#and also everyone else who voted for it lol
the-dragon-girl-27 · 29 days
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Flocking doodles
Maiasaura watching over her hatchlings
Sigilmassasaurus fighting for territory
Boreaspis swimmin round
Gigantopithecus yeeting another Gigantopithecus to assert dominance
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neonbuck · 2 months
got cut off my health insurance with no warning but i dont have the energy to ask for help anymore. im just gonna deal and try to draw faster and better so i can afford to get back on it/pay premiums
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robyn-goodfellowe · 8 months
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liebelesbe · 2 years
oh man. gym class...
0 notes
quintinh43 · 3 months
Heavy Heads and Heavy Hearts | Quinn Hughes
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Summary: Quinn gets injured as a game. His girlfriend takes him and cares for him.
Pairings: Quinn Hughes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Anxiety, Head injury, food, angst, mentions of vomiting (no actual vomiting)
Notes: Hi guyss! Hope everyone is doing ok! Injured Quinn got the most votes, so here we are! This one is the longest one ive done so far, I definitely did not mean for it to be as long as it is but here we are. Also, im not a professionl in any way, so i cant say this is concussion accurate. I just went off of my experience in dealing with athletes that have Concussions, and my own Concussions lol. Anywaysss I hope yall enjoy. Love Soph.
There was something so gut-wrenching about watching the man you love get injured. One second, Quinn was cutting quickly around the back of the net, and the next, he was getting slammed into the boards hard. It was nothing. You get hit, you get up, and you keep going. It was simply a part of hockey.
Except this time, Quinn wasn't getting up. He wasn't moving at all. You stand up, heart in your throat. The room feels like it's tilting. The sharp shrill of the refs whistle cut through the air, stopping the play as the refs skate over to where Quinn is lying motionless on the ice.
They are calling for medics. Your head is spinning with the worst possible scenarios as you excuse yourself from your seat and practically sprint to the locker room. One of the security members holds out a hand to stop you.
"Ma'am, you can't be here, please exit this area"
Great. Just fucking great. This is exactly what you need right now. The overwhelming need that aches in your bones demanding to know that Quinn is ok makes you want to cry. Because now this fucker won't let you through. And you're nearly too panicked to do anything about it.
The logical route would be pulling out Quinns wallet, that has his ID in it, and explaining that you are his girlfriend. But with your anxiety high, and your heart in your throat logic is not the first thing on your mind.
"Listen buddy," you start, ready to absolutely rip this guy a new one. Thankfully for him, one of the trainers who knows you happens to be exiting the locker room.
"Let her through, Jace, that's Hughes' girl" he says, waving you forward. The security guard- Jace apparently, lets you pass with a grumble.
By the time you get rink side, Quinn is (half) conscious- thank God, and being half carried off the ice by Petey and Boeser. He's transfered to the care of two medics, who sit him on a bench and begin to check him over.
One of them is asking him questions gently, both to keep him awake and assess the damage to his head. While the other stabilizes his neck. "Can you tell me your full name and today's date?" One of the medics asks.
"Quintin Jerome Hughes," he slurs, eyes fluttering, "its Feb'uary... twenty-second, twenty-twenty-four"
Your breath hitches. He got the date wrong. You can't help the panic that rushes through you. "Good job Quinn, do you know where you are?"
"Van, Roger's arena," he mumbles, "playing hockey"
"Good," the medic hums. "we need to take off your equipment to make sure you aren't injured anywhere else. Is that ok?"
"Y/n" he mumbles, eyes closing and head tilting forward, his head snapped back up a moment later, and if the other medic hadn't had his head stabilized he would probably have mild whiplash.
"Stay awake for us, Quinn. Is Y/n someone you'd like us to call?"
You spring forward at the mention of your name, "I'm here," you say, pushing past a couple of people who are standing around, ready to assist if the situation gets worse.
"My girl" Quinn slurs, his lips tilting into a small smile. Your heart flutters at that. In the midst of his delirium, he still cares about you dearly.
"Hello Y/n, I'm Sam," the guy who's been asking him questions, "and that's Kieran," he says, nudging his head towards Kieran, who gives a small smile.
"Do you think you could help us remove his equipment?"
"Yes absolutely, just tell me what to do" you say, glad that you can help.
"Can you remove his jersey and shoulder pads? Kieran needs to keep his neck stable, and I need to check for any other possible injuries. And keep him talking"
"Yeah, of course," you start by bending his elbow to slide it out of the sleeve of his jersey.
"Hey Quinny" you say softly, sliding his other arm out of his jersey "you played really really good today, I'm so proud of you"
"Thanks baby," he murmers, "glad you're here." He tries to lean his head against your chest, he huffs when Kieran doesn't let him, and you can't help but let out a breathy laugh, patting his head lovingly.
Kieran tilts his head to one side, allowing you to pull the jersey over his head. You deposit it in his cubby behind him and make quick work undoing his shoulder pads and pulling them off gently.
"I'm glad I'm here too. What do you wanna eat when we get home?"
Sam gently asks you to move out of the way so he can check Quinns upper body for injuries. The second you aren't doing something, the anxiety rises back to your chest. You take a deep breath and begin to unlace his skates. You pull them off, slipping a pair of slides on his feet so his socks don't get wet.
"Hmm" he hums in thought "potatos...?"
You laugh, "Alright Quinny. We'll have potatos"
Finally after palpating his whole body to make sure he doesn't have any other major injuries, testing his reflexes, and asking him a bunch more questions. They diagnose him with a minor concussion, and give you a list of things to look out for.
They deem it safe enough to leave you alone with him for a little bit and tell you to change him into something more comfortable. It takes a bit of work to take off his hockey pants and shinguards and get him into a pair of sweats and a hoodie.
By the time you're done, the equipment manager and the medics have collected the rest of his equipment. After making sure his hockey bag is fully packed with everything, you grab his keys from your purse, while the EM helps you bring his bag to his car, and the medic helps you half carry him down.
He can mostly walk on his own, but better safe than sorry. On the ride home he keeps his head resting against the window, a cool compress is wrapped around his neck, and he's holding one over his eyes with one hand, while the other holds yours tightly.
You trace your thumb over the backs of his knuckles soothingly and keep him talking the whole way home. "What kind of potatoes do you want when we get home, Hon?"
"Can I change my mind?" He asks sheepishly. He's still talking very quietly and slurring his words a little, but the medics said that was nothing to worry about unless he started getting worse. So far, it was nothing to worry about.
"Of course my love, anything you want" you bring your intertwined hands to rest on your chest. It's a comforting weight over your heart, that you didn't know you needed until it was there.
Your phone lights up from the cup holder, it's a text from Petey, saying that the Canucks won the game. There are a few other texts, from his parents and brothers. You make a mental note to reply to them as soon as you get Quinn settled at home.
"Can we have noodles?" He mumbles.
"Yes, of course, love." You can't help but kiss the back of his knuckles. Watching Quinn get injured to the point of losing consciousness was not something you ever wanted to experience ever again.
"Your boys won, by the way," you say softly.
"The did?!" Quinns head shoots up front the window, and he is filled with instant regret as a sharp twinge shoots down his neck and to his shoulder.
"Ow fuck" he mumbles, laying his head back against the cool window.
"Careful love," you gasp, squeezing his hand.
"I know, I'm sorry," he mumbles, squeezing your hand back. You sigh, you have been on edge since he got injured, and it didn't look like the anxiety would dissipate for a while. You would just have to deal with it and try not to be an over bearing worry wart.
"You guys won 5-2" you smile, finally pulling into your apartment parking lot.
"I didn't do much except get my brains knocked around" he grumbles. "Some captain I am"
You scoff, flicking him in the nose lightly. "Don't sell yourself short, Quinny. Three of those points are yours."
Quinn wrinkles his nose and leans forward to bite your finger. You yelp, snatching it away with a glare. He sticks his tongue out at you, and you laugh, your chest feeling a little lighter than before.
"Come on, let's get you upstairs. " You say, undoing your seat belt and getting out of the car. You run around to his passenger side and open the door for him, and help him step out of the car. He throws an arm over your shoulder, and you wrap one around his waist. He's not as wobbly on his feet as he was earlier, but he still isn't at full strength.
Quinn squeezes his eyes shut and tucks his face against your hair. The florescent elevator lights were not pleasant in his state. "Can we keep the apartment lights off?" He mumbles against your hair.
"Sure love," you said rubbing your hand up and down his back soothingly, "we're almost home," you fish the keys out of your purse and unlock it. You toe your shoes off at the door while Quinn slips his off easily and you guide him to the couch.
"What do you want first, baby? Food or a shower?"
"I'm not really hungry" Quinn mumbles, laying on the couch and adjusting the ice pack under his neck. You sit on the couch handle, stroking his hair back from his forehead. "I know honey, but we should try to get something light in your system, if you're feeling upto it."
Quinn sighs. He knows you're right. "I can make you toast? Or a sandwich or something?" You offer, smoothing your thumb over his hairline.
"Do we have bagles?" He asks
"Yeah, we have bagles, I'll make you one of those?"
"Yes please," he mumbles, you plant a kiss on his forehead and go pop a bagle into the toaster, "can you do it with cream cheese and jam?" He asks, chewing on his lip nervously.
"Sure, Hon, I'm gonna make myself some tea. Do you want a cup?" You ask as you pull the cream cheese and jam out of the fridge.
"No thanks, I'm ok" he mumbles. After his bagle is done being made, you help ease him into sitting position, and sit next to him with your cup of tea. He eats a bit more than half the bagle, and you finish off the rest before deeming it time to shower.
You remember all the messages from his family, and quickly shoot them texts, saying that he's ok and you just got home and you'll talk more when he gets settled.
"I'm gonna put these back in the freezer while we shower, yeah?"
Quinn nods, handing the ice packs to you to put in the freezer. You help him up slowly and lead him to the bathroom. You keep the lights off and leave the door open so you have a little bit of light from the bedroom.
While the shower warms up, you grab a clean change  of clothes for both you and Quinn and set them on the counter before helping Quinn strip. He has to brace an arm against the wall while you hold him steady with one hand and maneuver his clothes off with the other.
"I'm sorry," he murmers against your hair as you help him step into the shower.
"Oh Quinn, there's nothing to be sorry for," you say, sitting him on the shower seat.
"I'm sorry you have to take care of me like this." He huffs, resting his head against the cool Ike of the shower wall, "I feel so pathetic, " his voice cracks, and your heart nearly breaks.
"Quinn, my love, taking care of you is not a burden. It's a pleasure. I love you to the ends of the earth, and I would do anything for you, my sweets. " You kiss him on the forehead sweetly as if to prove your point.
He doesn't say much about it after that, but you can tell he still feels bad. You make quick work of washing his hair, being very careful of where a small bump has formed on his head. You scrub him down and rinse him off before shutting off the water.
You wrap a towel around yourself and then dry Quinn off gently before helping him change into his pajamas. "Let me change and then dry your hair a little bit before we have to put an ice pack on your head, ok?"
Quinn nods. He sits on the counter, leaning against the wall while you change into your pajamas. You plug in the hair dryer and dry his hair, keeping his head steady with one hand. As soon as his hair is no longer soaking wet, you help him off the bathroom counter and into bed. You grab the ice packs from the freezer and help him position them on his head and neck until he's comfortable.
"I'll be back in less than ten minutes, baby. I'm just going to grab your stuff from the car, ok?" You say pulling on a pair of sweats and a hoodie over your pajamas.
"Ok" Quinn mumbles, "I'll call if anything" he says patting his nightstand to make sure his phone is there.
You kiss him on the forehead and pull the bedroom door halfway closed so the light from the hall isn't too bright. Grabbing his car keys and your phone from the counter, you hit the call button on Ellen's contact as you slip out the door.
She picks up on the first ring "Hows he doing?" She asks immediately. She sounds distressed, maybe like she's been crying. You don't blame her. They probably haven't heard anything unless someone on the team contacted them, and you have no idea how bad it looked on TV.
"He's ok, Mrs. H, it's a mild concussion. His symptoms aren't worsening at all, and they said with some rest he'll be significantly better by tomorrow"
Her sigh of relief was unmatched. "He'll be out of play for a couple of weeks, but they just want to make sure he's back to 100% before he's playing again." The elevator finally opens, and you hit the button for the parking garage.
"Thank you so much, Y/n, im glad you're there with him. I know he's in good hands. I'll leave you be love, Jack and luke are super super anxious and would appreciate a call from you. Text me if anything happens."
"I will, Mrs. H, tell Mr. H I say hi"
"I will dear, thanks for taking care of our boy"
"Of course El, he's my boy too," you smile.
You swear you can hear Ellen smile over the phone. "We love you dear, I'll talk to you tomorrow ok. Don't forget to take care of yourself too"
"I will, I love you guys too. I'll text you updates"
"Alright, bye dear."
"Bye," you sigh, pressing the end call button, just as the elevator opens to the parking garage. As you press the button to open the trunk, you call Jack.
"Y/n,"  he huffs out, not even after a full ring. "How's Quinn? If he ok? What happened?"  Before you can answer any of Jacks questions, Luke's voice cuts him off, "is Quinn ok? Are you guys at the hospital? It looked really bad -"
Before their panicked tangents can get worse, you interrupt them both. "Take a breath, you two," you say calmly, breathing exaggeratedly so they can copy you "in and out, relax. Quinn is ok. He's ok"
"He's ok?"
"He's ok" you repeat. You feel the tears start to build, and your voice cracks "He's ok"
"Oh Y/n." Jack says softly.
"It's ok, I'm ok" you say, more to yourself than to Jack as you wipe the tears away. "Hold on, gimme one sec." You say, setting down your phone as you pull Quinn's hockey bag out the car. You close the trunk, make sure the car is locked and head back to the elevator.
"Hi, sorry I'm back. I was just grabbing Quinn's stuff out the car."
"Can you tell us what happened?"  Luke asks softly.
"He's got a concussion, and he's a bit bruised up, but other than that he's alright"
"Fuck, how bad is it?" Jack asks, the fear is evident in his voice, and you can't blame him. Concussions can be really bad sometimes.
"They said its a mild concussion, he's not throwing up at all, his memory is ok, he didn't injure his spine or anything, he'll be ok after a few days of rest. He probably wont be playing for a few weeks, but better safe than sorry."
"Oh thank God"  both Jack and Luke huffed "isn't he not supposed to sleep for 24 hours after or something?" Luke asks.
You shake your head with a small smile "Thats a myth, Lukey. As long as I check on him every few hours its ok for him to sleep."
"Ohh, ok. Well that's good" Luke says.
"We are glad he has you Y/n, thank you for taking care of our brother."
"Always" you say softly.
"We'll let you go now, keep us updated?"
"I will, Jackie. You two get some rest, you have a big game tomorrow, love you guys"
"We love you too Y/n/n" both boys say, hanging up.
You sigh, leaving his bag at the door. "Y/n?" Quinns weak voice calls out from the bedroom. You rush to him immediately, scared that something is wrong.
"Yes, Quinny, I'm right here" you say kneeling beside the bed, and stroking his hair.
"You took long," he mumbles, pressing his lips against your wrist.
"I'm sorry love, I'm here now," you stand, stripping the hoodie and sweats off and climbing into bed next to him. You stay a little distance away, not wanting to hurt Quinn. But he grumbles at you, tugging on your shirt to get you to come closer. Normally, he would just grab you and pull you closer, but he's still weak.
"I don't wanna hurt you" you mumble, scooting closer so that you are tucked against his side. He tangles your legs together and rests his head against yours.
"Never" he says, pressing his lips to the side of your head. You rest one of your hands on his hip, under his shirt, stroking your thumb over his hip bone.
"How you feeling?" You ask softly.
"Beat" he mumbles "thanks for taking care of me"
"I'll take care of you for as long as you let me love" you say, pressing a gentle kiss to the underside of his jaw.
Wc: 3.1k
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blughxreader · 2 months
The thing is, in the yandere-purge-world, there would probably be some advocates for reducing darlings wages in order to increase the wages of yanderes. The whole system depends on the classification of a yandere and their darling, like, how is it recognized?
If someone has to register as a yandere and register their darling before they get the purge letter, then maybe there should be some immediate procedures, such as the darling getting fired? But that would complicate companies, so it would become a communism vs. Capitalism debate, right?
The response would be governments placing darlings as ‘unable to work’, and yanderes would climb the banner, since the majority of the government would be yandere.
It would result in systematic oppression of darlings, so the darlings would be unable to work, and even if they retained their allowance to vote, the yanderes might not even let them outside.
Really, it’s just like the 1940s for the men vs. Women thing.
Oo this ask begs an important question—since suppression in this society is based off of yandere/darling/and unchosen & not-yet-crazy people, how heavily do personalities play a role in job opportunities/first impressions/government assistance/etc?
From this point on, i will call the third group of people Normals (ie the group of unregistered yanderes and people who haven’t been chosen as a darling by a yandere. All darlings and yanderes start out as Normals.)
In the Ye Old Era, circa 1800s and earlier, there was a zero-nuance understanding of Darlings and Yanderes, in the same way that men subjugated women.
Yanderes killed and pillaged to get what they want, and Everyone Else either murdered them back or were forced into submission. I doubt there was a registry of Yans and Darlings, because you were either someone’s bitch or you weren’t.
As the world globalized, societies modernized, technology developed, capitalism spread… Yanderes had to reel it in or face capital punishment. It was no longer acceptable to butcher your neighbor for their daughter/son.
Kind of like prohibition, there was a time in society where all murder, kidnapping, etc was illegal. This had unintended, bloody consequences as homicide and suicide actually increased.
Thus the Purge was born.
To answer your questions, I don’t think a darling would face any repercussions from being claimed by a yandere. The yandere has to actually kidnap them during the Purge before Darling loses any rights. Because up until Darling received their claim notice, they were Normal.
I bet there’s also laws to protect against discrimination based off class and personality type. Businesses are not allowed to discriminate, however I bet they’re also notified that a Darling has received a claim notice just in case they go missing after the Purge lol.
Systematic suppression runs deep. There’s no way around it. All the most powerful families and businesses are headed by yanderes. They own the economy, write the laws, etc.
Fortunately there are yanderes sympathetic to darlings, so eventually Darlings got their rights.
However!!! Imaging you’ve been held captive for a decade. What sort of job prospects do you have? Why would anyone want you when your degree is stale and you have insane therapy requirements.
What if the government gave willing Darlings to darling-less yanderes? Like, you’re incapable of integrating into the real world after being imprisoned, and there’s plenty of lonely yanderes out there, so why not pair up?
It could be a 6-month rehabilitation contract, to a lifelong “marriage.”
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suhnflowerstay · 2 months
game night
bang chan x afab!reader
a/n: this is based on a real life situation so it might not be super relatable (no description of what reader looks like besides the fact that they're afraid of sitting on his lap)
and it is not representative of any characteristics the idols have or anything lol it's moreso therapeutic. it does require the knowledge of Jackbox Games. quiplash is a game where you get a prompt and you anonymously write down what you think is the funniest answer and everyone votes for the funniest one. i'm posting this twice because i originally wrote it for mark but my sister thought it was well suited for chan as well soooo yeah!
wc: 2.9k
tags: toxic situationship vibes (like really toxic), smoking, high emotions, angst, smut, sad ending
You and Chan had known each other for a few years. You had initially met on vacation and got each other's contact information to keep in touch. You were talking all the time and FaceTiming nearly every day. You were friends, such close friends that you decided to go to the same university. Once you moved to his area for college, you were spending all your time with each other. Eventually, the sexual tension between you began to build and before you knew it, your situationship began.
A few months before your friends with benefits relationship with Chan began, he had been sharing with you how messy his previous arrangement was. You had seen other girls come and go because they could never handle him sticking by his word and refusing to commit to them. You were also not interested in commitment, so you felt comfortable going into it. You knew exactly who you were friends with, so you assumed you would be fine. You were just friends who had a sexual attraction to each other. There was no reason that having sex would have to complicate things, right? Wrong.
Yes, there are people who can have a healthy friends with benefits style relationship. Sex is easy to detach from for some more than others. Your relationship with Chan was anything but detached. You were best friends who had sex, and the gray area was extremely gray. You were practically dating without the label, and that brought a lot of negative feelings bubbling up. But you both didn't want commitment. You were terrified of being vulnerable in that way and he, well… he just loved the attention.
Chan's cousin Felix was hosting a game night with some friends, and he wanted you to come along and meet everyone. When you two arrived at Felix’s house, you introduced yourself, and the first words out of his mouth were:
“Are you the one that called on Christmas?”
Immediately, Chan jumped into action to try to shut Felix up. He stood in front of you and blocked Felix from view, mumbling, “No, that was someone else.” You knew he had a previous situationship leading up to your current situationship with him; this was no secret. You knew this because you were the one to talk him through the end of that relationship. You just hadn't realized how intense it must've been if Bang Chan was bringing that "friend with benefits" to meet the family.
You had small talk with Felix, asking him what his major was, and he asked you yours. He offered you drinks and snacks, and you took a seat on the sectional with Chan taking the seat right next to you. You two were in your own little world, giggling about god knows what while he had his arm around you, when all of a sudden the door behind you swings open.
“CHAN PLEASE TELL ME YOU HAVE DONE THE ENGINEERING HOMEWORK!” the disheveled boy yelled. You giggled because of how insane this random man appeared with his backpack barely slung over his shoulder, hair a mess, running up to take a seat on the couch diagonal to you two.
“Y/N, this is Minho. Minho, this is Y/N.”
Minho’s brain is going a million miles an hour, and the first thing he thinks to ask is:
“Are you two dating?”
You and Chan look at each other, and he says, “No, we’re just friends.”
“Oh," the disheveled man says, "Well, it looks like you two are dating.”
Minho proceeds to talk to Chan about whatever homework they had, and his whole demeanor has you nearly falling off the couch with how hard he has you laughing. He has major himbo energy and says everything with so much passion. At one point, he ends a story he's telling with, “WHATEVER FUCKOOO!”
Soon, more of Felix and (kind of) Chan's friends start showing up. A taller guy who catches your eye greets you. He says his name is Hyunjin and makes light conversation with you, asking how you know Chan and Felix and asking how long you've lived in the city. There are also three guys in the corner smoking, and one of them catches your eye as you hear his distinct giggle while he laughs with his friends. Is Chan only friends with hot people, you think. The last guy walks in and very quietly says hi and immediately walks across the room to sit between his friends. Chan lets you know that the shy guy, also known as Jisung, is really shy with strangers, but he's sure Jisung will warm up by the end of the night.
Felix loads up Jackbox Games, and your group plays Trivia Murder Party for a few rounds, and then, a guy named Seungmin says he thinks the group should play Quiplash. There are a few rounds where you make some pretty good jokes, and all of the guys hype you up, telling Chan he brought someone super funny to game night. You even make a quip at Chan's expense, and Minho high-fives you for doing so. At this point, you've had a few drinks, and you aren't drunk, just tipsy. But you absolutely need to pee. You ask Chan where the bathroom is, since this is his cousin's house, and he leads you to the bathroom, waiting for you outside the door. Once you’re done, he drags you to the empty bedroom across from the bathroom and lays back on the bed, pulling you down you on top of him.
“Are you having fun?” he looks up at you.
“Mhm," you hum, "are you?”
"Your friends are nice. Minho's super funny. I can't believe he's real,” you giggle.
"Yeah, he is... ok, c'mon. Let’s go back before they think we’re having sex or something," he says abruptly. You thought his response was weird, but you didn't think too much about it.
Upon returning to the living room, you see your seat on the couch was stolen by a few of the guys, and you are now forced to sit on a recliner in the corner to watch the game from there. There’s only one seat though, so you just stand while Chan takes the seat.
“What are you doing?" he questions, "Come on. Sit down.”
You pause. “I-I'm okay. I don’t want to like hurt your legs or anyth-”
Chan pulls you down on his lap, so you’re forced to sit down on him. He asks if you want to smoke, and you take a singular hit, not really interested in doing that, and watch the game from afar. Minho has his eyes trained on you two, and you feel his stare. You turn to look at him, and he yells from across the room, “Are you sure you guys aren’t dating?”
You giggle saying, "Yes, we’re sure we aren’t dating."
He tilts his head to the side like a confused kitty and proceeds to ask “So, are you guys cousins?” and you cannot stop yourself from keeling over because what does he MEAN?? What kind of line of questioning is that? Why would his brain jump from dating to cousins? You look at Chan incredulously as you both laugh and confirm once again that you are just friends.
You two keep watching the game, rather than participate, and go back to your own little world until Chan decides he’s ready to go home. You follow him out, saying a single goodbye to everyone in the room. Everyone bids you goodbye in their own way with many of the guys saying how nice it was to meet you and how you should definitely come to game night again. You two walk out and Chan unlocks the car before remembering he has to go back in to get something from Felix. You sit and wait in the car, smiling to yourself, and text your best friend about game night. You make sure to mention the beautiful man you met and how funny it was that he asked if you and Chan were cousins.
Once he enters the car, he slides his hand onto your thigh.
“Did you have fun?” he asks, leaning in to give you a kiss.
“Yes, actually. I really didn't think I would, but that was so nice and all of your friends seem so cool! Minho is such a himbo it’s so funny... I can’t believe you guys are taking the same classes.” you add.
You don't notice, but Chan's hand clenches the steering wheel. He doesn’t say anything and begins the drive home. You stop by the grocery store on your way home to pick up some snacks, and everything between you and Chan seems pretty light hearted.
You get back to his place, shower, and change into pajamas. You two sit on the couch for a bit longer watching shows and just snacking, cuddled up together. You get up to go to the restroom, leaving your phone behind on the coffee table, and when you come back, Chan is in a noticeably different mood. His body language is tense, and he’s moved away from your original spot.
“Channie… what’s wrong?” you ask, still standing.
“Nothing. What are you talking about?”
“It just seems like... like there’s something bothering you,” you insisted.
“Why would anything be bothering me? You’re literally making something out of nothing!” he snapped.
Now, you're officially in a bad mood.
“Fine then! Forget I even asked,” you huffed, collapsing onto the opposite side of the couch to go through your phone.
Half an hour later, your anger has subsided, and you're back to being invested in the show you’re watching. Then, the leading man betrays his love interest.
“Ughhhhhh," you drone, "Why does every man suck? Like even him? You have to be joking.”
“I bet Minho would never do that…” Chan mumbled mockingly from his side of the couch.
“What the actual fuck did you just say?” you snarled.
“Please do not fucking tell me that you’re upset over Minho, a man I only just met a few hours ago,” you scoffed.
“Oh, so you’re counting the hours,” Chan said, not even looking at you.
“Chan, shut the fuck up! What are you saying right now? What is your deal? I don’t even know or care about Minho!”
“You sure seemed to care when you texted your friend about how hot and funny you thought he was,” he said, finally looking up at you to see your reaction.
“Motherfucker, you went through my phone? Again? Are you fucking joking? Why would you do that?”
“I didn’t! I saw you texting it,” he tried to say, but you knew that was a lie because you had texted your friend right when you got into the car. He absolutely went through your phone, but this was not the first time.
“You’re a fucking liar, Bang Chan. I know you didn’t see me texting it. And either way, what does it matter to you? Newsflash! In case you weren't aware, I’m not your girlfriend! You made sure of it, and you also made sure everyone knew that tonight!”
Chan scoffed, “What did you want me to say to them? 'Oh yeah we’re fucking’?”
“it doesn’t matter what you say to them because we aren’t anything. And that means you don’t get to be upset over me texting my friend that i thought your friend was attractive," you emphasize, "You’ve done far worse or would you like me to remind you about your sexting with Soyeon or sending good morning and goodnight texts to Sana when you couldn’t even find two seconds to text me back even if it was just to let me know you were busy?"
Chan sits there knowing he can't say anything to that.
"You have even less of a right to be upset because of all the shit you pull all of the time, so I’m not going to apologize for sending my friend one text about a cute boy I will probably never see again." you finish.
“So you would want to see him again?” he tries to say steadily, but his voice cracks.
You look up and see that Chan is looking at the ground now and has tears in his eyes.
“Chris…” you put your arm around him and embrace him.
“I get it, though, like he’s so much more than I could ever be," he sniffles, "He’s so funny without even trying, and he’s just so cute and attractive and everything about him screams 'y/n's type.' I don’t blame you for being interested.”
He pushes himself up to lock eyes with you. “It’s only you, you know? I know you saw the texts or whatever with other girls, but I only care about you. No one else could ever be you. I promise that at the end of the day, no matter what, I only want you.”
He looks down at your lips and hesitates before he kisses you. The kiss starts off slow and slowly progresses into a more passionate, needy one. Chan is grabbing at your hips, your stomach, your arms, whatever he can get a grip on. He starts whining and pulls away, “Please take off your clothes, babygirl. I need you.”
You both strip down in his living room. Chan carefully lays you down on the couch and lines himself up with your pussy before slowly pushing himself in all the way without any issue. You guess high intensity and emotional situations just make you wet now after all the arguments you've had with this man.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so tight," he praises, "You always make me feel so big. it always feels like the first time.”
You moan and beg Chan to move, and slowly, he does. While there’s still a desperate neediness in the air, Chan is moving slowly and intentionally. He keeps his eyes fixed on yours while caressing your body. He praises every inch of you that he touches, littering you with compliments. He traces a finger along every curve and focuses on tracing circles on your tits, teasing your nipple ever so slightly before finally taking the buds between his fingers. He squeezes them, eliciting moans from your "pretty little mouth" as he calls it. He keeps one hand focused on your breast while he uses the other arm to hold himself up as he leans down to kiss you, maintaining the slow but steady rhythm. You wrap your legs and arms around him, pinning him to your chest. This position makes it so much more intimate, and you swear that he's hitting even deeper. The combination is pushing you right up to the edge. By the way Chan starts moaning, you can tell he feels the same.
“Fuck baby, I'm so close,” he groans
“Please cum inside me, Daddy. I need it so bad.”
“Ugh, f-fuck, beautiful, I can’t until you do. Please cum with me baby girl and- fuck- and I’ll fill you up as much as you want.”
His words send you over the edge, catapulting you into a strong radiating orgasm. Your hands are grasping at his arms and back, leaving scratches in their wake, you're sure. It’s very different from what you’ve previously experienced, muted but long lasting, and you can feel it all over. Your orgasm triggers his, and he continues to fuck you through it until the overstimulation becomes too much. He pulls out of you and grabs some wipes to wipe you and himself down. He lays you down in bed and makes his way to lay down right alongside you. He sits up and places his hand on your cheek, turning your head to make you look at him.
“I-" he hesitated, "I’m sorry I went through your phone again,” he says, rubbing his thumb back and forth along your cheekbone.
“It’s okay, Chan,” you reassure him.
“I just- I knew you’d like him. I could tell from the way you were looking at him and how he was looking at you. Minho is never interested in other people let alone other people’s relationships. I knew if he was asking if we were dating, it was so he could ask you out, and it made me freak out," he sighs.
“You have no way of knowing that, Channie,” you reason.
“Regardless, I meant what I said. I know we aren’t official, but I'm only loyal to you.”
He lays back down, and you say nothing.
You say nothing because this is a conversation you have often.
You say nothing because as much as you want to commit to Chan, you probably also aren’t ready.
You say nothing because the previous statement is probably a lie you tell yourself to make yourself feel better in this relationship you have with him.
You say nothing because you know there will be more instances of you finding text messages with other people in which he gives them more compliments/attention/time than he gives you.
You say nothing because you know he isn’t loyal to you at all, and you’d rather not start another fight tonight.
You say nothing because there is nothing here to fight for.
You say nothing as he falls asleep in your arms, and you see his phone light up with a text.
minho: hey can i get y/n's number
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WIBTA for “weaponizing the police” against my ex boyfriend? I (27) dated my ex (24) from late July to early October 2023.
TW: harassment, stalking, gaslighting, police (obvs lol)
You may remember the “AITA for breaking up with my boyfriend over pizza and a blowjob” and “AITA for telling my ex not to use a picture of himself in my bra as his pfp” stories.
I wouldn’t give him head bc my shoulder hurt from making him a custom mask for a fandom he’s super into. He screamed at me for asking him to get half-cheese pizza going forward (because the pizza we were eating had pepperoni under the cheese and I’m vegetarian); triggering my ptsd. So I broke up with him. NTA, conscience cleared. 👍
Months later; he sent me a screenshot from his twitter and his pfp was him wearing the mask I hurt my shoulder making for him… and my bra. When I told him to change it, he said I was using “white girl tears” and “treating him like Hitler.” He did change his pfp though.
I was voted NTA and encouraged to get a restraining order and “block him” which I had done over a dozen times, but he keeps making new numbers.
From late October to now, he’s been on-again-off-again harassing me; using temporary phone numbers to accuse me of being narcissistic, abusive, evil, etc. I usually don’t respond, but he has a way of phrasing things so they stick in my mind like thorns.
No threats, just verbal abuse, gaslighting, victim blaming, and other mind games that he always wins.
I’ve told him to stop and blocked every number he’s contacted me from, and I’m looking into changing my number.
I also told him that if he didn’t leave me alone i would get a restraining order, and he told me i would be “weaponizing the police.”
He’s black and we live in the USA so I honestly don’t want to involve the police. I know police brutality is a very real problem and even though he’s made my life miserable and tanked my mental health, I would never wish that upon him. I just want him to leave me alone.
I looked it up, and the police would only be involved to serve him the court summons; everything else would be through the courts.
I still worry they would hurt him while serving the orders.
If IWBTA for getting the court system involved, please offer (realistic!) alternative solutions in the comments. I’m already looking into changing my number, but he lives 1/4 mile away from me and I can’t afford a security system.
Sending love and safety to you and everyone who read this whole mess. ❤️‍🩹💝💖
What are these acronyms?
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morgana-larkin · 23 days
Ok for the next prompt, the person asked for me to post it separately instead of with the prompt to not spoil anything, so I’ll post the fic and I’ll post the prompt a few minutes after. So pretty much the summary is: The Abbott crew tries to set you up on dates with men, Melissa finds someone to set you up with around the same time she catches feelings for you. Unfortunately for Melissa, you seem to actually like your date she set you up with. But maybe there’s something that Melissa doesn’t know about you and your date…
I have no clue about the title, that was what my brain came up with on 2 hours of sleep. I may or may not post a part 2 with jealous smut. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: so this got the most votes in the poll. I literally started writing this, Mine part 5 and my first Marilyn x reader fic and didn’t know which one to finish lol. My ADD got the best of me. So I’m almost done Mine and the Marilyn x reader fic so keep an eye out! Also for the Marilyn x reader fic, anyway want to be added to the taglist? My current one is my Melissa and Chessy taglist that I will not put with my other character fics.
I Feel A Rainbow In You
Warnings: jealous Mel, very clueless reader, angst
Words: 4.1k
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“No women? Nobody else? Ever?” Melissa says.
After a bit more questioning, Janine gets a bit upset and walks out. Before Gregory follows her out, you pipe up.
“I don’t get what the big deal is? She has someone, I’ve never been in a relationship.” You say and they all turn to look at you in shock.
Gregory follows Janine out and everyone stares at you in shock.
“Girl you’ve never been in a relationship? Like ever?” Ava says and you sigh.
“Nope, never.” You say and you see Melissa raise her eyebrows.
“Dear, is there a reason you haven’t had a relationship?” Barb asks and that’s when Janine and Gregory walk back in. Gregory told Janine what you said and how everyone looked at you in shock.
“I just haven’t had someone interested in me to date me.” You tell her and you see Melissa looking at you with sympathy.
“What if we helped?” Ava pipes up and you whip your head at her. “We can set you on dates and help you find Mr right or at least someone to start your dating path.” Ava adds and you sigh, finding no way out of this, you agree.
So everyone seems to find a nice man to set you up with and you’re not even remotely interested in them. Then Melissa says that one of her sisters has a friend who agreed to go on a date with you. You put your forehead on the table and slam it a few times. Melissa looks at you and she thinks it’s cute and she giggles. She catches your forehead and brings your head back up.
“Hon, if this date doesn’t go well then we’ll give you a break alright?” She says to comfort you as you’ve been on 5 dates this month. You nod your head at her and she rubs your shoulder. You blush a little bit at her touch and go back to eating.
Melissa has been starting to develop a tiny crush on you. She realised it when you went on your last date a few days ago and she got a little jealous. When you texted her after the date saying there wasn’t going to be a second, she breathed a sigh of relief. You and Melissa became friends rather quickly, you were part of one the people that started with Janine and Jacob and part of the few that remained. When you saw Melissa take an interest in you and no one else that was new, it made you feel really special. Instead of forming a friendship with Janine and Jacob and others that were new, you formed one with Melissa and Barb, mostly Melissa.
On Saturday, you went out with the man that Melissa set you up with, Thomas.
Melissa gets a text from you after the date saying there’s a second one and she feels a stab in her stomach. She obviously was the supportive friend and told you that that’s great.
On Monday, everyone was asking how it went and then there was more questions once you said that you and Thomas were going out again on Friday right after school. Melissa stayed quiet throughout the entire conversation, just kept stabbing her meal and taking angry bites. Everyone noticed this and didn’t say anything, the only one who didn’t notice was you. You were either talking and turned away from her or on your phone texting Thomas. You and Thomas exchanged numbers on your date so that you can keep in contact during the week.
During the week, you and Thomas kept texting and it was driving Melissa up the wall. Not only did you find someone to keep going on dates with, but it was taking her time with you away.
On Wednesday during lunch, you and Melissa were talking. Melissa was giving you her full attention and taking in your every word, and smiling at you as you were talking about your favourite tv show. You then get a text notification from your phone and you pause and look at it.
“Oh sorry, it’s Thomas.” You tell Melissa and her smile drops. She silently stews as she sees you smiling while texting Thomas. You then laugh at something he says and Melissa can’t handle it. She quickly packs her things up and storms out of there.
You watch her walk out of there and you look at Barb for an answer for Melissa’s behaviour and she just shrugs. Everyone feels bad for Melissa, she has a crush on you and it’s at the same time you start dating someone.
On Thursday morning, you burst in to tell Melissa about the newest episode of your favourite show. A smile makes it way to her face and like always, gives you her full attention, even if she hasn’t taken a sip of her coffee yet. She puts her elbow on the table and her head in her hand and stares at you, almost with heart eyes. You then get a text and sees it’s from Thomas.
“It’s from Thomas, he hasn’t said where he’s taking me but says to dress kinda fancy but not like rich fancy.” You say to them and you have no idea what he means.
“Oh girl, he might be taking you to a club.” Ava says, interested in the conversation.
“Oh, well I did mention that I like dancing so it could be.” You say and you don’t notice Melissa hiding her anger while she taps a big sip of coffee. You turn to Melissa and tilt your head. “Melissa, what do you think I should wear? You’ve seen my wardrobe.” You ask her and she turns to look at you and her mind comes up blank.
“I think just wear what you want, you look beautiful no matter what you wear.” She responds with and you blush.
“You’re very sweet.” You tell her and she smiles at you.
“So tell me more about the episode.” Melissa tells you, wanting your attention back on her. She goes back to watching you with a smile as you continue talking. Barb looks at Melissa and prays that this ends well. She knows how Melissa can get when jealous and doesn’t want you or her getting hurt.
In the break room on Friday morning, Barb and Melissa were talking before you got there.
“Melissa dear, you should tell her how you feel, who knows she could be into women as well.” Barb tells her and the trio hears it and agrees.
“And what if she’s not? I’m not going to risk ruining the friendship over my feelings for her.” Melissa says with a pout.
“But Melissa, it’s hurting you. Everytime she gets a text from Thomas, you get jealous. And at some point she’s gonna notice.” Barb says and Melissa is about to say something when you walk in. Her jaw drops as she takes in your appearance. You come in with a black wavy skirt on that stops mid thigh and a dark purple crop top that clings to your body in the best way. The crop top isn’t too short that it’s inappropriate for school but can still see some skin from your belly. You finish the look with some black heels and black tights. You get a whistle from Jacob and Ava and you do a little spin.
“Daaammmn girl, you got that body working for you!” Ava exclaims as she dumps a bunch of sugar in her coffee.
“Thanks! Thomas is picking me up right after school so this is my outfit.” You say as you sit at the table with Barb and Melissa.
“You look wonderful y/n! Thomas will think so too!” Janine says and everyone else but Melissa agrees.
Melissa was shamelessly checking you out until you mentioned Thomas. When you did the little spin, she licked her lips.
“What do you think Melissa? You think it’s good?” You ask her, you value her opinion the most.
“Ya, like I said yesterday, you look beautiful no matter what.” She says and you blush.
“Thank you.” You tell her with a smile.
After school on Friday, you and Melissa are walking out while in conversation. Melissa nudges your shoulders softly as a response to what you said as you walk out of the building. You then see Thomas there to pick you up and you wave at him.
“Hey Thomas!” You say and make your way over to him. “Oh this is Melissa.”
“Hey! There’s the girl of the hour!” He says to you. “Wow you look amazing!” He says as he takes in your appearance. “Hi Melissa, it’s nice to finally meet you. Your sister and y/n here have talked about you.” He says to her.
“Nice to meet you too.” Melissa says with the best smile she can force out of herself. She wasn’t going to ruin this for you, she was going to be as supportive as she can, even if she has to fake a bunch of smiles. Inside she was seething though and it may have come out a little bit in her tone. She didn’t realise it but she was glaring at him every time she looked at him. You didn’t notice it but Thomas sure did and inside he was smirking.
“So y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out on Sunday?” Melissa says and turns to you. “I’ve been forgetting to ask you.” In reality, she didn’t forget, she wasn’t originally going to hang out with you but after meeting Thomas, she feels like she has too. She wants to spend more time with you while she can.
“Oh sure, I’m not doing anything on Sunday. What time?” You say with a smile and she smiles back at you.
“Is noon ok with you?” She asks and you nod.
“Noon sounds perfect.” You tell her and she blushes.
“Alright well I’ll see you then.” She says and waves to you then goes to her car. While she turns to go to her car, she spares a glare at Thomas. You get into Thomas’s car and he drives out of the parking lot:
“Girl, she was jealous!” He tells you and you look at him and scoff.
“How would you know that? You barely even know her.” You tell him.
“You might not have seen it but she was glaring at me the entire time. Do you know how much control it took me to not jump up and down for you?” He says and you roll your eyes. “Come on, you like her and she obviously had feelings for you.” He says to you.
“What if you’re wrong?” You tell him.
“Well how about we keep up this pretend dating situation going on for a bit longer. Maybe she’ll actually confess.” He tells you.
“I don’t know.” You tell him.
On your first date with him, you guys were talking and confessed that you only went on it because of coworkers. You both also confessed that you’re both gay and haven’t come out to your coworkers yet. The entire week you’ve both been texting about your crushes, you about Melissa and Thomas about a guy named Bobby.
“Just a bit longer ok. And besides, I don’t think she was forgetting to tell you about wanting to hang out on Sunday. I think she thought of it after seeing me.” He tells you and you look at him. “I’m just saying.” He tells you and you snort.
He brings you both to a gay bar and you watch a drag show there. You both end up having a really good time. You may not have a relationship yet but you got a new friend out of this that you can be yourself with.
On Sunday you video chat Thomas around 10, you’re wondering what to wear to see Melissa.
“Just go with something similar to what you wore on Friday. Girl, she was checking you out hard.” He tells you dramatically and you roll your eyes with a smile. “Although if you want to be a little spicy, wear a shorter skirt and shorter crop top. Flash her some cleavage, she’ll go crazy.” He tells you and you smile. It wasn’t a bad idea, maybe you’ll see if she’s actually interested in you.
You end up wearing a pleather skirt and red crop top where it shows some cleavage. You see her wearing leather pants and red a lot so maybe if she sees you in something similar then it’ll catch her eye. You top it up with tights and heels that stop just below your knee. You show Thomas the final product and do a little spin. He claps at how you look with a big smile and does a little cat call whistle.
“Womaniser here, you go get your girl.” He says to you. You see the time and say goodbye to Thomas and go to Melissa’s house. You stopped to get her her favourite donuts from her place and then arrive at her place a couple minutes before noon. You grabbed the donuts and your purse and then go and knock on her door. Melissa opens it and she goes to say hi but then sees your outfit and she freezes. You look sexy to her and she unconsciously licks her lips. The action isn’t lost on you but still not enough proof that she likes you. She lets you in and you give her the box of donuts and she opens it and lights up.
“Omg! You got me my favourite donuts! Thanks hon.” She says and gives you a hug. You lean into her touch a little bit during the hug and you feel all warm inside and you have a smile on your face.
You two spend the day talking about anything and you munch on some snacks after you both finish the donuts, she of course offered you half. Melissa is having a great time listening to you talk and she never asks once how your date on Friday went, she doesn’t want to know.
She talks to you at some point about which one of her siblings has annoyed her during the week. It seems her second youngest sibling Toni has annoyed her the most this week. You giggle when she goes on about it and she blushes at you giggling and smiles. She finds you so adorable and she wishes you were hers and not with Thomas. She likes to think that the fact that you haven’t brought him up is a good sign. Melissa invites you to stay for dinner and you always accept.
“Hell ya, I would never miss an opportunity to eat your food.” You tell her and she beams.
She makes you your favourite Italian meal and you have a huge smile when you realise it. She went out and got the ingredients for it this morning, hoping to make it for you since it’ll make you happy. She gets butterflies in her stomach when she sees your big smile and how happy you were and she wants to do this more often. She wants to spend days like this with you more, and she wants to be able to lean in and kiss you when you’re this happy.
You watch a movie while you eat dinner and you let her choose the movie. She ends up choosing a horror film, knowing you like to cuddle into her during them as you get scared. You groan at her movie choice and she smirks at you.
“I’m sure it won’t be as bad as the last one.” She tells you, the last time you hid your face in her neck as you got really scared. Melissa knows it’s as scary as the last one but wants to be able to hold you again and have your face hiding in her neck. When you both finish dinner, it got to the point where the scary scenes were starting and you curl up beside her and she puts an arm around your shoulders. She sighs in content and rubs your arm a bit.
You whine a bit at a scary part and she brings you closer to her and you let her. At another point you jump and hide your face in her neck and she smiles while stroking your hair.
“It’s alright, I got you. You’re safe.” She tells you when you whimper in her neck. When the movie is over you don’t bother to move from your head on her neck and she doesn’t say anything. She just continues stroking your hair and you end up falling asleep on her. She hears your soft snores and she tucks the hair in your face behind your ear. She puts both her arms around you in a hug and sighs.
“Oh how I wish you were mine y/n.” She tells your sleeping form. She ends up putting a blanket on you two and manoeuvres you both so that you can both fall asleep on the couch. She doesn’t want to let you go and she falls asleep with you curled up in her arms, she kisses your head before she falls asleep and then has one of the best sleeps in her life.
Her happiness crashes down on her on Monday during lunch. You and Melissa are talking when Thomas comes in to surprise you and attempts to make Melissa jealous to get her to admit her feelings.
“Hey y/n!” He tells you and you turn around to look at him in shock.
You mouth ‘what the hell are you doing here?’ To him and he just comes over to you.
“I wanted to see you today and got the opportunity so I came to surprise you.” He says with a big smile.
Melissa feels her rage increase by the second. Thomas spares a glance at Melissa and sees the anger radiating off of her. Everyone tries to keep Melissa from doing anything by talking to Thomas to keep his attention off of you. Janine ends up doing most of the talking with him. His attention however turns to you and includes you in the conversation. Melissa finally snaps and storms over to put her lunch in the fridge and slams the door, then she storms out of the break room without saying a word.
Thomas turns to you with a smirk and you give him a glare. “What are you waiting for? Go and get your girl and calm her down before she retrieves her bat and hits my deeply moisturised face.” He says to you and everyone looks at you guys in shock. You hide your face in your hands before Barb pipes up.
“What’s going on here?” She asks and you sigh before turning to everyone.
“I’m gay alright.” You say and everyone gasps.
“So am I.” Thomas admits after you.
“We haven’t been dating, we’re friends and he took me to go see a drag show on Friday.” You tell them all. “Also, what the hell are you doing here?” You turn to him.
“Melissa got jealous, I told you she was jealous when she saw me on Friday.” He tells you and you sigh and cross your arms, he puts his hand up in surrender. “Hey, you wanted to know if she liked you back and girl, she got the feels for you.” He tells you and you miss everyone’s grin when he admits you like Melissa.
You go to find Melissa and when you get to her classroom, you find it locked and you go and knock on it. “Melissa, you in there?” You knock a couple of times and no one opens it so you assume Melissa isn’t in there and you go and check other places she could be.
Melissa was inside her classroom but chooses to ignore your knocking and just stews in anger in her classroom. She realises she can’t be around now if she reacts like that whenever Thomas is around. She doesn’t want to admit her feelings either so she chooses to do everything to avoid and ignore you, starting immediately.
You don’t get the chance to talk to her for the rest of the day, and at the end of the day you go to her classroom only to discover she’s already gone, she always waits for you. You run into Barb and she tells you to just give Melissa some space as she’s dealing with something. The something is her feelings for you but Barb doesn’t tell you that.
You take Barb’s advice and give Melissa space. You don’t try to start conversations with her, you sit with the trio at lunch instead, and you don’t bother to go see her at her classroom after school. This goes on for almost 2 weeks and you’ve had enough.
After school on Friday you go to her house, you knock on the door and she doesn’t answer. You then do insist knocking until she answers,
“Ok I’m coming I’m coming!” You hear from inside and then the door opens. Melissa sees you standing there and she’s shocked, you were the last person she expected to see. “Y/n.” She says softly and surprised.
“What the hell is going on with you?!?” You ask, a bit angry and upset with her. You see Melissa looks stunned at your mini outburst but she doesn’t say anything. “I mean we’re really good friends and all of a sudden you start ignoring me like I’m a fucking plague and I don’t even know why. You act the same with everyone else though, everyone except me! So what the fuck Melissa?” You add and she looks down for a few seconds.
“I’m sorry.” Is all she says.
“You’re sorry? I don’t want an apology Melissa, I want an explanation.” You tell her and cross your arms. She steps aside and lets you in, she’d rather do this inside instead of at her door where people could watch. You go inside and stand beside her couch. “So? What’s going on with you?” You ask her and she cautiously steps closer to you.
“I’m jealous ok.” She says and you look at her with wide eyes.
“Jealous? Of who?” You ask her.
“Thomas.” Is all she says and looks at your reaction and you’re surprised.
“Of Thomas? Why would you be jealous of Thomas?” You ask her. You know that Thomas thinks Melissa likes you and you have the idea that maybe she is but don’t want to get your hopes up.
“Because I have feelings for you and you’re dating him.” She says like it’s obvious and you gasp.
“You have feelings for me?” You ask her and she nods. “Melissa, Thomas and I aren’t dating, we’re both gay.” You tell her and she looks at you stunned.
“Ya, we’re both gay. Wait, Barb didn’t tell you? The day that Thomas came, we told everyone we’re both gay after you stormed out.” You tell her.
“She didn’t tell me. She did try and push me to talk to you though for these past 2 weeks.” She says with a small smile.
“Melissa, I have feelings for you too. When I hang out with Thomas or text him, I mostly talk about you, and he talks about his crush on this guy named Bobby.” You tell her and she sucks in a breath.
“You like me?” She asks and you nod.
“How could I not like you? I mean you’re the whole package. You’re short tempered, big heart, amazing cook, you’re ginger, into women, and also drop dead gorgeous.” You say and walk closer with every word until you’re right in front of her.
You can see her blush at your words and looks down at the ground for a second then looks back up at you, with a smile on her face. “You forgot one.” She tells you and you tilt your head at her. “You forgot that I’m crazy about you.” She tells you and you smile. “You know I’m surprised that you’ve never had a relationship before.”
“Oh ya? And why’s that?” You ask and she takes your hands in hers.
“Because, you’re kind, gentle, stubborn, into women as well, stunning, and you love cuddles when watching a horror movie which is cute.” She tells you.
“Hmm, did you pick horror movies just to cuddle with me?” You ask her and she nods proudly. “I should have known.” You say and lean into her and cup her cheek. “You forgot one as well.” You tell her as she leans into you. “I’m crazy about you.” You tell her and she blushes then she closes the gap.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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primus-why · 7 months
Another A/B/O AU...
... this time TFA!
Okay some rules this time are:
Alphas can mate with Betas to produce offspring-- with the exception of cross-factional pairs. And you will only ever produce the same frametype as the creators.
Betas and Betas can mate to produce offspring-- but again, they have to both be civilians or both be warframes. They will only produce offspring of the same frametype.
It's very rare for Alpha pairings to reproduce. Same rules above apply concerning frametypes.
Omegas are rare in that anyone can reproduce with them, and thus their offspring can be any frametype. Contrary to a popular myth, the sparkling's frametype is random and not automatically based on whomever the sire/carrier is.
Generally the majority of Decepticons are Alphas, and the majority of Autobots are Betas. A Beta!Decepticon or Alpha!Autobot is not rare but still pretty uncommon.
Omegas have not been seen for generations, and it's believed they've been wiped out. The deaths of Omegas on both sides is partially what kicked up the war, as it now became much more difficult to procreate. Especially for Decepticons, being mostly Alphas.
All mechs regardless of secondary status go through a reproductive receptivity cycle-- the horny time we usually call "heat" or "rut". (But since I couldn't think of a 3rd word for a Betas cycle, we'll call it "RRC" or just "cycle" across the board lol)
Surprise, surprise! Optimus Prime is, in fact, an Omega. He doesn't know that, though...
See, Omegas have been out of the picture for so long, they don't really teach about them anymore in the Academy. Obviously some folks like Ultra Magnus and Ratchet are old enough to remember, as are many of the Decepticons. But generally speaking, Optimus believes he's just a Beta with an abnormally persistent cycle.
Optimus' status is only known to a few-- thanks to the standard examination all new recruits undergo, only some of the older medics and Ultra Magnus himself were aware. The Magnus took great care to not place Optimus on the front lines whenever possible, as he did not want to risk the Cause losing something so precious as an Autobot Omega.
However, at the same time he did not disclose Optimus' status to anyone else-- he knew it would likely result in his peers treating him differently, or worse, the Council might vote to sequester him to a breeding center. No, Optimus himself couldn't even be aware-- Ultra Magnus was worried he'd fall prey to the old stigmas which claimed Omegas were inherently weaker or incapable. Perhaps that was hypocritical of him, since he had been avoiding using Optimus in battles, despite the young Prime being one of the most skilled and capable Bots at the Academy...
Perhaps that's why when the incident on Archa-7 happened, he took the opportunity to all but banish Optimus from Cybertron. Repairing space bridges kept him out of the direct line of fire; nothing ever seemed to happen all the way out there. What's more, Ultra Magnus wouldn't have to continue fabricating reasons why one of the Academy's top students was not being placed in more active roles. Optimus would also be spared the scrutiny of re-evaluation, wherein his status would likely have been disclosed to the Council and everyone in the upper ranks... as well as Ultra Magnus' favoritism.
Yes, Ultra Magnus had thought he was in the clear. The young Prime still had a part to play in the Great Autobot Machine, but not until things had quieted significantly. One day, Optimus would have the chance at a normal civilian life while their planet rebuilds, and Ultra Magnus would have the medics disclose his status so he could decide his own future without the pressures of wartime. For now, all he needed to do was ship the Omega somewhere, far away from prying optics, with a medic who could be discreet and a parting reminder to not be a hero.
... A lot of good that did him.
Some additional notes of who-is-what:
Alphas include*: Megatron, Sentinel Prime, Lugnut, Strika, Ultra Magnus, Bulkhead, Starscream, Blitzwing, Drift
Betas include*: Shockwave, Blurr, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Jazz, Blackarachnia, Prowl, Jetfire and Jetstorm, Rodimus Prime
*but are not limited to
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qqueenofhades · 3 months
Hi just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to thoughtfully respond to these anon messages. I work in dc w a fairly wonky set and i cant overstate how haunted the DC Professional Thought Havers are by the spectre of the "low propensity voter." I think these ppl (myself included LOL) thought we had everything figured out ahead of the 2016 elections and then never recovered from the way it ended up going......i feel like in all the years that followed.....the liberal bubbles.....the coastal elites.......the hillbilly elegies......the real america....the ohio diners....the pennsylvania diners.......the polls......the 2020 horserace....while part of an earnest attempt to understand What Happened, were primarily self-indulgent, self-flagellation for being "out of touch" bc of a self-diagnosed "elite" status that then turned into ANOTHER myopic view of the world, just opposite, where the "libs" are hapless and everyone else remotely to the left are primarily victims to the unstoppable supernatural forces of the Right. Then in 2020 the narrative flipped AGAIN and once again, instead of taking the opportunity to expand a worldview and having the bravery to confront their own shortcomings, the opinion havers and wonks and beltway pressers have decided to groupthink their way into writing off democracy altogether. Its BEYOND frustrating to see! Like damn volunteer at a soup kitchen or smthn instead of being obsessed w the fact that i vote lol
Yes, and there are several reasons for that. First, despite all the factors that contributed to Trump's shock win in 2016 (anti-Clintonism, white backlash to Obama, general low voter enthusiasm, Russian disinformation, etc) we should never forget that until James Comey decided to announce 10 days before the election that he was reopening the EEEEEEEMAILS case, even though we all knew there was nothing there, she was leading fairly comfortably in the polls. And while we will never know how the 2016 election would have gone without that, which imho was one of the most unforgivable acts of blatant sabotage by a public official in American history, it's also true that we saw her poll averages start sliding almost in real time, as people who hadn't really been keen on voting for her anyway decided firmly not to and Trump was able to scrape out 16,000 votes across PA, MI, and WI to take the Electoral College. Which... we all remember how we felt that night, right? (Or in my case, early morning, since I was overseas?) We don't, we really, really don't want to feel that way again. Just saying.
As such, the media (which had already beat up Clinton nonstop during the BUT HER EEEEEMAILS saga) drastically overcorrected and as you say, began writing endless angsty handwringing pieces about Trump Voters in Rural Ohio Diners and giving endless sympathetic airtime to how "economically left behind" they felt, regardless of the fact that open racism, especially Obama backlash, was and remains the principal animating feature of Republican politics (since their only economic platform is that which makes very rich people even richer and Democratic economic policies are the only ones actually targeted at helping ordinary people). The hangover was so strong that even when Democrats had a massive 2018 midterm result and flipped the House blue for the first time since the post-ACA backlash lost it in 2010, the Conventional Wisdom was now beyond any doubt that Democrats were doomed for a generation or something, and not that Trump had squeaked out a fluky win (while losing the popular vote) due to endless Russian/Comey/third party-etc interference and wasn't actually that powerful. Even in 2020 when Biden was leading fairly steadily and things were going to hell with Covid, etc. etc. TRUMP IS UNSTOPPABLE, TRUMP IS GOING TO WIN.
(And now. Like. I know Trump thinks Trump won in 2020, as do a large majority of his cultists, but that doesn't mean he did.)
Even after that, when Roe went down in 2022, that made no difference to the RED WAVE COMING!!! narrative, and the amount of smug white male pundits insisting that abortion just wasn't very important and people weren't going to base their entire vote on it reached truly disgusting levels. We're now seeing the same thing with the constant "people won't vote for democracy and/or abortion rights" blast, when as you say, this narrative has just been completely made the fuck up by a lot of groupthinking DC media who are determined that this time, Trump really is going to win and then they get to be principled chroniclers in opposition or something. Not to mention, the basic principle of "democracy and abortion rights are good" do in fact win by thumping margins every time they're on the ballot, including in deep red states. But there is literally not a single piece of empirical evidence despite the massive amounts of it supporting the truth (i.e. that Democrats are doing historically well in competitive elections since 2018 and there's not really a major reason to think this will change in 2024) that will get the media to change the "Democrats in disarray and Biden Iz Doomed" horserace BS they so love. They don't like Biden because he's boring and competent and just does the job without being insane, because it's totally a great idea to treat American government like a reality show! (Recall the infamous comment by the CBS CEO who literally said that Trump was bad for America but great for CBS, because he pulled in high ratings and therefore lots of money and visibility for CBS. We live in the worst timeline.)
As such, the mainstream media has a vendetta against Biden, is determined that this time Trump is super definitely going to win and everyone will see how genius they are, and not-so-secretly wants Trump back because a) he's good for money and ratings, and b) because the media conglomerations are owned by oligarchs who have a vested interest in making sure that Democrats and their policies never get too popular. Notice how the once self-proclaimed centrist independent Elon Musk has turned into a rabidly alt-right fanboy ever since the Democrats really got serious about taxing billionaires as a key part of their platform. Likewise, insisting that Biden Iz Doomed makes Democrats nervous (and thus more likely to tune in) and Republicans gleeful (and thus more likely to tune in), so there's literally no incentive for the media to even try to report things accurately. You could create a very different narrative of the 2024 election if you just remotely bothered to write about things that have actually happened as they have actually taken place, rather than bending over backward to insist that Biden being four years older than Trump is a worse crime than 91 felony indictments, 2 impeachments, 1 insurrection, 450 million dollars and counting in punitive jury verdicts, more major criminal trials coming down the pipe, and just demonstrably being the worst human being alive in so many ways. I mean. Wow.
The good news, as I said in my other post, is that when people actually vote, these utter bullshit narratives get routinely blown out of the water, and that's a good thing. Because it turns out that unlike Super Smart Beltway Pundits' Super Smart Predictions, the average American does actually like democracy and freedom for women to make their own personal healthcare decisions, and they vote accordingly. So while yes, it's being made harrowingly much harder than it needs to be because of how much the media simply refuses to report that basic fact, and there is no amount of evidence that will convince them otherwise, at least we're trending in the right direction and, if we all pull our weight, can do it one more time. I realized the other day that I hadn't heard a fucking peep about Ron DeSantis in the last two months, and oh, how glorious it was. I yearn beyond words for the day (God willing, soon) when the same is true of Trump as well.
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hellohiyoko · 1 month
Original Motives
Everyone talks about fangans, but no one ever talks about motives. So here's a few of my favorite motives I came up with, in case anyone needed any inspiration.
I originally posted these on Amino, so before you claim plagiarism, that's me on Amino lol.
The Killing Lottery
Each day, Monokuma (or the mascot) picks a random student. If someone kills the selected student, the rest of the participants are able to graduate. Only Monokuma and the selected student knows who the student is.
Talent Show
Whoever Monokuma chooses as the winner of a talent show competition gets to graduate, so long as murder does not occur.
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil 🙈🙉🙊
One third of the group is blindfolded, one third of the group are given Noise Cancellation Headphones, and one third of the group are forced into contraptions that resemble Monokuma's mouth, which prevents the wearer from speaking. Until a murder occurs and the trial starts, the students must live like this.
Teacher of The Day
One student will be picked to enforce and create new rules for the surviving participants, and be a leader. This continues until a body is discovered or unless the student resigns from the position.
Popularity Contest
Monokuma creates a voting app with the surviving participants. Everyone must vote for someone other than themselves, and whoever has the least amount of votes by the deadline will die unless there's a body discovery.
Physical Fitness Test
Each day, until all of the surviving participants have participated, Monokuma has one student partake in a dangerous obstacle course. Unless a body is discovered, whoever has the slowest time will be executed.
Shock Collar
Each day, Monokuma will release a small shock into the bracelets, and each day the pain, strength, and duration of the shock will slightly increase until a body is discovered.
Tag, You're It
Monokuma assigns one student to be "it". This student has to either kill someone before the time limit, or pass on the role to someone else. If no one dies before the time limit, the student who is "it" will die. If someone else commits a murder, the "it" student may graduate alongside the blackened. If the blackened student is found and they are not "it", the "it" student will also be executed.
Judge, Jury, and Executioner
Should someone choose to kill, the blackened can choose one person to sit out from the investigation and trial.
Monokuma promises the assets of all the other participants (dead and alive) to the next blackened who is able to successfully graduate.
Monokuma sends everyone a slip of paper with three names written on it. One of the three names written on the piece of paper is a traitor working for the mastermind. Students are not allowed to share what names are written on their specific piece of paper, and one lucky student in particular has the name of the Mastermind on theirs. The only way to confirm the identity of the traitor is if someone murders one of the three listed on their piece of paper.
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close to home | chapter ten
close to home | chapter ten
plot: the reader prepares for the war against woodbury
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 1,785 Warnings: violence, blood, character death A/N: thanks for reading! chapter ten, yay! Also I am having surgery tomorrow and will most likely not post for a couple days while I'm in recovery lol wish me luck!
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You slammed the lid on the box and grunted as you picked it up. It had been a few days since you and Daryl sat in the guard tower together, and each day brought a wave of worry and anxiety to you. First, Rick met with the governor, then Merle was killed, and now you and the group were packing up. Rick was expecting the governor to up at any point, and he wanted everyone out of there when he did. 
With the last of your supplies finally packed and waiting to be brought out, you took a deep breath and looked at Michonne and Rick talking. It looked important, so you grabbed the box again and carried it to where everyone else was. 
Maggie and Glenn were loading their weapons, already dressed in riot gear and ready for action. You would be stationed with Carol in the hallways, ready with explosives, while Rick and Michonne would set the alarms off in the generator room as a signal. All while Daryl took care of the weapons on the trucks, they undoubtedly would have. 
It was a risky play, but everyone voted on it. You all wanted to make a stand.
“How you feelin’ ‘bout this?”
You turned to look at Daryl and shrugged your shoulders. “We gotta do what we gotta do.” 
“You can wait out with Hershel. Beth and Carl will be there with Judith. No shame in it,” He said, but you shook your head. 
“I’m here to be a part of the group. I’m capable with a gun. Besides, Carol needs someone to watch her back down there. And I don’t think Rick would think too highly of me if I chicken out,” You said. 
He looked at you for a few seconds and nodded slowly, then left to talk to Rick. You walked over to where Carol was getting the bag ready with the explosives. “You ready for this?” You asked her. 
“I’m ready for it to be over,” 
The sound of the governor’s men screaming in fear from the explosives would’ve had you laughing if you weren’t too focused on making sure they didn’t push forward. The siren blared in the hall, and you could hear gunfire. You kept your body pressed against the wall to ensure no bullets would hit you. 
Carol was on the other side of the hallway, covering her face so she didn’t breathe in the smoke. You followed her lead and waited as the attackers ran from the hallways. Within a few seconds, you heard distant gunshots and sighed loudly. 
Rick and Michonne came running up the hallway, and you and Carol fell in line. The cell blocks smelt of gunpowder, and the door was left ajar, where you could hear Glenn and Maggie talking to Daryl. When the four of you caught up to them at the fences, you were all breathing heavily. 
“We did it,” Rick said, “We drove them out.”
Michonne was next to speak. “We should go after them.”
“We should finish it,” Daryl replied. 
A debate broke out for a few seconds before Rick decided that Michonne was right, and you were all going to follow the crew and finish the fight at Woodbury. 
Within ten minutes, you, Michonne, and Rick followed Daryl out of the prison courtyard in the pickup. Maggie and Glenn had opted to stay behind, but you chose to go. You wanted to be there for Rick and Daryl. Even Michonne, who you’d grown to respect in the little time you’ve known her. 
You weren’t on the road long before abandoned vehicles blocked your path. Daryl and Rick slowed down, and you all jumped out to see what was happening. You were silent as they talked, your stomach heavy as you looked at all the bodies. You felt like throwing up.
When someone banged on the window from inside the car, you all jumped and aimed your guns at the door. Daryl opened the door and pulled the woman out, who immediately started to speak.
“He… he did this. He opened fire on everybody. If I hadn’t…” She stuttered, looking around his disbelief. You felt bad for her. She looked like she was in shock but seemed alright otherwise. You didn’t see any blood that looked like hers. 
“What happened?” Rick asked. 
“He made us pull over and just started shooting at everyone….” She said, “He told us you were all murderers and terrorists. I don’t…”
“She’s in shock,” You said, lowering your gun and taking a step. “I don’t think you’ll get anything from her right now. She’s probably dehydrated and needs to sit.”
Rick looked at you for a long moment before nodding. “You try anything, hurt any of us, and I will kill you,” Rick warned. 
You led the woman back to the car and had her sit on the truck bed. You gave her some water and a few small pieces of jerky from your rations. She nodded but stayed silent, drinking and eating as quickly as possible. You glanced at your group, who were all looking around and grabbing all the weapons on the ground. You couldn’t believe how quickly you’d gotten pulled into this mess. 
“My name is Karen. I was in Woodbury for a little while but I never… I didn’t know he was capable of this.” Karen said after a minute of silence. “And now the people left at Woodbury are defenseless. What if he went back and killed them all? Most of them have been behind those gates since nearly the start. I don’t know how they could defend themselves. I don’t…”
You grabbed the water bottle she had set down and gave it to her. “It’s okay. Just breathe.” As she drank, you glanced over to Rick and met his eye. You nodded your head, and he started walking over. You met him a few feet away from Karen and spoke hushedly. “Her name is Karen. The governor slaughtered everyone. She’s lucky she survived. She said the people back at Woodbury are defenseless. Been there since almost the start….” You trailed off for a moment. “I don’t know how I feel about this. Those people might not have even known anything about us.”
You could tell from the look on Rick’s face that he was thinking the same thing. “Let’s take Karen and go see what we see. But we go in prepared.”
You were prepared when you went into Woodbury. You were prepared for another fight, and you were prepared to kill. You weren’t prepared for Tyreese and Sasha meeting you at the gate, with no sighting of the governor. You weren’t prepared for Karen to tell Rick about Andrea and find her bit in one of the holding cells. 
The group's reaction was devastating, and you tried to hold back tears while they said goodbye. You waited outside with the rest of them for that final gunshot, and all the tension in the room seemed to drop when it rang out.
“We need to decide now what we are doing,” Rick said, his voice full of emotion. He was dealing with something else, but you couldn’t tell what. “If Karen is right, if Tyreese and Sasha are right, these people, they… they should come back with us.”
Silence followed his words, and you glanced at Daryl. Your eyes met, and you held each other’s gaze for a moment before you turned away. 
“Bring them back?” Michonne asked. 
Rick nodded almost hesitantly. “This whole thing, this isn’t their fault. This was one man. And the people that tried to kill our people are dead. The people here, now, they don’t know how to protect themselves. We’ll be leaving them to die.”
“I don’ know, man,” Daryl said. 
“They’d contribute? Help clean out cell blocks, help hunt?” You asked the group. “Maybe they can learn from us. We all started somewhere. Daryl and I nearly killed each other when we first met. We have to… it can’t be like this. The world can’t be like this. I’m with you, Rick.” You said. 
As your words sunk in, Rick nodded and looked between Michonne and Daryl. Slowly they nodded too. “Let’s have Karen and Tyreese get them all together. They don’t have to come. But they’ll have the option. Give them an hour to pack up their shit.”
“We should raid the armory and kitchen,” You said, “If people decide to come, we’ll need the supplies. And the way I’m looking at it, we won.” 
Dawn was just beginning to break; the clouds had started to glow purple and pink, and the sun was almost ready to come up for the day. It had been a long night for Daryl and his group. He had spent the past two hours with you, cleaning out Woodbury’s infirmary, kitchen, and armory. The pickup truck was absolutely filled to the brim. The front seat was used for storage and would only fit one person. 
You and Daryl had discussed plans on sending a group out later on, to finish picking Woodbury clean. It was nearly a gold mine. He just needed to talk to Rick about the plan--but he knew Rick would agree. He couldn’t afford not to. 
By the time he closed the tailgate to the truck, nearly everyone from Woodbury was gathered up. Everyone but one family was coming. He had given them more than enough food, weapons, and gas to last them a while. He noticed how quiet you were during the transaction. 
He also noticed how tired you were. The last day was nonstop for all of you; he was just as exhausted. He wanted to go home and sleep, though he knew that wasn’t likely. 
Daryl was standing with you by the truck when Rick approached, handing you the keys to the truck. “I’ll drive the bus back with Michonne. I don’t think anyone will cause any problems but better safe than sorry. (Y/N), you got the truck, and Daryl will lead.”
“I wanna send some groups out after everything is settled,” Daryl said, “We packed as much as we could, but there’s still more. We should come back.”
“We will,” Rick nodded. “We’ll do it smart, but we will. (Y/N), can I talk to you real quick?”
Daryl watched as the two of you walked a few feet away and then turned back to the bus, where Michonne was waiting as well. Everything was settled, and it was time to bring everyone home. 
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un-bearablysweet · 6 months
Ben 10 Omniverse isn't a terrible show, but it often misses its mark for the sake of comedy. And it's not even good comedy either; it's the same old "Lol. Ben's so lazy, ignorant, and irresponsible. It's a wonder how he keeps the Omnitrix at all! LMFAO" And it's like, okay, we get it. Everyone thinks Ben is a moron, but if Ben's a moron, what does that make the people who lose to him? 🤨
One of the times Omniverse misses the mark on what could have been a legendary episode akin to Adventures Time's "The Hall of Egress." It is the episode Universe v. Tennyson.
The episode about Ben going to trial for recreating the universe. Besides seeing Alien X fight, the episode doesn't make any sense. And I entirely blame writers. They did not think of the logistics of how a trial of this sort of magnitude would actually go. I wouldn't be surprised if the trial was just an excuse to see the celestialsapiens in action.
They wanted a reason to explain the different art styles and all the retcons. Which in itself is stupid. As the audience, we know why specific changes are made. They didn't need to hand-feed us retconning; it always happens.
But more to the point, the entire trial is a sham. And it pissed me off to no end!
1. Ben was never subpoenaed. Alien or not, you can't part the sky like the Red Sea and drag someone to court. You have to set an official date and time for trial, allow the defense to acquire a lawyer, and build their defense. This is basic shit, and if your excuse is that it's just a kids cartoon, that doesn't excuse bad writing.
I just can't stand when people brush over essential details.
2. Only in certain circumstances can you forcefully take a person to court. And that is if the suspected criminal is considered a danger to the public or a flight risk. And even then, it's an immediate arrest before going to court for a hearing. Ambush arrests are considered a last resort; considering Ben's positions as a plumber and wielder of the Omnitrix, Ben has little to no criminal record.
3. Due process, refering back to my earlier point, the celestial sapiens would have needed to give notice of charges, and Ben would need to be heard in front of an impartial tribunal. The entire universe is not an impartial jury. There's a reason any Rando can't walk into a courtroom and decide whether a person is guilty. What if several people aren't even aware of the trial? That could skewer the vote in favor of the Plaintiff (Celestialsapiens)
If the writers on Omniverse weren't so focused on having a hate boner for the main character, this could have been a great episode. And it is a hate boner because why else would they pick Mr. Baumann as the first witness. This dude had beef with Ben since early childhood before having the Omnitrix. His opinion is beyond biased.
Also, Rook took the first chance to air his petty grievances with Ben in front of the entire universe in a court of law, and that is beyond shitty. Ben being "ignorant of many things" isn't a proven fact; it's a personal opinion. Also, being ignorant is a crime?
And had Ben been sentenced to death or died in the trial by combat, what was the plan afterward? Rook carries Ben's body to his mother and says,
"Sorry, Ms. Tennyson, your minor child didn't have the mental knowledge and fortitude of a 50-year-old veteran; his death was totally justified. "
If Ben is ignorant of many things, it is because he is young and has only just started exploring the universe. Many toddlers should be behind bars if simply being uninformed is a crime. It's like the show constantly forgets that Ben is still young but insists on punishing him for it.
The court case is to decide whether Ben recreated the universe; his lack of knowledge and irresponsibility are not up for debate. Besides, Rook has only known Ben for a few months; I doubt that makes him a sound judge of character.
I wish they had brought different people to the witness stand. They could have made excellent callbacks by bringing characters like
Tetrax- He is literally the guardian of Omnitrix and decided that even at age 10, the Omnitrix was safe in Ben's hands. Also, the fact that Ben restores the planet Petropia can be used to defend Ben's recreation of the universe. 
Reinrassig III- I'm sure the word of Highbreed Supreme would hold more weight in court than Mr. Bauman. A small store owner on a tiny planet in the far corner of the galaxy. 
Queen Cicely of the Lewodan( ep. Con of Rath) - The mother of the Tiffin, you know, the baby Ben jumped down a man's throat to save. Ben broke the law by doing that but still prevented a massive war. 
Magister Hulka- (ep. Basic Training) Hulka is a well-decorated Plumber and was Ben's academy instructor. Ben passed with flying colors despite disobeying orders, saving Hulka's life. He even gave Ben his medal for creativity and effective tactics. His word holds more weight than Rook Blonko's, a literally rookie in the plumber association.
Azmuth- do I even need to say anything?
Maxx and Xylene are more than familiar with the Omnitrix and Ben himself. 
Paradox is literally the number one expert on the subject.
Could you imagine the cross-examination with these characters? 
And even without proper character witnesses, Ben could argue that what is illegal is not always morally right.
What is the actual crime, the crime of caring too much? And if his crime is recreating the universe without prior permission. The celestialspaiens were a hidden society; how would he have gotten permission?  
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
If Ben was the only living thing left after the universe was destroyed, did he really break the law since no one was there to uphold it?
Especially since he created the universe up until the very moment it was destroyed, so no time would have passed at all.  
Ben's other option was leaving that universe for dead, and pulling a Rick and Morty, but he didn't do that cause he's not a sociopath. 
The only angle that makes sense for this trial to happen is if it wasn't to prosecute Ben, but to send a message. The message that Celestialsapiens are not to be trifled with and that any attempts will be met with extreme prejudice and even death by combat.
The Celestialsapiens have recreated the universe multiple times, with even more drastic changes than just a smoothie flavor. I mean, Grandpa Max can't even open his eyes, and Azmuth's voice has changed several times. They literally point that out in the episode, and yet this is the first time a trial has ever been broadcasted to the universe.
In fact, this is the first time any other aliens have seen a celestialsapien save for Alien X. And even he was deemed a myth. So why now? Why the grand fan fair? Why broadcast the trial at all? They never notified the universe before.
 It's because the celestial aliens were afraid for the first time since their conception. Their entire beings were briefly erased from existence and recreated, and they did not like it! Do you honestly believe that they changed anything about themselves after recreating the universe multiple times? Of course not!  
But Ben doing that sent the species into a mental spiral of worry and anguish with the fear of not being completely yourself. The same curse they've placed upon the universe prior without any hint of guilt.
The trial was about establishing dominance to keep Ben from recreating the universe regardless of his reasoning. But also to prevent other aliens from attempting the same thing. That's why the trial was broadcasted through the galaxy. This was just a bunch of dick-swinging, so the celestialsapiens don't have to face any sort of actual accountability. 
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tw mentioning the suicide-baiting, not in depth or anything, just a little rambly about our relationship as anons to the text
I feel like it should be obvious but at the same time, we're the crickets on Hetch's shoulder so much, I weirdly feel the need to like, officially disavow that :P Like we're holding him accountable for everything else. Obviously it's good that we comforted him but at the same time, I feel bad we didn't stick a "hey don't do that, that was wrong" in there somehow. But maybe that's just me trying to defend against a bad-faith read of our intentions lol.
Even if, if this weren't a comic and was just a TV show or something, I guess I wouldn't be noticing it or questioning it as much. Since the "vote die on yourselves" is about as real of a threat as telling someone to spontaneously combust, and he's also responding to someone who had just expressed murderous intent in a way that WAS a more real threat, sort of.
Also as a side note, I hope 🎱 doesn't feel like any of us blame them. Because as an in-universe thing, that's a terrible thing to say to someone etc. But if we're going by those rules, it's also pretty bad of us to keep calling Hetch "babygirl" against his wishes, since that's yknow, a misgendering and fairly intimate pet name, so that would be straight up sexual harassment irl. And I'm definitely not suggesting we take everything as if it's happening to a real person, because everyone including the blog runner is having fun about it. :P
Since so many of us are babygirlifying Hetch, we really do need some conflict and dissenting opinions to spice things up and also hold Hetch accountable for.
It's not teshuvah/repentance until you're in the exact same situation and make a different and better choice. So I guess we'll be able to tell if this growing-as-a-person thing sticks if in a few weeks (in irl time and probably much longer for Hetch) (ASSUMING HETCH AND THE GANG ARE STILL ALIVE ), Hetch gets a similarly goading ask and is able to respond in a better way.
Anyway, thanks 🎱 for going against the crowd here. If it weren't for a couple mean messages here and there, we might wind up just thinking Hetch's problems all magically vanished and he's a great person now, which would have made him feel flatter... and would have felt really disappointing when he inevitably gives into old habits in a less private situation in the future. :P
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glitteringcrab · 6 months
I've seen this technology before
...Have we... really considered the implications of this?
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The first possibility is that the creators of Rick and Morty kinda made certain things up as they went along (which makes sense) and this was simply Evil Morty's introduction: he's clever, he's ruthless, he can perform mind control. Cool. Spooky.
The second possibility, if Evil Morty's whole arc is planned from the very beginning and he's always been intended to be an overarching villain/antihero (honestly, it feels this way) is that in some point in the past there was either (at least one) Villain Of The Week (let's call him Random Puppetmaster Villain) or a Rick (let's call him Puppetmaster Rick) who would puppeteer people to promote his own agenda.
The Citadel Ricks examining Evil Rick had evidently no clue who could have been puppeteering Evil Rick. This can be read in two ways:
A) Random Puppetmaster Villain/Puppetmaster Rick is still at large, never been caught. The Citadel Ricks have no idea where to even begin looking. Evil Morty would likely know who it is.
I feel like this theory has some basis plot-wise, given that with Rick Prime dead and the Intergalactic Federation gone we're sorta running out of overarching villains.
B) Random Puppetmaster Villain/Puppetmaster Rick is dead, his villain lair destroyed, all his mooks defeated. The Citadel Ricks are like "wtf, what's this up now?" as all possible leads are long gone. They have no idea who could possibly be using the same technology now.
This theory has some basis if we consider the fact that Evil Morty does not appear particularly scared--just angry. His motivation to leave was because he was sick of being trapped with Ricks, not because he was worried a past enemy might hunt him down. I guess one possibility doesn't rule out the other (you can be scared and angry at the same time) but Evil Morty seems to be the living incarnation of the toxicity of the Rick-Morty dynamic; nudging that on the side with a generic being-a-victim-to-a-villain backstory feels very disappointing.
I guess in theory both possibilities could be true; Puppetmaster might have been defeated, Evil Morty might, along everyone else, think the dude (or dudette) is dead, but that person could have escaped.
There is also the possibility that Puppetmaster and Evil Morty parted in good-ish terms with each other, so one has no reason to fear the other.
C) Evil Rick was the Puppetmaster. I feel this is unlikely, same as I feel it is unlikely that Evil Rick was ever physically abusive with Evil Morty, despite Evil Morty's reaction to his yells. If he was in habit of hitting Evil Morty (or worse), I doubt Evil Morty would have worked up the courage to get in his face over something as mundane as a shitty (literally lol) adventure. (Other Ricks might have been though, which would explain Evil Morty's reaction).
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Evil Morty had the... good fortune (?) to interact with this person in the past. In the same way Morty Prime is used to disarming neutrino bombs drunkenly assembled by Rick C-137, Evil Morty was experienced enough to successfully perform brain surgery on Evil Rick. This is supported by Evil Morty's large range of brain-related abilities, and I'm not referring to the manipulation:
1. Performing brain surgery on at least two Ricks. It wasn't a one-time thing. He did it with Evil Rick, and he did it again when he was running for president:
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Look at the Rick in the picture: he doesn't have the eye bags nor mouth scar that Evil Rick had, and Evil Morty is wearing his Candidate Suit.
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It's unclear if Evil Morty set his assistant up for a failed assassination attempt to gain votes through sympathy, or if someone had really been keeping tabs of him... But whichever is true, I can totally see any people in the know being afraid to speak up: any of the Ricks accompanying Evil Morty might in reality be puppeteered by Evil Morty. Some of the guards that shot the District Ricks might have been Evil Morty. The Ricks that approved of him participating in the campaign run might have been Evil Morty. Good luck speaking to anyone; you risk basically confessing to Evil Morty.
2. Scanning Rick C-137's entire brain (when he finished this in the Citadel, he did it with no visible apparatus, I might add).
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3. Scanning dead Ricks' entire brains. You'd think that the death would deteriorate the memories, but nope. Evil Morty was good to go.
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4. Being able to instantly scan another person's brain and find out what they're planning:
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5. Creating small devices that can instantly hijack robotic brains and enslave them to his own will:
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6. Downloading specific data from another person more-or-less on the spot:
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I mean, that wasn't even Evil Morty's tablet! He threw it away after he was done, and it seems that he had hastily wrecked Rick Prime's control room to hook him up with some cables so he could get what he wants.
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(Interesting that he didn't bother downloading Rick Prime's insta-healing ability though; one with think that it'd be quite a catch, but Evil Morty apparently does not want to be able to live forever)
I mean, we've seen the Galactic Federation going into a lot of trouble to get Rick C-137's interdimensional travel secret, and those weird little dudes that specialized on simulations going to equally lot of trouble just to get Rick C-137's concentrated dark matter recipe.
They'd all wish they had the same abilities Evil Morty has, it'd all be over in a jiffy.
What I'm concluding when taking all the above into consideration is that Evil Morty was at some point paired with a Rick who specialized in brain control. Evil Morty got to observe the surgeries, assist in the surgeries...
...and have a surgery done to him.
Because he might be able to perform brain surgery on an incapacitated Rick, but I doubt he'd be able to do it to himself in his bedroom.
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He had no trouble hooking his own cables with the eyepatch, even though the cables were sticking out of his freaking eye. He knew how to connect them. He knew how to make the eyepatch work. He knew what he was doing. This was all familiar to him.
And given that once he became fed up with Evil Rick he acted with no hesitation, it's clear that he had already considered this technique as a possible way out, and up to then had been simply deciding against it.
Best case scenario. BEST CASE:
Evil Morty was simply one of the Puppetmaster's experiments. (No hard feelings.) After all, Evil Morty had no transmitter in his skull. He had to hook up one externally. This means that Puppetmaster never considered him a partner; Evil Morty was never given free reign to puppet others. He was one of the people being puppeteered.
It's unclear whether Evil Morty has a receiver of his own still stuck somewhere in his brain (I mean, if Puppetmaster's transmitter is destroyed, I guess that Evil Morty would stop receiving orders and he'd be free) although even if that's the case, I'm sure once he became president and got access to more superior tech he'd make sure to fix this possible contingency.
The cables sticking out of his freaking eye kinda point out to Puppetmaster connecting Evil Morty to a machine while immobile (especially if Evil Morty was the initial experiment, needed updates, maintenance, etc) or having him wear a mook mask or helmet of some sort. Those cables are not really easy to use otherwise. Or maybe there was a receiver once in his skull, was later removed (e.g. once Puppetmaster was defeated) but the cables hooking up the removed receiver to his brain have remained.
Worst case scenario:
Evil Morty was not simply an experiment, but one of the people regularly puppeteered. Theoretically possible, although given that Ricks don't think highly of Mortys, and that Mortys usually do what they're told (a clone Morty with nowhere else to go even more so), I'm not really sure what kind of things Puppetmaster thought Evil Morty would be useful for and thought that the best way to get obeyed was literal brain control.
In any case, this wasn't just "a body modification" nor "just an implant", in the same way that Morty Prime can turn into a boat or breathe in space. This is a lot, A LOT more intrusive.
In conclusion:
Possible villain still at large.
Someone hug Evil Morty ASAP.
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