#and not that i dont like doing it now but its just mentally harder now bcs im in a season where all my favs are the top of the field
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ah yes! the joys of executive dysfunction and something being Fundamentally Broken In Your Braincase!
#quick vent Look Away Nothing To See Here#i just needed to place my emotions somewhere before i really started to spiral#texts from cherished friends should not cause nausea-level anxiety! and yet!#here i am! running away from the ever-present miasma of guilt and stress!#you know a few months ago i was like 'im going to be better about responding im going to do better'#i Immediately started doing Worse!#i think i stressed myself out too much#pretty much every relationship i have ends up completely deteriorating due to my own insecurities and guilt and fucked up brain <3#ah yes and how could i forget the Commitment Issues and Emotional Block#mentally i am banging my head into a wall#but its fine Its Fine#i mean its not. its really not. but sometimes it seems like the harder i try the harder i fail#which is something i should be used to by now!#okay so it looks like i Am Indeed spiraling so#i am going to go... list some good things in this world and uhhh#well i dont have the car this weekend so cant go for a drive and some boba. um.#i need to organize my room table Yes that sounds distracting and falsely productive#not gonna tag this with anything actually.#love treating tumblr like my personal diary#ah yes its just me. my personal feelings. and the couple thousand people that follow me.#perhaps i will also buy something online with one of the gift cards i found the other day#buttons from michaels!!! i need buttons! i will go do that!#with the knowledge that i have unopened messages to respond to looming in the back of my mind like a noose! yippee yahoo!!!#gonna... turn of replies/rbs just this once since its just a Vent#i just needed to get it Out yk? not looking for anything other than relieving pressure on my brain#ok it looks like i cant turn of replies for individual posts#just... pretend you didnt see this for both our sakes <3#look away look away
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oatbugs · 5 months
it's just not going to work it feels bad but it has to happen but breakups that happen when nothing in particular has gone wrong and it's just an issue of like...paths in life/compatibility etc etc, where otherwise you actually rly do love the person, are so hard !! like i care for u i still want to be ur friend it just wont work in a romantic way !!
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mouseratz · 3 months
yes there is privilege in being able to choose whether I go to college or not. but it's kind of like. even if I did, the job market is so bad, most degrees are rendered next to useless anyway.....all of this work, and for what? you're not getting paid much better anymore, and you'll still be working likely on top of your schooling, and you'll have lifelong debt. unless I can prove it would bring me personal fulfillment, the point has started to seem a lot less clear than it did before. is it not going to just give me stress & debt atp?
the sad part is I actually like academics, more or less. I don't like homework because my brain is bad, or the way teachers often abuse their power over their students, but I like to read and write, I like to talk to people about these things, I like consistent routines and schedules. I could hate being a student more than I do.
but college just so genuinely feels pointless, at least in the way America has it set up, unless you have an incredibly specific career you want and know you need an incredibly specific degree for. unless the field is in dire need of workers, you're just going to get done with shovelling yourself in debt to not get a goddamn job in the field you wanted anyway, which I thought was kind of The Point! more and more is expected to get hired for anything, much less a job you think you wouldn't hate,
and do you know what kind of money they want from you? you'll probably be paying college debt off your actual entire life. my dad got the job he wanted, and we are doing pretty well, all things considered (hence why I have not been forced to do any of this), but it's nothing crazy. we still have to worry about unexpected bills, like hospital visits or fixing the car. and he'll be paying his debt off literally until he dies. it will never go away, only get incrementally smaller. he didn't go to the most expensive schools. he had good grades. he worked while he was in school. he got financial aid. and this is still the way it is. if they want people like me to go to school, I need to believe it's not going to fuck me over for my entire life, which is not the future I see.
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
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2009 European Grand Prix - Rubens Barrichello(ft. Lewis Hamilton & Kimi Räikönnen)
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Spent so long trying to separate my brain from the vague and undefined essence of My Being to survive the Mental Illness that I basically re-enacted Gnosticism 2.0 and not to be like, that's why my OCD emerged later than my more common flavoured generalized anxiety& chronic depression Brainrot, but it definitely Did Not Help. And now that I am (sometimes) at peace with my mind and given that I am no longer spending every waking moment trying to stay alive I have time to reflect on the lasting body-mind-soul division that I've created for myself and like. It fuckin sucks. I hate the body. I hate that I hate the body and being an incarnate creature. But also. It's so bad wrong awful. And tbh I still hate the mind a lot many days too!
#anyway bryn ur post is SO right and u are as always. correct#i just didnt wanna hijack it w rambles#but yeah.theee mental illness has done a number on me in many ways#but yeah the uh. body. we hate to see it. hate to have it.#smtn smthn tmg hebrews 11.40 i will get my perfect body back someday#if not by faith then by the sword im going to be restored. vibe. of it qll#also in the sparrow 2 emiliom talks abt this. and why he cant just get over what happened to him physically#because it was also a repeated assault of his soul#like yeah theres a lot of dynamics there re. divine abandonment and assault. but hes basically right#viz. my own hm horrible terrible no good very bad existence#sometimes i am terrified of eternity not for the usual reasons (im always terrified for those reasons its the ocd and existentialism)#but also for the like. physical resurrection??? in my religion??? fuck no. i DONT want that#i have to be stuck in this stupid ass form forever?#i cant even *** to get out of it ITS FOREVER#i want. to be a genderless shapeless benevolent void. maybe i can take on physical form when i want need#like the angels. i dont want THIS#anyway yeah yeah I'm trying but it just keeps getting harder#nothing fits right or looks right and im at the mercy of genetics giving me a body i dont want#and I cant even just sweat it out in agony bc oh boy look! youve now developed chronic joint pain TOO#if i cant look like i do in my mind i might as well be strong and powerful#but oh no. bitch is gonna get SO many physical ailments too#I DON'T WANNA DIE BUT I DONT WANNA LIVE LIKE THIS#franposting#brought to u by. button up shirt didnt sit right today. hips too thick for anything. have a whole extra goddam organ in my stomach#which i hate and do not want or need#etc etc etc
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ghostcrows · 1 month
that damn web comic is rattling around in my brain ...
#i just felt smacked in the face with a mirror reality something i could see not only myself but so many other people i know/have known in#with a frighteningly sharp precision#some of the people in whn look IDENTICAL to real life friends or exes or people i knew in high school or coworkers#i sent it to my friend and he said 'i feel like this HAPPENED to someone i know'#i keep thinking about that awful feedback loop of mental illness isolation and social media addiction#but its so much more complicated than 'touch grass' like you could shoot all these peoples phones#and theyd just turn to something equally toxic and retraumatizing and self-flagellating#they already show this because they have ed's and self harm and abuse substances and spend money they dont have#the chronic online-ness is a symptom not the disease#the thing that makes me a little sick is how much i relate to milo refusing to delete his tumblr even after everything#i have had instances in my life where posting on tumblr was actively making my life worse or harder or getting in the way of real shit#and i still use it as a crutch in the worst of times#its just funny cuz its this thing that saves you from riskier vices while still obviously perpetuating those things#because its a place that reflects You so heavily#you reblog sad shit cause youre sad and it makes you sadder#you wanna self harm you see people post their cutting pics now you feel like its not so weird or bad#its making me ask questions like 'am i stunted' 'what does it mean to be stunted' and then of course#when is someone 'acting like a victim' and just A Victim and can you do both and what does that mean#man....
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famewolf · 5 months
all my old fav youtubers coming back this fall has gotten me into a mood where I've been diving back into old bands I used to listen to religiously. and i gotta say ... they all still slap
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milkweedman · 2 years
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Attempting some tablet weaving for the first time. I have essentially no idea what im doing--i did watch a few videos which mostly went in one ear and out the other, as well as look for some written guides which were completely indecipherable if for no other reason than Reading Hard.
The warping was fiddly but straightforward, and the first several inches are totally botched bc i wasnt really creating a clean warp shed bc i had no idea what belonged to what half, but after i figured that out it got way neater ! I'm not really concerned about how it looks though. This first attempt will serve its purpose either way, which is to be a bag handle so that i don't have to crochet or knit one. Yes i did finally try tablet weaving just to avoid knitting or crocheting more straps.
Also wow, these cards really arent going to last very long. I pulled them out of the 5 deck hand and foot set (hence why they're all 3s, since thats the worst card to get and i figured removing a few wouldnt be missed), but if id realized they deteriorate so fast i definitely would have just used something else. Oh well though.
Also, i had a feeling this would hurt my back, and indeed it does. I lasted about 10 minutes before it was too much. Might need to use a chair next time.
#was talking to my fiance about dyslexia earlier and have been thinking abt it a lot recently#was diagnosed as a teenager at the same time as the adhd#mostly dont think abt it and generally considered it not to affect me that badly#but i have a theory abt why i csnt read anymore and why written patterns are SO hard to follow#which is that i think reading for me takes a LOT of mental energy and focus#and if im low on that for whatever reason anything more than a few sentences is just utterly insurmountable and i can't read it#its even worse in any language other than english which baffled me for years#but ! my fiance was telling me how he has an easier time reading english than anything else bc he practiced SO MUCH trying to read normally#in english but didn't do the same in hindi or anything else#which like. oh. yeah. i also tried way harder with english bc that's what school was in and i was desperate to not be seen as stupid#which also explains why reading aloud in any language other than english is so so hard#reading hamlet aloud for english lit: god this sucks but i do love hamlet#reading dante's inferno (french translation) aloud in french lit: oh my god i hate every second of this and i think i will die from nerves#reading childrens poetry aloud in russian for my intro to russian class: if i dropped dead right now that would be preferable#and like my russian pronunciation was not the problem here#i could have a conversation with my teacher in russian okay#and i know cyrillic ! no problems there#but having to read it aloud ?? exhausting and miserable#anyway. all of this to say that i am not using patterns bc trying to mix reading with learning a new thing is just. not happening#backstrap weaving#tablet weaving
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weenhands · 7 months
ummmm...venting *sigh*
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#okay so uhhhh#i was doing dishes#and yesterday i kinda told myself i wanna give up trying to be happier again#or at all#because its making my brain go absolutely fucking insane trying to understand why. Im like this at least for ghe past 6 years#i kinda realized today first off im not sad. im not. rlly depressed or anything but ofc sometimes but in General No i am not sad.#i am just. here. and not in an empty way (but ofc i have my episodes sometimes)#i am vibing.#so like im fine right. but i ask myself after i go thru a massive mental cycle of questioning whats going on in my life#“my life is so. empty why is it so empty im bored its quiet nothing is happening”....#and yeah nothing is happening and. its not sometbing wrong im doing. im not focusing too much on this. im not living life wrong.#its not a routine or a way of life i need to adapt#i think i just had a sudden realization that my life is just so quiet#these past few years have been so quiet and its cuz of me going thru this transitional period and also going from hs to uni#highschool in general i had so many friends and lots of classes. i had robin 2 minutes away. now shes 1 hour away#uni i dont talk to anyone. i hsve like one class per day. workload is harder and i have no friends and worse social anxiety#im also coming back from thr pandemic#so not only is it because of massive changes in everyday life that cause my life to be more. silent#but its also that alot of the stuff i was going thru snd fixating on since grade 11#stripped me of my hobbies and everyday pleasures#my favorite youtubers and writing poetry everyday. fuck i used to draw so often#the movies and tv shows id watch. everything all of that is gone because i was. Tending to this one extremely sad and heartbreaking goal#which i dnt wanna discuss#butnim glad its over now.#so now im left in this new period of my lifr where im an adult and life is more empty and less.....On the run. and i lost everything#outside of me that made me happy#so maybe i do go thru depressive episodes and stuff but in a general sense. these r why my life is rhe way that it is i thought i was doing#something wrong for so long but im not#i used to wake up at 6am everyday. now i wake up later most days...#i think i just need to ask myself. do i lean into this silence or change it. Whatever.
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ribcagewolf · 10 months
how to explain how much the theatre backstage pics hurt me
#its rare to have something in your life this large and abandon it#i started doing theatre when i was 9 or 10#i started dancing around then or before too i think#i dont think im a genius but i would not be anywhere near where i am now without it#my entire understanding of people comes from this#its the last remnant of a life i had where i had goals and i could tell where i was going and what i needed to do#to someone on the outside it looks like i never left cuz i do film and music now but i cant explain how different it is#that used to be my entire world. i only spent time there. i literally went to an arts school because i was accepted into a theatre program#and now ive left it all#idk i think about ********** and i start crying#it killed us too#im just completely different now i get stressed thinking about it or when people mention it unrelated to me likedrop that. leave it alone.#i had to kill her and now im dying too#its easy to sell your soul to rock and shred yourself on stage its expected its relieving but the mental damage theatre and dance does is#much much harder to explain#the critics and the directors like you need to constantly question why and discipline yrself#god this is so dumb i need to never look at those images again#i just remember being twelve sitting on the black boxes knowing i had to prove myself ill probably never feel like that agian#and just the basic thing of like. how many of us died from dance. how much it ruined out bodies. ballet is truly a disease#ballet kills children#rahh ive had too much im not thinking straight rn this is all feelings#just. the pride. and safety i felt fromthe backstage view#mitski i cry at the start of every movie because i wish i were doing things too
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cabbagestrand · 2 years
its been 3years since i started this blog in an effort to improve my drawing and im proud of where i am now. still far from where i wanted to be but way better when i started. thanks for those who stuck with my journey, those who sent requests even if i take too long to respond, and those who liked and reblogged my posts it really helped me stick with it. i hope to grow more in the following years. thank you!
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hivemusea · 1 year
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tempted to kinda clean my blog. ive been doing like extensive research while i wait for like a proper response to my ticket to get my whole thing fixed and i mean as far as i can tell. im not marked explicit or anything i just cant fucking do shit. and i dont think itll help but. idk i just. its bothering me immensely. ill delete this post in a bit, tags get kinda venty. srry
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tiberius-kirks · 2 years
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xxlelaxx · 1 month
Anxiety makes enjoying good things so hard
#ignore me#my life has been too good lately and I'm starring to go insane from everything working#i hate myself so much#I've been trying ao be more social and be a good mom and be someone that my daughter can look up to and my husband can love#but it always ends up with me hating myself so fucking much#I've been eating too many sweets which already is setting a bad example qhen it comes to a healthy diet and my media consumption has been#worse lately and my anxiety is now making me unabke to sleep and I've stopped going on daily walks cause the pain is back#it was so nice not having it around for a while and it is makibg everything so much harder#the sleep makes me more irritable and i feel like all i do is fail my baby#my husbans said he doesnt feel loved by me anymore and I've been trying so hard to manage household baby and everything else but its not#enough i always feel like I'm never enough#I've been a horrible friend like always so i guess that is a constant thing in my life#as if that isnt the worst when my mental health gets worse i start getting flashbacks to remind me of everything that went wrong with me#and that just fuels my anxiety around my daughter living through everything i did as a child and i just cant do this#i just wish i could sleeo again#i think all of this is sleep deprivation but i don't know how to do everything without losing sleep or something#i just wanna rest and sleep for more then four hours without veing woken up#god what i would give for eight hours of continuous sleep#but my husbands shifts are so shit that i cant do that to him... also now that I'm at home he's the only one working and I'm terrified of#loosing him so i dont want him to be at work without sleeping well cause it could actually kill him#worst of all I'm just too stupid to ask for help or bother anyone with my stupid problems#and every time I'm away from her she just screams and i just can't take her screams anyo#anymore#i just want to pee and ahit and eat in peace
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yongseungkim · 2 months
#like i definitely need therapy lol#not that i havent tried in the past nothings just worked/stuck like the therapists werent a good fit for me perhaps#so im trying to reach out again because holy shit#i want to a) get out of my phd and b) have normal fucking friendships#but its so hard right now when anxious thoughts take over SO much some days like i know i cannot do this on my own#i have good friends i know who will hear me out#but man its the same thing over and over again with me but in a new font sometimes i swear#and my friends dont need to hear all those anxious depressive thoughts lol like#once in a while sure esp my closer friends but all the time? nawr#i have been trying to journal but man the emotions just bubble up and i dont feel better until ive like said things out loud#so honestly just having someone to rant about the same issues over and over again might be nice lol .#but i need to find a therapist that fits which is the hardest part#i do think ive made small strides on my own which is nice#but the emotions are just so loud and genuinely affect my day to day like its so hard battling things on my own#im at the point now where im like this cant go on for much longer somethings gotta change#if i want to have a phd in the next year and if i want to maintain friendships normally#and esp if i wanna stay roommates with this girlie cuz holy shit its been a lot harder than i expected maybe#i dont think i can do it on my own without major reprecussions#bro its also been like so long#i feel like ive always had some human i was extremely fond of for the past ?? years albeit most of them were like fake right like in the kp#*kpop world so it was fine when it becomes a real person it is absolutely terrible let me tell u .#but its also been a habit like i didnt realize how terrible my thoughts w ys were until now cuz they really wernet normal thoughts at all#like i want to break free of having these kind of attachments to people in a way cuz the only way i feel like ive been able to deal with bi#feelings is by transferring them to a new subject which isnt what i want anymore#like i just want it all to stop!#i also feel like mentally ive gotten worse ?? than before ?? in some ways like#i dont know if i want to make new friends and connections anymore#the same way i was trying so hard in the previous year which is worse bc now my efforts are like#SOLELY on this one girl in a way which is NOT. GOOD.#ive been trying to have conversations with the third roommate but i have to force myself?
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
love cancelling plans with ppl who don't want me there. we r both relieved but won't admit it
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