#and ‘apprentice’? what? we allergic to father and son now are we?
autumnwoodsdreamer · 5 months
that was not fun to wake up to, dudes…
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
At the time of writing this, my last Tigerstar ask has not been posted. I usually wait for it to post before airing my next episode of The Tigerstar Saga (please start tagging as that or as 🐅⭐) but this is, I got to talk about Pinestar, I have to do it now, I just got hit in the face by a memory and overwhelming emotions.
Dad, dad I don't understand. I don't get it. Why the hell did you leave me, you walked out on me and mom and the whole clan, because you were SCARED. Why the hell would you do that. I'm mad, I'm distressed. I hate you. You just left me. You didn't even say a proper goodbye. Pinestar, you are a scumbag, a fucking deadbeat, I hope you are suffering, regretting your entire life. You deserve hell, you deserve nothing good to ever come to you. I hope you had an allergic reaction to a twoleg cat vaccine and died. I hope you were suffering your entire life. You left me, a little child. A baby. A fucking KIT. You left me, your SON, just to live the luxurious life of a 'kittypet'. Just to get fat and round, to be taken care of and never do anything again. Instead of being my father, you just LEFT. It's your falut I turned out the way I did! As bad as Thistleclaw was and as much as he encouraged me, you were always way worse and you will always BE worse. I sought out to destroy and patronize any kittypet I found, and if I ever came across you, you'd be lucky to have escaped with your life. All the pain you made me go through, day after day waiting for you to come home, not understanding that you just abandoned me, your tiny son who lost his sisters, to be living a lavish life in a permanent shelter. Leopardfoot eventually told me that you weren't coming back, I kept hoping that you would, but after seeing Sunstar lose lives, when she gave me my apprentice name, everything that mom said finally seeped in. You left me, you left us, you left the whole clan! I was insecure about my own image, afraid of cats thinking I'd end up like you, the worst cat in the fucking forest. I hate you Pinestar. I worked tirelessly trying to prove I wasn't like you, that I wasn't going to leave and become a fat spoiled kittypet with a dumb collar around my neck. I listened to everything Thistleclaw said. I craved his approval, and seeing that following my own wild ambitions are what pleaded him, I kept doing it, soon it became a bad habit and darkness began to consume me. The voice in my head getting louder and louder. She said she was trying to guide me. I listened to every word she said, hanging on every last sound she made, I thought that StarClan was showing their approval for me so I worked even harder to prove that I was strong and fierce and would never turn out like you, Pinestar. I would NEVER be like you. I despised every kittypet and every twoleg for making my father disappear. You horrible, filthy being. If you are in StarClan, then justice does not truly exist. I wanted to be leader so bad just to prove that I'd be so much better then you. Then my plan to kill Bluestar failed and I was exiled, leaving my children behind. But unlike you, dad, I actually wanted to see my children, I actually cared if they got hurt during one of my malicious plans for revenge, or the fire that ravaged ThunderClan. I made sure I still got to see them, they were my children. Even when I was dead, I made an effort to visit my kids, but my reasons got more and more twisted the longer I was in that horrible forest. I could never talk to Mothwing and I will always hate that, never being able to meet my second daughter.
Unlike you, Pinestar, my father, I actually WANTED to be a good dad. But I guess we can just say, I didn't have a very good influence, now did it?
Fuck you Pinestar, rot and suffer.
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thebutterflyranger · 4 years
Summary: Will Treaty has to leave on a simple mission with Halt but first has to face the daunting task of breaking the news to his children…and they do not take it well.
This is my first full Treaty Children AU one-shot! I hope you like reading about my little OC’s Neveah and Daniel Treaty, my little loves. They are really sweet and precious and love Will to death. If you guys like them enough, maybe I’ll be encouraged to finally start my Treaty Children collection…who knows.
Will uses the words “habibi” in this fic, which is the Arabic word for “my love” or “my darling.” I’ve always imagined him as being half- Arridan, so this small detail kind of incorporates that into my fic.
Dhikra is the Arabic word for “memory”
(I provided a little snippet below, but please check out the link about and read the entire story. For some reason the story is too long for it to show up in the tags.)
Halt smiled inwardly as he took a sip of his coffee, watching his former apprentice over his steaming rim of the mug. From his place at the kitchen table, all Halt could see was a portion of his body shifting around.
“I almost…got it,” was the muffled reply. Halt moved around to the living room to get a better look and his invisible smile threatened to peak out.
The younger Ranger was on his hands and knees under the coffee table, his head close to the ground as he peered under the couch and his arm reaching far back to grab something. When he seemingly caught sight of whatever it was he was looking for, Will looked up and reached further in, his cheek pressed to the side of the couch and his effort showing in his furrowed brows. Then his eyes lit up.
“There!” His voice filled with satisfaction as he pulled out the item.
Halt frowned. “A doll?”
Will stood up and nodded, setting the cloth toy on top of the couch. “Neveah has been looking for this little thing for a couple of days. At first, I thought maybe the dog had taken it…It makes me wonder how it got under there.”
Halt smiled at the mention of Will’s daughter. “This cabin has really transformed with children around hasn’t it?”
Will grinned lightly. “Well, it’s nothing like it was when I was an apprentice here, that’s for sure.”
Halt shrugged, taking another sip of his coffee. “I like it. It suits the place. I always felt like it needed some splash of color. Why else do you think I would bring in flowers so often?”
Will snorted. “I always thought it was to keep Baron Arald far away from the cabin because he’s allergic to pollen.”
Halt shrugged again. “Why can’t it be both.”
Will couldn’t say anything to that, and Halt didn’t expect him to. He watched his apprentice move to the kitchen to pour himself a cup of his own coffee, take a sip of the steaming liquid, and saw the small sigh that escaped his chest. He set his own cup down and leaned forward.
“Something on your mind?”
Will looked up and sighed again. “Hm? I’m just thinking about how I’m going to tell the children.” The older Ranger raised his eyebrows, and he shrugged before elaborating. “Tell them that we are about to leave for a mission. You know they never take the news very well.”
“Ah,” the grizzled Ranger nodded. He had thought about that briefly before he came in less than an hour ago to inform Will on the mission they were assigned to. “Well, it’s not a very long one. We shouldn’t be gone for more than three of four days.”
“Yes, and that’s comforting…for me,” the young Ranger said meaningfully. “My four-year-old and two-year-old haven’t yet wrapped their little minds around the concept of time. Five hours, one day, one week - it’s all the same to them, unfortunately.”
Halt smiled softly at that and was about to give some words of wisdom, but was interrupted by the sound of feet stepping up the verandah stairs. By the sound of them, they were small and light - children.
“Speak of the little devils,” Will said softly, his eyes warming as the door opened and admitted his loved ones, one by one.
First Alyss walked in, smiling a greeting at both of them before looking back to beckon two little ones inside; first their oldest daughter, Neveah and close behind her their son Daniel.
“Come inside, lovies. Go say hello, Neva – Daniel Treaty! Where do you think you are going, young man?” She grabbed her toddler by the shirt before he would run after his sister who was already throwing herself into her father’s open arms.
“Where is he going?” Will asked curiously from the crouched position he got into to hug his daughter properly. He watched as Alyss lifted their son and started carrying him across the room towards the back.
“DANNY HAFTA WEE!” Daniel cried out enthusiastically behind his shoulder. “I be wight back!”
“Ahh. That’s lovely,” Halt grinned. Not only was he amused by the bluntness of his grandson, but he was also pleased to see the young parents’ face turn red in embarrassment. The pleasure only rose when he was buffeted by a small body and felt short arms go around him. He hugged back. “Neveah, dear. How are you, little one?”
“I’m good!” She chirped back, big brown eyes smiling widely at him. “I missed you!”
The Ranger pinched her cheek gently. “I missed you too. Tell me, how are your studies going?”
“They are good,” she said as she sat beside him. “Mama taught me how to read the word brouhaha yesterday. She said it is a very important professional word that only professionals use.”
Halt squinted, then spoke after a moment. “I guess that’s what happens when you have two obnoxious apprentices as parents.”
“What does obnoshess mean?”
Halt opened his mouth, but Will spoke before he got the chance. “Nothing, my sweet. Halt is just making up words now.”
He moved from the kitchen to the living room, sitting on the sofa across them. He smiled at the sight of his daughter sitting beside the man he called father, leaning against him and looking up with childlike innocence while Halt looked down at her with a warmth that he was only starting to get familiar with. It was a special warmth that he seemed to have revealed only for his children, and Will cherished it.
Halt and Neveah spoke quietly with each other for a few moments, before his daughter slipped down and paused, a thoughtful expression on her face.
“Daddy, can I ask you something?”
…to be continued. Read the rest here: ao3 | ff.net
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nemossubmarine · 7 years
Knights of the Night Sky 13
An abandoned temple awaits us with all of its adventures. It’s time for some fresh air, as our heroes head to the Wilds in the north!
First though we have to find out what our heroes have been up to in the several days they spent at Summer’s Pass.
Knights of Pholtus offer their reward to our heroes for the solving of the princess’ murder: Kendrick gets promoted to a lieutenant, and the other three receive Favors of Pholtus, silver disks that upon breaking will grant some kind of assistance from the god.
Kendrick is rarely seen during their stay at Summer’s Pass, as he has plenty of friends and neighbors to visit. He makes sure to spend time with his brother too.
Jeff and Queen-Consort Fidela talk about Goldbottom cuisine, and Jeff even makes some hamburgers to the royal family.
Lutharin spends his time meditating about a divination he received from the Queen. And also being bothered by young Princess Lacey, who is curious about the stranger.
Based on their time together Princess Lacey apparently decides to become a monk.
Dophina in turn spends her time with Prince Floyd, who shows her around town.
Before leaving the four of them meet up with Gabriel of Violet Hill, Joan’s son and Jass’ father, who is curious about why they had asked Jass about his family.
Dophina and Jeff awkwardly excuse themselves from the conversation and Kendrick throws the ball to poor Lutharin, who asks him a bit about his family roots.
Kendrick also agrees to take Jass as his apprentice once he’s done with his quest, which Gabriel is very happy to hear.
Our folks stack up on some warm clothes and potions and are on their way.
There’s some time to organize the knights while on the sea. There are several people who’d like to join (3 of Joan’s agents and 2 Mairin’s friends). All are accepted.
Some promoting also takes place, as the only proper knights were Lir (lieutenant), Mairin (a knight) and Joan (apprentice).
Lir is promoted to Senior Commander, bc he’s the most experienced. He’ll be staying at the HQ and training new recruits.
Mairin is promoted to Field Commander, bc she can go along with parties into the world, and deal with things on the field.
Joan is just a commander, and she is working with her agents in recruiting new people.
The three new people a human rogue “Tic”, a forest gnome druid Pumpern and a forest elf barbarian Kadar are sent to Fall Creek to look for a wolpertinger Dophina learned was there.
Dophina wants some companions to Rupert, but also they have reason to suspect that the wild magic in Bard’s necklace created the wolpertingers.
The group arrives to the WIlds and meet up with one of their agents, an orc shepherd named Wilda who herds jumping goats.
She takes them to the mountain where the temple is, and waits below as the group checks it out.
Dophina goes first of the group, since she is an experienced traveler. She notices that some bipedal beings seem to have been moving in the road to the temple, but can’t be sure when this happened.
They get to the temple, and upon searching the first room, Dophina spots more feet marks and a ring that turns invisible when she puts it on.
They continue deeper into the temple, and Dophina trips upon a tripwire in a hallway.
The hallway leads to the main room of the temple, and upon getting there, our heroes find a camp with hairy creatures doing their best (but mostly failing) to hide.
Lutharin recognizes the creatures as bugbears, which are a type of goblinoid.
Our heroes are approached by the leader of the group, who communicates with broken common that this is his family’s home and that he doesn’t want our heroes to hurt them.
Our heroes leave their weapons behind and move on; Lutharin going first, because he is apparently allergic to bugbears.
They cross a bridge over the main room and go deeper in.
The next room of notice is a room with the walls covered in pictures. There’s definitely some text and some humanoid figures, but large chunks of the paintings have just disappeared as if by magic, leaving behind nothing but white walls.
This room leads outside to another climb up.
When they start climbing up, Dophina suddenly collapses, and she complains about feeling heavy and something pulling her down.
Lutharin catches her, and there’s something very wrong with Lutharin too, as he is feeling very very lively.
Kendrick who is detecting magic can see a golden aura around him, and also the Void necklace pulling Dophina.
Dophina’s symptoms ease as Lutharin touches her and cease as soon as they get to the first platform along the climb.
The first platform has a tree on it, and on the tree is the symbol of Fharlanghn, Jeff’s god.
They climb towards the second platform and now it’s Kendrick’s turn. He can see some cairns up on the next platform and he can feel the bones below the rocks calling up on him.
On the platform Dophina examines the stones and concludes that these must be the graves of the four knights that came with Bard on this expedition.
There is one more climb, which ends on a room in a platform.
Kendrick can’t take the pull of the skeletons and falls to his knees. Lutharin, very excited and energetic still, helps him up.
The room, the inner sanctum of the temple is a simple room, with an empty stone pool in the floor in the middle and a glass ceiling.
Lutharin starts straight for the pool, his fingers finding the necklace.
The others stop him, but as there doesn’t seem to anything magical in the room, they let him do what he thinks he should.
Lutharin raises the necklace towards the sun, and before their very eyes one of the holes in the sun fixes itself. There’s also an audible crack from Lutharin’s necklace.
It hasn’t broken, but the magic in it feels more concentrated.
Our heroes decide to use the Diviner’s Stone that they got from the Queen on the graves.
They witness Bard burying the knights and then he suddenly addresses the empty air in front of him.
A cloaked figure, one of those maggot people appears and they have a conversation, in which the figure asks Bard to give up and Bard replies that there is still hope, and that the figure hasn’t completed their job.
The figure replies that there’s no hope for Bard, because “it burns you”.
Bard says that he will “call the sun by name and burn”.
The figure says that Bard’s actions will bring chaos to world, and Bard replies that he’ll bring truth.
There’s a lot to mull over, and as they do, they return to the bugbears. Kendrick entertains them with a lovely folksong. Dophina plays something they hate accidentally (or maybe they just hate ukuleles?) and so she and Lutharin go search the collapsed rooms they hadn’t checked before.
Lutharin finds a potion with Fharlanghn’s symbol on it, but Jeff can’t figure what it is.
Oh yeah, and they recruit the bugbears to the knights. Whole family. 6 adults, 4 kids and one elder. They’ll get Wilda to bring them to an Underdark entrance and Lir will pick them up.
Can’t wait for Ser Aaaaaaarrgh and others.
That’s all for now. Next time our heroes will try to find orcs that can tell them a bit more about the binding spells on the necklaces, which is especially important now that Lutharin has cracked his.
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