there’s one truth, that my side is the good side, and others are bad. This is just one trait of the habits of War, and all the ugliness in the world made by man.
Last words,
althought I might paint a very gloomy picture of our way of living, I see the radical honesty of that fact as essential. And it does not end there, this is perhaps the more important part. Once we really delve into this ‘living’ we call, we can start to go beyond it. A one single moment, an insight can bring about radical change in oneself. Maintaining this positive change within oneself, implies constant awareness of unawareness. Being present when our negative impulses kick in, we’re there in the moment and in that we have all the power to act rationally, sanely, and not to go along with it.
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hoidn · 1 year
tl;dr spanish has formal pronouns and english doesn’t and this is what FOMO looks like for me, a nerd.
one of the downsides to engaging with media in languages you don’t know is that you're locked out of a lot of the experience because things like cultural/social references and contexts don’t necessarily register or have meaning when they’re not in your frame of reference (and while this happens at times to everyone generally, because even within one’s own culture it’s impossible to be aware of ALL the things, it’s much more pronounced when coming entirely from outside of it). 
of course for me it’s primarily about language itself and shades of meaning and aughghg it’s so frustrating to know that there are linguistic nuances failing to have an impact either because the translation is (of necessity) filtered through the interpretation of the translator and they can only convey so much, or because their presence is simply not readily apparent to me. but i want to knooooooow. LCDP is the first non-english language show i’ve ever been fannish about and it’s certainly been an education in how much i actually remember from four years of high school spanish classes lo these many years later. it’s more than i thought, but it’s mostly just isolated words and short phrases, and it’s largely recognition rather than immediate understanding. it’s like i’m on a two-second delay, so that by the time my brain has (a) picked out the word/phrase from amongst all the unfamiliar sounds, and (b) found its meaning, i’m two sentences behind what the characters are saying. mostly it’s been more distracting than useful.
my bits and pieces of spanish sort-of-understanding have allowed me to solve the mystery of something that had been sitting in the back of my mind with a question mark since i first watched THAT SCENE in 1x12. (well, once i got over the initial “omg they’re making out!!!” reaction, anyway.) according to the english subtitles, raquel says “about you” then stops and repeats “about you” again. i couldn’t figure out the significance of the repetition or how her next line “i think it’s time we stop being so formal” followed on from that. it was only on a rewatch, when i already knew the meaning of the dialogue and didn’t have to focus on the subtitles, that i actually listened to what she says. and i realised they’re still using the formal pronoun ‘usted’ with each other. so the first time she’s saying “de usted”, but the subsequent times she’s saying “de ti”. hence less formal! and since modern standard english doesn’t have formal pronouns, in a literal translation both ‘usted’ and ‘ti’ are the same word: you. achievement unlocked! VICTORY!
for confirmation i switched my subtitles to ‘european spanish’ and, first of all, how cool is it that they get different colours for different speakers?! that makes it so much easier to read! stupid english subtitles all being in white. then, because i am A Nerd, i transcribed the spanish to compare to the english translation, and i put the important bits into google translate to see what it came up with (bolded in brackets).
R: I want you to know I'll never pull my gun out again. Yeah? S: Okay. R: Or frisk you or have any doubts about you. S: Good. R: About you.... About you. I think it's time we stop being so formal, isn't it? S: I couldn't agree more. R: Yeah. S: I agree. R: Me too.
R: Quiero que sepa que no voy a volver a sacar la pistola nunca más. Sí. S: Ya. (ed: i definitely hear him say “bien” but w/e) R: Ni a cachearle ni a duda más de usted.  S: (ed: i hear him say “bien, bien” but there’s no dialogue at all in the captions here) R: De... De ti. De ti, de ti, de ti. Ya va siendo hora de dejar da tratarnos de usted, ¿no crees? [“It's about time we stopped talking about you, don't you think?” <- yeah, see, the literal english translation of that sentence means something quite different to what the spanish sentence means, which is sort of how we ended up here] S: Yo creo que es momento de tutearnos, sí.  [I think it's time to call each other, yes. <- i feel like we’re missing a word, there, google] R: Sí, sí. S: Yo creo que sí. [I think so] R: Sí.
from my perspective, even with this rough translation, there’s a lot of nuance left out of the english subtitles, and that’s really disappointing. it’s... i don’t want to say it’s cuter or more adorable in spanish because that sounds like i’m being condescending about the language itself, when it’s actually that the english translation leaves out elements of the original that convey a level of meaning. the kind of babbling repetition they’re doing in spanish, which is what makes it adorable, isn’t even hinted at in the english translation. basically, the adorableness of the moment is baked into the language of the original; it’s supposed to exist as part of the emotional landscape. but if you rely solely on the translation, you don’t really get that, or the way it kind of builds momentum. (maybe it comes across better in the dubbed version? idk i can’t stand dubbing.) 
anyway, while i don’t understand the translator’s choices here wrt to that, obviously they did the best they could with the usted vs ti issue. (this is one reason written media is better for translation: you can have footnotes!) still, i have to wonder whether someone who’s not familiar with spanish would really get the underlining meaning of the “stop being so formal” line.
and i genuinely mean no disrespect whatsoever to the translators of this show or translators in general everywhere because i am incredibly grateful to them for making the world so much richer and there are so many wonderful media i’d never be able to watch or read without their work. but this single exercise in explication has just emphasised for me how very much i’m missing out on and it makes me sad that short of thoroughly learning every language on earth there’s no way for me to fix the problem to my own satisfaction.
i really hate that.
(also i have so many more questions about the whole translation process for visual media now. for starters, i have the suspicion these people were translating without a net (i.e. a script) and had to go on what they heard. if that’s the case, it’s a ridiculous way to go about things and infuriates me as someone who used to do court audio transcription. because i can attest that transcription of multiple speakers is hard enough even when you can isolate individual mics and you only have to work with one language. the idea of having to translate from a single sound file on top of that? fucking hell. i hope they got paid very well. (lol of course they didn’t.))
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yuppersreppuy · 2 years
Two things really really bothering me: the conflation of arousal with loneliness and in-person political discussion.
Any friends? Any family? Any meaningful human connection outside of a sexual partner or several? Or is this a case of being truly alone, zero support, left out of the herd to die? Unless someone is an incel, what they mean by "loneliness" in terms of sexual relationships is physical touch (and typically emotional validation too....which is perilous). It is true that in American culture there is very little touching and that can hurt for some. If you focus on sadness, then you will always be in pain. Sex is a want. (And on the inside I think people use "loneliness" as a concept to make sexual relationships less shallow than they are.) I've had enough of discussion on loneliness, too. Either agree to shallow, performative relationships or do the "let me know if you need anything" fake-out. I can agree to social services being a better option. It's like people understand how scary it can be to be alive, collect philosophy cred, and then tell others to shove off for having needs. Cop it or leave it. There are many advantages to modern society and one of the downsides is the shift from physical, communal problems to personal, emotional ones. Harvest, hunting, birth injury death are much easier to understand and support than however it is the brain manages to hurt itself. Irdk how people expect community to be more than mechanical transaction if everyone is supposed to be fully independent of each other.
Beatings! Wow. Some on here salivate at the idea of tearing others apart over words and only hold back because they are also made of flesh that tears and bones that crack. "We need to come together" in what? Silence? Really, what? What is the long-term plan as a society besides duck and run after engaging in trench warfare on social media? I personally think that the Internet is the best place for discussion BECAUSE of anonymity and quick referencing of information, and I am still disappointed by this species.
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themindfulblack · 8 days
AI: The Double—Edged Sword Of Modern Progress
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Artificial Intelligence: refers to the theory and development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation.
In this new age, the rise of AI has significantly enhanced human comfort, making processes smoother and more efficient. AI can generate new ideas at an unprecedented speed. Robots and advanced systems are beginning to replace human labor in many industries.
Occupations with the Highest Projected Negative Change in Employment in the U.S. (2022-2032)
- 348,100- Cashiers
- 235,900- Secretaries and Administrative Assistants
-175,400- Office Clerks
-162,700- Customer Service Representatives
-111,800- Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators
- 108,300- Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks
-108,100- Executive Secretaries and Administrative Assistants
-101,600- Fast Food Cooks
- 94,000- First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers
Countries with the Highest Density of Robot Workers
China currently ranks fifth in the world, behind:
- South Korea (1,012 per 10,000 employees)
- Singapore (730)
- Germany (415)
- Japan (397)
Wow, even typing that was boring. But there is a point I’m getting at.
I firmly believe in the devil's advocate perspective, habitually applying it to understand different angles. While AI presents numerous positive outcomes, it also introduces significant negatives.
Functions of AI:
- Improve Humanity: Enhancing daily life and solving complex problems.
- Advance Technology and Medicine: Innovating in fields like healthcare and physics.
- Create Greater Ideas: Fostering innovation and creativity.
However, AI's rapid advancement brings about several issues:
1. Job Displacement: As highlighted, many occupations are at risk due to automation.
2. Reliance on AI: There's a danger that humanity could become overly dependent on AI, weakening our critical thinking skills. This parallels how lack of physical exercise leads to muscle atrophy.
Technology has already proven to be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it connects people globally. On the other, studies show it can induce non-clinical depression due to excessive social media use. I believe social media should primarily be used for business ventures and reconnecting with loved ones. The constant barrage of misinformation and negative propaganda is overwhelming and often unavoidable, regardless of how you curate your feed.
In the same way, while AI can be beneficial, the downsides could potentially outweigh the positives. Only time will reveal the true impact of this powerful technology.
- Black
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cobreja88 · 4 months
Why is Social Media an Important Part of Inbound Marketing
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With billions of social media users active, having an engaging presence can provide significant business benefits through reaching, building relationships, and revenue expansion. Influencer partnerships have become a cornerstone of inbound marketing. Collaborating with influencers that align with your brand values and voice can broaden reach while building trust through recommendations that feel less like ads than endorsements from trusted friends. Reaching a Large Audience Social media is an online communication platform that enables individuals, creators, and businesses to share content and connect with one another. Now a day Social media has become an indispensable part of modern society; people use it for purposes ranging from entertainment, business promotion, marketing campaigns, personal relationships, and much more. Social networks allow users to access an abundance of information and connect with people around the globe, as well as express their thoughts and opinions on various subjects. They're also an outlet where opinions can be freely expressed - including misinformation and cyberbullying which has its downsides for businesses using this platform - but understanding its proper usage is vitally important. Understanding your target audience is central to crafting an effective social media strategy. No matter if it's for business or personal use, social media allows you to reach a wide range of customers while increasing brand recognition. Plus, targeting ads by interest, demographics, and behavior is just another benefit! Social media offers more than just mass outreach; it can also help build relationships with your target market by engaging them directly via comments and direct messages - thus improving customer service, increasing brand loyalty, and creating buzz about your product or service. Social platforms are cost-effective ways of increasing the followers and revenue for your website or blog, leading to greater sales and revenues. Furthermore, targeting ads allows you to maximize return on investment. Social media can be an invaluable asset to businesses of all sizes. In particular, it can level the playing field for small businesses with limited budgets; one Texas-based burger restaurant Pluckers Wing Bar achieved national fame through viral TikTok videos and social media engagement that helped achieve their business goals. Furthermore, many small businesses report positive returns on their social media investments. Creating and Sharing Content Social media platforms provide users with numerous ways to connect and exchange information. Individuals can create personal accounts to stay in contact with friends and family as well as update statuses about daily activities or stay current on current events by subscribing to groups, lists, or hashtags of similar individuals who share similar interests or experiences on these platforms. Social media has become an integral part of life both personally and professionally, providing people with access to network, build relationships, and promote themselves/their brands. They can also gain access to news/information/entertainment or find job opportunities. Content sharing is an integral component of marketing, helping companies establish brand recognition, drive customer engagement, and ultimately increase sales. That is why businesses must have an established social media strategy in place. Numerous small businesses rely on social media as a cost-cutting measure and to reach new audiences and gain exposure without spending an exorbitant sum on advertisements. Social platforms allow even smaller local businesses to compete against larger, multi-national ones with their direct and viral reach. Content Creation for Business Companies are increasingly turning to social media accounts for more authentic communication with their audiences, not only when promoting products and services but also when connecting with them authentically and providing useful resources and answers to common queries that they might have. By posting engaging and informative content that shows their company culture in an entertaining yet relatable way. Furthermore, businesses can provide their audience with valuable resources as well as answers to any of the questions they might have. Content creation on social media can be time-consuming, yet reap significant rewards when done effectively. Done correctly, this can result in increased traffic, conversions, SEO improvements, and overall business expansion. Companies that keep up with trends by creating relevant and timely content strategies can maximize their social media potential and realize its full potential. Advertising Social media marketing not only generates new leads and boosts sales, but it also increases brand visibility. Companies use this approach to increase reach to a broader range of potential customers while simultaneously strengthening loyalty with both current and former customers. Social media provides consumers with an avenue to connect with brands they care about while sharing experiences both positive and negative in an open forum format - feedback essential for improving products/services as well as building customer relationships. There are various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Some cater specifically to individual users such as friends and family while others cater more directly to businesses or brands. Their popularity stems from the human instinct to build and foster communities online. Social media provides both individuals and businesses with quick and easy means of publishing content quickly and effortlessly, with most platforms providing analytics and management tools so business owners can track how their content is performing over time. Additionally, many platforms allow businesses to promote their posts through paid ads to maximize reach. Pay-per-click (PPC) ads are the go-to method of social media advertising, typically placed above or below organic search results on each platform. They're cost-effective ways of reaching specific demographics or geographic locations - offering a great return on investment! Many platforms allow you to monitor the performance of your ad through metrics such as click-through rates, impressions, and average time spent on the page. This information can help determine which type of ad best reaches its target audience while increasing conversions. Due to these advantages, social media has become a part of life for billions of people worldwide and is expected to remain an essential tool in terms of business, communication, and culture in future years. Building Customer Relationships Social media refers to an array of online platforms and apps that enable individuals, creators, and brands to communicate with one another, build communities, exchange ideas, share content, and more - from TikTok and Instagram to Facebook and YouTube, it has become an indispensable part of everyday life. Marketing professionals have recognized social media's immense power as a platform to engage audiences. Social media allows marketers to directly target consumers like never before - helping companies build brand recognition while drawing customers towards their products or services. Social media offers an invaluable way to monitor consumer behavior, such as viewing counts, likes, follows, or shares (retweets on Twitter) of articles or videos as well as the click-through rate. These analytics can be used to gauge a post's effectiveness and pinpoint areas that need improvement. Grow Your Business With Social Media Social media has enabled small businesses and influencers to leverage their audience to promote products. From popular Instagram beauty bloggers to viral TikTok campaigns, these influencers often willingly work with small businesses and can significantly expand their audience size - leading to increased sales and brand recognition for them. Though social media offers numerous advantages, excessive use can have negative repercussions such as cyberbullying, social anxiety, and depression. Young users in particular may also be exposed to inappropriate material that might violate their rights or breach privacy rules. Yet, despite all of these potential downsides, its use remains a vital aspect of modern life. Social media is an indispensable platform that helps businesses connect with their audience and forge long-term relationships with customers. Businesses that neglect its use may miss out on a huge potential return on investment, although remember it takes time and effort to see the results of an effective social media strategy; nonetheless, inbound marketing through social media may provide one of the cost-efficient means of expanding a business and reaching its goals. 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the-daily-whale · 1 year
Through traditional news or social media, we are informed about the world around us through those media outlets. The practice of gathering this information and making it concise and clean for an audience to consume is called journalism. Journalism as a practice has existed for over 2000 years starting in Rome where public events (such as speeches) were recorded and hung up in prominent places for people to see. Then in 1609, newspapers would begin to appear in German cities in Antwerp. The introduction of newspapers then got popular enough to a point where daily newspapers would begin to pop up in 1702 starting with the ‘Daily Courant’. After newspapers, radio was introduced and then later television. Now with the introduction of social media, journalism has changed even more with a new branch of journalism called ‘citizen journalism’. This form of journalism allows for any citizen to provide journalistic coverage on any subject with the common utilization of social media as their main form of publication. Citizen journalism has been getting quite popular since overtime, people have been veering away from mainstream news outlets trusting the more modern citizen journalists for their intake of news. Is this necessarily a good thing, well I can’t say as many innovations had both good and bad to them, like nuclear energy, it was harnessed as a weapon first, then it was altered to provide a cleaner source of energy compared to fossil fuels. In this blog, we will explore the different aspects of citizen Journalism, how it might benefit us and how other parts might be more harmful to us.
To get started, we will first talk about the benefits of citizen journalism, upsides that traditional journalism doesn’t have. One upside that immediately comes to mind is how thanks to citizen journalism, we are given more sides of a topic. Traditionally, we would only have the media outlets providing only one side to a topic, but thanks to citizen journalists, many sides of a single topic will be covered and published for many to view. Another upside of citizen journalism is its ability to allow coverage even in restricted countries. In countries with governments that have control over the output of their media, it's difficult to get reliable and accurate news to get published about the situations in those countries, but with citizen journalists, they will be able to document and report on happenings that would have otherwise not been covered or published too late to matter. The last upside of citizen journalism I am gonna discuss is the coverage of more niche topics. With traditional media outlets, they need to get coverage of things that will entice the audience into learning more, but with citizen journalists, they are allowed this freedom of being able to cover any niche topic they want regardless of how many people see it as they are not as reliant on views as traditional media outlets, this lets citizens find more about a certain topic they probably wouldn't learn about otherwise. However many benefits there are to citizen journalism there are still some downsides to look at.
No innovation is perfect and citizen journalism is no different as there are plenty of criticisms that I will discuss in this paragraph. One such criticism of citizen journalism is the lack of training in a citizen journalist. While journalists are trained with knowledge that aids them in their practice and are forced to follow a set of ethics that prevents them from violating the privacy of an individual, citizen journalists are not enforced to follow these teachings which can cause serious issues. Another criticism of citizen journalism is its ability to spread misinformation. Even though many people trust citizen journalists, some people use that trust to spread misinformation, and since they’re not held under the same standards of journalism as traditional journalists, they are not as pressured to deliver credible sources to back up their claims. One final criticism of citizen journalism is its ability to have heavy bias to one viewpoint. The necessity to stay objective doesn’t apply to all citizen journalists which leads to articles heavily favoring one point in an attempt to sway you to that certain viewpoint, regardless if the facts are all true.
Though I just listed a bunch of criticisms, you have to keep in mind the good when in conjunction with the bad. Citizen journalism as a practice is only a couple of decades old which is quite young compared to the hundreds of years that traditional journalism has had time to grow, so it is understandable that citizen journalism seems somewhat premature and unpolished. However, due to the expansion of the internet, citizen journalism has become a more integral part of our lives than most realize, so the next time you stumble upon a tik tok talking about a situation in the middle east or the story about a dog that waited for their owner at a subway station, think about the millennia of journalistic history that led up to that tik tok.
Image credit: Creator: Eric Gaillard | Credit: Reuters
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english-project12 · 1 year
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Technology has become an integral part of modern life, and its impact on childhood development has been debated for many years. As a child who grew up in a pre-digital age, I have observed the drastic changes technology has brought to children's lives. Children today are more dependent on screens and less reliant on face-to-face interactions, which may harm their social skills and emotional development. It was uncommon for kids to access a mobile device or tablet in my childhood. Instead, we played outside, read books, and interacted with each other in person. Technology was not a significant aspect of our lives, and we did not rely on it for entertainment or socialization. However, as I grew older, technology gradually became more prevalent in children's lives, and today's kids are growing up with screens constantly in their faces.
My parents got me an iPod touch for my birthday when I was in first grade. At the time that wasn't extremely uncommon, lots of kids my age had an iPod but that was the extent of personal devices, at least the community I grew up in. I was thrilled about my iPod, I downloaded tons of music and mobile games onto it like Plants vs Zombies. I have a lot of nostalgia and memories when it comes to that iPod, which I actually do still have kept for sentimental reasons. When I was growing up kids had iPods but they did not have iPads and nowadays I constantly see children with screens in their face always watching some sort of video. And a lot of the times their parents allow it to keep them busy and not complaining. It's an easy fix to solve a kids problems but it comes at the cost of obsession and addiction with children not being able to go out without some device. When it comes to social media, most kids in my grade didn't get it until around 7th to 8th grade, and even then, it was limited. Although we did have Youtube although out elementary school, but it wasn't on our phones or iPads it was on a home desktop computer typically. And that wasn't really considered social media at that time. So how do we as a culture and society fix this issue with not only children but also ourselves? I can't deny that I also am on my phone and screens a good amount of the day, let's acknowledge the fact that I'm complaining about people using screens too much while writing on a screen. I think people might attach themselves to something like an iPod the same way they might with their first bicycle or car. It might not have been the nicest thing in the world but it meant something to you because it represented the next chapter or step in your life. And I think a lot people would agree that that makes it culturally valued as well because at the time it was super cool and you got a lot of enjoyment out of it.
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Social media and its effect on children specifically is an issue in and of itself, and it's becoming an epidemic. Teens can get caught up in the number of likes, comments, and followers they have, making them feel good or bad about themselves. But it mostly makes them feel bad about themsleves. This can lead to cyberbullying or feeling like they don't fit in with their friends. It's also tough to tear kids away from their screens once they get into social media and video games. This can make it hard for them to focus on schoolwork and other activities requiring concentration, hurting their grades. The downside of technology is that it can also make kids less interested in hanging out with their friends and experiencing the real world. They may miss out on some cool experiences because they're too busy staring at screens. It personally bothers me a lot because some of my best memories as a kid was golfing with my friends, hiking, going swimming in the creek or lake, and I just see youth doing those things as much anymore. If I do see them, they are almost always on their phone recording it. One of the biggest things I've noticed this issue at is concerts. I used to go to concerts and just listen and experience the music nowadays, we just record the whole thing on our phones. I can't claim I dont do that occasionally, but its sad to see, and I try to avoid doing that.. Also, they may miss out on valuable opportunities to learn how to communicate and build relationships with their peers, which could lead to social awkwardness and difficulty forming close friendships. According to The Impact Of Screen Media On Children: A Eurovision For Parliament "Over the last twenty years social interaction (eye-to-eye contact) has gone down while eye-to-screen-contact has gone up. Just before the year 2000 life became literally virtual: people would spend more time in front of a screen than spending time interacting with other human beings." (Source) While technology has undoubtedly brought many benefits to our lives, it is essential to recognize its potential negative impacts on children's development. Parents and educators must work together to balance technology and real-world experiences, ensuring children develop social skills and emotional intelligence alongside their technological abilities. We must refrain from allowing the convenience of screens to come at the cost of human interaction and emotional development.
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We need to continue to familiarize ourselves about the potential risks and benefits screens can possibly have on children. Screens, such as TVs, tablets, smartphones, and computers, have become an integral part of children's lives in today's society.  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (source) "Children aged 2 to 5 years should have no more than one hour of screen time per day". In comparison, children aged six years and above should have consistent limits on the amount of time spent using media. However, these guidelines often need to be followed, and there is growing concerned about the effects screens may have on children's development. This blog series aims to explore the impact of screens on children's growth from a balanced and evidence-based perspective and provide practical strategies and recommendations for promoting healthy development in children. Some Potential Benefits and Risks of Screen Time for Children's Development are that screen time can positively and negatively affect children's development. On the positive side, screens can provide educational opportunities, such as access to online resources, interactive learning games, and virtual field trips. Screens can also facilitate social connections and communication with friends and family far away.
However, excessive screen time can harm children's physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development. For instance, excessive screen time has been linked to obesity, and according to a study "A majority (90%) of the studies included in a systematic review of research on screen time in children and teenagers found adverse associations between screen time and sleep health – primarily because of later bedtimes and less time spent sleeping" (Source). As well as eye strain, and posture problems. Additionally, excessive screen time can interfere with children's cognitive development by reducing their attention span, inhibiting their ability to focus, and reducing their ability to learn from real-life experiences. Furthermore, excessive screen time can lead to socio-emotional problems such as decreased empathy, reduced social skills, and increased aggression.
Spending too much time in front of screens can have poor effects on their overall well-being. For example, it can put them at risk for health problems like obesity. Plus, staring at screens for too long can cause eye strain, headaches, and pain in the neck and shoulders. Spending more than a couple of hours a day on screens can also mess with our sleep patterns, which can be detrimental to our physical health. Regarding cognitive development, too much screen time can make it harder for kids to focus and learn from real-life experiencesAdditionally, excessive screen time has been linked to poorer academic performance, including lower grades and test scores and according to a study "The key finding from the systematic review was that in most of the papers reviewed, as time spent watching television increased, academic performance suffered." (Source) Socio-Emotional Development: Excessive screen time can lead to socio-emotional problems such as decreased empathy, reduced social skills, and increased aggression. Children who spend more time on screens are more likely to experience social isolation, which can adversely affect their mental health.
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Before we start to point fingers at each other let's first realize we all have a part in this issue. Beginning to recognize the problem and take responsibility for our actions is a good first step in bettering ourselves. Addiction to screens can lead to a lack of productivity, poor sleep, eye strain, and even depression. Acknowledging the issue and its consequences is the first step in overcoming it. We can begin to self-improve ourselves and leave a good example for the next generation by taking concrete steps to limit our screen time. One way to do this is to set a time limit for using screens. For example, we could limit our screen time to a certain number of hours per day or set specific times during the day when we can use screens. We could also use apps that track our screen time and provide notifications when we exceed our limit.
Spending too much time in front of screens can affect your well-being. That's why it's important to acknowledge the problem and take steps to fix it. One suggestion on how to do this can be by replacing some of our screen time with activities that are good for your brain and health, like exercising, reading, or spending time outdoors. That way, you improve your mental state and get healthier, killing two birds with one stone. Another way we can fix our screen addiction by working on personal growth and bettering ourselves. This means setting goals for ourselves, like jogging every day and lowering your 5k time. When people start to set goals that they can accomplish, it gives them a sense of purpose. And having a sense of purpose can distract yourself from spending meaningless time on your phone. Also, learning new things can also open up new opportunities. And taking care of yourself whether through maybe playing sports like golf or taking up a diary for example can be really helpfulfor our mental and emotional health. Therefore cutting your screen time down. So to recap, if you genuinely want to improve yourself and take some self-responsibility, you must consciously limit your screen time and focus on self-improvement. So hopefully, the evidence above will persuade you to do so.
Adelantado-Renau M, Moliner-Urdiales D, Cavero-Redondo I, Beltran-Valls MR, Martínez-Vizcaíno V, Álvarez-Bueno C. Association Between Screen Media Use and Academic Performance Among Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis . JAMA Pediatr. 2019;173(11):1058–1067. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2019.3176
Horowitz‐Kraus, Tzipi, and John S. Hutton. "Brain connectivity in children is increased by the time they spend reading books and decreased by the length of exposure to screen‐based media." Acta paediatrica 107.4 (2018): 685-693.
Media and Children, Aap.org, https://www.aap.org/en/patient-care/media-and-children/. 
Sigman, Aric. "The impact of screen media on children: a Eurovision for parliament." Improving the quality of childhood in Europe 3 (2012): 88-121.
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crossdehn78 · 1 year
high quality replica handbags 4
The Method To Completely Different Grade Of High Imitation Merchandise Replicas also produce other terms corresponding to designer dupes or look alike designer manufacturers and designer impressed. But they are all replicas or fakes and DHgate is the best platform for that. Not solely Louis Vuitton reproduction purse on LoweLew.com is made with strict adherence to high quality, but other brands, similar to Chanel, Gucci, Prada, and so forth. Other types and shimmer-free colours can be found on the website, as well. You can get this fashion close to, but not precisely, the identical size because the Chanel Caviar Quilted Boy Flap based on the chart at Chanel Prices. The Madewell Transport Tote sells slightly below $200.00, and resembles totes from different brands, just like the Saint Laurent medium East/West Leather Shopping Tote. Over the previous year, counterfeit faux goods have rocketed the digital luxurious marketplace. depurses.ru replica bags In the midst of lockdown, and Gen Z having too much time on their palms, the dupe floodgates have inundated social media websites like TikTok and Instagram. High-end designers use their logos on zippers to distinguish them from their pretend counterparts. They are made to resemble and be as long-lasting as the true thing. wikipedia handbags Designer purses are something that many women crave to get their hands on since they are modern, high quality, and carry brand names that beautiful class all around the world. Unfortunately, genuine designer luggage are overpriced beyond the budgetary attain of most style enthusiasts who could be thrilled to own one. Don’t panic – you’ll love to verify out the top-quality designer reproduction baggage from Bestreplicadesignerbags which would possibly be mirroring their genuine look alike. They have an excellent variety and elegance out there at excellent costs. You can discover replicas of well-known luxury manufacturers such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada, Hermes, Balenciaga, Marc Jacobs, Michael Kors, and extra. The downside with DHGate, however, is that there are millions of sellers, which can make choosing a Herculean task.
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seoexpertdannyla · 1 year
Pros and Cons of Search Engine Optimization by an SEO Expert
If you are struggling to have traction on Google with your website, or perhaps you are putting lots of time and resources into SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and getting very little back. If you are having more impact on social media than on Google, then you may have considered search engine optimization by SEO expert or consultants. If you are still undecided about these services, then here are a few pros and cons about hiring SEO experts.
Cons – How Much Time Does SEO Takes
This is a bigger problem that most people realize. That is why, when SEO services offer you quick results, they are probably trying to mislead you. Good SEO takes a pretty long time. If they are able to rank you up quickly or get lots of traffic very quickly, then it suggests they are using questionable or black-hat methods. On the other hand, if you have a great SEO service, it could take months before you see how great they really are.
Pros – Your Competitors Are Using SEO Services
Perhaps one of the biggest arguments “For” using SEO services and consultancies is that your competitors are already using them. It doesn’t sound like much of a benefit but consider this. According to the taxable records of essay writing services, they take on so many assignments and make so much money that at least every student in the USA must have used essay writing services at least 3 times during their time in college. This means that statistically, if a student is “not” using an essay writing service at least a few times, then they are at a disadvantage. By “not” using SEO services and consultancies, you are automatically putting yourself at the back of the race.
Cons – SEO is a Very Diverse and Difficult Subject
You are going to get some SEO services and SEO consultants that come into your business and try to apply blanket SEO methods where they do not belong. There are some that are going to take the easy route, and that is not going to help you out in the long run. Modern SEO needs to contend with big data driven machine learning. As a result, what works for one will not work for others. If your consultant or SEO service is offering the same plans and services to you as they do everybody else, then things may not work out so well. Each time, every time, without fail, you need a customized SEO plan. One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to SEO.
Pros – There Are Hard Working Teams Out There
Even if you consider all the downsides to search engine optimization by SEO expert teams, if you have a team that works very hard, then the outcome is always a net positive. The only difficult problem you then face is where to find a good SEO expert. If you have done your research and you are still struggling to find a good SEO consultant, then consider working with the team at SEO Expert Danny. Their online reputation speaks for itself. Get in touch and start building a plan towards more effective SEO campaigns.
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michaelbellu · 1 year
Imagined internet is the real internet trap
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If people want the internet to remain open, they must first understand it and then fight for it. The investigation of the internet and the world wide web was supposed to make media monopolies impossible. Instead, tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Apple now dominate the time we spend online and grab all the profits from the attention economy.
The article “The Internet Trap” by Matthew Hindman describes the difference between the internet people imagine and the internet that is real. When comparing the two, there is a significant gap in the public’s mind. People imagine the internet to be this land of opportunity where anyone can make it big when the reality is a third of web visits go to the top ten firms. The big names are Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon. These companies led by Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk are the modern version of John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie. Most small start-up sites can not touch the big guys. The article shows why, even on the internet, there is still no such thing as a free audience. The internet has not reduced the cost of reaching audiences; it has shifted who pays and how.
The article also talked about how news aggregators such as Apple news and Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages are moving news organizations’ content onto their own platforms. This greatly impacts journalism as a whole and is forcing news organizations to compete with these tech giants. The move hurts most news companies, especially small newspapers. People claim that many small news sources that cater to small local audiences are important; however, “on the real internet, small-but-valuable audiences are an oxymoron.” Digital survival depends on stickiness, how to attract users, get them to stay longer, and return again. As discussed in previous readings, algorithms are used to keep users on an app or website longer by showing content crafted according to what that specific person likes based on previous activity. Probably the stickiest app right now is Tiktok. It is the most popular algorithm-run app. Users primarily focus on the “for you” page, not the people they follow. The whole idea of the “for you” is only to show content the app knows that person will like based on their specific activity. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook also do similar things to get users to stick around on their platforms and pay attention to their apps. It all centers around the attention economy and how one site can get more of a person’s attention than others.
Google has created stickiness in a different way. Rather than being just a search engine, it has evolved into a combination of work tools, personal storage, and social media. Instead of trying to keep users on one platform, they just made a variation of everything you need, all connected through your personal Google account. There are Google photos, drive, maps, translate, email, docs, shopping, travel, and a ton more. Google has become a conglomerate of all different types of tools and sites that are all liked together. Before Google, people would have accounts for all the different tools, such as email, word docs, excel, mapquest, etc. With the evolution of Google, users can now stick to a Google site, no matter the variation of the use they want. Google has now become a verb; if you don’t believe me, Google it.
Google is extremely helpful and has improved many people’s lives through its convenience and evolution; however, there is a downside. Google continues to grow bigger every year, reaching new parts of our lives and linking other things to Google accounts. At what point is it too dominant? How long before it reaches and knows too much about people’s lives? Previous readings have discussed AI and the evolution of it being incorporated into everyday life. If AI continually goes unchecked and Google has a robot variation, it could be very problematic with it having access to most parts of people’s lives. I have said for years that Google is Skynet from Terminator and that they will come after me first because I tried to warn everyone.
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seeklovenet · 1 year
10 Best Australian Courting Sites Some Would Possibly Shock You
10 Best Australian Courting Sites Some Would Possibly Shock You
The pricing is affordable, having in mind that you get so much for the cash you invest. As the complete approach and philosophy of Tinder Australia are very modern, let's imagine that it’s largely in style among Australians who belong to the youthful technology. With such a easy system, that is an extremely user-friendly app, and even those who have by no means seemed for the associate on the web could have no downside using it.
I’ll preface this post by saying that your greatest success with any of the sites under shall be found in a serious city like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, or Adelaide. The problem with smaller towns is that there just aren’t enough members to make it price your time to signal up. You’ve obtained to be in cities that have a big population of singles because courting is really a numbers recreation. As you probably can see, dating in Australia with our practical and insightful compilation of finest online courting websites in Australia. You may also be glad to know that there’s no need to hyperlink this one with any of the social media profiles you might have, so no worries about knowledge sharing throughout these platforms.
Oasis Lively
Some may like this function, however I personally favor paying a flat rate to message as many people as I like. Discovering the right courting site/app will increase your odds of assembly somebody on-line by 73% based mostly on a 2021 survey. While registering, members take a persona test, which can help determine which matches are appropriate for him/her.
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The persona test that should be crammed out upon becoming a member of is a long course of, but that is usually extra acceptable to extra mature adults. At this age, people know what they're in search of in a mate and are already nicely established in their careers and friendships. This permits for critical members to look for a selected mate that's guaranteed to hold the same interests and beliefs as you. Though there are a couple of relationship apps that focus particularly on the Australian dating market, the precise fact is Aussies have more options than they may ever need or need. Crime Index – Of the cities in our examine Canberra showed the bottom crime rating (22.fifty two out of 100).
Zoosk – Most Versatile Australian Dating App
Purely for the potential of unlawful accounts and inappropriate sexual messages, on-line dating for teenagers needs to be monitored rigorously. MyLOL is amongst the most-used apps for teens aged and has over 300,000 customers. Members should validate that they're older than thirteen but younger than 19, and teenagers can hook up with thousands of associates using MyLOL’s online chat rooms. Parental consent is required to register for this app and even Google Playstore will deny any teen beneath the age of thirteen. Average value of primary internet – We’ve already checked out what areas of Australia have entry to web in their homes. Naturally the next step was exploring what Australian singles are paying for primary internet.
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If Tinder just isn't your thing because you feel it is geared more in the direction of millennials and Gen Z, Singles50 is the place to go. It has an nearly good ratio of men to ladies so you understand there are plenty of choices so that you can select from. With most of the customers being as young as forty, the app is very easy to use and all members will stay fully anonymous unbiased dating site reviews when messaging except they resolve to launch personal information. This is a very safe system, especially in case you are nervous about faux accounts and being catfished. All of the account options have access to all providers Gay Match Maker has out there; however, if you want to open unlimited entry you presumably can pay a subscription payment.
Greatest Courting Sites In Australia
More than 250,000 Australians have joined Singles50, making it one of the best online courting platforms presently available to older people in search of love. Reviews show that this app has a 41% success fee of its members and a very low divorce fee. This may be attributed to the scientific character test that Singles50 makes use of to match members. The solely disadvantage is that messaging is just out there to Premium memberships. The only actual upside to paying for the subscription is if you'd like your every day wink, message, and gallery limits to be increased. If you aren't a really energetic consumer, you can get away with the free account.
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Zoosk’s app for portable devices is among the most wished ones, as it supplies the best and smoothest attainable expertise wanted to find the ideal match. [newline]Having so many languages and countries available, it’s no surprise it’s highly well-liked amongst those on the lookout for partners from every nook of the world. Although this web page isn't specifically tailored for the Australian market solely, it’s design and performance are suitable for varied shoppers, with no geographical limits. The d’Arenberg Experience – $15 per particular person and you’re in your way to an elegant, art filled wine tasting expertise. During this self guided tour of the Alternative Realities Museum, you might be sampling a fantastic choice of d’Arenberg wines and having fun with contemporary artworks. Scenic River Cruise – Get out on Swan river and see the city from a special perspective. There are loads of options for river cruises in Perth and most will start at about $30 per person.
However, primary, it’s a relationship app, and it’s perfect for each relationship and friendship-searchers. RSVP is the greatest option for single people who discover themselves afraid of scams and fake profiles. Since you are in a place to do personality checks, it’s one of the best website for those trying to find think-alike people. As I already mentioned, Match.com is among the world biggest courting platforms and when it comes to free on-line relationship, Australia could be proud to have Match.com on its aspect. Even although the matches are location-based, you probably can unlock the whole world by choosing one of two types of paid subscriptions. EHarmony at present has over 1.5 million users in Australia which have signed up since its inception and it's utterly free to hitch.
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For everyone who's on the lookout for some fun, informal courting, just chatting, or learn severe relationship, Match.com won't allow you to down. Knowing how difficult finding the proper partner may be, we're at all times wanting to contribute in our personal very special way and create a handy list of net sites that may be of help. Although eHarmony is open to anybody 18 years and older, the speed at which aged people are on the lookout for love on-line has increased substantially.
Darwin was the Australian city with the very best crime score in our research (58.09). While Australia as a whole just isn't overly unsafe, it’s always beneficial to take precautions when you’re out for a date or relationship on-line in Australia. Firstly, If you’re courting an Australian you can be positive they’re going to find time for their mates. Whether it’s heading over for a few coldies, a barbie, or a some footy it’s going to occur and often–don’t be offended by this. If issues get severe you can guarantee you’ve discovered a companion that may stand by you thru thick and thin. Hard to record the highest Australian courting apps with out speaking about Christian Mingle.
20 years in business and status of one of the most trusted relationship websites in Australia will assist anybody meet their other half, or one thing much less compulsory. As one extra proof that the page is committed to secure relationship online, the team cooperates carefully with Australian trade bodies for over 20 years. The establishments include the ACCC and the Federal and State police. To clarify, this web page belongs to the network which gathers a quantity of specialised dating sites for varied markets.
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Hotel Booking Engine
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What is Hotel Booking Engine?
•      A hotel booking engine (or hotel reservation system) is software integrated into your hotels’ website and social media pages, that lets you acquire and process commission-free direct bookings. Guests can check the availability and book their stay directly from your hotel websites. Any type and size of accommodation provider viz. hotels, resorts, vacation rentals, guest houses, and group of hotels can have the booking engine integrated with their website.
•      In simple terms, a hotel booking engine is an application on hotel websites and social media pages to capture and procedure direct online reservations.
•      A hotel booking engine is a widget that appears on a hotel’s website or social media and can be used by travelers to make their reservations online.
•      An online hotel booking engine is your solution to commission-free direct bookings which maximizes your profits while optimizing your property’s sales strategy.
•      With most travelers preferring to create their reservations online, hotels have become heavily reliant on online travel agents to deliver them bookings. These listings by agents enable hotels to reach new and larger target audiences.
•      However, on the downside, for each reservation made, a commission fee has to be paid to the third-party, and when this fee starts crawling into double digits, it becomes impractical to hoteliers as it eats heavily into profits.
•      A hotel online booking engine is an easy way for hotels to directly compete with online travel agents to maximize profits and increase their ROI.
How does an online booking engine work?
•      An online booking engine works by plugging into your hotel website and processing secure online reservations build through the website. The data is then passed onto your property management system so you can access and direct the bookings.
•      It’s a highly convenient way for travellers to create a reservation. The booking engine will display your rates and availability in real-time and permit guests to select their dates and finalize the reservation.
•      A booking engine can also integrate with a channel manager, so it can operate and be managed in the same manner as the online travel agents you connect to.
Why You Need an Online Booking Engine
Despite your hotel’s size, you require to make your hotel visible online if you want to maintain a competitive edge and stay open for business.
Customers want hospitality in all its shapes and forms and one of those forms is having a great user experience when making online reservations. Top hotel chains using the latest hotel management software have created an expectation from customers that all online booking engines should function as well as the top booking sites. As such your guests expect:
•      Self Service- Traveler’s require a one-time booking process without the hitches and hassles of being redirected to other websites, having to pick up the phone, or writing long-winded emails.
•      Trustworthy Online Booking- Online booking provides a fast and secure way to accept credit card payments while still protecting and safely storing your customer’s data. Your hospitality business depends on the fact that your hotel technology is safe and secure, especially when it comes to personalized data collection and securing payment systems.  
•      Fast Booking Process- The hotel booking system and online booking engine must be seamlessly integrated and be able to transact in real time. Instantaneous availability, room types, and up to date pricing are presented as professionally as sites like Tripadvisor are currently doing.
•      Professionalism- Modern customers will be surprised if they don’t find a way to make their reservations on your official website and this can have a negative impact on your hotel revenue.
•      Direct Booking Perks- With so many booking channels available these days many customers visit your website with the expectation of getting something extra in return for making a direct booking. This is a trade-off many hotels have to build on saving third-party commissions.
Key Features:
•      Centralised Reservation System for travel agents
•      Managing multiple XML suppliers
•      Easy Booking Process
•      Support multiple languages & currencies
•      Integrated payment gateway
•      User-friendly Interface
•      Access Google Maps & Street View
•      Auto-vouchering, in case of non-refundable bookings
•      Advanced Search via multi-level filtration and matrix-view
Benefits of Using a Hotel Booking Engine for Your Hotel
There are many perks that come with integrating a hotel booking engine on your website and social media channels. Some of them include:
•      Your Property is Instantly Bookable Via Your Website
•      You Get More Bookings with Zero Commission
•      You Enjoy a Higher Booking and Lower Cancellation Rate
•      You Can Easily Process Payments
•      You Get to Control the Customer’s Journey
•      You Have Flexibility on the Promotions You Offer
•      Get Found with Google Hotel Ads
Why Choose FlightsLogic As A Top Hotel Booking Engine Development Company?
At FlightsLogic, we value fast, efficient and effective service and your customers’ satisfaction above all else. Our hotel management system is all you require to run your hotel efficiently. Feel free to talk to us today, or schedule a free demo and understand why over 14,000 clients trust us to deliver the best hotel technology solutions.
•      Methodology of Agile- We will create continuous versions to offer you complete visibility of your online hotel booking engine creation project as it progresses. Our collaborative approach will allow you to offer feedback at the end of each phase of the project, thus ensuring that the project is delivered as per your expectations.
•      Stability- Working in test environments permits us to ensure effective and safe constructions during the development process. If an application is released, we closely observe it using our integrated analysis to sustain and develop the product as it progresses through subsequent phases.
•      Industry-wide experience- We've vast experience partnering with agencies, small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), and brands all over the world. We've extensive experience working with leading players in the mobile, internet, and enterprise space and this has helped us to gain expertise across the entire mobile ecosystem.
•      Experts in all aspects of mobile technology- We have a team of developers who specialize in the full range of hotel booking engine solutions. From native solutions to cross-platform solutions and web technologies, including server-side growth, we've got you covered.
CONCLUSION: For more details, please visit our website: https://www.flightslogic.com/hotel-booking-engine.php
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lasclmet · 2 years
Critical ops mod menu ios
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#Critical ops mod menu ios apk#
#Critical ops mod menu ios install#
#Critical ops mod menu ios mod#
#Critical ops mod menu ios skin#
Very handy for those who have spent countless hours in the game and are getting bored with the tedious transportation of materials to the crafting stations each time, one downside with it is that it breaks the immersion so it depends on you and how you feel like playing.
#Critical ops mod menu ios mod#
This is a mod that allows you to pull items from containers in the vicinity when you are going to craft, build or cook, etc. Craft Build Smelt Cook Fuel pull from Container This is the most popular and most downloaded mod for Valheim, it has a lot of options allowing you to change numerous parameters in the game such as the attributes of players like weight limit or stamina usage, utility structures, workbenches, building, and many more. The modding community nonetheless is up to the task to improve the game even further, or fix some of the building aspects which in my opinion seems to be the only thing that drives me just a tiny bit mad sometimes, so without any further ado let’s move on to the list of the top 10 best mods for Valheim.ĭisclaimer: It might be the intention of the developers to make the game as hard as it is in its vanilla state and the mods we are suggesting might make it a lot easier. It goes without saying that there’s not a single Early Access title that’s perfect, and Valheim of course is not an exception, it has a few flaws here and there but nothing that will ruin your experience and frustrate you, if you are prepared. If you like all the features of this game, share it with your social media friends.Valheim is an open world survival game with Vikings that has taken the world by storm, amassing over 4 million copies on PC, making it one of the fastest Early Access games being sold this year. Since it is a modified version, so you cannot play it on your iPhone or iPad.
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So, install the multiplayer action game on an Android smartphone.
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More than 3 powerful game modes to enjoy the game.
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