#aluminum samurai
faerieyuri · 7 months
prompt (very specific prompt too but if you think of an offshoot of it GO FOR IT): maybe for some reason phoenix has to put on a steel samurai costume (for a case?? for halloween?? because maya is bugging him?? YOU decide!) and miles, who has been pining already, has a brain.exe crash. in a "i need to kiss him now" way. but also if this doesnt call to u its fine to skip lmao
HELLO here is a slight offshoot!
“Edgeworth, help me get these fangs on.”
The call came from inside the cramped bathroom of Wright Anything Agency. Edgeworth, who’d been sitting around for the past twenty minutes, groaned into his elbow.
“Don’t you have a mirror in there?”
“Yeah, well, it’s warped and I can’t really see.”
“I can’t see how it could possibly be that bad,” he scoffed. Still, he smoothed out his witch robes and shuffled into the cramped bathroom to stand behind his friend.
Edgeworth was speechless for a moment, gaping at their funhouse reflections in the rusting mirror. “Incredible. It’s like a piece of aluminum foil.”
“I told you!” Phoenix huffed. “We can’t afford another one, so we’ve been making do.”
Is that why his tie is crooked in court sometimes?
“Fine. Turn around and I’ll help.”
The bathroom was so small that Phoenix seemed to rotate on an axis more than turn around. When he faced Edgeworth, they were…..close. Unbelievably close.
Clad in Edgeworth’s jabot and a silk shirt with a velvet cape, Wright looked incredible. Tighter- than-usual pants and lace-up boots accentuated his muscular legs. The scent of his cedarwood cologne was tantalizing, alluring—
“Something wrong?” Phoenix tilted his head to the side.
“No, n-nothing. Give me the teeth,” he ordered, a little too loudly.
As Edgeworth applied the glue to the fake fangs, his heart pounded. Had he really never noticed how attractive his friend was? And even worse, now he had to touch Wright’s…
“Open your mouth.” He blanched. “Umm. Please.”
“Okey doke.” Wright opened his mouth like he was at the dentist, and exhaled his warm breath onto Edgeworth’s hands.
On the way to put the first fang in, Edgeworth’s fingers brushed against his friend’s lips, which were surprisingly firm. Stop thinking about it. Really, his teeth were so pearly white, his tongue so luscious and silky-looking. Stop thinking about it. When he made eye contact with Edgeworth waiting for the glue to dry, his lips twitched upward into a dimpled grin that was really quite cute. Stop thinking about it. And honestly, the vampire look quite suited him, and Edgeworth really wouldn’t mind the idea of Wright sinking those fangs into his neck, stop thinking about it!—
Before Edgeworth knew it, his lips were on Wright’s. His friend gave a surprised squeak before leaning into the kiss, one awkward fang brushing against Edgeworth’s bottom lip. Their hands found each other’s bodies and drew the other closer, closer, closer.
They were going to be late for that Halloween party, if they went at all.
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goldenrodchef · 3 months
But Pink Princess is so girly! Nickel Samurai was so much better.
Respectfully...actually, no. Disrespectfully, I disagree. I'll explain why under the cut.
First of all, you clearly have missed the entire point of Pink Princess by writing it off as "girly". It's so much more than that. It's a story about healing, about coming to terms with trauma and figuring out how to live with it. Just because the main character is female and wears pink doesn't mean that the entire show is nothing but "girly".
Second of all, Nickel Samurai is...well, the show itself isn't bad. Its supporting cast are pretty good, especially Aluminum, Tin, and Sayo. Each are fascinating characters in their own right. The episode about Aluminum's past was heartbreaking. He had so many people who cared about him, then through little fault of his own, he was tossed aside and treated like trash.
Tin and Sayo are also great. Tin's anxiety was really relatable for me, and Sayo is Sayo.
No, my problems with the show mainly come from its lead actor. The titular Nickel Samurai.
If you haven't, I suggest looking up the case of Jacali vs Engarde. It's...quite horrifying stuff. But it puts into perspective how horrible of a person Matt Engarde was.
And it's hard to separate himself from the character he was playing, because the two are so similar. The Nickel Samurai's flaws are all brushed aside in the show, even when they really, really shouldn't be.
Like, take episode 2, for example. The Nickel Samurai doesn't rescue the people inside the burning building until he finds his book. I get it, sentimental value and all, but those people would have died if not for Tin mustering up the courage to go inside.
And the Nickel Samurai is still praised for it at the end of the day.
I know this helps lead into Tin's arc, but the Nickel Samurai still faced zero repercussions from this.
The Nickel Samurai is not a fun character.
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open-hearth-rpg · 7 months
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Open Hearth Video Roundup - October 20, 2023
Welcome to the weekly Open Hearth Gaming video roundup!
These recorded sessions represent only a portion of the games we play every week, and anyone is welcome to join the fun! If you'd like to play in games like these, join our Playabl community and click on the "Calendar" tab to sign up for upcoming games. To browse our entire library of session videos, please visit our YouTube Playlists page.
Open Hearth Gaming Calendar
Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes (Session 10 of 12) Shane runs for Blake Ryan, Brandon Brylawski, Mark (he/they), and Puckett The agents, badly hurt and fleeing the recent ambush, hope to find comfort and safety at the Dorchester House. But the hospital has secrets and dangers of its own.
The Mecha Hack: Ares Station Q (Session 1) Anya Reyes runs for Bryan, Steven S., and Travis Allison Today in Roleo Time, another game in English, we play The Mecha Hack! a game about pilots trapped in the middle of a war in an unknown planetary system. The Pilots have been stationed for a few months at Ares Outpost Q, the farthest outpost on the planet protecting a series of Transparent Aluminum mines, material used by the Collective to create much of the galactic infrastructure. But they are not alone, Kaiju lurk everywhere.
The Mecha Hack: Ares Station Q (Session 2) Anya Reyes runs for Bryan, Steven S., and Travis Allison The Pilots are sent to deal with a Kaiju nest nearby to Station Q. During the attack several of the eggs hatch and start to fight back, costing blood, oil and steel to the pilots. Meanwhile a mysterious sound announces something is about about to show up over the heads of the Pilots.
Star Trek: Fate of the Quadrant (Session 5) Alun R. runs for Lowell Francis, Paul Rivers, and Will H Personal Log - Stardate 48301.6 - Lieutenant Keenec Reporting: We've been at Gamma 7 for nearly a week for re-supply prior to embarking on our patrol of the Delera Sector. I've spent the time recalibrating the micro-settlement circuits in the food replicators, which seem fine to me. I've also had a chance to work with the team studying a recently recovered Dilithium-Herbert-Matrix that resembles the Horta contacted by the USS Enterprise and could be a new sentient species. Unfortunately, I got a little over-excited and the team asked me to leave. There's a 'difficult' local commander, a group of Bajoran religious dissidents, and a memorial service for the loss of the USS Intrepid over a century before. Then...territorial Tzenkethi; a deeply disturbing subspace signal; and eight (currently quiescent) threats...
Free from the Shadow: Samurai Fantasy (Session 2) Lowell Francis runs for Cale P, Elle, Mike Minutillo, and Sherri We see the clans enact some of their first moves, working to establish influence and gather resources to cover their shortfalls. Then the four protagonists join together, for many different reasons, to find out information about the vanishings plaguing the borderlands and locate a missing shugenja for the Azalea Crow clan.
Girl By Moonlight: Divine Engines (Session 2) Lowell Francis runs for Ethan Harvey, Patrick Knowles, Sherri, and Tyler Lominack The alarm sounds as a new Leviathan approaches the Last Bastion. Our heroes scramble, the first test for this new configuration. Will the new pilot survive? Will Tav reveal that he is not person they knew? How will Manon handle battling a divinely necro-tized version of her lost homeworld?
Star Wars Saturday
Solar Blades and Cosmic Spells (Session 2) Rich Rogers runs for Anders, Ethan Harvey, Sherri, and Steven Watkins The raiders are defeated, but a greater threat is uncovered.
Off-Calendar Highlights
Heroes of the Hearth: Fresh Faces (Session 2 of 2) Madelancholy runs for Paul D. and Rob Fletcher The townsfolk hear from their loved ones and of their failures in the distant battle, and secrets are revealed as the threat nears. We close out characters in this two-shot's conclusion.
Hearts of Camelot: Once and Forever (Session 4) Madelancholy runs for Chris Greenbriar, David Miessler-Kubanek, and Rod Santos Sir Bertilak offers the terms of the favor in return for his hospitality, and Ydelles makes an incredible counteroffer. Sir Elio and Sir Granit react with surprise and dismay at their friend's acceptance of changed fate. The characters continue their knightly path in their own ways in this next episode of David Adrian Randall's hack of Hearts of Wulin, Arthurian-style!
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frostedlemonwriter · 1 year
@words-after-midnight Thank you for the tag!
I will tag @mrsmungus @mallthologist and @malloen8c the Three Ms. Triple M. Also an open tag to anyone interested!
Logan scoffed before she pressed a finger against the extra spicy tab and a burrito wrapped in aluminum foil fell to the opening. Still radiating almost too much heat to be held. She went back to her room and locked the door behind her. Just happy to eat this mostly synthetic but still delicious beef wrapped in a flour tortilla. There existed within this temple of lust and pity a moment of true peace and clarity for the street samurai.
Then a loud banging came from the door. “Logan? Logan Erikkson? Come out, please. Don’t make us come in there.”
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otakween · 8 months
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0-Sen Hayato - Volume 4 (Final volume!)
Ch. 33
-This chapter was pretty dull and hard to follow. They kept repeating the same phrases over and over again. Old manga is so wordy.
-The only thing I really got out of this chapter was that they used aluminum foil to confuse/blind enemies in WWII. I had to fact check, but I guess this was a real tactic. Neat.
Ch. 34
-Really struggling to keep my eyes open reading this. This chapter was particularly tricky because a lot of it was American POWs speaking in katakana which takes me twice as long to read as normal Japanese.
-I believe what happened in this chapter is that the Americans tricked the Japanese into sending their best squadron away so that they could attack the weakest squadron that was left behind. Although I found the chapter itself boring, it did have a good cliffhanger where one of the guys from the weaker squadron is like "this is my first dogfight!"
Ch. 35
-The Shiuntai continue to fail at life while the Bakufutai go "nyah nyah, we're so much better than you!" They were awfully chill about 16 men dying in this chapter, but what else is new?
-Hayato and Ishiki fight over who gets to comfort an injured love interest-chan (forgot her name lol). Before she passes out she let's them know that the King Satan airplane was responsible for shooting up their base. Feels like things are ramping up for a final battle. Only 7 chapters to go!
Ch. 36
-Ishiki makes a failed attempt at fighting the final boss of this manga "King Satan." I don't really get it, this manga usually sticks to semi-realism (except for that one wacky chapter about sharks) but then they throw someone named "King Satan" at you. I think this is the first time we actually see his face? They made him handsome lol
-There's a character named "King Satan" in another 1960s manga called Tiger Mask, so I'm wondering if there's a connection there. Is this a shoutout? (Hayato came out first, so maybe not)
Ch. 37
-This was like the "tough guys cry about their feelings" chapter. First Ishiki gets all hysterical explaining his defeat to Hayato and then King Satan breaks down when he reveals that he was BFFs with Hayato's dad before the war. The drama! It was kinda funny how Hayato listened to his whole speech and was just like "I'mma still kill you tho..."
-I forget what country King Satan's supposed to be from. I was kind of assuming America, but I have no clue. (Edit: Considering his plane says USAF, safe to say he's from America)
-This chapter was very shounen-y. King Satan tells Hayato that he's not ready to fight him yet and to come back after he's trained more lol. At least King Satan's men reacted realistically (they were like "why didn't he shoot him down??")
Ch. 38
-Some interesting developments in this chapter. Ishiki and Hayato finally decide to stop bickering and team up after Hayato loses to King Satan. Also, Captain Miyamoto yells at Hayato and tells him that war is no place for personal feelings and revenge (he literally says "kill your feelings which felt very Naruto/ninja-esque)
-Ishiki and Hayato practice dogfighting "for real" but find they're evenly matched so Miyamoto agrees to spar with them. Seems kinda insane to me that you would actually shoot at one another's planes just to practice, but IDK enough about warplanes to call the manga's bluff lol.
Ch. 39
-Captain Miyamoto gives Ishiki and Hayato a big speech comparing samurai tactics to dogfights. I just barely followed it, but the boys boiled things down to "we need to find out King Satan's plane's weakpoint." So they decide to take a P.51 captive so that they can examine it closely and determine its weaknesses. Makes sense. Never really occurred to me that airplanes would have weakpoints...
-IDK why the boys were so shocked that they couldn't beat their captain in a dogfight. Pretty arrogant of them lol
Ch. 40
-After a big struggle, the boys manage to take an P.51 captive to start their experiment. One of the big bosses also shows up and declares a new, dangerous mission for the squad.
-I thought it was weird that Hayato and friends kept yelling threats to the American pilot. Number 1: how do they even hear each other? Number 2: I'm assuming their threatening the guy in Japanese because they would have indicated if otherwise. Surely this random American soldier doesn't understand them? Ah well...
Ch. 41
-The squad seek revenge when they find out another unit was wiped out. The chapter ends on a cliffhanger with Hayato and Ishiki's airplanes falling apart as they're surrounded by enemy planes.
-This is the second to last chapter for the whole series...I really thought they'd be fighting King Satan by now, but I guess that comes next!
Ch. 42
-Well, that was an abrupt and anti-climactic ending...I guess they wanted a triumphant ending and they couldn't go much further since Japan lost the war
-So it's revealed that Captain Miyamoto was shot down and killed by King Satan and the gang grieves for about 0.2 seconds. Hayato leads the charge to go after King Satan's base for revenge and in the fight (which happens in the rain) King Satan shoots down and kills Ishiki too! Bold of the mangaka to kill off major characters like that, but war is war. Hayato finally manages to shoot down King Satan who goes down laughing...the end.
Thank goodness I've finally reached the end of this series. It took me FOREVER to read due to the tricky Japanese and a lack of interest on my part. That being said, I'm glad I experienced a part of manga history. Storytelling in general was just super different in the 1960s in the east and the west. Tricky for us with modern sensibilities to sit through. Of course the art was very different too. I think the art was the best part of this series. Lots of care and attention to detail went into the panel layouts and action scenes. I hope someone translates this someday for WWII and old manga enthusiasts (it definitely won't be me lol).
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zaneaonc287 · 2 years
Best Straight Razor Kit 2022 - The Perfect Introduction - Canada Straight Razor
You likewise get a convenient illuminated countdown when your cut gets on its last nine minutes of power. Bevel's weighted safety razor makes it very easy to make the change without shredding your neck. "It has oiled skin guards that aid secure the skin," Reyes clarifies. Women's razors are created for people cutting legs, armpits, and also pubic locations.
Gillette's Heated Razor transforms cozy barbershop cut right into an at-home undertaking with chargeable, heatable cartridges that soften hair while it cuts.
You require to be a little bit a lot more mindful with a security razor, so it's mosting likely to take a bit longer to cut; you likewise require to dedicate time to finding out proper technique.
On the other hand, aluminum foil shavers will certainly give you a closer shave and are gentler on skin.
The Braun Series 9 functions a smart auto-sensing electric motor operating at 10,000 microvibrations to aid you record more hair in one stroke, also if your beard is thick and also long.
An extremely practical version, it currently has a trimmer which was absent on older models. Panasonic claim they've created this electric razor "based upon the art of Japanese Samurai sword-making custom." It flaunts steel internal blades "nano-sharpened to just 30 degrees" with 70,000 cross-cutting activities per min. It definitely looks the part and it has a multi-flex 16 direction head - which slides, spins and also moves up, down and also round to comply with the contours of your face. A three-blade system with an aloe as well as vitamin E lubricating strip, the Extreme 3 Sensitive's one-of-a-kind selling point is that the blades are adaptable, which when added to the rotating head brings about a remarkably close cut.
Cutting Razor
Disposables are of an off-shoot of the cartridge razor, except you toss the entire thing away when the blades are blunt, not just the head. When preferred, the extremely unfavorable effect of plastic air pollution now has individuals thinking twice. And also, in our experience, disposables deliver the lowest feasible top quality of shave and the highest possible chance of nicks and also skin irritability. As one of the most rudimentary little bits of males's brushing set, a good razor should not cost the planet. What you're spending for is a high quality manage with a well-judged grip as well as equilibrium and a collection of blades that'll easily cut through your stubble. All of the blades featured below pass these examinations without leaving a big hole in your pocket.
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Best Safety Razors That Will Assist You Employer Your Grooming Regimen
That said, there's no lack of variation when it pertains to razor layout, and also it's absolutely not one-size-fits-all. If you think the benefit of snugly packed blades surpasses the drawback of a smaller sized head when cutting your legs, by all old style razor means, go with a "men's" razor. Although it varies a little bit by razor brand and model, the majority of electric razor blades ought to be replaced concerning every one year. Men with thicker or coarser hair may need to replace blades more often. It rests easily in the hand, is 100 percent waterproof and has a charge that lasts 60 mins.
Regrettably, adding a seventh blade resembles including a 7th ring of hell. Though this may not inevitably impact what the razor does to your face, the Combination suffers from what can only be referred to as shaving's most useless family tree. It is virtually impossible to find out precisely what Gillette's existing Blend line includes-- there are 7 different Fusion handles as well as four various Combination cartridges, giving you as well as your face 28 feasible combinations.
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Both Joey Tasca of Brooklyn-based Persons of Rate Of Interest and also Mark Miguez of Pal of a Barber like the razors from British shaving business Edwin Jagger, but this particular one is a standout. The brand-new razor from Leaf integrates a lot of what we enjoy about cartridge razors-- multiple blades, a pivoting head-- as well as incorporates those merits with sharp, inexpensive safety and security blades. A single blade is a lot like a typical safety razor that takes place to pivot, yet pile 3 and also you've got a severe close shave razor-- not for the faint of heart. This is among the more interesting new shaving items in a long time.
The Classic Edge Shaving Store
By appointment only, 23 College Ave, Port Rowan, ON N0E 1M0, Canada
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penny-nichols · 2 years
Ok re last post basically what we know about the Nickel Samurai is that there are 3 brothers, the Nickel, Tin, and Aluminum Samurai who are fighting the evil Strawberry Clan and are all in love with Sayo, a girl who runs a tea shop and is secretly the daughter of the head of the strawberry clan.
Based on some of WPs dialogue in 2-4, the show was still running/in the middle of a season DURING the case, and because of the Murder, one could logically assume the remaining episodes would be pulled.
anyway I think it would've been cool if Sayo actually WASNT unconnected with her Father's business. maybe the tea shop is a front for something. idk
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cijatuwecex · 2 years
Flughandbuch katana wheels
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wickedsick · 4 years
Steel samurai facts because why not
The Steel Samurai is a himbo
The Nickel Samurai doesn't respect women.
This was most likely going to be a part of character development in a planned crossover episode with the Pink Princess.
The evil magistrate is a complex character that has done wrong in the past but has shown signs of deep regret over his actions and is as flawed as you or i
The Steel Samurai was canceled after episode 13 due to controversy surrounding the murder of Jack Hammer, actor for the Evil Magistrate.
The Pink Princess is referred to as Season 2.
The Pink Princess was hella gay-coded.
The pink princess gets consistently underestimated for being feminine
Signal Samurai characters and their family are consistently appearing throughout the shows.
Pink x Steel is a good pairing even though Steel x Magistrate and Masked Princess is also good.
Pink is a good character and if you say otherwise fuck off
Rivalry everywhere.
Season 3 introduced the Samurai Brothers, Nickel, Tin, and Aluminum.
Nickel and Tin were in mortal danger during Tornado Slash and Aluminum caused a lot of it.
Tin Stans are a wierd group
We don’t talk about Nickel Myth.
Steel Samurai and Nickel Samurai don’t have a good relationship.
Tin has zero character development, primarily because he gets filler arcs more than story arcs.
This causes a lot of people to not really care for the character.
Strawberry Clan was pretty long.
That arc introduced Sayo, the Masked Myth.
A summary of Strawberry Clan:
The leader of Strawberry Clan is Sayo’s father, whose goal is to kill off the Samurai Brothers.
He managed to get Nickel Samurai to fall in love with Sayo, but she hasn’t been shown to fully reciprocate those feelings.
Mister Ichigo sets up several traps for the Brothers to kill them, but Sayo, who was originally evil, begins her redemption after Tornado Slash, feeding information about the traps to the brothers under the guise of the Masked Myth.
After Sayo is revealed to be “evil”, Nickel blows up at her, as she can’t expose herself as the Masked Myth.
The Masked Myth still remains a presence, but the Strawberry Clan never fully goes away, and she still can’t reveal her identity.
Myth and Princess get a few episodes together, as well as most of the Shogun White arc.
This results in a lot of people shipping Sayo and Yumiko (the pink princess).
Unfortunately, season 3 ends before Yumiko finds out about Sayo’s identity, and there was a long drought before season 4.
The Iron Infant stage play IS NOT CANON. Otherwise, it simply wouldn’t be consistent with ages, as Pink is around the same age as the Samurai Brothers, who are around 10 years younger than Steel and see him as a father.
Oooor at least Alu and Tin do. Nickel sees him as a weak little pussy.
Season 4 introduces gold and Zinc samurai, as well as the Ironsmith, previously known as the Iron Infant.
This takes place a while before Season 3, and while it does involve the Strawberry Clan, they’re a lot less of a presence.
It also features child versions of the Brothers.
Jammin Ninja is one of the main characters who appears in both, being both Nickel’s rival and appeared in a season 4 arc.
Jammin’ Ninja’s identity was a mystery for a really long time, until the reveal that he was actually Hiroshi from the first arc, a childhood friend of the Brothers.
He was thought to be killed by the Evil Magistrate, but it turns out Hiroshi was brainwashed by Emperor Strawberry and ended up killing the evil magistrate for betrayal of the crown.
Wham episodes:
Season 3 episode 11 “Pinky Promise”
Season 3 episode 34 “Behind the Mask”
Season 4 episode 13 “Emperor Strawberry″
Crimson Warrior’s a chaotic force who really doesn’t give a shit. He gives up revenge for two tacos in season 2, and accidentally took credit for saving Gold in Season 4.
Crimson will fuck you up though.
Basic plotlines:
Season 1. Steel and Evil fight, Evil dies in episode 12. He reappears in season 4, when we get a better look into the Strawberry Empire and discover Magistrates are actually replaceable. They get “uploaded” into captured people, and that’s what happened to Hiroshi. the “Ninja” Hiroshi is a personality uploaded into Hiroshi in Episode 13, astonishingly graphically.
He doesn’t actually ever come back,  But that Ninja eventually decides to protect the Brothers of his own volition, and is killed by the Strawberry Clan after his mask comes off in episode 34 season 3.
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abluescarfonwaston · 3 years
Edgeworth gets drunk one night and climbs onto the steel samurai forum or whatever and Maya is there like 2 hours and waist deep into some incredibly cursed Steel Samurai au.
Edgeworth reads one line of it and Dies laughing. He jumps right on and starts turning it up to 11. (Which is probably strange to his followers since he mostly sticks to meta/canon compliant stuff)
Edgeworth goes to bed after reblogging the 5 page post one more time. He wakes up and has mostly forgotten about it.
And then two weeks later Larry sends him a picture with the caption "finished that commission bro!"
Edgeworth briefly blacks out as the au hits him like a dumpster truck.
Unfortunately the art is very good. He has no choice but to add a tip and post it online.
The forum explodes.
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thefoilguy · 5 years
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The Shredder from TMNT - Aluminum Foil Sculpture
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adrock702-blog · 4 years
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New video is now out! I’m sure a lot of you are bored stuck at home so here’s a little entertainment. https://youtu.be/rsZMwbvYkIA #casting #samurai #sai #aluminum #metal #make #howto #artbyadrock #youtube #foundry #cast #melting (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-fuhaXhPOQ/?igshid=12lp3f2dyxt52
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goldenrodchef · 3 months
And as an aspiring chef, I have to give particular attention to the cooking episode of Nickel Samurai. One of the worst displays of cooking I've seen in anything ever.
In this episode, Nickel, Tin, and Aluminum are all trying to compete in a cooking competition in order to win a sacred artifact.
And Nickel pours an entire bottle of soy sauce onto his meal, and somehow wins.
You don't do that. I can't stress that enough. Soy sauce should only be added in small quantities. Bottles are supposed to last quite a while.
And somehow, Nickel wins. Because of course. Because Nickel is the protagonist and wins everything.
It's not even like Nickel and Tin's dishes were that bad! But no, Nickel, with his entire bottle of soy sauce, wins anyways.
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cosplayinamerica · 2 years
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Samurai Stormtrooper : Juan
My costume is a Stormtrooper costume with Japanese influences. After coming across a Samurai version of Darth Vader i felt that it was time for Storm Troopers to enter the spotlight as well!
The process was definitely don't work as easy as what i had planned . like all projects , i first looked that the references to original Samurai Armor and how it was constructed . The second step involved making sketches about how was going to construct and assemble my armor. my armor would have to be tweaked a little only due to the fact that my armor would be made completely made of sheets of metal. An example of how i altered my costume involves how  traditional samurai assembled their chest piece, the chest piece could be somewhat unassembled so that the can customize the size of their armor ,mine however does not do that.
I built my armor as a one piece piece of armor, this means that if get fatter, the armor will not fit me. The most tedious part of my armor was when i had to drill the holes inside the costume so the the black strips could weave through my costume. I spent two months carefully planing where my holes would be, making sure that they where in portion, and of course drilling every hole.
After drilling the holes I had to paint every piece with two layers of white paint  and then came the grueling part of assembling the pieces by making sure 
that the black fabric would go threw and hold the pieces without snapping. After all that I began work on the helmet and plotted how the fans on the side should look like.
Afterwards I cut out the pieces using aluminum sheets and then placed in position using small screws. I just made a few touch up with the armor and then my baby was ready to roll!
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It is funny how even the slightest thing can change your costume. During sometime in the afternoon I had grown tired of looking at the convention through my helmet and so I took off the helmet and placed it on top of the banner i was carrying. As i walked along i got some comments like " looks like the samurai killed the stormtrooper" and " loos like he claimed his victory prize ". It was pretty funny
To me cosplay is like fulfilling other’s dreams of meeting face to face with their all time favorite characters and also a chance to discover new anime character that people might not have known they existed.
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samuraiisms · 3 years
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Before interacting!
Please read the bio, rules, and headcanons below! Failure to do so will only complicate future RPs, and I’d like to keep everything clear as Mifune is a mostly unexplored character and many of my headcanons and backstory for him are non-canon!
Always open to RPs so just drop an ask! :D
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Name: Mifune
Age: 65(during Shippuden), 77(during Boruto)
Sex: Male
Birthday: April 1st
Blood Type: O
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 72.3 kg
Orientation: Bisexual (with a preference to men)
Favorite Foods: Miso pickled tofu, sea bream
Least Favorite Foods: Spinach, eggplant
Favorite Phrase: “One’s act, one’s profit.” (in essence, reap what you sow, in a positive light)
Wants to Fight: Hanzo, anyone willing to challenge him
Hobbies: Tea ceremony, dorodango (making smooth “mud dumplings”, not unlike the smooth aluminum ball challenge.)
Background: (warning, contains both canon and canon divergent storylines, will be marked)
Born into a traditional samurai family, Mifune was one of four children born, the second oldest, and the second boy. However, Mifune was only eight years old when he had to leave home in order to pursue an apprenticeship with a more experienced samurai lord, one of the Noble Twelve that make up the main houses of the Land of Iron and supply the most warriors to the army. While Mifune enjoyed his fostering, he was crushed when he turned ten years old, and discovered that his father had been killed by shinobi…pushing his mother to suicide in grief. Though his older brother takes over the household, he makes unwise decisions such as betrothing his two younger sisters to loyal vassals of an opposing daimyo in a failed attempt at peace. This results in both girls being disgraced by the daimyo to brag of his power, and pushes them to ritual suicide when they believe their honor is compromised. When Mifune’s foster father arrives to remove his older brother, the brother rages at him in wild fury and is killed.
Though Mifune’s heart is torn between revenge for the loss of his father and mother, the disgrace and death of his sisters, and his brother’s downfall….he instead gets permission from his foster father to leave and study under a more remote family. Rather than pursuing revenge and blood, Mifune finds solace in the isolated region to the north of civilization, and vows to always put harmony and peace over vengeance and bloodshed. He develops his skill not only as a great samurai, but also as a tolerant, patient, and mindful leader. This was made easier by challenging the elements and making friends with samurai in the remote region.
Mifune’s peaceful life in the distant north of the Land of Iron is interrupted when he is summoned by the fugitive son of the Daimyo…whose life is at risk as his father grows paranoid that his position at daimyo is at risk due to the rise of the world wars among the shinobi. Having already been threatened twice by other daimyo to lend his samurai to their cause, the Iron Daimyo instead shuts his borders and wallows in paranoia and fear. Having already banished, exiled, and even executed those he even mildly suspects of treason, his son fears for his life after trying to open up the borders, and flees.
Seven out of the Noble Twelve Samurai Lords vow to his cause, including Mifune’s foster and mentor, but Mifune speaks up against the unanimous decision to ask the others to exercise caution…having seen what fate befell his brother when he fell into fear, despair, and haste. Though the daimyo’s son orders him to fall in line, Mifune states he cannot pledge his sword to a cause until he has all the facts. This insightful skepticism speaks to the others, who agree to wait on forming a coup d’etat for two weeks….to give Mifune enough time to address the daimyo on his own. However, he is warned that if he fails to complete his task within the two weeks, they will proceed accordingly and cannot promise for Mifune’s safety.
Aware of the short time he’s given, Mifune promises to keep the prince’s goals secret until he gets his father’s side of the story, and not to betray him as he sets off for the Iron Capital. As the prince has said, the capital is under strict lockdown, with guards probing at every visitor, prowling the streets and enhancing the mood of tension and paranoia. However, Mifune’s noble name and mention of his mentor, a member of the Noble Twelve, is enough for him to gain an audience with the daimyo. The prince’s words continue to ring true, as Mifune sees the daimyo as twitchy, nervous, and constantly fearing for his life.
When Mifune attempts to open up the issue expressed in the daimyo’s fear for his life and position, he is immediately accused of being a sympathizer of war and kicked out of the palace. However, Mifune doesn’t give up, surrendering his sword…the very symbol of his status as a warrior, and waiting outside the gates of the palace in the cold snow for the next week. He earns not only the respect of the guards for his devotion to his cause, but to the public, who keep him warm and feed him. The daimyo sees him as vulnerable and defenseless…but is moved when he sees the effort his own people take to care for him, and agrees to talk to him again.
The new talks still hinge on fear and paranoid thoughts, but this time the daimyo confesses to a quarrel he had with his son. While his son was angry at the letters sent threatening his father, the daimyo wished to stay out of the affairs of the shinobi, knowing it would only worsen the already tense standoffs samurai had with the ninja. However, when he found his son was raising an army to perform a pre-emptive strike, he orders the army to be disbanded and bars his son to his quarters to be closely watched….though he slipped away anyways.
Mifune recognizes the seven lords who unanimously supported the Daimyo’s son were also the ones who had voted to overthrow the Daimyo. Now realizing that the prince had lied to gain sympathy, it means that his father’s paranoia was justly founded. Though Mifune feels inner rage, he calms it down, stating that peace had to be made between father and son, and that he did not wish to see the family descend into vengeance and violence as his own did. He offers to escort the daimyo himself to meet his son…and after some coaxing the daimyo agrees to do so with only a small contingent to protect him.
When Mifune arrives, the prince is furious that his father had come, believing that Mifune intended to have him “sent to his room” like a petulant child. The prince argues that honor and justice demanded action, and stated that fighting in the war was the honorable thing. Mifune dares to argue back that sending men to die for an insult was not honorable, but selfish. The prince is enraged that Mifune would question him, and even though his father orders them to stop, the prince orders the seven of the Noble Twelve to kill him.
Here Mifune shines as the great warrior he is, utilizing his Iaido and sword skills to defeat the other lords. His foster father kneels in submission, all seven of them ready to accept the punishment of execution for losing, but Mifune refuses to do so, stating they would survive only if they stood together. Though the prince is angry and reluctant, he is convinced to talk things out with his father in private. In a matter of days, communication comes through, and the father and son come to an agreement….staying out of the war.
No longer just a young samurai, Mifune develops into a fine samurai warrior, raised through the ranks through his own merit. Eventually, the Land of Iron is unable to refuse the call of war when their lands are threatened by the Amekagure’s Kage Hanzo. Though the generals of the country ordered their men to flee on sight if they saw Hanzo, this does not stop Mifune when he and his contingent are pushing back an Ame squadron, joined by Hanzo. Though his fellow men obey their orders and flee, Mifune stays with the intent of stopping Hanzo from invading his homeland, dueling him one on one. This epic battle leads Mifune to be poisoned, but during their fight he explains his code of honor and harmony to Hanzo….earning the Kage’s deep respect. To keep this worthy adversary from dying, Hanzo leaves him the antidote to the poison and urges him to live on and do honor to his fellow countrymen. The fight imprints such respect in Hanzo that he withdraws his forces from invading the Land of Iron, and henceforth respects their isolationist policy.
Mifune’s bravery and ability to survive a duel with Hanzo is more than enough to earn him the ultimate position, even over the Noble Twelve, as General of the Land of Iron. Now in charge of commanding all samurai forces and minding the needs of the Iron Capital in the same manner of a Kage, Mifune devotes his time to grooming the next generation, improving public safety and education, as well as educating himself on other countries.
Mifune breaks the isolation policy during the Fourth Shinobi World War, when the threat of global destruction becomes dire. He does not reopen the isolation policy at the conclusion of the war, but rather keeps the borders open and accessible to the rest of the world as a demonstration of how peace changes the harmony of the world.
Time Periods: (Contains some canon divergence)
Youth: Age 8-18. In this period, Mifune is a more emotional person, who enjoys telling jokes and sparring with friends. He is far less powerful during this time period, but also is more capable of forming friendships and bonds with others. He enjoys spending time in the isolated Higura Mountains with a distant samurai clan, admiring the icy scenery and often participating in winter sports for his leisure time.
Adult: Age 21-65 The peak period of Mifune’s strength, and where the most of his battles, deeds of valor, and rise to power take place. At these varying ages, he is more reserved, but remains sincere, respectful, and composed. Though he does not partake in the usual sports and socialization he did as a youth, Mifune still connects with his fellow samurai through conversation and aiding them in training. He frequently challenges weaker samurai to improve by making himself a rival to them, urging them to grow stronger in the hopes of overcoming him.
Elderly: Age 66-80 Due to the long peace that comes after the Fourth Shinobi World War, and aided by his growing rheumatism and arthritis, Mifune chooses a more diplomatic means of ruling. Preferring to improve the country during this time of peace, he focuses on public works projects, and spends more time in an office than on a training field. He also spends this time grooming successors to take up the mantle as defenders of the Land of Iron.
Alternate Universes:
Shogun AU: (pairs with theredpalace) In this AU, Mifune is very young when his country is plunged into civil war after the reigning daimyo spreads corruption among the noble samurai familes….leading to poorer commonfolk to being conscripted into work camp, food shortages, and even sons of samurai families being sold into labor to other daimyos as eternal bodyguards. Though Mifune is only twelve when he enters the rebel side, he soon makes friends with the foreign rebel and son of one of the most fearsome shinobi of all time….the young Uchiha Musashi.
Having come of age, Musashi dreams of becoming a samurai in truth, and leaves his home in Konohagakure to pursue his dream. However, when he finds the country in civil chaos, he soon sides with the underdog rebels…who lack the same forces the daimyo controls. Though Musashi struggles to receive acceptance as he is an outsider and the son of a shinobi, Mifune takes to the older boy and they become fast friends as they both have endured struggles from their family’s choices.
Through effort, Musashi and Mifune earn the respect of their peers and help turn the tide of the war. Musashi quickly proves to be a far more powerful figure than ever imagined, even going so far as to ask the wild Horse Smiths (formerly summons who broke their contracts to remain free) for a sword that could withstand his raw strength without shattering. Mifune supports him during this endeavor, and by the time Mifune turns sixteen the war ends with the rebels overthrowing the corrupt daimyo and punishing the samurai lords responsible for abetting him.
When the topic of a new leader arrives, Musashi believes that the choice of the people would restore their faith and belief that the country can change for the better. Mifune, being impulsive and dedicated to his friend, elects Musashi right away. Musashi is baffled and embarrassed, scolding Mifune and stating he was not even a native of the country, and did not deserve such an honor. However, as the other rebel lords recount his deeds of valor…including marching on the front lines at every battle and confronting the Noble Twelve who aided the daimyo, soon the room is in agreement. When Mifune calls for a vote, the room unanimously choose Musashi.
Though his friend drips with reluctance to accept what he believes is beyond his worth, Mifune converses with him alone that the man who does not fight for power, but honor, is the most worthy of both. This convinces Musashi to take up the newly minted title conceived by the samurai to embody what it means to be a samurai….Shogun.
Over the next several years, Mifune aids Musashi as one of his twelve generals, replacing the Noble Twelve as these are not based on family name but by deeds. The country blossoms as Musahi passes various edicts to improve public education, safety, and to improve their economy. Mifune also fights in multiple wars to protect the country’s independence, fighting off Hanzo when the Rain Daimyo calls for Musashi’s head as recompense for the Shogun executing a member of nobility like himself.
Mifune often frets for his friend’s life, but believes strongly in him up until Musashi falls prey to a destabilizing illness. Mifune grieves for his friend, knowing he is doomed to die. With the country a democratic republic, the decision to vote on a new Shogun as Musashi was elected approaches. Mifune however, is shocked when Musashi confesses on his deathbed that he sincerely wished they would vote for Mifune. Mifune, just as Musashi did prior to his election, protests that he would not honor the station well at all. However Musashi disagrees….while he himself was used to ruling by using his power to exercise his will, Mifune executed the power of harmony…forming bonds that were far more significant than Musashi’s raw strength.
Though Musashi’s wish remains a secret between himself and Mifune, once Musashi passes away and is cremated in a public funeral, Mifune is indeed chosen…having formed the closest relationships with his fellow generals who sweep him into office. Though Mifune still deals with the grief of losing one of his oldest friends and dealing with forces attempting to capitalize on the country’s loss, he accepts and fulfills his role as Shogun with pride and honor….noted for being a diplomatic figure in spite of the isolationist policy of the country.
In secret however, Mifune is preparing the country for an inevitability foretold by his predecessor….the eventual coming of a global war that would subject humanity to unforeseen terrors. Understanding the path to overcoming this peril laid within unity, Mifune remains open to forming alliances, and forbids his samurai from starting conflicts in order to preserve their country’s vision of peace, while secretly preparing for the grim fate by training the forces of the Land of Iron in accordance with the texts left behind by Shogun Musashi.
Modern AU: The reknowned kendo teacher in Tokyo, Mifune runs a prestigious club of kendo enthusiasts that regularly visit the high schools to enlist young talents. Mifune has a passion for swordsmanship and preserving old traditions, but is also curious about the customs of younger folk….going so far as to have an Instagram for posting pictures of his tea ceremony drinks and sweets.
Empress AU: (with astra-stellaris) Mifune, a seasoned warrior in an empire where power is held in the hands of women, has been chosen to become a consort to the young Empress Astra after the mysterious death of her predecessor. Though Mifune struggles in this environment of social hierarchy and political intrigue, he endures for the sake of his empress.
RWBY AU: Hailing from the oldest region of Mistral to the snowy north, Mifune lives in a society of samurai warriors who still abide by “the old way” in which they live close to the land and cherish a warrior lifestyle while defending themselves from the Grimm. Mifune’s home city of Tetsukubi, or “The Iron Neck” resides in a large battlefield and is surrounded by wild pines and mountain peaks with rich deposits of iron. As a proud member of this society, Mifune strives to better his people by understanding more of the outside world.
(under construction)
His Sword: Kurosawa
In the Land of Iron, due to the great value placed on swordsmanship and blacksmithing, it is only natural that Mifune should wield a sword worthy of his title as General. Having acquired it shortly after besting seven members of the noble twelve, Kurosawa (The Black Swamp) is a blade that ranks 5th in a very prestigious list of swords coveted for their craftsmanship and the skill they lend.
The Land of Iron Order lists there are 56 swords of true significance, even the lowest rank of 56 being enough to mark one as a master samurai, with the best of the best usually passed down through the families of the Noble Twelve. Mifune inherited Kurosawa not from his father, but from his foster father who recognized his skill after being defeated by him, and passed on the sword to him post battle.
Kurosawa’s significance in forging is that it was made using metal collected from the marshy regions to the south. This alone would have been difficult, as the region grows difficult to traverse and even harder to mine as the temperature warms closer to other countries. However, the steel collected from this region remains uniquely flexible to the use of chakra manipulation…and was also combined with the skill of a blacksmith who had forged a minimum of 500 blades before making this masterpiece.
The special skill of the samurai, Mifune has mastered this art. Designed with shinobi foes in mind, it slashes at the opponent in rapid succession as a means to make forming hand signs pointless at risk of losing a limb. To master this skill, one must commit to grueling training to strength the arms and hands, while also maintaining nimble speed.
Chakra Manipulation:
Another common samurai skill required to be enlisted in the ranks, Mifune possess the ability to channel Lightning Release chakra into his blade Kurosawa. Not only does this allow him to deal damage on foes unable to do the same to their own weapons, channeling an electric current, but it also is deadly against enemies that use the Earth Release…disrupting the jutsu. Mifune’s insight into chakra manipulation also means he can determine how his sword cuts into an enemy….either a smooth, clean cut, or a jagged tear.
Dancing Blade Risk:
Only samurai who have undergone years of specialized training can master this. It bends the wave of chakra and force exerted from the blade, causing it to hit at unexpected angles so it appears as if the blade is at multiple places at once. It’s a trick learned by extending the reach of the chakra blade and increasing sensitivity to bend it to one’s will.
Chakra Shockwave:
Best intended for fighting in a group, the shockwave uses a combination of chakra and the user’s physical strength to slice at enemies from a distance, knocking them back or even bisecting them with the energy from a charged cut. Though some samurai’s effectiveness with this skill wanes with age, Mifune remains the only samurai to continue being capable of using the jutsu even by the age of 65…when most would be considered too old.
Beam of Light:
A sharp thrust that propels the chakra of his sword out into a piercing beam. Because of how thin the beam is, it takes a great deal of skill to use quickly and needs to be honed so as to maintain the edge of the blade sharp as to puncture organs. This is typically a finishing move.
Silent Strike:
Much like in the infamous samurai films, it’s a move with a delayed reaction, using near invisible levels of speed to slice the opponent before the body has time to react. The delayed reaction leaves the deepest, and the most devastating wounds, as the body is often left in shock and unable to hasten the healing process.
(Shogun Era Only)
Chakra Armor:
A talent passed down through the generations by the First Shogun Musashi, Mifune is the first to learn his friend’s special technique for forming armor. Based on the Uchiha clan’s Susanoo, it requires intense mental concentration and the use of chakra to form an impenetrable chakra shield. Each set of Chakra armor is said to be unique to each samurai, Mifune’s taking the appearance of Zunari Gashira Kabuto….a helmet with a fierce face, and a heavy cuirass.
Fang of the North Technique:
A special jutsu that can only be mastered with the aid of a group. This was a jutsu invented by Shogun Musashi as well after arriving in the Land of Iron, and inspired by the wild, proud nature of the country’s natural elements. Using no less than five strong willed samurai trained in this technique, the group uses a combination of their unique chakra releases and moves in fluid unison to attack in a fearsome group movement.
Rules And Things to Remember:
-Mifune is an important figure whose responsibility lies with the Land of Iron. Though he does leave on diplomatic work, he is unlikely to leave for frivolous reasons. Unless stated specifically as a mission of peace, most settings will take place in the Land of Iron.
-I’m not overly concerned with shipping Mifune with anyone. Since he’s sexually ambiguous in the series, I’ve written him as bisexual. However his sexuality means less to him as he is more devoted to his duty as a samurai. He may form romantic relationships based on mutual strength and trust, but it would have to be a relationship forged over a long period of time.
-Mifune is dangerous to his enemies, but otherwise peaceful. If we want to RP a fight to the death, we should be able to converse seriously on both of our character’s strengths and decide mutually on who would come out as a victor. However don’t feel pressured to fight him! Mifune values harmony and peace above all and is not above ending a fight to discuss terms of surrender or peace.
-Mifune doesn’t have a lot of time to spare due to his duties, but he is intent on forging deep bonds with others. To befriend Mifune, you must be open minded and willing to accept not only his bushido code, but the ways of the Land of Iron, as they are very different from the shinobi.
-After the 4th Shinobi World War, when peace is achieved, Mifune is more lax about making friends. But any RPs based before, he will be far more cautious.
-Unless you request to RP with him at a younger age, Mifune will reply all asks at the age he is in Shippuden, 65.
-I’m okay with writing established relationships SO LONG AS YOU TALK TO ME. I would prefer we start with first introductions, but if I think our characters have a good capacity for a strong friendship, I can start with an established relationship.
-The established relationship rule does not extend to romantic relationships. Like I said, I’m not fully invested in Mifune forming romantic relationships until I’ve come to confirm the person in question is compatible with Mifune.
-Don’t be afraid to propose AUs and ideas for plots! I love writing my own plot devices and ideas, but I’m also open to others.
-The ask is always open to headcanons you might have for the Land of Iron. These will be judged based on my own personal opinions so I might contest a few, but I remain very open minded.
-While this blog does not focus on shipping, it is a multiship blog. Should the occasion arise that more than one person connects with Mifune on an intimate level, it does not interfere with other relationships and they are considered to exist in their own timeline.
-Please respect both my wishes and Mifune’s integrity. If he believes an action your muse is pursuing would endanger his country, he will stop it. Above all, Mifune values his country and its ideals, and if he thinks you are a danger to it, he will stop you.
-Come talk to me any time!
Current Land of Iron Headcanons:
-The isolationist policy of the Land of Iron came after the Warring States Era when shinobi villages were beginning to form and diplomacy was beginning to blossom. The standing daimyo of the time had grown vexed with the standing laws that allowed other daimyo to enlist his samurai without his prior knowledge or consent, and outright banned the practice after the formation of the shinobi villages. Though almost all the daimyo protested this, they failed to convince the shinobi to take on the perils of seizing the country by force, and the ban endured.
-There are twelve families that trace their ancestry to the first samurai clans to settle the Land of Iron, and hence have the largest number of retainers training to become samurai themselves and the wealthiest houses. In all, there are 107 samurai clans in the Land of Iron, each bearing their own family traditions. Usually, the Noble Twelve take on the responsibility of fostering a training warrior from another clan from the time they are eight years old until they come of age, both to educate and train them, as well as to aid lesser clans.
-The expectations of a full fledged samurai warrior are very intense. While there are no small amount of training soldiers, it usually requires ten years of solid training and discipline under a master…and becoming a master samurai usually isn’t accomplished until a samurai has lived into his forties or fifties and still remains strong.
-A fully recognized samurai has five obligations to society in the Land of Iron. The First Expectation, is to honor your personal bushido code. The Second Expectation, is to serve the realm in accordance with the law. The Third Expectation, is to foster the next generation by devoting time and energy to training them. The Fourth Expectation, is to act in a stately fashion, and to abolish impurities of the soul and mind. The Fifth Expectation, is to bring glory to your house, your name, and your cause.
-Samurai are also typically expected to pursue an artistic hobby, though it isn’t strictly a requirement. Most samurai prefer to learn blacksmithing, though the range of arts they can pursue are endless and none are considered more or less honorable than the other.
-The introduction of the Land of Iron becoming a neutral meeting ground for the Shinobi came after the death of Hashirama Senju, when his brother Tobirama chose to hold a Kage Summit. Tobirama reached out to the standing General at the time, who agreed with Tobirama on several key issues that were resulting in war with the other nations. The Kage Summit was held on the sacred meeting grounds of the Three Wolves Mountain, and has been a traditional neutral place of meeting since.
-The Three Wolves Mountain is just one of the locations believed to be precious or sacred to the samurai. Historically speaking, it has also acting as a meeting place to end bloody rivalries between clans, to settle civil wars, and as a wedding venue for clans uniting their houses.
-The Land of Iron endures a cold winter for 9 months of the year…and for the three months of summer warms only enough to make the country damp and marshy. As a result, they cannot grow as large or abundant amounts of food. The native species of produce they grow are several breeds of daikon radish, carrots, and other root vegetables, and a type of rice called “ice pick rice” due to it needing to be harvested during cold snaps. Because the rice tends to melt into porridge when heated, it is reserved as a ration for troops.
-Thanks to the Land of Iron’s wealth in mining and valuable metalsmiths, they maintain their food supply by trading frequently with the Land of Rice and the Land of Tea for produce and more commonplace rice, as well as livestock. The Land of Iron holds the majority of control over metal crafted goods shipped across the world as they prefer to keep their techniques as family secrets, passed down from father to son.
-What the Land of Iron does provide to the outside world, and does not hide, are their cookbooks. During times of struggle, the Land of Iron endures food shortages the best out of all the countries and the cooks and mothers of households donate their recipes to the National Library of how to make food last. The master work is updated every few years, and published with the title of The Iron Mother’s Kitchen. The book is a popular novel with housewives all over the world, and is often used for winter traditions.
-Traditions in the Land of Iron vary very differently from the shinobi nations, as their general public is also required to be trained in kendo until they graduate from public school. Though there is a large amount of the population that are civilians, laborers, artisans, and merchants…it is considered a basic part of education to pass kendo classes. This is more or less a cheap, efficient means of allowing self defense, leaving the country to save thousands of ryo by letting the commonfolk defend themselves from thieves.
-Crime in the Land of Iron is far more harshly punished than in the other countries, due to the heavy influence of the honor system. While a thief may have to deal with a few months of jail time in other countries, in the Land of Iron there are harsh punishments of laboring in difficult conditions, jailtime that requires strict regimes, etc. The worse the crime, the more grisly the punishment.
-The most extreme punishment is saved for those the Land of Iron considers to have no honor…those who betray their officers or break the samurai code completely. This punishment is a life sentence in a prison called The Shelf. A simple design, it is an open air prison atop a high glacier, surrounded by over a two hundred miles of frozen ice that forms the northern cap of the continent. The only way down is through a pulley system, which is taken down each time guards and prisoners are escorted up. Because of the bleak, desolate environment, where prisoners are only given enough food, water, and warmth to stay barely alive…most prisoners lose their minds or commit suicide.
-In modern times (during the Boruto series), the Land of Iron has modernized to open its borders to young hopefuls wishing to become samurai or partake in the exclusive metalsmithing craft. However, public opinion is split on the effects modernization has on the environment, with some groups pushing to expand modern ways further, while others prioritize preservation of nature.
-Because the making of swords is so integral to samurai culture, and hence the very essence of the Land of Iron, swords that are meant to be worthy of being wielded by those who have mastered the brutal regime of becoming a samurai go through a very rigorous checklist. Very small details are factored in, and without a special something to make the sword unique and useful in battle, it can very easily be dropped. The list of valuable swords often changes, but every ten years a census of swords is made to relist and adjust the ranking. The only sword that does not budge from its place due to tradition, rarity, and power, is the Tetsu Honjo. Believed to have been forged by the gods in the era the Land of Iron was founded, the sword boasts almost celestial abilities. However, it is very difficult to wield, and is only used by the greatest standing samurai of the time during war, and only after passing a difficult test of worth. The Tetsu Honjo remains in high security in the Iron Capital, and remains one of the Land of Iron’s sacred national treasures. The Land of Iron has had only three battles in its long history where the sword had to be used as a last resort, all of which terrified the survivors on both sides with its lethal power.
-Samurai do not have conventional superstitions that may be prevalent to the rest of the countries. While samurai do not believe in the red string that ties the two pinkies of destined lovers, they do believe that if a samurai sweeps while wearing his armor he will jinx himself into sweeping away his strength and skill. Another common superstition is that if you stand too long in the snow and the wind changes, someone is plotting against you.
-It is not impossible for those born outside of samurai families to rise in rank to achieve the status of samurai themselves. However, most are at a disadvantage as it requires years of serving in the infantry and training before they can reach the same level those trained and fostered by samurai families enter upon enlisting.
-The first samurai to settle the area weren’t actually samurai at all….but squires from royal families who had fled with villagers from the southern region during heavy tides of war. Seeing the area was unpopulated, they intended to make a brief stay of the area before they escaped to more fertile, warm regions. However, once they found iron, they decide to stay, the squires proving their worth as they fended off following armies with the skills they learned from their samurai masters. After twenty years of defending the region, the population attracted enough people to be considered a country, and the squires named themselves samurai proper, working in a council of twelve to govern the area.
-The early years of the Land of Iron’s rule are split in opinion by its citizens. Some believe the way of ruling encouraged violence, as they were often warring against their neighbor to secure trade routes for food, and had a very aggressive system of who ascended to power. Others argue it was simply the necessity of the times, as the Land of Iron had multiple resources and had to defend them in order to survive. Eventually, the son of a daimyo from the Land of Water came with an army large enough to subdue the samurai….but rather than conquering it in the name of his family, he took on the role of daimyo himself, allowing the Noble Twelve (the samurai who had formerly served as council) to remain a position of respect and power as a nod to their honor system. Because the first Iron Daimyo did not call for erasure of the culture that was born by the sword, he was more or less unopposed as he had the influence to secure steady sources of food and goods in exchange for metal work.
-Isolationism became a publicly supported ideal during the reign of the third Iron Daimyo. Though he was not the same respected figure as his grandfather, the Iron Daimyo did have several misgivings as shinobi countries began fighting over powerful jutsus, each seeking to force others to knuckle under. He actually created the first public consensus of opinions, and upon reading the many thousands of opinions, decided the best and simplest way to avoid conflict was to withdraw and create strong borders. Very few people objected to this move, as it allowed for preservation of their proud culture and resources. It was mostly unpopular with the other daimyo, who regarded the move as cowardly as it meant they would have no potential ally in the arms race.
-The role of women is not one very clearly defined in the Land of Iron and is often split depending on class. High class women from wealthy samurai clans are expected to educate the next generation and marry well, but from more poor samurai clans they are expected to train as onna-bugeisha, female samurai. Common women have almost no limitations of what roles they are permitted to play, though it varies from family to family. Most daughters of tradesmen continue the line of work by marrying a fellow tradesmen in the same line of business to continue traditions.
-The most common dish and most eaten food in the Land of Iron is oden. Because of regular food shortages, they rely on a dish that is easy to edit and adjust according to what is available and in season. Most families have their own personal method of making it how they like it, and the base broth they make is vegetable broth from frozen produce. The richer families like to make theirs with fish broth as fish is harder to come by.
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practicallyanyth1ng · 3 years
How about trading storys with kerry. Like telling him about the gig you do stealing one of his guitars from that samurai super fan.
Date night would be cute. Like V showing Kerry their favorite places around the city, Maybe fixing the perrier up doing stuff there or the drive in theater.
Both trying to cook together only to burn it and just sticking to take out. Hope that helps ✌🏻
OH MY GOD!!!! I actually wrote down a lil ramble of V taking the gig with stealing Kerry's guitar! (You can read a bit of it in the screenshot I posted below!)
Date night would be so cute!! 😭✋ Kerry taking V out to all these fancy restaurants and V being flustered cause all he's known are dinky streetcorner shops or takeout [him being a streetkid]. I just love the idea of Kerry spoiling V so much!! OHHH and them going to the drive in theater is such a good idea!!! Them talking trash about the bad parts in the movie like a guilty pleasure film and then it getting hot and intense when the credits roll and they can't keep their hands off of each other 🤭😏
HONESTLY they would be so bad at cooking imo 😭✋ V's used to eating quick meals from those vending machines and Kerry's used to relying on his chef and consuming alcohol. They would both he the dumbasses who find a way to burn boiling water, accidently put the aluminum foil in the microwave, or put a plastic plate into the oven. 💀
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