#and it’s wild how little of that there is on tumblr nowadays
https-furina · 5 months
🥲 i don’t think i’m even pushing myself anymore i’m just losing enjoyment for one of my coping mechanisms because of the sheer lack of interaction
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silverskye13 · 1 month
how did you get the confidence to write fanfiction? i always worry that i won't portray the characters properly so any ideas or wants to write fanfics that i have go away or i talk myself out of it :(
Well! First and foremost: Most people don't start writing,,,, anything with confidence. Let alone fanfic, where you know other people are going to be looking at it, with their own ideas of how the characters are supposed to act and feel influencing what they're coming to the story with. My first fanfic I was very insecure, which I feel like was evident, reading through the author's notes now. Apologies whenever something that required a lot of suspension of disbelief happened, a poll so readers could decide the ending so I wouldn't disappoint anybody, only to end in me writing and posting three different endings. Long justifications for why I chose certain things in the author's notes. The fic nowadays reads to me like a very rough apology.
"Hi I'm sorry I tried. Be kind I'm very scared."
But the thing about writing that fic was, it was the writerly equivalent of jumping into the deep end of the pool for the first time. After I bobbed back to the surface and realized a shark hadn't like, taken my legs off while I was down there, jumping in again got easier. And kept getting easier. And now I just write and post things.
There's kind of two schools of thought that I've seen people subscribe to, when it comes to taking the first leap. The one that's really popular around here on Tumblr is: Do it scared. It is simple and straightforward. You are scared. You will be scared. You probably never won't be scared. So do it scared. Write your thing, close your eyes and hit send [either to post it or to share it with one or two friends, or even just hitting the "save" button and not deleting it]. Get scared, do it, close your eyes, finish. When you open your eyes again and nothing terrible has happened, you can breathe a sigh of relief and do it scared again. It's a little nerve-wracking at first, but the idea is giving your mind the association of jumping and not falling. I did it and I didn't fail, therefore it is safe to do it again.
The other school of thought [the one I specifically subscribe to] is: Do it once. What you think or feel about it doesn't matter. What matters is you did it once. Maybe it will be hell, or it'll suck terribly. Maybe you're really excited! And it turns out great! Maybe its a wild ride of ups and downs, and by the end you need a few months to catch your breath and decide if it was worth it. Regardless: you did it once. Now you know, if you want to, you can do it again. Now you can decide if its worth doing again. For me, the euphoria of finishing a project always far outweighs the trouble getting there, so the step forward of "Do it once" is powerful for me. And that can be broken down too. "Write one chapter." "Draw one drawing." "Clean one room in the house." There is no pressure to continue if its really that terrible, but you at least get to decide if one was worth it [and a solid 9 times out of 10, one was worth it enough to do it more.]
Now, all that said, if what you're worried about is writing the characters right and nothing else -- don't worry too much. Most people care less about how true to life the characters are, and care a lot more about consistency in the story. An example from RnS: In canon, Helsknight is a cartoonish villain with one motivation, and that motivation is taking over hermitcraft Doofenschmirtz style. To date, no one has come into my inbox demanding I change him, because he's so OOC he's basically an OC at this point. What people have come into my inbox about though, is "Hey, you established X in this chapter, but he said Y in this chapter. Was there a reason for that?" which is them saying, "Why didn't you keep your character consistent?" If you tell your audience what the expectations are for the story and you stick with them, they will stop caring about OOC moments and characterizations, and will trust you're going somewhere with your writing. Suspension of disbelief, your powerful friend! They put the world on their shoulders and carry and everybody watches and claps.
If you're also worried about consistency, then start out with one shots! There's a lot less room for error, no large, sweeping character arcs to keep track of. And stringing a bunch of one-shots together can give you practice with character consistency and progression without committing to something massive and overarching. If you're truly worried about making the characters exactly like Canon [or the Canon in your head], I recommend making little lists of character traits, or important things you want to keep in mind. At that point you're scared of your own consistency, and you just need a framework to keep yourself consistent enough for yourself, if that makes sense?
Hopefully! This helps! Sorry I'm a little scattered today :'D
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astriiformes · 11 months
Actually if you'd be willing to answer, how do people sex bones when that's the only remains of a person? Why do people do that? How important are the person's sex characteristics to identifying them compared to everything they may have been wearing or buried with, especially when they are just bones now and the vast majority of indicators would be based on soft tissue and are no longer available to examine? Is it different for a body that's a hundred years old vs. a thousand? Modern forensics is very advanced but your field is different right? Sorry if this is morbid or overly clinical, I just am very interested in this type of thing, and I love learning! Thank you for your time and have a lovely day. :D
So this is not really my field at all, but I can speak a little on what I do know and then toss it into the wilds of tumblr where some of my mutuals/followers more knowledgeable on the subject can chime in if they want to.
There are some general characteristics people keep in mind when analyzing skeletons to get information like size, width of hips, and etc that have historically been used to guess at the sex of individuals, but 1) obviously those are not foolproof, the spectrum of human variation is such that, contrary to what biological essentialists would have you believe, even that tends to be a form of educated guesswork, not guaranteed fact and 2) as a result archaeologists are considering it less and less important these days as the field evolves. Nowadays things like grave goods and clothing are generally considered likely to tell you more -- and on top of that, more archaeologists and historians are willing to consider the possibility that a "mismatch" between someone's remains and burial might be telling them something interesting about the individual and their society as opposed to a weird fluke or mistake.
Again, I'm not an archaeologist so that's a very basic rundown and I imagine there are other people who've done these things in practice who have much more interesting insights on the topic, but it's an evolving area in the field for sure, and also a lot more mutable than many people realize.
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happyminyards · 11 months
i'd be interested in the titanic fact-check post if you'd still like to write it 👀
Oh tumblr user @burr-ell, i am giving you a friendly little kiss on the forehead for asking this. I would love nothing more. 
Let's give the rundown of some common Titanic "facts" that people love to parade around especially nowadays and why they're either fully wrong, misinterpretations or actually close to the truth! With sources, because I'm nice like that. 
This will be long, but I feel like it needs to be to actually give y'all the proper information and context, and frankly I think I'm writing this mostly for myself. 
I'll divide it up into two parts, so here's "not enough lifeboats", "untrained crew", "no lifeboat drills" and "speeding & ignoring ice warnings".
Part two featuring "half empty lifeboats", "locking folks below deck", “missing binoculars", and "fire sank the Titanic, actually" is here!
"They didn't have enough lifeboats because they thought the ship was unsinkable"
Almost ship back then had enough lifeboats for all its passengers. Lifeboats were considered a very, very last ditch attempt at safety and more often than not resulted in the deaths of the people in them due to capsizing in bad weather, accidents while being lowered, drifting off etc etc. (SS Clallam, SS Valencia, SS Atlantic). 
If they had to be used, the idea was to use them as ferries to other boats. Ocean liners started getting more watertight compartments, bulkheads and double bottoms, meaning they were able to survive collisions and stay floating for longer. Since the Atlantic shipping lanes were VERY busy back then and most accidents happened near the harbor someone was expected to be in reasonable distance at all times when such an accident occurred. 
Besides that, ships had just gotten new, sparkly wireless machines, the Marconi transmitters. While their operators were technically not employed by the ship and their tasks consisted of sending letters from passengers, it was expected that they'd facilitate communication in accidents. And that system worked, for a while! 
Best example is the sinking of another White Star Line ship, the RMS Republic in 1909. She got rammed, sunk, every ship nearby ran up to help her, all her passengers got transferred over, how nice, our procedures worked!
So while it's true that regulations for the amount of lifeboats hadn't kept up with the steeply increasing size of the new ocean liners (Titanic was actually carrying more than her size demanded), the authorities expected that these new technological advancements were sufficient. 
Titanic showed them that this was not correct, so they were adjusted mainly through the SOLAS treaty (which actually resulted in tragedy itself, when ships not designed to fit so many lifeboats suffered from accidents due to the refitting, like the SS Eastland, who rolled over in dock, killing 844 people)
As for the ship being unsinkable, some surviving advertisements described Titanic and her sister Olympic as "And as far as it is possible to do so, these two wonderful vessels are designed to be unsinkable". Which was fairly common at the time (Captain Rostron actually does it in the inquiry after the sinking) due to the aforementioned new, fancy safety features. Hubris? Yes, but not a stand out characteristic of the Titanic.
"The Titanic Crew was untrained & overwhelmed"
Captain Smith had been at sea for 49 years, a commander for White Star for 25 years and the captain of their maiden voyages for ten years, including the then biggest ships in the world Baltic and Olympic. He was regarded as a "safe captain" by both the line and passengers, some who only booked with him. His most notable incident was probably when Olympic collided with the HSM Hawke, but he wasn't even in command of the ship at the time. They were under compulsory pilotage, i.e. a harbor pilot was giving the orders.
All her officers were also very experienced. From Chief to Sixth:
Wilde, on sea since his teens, with White Star for 15, including Majestic and Olympic
Murdoch, on the sea since he was 18, 12 years at White Star line, including Olympic, Celtic and Adriatic
Lightroller, with White Star for 13 years, including Oceanic and Majestic
Pitman, on the sea for 16 years, White Star for 5/12
Boxhall, on the sea for 13 years, with White Star for about 4 1/2 years 
Lowe, on the sea for 14 years, with White Star for 15 months
Moody, on the sea for about 9-10 years (including his Navy education), with White Star for about half a year on the Oceanic
So really the only one you could clock for being inexperienced was Moody, who was the sixth officer. And he was well educated and perfectly qualified for that position. Wilde was actually pulled in sort of last minute just after Titanic's sea trials, bumping down Murdoch & Lightroller one position and causing Officer David Blair to leave the ship entirely, presumably so that the well-oiled team of officers from the Olympic could set Titanic up for a good start. 
(This also caused the supposed missing binoculars, more on that below).
This was White Star's newest, biggest ship. White Star's whole sales pitch was luxury and comfort, they're the line running the "Millionaire's ship". They're not gonna risk anything, even if it's just their rich passengers having to deal with inexperienced officers. They were gonna put their best on it.
There were no lifeboat drills
Titanic needed drills to get her certifications and completed them in early April. The officers (minus Wilde plus Blair) were all there and involved, everything got checked and a bunch of the lifeboats lowered. 
There was also a separate Board of Trade drill on the 10th of April. Lightoller, Pitman, Lowe, Moody and "[nearly all seaman], including able-bodied seamen, ordinary seamen, lookouts and quartermasters" were all involved. There was also the bulkhead and the emergency boat drill.
Now there is some confusion around the "Sunday Drill". This was another drill involving the crew, not the passengers. 
It's essentially a muster plus a check of the boats, not actually anything to do with the procedure of loading the boats. This didn't happen on Titanic, but there seems to be no clear reason why. Some crew members state it was scheduled, others said the drill didn't happen due to weather, some said they only happened on Sundays "in New York", potentially because otherwise the firemen wouldn't join in. The "Sunday in New York" one is the one that gets mentioned the most, but truly this is anyone's guess. 
However, it's clear that this drill would have changed nothing. The crew already had undergone similar drills before, this one was not new information. Here's a really good, well sourced article on the whole drill issue.
The Titanic was speeding & ignoring ice warnings.
Titanic had received multiple ice warnings throughout her journey. This was nothing unusual, it was April in the North Atlantic. The ice warnings were communicated via the wireless, given to the bridge and marked on the board. 
We know of a bunch of specific warnings that were received and posted on the bridge, mainly from the Caronia and the Baltic. The Baltic one is the famous message that made it to Bruce Ismay's, chairman of the White Star Line, pocket. He showed it to some passengers before giving it back to Captain Smith.
There's two warnings that probably didn't make it to the bridge, captain or all officers. One from the Californian to the Antillian that the Titanic happened to overhear, warning of "three large bergs 5 miles southward of latitude 42° 3′ N, longitude 49° 9′ W". Harold Bride, junior wireless operator, testified he delivered this warning to the bridge, but Pitman testified he wasn’t aware of it. It could be that Murdoch, who was actually on duty at time of collision, was, but he ended up dying in the sinking. 
The other one is from the Mesaba at around 9:40 PM, stating: "In latitude 42° N to 41° 25′, longitude 49° W to longitude 50° 30′ W, saw much heavy pack ice and great number large icebergs, also field ice, weather good, clear". While this message was received by Phillips, Titanic's senior wireless operator, we’re pretty sure it never made it to the bridge.
There's also the infamous Californian warning at 11:00 PM, about 40 minutes before Titanic hit the iceberg, that Phillips interrupted with a seemingly harsh "Shut up, I'm busy, I'm working Cape Race". Now, that seems rough, but was actually a really common "tone" between the wireless operators of the time:
They were a fraternity of pioneers, considered to be cranks, and had the curious habit of addressing one another as O M ("Old Man"). A common signal exchanged between them was GTHOMQRL ("Get to hell, old man, shut up, I'm busy"), or A S O M ("Wait a minute, old man!"). [James Bisett, Commodore of the Cunard Line, “Tramps and Ladies - My Early Years At Steam]
What happened is that Phillips was working through a backlog of messages, Titanic's wireless had been broken earlier and he had fixed it against standing orders from the Marconi company (which actually made it possible for any of them to survive in the end). 
He had cranked the power all the way up to be able to understand the messages of Cape Race, which was on the edge of his receivers' span. Californian's operator, Cyril Evans, chimed in in the middle of that with a "I SAY, OLD MAN, WE ARE STOPPED AND SURROUNDED BY ICE!" essentially blasting Phillips' ears off, since Californian was much closer. 
Phillips told him to pipe down, Evans signed off and went to bed. The issue is: no one is at fault here. Phillips had already received and delivered multiple ice warnings, Evans was telling him nothing new or indicating that it was an urgent message, so Phillips had no reason to consider it important. Evans, in his inquiry, literally states that he was "jamming" him and gives no indication that Phillips was acting rude.
Titanic's speed at the time is debated. Boxhall says he estimates it at around 22 knots based on the propeller speed, Lightoller at 21.5, the US inquiry at "no less than 21". However, that is an estimation, and we nowadays think that Titanic was going around 20-21 knots. 
The officers were also unsure about the exact position of the Titanic, Boxhall actually calculated her a good 13 nautical miles further west than she was, so some mis-estimates are to be expected. We actually aren't quite sure what her exact top speed would have been, Lightoller estimated it at 22-23 knots based on "general rumours", Lowe at 24 to 25, which is a really hefty difference. 
We can assume Titanic's top speed to be similar to her sister ship Olympic's after Olympic got refitted with a three-bladed central propeller, which was around 24.5 knots (according to Chirnside). So while we can't be fully sure of her potential, it's a pretty safe bet that she wasn't going full speed, she was essentially going "cruising" speed. 
Now, was Titanic ignoring all the ice warnings? No. The surviving officers testified they were aware of them, and that Smith had told them to expect ice at around midnight and to get him immediately (his cabin was right on the bridge) if anything changed. 
Now, was she speeding? That, actually, comes down to your interpretation of events. Some could say that going "cruising" speed at night with ice warnings would be constituted as reckless speeding. However, all evidence indicates that holding your speed and posting look outs, only reducing once you actually spot dangerous ice yourself, was the common procedure. Here's an excerpt from the UK inquiry that sums it up well:
It was shown that for many years past, indeed, for a quarter of a century or more, the practice of liners using this track when in the vicinity of ice at night had been in clear weather to keep the course, to maintain the speed and to trust to a sharp look-out to enable them to avoid the danger. This practice, it was said, had been justified by experience, no casualties having resulted from it. I accept the evidence as to the practice and as to the immunity from casualties which is said to have accompanied it. But the event has proved the practice to be bad.
Titanic, by her best judgment, was not acting recklessly. She was following common procedures for a ship her size and built at the time (very, very unlike the Titan, since I see that comparison often). 
The idea that "as long as the weather is clear, you go top/normal speed" is also backed up by other captains in the inquiry, mainly Pritchard (commander of the Mauretania, who as mentioned was much quicker) but also Andrew Braes, Hugh Young, Edwin Cannons and William Stewart as well as others. They all say the exact same thing: if they were warned about ice and it was clear weather, they'd go their normal speed, day and night. They would only add extra lookouts in bad weather conditions, and only do "what they thought was proper" once they actually saw any ice themselves. 
They really emphasize the "in clear weather" part, and we know that the Titanic thought they were traveling in clear weather (Smith and Lightoller had even discussed it that very night). And they were! 
The issue is that it was almost TOO clear. 
The waves didn't even break on the iceberg, and the stars didn't even reflect off it. Meaning they saw it way later than they would usually. This was very, very unusual. Lightroller said that "the first time in my experience in the Atlantic in 24 years, and I have been going across the Atlantic nearly all the time, of seeing an absolutely flat sea.". 
This was an unprecedented condition for them, and they had no way of knowing how it would impact visibility of icebergs.
Cameron shows a scene where Ismay urges Captain Smith to go quicker to reach New York a day earlier. This seems to be entirely based on the testimony of Elizabeth Lindsey Lines, who states that she overheard Ismay and Smith discussing Olympic's and Titanic's maiden voyages, and that Ismay was saying:
"Well, we did better to-day than we did yesterday, we made a better run to-day than we did yesterday, we will make a better run to-morrow. Things are working smoothly, the machinery is bearing the test, the boilers are working well". They went on discussing it, and then I heard [Ismay] make the statement: "We will beat the Olympic and get in to New York on Tuesday."
It's true that Titanic was being quicker than Olympic, but we know now that that is mostly down to Titanic's superior propellor system (something we actually didn't know until someone dug up an engineering notebook like a decade ago). We have zero other evidence that Titanic was trying to be quicker, or that Ismay somehow was trying to force Smith to speed. 
No other passenger or crew member testified anything of that nature. Titanic was also not gonna get the Blue Ribband, as mentioned previously Mauretania was a whole few knots quicker. Arriving a whole day earlier would only throw the travel plans and hotel bookings of the passengers into chaos. There was nothing to gain from speeding.
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Expanding on my MLP next gen AU "shipping is magic" except i let too many ideas marinate in my head at once and now my wrist hurts from drawing so much :)
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
I would say "ships and lore under the cut" but tumblr ALWAYS likes to fuck up my post layout whenever i post SPECIFICALLY MLP base art for some reason soooo.......idk
As some of you may know: i included fluttershy x tree hugger into my next gen but recently i've decided that in this AU: fluttershy is actually now in a polycule with tree hugger and quarter hearts (that one background pony that looks like link from the legend of zelda) because i saw it be included in one of dragonairlover (or SodaSurfer97, depending on where you follow it)'s old youtube videos back when it did next gen requests for people as part of someone's next gen and i really liked that idea so i included the ship in mine, the mostly-yellow pony with the triforce necklace is named canary crescent (he/him) and he's the son of all three (biologically, i mean) while the blue-haired pony next to him is named navi (she/her) and she's just flutter and quarter's kid. Obviously, navi is based on navi the fairy from the actual zelda games though i wanna say that she's got some inspiration from the blue fairy from pinocchio as well
The next five are gonna take a while to explain....so y'know how i had two lunacord kids already? Well....i decided to expand it into 7 and base them all on the 7 deadly sins because i thought it'd be cool (the ones i already made represent pride and sloth now), the pink one represents lust and is named "after dark" (she/her), the red one represents wrath and is named "wild side" (which TOTALLY isn't because i had the beastars opening theme which coincidentally is also titled "wild side" stuck in my head while drawing, what are you even TALKING about!??!?....anyway, she/her) The purple one represents greed and is named "hypebeast bling" (god, remember when hypebeasts were a thing? He/him) the brown one represents gluttony and is named "midnight snack" (they/he) and lastly the blue one represents envy and is named cendrillon (who TOTALLY isn't named after the vocaloid song AT ALLLL!!!!!! She/her) cendrillon wants to be like her older siblings, thus why she's envy
These next ones: well....idk how many people know of this nowadays, but when the episode "baby cakes" first came out, people theorized that rarity ALSO had a baby in that episode alongside mrs cake because in the opening scene: she was seen looking at a baby with a VERY similar color palette to her. I actually really like that theory so i decided to incorporate that into my next gen, with rarity having a kid with stony pony before eventually getting with braeburn and having rosemary and having to give the kid up for adoption because she couldn't take care of her (and also because stony's a fucking deadbeat lmao) ......so yeah, i named her heloise (she/her) and she's very spiritual and cool......probably has an AWESOME crystal collection. The blue pony next to her is named "birthday cake" and she's pound and pumpkin cake's younger sister. Lastly there's prince corium, chrysalis and tirek's 14-year-old son. I imagine that he's not really evil in the same way his parents are, but he's moreso an edgy fuck who thinks saying slurs and making fun of furries is peak comedy....also he has some SERIOUS beef with pastel dream (my flashlight kid from another post)
Moving onto equestria girls, i didn't want it to JUST be the next gen from the pony universe but just in the EG universe so i decided to be a little creative. So for EG's mane 5 we have rarity and applejack's identical twin daughters praline punch (who's a graphiti artist and is into amekaji) and frou-frou (who's super ditzy and into hime gyaru), fluttershy and bulk biceps' daughter sunny sunflower, sci-twi and sunset shimmer's daughter pasadena (who has a crush on sunny and TOTALLY isn't named after pasadena from crash bandicoot I SWEAR!!!!) And flash sentry and timber spruce's daughter happy camper (who is a trans girl, but is still a lil early into her transition and she's into cryptozoology)
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Going anon because this just corrodes me due to being too stupid, but I´m the only one that thinks porn at large has done a lot of damage to society? From gender to politics and economics, I think porn was like a small dog at the start that somehow we allowed to get too wild and now is ravaging society at large, sometimes without us noticing. Maybe is just a conspirancy from someone that hates how oversexualized is everything nowadays, but there must be a tiny bit of reason in this way of thinking imo.
Well, like prostitution, pornography has always been with us (the word itself goes back to the ancient Greek words for prostitutes and writing): intentionally erotic depictions of sex exist in architecture and cave paintings and everything else for thousands of years, and as soon as the printing press was invented, erotica was one of the first things mass-consumed.
What's really changed this century is the ease of access to it that came with the internet: suddenly every sexual thought can be played out by others for you every second of the day, which has led to us all having the mind of some jaded and deranged sultan, clapping his hands every 5 minutes to bring on the dancing girls and their one cup to relieve his boredom.
But I think focusing on just the sexual aspect of this is to miss the bigger change that is happening, in which ALL our internal thoughts are moving online, into the global machine: Porn cuts us off from, and makes us less reliant on, and interested in, others, but then so does an Instagram account. So does Twitch, so does Twitter. So does Tinder. So does online shopping.
All these things eat away at, and replace, our deep flesh and blood connections with others, and trap us in our own minds, our own echo chambers, our own fantasies. It seems to me they all make us a little less warm and considerate and human, and yet it's only humans that would come up with any of it.
So there's the rub: the technological progress it is a result of is not a genie that's going to go back into any bottle; it's global change that we aren't going to be able to stop, so to a large part we just have to accept that the world has changed and this is what reality is now.
Like recreational drugs, internet porn exists and runs rampant the way it does because it partially solves an aspect of human loneliness. The downside of both is that by doing so they increase all the other aspects of human loneliness. You won't "solve" the "problem" of pornography without fixing the much bigger problem of millions of people not having happy, joyous, love-filled existences that seem better to them than painkillers, fantasy and hermitude.
The only way I know to counteract at least some of the negative effects of all of the above is to deeply fall in love with another, and prioritize real-life connections with real-life people over pixels on screens. But that is hard work, dangerous and frightening, which is largely why each one of us is staring at this Tumblr post right now.
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laslow · 10 months
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: all the ladies out there ;D
Name: Samantha/Sam
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday (no year): May 28
Where are you from? What is your time zone? California! I am on PST timezone so three hours behind the TOA clock
Roleplay experience: Over 10 years! (Dear Naga the passage of time)
Got any pets? No :(
Favorite time of year: Winter!
Some interests and things you like: Reading but that's a given. I'm a huge history nerd and love learning random facts. Also love languages and have tried learning a handful of them but never stick to it rip. Dragons are my fave fantasy creature. (I'm terrible at filling these things out LOL)
Some fun facts & trivia about you: -I own about 300 books -I can skateboard -I wanted to be a geologist as a child until I learned how much math was involved -I can play the piano and a tiny bit of violin -I've never broken a bone
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Zelda, Persona, SSB, Honkai Star Rail
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Water & Vaporeon!
How did you get into Fire Emblem? Watching my brother play on the GameCube
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Physically played: Everything from SacStones on. Read scripts for Genealogy and Thracia.
First Fire Emblem game: Path of Radiance
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Awakening!
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Take a WILD guess. LMAO but besides the Boy of All Time, I can admit I have a crush on Xander.
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Chrom and I'd still S support him I'm basic and that's ok - Fates: Silas and it's a tossup between him and Leo now - Three Houses: Dimitri and still Dimitri. - Engage: Diamant and still Diamant I know what I'm about
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Swordmaster!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Swordmaster!
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Blue Lions
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? It's a tie between Leif and Eirika & Ephraim
How did you find TOA? I saw an advertisement for the group on tumblr WAAAAY back when
Current TOA muses: Inilow, Leo, and Azelle
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? The one and only Inigo. I really can't see myself dropping him unless I left the group.
Have you had any other TOA muses? Ilyana and Vanessa!
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards?The loyal ones for sure. A shocking amount have sibling complexes and I don't know what that says about me as a person.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? Honestly, I enjoy writing a little bit of everything! Happiness, angst, romance. But if I have to pick a favorite it'd be combat :thinking: Something about the adrenaline
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔 Tee-Oh-Ay
Favorite TOA-related memory: Oh naga. I literally cannot pick one so any and all the inside jokes/memes that pop up that would NOT make sense to anyone else
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉Coughs into hands. If I said I had a Seth blog what then. Silas is up there too and there's a few from Thracia I have my eye on
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auraboo · 10 months
Get to know me tag
Tagged by: @yoiku - thanks for the tag! I've really missed this part of Tumblr culture, it's been literal years since I last saw these things in the wild.
Last song: Queen of Kings (Italiano) by Alessandra Mele. I've been on a Eurovision kick since this year's final and I looooove the Italian cover of this song. It has lowkey become a character song for the main antagonist of the second book in my fantasy trilogy, and since I've been writing a lot of scenes involving her recently, I've been blasting the song on repeat for hours :'D I love my angriest daughter very much
Currently reading: The Faithless by C.L. Clark, Over My Dead Body by Sweeney Boo, and getting started on a whole pile of manga that I just received in the mail (the first 2 volumes of Mao by Rumiko Takahashi and vols 3-4 of Idol Dreams by Arina Tanemura). I love reading, I almost always have a book or two at hand, and way more in my library bookings queue.
Currently watching: Rewatching a bunch of Trine playthroughs. I don't really watch stuff otherwise - my attention span for watching shows or movies is non-existent, I can't do anything else if I want to remember what I just watched and it drives me up the wall to just sit still doing nothing for hours - but I like having game videos about my favourite games on the background while drawing or painting. I've also been watching a lot of Sailor Moon collector videos recently.
Current obsession: Does my manuscript count? My creative life has pretty much orbited around it for the past 2-3 years and there's no end in sight, I can't go a day without thinking about my characters. Author problems #489871.
In the fandom sense, Sailor Moon is my current #1 obsession - I recently managed to get my first Q Posket figures (Venus and Mars!) and they did something funny to my little fangirl heart. It makes me so happy to see them in the bookshelf with my tiny Sailor Moon collection, my girls are so pretty! I've never been a fan of figurines, but I fell in love with Q Poskets when I first saw images of them. I want Cosmos so badly aaaaa
Tagging: not sure how well the tagging system works on Tumblr nowadays/if people even get notifications about them, but here goes: @tehri, @cypjj, @lamppuart, @lemsart, @nappi. No pressure, though!
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Howdy, it’s the fun fact not anon, I’m going to fully keep it a buck fifty, I sent a fun fact last night but my tumblr is being weird as hell and something was going on with the Wi-Fi i was using? So I’m just gonna say the same stuff again and if it went through this is sadly not a new fun facts.
Last night I was ridiculously eppy after spending the day with friends, so my initial fun fact as literally something I had just found out about and had no relevance whatsoever, which was that apparently glasses that can make subtitles are supposed to be coming out sometime in the near future, so if that works it’s pretty cool.
Then I got derailed(or re railed? Since it was a semi relevant fun fact. Either way I was very excited it came to mind,) because I did have a fun fact: It’s the classic we casually have more computing power in our phones than it took to send people to the moon in 1969. When I was trying to look up specific numbers, I found out that nowadays some fancy USBs have more computing power than the guidance computer on Apollo 11.
Then I ended it off with an ask: How do aliens react to humanity’s ability to do buck wild shit with relatively limited resources or technology? I.e using limited computational power to send someone to the moon, building gigantic pyramids, being a general nuisance to any invader, etc.
Then I proceeded to get absolutely 0 sleep until like 5:30 am.
Hi my friend!!!
So happy to get another fun fact from you!!!
As spooky as the direction of technology is going, I also think it's super cool that we've done so much with so "little?" Even the thought of the moon landing is kinda crazy to me like omg we DID that!
Or airplanes! or being able to call people all over the world! or being able to have fully translated conversations with people using your phone. it's all very cool.
I think the aliens would be just as impressed! Not because the tech is more advanced, but because it can actually keep up with some of their own. They would be ticked by the cell phone, for sure. The concept of "apps" makes them giggle a bit.
"You got games on your phone" headasses!!!
Always great to hear from you!!! Hope you're having a great day!
All my love,
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justsomeoneunordinary · 6 months
i randomly found your post about casual serbophobia (/post/655276183842406400/) while browsing and oh god i've been in the exact same boat from 5th grade onward, except i'm german and of serbian origin. up until 10th grade lots of my classmates (and kids in my grade in general) were albanian & kosovo-albanian and that really did a number on the development of my social skills. it doesn't help that the 1999 NATO bombing has been completely shoved under the rug and the only mentions you'll ever find of the yugoslav wars over here nowadays is in our social science textbook in the form of an argumentation task on who was in the wrong. sorry for the out-of-nowhere rant, just wanted to tell you that i really relate to what you wrote. it really is tiring, and i hope you're alright
no, no, you're good. and i fully get you. i still vividly remember how in elementary school my kosovo albanian and macedonian classmates would just randomly gang up at me to tell me how kosovo is its own country and how we serbs are evil for not letting it free - and we were like nine years old, i had mostly no idea what was even going on, neither did the other kids, they just parroted what their parents told them, and i was punished for simply being a serb, it was fucking wild. so i grew up thinking we're the bad ones, being ashamed of my heritage, and it really didn't help that a lot of serbs here can be quite bigoted jerks
it took me until well into my mid-twenties to finally wake up from this and realize that hey, that's not normal, and actually, i have nothing to be ashamed of. we have a beautiful and rich culture and i'm going to show it off proudly - а они који то не воле су добродошли да попуше курац
what's more difficult is trying to talk about the crimes done against serbs, because most people are more than willing to believe the western media when they paint us as the bad ones', even the ones who usually criticize western media. you point out the nato bombing, and people go "oh, but srebrenica", you point out the ethnic cleansing in kosovo and people don't believe you and go "but srebrenica" while they're at it anyway, you talk about jesnovac and people somehow still go "but srebrenica", which doesn't even make sense considering jesnovac happened decades before!
and look, i am absolutely disgusted by the genocide of bosniaks by serbs, i feel the bile rise up my throat every time i think about it, it was a horrible, inhumane thing that happened, and we absolutely need to talk about it. but it's WILD how any and all ethnically motivated crimes against serbs can be brushed off with "but srebrenica", no matter if they happened before or after, because apparently, ethnical cleansing is fine as long as it's against serbs
or they just shrug any of this off as nationalistic serb propaganda. and it doesn't help that there is a lot of nationalistic bullshit (one of the most difficult parts for me as an adult trying to reconnect with my culture was to learn to differentiate what are nationalistic lies and what's the truth; for the longest time i used to believe western media was right when they talked about kosovo and that my family was in the wrong), and it doesn't help that even in this day and age so many serbs will say that the genocide against bosniaks was necessary because "if we hadn't attacked first, they would've attacked us" (but then again, literally every. single. balkan country denies their own crimes, yet somehow, it's only us serbs they dogpile on), and it doesn't help that the only countries that support us are fucking russia and china, of all countries, and it doesn't help that there are so little trusted sources that talk about what the neo-fascist party albania's is doing in kosovo, so you feel like you're talking against a wall
it's tiering. ppl in real life won't listen, and when you reblog even a sourced post on tumblr about it, no one will look (or point out srebrenica, as if one genocide excuses another). here on tumblr, where ppl seem to inform themselves, the only platform i see talk abt armenia even. nix, nada, nothing when it comes to us. as i said, genocide seems to be ok if it's happening against us "evil, dirty serbs"
serbophobia is well and alive even today, if not quite as bad as it used to be - i at least don't have to worry abt not getting a job bc of my name, unlike my mum or worse, moja baba i deda - and all you can do is ignore the vile words and soldier on with your head held high and celebrate your culture. at least we'll always have each other
anyway, this turned out much longer than i wanted it to be, sorry. i get you - know that i'm mentally hugging you tightly 🫂🫂 и јебеш мајку сваког неуког идиота ;)
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personthattoleratesme · 6 months
So, you want to study new phannies?
well, same, i don't know what happened to me either but let me try to explain, you might find it amusing
you see, I'm 19 now, so back when they first were active i wasn't enough chronically online to be obsessed with any internet personality. (for reference, i was five when dan posted his first video.)
then covid and lockdowns happened and through some twists and turns i was catapulted deep into the 1D fandom, more specifically the larry portion of it. it was incredibly toxic and unhealthy, but it was also so much fun and taught me a lot about fandom and shipping culture. i eventually moved on into much healthier fandom spaces and honestly thought (and hoped) i was over being a fan of Real Living Human Beings.
now, i had obviously heard of dan and phil before but never watched any of their videos. so when they announced the return of dapg and everyone here freaked out about it i thought, eh, might as well take a look.
i don't know what it was about them, their dynamic, the casual happy queerness, the way they love and care for each other, their little stupid quirks, dan's way with words, but it pulled me in so damn quickly. so far i have no regrets, watching them is so nice and comforting.
however it also felt so intoxicatingly familiar to when i first got into larry, which scared me at first because i did not want to go back to anything like that time of my life. by now i have realised that this is different. it feels like a better version of whatever i had going on back then, because this time there is no need for wild speculations and intrusive theorising. them being themselves and sharing what they want to share is more than enough. maybe it's just hopeful thinking but i feel like it is actually possible to have a healthy parasocial relationship with them.
i might have missed it just a teeny tiny bit.
also!!! i feel like i picked the exact right time for this new obsession because there's so much going on, it's so fun and i amm excited for the future!
dunno if the tumblr phandom is the right place for me, right now i am pretty content with just lurking and watching you guys do your thing
with love,
a new phannie
first of all i want to say welcome new phannie! i hope you enjoy and benefit from the enrichment of our little corner of the internet.
i really enjoyed reading your story. as soon as i read larry i had a visceral full-body reaction ngl, i'm so sorry you went through that.
you have really chosen an excellent time to become a phannie. the toxicity is mostly out of the fandom, dnp are in control of the narrative now, and we don't have to deal with all the phan proof shit anymore.
it gives me so much joy that nowadays their queer happiness can be a factor in becoming a fan of theirs. there's just something so special about how after everything they've been through - and everything we've been through as phandom - that there is now this wonderfully queer and happy space that can feel safe and inviting for young queer people.
i really hope that this parasocial relationship with them will turn out to be what you're looking for. when i was a teenager they helped me through so much, and now that we're all older and have been able to grow as people i think we genuinely have a very good and healthy parasocial relationship with them as a fandom.
thank you so much for your sharing your story, i genuinely find it so fascinating to learn about 2023 phannies.
you're totally welcome to lurk here for as long as you want. i was a lurker for a long time cause phannie tumblr kind of scared me. i used to only exist in the anon asks of other users and feel free to do the same.
now i want to know: what was your first dnp video?
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vriskasapotheosis · 1 year
Red vs Blue and Homestuck, famous internet things from eras of the internet gone by and yet they still howl violently today. (warning post grande)
so generally when one thinks of the "old" internet, a lot of things can come to mind: less ads, a sense of wonder with a budding new technology, the lack of the cold grip of consumerism, a nostalgia for the old days that didn't really exist and you were just 10, you name it.
What always sticks to me was that the internet, in its early days, was another medium of art. People took to the internet and began to create art and music of course, but the internet as both a database archive of knowledge and a social tool gave rise to many different expressions: forums, websites, chat rooms, the way people used these were so uniquely creative because it was basically a whole new way of communication. It developed into its own language of how people talk online, which is still present today. Take even this dishonored little website Tumblr: peoples customization of their blogs to absurd degrees, the websites glitches and errors being used to make posts even funnier, the interplay between people being chronically online and the real world consequences, the entire internet was like this, this wild west mesh of ideas being shot at each other and ricocheting violently.
A specific aspect of this was the optimization of absurdism and parody: you had the memes, the flash animations, the abridged series, the youtube poops, the newgrounds, the impossible quizzes, anime episodes on youtube with subtitle translators having fun, all of these things were increasingly absurd with so many levels of variation, and it's this aspect I feel a lot of people have nostalgia for; The internet was a breeding ground for ideas that, because the soil was so fresh, nothing was really rejected, nor was there a push to "create content". People in the past made a whole ton of these things because it was fun, they wanted to express themselves, and they shared the space with tons of people who wanted to do the same. That isn't to say that people today don't also want to do these things, but the internet was so new at the time that it was unprecedented. The internet wasn't just a tool for knowledge archiving or communication, it was an art piece in and of itself, with every user having the ability to contribute to that. It became indistinguishable from being its own culture and ideology.
Which leads me to this: Red vs Blue, one of the most famous (if not The single most famous) webseries, and Homestuck, one of the most famous (or infamous) webcomics of all time are each reflective of these aspects in similar ways.
When talking about the directions, I mean the use of the internet as a medium to entertain vs a medium to communicate. Of course, these aren't mutually exclusive, but I bring them up because the internet nowadays is somewhat at war with itself in what it's becoming. You can point to any number of reasons for this (capitalism, reactionary mindsets, social media, etc etc), and you'd be correct, but the larger idea I'm referencing is that the internet, in a lot of ways, is alive. It grows and evolves with the culture around it, similar to how, say, societies or cities grow. It's no longer just a medium, but something we literally cannot live without. This is a blogging website that literally evolved into a social media website, and is now once again having its user base fall back into treating it like a blogging website. It's somewhat lost to us now, but the time of the internet where it's begun shifting towards being primarily a marketing tool is pretty recent. Things like youtube premium and their ad-free services (make a problem, sell the solution) are not even a decade old, but the sheer speed at which the internet evolves makes it seem like they've just been a fact of life forever. Ideas are always present, regurgitated, recycled, expanded on, reduced, and stretched and compressed in so many ways that it makes the internet feel simultaneously too fast and yet ageless.
But I'm getting ahead of myself: Red vs Blue and Homestuck are living relics in a lot of ways, reflective of a time long past where so many other original ideas and parodies have more or less faded from the collective internet audience. They also shockingly share many of the same methods of storytelling and hitting emotional beats, and in themselves are pioneers of how people on the internet create and share media.
Red vs Blue is the well-known parody of Halo where the guys at RoosterTeeth made self insert Halo OCs that do nothing but be deployed in Blood Gulch, stand around and talk. RvB is a veritable time capsule of charm, so much of the humor reflective of the early era of the internet. It's not out of place alongside the type of stuff you'd see emerge from places like Newgrounds, where many budding animators and game developers began to post their first ever works. Many people today may not look as fondly back on these times (and in fairness there Is dated humor), but there's a reason why even two decades later people still regard the series fondly: It was really funny. No joke, one of RvB's greatest strengths was the staying power it had in just being witty and creative with its humor. RvB was literally made out of a joke the crew had where they argued about whether the Halo Warthog should have been named a Puma because it looked more like a cat. And even when RvB put more stock into fleshing out its story and world building, even the most serious hard asses in the series would still be comedic in some way. What was most amazing about RvB though was that it was a fan work made out of love and yet was nothing more than a group of guys recording their voices over regular game play. Despite that, the genuine charm and effort of the series made it so beloved that even today people still hold RvB fondly in their hearts.
Homestuck follows a similar pattern: The first thousand or so pages are literally about the characters trying to turn on and play a game, and the shenanigans that come from giving a group of children the power to control reality through a game. Homestuck was an original comic idea that exploded in popularity, and similarly took more chances on its storytelling. The majority of MSPAdventures style comics aren't actually structured like a normal comic narrative would be, rather it's like watching a walk through of a point-and-click, Sierra style puzzle adventure game, only further compounded when Homestuck would also include actual flash mini-games into its story. Additionally, despite people knowing Homestuck nowadays for its infamy with its fan base or the absurd narrative, an underappreciated aspect of Homestuck is that it was also really comedic at times. They weren't afraid to poke fun at their own story and be meta, but not to such an overwhelming degree that it becomes a self-referential schlock of the characters pointing at the audience, winking and going "yeah we know we are in a fictional story".
The thing that makes these two series special is that, at their core, they're utterly genuine. They absolutely acknowledge the ridiculousness of the story they tell, but they also place an equal importance of those elements alongside their serious plot beats. Any seasoned RvB fan will encourage everyone that they must absolutely watch the first five seasons, because the more grounded and momentous story beats later don't work without them. In a similar vein, a good half of Homestuck is literally about the characters clicking through their rooms and saying random things. These stories are built around the ideas of characters just standing around and talking about nothing, and they don't work without that because it's a core element of the series to Be about nothing important. They weren't afraid to engage their audiences in more serious ways, where these comedic, ridiculous stories gained weight and stakes, and you found yourself caring for these characters in far deeper, meaningful ways compared to their humble beginnings. They were passion projects at the end of the day, which became successful as a byproduct because the original authors really didn't expect for these series' to become full on franchises.
Personally, I don't think that series' like these two could be made today. The internet is just too different now: These types of independent projects are far harder to make, and drowned among the extreme mass of other new media constantly released. More than anything, I feel like the online scene has become too... mean, for lack of a better word. Again, as previously mentioned there's tons of extraneous factors as per why someone might not want to commit to an incredibly long series where people might warn you that "it doesn't get good until xyz point", but people really do have increasingly higher expectations towards something being "the perfect piece of media". The reality is, it's no longer viable for a dude in his basement to hammer away at a profoundly strange piece of media that resonates deeply with other people. The relationships between creators and fans has also changed, so these independent projects can be far more affected by mass opinion. This is not a critique, an admonishment or anything, but just how I view the state of independent, ongoing storytelling creators. I can't remember the last time someone made their own website to host their independent passion project comic. Things just change, and it's not a good or bad thing, just a fact of life. In the same vein, there's many good stories and pieces of media today that couldn't have been made back then for any number of reasons.
I really hope this doesn't come across as a "nostalgia good/bad" or "watch new/old things" type post, mainly because I highly encourage people to continue dusting off their old blorbos and share what they loved so much about them. I just find this specific case interesting, because RvB and Homestuck are both timeless in so many of the same ways (RvB is technically still running, and Homestuck last I checked still had spinoffs being made), especially because they are something that really could have only been born in the time when the internet was beginning to fall into place as a place to be creative. If you look hard enough, I don't doubt you could find tons of references of these two series' in many other pieces of media, because their status as some of the oldest and wildest stories to come out of the early era of the internet where everyone was figuring out how to use it still holds true today.
It's also why I hope people who read this are encouraged to try writing out or drawing their own strange ideas for stories. It's true that many people want to see the same stories and ideas repeated over and over again, but many more, I believe, want to see wilder and more profound stories, ones that don't make sense, that aren't afraid to challenge their viewers, and even just make them laugh and think "man, that was fucking weird".
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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9w1ft · 2 years
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oh gosh well i dunno i feel like i’m very cryptic as well so i’m sorry for ever being confusing 🙈
i think there are different reasons for being vague, and it’ll depend on the community and the platform and the section of the community of course but i think that one reason, at least from a kaylor perspective, is that there are just a lot of incredibly sensitive topics… i mean a lot of us stopped blogging altogether! i think many of us who have been here a long time want to share fun moments with one another while also not starting anything or putting targets on our backs 😭 it’s been a particularly rough couple of years.
also i think a lot of us are wary of platforms like tiktok that often lift content from tumblr and spread it to a wild amounts of viewers… i’ve had stuff lifted without credit or context and it not only hurts its also kinda scary tbh to have it interpolated and out of my hands. til now some of the stuff we talk about we would talk about in a way that assumed an audience of like 100 people and capping at like several thousand people. nowadays it’s simply not the case, and we don’t really get notified if someone transfers stuff to another platform, unless one of us finds it and reports back. so i think a lot of us might be adapting how we talk about things even more than we already have been.
i just want to share this perspective in the event that kaylor tumblr feels hard to jump into. please don’t take offense if that is possible. sometimes, especially for kaylors, it can be an act of self preservation more than anything else and not about maintaining exclusivity.
you are always welcome to ask me something! i cant answer every ask but i do get the sense there are a lot of new people and i’ll try to provide a little more context if i can.
thank you for reading!!
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mathcs · 1 year
4, 20, 25?
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics!
oop this one got really long! thank you for sending ✨
4. multiple people threads
pretty fun, i've seen those! i think how they can work is the muns take turns replying to the thread in the same order every time minus plotted moments (at least on tumblr)?
there's big fun potential with said threads though, i could be down for something like that if some details are plotted (even if i would probably be slow as usual with them the fear of me slowing down multiple other muns tho oh n o) and whenever i see one in our general vicinity nowadays it's exciting!
20. violent threads
this is interesting! basically i'm a canon typical violence(tm) writer, trying to fit the mood of whatever moment/verse the thread is in! like my "angst has to be meaningful" philosophy ways, any violence would have serve some purpose, even if it's a little purpose, as long as it's not there just for the sake of it.
and now i just remembered how i made jude get shot and ambiguously die in my bad!end drabble DKJFLKJK he hates me just to show how dire things have gotten for him (i guess that means that verse is rated M now. it's a tad darker than x2... and that's ok because he's a badass in it).
speaking of that M rating! i can similarly see myself writing typical horror violence stuff for jude, because that could be fun not for him (e.g. tone/intensity levels similar to games like fatal frame, higurashi, the last of us) but i probably wouldn't get into the extreme details of said violent stuff unless it was super necessary or something. some stuff is better left to the imagination for sure.
in terms of violence during fight scenes, canon typical violence stuff is again my benchmark! i've done the my muse and your muse vs npc fight scenes which is fun, but i don't really have experience with the 1v1 my muse vs your muse in the parking lot type but i'd only feel inclined if the details were plotted beforehand (e.g. knowing the conclusion/set direction of the thread) and if the fight in said thread/scene held some narrative weight.
basically i'm way more interested in the emotional tone/importance of an action scene (plus the impact of it later) rather than just writing it to focus on the technical details of the fight of who would win etc. to me, the latter is just a vehicle to make the whole thing come togetherー it's important, but incomplete without the whole 'why' part. because then it'd feel a lot less like writing out a smash bros match rather than just playing it (i think that's my weirdest metaphor yet LMAOO) personal preference strikes again though!
25. your character ( the gushing commenceth / unhinged version )
i've somewhat(?) properly gushed about him here and related it to writing so if your name is Lin you're no stranger to me saying things about Jude UMM i'll just talk about his hair LMAOO
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the beautiful and subtle asymmetry of his hair in x1 especially that slightly longer piece of hair off to the side of his head here. is it underrated or does everyone love that part, i have no idea sldjflsdkf but he really doesn't sport the super generic flat mc hair, it's just a little wavy/longer at the back! the non-wild/cute and round hair look suits his quieter personality here too T_T plus he's so cute bYE
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his extremely amazing hair in x2. described aptly. this coupled with his new outfit = i now have an entirely different concept of "one year timeskip" i remember thinking at first "WAIT THAT'S HIM? NO WAY... idk... let me think about this..." but now he makes me faint so. who won here. it suits him bc he's even more mature, and his character design changed so much but in the best way i think. i'm so glad this version of him exists LMAOO good job x2 for all your faults and amazing moments
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garrulousgeologist · 1 year
> Begin Again
I skipped to the trolls.
Haha just kidding, but could you imagine?
I love a good data structure crash course.
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I’ve always been someone who struggles with comprehension when I don’t have all the context.
When my friends (s/o to snipey and cam) first pitched the webcomic to me, they gave the option that many people prefer to skip to act 5 where you are introduced to “the grey kids with the candy corn horns”, as anyone on tumblr in 2011- regardless of fandom affiliation- could have recognized.
This suggestion was due to the first couple acts of Homestuck generally being seen by young audiences at the time as dense and irrelevant to the plot, and while I admit I barely followed what was going on tutorial-wise at the time, getting to know each beta kid was and is profoundly important. From page 1 there are themes and symbols echoed to the very end with enormous ripples of influence along the way.
Yesterday on 4/13/23 I read through the first 214 pages, right up to the introduction of Rose, which felt like a good stopping point.*
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I am thrilled to declare I could follow nearly everything this time, as I wouldn’t dare claim I catch every single bit of information given out in any given page. That being said every 10 pages or so I had the recurring thought that I am thrilled to be revisiting this as an adult with so much more experience reading all sorts of documents and being exposed to a wide range of fields of study. Hussie is clearly well-learned, far beyond what my 14yo brain could absorb.
"The moon's an arrant thief, and her pale fire she snatches from the sun." -Mark Twain
You are almost certain Mark Twain said that.
[William Shakespeare said that]
Also, Broblerone?! It was there from the beginning…
I’m interested to see how my opinion of John evolves as I remember hating him for a large portion of the years I spent reading updates as they came out. I honestly can’t say what I think of him anymore, but from the introduction alone he’s just a kid and life is a nightmare. So, no harm no foul, yet.
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Dave Strider I was an enormous fan of from the get-go back in 2011 and to this very day I ride or die that kid. He’s marred deeply enough in irony that he thinks he can get away with just being real and saying how he really feels and no one can tell.
He loops right back around and ends up being a hilarious, startlingly talented, complex, compassionate and cool genuine individual. It just takes him time to figure that out himself. He also reminds me of someone possessing all those traits as well…someone admittedly more ornery from the compassion he extends…someone who is constantly fighting for his life from infancy as well…someone with the exact same demonizing eye color…hm, guess it’ll come up later.
I can tell, Dave. We can all tell.
"Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones, as wind extinguishes candles and fans a fire." -Walt Whitman
Yes, you are certain Walt Whitman said that. One hundred percent positive.
[Francois de La Rochefoucauld said that]
Rose Lalonde was my favorite character by far back in the day. I am also interested to see where that goes nowadays. I’m one of those people who came out of the 2020 quarantine as a completely different gender/person. It’s a little uncomfortable for me to look back at how I was forcing myself to identify in high school, but I don’t necessarily think it’ll taint my view of Rose. She is badass as all hell, and over-intellectualizes everything she hears, thinks and feels just like me <3. Let’s not talk about my mommy issues.
"When two great forces oppose each other, the victory will go to the one that knows how to yield." -Oscar Wilde
Wise words by a man who likely could resist everything but temptation.
[Lao Tzu said that]
No strong opinions yet other than I am so excited to be getting started again and to see what I inevitably missed. And the music!!! I missed it SO MUCH!!
*(a/n: bare with me on my timing with posts on this blog, I am an adult now with a 40hr/week big kid job and it sucks the energy right out of me, be impressed I mustered up the life force to make a post on a fucking friday)
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kadkadduwa · 2 years
🥃: If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform?
For Viola. . .
Viola pre-embrace was really into classic Goth music, like Bauhaus! Afer her embrace however she had a big shift in personality and traits and she'd probably prefer black metal--growling and all. Some things in common between her life and unlife though would be her love for books (she's got a collection of books on occult knowledge, gothic romance, horror and thrillers, and also issues of The Sandman comic by Neil Gaiman). She did not grow up with a computer nor a TV in her house (her neighbors had a TV but she did not really care) so I don't think she'd really be into TV nor social media.
For Art. . .
Art is very much into alt-rock (a la Incubus or APC? which is more like hard rock) and classic Pinoy rock and other tunes, like Eraserheads or APO Hiking Society. At home, he's also usually playing reggae or traditional Filipino music while painting or some shit. He is not into reading and barely has access to books but he really loved Franz Kafka's "Metamorphosis," which he read as a teenager (it resonated with him being trans PLEASE). He used to be really into LiveJournal and had his own website where he'd post about his college projects and personal life--nowadays though he doesn't care for social media. If he had a computer he'd just watch YouTube rips of Jackass. His favorite shit to watch on TV was Nickelodeon and Animal Planet/National Geographic.
For Carmensita. . .
Carmensita is THE goth girl and music nerd of the group. She loves the classics, gothic rock, gothic metal, and more. If you hear some shit like "I Don't Wanna Be Me" by Type O Negative echoing through the warrens--that's how you know she's home. She hates reading long swathes of text, it's difficult for her and gives her a headache, so she doesn't read for fun... though she does ike reading blog posts and random shit people write on the Internet. She would be an avid Tumblr user I just know it. She also loved watching random bullshit on MTV; trashy reality TV is PRIME ENTERTAINMENT for her.
For Alin. . .
Alin loves house music SO much. Walking down the runway this shit is what's on her mind. She's got a nice audio setup and everything... the hybrid CD and casette tape player is her baby. This girl loves written art... she keeps many poetry books, novellas, short stories, and more in her home--most pertaining to themes of change, romance, and transness. She's also got lots of art and photography books. She would ABSOLUTELY be an Instagram user in this day and age oh my god. She also did not grow up with a computer and never had to use one until she came to the USA, but she loves being able to share her life and work with people and sees social media as a tool for this. Her favorite shit on TV would be classic Pinoy teleseryes (soap operas), public access television, world culture shows, etc.
Out of the other OCs; Booc (Tzimisce) and Buot Buktot (Baali, Viola's Sire) are kind of archaeic beings that have forgone worldly pleasures outside of carnal shit. THey would probably be into each other by the way. With Pusakal (Gangrel), although he definitely seems like something of a little vagrant who'd be into regular people shit, he's a bit of an enigma and really just prefers being a wild cat who eats people. He really actually just sleeps in trees and is small enough such that people don't really notice him up in the canopies you get me.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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