#and little Genie XD
ratguy-nico · 4 months
Twinkly Light
Like said not my fav song, but the message people. Brutal. y es un temon igual no me hagan mucho caso 🕺
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kitkat-the-muffin · 7 months
Some things I loved about Once Upon A Studio (in no particular order):
Tinkerbell and Mickey interacting as dual mascots
The long-shots following characters through the studio (most notably from Peter Pan to Moana)
Everyone in that elevator was a character with little patience
The robot from Meet the Robinsons! I forgot his name 🥲
Gaston singing to himself about himself
The Mad Hatter making puns
Tiana correcting Pinocchio that the photo was happening right now and not tonight
Prince Charming losing his shoe on the staircase
Prince Eric’s dog stealing Prince Charming’s shoe and Charming yelled “Eric! Get your dog!”
Cinderella shouting “go Max go!”
Jiminy Cricket being the last solo during the group cover of When You Wish Upon A Star
The first Disney Princess singing with the last Disney Princess (and also Mulan who represents the middle of the Disney Renaissance)
Feed The Birds from Mary Poppins playing in the background of Mickey looking at Walt’s photo 🥲
Mickey saying “After you” to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Oswald was Walt’s first character, so everyone in this lineup came “After Oswald,” including Mickey)
Belle and Beast singing together 💕
Winnie The Pooh!!!! And all his friends of course!
Don’t think I didn’t see those Black Cauldron characters lol
The 101 Dalmatians watching that one Chernabog animation and being warned that they’ll get nightmares XD
Quasimodo’s beautiful singing voice
Minnie covering her eyes in the boy’s bathroom
The dog from Oliver & Company (I forgot his name 🥲) driving around with Vanellope
Tarzan and Jane!
Timon calling Olaf “frosty”
Genie helping Olaf while making a joke (🙏 Robin Williams)
Lucille from Meet the Robinsons drinking coffee with the tea gang (that Cogsworth was berating)
BOLT! :D (you can also see Penny in the crowd at the end)
The brooms from Fantasia!
Absolutely zero Pixar characters 😔 this is a Disney Only event
There’s a LOT to talk about in this short but this is just a simple list of things that I really liked :3
I hope someone on YouTube makes a list of every cameo cause I wanna see them all identified
Also I didn’t see any references to A Goofy Movie so if anyone happens to find Powerline in the crowd or something lemmie know
Edit: I’ve been informed that A Goofy Movie was straight-to-DVD and therefore doesn’t qualify as real Disney 😔
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Every night you dream that you talk to a genie, when you wake up you can't remember what you wished for. One morning you wake up with a giant crab pincer replacing your right arm. What do you do?
I set out to exact revenge on my enemies. I am never caught, for I have left no fingerprints, and the police are bewildered by the evidence which shows that the murder weapon appears to have been some massive crushing implement.
I retire to an island and spend my days lounging in the shade at the edge of the beach. I wave to all the crabs that I see traveling along the sand.
The crabs salute me. They know, and they are proud.
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cat-dragoness · 9 months
Reading Castle in the Air to out loud to my housemates (pt. 2/2)
Picking up in Chapter 14-ish:
The djinn: "He first ordered me to steal a certain moving castle belonging to a wizard in this land of Ingary."
Housemate #1: "Oh my. Howl is furious right now." Me: "Yes, yes he is."
The genie is afraid of heights! I had forgotten about that detail. I don't think the housemates picked up on it mwahaha.
(I'm actually a bit frustrated now, because I feel certain that it came up in HMC that Howl is afraid of heights, and now I can't find where that was.)
Also the carpet being so smug that Abdullah is complimenting it while the genie is just wailing irately over both heights and having to listen to Abdullah flatter the carpet is just… it's them. It's very obvious that it's them.
All right, time to finish the rest of the book in one night, because Stuff Is Happening now.
Lettie: *realizes that Midnight is Sophie*. The housemates: "What?!!"
The housemates: "But that means Howl is Whippersnapper!" Me: *actually stops reading for like three minutes laughing uncontrollably*
The housemates: "Oh no, Abdullah's going to try to help with the wards and stuff is going to go wrong."
Sophie: "I have no idea where Howl is." The housemates: "What?!"
The housemates: "Wait, Michael must be Whippersnapper!" Sophie: *immediately clarifies that Michael left before the djinn showed up*. The housemates: *audible confusion*
*magic mirrors show Morgan*. The housemates: "They had a baby?!"
It honestly is interesting, though, because technically the reader has no proof and no reason to assume that Sophie and Howl had a kid between HMC and Castle, aside from the starting assumption that Whippersnapper is in fact Midnight's kitten. I hadn't thought of it but I can see why the housemates got tripped up on that.
Sophie basically scolds the air into letting them breathe properly on the way up to the castle and it's such a Sophie thing to do. Also it reminds me of a post about some old rain-spell that was basically scolding the clouds and about that being a Sophie-esque thing and I need to find that post and reblog it.
Sophie and Howl both hate heights. This is deeply entertaining xD
Sophie's ongoing commentary on which parts of the castle used to be the bathroom, or the broom cupboard, or something else, is just too much fun. The housemates seem to think so as well :D
There is so much screaming in the last few chapters and it is so much fun to read aloud but also my voice is probably going to regret it tomorrow.
After Flower-in-the-Night convinces the djinns to send the cook and his dog to Valeria:
Both housemates: "Wait!"
Housemate #2: "It's Howl!"
Housemate #1: "What? No, it's the squid maker guy!"
(Housemate #2 just really wants Howl back. Frankly I don't blame her.)
"Abdullah thought the metal pulley noise Sophie used to make as Midnight was actually nicer than the noise she was making now." Housemate #2: *promptly starts imitating an angry cat*
Sophie: *talks the curtains into being soundproof*
And she thinks she's not a powerful witch? She basically can make anything true just by saying that it is true.
So, all of the relationships in this books are literally love at first sight, aside from the already established ones like Howl and Sophie. And that's a little… I need to not actually stop and think about that, because if I do I'll inevitably get frustrated about unrealistic relationships. So. Not thinking about that, the soldier/Justin and Beatrice are pretty cute, and I appreciate that, even in what's basically a "love at first sight" trope, they fell for each other's characters and not their appearances. It's refreshing.
The Princess of High Norland hires Jamal! *giggles in Has Read House of Many Ways*
Flower: "And how many young ladies have you kissed by now?" Housemates: "Of course her thoughts would be so simple."
Flower-in-the-Night is extremely dramatic. That is all I will say on that. But I kind of relate, honestly.
Jamal: *patting Abdullah on the head and calling him "good dog"*. The housemates: *dying laughing*
The climax has so much going on. If I thought HMC had a convoluted climax I was wrong. Castle is much more chaotic.
"Finally [Hasruel] folded his great wings and became a dog himself." The housemates die laughing, and I have to stop reading the book to catch my breath, because I barely got through that paragraph.
Just. The dog. Jamal's dog. We love him. He is an excellent dog, even if he bites everyone (because he bites everyone).
It's interesting to see Abdullah's progression from fully adhering to the manners of Zanzib, to the point where he kicks Jamal to shut him up without a second thought.
*not me pinching my nose to more accurately do Hasruel's lines after he gets his nose bitten*
The neices. I do not know what to do with the neices. I am kind of exasperated by them.
"I like them much better than princesses. Why didn't I collect fat ladies instead?" Okay, someone's going to come after me for this, but this is funny.
Sophie: "Hello. My name is Sophie Hatter. You stole my husband. Prepare to die."
Sophie is just on an entire vengeful streak after she gets un-cat-ified, and it's kind of hilarious.
Sophie: *mentions Howl*. The genie: *starts making a fuss*. The housemates: *audible screams of excitement*
It's Howl!!!
The housemates are just as "what, you didn't realize?" as Sophie is.
Housemate #2: "Man, Howl was a useless genie! Sophie must be furious with him, actively sabotaging his own rescue. Why is she not yelling at him?" Me: "First: this is Howl; what did you expect? Second: you think she's not going to yell at him? This is Sophie."
Howl, holding Morgan: "My word, he's ugly!" Both housemates: "Howl!"
But also I love how nonchalant he is about his kid. I mean, he knew Morgan existed. He probably knew who Sophie and Morgan were as soon as they showed up as Midnight and Whippersnapper. He's had time to get used to the idea. So now he's just casually holding a baby while confronting a djinn. Which I love, for whatever reason.
And now, yes, my dear housemates. Back when you realized the moving castle had been stolen and said that Howl must be furious, you were absolutely correct. Why did you think the genie wanted to ruin everyone's lives?
Howl: "Calcifer must be here somewhere." The housemates: *scream Calcifer's name right along with Howl (and me)*
The carpet: *moves*. Housemate #1's eyes turn to literal saucers because she realizes: "Of course! No wonder he only responded to flattery!"
Howl and Calcifer immediately start quarrelling and, I mean, they've been quarrelling the entire book. And it's hilarious.
*a ton of foreign ambassadors show up*. The housemates: "How did they get there?" Me: "Y'know, I actually don't know that one…"
"'Do you know me?' Howl asked. Abdullah bowed. 'At least as well as you know me.' 'That's what I was afraid of,' Howl said ruefully." Another grand moment of getting the housemates to crack up.
*the Sultan has a fifty-foot stake for Abdullah*. The housemates: "Oh, he increased it by ten feet!"
Housemates think Sophie's responsible for the ever-blooming bluebell wood at Abdullah and Flower's house. I'm inclined to agree.
In conclusion, the housemates were delighted by the book, and I was delighted by the entire experience of reading it out loud. We're going to start House of Many Ways now :D
Wait I almost forgot!
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(You can't change my mind on this one)
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void-writing · 2 years
Headcanon: Feelings affect ectoplasm. And only few people can perceive ghosts fully. So ghosts look different to each person. The differences grow between cultures and even more between species, but the perceptions share some traits. Frostbite and his people aren't yetis. But popculture and cultural appropriation have affected the area of Amity that Danny at first perceived them as such. Frostbite would look very different to J'onn for example.
Sounds fun and vaguely eldritch!
Like, the ghosts' physical form doesn't change but because of their metaphysical nature, humans can't comprehend them entirely and instead their brains use what input it can understand to manufacture an appearance it can comprehend. That would definitely be a handy explanation for the ghosts' wide and varied appearances outside of the Doylist "that's just how early 2000s cartoons were styled." Box Ghost yells about boxes? To the people of Amity, he looks like a mover. Desiree came out of a lamp and grants wishes? Well...the cliche genie look writes itself.
What if we take it one step further and say that personal feelings and ideas impact how an individual sees ghosts? Like, the Fentons for example. They think of ghosts as unfeeling monsters hellbent on destroying the living, so that's what ghosts look like to them no matter how nonthreatening they appear to the audience.
And what if we apply that to Phantom too? Like, Sam and Tucker just see their friend but with a color palate change because they just think of Phantom as Danny but with a different look. Meanwhile, anyone else would see something similar to the other ghosts for a long time until they realize that Phantom is just trying to help. Maybe that could also explain why Paulina was so infatuated with Phantom XD Maybe she perceived him as a dashing and handsome young hero that is 100% crush material for her tastes XD Honestly, that could also be used to explain why no one recognized Danny as Phantom unless they saw him physically transform: in their eyes, the two don't look even remotely similar.
Gosh...Phantom would probably look entirely eldritch to the Justice League. It's a common trope in dc x dp fic for Constantine to tell the League that ghosts are scary and powerful entities that should not be contacted lightly.
So: pop culture image of what ghosts are like + their personal experiences with inhuman entities from beyond mortal kin + expectations for the worst = the Justice League seeing Phantom as the mother of all nightmare fuel.
At least until Danny opens his mouth and they get to know him a little and the realization sets in that "oh, that's a child" and their perceptions of Phantom's form shift accordingly.
To add a little comedy to this, what if the JL never mention it to anyone because they don't know about the whole perception filter thing and each of them sees something wildly different and this is only revealed when they have to describe Phantom's appearance for some reason and everyone collectively goes "what the fuck? he doesn't look like that."
Endless possibilities.
Very good idea! Thanks for sharing :)
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 11 months
hi hello i hope u do not mind this but i have been looking thru abys art and i have had a
✨Burning Question✨
for a little bit now!
I noticed that in art, Ingo and Emmet's conjoined torsos seem to meet about halfway up their sides- the discussion of the scab that the Pearl Clan treats seems to support this, as it goes up Ingo's side. I have also noticed that Ingo and Emmet's hips seem to be balanced between their two bodies, not for one or the other.
So I was wondering, does Ingo walk lopsidedly in Hisui? His center of balance is completely different, and even with the damage being minimized significantly, I don't think that a whole center of balance change would be part of that? Ingo's always had a counterweight to his own torso in Emmet and their hips were aligned with two torsos, not just one- have his hips been moved or shifted to make him more balanced and align them correctly?
And, completely random segway with talks of ~organs~, is Ingo missing part of his intestinal tract due to this? Or did he and Emmet have completely separate digestional tracts that connected closer down to the rectum, and it's Emmet with the missing intestines?
again i am so sorry this got so long but i have been wondering for SO LONG about this
HI HI HELLO thank you for anatomy questions I love these lol.
Ingo does indeed walk slightly lopsidedly, yes! Even with godly healing his spine is still slightly bent, but in a more manageable sense than if Arceus hadn't intervened. It kinda magicked his spine to be more centered on his hips bc otherwise movement for him would not have been an option without mobility aids not available in Hisui. Over time the center of balance would improve/change/adapt.
Ingo uses a walking stick as a mobility aid, to keep him from leaning too much and stumbling when he moves! If he focuses he can get around without it. I know I drew one or two ABYS Ingos in Hisui and didn't give him enough of s slouch but that's more my limited artistic skill lol.
As for digestive systems! They were born with everything downstream of their stomachs (which are separate) connected in weird ways, so when they were newborns they had surgery and that kinda linked everything up properly. They have one set of extra-long intestines. He definitely lost some of them, but the godly healing wasn't just a patch job.
Arceus can get around not knowing exactly how humans work by using genie rules, more or less. In this case it basically thought you itself "I want the power to let this human live a pain free life and I am sending it to Hisui" so tadaaaa fixed up his guts bc you need those to live a pain free life. Anything that fell under that caveat was fixed. The scar was just kind of unavoidable, and isn't painful on the regular, just unpleasant.
Feel free to ask any other questions! I'm actually working on an internal and external anatomy reference for Ingo and Emmet! It has their skeletal structure, organs, nerves, skin/scars, and I think I'm going to try a few outfits too lol. So you will indeed get to see exactly how their organs look XD
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fontasticcrablettes · 4 months
For Symphonia, we have really three parents for Llyod XD
Little question: can we consider Reine as a parent since she literally raised her little brother?
Lloyd is so winning. If one parent has the attack power of 100, three parents has the attack power of 300.
Also, as much as I would like to acknowledge Raine's role as Genis' guardian, the list of parents is already overwhelming so I'm going to let her stay categorized as a sister, especially because there is little chance of her going far in a "bad parent" tournament. (If I do a subsequent "best parent" she may have a shot)
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disneynerdpumpkin · 7 months
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Welp, it seems every other Disnerd (and even non-Disnerds!) is making posts about Once Upon a Studio, so as a Disnerd I guess I should jump in on this too!
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Seeing all of the Disney characters interact with each other was AMAZING!
I wish we got to see The Nightmare Before Christmas characters tho :( That would've been pretty awesome (and there weren't any Pixar characters smh which makes no sense since they're Disney too, just a different studio partner)
As a Disney Pinocchio fan I was delightfully surprised that Pinocchio was one of the first characters to emerge! (The voice wasn't very accurate, too high-pitched but still so cute!) I honestly thought that they weren't going to put him in at all, cuz Disney tends to not pay attention to Pinocchio nearly as much as the other movies. AND HIS CUTE WIDDLE FACE OH MY GOODNESS MY LITTLE BLORBO!!!!! And he was trying not to laugh when Louis fell out of his picture frame XD like oh my goodness his little opera-gloved hand trying to hide his smile. Pinocchio has broken the cuteness meter
And Mickey stopping at Walt's picture, and "Feed the Birds" piano instrumental to accompany it???!?!?!?!?!!!! You better believe I cried :sobs uncontrollably: (for those non-Disnerds that might not have understood, "Feed the Birds" from Mary Poppins was Walt Disney's favorite song)
Moana, Flounder, Merlin, and Mad Hatter interacting with each other was AWESOME!!!
And the bit when Prince Charming loses his shoe on the stairs and Max grabbing it and running off and him yelling "ERIC, GET YOUR DOG!!!" I can't even I CAN'T EVEN THAT WAS AMAZING OMIGOSH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
and then Cinderella was like "Go, Max, go!" She was legit ENCOURAGING HIM to run away! (I'm pretty sure, from this information, that she plays pranks on her prince often) why was this short blessed upon us?!?!
AND THEY MADE CINDERELLA'S GOWN SILVER!!!!! NOT BLUE!!!!! Cuz it's not blue, it's actually silver (and Disney seems to disregard this a lot of the time)! BUT THEY ACTUALLY MADE IT SILVER akjhkjhroiqrowoewvwpqwomiepovie21ueiuv9upwe9pv;";ad's;dw!
the elevator bits were hilarious XD and Baymax looking adorable as ever :D
they finally had Mickey and Minnie NOT wearing their typical outfits (red shorts and red and white polka dots dress) so that was great!
and of course Winnie the Pooh characters!!! All looking so cute, as usual! Everyone stuggling to get Pooh out of the picture frame was genius!!!
And ROBIN HOOD AND LITTLE JOHN picking up Scrooge's moneybags and saying "Ooh-de-lally"!!!!!!!
And Allan-A-Dale providing the soft instrumental music for "When You Wish Upon A Star"?!?!?!?!?!?! AND Mirabel?!?! AND Scat Cat?!?!?!?!?!!?!?? AND MULTIPLE CHARACTERS PROVIDING THE VOCALS?!?!?!
AND ROBIN WILLIAMS VOICING GENIE?!?!?!?!?!!? (tbh I actually didn't know it was him until someone pointed that out. which is funny cuz I was like "this sounds SO MUCH like Robin Williams, who did the voicing?") (so they took one Robin William's voice clips from improvising.) fun fact: Robin Williams improvised so much for Aladdin that they literally had 16 hours of material to work with!
Bruh Timon and Pumbaa calling Olaf "Frosty" was amazing
:internal screaming:
Honestly I would've loved to see some interaction between Geppetto and Pinocchio (DISNEY I'M WAITING TO SEE WHOLESOME FATHER-SON BONDING BETWEEN THEM!!!!!!) I only saw the two of them at the end :(
But seeing all the characters together (except TNBC and Pixar for some reason) was amazing!!!!!!!!
LIKE OH MY GOODNESS I CANT EVEN LIST EVERYTHING IT WAS SO AMAZING (like ima have to come back to this post and add more!!!!)
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acaplaya-musings · 3 months
Voiceplay Visuals: ACA Top 10 Disney Heroes
A little bit of a shorter post, but there will certainly be some longer ones coming, don't you worry about that!
Released in September 2017 (just a little over a month after the Moana Medley), this was J None's 3rd collaboration with Voiceplay as a featured guest (after the Scars To Your Beautiful/All Time Low mashup and Something Just Like This). Not that you'd be able to tell if not for the title, because 1, J None fit right in with the group since day 1 imo, and 2, he's on the left-most position in the back row, rather than the centred position that guest artists usually take when VP are in their 3-2 configuration for a video (if you want more of me rambling about vocalist positionings in Voiceplay videos, go check out this post if you haven't already)
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When Voiceplay do an Aca Top 10 Medley. you can basically guarantee that they will be wearing thematically-appropriate shirts/outfits.
J is wearing a Hercules shirt (especially fitting since he start off the video singing Go The Distance (which VP eventually did a full cover of in 2021 with EJ Cardona)), Earl is wearing a Moana shirt, featuring Pua, Eli is wearing a Little Mermaid shirt (you can't really see it in this shot but it's got a faded picture of Ariel on it), Geoff is wearing an Aladdin shirt with the Genie (I think he took lead on Friend Like Me for the Aladdin medley on VP's Once Upon An Ever After album?), and Layne is wearing a Lion King shirt with Mufasa on it! (So basically Eli and J are the only ones wearing shirts featuring actual protagonists 😆
Basically don't take your eyes off of J, Earl, and Eli during the One Jump Ahead section. Earl points at Eli on "riff-raff", at J None on "street rat", and at Layne on "scoundrel" (though J points over to Eli 😁). Then Earl and J pretend to do karate-chops (and/or some sort of wrestling-style elbow move), while Eli is Concerned(tm).
J with the hilarious and almost creepy face expressions on "just a little snack guys!", followed immediately by Earl pretending to rip apart his shirt on "rip him open..." (I would get screenshots but it's a lot in only a few seconds!)
I know I'm only supposed to be talking about visuals here, but I cannot help but express my love for Geoff's lead vocals on Colours Of The Wind here <3
(Also no hair study for this video, as it's not super different to the Moana Medley (a little flatter maybe))
Earl and J play-flirting with the camera/audience at the start of Reflection is kind of adorable ngl
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The others all reacting to Eli's extended riff at the end of Reflection ("What? Xtina for life!")
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"Legs are required for jumping, dancing!"
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"See the line where the sky meets the sea, it calls me!" (it's calling J and Earl apparently - literally!) (those two are just absolute clowns this whole video, I love it)
Just realized that I'm pretty sure J is subtly doing the "bunny ears" gesture on Geoff at "number 2!" 😂
J could not be any more Extra with his head turns on "everybody look left!" and "everybody look right!" during I Just Can't Wait To Be King XD
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"Everywhere you look I'm, standing in the spotlight!"
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The reaction of the other four to Geoff singing Let It Go (in a beautiful bari-tenor(?) voice might I add) (Let👏Him👏Sing👏It!👏)
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Man I love these idiots <3
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princess-ibri · 1 year
Honestly, I love lore and I love hearing about your DisneyVerse so anything you are willing to share would be great
Awwww thank you so much! I love sharing it :)
Here, I'll share a little about the Multiverse of the DisneyVerse as I've formatted it xD
The best way to think of it is to picture the Realm of Magic as like, a sea full of water, with the magic being the water and each realm an islsnd floating in it. Each realm is it's own universe by right but it's also part of the larger Multiverse (very Woods Between the Worlds-y but with an Ocean)
(So when Sofia in Sofia the First is flying around seeing the Mystic Isles what she's really seeing is portals into different realms/things that can access those realms)
The two main worlds are Our World (the Disney-fied) verision at least) which basicaly follows our rules of reality and history but has some magic that leaks into it from the realms, and the Everrealm, where all of the Disney Princess movies that don't have an explicit Our World setting (ala Mulan, Hercules, PatF, BatB and Brave) take place.
There are places that link the two, where the borders between them have grown thin and things can leak through into one or the other. Maldonia and Arendelle and Belle's provence in France for example. They all sit on the border of both world (in a wibbly wobbly sort of way) and eventually may get pulled into the Everrealm proper as time passes on.
Then there are are several pocket dimensions that sort of float between those two major realms, brushing up against both of them. Places like Elvenhome, The Spirit World(s), the Plane of the Genies, Wonderland, Giantland, Oz, and Neverland to name a few.
Neverland particular is part of a fairly large sort of leak between Our World and the Everrealm that has resulted in the NeverSea, a nebulous place that houses the Neverland Archipelago, of which Neverland itself is the biggest island, and is directly linked to the portal of the Second Star to the Right. One can get to both Our World and the Everrealm from Neverland.
And besides these theres also a couple other worlds, such as the Anthropomorphic world that Robin Hood, Chicken Little and Zootopia all take place in, and the other Anthropomorphic world that Ducktales, GoofTroop and Mickey Mouse take place in xD
(Did a Mickey Mouse ancestor from said world get summoned into the Everrealm to serve as the apprentice to the Sorcerer Yen Sid? Maaayyybeeee?)
(And House of Mouse, Kingdoms Hearts and the Nightmare Before Christmas worlds are all their own delightful things that i'm not going to touch the fictional metaphysics of with a ten foot poll xD )
So yeah, there's some more DisneyVerse stuff for you, probably more then you wanted but what the heck xD
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ratguy-nico · 26 days
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Gente, el perro se desaparece por meses and than came back with two drawings? The audacity.
This is no rendered but in my defense...I'm tired, I've been trying to work on this for too long (Im not been dramatic, its been 2 months)
So, just flat colors, but it looks pretty enough, right? I mean Gene dandolo todo certainly helps XD
This is again a stolen idea, cause creativity its notmy thing apperently XD.
Let's use the word inspire. This is inspired, for the one, the only, the greatest @goldendoodlerlockerlove they draw Gene on his wedding day wearing a beutiful dress with a jungle theme wedding, which wtf, amazing, so good. I may reblog it later. (by the way it is from Feb 16 so yeah, imagine how late I am)
So... cause I don't want to steal I inspire mine Genie in Kimmy's weadding dress.
Who is Kimmy you migh ask? Kimmy Schmidt from one of my favs shows "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" from Netflix. Recommendation, watch it, its hilarious.
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I actually loved drawing this, and even though the coloring was hard, I love the yellow in Gene, she looks like Belle, or like we know her in this side on the continent: Bella, and yes she is.
By the way in my head Linda actually made this dress, she didn't sewed a thing, she just glue all to the base dress they bought in a thrift store. And yeah those are actual candy, and there's not one left at the end of the reception.
I realized while drawing this that I really love drawing Gene, been able to draw a beautiful, big, brown skin queen, is not a chance many shows give us. And I thanks Bob's Burger everyday for it.
Also, I know for you gringos (USA people) white is like the norm for wedding dresses (no shade no tea is just not my cup of tea) but ... I was gonna explained but I decided to left it for another post so wait for an alternative version and a little story.
Hope you like it, love you golden. GENE. ON A WEDDING DRESS.
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Like an Au where Kakashi is prince and Gai is a thief living on the street who always steals food only to give it away to someone else (they would both fit either role tbh XD) top tier
Would love to see Gai getting his hands on a magic object that has a genie inside of it. Even funnier if he’s sent into this mystical place to find the object but the person who conned him into this just says ‘find the statue that glows green’ and what Gai finds is a cute little statue of a tortoise that looks a lot like his buddy ningame
And it has a magic being inside ready to grant him any wish he wants, and all he asks is to be a prince so he can try to win over that cute silver haired prince he met in the market
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
So what about an au where jazz is the one there when Danny gets ghost powers, but Danny being the little imp he is somehow winds up with Desiree wanting to adopt them both, maybe Danny found her bottle and accidentally released her earlier than canon, and he actually talks with her somehow catching her interest and she starts following him and jazz around, maybe Danny even helps her by wishing for her to be able to choose what wishes she grants
LOL just makes me think of fairly odd parents but with a ghost genie instead. =w= But that be cute, they're pseudo adopted by a powerful ghost. One freed by Danny. Can see both siblings end up with ghost powers that way. At least in future. Its an interesting concept. They have a mentor in ghostly things. Desiree not liking Danny's friends be funny though XD or more so just Tuck because Tuck doesnt know how to talk to girls. He doesn't mean bad but media is his only knowledge of how.
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jaynovz · 2 years
One Foot in the Fade commentary pt 3, spoilers:
Khay hugged that guy to death and it was badass also she might have PTSD now
Oh no the party split and Fetch is being a little bitch about it and he's going to regret that later
pfffft Fetch going up to the door of the harpy house saying "have you heard of our Lord and savior the bridge"
This is going to go awfully
I know I keep saying this, but Luke's different VOICES. This super peppy and amiable solicitor voice but as Fetch is fucking gold and also hilarious
Pitcher hehehe hehehe. that’s how Luke says “picture” heheheh
Very sexy of you Fetch drawing your gun and 👀 the whole thing in the inn with those human guys. yeahhhhh
I talk about this a lot but it just continues to astound me: you would never fucking know this man was Australian. He's doing more voices in this book than he has done in the previous two
Snake violence D: 🐍
Okay but I need this werewolf to Dom the shit out of him
Wolf Dom is teaching him things oh my God
Oh my God this man has a crush on this wolf
He has a little bit of a competency kink and it's it's like “cool me too”
The thing is I know... I know what’s going to happen, because I know this motherfucker and nothing good is going to be allowed to happen so I need to stop getting attached.
He's teaching him how to interpret bird sounds 🥺
Wolf gonna teach him to use bow 👀
A side note that the fucking balls on this man to write an over-arching all-encompassing disability narrative like !!!!!! All the post coda magical creatures are disabled!!! Just inspired.
Oh my God Theo literally just called him “good boy” oh my fucking God 😳
Okay okay okay we see you, all the bow and survival lessons are just sword training again. I SEE YOU.
Ohoho time to gag and hog tie our main character. Someone has: INCLINATIONS. PREDILECTIONS. PROCLIVITIES AS IT WERE.
Also hilariously a character has finally appeared who has an Australian   accent but it's an affected one that is different than Luke's so it.... still doesn't sound like him XD
That was a lot of sexy killing
Oh my god she put her FOOT on his chest. This sub man is2g
all the cuddling with Fetch and Khay is making me weak I'm CRYING
"If I was gonna kiss you I would at least make sure you were awake"  I may ship this, but then again I ship Fetch with literally everyone. 😳 😳 😳 I am Thinking About Genie burns and BDSM
Yep still chugging along!
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ciryze · 1 year
It's me, hurrying to send you Tales of Symphonia! 🤍
Aren't you the sweetest?! Thank you so much!
the first character i ever fell in love with: Raine, absolutely. I liked several characters before but Raine's just my first and all time love <3
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Probably Kratos. While I still don't hate him, I just don't care about him anymore.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: I was a HUGE Kraine (Kratos/Raine) shipper when I first started, but I've grown to dislike it to a point.
my ultimate favorite character™: Raine my QUEEN ❤❤❤❤❤
prettiest character: I think Pronyma has to take this one. I HATE her bodysuit but the rest of her design is just AMAZING and I LOVE it.
my most hated character character I'm most meh about: I don't hate on characters, but I seriously don't care about Regal much. His story/character never really grabbed me.
my OTP: Zelaine (Zelos/Raine). I will go down with this nutshell of a ship. I've ranted to everyone who would listen about why I love it so much (their similar backstories resulting in totally different characters, their overall dynamic and my headcanon that Raine would be the only one who would be able to tame him long-term, the potential for so many dynamics), but I spare you the manifest lol. I've shipped this for 15 years and I'll continue to do so.
my NOTP: As long as the story is convincing, I'm okay with pretty much every ship. I'm mostly bored with the 'official' ships (Colloyd, Sheelos, Regal/Raine, Genis/Presea), so you won't see me make content for them aside from probably using them to get to a rarepair.
favorite episode skit: I think it's either "Nicknames" or "Better to be Deceived" <3 I like them both very much.
saddest death: While satisfying, I think Magnius is a very sad death. He was religiously following orders and backstabbed by someone he trusted.
favorite season scene: I LOVE the scene at Altamira where Zelos goes "Uh sorry? Can we talk about RAINE STILL FUCKING MISSING??" because it does show his character development very well (from being a racist PoS to actually caring about people. Also the fact he's the only one bringing her up)
least favorite season scene: Not actually a scene, but I absolutely hate we don't get a genuine interaction with Mithos/Raine. I've ranted a lot about how it's a HUGE missed opportunity since Raine is quite similar to Martel.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate am kinda meh about: Kratos. I get his appeal to people, but I'm very meh about it.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Forcystus xD I love this trashbag.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Prooooobably Kate. She's not really responsible for her situation and I love her very much.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: *cough* Raine/Pronyma *cough* What can I say? Raine gives me huge bisexual energy.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Genis/Mithos, given that Genis is a little older.
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cryptid-jack · 2 years
Answers to Weird Questions
Answering questions sent to me from this list (feel free to send in more!)
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil? 
No joke I already do this for my novel, lol. No, I am not a wizard (I’m a cryptid), and I use pen! Generally ballpoint.
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed? 
I don’t think I really have any rituals when it comes to writing, let alone cursed ones. Unless maybe you count the extensive prep work I do re outlines, character profiles, etc? If you just mean ‘stuff you do before you write‘ I think the wildest I get is making myself a cup of coffee or tea to carry me through XD
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral? 
In a good way? I do enjoy a good ‘vivacious‘. In a bad way? Restaurant. I can never remember which a gets the u X’D. Probably because I pronounce it ‘ress-trawnt’ so it SEEMS like it should go with the second???? But I know lots of people pronounce it with the emphasis on that first a so ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ Also Wednesday. I don’t have a problem spelling it but only because I pronounce it ‘wed-ness-day‘ in my head when I write it X’D
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true? 
I actually don’t have any, but then I’m not a superstitious person either.
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know 
I don’t even believe in the concept of the human soul, so no, lol (Ironic for a man so obsessed with the soul mate trope I know XDD). Most ghost encounters can be explained by infrasonic sound, carbon monoxide leaks, and other environmental factors.
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules 
God, I’d probably wish for something that could just... take the ideas out of my head and type them up for me XD Then for the ability to always know the exact word I’m looking for without having to pull up a thesaurus because I can’t remember the one I want. And uhhh, a sweet publishing deal with lots of money for all my books :’)
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy? 
Easy is love and romance for sure. I really enjoy writing people being just... disgustingly in love with each other. Difficult is... really technical stuff that I have to actually look stuff up for, I guess. I’m a pro at bullshitting but some things DO require some actual technical know-how to write convincingly about, unfortunately. Such a pain, lol.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens? 
See, the problem with this question is it was sent by my sibling who literally went to school to learn the rules of writing... but I did not X’D So I have no idea. For all I know I might have several lol. I just write what I enjoy.
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us? 
I really don’t know, lol. I’m afraid I’m pretty boring and straight forward when it comes to actually doing the writing? I sit down and do the thing? Make myself a little beverage first maybe? Get distracted easily in the process? ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it. 
Roses are red Violets are blue I love Kaidan Alenko I hope you do too
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