stirringwinds · 1 year
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look, the southern cross is bright tonight 
inspired by the idea that while maria (mexico) and alfred have a long, complicated relationship that’s often been difficult (especially after the mexican-american war)—they were young once. in the 18th century, before independence, before alfred became powerful—and their dynamic became more unequal, in a world where both their fathers’ shadows loomed tall—they got to know each other. dissected enlightenment literature, politics and philosophy—and maybe there was a very youthful love, with someone who seemed a kindred spirit. and now, even after things have changed, there are moments when alfred’s at his most relaxed, not commanding attention as a superpower, but just staring up at the stars—and it feels like there’s a glimpse of the boy she once knew. 
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cintak13 · 2 months
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I used these drawings to make a Reel on Instagram. They are America and my Mexico OC. The uniforms they wear are inspired by those used in the Mexican-American War.
Instagram: @/cintak_13
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foolilazuli · 1 year
America: Mex and I are so close, we even share a toothbrush
Mexico: We what?
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myel-stress-wd · 2 years
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This came out of the image left to me by a writing...
I interpreted that Luis felt the national disappointment for not being able to get in. We had no hope of getting in but we were very excited for the last game, they even put screens in my university for the last game, but when the time was over everyone moved away from the screens and the mood was killed when Arabia scored a goal
I felt that we were all divided and on top of that there was a TV station that mentioned the waste of 4 years and the disappointment that those who manage the Mexican national team should feel
I interpret all of this as Luis feeling physically tired and dark circles under his eyes. in the writing, Luis can't open a can of soda given to him by Alfred because he lost his strength. Alfred told him that he wanted to help him, not only referring to opening the can, and this was Luis' response...
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aphamestuff · 1 year
All America's past lovers loved to kiss his freckles. Meanwhile, Alfred would bite them, especially in the most noticeable places which causes some rumors to be said at world meetings.
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Sleepy prompt of your choosing with Amemex🫶🏻?
I couldn't slide much dialogue in this but it was for an unspecified sleepy prompt and they are indeed sleepy so eyyyy. This is extremely early in their relationship. 18th century even before the revolution and Alfred's first forays into empire when they're both quite young and convinced they can do better than their imperial origins.
Alfred wakes with a start, bars of pink sunlight on his face and his hand at his heart. He automatically sighed. The smell of her, all soap and the spice cake they'd finished dinner off with, was in his nose. He'd dreamt of her again then. It was incredible how she could fill his senses, thoughts, and space. He missed Maria. Christ. God tempted him even in his sleep. He blinks. Dawn has arrived. He's late for Sunday service.
But then there's a warm leg against his back and a sleepy breath. Not a dream. Not a dream at all! He really did perform a sacrament last night. Maria turns over and scoops him into her, snuggling in close, arms around him nuzzles into his neck. Her braid falls across his chest and he'll never need proof of heaven again.
His eyes are heavy again, satisfied and warm. He brings the quilts up over them again and listened to Maria's happy sigh as she took in his warmth, her cheek flush against his heart. His heart speeds up, dizzy with sleepiness and more.
"I love you." He's unsure how he whispers it; the feeling is so strong even as he shuts his eyes that he wants to sing it across the mountains. "I love you."
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sodashopsockhop · 1 year
I don't know how hot this take is but Broke: AmeMex Woke: America and Mexico as toxic half siblings who bit each other a lot as kids and still hiss over the border at each other
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rosethreeart · 4 months
I need more AmeMex of just them and baby Tex ;-;
Sorry this took so long LMAO
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panda-state-panoptic · 11 months
What’s your thoughts on Texas being Spains neglected son. I have a headcanon he is because historically Spain was the first to try and settle into Texas a long time ago. But had trouble due to the land being a bit uninhabitable for people to settle there. While Natives were also making it difficult.
To me he’s like the runt of Spains giant family, first he was called New Philippines, Coahuila y Tejas, Tejas, the republic of Texas etc.
After Spain had a difficult time trying to push settlers in his land, he eventually gave up because it was just almost impossible and prolly didn’t have enough men. I think people forget that Spain owned Texas before Mexico really did. He used to be a colony but was eventually given up on. I imagine Mexico being his older sister when Spain found them both. Perhaps Mexico was carrying him because he was fragile.
What’s your headcanon I’m interested to hear yours!
Thank you for not going with the AmeMex baby trope. It’s such a tired one, people, let it rest. Also I’m going to ramble a bit but I like where your head is at for the most part! I agree that he’s sort of a puzzle piece that doesn’t fit.
So I’m still figuring out logistically when each state came into the picture, but pretty much all of them come into being when a sense of identity starts taking shape. So for some states that’s way before they became a state or territory, but for some it’s a closer time frame to when things start getting declared.
The original 13 for example would have existed before they came into contact with Alfred or ideas of the US, but a state like West Virginia would pop up more towards the time she became a state. Texas is also one of those that I do think would exist early enough to have interacted with a previous nation or colonizer before the US. For me I just don’t really think of the states as literal family to anyone besides maybe another state or states based on the preceding territory and history. It’s just not my vibe but I see why it’s appealing to other people. (I’m going to eventually do a post on why the AmeMex kids trope is tired, that and Alaska being Russia’s kid, are the only ones I can think of that I’m like “nope”). Metaphorical or found family bond is a hell ya to me for the states and each other and Alfred though lol
When it comes to Texas I do think it would be interesting (and funny) to have him interact with Spain and Mexico and other personifications like Florida before Alfred. I think he would pop into existence as tensions started rising there when Spaniards tried to move in. I do think him and Spain would be more or less estranged to the point where, although Texas may have felt neglected at one point, it stopped phasing him by the 1900s at the latest. But all in all I see him as just Texas not really “used to be under this nation,” but I don’t think you or someone else would be wrong for going about it that way. He just has this attitude to me of being his own guy that just happened to have a transition of power under different people.
When it comes to his interaction with Mexico I personally don’t see it as family, at least not biological, but again that’s just me. I see where you’re coming from with them geographically and both being under Spain though, and I don’t think it’s a necessarily bad idea. I don’t have a Mexico oc since I like seeing other people’s (shoutout to dahliamorena’s oc), but in my AU I think they’d butt heads since the beginning of Texas being under Mexico lol. Before that when they were both under Spain I’m sure Mexico might have felt protective of him, and even when he was under Mexico, because Mexico was in charge of him. I think Texas would’ve appreciated it but been like “nah I’ve got this” and Mexico probably wouldn’t have minded as long as he didn’t do anything disruptive. But once Texas was under Mexico it was like moving in with an acquaintance only to realize you hate being roommates lmao.
He would’ve felt like he was getting the short end of the stick on decisions that Mexico was making in the interest of the nation. All of this when Texas doesn’t want to be under anyone anyway. To me Texas is definitely a DIY sort of man and Mexico was immediately taking leadership there to stabilize the country. So the lack of independence Texas felt he was getting didn’t sit right with him. It pretty much went from a difference of personality and opinion, plus during a tense political situation, to “yeah I’m out” “what do you mean you’re out??” cue fighting. I don’t think it would be so bad that they could never get over it, but I’m sure it was and could still have the potential to be awkward lol. I also think Texas today would believe he’s closer to Mexico than Mexico does to him XD but not in a really serious way and I can see other interpretations.
That’s all I have to say on your question specifically (if I keep adding thoughts it’s not going to be on topic XD). I’ll definitely add onto this or make another post about Texas’s relationships with Alfred and other states or nations who were under Spain later though because he’s a state I could ramble on about
Thanks so much and definitely feel free to ask more!
TLDR: ya he definitely wasn’t that close to Spain and he has a lowkey complicated relationship with Mexico but it’s not bad or anything and the history is interesting. Basically he’s just a guy lmao
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gremlins-hotel · 1 year
amemex hcs? for scientific reasons
Ah I ,,, have to disappoint you. I don’t have the requisite knowledge or perhaps background either to speak intelligently on AmeMex. All I can say is that Alfred and María have had a relationship that winds like a careful mountain road; it has been both as rocky as one, toxic as a striking snake, yet sometimes as beautiful as the stars which decorate both their imaginations.
And despite saying this, I am often inclined to view the continental North Americans as three frequently bickering siblings that can still sometimes come together to be a mostly dysfunctional family. Alone on both sides by great oceans and bordering very few, all three whose lives were influenced by great powers, as the entire New World was.
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sunnysssol · 1 year
I mentioned this before but I've always seen AmeMex as a little too complicated to be boiled down to a romantic ship. These two countries are just very, very similar in a lot of ways in the way that they're bound to each other beyond the physical. They're bound to each other in demographical terms and in ways of life and overall mindsets. I've said it once, I'll say it again– it's this community-centric perspective that leads me to think that Alfred is kind of like, a childhood friend that Vicente and Xochitl have known for so long that he's practically family. They've laughed together, cried together, fought one another, explored the meaning of all these different ideas and values together, and even if they're not always on good terms, they all know their lives are permanently bound to one another as the children of empires long gone.
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foolilazuli · 1 year
Mexico: States, what are doing? It’s 1am
America, drunk as fuck after a night out with Denmark and Prussia, and just broke into Mexico’s house: Cooking us some steak, babe. The fuck does it look like I’m doing?
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circlique · 3 years
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AmeMex cooking for day 6 of @hwsocshipweek
He’s too nice to say it was too spicy, but does a poor job of hiding it...
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As a person of laziness, I've finally finished my art for the research of drawing for aesthetic purpose and draw because I'm horny over my hardship that I should've done since last week.
Fun fact: artist color with their feeling and emotion, I tend to put hard and strong color when I have bad feeling.
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madaraejn · 4 years
Tengo bien abandonado Tumblr...
Les gustaría que hiciéramos una ronda de preguntitas en unas horas?
Mientras les dejo este dibujito UsaMex que hice
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[[Esto no tiene nada que ver con el Dark!AU]]
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applecakewey · 4 years
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—Look gabacho, you know that I really appreciate you.
—Si, yo igual taco.
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—And that you have al my support. Until certain point.
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—But...with me over there.
—Que sorpresa...
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—REMEMBER THAT I APPRECIATE YOU. Don't leave the world cup only to me.
So everything seems more chill. So this is kinda late?...whatever.
Mexico always in neutrality and USA hates that ;D (cool jagsja). Also the 2026 world cup could not happen in the United States if a war starts.
So pLeAsE USA, don't leave ;;;;; we don't want more debt.(?
Pues todo se ve más tranquilo, así que esto llega un poco ¿tarde?...como sea.
México siempre en neutralidad nunca en ineutralidad(?) y a USA le caga(Cool jsjs). Además el mundial de 2026 pudo haberse cancelado en USA si una guerra pasaba, dejandoselo a México y Canadá.
Por favor no te vayas USA;;;;; no queremos más deuda.
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