#am i like cosette or something then
hyphen-8-it · 3 months
Cosette is better than me because if my weirdo recluse father suddenly showed up with a massive, festering burn scar acting completely unconcerned and telling me to call a vet for him instead of a human doctor, I would have simply started killing.
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incidentalblr · 1 year
does anyone have a masterlist of english language les mis adaptations? (other languages are welcome too as long as subtitles are available for my monolingual ass <3) i am asking because every godforsaken day i learn about a new one. i must collect them all like pokemon <333
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cloudcountry · 7 months
like cosette and her guy from les mis or honestly anything just fhskjfnfnd dhjanfbdbdb♡♡♡♡♡♡
SUMMARY: is neige in love with you? or is he just acting?
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: meow idk what to write here this isnt beta read because im tired so if theres typos i will catch them like a week from now LEAVE ME ALONE
TAGLIST: @axvwriter @shinysparklesapphires
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You’re having a hard time figuring out if Neige is acting off the stage or not.
He’ll blow you kisses, we’ll pull out chairs for you, he’ll always give you your personal space and only touch you when you ask for it or when it’s initiated, he calls you by sugary sweet pet names that would melt on your tongues if you were to ever kiss him—
And yet he does those things in character and in real life.
So when rehearsal is over and he’s walking you to your car, you shudder when your arm bumps against his. It feels uncomfortably hot, but against the chilly air of November, you’d like nothing more than to be entrapped in them.
“Here you are.” he beams, standing next to your car with a smile on his face. Even in the dark parking lot, you can see just how bright he is, how far his kindness extends, how treasured he truly is.
How lucky would you be to be loved by someone like that?
“Neige? Can I ask you something?” you ask, heart fluttering in your throat.
“Anything.” he murmurs without missing a beat, and you inhale shakily as his smile turns less bright and more soft.
“Why do you act the same off the stage as you do when you’re performing? Is it a way to get more into character? Because if you keep acting the way you’ve been acting people could get the wrong idea.” you put it plainly, gnawing at your bottom lip.
“Who said it’d be the wrong idea, silly?” he asks, the question trailing off into a laugh, “What if I really do like my fellow star?”
“You can’t be serious!” you blurt, mouth falling open. Oh, you’re so stupid! All that time he was serious!
“Oh, I am!” Neige holds his hands out to you as if asking for permission.
You take his hands.
“I like you a lot.” he murmurs, sweet as honey, and sweeps you into a dance in the middle of the parking lot.
You really should be heading home, but you can’t resist staying out a little longer.
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euphraisette · 2 months
i just am... thinking about the brick's portrayal of cosette and valjean's relationship and how i think it works so well with my neurodivergent cosette hc... because valjean loves and cares for her so deeply but he sees any kind of emotional spikes from her or things like overstimulation or stimming as something being wrong, not out of judgment but out of concern and love... and cosette loves her papa more than anything and hates seeing him distressed so she starts masking around him so he doesn’t worry about her... feeling like as much as her and her father love each other nobody will every really see all of her and accept all of her... and then she meets marius, who is equally as neurodivergent but always had to mask because of his grandfather... and together they learn to accept and love themselves in their entirely and stop masking... NEURODIVERGENT COSETTE/MARIUS IDC IDC IDC THIS IS MY TRUTH
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pilferingapples · 7 months
OK my random question for you to think over is— If you could schedule some bonding time between Jean Valjean and any one of Les Amis, which Ami would you choose? Who would he click with/who would help him out the most/who would be the best most helpful Buddy for him to have ??? Or would you need to pick multiple Amis?
(This may or may not be related to a future fic idea I have planned. I have asked myself this question but currently do not know the answer, so I am curious about your thoughts! You always have great Les Amis takes)
OK before I get into this, I want to be clear that I think Cosette does an AMAZING job with Valjean's emotional Everything, but (a) she's a kid (b) she's HIS kid (c) no one person, no matter how close or important, can ever supply all of another person's emotional needs, even if they're a lot less traumatized than Valjean to start (d) a major problem with Valjean is Social Isolation, which only people Besides Cosette can alleviate (e) that is just the start of the issues that Cosette can't and should never have to handle alone! So no consideration of adding Other Friends to Valjean's life should be taken as an insult from me to Cosette (and I know you wouldn't , but people get weird). Cosette is a star.
Also: I am in all of this assuming a setting/ series of events leading to Acquaintance that does right by both parties ; importantly, that means Valjean is sure, somehow, that none of these men are romantically interested in or romantically interesting to Cosette. Maybe it's post- marriage, maybe it's an AU, maybe Whatever. Valjean's not doing his Lion With a Dog routine about it.
OK THAT SAID, let's Consider:
Enjolras: if they met outside a barricade, I can see them getting along very well! Unfortunately, that's because without pressing political action or conversation be thrown at them, I can imagine them both just sitting quietly and reading or being lost in their thoughts for as long as they're hanging out. Even GIVEN a political topic, like..Valjean is not gonna argue with anything Enjolras says and Enjolras is already gonna say it and they are just...gonna continue to Agree and then go back to Quiet Reading Time. Parallel Play For The Cats. Valjean will think Enjolras is a pleasant young man, Enjolras will think Valjean is a restful older gentleman, they will go to the library at the same time every Wednesday and nod hello and read in chairs near each other and never talk. Probably exactly the kind of interaction Valjean wants, and not at all what he needs to get out of his routine.
Combeferre: a very strong option!! assuming they've gotten talking about Nearly Anything, Combeferre can find the Fun Conversational Trivia in any subject. I bet Valjean would LOVE to hear about how steam engines work and the latest discoveries about bees or rubber or tinctures of opium. Valjean might be willing to tell him Cool Gardening and Metallurgy Knowledge and Combeferre would LISTEN. Combeferre is sharp and cutting about Interests and Ideas, but shows no signs of being someone who wants to get more emotional or personal with people than they're already setting up. This could be a great Hobby Buddy friendship and that's something Valjean really needs! Potential Issues: if they DO run into the sort of conversation where they're debating ideas, Combeferre does not seem to have an Easy Mode. IDK how much Valjean would be willing to enter Debate Thunderdome about politics or social issues; I worry greatly that he would shut down in Automatic Defense System Mode. But if they can work around that, Combeferre could be so good for getting him interested in the outside world!
Prouvaire: Much as above for Combeferre, except Prouvaire is already something of a gardener, DOES have a Gentle mode for debates, AND is goth, which would surely speak to Valjean's " some alive people like to be in coffins too" soul. Also lbr we know Prouvaire is on the 420 Crew in any era and it might do Valjean some real good to get baked once in a while. Strong potential here.
Feuilly: HE'S LIKE THE SON VALJEAN MIGHT HAVE KNOWN, or the grandson really-- as I recall, we've done the math and figured out that Feuilly really might be in the right age range to be one of Valjean's nibling's kids. I don't know how much Valjean has ever considered international politics but I bet he would deeply resonate with the plight of refugees and the displaced, which after all is a lot of the real issue. And maybe from there they can even get into how this is all systemic and Valjean might start to understand how he's not Uniquely Horrible if these injustices happen to so many people!!! A Little !!! Possibly!! Either way,they can get earnest and emotional over just wanting everyone else to have a better deal than they got. Go Team Lower Class Orphans Too Good For This World !
Courfeyrac: listen Courfeyrac's a delight and all but..he's just very bourgeois student. He is. Even assuming we're in the best situation where he and Valjean are talking politics and social issues enough for Valjean to NOT just mentally write him off as Standard Student Guy, I suspect Courfeyrac's many charms are just the wrong ones here. I'm not saying they can't get along, I think Courfeyrac can probably get alone with nearly anyone,but this is gonna be one of the harder options for any real connection.
Bahorel: you know I was all ready to go on a big ramble about how this could go multiple ways until I remembered the ONE THING, THE ONLY THING that gets Valjean to really open up and talk about his past is watching a younger man make horrible life choices that could get him arrested, never mind about trying to get Valjean to open up, Valjean is gonna trauma-dump on Bahorel so hard in the first fifteen minutes of them actually hanging out. And unlike Montparnasse, Bahorel pays attention and gives a damn about other people, and he is SO ready to get into how the legal system is pure evil and screws everyone over. Hating the legal system is a major component of his personality! I had honestly not really realized it until making this post but wow this will, eventually, be So Good for Valjean's mental health. (I am perhaps being a little silly here but I do think, on consideration, that Bahorel's over the top Everything would be on balance kinda reassuring for Valjean; plus there IS the goth factor XD Bonus points if it's a Better Post-Barricades setting where Bahorel's taken in Gavroche and they can bond over Unexpected Child Acquisition)
Legle: For Legle, see Courfeyrac, I'm afraid. You KNOW I love Bossuet so very much but he speaks 90 percent in too-smart-by-half puns and references and his entire social presentation depends on knowing how to parlay a bourgeois social skillset into Endless Crash Space. He's super weird and an incredibly good guy For Real but I don't know if Valjean would put enough effort in to realize that! Like with Courfeyrac, I feel like this would just be a Polite Acquaintaceship. Open to being convinced otherwise though!
Joly: ..ok I know Joly is also Student Guy as heck, but he's also direct and enthusiastic and overtly sweet in a way that Courfeyrac and Legle aren't. I can see Valjean enjoying his company somewhat the way he enjoys Cosette's actually-- here's someone who will be cheerful and chattery about things that he, Valjean, does not really know or care about. I still don't know if they'd connect on any deeper level but I could buy Valjean actively noticing and enjoying Joly's company.
Grantaire: HAAAAAHahahahhahaAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAH *runs out of breath* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAAAAAA hahahaha nooooo. No. Nooooooooo. Grantaire talking to Valjean would go about like Grantaire talking to Javert in the I Mis Miniseries. Grantaire will talk! You cannot stop him unless you are named Enjolras! Valjean will nooooot care.
...Writing this up has made me reflect on what I think Valjean really needs out of a potential friend and it's - someone to do the talking - shared interests, or new interests they can be enthusiastic about while he nods ahead - a willingness/ ability to get HIM to talk at least sometimes ?? maybe?? - shared goth vibes or at least the ability to understand that sometimes u__u you just gotta be in a coffin now u__u - ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY overt disdain for The Rules this is why Fauchelevent was SO good for him but I think he also needs someone who is not in life debt to him! he needs to know he can socialize with Kind New People and Not Explode!!
....and this is a long post so I'm gonna save more Valjean rant :D I am pretty sure you and I will discuss later anyway!! Thank you for the random question!
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 1, Side A, Match 12
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propaganda under the cut!
I mean, look at them! Also they work through problems together with communication and help both eachother out, and themselves. They are a great example of a healthy relationship, they have more than one dimension to them, they aren't just a cute couple, they're actual people. Whatever issue arises, they can work through it together! ❤️
LIKE UM. basically marius is dirt poor at some point and probably homeless. and then courfeyrac just walks up to him upon overhearing something about that and is just like. 'i am taking you in now. you're with me <3'. and they've been homies ever since
they kind of live together??? and they share clothes and such. courf also helps marius find other new friends!! and introduces him to their friend group!!!
marius saves him from dying on the barricades and then they hug it's very cute.
constantly teases marius about cosette (his crush) endearingly <3. ALSO CANONICALLY: marius voice 'i have come to sleep with you'. for a french novel published in the 1860s that's kinda fruity
and after the barricades marius refers to courf as an intimate friend iirc???
essentially if it wasn't 1832 and also courfeyrac didn't die i think they would've gotten married or something (and sure why not get cosette in there too)
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snowywolf1005 · 11 days
@crazydreamchoas13 : Yes, please!! Can the reader also roast them at one point in front of sanji and then proceed to beat the hell out of Judges?! I need a Goth girl beat the sh*t out of an abusive family with zero effort!
Your wish is granted!
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You each have to date the vinsmoke brothers. First, you have ichiji. Second, you have niji, and last you have yonji.
Judge wants you to pick each of his sons to marry. Cause he is interested in your ability, if you have a baby, the baby will have no emotions like you.
But you don't want that. But you have no choice. So you and ichiji hang out, you two are having tea party.
Here you are drinking some tea, with red pepper (ichiji). "Say, I heard really about you, (Y/N)," said ichiji, you pretty disgust.
"Really?" You ask, sipping the cup. Ichiji smiles at you.
"Yes, I heard you, that you're pretty sexy and intelligent of your ability. Say your family is so lucky to have a very smart woman like you," he said, which made you pissed.
"Plus, I wonder why you dated the failure. He's weak and can't even become stronger. My brothers and I used to bully him a lot." Said ichiji, laughing.
That made you almost break the tea cup. "You know you're actually being dumb bitch, that I would called" you said, putting sugar on your tea.
That made ichiji stop laughing and looked at you, "What did you just say?!" He said slam the table. But you didn't know that sanji was watching you two.
And worrying you'll be injured. "When I see your face, there's not a thing I would change... expect the direction I was walking in." You said, sipping the cup.
Ichiji was pissed. "Do you want me to beat the hell out of you?!" He yelled. "Careful, your tea might get cold," you said, pointing at his tea.
Ichiji, look down at the tea cup, then you slap the table up, causing the table to hit Ichiji face. Ichiji covers his nose, and his nose is bleeding. Then he looks at you to realize that you disappeared.
Next niji. You and niji are watching the soldiers' training. You two are top of the castle outside. You heard that soldiers don't have fear of death.
"So, is there anything you like?" Niji ask, you ate some steak. "Raising spider and researching the Bermuda Triangle," you said. Niji looks a bit surprise.
"Well, aren't you a cutie devil. I love how charming you are." Said niji, with heart eyes. You not interest of him, less you hate about him. Niji is a bully. He bully's cosette and sanji, but he doesn't bully you.
"Say, I heard that you beat the hell, my brother ichiji. Can I ask why?" Niji question, you look at him. "He is annoying, so I don't feel interested in him," you said.
"Well, I'm surprise to see someone who can beat my brother. So, I think am I your lover boy. You've been looking for?" He asks, smiling. "No." You answered.
Niji smile drops when he heard your answer. "What do you mean no?! Don't you know what you're talking to?!" He yelled. you took a sip of your cup, "cause you're not other than a bully fucker,".
"What?! I'll make sure you take back, you just said!" Niji yelled. "Go make a hate page if you don't like me. Oh! Sorry, was I supposed to be offended?" You said, looking at niji face.
Niji was about to beat the living hell out of you. But you grab your tea and spill at niji body. But guess what? The tea is hot! Then you pull niji goggles and blow some pepper on his eyes.
You let go of his goggles, and it hit his his eyes. Niji screams in pain, then you kick... his... nuts. And you disappeared, plus by the way, sanji saw this in the window.
Last is yonji. Yonji is taking you somewhere. You don't know where, and sanji with you. "Where you taking us?" You ask, "have you ever wondered about the germa 66 soldier?" He asks.
You shook your head, and then he smiled. And the two of you made it, yonji pushed the door open. To reveal the soldiers in the tube, and you realize something, they're clones.
Yonji explained to you about the soldiers and Dr. Vegapunk research. That made sanji shock. "So, (Y/N), are you really gonna be my wife? Even though my two brothers fail, wait! Sanji is the number one failure," Yonji asks, which made sanji really, REALLY, pissed off.
"Absolutely not." You said that made yonji and sanji surprised. "What do you mean?!" He questioned, "Sorry, I can't think of insult dumb enough for you to understand." You said.
That's when sanji brothers arrive, and guess who wins? You. Yeah, by using each one of them as your walls. And you have a meeting with Judge.
He tried to fight you, but you actually win by using poison venom.
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starryschoolgirl · 7 months
I am in love with your new au and Cosette Chevalier is an absolute gem she seems so precious!! I'm curious though about her family being connected to the Kennedys?? I know we've only had two parts of the au so far so that adds to the mystery but I'm just dying to know more about her and her (influential? famous?? rich???) family!! Please I'm dying to know more!
Goodness well, aren't you just a doll being so sweet to me, gonna give me a big head you know? And I will say that her family is definitely an influential, rich one. They're definitely not famous in the way Elvis is, but they sure are known in the business-political world of America.
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The Chevalier-Kennedy Connection
(Connected to Baby Love AU)
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The two families are very close and are connected through business deals but are pulled more closely through one woman. Her charms exposed her to all the men she could want, but she only came to truly love three, two of which were Kennedys and one of which was a Chevalier.
20's The earliest connection between the two families can be traced back to the 1920s, when your (Cosette) paternal grandfather had gotten Joseph Kennedy to sign off as one of the investors in his law firm. Joseph was a smart businessman and must've seen some potential in the firm.
He was proved right as the business began booming throughout the rest of the 20s and your paternal grandfather was becoming a man of status in the business world. His name only became even more well known as he made dipped his hand in the oil industry in 1923 when everyone thought that the oil reserves had been exhausted. Only months later in 1924, there was discovery of enormous new oil fields in Texas, Oklahoma, and California. And just like that his wealth grew tenfold.
Thankfully due to his build-up of riches, he didn't feel the effects of the Great Depression. And your father, just like the Kennedy children, didn't realize that the Great Depression was even happening. As the rest of America got poorer and poorer, the rich like the Kennedys and now the Chevaliers were getting richer and richer.
Your grandfather credited all of it to Joseph Kennedy, and he remained in business with Joseph throughout the rest of his life, which led to a close friendship between the two as they were only 2 years apart in age and often saw each other.
1936 It was 1936 when your father, Jean Claude Chevalier, had first met Joseph. He was being groomed to be the next head of the law firm and had met with all his father's investors over dinner. Joseph had enjoyed Jean's humor and intelligent manner, which got him an invite to his house to have dinner with his family, since the two families would continue to be business partners.
Within that same year, your mother, Camille Lourdes Chevalier, at the time Camille Lourdes Laurent had been dubbed with the title of Ms. America, taking after her mother who had done the same. She was a twin and her brother had enrolled in Harvard, he was in the same graduating class as John F. Kennedy, and the two had become close friends, which led to John inviting him and his family to dinner with a few other friends. It was at that dinner that John and Camille had met, Camille was smitten with him as any girl was with a Kennedy, and he was just the same.
1937 In the year 1937 John invited Camille and her brother over to his house for an informal dinner that the family was having, and Jean had been invited as well by John who had become close with him in the past years. Camille had then met your father, Jean, and he was absolutely taken by her beauty. Then he asked if she would like to come to dinner with him sometime, she said yes of course because she and John, who she often called just Jack were only a casual thing, and as she was now 20 she needed to find something more serious, as her mother warned her about becoming an old bag without a husband.
1938 By 1938 Camille had won her second title as Ms. America and now shared the record with Mary Katherine Campbell (whom she would go on to meet and become close friends with). Camille and John's fooling around had gone on for two years while she'd also been going steady with Jean for a year.
1939 1939 was when things had changed, Jean, now 26, had proposed to Camille, now 22, and Camille said yes, she then ended things with John officially and went on to marry Jean only a month later. And within that year she'd have twins with her new husband.
Jean had been aware of the relationship between Camille and Kennedy, after all spending late nights drinking in the office while talking about politics with John, the man was bound to let a few unsavory sentences about Camille slip out of his mouth and into Jean's ear.
Of course, Jean wouldn't say anything as Camille and John were officially done. His pride as a man wouldn't be damaged as long as Jean could keep his woman from straying. But he wouldn't be successful in that forever as he would stray as well.
1941 - 1943 1941 through 1943 were rough years for Camille. In 1941 John, her past and 1st love had entered the Navy right before the US entered World War II , and her once-doting husband had taken over the firm since his father passed away that year, he was never home and she was left home alone with the staff.
Only 2 years after John entered the Navy her husband followed in 1943, and she was in a fit of sobs after learning he would be leaving her and to rebel she threatened him with divorce and went to live at a hotel. But only two nights into her stay at the hotel he had knocked on the door of her room and didn't return to the Chevalier estate till morning, and when he did return, she was in his arms with proof of his apology sprawled along the skin of her neck down into her clothes.
1945 - 1948 In 1945 John had returned from the navy, he'd been honorably discharged and before the news could completely get out he had gone to the Chevalier estate to greet Camille. She was happy to see he was alive and for the most part well. As the two mingled in the long hall, adorned with photos of her and the twins he had cupped her cheek and told her she looked well and full of color, then he questioned why she hadn't responded to his letters. She only pulled her cheek away and spoke dryly that it wasn't within her values to entertain other men while her husband was fighting for the country.
It left him speechless as she thanked him quietly for visiting and said her children in the other room needed her, as she walked away she only turned around once to wish him a safe way home. The two would go on to avoid each other as best they could till 1960
Just a few months later after the war had been declared officially over, Jean had returned from the Navy and the two acted as if they were on their honeymoon for the next three years, happy to be together once again. It was from that happiness that you were born in 1948, and with the birth of a 3rd child, Camille and Jean moved to the Upper East Side of New York. The Chevaliers now owned townhouses from 59th Street to 96th Street, while also having invested in jewelry and fur businesses sprawled around from Fifth Avenue to Third Avenue.
1951 - 1955 In 1951 Jean did his best to try and repay Joseph Kennedy for everything he'd done for his father, though he knew he never truly repay him, he made a small attempt by sending a letter of recommendation for Joseph's son who had recently passed the bar exam, Robert F. Kennedy, to the Internal Security Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, which earned Robert the position. From then on the two got closer and Robert's nickname, Bobby, was used to express their familiarity. It was that same year that Camille gave birth to a son, her fourth and final child.
In 1952 Bobby had come to stay with the family for a month as he had business in New York and your father, Jean, wouldn't allow for him to stay alone in a hotel no matter how grand. The two were close and would continue to be for the rest of Bobby's life.
It was in 1955 that Bobby had done something incredibly uncharacteristic. Jean had been away on business, but the men who knew him, and even his own wife Camille knew that meant he had also likely been away on a sexscapade with other women while he went to a few meetings to the different districts of his firm in other states.
Bobby had seen Camille crying and tried to soothe her. She'd cry and cry asking why she wasn't enough, was it her beauty? Her beauty was all she'd ever been recognized for her entire life, she was not smart, nor was she overly kind, she was only beautiful, it's all she had, and with her age and her husband's infidelity she had begun to question it.
To help her feel better Bobby admitted to having a crush on her as a kid in the 30s when she would visit the Kennedy home for parties and admitted that with age she's only gotten better, like the finest of wines. It couldn't be said how it exactly happened, but it happened. Camille had bedded another Kennedy while her husband was no doubt bedding a prostitute. And in that, she found peace, a sort of sense of silent superiority that she could enjoy alone, that she could have to soothe herself to sleep when her husband couldn't.
The future years Even if she wanted to cut away from them completely she never could, they were too well entangled in the Chevalier family. They were business partners, their political campaigns were helped funded (both monetarily and influentially) by the Chevalier name, and at the end of the day, they were like family.
Camille would go on to exchange intimate phone calls with Bobby in the night, and she'd continue to try to live with the ways of a husband. And though there were nights she'd look back and wish that she had chosen John, she'd realize that a husband would always be a husband. She only loved her relationship with John and her relationship with Bobby because neither were her husband.
She had to remind herself that they were someone else's husband. And that is what ingrained the thought into her head that a husband will always be a husband, though a man may be kind, respectful, and sweet, a husband will be greedy, lustful, and horrible. And she'd make sure to get that idea through your sweet little brain before you learned the hard way and turned into her.
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Hopefully, this gives a little insight into Cosette's mother and why her mother is the way she is. Also, I can confidently say that both the Kennedy brothers mentioned will definitely make a flashback live appearance in upcoming installations of Baby Love. I can't wait to post more about this au I really am having too much fun!
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alicedrawslesmis · 2 months
the reason why I was talking about what I think is an inconsistency (maybe cultural gap? but I still see it as a pretty major gap) in Fantine's canon story is that I am writing that miniseries script after all. It will never be made of course but I feel like I could probably do a half decent job of it given how half assed they all seem to be. I shouldn't *I* half ass a script?
and anyway I divided the episodes into six, each focusing on one major character and possibly the ending being where they all converge? I'll figure it out as I go. Idk.
Anyway Fantine is first and I'm about 15 pages in but my big problem is fleshing her out to be believable as someone who essentially grew up on the street but also is naive enough about how the world works to leave Cosette with someone she doesn't know...
Anyway anyone want to infodump about Fantine to me or something
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
I know that PTSD didn’t exist yet as a formal diagnosis in the 19th century, but the way Valjean has a panic attack when he makes a small noise and becomes certain that he’ll be Arrested and Taken Back To Prison (even though he hasn’t actually done anything yet)….is very painful? And it also resembles the way Cosette’s trauma will cause her to react around loud noises later on.
Madame Thenardier is described as having “the voice of a cop,” and Cosette often goes into panic at the sound of it. But like Valjean, Cosette doesn’t need for Madame Thenardier to literally be in the room for her to imagine that she’s there, imagine that she can hear her, and begin to panic at the idea of being punished. And like Valjean, Cosette still has those moments of panic even after she’s been freed.
The parallels are really so stark?
Valjean panicking at the sound of an opening door, certain that the police will be there in moments even though he’s logically “safe” and “free” from prison:
Jean Valjean shuddered. The noise of the hinge rang in his ears with something of the piercing and formidable sound of the trump of the Day of Judgment.
In the fantastic exaggerations of the first moment he almost imagined that that hinge had just become animated, and had suddenly assumed a terrible life, and that it was barking like a dog to arouse every one, and warn and to wake those who were asleep. He halted, shuddering, bewildered, and fell back from the tips of his toes upon his heels. He heard the arteries in his temples beating like two forge hammers, and it seemed to him that his breath issued from his breast with the roar of the wind issuing from a cavern. It seemed impossible to him that the horrible clamor of that irritated hinge should not have disturbed the entire household, like the shock of an earthquake; the door, pushed by him, had taken the alarm, and had shouted; the old man would rise at once; the two old women would shriek out; people would come to their assistance; in less than a quarter of an hour the town would be in an uproar, and the gendarmerie on hand. For a moment he thought himself lost.
And then Cosette later on, after she’s she’s living with Valjean and “free” from the Thenardiers:
All at once a heavily laden carrier’s cart, which was passing along the boulevard, shook the frail bed, like a clap of thunder, and made it quiver from top to bottom.
“Yes, madame!” cried Cosette, waking with a start, “here I am! here I am!”
And she sprang out of bed, her eyes still half shut with the heaviness of sleep, extending her arms towards the corner of the wall.
“Ah! mon Dieu, my broom!” said she.
But yeah it’s interesting how many different ways trauma manifests in Les Mis— especially Valjean’s trauma, which is so deep and complex and affects every aspect of his life. He has moments of sudden raw paranoia/panic, like this….but also difficulty sleeping (as we’ve seen already), difficulty eating, and difficulty talking to other people. He also (which we’ve seen a bit already) has a tendency to “lose his grip” on reality and do things unconsciously/automatically in a state of numb fear, without fully understanding where is or who he is or what he’s doing (which is such a big Thing for him as a character that I’ll probably write another post on it.)
It’s like, the 19 years in prison (and the limitations imposed on ex-convicts) still weren’t Valjean’s entire sentence— the severe horrific emotional trauma of those nineteen years will last for the rest of his life.
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alenaphale · 3 months
so guys a little while ago i came up with a les mis artistic au that I think would be interesting for you to acknowledge! so basically the idea of it is this:
everything takes place in modern france. les amis + cosette + eponine (basically the youngsters mentioned in the second volume (maybe even montparnasse)) are studying in the académie des beaux-arts on two different faculties, visual arts and music. i am yet to figure out who studies what, but some things are already obvious to me, so I would like to share some of them with you
• first of all the dean of the faculty of visual arts is valjean, the dean of the one of music — javert. their approaches to what is art and how one should give a proper education on it are quite different — opposite, even, because where valjean strives for freedom in self-expression and his students’ own unique understanding, javert is equally devoted to precision (which is, for every performer who I have a misfortune to be myself, is as beneficial as it is painful, sometimes even destructive to the very purpose of performing music)
of course it would be silly to expect such a confrontation would not affect their students.
• so, very vaguely: enjolras, combeferre, courfeyrac (because i couldn’t force myself to separate the great trio of The leader, The guide and The centre™), jehan, marius and cosette are all in the orchestra.
- enjolras is a conductor, of course
- combeferre is the first violin. sometimes when enjolras by some miracle is not present at the rehearsal, he fulfills his duties — and, believe me, his tolerating attitude really is a blessing to the musicians
- courfeyrac is either a timpanist or a pianist-accompaniator (both options make perfect sense in my mind and I cannot decide)
- jehan is a harpist (feel free to make your own suggestions, but I tried to express his passion for middle ages, romantism and his poetical nature with this choice)
- marius is a violinist because I thought it would be hilarious for him to play soppy melodies whenever he’s pining on cosette
- cosette herself is a cellist. at first, i was going to make her an opera singer (soprano), then i was contemplating on her being a violinist as well, but then I thought — goddamn it, i love women who play cello, and it would reflect her character so well (which i of course am planning to develop a bit from what monsieur hugo provided us with), and I just don’t want to see her as something high-pitched! the solemn and a bit sorrowful, yet so noble and beautiful timbre of cello seems to suit her image in my mind.
• as for the artists, here we have OBVIOUSLY my man grantaire, eponine, joly + bossuet, feuilly and bahorel. most of them are painters, with few exceptions: for example, joly is a sculptor in my mind, and feuilly does decorative art (also I am sorry he is also a student here and joly is not a medic it is all only for the sake of the composition)
i don’t want to make this post too long so I shall continue in the next ones! i hope this idea is entertaining enough for you my fellow readers. also i think it is pretty obvious that i have little to no knowledge at all about visual arts so please be free to comment your own thoughts
(also i am new to the fandom (although I’ve been into les mis for quite some time now) and I would really appreciate any sort of communication) :)
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inmarbleimmobility · 5 months
1.1.1 "Monsieur Myriel"
okay. i am not a guy who can write essay-type posts on the fly. but i've started my annotations and i think i want to just share some bullet point thoughts each day?
i've got a color-coded sticky note system to track: darkness, light, The Infinite, animal comparisons, labor/exploitation, sexual purity, education (those being the Big 3 from the thesis st- i mean the preface), autobiographical references, religion, law, the Great Man theory, bothering/social condemnation, translation notes/questions, and things to research. (phew.)
alright here goes!
interesting that Hugo would bring up how what is said about men influences their destinies as much as what they do in literally the second paragraph - it seems to me like a pretty deliberate reference to the "social condemnation" he cites in the preface. the preconceived notions about Myriel having come from a "privileged family" take a lot of outrageously good deeds to dispel; later it will take all of Valjean's saintly deeds (and then some) to convince Marius, already most of a Republican, that he's more than his criminal past.
I Want To Know more about how Myriel became a priest. Hugo deliberately doesn't tell us, but it would be so interesting and I want to draw parallels between his past as a man "devoted to worldly pleasures" and Valjean's past as a convict.
Hugo's description of Mlle Baptistine is the first time we see him talk about a person who "had never been pretty" gaining "the beauty of goodness" - I'm going to try to pay closer attention this time to the other examples of this! the one that comes to mind is Grantaire, but I think the concept comes up with little Cosette too?
"few families had known the Myriels before the Revolution" and he lived in "deep seclusion" in Brignolles before coming to Digne. is he a solitary person by nature? has he grown to prefer it since living in exile? what's the connection between his self-imposed seclusion and the forced isolation of convicts like Valjean?
Hugo mentions that the bishop and the presiding judge visit Myriel when he first gets to Digne and that he visits the general and the prefect - I have no idea if that's just standard custom for a new bishop or if there's some kind of significance to who visits Myriel vs. who he chooses to visit.
interesting that Hugo notes that a bishop ranks just below a field marshal. if I *were* writing a paper, which I'm *not*, I'd argue something about the structure of the Church being similar to the structure of the army and the connection that's being drawn there.
technically this is a thought about the preface, but I can't stop thinking about "by reason of law and custom". he's so clearly stating that all of these problems could be solved through legal reform and changes in social custom, and yet 150 years later people still blame people who have been imprisoned or othered for their own misfortune. sigh. someday this book will stop being necessary.
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artzychic27 · 2 months
Betrothed is my fave TT episode can you do some incorrect quotes with the DC kids Marcthanial? I’m interested to see how that unfolds.
Nathaniel: You're getting married?!
Marc: Indeed, and I cannot wait to return to Tamaran. I have been having a bit of the sick-home feeling lately, and am eager to introduce my home planet to you, my friends. First you must ingest some fresh-squeezed glorg, or perhaps sput-flinks! And wait until you see the portkins. They are as big as a flarnop!
Lacey: Um, am I the only one afraid of the big portkins?
Nathaniel: You're getting married?!
Aurore: Yeah, anyone we know?
Marc: I have never met him. My betrothed has been chosen for me by the Grand Ruler of Tamaran.
*Marc looks up to the spaceship´s window and sees Nathaniel on it*
Nathaniel: You're getting MARRIED? And to SOMEONE YOU'VE NEVER MET? *He notices that he's out of the ship in Outer space and quickly swims back into the ship to regain oxygen*
Zoé: *Watching Marc, now hunched over on the table and stuffing his face* I'm guessing you picked up your table manners on Earth?
Marc: I have missed you, Galfore.
Galfore: And I have missed you ... Prince Marc.
Villain/Hero Class: PRINCE?!?!?!!
Marc: *sheepishly* Oh, yes, I am...second in line for the throne. Perhaps I forgot to mention?
Galfore: Nooba gulshtik Myzan'r sol! *He pounds a fist against his chest*
Marc: Hesbad rutha Galfore kank!
*Close-up of the giant; he snarls and pulls back from him, raising both meaty arms and bringing them down. He screams*
Zoé: Stop him!
*Zoé whips out a handful of discs, Ismael primes his laser eyes, Reshma's pincers snap menacingly, and Denise whips out the lasso of truth. Before anyone can move, though, Marc's scream gives way to laughter. Galfore has seized Marc and is chuckling as he tickles him*
Cosette: Um, unless they tickle people to death here, I think you can chill.
Marc: Mavi?
Mavi: Surprised to see me, little brother?
Marc: *Glares* I am...surprised to see you out of prison!
Mavi: Oh, that. Well, after you had me thrown in jail, I got bored. So I broke out and took over Tamaran for kicks. But enough about me. I'm sure you're eager to see who you'll be spending the rest of your life with.
*A young man, bare-chested, very well built stands with a mane of hair blowing in the wind*
Marc: *Hearts in his eyes; drooling*
Nathaniel: *Crying in Denise's arms*
*The young man steps to the side to make way for something that drops in from above. It is very large, contained in a metal bowl that floats just above the floor, and made entirely of writhing green appendages that look something like slimy elephant trunks. It expels huge globs of slime that splatter against the floor. The creature lays an arm/tentacle on Marc, whose jaw drops as he gags*
Mavi: Marc, meet your groom...Glgrdsklechhh!
Cosette: Uh... Congratulations?
Kim: I can't tell what's a bed, what's a chair, and what's alive! How am I supposed to take my beauty nap?
Nathaniel: How can you even think about sleep?! We can't let Marc go through with this!
Nino: Come on, man. You sure you're not just, you know...jealous?
Nathaniel: Of that ugly, smelly whatever-it-is? You saw his face, Nino. He doesn't even like him!
Mavi: Can any among us offer reason why these two lovebirds should not be together...forever?... Didn't think so. Then...do you, Glgrdsklechhh, take Marc to be your husband, as decreed by the Grand Ruler of Tamaran?
*He makes some gross-ass sound. Mavi takes it as a yes*
Mavi: And do you, Marc, take Glgrdsklechhh to be your husband?
Marc: *Gags* I...I...
Mavi: Yes, brother dear?
Nathaniel: MARC!
*Suddenly, the doors burst open, revealing the Hero and Villain classes on the other side with their powers and weapons at the ready. Now the spectators turn to watch, murmuring amongst themselves at the disturbance, and guards move up to protect Mavi and the couple*
Mavi: Silence! SILENCE! Do you wish to do what is right and take this thing to be your husband?!
Marc: I do ...not!
*Marc takes a blast in the solar plexus that propels him most of the way to the far door*
Marc: I thought we agreed you would do what is best for Tamaran, little brother! You will marry the Schlurch!
Kim: Let's hurry! I couldn't figure out how to use the bathrooms here!
Max: We are not having any accidents in the Ship! You get me?
Nathaniel: *To Marc* ... I'm glad you'll be staying with us for a long time and...not getting married.
Marc: Yes. The next time, I shall choose my own husband. Who is to know? Perhaps there is a groom for me on Earth.
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syrupsyche · 9 months
Went to stalk Facebook for pics of me watching Les Mis when it came to my country and thank GOD for 15 y.o. me taking a pic with the cast list (though it was mainly bc an actor had the same name as me lol) so now I can look back at my very blurry memories and attach faces to the characters.
For starters, it mostly comprised of the cast from the Australian production back in 2016, with the exception of Earl Carpenter as Javert:
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and opposite him starred Simon Gleeson as Valjean:
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Alas I do not remember much of their performances but I do remember liking Valjean's Soliloquy and Javert's Suicide alot as well as crying at both of their death scenes so pretty sure they did something right lol.
Fantine was played by Patrice Tipoki:
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I also do not remember much but I did find her death scene to be extremely haunting. The production I watched had the stage feel really bare so the coldness of it all really seeped in.
Marius and Cosette were played by Paul Wilkins and Emily Langridge:
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Again I don't remember much LMAO but looking at Cosette's outfit here, it's extremely pretty! Alas I think by this production, Every Day (Marius and Cosette) had been cut out (or extremely cut down) so I didn't get to hear their rendition of it :(
Éponine at the back was played by Kerrie Anne Greenland:
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I was an Éponine girlie at this age so I was really focusing on her parts lmao. She was good from what I can remember! Her On My Own was brilliant and I did cry at her death scene :')
Enjolras was played by Chris Durling:
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Slight side track but WOW looking back at these pics, he is quite the quintessential Enjolras. Though Les Amis didn't catch my attention in the movie the first time I watched it, the images that burned into my mind the most from this production were of Enjolras and Les Amis. I know fans aren't too happy with the revolving barricade switch-off (and now that I know of it, I definitely agree the new scene doesn't hold a candle to it) but imagine 15 year old me seeing the guy I've been rooting for unceremoniously dumped in the wheelbarrow alone under a spotlight? It was still chilling, especially when compared to the colours and noise of the movie version. Another scene that haunted me was Empty Chairs at Empty Tables, when the ghosts of Les Amis picked up the candles left behind. THAT was good, I really loved it.
The Thénardiers were played by Cameron Blakely and Helen Walsh:
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Hilarious duo lol. My favourite memory comes from Master of the House, when a young girl sitting in front of me asked her father what Mme. Thénardier was doing with the baguette during "...but there's not much there" and what the joke meant. Her father just said she was too young to understand 😭😭
Overall, this production of Les Mis was a changing point in my life. It was my first ever live musical and it expanded my interest for musicals and Les Mis ever since. I had only watched the movie previously just so I could be caught up with the plot, but iirc, this production got me to buy and read The Brick shortly after. And 7 years later, here I am still screaming about it :')
Also I found a rendition of One Day More by the 2015 Australian Cast so y'all can hear roughly what I had experienced back in 2016! Only difference is that Javert is played by Hayden Tee, Marius is played by Euan Doidge, and the Thénardiers were played by Trevor Ashley and Lara Mulcahy. Enjoy!
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euphraisette · 7 months
crying about a heart full of love and marius’s “i am lost/do i dream” vs. cosette’s “i am found/i’m awake”… like… marius who has spent so long toughing it out and doing what he can to get by on his own after living with his abusive grandfather and discovering the truth about his father and the world around him, just having to push through and keep making sacrifice after sacrifice in his harsh reality, finally being allowed to lose himself and indulge in something soft and tender and finally feeling like there’s something that’s too good to possibly be true, so much so that he can’t even bring himself to believe that it’s real… feeling ‘lost’ but for once that’s not a bad thing… cosette, whose whole life has been one of solitude and self-containment, who likely felt helpless and destined to a lifetime of this solitude and loneliness, who probably placated her loneliness with stories and daydreams of love and belonging finally having something real to feel and feeling like not only is it real and tangible but it’s happening to her and it wants her has much as she wants it; so badly that it came true! and she can finally have something she can touch and experience and it’s not something she made up in her head that will disappear and leave her lonely again when real life sets in like her castle on a cloud… the parallels… your honour… i am so very normal about them
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pilferingapples · 4 months
started re-watching LM 2K with some friends who also make terrible life choices
went in honestly thinking , Hey! maybe I am forgetting things! Maybe it's not as bad as I remember it being!
well 1.5 hours into this 8 hour fever dream and I can say. I was forgetting things all right! quite a lot of things! but whoo boy I owe Past Me an apology, this is bad and every new Thing I Had Blocked Out Of My Mind makes it worse
Thoughts, While I Have Them:
why does it start literally on fire
I'll give John Malkovert this: he does seem disturbingly horny for the idea of inherent traits and inborn social hierarchy. Beeblevert didn't really seem to know what to do with his phrenology displays; Malkovert whispers to them lovingly at night and probably licks them. This guy feels about eugenics like Grantaire feels about Enjolras. This guy is messed up.
( ...filmmakers know that when they've got someone with lots of human skull measurements and phrenology and Types of Human displays, they're saying that character is into eugenics, right? I'm not saying it's a bad move, it can be very accurate and telling ,but like. They get what that's doing there, right? RIGHT???)
The dialogue...is bad.... it's so bad...
"yellow is the color of happiness"
this timeline is a shambles. Fantine doesn't have Cosette until after Tholomyes is gone, and then apparently holds out for YEARS in Paris, since Cosette is if anything a little older than her book age when Fantine meets the Ts; meanwhile Valjean doesn't get out of prison until AFTER Fantine has moved to M-sur-M. Which of course means there's no factory for her to work at!
...but then after Valjean (very intentionally) steals from Petit Gervais, we cut to Fantine working in the factory. The Nettle Cloth factory . Which means Fantine was doing SOMETHING before Valjean showed up to Disrupt the industry with his Tech Breakthrough but like. What. If she was doing something else then why doesn't she go do that some more after she's fired? Because she very much doesn't, she goes right to attempting sex work...badly
like trying it with Javert first Badly
and then he threatens to arrest her but doesn't?? who is this man, what kind of Javert is he ffs . Letting a Poor go unarrested? Seriously this doesn't even scan with his characterization in this series
Instead he starts stalking Fantine and giving her Helpful Hints. He comes in right after she has a client?? and tells her to go to the circus??
She goes and finds the dentist and tries to get him to pull TEN of her teeth bc for no reason he's giving 4 francs a tooth instead of 20 for the fronts. The dentist is the only character in this show with sense and says NO THAT'S TOO MANY TEETH, and he just cuts her hair instead And listen we've got another Fantine with Mostly Straight Brown Hair , it's not even that long, and I'm sorry but there's NO WAY that's worth more than teeth, why do adaptations keep doing this
also why do they keep making Fantine so passive, so dependent on people telling her what to do? She makes bad choices sometimes--often even!-- but she Makes Decisions and fast, she goes all in without any pushing, that is a defining part of Fantine's character! but everything she does here gotta be because someone told her she Should
another one where Javert inexplicably goes to M sur M to see Cosette. Why? What possible reason for this?? he almost seems like he has a weird crush on Fantine rather than JVJ but that's. That's incoherent, for this character. even in this series!!
I've written so much and haven't even gotten to Valjean officiating a wedding for, apparently, a famous former sex worker in the town ? this is mentioned once and I don't think it'll ever be relevant again
1.5 hours in, Points For: a very cute little donkey, Petit Gervais having his Marmot, some very nice architecture, Baptistine existing
Unpoints for: everyone's bafflingly inconsistent characterization, the absolute mess of a timeline, Myriel still living in the palace but letting homeless people sleep on the floor?? , lots of very pointless Walking Around Time , Thenardier Sex , why do directors think I want to see them get it on, Please Stop
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