lazyevaluationranch · 1 month
*pats askbox gently* there are more Thermoreceptors?
(I'm sorry ur dome was so hot; I hope its much cooler now!)
My bluff has been called! Hooray!!
I am not a neurologist, a biologist, or a scientist. If anyone with better credentials than "obsessed with emergent properties" contradicts me, listen to them instead.
Cell membranes include little portal proteins that open under certain circumstances based on the shape of the protein and let chemicals into and out of the cell. These portals are useful for all sorts of things: managing water and nutrients, sending messages to nearby cells, serving the whims of tiny intercellular cats. Science hasn't found the tiny intercellular cats yet, but we all know they're there; the existence of a door that can be opened necessarily implies an indecisive feline.
Some protein shapes open up if the temperature is within a certain range. This means that if a cell with that sort of protein in its membrane experiences a temperature in the right range, it will move some chemicals around. This is used to make nerve cells that send a message towards the brain whenever they experience a certain temperature.
Because evolution does all its best work the night before the deadline while on a Code Red Mountain Dew bender, the opened-by-temperature portal proteins are mostly copied from opened-by-a-specific-chemical portal proteins. All of them, in fact, still open for specific chemicals, which means there exist out in the world liquids you can put in a bottle that most animals will instead perceive as "a temperature between 8 and 26 degrees" So things can get a little weird.
Temperature-opening portal proteins:
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TRPA1 Opens for temperatures below 12C (not air temperature, skin or body temperature, so you might be kind of in trouble when this happens). Used by hunting snakes to detect where heat isn't so they can find prey. Feels painful in an itchy sort of way.
This one also opens for allyl isothiocyanate. Many plants have evolved to take advantage of the existence of a chemical most animals perceive as itchy pain, especially horseradish and wasabi. Allyl isothiocyanate is harmful to plants, so they keep two separate components in tiny compartments. When an animal bites the plant, the compartments break open their contents mix to create allyl isothiocyanate.
"This plant tastes like itching" is a good defense against almost all animals, but some humans have taught themselves to appreciate the taste of itching.
TRPM8 Opens for temperatures between 8 and 26 degrees. Opens for menthol (peppermint, spearmint, wintergreen) and linalool (roses, orange blossoms, basil). Feels cool or cold.
"This plant tastes like cold" is a somewhat less effective defense against being eaten than "this plant tastes like itching" but it's a more widespread defense because TRPM8-activating chemicals don't harm plants and don't need elaborate two-part storage.
TRPV4 Opens for temperatures from 27-37 C. I'm not sure what this one feels like, or if even feels like anything, since it covers normal human body temperatures. Whatever feeling we get from this one, we're feeling it nearly all the time.
Plants do make a chemical that tastes like this temperature, and it can repel nonhuman creatures with different body temperatures: allicin, the flavour of garlic. Like allyl isothiocyante, it is stored in two compartments inside the plant, and combined when the plant is bitten.
Maybe this is why vampires abhor garlic. There is a feeling that, as humans, we always have. Something we don't notice, something deeper than touch. That feel disappears forever when you become a vampire, except those unbearable moments when garlic returns to you for a fleeting moment the experience of lost humanity.
TRPV3 Opens for temperatures 33-39 degrees. Opens for eugenol, found in cinnamon, nutmeg, bay leaf, holy basil, ginger, allspice, and cloves. Feels like warmth.
Plants with high quantities of eugenol, like holy basil and Japanese star anise, are sometimes sacred to buddhists because they smell nice and bugs don't like to eat them, so you can burn them as incense without worrying about all the little crawly guys.
Humans apparently think food that tastes like "warm" is comforting.
TRPV1 Opens for temperatures over 43 degrees. (The one I was experiencing in the overheated dome, which I had never felt from air before) Opens for capsaicin, the active chemical in hot peppers. Opens for the combination of temperature and acidity of fevers and infected wounds. This one we feel as pain, as burning, as flame.
TRPV1 says: Your flesh is failing, and your doom is very near.
Humanity says: This is incredible. We are going to breed plants that cause this sensation as much as possible, and we will spend thousands of years getting it right. We are going to dry this and powder this and flake it and grill it and ferment it and eat it with everything.
And when we leave earth and go into space, we take hot peppers with us. Without gravity, fluid builds up in nasal passages, and astronauts sort of have colds the entire time they're in space and can't smell food very well. But the Nearness Of Your Doom is not a smell and is not perceived by the nose, so - with their doom always on the other side of ten centimeters of insulated aluminum - astronauts can taste hot peppers. In 2002, Peggy Whitson, commander of the ISS, jokingly refused to let a replacement crew on board until they handed over the hot sauce.
We are a strange and wonderful species.
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bookshelfdreams · 7 days
re the cape pattern from american duchess:
bernadette banner and a couple of other historical costumers over on youtube took a crack at this around lockdown if u want video tutorials
Hi! Yeah I know there's tons of videos about this thing, unfortunately, I hate video tutorials. Or well, hate is too strong a word, but I generally do not find them helpful - a lot of crafting channels are optimized for aesthetics, not for providing actually helpful instructions. Which is fine and it's just my personal opinion anyway.
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actualaster · 1 year
What I thought I signed up for with TotK: A fun fantasy action/adventure game with heavy focus on building and crafting mechanics!
What I actually got: fantasy horror that will generate brand new nightmares to haunt me forever after
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the-little-shoebox · 7 months
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Ok, so these two characters have been in my head for over 3 years at this point and I finally did my due duty and drew something with them properly! Casey got herself tangled in a bit of thread and string and Kage is offering a hand to help untangle her in his own way. Granted it may be a little more ah, methodic than the borrower may prefer, but hey the big guy can have a little fun with the situation. And I don't think she minds too much. Kage belongs to my good friend @madmythologist! Casey and the art itself belong to me!
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mixelation · 7 months
lmao minato being like "is this why no one invites me over? :(" and then guaranteeing no one will invite him to their village, ever, no matter how nice he is
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minevn · 6 months
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CONCEPTS ARE FINISHED YIPPEE!! I’m so much happier with these designs than the originals. That being said, goodnight honk schuumemememe
I'm gonna write down what is written for multiple reasons(one, my hand writing sucks, two some of the pictures are blurry, three for translations :3
Minato's: Dog energy. Ocean theme w/ every outfit. his ring is aqua marine. He has two scars. Still buff and intimidating at glance. Friendly puppy dog. Dog tag on his bracelet.
Haruto's: Less intense. More laid back and funny w/ you, more serious at work, even if he's around you. He has a reputation to uphold. Slicked back work hair, hard to style, comes undone easily. Doesn't work out a lot, does enough to maintain an average body weight. More subtle with yandere tendencies at least with you. still doesn't like people(this has been changed just a little bit). He has reading glasses. Hair more red. Wears browns and beiges more, green accent colors though.
Jun's: Nah to her long fuller hair idea. Skinty, doesn't eat a lot, focused on beauty standards. Hides moles with makeup. less open eyes, more doe eyed. Makeup, try the red, it might not look good with Jun's pink color scheme.
Hoshi's: Fingertips are burnt off from work place mistakes. Scars are burn scars from workplace accidents.
Habiki's: More messy. Ghost sleeve, barbed wire, spindley heart, stars sleeve, music, cat leg. Star spine, violin holes, sleeves continue on back of arm(I didn't feel like drawing it). Pretty lashes ooooo. Wears makeup. Goth vampire aesthetic.
Kage's: TW FOR KAGES: SELF HARM! Strangulation marks. Seems fine yet unapproachable in public, just a pathetic wet cat after interacting with people. Skull hairclip, ghost hairclip(These are used with pretty much every outfit). Pink Camellia("Longing for you") hairclip, bleeding heart(Unconditional love) hair clip(These hairclips are used on the date outfit).
Kei's: Biggest change!! (jaw drop reaction image), BIG difference from high school. High school Kei. Spoiler hehe. Dark academia aesthetic.
Yani's: I like Yani's hair. Designs will be added to Yani's clothes digitally. I already liked Yani's design before, so here's a gift! "Take me wherever you want MC🩷"
Aki's: MY BABY!! Snake coming out of skull's eye tattoo.
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panharmonium · 2 years
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something about how yamato’s immediate and instinctive first reaction is to call out for itachi when all twelve of these coffins (including the ones containing asuma and hayate) open up at exactly the same time is really hitting me in a certain way right now
#naruto#team ro#a true equal#*#something about how it's preceded by naruto calling out for nagato#because naruto isn't calling out for nagato as an enemy now but as a friend#something about how this filler arc is supposed to take place directly AFTER the five kage summit#aka after 'madara' tells kakashi and yamato the truth about the uchiha massacre#something about how even if kakashi and yamato aren't sure yet whether 'madara' was just lying to destabilize the leaf at the outset of war#still.  the minute yamato sees itachi.  it's like this#and then kabuto whisks itachi's casket away before yamato can get to him#before yamato can ask 'is it true is that true is that what happened to you'#like.  i am constantly thinking about this.  i am constantly thinking about how urgent itachi becomes in S14#when naruto says that kakashi and yamato heard 'madara's' story too but don't yet have any proof that it's true#(''then PLEASE naruto; you MUSTN'T tell anyone about this!  you cannot let the uchiha clan's name be tarnished!'')#and i'm thinking about how itachi reacts like this because he KNOWS kakashi and yamato won't cover this up the way he wants them to#if they ever got the proof they were looking for (which naruto now has; in the form of itachi's confirmation of what happened)#they would never sit back and let this go#so itachi begs naruto NOT to tell them; not to give them what they need in order to clear his name#because he knows they would do it#he was their comrade.  and he knows that kakashi's people - anbu or otherwise - never leave a comrade behind#(this is coincidentally reason 983745 why the naruto ending is TERRIBLE and shockingly inconsistent with the rest of the story but)#(i have already talked about that enough.)#(the only thing i'm interested in talking about here is how much kakashi and yamato care)#(and how clearly itachi recognizes that)#(so much so that he does everything in his power to make sure they never have enough information to help him)#(both before his defection and after his death.)
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bloody-shadow666 · 2 months
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never underestimate the power of mayonaise and smoked fish
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also look at my silly hat
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kagekitsuneoflight · 2 years
I find having Jason be stuck in between two generations of heroes to be fascinating. The idea that he's stuck and can either go it alone or risk connecting with people who were friends with his brothers and may judge him is great drama. Plus when you work in a well knit community your friends naturally overlap. Have some deep discussions staring those other non Bat people about the faces you show to others and everyone's relations to others.
You. You’re understanding.
He literally doesn’t have many options to begin with so it doesn’t make sense to get upset that he’s “stealing his brother’s friends”. Who he’s got like. Two friends that don’t really have an overlap with Dick and Tim. Two whole people. That’s like half of his friend group.
The Outlaws is his group. Almost every other team up he’s had, it was either a spur of the moment deal, a ‘oh shit the world might be ending’ deal, or a ‘Batman has allowed/told me to be in this group’ deal. I don’t doubt he’s been a part of oneshot AU spin off groups where he had more of a choice in the matter, but in canon he’s got the slimmest pickings in terms of friends.
Especially when you factor in that in universe, he’s not very well liked! He’s got a bad reputation in the hero community. He’s got a bad reputation in the villain community. It’s hard to find characters who would reasonably tolerate him.
Starfire, Roy, Artemis and Bizzaro are the only people who still have a presence in the current canon who like him who aren’t a part of the bat clan proper.
Hell, depending on the run, even his own family doesn’t like him.
He’s hardly got anyone for a support system. I really wish that he didn’t have to “steal” friends. But the truth of the matter is, the writers don’t exactly have many options to chose from. And if a writer is bold enough to try and have a reluctant team up where someone comes to realize that Jason is more than just the Robin Who Fell from Grace, it doesn’t directly translate to a friendship.
And it really irks me when people go “oh just have him team up with some lesser known character. Oh just make new ones.” I don’t think that realize that’s *very hard to do*. A lesser known character is going to have their own fans who might not want them associated with Red Hood. There’s a lot of planning that has to be done for them to reasonably cross paths, have a common goal, get to know one another and have that cycle repeat enough for them to be considered a friend. That takes time! That has to get approved and greenlit by a higher up. Batman and Superman didn’t have one team up and instantly became best buds, that took years to build up, both in our actual reality and within the universe itself.
And creating a new character? For what reason? To have them be Jason’s friend? Good luck getting that approved. You have to design a character. You have to create a backstory. Create the characters in their backstory. You have to make an alias. You have to establish who they are. New characters aren’t made everyday, and if they are, chances are it’s going to be in a whole new generation of heroes.
You can’t have some guy who got stuck inbetween generation 1 & 2 become friends with someone in generation 7. He could mentor them certainly, but he’s not going to be able to really be their friend.
And even still! Batman is such a powerhouse of an IP that there aren’t many characters he or the other major players in the bat family haven’t touched, especially considering that Jason missed out on making his own connections on account of being dead. Which makes it insanely difficult to find him someone who doesn’t have a connection to someone else already.
Jason Todd is a tragic character. He’s an isolated character, and I understand why fans of Dick and Tim are upset that he gets to share a couple of their friends. I get why fans of Roy and Starfire are upset about it too. And I get why Jason Todd fans latch onto what little he does get.
He’s a good character to have come in and challenge someone’s sense of justice (which is different from morality!). He’s a good character to have someone confront a bias they might have, or see an uncomfortable parallel in and realize that hey, I remember him when he was Robin. A good kid, someone who wanted to help and did his best to rise to the occasion.
Maybe realize that they might not have come out of the other end of dying and being resurrected with the same moral high ground they have now.
Maybe they actually make a connection to him, and realize more and more that Jason Todd is first and foremost a tragedy. Maybe they take it upon themselves to end that fact.
(Don’t get me started on the wasted potential of the All Caste and how his best chance at independence from the bat symbol was just completely destroyed. I don’t care if people think it sucked it. All Caste gave him the golden opportunity to have his own ‘thing’ that couldn’t also be claimed by someone else and have fans fight over who’s better at it.)
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I just saw a long and hilarious post criticising me and my "revolution plan". Yeah, sorry for not having a good and concise plan to save the world at 16 years of age, omg, these people.
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follerys-trash-blog · 9 months
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just a couple of clowns, all of em
(work clothes and not-work clothes)
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changeling-droneco · 7 months
im just saying if you have a female character get told she can change her destiny in a flashback scene and the thing she immediately focuses on is having a chest? She constantly talks about surpassing life with it? im calling that character trans, she's trans now, gender euphoria slime suit or in other words
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actualaster · 9 months
Wow, I fucked this pizza up in ways I didn't even know were possible
It's completely inedible
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on-the-edge-of-dune · 9 months
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mixelation · 7 months
How do the other countries react to the Iwa massacre? Does anyone even know about it or do they try to hide the fact that they lost 50% of their ninja force? Does the Akatsuki step in to grant some fun help in exchange for more political clout :)))
LMAO i literally didn't think that far ahead because it's not "canon" to reborn au; it was just me exploring a scenario. but given how i've been characterizing them, iwa would attempt to hide it. but they've lost a shit load on manpower in one go, so people will notice the sudden reduction in missions and them abruptly pulling field agents and stuff like that, and eventually they're going to connect it to the konoha team, especially given tori just straight up told the kiri team what happened to kushina. so i think the rumor mill is INSANE. everyone's reputation goes bananas
i think if tori hadn't told kiri that iwa made a move on kushina, the other nations would freak out because it would kind of look like konoha did something insane to another village for no reason. but i think the rumor mill concluding it was in retaliation to iwa doing something dumb AF would make the other villages feels safer lmao. not safe enough that konoha doesn't get blacklisted from a chunin exams for a few years, but.... meh. what are their clients going to do, NOT hire the village capable of infiltrating and knocking iwa off the map?
there might be a risk of another nation trying to overthrown iwa once it's clear they've been weakened, so ame is paying close attention because they've dubbed themselves the ninja cops. so yes iwa might suddenly find themselves asking for some favors :)
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reeaperrr · 6 months
Im atomic
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