#also sorry not sorry I love Kira so she will be involved with everything always
delucadarling · 2 months
Hi! From the prompts, 'reaching out with their hand without saying anything, wanting the other one to grab it' for Barbie and Ava? If it works better for a different pairing, that's fine too, of course. I hope you'll have fun writing
(also, I am *thinking* about the ask you sent! It's such a good one)
Oho okay this is actually very very fun for me, because I love playing Barbie as having no goddamn clue she's attracted to women AND men. She doesn't recognize her attraction to women as attraction, she just assumes she wants to be Very Good Friends with women she's interested in.
Meanwhile, Ava gets hit by that love at first sight shit and doesn't know how to deal with the woman she's in love with...being entirely fucking oblivious. It should make things easier. Should :3b
(book 3 spoilers ahoy)
The sun is barely peering through the trees as the SUV pulls back in front of the warehouse. Everyone is dead silent, whether lost in thought or just tired from a night of hard work, Barbie can't be sure. She's not sure where she falls on that spectrum either. Morgan's out the door first, dragging Kira along after her.
"Wait!" Kira laughs. Morgan does not, so Kira turns back and says, "Good night, Babs!"
"I think we know who's going to have the best night out of all of us," Farah says wryly. The burst of levity brings a smile to Barbie's face, despite her fatigue.
"I'm just grateful my room is on the opposite end of the hallway to Kira's," Barbie says with a shake of her head. Nate groans, sinking into the passenger seat.
"I share a wall," he says, already defeated. With the sigh of a man facing a firing squad, he unfolds himself from the vehicle to head inside, Farah rabbiting off after him.
Ava has still yet to say a word or so much as move her hands off the steering wheel. For a long moment the only sound is the tick tick tick of the engine cooling down. Her broad shoulders are rigid, tight. Worse than they were during the odd conversation they had before the auction.
"Ava?" Barbie asks. Ava's shoulders inch up. "Are you-"
"I'm fine," Ava interrupts with a bark. She inhales, chest expanding, then lets out a slow breath. "You should get some rest. It has been a very long night."
"Yes," Barbie agrees, sliding across the seat to step out of the SUV. Ava follows suit, falling into step as Barbie picks her way across the path. Kicking off her broken heels had seemed prudent during the auction, but her tender feet are telling her she should have, perhaps, found replacement shoes. Her dress is barely holding together either. Oh well, it's not like Unit Bravo will mind her ragged appearance.
Though, now that she's thinking about that, Ava won't look at her. Barbie doesn't mind a lack of eye contact, but it's very unlike Ava, who seems to find reasons to stare at Barbie every time they're in a room together. She's not being ignored though, that much is clear as Ava stays at Barbie's side when they enter the inviting arms of the warehouse.
Her silent escort doesn't pause when they reach Barbie's room, catching the door and following her in. Barbie can't help a laugh.
"I'm going to take a shower now," Barbie says. Ava blanches. For all her bluster and stoicism, Ava has proven remarkably prudish. It's cute, and Barbie can't help poking at her for it. "You're welcome to join me."
"Excuse me?" Ava sputters. Barbie laughs again.
"No, no, I'm sorry. I meant you could wait in the bathroom while I shower, if you'd like." When Ava doesn't manage another word, Barbie tilts her head. "I assume you wanted to talk? Or chastise me. Either can be done just as well while I clean myself up."
"I suppose that would be the efficient thing," Ava says, sounding impatient. "But no, I would rather...No."
"Alright, then whatever you have to say will have to wait," Barbie says, turning away on the spot, a pang of disappointment hitting her behind the ribs for some reason.
"Wait!" Ava calls. When she turns back, Ava's hand is hovering in midair, half limp, uncertain. Barbie doesn't know why, but she reaches out and takes it, swallowing hard. Ava's hands are wide and strong, but remarkably soft. Almost as much as Barbie's.
For a moment Ava sways on the spot, her piercing green eyes shining with something like agony as she looks at Barbie. It's the same look she'd given her when she begged Barbie not to go to the auction.
"Are you...are you alright?" Barbie asks, barely managing a hoarse whisper as her pulse rushes in her ears. She doesn't love to be touched, with few exceptions, but this isn't disgust or discomfort, no matter how tight the vice around her heart is.
Taking a ragged breath, Ava nods. Then, she does the oddest thing. She lifts Barbie's hand and brushes her lips over the knuckles, split from her adventure in the auctioneer's dungeon.
"Forgive me," Ava says, a bare whisper blowing over her lightly moistened skin. She drops Barbie's hand with care and backs away. "I should go."
"You could stay," Barbie offers, aching for Ava to accept. Ava's jaw, strong and defined, works hard.
Then she leaves, closing the door behind her.
Confusion knits itself with Barbie's brows, her mouth twisting as she tries to figure out what just happened. What's wrong with Ava?
What's wrong with her chest?
A long hot shower soothes the odd palpitations, even if Barbie's mind remains in a whirl.
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 11 months
ok i know about several of these fics already but post-second-skin and also (carl anderson voice from the movie version of jcs) damned for alllllll tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime
Thanks for the ask!
(for this WIP ask game)
Damned for all time is a Kira/Winn ficlet set during the scene in Strange Bedfellows (I think?) where Kai Winn goes to Kira for advice bc she's just learned she's been hearing from the Pah-Wraiths not the Prophets! It was inspired by a prompt (your prompt lol) for the Sapphic Summer event. But maybe they also fuck or at least kiss a little? I'm currently struggling with this one bc of the word limit for the event being only 100-250 words lol, and I keep going over that when I try to write it, so I need to really refine the idea down to like the Essentials. No snippet right now bc it's so in flux, sorry
Post-Second Skin first time is a Garashir getting together fic in which Garak has big, big exile angst. <3 Garak also maaaaaybe (definitely) has some unhealthy ideas about sex because he's never really been with anyone except as part of a mission. There's also a mismatch in their mindsets because Garak does not let on at first how very angsty he is and at first Julian only sees the flirty front he's putting up. So Julian's just internally like wheeeee we're finally fucking yaaaay ^_^ <3, and Garak is internally like oh no I am a horrible person, I am clearly somehow deceiving him into wanting to be with me and I can't do that to the man I love (oh no, oh fuck, I love him so much) T_T, and that angst all reaches a breaking point, after which Julian comforts Garak. <3
Post-Second Skin first time snippet below the cut:
He’d been invited over to make up for the late snack they’d had to postpone last week when he’d brought Julian the news of Major Kira’s kidnapping by the Obsidian Order. He’d been to Cardassia and back since then and he felt… Well, he wasn’t quite sure how he felt about that. 
Cardassia was the same as it had always been. The air tasted the same, the heat pressed against his scales like always. It was a little bit devastating that it was the same; his absence hadn’t mattered to anyone but him. 
And yet, it was also completely different. He was different now, exile having changed him in ways he hadn’t realized until confronted with his home again, and now everything that should have been familiar suddenly looked so strange to him. The difference had manifested in more obvious ways too, in that he had been, for the moment, working against the Obsidian Order to rescue a Bajoran soldier for a Federation commander. 
But all of that could have been forgiven, perhaps: he had been coerced after all. What was much less forgivable was how disconnected he’d felt, like there wasn’t a place for him here anymore. Like he could never go back. 
This station wasn’t home either. He knew that he was only allowed to stay because he’d made it a priority to make himself useful to the station’s new owners. It had been his idea in the first place to prove his value by helping out in the Tahna Los business, so he couldn’t begrudge the commander for putting him to use. He’d invited it. He’d auditioned for the role. A favor or two a year was usually an easy price to pay. 
But it had rattled him, to nearly be evicted just because he didn’t want to risk his life by breaking the terms of his exile. There was nowhere else for him to go that was far enough away from his enemies yet close enough that he could stay involved in Cardassian affairs. If he had to leave the station, he would never be able to prove himself to Tain or whoever else might be convinced to rescind his exile. 
And so as he sat here in Julian’s quarters, he wanted Julian to curl his arm around his waist and claim him as his own. He wanted this kind of thing often—and he was nearly certain that Julian wanted something more than friendship with him too—but he hadn’t dared get involved with him. Now, the usual longing was laced with something else, a desire for stability, a way to keep some measure of control on his life. If he were in a relationship with a Federation member—a senior officer on the station, no less—then he couldn’t be forced to leave so readily.
Garak swallowed. He could start something so easily. Julian would take him to bed if he asked, he was sure of it. And Garak would figure out how to please his alien body as quickly as he always had with his targets. He’d fill him or surround him or slide against him, do whatever he wanted, until Julian needed him, desperately. He’d make himself completely available to him, to use at his discretion. He’d give him so much pleasure and so selflessly that soon Julian wouldn’t be able to live without him, and would feel drawn to help him. 
Maybe Julian could even some day fall in love with him.
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nebulouscoffee · 1 year
Kira for the ask game, because I've sewn you mentioned liking her but haven't seen you talk about it much yet and would like to enable you
Yayy thank you!! (and I'm sorry I took so long to respond, it's been a very hectic week😅)
one aspect about them i love
Kira really embodies a lot of what I miss most about Star Trek tbh, which was the real desire to make the audience uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong; there is a lot about TOS, TNG and DS9 that didn't age well- but I still think an important goal they all shared was to take certain ideas and ideologies that might've seemed far-fetched to the audience of the time, and say- "why not?" Also, "Does this character's existence- and presence- make you uncomfortable? Well, maybe that's a YOU problem." And that's a goal which (imo) really faded over the years, because they grew more and more afraid of turning off the conservative audience. But not with Kira! Within minutes of her introduction, she offers a scathing shutdown of the "frontier" that Star Trek was quite literally built upon. She is literally a sympathetic "terrorist" MAIN character (rare enough), and furthermore a woman- and that too a "difficult" woman, who refuses to let herself be ignored or compromise her people's needs for the Starfleet crew's comfort (!!!), who is ANGRY and deeply religious and nationalistic and PROACTIVE and stomps around and shouts and cries and disagrees and wears her passion on her sleeve and is not at all afraid to make a nuisance of herself- and yet, still has numerous flaws and so many moments of self-doubt and raw vulnerability. What a fantastic character! This was 1993; I can think of so few TV women from that era who actively challenged the constructs (and men) around them so much. I love everything she represents
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
That her arc is more about learning to land upon nuance; not toning down her Bajoran-isms. Her patriotism and faith do occasionally steer her the wrong way, yes- but Kira's growth doesn't at all involve her renouncing either of those things! If anything, it's Sisko who ends up having to adjust to her perspectives. In general I'm always craving more nuanced discussions re DS9's postcolonial dynamics, too- Kira has such a range of interactions with Cardassians on the show, and numerous episodes ('Destiny', 'Life Support', 'Ties of Blood and Water', etc) show that she's genuinely invested in peace between their peoples; something I think often goes ignored. Yes, she's justifiably furious about everything they did to her home- but at the end of the day, what she wants is justice and reparations for Bajor and Bajorans; and if a small (understandable) part of her does want to see Cardassia crash and burn, she really doesn't act upon it
Also, she's funny! Remember when she told Dukat the baby was O'Brien's with no further explanation? Lmaoo what a troll
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
That she only received a very basic education. She does mention finger painting and playing springball as a kid, but also- Kira grew up in a refugee camp and she joined the Shakaar cell at age 12; she probably missed out on the higher education even the average Bajoran of her generation received (which itself was likely Cardassian State-controlled). Idk, this is low key important to me because so many Star Trek characters are almost like- defined by their scientific and educational smarts, if that makes sense? It's refreshing to see a Trek character who doesn't quite make sense of herself or the world around her primarily through (Western) scientific constructs
Also, Kira absolutely has unexamined caste biases; she just never really learnt to recognise them because caste played such a minimal role in the Resistance- but most Bajorans are far more aware of caste dynamics than she typically is (I just do not buy that the D'jarra system completely went away in less than 60 years)
one character i love seeing them interact with
Ben Sisko! They have SUCH a fascinating dynamic, it's so complex and sweet and often quite trying and hurtful but still kept afloat on this deep, deep underlying mutual respect. Ben's position as the Emissary makes everything so wonderfully complicated, and watching Kira's frustrations at the fact that she actually believes in him morph into reassurance as he slowly transforms from being the Starfleet Outsider to truly being Of Bajor... ahhh it's so good. That scene where he invites her to a baseball game lives in my head rent free! (Also they high key make a fascinating ship imo, I am something of a post-canon Sisko/Kira/Kasidy truther)
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
I have multiple answers to this (Julian, Worf, Garak, Keiko, Ziyal, Cretak, Jake, Ezri, etc) but I'm gonna go with someone she actually interacts with quite a bit, because I just wanted mOArrr. Jadzia!
Yes, it was the 90s, so I'm glad they were at least allowed to be friends and not like, cattily pitted against each other. But I still craved more layers to their onscreen dynamic! I mean, Jadzia, the Starfleet "Science Officer" who openly dismisses Kira's religious beliefs on more than one occasion? Kira, the child soldier who finds most of Jadzia's pastimes and preoccupations frivolous and silly? It's so interesting that they keep spending time together despite such fundamental differences, and I would've loved a bigger exploration as to why! They deserved their own 'The Wire', basically. Much like the central two characters of that episode, the answer is that they actually have a LOT more in common than is apparent at first glance (fraught senses of identity, complicated relationships with their home worlds, a sense of loss regarding family) where they outwardly seem like polar opposites. And all of this is not even getting into the nonlinearity of Bajoran religion vs the lives of Dax... gosh, there was room for so much! They deserved a whole Big Sequence full of Monologues the actors could really sink their teeth into, they deserved for one of them to fly off on a dangerous quest to save the others' life- and you know what!! They deserved a little homoerotic hand-holding too!! But, I suppose that's what fanfiction is for😂
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
She and Bashir definitely grow much closer after the show's end; whether he stays behind on DS9 or not :)
#just gonna clarify- my second point really wasn't targeted at anybody on here. not an attack I promise!!#I just feel like we erase the nuances with her a bit#like in wider trek fandom I've seen a lot of people talk about her attitude towards cardassians as if she's a bigot#which I feel is extremely reductive of her character (and dismissive of her trauma too)#meanwhile on here people (sometimes) talk about her like she walks around with a CARDASSIANS DNI banner or something#like the very suggestion of her (or any other bajoran) having to interact with a cardassian is unthinkable and offensive?#and imo this really just doesn't reflect canon at all! (or irl postcolonial dynamics. but.. I don't wanna go there lol)#recently was talking to a mutual about her dynamic with cardassians (g@rak in particular) and it made me realise#they're actually far more civil with each other in the show than even I make them out to be! and I'm like- the no1 'k1ra & g@rak' fan lmao#even in TOBAW she's actually invested in ghem0r's politics. she's enthusiastic that he represents ''hope for cardassia''#and she REALLY doesn't have to be! yet she is. what precisely this says about her is so much more interesting to think about#also... idk. in general writing bajor as if completely and magically stripped of all cardassian influence and interaction is so weird to me#(let's just say if things really worked that way I would not be writing this in English lol)#tysm for the ask btw!! always glad to have an opportunity ramble about k!ra nerys :)#ask game
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gayspock · 2 years
ok so tbh i really need to prep for this interview im fucked with. let me lb peacekeeper wars instead. part 1
sorry im always blown away. i remember watching so many treks, and then seeing their movies after and foaming... those were obciously MUCH bigger leaps in terms of, like, production but its like... GOD I NEVER REALLY REALISE HOW THE USUAL SHOW LOOKS UNTIL THE SHIFT LOL HELP. i should really be more observant o_o
NEVERMIND EIYW9IFPAEK[GK[PSDPO THE. RYGEL SWIMMING ABOUT IS MAKING ME SCREAM. DOES ANYONE REMEMBER UHM. THE windows screensaver ? the aquarium? hes so that.... I FORGOT HE WAS LIKE SOME SORT OF UCCKING WET BEAST. also the transition of him in the water to above the wter is so funny
diagnosans are so cool i wish we got them more
ANYWAYS i want to say: like.... for the record, im kinda disappointed that they did fix john and aeryn's predicament so fast. its fine- its FIINEEE- like... its just the cheap cliffhangers are kinda so tired lol. its hardly the worst in the world, but its annoying- although WELL AT LEAST WE CAN GET ON WITH IT, SO LETS NOT FUSS....
BUT actually no i mean. i am also annoyed they fixed chianas blindness soo easily too like COME ON GUYS!! COMMIT TO THE THINGS YOU DO. SHEESH
ALTHOUGH this whole recap is so cute i love it when they do stuff like this - o rat least, when they do it right like here with john .... johns one of the few who could carry like this
WHY ARE THEY KIRA NERYSing RYGEL THIS IS SO... YOURE LYINGGGGGG. BE QUEIT. i assume theyre jsut trying to avoid complications- want aeryn in on the action and stuff- and rygel is always out of the action - but omg...
also its so nice they managed to pick stark up. i love his involvement here. but kill yourselves for cutting his hair it was so beautiful
"I heard the key to these things is being relaxed" d'argo youve had 1.5 failed marr- SORRY I CANT FINISH THAT JKOKE THATS TOO MEAN SORRY DARGO ITSNOT YOUR FAULTL
also is this actress officiating them the same one who played the sebacean lass who tortured her at the end of last season
actually i WILL also say: i love the slight revamping to everybodys prosthetics. noranti and the scarran lady both have slightly different looks . chiana's hair is also so nice
SORRY BUT SIKOZU IS SERVING SO BAD IM THROWING UP I AM SO OBSESSED SORRY IM EASYYYY. i said what i said in my last post- i wish they could have used her better, because i do actually REALLY like so much of her but ARHGH execution iwse hell on earth innit
hang on. fucking hell i dont know why- i totally forgot that... this would be wrapping EVERYTHING UP, do you know what i mean? i assumed itd be closing up just the immediate things for some reason- but oh christ, we're going back to the early s4 stuff. thats kinda funny bc i did not care for that LOL. but i'm game nonetheles.... will jool be back? smile.
"is he propositioning me?" CHIANA AOIDJAOSIFASFIAFJ
"however 😏it vibrates" MATE PLEASE
also sorry i didnt say anything but why is greyza so pregnant. girl i dont want you here osrry. although shes funny shes fucking mister eastenders . bald ass head.
also so sad i said i love sikozu and her new look and i want to know more about what my girlie is up to but is she gonna do fuck all here LOL.... OH WELL.
i love it . peacekeeper infighting . you guys. <3 rip each other apart<3
ALSO WAIT- so chiana's power is just... full-on, now? no price to pay for using it? BOOOO.
omg hiii jool wow wee i didnt- ALRIGHT UHM. HI JOOL. GIRL HE'S ENGAGED
im sorry but the jokes theyre pulling with rygel actually are making me laugh. "theyre having MY baby." THE WAY HE SAYS IT LIKE THAT IS MAKING ME LOSE IT.
ALTHOUGH i will also say. as much as i have enjoyed this so far i dont really care that much, again, for the actual plot-plot... like all this with pikal, and with the temple stuff from the beginning of s4- i thought those eps were weak, and whilst i am open to more involvement with them, their approach here is as equally uninspiring. like, so what...? reuniting them will be able to bring peace? even if more complication arises, i feel like thats such a boring concept LOL. like- do you know what i mean? but fine thyeyre making it up with everything else
"crichton is your inferior." SIKOZU, GIRL FJSPOGKSPGKSDGPKDS PLEASE...
ALSO I HAVE SAID ALL IVE SAID ABOUT SIKOZU YEAH BUT LIKE. SIKOZU/SCORPIUS IS SO FUNNY. again i like sikozu as a character, and i think her insights arent unimportant- BUT HELL, HER AND SCORPY ARE SO FUNNY. LIKE COME ON. PLEASE. BFFR. I LIKED THIER DYNAMIC, IS THE THING - at least in s4 i did.... but a romance between them, or any sexual relationship just doesnt work. please.
okay the eidelons (googled their name) are going to get fucking decimated now arent they
i mean like i said i dont.... I DONT THINK ITS EVEN A GOOD CONCEPT TO ENTERTAIN. SHUT IT DOWN <3 ^_^
is jool about to die
imagine if jool just dieshere it'll be a little funny after everything she comes back and just-
"but im prEeGGNANT"
see okay i already didnt care about the eidelons being, like, the solution to the war - it doesnt make sense - but also like... i dont like the implication that humans were sebacean's ancestors, which im pretty sure thats where thats going. sorry. its annoying. what i loved so much about farscape is HOW much humans are like... rempved from everythin, theyre so nothing... theyre not some big, significant race in the universe. theyre not, like, the moral fucking centre like in star trek. i know one of my LEAST faourite doctor who fan theories is th at the time lords come from humans- like come on, man? i dont care about explaining why they look alike! its NOTHINGGGG to me.
i also hate how "small" it makes the universe. i hate coincedences and i hate people bumping into each other. ts so fucking limiting, man. SORRY. circhtons isolation is so hard hitting bc hes so far gone from everything and anything hes ever known and should never be able to return to where he was from. just leaae it
"You will die, when I order it." "okay :<" HELP
the scarran emperor should just get this man. theres no way
im sorry I DONT CARE FOR THESE GUYS ITS SUCH A WEAK ASS CONCEPT. certainly i love the idea of negotiation and peace- but just some fuck random negotiator, please, i dont care. im fine with peace negotiations as resolutions - god, yes - but when its between parties that are actually engaged and dont have some ambiguous powers ... like cmon you cant fucking just magically fix INTERGALACTIC POLITICS. LIKE THIS. like come on be for real. "the secret of peace" - please....
I MEAN IT WAS OBVIOUS THE EIDELON(?) owuld jsut die but againe ven FUCKING.... entertaining it i cant STRESS how much i didnt care like come on be REAL . BE FOR REALL. -_-
guys what the fuck did you do to stark GUYS COME ON . LEAVE HIM ALONE.
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slowpoke-fics · 3 years
Mask has Fallen | Mate Series
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek x Reader
Summary: your secret comes out, the emotions are high and tense
Warnings: anxiety, angst, soft!reader, violence, Derek is really borderline there for a min but who wouldn't be, as always I am not perfect, please read at your own risk
A/N: Previous Chapter | three | Next Chapter
I'm really loving this series and hope you guys love it too!
Scott's always trusted Derek's gut, or regretted not.
You were all gathered around the television, everyone happily watching some zombie movie baby wolf picked. Stiles was sitting in the chair next to you, Derek on the other side of you, Lydia placed next to him, and Scott in front of you. Erica is in the floor in front of Boyd, Malia in front of Stiles, Kira next to Scott. Isaac and Liam in bean bag chairs in the floor. It was calm.
This is how you enjoyed spending time with your pack. The people you've come to love and see grow all sitting peacefully, playfully teasing each other when they jump or let out a small growl. You'd all fallen into sync after everything settled, even with the Argents supernatural prison you'd pushed for. Everyone's biggest worry was the Nemeton's strays and keeping the supernatural in order. You thought to yourself, maybe I can tell them soon.
You sighed to yourself, asking the group as you prepared yourself to get up, "Anyone want anything?" With a flurry of, "Just a pop," "I saw cow tails, one of those please!" and "Water please," you got up stepping around Scott as he smiled at you. He turned quickly to nod at Derek. It was too late before you noticed it, Stiles noticed though. He scrambled out of his chair, grabbing your shoulders and pulling you to him, trying to get you away from Scott and Derek. Pulling the attention of Liam and Isaac who jump out of their chair also, and Derek. Sweet Derek who had a hold of your arm, claw dug in just a hair, but enough for you to yelp in pain and create just a few drops of blood.
The moment was frozen. Stiles had pushed himself in front of you, placing himself between you, Scott and Derek. Derek's claw holding a single drop of blood. Different emotions rumble in all of them in a split second. Malia noticed the change in the air, pulling Kira up as Boyd and Erica rose to position. Isaac and Liam staring at Derek in disbelief and anger. Derek is boring holes into you.
The hair on every wolf was standing up, your mask falling, tears instantly pooling in your eyes, slowly and silently running down your face. Stiles still holding the defensive. Just like that it's over, Derek takes a pointed whiff of the air, his eyes flashing red, your hands instantly went to your ears, covering them for protection, feeling his anger boil up.
Derek let out a growl, deep from inside him, shaking the walls and windows of the loft. The growl was long, demanding, angry. Everyone wolf in the room flashes their eyes, everyone but you. Derek's eyes are locked on yours, your solid bright red, innocent eyes. Everyone sees. Everyone twists, sensing the danger from each other. Growls are being tossed back and forth, no fight declared between alphas, so no fight declared between betas. You're visibly shaking, eyes now dimmed to y/e/c and the only thing that Derek can muster is another growl, causing you to scream. Isaac and Liam are now next to you, sensing your fear, Liam wrapped his arms around you protectively as Derek continued roaring, Isaac standing defensively.
"Let go of my mate!"
Liam didn't move, nobody did. Processing what he just said, the wolves looked at each other, at you, at Derek. You looked at everyone, taking in how they were feeling. Scott was now standing claws out, confused with a hint of protectiveness, on edge with Derek challenging his betas. Stiles was curious and defensive, still having his eye on Derek but, far enough back the wolves could fight it out without involving him. Erica was angry, already transformed with her claws out. Boyd was calm, standing defensively behind Erica, ready to grab her if she lashed. Kira was unsettled, one hand on Scotts shoulder one on her sword. Lydia was next to Stiles, behind him really, with an awestruck appearance. Derek growled again as Liam's hands remained on you.
You let out a painful yelp at the anger he was radiating, tears still falling. Liam tried to console your shaking body, he didn't realize you could be so fragile. Isaac tried to reason with Derek, "You're scaring her man!" Liam was trying to block your body from Derek, Isaac placing his hands on Derek's chest, repeating lowly, "Derek! You are scaring her!" Derek let out a calmer warning growl as his eyes dimmed back to his beautiful green. You gently moved Liam out of the way, gently calling to Derek, "Derek, I'm sorry." You backed up, countering his step forward. "Please," Derek whispered, still pushing, sounding desperate. Isaac looked back to you, and you nodded. You wanted to be close to him just as bad as he did, he just needed to calm down. Derek's eyes sparked to life as he stops about arms reach from you. Isaac and Liam standing defensively, rumbling at Derek, reminding him he goes no further.
Your eyes mimicked his, Derek growling, "Mate." You smiled ever so slightly, a resolve falling over you as you whispered, "Mate." Derek quickly pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around you as he breathed you in deeply. You were shocked, you didn't know what to expect but it wasn't this. You rested your head on him, arms circling him, clenching the back of his shirt in pure need for your mate. You took a deep breath as his scent surrounded you. Derek held you close to him, sliding arms around your waist and giving you a singular soft kiss on the nape of your neck. You felt protected, home, calm.
You gasped as Derek picked you up, his head now buried deep in your neck. You were so overrun with emotions you were still crying. After so long, you were able to scent your mate, your true mate. You weren't sure you would ever be able to scent properly, you could smell him all over his apartment, but he couldn't even smell you. You couldn't really touch him, couldn't get close with him. You couldn't help but wonder how different it would've been if you were honest. Doesn't matter now.
The secret was out for better or worse.
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inlustrissss · 3 years
What about a fluff one shot of L falling in love with his friend and work partner... but he has no idea how to declare his love for reader so L decides to ask for misa's help.
Also, can i get a Goth and Gender Neutral reader? 👉👈
you asked, you got it! Although I am just a little bit late, I hope you won't be mad at me for this 🥺💕 I tried my utmost best with keeping it respectfully gender neutral so I hope you like it!!! Love, Inlustris
L Lawliet x GN! Reader
warnings: none!
summary: After solving one case after the other, in the most dangerous moment the famous detective known as L finally starts to realize what is most dear to him. Though never being involved with feelings or touchy subjects, L asks an outsider for help. 
My requests are open! Submit here!
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Throughout the big room no light shone through the thick curtains which had separated the working place from the window that lead to the outside world. 
As the busy streets in the afternoon spring sun, came to an end, only the tired clicking and ticking could be heard. The static of the TV wired to one of the main bodies of the computers flickered and played over the loud chirping of the long-billed plovers. As the rainy days came to an end, the smell of fresh gras was almost visible, though the headquarters seemed to only know serious work. 
The (H/C) haired only sighed, noticing their long friend and colleague working on a file absentmindedly.  Normally, a person who didn’t know the infamous detective L, they’d always find his behavior questioning, but would never interfere- thinking the male would work that way. Though (Y/N) knew, this wasn’t his 100%, something must be on his mind.
Glancing, almost stalking him for a while, they thought the genius would notice their stares, which he usually does, but for some reason his nail biting only intensified. Having talked to Watari, L’s personal butler, both of them ad agreed on trying to remind the man to stop his habit. Even this genius is human and gets trapped by simple anxious habits.
“Ryuzaki-”, calling him with his alias during working time and while on the open, he tensed up, “Stop your nail biting.”.
Even with their soft tone escaping their rosy but now colored in a beautiful darker shade he seemed to grow more nervous. “Besides, isn’t it time for a break? I’ve noticed the past couple of hours you’re not acting like yourself.”, looking around, the noticed they were alone. “Are you okay?”, they asked in a hushed tone.
Looking around, L noticed the big, round and innocent looking (E/C) orbs,  staring back into his dark irises, worry etched on their face. Their make-up and unique style fitting and contradicting to their profession as always, L rushed his thought that they’d probably make a better model than Misa-Misa.  But it would be a waste to their current investigation and future cases, due to their outstanding performance as his right hand.
Inching closer to L their (E/C) eyes narrowed, squinting ever so slightly. L didn’t make any movement, not a flinch. Their eyes would notice everything, even the slightest squirm. Quickly turning around though, L shrugged “Whatever you are talking about-”, taking a hold of his sugary cup of tea, the male stood up to leave, ”You’re right, it is indeed time for a break.”, opening the door, he left the dazzled one behind: “Monitor each fottage I left please, thanks (Y/N)”
Taking a long sip out of his plain white cup filled with a half of tea and the other half of sugar, L placed down the now empty cup on to a silver tray, that mostly Watari used to transport little sandwiches for each hard working inspector and treats for the detective. Taking some time to think about the events, L let his hands slide into his pockets, though stopped mid way as he had noticed that certain ping sound coming from the elevator.
Looking up, it was the said model: Misa-Misa, with her blond hair swaysing each step she too and the extraordinary Lolita-Goth look he oh so liked on his partner. Meeting her sea blue eyes, her facial expression lit up and her friendly and happy go lucky demeanor showed: “Ryuuakiii!”, waving her hand at him while dragging the letter “i” into an annoying laughing fit, she revealed a fashion magazine in her left.
“Good afternoon, Misa.”, waving back to the blonde, though with less enthusiasm, he asked, “Were you on your way to see (Y/N)?”, mentioning the magazine in Misas hand. “Oh yes!”, holding the magalogue into view, showing proudly the front page which contained the last few shootings the model mentioned the week before her last visit, “I wanted to show them the new copy we’ve been waiting for and--”, L cut her off by raising his hand, “Sorry, you can’t see them right now, it’s still working time, Misa.”
“Aww, seriously? You probably just want them all for yourself!”, pouting, Misa just crosse3d her arms before her chest, but L remained silent, softly repeating her words to himself “All for myself?”. The blonde looked up, a curious gaze meeting the raven haired, “So you do want her all to yourself!”, giggling, the model covered up her red lips with her free hand. “I’m not quite sure what you mean by that, they are a person on their own, I can’t simply restrict and own them.”
“Of course you know what I mean, you’re a genius, you should know!”, sighing, the blonde twirled a lose strand of hair between her middle and pointy finger: “Maybe all of that sugar did get to you..”,mocking the male, L just shrugged, “I don’t think so.”
But this did got him thinking: Does he truly want them all to himself? It indeed has been now quite the long time he was restless while working, not entirely there. His mind wandering off into an imaginative world or worrisome state whenever (Y/N) wouldn’t be around- no, scratch that, it didn’t matter, he quickly noticed.
Wether they’d be there or not, his mind was partly fixated on their well being. Though wasn’t it always like that? They’ve been partners for a really long time, longer than his knowledge of Naomi Misora for sure, and friends too. 
He read a lot of things during his early days, a lot about solving different puzzles and games, but he could never wrap his hand around when they came.
His experimental time with how feelings would work while (Y/N) were partners were over, he saw himself to them as an equal by now, but what if- “Helloo, earth to Ryuzaki!”, waving the magazine in front of the famous detective, Misa huffed, “Man, bet you’re thinking about (Y/N) if it takes you that long to get out of your dreamy thoughts”, gifting him a look of her tongue, she mocked him again, “You should try that brain-work on finding Kira! I wanna go on a date with Light already again, he promised!”, a date?
Maybe a little trip, spending the day with his friend would make the situation a bi8t lighter- finding out about his true thoughts and feelings that hid in his clouded mind. “Can’t believe I’m saying this-”, he murmured, “But: Misa, I might or might not need your help with something.”, he bluntly responded, ignoring her witty comments., “Help? With what?”, again, her airy head. Sighing, L explained another time, “You see, you’re such an emotional person, where I’m more technical.”, shoving his hands into his pockets, in a hunched position he began to walk, motioning her to follow him into a room across the hall, “The past few days I might’ve felt a little bit under the weather and I do have my suspicion, but to be honest, even as a detective, I can’t help but not be able to solve this mystery on my own, Misa.”
Opening the door, he held it open for the young woman to step inside. “What do you mean under the weather? Are you sick?”
“I wouldn’t exactly call it sick, when it’s just a feeling, I believe, and not just a condition.”, he stated, scratching his had as he continued to stay while Misa took the opportunity to relax her legs and sit down on to a couch. “Wait, was I maybe right when I said you might have a thing for (Y/N)?”, noticing how L had perked up by hearing their name, Misas sea blue eyes seemed to sparkle a few shades lighter, already rosy cheeks deepening. “Awww~ Ryuzaki, really?”, she cooed at the usually emotionless acting detective. 
Like previously mentioned, he’s also just a human.
“For a long time now, I want to find out about these thoughts that were kept in the back of my head.”, especially now the most dangerous case since Beyond Birthday, everyday might as well be the last day that he would glance at their beautiful eyes, and their wonderful perfume reaching his nose. “I’m just not sure how”
Eyes softening along with her features, Misas excitement toned down and switched with a warm smile, noticing how lost the male was when it came to the most basic human needs, “It’s fairly easy on finding out how you feel about them, Ryuzaki.”
“If it would be that easy, I wonder why I can’t put my finger on it”, lifting his thumb to his mouth he began biting down on his nail, eyes following the trail of the skyline, visible due to the opened window.
Standing up and entrusting her weight back to her feet, Misas smile never wavered, “Why don’t you just ask them out?”
Dark eyes wandering back to the model, he raised a brow: “I work with them every day, I see (Y/N) every day.”
“I don’t mean as a colleague or as a friend, Ryuzaki. I’m sure they’ll say yes regardless and besides, spending a day with (Y/N) will give you surely an idea if not a start of your thesis on how to feel about them!”, looking up at the taller male with a determined look, Misa Amane was more than sure: “And if the firt time won’t be enough, the ask them out again and again and again, until you got your answer.”, making her way to the door, she stepped out. “It’s not too late and not too cold to go yet.”, winking to the male she laughed one last time
 “Take them out-”, she waved, “There is this pretty nice café down the block! I’ll come around another time!”, with that, she had left.
Thinking over the blondes words, she must be right. Besides, some time off shouldn’t hurt, it never does. Slow steps were heard as L Lawliet made his way towards the ain investiation room, where he had left (Y/N) to continue his work, so none of the progress was lost.
Not forgetting any manners, he knocked, signaling that someone would come in and not startle them. “Oh, you’re back.”, their angelic like voice greeted the male. “Yeah, though it’s now you’re turn for a break, it’s time to wrap things up.”
Swallowing his build up lumb which seemed to sit tight above his adams apple, he stood straight, expression not changing: “Would you want to go out with me?”
Turning around swiftly, (H/C) hair danced around their pretty head in the process as their eyes widened and cheeks reddened.
“There is this pretty nice café down the block.”, he said.
Seeing them smile set her at ease, nodding (Y/N) only laughed, “Sure, L. Let’s go.”
Turning off the computers, (Y/N) stood up to join L’s side and walk down the hall towards the elevator. Smiling the whole way towards the Café and while being with him, (Y/N) couldn’t be happier.
Happy that Misa had come with her obnoxiously loud voice, gaining (Y/N)’s attention on the other side of the door and happy that the whole building is bugged.
No, they didn’t neglect their work- (Y/N) did monitor the fottage, though L did not necessarily mention which one. 
Just like spring had brought the most wonderful flowers, a relationship blossoming would soon follow up.
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xtodorcki · 3 years
Hey so it saids that you do requests can I request a oneshot from death note were the reader was helping Light but accidentally messes up and lets some evidence slip out to add to L’s theory about him being Kira and in order to earn Lights forgiveness for what has happened she has to prove to him why she deserves it? can it be nsfw?
“Accidents,” Light x Reader
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Summary: helping Light with the death note and accidentally letting something slip up which only makes L look more closely at Light.
Warnings: some smut towards the end
Light x Fem!Reader
It was a minor mistake that you made, you just wanted to help Light out as best as you could and you couldn’t believe how careless you were to even leave a piece of evidence behind.
L was quick to discover the evidence, the fact that you left something so precious out- it only fueled L’s theory that Light is Kira.
The anxiety you had on the way home as you sat in the car beside Light. It was dead silent, he didn’t speak or even look at you but you knew he was angry. He had to be.
He stayed in his endless amount of thoughts, regretting even letting you do anything with the notebook or even do anything at all that involved Kira. That was his mistake for trusting you with such a big thing that was important to him.
You sighed under your breath, Ryuk laughing to himself inside the backseat of the car but you couldn’t really tell him to shut up or else the driver would just look at you funny.
All you did was give him a dirty look, his laugh only increasing which irritated both you and Light. This was all such a big mess, you wanted to cry for being so stupid.
And once the both of you walked inside of your small apartment, you let the tears stream down your face continuously while you sat on the couch. Light still didn’t bother to look your way and it made you even more upset.
“I’m sorry, I know it was careless of me.” You spoke up first, making his eyes finally turn to look at you and he chuckled under his breath.
“I can’t believe I gave you an easy task to do and you still managed to fuck it up.” His tone was cold, making it hurt even more and make you feel ten times more guilty.
“Give her a break, Light. She’s not like you.” Ryuk jumped in, at least he was noticing how upset you are about this whole thing.
“Stay out of it. We could’ve gotten caught.” He glared at the both of you, angry and annoyed about the fact that L just added another piece of key evidence to his theory.
“I’ll make it up to you, I promise. Just tell me what to do!”
“You’ve done enough, Y/N.” He scoffed, his feet walking out of the living room and left you alone with the giant demon.
The both of you looked at each other, Ryuk was a pain at times but he was much more gentle with you than Light was. He could tell just how stressed out and upset you are, he could tell it was an honest mistake and you’ll do anything to make it up to Light- he just knows Light is too idiotic and selfish to realize that.
“I’ll help you with getting L off his tail for a while.” He managed to say, not wanting to, not wanting to really help but if he didn’t- he’ll just have to deal with you crying over and over again and that was draining enough for him.
Ryuk didn’t want to admit he had taken quite a liking to you and thought you were much more brighter than Light but he also didn’t want to admit that he didn’t want to listen to Light’s whining and complaining about the evidence slipping.
So he had agreed to help. A few days later he had helped you do something small but enough to turn the attention away from him and as you struggled all day, breaking your back to do this for your boyfriend, you couldn’t help but sigh loudly when you entered the small apartment you owned.
Surprisingly Light was there, looking over the computer screen and when he heard your sighing, his eyes had glanced up at you then back down at the laptop. He was still somewhat upset, he would even give you the silent treatment sometimes during the last few days and only spoke to you when he needed something.
Your eyes had landed on him, walking over after kicking off your shoes and setting your bag on the table. You flopped down beside him, glancing over his shoulder to see what he was looking at- news articles.
“Can you talk to me please?” You mumbled, your words making him turn his head to look down at you.
“How many times do I have to apologize about it, Light?” You brought up, meeting his gaze and he just sat there and stared down at you, a soft sigh leaving his lips.
“Messed up a lot of things for me. He’s now a few steps closer.” He shook his head, his hand reaching down to rest on your leg.
“I’ve been putting stuff together to throw in his way to slow him down and it’s been working, he’s looking into someone else for now.” You told him your little thing you’ve been doing to somewhat help him.
You couldn’t help but feel guilty the entire time. You didn’t want to see the fact Light acts selfish and somewhat toxic when it comes to the Kira thing because you were too dedicated to him and too focused on making him stay happy and stay happy with you.
And the way those words had slipped from your lips, making his eyes light up and his eyebrows raise. He wanted to believe that you actually did something to help him and he did when you had explained more into detail what you did.
“Let’s see how long that will last.” He mumbled, turning his head away and his eyes back on the screen before him.
“I just want to make it up to you, Light.” You lean over, resting your chin on his shoulder and gave him a small pout.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yes, always.” You responded, his eyes moving to burn into yours and the small smirk on his lips had given him more ideas.
You had caught on pretty quickly, it wasn’t hard to catch onto Light’s hints when he would throw them your way. You stared up at his eyes, you would do anything for him, you were blinded by love and definitely love sick.
He was everything you wanted and more.
You leaned up, brushing your lips against his before he had leaned forward to close the gap between you both, moving your lips in sync and feeling his soft hand reach down to caress your cheek. You had been craving his soft touches and some affection from him for days while he had been mad at you from that incident.
You never wanted Light to be mad at you so when he does end up angry, all it does is make you sad and try to find ways to make it up to him and make him happy again.
The sudden tug had made you snap back in reality as he pulled you on top of his lap, making you straddle his waist while he leaned back against the couch cushions. Your lips molded perfectly with his, the way you had felt your stomach explode with butterflies was nothing but amazing.
He was quick to take over the dominant role, slipping his tongue inside of your mouth and explored the area while soft breaths and whines had left your lips and muffled against his. Light had moved his hands down to grab a hold of your throat but soon moved further to slide his hand up the skirt you were wearing.
He always loved the skirts you wore, especially when it gave him easy access to you in moments like these. His fingertips had brushed along your soft skin of your upper thigh and teasingly ran just one fingertip over your panties where you had just been aching for him.
“Do you even deserve to be touched after what you did?” He mumbled against your mouth, pulling back to get a good look at your flushed face and you slowly nodded.
“I don’t know.. you kinda fucked things up for Kira.” He trailed off, making you lean forward and pepper kisses along his jawline and down to his neck.
You knew exactly where his weak spot was, making his heart pound in his chest and his knees grow weak at the way you sucked and licked over his sweet spot like it was nothing but he knew you were only doing it to make him further his actions and take off your clothes.
“Please, Light.” Your eyes had moved up to connect with his while your small hands had slid down his chest and stomach, soon hovering over the tent in his pants and gently palmed him.
You had heard a grunt leave his lips and soon his dark eyes had met yours, a sinister smirk on his face as he grabbed a hold of your throat again, leaning forward as his lips brushed against yours.
“I expect you to be ready on the bed by the time I get up there.”
Didn’t know whether to go full in on the smut or not but🤩
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• Death Note Masterlist •
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Favorite Human
Fandom: Teen Wolf Pairing: McCall!Pack x reader (platonic) Word count: 2.8k Summary: It’s Malia who first smells it - the bitter scent that had started to Infiltrate yours - and she, Lyida and Kira decide to find out what was wrong with you...  Warning: Nothing too much really, but it’s slightly Angsty I guess. Also the feels Requested by the amazing, patient and great anon: Hi~,Teen Wolf person again. Can i request a pack image where the reader is hiding something for the pack and the pack are all sort of catching on to it like chemosignals and behaviour. Eventually they kinda piece the bits together and figure it out. they all try to comfort you and help you get better. Something just along those lines.(They could be hiding selfharm stuff, family stuff or they like someone in the group or yeah, you can pick what your comfort writing for) Thank you have a nice day~
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The California sun was beating down on Beacon Hills and its inhabitants, a feeling of peace and calm that was - by now - almost foreign in the city laid in the air and prompted the resident teenagers and young adults to enjoy a day away from school, stress and (for a very special group) life threatening situations. This particular group - the McCall pack, as they were known in the supernatural community of the city - decided to spend their free time on a very nice, but fairly unknown clearing in the beacon hill woods and for once being surrounded by these trees didn’t give them the vibe that one of them could probably die at any given moment. It was a rather nice change. “Uno,” Liam smiled as he slapped a +4 card onto the floor, making Mason groan and throw his head back. It was the third time in a row that Liam was winning and while it seemed to leave you completely cold it annoyed Mason to no end, but he couldn’t stop playing either until either you or him finally beat the wolf. While the three of you were sitting in your game circle, Malia, Lydia and Kira were lounging on a picnic blanket enjoying the sun and having their conversation. The only one who was sitting on the grass like a lost puppy was Stiles, phone in hand but seemingly not having the attention span to focus on it for more than five consecutive seconds. Originally he and Scott had been sitting there together talking about Lacrosse or girls or whatever the two of them talked about when they weren’t planning to save the city, but Scott had - after lots of pleading and begging on his betas part - disappeared into the direction of the city to buy some ice cream for everyone. “Y/N?” Liam shocked your shoulder and you had to shake your head to come back into reality and out of your thoughts. “Yes?” you looked at him with wide doe-eyes full of confusion. “It’s your turn.” “Oh, right, sorry, just lost in thoughts,” you smiled apologetically and shrugged before turning to your cards to think about your next move, not noticing how Liam and Mason exchanged a look. They had started to notice the change in your behaviour only recently. Your usual very cheery, always-seeing-the-best-in-everyone-and-everything self started to be stuck in your thoughts more often and your smile seemed just a little bit off lately. “Here you go,” you looked up again and put a +2 in front of Liam earning a quiet ‘Yessss’ from Mason at the prospect of finally beating his best friend, only to be sorely disappointed when a smirk immediately filled Liam’s face as he victoriously added his own - last - +2 card onto the pile, effectively winning the game and starting a rather useless discussion about whether the fact that the makers of Uno stated that putting a +2 on another +2 and making it a +4 wasn’t allowed counted anything. While Mason and Liam kept on blickering you pulled yourself up from the grass-floor and wandered over to the girls who welcomed you with kind smiles and made space for you on the blanket. As you sank down you were immediately pulled into Malias lap who hugged you into her and pressed her nose into your neck and y/h/l hair to smell you - a habit of hers that you had at first found more than disturbing but by now had gotten used to. In fact, the more time you spent with your not-quite-human friends and acquaintances, the more you noticed that they all had their own little versions of that, even though with Malia it was the most extreme since she was still the one running mostly on her basic instincts. At least that’s how Stiles explained it to you. He said that since you were logically seen the most vulnerable and ‘weak’ member of the pack their natural instincts where to protect and shield you from all dangers and make sure you are alright and - after your initial reaction of punching the hell out of Stiles’ shoulder in order to show him just how not-weak you were - you started registering it more and more. It was mostly very little things with Scott, Liam, Derek and in some situations (even though rarely) Peter like little hugs and giving you their clothes to scent you, pushing themselves in front of you in the face of even the most harmless of situations or the way they just sometimes randomly turned up at your house (this was mostly Scott, Liam and Malia though) to check if you’re okay even if they could just call. With Malia it was all that, but times ten in intensitivity. And the smelling. Malia herself wasn’t quite sure why, but she simply loved your natural scent. It always managed to calm her down. So you got used to her randomly smelling at you even if it did weird you out from time to time. Usually she would pull back after a few seconds, give you a happy smile and get back to what she was doing before like nothing happened, but this time when she drew back she looked at you displeased and confused. “Is something the matter?” you asked just as confused and now the other girls, who had gotten used to Malias antics and taken on the habit of just completely ignoring it in order not to get growled at, got curious as well and turned their attention towards you. “Something’s off,” Malia grumbled and scrunched her nose like she’s smelt something rotten. “Oi!” you scoffed and moved back a little, feign being offended, “Are you telling me I stink?” “No,” Malia sighed and rolled her eyes, “It’s not that, it’s just...your scent is- I don’t know how to put it really. Bitter? I think?” “What does that mean?” Lydia asked, her interest now seemingly spiked. “‘M not sure,” Malia shrugged and moved forward to take another good sniff at your hair, only for you to move your head back out of her reach and put your hands on her shoulders to keep her a distance away from you. “I think that’s quite enough,” you chuckled, but it sounded mechanical almost, “I appreciate the concern, but I don’t really think me smelling bitter means anything.” Noticing the way you held yourself defensive, something that you almost never did, all three of the girls wanted to investigate further, but you quickly moved off of Malia’s lap and stood up. “Oh look, there’s our ice cream,” you smiled as if nothing was happening and jogged over to your Alpha to help him. “This was weird, right? She’s acting weird, isn’t she?” Kira questioned and looked between the other two girls who nodded, “What’s that about?” “Not sure, but we gotta find out before the boys notice anything. Malia is bad enough already, but if the male wolfies find out we’ll have a real problem on our hands,” Lydia sighed and inspected you from afar. 
After then the three of them noticed it far more often, the way you held yourself changed and your smile seemed to lessen by the day. By the time you started to fold into yourself and Malia said that your smell was getting more bitter, to the extent that she could smell it above almost everything else surrounding you, they knew that it had gotten out of their hands. They had to involve the others as much as they dreaded their reactions. As they had predicted Scott, Liam and - surprisingly enough for a human - Stiles didn’t react kindly to it, immediately planning to confront you. But in a turn of events, their thirst for actions and the girls rational thinking evened each other out and they decided on an approach that was reluctant enough to not scare you away, while also - hopefully - pushing you to tell them what was wrong. They wanted to do it in an environment that you felt comfortable in so they decided to go to your place, but that meant that they couldn’t all come, since they didn’t want to overwhelm you either. So, after a long and exhausting discussion, they decided that Stiles would be the one who’d go in first to make sure everything was clear and then give the others a heads up to follow. The Pack was standing - as inconspicuous as it was possible for a group of five - on the other side of the street your house was in as Stiles was walking down your driveway, welcomed by a cute door plate that had obviously been made my a little child and he was pretty safe in his assumption that you had been the one who had made it when you were younger. After taking a breath of reassurance Stiles raised his hand and knocked on the door. You must have been near the door already, because not even ten second later the door was tipped open and you stared at him with tired eyes, in your alien Pajamas with messy hair. If Stiles had not known better he would have assumed you had tried to sleep. “Who is it Honey?” He heard the voice of your mother scream, but the usual sweet voice he was used to hearing from her was strained and mixed with annoyance. “Uhm...It’s Stiles! My friend from school, he was here last month to study for my english exam, you remember?” “Oh, yes,” your mother walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway, “Hello Stiles.” Stiles returned the greeting, but his thoughts were more occupied by the state of your mother. Her hair looked unwashed and even more messy than yours, obviously not because of sleep, but rather because she hadn’t brushed it in a while, there were red stains under her eyes, the skin around it dry and strained, it didn’t take a genius to figure out that she must have cried - a lot - and her blouse was wrinkled, which he knew from their previous meetings and what you had told him about her would usually be a no-go for her. “Well, if you’ll excuse me,” she smiled, but it was tight-lipped and obviously forced, but before she disappeared into the kitchen again she looked at you, “Y/N, make it fast please.” You just nodded and turned back to Stiles. “Hey,” he said again, a little bit uncertain now, the situation having thrown him off of the plan he had made in his head on the way from the pack to the door. “Hi,” you said and he had to admit that you were definitely your mothers daughter by the way your forced smile perfectly resembled hers. “I wanted to talk to you, uhm, we - I mean me and the pack by that, well it started with Lydia, Malia and Kira, but anyways - we noticed that you’ve been...how do I put this correctly- well, I guess you’ve been off more lately and so we’ve been worried, because usually you smile a lot and you always make unfunny jokes and all that and now you don’t so-” Stiles rambled and just let everything flow out at once, probably would have continued to do so if you hadn’t held up your hand to stop him. “Not-Not here, okay? I’ll answer your questions, but not here. Let’s take this outside, please,” you shut Stiles up and took his arm to lead him out of your house and onto your porch where you sat down on the stairs leading onto your front law. For a while there was silence as Stiles found himself unsure of what to do next, but he could basically feel the piercing stares of his friends on him. After a few seconds of contemplating he sat down beside you, while still keeping a little bit of distance - just to make sure he wasn’t too overwhelming. “So…” “Yeah, so…” “Why...have you been so off?” Stiles asked but honestly couldn’t help but cringe a bit at how completely un-smooth he sounded. “I- It’s-” you tried multiple approaches, but stopped yourself every time, only to sink your face into your hands and sigh, “I’m sorry.” You raised your face again and looked at Stiles and he could see the sadness, this slight sense of despair. “Hey, it’s okay, don’t rush yourself,” Stiles tried to comfort you, “If you can’t tell me that’s okay, we’re just all very worried about you. We want to make sure that you’re okay.” “No, it’s fine, I- I think I actually wanted to tell you all for a while, but- I don’t really know, it’s just been hard for me… My parent’s have been going through some rough patches for the last few months and now my dad - he,” you stopped again and hugged your arms around you, Stiles couldn’t help but notice the glistening of tears in your eyes, “-He moved out two weeks ago. I mean, sure there were signs, it wasn’t working well by all means, but moving out? That was pretty shocking for my mom and me.” By now the tears had started rolling down your face and Stiles couldn’t hold back anymore. He moved closer to you and laid his arm around your shoulder to pull you into him. It seemed that the pack couldn’t hold back anymore either, because only a few seconds either Lydia was kneeling in front of you holding your hands, the rest also finding positions around you - hoping to give you as much comfort as possible. You gave them a wet chuckle, even though your tears didn’t stop flowing. “I could’ve guessed that you’re not far. I’m sorry for being a mess.” “No, Don’t ever be sorry for feeling. We love you and that means that we’ll be there for you through the bad times just as we are in the good times,” Scott assured you and lovingly petted your head even though he knew that you always complained about how it made you feel like a little child or a puppy. “Thank you guys for being here - it’s just a lot right now. My mom is expecting me to be on her side, while my dad keeps expecting me to decide about where I’m going to live now. He wants me to move with him to New York into the city he grew up in, but I don't want to leave Beacon Hills. I have my whole life here, my school, you guys, my mom, literally everything, but I also don’t want to lose him- It’s just, I feel so torn and it seems like every choice I could take would be the wrong one,” you were full on sobbing at that point, but it was clear enough for your friends to understand you. “Hey, It’s okay,” Lydia tried to calm you down, “I know that this seems like an impossible choice, but I can assure you we will find a way. We’ve defeated some of the greatest evils that the world has seen and we were successful. We’ll be just as successful with this, okay?” You started nodding and for the first time in a while you were actually feeling just a little bit like yourself again, a sliver of home filling your heart at all your friends who were by your side and supporting you. “Lydia’s right,” Scott agreed. “There’s one thing I gotta ask though,” Liam started and before anyone else with a little more sense of sensibility could stop him asked: “Why didn’t you tell us before? I mean we’re you’re best friends ri-” At that moment Mason basically threw himself at him and put his hand in front of his mouth to shut him up. “You don’t have to answer that,” Kira assured you, but you just shook your head. “No, it’s fine, I get why he asked. I- I guess I just thought - it’s like Lydia said, we fight evil on a weekly base, we have to worry about so much more serious things than my stupid family drama.” “Now listen to me,” Lydia spoke up in her I-will-take-no-talkbacks-voice and looked at your sternly, “This is not stupid and it is by no means less imporant than anything else we do, okay? Maybe it’s not life-threatening or supernatural, but it is still hurting you and as friends we can’t let anything hurt our favorite human, can we now?” And in that moment everything was okay again - if only for just a few seconds - with your friends by your side and Stiles yelp of protest, because he insisted that he was at least Scott’s favorite human, - earning himself a look from Scott that told him that what Lydia said also applied to him - even made you laugh your normal laugh again. And so, when Malia finally got close enough to you with all your friends surrounding you to smell your scent, she found that your normal, sweet scent was finally returning again, and even though there was still a bitter undertone to it she now was sure that it would soon be back to her favorite scent again.
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Friendship and Fate {03}
Summary: You and Stiles have been friends for years. You’ve loved each other since you were kids but when Stiles presents as an Alpha and you never present at all… well you’re not going to let him not claim his omega when she comes along.
Author: @lettersofwrittencollective​
Pairing: Alpha!Stiles x ??!Reader
Word count: 5740
Chapter Rating: G
Warnings: I do not think this one has any?
Request prompt: Anonymous: could you do a fic of Alpha!Stiles and Beta!reader where they are best friends and they have to share a hotel bed together and reader and stiles slowly go into heat/rut together because of each other and they try to resist it because they want to be friends but give in and get together with ABO dynamics? (i know that was very specific i have so many ideas but can’t write for my life💀) also i life your work!- you deserve so much more recognition!
AN I am so sorry it's shorter than the others but it just felt like a good place to end it?
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Eyes opening, you attempted to stretch, only to discover that you couldn’t actually move. Just as panic was about to sink in, your foggy brain reminded you that you were sharing a bed with Stiles which meant it was his arms around you.
You were half tempted to roll over, snuggle into his chest and go right back to sleep but the smell of the ocean air and the soft sound of crashing waves reminded you that you were not, in fact, at home but on an island for the pack bonding trip.
Slowly, carefully, you moved tried to move Stiles’ arm from your so that you could go and get ready for the day but you froze when you heard Stiles groan behind you as he pulled you flush against his body and nuzzled into your neck.
Chuckling softly, you tried to wriggle out of his arms and whispered to him, “Sti… we need to get up.”
“Ten more minutes Harls,” he mutters, his voice thick and groggy with sleep, his breath on your neck making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and a shiver travel down your spine.
You bite back a small moan as you grab his arm before lifting it, “We don’t have a choice Bats. If we don’t get up Lydia is going to murder the two of us.”
Stiles’ reluctant groan fills your ears before you hear him give an exaggerated yawn and his arm lets go of you as he stretches out. Instantly, your body misses his touch but you push yourself off the bed and call the first shower.
The warm water of the shower was amazing on your body and you couldn’t believe just how relaxed you had found yourself this morning. Typically you had minor aches that the warm water would help with but this time there were no aches, nothing sore, no pains - just the comfort of a warm shower in the morning.
When you got out, you had thrown on a fluffy towel before you called out Stiles’ name, asking him what was on the agenda for today.
“Snorkeling and scuba lessons,” he reminded you as he passed you and you mentally rolled your eyes- Lydia had told you as much yesterday.
As you heard the water start up again, as Stiles jumped in the shower, you grabbed your duffel bag. Finding it empty you reminded yourself that you, Stiles and Lydia had unpacked all the clothing and you moved to the drawers. Quickly pulling out a couple of the swim suits, you decided to go with your most comfortable swim suit and after slipping into it you did your hair. You had enough time to grab Stiles a pair of his swim trunks before you heard him turning off thew water.
“Sti, I left you your swim trunks,” you called out as you slipped on some shoes and threw on a cover up, “I’m gonna get some breakfast with the pack.”
Making your way out to the kitchen, you most of the pack in the main part of the villa. Luke was making breakfast fo the group and Kira and Alex were helping him out.
“Anyone else notice that it’s the non-Alpha’s that are out here making breakfast?” Malia pointed out after a moment. You looked around and realized that she was right, it was you, Malia, Kira, Alex, Lydia and Luke.
“Mason’s not an Alpha,” Lydia pointed out and you heard Luke practically snort.
“It’s still us out here,” Malia scoffed and your small group had to laugh.
“Guarantee its only cause we were the ones to actually get up,” Kira points out, “Getting Scott out of bed this morning was a bear.”
“Jordan wasn’t much better,” Lydia confirmed with a shrug, “he seems to be exhausted.”
“Well we are on the other side of the world,” Malia said with a shrug before grabbing a water bottle.
“I pretty much told Stiles the same thing,” you said with a chuckle as you made your way over and grabbed the coffee pot and a cup and made yourself a cup.
Sitting at the breakfast table, sipping your morning coffee, you allowed yourself to just enjoy the time with your friends. It didn’t take long before the rest of the pack was up and about and after a decent breakfast, it was decided that it was time to make your way down to the docks to meet your boats.
You made your way back into the bedroom, thankful that Stiles had bought you a diving mask, snorkel  goggles, fins, and booties last year when the two  of you had decided to go to Cabo for the weekend and you were even more grateful that they still fit.
She and Jordan checked you in before you were split up into two groups of six. You and Stiles went with Theo, Malia, Lydia and Parrish.
Your instructor, Seru, took you on one of the smaller boats and out into the waters, to Beqa Island Lagoon and just far enough for you to enjoy what the waters of Fiji have to offer he says.
You were grateful that Lydia had booked this particular diving company. The group of you had been out snorkeling before but the way that this man explained things just made you feel more at ease.
It also helped that the company provided inflatable snorkeling vests because you hadn’t bought any while in Cabo and you’d forgotten to buy one before coming  and weren’t sure where to buy them on the island.
He checked with you, confirming that you knew what you were doing and you were aware of the basic safety procedures and risks involved with diving.
You were each paired off, coupled up of course, but everyone was planning on being the others snorkeling buddy. As a pack you took care of each other. It helped that Malia and Lydia were here with their mates which meant they were more attuned to each other.
It had been the reason that Scott and Kira had decided to go with Liam, Alex, Mason and Luke.  They were the youngest and newest couples. Ever since Liam had joined the pack, Scott had always treated him more like a little brother then just an Omega and once he and Kira had gotten back together - they treated the youngest members of the pack almost like their kids.
You were sure that you were going to meet up with them during your small expedition in the water and you and the rest of the pack would all end up looking after each other but your instructor was worried more about your small group and theirs would be worried about them.
After the safety protocols had been gone over and he had confirmed which of you were paired with who, the instructor had decided to go ahead and let you all get in the water.
Jumping in with Stiles and the others it took your body a moment to adjust to the waters but thankfully it wasn’t too bad, the warmth of the water was nice and after the water settled you could see the others in the water as well.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around, Stiles offered you his hand and you placed your hand in his. The two of you started to explore and you find that the reef is absolutely beautiful. It’s full of the most beautiful coral formations you’ve ever seen. The colors are absolutely fantastic and with the sun reflecting around them you find yourself getting lost in them.
There’s fish that you’ve never seen and a part of you is tempted to reach out but you remember that the last time you’d been snorkeling Stiles had managed to get stung by a jellyfish.
So you kept your hands to yourself outside of just swimming.
Stiles tried to keep his eyes on the rest of the landscape he really did. He tried to pay attention to the fish they’d never seen. The coral formations, the sea anemones, even the turtles. However, his eyes kept getting dragged over to her.
Logically, he knew that the world around him was beautiful. He knew that they’d likely not get a chance to see the barrier reef again.. At least not this one… but he kept getting distracted by her.
He was unsurprised that he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Long before he’d ever presented, he was drawn to her like she was the sun.
It had gotten worse after he’d presented and he’d had a hard time staying away from her. Something within him had always demanded that he claim her. He’d wanted to but when she hadn’t presented after a few years… He hadn’t cared. He still wanted to be with her but  then Chris had told them about how Alpha’s could only be with Omega’s… that only an Omega would be able to take his knot.
So he’d waited… he’d waited for her to present as an Omega because that was the only thing that had ever made sense. From everything Chris had told them… With how much he wanted her, she had to have been an Omega.
But she had never gone into a heat… she had never presented as an Omega and Chris had confirmed that it meant that she was a beta… like the majority of the world.
Then she had decided that they should stay friends only. She didn’t want to stop him from being able to take an Omega should he find one.
But she didn’t stop… she was the only thing that he wanted. Nothing else had mattered and he’d gone to talk to her about it but he’d read it on her face. She’d asked him to leave it alone and he knew that it broke her as much as it broke him.
So he’d agreed.
Breaking his heart in the process, he’d agreed.
It hadn’t stopped him from  wanting her… hadn’t stopped the Alpha in him from wanting to claim her.
She was the absolute light of his life.
But Stiles loved her… he respected her wishes and so he’s done everything he can the last couple of years to make sure that he respected her wishes. He had done everything he could to just stay her friend.
There’d been Omegas that had thrown themselves at him but they’d always disgusted him. They never smelled as divine as she did.
He’d avoided her during his ruts because he knew… he knew that if was around her when he was that out of his mind.. He’d want her and he knew that his need for her… whatever that primal voice he was able to ignore, would win out and he’d claim her. He’d hurt her and that was the last thing he’d ever want to do.
It had worked for the most part…
But the last couple of weeks since his last rut… it had been harder to not think of her that way, of what she would look like with his marking on her shoulder. What she would look like as she presented herself to him and what it would feel like as he sank into her and stretched her to him, how she’d clamp down around his knot… he did his best to shut it down when those thoughts appeared.
So yes, his gaze kept getting dragged over to her, no matter how hard he tried and his shorts felt uncomfortably tight even in the water but he did his best to focus on the  world around them.
It wasn’t working and Stiles felt like he needed a breath of air. Looking around, he caught sight of Theo who gave him a knowing look. Sending the were-coyote a desperate look,  Stiles waited until Theo simply nodded.
Quickly, Stiles made his way for the surface. No sooner than his head had broken through and he was gasping for air, taking large gulping breaths as he treaded above water.
The sound of their instructor calling his name caught his attention and Stiles had to turn to the man. Taking a moment to actually focus he realizes that the mans asking if he’s okay. The boat isn’t making its way over but he can see the life ring has been tossed out, floating just a little ways away.
The boat won’t come any closer in case there are others also on their way up.
“I’m fine!” he calls out to the man as he waves his hand in the air before giving the man the okay signal they’d been taught. ‘
Taking a few deep breaths, he allows his body to relax, forcing himself to get back under control before he dives under again and while it takes him a second to actually spot the others, he does so quickly and makes his way over to them.
It’s as he’s swimming over to them that he can see you making your way towards him, Theo and Malia just behind you. It isn’t until you’re close that he can see your face is twisted in worry and it throws him off balance for just a second when your body almost slams into his.
Your hands are instantly moving and it takes him a moment to realize that you’re actually signing to him.
Thinking back to the classes you’d gotten him to take, he  realizes that you’re pointing at him and then one hand is flat while the other is parallel moves against it in an almost fishlike move before you point at him again.
You do this movement a couple of times and Stiles eventually realizes that you’re asking him if he’s alright. He can’t remember how to sign that he’s fine but thankfully, he knows you paid attention to the instructor and he uses the same signal to tell you he’s fine…
It had been a small school of Masked Butterfly fish that had caught your attention and you’d turned around to get Stiles’ attention so he could see them too when you’d realized you couldn’t find him. You’d been looking around, moving enough to cause a ruckus and Theo had caught your attention. Pointing towards the surface and waving his arms.
Without a second thought, you’d propelled yourself upwards when you’d seen Stiles making his way back towards the reef. It had taken a bit of effort and you’d thanked swimming lessons when you managed to not slam into him.
A quick signed conversation later you realized he was fine. He’d probably just needed a little more air and didn’t wanna disturb you.
The group of you had been down for about seven minutes and you’d thought he would have still had air in the little pump thing they gave you guys, after all it was supposed to last ten minutes, but you shrugged it off.
Turning around, you realized that you could see the Butterfly fish not too far off and you still wanted to show Stiles so you pointed it out to him. But your lungs were starting to need more air so you motioned that you were heading back up for air real quick.
He nodded and followed along with you. When the two of you broke water, you gave him a skeptical look and all he did was smirk at you before pointing out, “Buddy system.”
“You left me alone!” you reminded him, playing at outrage.
“First off, I  did not, I told Theo to keep an eye on you,” he rebutted, “and besides, you didn’t even notice”
“For like a minute!”
“A minute I could have drowned in!” he dramatically grasped at his chest, making you laugh at his antics.
“Alright point taken,” you told him as you splashed some water at him,  before asking “but let’s go see the Masked Butterfly school then?”
“Which ones were those?”
“The yellow ones,” you remind him with a roll of your eyes.
You can hear Stiles laugh but shake your head before making your way back into the water. You meet up with Malia, Lydia, Jordan  and Theo.
Eventually, however, Scott, Kira and the others joined you and the pack simply enjoyed an early morning of snorkeling. You found that it was some of the most beautiful sights you’d ever seen. One of the things that you liked about traveling was the sights that you didn’t get in California.
Sure Big Bear was pretty, the beaches could be gorgeous and Yosemite was absolutely breathtaking but getting out of your little world.. Getting to travel and see the rest of the world. Well it always left you a bit breathless.
The Fijian reefs were so different from the ones you’d seen in Mexico. Perhaps it was just your memory but the colors were a thousand times brighter and you knew that there were animals you hadn’t seen in the waters in Mexico.
Kira and Alex seemed to be having a blast with it. Dragging each other towards different things.
You, Lydia, and Luke all got together and explored the area.
It wasn’t long before the morning got away from you and you each heard your respective instructors calling you back towards the boats.
Once you were on the boat, you slipped on the cover-up before you had Stiles tie the backing straps and you slipped on his shirt.
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Thankfully, the company had decided that they would honor Lydia’s request and decided they would drop you off on the other side of the island. It would take about 30 minutes to get to the other side.
You curled up with the girls and the three of you chatted away happily. While you didn’t mean to, you found your gaze kept sliding over to Stiles.
Having kept his shirt you had noticed that there were drops of water shining off his skin.
You could feel your breath catch in your throat and you must have been staring because a moment later, you can feel Lydia nudging you and when you look over, Malia’s giving you a knowing look.
You can feel your skin heat in embarrassment.
“See something you like?” Lydia teases you.
“Of course she does,” Malia chuckles and waggles her eyebrows at you.
“Shut up,” you mutter to the two girls.
You can hear both Theo and Jordan holding back a chortle and out of the corner of your eye, you can see both of the male's shoulders shaking.
Turning slightly, Stiles catches your eye and gives you a questioning look. Shaking your head all you can do is laugh softly because of course, this is how things work out.
Stiles merely shrugs at you before turning back towards the guys and the three of them seem to continue whatever conversation they’d been on.
You could feel your heart practically pounding in your throat and the girls just gave you knowing looks
Rolling your eyes, you shook your head.  It’s not like you weren’t actually aware of Stiles. Quite the opposite in fact.
Thankfully, they didn’t press the issue further and the three of you fall into your own conversation until, thankfully, you make it to the island again.  Scott, Kira, and the others are just behind you.
“Alright, let’s do lunch!” Stiles points out with a clap of his hands as you all get off the boat and his arm finds itself over your shoulders and you smile softly as you scoff softly.
Thankfully everyone agrees and you decide to go ahead and do some sightseeing after the fact.  The group of you find a smaller restaurant and, unsurprisingly, are advised that due to the size of your group, you’re going to have to wait for a little bit.
You catch up with Scott and Kira who are telling you about how their guide had actually suggested a pretty delicious family-owned restaurant for you to have dinner at. Apparently, they had taken a lot of the classic Fijian dishes and added American twists to them. Something they had learned the Americans appreciated.
The dishes were actually smaller dishes and served like samplers. You got to choose which one you wanted most. It would be a set of three, the dish that was the fusion, the American dish that it was fused with, and the classic Fijian dish that was the other half of it.
The idea sounded intriguing enough that mostly everyone seemed to agree with it. Theo, Liam,  and Alex were a bit more hesitant but they had agreed to it either way.
As the pack sat down and enjoyed their dinner, you all decided that you wanted to get back out in the water. Lydia had already suggested scuba diving and, thankfully, there was an area further out that you could go scuba diving in.
After some back and forth, Scott, Liam, and Theo thinking it would be better to get out there today, and Lydia, you, and Kira arguing that it would be better to get out there later this week as you’d already spent the morning in the water. Eventually, everyone agrees to go ahead and make it a trip for later in the week.
After lunch, the pack had decided that it would be good to explore the island a bit. After which, you would meet up at the villa before making your way down to Ivi Restaurant in order to enjoy a good night of food and some good old pack bonding.
Unsurprisingly, everyone kind of paired off with their significant others. You and Stiles started going through the small island where you knew you were obvious tourists, sticking out like a sore thumb in the crowds but you enjoyed it anyway.
You explored the little shops and made sure that you bought something from the locals. Things that were locally made. You’d promised yourself when Scott had taken the pack on their first out-of-country trip and Stiles had done a bunch of research about how some of the areas had issues with their own cultures disappearing because of tourism.
While buying the work didn’t fix the issue, it did help the people that lived in the area and you figured that was the  best possible action you could take.
While you were going through the shops you actually ended up meeting up with Scott and Kira, who had been doing pretty much the same thing. The four of you hung out for a little bit and as you moved through the island, you found yourself catching up with both of them.
You hadn’t actually realized how long it had been since you’d talked to either of them. So, linking your arm with Kira, pulling her closer to you with Scott and Stiles on either side of the two of you.
The four of you explored a few more shops and before you knew it, it was late enough in the day that you made your way towards the villa.  On the way, however, Kira wanted to stop and grab some groceries for the pack.
Nothing big, mostly just making sure there were some snacks and fruits that the pack could snack on. It had been something that she’d actually wanted to do yesterday but with how tired everyone had been and how much sleep she needed, she’d decided to hold off.
You had made your way through the island and had found a local outdoor market. Thankfully, you were able to get some items pretty quickly. It was mostly a lot of nuts and fruits but seeing as how that was something the entire pack was going to enjoy.
You and Stiles checked out a few different stalls for yourselves, trying to find something that you might want just for you. Picking up some strawberries and some nuts you were walking by a stall when a woman called the both of you over.
She offered you both a drink that was in a coconut shell. The thing was that it didn’t smell all that great and looked like maybe it was supposed to be water but it wasn’t actually very clear.
Looking over to Stiles, you knew he could see the question on your face and thankfully, he stepped in, clearing his throat, “Ummm what is it?”
“Kava,” the woman tells him, “It’s for you and your wife. It’s to relax, to smile, and for better sex.”
You can feel your skin heating up and you kind of want the ground to open up and swallow you whole.
Stiles’ face flushes a pretty red and you know that he’s feeling the same way. It’s the same look he’d had last night with the masseurs. He looked panicked and this time, you figured you’d save him.
Clearing your throat, you stepped forward, somewhat between him and the woman and cleared your throat, “Thank you… umm.. It will be good for relaxation.”
She looks between the two of you almost questioningly but you simply take the drink from her and shrug your shoulders.
Thanking the woman, you offer Stiles a soft, slightly embarrassed smile before the two of you make your way back towards the villa with Scott and Kira not far behind you.
Once you make it to the Villa you find that the rest of the pack was already there. They had apparently decided to make the most of their varying time with some intentional couple time.
It took you all of half a second to realize what that meant for some of them and you didn’t bother to bite back your laugh. After all, it had to be uncomfortable for the were’s in the group to have to listen to or smell some of the others.
Malia had shoved you with her shoulder, as retaliation, as she walked by her. Making you laugh even harder.
“Don’t be a jerk,” she mutters to you, “Too many scents.”
“You could’ve left,”  you point out to her, sticking your tongue out.
She merely shrugged her shoulders and offered you a wink.
“Well as wonderful as this all is,” Lydia’s voice cuts in, “We have reservations. Go get ready, all of you.”
You can see Stiles out of the corner of your eye and you know he’s rolling his eyes before he gives Malia a mock salute with two fingers making you laugh,
The two of you make your way back towards the room you’re sharing and you know that the others are making their way towards their rooms as well.
Rummaging through your clothes you realize that the last resort you had stayed at had a dress code when you went to the restaurants and you had no idea what this one was.
“Hey Sti?” You ask as you turn around from the clothes on your side of the closet and towards the brunette who’s holding up a set of different shirts, a regular t-shirt, and a button-up.
He looks up, meeting your gaze and he’s thinking the same thing because he smirks and asks you, “Dress code right?”
You nod your head and he’s practically bounding out the door, likely in search of Lydia, and you chuckle as you pull out a couple different options. Thankfully, you had brought a pretty stable wardrobe for the week with a few statement pieces that could either make an outfit more casual or more dressed up.
Grabbing Stiles’ flannel that you’d slept in and a clean pair of underwear, you made your way towards the bathroom
While you were showering, Stiles’ voice echoed through the bathroom,  “Lydia said they told her smart casual. But make sure you wear pants cause they’re expecting cold weather.”
“Got it!” you called out from under the water.
Once you were out of the shower, you walked out to find Stiles had changed into a pair of dark blue jeans, a black shirt, and a black button-up that he had thrown on top of the shirt. The sleeves were rolled up and you were treated to the sight of his forearms, one of your personal favorite features of his.
You must have stared too long because you can feel his eyes on you and you glance up to meet his eyes. He’s giving you a knowing look and you can feel your skin heat up.
“Don’t look at me in that tone of voice,” you tell him.
“I didn’t say anything!” he defends himself, a laugh on his lips,   and you can’t help but snort.
“Your face did,’” you tell him as you cross over to the closet and grab a pair of dark blue wash jeans, a white cotton shirt that’s loose and flowy in the front, scooping down further in the front but it’s not so loose that you drown in it.  Going through your shoes, it takes you a second but you settle on a pair of black sandals you had brought specifically for the beach. Everything else seemed either too casual or too… much.
You stick your tongue out at him, playfully, before you start to make your way over towards the doors when Stiles calls your name. A glance back and he’s lifting his jacket, a reminder that you need your own.
You make your way back towards the closet and grab the caramel-colored pleather jacket that he’d gifted you last year for Christmas and you shrug it on, happy that it’s just enough to keep you warm and comfortable enough that you can move mostly freely in the material.
The two of you met with the rest of the pack a few minutes later when Lydia got a look at your shoes and practically screeched in outrage. All you could do was raise an eyebrow at her and share a confused look with Parrish who just signed as he shook his head affectionately while the redheaded banshee ran to their shared room. Before anyone could actually say anything, she was out of the room again. A pair of nude heels with a thin strap across the toes and around the ankle with a thick chunky heel for you to use.
“Use these,” she practically hissed at you as she shoved the heels into your arms. Trying not to chuckle, you nodded your head and did as you were told.
You’d learned long ago that when Lydia was on one of her fashion moments, it was best to just follow along and do as she asked.
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Finally, finally, after what had felt like forever - the pack made its way towards the main part of the island. You had to take another boat to get to Ivi Restaurant.
Thankfully, someone, likely Lydia or Mason, had had the foresight to call ahead and when you got there, you were only waiting a few minutes before your large group was being seated.
The table had a beautiful view of the ocean and you quickly took a seat on the side of the table where you would be able to see it. Would be able to watch the sunset over the beautiful water as you and your friends enjoyed the night.
Everyone ordered something. Luke had even asked for a possible vegan option - something that had thrown the waiter off for a moment before she asked you all to give her a second.
She came back with the chef a few minutes later who, after talking to Luke and getting his preferences, asked if he would trust her to put something together.
Luke had wholeheartedly agree before the woman had nodded and made her way back towards the kitchens. You all sipped on your respective drinks and talked about what you had done during the day… meaning most of the conversation was about Kira, Scott, Stiles and you as the rest of the group had made the most of their time just being a couple while the four of you had managed to actually explore.
You felt your eyes widen as Kira shared about your trip to the market. Apparently, she had overheard the woman about you and Stiles when she sold you the Kava and you couldn’t help but drop your head into your hands as the rest of the pack just laughed at your poor misfortune.
Thankfully, before you could scold any of them, the food came out.
The chef had made Luke something that looked like a taco that must have been tofu-based, something that looked for all the world to be green curry, a salad that was filled with local fruits that had to be in season currently, including oranges, and a rice dish that smelled like heaven.
The pack just spent the night together, the  moment settling something in your soul as you got lost in this moment.
With these people that you called home.
Time had flown by and the next thing that you knew, you felt a hand on your thigh. Looking over, you saw Stiles motioning towards the water behind Luke.
Following his line of sight, you felt your breath get caught in your throat at the site in front of you. You had seen beautiful sunsets before but there was something about the way that the sunset over the beautiful crystalline water took your breath away.
Stiles had to remind himself to breathe.  One of his favorite things was to just watch you. It always soothed something in him, made him feel warm inside in a way he couldn’t really explain. Looking at you now, he felt his heart catch in his throat, the way that your face lit up at the  sight of the sun setting in front of you.
Stiles couldn’t properly describe it but if he did have to put words to it…. Well it was like watching an old man, blind from cataracts, being gifted with sight again and seeing the world with an appreciation that most people would never know to have… that most people would never know to even consider.
That was just Y/N’s way though. When the rest of the world was too busy to notice the beauty in front of them. Hell even when the pack was too busy to notice the beauty in front of them, she always noticed it. She always took the time to see beauty in the world around her and, in return, the world gifted her with the most beautiful sights to exist.
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Do not copy and paste my writing anywhere without my consent. This work is the property of lettersofwrittencollective. Associated characters belong to MTV and are being borrowed for this work, all OC’s are the property of lettersofwrittencollective. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher
Posted 17 Apri 2021
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ijustdontlikepeople · 3 years
for the salty asks: based on a quick look at your tags, think i'm also a fan of most things you are, so pls answer these with any fandom in mind 😌
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? (i'll suggest teen wolf bc there's a lot to choose from lmao but really any show is fine)
23. Unpopular character you love?
+ any other one you wanna answer 💫😚
I just saw this! Sorry if it’s been a few days!
5. I don’t think fandom itself has ever ruined a ship for me. Writers definitely have but I can’t think of a fandom that’s done it on its own.
11. I like Lizzie Saltzman and Caroline Forbes from tvd! They were pretty unpopular at the beginning of their respective shows but I think they’ve gained some traction! People disliked them because they were both kind of bitchy from a place of insecurity. Caroline put on fake niceness, and Lizzie was outwardly hostile. I felt for Caroline from the get go. And watching lizzie struggle with her mental health, i kind of understood her. Her issues didn’t excuse her actions but it explained them. Plus, they were always funny and interesting.
On Teen Wolf, I love Cora. I don’t think people dislike her but I think she’s underrated.
I thought Octavia was always interesting and she had some really spikes and valleys in her popularity in The 100. She did terrible things when leading the bunker, but I read a very interesting opinion piece on the level of accountability placed on her vs Abby and Kane. I don’t think she did the right thing, but I still enjoyed watching her character. I always liked Gabriel in the 100 too. He was so interesting. I think people disliked him bc all of season 6 was so jarringly different from the rest of the 100. And bc he he created the whatever chip things. But he was smart, cute, and deeply sad so you know I’m interested.
16. Things I would change about Teen Wolf? Wow there’s so much to choose from! First, I’d pretty much leave canon up to season 4. Kira never goes to the skinwalkers and remains main cast. Sterek is canon (down the road, like Stiles Junior year of college maybe? Make up for all the queerbaiting) Emotionally, I want Erica and Boyd back, but plot wise their deaths made sense so instead I’ll settle for them actually remembered and Isaac not fucking off to France. Actual Hale Pack! True Alpha Scott is great but my heart lives with Derek Hale and he’s lost so much he should get to have his pack with his found family. Oh! Cora’s here too! Jackson as Peter’s son! Maybe we make a few new additions to the pack Liam still gets bit, dragging Mason in too.
Plot line maybe involving the recognition of Deaton as untrustworthy! Also Spark!Stiles supremacy!!! They dropped in that he had magic and then forgot about it! So let’s say, coming off the nogistune possession Stiles starts getting powers; the possession awakened his dormant magic. Stiles starts learning magic from Deaton but he does research on his own. He figures out Deaton isn’t telling him everything. Something to this tune. Maybe a big evil too. Vampires? Lydia dates vampire?
Let me add in here a few small critiques of 2 other shows too.
The 100: season 6 and 7 do not happen. Bellarke ends up together raising Madi. Earth is hospitable. Memori and Marper have kids. Dealing with harsh climates since the nuclear explosion and internal issues. (Might sound boring but I think I would have liked it better lol)
TVD: Damon doesn’t do anything to Caroline in season 1, because I rewatched season 1 recently and it ruins his entire character for me. Give Bonnie some happiness that lasts. Many other things.
23. So I’ve kind of answered this with 11. But I’ll add, some people really dislike Clarke Griffin and I love her. She has done many terrible things but as a character she is so good to watch. (I’m ignoring season 7 bc it doesn’t exist in my head). I loved Jackson on The Originals too. (I feel like I don’t have a great idea of people the fandom dislikes or are unpopular).
Thank u so much for asking!! I hope these answers are fun! ♥️😄
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screamxqueenx94 · 3 years
Hey ! Could I request a Teen Wolf ship please? Bi and ace, she/her. I'm an INFP, my enneagram is 4w3, and I'm a Pisces sun & moon and Sagittarius rising - I'm also a Hufflepuff ! Although when I was younger I was definitely such a Slytherin, I've changed and grew as a person over the years - although not quite physically ! I'm 4'11, and I have straight, chest length, deep plum coloured hair with layers, blue eyes, and far too many freckles. According to friends, upon first appearance I seem quite aloof, but once a conversation is struck, I just don't know how to shut up. I'm very bubbly and sociable, but I also get overwhelmed by spending too much time with other people (it could be due to me being an introvert, or the anxiety, or the ADHD - I'm not entirely sure which, if any, is responsible) and need to distance myself from people quite often to recharge my social battery. Wine aunt friend with terrible dad jokes. I'm currently studying Arts & Humanities, and I hope to become a journalist upon graduation, but if that doesn't work out I'd love to be a drama teacher. I wish I was more spontaneous and outgoing, but I'm such a homebody - my hobbies include reading, writing, and playing an unhealthy amount of the sims. In high school, I was head of the journalism club, as well as editor of our yearbook - I was also involved in debate. I've also been involved in theatre my whole life outside of school. My style is a little bit all over the place - I love to dress smart, but sometimes that means glam to lectures and other times that means like dressing like somebody's grandfather to a fancy meal. This also goes for music, too, and I'll listen to most genres and most decades (except classical, put some of that on and I'll be out like a light !).
Random fun fact speed run time ! I'm from the UK (Liverpool !) and my accent is annoyingly strong. I suffer with sensory issues and can't eat certain foods or touch certain fabrics (like cheese, or scratchy wool). I had my ears pierced but they closed up - I won't get them redone because the gun got caught on my ears last time (thick lobes, apparently) and I'm scared of needles. Which is also why I'd never get a tattoo, but when I was younger all I ever wanted was to be covered in tattoos and have a bunch of piercings, but that wasn't to be. I ramble a LOT (clearly !). I've never been in a relationship before. I like pubs but clubs are a no-go, I've got really bad crowd anxiety. My favourite scent is actually this off brand body spray I got in a Boots christmas set (bergamot, cedarwood and amber) and I wear it all the time.
I'm sorry, that was a lot of information ! Thank you so much 💛
Hi love! You're fine, I didn't mind cuz I ramble sometimes too lol! Okay, so immediately once I started reading this, I knew exactly who I was shipping you with. Might shock you, but stay with me okay? Lol (I also thought Kira, but this one seemed to fit a little more in my opinion)
I ship you with Scott McCall
Tumblr media
You seem like a sweetheart, so why not pair with another known sweetheart?
Scott is kinda aloof too, but your guys' conversations can get so deep and last for hours
It gets to the point where you two know everything about each other
Maybe even a little more than what Stiles knows
I personally think Scott is a mix of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and Hufflepuffs get along with just about anyone so you two would definitely be like two peas in a bod
With Scott being the second shortest guy in the pack (apart from Liam) you being 4'11" will make him feel so tall and boost his confidence a little bit
Because we know he's not always confident in himself (and that's okay)
Now with being ace; Scott is a horny boy, let's just be honest
However, he also drinks his respect women juice on a daily and would never do anything that would make you uncomfortable and wouldn't ever make you feel like you had to do anything
He respects you and what you feel
He could find other nonsexual ways to be intimate with you very well
And as for being bi as well; doesn't bother him in the slightest
He's fully supportive
He probably put a sticker saying "I got a bi 'wife'" on his motorcycle along with an LGBT alley sticker lol
Your eyes and freckles are probably his most favorite things about your physical self
He loves to count your freckles while you two are counting, which will more than likely lead into a tickle fight
He usually wins, but will give you sweet little kisses after
He also thinks your hair is totally badass
He thinks it gives you an edge and refers to you as a badass as well
When you start feeling overwhelmed socially, he's quick to remove you from the social situation without it being awkward and gets you home
And if you were to tell him that that included him, he'd completely understand and probably go hang out with Stiles or even Deaton
He loves your dad jokes, even the really bad ones
He says "they're only funny when you tell them" and he genuinely means that
As for the wine aunt friend of your group, that's fine cuz he's the mom friend so he's got this
You sit back and relax and he'll make sure things go smoothly
He's your biggest supporter of your dreams
He also knows that no matter what you put your mind to, you'll get it done due to your 4w3 ennegram (I had to research it lol)
There's no shame in being a homebody
And he tells you that
But he'll occasionally be spontaneous and take you on a random adventure to just to add a little excitement to life
Like taking a ride on his bike along the coast on a Tuesday
Or to like band at a pub on a Thursday
Or anything random that would definitely be fun and just out of nowhere
I think Scott would probably try to tell you how unhealthy the amount of time you play the Sims is, but he won't force you to stop
"at least take a break to stretch your body and drink some water" he'd insist
Because he cares lol
He'd also be super interested in what you're reading or writing and could listen to you talk about it for hours
I also fully believe he'd love your accent; like wholeheartedly believe that
He loves your style because he never knows what to expect
He almost makes it into game
"Hmmm, what is y/n gonna show up in today?" Is what he calls it
Not that he actually cares, because he always thinks you're beautiful
But it's a fun guessing game lol
I feel like he's very eclectic with music too
Both of you listening to the most random music on your playlists together and sharing music the other may not have heard
He loves it and hopes you do too
He does his best to accommodate to your sensory issues
It does make it hard to surprise you with gifts or cook for you sometimes, but I'm the end, he knows well enough what bothers you and what doesn't and when you love it, he's such a proud pup
If you chose to get your ears repierced, he'd take you to get them professionally done, and would hold your hand and talk to you the whole time because he knows and understands that you're scared of needles
If you decided not to, he'd make sure to find some cool clip on or magnetic earrings so you can still have the luxury of earrings without all the pain of piercing them
Same with the tattoos, if you wanted them, he'd go with you, hold your hand and keep you distracted from the needles
And if decided not to, no problem!
He might order you some cool fake tats online for you when you're thinking about it and just wanna test it out first or if you just feel like having one for the day lol
Either way, this little bean is super supportive and understanding
He doesn't mind your rambling
He'd listen to it all day if he could lol
He'd feel honored to be your first relationship
He's not the most patient at times, but he is understanding and really wants you be happy in this relationship
Because lowkey, he also is kinda hoping it's your last 💍*hint hint
Whatever is your favorite scent to wear, he wouldn't care where he had to go to find it, or how much it cost, he'd make sure you had it
Also, he'd love to take a trip to your hometown with you and can show him all your favorite spots and all the cool things that you really enjoy there
He'd love them because you do and is all about keeping you happy
He'd even move there if that's what you wanted
That's all I got! Thank you so much for sending it in babes! Sorry it took me so long, life's been busy, but I'm hoping to be able to do more of these! I really hope you liked it!
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how I would do the Teen Wolf reunion
it wouldn't be a whole season, maybe like a two hour special (divided in part 1 and part 2).
it's 5 years in the future, and none of the pack members live in Beacon Hills anymore.
Stiles & Lydia
For me, they're still together. They got married and had a small wedding with the pack and their family only present.
I liked Holland's idea of Lydia working in making vaccines, so that's what she does. Stiles is a deputy working in their cities' Police Department (i don't really know in what city they would live, but maybe in Washington?)
He's obviously a veterinarian and he's the best at what he does. He's single (i don't really see him and Malia together, i'm sorry).
He left Beacon Hills to work on himself, but he has major separation anxiety issues. He always has the feeling that they need him.
She always wanted to go to France, so she does. There she meets Isaac (i know, i know, bear with me. I always thought they would be cute together, and we know Isaac likes badass women, so why not?)
I don't really know what Malia would do as a job, but maybe she would work at a bakery or even as a teacher (i somehow picture her being really good with kids).
The one thing I know is that she has a chill life.
Liam & Theo
I'm sorry Dylan Sprayberry, Thiam is canon in this house.
They had so much potencial, and I would explore that.
Their story is the trope enemies-to friends-to lovers. Liam helps Theo become a better person and gives him the love and support he deserves.
They live in a big modern house. Liam is a lacrosse player and Theo is a gym instructor (?) They volunteer in everything they can (dog shelters, nursing homes, hospitals). They really love to help others.
He's far away from Beacon Hills and he would never come back (unless Scott calls him and tells him that he needs him). He's still with Breaden and they're the most badass couple ever.
Honestly i just want him to be happy and safe.
Tbh Khylin killed it with his future. Mason would 100% study Mythology and he would investigate everything about the supernatural. My boy is freaking smart and intense.
He and Cory are still together and happy.
The reason they would come back to Beacon Hills
Melissa's wedding (it could either be with the Sheriff or Argent, i'm pretty thorn) (for one side, i would like to see Scott and Stiles to become actual brothers and see them as a big happy family) (but I really liked Chris and Melissa together, and Scott would give Argent a speech about how Allison would be happy for him and that he deserves to have a family again...)
Anyways, all of them come back to BH for the wedding and they have a reunion and yay, they love each other.
But uh oh, something supernatural happens and they need to solve it (what a surprise).
I want that thing to involve Kira because her storyline deserved more attention. Maybe she escaped for the Skinwalkers and is a badass warrior on her own, but the Skinwalkers are after her? I don't know, i just want to see more of Kira.
So they solve the problem and it's time for the wedding, yay.
Scott and Kira reunite and they're back together (aw).
A few years in the future, after his dad retires, Stiles realizes that he wants to be the Sheriff, so he and Lydia move back. Also, they have twins (they would be called Claudia and Allison, one is a banshee and the other is human).
Everyone is happy and in love.
And most importantly, we get the conclusion we deserve.
The end.
Note: i know this is kind of a mess, but i had some ideas in my brain that i had to let out.
Feel free to tell me what you would do with the reunion (a season, a movie, a two or three part special).
But please be kind, we all have our different opinions and likes, and there's no reason to fight❤
I really miss Teen Wolf :(
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vs-redemption · 3 years
for the character ask game: Luck, Magna, Finral, Gauche and Vanessa
From Cindy: Hey anon! I’m sorry this took so long to post! I just had to really think about some of these! It was super fun to write though, so thank you so much!
*Sorry this is so long!*
Luck Voltia
First impression
I had a tough time getting over the fact that his English VA was the same as Midoriya from BNHA at first, but thankfully that went away pretty fast. I pretty much loved Luck immediately though. I heard him trying to fight people with that crazy look on his face and was sold. I also lost my mind a bit when they started calling him the “cheery berserker.” Like, please give me a nickname like this please.
Impression now
I still love Luck a lot! My initial reasoning still stands, but I’ve also enjoyed that we’ve had a few peeks into his past and inner workings of his mind to understand not only WHY he acts the way he does but also gain an understanding that he has complex emotions and isn’t just a crazy fighting machine.
Favorite moment
All Luck moments are great, but I always laugh when I think about the time Mereoleona blasted into the Black Bulls hideout to kidnap people for training. Everyone else looked horrified to be dragged away by her fire claw arms, but Luck just has this super happy excited look on his face! He’s so cute.
Idea for a story
What about Luck discovering he loves a hobby other than fighting? Like singing or drawing? Or an AU where he’s in a boy band or something ahaha
Unpopular opinion
I do love his friendship with Magna, but I do feel like it’s a bit unbalanced at times and maybe toxic for Magna. I’ve said this before, but Magna is pretty sensitive and seems to get genuinely upset when Luck manages to outperform him, especially when Luck managed to get into the magic knights and he didn’t. Luck is also kinda blunt about things sometimes, and even if he doesn’t really mean any harm by it, it makes me feel bad for Magna.
Favorite relationship
Despite what I just said, of course I enjoy Luck and Magna’s relationship. Luck inspires Magna to get stronger, and Magna is patient enough to endure Luck’s antics while also serving as an example of what human relationships should look like since poor Luck has such a weird, unhealthy relationship/attachment to his mom.
Favorite headcanon
It’s hard to imagine Luck in a romantic relationship since he’s just a small ball of crazy energy, but I’d like to think he’d be super warm and cuddly with someone he loves.
Magna Swing
First impression
I had a hard time knowing how I felt about Magna at first. I never disliked him but I went back and forth about him a lot and I’m not sure why. I’m naturally drawn to characters associated with fire, so I liked his magic right away. I suppose it took me a while to get used to his personality though. I think his appearance threw me off a bit too.
Impression now
I’m cool with Magna! He acts loud and tough all the time, but inside he’s actually really sweet. He’s a hard worker, which I respect, and he deeply cares about his friends and teammates in the black bulls.
Favorite moment
I like when he introduced that new vanishing fireball attack (I think against Asta in the royal knight exam). That was so cool that he adapted his power and learned from the mistakes from previous fights. I also just love any time he freaks out and starts batting fireballs at Luck. It’s funny. Or any time he screams about his crazy cyclone.
Idea for a story
What if someone wrote a fic where Magna joins the Crimson Lions instead of the Black Bulls? He could train his fire magic with the Vermillion family. That might be neat.
Unpopular opinion
Magna isn’t really my type, looks wise, but I definitely did a double take during the elf fights when his sunglasses were off and his hair was all disheveled.
Favorite relationship
I really like Magna’s relationship with Yami. Magna really respects the captain, and it’s nice to see them go out and do their gambling together even though it usually ends up with them returning empty handed and naked. haha
Favorite headcanon
Magna seems pretty shy about relationship stuff. He looks and acts like a punk, but I bet he’d be a perfect gentleman to his significant other. I can imagine him defending their honor or just taking care of any assholes who try to bully them.
Finral Roulacase
First impression
Oh Finral! It’s hard to remember clearly, but I think I felt disappointed with him at first. He was just kind of this guy that was obsessed with getting a date and used by Yami for making portals. I didn’t like how lazy and unmotivated he seemed.
Impression now
I am a firm believer that Finral is a precious bean and I love him so much! Now that I know where his insecurities come from, I can understand and sympathize with his nervousness and low self-confidence. I absolutely love how he’s been working harder and learning to use his magic in more useful ways to become a more valuable member of the team though. He’s starting to stand up for himself and become not only a better magic knight, but a better person in general too. (Although his flirting never bugged me that much)
Favorite moment
I don’t like that Finral got hurt so badly, but the moment where Langris was attacking him and every member of the black bulls rushed to stop him was really powerful. It showed that he was a loved member of the squad, plus the whole fact that he was finally making a stand against his brother was a big deal for him.
Idea for a story
I’d like to read anything about Finral with someone, either a friend or partner, who gives him lots of affection and verbal praise so the poor guy can build up his confidence a little. He deserves that. Smother him with love and affection! Do it!
Unpopular opinion
I don’t really care for the whole “competing to marry Lady Finesse” thing. I want Finral to find happiness and be able to have a comfortable and respected role within his family, but I’m not too concerned about if he ends up with her.
Favorite relationship
I’ve been thinking about this for a few minutes and I honestly can’t come up with one, which is sad. Maybe I’m forgetting someone but it doesn’t seem like Finral has any close relationships/friendships. I know he’s friends with everyone in the Black Bulls but nobody stands out as being especially close to him.
Favorite headcanon
Finral probably has a lot of guilty pleasure hobbies that help him manage his anxiety. For example baking, knitting, reading romance novels, or listening to cheesy love songs.
 Vanessa Enoteca
First impression
I feel like I was just curious and confused about most of the Black Bulls when they were first introduced because they all seemed like… lazy or unmotivated, so I didn’t understand why they were even in the magic knights or how they passed the exam. Turns out Yami just hands out Black Bull robes like Halloween candy. lolol
Impression now
I like the growth her character has gone through during the series. She seemed like a lazy drunk at first, but when she is motivated she is REALLY motivated. Her loyalty to the Black Bulls is so absolute that it seems like she’d sacrifice ANYTHING or pay any price for her friends.
Favorite moment
When she goes back to the witch queen and offers to give up her freedom to try and save Asta’s arms. It is such a selfless thing to do and it just shows how much Vanessa loves her teammates.
Idea for a story
Uh… a soulmate AU that involves her red thread magic?
Unpopular opinion
I thought it was kind of random that she apparently has a crush on Yami. Like, its fine… I also have a crush on Yami, but I didn’t think it was necessary. Her admiration for him could just be platonic and that would be just as meaningful.
Favorite relationship
Either her relationship with Finral or her relationship with Yami probably. Even though I’m not a huge fan of the green in Finral’s hair, I think it’s cute that he came to Vanessa for advice and that she wants to help him reinvent himself.
Favorite headcanon
Why did I just think of Vanessa and Gordon running an apothecary together? They can just brew potions and poisons together and it would be great. I don’t know.
Gauche Adlai
First impression
Was I supposed to have any other impression than that he was a super creepy sister lover? haha
Impression now
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over the sister thing. That actually upsets me because everything else about Gauche is so cool to me. His magic is really awesome, and I love how unique and creative it is. And honestly, I don’t even care that he’s obsessed with his sister. I get that she’s the only family he really had and that he’s protective, but it doesn’t have to be that weird. It really doesn’t.
Favorite moment
I really liked when he used his magic to make a bunch of doubles of Asta, and every other time he caved and actually worked together with other members of the Black bulls. I also like whenever he blasts Asta with a mirror out of nowhere because Marie said something about liking him. Poor Asta has no idea why he’s getting attacked.
Idea for a story
Oh! How about Gauche taking over the church where his sister lives and becoming the protector of all the children? Or he could run a “scared straight” program where he intimidates delinquents into becoming better citizens.
Unpopular opinion
I’m not sure but I think most of his lines about Marie are actually hilarious. Like when he wouldn’t attack Sally’s monster thing because it looked like Marie. That was amusing. It’s just that when his nose starts bleeding and stuff, that makes it go from funny to awkward and creepy.
Favorite relationship
I’ll go with his relationship with the nun. He is such an asshole to her, but she throws it back without hesitation.
Favorite headcanon
I have no idea, but can we start shipping him with that scales dude (Damnatio Kira). I just thought of that and it’s making me happy to imagine it.
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440mxs-wife · 3 years
The Hunter’s Princess- Chapter 3: Winchester Castle
Pairing: Dean x OFC Kira (eventual), Prince!Dean x OFC Lady Kira. Other Characters: Sam Winchester, Prince!Sam Winchester, Castiel, Rowena, Gabriel, King!John, Queen!Mary, Lucifer and assorted minor characters.
Chapter 3 Word Count: 3145+
Warnings: Dean nightmare, Prince!Dean jealous, fluff with Castiel. Each chapter will have individual warnings as needed.
A/N: This is from some material that’s been rattling around in my head from another project that changed direction. Couldn’t let all this content go to waste, though, so here it is. It’s a work-in-progress, and I will try and update as regularly as I can. If you want to be tagged in this series, send me a message!
Thank you and happy reading!
Two days later, the carriage reached the gates of Winchester Castle. Once inside its walls, Kira was in awe of how much larger it was than her own humble dwelling. As they passed the stable area, Kira saw a short, white-haired man brushing down one of the horses. "Pardon me, sir?" she called.
The man wandered over as the carriage rolled to a brief stop. As soon as he saw who was in the carriage, he removed his cap and gave the ladies a deep bow. "My name is Collins, Lady Kira. I am in charge of the stables. How may I serve you?"
"It's very nice to meet you, Collins," she smiled. "You may help me, kind sir, by letting my driver know where he can park our rig. I need to report for the Princes' Challenge, and I'm sure, be shown to our quarters," she finished.
"It would be an honor, Lady Kira," Collins grinned and winked at her as he proceeded to give the driver the directions he needed.
"Thank you very much, Collins. I hope to see you again, as I love horses. I don't get to ride as often as I'd like, but maybe while I'm here, I'll get an opportunity," Kira remarked.
"Our stables are at your command, Lady Kira. Whenever you fancy a ride, please come down to the stables and ask for me. I would be honored to assist you," Collins replied, with a twinkle in his eye.
Kira laughed and bid him farewell, as the carriage continued to its destination. She and Rowena were shown to their rooms, where they were each assigned a lady's maid. Rowena's was named Katherine and Kira's was named Sarah. When she introduced herself, Kira felt a little dizzy as a feeling of déjà-vu played in her mind. Sarah looked concerned, but Kira assured her she was fine, just needed a drink of water. Sarah quickly poured a glass from the pitcher on the dresser and handed it to Kira, who smiled gratefully, and promptly drained the contents.
"Thank you so much, Sarah. I appreciate it. I think I'll do some unpacking now," Kira said as she moved to open the trunk.
Sarah intercepted her before Kira could put one finger on the trunk. "I will do that for you, Miss. Please, relax. You're competing in the Princes' Challenge, so you'll need to save your strength," she reminded Kira. "Dinner will be at 7 o'clock for any of the competitors who have arrived. May I suggest you wear this?" Sarah held up a pastel green silk empire-waisted gown with cap sleeves. The skirt was dotted with pale pink mini-rosettes embroidered throughout.
Kira marveled at the selection, but did not recall packing such a dress. Rowena. Kira shook her head in amusement as her fingers brushed the locket around her neck. "That will do very nicely, thank you Sarah," Kira responded. "I would like to freshen up a bit from our long carriage ride. Can you please arrange a bath for me in a couple of hours? I'd like to tour the grounds for now, if that's all right," she added.
"Yes, Miss," she said as she curtsied lightly. Kira gently put her hand on Sarah's arm. "When we're in here, just us or with Lady Rowena? You don't need to curtsy. I may be 'Lady Kira', but I'm a little less....formal than most royals, if that makes any sense," she chuckled lightly. This seemed to put Sarah a bit more at ease. "Thank you, Miss. I'll try to remember," she said as she smiled warmly.
Kira decided to check in with Rowena and find out if there were any other surprises in her wardrobe. As she turned around from closing the door, Kira nearly slammed into a raven-haired woman, a little taller than her, dressed in a red satin gown. "Pardon me, I didn't see you there," Kira apologized.
"Then you should watch where you're going," she seethed. "If you don't want to end up on the floor, that is," she smirked.
"Now, Serena, you need to control your temper a bit. It's not her fault she's so clumsy," a man's voice calmly broke in. Kira looked and saw a man with ice blue eyes and sandy blond hair. Lucifer. Her mouth ran dry and she excused herself before he could see the look of absolute terror on her face. Kira hastily knocked on Rowena's door and as soon as it opened, she rushed in, her entire body shaking.
"Och, Kira dear, you look like you've seen a ghost!" Rowena exclaimed. One look at Kira's face told Rowena that she was not far off the mark. "Katherine dear, would you please excuse us?" Katherine nodded and exited the room. "What's wrong, darlin'?" Rowena asked.
"I was coming out of my room, and bumped into someone. I apologized, but she was rather rude about the whole thing. Told me to 'watch where I was going if I didn't want to end up on the floor'. Then a man came up behind her and it was Lucifer," Kira explained.
Rowena's eyes got wide, then she seemed to collect herself again. "I was hoping we could avoid him, but it seems not. Listen to me: you must keep that locket of yours in your possession at all times. No exceptions," she ordered.
"Why? It's just a locket from my mother's jewelry box that she never got around to giving me. What could Lucifer possibly want it for?" Kira asked.
"Darlin', that locket is a very powerful charmed object. It's what brought you here. Your dear mother didn't get a chance to tell you anything about the locket and all of its power. You know as well as I do that if Lucifer got his hands on it, his power would know no limits. He could do the same as you, move freely about the multiverse."
Rowena continued. "Just think of all the trouble he'd cause in those other dimensions, which might even affect our home dimension at some point. Let's face it: we all know that Lucifer is not exactly the poster boy for 'self-control'. It is imperative that you keep hold of that locket, Kira," she finished.
Kira thought back to how the locket glowed in her hands just before she ended up here. Lucifer is a powerful enough archangel as it is. If he were to get hold of the locket....there'd be no stopping him, Kira thought. To her, that was unacceptable. Not to mention, it's her only ticket home after accomplishing whatever it is she's supposed to do here. In that moment, Kira vowed to Rowena that she would protect the locket with everything she had.
Dean went to his room in the bunker to try and get some sleep, at least his usual four hours. However, all he could think of was Kira and how far away from him she is right now. He'd give nearly anything to see her beautiful smile or lose himself in the depths of her soft, hazel eyes. He missed hearing her sing in the kitchen while she was making dinner. The bunker was way too quiet with just him and Sam in it.
If Dean really stopped to think about it, he'd been in love with Kira for quite a long time. Probably started after she started showing him up on the firing range. Dean was never truly upset about Kira being the better shot, but how else was he supposed to get pie? Besides, when she shot the targets better than he did, it always made her smile. And damn, did he love to see her smile.
Where are you, Kira my love? Dean silently wondered. Suddenly, her face appeared before him, but it was like she was looking through him to what was behind him. The look of terror on her face made his blood run cold and was enough to make him turn around to see what it was. Lucifer. Dammit, he was with Kira wherever she was. Oh, Kira darlin', hang on.
Dean was jolted awake and scrambled to sitting upright in bed, taking in huge gulps of air. A sheen of perspiration was on his brow and his T-shirt was soaked.
"What?? What is it?? Dean?!?" Sam shouted as he burst through the door. He heard Dean cry out in terror, which brought him to the door. Sam took in his brother's disheveled appearance and knew he'd had a nightmare of some kind, one involving Kira.
"I saw her. Wherever Kira is, I saw her, Sammy. And she's not alone. I also saw Lucifer," Dean rasped.
"No....." Sam whispered. "Okay, while you change into a dry shirt, I'm gonna call Cas. See if he's come up with anything new, or if Gabriel's been in touch with Cas instead of us," Sam muttered.
After her encounter with Lucifer, Kira was still a little shaken up. There was no way she was going to catch a nap before dinner, so she decided to tour the grounds a bit. She started in the gardens, which were breathtaking, to say the least. There were so many beautiful flowers that it would take a lifetime to sample each of their fragrances.
Kira lingered most over the lilac bushes, as they were her favorite scent for the brief time that they are in bloom. Kira sat down on a stone bench near the lilac bushes. She closed her eyes and just listened to all of the sounds of nature happening around her.
"Did you know that a honey bee visits 50 to 100 flowers during a collection trip?" a gruff voice behind her said. Kira shrieked in surprise and nearly fell off the bench.
"Wh-what did you say?" she turned to see a man with dark hair and vibrant blue eyes. Where have I seen him before? Kira asked herself as she regained her composure.
"I am sorry to have frightened you, Miss--" he started.
"Lady Kira. And you are?" she responded.
He immediately knelt before her, bowed his head and drew his right arm across his chest. "Forgive me, my lady, I did not realize who you were when I disturbed you. My name is Castiel, head of security and friend to Princes Dean and Samuel. With your permission, I will take my leave of you," he said, rising to his feet.
Kira placed her hand on Castiel's arm to stop his retreat. "Please, Castiel. There's no need to leave. I was on a self-guided tour of the grounds. Besides, I enjoy learning something new every day. For instance, did you know that a honey bee can fly for up to six miles and as fast as 15 miles per hour?" Kira asked, a smile twitching at the corners of her mouth.
Castiel's face broke out into a huge grin and his blue eyes seemed to sparkle. "No, Lady Kira, I was not aware of that. Perhaps I could accompany you? I could act as your tour guide," he suggested, holding out his hand.
"That would be lovely, thank you," Kira smiled, took his hand and rose from the bench. He guided her hand around his arm and tucked it close to his side. "Shall we tour the marketplace next?" he asked.
"Excellent suggestion, Castiel. Please lead the way," Kira replied.
The pair wandered through the marketplace to see what treasures they could find. As far as they could see, there were all types of merchants within the castle walls. Some sold food and drink, some had bolts of vibrantly colored fabrics for sale, still others offered books and jewelry. Kira didn't have a lot of spending money with her, but enough to have some fun and maybe pick up a few trinkets for her house and pub staffs.
As they passed a man selling apples from his cart, Kira's stomach rumbled rather loudly. Castiel looked down at her midsection then back to her face and chuckled. "Well, that was interesting," he grinned.
"And most un-ladylike, I'm so sorry," she grimaced. "How much for the apple?" she asked the man. He quoted the price, and Kira dug out enough coins for two. "Pick one, Castiel," she said.
He chose his apple and Kira chose one. She smiled and gave her thanks to the vendor, who bowed as they left his cart. She turned to Castiel and said, "Okay, on three, we both take a bite of our apple," Kira commanded. "One....two....three!" she counted as they sank their teeth into the fruit.
It was the most amazing apple Kira had ever tasted, tart at first, then giving way to a sweet finish. She groaned in appreciation and looked over to Castiel, who was having a similar reaction. He nodded and smiled at Kira as he enjoyed his apple and they continued their marketplace tour.
Dean and Samuel had just returned from a ride out into the country, enjoying the gorgeous weather. They guided their mounts through the marketplace on their way to the stables. All of a sudden, Dean stopped and Samuel pulled up to a stop beside him. "Look, Samuel. There she is, there's Lady Kira. And she's with Castiel?" he wondered.
The princes watched as Castiel and Lady Kira stopped at a milliner's cart. They took turns trying on different hats, each one more outrageous than the next. When Castiel put on a hat obviously made for a woman, Lady Kira burst into giggles at first, then full-on laughter. At that moment, Dean decided that if he could only hear one sound in the world for the rest of his life, it would be Kira's laughter.
Both princes observed the scene playing out in front of them. Kira seemed so at ease here, not so guarded as she seemed in the pub when the princes had first met her. That night, they heard she'd had to throw out a drunk patron. The man tried to take a few too many liberties with her and one of her staff. She'd also had to deal with two last-minute customers, but both men had to admit, she'd handled both situations with grace.
Samuel looked over at Dean, who had been so relaxed during their ride, now seemed to be genuinely annoyed. Is he....he's jealous! My brother is jealous of his best friend, who at this moment appears as if he's making a move on Lady Kira! Prince Samuel smiled to himself.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Dean dismount and quickly walk over to the milliner's cart. Sam caught the attention of one of the stable hands, Logan, and motioned for him to take the horses to the stables. He dismounted as well and handed the reins for the two horses over to Logan.
"Prince Dean! Prince Samuel!" exclaimed Castiel as his face beamed. "How was your ride today?" he asked.
"Good afternoon, Your Highnesses," Lady Kira greeted as she dipped her head and curtsied.
"Good afternoon, Lady Kira, Castiel," Dean said tightly. "How lovely to see you again. What brings you to our doorstep?" he asked.
"I am here to compete in the Princes' Challenge, Your Highness. I only arrived this afternoon, and have already been shown to a room. I was on a self-guided tour of the grounds, starting in the gardens. That's where Castiel found me and has since been graciously acting as my tour guide here in the marketplace," she explained.
With rapt attention, Castiel and Samuel watched the exchange between Dean and Lady Kira. Sam recalled what he and Dean had found out about her from Collins. After what he saw with Kira and Castiel in the marketplace, he was beginning to see why Dean was so captivated by the woman. Sam found himself wanting to know more about her.
"So, you've only seen the gardens and the marketplace so far?" Dean asked, to which she nodded. "I would be happy to step into the role of tour guide now, if you wish. It would be my honor," he finished.
"I deeply appreciate your kind offer, Your Highness. However, it was a long trip to get here, and I am feeling a bit tired at the moment. I had hoped to get some rest before joining everyone for dinner. Perhaps you and I could continue the tour another time, if I may request?" she asked.
Dean paused for a moment and his face broke into a genuine smile, one his brother hadn't seen grace his features in quite some time. "It would be my pleasure, Lady Kira," he said softly. "May I have the honor of escorting you back to the main hall of the castle?" Dean asked.
"The honor would be mine, Your Highness," she said as she curtsied. Dean offered her his arm, and when she gave him her hand, he kissed her knuckles before tucking it close to his side. A pink blush crossed her features, which made her all the more lovely, if that was even possible. As they made their way to the main hall, Castiel and Sam followed behind. This Princes' Challenge is certainly going to be interesting, Sam thought.
Where am I? Oh dear, this is definitely NOT the pub, this is someone's bedroom, the woman thought as she surveyed her surroundings. The last thing she remembered was that she was just about to pour a beer for someone, then she woke up here. Wherever "here" is, she thought.
She sat up in the bed, which turned out to be kind of a bad idea, as a wave of dizziness crashed over her. She groaned at the dull ache in her head and waited for the woozy feeling to pass. After it had, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and gingerly tested her ability to stand. Once she was satisfied that she wasn't going to fall over, she took a few tentative steps towards the door.
On the other side of the door, she heard male voices, three distinct ones, in fact. One sounded heartbroken, like he'd recently lost the love of his life. She felt a pang of sympathy for the man.
Another man was trying to comfort the first one, to assure him that whatever was going on, they could fix it. The third man had an authority to his voice, confident that a solution would be found to the first man's problem.
As she cracked the door open, all three voices simultaneously stopped and three heads swiveled in her direction. She quickly closed the door and ran back to sit on the bed, her knees drawn tightly up to her chest. The first man carefully opened the door to see who or what was on the other side. His eyes widened as he regarded the woman before him. "Kira?" he whispered.
Part 4 here!
Tags: @janicho88 @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @swiftlymoniquesblog @lyarr24 @miss-nerd95 @distefano123 @hobby27 @deanwanddamons @jessica-noel94 @wayward-mikaelson @jawritter @gabrielslittleangel @jensengirl83 @deangirl93 @ellewritesfix05 @supernatural-jackles
The Hunter’s Princess Series tags: @flamencodiva
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momentofmemory · 4 years
FICTOBER 2020 - day thirty-one
Prompt #31: “I trust you.”
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall.
Words: 2218
Author’s Note: an underappreciated aspect of chess culture? games played for fun are called Skittles. set post 5B, Scott & Stiles take a break to play a game of chess, and wind up talking about a whole lot more than just a game. Gen fic, Scott & Stiles focus. Stiles POV.
>> j’adoube (i adjust)
Stiles tosses his pen in the air. Watches it flip, twice. Catches it, barely. Toss and repeat.
“Hey, Scott.”
Scott, who’s sitting across from him at the desk, just grunts without looking up. They’ve been going over scholarships together for the past three hours, and it’s the most mind-numbing use of a Saturday Stiles has had in a very long time.
Which, considering most of his Saturdays have been more of the terrifyingly bloody variety, is probably still preferable. But still.
Scott flips to the next page. “Mm?”
Stiles throws his pen at him and smacks him squarely across the face.
“Ow, Stiles—what?”
Stiles flips over onto his stomach, triumphant to have finally gotten Scott’s full attention. “You wanna play a game?”
Scott puts his own pen down and leans back in the chair, stretching and popping in a way that suggests being hunched over for that long is unpleasant for even a werewolf. “What kind? Board game?”
Stiles grins.
Board games, to his mind, are sacrosanct.
Not necessarily because he loves them—given a free range of choices, he’d rather do just about anything else—but because it’s so easy for them to suck.
Yahtzee, Monopoly, Shoots and Ladders, Candy Land, Sorry, even Risk—there’s just too much luck involved for his taste. Draw randomized but predetermined cards, roll uncontrollable dice. And that’s not even touching the disaster that’s Life, where the only two choices that ever matter are college or career, kids or no kids.
Absolutely nothing about bite or no bite, or possession or no possession.
Or ‘betrayed by a monster that gets your best friend killed and your crush of five years committed to an asylum,’ but.
Either way, it’s a joke.
There are better board games. Clue or Scrabble, which still rely on the hand that’s dealt, but at least can be salvaged with enough knowledge and strategy.
But he has the best one in mind for today.
Scott’s eyes light up with a competitive glint Stiles feels like he hasn’t seen in ages, and he knows he’s won.
“I could do a round or two,” Scott says.
“Oh, thank god—”
“But, then we have to get back to work on these.”
“Yep, uh-huh, absolutely,” Stiles says, rolling off the bed and hunting underneath it for his set.
He fully intends to bribe Scott into playing way more than that, but one thing at a time.
His fingers close over the wooden case and he draws it out, blowing a bit of dust off the top. He turns it over in his hands.
If board games are sacrosanct, then chess is the holy grail.
Most people don’t get the attraction, and he respects that. It takes a certain level of concentration to be good at chess, and considering how many strategy books he’s read on the topic—even if he rarely remembers them—he can beat a casual player without too much effort. Plus, most people prefer games that don’t require much thought, perfectly wiling to just roll their dice and move their mice.
Stiles respects that a lot less.
What he likes about chess is that it’s the one game that’s completely and totally winnable every time—with no variation from chance or random dealing. He might be outmatched, but he’s not outnumbered.
Every choice he makes is fully his own.
It’s the best game.
The only marginal difference is that white has a slight advantage, as it gets to go first, so as Stiles tosses the set onto the bed he says, “I can be black this time.”
Scott barely glances up from the scholarship he’s still worrying himself over. “Hm? No, that’s okay, I don’t mind. You can take white.”
Stiles rolls his eyes and flops onto the bed. “You’ve been black the past like, eight times we’ve played. You’re white this time.”
“Stiles, I really don’t care if you want it.”
It’s an innocuous statement, but Stiles’ temper flares because all he can hear is that Scott thinks he needs the advantage—even if it’s one that, statistically, barely even matters. “What, because you don’t think I can beat you otherwise?”
“What? No, Stiles, I—” Scott falls silent, and it’s enough to instantly cool Stiles’ frustration. “I just—never mind. I can be white.”
Stiles hesitates for a few beats, then turns the board and starts setting the pieces up so the white ones are facing Scott.
He pauses. He’s been trying to pay more attention to Scott lately, but it’s hard—Scott tends to fold pretty quickly on smaller issues, and he tends to—
“Then again,” he tries, “I guess it doesn’t really matter—”
“You asked me to play white, so I’ll play white.” Scott’s voice is flat. “You were right; we haven’t switched it up in a while, so it’s only fair. Just give me a sec to finish this.”
Stiles toys with the edge of the board as he waits for Scott to finish restacking the papers.
One of the reasons Stiles likes chess is because it makes for a surprisingly good Rorschach test, and he’s played it with every member of the pack at some point or another.
Liam’s not much of a challenge, mostly because he’s made it clear he doesn’t care. The one time they played, he’d started strong—aiming to capture more than aiming to secure—but his failure to consider long-term strategy had gotten him into trouble almost immediately. With Malia, she has a good concept of how to control the center of the board, and favors trap-based strategy, but her ability to pay attention to her opponent’s gameplay is usually her downfall. Lydia tends to focus on a bishop and pawn strategy, which works very well for her mostly because it infuriates Stiles—his own strategy relies heavily on a more spontaneous approach to movement, and her method thoroughly demarcates most of the board. That’s probably why he enjoys playing with Kira, whose strategy rotates every time they play—as soon as he’d introduced her to the game, she’d started binging chess tutorials at speeds that put his own research to shame.
He hasn’t had the chance to play with the new pack members, but he has his guesses as to how that will go. Mason will play circles around him, but be super nice about it. Hayden will either trounce him thoroughly if she cares, or lose terribly if she doesn’t, and there will be nothing in between. Corey… Corey will probably favor the knights, which will make him hard to beat on the front end, but almost impossible to lose to in the endgame.
But he can work with that. All of those strategies make sense; make it easier for him to understand and categorize them.
He looks down at the white and black pieces, standing silently in anticipation of the match.
He can’t think of any reason Scott would want to reject the advantage, unless it was just for his benefit, but he hadn’t appeared to be lying.
And now Scott probably won’t tell him because he’d snapped at him instead of just asking.
Stiles winces and rakes his hands through his hair.
It’s just a chess preference. It’s not like it matters.
Except it does, because everything between them feels so fragile after Theo.
Stiles’ thoughts are interrupted when Scott vaults onto the bed, accidentally knocking one of the pawns forward as the board lists to the side.
“Whoops,” Scott says. The tiniest of smirks appears on his face as he moves to fix it. “J’adoube.”
Stiles rolls his eyes. “You don’t have to announce that that’s not your move when I can clearly see what just happened.”
“Can’t be too careful,” Scott says, adjusting the piece. “You’ve definitely called me out for less in the past.”
“You tried to change your mind after wrapping your whole hand around a bishop! How is that less?”
Scott shrugs, and Stiles is relieved he doesn’t seem to be bothered about the pieces anymore. “I’m just saying. Can’t be too careful.”
“A mindset I would normally endorse wholeheartedly, however.”
Scott laughs, then settles in cross-legged and stares down at the board, elbows resting on his knees and face furrowed in contemplation.
Stiles glances at Scott, then at board, then back at Scott again.
Scott doesn’t move.
Suddenly, it’s really bothering Stiles that despite having played with him more than anyone else, despite knowing him better than anyone else, Stiles still doesn’t understand why Scott plays the way he does.
It’s not that Scott’s exceptionally bad, or that Scott’s exceptionally good. It’s that he’s both.
When he plays with Stiles, he matches him step for step, pivoting his goals almost as quickly as Stiles does. But the few times Stiles’ seen Scott play with others, that ability seems to vanish—his level of competence almost directly mapped onto the level of the person he’s playing with, above or below where Stiles would expect it.
It doesn’t make sense, but that’s just Scott. Stiles had long since acknowledged that there were always going to be some things that didn’t make sense about his best friend.
That was before Theo. Before everything that was Scott & Stiles fell apart.
And also, Scott still hasn’t moved.
“Hey Scott?” Stiles waits until he glances up at him, chin still resting in his hands. “You gonna go, bud?”
“Yeah,” Scott says. He blinks down at the board. “There’s just… a lot of options.”
“Okay, right, that’s true,” Stiles says. “But it’s also just the first move.”
Scott reaches out and touches the pawn from before. He hovers there for a moment, then retracts his hand—the pawn still unmoved.
Stiles clears his throat.
“Really? You want me to—” Scott sighs. “J’adoube.”
“Technically, you’re supposed to say that before you touch it.”
“And technically, you said I didn’t have to say it earlier, so that one could count for the one I just did.”
“Bro,” Stiles says, because this is getting ridiculous. “Literally just move the pawn. Or a knight. Or any of the other pawns. There are zero other options.”
“I know, I know,” Scott says. “I just… what if I move this piece, and then you move like your knight or something, and it turns out I made the wrong move?”
Stiles squints at him. “It’s your move. Why would my move, which comes afterward, make yours wrong?”
“Because I have to stop your plan.”
“Right, but like.” Stiles tilts his head. “What about your plan?”
“That is my plan.”
Stiles’ brain short circuits, and he spins rapidly through every game he’s ever watched Scott play. “So—so wait. You mean every time you’re playing you’re just… trying to figure out your opponent’s plan? You’re not making one of your own?”
“I mean, kinda?” Scott reaches for the pawn again, then pauses before touching it. “J’adoube.”
“Yeah, whatever, just move the pawn,” Stiles says. “So earlier, it wasn’t about wanting me to have an advantage; you wanted black because… it’s to your advantage?”
Scott spins the pawn around in a slow circle, then lets go of it without moving its position. Again.
“I guess,” he says. “You like playing white better and I like black better, so it just… makes more sense to let us play the ones we actually prefer.”
“Then why didn’t you just say that?”
Scott shrugs. “It just seemed like it was important to you, and I… I didn’t want to argue.” His eyes drop, and so does his voice. “I don’t want to argue with you anymore.”
Something clicks in Stiles’ mind. “J’adoube.”
“Uh,” Scott looks pointedly at the pieces, which are still unmoved, and his hands, which aren’t anywhere near them. “What?”
“‘I adjust,’” Stiles says. “That’s what you’ve been doing. Adjusting your plan to match mine, or—or anyone else.”
Scott picks at the edge of his sleeve. “And that’s bad?”
“Um.” Stiles hasn’t gotten that far. “No? I mean like, you’re clearly very good at it. You’ve definitely beat me enough times doing it.”
“I sense a ‘but.’”
“See, there you go, anticipating me again. You’re a pro.”
“Yeah, okay, the point.” Stiles glances down at the chessboard—and then at the pile of scholarships, too. “Look, I’m just saying you gotta just take the shot sometimes. Or move the pawn. Whatever. My point is, it’s okay to make your own plans.”
Scott shifts a bit to look behind him at the paperwork, something both worried and hopeful in his expression.
“And then, y’know,” Stiles continues, “you can always adjust them later if you have to. But you don’t have to start out that way.”
Scott picks up the pawn and turns it about in his fingers. He bites his lip. “And… you trust this to work?”
“Nah, man.” Stiles settles back against the wall and nods towards the board. “It’s the first move; I have no idea how it’ll play out. But… I trust you enough to know that you can handle it if it doesn’t.”
Scott’s eyes get suspiciously bright, but Stiles doesn’t comment. “I trust you, too.”
(And, well.)
(If Stiles’ eyes get a little bright too, no one comments on that either.)
Scott moves the pawn to e4, and lets it go.
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OC Enneagram types!
@nade2308 I haven't been able to stop thinking about doing this since the Enneagram conversation came up in the Discord, so here it is! My seven main characters (sorry, Rowan, I'm not confident enough to type a tree just yet) and their Enneagram types, plus a short explanation and some quotes about their basic type and wing!
Robin - 4w3 As a basic type of a 4, Robin sees himself as fundamentally different from other people. He isn't sure how to fit into the world, since his dual fae-human nature leaves him feeling on the outside of all of it. He feels broken and incomplete, and keeps trying to create a place that he fits. The 4 tendency to imagine a world where they can belong led him to idealize the hunter world and want to join it like his father, despite his grandfather's warnings against it. The 3 side of his personality is also involved in the effort to fit in, to make himself into an acceptable version that people will like. “Fours feel that they are unlike other human beings, and consequently, that no one can understand them or love them adequately. They often see themselves as uniquely talented, possessing special, one-of-a-kind gifts, but also as uniquely disadvantaged or flawed. More than any other type, Fours are acutely aware of and focused on their personal differences and deficiencies...Healthy Fours are willing to reveal highly personal and potentially shameful things about themselves because they are determined to understand the truth of their experience—so that they can discover who they are and come to terms with their emotional history. This ability also enables Fours to endure suffering with a quiet strength. Their familiarity with their own darker nature makes it easier for them to process painful experiences that might overwhelm other types.” “Threes learn to perform in ways that will garner them praise and positive attention.” John - 6w5 John is deeply tied to his roots, following the family tradition of becoming a hunter with no question of whether or not that was what he wanted to do. To him, duty is the highest thing to seek after, and individual personal goals must always be secondary to what has to be done. the 5 side of his identity comes into play in his work; John feels a sense of pride in working from the shadows, knowing about vampires but hiding that secret from the larger world for its own protection. Like his great-grandfather, he's the sort of person who seeks out a person to be devoted to. Until his brother died, Gabe was the tethering force in John's life. After his death, John drifted away from his home, searching for a new connection, but struggling to find it. “Sixes are the most loyal to their friends and to their beliefs. They will “go down with the ship” and hang on to relationships of all kinds far longer than most other types.”Wanting to feel that there is something solid and clear-cut in their lives, they can become attached to explanations or positions that seem to explain their situation. Once they establish a trustworthy belief, they do not easily question it, nor do they want others to do so. The same is true for individuals in a Six’s life: once Sixes feel they can trust someone, they go to great lengths to maintain connections with the person who acts as a sounding board, a mentor, or a regulator for the Six’s emotional reactions and behavior.” “Investigating "unknown territory"—knowing something that others do not know, or creating something that no one has ever experienced—allows Fives to have a niche for themselves that no one else occupies.” Kira - 5w4 Knowing she would struggle to fit into normal society because of her deafness, Kira seeks to make herself important to others by making discoveries and creating new things. She often called on the 5 tendency to rely on their knowledge and curiosity in her classes, and made a name for herself as the smart girl, not just the Deaf girl. Her passion for strange and new fields of study allowed her to keep an open mind when she first learned of the existence of vampires, and also helped her delve deeply into the lore surrounding them when she became a vigilante hunter. As she's grown, Kira has become more in touch with the 4 side of herself as well, accepting her uniqueness and seeing that as a gift. “Behind Fives’ relentless pursuit of knowledge are deep insecurities about their ability to function successfully in the world.  Fives “take a step back” into their minds where they feel more capable. Their belief is that from the safety of their minds they will eventually figure out how to do things—and one day rejoin the world. Fives are not interested in exploring what is already familiar and well-established; rather, their attention is drawn to the unusual, the overlooked, the secret, the occult, the bizarre, the fantastic, the “unthinkable.” ” “Fours maintain their identity by seeing themselves as fundamentally different from others.” Cody - 2w3 Cody is at heart a giver. He grew up being the friend Robin needed, and that was such a formative part of his identity that when Robin left Rowan House to become a hunter, Cody felt adrift. As the youngest child of his family, he'd relied on his friendship with Robin as an outlet for his need to be useful and needed, since his siblings didn't seem to want the nurturing. Since then, he's channeled that into his work, where he enjoys helping people find the information or books or other help that they need at the library. While he's very selfless, Cody is also ambitious, deeply driven to create stories that he can share with the world. His drive to become a published, successful author is the main evidence of his 3 wing. "Being generous and going out of their way for others makes Twos feel that theirs is the richest, most meaningful way to live. The love and concern they feel—and the genuine good they do—warms their hearts and makes them feel worthwhile. Twos are most interested in what they feel to be the “really, really good” things in life—love, closeness, sharing, family, and friendship. Healthy Twos are the embodiment of “the good parent”: someone who sees [people] as they are, understands them with immense compassion, helps and encourages with infinite patience, and is always willing to lend a hand—while knowing precisely how and when to let go." "Threes are often successful and well liked because, of all the types, they most believe in themselves and in developing their talents and capacities. Threes want to make sure their lives are a success, however that is defined by their family, their culture, and their social sphere. No matter how success is defined, Threes will try to become somebody noteworthy in their family and their community." Maira - 9w8 Maira's basic 9 type has allowed her to navigate her world by finding the paths of lesser resistance. She's wise enough to know when to back down and seek another route to her goal, and this has gotten her far in her world. People respect her shrewd 'chess match' movements, but also like her as a person since she has managed to maintain a reputation of being even-handed, understanding, and willing to seek negotiated solutions. But making the mistake of thinking Maira is a pushover is a dangerous one. Her 8 side is strongest when she encounters an injustice or cruelty. Maira has her breaking point, and woe to the person who pushes her over it. "Peacemakers are the skilled mediators and counsellors in a group of friends or coworkers. They work hard behind the scenes in order to keep the group harmony steady and flowing. As children, they knew how to get along with each classmate, making them a great addition to any group project. They can easily see the many different sides to an issue and tend not to jump to conclusions quickly, if at all. Complacent and humble, Peacemakers are stable and gentle, willing to go the extra mile to avoid rocking the boat. Soft-spoken yet firm in their personal stances, they make an effort to neutralize tension and restore group harmony." "Eights have enormous willpower and vitality, and they feel most alive when they are exercising these capacities in the world. They use their abundant energy to effect changes in their environment—to “leave their mark" on it—but also to keep the environment, and especially other people, from hurting them and those they care about. At an early age, Eights understand that this requires strength, will, persistence, and endurance—qualities that they develop in themselves and which they look for in others." Emma - 5w6 Emma's 5 tendency to acquire esoteric knowledge is one of the reasons she's risen so rapidly in vampire society since her turning. She's learned a great deal about herself and her fellow vampires, and she uses that knowledge to her advantage. She's well known for being not only on the cutting edge of knowing what's happening in the city, but for being able to analyze that information and interpret what it will mean for the vampire community and the wider city population. Her 6 side is evident in her formation of a coven that accepts vampires who were not turned by its own members, giving outcasts or vampires who broke free from their sires like her a place of safety. "Fives think, “I am going to find something that I can do really well, and then I will be able to meet the challenges of life.” They therefore develop an intense focus on whatever they can master and feel secure about. Depending on their intelligence and the resources available to them, they focus intensely on mastering something that has captured their interest. Much of their time gets spent "collecting" and developing ideas and skills they believe will make them feel confident and prepared. They want to retain everything that they have learned and “carry it around in their heads.” " "Sixes rely on structures, allies, beliefs, and supports outside themselves for guidance to survive. If suitable structures do not exist, they will help create and maintain them." Arion - 7w8 Arion is perhaps the poster child of the dangerous side of the 7 type. A hedonistic pleasure seeker, he's driven by filling his life with whatever he enjoys. He has acquired a wide range of talents and interests. But his vampire bloodthirst is his most intense drive. Unlike some vampires who control and manage their impulses, Arion embraces them. He revels in the pleasure of drinking real blood, and sees nothing wrong with seeking it out. His 8 side makes him truly dangerous, because in addition to his craving for a life of comfort and ease, he has a powerful drive to do whatever it takes to attain that goal. While he is fully capable of luxuriating in his pleasures, he is also willing to temporarily put them aside in pursuit of one he believes will be even greater." "Sevens are enthusiastic about almost everything that catches their attention. They approach life with curiosity, optimism, and a sense of adventure, like “kids in a candy store” who look at the world in wide-eyed, rapt anticipation of all the good things they are about to experience. They are bold and vivacious, pursuing what they want in life with a cheerful determination. Sevens are compelled to stay on the go, moving from one experience to the next, searching for more stimulation." "Eights do not want to be controlled or to allow others to have power over them. Much of their behavior is involved with making sure that they retain and increase whatever power they have for as long as possible. They often refuse to “give in” to social convention, and they can defy fear, shame, and concern about the consequences of their actions. Although they are usually aware of what people think of them, they do not let the opinions of others sway them. They go about their business with a steely determination that can be awe inspiring, even intimidating to others."
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