#and is very versatile
flygonscales · 3 months
I’m rereading the Saga of Darren Shan (Cirque du Freak) and oh my goddddddd
What do you put in your books Darren?? It is not often I read something so addictive. I saw someone describe them as being like crack. And yeah I can see that I don’t even read Animorphs books this voraciously
(Spoilers below)
And yet. Rereading the second half of the series. When you know who the vampaneze lord is and how it’s going to end. Just:
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God. (Or should I say, Charna’s guts!) the planning that must have gone into the series. I can see the foreshadowing/just a prophesy that they don’t know how to follow properly because they don’t know how it ends. It’s like how a horror film protag doesn’t check why a cup fell down because they don’t know they’re in a horror film. Darren! You had Steve at your mercy! SEVERAL TIMES!!! Kill him! It’s unbearable!!! He’s lying!!!!!! This is like a fucking Greek tragedy mess of a plot!!!!!!!!
(Just try. Try reading Allies of the Night knowing full well what’s happening)
(The Greek tragedy comparison makes sense though, Darren is literally struggling against Des Tiny, even if he doesn’t know it)
And then, Mr Crepsley is dead, and Darren (post depression) and Harkat go on holiday to the nuclear dragon desert to gather panther teeth, gelatinous toad globes and Grotesque venom so they can go fishing for souls! It’s very reasonable that the war is drawing to a close so we need a break before the final battle but those toad spheres came of left field.
And then we hear the cirque du freak is returning to Darren’s hometown!! Love it when heroes return after most of their journey and discover they’ve changed too much to go back! But especially Darren, who cannot talk to anyone or even look around too much. He died. I LOVE IT I LOVE THESE BOOKS SO MUCH BUT I AM TEARING AND CRAWLING OUT OF MY SKIN THEY HURT SO BAD I JUST WANT MY BOYS TO BE HAPPY AND SAFE AGAIN)
(Boys includes: Darren, Harkat, Mr Crepsley. Vancha, Alice and Debbie. Not Steve Leopard. Fuck Steve Leopard. All my homies hate Steve Leopard)
And another thing: now I know about actual science - ‘vampire atoms are wobbly so they don’t show up on cameras’ - that is some of the most shallow pseudo scientific bullshit I’ve seen outside of JoJo’s. I love it. It’s so silly and makes no sense.
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xestria · 1 year
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Spidey Miku exists, I just know it
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laxibbeb · 1 month
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'Beyond the door, a winding stair lit by black nephrite lamps, and far below, the place called Nowhere where the Dead drift down, where nothing is exactly forgotten.' — @nestaarcheronweek
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theyamjam · 12 days
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leenfiend · 9 months
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based on that iconic tumblr dot com post
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doctorsiren · 3 months
I have to say I love your defenseworth au. But I gotta say/ask for this.
I gotta see some Phoenix and Franziska bonding. Like mayber over Phoenix teaching her about poker with a secret lesson about how to read people which can be very handy for the job field their going into and just.
I gotta know man, what their relationship like as siblings.
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he’d bring out her immature side that she tries to keep hidden under her prosecutor persona simply due to his own immaturity
This is them bonding I swear
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akuma-tenshi · 5 months
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what's up lucanort nation how're we feelin
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
how to explain your relationship's gay dumpster origin story to the child you ended up with as a result GO
Hypothetical chaggie child: “Mom, how did you meet mommy?”
Charlie: *remembers flirtatiously fixing her hair after bandaging a strange woman’s gouged out eye socket as said women sat in an alleyway half dead and smiling up at her*
Charlie: “….Uhhhhh…your mommy was kinda…”
Vaggie: “Mom found me in the trash and took me home, baby.”
Charlie: “You weren’t really IN the trash! Just, trash dumpster adjacent?”
HCC: “Oh.”
HCC: “So I have a wife too, then.”
Charlie: “You have a what.”
HCC: “I found Miss Whisker Sins getting into the trash again yesterday… um, doesn’t that mean I’m married to a rat? Like you and mommy?”
Vaggie: “No baby you’re not married to the rat. You can marry anyone you want, or no one. Whatever makes you happy, ‘kay?”
Charlie: “Yes! That.”
HCC: “Okay.”
HCC: “…”
HCC: “What if I wanna marry the rat.”
Vaggie: “I’ll get the dress-up box.”
Charlie: “I’ll round up the uncles and aunts!!!”
HCC: "That might be bad."
Charlie: "Why would it ever be bad? They all love spending time with you!"
HCC: "But uncle Husky's part cat." (sadly) "If he's mean to my new rat wife, I'll have to kill him."
Vaggie: "I'll help."
Charlie: "Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Him. I'll help him not be mean to the r- to your new beautiful rat wife."
HCC: “And mom has to promise not to cry. It’s embarrassing.”
Charlie: “I won’t I won’t~!”
HCC: “Promise?”
Charlie: “Aww angel wings, I PROMISE I won’t cry. Be right back!”
HCC: “…Mommy, make sure she doesn’t cry TOO loudly, okay?”
Vaggie: “No promises, sweetheart.”
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castratedvader · 1 year
i think the discussion we're having about horror getting sanitized to the point where it's difficult to put certain themes in media without being accused of immorality is important but im not sure i agree on the fact that dark themes belong only in that genre and can be developed only there
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rhythmic-idealist · 2 months
polyamory occurrence: saying "I love you" in the groupchat and getting handshake emoji reacted
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bonefall · 20 days
What do you think about the prefix Elder? It's an interesting grey area, what with it being canon, arguably supposed to refer to elderberries, and sounding kind of stupid given the Clan's rankings.
If you mean if I LIKE it or not? I'm not really a fan of using it for OCs only because of the confusion with the elder role, but it's kind of a shame because elderberries are interesting!
(And also delicious. I can't find elderberry cordial here in the states. The last time I visited my partner they were SUPER confused about why I was drinking so much of it. They just thought I was an elderberry fanatic.)
((To be fair to them though I did have to be taught that cordial comes diluted, I was just drinking it out the bottle lmao))
"Elder" comes from the old English word "aeld," which means to kindle fire. This is because elder, along with ash, is some of the best woods for burning. Aelderberries.
Over time with linguistic drift, "aeld" and "old" became associated. Aelder/Older/Elder. Hence the modern Elderberries.
So I just don't pay it any mind for the BB character, Elderberry. I just pick and choose what puns and associations I build back into Clanmew so it doesn't bug me.
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doublesunsets · 2 months
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cemeterything · 1 year
i do know the difference between gargoyles and grotesques btw it's just that gargoyle is such a good fucking word and i have so few opportunities to use it 😔
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dreameroftheblue · 2 months
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bunch of recent crowley studies + a few doodles from memory; sorting my wing ref folder made me wanna practice some less common poses/angles... so of course they all became God's Favourite Demon™. because he lives in my brain and hands and demands to be released
(listen I know that the wings are meant to be metaphysical/spiritual/etc,, but also. monsterpeople with realistic proportions doing natural sorts of movement will never not be fun lol)
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oddthesungod · 9 months
went to check in on the bells hells lads stats cuz I wanted to see what Orym's Strength score was (its 10 btw in case you didn't remember like me asjhda) and i had a laugh at the fact that both Chetney and Ash are at 18 Strength. Man... I gotta draw Chet more beefy!
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sincericida · 3 months
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ANDREW GARFIELD and its (many) hairstyles.
What is your favorite?
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