#and gosh I love them all so much!!!
earl-grey-love · 1 month
I'm playing strdw and listening to streams of someone reading out the original obey game lessons at the same time, and let me tell you this is the best thing on earth.
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skialdi · 6 months
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Uta logic VS Luffy logic 🔥
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I don't feel like q!bad gets enough praise for being such a good dad.
Like, he's encouraging of Dapper's special interests even if they're dangerous and often end up with him at least slightly hurt. He's incredibly respectful of Dapper's independence while also being a caring and attentive father. If they're going to be out and about together, he almost always takes Dapper's input on where they go and what they do.
He knows Dapper is talented player, who knows more than he does sometimes, while still recognizing when Dapper forgets his own limits. He's still a kid, and a fragile one. But that doesn't mean putting him away in a box, like Phil has done with Chayanne. That means finding ways to be safe, having extra backup plans, extra people you trust by your side. They're on together almost every night, even past or before streaming times.
Bad is the egg babysitter, he goes out of his way to do things for them because he genuinely is such a compassionate person. He's also dedicated to solving the lore, to pranking his friends, to building Skeppy statues, and everything else.
Dapper is the mechanic, a collector who isn't ashamed to help others and leave them a gift or a silly prank along the way. He's a kid, who fights with his dad and keeps a journal of how all his machines work, just in case.
A lot of times, when people want to thank Bad for his help, they wonder, "what do you give someone who has everything?" And truth be told I have no idea what I'd do. It never feels like Bad has everything, but rather, it feels like he has everything he really wants. Bad has Dapper, and together, they're able to accomplish almost anything. That's what I think makes them so compelling.
I occasionally scroll through Twitter and see people talking about how they want the egg event to end. I can respect that to a degree, I think it's ended up with some streamers quite stressed, tired, or receiving harassment. However, I feel like Bad and Dapper are the perfect example of why you can't just tear the eggs from their parents - Dapper is as much a character as Bad is. They're a duo, they compliment one another in their skills, their personalities, ect.
It's Bad and Dapper against the world.
And I really hope they find a way to allow them to stay that way.
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atlcscp · 10 months
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AWESOME INSAANE and INCREDIBLE superior and ps4 art my cousin made for my birthday, which just so happens to be spiderman day !!! :3 check out his beautiful ART and animations ^_^
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idlesuperstar · 1 year
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Anything suspicious? Only you, Morse.
Max // Morse: from 1965 to 1972
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radioactive-cloud · 7 months
important!! jan glancing at nace and licking and biting his lips!!
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anotherfanaccount · 10 days
Lovely Runner had the perfect run. The whole premise of it being a fantasy romcom was perfectly written, perfectly executed with a beautiful cast.
Sunjae and Sol were fated to be each other's soulmate. Their love blooms from their soul. So deep the bond that fates intervened when evils of society cut their time short. And in all of this the grandma was their fairy godmother.
The writers really need to be applauded because this was the sweetest and in the same time such a simple story. Timeloop dramas get loopy because logic but there's nothing stopping this magic. It was so well done truly.
Every scene you will think you can predict the direction will surprise you. Sometimes it's just belly aching laughter, Sometimes pure angst, Sometimes happiness that is a smile from ear to ear.
Thank you to the actors too. Actors who really bring in a personality beyond the writing and make the works more valuable have my whole heart.
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teddybearsims · 2 months
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you really can't write another song about your broken heart x
[Machines hum and rattle around Jude in agonizing dissonance, like nails on a chalkboard. He just needed to get out a little, cleaning up his apartment had left a sour taste in his mouth.] [The little things he finds have memories swarming the forefront of his mind, like spare arcade tokens, stowed away in his desk drawers.] Stevie: C'mon, one more round? I'll let you win! [An old pair of drum sticks, worn out after years of use. A little 'S' carved crudely on one of them.] Jude: You gotta pick up the sticks first. [Her laughter echoes in the small space. Jude would’ve done anything to make her laugh.] Stevie: Shut up, you dork! I know that. [Crumpled concert tickets, the ink of them wearing away over time.] Stevie: We should've gotten high before we left. Jude: I'll buy us drinks. Stevie: It's a fucking Oasis cover band. I'll need something stronger. [Journal Entry: Jude is attempting to write another song, the lyrics are from the song Look What You’ve Done by Jet. Half of the second verse is scratched out, with the words "FUCK THIS" written next to it. For story purposes, he’s writing these as his own lyrics. ]
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kanene-yaaay · 3 months
Sousou no Frieren- Tickle Headcanons
This anime has me in a chockehold and ain't letting me go so soon so I might as well share all the daydreams and thoughts living in my mind rent free since I watched it and decided that!!! Hey!!! I can add tickles to that!!!
Anyway, at first I was going to just write about Himmel and a few other selected characters from both adventures but GOSH suddenly all out of nowhere I start daydreaming about ALL OF THEM and so... This long post was born. kjhgfdfghjklkj not all of them are going to be very long and it can be OOC but I hope you still like to read it as much as I liked to write! <3
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(We are not going to talk about how much time I spent trying to choose just one gif) Our dear dead wife <3
He LOVES tickles and no one can convice me otherwise, I mean! Look at him! He definitely play that card at any moment he can
Cheering someone up? They say that laughter is the best medicine! Another boring day stuck in a cabin waiting for the snowstorm to go away? Nothing better than a tickle fight to make the time pass! Comforting a sad kid they just saved and are bringing to safety? Add a few wiggling fingers and watch that beautiful smile appear right way! Someone is literally just minding their own business doing nothing at all GET TICKLE ATTACKED!
He is a charming, playful, dramatic bastard and he knows it. He is using every and any opportunity to plentily tease the person, praising their laughter, pointing how lovely is their every reaction, gasping in false offense at any threat of revenge.
He will definitely laugh and snicker together with the person and sometimes let out honest comments that weren't supposed to be teasy but are like 'I didn't expect you to be so ticklish' or 'Wait, it tickles? Right here? That is so cute' and take the matters on his own hands to find at least one (1) new tickle spot when he tickles a friend because their surprised face right before descending in unstoppable giggling is way too priceless
Now, I need you to listen to this very very carefully: he can NOT take what he dishes out. at all.
So much squirming and trashing around. He can't control himself at all and won't even try to hold his laughter back, letting it ring loud and free, dying with any kind (literally, anything will do) of tease and pleading for his life as if he is being killed on the spot.
Somehow is totally blind to tickle traps. Sometimes just to mess with him Heiter would hold his cup up and ask for a toast and when Himmel complied he would latch on his ribs and rip my bro. he's dead on the floor. He never seems it coming even if they already done this a dozen time before.
Always crumbles with the tickles. A squeeze on his side and his legs transform in noodles immediately. That doesn't mean that he is a easy target though, if you decide to tickle him be prepared for some revenge
His main target and partner of tickle fights is Heiter, even though they manage to pull the rest of the party to their shenanigans sometimes too, even getting to listen to listen Eisen low, amused chuckles and Freiren tiny smile.
Talking about that. There is just one very specific occasion all his self preservations, squirms and defense disappear in the same second: when Frieren is involved.
Once, when both Heiter and Einsen decided to gang up on him, she decided to get into the fun with a few pokes and the VERY MOMENT Himmel realized that she was tickling him it was over.
He became a boneless mess of hysterical giggles on the floor not moving a single inch and taking all the tickling with no protests, completely lost in the fact that this was Frieren having fun, being silly and playful with them and his brain shortcurted and suddenly he became 1000000000000 more ticklish instantly.
Excuse me honor he is SMITTEN
If he is tickled for long enough or on a specially ticklish spot he lets out a loud, high pitched crackling that never fail to amuse his friends because he gets extremely red at that and tries to cover his face at any cost.
Besides that, he is not flustered at all about his liking to tickle and be tickled. It's a fun activity, a nice way to bond and it bring happiness to everyone! What is there to be embarrased about it?
Though other teases can destroy him rip
Is extremely and I say extremely gentle and caring when tickling Frieren. Soft scribbles, light scratching and steeping away not before too long has passed. Sometimes get lost in the happiness and joy of the moment but it's quick to come back to reality so that his tickling never lasts too long and he gets smiley about it for the rest of the day.
Gets grumpy about how he never manages to catch Einsen by surprise but immediately loses his pout when the warrior decides that he is not the one who started that war but he is the one who will finish it.
When he takes too long to decide a pose for their statue they start to attack him with plenty of pokes and squeezes until he finally makes up his mind.
Sometimes they just do that while he is posing to mess with him too. Especially because Himmel will try to pretend nothing is happening and attempt to keep his pose on the very beginning until he eventually breaks down in titters and protesting giggles.
It never lasts long. But he keeps trying
Has The Smirk.
Softest and most playful aftercare ever. With plenty of comfort and smiles.
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Our flawed priest <3
Do not have The Smirk but he has an entire aura about him that you can't really point what it is but suddenly there's ringing danger bells in your mind and on outside he looks normal, just taking a drink but then you blink and then BOOM he strikes
Can and will destroy someone with tickles with just one (1) hand because his other one is too busy carrying his cup
Gets stupidly silly when tickling someone. He will chuckle together with the person and use the goofiest nicknames, teases, tickle traps and everything else he can think of. It's the whole ordeal, really. He has no shame.
It's quite neutral but leaning to positive when it comes to tickling, but since Himmel is always dragging him into tickle fights he can't help but get a little bit of playful revenge. After a few years he started a couple of them by himself too.
Is horribly skilled with the nimblest and deadliest tickles ever.
Also. Changes from side to side of a tickle fight easy as water and will always help who offers him more drinks. So be careful when siding up with him to not get too close or comfortably into tickling range.
Somehow, incredibly lucky in finding tickle spots, be with random pokes to call the person's attention or some soft scribbling to hear some giggles and smile amused and content at them.
Also adept to cheer up or comforting tickles, creating a lot of fond memories with Fern in the nights she couldn't sleep and they both shared some good tea while watching the sky.
Will try to curl up in a ball when tickled and his only protest is to be careful with his glasses.
Not really very affected by teases. Says a lot of nonsense when is tickled tho
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HEEEEERRRRRRRR <3 <3 Our old lady
Has the tiniest, sweetest smile when tickling someone. it's adorable.
Do not engage in tickle fights but it's not against them. Usually would just stay in the background with Einsen while the other two got caught up in their giggly shenaningans
Her biggest moment was when she decided to show everyone this magic spell she learned some decades ago and then suddenly everyone is attacked by a bunch of wiggly, fluffy feathers that followed them no matter how much they squirmed or jumped.
Tickle spell tehee
They never got to know if she did that to mess with them or if she truly just wanted to show the spell.
Is more curious about tickling than anything. Thinks it's a nice way to make her friends laugh, but it's also very neutral about it, won't actively seek revenge or anything.
After years with both Himmel and Heiter, also lightly tickled Fern once or twice for the sake of cheering her up.
Ticklish ears ticklish ears ticklish ears ticklish ears-
The first time Himmel tickled her he immediately fell on the floor ded because it was too much cute.
(The way he looked at her that day is a fond memory for her, she doesn't quite know why, tho.)
Not really a squirmer and her laughter is mostly silence, full of small giggles and one or two hiccups. Like soft tickles the best, since it is not unbearable to feel and actively leaves her w a light, quite content feeling afterwards. She could take a tickle fight, tho.
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<3 Somehow the most responsible adult in the party <3
Terrifying ler, can and will use your weakness against you.
Just as she does when fighting, thrives when her victim understimate her power and is quick and ruthless to bring them to their destruction.
Will tickle the person usually as a way to get them to do something (probably a chore they forgot) or admit something while having the most unimpressed face ever seen by humankind
She can be both incredibly merciless and very very kind, depends on her mood, the person and the context
Only like being tickled by someone she really trusts and not around another people so no one will her being silly like this.
Get very embarrassed just for thinking how childish tickling is, but treasures the soft moments with har friends and family, just like every other playful, fun, nice memory
When the person (let's be honest here, probably Spark) is too occupied laughing their heart out also let's out the tiniest, softest smile, pretty much like Frieren
Used tickles to cheer up Spark once and promised to do 10 times worse if he even THINKS about mentioning that to anyone
Snorts. SO much of them. If she is laughing they will automatically appear no matter how much she tried to hide them between her hands.
Her shoulders and head shake with giddy energy when is being tickled. It's everything <3
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As I said on Himmel's part, not really one to start the tickle fight but a quick one to finish it.
Not really very ticklish and not very easy to be caught out of guard so rip his opponents, really
HOWEVER, he has one single incredibly and horribly ticklish spot right under his knee that he immediately DIES when it's tickled and it's an automatic win for the person, so the thing is of every fight is: will them be able to get him there before he gets them? That is the big question
Not really a teaser, prefers to tickle the person in silence while mapping the places that get the biggest reactions so he can focus there.
Could or could not have used this techinique with Spark to 'train his resistence' once (an excuse that his friends were very fond to use with him) but no one will ever know because if you ask him he will just stare at you and let out a single chuckle before going on about his day and Spark will Blush and Die before answering
Made mental bets and always knew the score by heart of Himmel x Heiter fights
Used to think it was a silly and pointless activity. But after their ten year adventure came to treasure and be fond of silly, pointless activities
Loud, booming laughter or no laughing at all. No in between.
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Do not mind tickling at all!
It kind of reminds he of his brother, since when he was a kid he was the biggest tickle monster ever. Not only on those training tips he used to give even while being extremely busy, but he just loved to appear out of nowhere behind him, carry and put him on his shoulder and tickle him while walking back home, pretenidng he was carrying a bag of 'extremely wiggly vegetables!'
He also used pokes and prodding to help him with maintaining his form while wielding a sword. Even if extremely common, Spark still squeaked everytime he poked his armpit to remind him to not his arms so far away from his torso
Still, everytime he is tickled that boi just can't form ANY coherent sentence at all, no matter if he is full on belly laughter with just a few giggles, his mind immediately turn into a mushy mess
Won't go down without a fight. Running away, attacking back, squirming as his life depends on that. Most of the time squirming away from it only to dash in a sudden bolt of energy and then come back in a surprise tickle attack to get revenge.
Tried to get Fern back once for tickling and they ended up actually fighting but some days later she started a tickle fight so he ??? is just very confused??? if she actually hates it???
(But to see her loosing up, giggling, laughing out loud and being so full of playfulness and joy... wow)
He likes to throw a few playful teases here and there when he is tickling his friends, with plenty of snickers of his own and pointing out how ticklish the other person is or about their delight reactions.
!!Tickles games!!!
His entire face gets extremely red when his laughter begins to sound higher or crackly. Can NOT take any tease about that at all.
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OUR EVEN MORE FLAWED PRIEST <3 <3 <3 Come back pls
And his best, amazing, ruthless friend Gorilla was more than happy to remind him about it all the time
Until nowadays he can't really see fingers wiggling in his direction without immediately getting a wobbly smile and giggles instinctively creeping up on his throat
His brother also would tickle him when he was a kid and later would gladly snitch all the 'truly good, hidden tickle spots' to his friend much to his dismisse
Will trash, squirm, plea, beg and promise to do anything when tickled. Especially if we'retalking about light, soft tickles. Those make him go absolutely crazy out of his own mind
Even so, he doesn't mind it too much. Still, gets extremely embarrased and complains about how childish it is.
Def made AND lost bets again his friend and got tickled as a "payament". Also I can see them both having competitions to see who takes the longest to laugh, say uncle, keep their arms up and etc :D
Sometimes gives Spark a few tickles just to mess w him and snicker at the jumps he gives.
Spark got revenge so rip.
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moothecowgirl · 25 days
Not to toot my own horn but my biggest flex in life is that moms, grandmas, and auntys in general absolutely love and adore me. It’s greatness. At every party and function best believe I settle myself at the table the auntys are at and chit chat and keke and giggle and make jokes with them the whole night :D
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I’ve fallen back into seduce me and I know that almost nobody knows about me anymore in the seduce me fandom but I’m here for asks on headcannons or fic ideas and I’m begging for some bc I’m just…lost in the sauce right now.
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 months
Well I've tried writing this three times now.
People of Tumblr over 30-- any advice on how to be Ok with the knowledge that life will never turn out the way you try and plan for and not Demotivated because of said knowledge?
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coconut530 · 9 months
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This ep reminds me of this vine:
#Nevermore#Nevermore Webtoon#Webtoon#Just as a whole the ep was great — but those chains were amazing and really gave the ep a constricting feel which is cool#I like the panel where Monty’s cross is front and center; builds up to the final lines between them#It’s very strange to see Duke and Monty alone; usually he lets Lenore handle him and we don’t get to see how Duke deals with him#NO MONTY THAT’S A TERRIBLE IDEA TO LEAVE HIM THERE#Ohhhhhh and when he tugged the chains around his neck WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO RUUUUDDDEEE#LOVE LOVE LOVE the Cask of Amontillado callbacks my god they’re so on the nose and I love it “What a laugh…!”#Well Monty the horse kick doesn’t explain the tooth but it DOES explain why you’re dumb#Also saying that in the southern accent and stuff reminded me of Shane’s backstory from Shiloh (🐴)#Sucker punch from WHOOOO Monty?? Also how much do you remember we’ve only got one flashback from you#OF COURSE HE WAS AWAKE AND HEARD THAT well dude it’s TRUE#His black eyes scare me#STOP PUSHING HIM AND IMPRISONING HIM#OH GOD THEY’RE ALL IN ON IT#ADA’S NAILS ARE DIRTY FROM THE PLASTER#Gosh if Ada’s southern I swear she’s been saying a lot of southern slang lately#CALLED HIM A BASTARD YESSSSS#ADA THIS IS LIKE TWO HOURS AFTER HE TOLD YOU TO BARK LIKE A DOG WHY ARE YOU DOING HIS BIDDING AND PLASTERING DUKE IN#YOU’RE BETTER THAN THIS GIRL HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO TELL YOU#WHY YOU KICK HER YOU IDIOT#AND AUGHHHH HOW HE PLEADS WITH WILL AND ADA WHILE MONTY MANIACALLY LAUGHS IT OFF#LIKE IN 50 WHEN HE LAUGHED AT LENORE’S SITUATION#BUT JEEZ THE WAY HE GRADUALLY LAUGHS HARDER AND HARDER IS DONE VERY WELL#AND LIKE#ANNABEL I TRUSTED YOU WHY DID YOU OFFER UP DUKE OF ALL PEOPLE WHY DID YOU COME UP WITH THIS PLAN IN THE FIRST PLACE IT IS#NOT GOOD AND YOU KNOW LENORE WILL DEFINITELY NOT LIKE YOU OR TRUST YOU AFTER THIS THIS IS WORKING AGAINST YOUR PLAN#YOU WANT SO BADLY TO GO RIGHT YOU AND LENORE NEED TO GET ON THE SAME PAGE BECAUSE YOU’RE SABATOGING YOURSELF#AND NOW WE ENTER THE DIVORCE ARC
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midnight-stormm · 8 months
I like to describe dreamnap as delicate. Nothing but hush whispers and soft touches. They both scared to hurt one another. Feeling as if they are made out of glass that with one rough touch, they can shatter into millions of pieces. Even when they do play rough and hurt one another it's nothing but apologies and soft whispers as they touch one another in gentle strokes. They love to talk soft with one another. They love to listen to one another. have all their attention on the other as they just listen to any problems that had going on for the day or week and just listen, not much words say between the two.
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moeblob · 1 year
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sobbing at every heart event ...
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sunnyandflame · 10 months
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