#also it would be nice to see more physically disabled characters in persona even if her injuries arent brougjt up at all
hypogryffin · 5 months
Apparently Erina is just wearing armor on her leg but no I refuse I am fully headcanoning that as a prosthetic
oh i really thought it was meant to be a prosthetic, considering. uh. The Incident. esp with adult eri natsuhara using a cane implying shes lost some ambulatory ability.
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First, Breastforce claimed that their entire interest in this started from Marco in a dress from St. O's. The person asking about Marco in a dress was trying to bait Adam into saying something about the theory.
Most people who repeat the theory do it because of the dress, not the "dysphoria" (which is actually body dysmorphic, involving obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance.)
I know that you're not going to believe any of this. It's upsetting to see you misgender anything, especially when I've been misgendered so many times in the last 6 years. Also your comments about my physical state don't help, making a joke out of it is cruel which is how I interpreted it.
And being transphobic is another jump to conclusion that doesn't make either of us look.good. I'm not transphobic. I'm transgender and have had years of reflection on iit. Calling me transphobic is like a punch in the gut.
As far as Daron, all she said was that she always intended Marco to be the type of guy who wasn't hung up on doing some things that are typically feminine without any concerns for his masculinity. It seems from an experience she had when she was young with her best friend who was male. When I asked her if Marco was going to grow up and be a good male role model, she said yes. Twice she did.
I won't deny I love the character a lot. I won't deny that some of the crew liked that some people saw themselves in Marco. But even if you look at the storyboard that everyone points to, it was a doll of a persona Marco already distanced himself from except for a royalty payment of $650. It was a capitalist business deal and nothing more. That's all the merch was ever about. A way to give Marco spending money during adventures. It wasn't about some secret "he's going as a she" behind everyone's back. It was all about the money. If Marco really cared about it on the level you theorize, he wouldn't have taken money out of the profits and would have done it in the best interests of the girls.
In conclusion I see this is misgendering. While it is a fictional character, some of the ways you've interacted with me have also been along the same lines, about me being transphobic and making light of my physical problems which is hitting below the belt.
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Hi. I've been nice to you thus far. I've argued with you on your level, I've met your points on good faith. I've countered every argument you've given me with relative politeness considering how you've harassed me and my community, or ignored you when i was tired of said harassment. But now?
Get fucked, mate.
Where the fuck do you get off with this? Where do you see the moral high ground attacking trans people - OTHER trans people! - for finding identity with a character in a cartoon, in a community on tumblr. How childish are you that you cannot fathom other people having different interpretations of the source material. How petty and small-mided and hateful can you possibly be that you see trans people finding joy and community in a fictional character on tumblr and decide that it's hateful. How puritanical is your mindset that you cannot stand the idea of other people existing outside of your point of view.
Jen has said that she's not angry at you but I fucking am. Grow the fuck up you petulant, whinging, tantrum-throwing child. Flinging baseless accusations - I've never talked about your physical state, I barely know what it is beyond you being physically disabled in some way, which I found out after the majority of my interactions with you. I'm sorry, but you do not get to use your own problems as justifications for bullying and attacking others. You do not get to play the victim when it is you going after people apropos of nothing. It is you sending hate to fan artists just minding their own business, it is you going into our tags to complain about how we enjoy and interpret media.
And no, I don't fucking stalk you so I didn't know you were trans. Congratu-fucking-lations asshole! Looks like trans people can be just as toxic as the cis! Thanks for taking one for the team! And I'm sowwy that it's huwwrtful but your harassment and condemnation of the theory fucking stinks of transphobia. If you just disliked the theory, that's fine - I know plenty of polite and nice and non-transphobic people who don't think it's correct - people like Adam McArthur who would be appalled at your harassment at people over different interpretations of his character. Dozens of other tumblr users dislike the theory and they don't fall into your emotionally manipulative bullshit. That's a you specific problem.
(and while we're on the cast/crew topic: Daron Nefcy would be appalled at your use of her words as a gotcha for your bullshit cyber bullying. they mean nothing other than her affirming your interpretation of the character)
Your preposition is fundamentally flawed, you base your entire judgement of this theory on the fact that the idea started when a trans woman related to a character in a way you didn't think was valid. Your idea that somehow feminine men are underrepresented in fiction is completely ridiculous. But to go the fuck off about how even being perceived as a trans woman is dangerous to cishet men and then land on the conclusion that the problem is trans women? That's fucking transphobic.
But fine. You're trans so you can't be transphobic. You must of course have a ready list for canonical trans women for us to have flocked to back in 2016 when the theory was popular! Actually, I managed to find four examples (off the top of my head) of major characters in children's cartoons, the genre we're talking about. So you must be able to find the same! No? What about that same list from today? C'mon! If feminine men are so underrepresented compared to trans women, there must be more of them today at least! Fine we'll make it easy - it doesn't have to be a children's cartoon! Show me any western cartoon from any point in history where there was a trans woman as a major character. She doesn't even have to be the main character! Just a part of the reoccurring cast.
Show. Me. One.
But somehow those poor cis men are the ones victimized by us mean trans people.
I'm so fucking sorry you feel personally victimized by (other) trans people seeking representation. I'm so fucking sorry you are so badly triggered by (other) trans people (many of whom have dysphoria) identifying dysphoria in a work of fiction. But--newsflash asshole!--you don't get to bring your problems into a public space and harass people about them. You are the one in the wrong here, but your head is too far up your own arse to even dream about treating other people like actual human beings.
So, yeah. You're an immature, transphobic, bullying piece of shit and I want you to stay the fuck away from me, my friends, and my fucking tags.
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If "you" were able to develop the Blob how so? and If you able to redesign the blob in anyway What would he look like?
Hmmm.I think I would develop what’s already there, rather than add anything new. I’d look at what we already know of Fred’s past and his personality, and try to build on that. I’d try to expand his personality, while also still staying true to what’s canon. So like, I wouldn’t turn around and start writing him as some nice sweetheart that everyone is mean to for no reason; I’d still write him as a jerk, but I’d write him as a 3D jerk with thoughts, feelings, and reasons, the way lots of other jerks get to be written when the writers care about them. I think I’d try to explore why he’s still being a villain, when it wasn’t even something he originally wanted to be. Back in his original 60s days, Fred turned down both the X-men AND Magneto; he just wanted to keep living his life as a carnival attraction. Fast forward to today, his entire career has pretty much been “Brotherhood flunkie”.So, what’s he think about that? What’s his reason for it? What are his goals? Is he true blue mutants rights believer? Mutant supremacist? Is he just in it for the fringe benefits? I think I remember that M-Day affected him, robbing him of his powers but leaving him with horrific, disabling amounts of lose skin. This was so awful he attempted suicide. Then when he started working for Mystique again, she gave him MGH in return, which brought his powers back. I could be wrong, but that’s what I recall. I’m guessing that access to MGH, and possibly monetary payment, is as far as Blob’s loyalty to the “cause” goes; I don’t see Fred as the political type unless the anti-mutant agenda comes directly knocking on his door. He’s never seemed much like he cared about mutant solidarity or felt kinship with others just because they were both mutants, despite his company being nearly mutant-exclusive, and I think it’s worth looking at why that is, what his thoughts are. And what about the irony that his mutation has caused so much negativity in his life, yet it’s what gives him the most agency and power in it? His physical strength is his ONE advantage, yet if he would have more advantages if he wasn’t a mutant. How does he feel about that, about being a mutant? And back to the MGH, how does he feel about this arrangement? Does he feel like he’s being unfairly exploited, his body essentially held hostage (because he’ll revert to his un-mutated state without the MGH) so he’ll risk his life for the cause of others? Does he feel entitled to the MGH, that Mystique and Magneto should just be GIVING it to him, because he’s worked for them so long and aren’t they suppose to CARE about mutants? Or does he see it as just quid pro quo, just doing business, just another form of payment? I think this plot actually wrapped up long ago, but there’s no reason it couldn’t be explored in a Fred-centric flashback story. And does he have any other options besides being a bad guy? Even if he didn’t need MGH, does Fred have any other options besides being a criminal at this point? I mean, he’s got a long criminal record, who would hire him for a legitimate job? One background check, and his resume goes in the trash. And this is a guy who has bills to pay, likely more than the average person given the special needs his mutation entails (more space, more water for bathing, more food, etc.) Does he actually have a way to make a living that isn’t just more crime, and how does he feel about that? I don’t think Fred has problem breaking the law, but does he resent that he’s trapped? And what’s he like when he’s not pummeling/getting pummelled by X-dweebs? I’d like to see more casual interaction with his teammates, with strangers, with people in general. I’d like explore what he does in his spare time that ISN’T just a “fat guy eats a lot lol” joke. Does he have an active social life? Does he “pass” as simply a large human, or do people know he’s a mutant by looking at him? Maybe he could be used to explore conditional passing, mutants who are on the borderline of “looking human” or not. I think giving him a life outside of being a bad guy would be most interesting; it’s rare we get that for villains unless they’re very major characters.There’s also the fact that in the age of Internet, Fred now has a window to interact with people without his appearance being a factor; Ultimates explored this tangentially by having him catfish Beast by pretending to be a supermodel online, but I think there’s a whole story that could come out of Fred realizing he can be anyone he wants online. Does he still act the same way? Is he just your average jerk on the Internet? Or does he take the opportunity to develop a new persona, someone who acts/speaks very different than how he acts in real life? And how would that affect how he chooses to act in real life? Would he start trying to act more like his online self, since people seem to like that guy more? Or does he feel that he can only have that luxury in cyberspace?TL;DR I would like to make him a more well-rounded person instead of just a 2D Fat Bastard trope, without totally rewriting the character or erasing his flaws. I’d like to explore his situation more, and what he thinks about it, as well as the relationships he has with other people and what that says about him. I think that exploring how he might make use of the Internet and the anonymity it provides could be a cool story in particular. As far as redesigning his appearance…honestly, I really don’t have any ideas in particular there. I’d probably just get someone better at character design to do it for me, lol.
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darkzorua100 · 6 years
I would like to know your predictions on Windy's partner what kind of peraonality he will have and his relatinship with others and his deck. Since Windy is a joker but also very cruel and sadist his partner will be the opposite I can see him havong Shun or BS persona given all the trauma he went through he will likely be very serious,emotionless,cold hearted and selfish with deep hatred towards ignis and AI. He will use stromrider deck with storm acess being his skill I hope he is alive
Windy’s partner is going to be a fascinating one when we finally meet him. I mean, all of the Lost Children dealt with the Hanoi Project differently on the mental side, and who knows how that affected him first off on that end, but Windy’s kid also has to deal with the physical damage that has been done to his body because of Windy’s attack on him. If he isn’t dead, or in a coma because of the accident, he definitely has to have some severe burns to his body and maybe even paralyzed because of the accident. I can’t remember on the top of my head but have we ever had a handicapped or a servery burned duelist before in any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series? I know IV got scarred because of the fire damage during his duel against Rio in Zexal, and if Rio wasn’t a Barian she most definitely would be severely burned on her end, but I’m drawing a blank on anyone else that might have a physical condition, related to those two, in Yu-Gi-Oh. It is even more interesting in this case because this Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains we are talking about here, where anyone can become anything in Link Vrains. A physically disabled and burned character, such as Windy’s kid, can enter into Link Vrains and boom, no burn scars and he can walk again. I seriously hope they go this route with his Windy’s kid first off because damn, that always brings a smile to my face whenever I see this trope in media. Vrains might be showing the dangers of advanced technology but things like that, giving those with a physical disability that they lost or never had to begin with in VR, will always make me happy.
Now we don’t know when exactly Windy caused his kid’s accident. Could have been a few days after the Hanoi Project, could have been a few years after the Cyberse World was created, could have happened recently when the Cyberse World was destroyed. We just don’t know timeline wise until Ryoken feels generous enough to give us more info on the Hanoi Project and the Lost Children/Ignises. Regardless of when it happened though, I think Windy’s kid has been in a hospital this whole time, similar to Jin, but more on the physical side because of his injuries. Like you said, anon, I think Windy’s kid has to be filled with so much hate, caused by fear probably, for anything and everything technology based, even more so then Ryoken and even Blood Shepherd. Technology has brought this kid just nothing but pain and agony for as long as he could remember from his days during the Hanoi Project, where he was locked up and forced to duel in a virtual world, to his accident where a self driving car drove him into a building, caused by Windy. Heck, if that wasn’t bad enough, Windy even appeared in the screen for a split second to see if the damage was done, and if his kid was somehow still conscious when that happened, he could have saw Windy and maybe put the pieces together that the Ignis did this to him. Because of his injuries, I see him being super self-conscious about his burns, maybe wearing a mask in the real world, figuratively and literally, to hide behind. Similar to how Yusaku built an emotional wall around himself to protect others from getting involved with him, I see Windy’s kid doing the same, only this wall is used to protect what’s left of his fragile mind from the outside world. Not like in a Jin kind of sense where he just completely shut down, or Takeru who just became super depressed and didn’t want to do anything with his life, Windy’s kid is just mean, like super mean, to protect himself from getting hurt ever again. He just wants the whole world to stay away from him because all the world has ever done to him is just hurt him and has never stopped hurting him. I can only imagine his reaction when he is finally brought into this war. Unlike Yusaku, Takeru, and Spectre who all chose to be apart of this of their own free will, he definitely wasn’t given that choice and more then likely will be forced to play his role in all of this as a Lost Child, and as Windy’s partner, similar to how I think Jin was forced into all of this because of Lightning.
Dueling wise, I don’t think he’s going to be using Windy’s deck, similar to how I don’t think Spectre is going to start using Earth’s deck when they finally join forces in the future. If him and Windy do end up making up and teaming up together, I see Windy giving his kid some Wind Cyberse cards to work with his archetype, but not completely changing it, similar to how I think Earth will do with Spectre’s deck with Earth Cyberse cards. I don’t know what kind of deck he will be using, other then it being Wind to go along with the rest of the Lost Children attribute themes (Takeru and Spectre both using decks that go with their attributes and Yusaku has been going more into his Dark theme as of late with all of his new Extra Deck monsters). Monster type, it would probably be Winged-Beasts, since a majority of Wind archetypes are that type, but I personally like to see him use Psychics, maybe something similar to the Gusto archetype, Thunder, some kind of Storm deck to go along with Windy’s Stormriders, or maybe even Wyrm, since I don’t believe, on the top of my head, that any characters, since the introduction of them in ARC-V, has used the Wyrm Type in the anime. As for his Skill, I seriously hope it isn’t Storm Access. Other then me being biased because it is supposed to be Yusaku and Ryoken thing (once again, they are called Datastormshipping for a reason), Storm Access is supposed to be this all powerful Skill that only certain duelists are able to use. If everyone is suddenly able to use this Skill, regardless of the reasons making sense behind it, it wouldn’t make it feel special anymore. He is the Wind Child though, so I do see him getting some kind of variation of it however. Instead of pulling out Cyberse Link Monsters, maybe his variation instead pulls out Cyberse Spell/Traps? I think that would be cool to see.
Not to sure on his relationship with other characters at the moment until we actually know his personality. If anything I’ve said above is even close to being accurate, he more then likely will just be super hateful to everyone, especially to the Knights of Hanoi, for obvious reasons, and especially to Spectre, who he might just think is a crazy person for being able to side with the Knights after everything they put them though, similar to how Windy thinks Ai and Flame are insane for being able to side with humans. I am looking forward to him and Windy meeting though, and if Windy’s damages are permanent, I like to see them bond over their mutual injuries.
But yeah, I think that’s about all I can say until we learn more about Windy’s kid. I name would be a nice start, or even a silhouette (looking at you ED 4 and OP 2 if you get updated tomorrow). On another note, I did not expect this to be so long 0-0
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popsicleofdeath · 6 years
I finally watched Caligula the anime and honestly I really wanna play the game in hopes that it does the potential for the story better. There are so many nice concepts, but the emotions don't fit well it's like you got these bland empty slates that have an occasional focus. Which is something that you can get away with in a game where you only really look at one character at a time.
It does have a lot of similar themes and feel as the Persona series has, especially 1 & 2 (not surprising because the same scenario writer did those two plus Caligula Effect) and I definitely like the Persona games more than any of the anime adaptations.
But I worry it'll go harder into some of the very poor conclusions some of these characters come to with dealing with their trauma.
[spoilers under the cut]
I can appreciate the fact that it doesn't like rank peoples traumas and when a character tries to do that sort of thing they shut it down, but boy do they not manage to come to a lot of mediocre to bad conclusions. (If anyone happens to read this not knowing anything about the anime or game please know there are A LOT of main characters and a lot parts that I did like. These are just some of the things I didn't like and fear the game would double down on. Which if it's anything like Persona's social links...it could go either way.)
Like one characters conclusion for her her Trauma (which is that she's ashamed and been made fun of for having a fat mother and subsequently afraid of becoming fat to the point that one of the first things we actually see her do is go off on how much she hates fat people) is that she needs to apologizing for wishing away her mother. No level of y'know accepting different body types or exploring the fact that being fatphobic is shitty and not only hurt her and her mother who she supposedly loved and y'know anyone who is fat. Or even addressing the external issue either: all the people made fun of her for having a fat mother (im gonna assume that one is distinctly more of a cultural issue that doesn't translate well to the American view)
Or another one who cut himself essentially for control over his own life. They don't seem to acknowledge that that's a very bad solution and mentality and in fact frame it somehow as positive. Or even that the biggest reason he wants to return to his life is to have those scars back? And somehow focuses on self inflicted scars as being the milestone for him to start taking back control of his life from his mother (which I found odd to because his way it doing that is to...... ask her. Like when he talks it's framed as a very abusive power imbalance that he feels his only option is to slash open his cheek..and then he goes solving the problem by saying "hey so, can you maybe be a bit less controlling?" There is no follow through with how they set it up.) The framing of self inflicted wounds themselves being for the better is not something I'm for. Like even if it had been some sort of. "I like the scars because they've healed like I'm doing" but it doesn't.
And then you have my personally least favorite of them all who's trauma is that his closest friend killed herself. But that itself isn't want the issue he has is. No his "crime" as he calls it is that she asked him to kill himself with her and he was too much of a "coward" Which as a starting mentality I get it. Especially with already being depressed. But the thing is that again. It isn't something where his mentality changes. It's not any sort of desire to have saved her or done something to help her. He still just believes he should have killed himself with her so she didnt have to die alone and he has to carry the weight of that crime his entire life. He's just decided to live with it instead of lock himself up in his room. But the way it stands is that he only even wanted to go back to real life because one of the villains was made him realize that the life he had wasn't real life and subsequently turned the supposed perfect world into his personal hell so he's kinda like. Guess I might as well deal with reality because this is worse.
Which brings me to the villian who made his life hell. She was the other friend of the girl who killed herself. And the reason she hated the dude was becauses she wanted to kill herself with their, but she wasn't asked. It's the weirdest form of glorifying double suicide. Like it feels like they were pulling straight from Dazai Osamu's No Longer Human but ignored how the book moved forward from it and instead decided to get stuck on the double suicide and glorified it from there very seriously. To the point that these two characters were symbolically falling to their deaths before (because of other plot) they were finally sent back to reality.
And then in general a lot of the villains had very bad undertones (beyond the fact that they were villains.)
Like the first one you meet. She's a cute little girl who likes cute things and sweets. And then her big trauma is that she is in real life a male really gross food blogger. It adds more to the fatphobia that is all over the show, but it also plays into the "trap" troupe and adds to a lot of general transphobic mentalities which of course is even worse because she's one of the villains.
And finally. This is the last one that really got to me. Is the surprise twist villian character (who following all the logic set up in the anime. Is pretty obvious in my opinion).... her trauma is brought up in like one bit and brushed aside. She's missing her legs below the knees and because of that she says that everyone hates her. There's a lot there which I'm not kidding gets only like 30 seconds focus. And like. That's super fucked up. Like. They're gonna make the one character they have that is physically disabled a villian. And not only a villian, but a villian with absolutely no depth of character and no resolution. Like she's literally there for cheap shock value.... that's it. That's absolutely it. Her character is outsider best friend (brushed to the side) and then villian ready to murder all the protagonists for the fun of it.
Honestly all the villains have pretty much no actual substance beyond cheap shocks at the expense of anyone who might be facing similar issues. The story spells it as hurting people trapped in escapist fantasies, but maybe half the villains even get the luxury of that being addressed for them personally.
There's so much in that could be so good but honestly the amount of either bad or just boring bits outweighs the actual good content the show is trying to work towards... like honestly. I think it would be 1000x better if the cut the cast and some of these half baked attempts storylines that the can't or won't follow through with.
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emsidersoft · 7 years
The Out of Character Outsider?
Warning, extreme story spoilers for Death of The Outsider throughout.
In Death of The Outsider mission 2, The Outsider appears to Billie on her ship, spouting his usual rhetoric and being cryptic, he suddenly grabs her by the wrist to which she responds "What the hell?!" and tries to push him away.  Which she finally does after he "re-balances" her displaced eye and arm.
Billie Lurk exists in two timelines at once, possibly more. She should be one way, she should be another way.  Things should be this way, but they should also be that way.
Her dreams were plagued by the memories of the grand guard attacking her as she searched for Stilton, her arm and eye dead and gone, her body was displaced and remembered the pain and agony of losing these things.
Timelines bleed together around Billie, the Outsider's actions fixed, at least part of that in relation to her arm and eye, he was unable to undo what was done to her, the injuries she sustained but he has helped her to make them something she can work with in a more supernatural way in her mission.
The Outsider was not "out of character" in this scene, many claim that this scene is analogous to assault and that it's blatantly one person (a man) excerting power over another (a woman) Adding in that she is a POC disabled woman who one user says she "cannot fight back" despite having the use of both of her arms and a history of training as an assassin.  She eventually pushes the Outsider away.
Was he erratic in this scene? Of course! but this is to depict how bad things have gotten for the Void and for him, and for Billie as well.  There is no other way around it, Billie and The Outsider are in "this" together, even though her mission is to kill him.  They established very early on that these two characters are important within each other's stories. They are linked, intertwined.
He was not however, out of character.  It is in his character to force others to carry his mark, as he has never once given any player character until Dishonored 2 (Emily) a choice in the matter.  Though people may argue this goes against the character, as he had his choice stripped from him during his murder, He does not do this as a horrific means to exert power over the marked like the cultists did to him, but to help them pick themselves up from darkness, a choice he never got. 
This is well within his character to do something like this, maybe it is a little odd to see him so reactive, so emotive in a world where we are used to him not moving at all.
Dishonored shows us a man who is closed off physically to the ones he is speaking to, a cold and distant person, perhaps even aloof at times.  It may come off as "uncaring" But it is simply that he is fighting with himself not to care,  as care is too close to a human feeling, and feeling human is terrifying when you've lost your chance.
He resigned to the Void, to everything that came with that, He resigned to the hopelessness of being trapped for all of his days and beyond, He was a victim, and he always would be.
As I have mentioned before in another post on my main blog, why be nice and friendly to people he speaks to when all the marked thus far had proven they were no better than the cultists who murdered him.  That they were not only capable of darkness but that they would willingly tap into it for hate, for bitterness.  They dragged his mark, his name through the mud for horrific reasons, terrifying murders and bloody rituals.
His mark was all that was left of who he once was as a human, everything was torn away from him and he was fated to a life in the Void for all of eternity.
Three important people have changed been a catalyst for the Outsider to change as a character as we can see him slowly progress throughout the games, I made a post about the outsider from the first/second game and people's difficulty connecting them (on my main blog, also reblogged here I believe).  The Outsider slowly starts to learn that maybe being closed off isn't what he wants, maybe he craves...desperately craves the human emotions and feelings he has pulled away from for all his days.
Corvo Attano was one of the first marked who used his powers for good, not for pure and unadulterated revenge for a system that betrayed him. Corvo had endured months of torture in Coldridge, blamed for the murder of the woman he loved as he watched Emily being stolen from him.  He lived through that darkness and he came out of it with powers that he did not misuse, he did not want to be all powerful, he was not power hungry, he only wanted to save Emily.
Even the loyalists who betrayed him, he showed grace, even Daud who murdered Jessamine, he walked away from.
And the Outsider had fifteen years to think about how Corvo broke the mold, he was different from the other marked and he chose something else, another way.
When Emily came along, the Outsider had clearly opened himself up more and became less closed off towards humanity, He helped her, aided her in her fight against Delilah and shared the origin of his creation with her, physically he was moving around more, pacing and gesturing.  He even saves Emily from falling to the bottom of the void in the Stilton mission.  which you can tell by his facial expression was something he wasn't used to, physical contact.
Emily, having been her father's daughter had also chosen the alternate path, maybe Emily is hotheaded but she defied all odds in her attempt to win back her throne from her bitter aunt.   And she grew as a character, realizing that she wasn't the best Empress and she would be better, she did not want power, she did not want greatness, She wanted to save her father and win her throne back to do right by her people.
Corvo Attano and Emily Kaldwin had a profound effect on the Outsider and the way he views humanity, he had spent so very long resigned to what he was and resigned to the fact that there was no hope, he was doomed to watch creation's failures from first to last, everything repeats.
Now I'm not saying nobody had ever shown compassion before, but not anyone who was marked by any means, The Outsider had watched many people, but not all, many of them bad, some of them good but... were they really 'good' or merely self serving? There's a difference.
Emily and Corvo on the other hand risked everything they had to save each other and do what was right, and they did it without succumbing to the darkness of the Void.
Not very long after, during the events of DOTO the Outsider had changed... his experience with Delilah had frightened him in a way that he had not felt in four thousand years, and he is surrounded by fear every single day of his life.  But Delilah tried to take something from him, he remembered all too well the last time someone took something from him.  
Delilah shook him to his core, and you can see how erratic and desperate he is when he talks to Billie, he is more emotional than Dishonored 2, he is scared, and we can sense that in his movement and hear it in his voice.  After Corvo, after Emily and after the events of Dishonored 2, he realized he was afraid, and he realized humanity wasn't all full of scumbags who would do anything to get power.
Corvo and Emily were the catalyst for the Outsider to realize there was more than what he resigned himself to, the void and a life of darkness with no humanity or closeness with humanity.  He had spent so much time lost, alone and afraid, even afraid of remembering, of being too close, because it would hurt too much.  He was trapped.
But there was another way, and he found Billie through the cracks of time, space and the Void itself, Billie had been around so much darkness in her life, Daud, Delilah, her own dark past... she had lost so many people she held dear to her, Deirdre, Daud... But she kept going, she didn't turn to the easy path, she didn't become the darkness that surrounded her, that has always been a part of her life. Void or otherwise.
He knew Billie was different, Billie wasn't like the others and he felt a connection with her, they have similar stories to tell.
He wanted her to see that she had a choice, that she always had a choice, that some people in this world are beyond forgiveness.
But not Daud, and not her.
She was able to forgive herself in the end there, same as Daud, Billie turned away from what Daud wanted in his years of anger and she showed the Outsider something he had most likely never experienced in his life.
"Look at him! He doesn't deserve this, No one deserves this!"
And so Corvo Attano and Emily Kaldwin were the catalysts for the Outsider's change, and Billie Lurk was the flare that saved him.
Corvo Attano, Emily Kaldwin and Billie Lurk along with her mentor Daud, saved the Outsider, first in Corvo and Emily saving his mind from thinking he was resigned to this life, they gave him hope again that humanity wasn't doomed. And then in Billie showing a compassion he had never known, and Daud casting off all hate and bitterness and learning to forgive, not only the Outsider..But himself.
In conclusion, the Outsider has always been and always will be perfectly in tune to the story that they have told throughout the game. The cold and uncaring persona was simply a mask to hide himself and protect himself from the pain of remembering a life long lost.
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thenightling · 7 years
The Many Disney Beast Frock Coats (and his Prince forms)
I have already addressed the Different Belle ball gowns.
Now to address the different Disney Beast frock coats.
First we have Beast from the original animated Beauty and the Beast.
The first frock coat we see him dressed in, is the famous blue one from the ball room scene.
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Later that frock coat is ruined but as consolation you get a a prince.
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Obviously they found one in a smaller size for him by the time the wedding happened.  What a cheap wedding since Belle’s still wearing her ball gown as a wedding gown.  She must really love that dress.
In Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (1997) midquel we again see Prince Adam in his beloved frock coat.
At Christmas belle finally wears a new dress and pearls even but Prince Adam is still wearing that same frock coat.   He must really love that jacket.
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Then there was Beauty and the Beast the Broadway musical version based on the animated film.  This version of the Disney tale was enhanced with an expanded story and new songs were written, giving more depth to characters like The Beast. Here we have a new version of the blue frock coat and cravat, and silk lace shirt under it.
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This one has a lot more sparkles and feels fancier than his animated counter-part.
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Here’s a slightly different version.
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And here he is as Prince Adam miraculously able to fit in the same jacket.  :-P
And now with a lovely ribbon holding back his curly brown hair. (Usually Prince Adam is blond).
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You can see he’s wearing Belle’s hairstyle from the opening of the tale.  They’ll get along just fine.   But these aren’t the only versions of Beauty and The Beast where they seem to share in similar fashion tastes (Scroll down to the part about the version in Once Upon a Time).
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Here is the Beast of the Disney theme Parks.  I am including him as a representation of stage versions of Beast.   Beast has two costumes in the parks.  One is shirtless but wearing trousers and a burgundy cloak.   But here he is in the frock coat.
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And here’s an alternate version where she’s with him as Prince Adam.  Here ball gown is also a bit different here.
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Then in 1994 came the surprisingly intelligent, and dark, animated series of Disney’s Gargoyles in which on the Halloween episode “Eye of the Beholder” the leader of the Gargoyles, Goliath, was able to walk around Manhattan Island undisguised with Detective Elisa Maza dressed as Belle, signifying the budding relationship between the human (Beauty) and Gargoyle (Beast).
Despite being very Beast-like in appearance, Goliath is usually kind, patient, and noble.  Sometimes he will move like a beast (i.e. claw his way up walls, move on all fours, glide with his bat-like wings) and he’ll roar when enraged, but other than the fact that he sleeps as a stone statue by day, this is the most non-Beastly of the Beast representations mentioned on this list.    
This is the only Beauty and the Beast story created by Disney in which “The Beast” is NOT actually under any kind of curse and this is his true form and he’s proud of it.
Goliath here opted against a frock coat as he’s something of a minimalist.  He wears a loin cloth and belt and... that’s abut it...
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Elisa is the only biracial version of Belle on this list, being half-African American and half Native American, and Goliath (her Beast) is a Gargoyle from tenth century Scotland.  The other Belles and Beasts are depicted as French or in the case of Once Upon a a Time, as having originated from a Faery Tale world (though that version of Belle had an Australian accent and her Beast, Rumplestiltskin, has a Scottish accent and his original faery tale came from Germany.)  
Elisa and Goliath stroll and briefly dance together during the Greenwich Village Halloween celebration in Manhattan, New York City.  Though they share a dance it is not the famous melody of Beauty and the Beast.  The dance is still a waltz though.
This one probably shouldn’t really count as he’s only wearing a loin cloth where his tail pops out the back but look how well he folds his wings to make them resemble a cloak.  This is the only Beast with long black hair.
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Goliath has no prince form to share because he was never under a curse, nor was he a literal prince.  He was born... er... Hatched a Gargoyle and likes what he is.  However the show did have two “What if” episodes that showed what he would have looked like as a human.  The first episode to do this was “The Mirror” in Season two (1996).
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And then came the episode “For it may Come true” in Season three of Gargoyles (1997).  This season was also titled Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles and aired Saturday Mornings.  There were budget cuts... And it shows.  The animation quality went very down hill.  Also the human depiction of Goliath is a little... uncomfortable and it forgets the character’s racial ambiguity.  Though Goliath is a Scottish Gargoyle he was of dark pigment and voiced by the very talented African American voice actor, Keith David.
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And no, it was not just the lighting.  The pigments in the third season of Disney’s Gargoyles were kind of awful.
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No Frock coat in this dream “What if” scenario.  Just a modern casual business attire suit and his hair is short... for some reason.
In 2011 came the Disney TV show of Once Upon a Time, which retold it’s version of Beauty and the Beast in Season one with the episode Skin Deep.    Here Belle surrenders herself to Rumplestiltskin.
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Using Rumplestiltskin to represent The Beast seemed an appropriate and ironic choice since The Beast in the animated Disney Beauty and the Beast film was not officially named until many years later, initially never being called by name in his own movie. (Disney later officially named The Beast Prince Adam in case children asked about his name when visiting the Theme Parks).
Very Beast-like, while as an imp, Rumplestiltskin has strange, inhuman, eyes, glittering, scaly skin, claw-like nails, and a wide array of magical powers (besides being mostly immortal).
Rumplestiltskin is a former human who was transformed into the trickster “Dark One” imp.  Belle gives herself over to him in a bargain in order to have her land saved from attacking Ogres.  Needless to say Belle and Rumplestiltskin did not anticipate falling in love with each other.
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Rumplestiltskin is a pain in the ass for this list because he wears a LOT of different frock coats.   If I tried to collect every poet blouse or eighteenth century style coat he has worn on Once Upon a Time I would be at it for days.   I will have to minimize for this one.
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Here is Rumplestiltskin from the season one episode of Once Upon a Time called The Price of Gold.  In the modern Human world Rumplestiltskin has a persona known as “Mr. Gold.” 
In this scene Rumplestiltskin is crashing Cinderella’s wedding reception.  He’s wearing a cream colored frock coat in this scene.  Rumplestiltskin doe snot just serve as The Beast for Once Upon a Time.  He is also The Crocodile from Peter Pan and The lame little boy from  The Pied Piper of Hamelin. And he served as a stand in for Cinderella's Fairy Godmother since he... kidn of ...well, murdered her.
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When without his magick, in our world, Rumplestiltskin physically passes for human and is rendered disabled, having the severe limp he had during his mortal life.  This version of him, going by the name of Mr. Gold, often dresses in a nice business suit (including waistcoat and pocket watch) and poses as a “harmless” antiques dealer.  
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In Season Three of Once Upon a Time (2013) Rumplestiltskin created a persona for himself that fans have nicknamed “Goldskin.”  It’s a cross between his human persona and his imp-self. Wearing the style of clothes he has in his imp form and having full access to his magical powers (not needing his cane) and yet physically resembling a human being, this version of Rumplestiltskin set out to rescue his grandson from the clutches of Peter Pan (Rumplestiltskin’s own father).
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Later when Belle and Rumplestiltskin are married in Season Four of Once upon a Time (2014) their honeymoon featured the Beauty and the Beast dance, to the famous melody from the animated film but without the accompanying lyrics. 
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As you can see he is in his Mr. Gold Persona but having access to his dark magick he does not have the limp that would otherwise cripple him as a human being.
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 As you can see in this particular scene he is wearing the traditional eighteenth century style blue frock coat.  This is the only scene in which he has worn that particular frock coat though the character (particularly in imp form) has worn many different styles of frck coat.
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In the 2016 Season six of Once Upon a Time, Rumplestiltskin entered Belle’s dream to rescue her from a sleeping curse.  In her dream he was reverted to his dark imp form (representing his Beast status) and so he recreated the moment of their falling in love, in the hope of waking her.  
Within this dream world they ended up having a longer version of the ballroom dance scene than what was done in Season Four during their honeymoon.  And yet again it was to the melody of the song from the 1991 animated Beauty and the Beast film.
The relationship with Belle and Rumplestiltskin is unique in that he’s the first and only version of “The Beast” to literally make the golden dress for Belle and not just dance with her in it.  He made the gold dress for her using magick during their Honeymoon in season four and in the dream curse in season six of Once Upon a Time.
However, this time he did not bother to try to give himself the blue frock coat and instead went with what he had on at the start of the dream Interaction, while in his imp form, which was already fairly decent of a costume.
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This is also the only Disney Beauty and the Beast where (though Rumplestiltskin most assuredly loves Belle) he initially dreaded and resisted having his curse lifted for fear of losing his magical powers.
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 He also doubted anyone could truly love him, which is part of why he resisted his curse breaking and reverting to his (in his view) lowly human status.
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He is also the only Beast to have been a physically disabled man (needing a crutch or cane to walk) before gaining magical power in his imp (Beast) form.
Here he is as he was before he became the imp.
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And as the imp.
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Rumplestiltskin and Belle in Once upon a Time have on occasion dressed very, very similarly.
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I am pretty certain Belle has been stealing his clothes...
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This is the first Beauty and the Beast where I am all but certain Belle has been raiding her Beast’s closet, or at least she did during Season three... 
And finally...
the new 2017 Live Action Beauty and the Beast movie based upon the 1991 Beauty and the Beast animated feature. This film will feature songs from the original animated movie and some new songs composed especially for the movie but sadly none of the songs that were added for The Broadway musical version of Beauty and the Beast.
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 Unlike the original film version of The Beast this version is literate and a book lover like Belle. The version of The Beast in the extended cut of the 1991 Beauty and The Beast animated movie was revealed to be illiterate or just barely literate.  The same is true of The Beast in the Broadway musical version of Beauty and the Beast.  In both versions Belle helps him to learn to read.
In contrast to this Goliath in Disney’s Gargoyles, Rumplestiltskin in Once upon a Time, and Beast / Prince Adam of the 2017 Beauty and the Beast musical are not only literate but also well-read and have quoted classic works of literature or paid reference to them.
Rumplestiltskin is the curious exception in that though he can read English and Latin (confirmed with the spell translation in Season Four) he cannot read or speak “Faery language” which is revealed to be particularly odd when it is revealed that his mother is the infamous Black Fairy.  Belle had to translation a fairy invocation spell for him.    
 Here is The Beast in his elegant frock coat of the 2017 Beauty and the Beast movie. 
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His is oddly a bit more period accurate and nicely detailed with embroidery.
And here he is as Prince Adam.
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There you go .   The different Disney Beasts and their human forms.
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