#and larry just deals with it
dobythealpaca · 9 months
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a hc post,,,,, in disguise???? whattt noooo neverrrr hahahaha- 👀👀👀
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larrylimericks · 8 months
With hues blue and green, Lou was tinged, Sang ‘7’ in Barça, then grinned Cos sharing is caring And H still likes wearing Lou’s jumper — Um, bro, they’re unhinged.
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spacedlexi · 5 months
speaking of fucked up overly hated female twdg characters i find it Super Interesting how people will say carver was the best villain in the whole series, but when lilly is literally just a successful carver (iron fist leader of a community turning children into soldiers) suddenly shes a bad/lame villain for some reason 🤔
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grinchwrapsupreme · 5 months
book runs based on tv shows are usually mediocre at best, like star trek, torchwood, doctor who, etc etc, but i would give anything to get a book run of the BBC Ghosts hotel i need to know what shenanigans those guys get up to in there
#bbc ghosts#bbc ghosts spoilers#six idiots#i think a hotel would be so fun for them#like enrichment#absolutely nothing that happens in there matters in the slightest but they all care so much about everything so really#the weight of any hypothetical plot does not matter#a short story series for example would be great#give me 5 pages of the captain deriding robin about the mouse family he follows and then stalking off to go watch his ants#give me 20 pages of fanny and julian watching something unsavoury going down in one of the rooms only to discover they were wrong#and actually what's happening is totally innocent#give me 15 pages of julian battling for TV remote control with a guest who can't figure out why the remote is malfunctioning#give me fanny accidentally getting in a teenager's selfie and the teen facetiming with her friends about the haunted room she's stuck in#while her parents are on this dumb golf trip#and kitty is jealous that fanny is getting all the attention because this is supposed to be girls night with the teens she's decided#captain and julian watching golfers out on the green#thomas cooing over a blossoming romance and subsequent breakup like its his new personal soap opera#pat sitting in on games out on the lawn and getting way too into it prompting julian to start making bets with him on lawn darts#fanny snooping in guests' luggage and being scandalized by perfectly normal things she considers risque#give a book deal to ben and larry they'd have a ball with it i just know it
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
Sunday snippet ✨
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“You’re jealous.”
Harry blushes even harder.
“‘M not jealous. I just—I’m frustrated that I don’t know how to attract your attention.”
“You have it now.”
Louis leans in closer, his stunning features illuminated by the flickering light of an oil torch.
“I sense a duty to take action, but I'm at a loss for how to proceed.”
The scent of cheap wine lingers on his breath as he stares deeply into Harry's eyes. Harry swallows on nothing when he watches Louis’ pupils darken with desire.
A shiver runs down Harry's spine when Louis' hand brushes against his own, sending a jolt of sparkle through his body. All Harry can think about is how badly he wants to be with Louis, to feel his lips on his own and explore every inch of his body.
“Let me teach you then.”
Usual writer bestie @nooradeservedbetter scelgo teeee
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ishipmutualrespect · 3 months
What would convince you that Larry wasn’t real. Like what would Harry and Louis have to do? Louis has denied it multiple times and there was even a leaked phone recording with a fan where he called Twitter Larry shippers insane.
Literally nothing.
Also I don’t need convincing on one side or the other. I don’t need no one convincing me, I don’t need to convince anyone as well. As I said yesterday I’m happy like this. I’m a larrie and I’m happy to be one.
But I’m gonna say one last thing: if they’re closeted, under contracts blah blah blah you can’t expect them to suddenly one day say out of the blue: oh yeah btw I love Harry, I love Louis. Of course they’re gonna just: DENY, DENY, DENY. That’s what we got during all these years and that’s what we’re gonna get for the years to come
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nursemimosa · 2 months
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what if I uploaded a bunch of charts with my OCs in them
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raeofgayshine · 2 years
Kind of fucked up they’re making a new natm movie and just
Not including Ahkmenrah in it.
Like at all, not even in the lazy way two included him just in the intro.
He’s just
Not there
Even though the tablet, His Tablet, is there and is literally essential to the entire plot of the movie (as it is every movie and yet Ahk never gets the love and development he deserves but anyway)
They just decided to cut him out completely this time as far as the trailer shows??? Which like, what the fuck my dude.
They continue to rob of us of the excellent comedy of putting Ahk and Kah in the same movie and frankly I’m sick of it
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savebylou · 7 months
After this I don't want to hear him sing 7 again.
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monboyfs-seesaw · 8 months
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Saw franchise becomes both funnier and more insanity inducing when you acknowledge how ridiculous some decisions made are with the context of "we had to start making new shit up because we're on movie 7 now"
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makoheadrush · 9 months
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I probably should have moved Lawrence’s kibble dish before spreading out all my palettes.
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moonsaurora · 2 months
everytime louis or harry “denies” larry there are always people who claimed to be for them who leave…and they’re so weak lmao cause if you genuinely believed they were together you would’ve done enough research to know why they deny it and everything. y’all weren’t in the community for the right reasons if you didn’t care about them being free and supporting them
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larrylimericks · 2 years
LT Edition Lou can’t keep his gay anthems straight, But who thought we’d e’er see this day? Feels “amazing,” he said (Though he meant Home instead) That his queer fans claimed Only the Brave.
HS Edition The rain showed but not Flo or Chris, Though H was there taking the piss — Decked out like a copper, Not one answer proper, Just giggles and sly mood board quips.
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cocoa-rococo · 2 months
i'm gonna try and explain the dynamics of some of my mario rarepairs involving the koopalings and why i like them in a way that's actually coherent and not just me ripping up the carpet in delight at the thought of them.
kept under a read-more to spare some of you from my own nonsense
iggy x toadette: the ULTIMATE enemies to acquaintances to friends to lovers. they bicker and wheedle at each other over small things because they both like debating, but also bring out the best and worst in each other without realizing. it's unlearning old habits for better new ones. it's finding someone like you, someone different from everyone else. it's saying i don't know what this is, but you see me as i am in a way no one else does, and i don't want to lose that. it's the HEIGHT DIFFERENCES. they make me crazy /pos
ludwig x lady bow: they have an elaborate 500k slow burn pining gothic romance going on, and it drives everyone insane. ludwig is charmed by her audacity, lady bow admires his ruthlessness. both of them are romantics, but they can never seem to find the right time to confess to one another, which leads to a lot of serenading and almost-kissing and goodbyes that shouldn't be as dramatic as they are. also they Anime Laugh at peasants together and discuss the most practical way to imprison someone over tea <3
larry x vivian: the two people that EVERYONE can see are crushing on each other except themselves because they're scared of the other's reaction. they find a strength in each other: larry gets vivian to speak up and express herself in a way that makes her happy, and vivian helps mellow larry out and make him comfortable with showing vulnerability. both secretly feel a little inadequate about themselves, and both of them think the other is amazing. fluff and almost dates and mutually unrequited pining at its PEAK.
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dashiellqvverty · 1 year
always think its funny when people are into a particular rpf ship but get antagonistic/hostile/morally superior towards other rpf ships like girl we are all in the same house here
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larrysblooming · 1 year
i love how non larrie blogs don’t want larries interacting with their content like girl who do you think is on this app?? who do you think are the main people in your notes?? be serious
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