#also look at spy
marshmcore · 4 months
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BOOM old art and OC art upon ye.
Have this WIP of fashion hcs (i got more of this shite for the other mercs and npcs stay tuned i guess)
And have this OC shite, the reason for their existence is the thought of Medic potentially using dirty equipment gives me the ICK. Before they existed, I HC Medic had to do EVERYTHING in the med bay, including cleaning the instruments, who got time for that??
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demigods-posts · 1 month
headcanon that when estelle is old enough. percy and annabeth take her trick or treating. and estelle dresses up in the loudest colors she can find. and claims she an international super spy. and percy and annabeth accompany her while wearing tuxedos. claiming that their her bodyguards.
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imlostinmy20s · 4 months
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I just wanted to draw a parallel between scout and spy?? nvm
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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He was just being a silly little guy!
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lvckheart · 10 months
thinking about the twiyor "almost kiss" scene in the spy x family musical
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 123
Talon is… confused. Though talons can not feel confusion, according to the Court talons don’t feel anything. Perhaps what it is feeling is not confusion then, but for a lack of a better term it supposes it shall refer to it as that. 
There is… another Talon? A strange Talon, far smaller than any talon it has seen before, and with eyes not yellow either. They were more… green! Yes, that was the color! A bright gleaming green not like any other talon’s golden or yellow eyes hidden beneath goggles. 
Sometimes the Court would bring Talons down to the white rooms though, it knows. For injections or to be cut into, depending on if they were working correctly like good talons should. But sometimes the Court would bring hatchling-talons down to… make better? Make better as the Masters said. 
Hm… so this was another Talon! A hatchling-Talon? A baby-Talon! Only the best talons got to have hatchlings and fledglings follow them, though this hatchling looked too small to climb. Not that it mattered, if the Court has sent and given it a Hatchling then it must be doing a good job at watching the Bats. Now it must simply keep an eye on both the Bats and its Hatchling. 
It shall put the Hatchling in its hood, where the Cold cannot reach it and Talon doesn’t have to worry about Hatchling not keeping up. Not that talons can feel worry. According to the Court, talons don’t feel anything after all. 
Danny on the other hand, isn’t pleased with how emerging from his core early has resulted in him being some sort of toddler. Which A, isn’t fair, and B, is humiliating! Not to mention there was this really strange person who… oh wait that’s ghost-speak. Heavily accented but definitely ghost-speak, with the proper emotion sharing before said emotions are squashed down and everything. 
Huh. They don’t feel like a ghost either, they kind of feel similar to him, albeit… sort of not? Muffled? Ugh, it’s hard to tell with this tiny baby body! Curse you tiny baby body! 
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vaxxman · 3 months
What do you think about 5cp TF2 map Gullywash?
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Getting autobalanced on Gullywash feels especially tragic.
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More sketches and more impressions under the cut.
In order to draw this, I watched some highlander matches on Gullywash, due to finding no matches in competitive, and the aimbots going rampant in casual. I was only able to play 5 proper matches on casual, (2 of which my teams won purely due to team imbalance,) so some of this is based on what I saw other people were doing in competitive match recordings, as well as how it feels to play on community servers with AI train bots. No one was playing whenever I was queueing up :(
I learnt very fast that Gullywash is one of these maps where you will die a lot, or steamroll the capture points, and there is no in-between, because you either position yourself correctly or you don't. While this goes for every map in tf2, I never really felt frustrated when dying here. I could always find a reason for my mistakes and generally it turned out to be a very rewarding learning experience.
I think Gullywash is extremely fun and fast paced. I especially enjoy giving scouts and pyros overheal buffs, because of how much flanking you can do here. The symmetry of the map is immaculate and the amount of objects that just lie around allows demos to place a lot of traps and players to just hide in corners.
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(Using Scouts as your Uber Driver here is also especially fun, so many near death situations!)
For some reason, the soldiers and demos who play on this map are really good at protecting medics? That's the impression I got, everyone knew when to retreat and not push, everyone turned around when they saw my health go down, everyone was shooting the spies for me when we were in the open and I was too focused with healing the people fighting death matches at the front so we could capture.
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(My personal heroes who just rocket jump over to you just to shoot the spy 2m away from you, and then just rocket jump away again)
Snipers aren't much of a problem, since there are so many options for hiding properly while still being able to reach your team mates. The same sadly doesn't apply to spies and I think I have died more to spies on this maps than to sticky traps.
While I love the vaccinator, I think Stock and Kritz are the better options on this map. Nothing cries geneva convention war crime more than entering the door to the last capture point and ubering a soldier who starts spamming everyone with rockets in this rather crammed up room where everything can give you splash damage.
Shoutout to a pyro called Joey who carried the last game I played, it was a blast ubering you through the last capture point.
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carrotkicks · 9 months
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why do you REALLY want to show him your car, girl?
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tf-bloo · 5 months
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me too, spy
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mayhaps this is a hot take but I truly dislike “Loid gets murderous and overprotective of Anya dating Damian” content
like. there are sm reasons I dislike it
first off, just fundamentally, I hate that trope. I think parents being protective of children in general is cute, and even maybe protective against their partners to an extent, but it rlly feeds into the Western (esp American) notion of parents owning their children. it gets even grosser when it’s the dad and his daughter, it’s just a branch of ‘women and their purity having to be guarded until they’re properly married’ sexism
secondly, if this is pre-reveal (either Damian comes over/talks to Anya in front of Loid and it’s p obvious he has a crush, so Loid, of course, course notices, OR somehow, post-canon yet not revealed, they get together), Loid would absolutely use that to advance Operation Strix lol
obviously Loid is NOT a bad or uncaring father, he is absolutely not that, BUT he does also very vehemently care about achieving world peace thru his spy work, AND ANYA UNDERSTANDS AND EVEN AGREES WITH THIS (to the highest extent she can as a child, at least). he would never partake in extensive manipulation that’d harm Anya emotionally (or even Damian tbh, his whole goal is to create a world where no children have to cry) but he would DEFINITELY encourage their relationship in order to eventually, somehow get to Desmond the ghoul-eyed freak
thirdly, even if this is POST-reveal, I still don’t think Loid would be unreasonable. sure, he may apprehensive due to Damian’s family and more concrete examples of Anya growing up (MAYBE bc honestly I think Loid would be ecstatic with every milestone in Anya’s life considering how genuinely supportive and proud of her that he is) BUT. but
he, again, not only wants to create a world where no children have to cry, so he clearly values the youth and their quality of life, but ALSO KNOWS abt how shitty Damian’s father is. personally, I think he’d be GLAD that Damian has a safe place to come to, with ppl who’ll support him (unconsciously, bc Loid is very oblivious to his own emotions lmao)
anyways, tldr; the “Loid being super hostile to Damian dating Anya” trope is tired and sucks and we should move onto appreciating a trope that honours the CORE of sxf, more found family, where Damian joins the Forgers, even before he and Anya potentially marry (even before they date if possible tbh)
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nibbelraz · 8 months
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More Shang Twins because I think a nervous wreck running Mobei's entire Kingdom while accompanied by his wild ass twin brother would be fun
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toypretend · 9 months
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twitter really liked this, so i’ll post it here too :))
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magikkittenz · 2 months
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i bet spy's a big 'ol softie when you get down to it
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rowrowronnie · 8 months
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thinking abt dadspy again
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
Okay but if mbj can't see beneath the baps how does he look at sqh?
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He is Hoisted. Held in one hand, as he should be.
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inviswatch · 11 months
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Spy is back on the hanger because I had to essentially emergency wash him because of a hotel bed bug incident. Well him being so wet just increased his corpse like physics and he was doing all sorts of poses
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