#and are mildly depressing
areyouwaiting · 2 years
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I posted 5,240 times in 2022
That's 4,687 more posts than 2021!
11 posts created (0%)
5,229 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 738 of my posts in 2022
#simscc - 24 posts
#andor spoilers - 21 posts
#yeah - 20 posts
#yes - 20 posts
#ofmd - 20 posts
#fuck - 16 posts
#andor posting - 15 posts
#our flag means death - 11 posts
#babygirl posting - 11 posts
#help - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#writing a whole ass movie where just about him and he survives and liam neeson dies a horrible and gruesome death
My Top Posts in 2022:
reblogging so much fanfic privately because I wanna show my gratitude to the writer but I’m a wuss,,, a little pussy boy if you will
2 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY BABEEEE *smooches you* 💖
3 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
Sobbing once again because my two best friends are openly discussing plans about going out or going on vacation together right in front of me and when I ask if I can come too they stop talking and don’t answer
3 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
I was tagged by @mlmxreader and @onaiclockwork heh
Favorite colour: blue
Currently reading: Das Avalon Projekt
Last song: The Sea by Sierra Ferrell
Last movie: Two/One
Sweet/savoury/spicy: savoury
Currently working on: designing the characters for my graphic novel
I tag: @sabrewan @sailorbowie @junkieboyfriend @ronaldrx @annoying-astro @headlinespunk @king-trash-cryptid @gnrlkenob @richdesire @lookatyou-strawberrybun (I know I haven’t actually spoken to most of you but this is kinda fun and I’m curious)
4 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I was tagged by @sailorbowie for the 5 songs on repeat game hehe
1. White Room - Cream
2. The High Road - Broken Bells
3. Hermit The Frog - Marina and The Diamonds
4. Gilded Lily - Cults
5. Undiscovered First - Feist
(these are gonna change by next week trust me dkfjdk)
Tagging some moots: (you obviously don’t have to do this if you don’t wanna) @clonecaptainrex @spettrocoli @horrfilm @headlinespunk @king-trash-cryptid @sabrewan @onaiclockwork @lookatyou-strawberrybun @gnrlkenob @junkieboyfriend @richdesire
4 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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keepthebeanscool · 29 days
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jon doodle as i fistfight artblock
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oceanwithouthermoon · 4 months
people who dislike saiki kusuo i need to pick and prod at ur brain. whats going on in there?
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
The Sandman is a DC character (as are the rest of the Endless, so Death included)
Jason learning to dream walk from an amused Death and a curious Dream would be interesting
Omg I LOVED that show! (I know they’re comics but I only watched the series >.<)
And that‘s such a cool idea???? Maybe even have Dream sympathize a little with the whole “estranged family“ thing so he makes sure to show Jason just how much his death impacted the family, and Death is subtly urging Jason to make use of that second chance he’s been granted.
Just, y’know, your two friendly neighborhood Endless entities trying to make your life a little less miserable 💚💫
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wiihtigo · 2 years
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best bros 4ever
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clockwayswrites · 7 months
you keep saying you struggle just writing consistently on one of your w.i.p.s, so I was wondering, how many w.i.p.s do you actually have?
I like to be able to jump around! I do that often in a single wip. If I have an idea, I'll jump to that and write it, even if it's many scenes/chapters later. Some days or sessions that means jumping to a different wip.
Part of that is because some days it's just easier or smoother writing romance or banter or action or angst or etc. And why not make my life easier?
Another part of that is because, well, I'm always ill, you know? I've been ill every day for twenty years now. And it gets to be so damn draining (and I've had a worse time of it this year than most). So I try to let myself do what I want in my hobbies.
And then the last part is I like to let writing... ferment(?). It's nice to get to a point and be able to set a piece down and turn it around in the back of your brain until you're sure it's right or know the best next thing or look at it with fresh eyes. Rewrites make my work better and I like to give it that time. But, uh, for an actual list:
Active wips: (aka my primary focuses)
Like Betta Fish Do (long fic, 3-4 chapters left) A Broken Sort of Normal (1 chapter left) City Pigeons Bleed Green (Trauma Tuesday Fic) Series: One Stop Soup Shop (AH SEQUELS I suck at them)
Back burner wips: (aka the things I poke at and deff want to write)
The fic that I'm not writing (main fic I keep on the side) Not Exactly Cinderella (ugh, needs the hook up and an ending) Neon Adjuration (keeps chewing on my brain) Bury the Years (long fic doom) Both Ways at Once (also long fic doom) Catching Cold (need to outline this sucker to keep at it) Salt in the Bones Series (waiting on Moku (no pressure)) Specter of Starlight (pacing thoughts and plans stalled out) Black Smoke Custody (ngl... this maybe should move to hopeful)
Hopeful thoughts: (NOT wips- no real writing yet, but maybe someday)
Tired Dads with issues (Bruce/Dadentine) Gotham Knights talon Park Cosmas the Clone Finding Danny (one of my OG ideas for this fandom) The Bruises Death Leaves (hate this title now) Something Danny/Dick (a few options here)
So lucky 13?
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Aro culture is debating for YEARS if trauma made you aro or if you always were. Then you get informed about Avoidant Personality Disorder and now you’re sitting here like.. I’m aro and have a personality disorder?????????????? Because that makes a lot more sense. I do yearn for connection because of the disorder but I do not feel consistent romantic attraction 😳😳 it’s like bearly there at all like an incense that keeps going out.
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kaseyskat · 7 months
okay so i decided i didn't really want to work on this anymore when i have too many other ideas and im terrified for next episode as it is so. uh. you know it was really really easy to figure out how normal could've died in ep46? it was really easy. anyways
scary never should’ve egged on this fight. 
when it was just taylor and normal, it was a little funny. just hours before, they had all been at each other’s throats, and despite the tension, scary knew they would never hurt each other– not seriously, anyways. with how quickly link jumped to help taylor, it was only natural that scary would slide to normal’s side, reach through the bars to squeeze his hands in support, but it still didn’t feel real. if normal and taylor did actually fight each other, surely their dads would find a way to stop the fight before it turned into a death match, or one of them would think of something, or… 
…by the time it does feel real, it is too late, and all scary can do is watch taylor tumble out of the cage alone, leaving a small, cornered normal alone against two fully grown men who could very easily kill any one of them, let alone their healer. 
normal, to his own credit, doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest. perhaps that was something scary should’ve been afraid of– how willing normal was to stay behind in that cage, to hype up the crowd of people who weren’t disgusted at all by the usage of child soldiers in their puppet game. 
scary knows normal well now. when she looks at him, she only sees herself– reckless, desperate. not afraid to die. 
and unlike any situation they had been in before, the threat to his life was, perhaps, a bit too great to have such a wild disregard for it.
link looks conflicted. scary only glimpses at him shortly, but he’s worrying at his bottom lip, arms folded across his chest as he paces around the cage, following normal’s movement. taylor is the opposite– he backs away slowly, like he’s only now realized how much danger he was actually in and how narrowly he escaped his fate. 
their families stand further away, surrounded by the fbi. hermie and dood are watching the fight standing together– hermie’s arms are also crossed, his gaze too clouded for scary to read, while dood paces around, fidgeting with their hands. scary should probably say something to the both of them, but she doesn’t linger, immediately twisting back to the fight. 
maybe normal was onto something in trying to get jodie. normal’s dad and uncle were clearly trying to get out of the precarious situation they were in, but what if that wasn’t enough? 
“taylor,” scary says half under her breath, just loud enough to catch his attention. “take hermie and dood and go find jodie. link and i will stay here.” 
“but…” taylor hesitates. however, he must see just how serious scary is being in her eyes, because he nods and then salutes. “okay. we’re on it, boss.” 
usually, scary doesn’t like being referred to as the leader. however now, it only sinks right to her stomach– when she did become the one making decisions about their lives? 
if link notices that scary’s taking charge, he doesn’t say anything, but scary is fairly positive he’s not paying her any mind. 
scary finally, finally drags her attention back to the fight just in time to watch normal get sucker punched into the ground by the marine guy, right dead center of the cage. he doesn’t get back up. 
scary’s heart drops into her chest. 
“link, can you reach him?” she frets, stepping close enough to the bars that she can feel the heat coming off of them. “i don’t– i don’t have any healing spells, i’m not–” 
“i have lay on hands, but i have to touch him to make it work.” link grimaces, and he twists his shoulder, leaning in the precarious gap between the lava bars even though there is absolutely no way he’d ever fit. “i can’t– he’s too far away. why didn’t he stick to the sides like we said?” 
scary has an inkling of a feeling for why normal would be more concerned with his own schemes than with anything that her and link have asked of him. she doesn’t voice it. 
none of her spells can do anything. for a moment, scary wonders if she can far step into the cage, if only to carry normal to the cage’s edge so that link’s spellcasting might actually work. she’s never actually used far step before, and as she squints her eyes in concentration, dread sinks into her stomach. 
she’s not fast enough. by the time she’s settled on using far step versus any of her other spells, abraham lincoln punches himself instead of his target, and the marines guy uses the opportunity to slip away from the ex-president and stand ominously over normal’s crumpled form, hands balled into fists. 
don’t you dare, scary thinks, and her spell switches. instead of far stepping into the cage, she summons fire to her palms, directs it at the space between normal and the marines guy. she… isn’t sure why this is her first thought, the panic settling over her as normal lurches away from the wall in a way that cannot be natural, the marines guy merely jumping through it instead of being cut off. 
fuck. fuck fuck shit fuck– 
they’re still too far away, and now scary can’t see them, the flames roaring and keeping the former president locked out of the fight instead of isolating normal, and scary can’t end the spell early so all she can do is run around the side of the cage, desperately trying to keep eyes on what is going on. 
the marines guy barely looks affected by the wall. in comparison, normal looks small, miserable, his hoodie so singed it’s not even blue anymore, and before she knows it, there are tears pooling into scary’s eyes. this wasn’t how it was supposed to go at all. how did they get here? 
behind them, normal’s uncle has a gun sliding out of his belt, and normal’s dad looks sickly pale, gaze switching between agent shmegan and the fight. scary can’t blame him, but she does push through a seed of resentment– why isn’t he helping? can’t he do anything? 
she doesn’t have the time to focus on the adults. instead, her hand finds link’s own as they press close to the smouldering bars of the cage, link once again trying desperately to reach out and grab for normal’s broken form. 
the marines guy kneels. for a moment, he glances up and his gaze meets the two of them, and all scary sees is an unwavering confidence, like he knows he can end this fight in a heartbeat. 
please, scary mouths. she tries to say the words out loud, but all that comes out is a choked breath as an unholy combination of nausea and fear collects in her lungs. he’s just a kid. don’t do this. 
if the guy understands her silent pleas, he ignores them, glancing away from the teens to place hands on either side of normal’s neck. scary understands what he’s doing immediately. 
and she can’t look away. she couldn’t look away when terry was shot, and she finds herself trembling, her toes curling, and still she cannot look away as the guy takes normal’s head into his palms and twists. 
there’s a horrible cracking sound, and everything goes quiet. 
someone might be talking. link’s hand feels tight and heavy in her own, and scary wishes she could hear anything over the dull ringing in her ears, the way the heat from the lava bars and her own stupid fucking fire spell prickles at her skin makes her want to melt into the ground and never return, her heart is in her stomach and her veins are icy and none of this feels real. 
the cage disappears. as soon as the lava is gone, scary surges forwards only partially out of her own will– link pulls her along, his grip on her hand tight, and they both go running, running, running, until link drops besides normal and scary follows. 
normal looks… bad. his clothes are grey from ash and soot, there is blood coating his nose and trailing from his mouth, half of him is covered in grotesque burns in a way that would almost be ironic if those burns weren’t scary’s own fault from her own spell, and the other half is so bruised parts of his skin look dented. worse than that though, worse than all of the damage, is the angle his head sits at– crooked, wrong, like a ragdoll that was accidentally left in the washing machine too many times. 
with a trembling hand, scary presses fingers into the crux of normal’s neck as link’s free hand glows white. 
nothing. she feels nothing. he’s not moving. he’s not breathing. and even link’s magic pulses around him and then fades with barely a change. normal doesn’t magically start breathing. he just… lays there. 
dead. he’s dead. the cage is gone because the marine guy won, because normal is dead. 
scary wants to throw up. 
link’s hands stop glowing and he draws backwards, his expression constricting. behind them, the guy who murdered normal is getting crowned king of hell, and scary knows they need to do something about that, need to help, but… 
…but she’s frozen here. she gently nudges normal’s head into her lap, trying not to make the broken bones in his neck any worse, and she combs fingers through his hair, swallowing back a sob that rises in her throat. 
this is her fault. she helped do this. she encouraged it. she wasn’t fast enough, wasn’t smart enough to think a way out of it, couldn’t even get him to trust her enough to confide in her and now he’ll never confide in her again because just like terry, he is dead. 
around her, a war is starting. scary hardly notices the way demons show up, or the way the military fires on them. she barely notices her surroundings at all. all she can focus on is the feeling of greasy, oily hair in her hands, her breaths coming in short, uneven as she stifles another sob. 
eventually, she’s shaken out of her stupor by the form of someone dropping down next to her. when did link leave? she hadn’t noticed link standing until now. 
the person who joins her isn’t link. it’s normal’s dad– scary can tell him apart by the glasses primarily, but also in the way he desperately reaches for normal, hands shaking. scary doesn’t have the heart to tell him that it’s useless, though she does resist the urge to scream at him. 
normal’s dad’s hands glow a sickly pale green. the magic sputters out before it even touches normal. “my baby,” he whispers, voice cracking. “come on, we gotta– we have to leave, lark is getting hold of their portal gun, if we hurry maybe my magic can–” 
scary doesn’t know how he still has hope, even after seeing the broken, beaten form of his son. still, she nods, letting him scoop normal into his arms before dragging herself to her feet.
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unbidden-yidden · 6 months
Wish I could get my brain to think properly again. I've been having a terrible time organizing tasks and following through with them.
It's like, okay, for those of us who aren't talented and practiced artists, you ever just envision some piece in exquisite detail, but actually rendering never works out right? Like you can visualize it and understand the steps that you would take to translate that into reality, but actually being able to do that is not possible at your current skill level? And like, it's always a little confusing because you know what it should look like and you think you understand how to get there, but clearly you don't?
That's just me with every task right now.
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averygayaccountant · 5 months
The homosexual urge for genuine human connection
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dysfunctional-doodle · 4 months
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Ay yo wtf
I’m sad as hell it’s only been like a year and a half
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karlyboyyy · 1 year
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Celebrating the birthday boy 💝
Kurusu Kazuki | May 16
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Still thinking about the post funeral-pregregg stream and how it sets things up.
Because Charlie starts it up and I can’t help but notice that he has lost literally everything, inventory completely empty. He is heading back to his home in exile, and he calls it his home in a way that itches at my thoughts.
And then Quackity comes up, and, even if it is hidden in bits, Charlie starts picking fights. He does this throughout a decent portion of the stream but he picks fights, with no food or armor or weapons. This stream is probably a qualifier for the most he has ever been downed in a single stream.
Back on track, Quackity comes to him very purposely with words of being a better person, a fresh start which confused me and Charlie, who is constantly talking about how little he deserves everything and how, despite being lost, he needs to head back home.
Quackity leads Charlie back to his own home and, after a quick big cat related outburst of anger, tells him he can stay at the school. This is all before the egg plan.
When Bbh comes around in his reaper guise Charlie practically throws himself at him, begging for death, but also when told all he needs to do is drink water he becomes anxious.
Charlie talks about how this all has been his lowest point. He is at a point were he can barely take care of himself and is exhibiting reckless self endangerment. He is constantly bordering starvation and chugs a sangria even after finding out it knocks him into a dying state and when Quackity gave him a spider eye when he asked for food he still ate it.
He acknowledges out loud that he might genuinely need a babysitter.
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ttaibhse · 1 month
maybe im mentally iller than i think. but i feel so normal apart from when i dont
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304wv66 · 19 days
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anyway here are some of my ocs in their first iterations with the original drawings and their current iterations
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mud-castle · 7 months
If I had a nickel for every time I ended up writing a sapphic romance between two queens on accident in an au, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's interesting that it happened twice.
Fern x Daisy in Eye of Stars
Brindle x Willow in Dark Mirror
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