#and i was fighting for my life getting the editor of the website to work cuz it wont work in firefox
aria0fgold · 3 months
I don't know why I'm the way that I am, but I am. (Felt like I just came back from a battlefield tryna understand what this shimeji thing is).
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davidmariottecomics · 5 months
100 Blogs (Give or Take): FIGHT!
Welcome to my 100th* blog! 
*Or, rather, blog week 101 over on my website. In terms of actual blogs, I'm probably more in the 70s-80s? I try to update as much as possible, of course, but some weeks things've not uploaded properly. Occasionally, I've had just too much life stuff or I haven't really had much to write about. And sometimes, on the extreme ends, I've had way too much to write about and have been overwhelmed at trying to parse out everything I needed to. Last week, when I missed the actual week 100, was somewhere inbetween those: feeling uninspired because I was so tired from both stuff in my personal life and the many many many things happening in the world at large. 
I've, unsurprisingly, still got a lot on my mind. Like 200 organizations have pledged their support for KOSA and sounds like they might not all understand exactly what they're supporting (but you can still make your voice heard on why not to let it pass, namely the continued safety and security of LGBTQ+ folks online who might otherwise get explicitly banned from the most public online spaces, or at least implicitly banned through shadowbanning--as well as all the kids that could be harmed from the inability to access information that they might actually need.).
The U.S. blocked a U.N. call for ceasefire singlehandedly, despite the rest of the security council (minus abstaining U.K. and... that was noticed, guv) being in favor and, of course the overwhelming national and international support for a ceasefire (one progressive thinktank's polling suggested around a 60% US support for ceasefire, to whatever extent those kinds of polls can be trusted, however, the feet on the ground at protests, making calls, sending emails, trying to get into Senatorial offices with ladders, etc show a pretty vocal support for one).
The website formerly known as Twitter gave me just another reason to leave with their new AI. I don't want to see anything about it because I, y'know, get that it's like dunking on the people who wanted to use it for evil and that's funny or whatever, but it's also another AI system that's almost certainly just regurgitating things actually people said and thought and made and ought to be given credit and/or money for the use of. We shouldn't be letting our guard down around an AI just because it's telling transphobes to go fuck themselves--this is still the same shit that is stealing from artists or denying people their medical coverage!
And, also mostly on Twitter because it's a bad place (and I'll remind ya now, I'm leaving by the year's end. I'll be here on the blog and you can find me on Bluesky and I have a couple spare invites if you might need one, but my Twitter's coming to an end soon and I think my Facebook/Insta aren't too far behind...) multiple dirtbag comics guys decided to make the rounds again. They've had their airtime and I have no interest in giving them a platform, but boy, they sure were around. 
Plus, y'know, all the other stuff that has just been continuing, from the continued assault on Ukraine to Covid hospitalizations and deaths going up again.
It's the end of the year and cha'boy is tired. It has been a long, long year and I'm very much looking forward to it ending for whatever that is worth and the time of relaxation I get to have around that end. And so, I wasn't really feeling like writing... but then, I saw a post on Bluesky from Marcus Jimenez asking all comics folks about crafting fight scenes. And so I wanna talk about that this week because I don't often get a chance to talk about the mechanics of comics within comics, and that can be really fun! 
Squaring Up
As someone who has written and edited a lot of fight scenes, there are a lot of different ways to go about it. As I think I've said before, in my own writing, I tend toward a little more description and full dialogue so the artist has those space considerations in mind when working from my scripts. As an editor, I've worked the "Marvel" way where pages are more plotted with with less dialogue and specific action. I've worked with folks who do more of a rough pass where they focus on the concrete smaller moments and then leave a lot of the action up to the artist. I've worked with folks who're even more prescriptive than me. And there's something to finding the right balance on all sides with all these folks--from the writer and artist meshing in terms of what sort of detail they want from each other to having complimentary colors and letters. 
But for myself, and something I have sometimes talked to creators about, one of the first things I focus on when it comes to an action or fight scene is the specific things the character(s) can do. When I think about some of my bigger fight sequences in say Transformers vs. the Terminator or Transformers Wreckers: Tread & Circuits (both available from my webstore, *hint hint*), one of the most apparent things is that I loaded them with a lot of characters doing a lot of things, so... sorry to my artists (no, I know Alex and Jack loved working on them--again, if you can, write to the artist's strengths and I happened to work with guys I knew were excited about these sorts of big scenes). But in that, there are a lot of characters with specific abilities. Generally speaking, right, in TF/Term, we've got three different types of combatants: Sarah Conner is a human, the T-800 is a Terminator, and the Transformers are Transformers. So the skills Sarah has are different from all the robots and, obviously, the Transformers have the ability to convert modes which is something unique to them as characters that can make for really exciting sequences. And even within the Transformers, there are different combat capabilities: Skywarp can teleport. Soundwave has sonic attacks. Megatron has a huge arm cannon. Optimus has an energon axe. The Seekers can fly. And characters like Velocity are medics, who she doesn't really shoot to kill, she can hold her own after millenia at war, but she's not a fighter first and doesn't wanna do terrible damage to anyone. 
To me, it's the same thing as a fight with Spider-Man. You know he's got the proportional speed, strength, and agility of a spider. You know he has web-fluid (unless he doesn't and that sort of circumstance is interesting in a fight). He can stick to things and sense danger and all the standard Spidey tricks. And if you want a scene to be engaging, you wanna know what your characters can do in it that is unique--either to other characters and stories, or within this specific scenario. Seeing Spidey use his webs or his wall-crawling or his spider-sense is more interesting on a page than him just swinging his fists (generally). These are all sort of tools in the toolbox that determine what they can do in a fight. I also think that when you combine them with the circumstances of the fight, you start to see how they'll act in a fight. Why they make the decisions they do. 
So, to use TF again, in TF/Terminator, let's talk about the set-up to the big fight that runs through issues #3 & #4. It starts out with Bumblebee and Sarah scouting out the Decepticons who are up to no good. And the instigating question is, if Bumblebee's a good scout, how does someone sneak up on him? Well, Skywarp is a teleporter. So he just appears! But he's also maybe a little dumb, so he announces himself. Bumblebee's first priority is protecting Sarah, so the best way to do that is for him to shift modes around her as a running shield. They'll go faster. If he gets hit, it'll reduce the impact on her. Etcetera. He could do other things--he could stay and fight and blast at Skywarp, but because the option is open to him to change modes and to drive away, he's going to because that's fun and it makes sense with his character. Then he tries to do some fancy driving to trick Skywarp into ramming into Megatron, but because Skywarp can teleport, hey, he gets away in perfect position to take another run at Bumblebee. But because he teleported higher to get a better position, it also left him more open to get shot by Optimus in the heroic arrival of the rest of the Autobots. The characters' abilities made a really clear picture of the sort of action that could occur with the setting and are reflective of why they act the way they do. 
Throw a Punch A lot of the action is going to flow pretty naturally, from a writing standpoint, once you've got it started. If I know who my characters are, what they can do, and the basic scenario they find themselves in, as long as I've got that in my head, I can just sort of play them off each other and see how the action goes. But there ar some other practicalities I try to take into account as I go. 
1. How many characters do I have to keep track of? Like I said, a lot of my fight scenes have been bigger. I've got groups fighting each other, with civilians to worry about. And while you don't need to show every beat of every action, you do have to keep roughly in mind how everyone is reacting and to what extent you do want to switch between POVs and protagonists. I tend to measure my beats to either pages or page turns, rather than doing too much action switching on a single page unless I'm trying to convey just how hectic things are and just how simultaneous actions are occuring. 
2. How fast is your action moving? Two things I think about a lot when I'm writing action are that a round of combat in Dungeons & Dragons is supposed to be 6 seconds, and that the coolest fight I've ever seen on film is the almost 6 minute fight scene in They Live. (6 minutes later...) I'm back! Okay, so either way, I think what both of those are very representative of are how quickly action occurs in a fight and how much of the time in a fight is the other stuff. It's the non-combat movement. It's catching your breath or setting a trap or focusing on another problem or putting sunglasses on a guy. And in comics, you have the ability to dialate time as you'd like, so each panel can be a second or a matter of seconds, with the gutters allowing time to pass out of frame. You want your action to be logical and continous, but it's okay to have other things happening in the flow, and maybe more importantly, to chose which moments have the most impact.  In D&D, 6 seconds can take like 6 minutes. And on film, you're getting so many constant frames. Comics lets you be a lot chosier in how you expand and contract the time around those moments. 
3. How text heavy is the fight? Here's the other side of things. I know that I tend to be a talker. I mean... look how long it's taken to get to this point! I like dialogue in my comics and often have characters trading verbal jabs during the action. And that takes time and space. As do sound effects. So, I try to balance my fight scenes to the essentials. Much the same as the issue of time, I'm trying to select the moments of greatest impact with what we're "hearing". The more that's being asked of an action panel, the less text I try to give it. Let the art take over. But if I can use the action as a punctuation: If Optimus or Thunderclash or whoever is giving his hero speech and can toss a punch at a baddie to make his point, I'm going to use it. And if action is the visual punctuation to dialogue in this way, SFX are the visual punctuation to the action. They're an exclamation point on what sound is important. A lot of the time, it'll be no sound. But if it'll clarify the action or if it'll enhance the mood, go for it! 
Most important to a fight scene is that *generally* they're supposed to be fun. They're moments of fantasy where a side that's in some sort of right and a side that's in some sort of wrong clash and there's a victor and we all cheer because it's entertaining to see Rowdy Roddy Piper get his ass handed to him up until the end, but when he finally gets one over on Keith David, you know it's because he was right. So while you're thinking of all this stuff, if you give in to the fun, it'll propel you through a lot of it. Now, there're obviously also moments when the fighting is supposed to be building tension or showing the horrors of violence, but I think that goes to a lot of the same mentality as we've already got. It's about making the characters respond to the situation of the fight and if their responses fall in line with that, it'll still be smooth sailing because it'll be what makes sense.
I think that's it for me for this week, but maybe in a coming week, I can do something like a mini-version of something I did on my Patreon when I did an annotated version of the Wreckers #1 script and  do sort of a practical walk-through of a new original fight scene. 
Until next time. Happy Hanukkah to those that celebrate! 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Dungeons & Daddies (Podcast), Reverse 1999 (Video Game), Nancy (Comic), Lego Masters (TV show), Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror (Short story collection), Factory Summers by Guy Delisle (Comic), It's Lonely at the Centre of the Earth by Zoe Thorogood (Comic), Slaughterhouse-Five (the Comic adaptation by Ryan North & Albert Monteys), being almost done with all gift shopping and wrapping 2 weeks early, Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links (Video Game), Dandadan (Manga), our little mall Model Train Museum, Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville (Comic), Blue Beetle (Comic), Birds of Prey (Comic), Christmas lights, finding a good deal on a present for myself (I found the G.I. Joe Bishoujo Scarlett statue for a mere $40 at a local secondhand store and I think she's really pretty), not getting sick even tho Becca was, and I guess The Killer (Movie). Not my favorite Fincher by a lot. We're tentatively gonna see Godzilla: Minus One tomorrow, so looking forward to that and will try to figure out seeing Boy and the Heron, Eileen, Dream Scenario, and maybe The Marvels (tho it being a Disney film makes it a tougher sell) before they're out of theaters... and maybe Priscilla... and maybe FNAF on the big screen since Becca's really into FNAF right now. Too many movies! And I love movies! 
New Releases this week (12/6/2023): Sonic the Hedgehog #67 (Editor)
New Releases next week (12/13/2023):  Sonic the Hedgehog: Winter Jam (Editor)
Announcements: Look for a kind fun thing I contributed to this week! I'll share it when it's live! 
The Cartoonist Cooperative is still doing E-Sim cards for Gaza. You can donate a digital sim card so that residents can get access to the internet and have more functional phones and, in exchange, get some comics or a drawing or whatever else is available from the many participating artists. You can also give more directly. If you don't have money, and I get it, you can call or fax or email or show up at the offices of your representatives. There are a ton of demonstrations happening this weekend and you can see if you can put your actions in on one of those!
If you aren't a Patreon backer yet, remember, it's a great gift for someone or yourself. At my $10 tier, last month, I got Becca to record an Adults-Only podcast called "Abandoning the Premise" with me. You should be able to hear a short sample at the link. And if that seems cool to you, you can get the whole episode, but a bunch of other weird stuff on my Patreon! This month's "Something Weird"s are going to be a root beer review (I bought 6 different root beers and Becca suggested I talk about what I thought of them and there'll be a little more to it that that) and hopefully posting next weekend, a Holiday Gift Guide written, chosen, and designed by me (be careful if you're a person who might get a gift from me... you might see your present in there)! 
And keep an eye out for more news soon. Really hoping to have some cool news in the new year if not before! 
Pic of the Week: So, last Wednesday, I made a trip up to the IDW Los Angeles office. Because we have a lot of people spread out, we have a couple office locations. But the LA office happened to host some friends from SEGA and, specifically, some visitors from Sonic Team! We gave them the tour, talked about the comics, gave them some to take home, all the good usual visiting stuff. But Karasuno-san, Kanemoto-san, and Hoshino-san very generously did some sketches for us before they left. So, should you get a chance to tour the IDW offices in the future, you might see this sketch page hanging on the wall. 
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Hot Shot by Kat Mizera is now live!
Available on All Platforms
Welcome to Fort Lauderdale—where the days are hot and the Knights are hotter. Wolf: I’ve been in love with the same girl since we were seventeen. Back before our careers took off and pulled us away from one another. No amount of fame, money, or puck bunnies could ever replace Scarlett. But she has a mind of her own, and dreams that don’t include me. We might not want the same things in life, but we still want each other. No matter how hard she fights it, she can’t deny that truth. I just need to prove to her it’s enough… we’re enough. Scarlett: I didn’t want to have to choose between Wolf and surfing, but I couldn’t have both. As much as he hates to admit it, neither of us might be where we are now if I hadn’t walked away. His life is about being the best on the ice, and mine is chasing down the next wave. I refuse to give it all up for a guy— even if he is the only guy I’ve ever loved. A single mistake changes everything… turning both our worlds upside down. Now I have to figure out how to regain balance, not just in my life, but with Wolf. This time, there’s no bailing… even if it means a wipeout. Author's note: There are some difficult themes in this story. For CW information, please check this book's page on my website.
About the Author:
USA Today Bestselling and award-winning author Kat Mizera is a South Florida native. Born in Miami Beach with a healthy dose of wanderlust, she's called Los Angeles, Long Island, upstate New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Atlanta home. She's never been able to pick which locale is her favorite, but if pressed, she'd probably choose the west coast.
A typical PTA mom with a wonderful and supportive husband (Kevin) and two amazing boys (Nick and Max), Kat can usually be found scrapbooking or indulging in her second love (after writing) - traveling. Greece is one of her favorite places in the world. She loves that Athens is a big city with a small-town feel. The food, beaches and culture keep her going back as often as possible.
Kat's been a working freelance writer for nearly 30 years. She sold her first article--a review of a rock concert--for $10 in 1985. Since then she's been an entertainment journalist, waitress, bartender, legal assistant, food critic, magazine editor, substitute teacher, and sports writer. She also spent some time working at A & M Records in Los Angeles.
As you can guess from her Las Vegas Sidewinders series, Kat loves hockey and occasionally writes articles about her favorite team, the Florida Panthers. The rest of the time, she writes novels: sexy, romantic fiction that she hopes makes you as happy as it makes her. There's something enticing about hockey players and romance...
Connect with Kat: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorkatmizera/ Amazon: http://amzn.to/2lzRBG6 Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorKatMiz Bookbub: http://bit.ly/2li6zRe Website: http://www.katmizera.com
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wolfstarlibrarian · 3 years
💙💗🤍 Happy Trans Visibility Day! 🤍💗💙
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To every trans person out there, please know that you are valid and you are special, and this day (and all the others) belong to you. Hope you all have a day of peace and fun, and enjoy a few extra recs here for you below. 
Lots of Love,
The Wolfstar Librarian
Trans Wolfstar + Friends
Trans Sirius
Trans Remus
Non-Binary/Genderfluid Sirius
Trans Trope Art 
🏳️‍⚧️ Trans Wolfstar Fics 2 🏳️‍⚧️
Trans Remus 
Hypothetically by @halictus-writer Remus Lupin is on his way to a prestigious summer science internship program after graduating college. He's confident, he's excited, and he's not even nervous. What's the worst thing that could happen? It's not like his ex-boyfriend, Sirius Black, is going to be there or anything.
A Purrfect Match by @im-captain-egg​ When Remus walked into the shelter that day, he expected to leave with a new furry companion and not meet the love of his life.
All Hail the Outlaws -orphaned account One of Remus Lupin's three jobs happens to be working maintenance for their flat building. He gets to meet all sorts, most of whom he would rather have nothing to do with. Until James Potter and Sirius Black move in across the hall. Engineering students and self-proclaimed geniuses, the pair set out to make their neighbours new best friends, and everyone's life is turned upside down, but in the best way possible.
always you by @notmycatsname A misunderstanding at Grimmauld leads to a new start
Succession of Halos -orphaned account When Remus gets talked into seeing his favourite author--Astronomy Professor S. Black--hold a stargazing lecture, he anticipates a stodgy old man in tweed. He does not expect the ripped jeans and rolling-stones t-shirt wearing, motor-bike riding Sirius Black with his wicked smile and passion for the stars. Remus is sure there's no chance between them, but little does he know, Sirius has a passion for many things in life, one of which being Remus Lupin.
I just didn't know it yet. by poohsticks Sirius comes to realise that the time waiting for his soulmate was well worth the wait
Trans Sirius 
Our Destiny in the Stars -orphaned account Having no luck in the dating field, and insecure about his body, Remus checks out a dating website which offers the users the opportunity to get to know a person before seeing what they look like. It's during this time he meets Sirius, an enthusiastic teacher--and they immediately click. When they agree to meet, Remus sees a photo of Sirius and immediately panics. He's too good looking to ever be interested in someone like Remus. What the tawny-haired man doesn't know, is Sirius has already checked him out online and has fallen head over heels for the adorable editor.
No More Secrets by @undercoverwarlock​ Sirius Black didn't know if he would be accepted for who he was. Little did he know that he wasn't the only one with a secret.
You're My Kaleidoscope -orphaned account When Remus wakes up to find a baby on his doorstep, he has no idea what to do. Especially when it turns out the baby has come from a drunken one-night-stand. With no idea what to do, Remus is surprised the moment his two neighbours decide to step in and help him raise the baby. All is well--for a year, until Teddy's birth mother's sudden return, and then the fight for Remus to keep his family together begins.
Suffer for the People -orphaned account Camp Counsellor Remus Lupin has a good relationship with a difficult charge. When Regulus becomes convinced something's happened to his brother, Remus decides to call Sirius to the camp to reassure the young teen that everything's fine. What Remus didn't expect was to fall head over heels in love.
Living It All -orphaned account After being disowned and disinherited, Sirius Black never imagined a tragic accident would leave him guardian of his younger brother. But there he was, dealing with a sullen teen who was facing both the loss of his parents and his sight. Sirius does his best to take care of him, and when Regulus joins a music class, Sirius certainly doesn't expect to fall for the adorable music teacher.
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horrorshow · 3 years
thanks for the tag @amill22 💕
nickname: suzy zodiac: scorpio height: 6'0"/183cm last movie I saw: i watched half of The Green Knight last week, but i still have to finish it last thing I googled: "kripke sam dean fight” which was a mistake cause it gave me every single bad take from the past 3 months but not the very specific interview quote from the early spn years i was looking for  favourite musician: if we go by all-time favorites i’d say Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, The Chameleons, The Sound, Slowdive, Breathless, New Order, Hole, Joy Division, My Bloody Valentine, Magazine.... rip to me for inheriting my dad’s music taste so most days im transported to the early 80s post-punk scene. song stuck in my head: love song by lana del rey (which has absolutely nothing to do with j[gunshot]) other blogs: there’s my other main @feestje and sideblog @jaimelannister which are my most active ones, so i consider myself having 3 blogs, butttttt *counts* i also have 18 (:/) sideblogs for personal use, mainly for reference/specific aesthetics, and there’s still a handful of dead fandom blogs im a member of.  blogs following: i follow 178 people on this account and 542 on my other one amount of sleep: aiming for 8 hours, but my sleep schedule is absolutely fucked rn so im happy if i get 6. lucky number: 11 what am I wearing: shorts, black tanktop dream job: i have a degree in film, tv and popular culture and a master in textual communication, so i thought my dream job was to be a writer/editor for a music/film website, but then i realized i have no ambition, hate competition and socializing, dont wanna work as a freelancer, and would ideally be at home alone immersing myself in art, books, music and film for the rest of my life without making it a job or having to think about work in my free time. i somehow ended up in a law job and it suits me fine.   languages: dutch, english and enough german and french to understand it play an instrument: i can play the first few chords of Come as You Are by Nirvana on guitar but that’s about it  favourite song: favorite song for doing WHAT? dancing? sleeping? i cant do this besties random fact: i left spnblr in 2014 and i truly TRULY thought ‘lets catch up on 6 years of spn so i can watch the finale live and be done with it’ and it wasnt until april this year that i caved and made this blog cause i kept hoping i would wake up normal (but i didnt and im glad im here<33)
tagging @breedablejohnwinchester cause i wanted to feel the rush of typing that, @rollthatbeautifuldeanfootage, @luminescent-chorus, @decadent-prince and @7minutesofsamdean if you want and haven’t done it yet<3
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recentanimenews · 2 years
ORIENT - Crunchyroll Winter 2022 Spotlight
  Crunchyroll recently kicked off its Winter 2022 Anime Lineup, and one of the many titles featured is ORIENT. Based on the manga by Magi author Shinobu Ohtaka, the anime adaptation premiered today, so let's take a look at who's involved and what it's all about!
  Official Website
Launch Info
Official Trailers
Characters and Cast
Additional Info
    Launch Info
  Launch Time: January 5 
Territories: North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, and CIS
Show Page
  Official Trailers 
  Based on the manga by Shinobu Ohtaka being published in Kodansha’s Bessatsu Shonen Magazine. This is a story about Musashi, a 15-year-old boy who lives in Japan during the Sengoku period. Japan is ruled by demons, and Musashi tries to confront the demons with a certain special power!
  Characters and Cast
VA: Yuma Uchida (Ramune in Dr. Ramune -Mysterious Disease Specialist-)
    Kojiro Kanemaki
VA: Soma Saito (Hermes in Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)
    Tsugumi Hattori
VA: Rie Takahashi (Emilia in Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-)
    Naotora Takeda 
VA: Satoshi Hino (Rengoku in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
    Shirou Inukai 
VA: Hiro Shimono (Conny Springer in Attack on Titan)
    Nanao Inusaka
VA: Azumi Waki (Rem Galleu in How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord)
    Aoshi Sanada
VA: Haruki Ishiya (Shuichi Tsukamoto in Sound! Euphonium)
    Shunrai Yamamoto 
VA: Saori Onishi (Aiz Wallenstein in Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)
    Hideo Kosameda
VA: Wataru Hatano (Gajeel Redfox in Fairy Tail)
    Jisai Kanemaki
VA: Katsuyuki Konishi (Tengen Uzui in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
  Original Creator
Shinobu Ohtaka
Tetsuya Yanagizawa (I Want to Let You Know That I Love You)
  Series Composition
Mariko Kunisawa (The Case Files of Jeweler Richard)
  Character Design
Takahiro Kishida (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Hideyuki Fukasawa
  Opening Theme Song Performer
  Ending Theme Song Performer
Wataru Hatano
  Animation Production
  Additional Info
  Creator Shinobu Ohtaka shared the following comment back in August along with a celebratory illustration: 
  "The staff of the Orient anime are hard at work making the best anime they possibly can. As an author, I can’t wait to see new life breathed into my characters, and see how they move when animated." 
    Director Tetsuya Yanagizawa commented, as well: 
  “I’ve been reading shonen manga since I was a kid. I’ve learned a lot from manga. I love strong characters, and the way they stay true to what they believe and fight through any trial has given me courage many times. I like weak heroes too. When somebody falls and then gets back up again, they always grow as a person. Sometimes fighting with your friends, or laughing with them... I like all those kinds of manga. And Orient has all of that. I’ve always wanted to make a show like this."
  As did series composition writer Mariko Kunisawa: 
  “The world of Orient is the society we live in. The more I read it, the more I realize that.” I want to share the things that make this manga great with as many people as possible, and both the director and I are working are hardest at it.”
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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purity-town · 3 years
Little late getting to these -- that's fully the fault of a class project I spent all of Monday/Tuesday and most of Wednesday working on -- but I finished my project and wrote up some long replies to these!
(Apologies for any funny formatting -- I'm trying out the beta for the new post editor!)
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Absolutely not.
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Nope! There are a few people who do know (other guides Andrew's met before, the Dryad, and I'd imagine the Witch Doctor knows something's up even if he doesn't know why), but none of them live in Purity Town proper, and the Dryad and Witch Doctor aren't the kind to participate in rumors or spread what isn't theirs to share. The old man is also aware just because he and Andrew have talked about their curses, but he's 1) not currently in town and 2) not going to share even if he were.
Most folks don't know much about Andrew in general; Becca probably knows the most out of the townsfolk, knowing a little bit about his family and where he's from (he has some pretty specific skills as a hunter that betray this, but he doesn't talk about his exact town of birth), but no specifics and certainly not time periods.
Andrew is good at keeping things quiet; he has to be.
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I would actually appreciate if you didn't post to Pinterest -- usually I'm fine with people reposting with credit (several of the things I've posted to my DeviantArt have found their way to Instagram, for example) but Pinterest has something of a reputation for stolen art (things being reposted from another Pinterest post without credit this time, or credit being hard to view for users not logged in or just viewing through Google). So reposting elsewhere is fine (though if you repost to Reddit or Instagram, tag me at u/Ariibees or @Ariibees)! I'd just prefer my works stay off of Pinterest.
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The terminology related to The Guide/Andrew/The Guardian/The World’s Core/The WoF is all confusing because on some level, they’re all the same being. Kind of like trying to talk about Jekyll and Hyde -- same guy, different looks/actions, haha.
For all intents and purposes, references to the WoF being the barrier/core/whatever behind or within which the spirits of light and dark are contained is equivalent to saying “these spirits are held trapped by the magic of the Guardian, who when summoned appears as the WoF.” I do break slightly from the official lore in how the WoF/Guardian/thing holding back these spirits works (mostly because I don’t really like the idea that the Hallow is a “temporary guardian” or whatever), but the basic concept of “these are trapped by [thing that makes up the WoF]” remains unchanged.
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If “loony cultist” is a reference to something, I’m so sorry, but I’m lost on it. If you’re just talking about the lunatic cultist in a funny way, then yes, they’re in here as a very plot-significant character!
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I had to google what meme you were talking about, but it did make me laugh.
Andrew’s most annoyed by the nickname because people do like to call him Guide, and for someone who’s dedicated his whole life to his role, it can get tiring. He doesn’t really *mind* being called Guide -- it’s fine, that’s what he is and as long as people are respectful of his job he’ll take what he can get -- but at the same time, he’d like for people to stop thinking “Aah! Monster!” or “Weird academic know-it-all” and just...treat him like a normal person sometimes. So he fights to be called Andrew. And...Malik comes along and gives him a nickname that he doesn’t like and doesn’t allow others to use, save for maybe a small group of people of which Malik is not a part. So, not cool, man!
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People love to overcomplicate explaining shading/lighting, and if you wanted to you could certainly go on and on about reflections of light off the ground and shading colors and all sorts of things, but as I’m writing this at 1 AM I don’t really care to.
If you really want to get into shading, I see nice ones on DeviantArt or Tumblr from time to time, or you can always watch a YouTube video on it. Really, though, just keep at it, think about how the shadows should look and work, and you'll get better at it eventually and pick up new ideas on how it all works. (And this is coming from someone who is new to making comics and actually started as a painter.)
Purity Town’s shading comes down to this: simplicity. As much as I’d love to spend hours and hours redrawing the panels I don’t like and carefully shading every fold of fabric and painting detailed backgrounds, I’m a full-time college student and will be working full-time over the summer -- I don’t have the time. So, I cut corners: I reuse backgrounds or use brushes (see: bricks, trees, clouds) that make certain details easier, and I try not to obsess too much over panels I’m not fully happy with. Shadows go where they feel right, and light on the opposite side.
For shading, this comes down to making things quick and easy. For these last few pages, character shading/lighting has only been five layers. One hard light layer for the bluer soft shadows, one overlay layer for darker soft shadows, one linear burn layer for hard shadows, one soft light layer for soft lighting, and one overlay layer for hard lighting. I’ll often also make use of glow dodge layers for lighting, or change the color balance or add more hard/soft light layers if there’s a very heavy color filter on the scene (such as a celestial event, blood moon, or outdoors at night).
Using all the different layer types is essentially a cheat code to fancier lighting -- don’t want to use flat black? Boom, hard light or overlay or burn will give you colored shadows. Want to make your light brighter? Glow dodge will make it burn your retinas.
Sorry that this isn’t a very comprehensive guide, but in my mind, shading and lighting is really something that you pick up over time and it’s hard to sit down and write a guide for it without making it into a massive essay on art theory that I don't even know proper terminology for because I'm not an art student. Of course with some googling you’ll find *proper* guides for this sort of thing from art majors and the likes, and those can be super helpful and technical! But for Purity Town, I just sort of go with what feels right and what's easy to replicate.
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Firstly, I’m happy to hear you’re liking the comic!
Secondly, those buttons are actually there due to the theme! (For those on mobile who can’t see it, I have the theme set to only display on desktop as I prefer the current mobile layout on phone.) I’m using the simple webcomic theme (a quick Google should tell you how to install it for yourself) -- except I’m not actually using it for the webcomic features; rather, it’s a case of “this is the most simple, nice-looking non-default theme I could find.”
The previous/next buttons are added by the theme with the intent that the blog is being used as a typical webcomic website, with nothing but comic pages being posted. However, I post asks and other art here too, and I do so with the intent that people looking at #Terraria or their dashboards in general will see it. So...I use html formatting to make the first/previous/next/last links, along with an index and chapter-by-chapter viewing (using /tagged/chapter##/chrono) so that no matter where you’re coming from, you can still navigate just the pages!
If you want to add just the previous/next buttons, I can’t really help you -- web development is not my area of study in the slightest. But you can check out the theme that they come from and if you want to install only them, you can surely find a tutorial on it somewhere!
(As a side note, the comments section is not from the theme, it’s from a site called Disqus. I don’t expect many people, if anyone, to leave comments, but since I link back to this site a lot and many folks don’t have Tumblr accounts, it’s an option I like to make available.)
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Hiya! My hike was pretty nice; it was a short and easy one, but that was quite appreciated as the trail is unmaintained from November to April, and the trail was covered in fallen trees and quite rocky. Still had fun, though!
And for backgrounds, it depends! For indoors scenes (or outdoors scenes with buildings) I don’t tend to use references, outside of looking up things like “which side of a door is the handle on.” I will, however, integrate real-life textures (see: the quilt and rug in Guide’s house, the wood walls on the building in the background of this week’s page), and paint over paintings from the Terraria wiki.
For outdoors scenes, for simple backgrounds (such as foliage-heavy) ones, I typically don’t need references. I like the difference between detailed, lined indoor/man-made object scenes vs. painted, messy outdoor scenes. But for things like mountains, I do sometimes look up references to help with color choices and the likes.
The town’s layout is a bit strange in that depending on the scene, the background could be drastically different. One side of town faces more mountainside, one side faces the orchards/open hillside, and the other two sides face various degrees of open space and more mountainside/forest. References taken on top of mountains are helpful to get an idea of what degree of foliage I should include between the characters and the sky.
Though this is very specific to the town of Purity -- other towns/villages will have significantly different-looking backgrounds, even the foliage-heavy ones.
That said, what's even more helpful than looking at photos is looking at paintings. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is really good for getting an idea of how to draw grasslands and distant mountains, plus Studio Ghibli movies in general!
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forgottenyogurtgods · 3 years
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Author stuff:  After much wait, here’s chapter two! I still don’t know how long this baby’s going to be. Everyone’s positive reactions so far is giving me tippy-tappy toes, so thank you!
Possible trigger warning! COVID-19 is briefly mentioned and, ultimately, the lockdown that came with it as well. (I’ll try to post all trigger warnings at the top here. If I don’t, give me a shout. I’m pretty easily accessible on the websites I post on.)
no body, no crime
by forgottenyogurtgods
Summary: [I think he did it but I just can’t prove it. No, no body, no crime But I ain’t letting up until the day I die.]
Adrien is a Swiftie. To be fair, who isn’t? And her Evermore album? Chef’s kiss! Except… one song put an idea in his head and now he can’t get it out.
Inspired by this tumblr post.
Chapter 2/?
Last chapter
Episode Two
Two years ago, Emilie Agreste vanished without a trace. Her car was found abandoned on the side of the road, just outside of Paris. All of her things were still inside.
No one has seen or heard from her since that night. 
The police are officially calling it a missing person’s case.
I am your host, Adrian Agreste, and I plan to use this podcast docu-series to find out what happened to my mother and prove to the world that my father killed her.
This all kind of started with Taylor Swift. 
You know, country music star turned pop singer turned alt-folk-rock singer? The one who’s won an award for almost every album she’s ever released? Yeah, that Taylor Swift.
And you can blame some of my classmates on this, too. Specifically, Mylene and Rose.
I’ve always been a Swiftie. Her music helped me to actually learn quite a bit of English. And my mom used to like singing her music with me, so Taylor kind of has been… important in my life, I guess you can say.
As a Swiftie, I was perfectly obligated to join my classmates in our discord chat to stream the albums together. Because, you know, COVID-19 is a thing.
[Future Adrien here! Hey, if you’re from the future and listening to this, first off, hello! Second, thanks for stopping by. Third, yes, I made this podcast during the COVID-19 pandemic. That was a… questionably strange time. Of being isolated to my house once again — we’ll talk about that later in the series. 
Anyway, back to the show!]
Classes were over for the day, and we were all just helping each other get through our homework. As I said before, Mylene and Rose kind of started it.
And everyone went along with it, because they’re Mylene and Rose. They’re just… I can’t really explain it. You just can’t say no when they ask to stream the latest Taylor Swift album over discord for everyone to listen to.
I don’t think anyone was really paying attention to the music much at first, we were just talking over it. I actually didn’t really notice “No Body, No Crime” until the chorus came in for the last time.
I ended up buying the album later that night and relistening to the whole thing while I was supposed to, umm, be working on my English. Which, technically, I was. Just not in a way that was approved by my English language instructor. 
Anyway, “No Body, No Crime” kind of stuck out to me. And it stuck with me. For a while.
And it got me thinking about my mom again. About how she was never found, and no matter how hard they searched, no new information was ever uncovered. How her case is still open and unsolved. 
Okay, so I think about my mom a lot, just in general, but I was thinking about the night she disappeared and how everything played out after that.
Something… something just didn’t sit right with me. I couldn’t place what, but just that something had been off. 
Things just didn’t add up.
So, like any sane person, I ordered a transparent dry erase board and markers. I also printed out all the information I possibly could when I had some spare time.
And I looked over all of the details that had been available to the media and, essentially, the public. As well as the conspiracies that can be found on Reddit and other forums.
We’ll, uh, we’ll get to the conspiracies in a later episode. Those kind of deserve their own episode. They really, really do.
Where was I?
Oh, right. Getting everything in order. 
I ended up recruiting outside help. Not just my friends, like Nino who is my producer and editor, or Marinette who actually designed a really cool logo for this podcast. I’m actually getting help from one of Paris’s akuma-fighting heroes — Chat Noir!
[Dude, when did you even get a chance to talk to Chat Noir?]
Oh, uh, a couple of days ago.
[Alya is going to freak out. You know that, right?]
Yeah, I, uh, kind of figured she would. 
I should… probably explain who Alya is and why she’d freak out. Alya loves superheroes. More than me and Nino, and trust me when I say we binged the entire Marvel and DC movie universes. So many hours…
Anyway, Alya.
Alya runs a blog — the Ladyblog — that reports on Paris’s own superheroes, mainly Chat Noir and… and Ladybug. She’s been faithfully reporting on everything since day one. News reporters all over the world rely on her for not only information but live footage from every battle.
She has actually been really useful in helping me organize everything. 
And it’s because of Alya that I finally figured out what was so wrong with my mother’s case. The thing that had been nagging me at the back of my mind.
The investigation on my mother’s disappearance wasn’t that deep of an investigation. It barely scratched the surface. It was all for show.
No one was putting in any effort to find out what happened to her. But why?
Author stuff cont’d.:  So! This being kind of a story told through a podcast was heavily inspired by a few true crime podcasts. Most notably In the Dark (both the Jacob Wetterling case and the Curtis Flowers case) and Up and Vainished (the Tara Grinstead case), as well as To Live and Die in LA (the Adea Shabani case).
Also available on
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holycow99 · 3 years
石田お寿司 12/9/21 stream translation Part 13
This is not the full translation of the stream. I only translated the parts I could understand & interpret or parts I found interesting/important. I’m still a beginner in Japanese, so the translations may not be accurate. If you want to repost, please repost at your own risk.
(t/n: ** means translation may not be accurate.)
C: Is Tonari no Young Jump an app?
I: It’s a website. It’s like Jump Plus. It’s not well-known. Choujin X is being serialised there. It’s in Tonari Young Jump. I wanna change the name… Why is it Tonari (neighbour)? Even though I’m doing this with so much pride for Tonari no Young Jump. Even though I’m prepared to work for Tonari Young Jump for the rest of my life. It’s just a neighbour?! It’s not even Young Jump. Young Jump is like a younger version of Jump. It’s still a Jump. It’s Jump’s neighbour. Is Tonari no Young Jump the neighbour of the neighbour of Jump, then? So, I wanna change the name into something cooler! Something like Crazy Jump. Hahaha! Doesn’t that sound marvellous? Crazy Jump. Miracle Crazy Jump.
C: CraJump.
I: Isn’t CraJump sounds nice? Hahaha!
C: In the end, it’s still Jump’s neighbour.
I: That’s true. If we remove Jump, it’ll only be crazy. Tonari no Crazy. That sounds a bit lame. Crazy Jump is better. Haha. Seriously, doesn’t it sounds good? I like that name. Crazy Jump. Hahaha! I wanna serialise my work in Crazy Jump! It’ll only have stories that are banned. It’s for the crazy people who have nowhere else to publish their works. Haha. There is such magazine. Do you know Garo magazine? But Garo isn’t one maybe. We do have Garo magazine, where the writers are kinda like nonconformists. This one’s gonna be like a revival of Garo. Crazy Jump! Where lunatics, and not mangaka, gather. The concept is ‘Welcome to the end of the world’. It’s not ‘Friendship, Effort, Victory’, but ‘Slaughter, Irrationality, Futility’. That’s the motto for Crazy Jump. I wanna think about this thoroughly. It’ll be about fear instead of dream. Slaughter will be the theme.
C: I really wanna read it.
I: I know right! Not a manga like this, instead, you wanna read that kind of magazine. “Welcome to the end of the world. This is the place for people who have given up on all kinds of entertainment.” This isn’t an entertainment anymore. It’s a harassment. Creative Harassment: Crazy Jump.
C: Are you gonna publish Choujin X there?
I: I wanna do it in Crazy Jump not Tonari no Young Jump. I wanna go against OPM. Which one is stronger? Tonari Jump’s OPM vs Crazy Jump’s Choujin X. Crazy Jump is definitely stronger. But Choujin X probably doesn’t fit the criterion for crazy Jump. It’s hard to publish it there. I want the Great Master, Egawa Tatsuya sensei to publish his work in Crazy Jump. I want One sensei in Crazy Jump too. OPM will stay in Tonari Jump, but I want One sensei to publish another work in Crazy Jump. I’ll be the chief editor. I’ll look for people and I have them publish their works there. As long as you’re crazy, you’re in. I’ll hire any nutcases who’re good at drawing.
(Egawa Tatsuya is a mangaka & film director. His known for his work ‘Golden Boy’.)
I: You guys are mistaken. I’m gonna do it for real. I’m seriously doing it. The characteristics that Crazy Jump’s looking for in a writer is firstly, someone who definitely won’t follow the deadlines, but upload a bunch in the spur of the moment. I want the magazine to be random. No one knows what stories are gonna be in the issue. There might be times where there are no stories at all. I want to make it a thrilling magazine. The drawings for the all the stories will be done outside the frame. Hahaha. I wanna create it!
C: Have Togashi sensei publish his work there.
I: That’s absolutely. Togashi sensei has high common sense, so I wanna take that away from him. Crazy Jump is only for lunatics. It’s for people with no common sense and those who doesn’t even realise they don’t have one. Do you understand what I’m saying?
C: The editors must be crazy too?
I: Hmm…It feels like the stupid vibe will be overused. Still, let’s make the figurehead editor wears only brief. Make Mr. Matsuo wears brief.
C: Even the readers are crazy.
I: Probably, only good-for-nothing people will read the magazine, so no. The writers probably hate their own readers. They’d say something like “I don’t wanna draw for this kind of people!”, “I only have cuckoos as my readers!”, etc. “A chain of hatred, welcome to Crazy Jump. That’s why fighting will never stop”. This is the concept.
C: This magazine will make somebody’s happy.
I: Hmm…Maybe it’s better to just gather people who’re good at drawing. Then, I’ll give them welfare payment since the magazine won’t sell. I’ll take care of them. They’re free to draw as they like and money will be given too as long as they make Crazy Jump crazy.
*Nobody’s gonna vote for the survey.
I: You have to vote for 3 series, right? What survey should I do? Pick 3 series that you wanna cancel and they’re gonna be cancelled for real.
C: Yomu Dokuyaku. (t/n: Op was referring to a book called Yomu Mayaku which literally translates as Read Drug. There’s no eng title for the book so I kept it in Japanese.)
I: Hahaha. Not Mayaku, but Dokuyaku (poison). That’s a good one. Yomu Dokuyaku. A poisonous disease. That’s Crazy Jump. I really wanna make Crazy Jump. I wanna read it. I’m gonna drag writers to the darkness. They’d be like “I wanna quit.”, “I started drawing because I wanna write manga like One piece!”, “I liked watching anime at first, I wanted to create a manga that’d become an anime one day. I thought I was able to achieve that.” This is how Crazy Jump’s gonna be. Let’s make a Crazy channel. We’ll broadcast the anime version there.
*Someone commented that Crazy Jump is the going to the opposite side of the classic approach in magazine.
I: It’s not even the opposite. It’s going nowhere. It’s not heading or moving towards anywhere. It’s not heading forward or backward. It sees and hears nothing. I want this kind of magazine to exist…The stories must be crazy. If they’re too crazy, the stories will be discontinued.  
C: Animal Rap can easily be serialised there.
I: Why? Animal Rap isn’t crazy at all. It’s totally NHK vibe. It’s even watchable for kids. Animal Rap has wholesome contents, you know? Everyone can watch it.
C: If I won a prize, I’ll report to you. (t/n: OP possibly referring to them winning manga award as they’re aiming to submit their work to Young Jump.)
I: You mean Crazy Jump’s Award? Crazy Jump has no award.
I: Now for the scouting part, I’d scout them like this, “Do you know about Crazy Jump? How about it? Do you have the courage to be crazy?”, “Would you like to serialised your work in Crazy Jump?”. All of these would be conversed through private message. It’d be a secret deal.
I: It’s time for me to scout people now. I wanna do that kind of business too, scouting business. I’ll gather any reckless youngsters, middle-aged men, and old men as well to work in Crazy Jump.
I: I wanna scout housewives too. I’ll make them write crazy mangas. Isn’t that a totally good idea? A housewife writing a crazy manga. In between taking care of children and doing chores, they write such manga. It’ll be a profound work. We need to unseal the hidden craziness lies within housewives.
I: Don’t you feel intrigued by it? You’d be shocked if people who are close to you or someone who you sympathises with create something crazy. The smiling old man that you often see is actually writing such insane manga. What’d your reaction be? You might think he’s lunatic.
I: Crazy Jump will even scout the readers since there’s always be a shortage in human resources.
C: Will I get scouted if I sent an eccentric letter to Crazy Jump’s editor?
I: No, you can’t. Insane people don’t realise that they’re insane. Those who can judge that they’re crazy can be external employees. It’s time for geniuses to step aside. This magazine will only be for madmen. Every writer is a lunatic.
*He’s taking about what if it’s Criminal Jump instead of Crazy Jump?
I: Aren’t you interested to know what kind of stories the magazine would have if all the writers were criminals. They might write heartwarming or fantasy genres. If they did that, you’d have some sort of love-hate relationship with the authors.
I: If Criminal Jump was issued, people would start commit crimes just to have their work serialised in the magazine. That’d be another problem. Suddenly, people would start killing others because they wanted to be like the authors in Criminal Jump. This is definitely a bad idea. Crime is a big no-no. Crazy Jump is the coolest, after all.
C: The heroine definitely dies in Crazy Jump.
I: I wonder… She’ll die when it’s time. Let’s make clams as heroines. Ms. Clam. There’s no explanation for that. This way, the heroines won’t die. (t/n: He really did say clam as in the food clam.)
I: But to create a true mad story, it has to be natural. The story for every heroine will be about reincarnation every time. Ultimately, the stories will be about reincarnation. The story will start off normally, but it’ll end with the protagonist getting reincarnated.
*He continued expanding the reincarnation ideas.
I: If every ending will have a reincarnation setting, then it’s gonna be a common concept and not abnormal anymore. Everyone will expect the same ending. But I wanna try writing that kind of story as a mangaka. I wanna try write it once. On the other hand, when there’s no reincarnation happened in the stories, people would start wondering.
*Ishida mentioned TG.
I: I realised TG was a bit crazy when I reread it. I conceitedly told few people that they had few loose screws in the head. Seemed like I was the same too.  It was fun reading it after a long time. It kinda had a crazy vibe.
C: How about making the stories use coined/new words, but they never explain what the words mean till the end?
I: Hmm… That’s considered as crazy in a way. Final fantasy 13 did that kind of stuffs, with the term ‘falcie’ and all. It was quite a rumour. I didn’t play it though.
C: The Falcie’s Lacie purge Cocoon. (referring to FF13.)
I: You’d maybe understand what they mean if you played the game. Rather than crazy, the game was just being not user friendly. It’d be better if they slowly explained what the words meant throughout the game.
I: Everyone must be tired already. Should we stop talking about Crazy Jump now?
C: Has your work progressed?
I: I don’t know. Is it?
*Reading comments.
C: Aren’t you gonna sleep?
I: I woke up at wrong hours. So, I’m still not sleepy.
I: Should we end the stream? I’m already satisfied. Let’s end it.
C: In the end, what are we gonna do for 30,000 subscribers’ commemoration?
I: The most likely one would be a ‘Thank you’ video. I’ll just scream “Thank you!’.
C: Are you satisfied now?
I: Yeah.
I: It’s been a long time since I streamed, so I got carried away. Okay then. Thank you. Who just joined in, please watch it in the archive. I’m gonna upload Animal Rap. Thank you.
Part 1
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Sk8 2 - 8 | Kemono Jihen 2 - 3 | Wave!! 2 - 5 | Back Arrow 3 - 6
Sk8 2
What’s with the filter over the recap?
These dance moves are cool (a derpy kind of cool)…but I’m seeing them all with the volume off (due to background noise), so I’ll have to find out what the audio is like later. Update: Rude-Alpha! Someone I actually do know!
I was worried about Truck-kun causing another Isekai Incident ™ there…phew…*wipes sweat off brow*
Is Langa…left-handed, perhaps? Or are left-handers not necessarily better with their left foot?
Langa’s mother’s so funny! It’s rare to see a mother who isn’t dead or just not talked about in anime.
Why is it that parody Sailor Moon transformations always happen with the buffest dudes possible…? That’s why it’s rare to get something like Boueibu, where it takes itself (semi-)seriously.
Lately, the urban aesthetic is cool. HypMic, Akudama, IWGP and now this…
Langa is 17. *takes notes on eligible bachelors, LOL*
“A huge family only embarrasses you.” – *nods*
I see! Although I don’t know anything about skateboarding, I can relate to him when he’s fixing a board up for Langa because I can see it’s Reki using his passion for a friend.
Oh, that’s why they call it Sk8 the Infinity…!
I keep calling it “wiping out” in my head when I watch…I’m no surfer, but I guess I’m more used to surfing lingo.
Hitori piledriver = piledriver by oneself ( I guess…?).
Sk8 3
I’ve never heard of this Takuma Nagatsuka (voice of Miya Chinen). He sounds like Kohei Amasaki…
Hmm…normally skateboarders wear protective gear, right? Couldn’t Langa have gotten some of that (now that I think of it)?
I guess this is also Reki’s pride as a board mechanic on the line here…never saw it that way until I thought about it like that.
I think I remember reading a comment once about Bakugo and Midoriya from BnHA – about how Bakugo seemed sluggish in his progress because he’d been training his Quirk from day 1, while Midoriya was trying to catch up. I think Chinen is in a similar situation.
I think what Chinen has is stability, above all others.
There’s a piece of paper in the back that has “supoort” (sic) written on it.
Chinen’s not…“smiling with his eyes”, you call it. In retail, you learn how to smile with the eyes even when it’s fake.
Kemono Jihen 2
Inari? Like the fox shrine?
So Shiki is a spider-guy and…what is Akira? I’ve heard whispers he’s a yukiotoko, but I don’t know at this point in time.
Kabane’s kinda short, LOL, even in comparison to Akira.
Shiki is definitely Bakugo, Spider Version…LOL.
Oh, BnHA came out in 2014 and Kemono Jihen in 2016 (manga).
Oh, that drip apparatus. I’ve only ever seen it in real life, I think – my dad uses one for his coffee.
Kemono Jihen 3
…hmm, I don’t think I’ve seen much set in Shinjuku. I think there’s Mayonaka Occult Koumuin, part of HypMic…and that might be it.
I laughed at “small meeting room”.
Apparently “biddy bait”, according to Urban Dictionary, is meant to mean “a lure for hot women”. I don’t particularly like Urban Dictionary, because the editors who make these definitions are clearly biased in some way or another while writing their definitions, unlike an actual dictionary.
Aw, come on! Why is it fire from the tail?! Fire from the mouth like a dragon is cooler!
Kabane’s getting ahead of himself! (LOL)
Just noticed Kon’s hoodie has a design that says FOX, but the X is inside the O.
…thank goodness for Shiki’s hand…
Akira’s been a bit of dead weight recently, so I hope he gets developed soon.
Back Arrow 3
I wonder if Shu Bi is asexual and/or aromantic…?
“…inherited the spirit of the former sheriff…” – That’s Atlee’s job…oh wait. It’s about the undies again…
This is fishy…this whole “paradise is beyond the canyon” thing.
Ooh, I get the feeling Shu Bi and Arrow will either come to blows with each other or fight on the same side…
Sk8 4
I wonder if episode 8 will look weird in the titles…? I mean, it will be “Sk8 8”…
I would think Reki’s straightforward emotions would be spiky shapes.
I knew women were something objectified by S, but…Langa, the deuteragonist? That’s new.
It just hit me: This would be so good with a dub…!
*Langa casually eats 10 burgers* - LOL.
“This has gotta be way too late!”
So now an anime character has stolen a motorcycle…LOL.
Back Arrow 4
The title of this episode seems to be “Is Today Yesterday’s Tomorrow?”, the service’s title that I’ve got in front of me is “Does Genius Come When Least Expected?”
This map reminds me of +Anima’s continent.
I seem to remember Boueibu was constructed as half an episode of idle talking, half fighting. Why do I bring this up? Because Back Arrow seems to be constructed similarly, episode-wise.
The reason I like the hot-blooded mech series and not the serious ones…is stupid things (<- I mean that affectionately) like Shu Bi pulling out a phone in a world like this.
What’s with the shot of Elsha’s butt…? I know it seems somewhat justified, considering the position her Briheight’s in…but the leery angle is a bit annoying.
…I keep thinking Bit will get a Briheight one day and he’ll be like Zenitsu – powerful only when he doesn’t know it.
Shin Fusui, right? “Ren Sin” kinda makes sense, given we didn’t know any better, but so does “Ren Shin”…Sin as a first name though…? Anyways, it’s Shin Fusui, Kei Suiitsu, Nen Kasei and Ko Chisen. Their names match their elements.
I never realised how skimpy Kei’s outfit was until she was without her Briheight on the ground…eesh, women and their skimpy outfits in this universe…
Wave!! 2
I’m going to differentiate this anime from the other Wave (Wave, Listen to Me) with 2 exclamation marks…also, I’m not able to mark this episode down until 4 episodes have gone, or until AniList makes a TV entry for this. Update: AniList did eventually make an entry for the TV version (i.e. the version I'm working off) of this anime.
Nalu was playing an invisible ukulele even in the bath, LOL.
I noticed Masaki keeps his corgi between his legs so that the dog doesn’t run away. That’s probably only a thing dog owners do, because I don’t think anyone inexperienced with pets would know if they could do such a thing.
Why do I get the feeling the symbol on one of Masaki’s shoulders is (meant to be) Rip Curl…?
I read some of the 4koma for this series (found on the website) and…Sho’s so cute, envying this ‘warm family”. Nalu still has his ukulele, even at the dining table, LOL.
LOL, random rainbow. Every time I read subs about Masaki extolling surfing, I’m reminded of what I call “translator’s high”. It’s the feeling of working under deadlines and being inspired to churn out a high-quality release.
…well, this is a surfing anime. I should have known this would talk about places that get lots of hot weather and big waves (like Australia) because Joel Parkinson is from Tweed Heads, Sydney.
Who’s Jojo Pardinen?
Why does Masaki call Tanaka “Murphy”?
Wave!! 3
Oh, so that man is Masaki’s dad…Right.
The real spirit of characters is shown after they’re defeated…that’s my thoughts, anyway.
I know what a repechage is…in fact, I learnt about that through the FP and M manga.
Oh! It’s “Nalu”, but written “Naru”.
Wave!! 4
Is there a 3rd place in these competitions?
Wait, so the guy in the pink shirt is Masaki’s dad, but then the Hawaiian shirt dude owns the shop. Am I right on this now…?
There is a magical girl called Sally, IIRC, and the description does match.
LOL, I like how the teacher is so indecisive.
Back Arrow 5
Shu Bi’s so pretty…I had my eyes on him from the beginning and now that’s paying me back tenfold.
I wonder if Shu will ever get a Briheight…? (I wanna see it!)
Back Arrow 6
Pretty boy farms!!! It sounds like abuse in a sense, but it also sounds like a dream (?!)
Bit reminds me of Sousuke (Classicaloid).
Oh, so the funky gold hat-thing with the purple ribbon is what the head diviner wears.
LOL wut…his name is “Bruh”? *tries to hide stupid smirk on face*
Wait, if it’s a pretty boy farm, how do you produce new pretty boys without women…? *scratches head*
Question: What is Gote’s conviction?
Wave!! 5
Kadomatsu (the bamboo), huh? Must be New Year’s. Likewise, the bush warbler (uguisu) means it’s spring.
Sk8 5
Milk, straight from the carton…*sigh* Boys… Update: (This is referring to how guys are typically shown chugging straight from the carton. As you can tell from the comment, I don't particularly like it.)
I like how suddenly, all the barriers come down for these guys, even though Kaoru said at one point they shouldn’t be coming down.
Battle of Ganryujima.
Sk8 6
…this woman Reki has the hots for is going to be a dude…that’s normally how this joke works.
Oh well, that was also a funny moment.
“Dangerous stuff is forbidden.”
Hiromi in a swimsuit is…vaguely disturbing.
Kamata? Y’mean, she has the word for “scythe” in her name and she’s a “mantis woman”? Makes sense.
Even on their day off, the Sk8 crew are fun to be with.
Sk8 7
Whoa! Straight to the OP!
…I’m suddenly scared. What if Langa’s mother gets put in danger…? (Like in Kanon.)
Sk8 8
I want Langa to punch Adam. In the face. Now!
…is Snake…Ainosuke’s butler? I can sort of guess from the hair…and the matching theme [of Adam, Eve and the snake in paradise]…
It is the butler!
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richincolor · 4 years
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Interview with Lipan Apache Author Dr. Darcie Little Badger
Today we celebrate the book release of the slightly creepy and very intriguing mystery-fantasy Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger (Lipan Apache) illustrated by Rovina Cai. I read an advanced copy last month and the story captivated me. Here's a one minute video to give you an introduction to this unique tale.
Darcie is quite a creative and accomplished person. She has a PhD in Oceanography, an award winning cosplay Magic Ivy, and will soon be writing a Dani Moonstar One-shot. We're fortunate to have Darcie on the website today to share about her debut novel and her writing.
Crystal Brunelle: You've written comics, short stories, nonfiction and at least one dissertation. What got you to jump into the young adult realm?
Darcie Little Badger: Thanks to my habit of throwing random thoughts on Twitter, I can pinpoint the exact moment when I realized that Elatsoe had to be a YA book. December 30, 2016, I Tweeted, “Uuuuuuhhhhh whyyyyy. Realized that the main character in this book of mine needs to be in high school, so I'm rewriting the whole thing.”
Yep. Elatsoe started as an adult book. But after about 10,000 words, I hit a wall. The story wasn’t working. At a deep, almost instinctual level, I knew that Ellie—her voice, her fight, and her triumph—had to be a young adult. So, er, I guess it’s less that I jumped into the YA realm and more that the YA realm summoned me.
Crystal: As a young adult, what kind of things were you reading and enjoying? Did you see yourself represented in what you found?
Darcie: During Middle and High School, I read almost anything in the fantasy/sci-fi section of the local libraries. Hundreds of books. Gosh, I was a voracious reader. The thing is, people are complex, and human identity contains multiple components. So I’d see parts of myself represented. I’d read about girls. I’d read about eccentric nerds. But in those hundreds of books, I never—seriously never—encountered a Lipan Apache character. Heck, there are very few Native American characters in sci-fi/fantasy. So the answer to the question “did you see yourself represented in what you found” is “only partially.” Which, considering the importance of the missing piece, was discouraging.
Crystal: Has publishing a novel changed your life in any interesting ways?
Darcie: Honestly, this is a difficult question to answer, since it’s been a very painful year for me and my family. We’ve experienced profound loss – it’s still recent and very difficult to talk about. Plus, I’ve been sheltering in place since late February. So everything has changed. And I don’t know what my life has become. Or even what I have become. But I can say that the support Elatsoe has received—the kindness of readers and other writers during this rough debut year—is a ray of light in dark times.
Crystal: I just finished reading your upcoming book and really enjoyed seeing the relationship between Elatsoe and her dog Kirby. Have you had strong connections with any dogs in particular that you may have been holding in your heart or mind as you wrote?
Darcie: Kirby is directly inspired by my first dog, an English springer spaniel. My family adopted him from an animal shelter in Vermont. I still remember meeting Kirby for the first time. His tail  wagging, he pranced to the wall of the kennel and stuck his nose between the metal bars, as if asking for a pat. We took him on a “getting to know you” walk and then immediately took him home. The original Kirby was gentle and smart, and I’ll always love him. In fact, my life—past, present, and future—is enriched by all the dogs I’ve loved.
Crystal: Elatsoe encounters quite a few monsters and she knows about many others from family stories. Who or what would you consider monsters in the here and now and are any of them represented in your writing?
Darcie: Without spoiling any Elatsoe secrets, Dr. Allerton, one of the primary antagonists in the book, definitely represents an insidious variety of real-world monster.
Crystal: Not many young adult novels have illustrations. What led to that decision?
Darcie: Haha! This is a good question for my editor, Nick. I believe it was his idea for Rovina Cai to provide an illustration for every chapter heading. So I wrote a script for a visual story within a story, one that connects to the main plot in surprising ways and answers a key mystery of the book (namely, what happened to Ellie’s legendary six-great grandmother?) And from that script, Rovina created beautiful, ghostly illustrations. It was such an honor to collaborate with her.
Crystal: Are you working on anything else for young adults that you're allowed to talk about yet?
Darcie: I can vaguely discuss my next YA book. It’s a fantasy with elements of science fiction (I’m clearly into genre fusion, considering that Elatsoe is a mystery/fantasy). Specifically, Untitled New Book is an epic two-world adventure involving near-future Earth and a land of spirits and monsters. I’m trying to finish that before the year ends. There are other projects in the work, but they’re secrets (for now muahahaha).
Crystal: How would someone be able to figure out that you are a book nerd?
Darcie: If the piles of books in my room aren’t a dead giveaway, I can always wear one of my many “Book Nerd” t-shirts! Seems like every time I visit my favorite indie bookshop, I pick up a new t-shirt. And books. So many books. I guess I’m still a voracious reader.
If you'd like to learn more about Dr. Darcie Little Badger and her writing, you may visit her website or find her on Twitter. Today, August 25th, there is also an online conversation between Darcie and Traci Sorell hosted by McNally Jackson in New York City via Zoom at 6pm EST.
Extra Videos: - Comic-Con Interview - SXSQ ESU - Panel on Border Crossing and Sacred Stories - Comic-Con Panel with Latinx & Native American Storytellers
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picturebookmakers · 3 years
Marika Maijala
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In this post, Marika talks about ‘Ruusun matka’ (Rosie’s Journey), her wonderfully fresh debut picturebook as an author and illustrator, published in Finland by Etana Editions. She talks openly about her intimate creation process, and the challenges of writing.
Visit Marika Maijala’s website
Marika: When writing this blog post, I am completely stuck in my writing process. I am trying to write a new story, but it keeps escaping me. Actually, even this blog post makes me a bit nervous, because it is a story as well: How did the book turn out the way it did?
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Rosie and the race dogs in ‘Rosie’s Journey’ (Etana Editions, 2018)
My first picturebook as an author was ‘Rosie’s Journey’. It’s the story of a race dog, who runs away from the race track to find a place where she can run the way she likes to. Now, as I am struggling with my writing, I have returned to this project often and tried to figure out how I did it. It is hard to reach, as now, looking at it after a couple years have gone by, I only remember chaos, randomness and doubt, exactly the same feelings I am having now. I think I need to go further back to see how it started.
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I remember sitting in a book meeting in a publisher’s office a few years back. We were discussing a forthcoming book project. There were two stories on the table, and the publisher asked which would I rather illustrate, this other story, or this one, with two happy dogs? I remember replying immediately: “the one with happy dogs”. The other story got selected, and it turned out to be a great book, but I think that deep inside of me I only want to draw happy dogs. In the end I even made a very stupid story for myself about four dogs driving around in their car. They are happy.
So maybe that’s why the main character in my first authored book is a dog. She just appeared in my sketchbook one day. Here is the first sight of Rosie. She seems happy.
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This was a new notebook – an A3 Moleskine I had bought on one Interrail trip in Italy, and I carried it all the way home through Europe; how stupid. Especially as it was still empty after two years. That was a time when I was very tired of my work. I had illustrated children’s books for over a decade, worked with wonderful writers and received nice reviews for my illustrations. But I felt I didn’t really enjoy drawing. I used computer a lot, because I didn’t trust my drawing skills. So I took out this huge notebook and started scribbling, messing around. Drawing badly. Pictures came out. They were bad, but I enjoyed making them.
Around that time, I was selected for a masterclass with some other Finnish illustrators. Our teacher was Kitty Crowther, whom we all admired very much, so this was a special weekend for all of us. January was cold that year in Helsinki, and the course took place in a spooky old house by the sea. We were running on the frozen sea and making all kinds of exercises to free our creation and find our inner stories.
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That weekend, I showed my new drawings for the first time to other people and got encouraged by the feedback I received from Kitty and other illustrators. Maybe I really was going in the right direction? We still often talk about this weekend with those artists, and looking back at it now, I think it was an important turning point for many of us. For me it was.
This is one of the drawings I did on the course. I still look at it when I am having a bad day, or I feel lost. Depending on the day, I am either the lion or that person getting eaten by the lion.
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More drawings of Rosie started to appear in my notebook. I dared to show them to my publishers Jenni Erkintalo and Réka Király at Etana Editions. They were also encouraging and said that there was a story building up. I think it has always been difficult for me to see value in my work and ideas; this is why having friends and colleagues whom I can trust has been so important. When I doubt, they say just go ahead. I try to do the same for them. Through this whole process I was not alone, and so many decisions concerning the images and the story we made together with Jenni, Réka as well as the editor Kirsikka Myllyrinne, who encouraged me to keep the story very simple.
Here we get to the point where I always struggle: the story. When I was forced, I was able to produce this synopsis for the book:
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The story goes: First, Rosie runs at the stadium, then she runs to escape the stadium, and in the end, she runs with friends because she wants to. And at the turning point, she stops. How did this scribble grow into a picturebook with 25 spreads (normally the picturebooks I illustrate have about 12 spreads)?
I think this book grew out of drawing – the joy of drawing. In a way, this is the content of the story as well, to find your own way of being, your own expression. For Rosie it is running, maybe for me it is drawing. And when I found the enjoyment in drawing, I got enough courage to finally write the words too, which so often escape me.
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And maybe, in the end, it was just about finding the right tools for drawing. I remember an exercise from Kitty’s course, in which we were drawing, eyes closed, only feeling the paper, and the pen touching the paper. I really love how the crayon feels
 on this particular type of paper. And funnily enough, to approach a visual task through some other sense than vision, helped me to create an image I felt was also interesting to look at.
Drawing in these notebooks was a very physical act: I filled five of them, drawing dozens and dozens of pictures. Also, scanning the images from these books required some patience as they are large, heavy and annoying to handle.
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One of my crayon boxes is an old Russian box of chocolates given to me by Finnish writer Hannu Mäkelä. We have made many books together. He is also the creator of my favourite books from childhood: the ‘Herra Huu’ (Mr. Boo) series.
It is quite an exhausting method to search for the story through drawing. I guess I sort of needed to live the story myself, to know how it goes. There are a large amount of drawings that did not end up in the final book. But I think I still needed to draw them.
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Life on and under the bridge in a sketch for ‘Rosie’s Journey’. Unpublished.
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Rosie makes a leap. Unpublished.
I don’t like to put morals in my stories, because who am I to teach anyone. I would rather let people find their own meanings in the story. Maybe I am more trying to find out about things myself, I have questions in mind, not answers. And some questions get answers during the process, some don’t.
Maybe the questions in this story were: What is it to be happy? What is it to be free? What is keeping us from doing things we love? Why do we hurt, imprison and enslave each other: humans, animals? Can I do something? If I save myself, what happens to the others? What can be discussed in a children’s book?
In the story, I combined my own history and happenings during the past few years with the story of a real rescue dog, Rosie. My friend saved her from a bad place and took her to her home, where she lived peacefully with three other dogs. She was a hound dog, just like Rosie in the book, the most elegant creature I have ever seen. I thought that maybe through my experiences I was able to understand her, that there are feelings, desires, experiences, all living creatures share.
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An early sketch for ‘Rosie’s Journey’.
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Race depot in ‘Rosie’s Journey’.
This I try to keep in mind when I draw and write children’s books: we share so many things, even with those we think we don’t share anything with at all. In a way I want to stress that, as much as we are and will always be focused on our own little lives, and the ups and downs in them, there are millions of others doing the same thing. And these ups and downs are very precious for those experiencing them. Kindness I also like a lot.
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A sketch from my Italy notebook.
I love to watch people and animals doing their things. At the stations, in malls and supermarkets. On the streets and in the parks.
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The train station in ‘Rosie’s Journey’.
I love to draw so many details in my illustrations that they often almost steal the story. Or they become the story, which actually I don’t mind. Something I really was fighting against in Rosie’s story as well was its linearity, the basic narrative structure it follows. Maybe I was trying to show options of where the story could go. Or that in a way our stories depend on other stories.
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Spring in the city from my second authored picturebook ‘Suden hetki’ (Etana Editions, 2020).
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People and animals living their lives in ‘Joulu juksaa’ (Etana Editions, 2019), a Christmas story written by Juha Virta and illustrated by me.
For many of the ‘best’ pictures (in my opinion) in ‘Rosie’s Journey’ I don’t have different/alternate versions. The pictures came out in one moment, with no effort, no planning, no pain. I didn’t want to redraw them; they had everything I wanted in them. In a way, I had made it easy for myself, as the concept of the book is so clear: Rosie is just running through different sceneries and settings; all I needed to do was to draw them. The themes – freedom vs imprisonment – I had in my mind and they can be found in the pictures when you study them.
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I said that creating the story was a challenge for me. Still, I guess I know what I like in a story. I wanted it to be a simple story. And I didn’t want there to be any big climax in the end. Rosie just finds two friends and they run together. As simply as it sometimes goes in life. But we made a little change in the way of telling things, when the dogs start to run together. Until this point, Rosie has been running alone through large panoramic scenes, in an undefined time. In this important moment, when the dogs find each other, the story time is slowed down, and cut into a sequence of images, like in a film.
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Rosie, Siiri and Iida in ‘Rosie’s Journey’.
In a way ‘Rosie’s Journey’ is a classical coming-of-age story, which pictures the growth of a protagonist to selfhood. I think the story became clear to me only when I made the last image. And it really is the last one in the book (although of this portrait there are at least five different versions). Also, the text on the last page was the last thing I wrote in the book. It came after long discussions with many friends, having gone through some small hardships in life, having tried terribly hard to find the right words, and then they came, immediately when I stopped trying:‘I am Rosie’, says Rosie. — ‘Shall we run again?’
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There are so many ways we can express ourselves, and no way is above or below. I guess it depends on each of us which we find most important, or dear, easy or hard. I noticed that for me, when making this book, it was important to utter words as well. At first, we had thought with the publishers that it would be a book without words. But to dare to use words, and to use my own words, felt very important to me. Maybe for me, an essential way to express my thoughts and feelings about this life is to combine words and images. A long time after finishing the book, I found this drawing in my childhood home.
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“I am Marika Maijala. I am 4 years old, my sister is 7 years, and my mum 8 years.”
I tried to draw a picture of my writer’s block. I am the tall creature piling heavy stones into the hot air balloon. A little girl asks, “What are you doing?”. I am making an easy thing difficult. Instead of just letting the balloon fly, I fill it with stones. Or, maybe I am making the impossible: I’m going to fly with a balloon that really cannot fly. I guess I can choose.
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Illustrations © Marika Maijala. Post edited by dPICTUS.
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Buy this picturebook
Ruusun matka / Rosie’s Journey
Marika Maijala
Etana Editions, Finland, 2018
Rosie is a race dog. By day she runs at the track. By night she sits in her little room. One day she doesn’t stop at the end of the track. She jumps over the fence and runs away. Rosie keeps running. Where does she go? A sensitive portrayal of a special journey by award-winning illustrator Marika Maijala. This large-format book is Marika Maijala’s debut picturebook as both author and illustrator.
Finnish: Etana Editions
Swedish: Förlaget
French: Hélium
Spanish: SM
Italian: Clichy
Korean: Munhakdongne
Chinese (Simplified): Gingko/Post Wave
Chinese (Traditional): Pace Books
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calamariimpossible · 3 years
Magicians on the internet, crypto, and the email that broke me.
This is a continuation of a twitter thread that Muz (@mzkrx) started to write out in his car but then when he plotted out his thoughts, it made more sense to him to put it down in a blog format rather than a thread. You'll find out why as you read through.
Stuck in the car for half an hour so I'm gonna do a thread (Editor's note: Now a whole-ass blog post) about a strange email I got recently.
So I was casually watching magic tricks on YouTube. the funnest part of which to me is reading the comments. YouTube commenters love explaining how they think the trick is done and it's fun to read through their theories and connect dots between similar tricks, etc.
And then one time as I was scrolling I noticed a comment that didn't make sense. It was a string of an almost sentence. Intelligible enough to not be random words but odd enough to read like a trigger phrase for something.
The closest I can describe it as is like the string Zemo used to wake up the Winter Soldier, but with some syntax to it. Like "many thermos wiggle throughout exotic harbinger of circle ascending fuchsia entrapment".
Initially I thought nothing of it, but then I kept seeing them in these magic trick video comment sections. They're never the same string, and it's always under magic trick videos. from different channels even.
The profiles that posted these comments are also always blank accounts with zero videos and no profile pic. Just their name. I felt like it was too much of a coincidence for these comments to only be under magic trick videos.
I also knew that the world of performance magic is thick with secrets. That is to say, there is deliberate obfuscation of information whenever you try to go online to find out how a trick works.
Magicians get together online and share information with each other just like performers of every other sort as well but the amount of code and doublespeak they use is an order of magnitude more annoying to decipher compared to say, an engineering message board or a gamedev forum.
Knowing that, I thought maybe this almost parsable gibberish I keep seeing everywhere was also some kind of code these people were using to talk to each other.
So I started investigating.
First things first, let's just Google one of the phrases. Maybe that's enough?
And it sorta was.
Pasting them onto the search bar lent me to only 1 result (wild!) and it was a website that looked really dank. Like geocities dank. Annoying neon colours and badly margined jpegs of tarot card images everywhere and a big bold header text that said something to the effect of:
"Congratulations, you've found our hidden message. This portal is only for those seeking knowledge beyond what is on the surface. Continue below."
* * *
I haven't been doing well. I feel like I say that too much. I say it on Patreon, on my personal podcast, whenever any of my friends ask me how I'm doing, pretty much everywhere. I feel very heavy. I understand I'm not the only one feeling like this during a pandemic.
But I have this other version of worry that I can't quite articulate until right now: I'm scared I won't be funny anymore. Anwar and Farid can attest that even during our recordings I don't feel up to being funny. I question my jokes a lot. I barely enjoy telling them. I'm worried I'm letting everyone down.
To me, silliness and absurdism as virtues only make sense when the world has trace amounts of injustice and wrongness that training ourselves to see it in our everyday helps us remind ourselves of what is just and fair. The more we consume silliness, the more we are able to recognize silly and point it out. So we don't ignore it when things go wrong, so we talk about it, manage it. So we can take care of each other.
Maybe I can't be sure if we're all up for taking care of each other right now.
* * *
"Continue below" seems instructive, but it wasn't. Like I mentioned, the margins were haphazard and the CSS was all over the place. Some jpegs were straight up cropped off.
Meaning I can't be sure what "below" meant. But there were clickable images and text so I was readily intrigued.
It was tantalizing. Did I stumble into some secret order of Extremely Online Magicians? Maybe I'll finally find out why there aren't many female magicians out there. Maybe it's some sort of secret initiation to a secret message board full of secrety secrets. Secretly.
I didn't click on any of the linked images or anything. I closed the tab. That was the end of that.
An earlier version of myself would gladly run headlong into this rabbit hole to find out more and sink hours into some goddessforsaken labyrinth of links. But the current version of me recognizes this for what it almost certainly is: an abandoned roleplaying game.
Back in the early 00s when the internet was the realm of nerds and nerds only, it was full of people who loved sharing things for sharing's sake. It used to be punk rock to maintain a blog that only talked about snails or have a lo-fi YouTube channel that uploads biweekly 3-minute news about your house, or manage a little message board where people roleplay as wizards who rummage around the net looking for clues.
That last part was a thing I remember being actively involved in. In '03, a group of online friends and I wrote up a scavenger hunt of sorts where we sent people through various blog pages that we have where the goal is to just dick around and have fun. We wasted each other's time for sure. Hundreds of hours of it for literally no gain at all but for some laughs and fun memories.
The internet isn't like that anymore. People don't share something online for sharing anymore. Not really. There's this idea that if you put stuff out there, you want people's attention because numbers are good. You get a lotta reblogs and RTs and Likes which means people Like you.
If you don't have a lotta numbers, you don't matter. If you do, everyone has to talk about what you said or did because it's 'News' now.
Isn't that kinda gross, you think? That we need people to interact through an app to be sure that we're Liked? I say "we" but I mean me. I've successfully poisoned my brain to believe this to a certain extent too and it's not good.
I felt myself physically react when I closed that geocities magician website tab. I shuddered because my brain went from "this is cool" to "I gotta let people know I found this" to "this'll get me hella RTs" to "ew Muz why did you think that" within 3 seconds and I was disgusted with myself.
As a dude who started my online presence on YouTube and parlayed it into my real life comedy/writing career, I've believed for a long time that doing good work and putting it out there is what it takes for a working creative to make it because that's what I did. So there's this idea that making stuff and having it be seen is some kind of virtuous.
But it's not anymore. People pick fights with children for clout. Newspapers post about people's tweets as if its important. People are investing in crypto, a thing that literally only exists as electrical waste on a grand scale. We're boiling the oceans to yell at each other over nothing and exchange bits of code everyone agrees has ever-rising value but doesn't. Everyone is making and eating junk, it feels like.
So am I making junk? Have I just been making useless junk for literally over a decade now? Is that what I've been good for this entire time?
* * *
So the email.
It was a response from a company I applied to for a job. I applied as a creative writer and they're an advertising agency.
Receiving emails from a prospective employer when you're in need of a job is exciting! So soon after I applied, too. Wonderful. Here's what it said:
We just received your application today but would love to extend the opportunity for you to participate in the Case Competition as a prerequisite of your job application for Creative Writer position with [REDACTED] and stand a chance to be a winner for cash awards up to a total worth of RM1,800.
They want me to enter a competition where I compete with other candidates to get a chance of being hired.
This company saw how many people applied for a job with them, and decided to dangle some cash and throw it over the fence to see which candidate will fight for it the most.
I didn't expect to feel vomitous after reading an email but that did it. I almost dry heaved. That's where we are now.
Recruiters see a glut of applicants and decided to play Fall Guys. These people watch Istana Takeshi and think Takeshi is the good guy. It hurts. It hurt me. That email caused me pain.
I can't at all empathise with recruiters who think this was okay to do. They really believed that creative writers will do a little dance for them just for money.
Look, I know we all need to eat. But I can also hate that people undervalue the work of creatives to this painful extent.
I don't give a shit about earning a lot of dough. I just wanna make things that tickle people. I want you to smile more.
That's the whole point of that weird little YouTube comment that led to the quirky website. That's the whole idea of making silly videos and dumb tweets and memes. We just want you to laugh.
But it seems people think so little of joy that they'll do whatever they can to avoid legitimately supporting and paying for stuff that gets them through the day. So much so that they want free work from us for the potential of maybe being able to get paid for more work. It breaks me, man.
I hate that I cannot make a living just trying my best to make people happy.
That's the best way I know to take care of you.
I know I don't just 'make junk' for a living. People have messaged me personally that my work has helped them get through tough times in school, in their relationships, at the office and I am eternally grateful that they took the time to tell me that.
I just also wish my feelings about my work aren't easily brought down by the majority of people who insist its worthless. Even if sometimes those people is me.
So forgive me if I won't be funny for a while. I'm gonna need some time to process this. Thank you for reading. I love you.
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kira-desomma · 4 years
in which i process my thoughts on AODB’s new success
I’m well aware that I’m never on this website anymore, and I’m also pretty sure that none of you want to hear about my anxiety, but I need to shout into a void somewhere so here we go!! 
Since AN ORCHID DARKLY BLOOMING was featured on Wattpad’s Editor’s Choice list a week ago, it has skyrocketed from about 1,000 reads to 8,000. Every time I’ve logged into Wattpad since the feature I am inundated with likes, reading list notifs, and comments. Which is so awesome, and totally blows my mind. I can’t believe people are really reading and enjoying my work. 
No, really. I literally can’t believe it. I keep waiting for someone to comment something nasty, or downright cruel. I seesaw between “8k isn’t really even that many people, calm tf down” and “Wtf hahahah I do not deserve this many readers, my story isn’t even that good” Which is... not fun??
In terms of plot, AODB is a story of one young woman’s self-actualization and finding love in a steampunk paranormal setting. In terms of world-building, the metaphors are pretty clear: the vampires are in power, physically and economically draining the rest of the population, and they need to be overthrown. (I mean, come on, the classes are literally divided into three sectors in the city...?) In terms of character development, Esther learns how to channel her rage in order to accept love. 
Wait, what? You may be thinking. That’s dark af. Why would someone need to feel rage in a journey to love...? 
Ah. Haha. Because it is not just Esther’s story. It’s mine! Surprise! Overcoming trauma through writing it in a metaphor! Doing it over and over again until I conquer my past! 
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I have been dealing with anger and rage in unhealthy ways my entire life. Through codependence, an eating disorder that I am still struggling with, an unhealthy and honestly very weird relationship with silence, people pleasing as a way of life, a phobia of driving, etc., etc., etc. It all comes back to the root of anger. This is why I get so pissed off when people say shit like “Anger is sad’s bodyguard (:” or “Anger is a secondary emotion, what are you REALLY feeling??” 
I. Am. Angry. 
I am angry about SOOOOooooOSSSOOOO much shit in the world right now; both in the world as a whole and the world as in my world. I am angry and in that I understand Esther’s desperation, her hatred, her manipulation. I understand where she’s coming from. I feel for her. 
I’m not saying you have to understand the metaphorical implications of AODB to enjoy it as a book. I just wanted young women to see that fury, darkness, and desperate sadness does not make them lesser than -- and that a good partner will fight alongside them, instead of against them. That a good partner will honor their rage for what it is. That a good partner will never make them feel afraid. That a good partner would never lie, or manipulate, or hurt them. 
I’m rambling now, so let me circle back around. What I’m basically trying to say is, this is all I’ve wanted for a long time -- a lot longer than the two years I’ve been on Wattpad. Now that it’s actually happening, it feels surreal and undeserved, even though I know I exhausted myself over this book for a year and a half. 
Bottom line? I know it’s good. I am proud of it. I want to shout it from the rooftops that I did this, I wrote this amazing thing and I didn’t compromise for anyone and now it’s doing Things out in the world!! ... but my fear that I will be seen as ‘too much’ is excruciating. I feel as though I simultaneously need to do so much more (write faster, make better moodboards, answer messages, etc) and do less (shut up about the viewership, stop forcing giveaways on people, stop posting about its success) 
So... I’ll take a page (har, har) from Esther’s book and speak honestly. 
Yeah. I wrote a book! It’s doing pretty well. I am happy about it and I deserve to be happy about it. It is the genre I have always dreamed of writing, and I didn’t sacrifice my vision. I wrote the book I needed to write. If I keep saying it, I will believe it, I will manifest the feeling of deservedness. I should be proud! Yes, I wrote a book... 
Want to read it? 👀
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turtleinsect1 · 3 years
Exactly How To Tan.
Melanotan 1 Injection Set.
Brits Buy ₤ 17 Prohibited Barbie Sun Tanning Shots That Result In Kidney Failure, Brain Swelling As Well As Hallucinations
Deal With Parched Skin To Hydration.
Gorgeous Tan I No Time At All.
Man-made Oral Liquid Characterisation: Possibility For Usage As A Reference Matrix In Drug Testing.
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Primarily, these side effects are as a result of application method too high. Therefore, among the choices to decrease or avoid them is to go with a lower dosage.
Others are not insured or aren't appropriately insured to gain access to such reproductive health and wellness solutions. As a result of this procedure, Melanotan II can properly safeguard your skin from direct exposure damage as well as decrease cancer risks. Despite all that, eventually, particularly during summertime, I would get charred badly by the sunlight rays. In 2015 I learnt about Melanotan peptide as well as I'm glad to report that this things has actually provided me my life back. Allow's now look at the Melanotan-II reviews given by individuals who've used MT2 (). The searchings for are a clear indication that Melanotan peptide can assist people who want to get rid of some weight, especially the obese and the obese, to minimize their carb as well as calorie intake.
Brits Purchase ₤ 17 Illegal Barbie Tanning Shots That Bring About Kidney Failure, Brain Swelling As Well As Hallucinations
Unscientific proof on the websites of companies offering Melanotan suggests that unfavorable effects might consist of high blood pressure, hyperpigmentation such as brand-new or darker freckles and also moles in addition to anxiety attack. " Market authorisation has actually not been accepted for Melanotan I as well as II, which indicates their safety and security has not been examined. Rylan confessed he likewise made use of Melanotan II shots before locating fame on The X Variable - and had a comparable wake-up telephone call when he began an irregular heartbeat. Ryan Ruckledge, who last showed up on Today in 2015, came on the program today to confess exactly how his need to be unnaturally bronzed in any way times ended up messing up everything. Privacy Noticeexplains more concerning exactly how we utilize your data, as well as your legal rights. can a little boost, and also your appetite can somewhat minimize when using our Melanotan 2 nasal tanners.
If you change your mind later on, you can stop obtaining our updates at any moment by changing your contact preferences in your account, or letting us understand by email or phone. Melanotan is prohibited as well as has actually not had the rigid security as well as effectiveness screening that all medicines need prior to they are accredited for usage. This suggests that the negative effects of this therapy are not recognized. Do not be concerned with bank transfer, you constantly obtain your product. Li Xiaojing checked out the whistle of the whistle and also reported the whistle. In this fight, Flavor Jun s casualties were brought on by the death of the Tang military and the death of greater than 180 individuals.
, it is advisable that you begin with a really low, preferably anywhere within a series of 50 mcg to 75 mcg and after that boost gradually from there with time as you analyze just how your body reacts to it. As pointed out earlier, beginning at a high dose raises your possibilities of experiencing a Melanotan-II trouble such as nausea. In case you aren't sure regarding your ability to reconstitute the peptide properly, you can make use of Lovemelanotan peptide calculator. Besides, you have to guarantee that you do not take excessive or too little of the medicine. It deserves keeping in mind that for you to get the most effective Melanotan results; you must use Melanotan-II as a constant therapy. The starting dose ought to be followed by additional Melanotan dosages for maintenance function until you obtain your desire complexion. Additionally, there are irregular Melanotan-II adverse effects throughout longer tests as well as they consist of much more freckles, dimming of lips and darkening of blemishes.
Effect of Melanotan-II on mind Fos immunoreactivity and also oxytocin neuronal task as well as secretion in rats. Just visited customers who have acquired this product may leave an evaluation.
Free Example Male enhancement dish can aid countless men with impotence, Melanotan 2 Sex drive is your trusted product. The big worry is that by influencing the shape, size or colour of moles, Melanotan can lead to an inaccurate medical diagnosis, duds or unneeded operations. According to them, the product is being "marketed and sold illegally".
Melanotan can be found in powder form as well as is meant to be reconstituted with clean and sterile water prior to subcutaneous injection. As a result, if clean and sterile water is not used, the injected medicine might be polluted and this may result in some health and wellness problems such as infection.
It simply appears means too severe to obtain a tan, spray tans are certainly the only choice I would consider. If you are normally extremely pale I would never ever trouble with sunbeds, it's a meaningless and also unneeded danger for a marginal outcome. Some of my member of the family utilize it as well as in my point of view, and i like my phony tan, it looks also orange. It does not look all-natural and u can tell a mile off that its been utilized. I did have some pictures however they are charred to an old CD of times gone by, secured somewhere among a million various other images. This is what occurred to people in my town - they look ridiculous. Usually i would make use of fake tan, however im not also keen on using phony tan as do not want to spoil my dress, but do not want to be pale.
Deal With Dehydrated Skin To Hydration.
Melanotan is an artificial hormonal agent that works by raising the levels of melanin, an all-natural dark pigment in the skin. https://ita.melanotan.eu/product-category/vial/ sell Melanotan 2 online as the product is not in fact illegal for consumers to buy, yet the British Organization of Dermatologists' Matt Gass said organizations such as SunKissed must be a lot more liable. The Facebook message, which was taken down the other day, offered five 10mg vials of the medicine for ₤ 20 as part of the studio's 'autumn sale'. If you have actually already used Melanotan consult your General Practitioner quickly if you have experienced any adverse effects or are worried about using sharing needles.
Participants may not use to supply or help with the unlawful supply of AAS, POMS or other regulated medications on TMuscle or its messaging systems. TMuscle does not approve or support the unlawful supply, ownership or use any type of medication. TMuscle acknowledges making use of AAS POMs (prescription-only medications) and also other performance-enhancing substances in bodybuilding today. It intends to provide dependable info on their risk-free administration, side effects and also threats. I use St Tropez, but you do have to ensure to clean off all the excess tan the adhering to day, specifically under your arms. She was an untidy orange colour, looked like she required an excellent bath.
How long does Melanotan last?
Nevertheless, the primary aim of Melanotan 2 is skin tanning and so, not everyone who uses it will experience a change in their sexual arousal. In a case where the drug has an influence on sexual arousal, the person is most likely to feel the effect 1 to 3 hours after dosage. The effect mostly lasts for 2 to 4 hours.
When we discuss Grime form this era, we're speaking about MCs. This was waaay prior to the crucial revival had appeared and even I 'd entirely moved away from generating for them at this point. In all sincerity I think individuals simply obtained bored of that trend quickly as well as it passed away out, however Bashment pirate radio did freak for this, and also I keep in mind tuning in as well as hearing someone chatting over Claude VonStroke's 'That hesitates of Detroit', ffs. Extra from Marcus once more, and this kicks things off with one of my favorite under-the-radar deep cuts DJ Mystery's Amazed (ft. Melanotan1 ) which advises me of a summer holiday where I stayed in with the curtains attracted. Allow's kick things off below with the mix that started everything for me, Marcus Horrible's 1xtra mix from '08. This involved my interest when it was linked in a string on Grimeforum hypothesizing regarding why some DJs had changed categories, and also had discuss Mac10 as well as Perempay additionally leaving 140 to sign up with your home songs fold. Mr Unpleasant was playing a lot of these songs before any individual else, as well as I feel this both envelops the spirit of the emerging style, and showcases simply the number of hits appeared in such a short time.
Stunning Tan I No Time.
The editor as well as customers' affiliations are the most up to date given on their Loop research study accounts and also might not reflect their circumstance at the time of evaluation. Melanotan is a peptide, which allows your skin to have all-natural security against UV Rays. Tanning injection or Melanotan shots are growing in popularity and even though they are technically illegal to be marketed below in the UK, they are readily available online by a number of vendors. The "leading up tan" injection, Melanotan, has actually remained in the information once again with reports of individuals seeing their moles quickly grow and colour darken. Maintain infusing Melanotan 2 every various other day as well as have one to 2 sunbed sessions a week until you have the colour that you prefer. like a pen, and also at 90 degrees to your skin, promptly put the syringe right into your skin. Locate a fleshy location of your skin - 4cm to the side of your belly switch is the most typical.
is worried by discovering Bremelanotide (PT-141), an dysfunction-focused by-product of the drug. Both Melanotan II peptide and Bremelanotide were patented and accredited offer for sale to as well as utilize by biotechnology business for possible development into valuable prescription drugs. Target MT II Conjugation Unconjugated Availability Shipped within 5-10 working days.
Once in a while, this web site might additionally consist of links to various other websites. These links are offered your benefit to offer additional details. We have no duty for the content of the connected site. In spite of experiencing similar negative effects, Nicola additionally continues to utilize Melanotan. " I was nervous regarding injecting myself yet I lay on the sofa, grabbed my stomach as well as stuck the needle in," she says.
The safety of these products is unidentified as well as they are unlicensed in the UK.
So they determined to find a much more durable and steady choice, one that would be more effective.
They located that while it seemed to work, natural MSH had a short half-life in the body to be functional.
They presented to examine to see if providing MSH an all-natural hormone to the body to see if it was an effective approach to generate sunless tanning.
Melanotan is not a certified medicine in the UK as well as to sell the medicine is a criminal offense. There are currently no statistics or numbers regarding the amount of have utilized or are using the Barbie drug. The medication can either be injected or breathed in with a nasal spray. Moreover, the combination of researching melanocortin system sensitivity throughout weight problems as well as macronutrient consumption has not been performed before.
Fabricated Dental Fluid Characterisation: Potential For Use As A Referral Matrix In Medicine Testing.
Undoubtedly Melanotan II is just among a variety of illicit medicines that are available to acquire. This is worrying, since as this research demonstrates, the medicines do not always have the energetic materials as marketed. Legal law of these drugs pose considerable obstacles for the future, specifically due to the fact that producers, suppliers, internet site holding and repayment processing might all be based in different countries. Keeping an eye on the need as well as distribution of immoral compounds is notoriously hard, and researchers must utilize novel approaches to quantify making use of such medications. One such method is tracking the medicine using the Internet through on the internet chat rooms and Internet analytic services. Tan shots do not give security to UV damages-- it is categorically incorrect that they do.
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Focusing on a solitary 2 year duration appears pretty silly, however this isn't contacted be some kind of de-facto overview to the Funky category, more what the music suggested to me at the time. I had lost an excellent close friend to self-destruction, and this bring about a complete social withdrawal for me. I would certainly left pirate radio also and also I just didn't really have the heart to play what I was known for playing anymore. Melanotan Switzerland buy cheap is a complimentary online forum for body builders, powerlifters, strongmen and anybody aiming to enhance their figure as well as speak to like-minded individuals.
Item is prepared forLABORATORY RESEARCH USAGE ONLY. The product might not be made use of for various other objectives. It is unlawful to ship or offer the drug however except consumers to buy it. The centre reported that users were entrusted sores and also tummy pains and in one case, call centre employee Chantelle Tolson was left scarred forever by abscesses caused by the injections. Figures from Glasgow Medication Situation Centre, which is run by Transforming Factor Scotland, exposed a 42% boost of Melanton individuals, up from 152 in 2014-- 2015 to 263 in 2015-- 2016. This year, the centre has already seen 414 individuals that have actually utilized the injection. In spite of the potential wellness threats, such as sores and also belly cramps, even more people are utilizing this solution in Scotland than ever before, according to data from needle exchanges. This research study demonstrates the high degrees of accessibility of Melanotan II on the online market and also how simple it is to acquire illegal medications with a standard Google search.
Shangke Chemical is a state-of-the-art business concentrating on energetic pharmaceutical intermediates, with a a great deal of seasoned specialists, a first-class manufacturing devices and laboratories to control the top quality throughout manufacturing. You can infuse Melanotan peptide below the skin or into the muscle mass; anywhere you can pleasantly reach on your body. Squeeze the skin loose from the muscle and also elevate it to permit the needle to pass through the fat layer of the skin. MT2 is after that soaked up right into the blood stream as well as spreads out uniformly throughout your body.
Does Melanotan change eye Colour?
Although usage of the melanotan peptides is reported to darken hair color of red-heads and gingers (not pure-blondes however) and in canines, it has not been reported to change eye color.
Considering that there are numerous online Melanotan-II providers, it's very simple to get a Melanotan buy. The challenge comes when you do not get correct and also safe instructions on exactly how to carry out the medicine or if you fall short to follow them to the t. It is suggested that you make certain that a Melanotan-II source is authentic prior to you get the peptide as there are many quack Melanotan-II providers. By so doing, you'll make certain that you are utilizing the genuine medication, not something that may end up doing even more injury than good to your body. In such instances, a sex-related efficiency enhancement medication that does not necessarily need physician's prescription can be found in helpful. Melanotan dysfunction renovation capacity is just magical. When it involves sexual concerns, such as disorder, some individuals favor handling them on their own instead of needing to go to a doctor to stay clear of sensation embarrassed.
In no other way can any kind of form of shot give you a safe tan without side-effects. If one point is for certain, it's that there's a lot of incorrect details around online about the effectiveness and also safety of melanin injections. " They have not been effectively examined, are not controlled as well as the reports of destructive adverse effects are typical and so they must be prevented", states Dr Ross. " There have actually been instance reports from customers of Melanotan of moles which have actually quickly changed as well as become darker", states Dr Sophie Shotter, acclaimed cosmetic doctor at The Aesthetic Skin Clinic. " Doctor would be extremely anxious about anything which 'boosts' melanocytes, as a result of the same dangers associated with stimulating them through sunshine or sunbeds i.e. cancerous adjustments."
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recentanimenews · 3 years
So I'm a Spider, So What? - Crunchyroll Winter 2021 Spotlight
  The latest series to launch as part of Crunchyroll's Winter 2021 lineup is a doozy of an isekai adventure. Today marks the premiere of the anime adaptation of So I'm a Spider, So What?, and whether you've already watched the first episode or not, we have all the details you need below. 
  Official website
Launch Info
Official Trailers
Characters and Cast
Additional Info
    Launch Info
Launch Time: January 8 (Live NOW!)
Territories: North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, and CIS
Show Page
  Official Trailers 
  I, the protagonist, was just an ordinary high school girl, but suddenly I was reincarnated as a spider monster in a fantasy world. Not only that, but I awakened in a dungeon filled with vicious monsters. Armed with only my human knowledge and my overwhelming positivity, I'm forced to use spiderwebs and traps to defeat far stronger monsters just to stay alive... So begins the labyrinth survival story of a girl with incredible mental strength living as one of the lowest-ranked beasts!
  Characters and Cast
VA: Aoi Yuki (Tsuyu Asui in My Hero Academia)
    A high school girl of self-professed low standing who has reincarnated as a spider. In her former life, she lived as a shut-in and immersed herself in video games, but now she uses her remarkable mental strength to fight for survival. She uses battle tactics that make up for her low stats with her mastery of agility, spider thread, and poison fangs.
  Schlain Zagan Analeit (Shun)
VA: Shun Horie (Enta Jinnouchi in Sarazanmai)
    The fourth prince of the Kingdom of Analeit. His name in his previous life was Yamada Shunsuke. He was a textbook example of the average high school student and retains that quality after reincarnating. However, he has a deep admiration for his older brother Julius, the hero, and spends every day working hard to catch up to him. 
  Karnatia Seri Anabald (Katia)
VA: Nao Toyama (Yui Yuigahama in My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU)
    The daughter of Duke Anabald. In her previous life, she was a boy named Ooshima Kanata, but she reincarnated as a beautiful girl. She’s a prodigy on a par with Shun, and has been his best friend since their former life. Her speech is normally elegant and refined, but when talking with others who have reincarnated, she talks like a boy.
VA: Eri Kitamura (Cana Alberona in Fairy Tail)
    Shun’s pet Earth Wyrm. In her previous life, she was a girl named Shinohara Mirei, but she reincarnated as a monster instead of a human. As a monster, her stats grow at a very fast rate, and she has excellent situational judgment. She has a cheerful, open personality, but she was a bully in her former life, and this shows in her behavior.
  Filimøs Harrifenas
VA: Kaya Okuno (Kaya Kikuma in Wake Up, Girls!)
    In her previous life, she was Okazaki Kanami, homeroom teacher to the kids who were reincarnated, and they affectionately called her “Oka-chan.” After reincarnating, she began attending school with Shun and the others as their classmate. Since she reincarnated as an elf, she looks younger than she actually is. She’s a caring teacher who continues to follow her students after their reincarnation, but she has many secrets.
VA: Yui Ogura (Kyoka in Princess Connect! Re:Dive)
    The second princess of the Kingdom of Analeit. As Shun’s half-sister, born to a different mother not long after his birth, her talents rival his. Her obsession with her brother Shun is extreme enough to put others off, and she’s noticeably hostile toward all girls who get friendly with him.
  Hugo Baint Renxandt
VA: Kaito Ishikawa (Tobio Kageyama in Haikyu!!)
    The crown prince of the Renxandt Empire. In his previous life, he was Natsume Kengo, and he was regarded as the leader of the class. His skills are the real deal, but his habit of exaggerating his own abilities detracts from the magnitude of his power. He’s as belligerent as he was in his former life, viewing Shun as his rival.
  Yurin Ullen
VA: Aimi Tanaka (Ryuzu Birma in Re:ZERO)
    A Saint candidate in the Holy Kingdom of Alleius. Her name in her previous life was Hasebe Yuika. She’s very serious and well-mannered, but often loses sight of what’s going on around her. After reincarnating, she inherited the life of a girl who was abandoned by her parents and raised by the church, and she is now a fanatical believer in the Word of God religion, which follows the creed of “We improve our skills so that we may hear the voice of God.”
  Julius Zagan Analeit
VA: Junya Enoki (Takeru Takaishi in Digimon Adventure tri.)
    The second prince of the Kingdom of Analeit. Julius is Shun’s older brother and the strongest hero among all humankind. Despite his mastery of both swordsmanship and magic and his achievements in combat, he remains virtuous and not at all proud. He is a true hero, devoting himself to fighting for world peace.
  Original Story
Okina Baba
  Original Character Designer
Tsukasa Kiryu
Shin Itagaki (Berserk, Teekyu)
  Assistant Director
Shinichiro Ueda
  Series Composition
Okina Baba
Yuichiro Momose (Africa Salaryman, Infinite Dendogram)
  Anime Character Design
Kii Tanaka
  Monster Design
Hiromi Kimura
Masahiko Suzuki
Ryo Hirata
  Art Director
Shinji Nagaoka
  Director of Photography 
Hideki Imaizumi
  Chief Animator
Tomohiro Yoshida
  Color Designer
Chieko Hibi
Jotaro Ishigami
Shuji Katayama
  Opening Theme Performer
Riko Azuna
  Ending Theme Performer
Aoi Yuki
  Animation Production
  Additional Info
  The So I'm a Spider, So What? light novel series (known as Kumo desuga, nanika? in the original Japanese) are published in Japan by Kadokawa Shoten under their Kadokawa Books imprint, and English language versions of both the light novels and the manga adaptation are published by Yen Press.
     If you're dying for more info on Spider, be sure to check out our interviews! 
  INTERVIEW: So I’m a Spider, So What? Voice Actors Shun Horie and Kaito Ishikawa
INTERVIEW: So I’m a Spider, So What? Lead Voice Actor Aoi Yuuki
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his brand new comic, MONSTER FLIGHT, at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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