#and i came out in 4th place😔
leftalexwithnoneart · 2 years
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His name is León
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biolizardboils · 2 years
Underpanniversary mont September is almost over, so here’s one last headcanon dump for the road
The entire book series takes place in a single school year. The following is my vain attempt at cramming everything into that timeframe in a way that makes sense
The football game in Book 1 was the kickoff and happened in early August. The 4-to-6 weeks before the Ring arrived was really just 4 weeks, minimizing the Boys' slave labor and placing Captain's first day on duty in early September (not exactly the 1st but close enough)
Book 6 canonically happens during the cold and flu season (so late autumn), making it the halfway point of the school year and the series. (I just realized that it’s never shown snowing in modern-day Piqua? Maybe it only happened while the Boys were on winter break)
In Book 11, Krupp mentions there’s 7 weeks of school left. Summer break usually starts in mid-to-late May; subtracting 7 weeks from that places Book 11 in early-to-mid April
Book 12 happens in May. The Rid-O-Kid incident and sudden lack of gym teacher forced the school to close for damage control, then hold a half-day to do the yay-you’re-moving-up-a-grade stuff. (And yes, this means Captain Underpants Pizza Party didn’t happen and is merely a wistful fantasy 😔)
Also said school year is 1997-1998 (except for when I bring up any media that came out after that) because this is my post and I make the anachronisms
The Boys
Harold raises Sea Monkeys as snacks for his and George's pets
Speaking of their pets, they are NOT to be put in the same room together. George's are cats, Harold's are fish. Can I make it any more obvious
George had to stay home sick for a whole week once. when he finally came back to school, he walked in with this blasting on this boombox
George's fave computer game is Star Wars: Behind the Magic, Harold's is Insaniquarium (first the browser version, then Deluxe way later), and they both love Backyard Baseball
George's fave Disney film is A Goofy Movie. Harold didn’t have a favorite until middle school when Treasure Planet came out
The boys took Captain to see Hercules in theaters. He declared it the greatest movie of all time, so they bought it on VHS and played it in the treehouse whenever he asked. The boys kept it long after 4th grade and watched it whenever they missed him
They used to think boy bands were weird and girls were weird for liking them... until Heidi got into the Backstreet Boys. Harold caught The Fever from hearing her play their songs in the house, and George caught it from him. Their favorite song is Answer To Our Life
Harold would later joke that him catching The Fever should’ve been his wake-up call lol
The Old!Boys
In college they held a dorm party and made Jungle Juice in a (fully sanitized!!!) toilet so they could flush away the evidence after. And also just for laffs
Their kids go to Stubinville Elementary. It’s farther away and they have to take a bus, but it’s got generally better teachers than Jerome Horwitz. Go Stinkbugs
They wrote a letter to Krupp about what they did to him in 4th grade, but never sent it
The Boys' parents didnt realize their families had blended together for years. It finally hit them when they asked Grandma and Grandpa to synchronize their visits. They were like "....Huh." and then went right back to setting the table
Other things both families do together: bills, carpooling, cooking, movie nights, fishing, picnics, holiday card photos at the mall
The Beards have a record player and a vinyl collection of every funk and R&B hit from 1968 to 1989. They always have one playing as background noise in the mornings and evenings. (The Hutchins like to play MTV instead)
Heidi goes to a preschool halfway across town. Robbie Hoskins (the little boy whose mom never believes him) goes there too
The Boys plan on being Heidi’s bodyguards when she starts kindergarten at Jerome Horwitz. No one’s gonna give her trouble, student or teacher, if they can help it
She can’t get in the Treehouse—not cus the Boys won’t let her, but cus she’s too small to safely climb the ladder 😔 Some day she'll get in there and eat all the hidden junk food, but not yet
I diagnose Melvin with EXTREME Gifted Kid Burnout post-canon lmao. He ends up going to the same community college as the Boys and they finally bury the hatchet there
Switching to paragraphs for this last one:
Long ago, when Krupp first started out as a principal, him and all the staff fell victim to an impossibly elaborate prank. He was excited to write his first detention slip and grilled the whole student body to find the culprit. 
After threatening to hold them hostage past the last bell, a dirty blonde boy in 2nd grade came up to him and claimed responsibility. Krupp locked him in the detention room and looked for his parents' number in the school directory, but couldn't find anything under his last name. 
Just then, he heard the kid make this noise. He stormed back to the detention room and opened it to yell at him... but the kid had vanished. The only sign he’d been there was his slip on the floor.
Krupp framed it in his office to preserve a milestone in his career, and vowed to crush that kid's spirit the next day.
But he never appeared at the school again.
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Get To Know You Tag Game
I was tagged by my mutual, @sleepysera!! (Sorry it took so long, life’s been wack recently)
Relationship Status: Unfortunately single. Have you ever stepped foot on a Christian campus?? Being queer and dating here just isn’t possible sometimes
Favorite Color: Yellow!! Its bright and pretty and makes me feel alive and warm ✨🌼🍯☀️
Favorite Food: This is a hard one… its a toss up between any form of fruit, potato soup, and chili, I guess it depends on the time of year 🤔
Song Stuck in My Head: These four have been taking turns and I can’t even understand one of them lol
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Last Thing You Googled: … How old is Ross Lynch… for the record he is 26
Time: 12:05 PM
Dream Trip: Ireland. Im a 4th gen Irish American (my great grandma came over during the famine) and I would love to one day get the chance to see where she lived and try and connect a little closer with my heritage (that being said, Im a bit of a mutt and there are quite a few places I want to go to see where my family comes from, Ireland just tops the list) 🇮🇪
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: I recently reread The Novice by Taran Matharu, 10/10 would recommend if you like fantasy and magic
Favorite Thing To Cook/Bake: I *LOVE* making cupcakes, but recently I bought a fuck ton of cookie cutters… so that my be my life soon… the only problem is im not a fan of sweets lol
Favorite Craft To Do In Free Time: Painting when I have time for it, unfortunately it doesnt happen very much 😔
Most Niche Dislike: People who grab my cat (Indy), and then she starts freaking out and they grab her more because they think it will calm her down. Meanwhile I’ve told them multiple times that they need to give her some space
Opinions on Circuses: I’ve never been but I want to go so desperately. There was a point in my life that I had wanted to join the circus when I grew up just to get out of the hell that is this society’s lack of true adventure 🎪🎠🎡
Do You Have Any Sense of Direction: Hahahahahaha no. I can and will get lost in a moments notice. And I wander a lot. So if you go anywhere with me, beware I might disappear.
I tag @unorthodoxsavvy, @betelgeuse-is-the-best-star, and @deadgirlwalkingsblog (dont feel pressured to do it! It just seemed fun!!)
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masongrizchel · 29 days
Personal Story: Gaslighting, and Expectations 📝
During my senior year of high school, as a graduating student, I found myself running away from home. I tried so many things to survive my everyday life. When you hit that age (which is around 16 years old), most of the people around you set their expectations, and most of them gaslight the hell out of you. At that time, and even now, the concept of gaslighting remains unclear to me, as I matured, I came to the realization that I had indeed been subjected to gaslighting. This story is not new to anyone who knows me on a personal level. 
I ran away from home during my second year of high school after my family threw me out, I moved from one warehouse to another, from one house to another. I was able to stay for months with people that I barely knew. All that drives me is survival on a day-to-day basis. I was mad about the world. I was frustrated and wondered how much it meant to achieve what I really wanted to be. I was ignorant, clinging to the hope that this path would eventually lead me to the life and identity I desired.
Despite my shortcomings and lack of access to educational resources, I cherished education dearly. I have no one to blame, what do I feel most of the time? I feel envy. Why don't I have that? Why does all of this keep happening? Why am I unfortunate? By this time, I was surviving by five means: first, I was doing all trash-related errands within my area, I earn coins that I will use as my daily allowance. Second, during my 4th year, I stayed at my dad's cousin and worked there to compensate for my stay and the food that I ate. Thirdly, I undertook my classmates' projects; they simply needed to provide the funds, and I would handle the rest. Fourthly, I assisted my teachers with tasks such as video or photo editing, as well as running errands where I could pocket the change. Finally, I sometimes participated in risky activities with acquaintances, notably engaging in ***** rackets. 😬
I'll skip some parts of the story and will place it privately (since some of it contains sensitve topics and such). When I was given the chance to study, I studied - but this is unfocused one, since i have to work to support myself. There are several challenges during the early years of my college life. I was considered to be a laughing stock and subject for tease, since I am not disclosing my personal struggles. And when my classmates found out, they cried and apologized to me. Beginning to understand where I am coming from, and this was one and a half year after. 😔
My dad totally discouraged me from pursuing my studies from my college to graduate school years. We were able to reconnect and forgave him before I graduated with my bachelor's degree. He regularly reminds me of how well my life will become if I will listen to his advice. He wants to work abroad regardless of the kind of labor, and I disagree, this results in a fight. Especially when he found out, that I resigned from my work and decided to push my dream to become a physicist. Why keep on studying? When he passed away, his last words were "This will be the last time that we will talk'. And months later, he died. He was frustrated with how I turned out the way he least expected. He keeps on saying how life our lives will be better I will just listen. 😞
This happened to, this kind of conversation every single time. The people around me, allows me to ask myself "Am I doing the right thing?", which results to me questioning my very own values as well as my personal philosophy. I realized, with that long mile walk, with the journey that i have took. These individuals took advantage of my vulnerabilities, particularly by stressing the importance of working constantly just to survive. I stood up and break that cycle. 🚶‍♂️
And look how I ended up? I messed up. But I still have myself deciding for what life has to offer. 😌
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harryhandstan · 11 months
HIIII happy (late) 4th of july!!
you are literally the sweet person to ever exist i can’t believe its been like 2 years since we last spoke. its crazy how time flies
oh noooo im sorry that happened to you :(( im glad ur doing better and taking good care of yourself 💓💓 wishing u a speedy recovery!
alsoooo good luck with house hunting! that must be so exciting!!looking for a new place to call home and making new memories in it! i just know youll find the most beautiful homey and perfect place!! im manifesting for u
im doing well!! not much happened except for school stuff but i just went to my first ever pit concert a few months ago! i saw the driver era (only because i thought ross lynch was hot lol) i didnt know what to expect for pit but i didn’t expect to stand for 8 hours straight 😭😭 AHHHH ALSO im seeing taylor swift in a few weeks and i literally cannot wait!!!!
im always thinking about u! talk to u soon!! good luck 🍀 love youuuuuuu!!! 💗💓💓💞💕
happy late 4th of july to you too bestie!! I hope you had a great day!!
I'm sorry for the delay in answering this btw it's been storming here so my wi-fi has been in and out all day!
omg stop you're so kind to me I genuinely love talking to everyone and I consider you and many others here my friends so y'all make it easy to just repay the love I've been given!!
it's actually only been a year bub! I only know because I looked it up to refresh my memory about what we talked about before cause like I said a lot had happened and I couldn't remember if we'd talked since my accident. it was last year after my birthday and after harry's house came out. but really it's alright I don't want you to feel bad!
thank you so much for the well wishes ❤ I realized after that I left some detail out of what happened to me and didn't explain it very well, but if I ramble on too much just feel free to skip over it! basically not only was I kicked but I went flying about 8 feet across my yard too, which caused me to have a compression fracture on T11 of my spine. I also had a contusion on my right hip (which is just a really, really deep and bad bruise), which is where the point of impact was. I will (hopefully) continue to improve, but having arthritis still causes me to have a ton of pain if I do too much physical activity. that part of my spine is also partly collapsed and always will be, but my neurosurgeon said that as long as my arms and legs are still okay that I should just slowly start to get back to "normal" life and listen to my body as I go along! I asked if I needed to keep up with x-rays or anything over the years but he said my symptoms would get much, much worse if the collapse got any worse and I would know I need to come back to see him. he also said IF I would've had to have surgery that it would take like 12 pins and a huge rod to correct things so I'm so SO lucky that things weren't any worse!
thank you so much for helping us manifest!!! it means more than you'll ever know because it hasn't been easy so far trying to find a place 😔 we live in such a rural area in GA and we originally wanted to stay in the same town because I was supposed to start a new job in january and we wanted to be close to my work. I probably won't get to take that job now (which is a whole other long story), and since there are very limited options we're probably gonna have to broaden our search to surrounding towns that are slightly bigger! we ultimately want a house together, but I think we're gonna have to settle for an apartment for now until we can find the perfect place for us. anything would be better than here rn though!!!
idk if I've ever talked much about my dad to you but we have as no contact of a relationship as possible even though we live in the same house. he's the reason for my accident and so the day it happened and we were waiting for the ambulance to come my mom told him that we wouldn't be coming back to this house. but then we had no choice we didn't have the money or resources needed to go elsewhere. I was worried as I got better she would forget about that and slip out of that mindset, but thankfully she hasn't! she just told me tonight we'd probably go look at apartments next week and that she can't wait to get out of here. I could truly cry at the thought of having a safe, clean, and comfortable space away from him. it's what my mom, my siblings, and our dogs all deserve!
how is school going? how much longer do you have to go? and oohh I'm so happy you got to experience a concert in pit!! it's amazing but it is soooo exhausting I hope you got lots of rest afterward 😊 when I saw harry I wore my ankle support thing to my pit concert to because I knew my feet would be swollen the next day probably. and taylor swift that's so cool!! I'm very excited for you!! I hope you have the best time!!! where are your seats for that show?
I'm always thinking about you too!! seriously sometimes I'll just think about you or how you're doing so just know you're always getting any spare good vibes I have sent your way ✨ thank you thank you for the good luck!!! love you moreeeee 🤍
I was gonna tell you about getting to see stevie nicks and my road trip to see my little brother but I talked so much this time we'll save those stories for next time if you wanna hear about them!!
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tariah23 · 2 years
I know that I’ve talked sm shit about naruto over the years, (I pretty much have the authority to. I’ve been with it since 2005… god that’s a long time. I was like in 4th, 5th grade when it came out… Naruto pretty much ran the entire 00’s after it came out like bro, you literally couldn’t escape it. It was a fun time though since the series was pretty exciting and it still holds up pretty well despite there being so many issues (not surrounding the story itself since it was always pretty solid (later Shippuden got a bit messy but other than that, yeah.) but mainly with the characterization of certain characters and how Kishimoto ignored a lot of them in favor of his focusing on the Shakespearean ass romance between Sasuke and Naruto lmfao. In a goddamn shounen of all things. It might just seem like memes to people who only know of Naruto the series, the lore, and notable characters from a more surface level point of view but speaking from a person who, like I’ve said, has been a fan since 2005 uhh… their relationship is… lmfaooo. There was even an old article or something where Kishimoto said himself that he would’ve liked to make their relationship more… official but it’s a shounen. And his editors…! Funny that this probably doesn’t even get talked about as often despite how bizarre it is lol. I’m getting off topic but I never shipped anyone from the series I was too little to care about that kinda stuff back when I was watching/ reading the series. It’s more like they were always kinda meant to be like it’s so natural? So that’s how I’ve always viewed them I guess. It’s so fun to make fun of them lol. I’m all over the place, man. I’m not trying to sound like a fujo or whatever but they were definitely in love lol. I used to draw ship art of them for fun (never seriously but I don’t mind it at all since look at how Kishimoto wrote them lmfao. It’s like… yeahhhh they should’ve married each other. I don’t even think Sasuke came to Naruto’s wedding. Probably didn’t want to see him getting married off to anyone else because Kishimoto likes to make everything between them dramatic as hell. It’s actually hilarious. But getting back on topic! Even now, Naruto still has such a strong pull on it’s fans, especially long time fans) but it’s just… it’s one of those things that I’ll probably always love even if I step away from it for a gazillion more years. Sorry for talking about Naruto I just get the urge to love it all over again every once in a while since it’s more than just nostalgia for me. Look at me. Am I cringy 😔? Sorry for talking about naruto should be my personal naruto tag now….. I’m being so annoying about this lol. I wanna draw naruto stuff uhhh… I haven’t drawn any naruto art in years… prob since 2014 or so… I still love the unfinished naruto comic that I drew from 5th-7th grade… there’s like 20+ pages if I’m counting the front and backs of loose leaf school paper lol. I remember the kids in my class would go “you’re drawing naruto?” *proceeds to pass my shit around the whole class while I anxiously wait for them to give me my art back orz…* it was worn loose leaf so they could’ve easily torn my comic by accident.
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literaphobe · 3 years
we always want your predictions!!!!
ok here we go! pls note that these r mostly based on vibes, various stats i decided to focus on, n the occasional wishful thinking, and depending on how things go on the day itself + game order, selection, etc, this prediction order could totally change!
10. red ravens
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pls do NOT kill me. i know tommy n phil r amazing. i also know that wisp isn’t too bad. but also there’s something so haunting that 3/4 players in this team placed 36th, 37th, and 38th last event. w tommy getting 18th iirc, but he wasn’t the strongest member of his team last event. also tommy has just been so unlucky this season. idt its a guaranteed last place but i think they have potential n almost everyone else is predicting violet as 10th which i disagree with
9. lime liches
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the only reason i’m placing them 9th is because of illumina. i don’t know how good geenelly is at minecraft or how much she’ll improve before the event but as a new player who in my mind doesn’t seem to be very cracked plus ryguyrocky who’s not played a single s2 mcc + hasn’t played in almost a year + usually places 20th on average + puffy whos roughly on a 30th placement type beat… sorry :(
8. green goblins
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hbomb n grian r both very good but imo mmm you know how certain players have certain strengths that if they are w a player w Different strengths the combos really good?? hbomb n grian have similar strengths and that could turn out great or work against them bc there isn’t anyone there to make up for their shared weaknesses. geminitay did great for her first event but i don’t see her or niki (who tries her best but things just don’t usually work out :( im sorry) hard carrying to dodgebolt or out of the bottom five
7. violet vampires
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this team has two players of interest to me. smallishbeans and seapeekay, two players who have proved that they can reach top 10 when teamed w S tiers. now they are teamed with each other. and also theorionsound and solidarity, the former who gets bottom 10 usually n the latter who is wildly inconsistent where placement is concerned. we’ll see how they end up doing ig!
6. cyan centipedes
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ranboo and wilbur were a duo who played very well together last event, getting 9th and 12th place respectively. will they be able to replicate that? we’ll see, but i don’t know how far they’ll get w the captain’s curse (sorry king 😔) looming over their heads and this event only being sneegsnag’s second, wherein he was 34th last mcc
5. blue banshees
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i was about to say it could genuinely be any team’s game from this placement onwards and i mean it still could bc pete is pete but 5up has been placing lower than i imagined (26-31st), dantdm hasn’t played in a hot second and is also about mid 20s in placement, plus pearlescentmoon is usually placing bottom 10, so i don’t know how things’ll work out
4. aqua abominations
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okay so hear me out: yes punz and ant r a cracked duo. but this team reminds me of mcc16 aqua, which was fundy, ant, 5up, tubbo. ant is ant, punz is a little better than fundy depending on what events ur looking at, and shubble is somewhat like 5up, except she’s played more events that have way more inconsistencies in placement. but they are somewhat equivalent. gumi is new, and she only has one event under her belt. she was 35th i think, which is great, but tubbo is usually placing 10-20th on average. and aqua came 4th in mcc16 iirc so this team could pop off n get higher or end up placing around the same as this
3. mustard mummies
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ok so… i thought long and hard about this. this team and all the teams i placed top 3 kept bouncing around and changing places. so take this w a pinch of salt. i could change my mind again literally at any moment. my process is i look at individual stats, i think about the dynamics, i look at past events and what happened and patterns etc etc. and this is what i think. for now. once again! could be anyone’s game. so sylvee in this team is so interesting. bc her last event she was teamed with sapnap and she got 17th, her best placement ever. but also that was partially due to her insane survival games damage pot play from the fountain, and while that was very cool, SG points are mad nerfed now. prior to that her average placement is like 30th thereabouts. could she replicate that placement n do even better? maybe. odds are though i see her placing like about 25th. tubbo n scott r interesting. i think they could each pull anywhere from 10-20th and w sapnap as a teammate they could get about 15th. very much either here or there. the thing is though scott’s very good at build mart n that usually pulls his score up if it gets played but this isn’t a very good build mart team. this is a very different team from those that scott has been in these past few events and it could affect his placement bc of it. he’s still a very good support player though. but like hey. you never know if sapnap might die 3 times in a row in SoT again (do NOT kill me but also like that’s my point he can be a little reckless when it’s a bad idea to be reckless and since this was last event n one of his teammates from that event is still with him… yeah) like final thoughts if we’re directly comparing to mcc17 rr is that depending on the game george beats out scott in some areas n scott beats george out in some areas so ultimately george = scott somewhat as a teammate, sylvee is slightly better than gumi, and tubbo n sapnap r tubbo n sapnap
2. fuchsia frankensteins
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OKAY HEAR ME OUT. i know this is unpopular n feels very biased n subjective but please listen. here’s the thing: there are very few s tiers in this event. quig is not in mcc for the first time in ever, fruit is not in this one for some reason, leaving only dream, sapnap, and pete. here’s the thing about mcc17 dream: he would’ve been 2-3rd place individually if not for the SoT disaster (which was not his fault n had nothing to do w his skill n how he played it was just. sigh) AND he literally didn’t even get to play PARKOUR TAG. a free guaranteed first place for him. OR BATTLE BOX. which he could pop off so hard in on a normal day. remember the tnt play he was bridging up to do in sky battle? the man w insane bow aim who shot him out the sky is now his right hand man. ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN. people say ‘dream is dream’ for good reason. this is HALLOWEEN. he is the defending first place halloween champ for a reason. he has the sky battle most kills record. HE COULD DO IT AGAIN. maybe break his own record. maybe he’s feeling silly. guess what. fruit isn’t in this mcc. who’s the fastest speedbridger now? dream. exactly. he’s gonna bridge at 7.75 blocks per second n get that fuckin first place bonus fuck u fuck all of u. he’s gonna get a fantastic ace race placement too n this time they will not skip battle box n he will USE those leaf blocks. now george. he’s been crazy. he was the best mechanical player on his team in mcc16 n he got fucked by the big SoT disaster of mcc17 n he still came 13th both times. this is a testament to how consistent he has been in s2 post mcc14. that was a cultural reset ok. it changed qnfwt forever n for the better. look at quackity in mcc15 that was literally his one chance to show how he could change n now he will do it again just even better. think about dream’s leadership, coaching, n training skills n how that boosted all his teammates. he literally managed a back to back win he is the ONLY s2 b2b winner. he literally got KARL to become a top 25 player imagine what he could do with AWESAMDUDE who already plays way more minecraft than karl to begin with. he’s a HUNTER in manhunt for god’s sake. YOU DON’T KNOW. this is the one instance where sam being a new player could pay off rather than backfire. WE REALLY DON’T KNOW. im putting them 2nd because I BELIEVE,, but also could be anyone’s game. but i believe in magic n miracles n the spirit of halloween
1. orange oozes
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again, i went back and forth like crazy. people are a Little more scared of this team than they should be. but also they could possibly be very right to be scared. gizzygazza is meant to be the nerf here, they’re like bottom 10 usually, mefs is the next most inconsistent one, his point average is real high bc he went crazy in mcc6 when he was teamed w dream. otherwise i’d say he has 15th place potential, maybe even somewhere around 10th if tapl n krtzyy pull him up enough. tapl n krtzyy are tapl and krtzyy. they have similar levels of Go Crazy potential, could really end up bringing it out of each other if it all goes well!
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yibo-wang · 3 years
ITTO IS IN THE BETA FOR 2.3 AKAKSKKSKS the same as gorou AND albedo rerun is likely (he has an event +/storyquest and a sword designed for him) which means two new geo AND a double 5* geo update 🥺👉👈
itto seems to be a burst dps, the leakers say he's good in a pure geo team (itto, albedo, gorou and zhongli (i only have zhongli out of them 😭)) which is pretty interesting !! he also has a new boss, a new artifact set that apparently seems to be designed for him and he scales off of def. (more def = more dmg basically, hu tao scales off of hp so more hp = more dmg for her) gorou also scales off of def.
itto seems to be the second banner which means hie banner goes until 4th january probably and... that's exactly one day bEFORE MY BIRTHDAY 😭 i might have to skip hu tao so that i can have itto and itto's weapon. his weapon has crit dmg as a stat rn and the passive is like increasing his atk based on def?? which is pretty good for him !! anyways, i'm at my sister's place rn to visit her!
yiboday >>>>>>>>>>> saturday
me ur source of genshin knowledge >>>>>>>> random but the last island of inazuma came out and IT'S CREEPY AF, there's a theory that the island is kinda stuck in time and it just repeats a specific part over and over again (which makes a lot of sense considering what we know sooo). AND INAZUMA TEAPOT REALM CAME OUT AKEKSKKDKDKD
ohhh can i get a pic of oreo maybe 🥺👉👈
okay now I'm excited for itto too fjfkck and omg I hope you can get him as an early bday present!
oh the island thing is cool does that mean you'll have to go thru it over and over again while playing or is it a bg story?
jsjf yep yep it's yiboday today then 🥳 tho i probably wont be able to watch and make gifs of sdc today cause I have to be somewhere later in the day 😔
Of course! here's oreo! he usually takes a nap in the afternoon but he's too sweet go get mad at me for taking pictures at that time
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