#and because he doesn't know what happened to lian
leatherbookmark · 1 year
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whatever you imagine happened during and after this scene is 1000% better than what happened in the actual show
#shrimp thoughts#(nothing. nothing happened)#(i thought fei lian would have a role in defeating him. yknow as the good friend who hates seeing yu huan Evil and Heartless#(what yh tells him here is LITERALLY that he has no heart anymore lol) and would rather kill him than see this great man like this!#but uhhh no literally nothing of that sort happened and yh was Magic Attacked into disintegrating because that's how villains go now ig#anyway as i must have said back then i am imagining the tense drama-filled au in which fl goes something like. what will it take to stop#you? i'll do Everything and there's a flicker of red in yh's eyes because i think that's very cool and also sexy#and this is how fl becomes yh's concubine and they rule with an iron fist etcetc i didn't watch the show#also i didn't watch the show SO i don't know what's up with mr grandpa and yh but i think it would be good FOR ME if yh needed to#get rid of that evil energy once in a while. lbh style#and fl lies awake at night having just been fucked into next thursday. yh is dead asleep next to him and he does his best not to look at his#face because he knows he's going to see his old friend and he's going to be overwhelmed with stupid fondness and the urge to tease him#about his stupid little frown even when he's asleep! loosen up dude or there won't be a mrs yu huan in the future!#and he's going to forget that every day he doesn't slit yh's throat in his bed is another day of suffering for innocent people#every day he spends wondering at what point can he start gently pushing yh towards relaxing that iron fist; towards maybe making things#better for people who don't deseve to live in pain -- is a day those people spend living in pain because of his inactivity#he should kill this man. as soon as possible to avoid sentiment muddling his morality. he should do it before it's too late#(but he knows that it has been too late when he agreed.)#THIS IS WHAT I'M THINKING ABOUT. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED. IN MY HEART. I AM FINE IF YOU WANT TO KNOW
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hello-eden · 9 days
dead on main #3
destabilized Ellie and Dan are Jason and Danny's kids except Jason gives his permission to help stabilize the two when he's dead and when he's resurrected he has no memories of it.
 Danny and Jason met while he was dead and had a teenage puppy crush sort of thing. The two of them had a lot of things going on with one still being a vigilante in their town and one being recently murdered, So they never really were able to get together before Jason was resurrected. The two of them are from different dimensions and only meet due to the fact that the ghost zone is every Dimension afterlife. 
There is a bad reaction from Vlad finding out that Danny used someone else's DNA to stabilize the kids, Which leads to a very Reckless fight that leads to his parents finding out that the kids are halfas. The parents don't know that he is also halfa so they try to cure the kids. Danny flees To the ghost zone specifically to frostbite to make sure the kids are okay. While he's there Clockwork decides that was the best time to basically tell Danny that Jason's resurrected in his home dimension and that is probably best if he settles down there. Of course because Clockwork is still a menace before Danny goes through the portal he says that Jason does not have his memories of being dead and then pushes him through. Danny sets up his life there with Ellie and Dan.
Plot twist Danny ends up being neighbors to Roy in Star City. Danny is a trans single father of twins that appears to have run away from home due to bad situation. With all the Vigilante scars that Danny has it's a reasonable conclusion for him to suspect an abusive home.
Danny babysits Lian when Roy has missions and Roy babysits Ellie and Dan When Danny does work.  of course not always do their schedules so occasionally they have to call in another babysitter and when that fails we have the Red Hood himself. the unknown father of the twins( not really twins) and the Godfather of the other child( yes I made him The Godfather).
 Danny doesn't instantly recognize him due to the very obvious change. Two of them meet a couple of times through Roy. Danny usually just accidentally stopping in at a bad time before Roy introduces them together and Danny hears his name.
Danny does not tell him that he's the father of the children because one he was dead which means he's going to have to explain what he was doing while he was dead. and two because Clockwork told him he had his memories erased. Danny of course has a lot of feelings about this and Jason instantly gets a crush. Jason occasionally babysits the kids when the regular babysitter isn't working Nor can I watch each other's kids because of schedules.
A situation happens with Ellie where she needs to go to the hospital and Jason brings her. this leads to an emergency blood transfusion. The transfusion goes badly and isn't working so Jason asks if his blood will work. It works perfectly. Jason questions for a little bit. Danny, whose phone was broken in  a villain attack two days ago and hasn't gotten replaced, shows up at the hospital after finally being contacted. Jason questioned him a little bit  Danny freaks out a lot which raises Jason's alarms quite High. When Danny's getting some food for Elle and talking to doctors Jason does a DNA test. Jason gets the results a week later when Ellie's finally back home which reveals he is the father. He has a lot of questions about this.
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There is one scene in tgcf that bothers me.
I don't know which books it's in, or even what is happening in the scene, but it's the one where Xie Lian steps on a needle or nail or something. He's running around bleeding and saying it doesn't hurt.
Thank God (gods? Ghosts? Yeah.) Thank ghosts that Hua Cheng is there to stop him. If I'm remembering correctly, he pulls the needle out and treats his injury. And when forced to confront it, actually yeah, it does hurt.
This little interaction just kind of drove home how profoundly trauma has affected Xie Lian.
The needle makes me cringe, and the trauma makes me sad.
It bothers me more than the 100 stabs. I think because Xie Lian has agency and still chooses to harm himself for others (and when I say this scene bothers me, I don't mean that I don't appreciate it. MXTX is a genius).
I just keep thinking about that needle.
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Maple Robes and Lace Veils
Hua Cheng x M!Reader x Xie Lian
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this is the second part of my first story, "The First Glance". Again it's technically about my OC since no one's asking for anything. I just have it written to where it can be for a reader. 😋
Switching pov's
Also guys I am not Chinese but I try to find words and translations that are important to my OC's story.
Dúshé means poison laced tongue in simplified Chinese (I think)
Mûguô means bitch, or whore in simplified Chinese (I think)
Míngqín means song bird it's Y/n's nickname
Previous part: First Glance
Once the morning has officially started, San Lang goes back to his wood pile. You stand by Xie Lian while San Lang somehow manages to build a whole door for the shrine. Xie Lian seems to love it, it's obvious with how he's become fascinated by opening and closing it repeatedly.
"I thought a door would be easier to stick talismans on than a curtain" San Lang explains. You smile and give a small clap. "It's a very well made door, San Lang, good job" you giggle at Xie Lian's excitement.
At the mention of talismans Xie Lian seems to remember something. He claps his hands together, "Oh Míngqín I forgot to tell you what happened at Mount Yunjin! I'm so sorry, so much happened yesterday"
You wave a hand, "it's nothing to worry about. How important could it be? I was there for most of it." You smile but Xie Lian's face is very serious so really nothing's funny at all.
"Well actually," Xie Lian laughs nervously, scratching his temple. "I talked with the heavenly officials and I found out that I met a calamity yesterday." Your face morphs into shock but Xie Lian quickly settles you down. "Not him." The words are met with silence. Of course it wasn't the white calamity. What were you thinking? ,"They called him Crimson Rain Sought Flower, his name is Hua Cheng" Xie Lian smiles. At this ghost's mention San Lang starts to pay attention to the conversation. "He walked me through the forest yesterday and I mistook him to be the ghost groom but he isn't. He isn't hard to be mistaken after seeing his silver butterflies ."
You're in shock. Because you got caught up in a swarm of silver butterflies yesterday. "I... Just don't understand. Why would a calamity be hanging around Mount Yunjin? Crimson Rain Sought Flower is known to stay in his den." You sigh.
You easily worry about Xie Lian and panic once more. "He didn't hurt you did he?" You move closer to Xie Lian and hold his face, looking for marks or bruises. "Why didn't you call for me, I would've been there right away." You frown and move back once you're satisfied with your search.
"There was no need to call, he didn't hurt me... He led me through the forest and safely delivered me to the temple." Xie Lian smiles but you sigh.
Xie Lian didn't get hurt, but a well known calamity shows up and helps Xie Lian? Coincidence. The same calamity helping you? Intention.
"...I suppose it's okay. As long as you didn't get hurt A-Lian. Just be careful." You look to the ground, but Xie Lian pats your head. "I am careful, ah you really should've seen the butterflies though Míngqín They were very beautiful"
You arch a brow then shake your head. "I actually did see them but, Wèizhī might eat them" Wèizhī is your two birds - Oriental Magpie- , they're not here right now though. They're probably bathing in water somewhere. Hm a bath doesn't sound so bad actually-, "Y/n?" You're brought back into focus when San Lang gains your attention. "Sorry I tend to lose my train of thought" you hum.
"What about you y/n?" You cock your head to the side at San Lang's question. "What have you heard about Crimson Rain" San Lang smiles mischievously.
"Why would I know anything about anybody?" You shrug. Of course you've heard and seen plenty about Hua Cheng, you're a ghost. You're... Residence happens to be near Ghost City.
Xie Lian nods in agreement though, he could use the info. You sigh, "Who knows? He stays in his den, and although close I've never seen him in my city." You shrug again.
All of you eventually go back inside. You end up staring at the painting again. You would have eventually painted something for Xie Lian but you've been busy working on the actual build of the shrine. You've always been good at the arts. Drawing, dancing, and singing. That is why you're the God of Song after all.
"San Lang's skills are very beautiful" You say, looking over at him. "Who taught you?"
San Lang shakes his head. "I had a good teacher a while back, I paint mostly for fun now." You nod at his explanation and smile back at the painting. You really do like it. It shows Xie Lian in what once used to be all his glory.
"Do you really like it so much, Míngqín?" Xie Lian stares at you and you've forgotten you don't have a veil on. They can see your expressions and you aren't just invisible anymore. You blush, and instinctively cover your mouth with your sleeve.
"O-oh, well yes I like it. It's very well done and it captures the prince of XianLe very beautifully." You stutter and look away.
The moment is interrupted when the three of you hear a scream and a man running towards the shrine. "Save Me! Save me please!" The panicked man grabs Xie Lian's wrist very harshly. It's in your nature, you can't help it. You are quick to push the man away, and to protect Xie Lian. He pats your arm however, in a 'It's okay' motion. Xie Lian sits the man down and asks for an explanation from him.
You and San Lang glare at him. Both of you don't trust him and both of you share a glance when the man explains he's from Banyue pass. Which has since turned into a dry land of sands. The man was running away from what killed his other group members.
"You ran all the way from Banyue pass to here?" San Lang asks with crossed arms. Your form is the same. The man seems to sweat at this, but Xie Lian in all his kindness offers the man a drink. Xie Lian is kind but he's probably just testing if the man is a mortal or not.
"No need to be polite you can drink" The man -for all his supposed running- hesitates to take the water Xie Lian so generously offered. When he does drink it, the water going into his body sounds hollow. You and Xie Lian both know it. "You can stop drinking now." Xie Lian says and takes the water from the man's hands. His disguise is ruined and everyone knows now. The man rises up quickly though and pulls a sword from his sleeve, moving to attack Xie Lian.
Before you or San Lang can act, Xie Lian is quick enough to flick the sword away. Sometimes you forget Xie Lian is just hiding his strength. The man tries to run and Xie Lian moves to use Rou'ye but the man drops and a sad looking skin bag(?) is left behind... A chopstick is what caused the damage. You and Xie Lian both whip your heads around to San Lang. Xie Lian goes to investigate the corpse but you still stare at San Lang.
"A chopstick?" You ask with an arched brow. "A chopstick" San Lang only smiles and you sigh. You both go to Xie Lian. When you get closer you can see that Xie Lian is using the array, so you do too. The only thing you can really hear is people being joyful about merits, and ignoring Xie Lian. Officials disgust you.
"Are the lot of you deaf? Did you not hear his highness? He asked a question." Your voice rings through the array and the officials who were once joyful before quiet down. Instead of answering, the cowards leave the array.
You're not a popular force in the heavens. Especially since your personality has always been cold and distant. You were actually loved once before, for your unnatural beauty and voice people revered you. That was until they found out you were a ghost and before they trashed Xie Lian's name. You would cause trouble for the other gods and challenge them often, causing fear to most officials. You always defended Xie Lian's name and when given the chance for promotion, you refused and chose to stay with Xie Lian instead.
This loyalty of yours to a scrap god however causes other officials to look down on you, they also just don't like your attitude. You have other unofficial titles that the heavenly officials made and of course those names spread. There's one title that used to be used quite often but you actually haven't heard any officials call you that in a long time. That title is "mûguô". Someone caught word of your past and decided to spread the name to upset you, but it faded out very quickly. That official -who you never even knew the name of- disappeared shortly after, with their temples burnt and no trace of them.
You're stuck in your thoughts until you hear Ling Wen answer Xie Lian's question about Banyue Pass. You leave the array, Xie Lian will tell you what's going on. When you look over at San Lang he's giving you a cheeky smile. "What?" You tilt your head but he just shakes his head.
You run your hands over your new braid while Xie Lian talks to Ling Wen. You mess with the red ribbon San Lang tied your hair with. It's definitely a pop out color compared to all the white you wear.
"San Lang, I'm afraid me and y/n will have to go far away soon" Xie Lian pipes up and stands from the... Thing on the ground. San Lang furrows a brow at the news and then gives a smug grin. "Why doesn't gege and y/n take me with them? I know a lot about Banyue Pass."
Xie Lian looks confused but he nods anyways. You wouldn't mind if San Lang came along either. "Oh? What do you know about Banyue Pass San Lang, you're far too young to know those things" you tease with a smile, while the three of you head inside the shrine.
San Lang chuckles and goes to speak before a knock on the door makes you all silent. You all look at each other in a moment of silence before Xie Lian opens the door.
When Xie Lian opens the door it reveals Mu Qing and Feng Xin who are in disguise... They are in a shocked silence not having seen you in a long time and to see your face after so long. You all sit in silence.
After you get over your shock you let out a panicked yelp and cover your face. They saw your face! Your cursed, cursed face! You shove your face into your hands. You didn't want Mu Qing to see it. He'd use it against you and you already hate him enough already. Feng Xin saw your face! He'll surely be disgusted with you now.
You start to groan into your sleeves, trying to move away from their eyes. You try to find your veil through the slits of your fingers. You can hear your name tumble from Feng Xin's lips but the door slams and someone whisks you away into their arms. They forcibly move your hands away from your face and now you can see that your face to face with red robes .
San Lang holds your wrists, and that stops you from hiding your face. "San Lang, my veil? Where's my veil?" You don't have a clue where he put it. Another pair of hands come into view and puts your veil over your eyes. You know it's Xie Lian.
Now that you can actually tell what your surroundings are you find that you're in San Lang's arms. You blush and step back. You hadn't meant to grip onto him so tightly.
Xie Lian sighs in relief when they find y/n's veil. Xie Lian is actually sad to see his face hidden again. He hasn't seen your face in so long and he missed it. Xie Lian supposes he doesn't mind though. If anyone deserves to see your beauty it's him and he actually doesn't want Feng Xin or Mu Qing to look. Xie Lian shakes his head to remove such thoughts. As if he could describe your face like it was a secret to keep between the three of you.
"I'm going to open the door now y/n" he pats your hand. He waits for your nod before opening the door again. He smiles nervously at the two officials outside. Of course Xie Lian knows who they really are but for now he'll pretend. "Ah why are you two here?"
Mu Qing and Feng Xin have crossed arms "Are you going to Banyue Pass? We're going with you" they say at the same time and then glare at each other. Xie Lian laughs but opens the door to let them inside. He looks at y/n keeping an eye on him. Xie Lian knows his temper.
When Feng Xin and Mu Qing see San Lang they're alarmed. Holding up their lighting, and fire. "Who's he?" Mu Qing nods his head at San Lang. Xie Lian sighs, "This is San Lang"
Feng Xin's eye twitches, "where did he come from? Where's his family? Do you usually invite people you don't know into your home?"
Xie Lian laughs nervously but he's glad that the attention isn't on y/n anymore.
Not until Mu Qing attempts to throw lightning at San Lang. It would have most definitely hit the wall and caused a big hole but y/n dispersed it. Sending a shot of ice towards Mu Qing. His face hides behind his veil but Xie Lian knows you're angry. "No fighting in the shrine. If you damage the shrine I promise to return the damage double to your god's palace" he spits with venom, threatening Mu Qing's palace.
It's evident y/n doesn't try to hide who he is. Sure he's in his avatar and he looks simple. However he doesn't do a good job at keeping his abilities at bay.
Xie Lian doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. The tension in the room is very high. Mu Qing looks ready to argue back but San Lang steps in front of y/n and stands by Xie Lian's side. "Are these two servants, gege?" He hums with a smug smirk.
"uhm something like that but not exactly-" Xie Lian gets interrupted when San Lang throws a broom into Mu Qing's hands. "Start helping then" San Lang smiles. His face resembles a mischievous fox. Y/n cackles.
Xie Lian waves his hands trying to calm a cursing Feng Xin and Mu Qing down. "Please for my sake leave him alone" he laughs nervously. He doesn't need his shrine to get destroyed not that y/n would let that happen.
Talking about y/n, ah. He's glaring at Mu Qing under the veil. He'll have to make sure they don't break out into a fight either. San Lang leans on y/n's shoulder and the stiffness seems to leave y/n's body. Xie Lian isn't too worried about anyone fighting. He thinks San Lang will keep a careful eye on y/n.
Xie Lian rubs his temple. "Maybe Feng Xin should make a pathway so that we can get to Banyue Pass quickly?"
Feng Xin does just that. Leaving Mu Qing standing alone in front of the three of them. "Is he coming with us?" Mu Qing points to San Lang with furrowed brows. Xie Lian sighs and goes to answer but y/n answers for him
"Of course, since when was it a servant's job to worry about his highness's friends?" Xie Lian drops his head when he realizes that Y/n has joined San Lang in his smart remarks.
Not only does he have to worry about one silver tongue but two. "Yes San Lang is coming with us. He knows a lot about Crescent Moon Pass and that's sure to help me" Xie Lian explains with a nervous smile.
Mu Qing is interrupted when Feng Xin cuts him off, "The pathway is finished". Mu Qing, ever the prideful looks at the pathway and shrugs, "I've seen better". Which leads to Feng Xin and Mu Qing bantering again.
Y/n interrupts them by activating the pathway. "Stop bickering like an old married couple let's go" San Lang snickers softly, "I never thought of that, they do bicker like an old married couple don't they" The two officials glare at San Lang and y/n. They smile back. Xie Lian only knows y/n is smiling because of his crow feet.
They all go through the portal. Xie Lian lets out a laugh, knowing that he's going to have to deal with all of the four's antics on their journey. Xie Lian is happy with his circus though.
Tell me if it's good guys I don't have an editor 😭 so sometimes I'm not aware if my story is actually well written. Yeah, anyways if you wanna request something or see more lemme know 🥰 also y'all I'm pulling the timeline out of my ass. I have no clue if I'm doing it right or not 🙏😭
Should I continue the series? Yes or no?
Oh also if y'all actually wanna see my OC lemme know! I didn't draw it don't hate on me 🫵😐
If anyone reads this plz plz plz plz PLEASE tell me if my submission box is working! I know I'm not getting anything but I want to know if it works!
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eirenical · 3 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook | Lian Hua Lou | 莲花楼 | Episodes 3 & 9 - The Letter
There is so much we don't know about what happened ten years ago between Sigumen and Jinyuanmeng.  A lot of it gets unraveled as the show goes on, but one thing remains true: there is a hell of a lot of unreliable narration to pick through to get to the truth.  And when it comes to the particular truths of what happened between the individual people involved, that becomes even more true.
And one of the little mysteries that always bothered me was this letter that Qiao Wanmian wrote to Li Xiangyi to break up with him.  Because I absolutely could not figure out when he actually got that letter.  Anyway, I finally caught a few details that helped me to tease that apart and my first realization was that he fucking LEFT HER ON 'READ' for about a month (Li XIangyi, PLEASE OTZ) and the second realization was that we get two different versions of these events YET AGAIN, but this time both from Li Xiangyi's POV in flashbacks, and I'm CHEWING GLASS OVER IT, so naturally I have to share.
So the first time we get this particular flashback is in episode 3.  Li Lianhua is remembering the aftermath of the Donghai Battle, how he fell into the ocean and washed up on the shore... a husk of what he had once been.
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He wakes up and makes his way into town and to Sigumen's steps, overhearing all this terrible news as he walks.  People injured, homes destroyed, people killed, and so much of the blame being placed on all the sects, and on Sigumen in particular.  And as he walks, you can see it all starting to weigh him down, until he's literally bent over from the weight of it on his back.
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And then the final betrayal.  His people, his friends, want to disband the sect.  They want to walk away.  They blame him and his hubris for this disaster.  And the coup-de-grace is Xiao Zijin asking Qiao Wanmian... "You don't like this place either, right?"
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And the sad look on Qiao Wanmian's face finally breaks Li XIangyi of his paralysis and he turns away, back to the scene unfolding on those steps and drifts back to the shore, where he ultimately collapses.
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And that's all we get.
We know he returned to Sigumen.  We know he overheard them wanting to disband the sect.  We know he left without a word.  And that's the end of the story as far as Episode 3 is concerned.
But this makes sense.  Li LIanhua is mid-Bicha attack and has just left Fang Duobing on the side of the road when this flashback comes on.  He's fighting his own body in a desperate bid for survival to complete the one task he's set himself and Fang Duobing has just dredged up all this stuff and gone off on a tear about how he's Li Xiangyi's disciple.  A road Li Xiangyi never got a chance to walk.  Another person he failed along the way.  And so he's focused on all the ways in which he is a failure in that moment, all the ways he doesn't live up to Fang Duobing's hero, Li XIangyi, all the ways that he is no longer that man.  So he zeroes in on the moment he lost it all: his reputation, his sect, his health, his power.  So that's the part of the flashback that we get.
But in Episode 9, we have an entirely different set of circumstances.  He's just saved his A-mian.  He's focused on helping her let go of the man he thinks she still loves.  He's putting himself aside to focus solely on her (or so he thinks—that's honestly a question for later, but bear with me, we'll get there ;D) and what she needs.  And we get dumped into this flashback again.
Only this time it doesn't start on the beach.  It starts here:
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It starts with Li Xiangyi seeing his sect disbanded again.  Only this time, he remembers the words that come from Xiao Zijin differently:
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There's no speaking out load of "you hate it here too, don't you?" or any similar sentiment.  Because at this point, Li Lianhua knows this isn't true.  She can't hate it there.  She lives there.  She didn't leave.  And she doesn't hate him because she very obviously misses him and mourns him.  So in his mind, he gives this moment a little less abrasiveness.  A little less fierceness.  But because he's so focused on A-Mian in this memory, we finally find out that there is an entire piece to this incident that we haven't gotten until now.
A-Mian's grief.
A-Mian's recognition that he was there.
And the letter.
The letter she wrote a month ago.
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A letter Li Xiangyi NEVER READ.
We get to see A-Mian's regret.  We get to see her grief: both for her own sense of shame at being unable to keep up with the man she loved, and her sense of loss over her own innocence and the opportunities that they'll never have now to make amends.  And we get to see her break from her grief for just a moment to rush down those stairs because some instinct in her just won't quit.
Li Xiangyi had returned.
And she knew.
But it was too late.  She no longer trusted herself.  And Li Xiangyi, having heard her outpouring of grief, had already decided that he owed it to her and to everyone else to just… walk out of their lives for good. 
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And he did. 
But he owed her one last thing first.
He owed it to her to read the letter that she'd written him a month ago and he'd never opened.
So before he goes back to that beach, he returns to his rooms in Sigumen to retrieve that unopened letter and read it.
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On first watch, I had assumed this was after his healing with Monk Wuliao.  That he was RE-reading that letter, not reading it for the first time.  But these are clearly his rooms in Sigumen.  The desk he conducts business from is at the bottom right and the table he confronts Shand Gudao from is on the left. But unlike when we usually see these rooms, brightly lit during the day, they're now mostly in darkness, the sun clearly setting given the angle of the light coming into the room. This is the sunset of Li Xiangyi. The last moments of his life, in a way.
And the letter is very VERY obviously unopened when he first takes it out:
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And reading that letter is the final nail in Li Xiangyi's coffin, I think.  Final proof that he'd failed in every aspect of his life: being a brother, being a lover, being a sect leader, being a friend, being a student.  After this, he leaves Sigumen and goes back to that beach to lay down where he washed back up initially, ready to let the death he temporarily escaped take him away.  And when the monk saves his life anyway, he still manages to kill off the part of him that was Li Xiangyi.  Li Xiangyi is dead, he insists over and over and over again, until he believes it himself.
Because in that letter—a letter he left unread FOR A MONTH—Qiao Wanmian manages to show him that he never really saw her at all.  That he never saw one of his dearest loved ones in pain right in front of him—pain that he finally witnessed on the steps of Sigumen as she poured out her grief and regret in sending this letter to begin with.  How ironic then, that a letter she'd sent intending to set him free of her to fly up to the heights on his own, was the final arrow that brought him down.  I don't think that's what she would have wanted at all.
But I really feel for her.  I do.
Just imagine sending this letter and knowing that it's sitting in Li Xiangyi's mail pile somewhere… and assuming that he read it and that's what spurred him on to this last desperate fight.  Because in that outpouring on the steps that clearly what she thought she did.  She thought this letter sent him to his death.  And in that moment she's wrong, because HE NEVER READ IT.  Not until long after that.  Not until after this moment.  And fucking HELL, but that just hurts me.
Maybe it wouldn't have changed anything if he hadn't witnessed that moment.  Maybe it wouldn't have changed anything if he hadn't read that letter.  Maybe he still would have felt that he'd failed enough to warrant death of some kind.
But maybe not.
I guess we'll never know.
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misto713 · 2 months
Headcanon: Xie Lian's "My cultivation requires chastity" line is an excuse and/or not the whole truth
When he explains it in the book, Xie Lian says something along the lines of "breaking the chastity vow would damage a god's spiritual power". This might well be true. But then the description goes on to say more about the situation and it sounds like the sex isn't the problem - the followers are.
As the book explains it, the other cultivators who follow the same path but haven't ascended yet would be angry with the god who broke his vows as soon as he ascended. And we know what mortals do to gods they don't like - they burn down their temples and stop worshiping them. This would of course damage the god's spiritual power, since they wouldn't receive prayers anymore, so Xie Lian wasn't technically lying, but...
Xie Lian doesn't have any followers. (Aside from Hua Cheng)
So what would really happen to him if he decided to go for it?
My headcanon is that nothing would happen to him. At all.
As far as I can tell, the real problem is the damage from the loss of faith from a god's followers. So there are two reasons losing his virginity wouldn't do anything.
He has no followers
His last follower, Hua Cheng, would never ever lose faith in Xie Lian. For any reason. Especially not for sleeping with him lol :D
When Xie Lian says that he's chaste because his cultivation requires it, it sounds to me like an excuse along the same line as when he tells others that he can't get it up. Just another 'shield' to hide behind. Chastity might have been necessary to ascend, but once he ascended, the restriction no longer applies and the only thing holding him back (and others who follow the same path, like Mu Qing) is the other cultivators' petty spite. "I can't do it? Well then neither can you!!" Crabs in a barrel mentality, really.
But since no one really worships the 'Crown Prince of Xianle' anymore, it doesn't even apply to Xie Lian anymore.
Also - would there be 'spiritual damage' if his new worshippers simply didn't care about what he does in bed? I don't think ghosts would care (they might even like it to know that their 'Granduncle' spits in the face of other gods like that) and the people who started worshipping him after he helped them (like from the banyue arc) either wouldn't know what cultivation path he follows, or they would simply care more about the fact he can slice and dice any ghost that would try to murder them.
In conclusion...
There are no temples to burn by angry worshippers
There are no worshippers from the same cultivation path
The worshipers that still pray to him don't care what he does in bed
His most faothful worshipper is his husband and he'd worship Xie Lian even more if he slept with him
Xie Lian is one sneaky liar who only told half the truth and it's no wonder Hua Cheng makes frowny faces at him when he listens to his excuses :D
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fengqingtrashgolbin · 3 months
Modern Au where Mu Qing breaks up with Feng Xin because he's being silly and overthinking. He's convinced that Feng Xin is bound to end things between them one day and his pride couldn't possibly handle that. So he texts Feng Xin a simple "We're over. Don't call me anymore."
Feng Xin, naturally, freaks out, because in his mind everything is fine between them. They've been fighting less. His legs aren't covered in bruises from Mu Qing kicking him. Things had been going great. So he calls his (ex??) boyfriend, who doesn't answer.
What the fuck?? Why won't he fucking answer??
He keeps calling. And calling. Sends a shit tone of texts. But he won't answer. And it's been hours.
It's well after midnight now and Feng Xin is laying alone on his bed staring at the ceiling. His mind is racing, trying to think of what he did wrong, because he must've done something, there's no other explanation.
He hears a notification sound from his phone and he rushes to open it because "ok he's talking to me. If he's talking to me I can fix this." But despite his hopes it's just the group chat. It's Xie Lian with *another* cat meme.
And that's when it hits him. How is he going to tell everyone that Mu Qing dumped him one day out of nowhere? He already knows how everyone is going to react and he doesn't want to go though that.
Xie Lian will try to talk to Mu Qing and that will probably lead to a sobbing Xie Lian and a murderous Hua Cheng. And even if he thinks he should be angry at Mu Qing right now, he doesn't deserve that.
Shi Qingxuan will try to take him out clubbing, introduce him to people. Pei Ming will probably lock him in a room with some random person that once told him they find Feng Xin cute, hoping it'll work as a rebound.
They will all mean well but he can't handle them. He'll tell them Mu Qing left. That he got a job in Europe or something. But then they might call him and they'll learn the truth.
Oh he knows. It's stupid, it's over the top but he knows. He'll tell them Mu Qing died.
He'll figure out the cause of death later but for now it's as good a plan as anything.
Later on, he falls asleep, still in his jeans, above the covers and he'll dream about Mu Qing dying. Multiple times.
Mu Qing went down on an air plane
Mu Qing got fried getting suntanned
Mu Qing fell in a cement mixture full of quicksand
Mu Qing met a shark underwater
Mu Qing fell and no one caught him
In all these scenarios Feng Xin sees himself running after Mu Qing and failing to help everytime.
He wakes up with tears in his eyes but he knows now what he'll tell his friends.
Bonus points because while Feng Xin is talking to Xue Lian about his boyfriend's gruesome and sudden death on the kitchen table of their joint apartment, the "dead" man walks out of his room, grabbs Feng Xin by the collar of his t-shirt and Drags him back in his room. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng go on about their days as they normally would because this is the fourth time this has happened in the last year and they know that the other dumbasses will make up and stay locked in Mu Qings room till the next morning.
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one-flower-one-sword · 6 months
Xie Lian tied up upon his own altar, held down and stabbed over and over while Hua Cheng is forced to watch helplessly:
Xie Lian wanted to wail with the most devastating sound, but his throat couldn't gasp out a single word - it had probably already been sliced through. He wanted to thrash wildly from the pain. It was like suffering the sum agony of countless lifetimes, and he didn't know if he'd be able to feel any other pain again.
He couldn't see anything. The world was pitch-black save for the nearby ball of ghost fire, which burned furiously. The ghost fire was growing brighter and stronger, but it still couldn't escape the cage of White No-Face's hand.
Xie Lian's heartbreaking screams couldn't be heard, but he could hear another heart-wrenching wail that seemed to come from the flame. Although it wasn't him, it felt like he was the one making that sound - its pain was the same as his own.
[...] When the flame gradually subsided and coalesced once again, the tiny ball of ghost fire was no more - in its place, the figure of a young man was gradually taking shape.
The young man dropped to his knees in front of the scorched, black surface of the altar. Bent over deeply, he clutched his head in both hands. He bellowed in immense, devastating pain.
TGCF Volume 6, page 257-258 (emphasis mine)
Wuming being torn apart by the angry battlefield spirits while Xie Lian is forced to watch helplessly:
Wuming seemed to have heard his voice and looked up. Xie Lian couldn't see his real face; he only saw that mask with its drawn-on smile.
But Xie Lian had a strange feeling that beneath his mask, Wuming was really smiling.
The feeling was fleeting, however. The vast black torrent and the screaming tide gathered to form a tempest, and it swallowed Wuming whole in an instant.
And in that instant, Xie Lian heard a heart-wrenching, blood-curdling scream.
He thought he had heard that voice somewhere before... No, he knew he had heard that voice somewhere before!
Pain. It hurt like he was feeling that same agony. It hurt like a fate worse than death. It hurt so much that his mind and body were being torn apart. It hurt so much he thudded to his knees, hugging his head as he screamed along too.
TGCF Volume 6, page 336 (emphasis mine)
only on my reread did I realize how closely these two scenes mirror each other. both of them are experiencing the other's agony as their own, clutching their heads and screaming because what is happening to the other is unbearable. the mirroring is especially remarkable because for Hua Cheng, Xie Lian at this point is already his beloved and to him it's "the worst suffering in the world" to see him in pain while being unable to do anything about it - but Xie Lian doesn't even know who Wuming really is.
and yet. and yet he reacts like this, exactly as Hua Cheng did, even though the only thing he remembers is that he's heard Wuming's voice somewhere before. Wuming is literally being torn apart, and so Xie Lian also feels as if he is being torn apart, even if he doesn't know why.
plus the almost poetic yet brutal irony of Wuming taking Xie Lian's place so it won't be Xie Lian being torn apart by the spirits in the sword like he'd been torn apart by being stabbed over and over by that same sword before - only for Xie Lian to then feel that pain regardless because Wuming is feeling it.
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csilla-nocturne · 1 month
Another Wulian AU:
What if after Wu Ming sacrificed himself, Xie Lian was able to find a tiny piece of his soul, and after being banished(only one curse shackle this time, he doesn't want to make his luck worse while caring for Wu Ming.) Xie Lian spends his time wandering, and helping Wu Ming heal. When Tonglu opens they go there together. Wu Ming still creates E-ming, the ascension, and rejection happens because Wu Ming knows exactly where Xie Lian is and is absolutely not leaving him. Wu Ming of course becomes a supreme, and takes the name Hua Cheng, and then it's just 800 years of wandering banished god, and ghost king shenanigans.
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illuminatedferret · 5 months
The Politics of the Heavens
The heavens are kind of a cesspit, right? Lots of big names hanging out together, dressing themselves up as above mortals and pretending like their very lives don't depend on winning a popularity contest. Like, oh, I'm sure no one talks about it, but everyone is fully aware that each and every one of their peers is a competitor in the endurance race that is the life of a god.
So if you're a god, and you don't want to die, what do you do? Well, there are a few strategies we see employed over the course of Tian Guan Ci Fu that seem effective.
1. Make alliances.
Gods making alliances with each other up in the Heavenly Court to weaken their enemies and bolster each other is, like, central to the politics of the heavens. Do I need to say any more? It's the Three Tumors in a nutshell. Pei Ming(and also apparently SWD in the censored version?) drove Jing Wen out so Ling Wen could take his place, Ling Wen at minimum helped Shi Wudu cover up what happened with the Reverend of Empty Words, and who knows what else. Technically, the Shi brothers have an alliance as well- even though it feels very weird to phrase it like that, Shi Qingxuan definitely benefits from his relationship with his brother. Also, y'know... those thirty-three gods that convinced Mu Qing to drive Xie Lian off the mountain so that they could cultivate and ascend, rather than him.
2. Incite passion.
With the prevalence of social media, we all know that if you wanna get big, you have to maintain the interest of your followers. It's because of that that it's really funny to realize that Feng Xin and Mu Qing are probably so well established because they fight so much. Their rivalry and their competitiveness encourage their followers to compete against each other. We see the perfect example of this at the Mid-Autumn Festival! Every year their followers push themselves harder and harder in hopes of just beating out the other side. Having a target to focus their energies on keeps them invested and engaged in their worship. On the flipside, we see what happens when two gods fail to compete against each other when Quan Yizhen eclipses Yin Yu as Martial God of the West(not that QYZ would have ever intentionally pit himself against his shixiong like that- another way they were doomed as peers). It's a very delicate balance for two gods to keep up a relationship like this. This sort of competition can also be seen between Quan Yizhen's followers and Pei Ming/Pei Xiu's followers.
3. Exert influence.
We have two different types of influence demonstrated in the heavens. The first is coercive influence, seen from gods like Shi Wudu. While his actions attacking the ships of merchants who don't pray to him certainly doesn't earn him goodwill, it also ensures mortals are too scared of the consequences to stop praying long enough that he would lose his position. The other type is charismatic influence, which we see from Yushi Huang. I'm not talking about the influence she has as Rain Master, and the impact she would have if she stopped responding to prayers- I mean her ability to convince her followers to listen to her on a personal level. Perhaps it's because they are actions her followers, as farmers, are already inclined to find sensible, but she has both successfully convinced her followers not to offer Blessings Lanterns, and to take back any offerings they give before they go bad. Those sound like simple things, but we also see Xie Lian fail to convince his followers not to kneel in prayer during his first ascension. It takes power to convince people to break from tradition.
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ilovereadingandstuff · 2 months
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Pages 138-139, Volume 5. Chapter 63: Close the Casket, Coffin Boat Enters the Ghost Sea
Why have I seen soooooo many posts refering that this iconic romantic line of 'what matters is you, not the state of you' comes from Hua Cheng...WHEN IT WAS XIE LIAN WHO SAID IT?!?!
I'm sorry, but please don't miscredit this beautiful line onto Hua Cheng when Xie Lian was the first who come up with it!!!
It may or may not happen that latter on on the story Hua Cheng says this line to Xie Lian in another context or whatever (i'm currently at volume 5 of the printed novels, so i haven't finish the whole series yet)... but regardless of that, I don't find fair to reffer to Hua Cheng as the author of this phrase just for the sick of it or just as 'another beautiful line HC says to his beloved'.
Do justice to Xie Lian´s gay ass (and heart)!!
Xie Lian is the one who is slowly falling in love. He's the one who slowly, but surely, says this kind of lines that melts the heart and are proof of his reciprocity of feelings for Hua Cheng.
In this time, even then, he's slowly realizing and taking conscious notice of his own feelings...SO WHY STOLE THAT CREDIT FROM HIM??!
For me, this line weighs even more when it's from Xie Lian, who we know is the one 'who has to fall in love with' in the relationship we're reading the series for (because we already know Hua Cheng is head over heels for Xie Lian a long time ago!!).
Is Xie Lian who explains his deep feelings for Hua Cheng as a person...and even the meaning of this is truly powerfull!!
Here, Hua Cheng is the one saying he's scared of Xie Lian getting to know his true self, his vulnerable side, his past as Hong-er, as a weak and useless kid, as someone who couldn't do nothing to protect him when the time was needed...Hua Cheng is the one here being insecure and doubt full of himself!! But IT IS XIE LIAN the one who reassures him that, no matter the situation, he will love him. That it doesn't matter if he's a powerfull Ghost King or a weak nobody, but what matters is his heart and soul (and this could also be a reference to his previous line of 'i'll love it anyway' when they were talking about Hua Cheng's true form back on volume/season 1, and this can even apply to Hua Cheng's BIG insecurity in his eye scar and the reassurence of Xie Lian's unconditional love)...
Examples of Hua Cheng being completely wipped for Xie Lian are countless and endless... His very existence is based on complete devotion and love to Xie Lian. But examples of Xie Lian's going in the same extense for Hua Cheng... Those are meaningful. Through time is that we learn of Xie Lian slowly getting to the same level of devotion as Hua Cheng's for him. His slowly 'falling into love' is the one we have to keep in observation to the beauty of feelings being reciprocated and being happy together...
It enfuriates me in a way to see so many people refering this line to Hua Cheng when Xie Lian is the one saying it, completely erasing or overlooking the profound meaning this line makes in its context and for the characters involved.
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nyerus · 5 months
Hi, Nyerus... Long time no see.... 😆😘 Sorry I just got log in to tumblr again. Because of you, I got into TGCF 3 years ago, thanks so much.... 💐
I know maybe this ask have been ask before, but can I ask your top 3 (or top 5) fav quotes from TGCF and why you love them? Thanks if you want to answer....
Welcome back! <3 It means the world to me that I helped you get into TGCF!
My top quotes from TGCF have gotta be (random order):
"Only having met you did I rediscover that it's such a simple thing to be happy." This quote absolutely killed me on the SPOT when I first read it. 😭 Xie Lian realizes how revealing it was for him to say this, but he was completely honest there. He spent centuries alone, in terrible conditions, always secretly hoping that maybe one day he would find someone who would cherish him for who he was, faults and all. He didn't have much happiness in his life, but was grateful for every kindness he encountered. Now with Hua Cheng, Xie Lian is finally able to laugh again, to feel safe, and be truly happy. Such simple, human things that he'd forgotten due to how lonely and difficult his life was.
"To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled and ridiculed, yet being unable to do anything. That's the worst suffering in the world." This was so iconic of Hua Cheng, and it comes before we learn the truth of what really happened to him and Xie Lian in the past. It perfectly describes why he is the way he is, and it sent chills down my spine! I think it's quite underrated, as well. Hua Cheng saw Xie Lian harmed and ridiculed so much in the past -- he will not stand for a single instance more!!! ;o;
"You saved me. I've always looked at you. In this world, there are countless people more 'successful' than you, but none of them could have saved me like you did. None of them could have done those things you did -- You have no idea how much courage you gave me, for me to become the me today." This quote is from Hua Cheng in the final amnesia extra. That whole extra was very entertaining and fun, but then it hits you with this and I started sobbing like a baby hahaha! Once again, it perfectly encapsulates why Hua Cheng is so in love with Xie Lian: not just because Xie Lian caught him, but because Xie Lian saved him in so many ways. He was the only person in Hua Cheng's life (after his birth mom died) that showed him true compassion and gentleness. Who believed him, and believed in him. This gave Hua Cheng courage. And then he saw Xie Lian stand against the impossible to try and help others, and continue to do the right thing even when it caused himself harm. Something no one else would do. Of course Hua Cheng fell hopelessly in love.
"Something like saving the world, it really doesn't matter how you do it. But, although brave, it's foolish. [...] Although foolish, it's brave." I love this quote because despite how much he admires and respects Xie Lian, he isn't afraid to give his honest opinion on things as heavy as Xie Lian's very ideals. He doesn't agree with Xie Lian's morality, and doesn't think the common people are worth saving in the same way as Xie Lian does. I feel like sometimes, people get the wrong idea that Hua Cheng is a doormat who just goes along with Xie Lian's ideas -- but that can't be further from the truth. Hua Cheng is quite vocal and straightforward about his own goals/morality/etc. He knows it's different than Xie Lian's, but that's just who he is -- a terrifying Ghost King who will do things his own way. (And Xie Lian really really likes that about him, and wouldn't want him to change!)
"What matters is you, and not the state of you." First said by Xie Lian, and then repeated by Hua Cheng when Xie Lian needed to hear it the most! It's THE iconic, quintessential Hualian quote. So of course it's a fave!
Thank you anon for sending in this ask! I had fun with it!
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benevolenterrancy · 3 months
I am both so sorry and so delighted to have given you OHSHC/TGCF brain worms it’s literally the best thing ever though!!!
It is seriously haunting me at the moment, I can't stop finding the premise absolutely hilarious... here, have some Three Tumours
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au notes:
Ling Wen doesn't like wearing dresses and uses the boys' uniform instead. For this reason she's often mistaken for a boy which drives her nuts. She's been accused of doing this for clout or preferential treatment.
Ling Wen is the president of the Computer Sciences Club and manages the school's monstrous group chat server. It is hell. She secretly can't wait to graduate because everyone else refuses to learn how to run it and she knows it'll go down in the flames the second she's out the door
Pei Ming is a certified Jock™ and tries to convince his friends to join him on a sports team -- any sports team! -- every year. Hasn't happened yet but he's persistent
(Pei Ming eventually learns that Xie Lian is a Secret Jock and begins a dedicated campaign to pilfer him from the Host Club; Hua Cheng is Not Fucking Amused)
Shi Wudu is easily the richest student in this school of rich kids and is not above throwing his wealth around to get what he wants. This earns him the less than affection nickname of "Tyrant"
He Xuan applied for this school and got through its entrance exams specifically to ruin Shi Wudu's life. No one knows this (or why he's so set on it) except Hua Cheng who thinks it's hilarious
There's a sign outside the compsci club door that says "Palace of Ling Wen". No matter how often she takes this down, one of her compsci minions will put up another of increasingly elaborate design (everyone at this school has money to burn and time to kill)
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hello hello i’m so glad you’re feeling better!🥹
i have another cute idea!! can i get headcanons of hualian being parents/father figures to child reader who’s just a ball of love? they admire and look up to them both, too! what would hualian be like?
i saw in your request page that you don’t do adult x child, and i genuinely don’t know if this counts. if it does, im so sorry!
once again, im glad you’re feeling better, no one likes to be sick!
☀️ anon
Parental Headcanons
HuaLian with Child!reader
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Sorry if it took a minute, and no this doesn't count😙 because you aren't asking me to ship them with a kid. Just parental Headcanons so you're fine🖤🖤
Takes place after book ends
I don't quite remember but I could've sworn Shi Qingxuan was in the human realm by the end of the book because of cough cough beefleaf
Ignore grammar mistakes
When Xie Lian and Hua Cheng find you they immediately take you in.
Well Xie Lian immediately takes you in
He holds you up like a stray cat and asks "Can we please keep him!?"
Hua Cheng can't say no to Xie Lian so he says yes
Hua Cheng quickly warms up to you as well.
He can't not like you. You're a ball of love and all you want is affection and praise
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng try to look into where or what happened to your parents but find nothing
That's fine they'll take care of you!
You're still a human child though so you definitely have some growing to do
Because of this Hua Cheng has started making food
As much as he loves Xie Lian and would eat his food any day, you cannot
Xie Lian loves his domestic male wife though so it's fine.
They love on you a lot
Xie Lian likes to dress you up in fancy clothes and hairpins
He loves taking care of you, brushing your hair and putting you to bed
Xie Lian has never been able to ignore children especially children who remind him of himself or Hua Cheng
Xie Lian takes you up to the heavens sometimes
You've made friends with Feng Xin, and Mu Qing
Feng Xin tries to teach you how to fight and martial arts but Mu Qing won't have it.
He says you're too little to deal with that yet.
Mu Qing didn't have the best childhood so even if your parent is Hua Cheng he absolutely spoils you
In the human realm you've made friends with Shi Qingxuan
You hang around Shi Qingxuan a lot actually
Xie Lian hasn't seen the man happy in such a long time so whenever you need babysat he leaves you with Shi Qingxuan
For your human life and Shi Qingxuan's human life you two will be very close
Hua Cheng will take you around ghost city sometimes
Also sicks you on He Xuan sometimes.
He Xuan pretends to be absolutely tired of you but he does like you
Carries you around and lets you play around in his waters or with the ghost fishies
The ghosts love you, if not more then their Chengzhu
They've taken a liking to calling you Little Chengzhu
While Xie Lian loves you very much, Hua Cheng absolutely spoils you rotten
He'll give you anything you want, and he continues to do so
Even with anything at your fingertips you remain a ball of love and stay humble so Hua Cheng can't help it
You've gained many friends but you've also gained some enemies
You're the adopted kid of the two most powerful men of course you're going to be a target.
Not that you have to worry. Xie Lian or Hua Cheng are always by your side
Hua Cheng will kill for you and has killed for you
Adopting you has also given them many cute moments
For instance, when you were trying to get Xie Lian's attention once. You had been patting on his legs and tugging softly on his robes
Xie Lian was going to answer you in a moment he really was but he was trying to do something
Immediately pays attention to you when you had called him 'Baba'
Tears up
Is so happy, he picks you up and runs to Hua Cheng.
"Listen San Lang! Tell San Lang what you called me!"
Grins from ear to ear. Xie Lian is so happy with this and even happier when you take up calling Hua Cheng 'Baba' too.
Another cute moment is when you pick up drawing.
You tend to copy your parents and you recently have decided to copy Hua Cheng's artistic practices
You draw them a lot of pictures and they get hung up on the walls of Paradise Manor
They weren't expecting you to have so many of their traits because well- technically you aren't theirs but you've picked up their traits anyways
Like Hua Cheng's bad writing.
Xie Lian immediately puts you in calligraphy lesson with your baba. No way is he going to let that bad writing be a habit
You've taken up Xie Lian's bad cooking.
You like to make "food" with mud, rocks, and twigs.
They find you cute anyways.
You ended up with the best parents
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng love you so much and the plan to be the best parents they can be.
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rainyatw · 3 months
Jun Wu might be one of my favorite villains of all time. His origin story is tragic, which gives him lots of depth as a villain, but there is also no excuse for what he did to Xie Lian.
Jun Wu was done. He had made it and he could have left Xie Lian alone. There was no crisis that made him choose a necessary evil, no bad situation he tried to resolve in the wrong way. There was nothing to be gained for him, no money, no power, no revenge.
In lots of media today we see villains that see something wrong and try to fix it and do so in an evil way. That's what happened with Thanos, that's what happened with Darth Vader.
Jun Wu is also an incredibly smart villain, having kept up the new heaven for 1500 years and only revealing himself when he deemed it time. Yes there was the situation with the sword but he could have easily explained it away. Had he not reacted in the way he did, Xie Lian might have found out, but he could be dealt with. Jun Wu didn't have to bring the whole court down.
Jun Wu actively chose to be the villain of Xie Lians story because he was bitter and jaded and after hundreds of years, nearly a millennia, he still couldn't let go of what happened to him and his country. And he couldn't bear seeing anyone else succeeding.
He also manipulated Xie Lian expertly. You cannot tell me that the whole Mu Qing situation was just a coincidence.
And his villainy (is that a word?) doesn't just affect Xie Lian, it affects everyone around him. He was the first Ghost King (at least that we know of) and his meddling brought at least two (one) more Calamities forth, Hua Cheng and Qi Rong. And while I'm of course grateful that Hua Cheng exists, he is a calamity.
Which brings me to my next point, which is how Jun Wu inadvertently brought himself and the social order he constructed from heaven down. He was his own downfall, in believing Xie Lian couldn't possibly do better than him, in creating Hua Cheng in the process and thus creating an enemy that makes everything the heavenly officials thought they knew crumble. Because this is a ghost king, a calamity and a fallen, exiled god of misfortune and scrap collecting. They are at the bottom of the heavenly hierarchy and still without them, all of this would have continued. And by the end everyone knows that. The other Officials refer back to Xie Lian, accept Hua Cheng as a given. Even the common people start to depict Hualian in their shrines.
He was a villain that succeeded, but because of his character - not because he wanted more power or anything - but because he was a villain he was driven to destroy himself and everything he built.
(That's also very Tolkien-esque but I won't get into that, this post is long enough)
And narratively that is just incredibly satisfying.
You cannot succeed if you are without noble intentions.
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missveryvery · 7 months
I want to know wtf is going to happen with the dub of ep 4 *_* in the meantime, while I wait to know how high to turn my anger dial, Ep 5 thoughts under cut.
So many tiny things!
I yelled when Shi Qingxuan landed and his arms were so jacked, holy shit, what?!??!?! He's so BIG.
I thought Hua Cheng swinging his sword around looked awkward ;0; but all the other weapon usage looked good?! Why was e'ming animated at 2 frames a second ;0;?! That's e'ming secret power, lowering the frame rate.
The little twitch in Ming Yi's hand really made it seem like Shi Qingxuan started fighting because he was mad Ming-xiong was hurt instead of just practicality. LOVE THAT.
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Xie Lian gripping Shi Qingxuan so hard it left marks ;0;?!?! Xie Lian loves Shi Qingxuan? Must protecc him? ;0;?!?? They're such cute little friends.
Feng Xin being the god on duty and coming before merits were even used. Immediately dropping his hesitation about speaking to him when Xie Lian is hurt.
Mu Qing rolling in like a huge bitch "so what if he's hurt, we all get hurt on patrol >:V" like he's NOT WRONG. Probably, if Xie Lian was any other god Feng Xin would be less freaked out. Mu Qing continually gets pissed off when Feng Xin falls into loyal dog mode. Which is actually him being pissed off at himself for falling back into loyal dog (cat) mode. He loves bitching at people for doing something stupid and then doing it himself right afterwards. Which is exactly what he's going to do in the next episode (assuming it follows the book, the manhua left that part out). "What are you looking so concerned for? >:V *is there, also being concerned*"
We finally got real dialogue out of these two, jfc.
Mu Qing healing Ming Yi!!! And picking him up!! Touching his chest!! A++++!!! Were those 4 dudes who carried Ming Yi away supposed to be his? I wouldn't think so except they made Mu Qing get so handsy there and their outfits reminded me of his blueberry boys from season 1.
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Mu Qing looking manic about the idea of Xie Lian killing the royal family! in the book, I thought maybe this was the narrator misunderstanding his facial expression but they really did make him look fucking excited about it. So if he IS thrilled, I'm guessing this is "oh sweet, he got revenge!"? On the other hand, when Xie Lian fesses up to it, he seems as shocked and horrified as Shi Qingxuan and Feng Xin?
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He's pleased he got revenge then changed his mind about being pleased once they got the details and then was freaked out
He's pleased Xie Lian is being accused of something fucked up but doesn't think he'd actually do it so he's freaked out that he did
He's pleased he did it, loves that for him, and is freaked out Xie Lian admitted it because he'd prefer he get away with it
He wasn't pleased in the first place and that was just his fucked up facial expressions
(Ohhh he has eyeliner now!!!)
Shi Qingxuan catching Taihua's sword with his whisk, why is he so rad. I love that he thinks in practical, social terms, he considers consequences. "If Hua Cheng hassles you about this, make sure you blame me, it's all my fault" "throwing out merits is way more effective" "you two weren't going to do anything so let me be the bad guy".
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