#and like i'm sorry but i don't agree with a lot of the domestic headcanons the rest of the absolution fandom has wrt victoria
mighty-meerkat · 2 months
victoria hitmanabsolution is chihuahua-coded send post
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wispscribbles · 3 months
hi i just discovered your beautiful art so i obviously needed to scroll down your whole blog to catch up on everything you posted haha
i just wanted to say that i got way too emotional after reading that post of yours regarding mw3 and your mental health… on one hand i’m so sorry that you felt that way, but on the other i feel it with my whole heart
ghoap content especially for me helped me these past few months with my mental health in ways i would never have expected, it was my solace and inspiration, i started working out too and got back into drawing, got a lot better at it as well!
but unfortunately i get way too fixated on fictional stuff and there comes a time that my brain switches up and connects the things i liked and comforted me with things that make me extremely uncomfortable and stressed out, especially if i fall down a fandom rabbit hole that i would never have searched up, beacuse i know myself, i know my limits and triggers but i feel like i’m not a part of the fandom if i don’t like and interact with every single headcanon, art and ship
these past days i was really down because of that, and the things i read (why did i do that???) and now when i think of ghoap i think of that stuff and im scared that i alienated myself from the one thing that made me happy
but discovering your art and with that your post reminded me that im not alone in these feelings, even if it’s not the same exactly, and i wanted to thank you, for sharing your thoughts that time i guess haha <33
((sorry for rambling))
Long reply under 'keep reading' !! CW: talk of triggers and MCD
Always feel free to ramble my way!!! How nice you could find some comfort in my art and ghoap stuff. Especially in my mw3 post. I've been considering deleting it a few times, but hearing it maybe helped to read in some way makes me happy I left it up.
I get where you're coming from - I very much use these fictional characters as a safe space, but ppl view them very differently. There's room for it all, "don't like, don't interact" is very much a policy I agree with. It's important to mute words and be aware of your own triggers as you browse stuff in this fandom, because there's such a wide variety of stuff out there. You do NOT have to interact and agree with every thought people have on this ship, that's impossible and super stressful. There's plenty of stuff and headcanons I don't vibe with. There are no 'requirements' that you have to meet in order to enjoy fiction.
It's part of why I enjoy ghoap - that their dynamic resonates and has sparked so much creativity and outlets for so many - but it also means there's gonna be a lot of stuff u don't necessarily agree with or feel comfortable with. For example, a lot of folks use the MCD in mw3 as a way to explore grief, which I think is really cool, but on a bad day that could potentially get my brain in a bad headspace, so I only check out that art and those fics when I feel okay. There's also a bunch of stuff I'd never want to interact with, and that’s fine !!
I'm personally quite vanilla and a sucker for exploring the softer, more domestic aspects of these characters. It's what brings me joy. I know there are parts of this fandom who don’t vibe with what I make at all, and would call it untrue to the characters. Some creators enjoy exploring the more violent or toxic sides to the source material. That's just how it is, we all need different things from fiction. As long as we're capable of chilling in our respective sandboxes, then all's good.
But if you're like me, and enjoy the softer things, then definitely be aware and careful while exploring this ship and fandom. I've seen takes on these characters that are so far removed from how I view them, that they're basically the complete opposite, and it can leave a very bad taste, especially if you're the type to hinge your safe space on fiction.
Just... be mindful of yourself and your potential triggers, be respectful and don't interact with things that make you uncomfortable to the point of feeling unsafe. Shape your own online experience to your best ability.
Hope you're doing okay and still find joy in ghoap <3
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
Was that a fever dream or did tumblr just delete the ask I was about to answer? Wtf is happening? 😂
Okay so @ the anon who asked about my headcanon for why Eddie was held back in school: Eddie has raging ADHD, most probably undiagnosed since it were the eighties.
I know a lot of people think it has to do with trauma and while I agree that the abuse which happened to Eddie before he came to live with Wayne might have caused some form of trauma, I'd like to point out that: a) abuse doesn't inherently lead to trauma (but of course Eddie could still have trauma; just keep in mind that every person is different and so is the form of abuse they suffered) b) trauma can lead to struggle at school but again, it doesn't have to. The circumstances and support system play a critical role and with Wayne and his friends from Hellfire/Corroded Coffin (the latter of which implies they've been friends since middle school since they were at the talent show together) Eddie has an amazing support system.
We know Wayne loves Eddie dearly and did everything to give him a loving home. You could, in a way, compare Wayne and Eddie to the Byers family. Will and Jonathan, while of course harbouring their own trauma due to the abuse Lonnie inflicted, don't struggle with school because Joyce got them out of the situation and her care posed a strong countereffect to Lonnie's abusive behavior. Judging by Eddie's behavior and my own experience with survivors/victims of domestic abuse, I headcanon that the abuse Eddie suffered was similar to the abuse Jonathan and Will suffered through Lonnie. Which means that Wayne's obvious love and care for Eddie had a similar effect like Joyce on Will and Jonathan (again, I'm not saying Will, Jonathan and Eddie don't have trauma, this is solely in relation to school). Hence my assumption that trauma can be excluded as THE reason for Eddie being held back at school.
Learning disabilities can be canonically excluded - Eddie reads books like LOTR, is eloquent and since he's a dungeon master, he can't be bad at math.
Which leads to my assumption that the reason for him being held back is ADHD. Which in return means that, if he were allowed to smoke weed at school, it might have helped him graduate at the first attempt since weed is shown to have better effects and way less side effects than ADHD meds.
I hope you see this, anon, and I'm sorry I can't remember the second question but feel free to send it in again 🖤
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
PLEASE tell about your idealized version of capullo riddler! I’m starving to hear more about him
ok i moved this up the queue because i am OBSESSED with him like i love him and i love you BUT ANYWAY i reserve the right to be as unhinged about this man as i want to be. every other riddler has his pros, but this asshole has only cons and that's why he's top of my list so like please don't read this if you're gonna psychoanalyse me, i am at peace with my issues (can't wait to show this to my therapist)
Headcanons about Capullo!Riddler (w/female partner) request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff, heavy on the kinks, rough play, impact, slapping, choking, humiliation, degradation all that nasty shit i am projecting it onto this sideburned loser who i love with all of my soul nobody come at me for how i want to be treated at him
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domestic life
you're not so much a partner as you are a live in servant
your name is babe now
"babe will you get me a beer"
"babe will you pass me the remote"
"babe can you order us pizza?"
"babe can you come sit in my lap"
unintentional misogyny is rife
better invest in thick pants or something because anytime you walk by him your ass is getting smacked
needs you to tell him how talented and smart and handsome and charming he is at least 20 times each day
his needs have to come first because "i'm the riddler and i'm super important you wouldn't understand"
has to be talked down from asking every hot person you see if they wanna have a threesome with you guys
pisses with the door open constantly
follows you around like a lost puppy because he needs attention/closeness/not to be alone with his thoughts
he won't cook or clean or do any kind of domestic chore because that's your job because what else are you bringing to the table
he will make fun of you for participating in hobbies he thinks are dumb
but god help you if you imply at any point that his obsession with batman is unhealthy and really dorky and bordering on a crush
he will go in a huff
he goes in huffs a lot
man is permanently pouting and upset
definition of 'can dish it out but can't take it'
he has two modes for asking you to pay attention to him
demanding and rude
whiny and pathetic
sometimes he switches between both
if he thinks he's ever crossed a line and really pissed you off (which is rare) he will try to make it up to you
but he's shitty at it
he'll bump his head against you like a cat repeating "i'm sorry" until you're so annoyed that you forgive him to get him to shut up
he thinks burps are super funny because mentally he's fuckin 12
sex life
he's super horny, like all the time, concerningly so
like if you don't have the energy to fuck, you could at least sit in his lap and participate in some cock-warming, god
he'll eat pussy once a month, but he expects his dick to be sucked twice daily
he's super into dishing out some humiliation and degrading his partner
gives him an ego boost
because he's super self-conscious
mostly about his dick size
loves being a bit physically violent during sex
hair pulling, face slapping, grabbing and biting
spanking for sure
likes being called daddy/master/sir
anything that denotes him as an authority figure
surprisingly encouraging though
will dole out some praise if he thinks you deserve it
never says you're beautiful or pretty or gorgeous
but tells you you're hot all the time
super into free use, since you're there y'know
that's really all you're good for to him
will fuck you until he cums and not even check to see if you finished
rolls over and falls asleep straight away
he also snores
insists on getting nudes sent from you if he's away from you for an hour
boasts about how good he is at fucking in front of everyone and anyone
and you have to agree
which you do
and it's the only time he ever says thank you
but only in private
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
Hey mak, hope everything’s going well for you
Will it be possible to do domestic head cannons/ after moving in together head cannons with agoti and tabi. (I know I request them two a lot they’re literally the 🐐) If you’re not comfortable with it then that’s totally fine
~Tank anon
Hey again Tank Anon! I'm ok at the moment, thanks for checking it. They are both cool characters so I have to agree with you.
Domestic Headcanons (Tabi)
- "Well that's the last of it. Everything has been brought in at least." "We still have to unpack it again." "I know,.....I have no idea where to put half of this stuff Tabi." "Don't worry too much about it, we'll find a spot for it all. It's not like the apartment had much in it before anyways." "Well hopefully the stuff I brought in doesn't end up bothering you." "Y/N, I doubt stuffed animals and manga is going to bother me."
"It's....so calm here." "That's why I'm here, I can't handle all the commotion in the city." "It's nice to finally be home." "It finally feels like home to me myself." "Because of me?" "Yeah, I just feel at peace with you around." "Well, welcome home Tabi."
- He was actually the one who wanted you to move in with him
- Tabi ends sleeping in late a lot, to the point where you have wake him up yourself
- "Y/N....please turn the alarm clock off." "I'm sorry! I didn't even know it was on. I thought I turned it off yesterday." "It's fine...zzzz..." "Well, I'm fully awake...I guess I'm going have to get up..."
"Tabi...hey..!" "Hm? Что тут происходит..?" "It's noon, time to get up." "Ugh, can't I have five more minutes?" "You said that an hour ago." "Alright...I'm up."
- You created a chores checklist, Tabi seems to always pick the most time consuming tasks
- He's a lot calmer knowing that you'll always been close enough for him to reach out to, 'she can't do anything to you now'
- He had first worried about what would happen, but he's found that living with you is helping him with his separation anxiety
- The fact that you can hear how often he actually talks in Russian is surprising, especially when he's cursing over the phone
Domestic Headcanons (Agoti)
- "Was that the last of it?" "Yeah, it's all in finally." "I have no idea where you got all that stuff from Y/N." "Life has brought me many opportunities to spend my money on things I wanted." "Well, take a load off, we have all the time in the world to unpack all of that. You made sure that you have the week off right?" "Yeah. I didn't want to be running around to find everything at last minute after all." "Welcome home Y/N."
- You probably asked to move in with him honestly, it would take him a really long time before he would be the one to ask
- Agoti either is a morning person, or just doesn't get a lot of sleep, since he's always awake before you
- "Did...you even get any sleep?" "Yeah, I got plenty. Why?" "You're always awake before me." "You move around a lot in your sleep Y/N. While I'm not exactly a light sleeper, it still wakes me up." "Ah...Sorry there." "It's fine, I know that you can't really control that unless you're awake."
- You two take turns with the chores
- He actually seems a lot happier since you moved in, others have noticed too
- He's happy to be able to share this part of his life with you
- You have more opportunities to listen to his music as he's making it now, and he seems eager to share
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ha-hatdog · 4 years
haru kato hcs
- what is it like to be dating haru kato?
omg excited about this cuz i want me some haru content. pretty boi needs tons of love and affection. we need more haru kato content. i demand it!
requested by @beef-tomatoes : can you do haru kato dating headcanons. here you have the frog man🐸 < |> /\ the frog man says: have a nice day💖😌✌
requests open
first things first - congrats on getting this man to be your boyfriend because boy oh boy you gonna get the best domestic life ever
haru kato is a simple man with a simple life who knows his responsibilities so expect perfect husbando and waifu qualities
cooking for you is his favorite thing to do. he loves being able to alleviate your stress, especially after a particularly troubling day at work/university
he loves it when you cook for him too. it makes him feel special and his heart just soars. this man will not leave the kitchen just so he can watch you working your magic with ingredients and spice while wearing that dumb dreamy face. he holds himself back from sliding behind you and embracing you because you look so good with an apron for the reason he doesn't want to distract you but most of the time he just does it because you're too cute
if you know how to cook, he'll give you tips here and there but will leave you to your cooking majority of the time
if you can't cook, expect a full blown cooking lesson from him because he said he won't be able to cook for you all the time and he'll be damned if you always order take out or buy those just microwave packages in convenient stores
if your cooking turned out good, haru will eat seconds and thirds, complimenting you every now and then after gulping down what he was chewing. will definitely ask you to cook more for him and if you can't, he'll brush it off saying maybe next time but internally he was pouty because he wants more. probably thinking of marrying you already
if your cooking turned out bad, he will tell you it could use a little more work, offer himself to help you, but he'll still eat it because you made it for him aww. still probably thinking of marrying you
dates with haru is sort of rare. crime doesn't sleep and nor does he so most of your dates are at his place - just watching a movie and eating whatever he cooked
he always has to have a hand on you or an arm over your shoulder. gotta make sure you're really there
but if he does have time, he will take you out on a simple date that benefits both of your interests. haru won't say but he'll always lean more in your interests in dates because he feels so bad for depriving you of his quality time. this is how he silently atones, plys he buys you small and thoughtful gifts
remember when i said crime doesn't sleep nor does he? well, haru gets tired often. it was natural because of his field of work. haru will hesitate to go to your place because he needs some loving and some caring but doesn't want to be a bother so he calls you to ask permission before going
will want to sleep with you once he gets there but you force him to eat because he needs to he healthy to continue being a detective. he will grumble while you make him food but his heart is soft that you think about his well being
"my girlfriend is best girl" he whispers in a slur, trying to keep himself from falling asleep in the dining room while eating
will drag you to your bed after eating and will pull you down with him on the bed. haru will have his arms draped around you and snuggle in your chest. he will let out a content sigh if you snuggle back and run your fingers through his hair
haru just want cuddles with his girlfriend after a hard day at work. spoil him please
haru will be happy if he wakes up and you're still in his arms but will scoff if you are not. haru will stand up no matter how tired he still is and drag you back to bed to continue your cuddle
tell me haru won't try pranking you and feeling bad after it
head pats while saying "sorry babe, i didn't mean to, i'm sorry, yes yes, i'll be a better boyfriend from now on. come here and give me a hug"
whenever you two bathe together, he loves it when you clean his back because he can feel the stress go bye bye with your soft fingers
he washes your hair and he sometimes tries to make stupid hairstyles with your lathered tresses and you'll always rate them
most of the times you take baths together, it is nonsexual. he just appreciates you being there
but haru will slip in a few rounds whenever you two feel like getting it on
soft dom but probs hiding a few kinks
forehead kisses is his favorite because he gets to see your happy face looking up at him whenever he pulls away
haru is definitely a tease whenever you try to kiss him - lips, cheeks, forehead, neck - you can't reach any of them even if you go on your tip toes because he's tall. he won't bend down so you can kiss him because you look so adorable trying so hard to give him love and affection
he'll probably be the one to kiss you after a few minutes of teasing. he can't help it. you look so cute
gah his heart is full
when haru gets jealous, he is irritated. he will come up to you, an annoyed glare on his face, and taking your hand.
haru goer grrr my baby but i won't hurt you or anything because my baby finds it bad but i'm warning you -
when you're the one who's jealous, he finds it amusing
he smothers his grin when you get adorably protective of him
he teases you about it but hugs you after to affirm that this man ain't going anywhere
laundry days are messy, messier than when the two of you have food fights
you two keep throwing drenched clothes or bubbles or water at one another
haru is merciless with laundry throwing fights
expect a shirt thrown swiftly at your face with a resounding SMACK
this boy ain't losin to laundry throwing fights
you always stop by the precint whenever you can just to visit haru
he used to hate it because his coworkers always flock around you whenever you come by but soon grew to love it because you seem to enjoy being around them and you gain nee friends
he'll talk you through his work process and he's very proud whenever you go all ooh ahh so cool because he has an ego and loves that you are interested in his work as much as he does to yours
he tries to be professional whenever at work but he'll sneak in a few kisses if he think nobody is looking. but not you tho, you kiss him whenever you want and wherever you want
someone is always looking so he gets teased quite a lot by his coworkers and he gets all blushy and tsundere aww
hugs with haru are always tight knit. the reason? because he loves holding you, that's literally it
did i mention piggy back rides? no? well, haru doesn't do them unless necessary like you're super tired or got a sprain but jump on his back and kiss him on top of his head and nyoom you are now on a piggy back ride
haru is a huge fan of discounts and coupons so you always have to help him find the best item there is that is discounted or you have coupons for
you gave him a small notebook to keep all his coupons and his face just goes (⊙o⊙)
hand holding in the market while shopping. he won't let you go until you're at the cashier because last time he let you get some items alone, he ended up going to the intercom to call for you
"y/n where are you? i just told you to get a soap and find me at the dairy section."
but he don't mind tho because it's a good excuse to keep you close to him
arguing over which product - any product at all - is better to buy. sorry to say this but haru wins all the time. you swear, this man has a sixth sense for which items to buy
arguments with haru is . . . well maybe that's for another time
but silly arguments with haru is common. fights over who gets to clean the dishes, who makes the bed, which movie or series is better, which cop movie superior, which food to eat, who is the big spoon - but they're all fun snd games
haru will make sure to win as the big spoon tho because again, he has a hidden ego and his heart swells when he sees how tiny you are compared to him
getting drunk with haru is always a rollercoaster. he's a rambling drunk? well, you're the agree with everything drunk
"the floor is too cold. why is it always cold? i just want warmth and peace" cue haru sliding on the floor with a red face because of the alcohol. he's very at ease with you so being stupid and childish is norm for him
"yes, yes, i agree, the floor is always cold. bad floor, you're making haru sad" then you slide with him on the floor
haru turns to you "you don't make me sad"
you turn to him "yes, i make you happy"
you two are just a pair of drunk lovebirds
patch him up when he gets hurt in his work
he won't feel much pain if it's you who's patching him up
he doesn't why but that's that
kiss his boo boos he likes them he's an actual bab for you
haru will always bring you to work/university. it doesn't matter if he is late as long as gets you there
actually it matters that he is late. he just never tells you so you won't tell him to stop. that's why once you're out of sight, after you exchange goodbyes snd kisses, you bet your ass he's speeding through the streets to get to the precint in time (got tickets from speeding but he hides them from you but you'll find out eventually lmao)
since he is a cop/detective, of course he had a gun. he won't bring it to your place but whenever you're at his place or at the precint, he'll allow you to hold it, with him supervising of course, and he'll probably teach you how to fire a gun in a range
will catch you whenever you suffer the recoil of pulling the trigger
will pull a cheesy line like "falling for me now, huh?"
when daisuke joins the precint, haru is less than thrilled
since you always visit him and he became partners with daisuke, that meant you have meet to this rich bastard
and he doesn't like it because
1) he's rich af
2) he's somewhat arrogant
3) he doesn't want to admit it but daisuke is handsome
he is 101% fuming when he sees you talking to daisuke than him. his mind reverts back to all those times you always talk to him in the precint when in reality you were just talking to daisuke for 3 minutes
haru is overdramatic and
he's scared that you'll leave him for daisuke
daisuke has everything. money, looks, fame - he can't even buy you something extravagant. he's still saving up for your birthday, doing overtime and stuff while still buying you small gifts when daisuke can just give you the whole world with a snap of his finger
it'll eat him up alive
he just wants to spend the rest of his life with you but maybe you'll be happier with daisuke?
when you learned this, you just burst out of tears because
this baby is sad and scared of losing you
so you did something to make him assured you only want him and planning to be with him always
haru has always insisted that you move in with him after a year of being together
and then you show up at his place with your stuff and saying "I'll grab more of my stuff tomorrow so help me move in"
haru has never been so happy and excited that he cooked a whole feast for the two of you
you two gets stomachaches the day after
so you stay in his bed the whole day being lazy and snuggling
haru turned off his phone when daisuke was calling him because duh he's spending precious time with his lovely girlfriend
in conclusion, haru kato is whipped for you
oh, by the way, you and daisuke partnered up to mess with haru and now haru has one less braincell because it decided to be best friends with the braincell that always has money in its disposal
"she better be happy i love her"
haru loves you vewy mooch
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Regarding Lily and her relationships with angels. I've only seen the ep once, so I may just be forgetting an explanation, but did Lily ever actually say who her daughter's father was and what happened to him beyond the fact he's human? I feel like a few things could have occurred (and please correct me if I'm wrong): a) Lily said she summoned an angel but I don't remember a timeline w/ respect to when her daughter was born. Could Ishim have taken her husband(?) as his vessel? 1/2?
Or, could Ishim have shown up in his vessel, but Akobel takes Lily’s husband as his vessel for her protection? I don’t remember them saying a lot on Lily’s feelings for Akobel other than the protection thing. I know when reading his “crimes” said he had broken their sacred oath by laying with a human and fathering a nephilim. But, we know that the nephilim thing is a lie cooked up by Ishim. Could he have also been lying about Akobel sleeping with Lily due to his jealousy? 2/3
It’s also possible Ishim wasn’t lying about their relationship, just the nephilim. A new thought occurred to me though. I don’t discount the oath - the fact it was read as a “crime” proves it exists. However, if Akobel was truly there for protection and nothing else, but the lies spread by Ishim saying they had a sexual relationship - that could definitely pave way for how the other angels interpret Cas’ relationship with Dean/make a precedent.
Hi! Sorry I didn’t answer this last night - I was reeeally tired and out of it, even for me :P
Lily never explained who Mr Sunder (if that was his name) was - before getting to your headcanons - I had assume he died at some point which was why she was a single mother… I don’t know the exact rules but in the past being a widow was actually a fairly good social position for a woman, grief aside. She may or may not inherit everything directly, but generally if her husband was kind and/or rich she’d be provided for, and it was one of the ways to be single but not have society breathing down your neck QUITE so much. As an academic, AND a mom, Lily had her work cut out for her without needing to bother with the husband part too :P So I think it makes more sense in the society that even if she had a fairly exceptional social standing anyway, with being, well, a woman of letters (lowercase although I have my suspicions that a lot of questions are answered about 9x11 and the MoL’s detailed angel lore they couldn’t possibly have known :P). If she had a child out of wedlock AND was an intellectual, well, actually, I don’t think she’d get as far as having that professor job, 100 years ago >.> I’m fairly sure single mothers were still getting thrown in asylums in the 1920s. So that all adds up to me as widow. (And if people thought she had married Akobel/actually DID marry him to keep up appearances, then as a widow it’s not weird to remarry, but she’d have choice)
Anyway, I really like the idea that Ishim possessed her husband. They never say as much but it would add a whole extra layer to it. Especially his entitlement to her love and to her daughter as a part of that. I’m now imagining that Lily and her husband worked together on stuff and he volunteered for some experiment which called an angel down - idk, maybe going at it from the vessel direction? And Ishim happened to be the angel connected to her husband (just like if you’d done this to Jimmy some time before Cas happened to him, as part of the bloodline of Cas-vessels, perhaps it could have specifically summoned him? :P) 
It would also explain in more emotional detail why she said that summoning him and looking at him for the “first time” felt like looking into the divine - angels look like regular people from the outside, and there was nothing magically altered about Lily yet at that point as far as we know - the whole thing about her being “powerless” when Ishim comes for her daughter suggests she only started applying her research afterwards to get revenge. If she did a summoning and Ishim popped up in a summoning circle and she’s never seen an angel before, we’d have a meeting like Dean and Cas, where he didn’t know what Cas was, and he looked so ordinary (yet so NOT ordinary) but it wasn’t until Cas spread his wings for Dean (that sounds wrong) that there was any proof… Even knowing she PROBABLY summoned an angel, in vessels they look fairly underwhelming on first glance. But Lily sounds like she immediately knew… 
So, imagine she and her husband are working on the spell and suddenly Mr Sunder is bathed in white light and a moment later he’s looking at her like he’s never seen her before, moving and talking as a different being - that way angels hold themselves above humans and look at them as if they’re another species (and Ishim was great at that :P) 
Also, I like this image, where Ishim comes in:
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You have May there as well, clutching her doll that her father gave her and looking terrified of him as well. Obviously there’s a lot of extenuating circumstances for why she’d be terrified of Ishim, but @chiisana-sukima made a great addition to this post about Ishim, about domestic abuse:
I think it’s really horrifying but if he was possessing Mr Sunder, then the way that he’s treated Lily’s family, that she needs protection from him (and I think we can trust Lily here as Ishim had a “true colours” sort of reveal which means I think we can assume most things we learned from him were a lie, so that would include Lily and Akobel’s supposed relationship, that Lily claims was just because she needed protection. Akobel genuinely cares for her, probably thought Ishim was a total dick anyway so was happy to do this for her, and when Ishim confronts him, with hindsight Akobel is like “who are you to tell me about shame” or something, because HE knows what Ishim did before we do…) Anyway, the daughter looks horrified, and there’s this connection where the father is specifically mentioned to the doll, and then Ishim kills her and we see that by the doll being dropped… Yeah, there’s a lot of really really horrifying implications and metaphor about a father turning abusive on his family… 
And yeah, I agree that the whole thing shows that angels can either make up or assume a lot of things. Honestly it would take like one angel to spread the rumour that Dean and Cas have a thing but in a way that just suggesting Cas has broken their taboo is enough to get the angels muttering to each other. Ambriel said that the *nicest* thing they say about Cas is that he kills angels. Mirabel reminded him of the angel fall, while Ishim had some really pointed looks at Dean and Sam in the diner, and of course compared Dean n Cas directly to how he felt about Lily. 
(The whole taboo in angel society thing is making me flip out because FORBIDDEN LOVE Aaaaah… but also just Cas’s resistance to breaking the taboo - we’re shown that even after all of his rebelling against Heaven and so on through the years, how he’s picked humanity (and Dean) over and over and over, and doesn’t seem to be following their way at all any more… but when he’s confronted with a Nephilim his response is immediately falling back on his angel rules, and of course we then immediately get another story showing how he’s obeyed them unthinkingly in the past, and how it’s now some internalised thing he’s never REALLY questioned, and that apparently all this time he’s been carrying around the assumption that humans and angels are NOT MEANT to have sex? Like yeah the OTHER angels think he and Cas are doing it and probably have been since like, season 4 at a worst estimate, but this tells us that Cas himself has been suffering away under this rule the entire time we’ve known him… Yikes. Talk about a hurdle to overcome… But one they’ve shown us in the text, and one that is ALREADY being questioned when it comes to nephilim… which I suppose now will be code for how Cas feels about sleeping with humans :P (I already have talked about how I think Cas will eventually change his mind because of the set up of him starting off adhering to this absolute rule but beginning to change his mind.. That’s the direction character growth lies in, so…))
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