#also not in any particular order
zoeywades-spouse · 11 months
Choices LIs who should’ve gotten bitch slapped
1) Kieran: kidnapped and abused the MC (I absolutely loathe this man with every molecule of my being)
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2) Reagan: controlling and toxic who is ten levels of cringe
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3) Bastien: literally kidnapped the MC
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4) Marc Antony: he threatened to send my MC back into slavery so...
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5) Sam Dalton: controlling, toxic, and way too into getting into the pants of their nanny because 🔥 desire 🔥
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6) Poppy Min Sinclair: publicly hate-crimed and humiliated a black woman, was classist and literally bullied and harassed the MC
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bahoreal · 7 days
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smallmightsupremacy · 13 days
Might i be bold and ask you for your fave bkdk fics?
Anon. Anon. I'm so sorry that I've taken forever to reply to this ask, but I hope you understand that this is one of the hardest tasks I've ever had to do I think for starters I'd recommend the 'big 3' bkdk fics. They're all popular for a reason, and if you're looking for something long and angsty, you can count on those to deliver. (Though, I will be honest here and tell you that I never finished twyutd, but from what I hear it's a super good fic!!)
As for specific recommendations, I'll try to condense my list of favorite fics wayyy down and then go on to name some authors that I love so this post doesn't go on forever So, after scrolling in a hot sweat through my bookmarks, here's the final list:
promises kept by gabstar The Night We Met by majjale
glowing skins and pleading fingers by mimisyum
All We Ever Knew by dynamics
warm hands by flowercafe
all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing by maxisnotokay
Do Not Disturb by surveycorpsjean
headliner by passengerside
As for bkdk authors, here are a few of them whose works I adore and go back to read day after day: ladyofsnails
Happy reading anon <3
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essektheylyss · 2 years
God, I am obsessed with the implications behind Caleb waiting for and wondering about "a visit" from Essek because there's so much of an understanding in that, there's something established.
This doesn't have the feeling of pining in the sense that you're uncertain about crossing a line or whether a step further was welcomed, but instead an acknowledgement that there are many factors involved that would make such a relationship unconventional, and recognizing that what that looks like one week to another changes, and respecting how that shifts.
Perhaps there is a bit of pining involved, that for the feeling that they're not really going to get normalcy, that this is what they've been afforded; but this isn't really pining, it's just an extension of the grief and guilt they're both carrying.
But in spite of that, here is this open invitation, with perhaps some nebulous boundaries as to what that entails week to week—but it's an invitation that both seems to be well established and is also clearly accepted some of the time, given that Caleb is able to anticipate that, though it's unclear how often.
It's just very careful in a way that isn't at all hesitant, though perhaps it might look that way from the outside—it's meeting the other person where they are with grace, and knowing that, if or when it becomes necessary, they'll offer you the same grace in return.
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skeletalheartattack · 6 months
What mario characters would you want as your new dad?
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
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Janeway in 'Nothing Human' vs Tuvok in 'Resolutions' There's something here I know there is I can almost wrap my teeth around it.
#I can't watch Nothing Human bc the puppet really disconcerts me#but I cannot believe Janeway really came into B'Elanna's room after all that and the FIRST thing she says...her OPENER is#'Wow it smells awful in here~!'#DUDE....................TIME AND PLACE#HEHEHHE#C'MON MAN#B'Elanna: Is [putting it behind us] an order? / Janeway [normal!]: Yes.#'And what emotion is that?' C'MON MAN!!!!!!#Janeway & Tuvok#Kathryn Janeway#Tuvok#I can see why she and Tuvok are friends#'I understand you're upset but fall in line'#You can be upset but not if effects your work#<- Something which would be fine on a regular ship but is very difficult on Voyager#I think Janeway's certain coldness or ruthlessness which can be aimed at either friend or foe is an interesting#aspect of her personality#Ex: She and B'Elanna COULD have feasibly had a more touching scene together to close out the episode but they don't#I don't know if I'm explaining myself well right now I'm a bit ill and more than a bit tired#Something about uhh maybe....people under their command vehemently and emotionally disagreeing with them/their decisions??#you can disagree with me but not if you don't follow me anyway#Voyager a ship full of contradictions#they have to all work together and they are all closer emotionally than any other starship due to their situation#but they are also still 'at work' and are expected to follow orders. It's like a 'casual' hierarchy but it's still a hierarchy#and you can't fall too far out of line bc you're someone dear to me#but you're also a valued cog in the machine#and even though you ARE valued you ARE still a cog in the machine#but you're also my dear friend. and all of these things are true at once.#all of that of course but also Janeway & Tuvok are displaying a very particular kind of shared leadership style in these moments#Janeway is obviously on the whole MUUUCH more charismatic and understanding than Tuvok but still - when push comes to shove...
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dreamatduskk · 3 months
Hi! Would you happen to have recs for other blogs/artists like yourself? Or even just people who inspire you/your art?
hmm not sure if i can pick artists like myself (cuz its usually just one or two aspects i think are similar (my art is a big mashup of bits and pieces i love)) but i can def share some artists that inspire me! they'll mostly be on twitter tho cuz thats where i follow most of em ;p
@/Belial43157741 : super cool techwear/light mech elements to their art and great colors. their art usually has more minimalist shading which gives it a super clean look while still showing the form of the hard surface elements in their drawings
@/VibeStrike (NSFW) : love how soft their lines are and the shapes they use to draw bodies! once again someone who uses more minimal shading, although they tend towards softer/more blended colors/shadows which has a very soft and touchable look to it. i totally ripped off their paw style cuz i love it so much lol
@/Deceased_Bunny : their work was what got me to use that crispy ass binary brush and chromatic aberration more! I also really like the shapes they use for bodies and their art made me realize i could just give all my characters cute little paws lol. I love their little tableaus/scenes and how they can populate a room. great vibes
@/godbirdart : Their ref/outfits sheets were a huge inspiration for how i do a lot of my backgrounds. i love how they include a lot of icons/text in the layouts and it gives it this really sleek yet maximalist look, somehow balancing a lot of details while not distracting from the focal point of the characters
@/ISANANIKA : similar to prev, love their text layouts and more graphic approach especially with their work for Howl Out (their clothing brand)
@/scpkidd : love their character designs and how they can incorporate so many colors and hues in a piece while still having it look really harmonious. their use of textured brushes (especially in environments) def was one of the things that got me to start using procreate more
@/yapa_yappa : huge fan of their compositions that combine 3d models and 2d illustration/animated elements... not something i've done too much of yet but i really want to start experimenting with that combo more its such a cool effect
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missalyace · 4 months
Been working on this for a while but finally feel ready to make public the playlist I’ve been working on for The Golden King by @maladaptivewriting
Hooray for reaching 100 chapters and over 6666 kudos! 🥳
This fic is so good the characters are all so well written and I love Regulus’s and Harry’s bond, please go give it some love I highly recommend it!
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bylrndgm · 1 year
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ favorite byler scenes (tiktok trend's version) [2/?]
if we're both going crazy, then we'll go crazy together, right?
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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TK/Carlos + Touch
↳ 2.07 Displaced
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stargazer0001 · 2 months
"Wow!! Star finally posted art!!! I bet its gonna be rainworld :3"
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WRONG old oc art.
Its ghost cat AKA Buddy. The human you see there is J.J. No lore reveal bc I forgot the lore I had but it had somethin to do with a cult sacrifices murder and demons. So. Theres that.
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100 Alfonse released upon ye
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journey-to-the-attic · 3 months
notice: requests for the anni event are closing tomorrow!!
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this is what i've got so far (green indicates finished requests, yellow are in progress), so if you left a request but don't see it here, please let me know!
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cristalviper · 3 months
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@axiisims 9 Days Room Challenge Day 2 - Use a brick wallpaper
wheee I don't know how to post on tungle dot com (u cant even center text on here)!!!! but this was very fun also shoutout to my bf @freaquin for helping me with the editing process :3
also hi im wcif friendly just putting that out there
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leslutdepointedulac · 2 months
My top seven comfort movies:
Tagged by: @ladyvampir3 & @butchybats thank you! 💞
Interview with the Vampire
Crimson Peak
The Lost Boys
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
The Lord of the Rings trilogy (ik that's 3 films but I can't choose between them, okay)
Tagging: @desertfangs @effyrosemary @cinnamonclove @teethingpains @aunteat no pressure though, of course ❤️
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butchybats · 2 months
Tagged by @complicitsacrilege (thank you! <3) to post my top seven comfort movies!!
The lost boys!!!!
Interview with the vampire
What we do in the shadows
Bill and Ted’s bogus journey
Hocus pocus
Little shop of horrors
No pressure tags: @hesontherun @hekateinhell @bubblegum-blackwood @apoptoses @leslutdepointedulac
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