#although I think I'd want real children one day (certainly not now but maybe in 10-15 years)
lieutenantselnia · 7 months
Thanks for the ask! I'm going to answer these questions for different f/os depending on who comes to my mind first :)
🦅: How good are their friends at being wingmen? Do they even help at all or just sit back watching the pining with a bag of popcorn?
Going to answer this for Davy! I could probably come up with scenarios for the others as well but I also don't want to let you wait too long with answering the questions😅 The first person that starts to notice that something is going on between Davy and Selena is Davy's trusted first mate Maccus. Although he and Selena initially don't like each other very much, he notices that her presence seems to be good for Davy. He's probably the closest to what could be considered a friend of Davy, and he isn't opposed to the thought of having a more hopeful outlook on the future, given that his captain has been wallowing in grief for decades and dragging the crew along with him. He'd probably try to set Selena and Davy up so they "coincidentally" run into each other more often than they would otherwise, ideally in situations where no one else is around and they can talk in peace. Over time, he would luckily also start to warm up to Selena herself and they would become friends. He's the first to find out about it once they actually are a couple. Davy would want to keep things private for a while, until he's convinced that Selena truly loves him and he's not just dreaming. Some of the other crew members might already have had suspicions by that time. Their surprise varies, but they end up being relatively content with it, as Davy being more happy means that he'd also be less cruel towards them, and would make their existence as cursed crew members more bearable.
🧸: Would they want to have kids together? If so what are their kid(s) like? How are they as parents?
Ohh I'm so happy I got this question, I love rambling about my fankids! I'm actually going to answer this for all of my main f/os <3
Starting with Selina and Heinz, they definitely want to have kids! It's an important part to their life and relationship. Their firstborn is a daughter named Elena. She's similar to both of her parents, but takes a little more after her father, she has his passion for science and inventing, but can also be a bit chaotic or impulsive. I'm not fully decided on how many kids they're going to have, I'm kind of going back between two, three and four😅 I want them to have many children but I also want the kids to have personalities and not be completely bland. At the moment I'm settled with three; their second child is a son named Oscar (I'm not 100% sure about the name yet though). Most of the time he's a more calm and rather easy-going child (at least when he's little; I mostly imagine their family at a time when the kids are still rather young, but it would be fun to explore how they're going to be like when growing into teenagers and young adults). He loves animals and playing with his sister, even though like all siblings they bicker and fight at times. Their youngest is daughter whom they name Catherine (not fully decided on that name either, I just feel like it should be something with C). She's taking a lot after her mother and is a very shy and dreamy kid. She has a strong interest in music; she always loves listening to her mother playing the piano (it's one of Selina's hobbies, she's not a professional though, just self-taught), and once she's old enough, she tries playing by herself and shows to be surprisingly good at it even at a young age already. Somehow I like to think that maybe she was a surprise baby😅 Selina and Heinz didn't intentionally plan to have another child when they found out that Selina was pregnant again, however they didn't mind in the slightest and were in fact very happy to welcome another kid into their family. They love all their kids very much and would do about everything for them. Heinz has already shown to be a very sweet and loving father with his daughter Vanessa (from his previous marriage), and he's just the same with his other kids. Vanessa herself is probably a young adult by the time Selina and Heinz are a couple, so she isn't around all the time, but she also loves her younger half-siblings and enjoys visiting them, and they in turn look up to her. All in all their loving and worry-free family life is a big mental safe space for me and even though they're not real, I love my made-up kids very much💕
For Selena and Hector, it might take a bit of convincing from her side. Hector isn't opposed to the thought of having kids, but being a pirate, his life is often dangerous and uncertain, and he wouldn't want to leave her behind alone with little children to take care of in case something happened to him. Also he would be worried about making life harder for them if they're being associated with a pirate as their father. They probably end up with one or two children of their own, depending on the timeline they may also search for Carina to reunite her with her father and give her a proper family, raising her along with her younger half-siblings. I haven't developed their relationship as much yet so I'm not quite sure about the names and personalities of their children. I feel like they're probably going to have a girl and a boy. Hector would teach his children many things he knows, from navigating and sailing a ship to handling a sword or flintlock. He'd probably be rather protective of them, but would also want them to be able to defend themselves. He tends to show it more in private, since he wants to avoid making them a target for his enemies, but he loves his family very much.
Lastly, for Selena and Davy, their first child is definitely a surprise. Due to the curse, neither her nor Davy himself were sure if he was still able to father any children until the time they actually found out she was pregnant. It was probably for the better, since Davy would be very worried. Would the curse affect his child - or his pregnant wife - negatively? (On a side note, I'm not sure if Selena is under the curse as well at that time, she originally joined the Dutchman's crew, but Davy would most likely relieve her from her debt later on out of love. I should probably make an extra post sometime talking about how the curse could effect their relationship and family life.) Would the child even be able to love him or just see him as a monster? His worries only start to fade once their little daughter (for whom I don't have a name yet at this point) is born and doesn't show any signs of discomfort around him, just love and affection. He starts becoming more at ease with holding and taking care of her. He's probably going to have his beard tentacles pulled a lot during the times she's a baby and toddler, but he could never be mad at her. It would make his heart melt when he realises that she doesn't merely tolerate him, but actually looks up to him as her father and loves him just as he is. He'd probably tear up when she drapes her braids over her mouth to imitate his beard tentacles, and proudly declares that she looks just like her father now (I've had this scene in my head for a while now and it's just the cutest I need to draw it at some point🥺). At this point, Selena might also be able to eventually convince him to give their daughter a little sibling as well.
🐱: Do they have pet names for each other, if so what are they? How does their partner feel about their pet name?
Going to give a quick answer for all of my mains for this one here! I want to mention though that I have actually no idea how I'd feel about pet names in real life, or if I'd use any for my partner if I had one. It might also be a language thing, I think in English I'm much quicker to use pet names than in German (maybe also because they're a good name replacement in x reader stories). Idk if I somehow find them too corny in German or maybe just don't really know which words I'd use for them since I usually write and even think about my f/os in English.
Heinz and Selina would probably use words like "darling", "(my) dear" or "love" for each other. Heinz would probably use a greater variety of words, also throwing in things like "sweetheart", "honey" or others, while Selina tends to stick to her favourite endearments most of the time. Hector would call Selena things like for example "m' lady" or "m' dear". Before they became a couple he'd also refer to her as "lass" or "lassie", when he was flirting with her he'd sometimes put a "my" beforehand. Selena would call him things like "my dear", "my love" or also "my captain" (the latter one probably particularly if she were either to tease him a little, or she wanted to be a bit seductive in a more intimate situation). Davy's most used endearment would probably be "my love", but he'd also use others, like "my dear", "my darling" or "my beloved". Selena would use mostly the same ones for him. One thing that he loves in particular though, is when she calls him "my Davy". The thought that she loves him so much to call him hers, and hers only, makes his heart melt. In turn, he'd also refer to her as "my Selena".
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Taro Yamada
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I think there's a lot wrong with Taro, starting with him as a character. He is entirely bland. He looks bland, acts bland, and his character is all over the place.
For instance- if he sees a body, he will run away, not even bothering to bring Osana with him, despite his love interests doing that for him. Additionally, nothing about him says that he would bother running up to an armed, masked killer and rip the mask off. Not only would I doubt that Taro would do that as a person, but I believe that any lonely coward would simply run away.
One thing that I'd like to do to make his character more interesting is to give him a goal, a hobby, or a particular liking. This in my story will be books. Or, more precisely, the stories he hears in books. Growing up reading them, he has an attachment to them and strives (internally) to become someone great someday.
Of course, he's since grown out of super hero's, but his mind is still impressionable enough to be convinced to do something unique and meaningful with his life. That's why I think that each rival should push him towards doing something with his life. Additionally, him being so open to exploring could explain why he would be so willing to get with anyone who confesses to him (so long as he's known them for more than a day).
I won't put all of my ideas right here, but they'll be underneath the cut instead.
With Osana, I feel like he always internally felt held back by her attitude. By no means does he think that she's a bad person, but part of him always felt obligated to listen to her constant bullying. This kept him from trying a lot of things as a child, and although he's grown out of such anxieties now, properly talking with her about how she acted after she confesses could help motivate him to try the things he never did as a child alongside Osana.
The club leaders (Amai, Kizana, Oka and Asu) would push him to follow their careers. I imagine that baking could be a simple but fulfilling career for him, acting could let out his inner child's wishes to act out what he can't actually be in real life. I'm not entirely sure what he would do in an Occult Club of all things, but I'm sure it could feed into his habit of reading. Maybe he could become some sort of theorist? With Asu, I'm sure getting in shape could help him be more confident whenever he tries to be heroic.
If I could trust Mida to pick a less flirtatious and illegal relationship with Taro, I'd say she could motivate him to become a teacher like her.
The medical field pays well and you have the potential to help many people. Not only could Muja help Taro learn this, but he would also love to have such a well-off job.
I'm sure Hanako's clinginess and paranoia kept Taro from doing many things - much like Osana, but maybe with her help, he could become a splendid family man? Maybe he'd work well with children. (Don't worry, I by no means want Hanako to be Clingy to "keep her brother to herself." I'll explain the details in a later post.)
Megami could certainly motivate him to become a detective. After surviving such a possibly traumatic event, there's no way you wouldn't want to learn how to point out and investigate things like this to avoid other incidents.
Additionally, all of these hopes could make Taro's mental health deteriorate by the end of the game. If you had these continous hopeful thoughts being shot down plus possible losing the chance to ve in romantic relationships with outstanding people only to figure out that it was because of some psychopath you bumped into once, I'm sure you'd lose yourself as well (depending on how much damage is truly done). This could all pile into a bad ending where Taro "eliminates" Aishi for potentially ruining his life- and even better partnering with Info-Chan possibly.
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ps1demodisk · 2 months
Changing our username to escape the consequences of our actions, are we? You managed to get a whole server shut down because of your manipulative bullshit. I hope the people you hurt can find some comfort in the fact that you will die alone. Especially if you keep treating people like this.
You can’t even clearly explain what the people you went after did. No evidence, no screenshots, nothing. Just your lies and manipulation and petty bans thrown at anyone you don’t like.
At the very least, don’t be a coward. You owe many people a massive apology, although I don’t expect them to forgive you. God knows I certainly don’t.
Ok so I'm gonna try and take this seriously but I gotta be real "changing our username to escape the consequences of our actions, are we?" made me snort so hard coke came out my nose so I apologise for how shittily put together this is but god damn it's hard to get your thoughts in order when you're almost throwing up
Anyway maybe go ask the spy (because i know that's why it(i checked pronouns, its bio only lists it/its) followed, and i haven't blocked because im not trying to hide) who you sent to my main twitter account to verify this shit before you talk to me cause I told it "My profile is open, I only have hob blocked, I only changed my username because I felt disconnected from my old one. You don't need to worry about me trying to wiggle back in or whatever."
I never tried to hide, if I was trying to hide I'd have shut down all my accounts before changing my name, I don't want to hide. "You can't even clearly explain what the people you went after did. No evidence, no screenshots, nothing." Ok. I can't gather screenshots from servers I'm not in, I explained myself clearly as I could given the fact I still have not had anything explained to me outside of what one person told me and you guys for some reason don't care about that part of any of it so it doesn't help me address shit. The Doc I posted on my old nsfw is the best I could do with the lack of information. My only regret is that I remembered extra details too late to edit them into the doc.
You and the rest of them are essentially a group of highschool children, that's how you're acting. You whisper behind your hands to each other and claim to want to protect people from the big scary evil master manipulator [Kalista] but when someone asks you what I did you act like nothing happened unless it's someone you think will fall for your shit. I do not believe there's substance 99% of whatever you guys have against me that could justify the reaction on that fact alone. Not to mention how STILL, screenshots are shared of me having flashbacks to being RAPED, and you treat it like evidence I'm the devil.
When you guys want to be civil and at the very fucking least stop wishing death on me and sharing that screenshot (and again Hobqueer is fully aware i was having flashbacks, I told him the day after in DMs when he pretended like he cared) then you can come talk to me about how evil I am.
"Don't be a coward" go fuck yourself, Peachy. The call is coming from inside the house and you fucking know it. I know that's you. Don't tell me to stop hiding when you didn't even have the balls to send it off anon, probably cause you know "I hope the people you hurt can at least find some comfort in the fact you will die alone" isn't a good look.
Seethe, for all I care. Rot in your hatred, I welcome it. I don't see myself as a victim, sorry if that fucks up the narrative you constructed for yourself or others.
I have no desire to be in contact with any of you besides maybe two people who defo hate me but at least didn't say some unhinged top-of-bible-studies-class level shit, so like... you can "let go of hatred" now like you wanted to before. You don't have to waste your energy thinking up ways to make me feel bad, because it doesn't work anymore.
Should've tried this two days ago then maybe you'd have gotten more than a half-thought-out bait response.
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Okay, hear me out
The Outlaws re-form but it's just Jason Todd and Harley Quinn running around like chaotic bisexual messes working on their unresolved trauma and identity issues, while Poison Ivy is the Tired Lesbian Mom Friend™ trying to keep them all together.
So here's the set-up:
Via Roy's connection to Killer Croc (and yes Roy is definitely alive in this one, fuck you Tom King) Roy and Jason end up working with Harley and Pam.
It's supposed to be a one-time thing, but when Roy hangs up his quiver to be a Hot Single Dad™, Jason finds himself in need of some help, and he doesn't really have anyone else to ask.
This ties into the idea that Jason combats his social isolation by somewhat accidentally forming teams (eg Outlaws 1.0 and 2.0) that are meant to be short-term alliances but inadvertently become like family.
Ideas I have about this AU:
- Harley and Pam are absolutely canon. Not just queerbaiting where they're a bit too close to be friends. They kiss, they call each other "girlfriends" and Jason is absolutely beating the shit out of anyone who says anything remotely homophobic
- Harley and Pam definitely encourage Jason to admit his feelings for Roy (which they know about before Jason does), and eventually there's a lot of Jason and Roy being perfect gay dads
- Harley and Pam definitely babysit Lian at some point when Jason needs Roy to come out of retirement for a mission that only he can do (which also doubles as an excuse for a whole lot of sexual tension, e.g. "I miss spending time with you"-type stuff), and although Roy is incredibly skeptical, it actually works out really well
- Not only are Harley and Pam great babysitters, Roy feels empowered to start working on tech for the new Outlaws and he works as their own version of Oracle; gathering intel, sending them on missions, etc. This is kinda similar to the role he took on in Red Hood/Arsenal (2013), and it allows him to feel a sense of purpose and connection to his superhero days without feeling like he's neglecting Lian. (It's also a great excuse to spend a lot more time around Jason, if you catch my meaning)
- I know some people really don't fuck with the idea of Harley and Jason interacting, but I actually think it would work really well. We already saw somewhat of a precedent in Red Hood/Arsenal (2013) when Jason was trying to connect with Duela Dent (AKA Joker's Daughter). He's able to be compassionate towards her and connect with her despite the fact that she's literally wearing the Joker's rotting skin as a mask
- I think a similar relationship between Harley and Jason would be really healing for both of them, because it allows them to be people who form relationships that aren't necessarily decided by their trauma. I think there were absolutely points in Jason's life where he couldn't have been friends with Harley, and points in Harley's life where she couldn't have been friends with Jason, because of how much they remind each other of Joker. But Jay and Harley being able to have that friendship, and find common ground in other aspects of their identity (in the case of this AU the fact that they're both LGBT+ and don't adhere to Batman or the Justice League's moral standards), means that they've moved beyond their trauma and don't always see the Joker in everyone
- Obviously there'll still be initial growing pains, but I don't think the focus of this story should be on the Joker or any clown-related trauma. At a certain point, trauma just isn't a personality trait and it certainly shouldn't make up the majority of either Harley or Jason's personalities. They're both so much more than that
- At some point later in the story, however, there would be a situation were Harley and Jason come across the Joker and have to fight him. There's an unspoken tension because Jason is worried that Harley is worried that Jason can't handle it; and Harley is worried that Jason is worried that she's going to go back to the Joker. But they're in such an intense situation that they have no choice but to trust each other and trust the friendship they've built, and in the end they save the day because they were able to do that, which strengthens their friendship even further
- Pam routinely makes good points about radical environmentalism, and there are throwaway gags about how -- while the Outlaws primarily do the vigilante work that's too dirty for the Justice League -- they also occasionally break into animal testing facilities or sabotage coal mines/big businesses/other environmentally-damaging institutions
- There are regular cameos from other grey-area vigilantes (e.g. other former Suicide Squad members) and this story really tries to delve into the complexities of morality and why people do things that appear "criminal". It's mainly about dispelling myths and reducing stigma surrounding things like criminal behaviour, mental illness and addiction
- There's a cameo appearance from Killer Croc that deals with addiction and redemption, especially through Roy and KC's friendship
- KC is just so fucking proud that Roy is a dad, and there's probably a cute moment at some point along the lines of, "I may be a croc, but these sure aren't crocodile tears"
- Because this is my AU and I can do anything I want, I'd also like to see this story involve Dr Victoria October. I love her so much, she's one of the most underrated characters in all of DC, and I feel like a snarky, middle-aged trans woman would really round out the gigantic queer mess that this story is
- They come to Dr October for advice in a case that involves biomedical science of some kind, and it's meant to be a one-off. But then Jason gets injured a couple weeks later and Harley and Pam don't know where else to take him
- Victoria and Basil (Clayface) are definitely still dating in this one, and occasionally the Outlaws will team up with Basil for a case (although he's mostly in retirement while Victoria tries to figure out how to stop his powers from causing his brain to deteriorate like in Detective Comics (2016))
- Between Roy and Dr October the Outlaws end up with better tech than Batman a lot of the time
- Victoria is absolutely horrendous with kids but regularly finds herself having to discuss plans and gadgets in person with Roy, so she ends up sitting in his living room surrounded by children's toys, sipping tea and resisting the urge to glare at the adorable, gurgling baby in front of her
- She gets left with Lian at one point while Roy runs off to save Jason's ass, and it basically goes down like this:
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- Croc loves babies and the first time Lian sees him she cries (Croc probably sneaks up from the sewers to talk to Roy about something while he's out for a walk with Lian in one of those cute chest harnesses you use to carry babies). Croc is so hurt that she's scared of him
- As she grows older she stops being scared and ends up fascinated by his shiny scales and big pointy teeth
- I'd also like Lex Luthor to be involved in this at some point. I'm thinking that maybe this could slot into the New 52 canon pretty well. Maybe the Roy in this story is the "real" Roy and the one that died at Sanctuary was a LexCorp clone. I'm also just really into this idea because I like Roy's robot arm and I think portraying those types of disabilities is really important and cool. Plus, it separates him from the other archers in DC and kinda epitomises the fact that he's the "tech" guy
Okay that's all I can think of right now, but this AU is basically my OTP + my other OTP + my other favourite characters
... Guess this is another fanfiction I gotta write lol
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caranfindel · 6 years
Recap/review 14.04: “Mint Condition “
THEN: Michael's gone. Supposedly. Dean feels bad. Ghosts are a thing. Salt circles. Monster Kaia's magic spear.
NOW: A comic book/collectibles store. The camera pans over a variety of figurines and memorabilia, including a poster for the movie Hell Hazers, which you may remember from Hollywood Babylon, (thank you, Continuity Fairy!) and briefly pauses on a poster for the movie All Saints' Day before showing a television. Someone's watching Shocker TV, showing scary movies "24 hours a day, all week long." We see clips from Route 666 and that movie they were filming in Hollywood Babylon, whose name escapes me, as well as from a movie we will eventually find out is All Saint's Day. Cut to a guy unpacking a box of collectibles under the watchful eye of a long-haired freak right out of All Saints' Day. I keep waiting for this guy to realize he's being watched, but I am the one who eventually comes to a realization - that's not a guy, it's a statue.
The guy unpacks a box and literally drops it in shock. Because it's haunted, right? No, it's just a Thundercats collectible figure Panthro, in its original box. (No one in my house knows anything about Thundercats, but I assume this is a real character.) He stuffs the box in a backpack, and then his phone rings. The incoming call is a video call, which is weird, because people this age don't even call each other, let alone via video, but it makes for better television, so we'll let it go.
The caller is a girl named Sam, who is apparently his boss. She immediately starts berating the guy for his bad customer service, which resulted in a negative Yelp review. He promises to do better and confirms that she's coming over for game night. Stewart picks up his bag and a set of keys on a Batman keyring and locks up the store, under the watchful eye of the creepy statue.
(Boy, this is a lot of recap before we even get to the title card...)
We see Stewart at his house, arguing with a pizza delivery place. Panthro is sitting on a table and he turns and looks at him. It's surprisingly well done, BTW. Stewart turns to see Panthro on the floor, gets closer, watches Panthro swing his mace, and then screams.
Title card!
Bunker. Dean's lying on his bed, eating pizza and watching Hatchet Man: All Saints' Day, which is a gloriously cheesy salute to the 80s. Well, I'm glad he finally got a TV in his room, but does this mean the Fortress of Deanitude is no more? Is it full of refugee hunters now? Aw, that's sad.
{Sidebar: I wonder if this movie is called All Saints' Day because they knew the episode would be shown on All Saints' Day, and were being meta/clever? Or is it just supposed to be a riff on the Halloween franchise?}
Sam comes in and asks what he's doing, and when Dean looks up, he's shocked to see the Beard of Despair is gone. "Why are you so surprised?" Sam says. "Obviously, judging from my glorious scruff, it's been a few days since I shaved. Have you really not seen me in a day or two?" (No, he doesn't really say that.) But Dean says "it's so smooth; it's like a dolphin's belly." And it's not. It's really not. And as much as I love the scruff - which is quite a bit - I'd also like to see Sam's pretty face smooth as a dolphin's belly sometime. Just sayin'.
Sam (still) wonders if Dean's okay, since he hasn't really come out of his room in a week, which I guess explains how he missed the Big Shave. Dean expositions that Cas is "showing Jack the ropes," because if Jack wants to learn how to be a hunter, there's no better teacher than Cas, right? Absolutely no one. And with Monster!Kaia and Michael "in the wind," and his home full of strangers, Dean apparently figures he's got nothing better to do than hole up in his room watching Hatchet Man movies. (Is Hatchet Man the franchise, and All Saints' Day just one of the titles? I'm having trouble getting a grip on this.)
He knows Sam doesn't get it, because Sam doesn't even like scary movies. "Our life is a scary movie," Sam points out. And speaking of which, he's found a case. He shows Dean a YouTube video of a bloodied Stewart describing his Panthro attack, and I wish I could take credit for this catch, but I saw it on Tumblr... look at the left side of the screen. The "Recommended for You" videos are about zombies, a conspiracy theory, and how to clean your sink, which are all very interesting, but look at the "Up Next" video.
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Oh, Sammy knows just what he's doing, and I love him for it. He's all, we don't have to take this case involving KILLER THUNDERCAT TOYS if you're not interested, but he's got Dean exactly where he wants him.
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His smug little face at the end of this scene gives me life.
Guys, I was so ready for this. A MotW, and Sam giving Dean a hunt he knows he'll enjoy just to help him kick his Michael blues... This is the show I'm here for!
The guys show up at the comic book store dressed like absolute dorks, in short-sleeved shirts and ties. Sam has a pocket protector. I don't know why. But it's single-layer Winchesters and I'm gonna embrace it. Looks like this episode is happening on Halloween and not on All Saints' Day, because they're accosted by costumed children outside the store. Dean comments that Sam still isn't a fan of Halloween (which we've known ever since the pilot; thanks again to the Continuity Fairy). Sam confirms.
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Apparently this red mask is a character Jensen voiced in an animation? And of course Jared was in House of Wax. Pretty deep meta here, Show.
BossLady!Sam is there, wearing a red plaid shirt, and Dean comments that she's like Sam's twin. "I don't know what you're talking about," Sam says, as he and BossLady!Sam tuck their hair behind their ears in sync, and I die.
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That’s me, in a puddle on the floor.
“Soft, delicate features," Dean points out. "Luxurious hair. She's like your Wonder Twin." All of this is true, Dean, and good on you for noticing that your brother has soft, delicate features and luxurious hair. Sam notices a guy stocking the shelves - black All Saints' Day t-shirt, shortish spiky hair, lollipop just like the one Dean snagged at the door - and says "if that's me, then that's you over there."
Dean's distracted (and delighted) by the Hatchet Man statue, giving him the name David Yaeger. {Sidebar: did you know the word jager means hunter in German?} His doppelganger encourages him to push a button that plays his catch phrases from the movie, including "we all do bad things sometimes." Which is, like Dean's motto. Dean's joy is infectious and adorable.
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BossLady!Sam finishes her business with the police and asks what she can do to help the guys, offering "Funko Pops, Magic cards," and given the number of Supernatural Funko Pops decorating my office, I'm pleased with that shout-out. Sam asks about Stewart as Dean asks about vintage Hot Wheels, and Dean, I am very sad to inform you that Hot Wheels apparently never made a 1967 Chevy Impala.
The guys introduce themselves as Ian Gillan and Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple, The Husband points out) from Campbell and Sons Insurance (hee!), wanting to speak to Stewart. Presumably not about Hot Wheels, unless he got run over by one. They'd gone to his place, but his roommate said he moved out. Or got kicked out. BossLady!Sam explains that Stewart is an "acquired taste" who makes a lot of online enemies, and he can be found at his mom's house.
I still don't understand why the guys are dressed like nerds. Is it a Halloween costume? Because we've seen them as insurance agents before, and they were wearing regular suits.
Mom's house. Mom puts a couple of mugs on the table - one is a superhero (Flash, maybe?) and one is decorated with cats - and announces that Stewie will be up in just a minute. Dean reaches for the superhero mug, even though it was placed in front of Sam, but the joke's on you, Dean, because we now know Sam likes cats! But more importantly, Dean has added a pair of black Clark Kent eyeglasses to his getup. WHY? I mean, it's hilarious, but WHY?
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We hear Stewart pitching a fit in the basement. He stomps upstairs and sees the Winchesters, and I know the guy in the store was supposed to be Dean's avatar, but this guy is wearing a RED SHIRT WITH A SQUIRREL ON IT. COME ON .
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Truly a Red Shirt of Bad Decisions.
We learn that Sam is aware of Fortnight, and Dean notices the smell of burning sage. Stewart explains that he dated a goth chick who told him it would bring good luck, but he broke up before they could "merl." Dean's as confused as I am about "merl," but Sam explains it's MIRL - Meet In Real Life. Dean asks how he knows what that means, and Sam very quickly changes the subject. And this opens up all sorts of interesting possibilities, doesn't it, regarding Sam's online activities and his knowledge of MIRLing, and that would certainly be an entertaining rabbit hole to go down, and I hope some of y'all indulge in that, fic-wise or meta-wise or whatever. I look forward to reading it.
Anyway. Sam asks about the Panthro attack, and Stewart jumps in to say he made it up. When Dean presses, he gets mad and kicks them out of the house and then we cut to an exterior shot and WHAT THE FUCK? NOW DEAN HAS A TACKY CHECKERED BLAZER? It's like he's slowly turning into Matt Foley from SNL. At some point in this episode he's got to say something about living in a van down by the river.
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Dean refers to Stewart as "Big Bang," which reminds me that I meant to ask, when we first learned his name, if he was a shout-out to Stewart the comic book store owner on Big Bang Theory. {Sidebar: Would this be a reciprocal shout-out, since that show has a character named Kripke? Is there a connection I don't know about?} Given Stewart's Wiccan girlfriend, they think the toy might have been under a spell, and they decide to check the house for hex bags later. Although I don't know how she would have left any in the house, since they never MIRLed.
Later. The guys are sitting in the car, still outside Stewart's house, when a little lumberjack and vampire walk by. Look, it’s Dean and Benny!
Sam’s instructing someone to use lamb's blood and "stay safe," because he's still Chief, Dean, whether you like it or not. Dean asks "seriously, what is your deal with Halloween," and "don't give me that 'every day is Halloween for us' crap." It's kind of odd that he doesn't already know. I mean, we already know. His life is Halloween. And his mother died two days after Halloween. {Sidebar: Is it just headcanon, fueled by fanfic, that John got blind stupid drunk every year around the anniversary of Mary's death? Or is that canon?} The conversation is interrupted when Stewart's mom leaves the house, and the guys have to duck - toward each other - to avoid being seen. It's ridiculous and hilarious and I love it.
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Dean could have just taken off the Clark Kent glasses.
Sam suspects Stewart changed his story because he's being brutally mocked online. And he won't say the word bitch. Is this something we can't do now that we're airing at an earlier hour, Show? Then Stewart comes out of the house, bloody and screaming for help. Dean goes inside, gun drawn, and follows a trail of blood to Stewart's man cave (um, boy cave?). As he gazes at a Texas Chainsaw Massacre poster, he hears a chain saw, which hurtles into the room and barely misses his pretty head.
Hospital. Stewart's mom, still in costume, sits at his side and thanks the guys for saving his life. She wants to go home and get his favorite pillow, but they convince her to stay. "Everything's fine," Dean tells her. "Everything is not fine," he says to Sam, as they leave the room. He says he swept the room for hex bags and found nothing, but the EMF went crazy. So it's a ghost. Hey, guys, you should have watched the "Then." We already knew that. Dean is going to stay at the hospital and keep Mom from going back to the house, while Sam asks around to see if anybody "got dead lately."
At the house, Sam finds the light switch in the Den of Stewartitude doesn't work, even though a lamp and computer monitors are turned on in the room. He laughs at himself for being startled by the Panthro toy and says "nice, Sam, smooth," and for some reason this just almost makes my heart burst open. The toy isn't putting off EMF now, which he finds odd. Then he looks at one of the monitors and sees a group photo of Stewart, LadyBoss!Sam, Dean's doppelganger, and an older man.
Back at the hospital, Dean's doppelganger is standing outside Stewart's darkened room. He is wearing an army green canvas jacket and has acquired some scruff of his own and he's just such a precious little mini Dean; I can't stand it. He asks what Dean's doing there, and Dean says he's just keeping an eye on Stewart. "He must have awesome insurance," Doppelganger says. Which is very funny, and also very Dean, because he says "awesome" so much. I love it.
Dirk explains that Stewart is a jerk, but he's his best friend, and he's there when Dirk needs him. They eat pizza and watch movies and who else does that, my friends? You know who. Then the guys bond over their love of scary movies, and it looks like the franchise is actually called All Saints' Day. I'm sure you were really dying to know. Stewart comments that no hospital would ever be that empty, and Dean says he's been to a lot of hospitals at night, and "trust me, it gets pretty empty," and at first that's just heartbreaking because I figure he was at these hospitals because John or Sam were injured. But maybe he's just thinking about hunts in hospitals. (Again, I need to differentiate fic-fueled headcanon from actual canon.) And then Dean says he likes to watch movies "where I know the bad guy's gonna lose" and yep, my heart is definitely broken.
Sam shows up at the store and asks BossLady!Sam if anyone close to Stewart has died lately. She explains that Jordan, who used to own the store, was kind of a Willy Wonka to her, Stewart, and Dirk (Aha! His name is Dirk! Which is close to Dean, and hasn't Dean actually been called Dirk before?). He died and left the store to BossLady!Sam and Dirk. Not Stewart, because he fired him twice for stealing. But she hired him back because he's a friend. It seems like Stewart has better friends than he deserves. She tells Sam that Jordan was cremated, and then we see something frosting over behind her.
Sam is adorable, trying to look casual as he pulls out his EMF meter and it lights up like a Christmas tree. He tells her it's a carbon monoxide detector and she needs to leave. He starts to tell her she's in danger, and then the David Yeager statue smacks him into the comic book display and knocks him out cold. Even though he hits it with his back. (Handwave!)
When he wakes up, BossLady!Sam is terrified but unhurt. She gets a quick version of the "monsters are real" speech and finds that the door is locked, and Hatchet Man took the keys. He throws something at the door, but it's shatterproof glass. Apparently Jordan was serious about thieves, which explains why he's so keen on killing Stewart, that Panthro-stealing little asshole.
He calls Dean, who's fanboying with Dirk about horror movies, and tells him it's Jordan's ghost. And the David Yaeger figure is on its way. Dean can hardly believe his luck. He pours a ring of salt around Stewart's bed, having given him the speech, and orders him to stay in it. Boy, it's a good thing they reminded us what salt is for in the "Then," or else we'd be really confused right now.
Store. BossLady!Sam figured out what I did, that Jordan wants to kill Stewart because he's a thief. She says she's been taking money out of his check to pay for what he steals, but Jordan wouldn't know that. Sam breaks his lockpick, and then asks if they have any cleaning supplies.
Hospital. Ghost stuff starts happening in Stewart's room, and Dirk panics and flees. Dean takes a hatchet out of a fire emergency box, even though I think that would probably set off a fire alarm. (Handwave!) Dirk's mom is carrying a tray of food from the cafeteria and comes across the Yaeger figure. She drops her tray and screams, just like the woman in the movie. Dirk shows up and puts on a stern face and tells Jordan that if he's going to kill his friend, he has to go through him. Oh Dirk, you sweet little thing, you're channeling Dean so hard now and I adore you. Jordan does come for Dirk, who says "crap" and runs off. There's a funny sequence where we cut back and forth between Dirk and some hospital guards who are watching All Saints' Day and ignoring the actual mayhem happening on their monitors.
Meanwhile, Sam is mixing drain cleaner and something else in a Scooby Doo lunchbox. {Sidebar: I'm not a Scooby Doo fan, but I love the show's constant references to it and the way the Continuity Fairy always remembers Dean's a fan.} BossLady!Sam asks how he learned to do this, and he says "I had a messed up childhood." It's funny because it's true. He hangs the lunchbox bomb on the door and they hide behind the desk. After it blows the door open, they both slowly peek over the desk and simultaneously say "cool." I'm starting to love Sam and his little doppelganger too.
Hospital. Dirk hides in the morgue (no, Dirk, never in the morgue!) and gets a scary hand on his shoulder, but it's Dean. Then a body on one of the gurneys sits up. Yeah, it's Yaeger.
At this point there's a fake movie promo for All Saints' Day III: The Reckoning. It starts out "Three Years Ago," which reminds me very much of a certain scene that starts out "Twenty two years ago." Looks like David Yaeger was killed in a fire on October 31, 1983, which is two days before Mary Winchester dies in a fire. Oh, you clever, clever show.
Back to the show. Dean gleefully fights the Yaeger figure. At least he's gleeful until it seems he's not doing very well. Sam and BossLady!Sam show up, and she's wearing Jared's coat from the EW Halloween photoshoot last year.
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Bless you, Show.
She figures out that Jordan must be attached to the Batman keychain. Meanwhile, Dean is cornered, and about to get axed, when precious little badass Dirk stabs Jordan in the back. It doesn't kill him, of course, but it gives Dean a chance to get up and start losing the fight again. The Sams run in and BossLady!Sam figures out that alcohol will help them burn the keychain faster. Whoosh! There goes Jordan, and the statue falls lifeless to the floor.
Aftermath. The guys tell Dirk and BossLady!Sam that everyone is safe now. The Impala scene starts with Dean thanking Sam for "giving me a win." Sam asks him to stop hiding out in his room. "What happened with Michael, you said yes for me, for Jack, for your family. You did the right thing." He says nothing Michael did afterward is Dean's fault, and he needs to stop blaming himself.
"I'm never gonna get over it, okay?" Dean says. "I'm just not." And once again, Sam could say "yes, I understand how you feel, because I've been there too," not to make this all about him, but just to commiserate and show Dean that he's not just blowing off his horrific experience, he knows how bad it was and he might have some good ideas about getting past it. And once again, he does not. But that's okay. What isn't okay is what happens next. Dean asks again why Sam hates Halloween, and Sam tells some ridiculous story about having a crush on a girl in sixth grade and throwing up on her at her Halloween party, and you know what? I just refuse to accept this. WE KNOW WHY SAM HATES HALLOWEEN. AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH A GIRL IN SIXTH GRADE. I don't know why you're doing this to me, Davy Perez. You're usually so good about canon. I cannot accept that Sam Winchester, whose entire life has been Halloween, whose mother died two days after Halloween, is distressed because of something that happened in sixth grade. I'm going to pretend this part never happened. Who's with me?
Dean says that next year, he and Sam are going to wear couples costumes (and if you happened to be wearing your shipping goggles, I think I heard you squealing). Batman and Robin. Bert and Ernie. (!) Rocky and Bullwinkle. (!!) Shaggy and Scooby. Turner and Hooch. Ren and Stimpy. Thelma and Louise. "We just it in drive and go." {Sidebar: Who wants the show to end that way, Thelma and Louise style?}
Meanwhile, back at the hospital, one of those useless security guards finds the Yaeger figure in the morgue. The guys left it there? Oh well. It's a good horror movie ending.
So! For the most part, this was just what I needed after three episodes of mytharc. A good MOTW with lots of humor and nods to canon. On the other hand, there's that one thing. But since I'm ignoring that one thing, I guess this was a fantastic episode! What did you guys think?
Please help me stay unspoiled, thanks!
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shostakobitchh · 7 years
One shot request: Ariel is 11 and is really upset about something, and tells Severus she wishes she had a favorite stuffed animal she got rid of recently when she thought she was too old for it; she doesn't realize her dad kept it. I'd like to see a bit of a flashback to Severus' thinking when he found the stuffed animal in a bag of things to donate, and perhaps a memory attached to it, and why it struck him in the feels (lol). Thanks, friend, and I love your writing! You have a gift!
Severus sat up in bed, the whispers of a dream cut off with a sharp hush as he wiped his eyes blearily. He never remembered his dreams, but this was the first time he’d been woken up so suddenly that he was able to register that he’d been in the middle of one. Severus grunted as he rubbed his face, waiting for Ariel to say whatever nonsense she’d conjured at – he squinted at the clock – two in the morning, but he was met with silence. 
He sat up, squinting through the darkness. He hadn’t dreamt her voice – Severus could see the shadowy outline of Ariel just past the foot of the bed. 
“What is it?” he called to the small figure in the doorway.
“I… I had a…” Ariel’s voice teetered on the edge of tears, causing Severus to suddenly feel very awake. “I had a really bad nightmare.”
Children and nightmares were an exhausting combination. He’d thought Ariel had moved past the stage of waking him in the dead of night and simply comforting herself instead, but it seemed that he could not yet cross that off his Annoying Children Habits list. Dreams couldn’t hurt you… most of the time, anyway, but Ariel had the habit of seeking him out, even though Severus knew for a fact he was fucking terrible at being comforting. She might as well cuddle up with a cactus, for all he cared. 
But he did care. The ache in Ariel’s voice carried itself into his heart, throbbing away painfully. 
Before Severus could flick on the lights, or get his wand, Ariel had rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around his chest. Severus sighed, holding her close as she cried into him, soiling his nightshirt in the process. She hadn’t been this upset over a bad dream in a long time – years, even. He wondered if it had to do with the added stress that starting Hogwarts had placed on her shoulders, or if it was something else. Severus knew better than to ask unless Ariel willingly shared the contents of her dream, so he could only really speculate. If Ariel wanted to share it with him, he knew she would. 
“Come,” he took her hand gently once she’d calmed down a bit. “I’ll get you some Dreamless Sleep.”
Ariel didn’t move, but clutched tightly at his hand with both of hers. “Can’t I stay with you?”
Severus grimaced – he hadn’t made letting her sleep in his bed a habit, but he’d created enough of a monster for her to ask it. “No. You have your own bed for a reason.”
“I don’t wanna be alone.”
He felt his heartbeat stutter. What the hell was he supposed to say to that?
“You won’t be alone,” Severus prodded her forward, every word feeling wrong, despite his wishes. “I’m right across the hall.”
“That’s not what I meant.” Ariel pulled him back towards his bed. “I want to stay in here, with you. Please?”
“No, Ariel.” he said, more sharply than he would’ve liked – the fact that he cared about voice-control made him wince. Severus wasn’t exactly annoyed with her… he had never known what to do with a weepy, emotionally compromised child, and this one knew how to read him… well. When Ariel had been younger, it had been easier to deal with. Severus could simply walk her down the hall for twenty minutes and she’d be out like a light. Now… well, now, Ariel preferred talking. 
Ariel trudged along reluctantly, cowering into his side. Severus lightly stroked her hair, apologizing without making it seem like he’d go back on his stance, but enough to let Ariel know he wasn’t trying to be callous. 
Once inside her room, Ariel halted, eyeing the bed warily. Severus sighed, turning the bed and ushering her to come. When she didn’t move he hardened his expression, holding his hand out. 
She took it reluctantly, arms tightly crossed across her chest. After Ariel had shifted back under the covers, Severus sat beside her, feeling her forehead for any kind of fever. She felt cool – a relief – and with that, rose in order to retrieve her a vial of Dreamless Sleep. 
“Don’t go yet,” Ariel begged, tugging on his sleeve. “please?”
Severus gave an exasperated sigh, kneeling down beside the bed. She immediately threw her arms back around his neck, holding him captive. He knew he could break free at any moment, but decided that showing any sort of annoyance might lead to hysterics. Ariel’s emotions had the tendency to mimic a powder keg about to explode, if ignited.
“I dreamt about him.” Ariel said into his neck. “I’ve never… I’ve never done that before.”
His mind automatically went to the boy – to Potter. There had been more talk of him than usual lately, undoubtedly attributed to her impending year at Hogwarts. It made his head feel like it was filled with hot lead. Severus would think about this memory a year from now and regret not just letting her go here and now. Recently, knowing Potter was only a year away, made every second spent with Ariel feel like something was slipping through his fingers. 
“Potter?” Severus forced through his teeth. His molars grinded together with so much force that he could practically hear them smoking. 
“No… You-Know-Who.”
A electric spike jolted down his spine. Ariel very rarely brought up the Dark Lord… and he hadn’t told her enough about him for her to harbor any sort of real fear… although, Severus supposed knowing one’s parents were murdered at his hand must be enough to inspire terror into any child, even one Severus had tried to shield from it all. 
“You don’t need to be afraid of him.” Severus cupped her cheek with the tips of his fingers – he remembered when his hand was bigger than her whole head. “He’s long gone, my girl. You know that.” 
“I dreamt about him killing Mum.” Ariel whimpered. “She was screaming for me to help her, and I couldn’t…”
He was beginning to wonder if he should just give in and let her sleep in his bed when she looked up, her eyes still misting, but no longer producing a river of tears. There was only a desperate, faraway look in Ariel’s gaze, like she was trying to reach him, and couldn’t. Severus wanted so much to crush that look in his fist – banish it so that she’d never feel so much as a twinge of fear again – 
“I wish I hadn’t gotten rid of Mackintosh.” she whispered. “I really want him right now.”
Severus blinked several times. “You… what? Your stuffed fox?”
Ariel nodded, and he kneaded his forehead tiredly. Children were such odd things, their whims as predictable as their emotions. How had Ariel gone from Dark Lord to childhood toys in a span of a few minutes?
Luckily, Severus was able to give her what she wanted this time – Ariel had been vehement on getting rid of him, proclaiming that she was too old for toys. He’d planned on donating a bag of her things to some local charity, not wanting to see them all go to waste, when he’d spied the fox sitting at the very top of the pile. How many times had Severus awoken to find it’s button eyes being smushed against his nose, peals of high-pitched laughter not far behind?
“You’re a menace,” Severus grouched, scowling at the elfin smile hovering over him. “Will you ever let me get a full night’s rest?”
Ariel shoved her hands over her mouth and giggled madly. Severus quirked an eyebrow up at her, and she rolled away, the stuffed fox quickly replacing her.
“I had to wake you up, Daddy,” Ariel explained. “Mackintosh is sick.”
Of course he was. Severus closed his eyes. “I really, highly doubt he is.”
“He was sneezing all night.”
“I heard nothing of the sort.”
“That’s cuz I put him under my pillow to keep him warm, so you couldn’t hear him.” Ariel hugged the fox tightly. “He was so cold. We gotta put him in the oven now that you’re awake.”
“Why the oven? Are we going to eat him for dinner?”
Ariel stared up at him in confusion before the realization that he was making a joke crossed her face. “Nooo Daddy, it’s so that he stays warm till you make him a potion.”
“Do I put you in the oven when you’re sick?”
Ariel seemed to consider this. “No, but maybe you should.”
Severus felt a twinge of horror at her conclusion. Did he have to ward the kitchen against her? What kind of parent was he that he was afraid he’d accidentally cook his three-year-old?
“I will most certainly not put you, or Mackintosh in the oven.” Severus finally sat up to give her a stern look, but Ariel didn’t seem to notice. She only seemed to be interested in the fact that his lap was now open, and climbed into it.
“Will you make him a potion then?” she gazed up at him hopefully, rubbing the stuffed menace against him.
“Well, if your fox is sick, I certainly wish you’d stop rubbing him against me.” Severus said dryly. “Perhaps we should simply put him in quarantine.”
Ariel stood on his thighs, making him dangerously close to becoming a soprano. “I’ll help you brew it, Daddy. Pretty please?”
Severus had been horrified when he’d realized he was the one who couldn’t bear to part with it. He’d quickly shoved it in his closet, hidden behind his old schoolbooks and several trinkets from his childhood he’d thrown in there as well. Ariel had found him with a cold compress on his head later that day – Severus had found himself thoroughly shaken. 
Though, in retrospect, Severus had realized it wasn’t so much the bloody stuffed animal he’d been afraid of losing – it was the little girl that had kept it under her pillow at night and had used it to wake Severus every morning. In a month, Ariel would be starting at Hogwarts… she’d be welcomed into a House and whisked away into the spotlight with whatever friends she made, and her brother, leaving Severus in the darkness the dungeons harbored. There would be more no of that… no more waking up to Ariel proposing ludicrous ideas or worrying him over imaginary illnesses… 
Severus felt a wave of mortification surge through him, suddenly feeling as though he was the one stuck in a nightmare. Ariel seemed to notice, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. She opened her mouth, undoubtedly to ask what was wrong, but before she could, Severus had bolted for the door. 
He didn’t even give Ariel a chance to scramble out of bed and follow – Severus was back in his bedroom and rummaging through his closet in a heartbeat, returning with what Ariel wanted before he could backtrack and think through his muddled thoughts. 
Severus held the fox up to her, and her eyes, even through the darkness, sparkled.
“You kept him?” Ariel asked in a thick voice.
“It wasn’t his time.” Severus nuzzled the fox against her cheek as Ariel readily accepted him. “I didn’t really think you wanted to get rid of him just yet.”
“You did?”
“Because I know everything.”
Severus could see her eyes roll through the dark. “You don’t think I’m a baby for wanting him, do you?”
He could’ve told her how much he longed for her to be that young again, but he really thought he might vomit if he did. 
“I think we find comfort in things that are familiar to us.” Severus said carefully. “I certainly don’t look down on you for it.” 
Ariel gave him a small smile, and held the toy tighter. 
Severus memorized that sight and tucked it away somewhere… for when he needed it most – for later. 
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