#also i love how carl just. doesn't deny it
mongo-the-liensis · 6 months
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Donut saying what we were all thinking.
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So, since TOWL started, but even moreso after this episode, we've been discussing when was the exact moment Rick & Michonne fell in love.
Here are my thoughts.
-For Michonne, I think it's obvious and Danai already said as much. It was when she watched Rick bite a man's throat out to save his son. She saw that this man (a man she cared deeply for, a man she was very attracted to) was willing to do absolutely anything for his family and she realized he was the one. This was the man she loved. This was the man she wanted. For herself and for the future family they were already building.
-For Rick, I think it was a more gradual process. The attraction was there from day 1. From the moment he saw her standing at that fence. Sure, he was still grieving and half out of his mind, but he could see the woman standing in front of him was out-of-this-world gorgeous and their chemistry was undeniable. He could feel that tension between them even if his mind wasn't there yet.
-I think he started to fall for her in "Clear." The moment she told him she knew he'd been seeing things and she could relate, he realized she saw HIM. She saw him and accepted him in a way no one else could. What was he going to do, NOT fall for this amazing woman who understood him in a way no one ever had? Please.
-I think he fell in love with her more and more each day, but when did he actually realize he was in love with her? Imo, it was when they got to Alexandria. When he had time to take a moment to really process everything they'd been through. He takes a minute to himself and it dawns on him that he's in love with Michonne. But also, he can't be.
-Because Michonne is his son's best friend. She and Carl, they've built this incredible bond and it's precious. It's too precious to put at risk. Rick starts to worry that if he and Michonne get together, it could damage the relationship between Michonne and Carl. And Rick can't do that. He can't take that away from them. He loves his son and he loves Michonne and he won't risk hurting either of them.
-So he makes a decision. He and Michonne can't be together. At least not now. Maybe, when Carl is older. Maybe once his son has formed close bonds with other people like the one he shares with Michonne...but not now. Not when Carl and Michonne need each other. So it can't happen.
-And as Rick is trying to figure out how to suppress his feelings for Michonne, Jessie is there. And she's nice and pretty and suffering in a bad marriage to a bad man and that's a problem Rick can actually do something about. He can get this woman and her kids away from her pos husband so they can be safe. Now he's got something to focus on. Now he's got a mission that will take his attention away from the breathtaking woman he's in love with but can't actually be with.
-And so he uses Jessie as a distraction. Now, let's be clear, he doesn't do this on purpose. Rick is a good man and he would never intentionally use someone in that way. He just wanted to help this woman escape her abusive husband. But she's kind to him and she reminds him of Lori so they form a connection. And it's good. Or it could be good. If he works at it. If he tries. It could maybe, someday, turn into something good for both of them.
-But then Carl is shot and everything changes. I think, even if Jessie had lived and it had been some random kid who shot Carl, their relationship would be over. Because now Rick knows what matters to him. He knows WHO matters to him and it's not Jessie. It's Michonne. It's only ever been Michonne. And while he's still worried about how Carl might react, he can't deny his feelings anymore. So he's going to tell her how he feels.
-But how does he do that? How can he make his move on the woman who means everything to him? Where does he even start showing her how much he loves her? He's still trying to figure that out when she gives him an opening. The toothpaste. She needs something and he can give it to her. Sure, it's a small gesture, but it's a way to start showing her how he feels. He can do this. He's going to do this. He's going to bring her a whole damn truck full of toothpaste until his plans get shot to hell.
-So he gives her the mints. It's not what she wanted, but maybe it's enough. And it is. Because she doesn't need the toothpaste or the mints or any other small romantic gesture. She needs him. She needs him the way he needs her. She LOVES him the way he loves her and all that worrying was for nothing. Because Carl is going to be fine. (😭) His relationship with Michonne is unshakable. And whatever weirdness he feels at seeing Rick and Michonne together is something they can deal with. As a family. Because that's what they are. That's what they've always been.
.....Anyway.......those are my thoughts :)
When do YOU think Rick & Michonne fell in love?
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rickmymanrick · 2 months
rick’s POV(ch 6 | one rule)
here's a little look at what's going through rick's mind after the lori/shane bombshell. this should give more background to rick and daphne's 'relationship' before the fall.
also take it easy. this was written very quickly without much revision. just a fun little dive into rick's thought process during this scene
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"Oh, really? Does a brother fuck your wife?"
I didn't understand what Daryl had said at first. The shock kept me rooted in my spot as he scoffed and then stormed off into the trees.
Does a brother fuck your wife?
A rage crept in as Shane began to shuffle uncomfortably, mere feet away from me. He wasn't even trying to deny it.
"She... Lori... she thought you were dead, man."
I suddenly knew this wasn't just sex. The first thing he'd done was defend her honor rather than his own. Was he in love with her?
My jaw clicked as I clenched my teeth together angrily. The betrayal was almost enough to blind me in rage. Our marriage was on the rocks for almost a year before my coma, but we were still married. Someone I'd trusted with everything knew the mother of my children intimately.
"Did you?" I bit out. After all, he was the one who had last seen me at the hospital.
"You heard 'em. I—I tried, Rick! I saw you every chance I got—"
His words flew into one ear and out the other. I couldn't think of anything but how much I wanted to knock his teeth out.
"—we were comforting each other the only way we knew how—"
Holding onto my sanity was surprisingly difficult. I always had a feeling Lori had her affections directed elsewhere. All our arguments and fighting, the things she'd say in front of Carl— the thought of infidelity wasn't out of reach. I'd even come to accept the possibility of it, because outside of my house, I wasn't doing much better. Could I even be upset with her? I never cheated on my wife, but my attention had been fixed on another for quite some time.
"I thought you were gone." It was the only thing I could manage to say, if I wasn't going to send my fist flying into his face, at the very least I could try to express the hurt. He needed to know that this broke everything we had.
"After I woke up in that hospital bed, when I saw what the world had become. The first thing I thought about was Carl and Lori. And then you. Our unit. For a moment, I thought you were all dead—" The words got stuck in my throat as I recalled the horrible thoughts that plagued my mind when I woke. How I mourned my best friend.
I could barely stand to look at his face. My eyes stung and I forced myself to look him squarely. He did this to me. He did.
"Our marriage... fell apart a long time ago," I shook his head and clenched my jaw. "But that doesn't make this okay."
He knew this already. Hell, if I recalled correctly, it was the grand topic of our final conversation before the world went to shit.
Shane was normally so outspoken, always had a goddamn thing to say. A quip. A disagreement. Always something.
But now he was deadly silent, guilt must be brewing in him. Good.
I was only able to push the murderous thoughts out of my mind when I remembered that my son was only alive because of him and Daphne. It was the only thing sparing him. From what? I wasn't too sure.
"I appreciate what you did. Saving 'em. I owe you everythin' but—" I forced through my teeth, digging my nails into my palms.
In this moment, I realized I couldn't confront Lori. I couldn't destroy whatever semblance of family we had left. It's a miracle we were still alive and that we found each other. That I found my boy.
We're still out in the woods, unprotected and exposed. Tomorrow was not promised. And until it was, until I could guarantee my family would live to see more sunrises, I couldn't destroy what they had built here. Otherwise, we would not survive.
"I get it, man. I'll go back to camp."
"Uh— yeah, yeah," I said dismissively. My anger could only hold off for so long.
As soon as he stomped away, I allowed myself to glance at his retreating back, confirming what I suspected since yesterday afternoon. The look on his face— the shock of seeing me— it wasn't happy. Maybe, just maybe, part of him wanted me gone for good.
The thought sent my fist barreling into the nearest tree trunk, a frustrated yell tried to escape but I kept my lips firmly shut. I didn't need Shane coming back, if he cared at all that is.
Somewhere in the jumbled thoughts that were fighting to make some sense of anything in my mind, I remembered the one thing that had brought me any type of comfort when Lori and I would argue. Which was practically everyday.
"How long you been there?" I asked softly. I knew she would hear me. I'd seen her brown eyes through the bush as Daryl led us farther from camp.
The branches rustled a bit.
"I was here first," her voice was defensive. I couldn't blame her. Witnessing what she just witnessed.
I tried to spot her curls through the bush but she seemed to have camouflaged herself within the leaves.
"You were. I saw you just before Daryl left."
And out she finally came, her cheeks flushed and her hair in a bit of a disarray, but the sight of her brought back memories from the station. At work, she usually had her hair pulled back, two curls framing her face while she sipped a steaming hot coffee. She was always there before me so I would choose the long way to my assigned desk, which was in a completely different wing, just to catch a glimpse at her. The sight of her was a breath of fresh air after rough nights of arguing with Lori. Daphne had an aura to her that made just about everyone gravitate to her. Bitterly, I also remembered that Shane tainted most of my memories of Daphne Ayala.
Always lingering around her desk, conveniently posed right in front of her whenever I would walk in. It wasn't odd for her to be busy with another officer, most of the department had a crush on her as grown as we all were. But Shane's appearances always seemed deliberate.
"I was picking berries. Found the patch a few weeks ago," she explained, showing me her pouch of fruit.
How odd it was to see her outside the precinct. Her hair was down, curls reaching her lower back as she brushed them away from her eyes. Eyes that weren't framed by her usual eyeliner style.
She looked so jarringly beautiful in a world so terribly gruesome.
I hoped my anger would mask how unsettled I was that we were actually speaking, after years of observing her from afar. Did she know I was as hopelessly attracted to her as nearly everyone else in the KCPD?
"I can leave you alone."
I realized with a jolt I've spent so much time staring that I'd forgotten to speak.
"I'll go back to camp—"
"No." I said more assertively than I meant to. I didn't want her to slip away again. She was always a mystery I wanted to solve but I forced myself to stay away. Despite the problems at home, I was still married. And now? Well, it was all in shambles.
"Oh, um, okay."
"Do you..." What am I trying to say? My mind went blank. But I looked at Daphne's eyes obscured by her curls and her work updo came to mind. And then her shadow, Shane. "Did you know?"
"No," she said looking rather uncomfortable.
"I keep wondering... if I have the right to even be upset. I wasn't a good husband to her, I know this, and you're the last person I should be telling this to but—" I cut myself short, the words slipping past my lips before I could think them through. I practically gave myself away and it was wishful thinking to hope that it had flown over her head. Daphne was a detective for crying out loud.
"It's fine. I know this can't be easy for you. To wake up to... this."
I scoffed. It wasn't easy to see the world flipped upside down sure, but the most selfless person was standing right in front of me. The one who had saved my family's lives at the risk of her own. She was keeping them and the rest of the camp alive. People she didn't even know.
"I woke up and the hardest part was done. Seeing the world change— changing with it— becoming the leader of a group you had no responsibilities or ties to. You, you did the hard part."
She seemed taken aback. "Oh— did Shane—?"
"Shane didn't hafta tell me nothin'. Lori and I talked last night. She told me everything that happened since the day I got shot." Saying their names left a bad taste in my mouth. "I guess I have a lot to be thankin' you for. You saved my family. That is something I will never be able to repay."
I placed a hand on her shoulder. "You have my gratitude."
"Carl's a great kid. And Lori's my friend. I would do it a million times over."
She's a goddamn angel. I studied her face in awe, something I'd never been able to do in the years I admired her from afar. There was just something about her.
Her nose crinkled awkwardly as her brown eyes struggled to look into mine. Her lips turned up into a tiny smile. I had to remind myself that I'm married and step away respectfully before it got weird.
I brought myself to the ground, legs feeling weak from everything I'd endured in the past 48 hours. Daphne sat next to me.
"What... what do I do?" I asked her quietly.
She's a detective. She's light years smarter than I'd ever be.
"You're asking me," she said carefully.
I shrugged and looked at our surroundings obnoxiously.
"I can't really tell you what to do, Rick."
I rolled my eyes as I thought of Shane's guilty expression. "What I really want to do is break his jaw in. Watch him choke on his teeth."
"He deserves it," she agreed with an irritated tone.
Now that I thought of it, I hadn't seen Shane and Daphne interact once. A stark contrast to his relentless pursuing day in and day out at work. Maybe they had a falling out.
I sighed. "I don't know how to go on. How to look him in the face. We were brothers," I got angrier as I went on. "He was my best friend. He knew."
"He knew?"
"He was the one person I confided in. I told him about Lori and I. I told him when things started going south. I never thought in a million years I'd have to worry."
"We never do. They fill our heads with all these stupid promises and reassurances just to stab you right in the back anyway," she said.
I would've paid more mind to her comment but I was too wrapped up imagining how Lori and Shane would sneak off. How she'd leave Carl alone with people she barely knew.
He's wrapped up in the middle of this. I'm sure he noticed all the fights between us. Lori never bothered to keep our discussions private. But even if I entertained the thought of just destroying whatever was left of our marriage, I couldn't do it now. Not while he needed his parents more than ever.
"Carl... he's so young," I expressed. I felt guilty that I was rambling so that's all I said. I wasn't sure why I was telling her so much— I'm not a particularly open person— but it's easy to talk to her. Natural even.
"Rick, the world isn't the same anymore. It doesn't excuse Lori's actions or Shane's, but all of that doesn't matter so much when you're trying to keep yourself from getting eaten by dead cannibals. I can't tell you what to do but in the grand scheme of things, I think Carl will learn to understand."
She's right, I thought. But things were too unstable, we were living life one day to the next... it had to wait until we weren't constantly looking over our shoulders.
I stared at the blueberries, willing myself to think of anything else.
"I've been thinking about the man we left behind," was the first thing I could think of. The guilt kept me up half the night.
Daphne looked over at me with a shocked expression. "You can't be serious."
Her reaction made me frown. "It isn't right. Leaving him up there to die."
"He would do the same to any of us. You just escaped the city. Survived alone against all odds. You're willing to risk that for a douchebag like Merle?"
I was confused, more shocked than anything. It didn't sit right with me— it was practically murder. She must know this. Douchebag or not, it would stain us forever if we left the man to cook in the sun.
"This— what we have here— this is what we focus on. It's unfortunate but Merle dug his own grave. It isn't worth risking your life, Rick."
No, I wouldn't accept that. And I didn't think she could live with that either. My face twisted uncomfortably as I tried to rationalize. She's right that it would be putting my life on the line, but it would kill not only me, but her, if I don't go. All those years of watching from a distance, I knew she had a big heart.
Her callousness and the iciness in her tone was so different from her usual behavior. I didn't like it, but I could see she was looking out for me—
The words disappeared from the tip of my tongue. We both shot up with only one thought in mind— Carl.
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lying-on-floors · 8 months
In Defense of Lori Grimes...
Listen, I've been rewatching TWD and I can only think of Lori Grimes.
I am a Lori Grimes defender for life and I don't care for your criticisms of her. The beginning of the show established that she was a woman going through marital issues. She already voiced how she felt guilty for the way she talked to Rick earlier that day and then found out her husband had been shot and fell into a coma! I don't know if y'all have ever known the grief of losing a parent and have had to watch how the grief affects your remaining parent, but I have. See, I was 5 when my dad was first arrested. My brother and I stayed with my grandma a lot because my mom was rarely home. She went out with friends as a form of escape from everything going on. Yes, she still loved us and she loves us now and we love her, even if it's really complicated and confusing at times. She just wanted to forget.
Shane wasn't much more than a distraction for Lori, an escape. And I am going to remind y'all that Shane took ADVANTAGE of her and her vulnerability. Everything people like to criticize Lori for is rooted in misogyny, like a lot of hate directed toward female characters.
Now, I am going to go over some of the common criticisms I have seen regarding Lori Grimes and I am going to disprove them.
"Lori Grimes was a bad mother."
No. Just No. She was a wonderful and loving mother. She loved Carl so much and she loved Beth. She would've loved Judith. All the times Carl acted bratty, understandably, she never once hit him or degraded him but reatherscoldde him and told him to do better.
AND I AM NOT PUTTING DOWN MICHONNE! I love Michonne and I love Lori. You can love both women and praise them for their roles as mothers and wives without pitting them against each other and it's sad that it is such a common practice amongst fandoms.
2. "Lori Grimes was a bad wife."
No. She was a loyal, supportive, and loving wife. As soon as she saw Rick was alive, she set immediate boundaries with Shane. She told him it was over. She told him she didn't want him to involve himself with her or her family EVER again. Shane didn't like that. He believed that HE OWNED HER and fucking assulted her! Like she is her own person and doesn't belong to anyone.
She supported Rick up until her death. She was his left hand. He went to her for everything, like he does with Michonne. And I love that he does that.
3. "Lori Grimes is selfish."
Okay? And? She's human. She's going to behave selfishly at times. And don't bring up her not wanting to have Judith at the beginning of her pregancy. She didn't need to tell Rick because it was her choice. She told him because she loved him. Rick even told her he would never make her have a child she didn't want but Rick helped her to look positivly towards the world's future. She had very valid reasons for not wanting to have a baby in the apocolypse and even if she had no reason other than not wanting to go through child birth, especially without medicine readily available, that's STILL VALID.
4. "Lori Grimes was a bitch."
This is the last one I'm going to address. Lori Grimes was not a bitch. She was a strong and powerful woman, who didn't take anyone's shit and set strict boundaries.
All I can say is that fandom hates women. Women of color also get a lot of shit, like I'm not denying that AT ALL and I will defend every last woman throughout the TWD universe, even the villians. Just because a woman wasn't submissive or she was antagonistic DOES NOT MEAN SHE'S DESERVING OF ALL HATE!!
In conclusion, I love Lori Grimes and the women of TWD. They're always overshadowed by the men around them and it's time they have the spotlight and praise they deserve.
Only comment if you want to uplift the women of TWD and the world. If not, die. <3 XOXO <3
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eldraftsman · 5 months
(Archive) Animated movie of the day: Up (2009)
Originally posted: January 15th, 2023 What makes life worth living? Is it the accumulated experiences we gain? The dreams and aspirations we set out to accomplish? Or maybe… something simpler? Can those dreams get in the way of what truly matters?
One of the most critically lauded Pixar films, the opening is so powerful most people would agree it's already a narratively satisfying experience, if a heartbreaking one. A sentiment I agree with: an entire married life of good and bad times, unfulfilled dreams intertwined with lovely everyday experiences, and the void that comes when one half of that whole parts. All in just seven minutes, it could have been a masterpiece of a short film on it's own merits.
Which provides an interesting contention point: some claim the movie peaks at that point and is followed by an underwhelming wacky adventure, which is kind of missing the point of the story. While you can discuss whether or not the execution was on part with such a striking opening(and I can see the decidedly sillier comedy clashing a bit with the surprisingly down to Earth drama of set up), the contrast is needed for the core of the film to shine. And shine it did: this was nominated by the Academy for Best Film when it came out. Even with their contempt for animation they couldn't deny it's greatness.
You need to feel how deep the loss of Carl is, and how ingrained his sense of failure to Ellie's dream is for it to dawn the stronger he is missing on the other things life still has to offer or have already offered him. How that grand dream never coming for her didn't stop her life being worth living by his side, as it's those small experiences that made it valuable. How to move on, keep going and meeting new people was the most meaningful way to embrace the true spirit of said dreamed voyage: an adventure to share with others you care for.
In the words of Doctor Seuss:
"Don't cry because it's over, be happy because it happened"
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Oh, fuck it. I wasn't planning on bleeding into another day but there's a LOT this movie does that makes it a masterful showcase of visual design and storytelling. From the different, subtle shifts in color grading that can completely change how the same space feels, to it's almost religious commitment to shape language and how that communicates character.
Sure, it's unsubtle but tells SO much about the contrast of personalities that it gets the point across without words. The fact Russel is round the same way Ellie's furniture is designed isn't a coincidence. Both in the general(his friendly nature) and in the specifics of the movie's conflict (his role being a new person for Carl to share his life with), the decision is pretty deliberate and pays off big time
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Also explains why Charles Muntz is so triangular. Specifically triangles pointing downwards. Unstable, passionate. Dangerous. Tragic. The perfect foil for Carl, but arguably more so for Ellie. She could treasure the little things even if some of her wildest dreams couldn't be achieved, which made her life fulfilling. He couldn't move on from his own, so he gave everything away for a fool's errand.
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And of course, shape language gets reinforced with body language. One frame. You can really tell the kind of characters they are with just that.
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In case it's not obvious I love this movie. Some of it's comedy is a little too goofy for my taste, sure, but the overall package just hits the right way. Sure, it's romantic and it's central plot device doesn't lack a sense of the absurd, but those emotional peaks render any complaint I could have otherwise completely void.
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gallavich-gunk · 8 months
Break down of scenes from shameless US season 6 episode 12 'familia supra gallegorious omnia!' (The episode where fiona almost marries shawn a.k.a penis head)
-Frank pisses in Shawn's shoes: iconic
-Carl wants to start taking on more responsibility and wants to iron his shirt: we love that for him he's such a sweety
-fiona being out the loop with not knowing Carl had already started sleeping with Dom: now fiona has a lot of times like this throughout the later series of just not knowing what going on especially through this season and it really shows the gradual transition to her leaving the house
-Lip in jail: he be a silly boy but ultimately I conclude it was a huge self-sabotage because he was so fucked over with professor shitty runyon fucking him over on top of all the other shit stuff in his life like this boy has been traumatised by Karen leaving and now another person has left him in a really shit way :(
-Kev Veronica and svet: you can see fiona is almost disturbed to see this throuple for the first time, and I believe this is not because its a throuple I think she would have no issue at all if the hooked up with some chill nice person but it's cause its svet and fiona has already identified her as a dirt bag when she denied he access to her flat
Kaleb is a cunt: I get he was trying to encourage his boyfriend but ffs there's way better ways to do that not calling your boyfriend a baby, I would have broken up with him right there! Obviously this is brushed over by Ian but this also marks an interesting point in Ians story because so far he has beaten down by the restrictions of society and because he's had bipolar thus far so many societal doors have been slammed in his face- though it is great to show Ian got the job I feel like this is trying to say if you just try harder you too can overcome the societal limits placed on you cause of your poor mental health-which is obviously incorrect cause the system is fucked and for many it doesn't matter how hard you try
-shawn brings fiona some flowers: though it may seem sweet when you think about it this is one of the only very nice things we've seen him do for fiona like yeah we have seen him help her in emergencies etc. But throughout their relationships he's usually so standoffish, so I think he is getting these to try and ensure she thinks he is a nice guy-but he's not! He's stinky!
Second to last, the church!!: this is very subtle and also something that has annoyed so much every time I've watched this episode why in the fuck I they getting married in some school hall and not the main church, now one might say money but the how the hell did Mickeys fam afford that huge church for one baptism?? No I think mentally fiona wasn't taking this marriage seriously just like the last one, there was no need to rush but she did, it also works cinematically to set the events of the wedding with the backdrop of the tacky Hall that didn't have any decorations or the vibe of a wedding at all because it showed the family being fucked up and the marriage not working and the background reflected that fucked upness
Ians face seeing Kev kiss svet and vernocia: iconic
-fiona talks to shawn outside: she says she is cold which is an obvious plea for him to at least give her his jacket cause even though the knows he will leave she is calling out for some confirmation they aren't over and that he at least partly cares for her even if she isn't his priority, but no he ignores this because he is a sociopathic cunt
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ravenadottir · 2 years
Oh gosh, you're back!! Welcome back, missed you and your posts so much ♡♡ I scrolled down and read (and reread) every post you made after your hiatus announcement /cries/ And also, I saw you want more ask, so... How will s2 LI react, if at the last party (The one after MC and LI won), when LI said they love MC, MC replies with something along the line of "You can drop the act now that we won" because MC believe that LI is playing games? Do you think they'll get mad, or try to convince MC?
li's reaction if mc responded "you can drop the act now" when they said 'i love you'...
wow, this took me long enough to answer, i'm sorry anon! and thank you for the love, sending it right back!
i like this because some of them showed us a moment or two of fragility in the relationship, or how they perceived the possibility of having one while in the villa. those will have a longer answer. it's also awesome because it also implies mc could've been skeptical about their feelings towards her, and we love some angsty discussion about feelings. i know i do, so let's jump right into it!
bobby. feeling the whiplash. "you thought i was lying?"
"you were pinned down as a player, weren't you? and you didn't exactly deny it either."
"so you thought i lied about being in love with you?"
"not lying, just... exaggerating."
"well, i'm not! and i wasn't. and i can't believe you would actually think that of me."
"can you blame me? you were parading the player thing as a joke and i asked for reassurance but you never gave me any. i do love you, but you can't blame me for thinking you might not."
"well, i wasn't. i didn't play back then and i'm not playing you now. good to know you think i am."
it would take some days for him to see where mc stands. he was really playful, probably because he didn't think mc actually believed in it, which is kind of sad when he hears that she did. but i don't reckon it would take him more than a few days to knock on her door and talk it out.
carl. sad, and lost, but he gets why. "i get that you would think i'm lying because of how apprehensive i was. but i'm not. i do love you. it's not an act.". he would be so lost he doesn't even know what it means when she says that. the entire time in the villa was an emotional roller coaster to him. he did things, said things that he'd never thought he could in so little time, so he wouldn't be mad.
elisa. determined to make mc believe her. "it's not an act babe. i came here to meet someone and i did. when i told you i wanted to be your girlfriend, i meant it. so unless you want to bail and end things, don't say stuff like that, because by now you should know i'm not faking anything."
gary. confused and thinking it's a joke. "i might drop trou if you say that one more time. where did that come from? what are you, mental? we went through a guy stealing you, drama, lottie... i wasn't lying then, and i'm not lying now. now stop this rubbish and let's get a glass of bubbly."
henrik. sensitive. "what? 🥺 how can you say that? please don't ever say that... is that how you feel? do you really think i don't love you? because i do! very much... 😔 why would you say that?"
"i don't know, just thought you might want a way out."
"i don't... never say that again."
ibrahim. offended, confused. "do you really think i would've hurt jo like that if i wasn't in this for real?"
"i just think, things were going so fast with her, maybe being with me wasn't what you wanted."
"it is. i just needed some time to process how i felt... how can you say something like that?"
"well, i had to pick you didn't i? you didn't pick me. i wondered if you still had feelings for her and was just... stirring into the skid."
"i'm not. i regret some decision i made while in the show but... i didn't know you felt that way. i'm sorry if the whole thing made you think i wasn't serious about you. to be honest, i thought you were over me, so i tried to move on. but i don't want you thinking i don't mean it when i say i want you as my girlfriend. because i do."
kassam. offended. "act? are you playing an act? because i'm not. and i'm kind of offended you would think that of me. i never gave you this impression or did anything that would make you think that. or did i?"
"then drop that, because it's not an act. do you really think i would've opened up if i wasn't serious about you? that's crazy."
lucas. playfully offended. "why, are you playing an act?" he smirks.
"no, i just thought you might want a way out."
"you think you're getting rid of me that easy huh? unless you tell me to leave, i'm not going anywhere. you should know by now i don't lie. i might make terrible mistakes, i fight for the wrong reasons sometimes. i know i can be a knob... but i don't lie."
marisol. confused. "did i say something to make you think i don't mean it?"
"it took you a solid time to be with me."
"because i wanted to be sure of what i wanted. it didn't take me long to realize it, it took me long to build courage. i told you i'm not as confident with women... but i do love you. and i felt it for a while. unless you want this relationship to end because you don't feel the same, we're rock solid."
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Hey there
Favourite falcon and winter soldier scenes?
It's funny you ask about that, I just finished the series for the umpteenth time haha!
Thank you for being patient, I went episode by episode and today has been super hectic😅
Literally every Bucky and Sam scene!
But for realsies:
Ep 1 New World Order
The face Bucky makes when trying to get Yori to calm down. I love seeing him emote; his expressions always fascinate me because The Winter Soldier had next to no expressions, and Bucky has no idea what to do with his face. Bless him.
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I think one of my favorite things is the kind of parallel between what Bucky does vs what Dr. Raynor says. "Don't do anything illegal." *Proceeds to do something illegal* We love a chaotic boy.
Oh my god Sam's little bird wave took me out!!
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Ep 2 The Star-Spangled Man
"Who we fighting now, Gandalf?" Totally confirms that our boy is a nerd™️
Bucky's relationship with Red Wing. When he bats at it like a cat😂
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The way he thinks about Red Wing reminds me of how Natasha views it.
Ep 3 Power Broker
When Sharon fights!! Although she isn't my favorite character (there's so much they could have done with her and Van Camp does a lovely job) she kicks ass. Can't deny that!
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The entire sequence of Winter Soldier mode when Bucky fights in that bar. Like please sir, step on me.
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Sam's outfit! And the "I can't run in these heels!!!"
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Freaking Zemo popping up in that car like a cocky mofo😂
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Ep 4 The Whole World Is Watching
The beginning scene that makes me cry every time I see it. That moment when you can see Bucky break free of his "rotted fur," where you can see the relief in his eyes and a genuine smile on his face. One that probably hadn't been seen in a very long time.
Oh my God my absolute favorite thing of the whole series is when Zemo is talking about super soldiers and talks about a powerful group can form things like the naz*s and the Avengers and Sam says "Hey, those are our friends you're talking about."
And Bucky says "The Avengers, not the naz*s" I LOSE IT EVERY TIME I SEE THAT like of course we needed clarification, Bucky😂
When the Dora Milaje are fighting with Walker and Hoskins, and Zemo takes a drink, Sam comments on making a move and Bucky, oh, Bucky, says "Looking strong, John!"
When Karli is threatening Sarah and as soon as Sam says "Take the boys." Bucky immediately whips his head in Sam's direction, I love that he's protective.
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Ep 5 Truth
Where Bucky is about to shoot Zemo and doesn't. I just-I-GROWTH. I love it!! The little self-satisfied smirk as the bullets fall from his palm.
The talk between Isaiah and Sam. Carl Lumbly honestly stole the show in every scene he was in, he's highly underrated. I wish he'd gotten more attention for this role.
Each time Bucky showed off his strength on the boat!
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Ep 6 One World, One People
When they call him Sergeant Barnes🥺 Makes my heart soar!
Sam catching the artillery(?) truck with the council inside and Bucky being extremely proud of him.
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"I don't fly man that's your thing." *Revs motorcycle* OOH ALSO when he's riding and hits that concrete wall, launching himself at one of the Flag Smashers! Also Natasha vibes👀
When one of the men thanks him for saving them and the shock on his beautiful face. Like yes baby, you deserve that.
Sam's speech at the end. Something I think we need to hear in the real world❤
Thank you so much for the ask!!❤❤❤
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
If you don't like BE how can you call yourself Army. This is the album that the boys actually got to work on themselves, they've never worked harder on an album so by saying you don't think its good means you're rejecting the boys hard work.
OK firstly at no point did I claim to not like the album, I said I prefer MOTS7 and I felt even if BE had been in contention for a Grammy nom this year, which is isn't because it didn't meet the deadline, I don't think it would have deserved one. I don't like 3 songs off the album (4 if we include Dynamite which is such easy listening its impossible to hate).
But besides that, even if I despised BE as an album.... you don't get to gatekeep who's an Army and who's not especially since you seem to be under the impression this was somehow the first album the boys ever had a say in the making of. Now yes it is the album they had the most creative control over from the MV shoot, to the photography (which was all fantastic by the way, will not fault Tae and JKs work here). BUT BTS have been telling us their stories through their music for years now, MOTS7 was basically all about the boys exploring their fears of fame (Intro:Persona with RMs identity crisis, ON and Black Swan with the boys fearing the day they lose the love for their craft, Interlude: Shadow and Yoongi's fears about his own success etc. That whole Album was basically BTS psychoanalysing themselves) through the metaphors of Carl Jung's Map of the Soul Psychology Essays. Yoongi in his own work has been open about his struggles with mental health and his relationship with his family and friends, RM has put out music about his sort of identity crisis he's went through, throughout his career from underground rapper to Idol, from Rap Monster to RM, how he wasn't always welcome in either camp.
What I'm saying is I don't necessarily buy the idea that this is their most personal album in a sense that they've opened up more than they ever have before. BTS have always been quite open about their struggles, their experiences and have regularly featured that in their music. And I also don't deny the boys worked hard on this album, but you make it sound like the boys don't work hard on every album, just because previous albums didn't feature major production credits from the members (which it always featured at least the Rap Line in the songwriting credits of almost every song on any given album) doesn't mean the members don't work hard. They often have at least 5+ new choreography to learn, press tours to go on, performances to do, tours to go on + the fact members have progressively been getting more and more involved in the songwriting and production process. These boys worked just as hard on every album they've put out, just in different ways.
BE is unique in that it gives us a glimpse of how BTS have been feeling during this particular unprecedented year in their lives where they are simultaneously on top of the world and grounded in Korea due to Covid. But that's just it, its a Pandemic album, it's about the pandemic just as much as its actually about BTS. Albums like the Love Yourself Trilogy and MOTS7 will be timeless and give it a few years and I'll go back to listen to them and be almost unable to guess what year they came out. BE is already dated, I'll listen to BE 2/3 years from now and be able to go "ah yes that was the Pandemic album".
Now I'm not saying you can't love it and think its the greatest BTS album ever, I still want to see it succeed because I love the boys. I mean I bought the album, I own the album so its not like I hate it, I just... prefer some of their other stuff.
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ravenadottir · 3 years
s2 litg boys as heartbreak tropes? like ‘the one that got away’ or ‘right person wrong time’ type thing lol
now, i'm not sure if you're asking what they are, or what they potentially are, whether in or outside of the villa, so i'm going towards the second option...? listen, my head's been quite a mess lately so i apologize if this is not what you're looking for lol
and i'll include the girls because i think there's a perfect trope for each of them.
lucas. the "different priorities". very similar to HIMYM'S ted and robin, they realize those priorities will never change and neither of them can give them up. mc wants kids, lucas doesn't. that's it. despite you having to make the mistake (that is the relationship), you put the inevitable breakup on the backburner but you know it's coming. PAINFUL because there's still love there but ultimately you need to think about your own happiness and feel guilty about it.
gary. the "you changed". he's a simple guy with a simple taste and simple life. everything to him is pretty much working at the docks, hanging out at the pub, talking about life, seeing his family every weekend... BUT, if after the show, mc was dazzled by the spotlight, that could set the relationship back. especially if she had the same values as he did. the perfect trope for him when leaving the show and probably the only think that could break them up.
kassam. the "wrong place, wrong time". not being able to give up his travelling and touring would ultimately lead to a break up. they can't stand going on tour together because mc hates it and he knows just how much. it will lead to a painful "i drag you with me and you're not happy" and personally this one is probably the best for kassam.
ibrahim. the "minor flaw". it could have a positive twist sometimes but most of the time people will decide to break up over something they think it's a lack of compatibility. that happens a lot with younger people that haven't realized you don't need to like the same things to stay together. i think rahim is one of them. mc being out there and loud could send doubts to his mind whether they fit in perfectly.
carl. the "mistaken for cheating". he has some qualities but no one can deny he's still on his way to be more secure in a relationship. i'm a stan but i can see him cheating on someone if he thought they cheated on him first. he has nerves of steel for some things but they're not love related. zero chill if his partner was "cheating" and would do this as revenge, only to find out it wasn't cheating at all.
henrik. the "better as friends". painfully realizing they don't have the same values would lead them to break up and try remaining friends. usually one of them would've tried harder if it was their decision and i think that person is henrik. but he would just be delaying the inevitable.
noah. the "wrong shipping". YIKES!!!!!! they break up because they realize people on the outside were shipping mc with someone else. especially after everything that happened in his route... i think this has a lot of flavor and potential! noah would have the realization he did her dirty on many occasions and eventually cave because he has to admit people are right! and to add to it, he would also feel inadequate because other people could be better for mc.
bobby. the "i need more". i can see some mc's going unsatisfied about what they get with him. like one anon said, "bobby is not my favorite, he's my comfort route" and i can say that's definitely the reason why i opted to choose other people. such a tranquil relationship can be perceived as boring to some, and they would chase other li's in the hopes to find something exciting. poor bobby is perfect for this because his route doesn't have any shake ups and not everyone is about the chill life. it would honestly break his heart but also... i can see it happening.
lottie. the "too much gene". lottie is quite intense most of the times and despite the game wanting us to believe she has grown a lot, i'm still not convinced! her jealousy and trauma from past boyfriends could set a relationship back and be the reason for a breakup. it feels she needs to work on herself and process those experiences before diving into something serious, so i think it's kind of perfect for her.
elisa. the "jealousy". hear me out! elisa is very open and often dazzles the whole room because of her energy. she has "flirty" written all over her and that could be a reason for mc to be jealous. maybe "you don't act like you're in a couple" comes out of mc's mouth and that sort of energy can be quite hurtful if excessive. the more doubts elisa has about a relationship the more she acts like that, so it's definitely a trope that fits.
marisol. the "you never make time for me". mc would eventually cave once she realized marisol is invested more in her career than their relationship. it's one of my favorites because it says "i'm not gonna change my priorities for someone who can't be supportive" and the other part is thinking "you won't make sacrifices because you don't think we can go the distance". personally i think it's something it could happen later on depending on who mc is.
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