#alucard los
batsbreath · 2 months
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Alucard - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
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innocentdevilmaster · 10 months
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simonsquest · 4 months
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akutouart · 1 year
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“You’ve made me a monster…”
I wasn’t gonna post this cuz it was kinda vent art but my friends encouraged me to so here is the lord of angst himself lol
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monochromatictoad · 3 months
Gabriel becoming Archangel Gabriel and Dracul is a Lord of Shadow in the end of the DLC of LoS1, only to also make Trevor a Lord of Shadow as well on accident in MoF, in this essay I will-
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thisteaistoosweet · 7 months
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Felt bad for like not uploading for a while so have like, some vamp Trevor.
Someone said you can’t have LOS lore and Norm Castlevania lore mix and I said fecking bet.
Maybe i can finally get my friend to post her fic.
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anakinskywalkerisfave · 2 months
the mystery continues but it's Mirror of Fate
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monochromaticwriting · 3 months
Me? Venting through Gabriel? Nah...
Gabriel watched the scene in the home through the eyes of his rats. Trevor, Victor, Victor's family, the Belnades, Toymaker, and Chupacabra were all under the same roof, causing a ruckus. He often dreamed of this scenario, as a child, laying awake in the bed in the Brotherhood orphanage. A large family, busting the house from the seams. But.... He couldn't feel happy. He felt next to nothing.
These people shouldn't be here. He shouldn't be here. He was a shadow looking over their happiness. The scars he's given most of the people here will never fully fade. Toymaker flinches if he raises his voice. Chupacabra flinches when his fist is raised. Trevor reaches instinctively for his sword when Gabriel is even remotely tapped into his power. The humans would rather not interact with him one-on-one, and avoid him as a whole, unless Victor or Trevor is there.
Why does his chest hurt? He thought, laying on the stone floor.
He watches the scene further, scurrying to a new watching spot. He can see some of the Belnades kids play wrestling with the Belmont kids. These kids were so carefree. He wished to join them, show them that he wasn't a threat to them. But he stopped himself. He would only hurt them in the end. They knew, even at their young age to never trust a being of darkness like him.
Oh, he trembles in the cold of the room. The pain was bad.
He moves again, this time watching Toymaker do puppet shows with the youngest children. Gabriel had not given this man so much as a second thought when he was still a lord. Even now, Toymaker was scared and nervous to be around him, watching his words as to not anger his former master. Gabriel knew he would never be truly invited to one of these shows. He was fine with that. It was only a little bit he could do, to pay back for everything he put Toymaker under.
He gasps and reaches for his chest. Oh it hurts so much.
He watched the Chupacabra teleport around, causing small mischief. He felt awful for locking the creature up for so long. Nothing as free as the Chupacabra deserves that type of punishment, no matter what it did to him. He left holy relics around for it to 'Discover'. It was small, but it was penance for what he had done to the creature in the past. Yes it was annoying, but it was a simple being, that only wanted to play with him. It knew he was immortal, like it was, so of course it would come to Gabriel. It desired companionship. Just as he had. Yet all he did was abuse it, and punish it for simply existing. He did not deserve its forgiveness.
He started clawing at his chest. This beating heart did not belong to him.
He stepped over to Trevor's and Victor's spot. He was listening, only partially, to them. His rat eyes were trained into the spot where he had staked Trevor. He ripped his son's humanity from him. Hell, he killed Sypha! What man killed his son's wife? Gabriel deserved every drop of venom and hatred from Simon and Trevor. He deserved to be sealed away. He deserved this tortured existence. Trevor is innocent. Trevor deserved to have lived a full life with Sypha, and maybe he would've given Simon some siblings. Gabriel often wondered if Trevor had a similar dream of having a large family, as Gabriel had.
He could feel the skin and meat and muscle give way under his claws, but he was nowhere close to the beating.
He looked over at Victor. This man nearly died because of him. He brought an innocent man into his fight. A man who had a family. How he found it inside him to forgive a wretch like Gabriel, he never could understand. Gabriel had waited for Trevor and Victor to seal him away. To put a permanent end to Dracul. To Gabriel. But they didn't, they let him live. Allowed him to exist within the families they had made.
Marie was there... His love. His life. His heart. She was laughing alongside Victor's partner, her laugh still as beautiful as he always remembered it being. He wants to go over to her and hug her. To ensure she was actually alive and not another hopeless illusion. Illusion? Or hallucination? He didn't know the difference. The yearning inside him begged him to go over and hold her. To remember that war was over and he could finally rest. But it wasn't that easy. His eyes looked at her gown. Back when he was human, he would have never thought twice about the collar on her gown, and how far it came up. But they weren't human, and haven't been in a long time. She only wore them to cover up her scar when he had beheaded her.
Flesh and blood and bile covered the stones beneath him. This wasn't his skin, his blood, his bones. This wasn't his heart inside him. It beat with an unnatural speed and rhythm. It wasn't his, wasn't his, wasn't his, wasn't his, wasn't-
Dracul ran from the scene, he needed air. He needed space. He traveled to the upper layers of the strange building Zobek had made of his once beloved Castle.
Beloved? No. That Castle hurt him-
The Castle loved Dracul in the way he deserved to be loved. He deserved everything the Castle did. It protected him. It loved him, loved him. We love you, my Prince. Please come back to us. We are your true family.
He never told them that the voices of the Castle never truly left. It served as reminder at just how temporary this living arrangement was. This happiness was temporary, but its love was forever, and it would follow Dracul anywhere to stay with him and only him.
Dracul's skin itched. It wasn't his. This wasn't his skin. It was a punishment. He needed the itching to stop!
As soon as he got to the upper level, Dracul left the rats and started scratching his skin. His nails effortlessly dug into his chest. His neck. His abdomen. He dug and dug until he no longer felt the itch. Flesh and muscle and tissue made a grotesque portrait on the floor.
Dracul breathed in deeply when the itching stopped. The heart was still beating. His heart? He didn't have a heart. With a growl, he forces his heart to stop. It had no right to beat
"No. No, no, no." His eyes widen. He failed. He failed Trevor again. His body burned as it repaired itself. His face burned as his tears dripped down. In his right mind, he knew he needed to tell Trevor about this, but in his current state, he didn't want to burden his son more than he already had.
But as he was cleaning up the mess, Trevor came in with a knowing look on his face. He took the supplies and ushers Dracul to sit in an arm chair. He didn't fight his son, there was no point. Trevor was just like his mother. Once his mind was set on something, he would stubbornly see it through.
"Father, you're like that too." Trevor's voice startled Dracul. Oh, right. The telepathic bond they shared. That's how Trevor knew.
"I'm sorry... You and Marie shouldn't have to take care of me." Dracul says softly instead. That made Trevor pause, so Dracul continues, "I broke the promise I made to not hurt myself anymore, and now you're sitting here cleaning up my mess."
"Father, it's no big deal-"
He pauses to angrily rub away at his tears. Why was he crying?! He was Dracul! Prince of Darkness! Dracul doesn't cry!
"But it is!" Dracul was quick to interrupt Trevor. "I hurt so many people here, and instead of hurting me in return, they forgave me! Despite everything I've done to try and prove myself a valuable ally, they still don't trust me! They reek of fear and disgust when I step into the room!" Once the words and tears started, Dracul couldn't stop them, "I am a monster Trevor! Toymaker and Chupacabra are still scared of me! Victor's family still shy away from me when I try to interact with them! You and Marie freeze up when I lift my hands! I don't fit in with the human population and have to be locked away in the house just to avoid harm to your reputation, because I can't go even a month without tearing myself apart!"
"Gabriel does." When did Trevor get close enough to grip his hands? "Gabriel is scared and lost and confused. He doesn't know what's going on in a world that continued without him." Dracul couldn't look at Trevor. His son deserved so much better. His wife deserved better. Everyone in this building deserved better.
"And you don't? Do you not think you deserve better than what had been forced upon you?" Trevor asks. Dracul's silence was telling. Trevor sighs, "father. You deserved better."
Gabriel hugs his son. He couldn't stop himself, everything felt like it was crashing down on him.
"Trevor, I would never hurt you and Marie."
"I know father. We both know."
"I never wanted to hurt either of you to begin with."
"We know. I love you father."
Gabriel pauses. Trevor had never told him... "You... You love me? Despite everything I've done to you?"
Trevor chuckles and nods, "yes, I love you father. Forgive me for how long it took me to say it." Gabriel grips him tighter.
"I love you too Trevor." He says back. Marie's perfume filled the room suddenly. It smelt like sweet peas and peonies. She said nothing as she stepped into the room and over to the men in the chair. Wrapping her arms around both of their heads, she pulls them close and hugs them.
"Victor was asking about both of you, so I came up to check-in." She explains before they could ask her anything. Trevor eventually moved away from the hug, and politely excused himself, leaving his parents to talk with each other.
"Marie, i-." She quickly cuts him off with a kiss. A kiss that felt like forgiveness.
"My love," She starts as she pulls away, "I know. I heard the tail end of what you said." She holds his face in her hands. Her hands were calloused from her needlework, but they were so comforting for him. "I love you. I love you so much. You have no idea how much I blame myself for everything that happened. My decision to give up Trevor to Volpe was the catalyst to everything. But here we are. We get a second chance for the life we were denied. I don't know the full extent of what happened to you on Earth... But I know enough."
He couldn't get words out as tears flowed again. She had seen what the Castle had done to him.
"And you still love me?"
"With every fiber of my being."
They held each other for a while longer, both of them shedding tears that they had held back originally.
Eventually, they calmed down. With some soft words, Gabriel stands up from the chair, and lets Marie lead him back to the chaos downstairs. As he gets down the stairs, he can see how the little ones get excited to see him. He gets one moment to squeeze Marie's hand, before getting surrounded by the younger kids. Marie lets go of his hand, only for the kids to eagerly lead him to the area David was doing his puppet shows.
Everything was going to be fine. He was healing, and he was loved. Gabriel finally had the family he always dreamed of.
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beevean · 8 months
From what I heard, The Forgotten One is crazy difficult in LoS1 as well, unfortunately I've never fought him because I haven't been able to get the DLC with it in it. Gabriel was almost Matthias, but he's a bastard son, so he got abandoned in a church when he was born. I do have a question. Does the Crissaegrim, or I think it's called the Valmanway in the main time line, have any information on how it was made? I know in LoS2, it's Trevorcard's weapon of choice, and he forged it using a cursed rapier called the Glaciem, a demonic blade called Igneas, and the stake attachment from the Vampire Killer that broke off when Gabriel fought Carmilla. It is said to be powerful, and it seals Dracul in a temporary death state until it gets removed in LoS2. But it does confirm that vampires in the LoS universe can hold and use the Vampire Killer, but it might be unique to Trevorcard because he's Dracul's son, and Dracul was the original wielder of the whip.
There are mainly three games with the Crissaegrim/Valmanway.
One is Symphony of the Night. It's a very rare drop near the end of the game, but it's the most OP weapon in the whole arsenal (not counting the Shield Rod with its spells). Its deal is that you attack four times in a second and you don't stop while attacking, meaning you can mow through your enemies without a worry in the world.
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The other one is Aria of Sorrow. It's similar to how it works in SoTN, but its power is nerfed and you can only obtain it if you complete Boss Rush mode in under 4 minutes. If you're that good, the weapon is just bragging rights lol.
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Finally it's in Dawn of Sorrow. This time, you don't obtain it, you create it yourself, although since you need the soul of the second-to-last boss in the game, it's once again mostly bragging rights. You can, uh, check the weapon tree here lmao, it's complicated but I notice that you have to fuse a fire sword, an ice sword, and a stone sword. It seems to be halfway through the previous versions in terms of power. (it also got a futuristic redesign lol)
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But no, it doesn't require the Vampire Killer, and it certainly isn't a plot-relevant weapon lol. Alucard's weapon of choice is the, well, Alucard Sword :P his mother's heirloom.
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piyo-piyo-vania · 2 years
Types of bat I think some of the Castlevania vampires(/not so vampires) transform into, ignoring regional things for the sake of myself:
Walter - Spectral bat, partially dramatics, partially because it's carnivorous. Do not Google these unless you're prepared for slight gore. (In bold and orange for emphasis because this is a warning.)
Alucard - Definitely fruit bat. Probably an Old World one if you want to Google those. He just gives fruit bat vibes.
Soma - Honduran White Bat. They just have the same energy in a way I can't really explain.
Brauner - Probably a Macrotus. No idea why. Maybe I'm being too kind.
LOS!Dracula - Palaeochiropteryx. They're extinct, but I think they fit him, not sure why.
LOS!Alucard - Harmless serotine. They look evil, but they're just cute.
Main game Dracula and Joachim aren't here because honest to god, I have no idea. (Italics to sound exhausted or something.)
I guess Joachim *could* be a vampire bat because as far as I know they sort of just. Run. It's pretty funny.
Dracula I've honest to God got nothing. Zilch. Maybe a fruit bat but that doesn't fit in my eyes. So essentially, nada.
This also follows the theoretical of all CV vampires can become bats, I don't think I know enough of some of them to be 100% sure.
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wingedknightrose · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @lucien-lachance. I’ve never done something like this before, but hey, why not?
If you’re interested in sharing a WIP of your own, consider this a tag from me :D
Here’s something set in the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow universe, because yes, I still write for that. Don’t, uh, don’t worry about the context too much.
The undercroft of his father's castle was honestly one of his least favorite places. It had grown considerably since his first forays into the damnable thing, the old mines being excavated into a sprawling series of caverns that honestly made Alucard wonder about the structural integrity of it all. But this place didn't adhere to rules or logic and loved to find new and exciting ways to make him hate being there, and this was no different.
The air down here was literal poison, if poison had a thousand small blades that could carve up your lungs from the inside. How anything living managed to survive in this space, he had no idea - he was dead and he hated it. Breathing was an uncomfortable affair for him, so he avoided it. Not only did it hurt, but it also smelled terrible, like rotten eggs and burning flesh and sulfur. About the only thing this place had going for it was that it was warm, but even then, it wasn't the pleasant warmth of curling up next to a fireplace, it was the oppressive heat of getting set on fire. He could differentiate them from experience, the details of which he was not about to elaborate for Isaac.
No? Not even a little bit?
If you really want to know, then I can just set you on fire and you can find out for yourself.
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cielomist · 7 months
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bro they just put alucard in bloodstained
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vermutandherring · 5 months
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'Lo, there, somewhere near black waters A young cossack mounts his horse. Sadly he parts with his girl, But even more sadly with Ukraine'. Hej Sokoły - Polish/Ukrainian folk song
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As a result of today's russian massive attack, near 20 dead and 132 wounded are known. The number of victims continues to rise. It is hard to believe that this story has been going on for centuries...
CC credits: Horses: • SSO Bridle from Khaan Set by @morningstarequestrian • Ancient Rome tack set by @heliossims • Iberian Show Saddle Pad by Zorela • Ornate Saddle Pad by @flowermilksims Cossacks: • Blueboy Lugos outfit by @thesensemedieval • Ye Medieval Leather Boots by Arltos • Colossus Cloak by @lady-moriel • Arthur shirt by @natalia-auditore • Alucard Cloak by Natalia Auditore • Ye Medieval - ARTHUR | top by Plumbobs n Fries • Ye Medieval - ELIAS | pants by Plumbobs n Fries • Ye Medieval Norman Hairstyle by Mazero5 Additional: • Otoman hat edited by me from the Toques hat set by @waxesnostalgic • Kobur hat edited from Santa's hat by me (both have not the best quality so i'm not sure I'll share them)
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betabravo · 28 days
Snippet: Homeroom Miruko x Red Flag (Deus MHA AU) Part 6
(UA Staff chatroom)
Caerbannog: @Everybody Bakugou Katsuki should NOT be allowed to enroll into any hero school. Ever.
RatOverlord: So he isn’t secretly good at manipulating the staff into giving him glowing reviews?
NightOwl: Nezu, don’t scare away our new staff before the school year has started.
NightOwl: Miruko, deets. Now.
Momnight: Hey that’s my line! Where did you learn to talk like that?
NightOwl: You, Midnight.
Momnight: Understandable, please continue.
Caerbannog: Well, the tldr version is that I was walking towards the school, chilling while eating my icecream, when I just hear an explosion and see a blackened notebook fly out the window.
Caerbannog: And lo and behold, I hear a kid ranting about a quirkless kid for even daring to apply to UA like him. (No prizes for guessing who the 2 kids in question are.)
NightOwl: Sounds like a problem child already.
Caerbannog: And I hear the most fucked up thing from the Katsuki kid. And this is a quote that I’m typing with such anger that I’m surprised the phone screen isn’t cracked.
RatOverlord: You can thank Power Loader for the modifications to our hardware and software, but please continue.
Caerbannog: “If you want a Quirk so badly, I got an idea. Just dive off the roof and pray for a Quirk in your next life.”
Caerbannog: He’s basically everything the Table hates with a passion. Not sure if I dislike Endeavor or this bully more.
RatOverlord: … All who agree to help perform an unpleasantness, say aye.
NightOwl: Aye, I’ll help Miruko gather info about him and the school.
Momnight: Aye, need help to detain (read: abduct) someone, u know how to reach me.
Alucard: Aye, I’ll check online for others in the area with weak or villainous Quirks that have faced discrimination from him or the school.
Bunshin: Aye.
KingBumi: Aye.
Exosuit: Aye, I’ll hack their servers n see what dirt I can dig up.
Macarena: Aye, I’ll keep an ear out during my radio show for such stories that’re submitted, get the word out.
Mercy: Aye.
SPACE!: Aye.
BigGoodDoggo: @RatOverlord If they get in, I want Midoriya to have a session with me. Preferably immediately after orientation. Please let your class attend @NightOwl, at least let them know I’m here before giving the kid (and any others like him) trauma. Also aye.
ShokuKing: Aye, I’ll make bento boxes for all your stakeouts. Miruko gets extra carrot soup and Eraser gets stronger coffee.
NightOwl: There’s stronger coffee? And no one told me!?
Cowboy: Can’t I just shoot him? Aye.
RatOverlord: @BigGoodDoggo Granted. @NightOwl Consider this an order, attend orientation with your FULL class of 20 students. Your expulsion scare can come after. @Cowboy Snipe, no.
Cowboy: Snipe, YES!
RatOverlord: At least let me make a plan to hide our involvement first.
NightOwl: And we’ve scared her off. Great.
Caerbannog: You guys are the BEST! Where have yall been all my life!? I’m so in!
NightOwl: Nevermind, this is worse.
onePUNCH!: What is going on with this chat group.
Mercy: Word of advice All Might. If you can't beat them, join them.
Mercy: Welcome to hell, fellow demon. We like to have fun here.
And here's part 6, in a chat fic format. And now Deus's Red Flag AU has the original idea where Katsuki's red flags are shown and the consequences that occur.
I had fun thinking about the nicknames everyone can use in the chat.
I'm up for suggestions for how the other teachers can help bring Katsuki and Aldera down.
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akutouart · 1 year
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Potential cover art for my LoS fanfic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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monochromatictoad · 9 months
Trevor's design in the Main Timeline vs LoS Timeline is really great. Like, they're different, but clearly similar to each other. Long hair, blue eyes, exposed chest, long jacket(?), and thigh high boots. The difference is that Main Timeline Trevor kicked Dracula's ass, while LoS Trevor got staked with his own weapon and turned into Alucard! 😀
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At least LoS Trevor gets a kickass wolf form!
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