#also i can’t remember who the [redacted] i was talking about is
pinkkittysaw · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday
Which stands for Work is Published today because these two chapters are live!!!
Thank you for the tag, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @heartstringsduet 💝
This is from the second of the two chapters of my TK and Sophie fic I just posted - it was hard to find a snippet that isn't super spoilery, so I went for one after The Big Thing happened where we're just talking about it (also because I realized I've been writing this fic for so long I can now reference things that happened in earlier chapters - YAY!!)
2011 -
“Hey, Dad?” TK said.
“Yes, TK?” Owen said.
“I’m… I’m sorry”. TK said in a small voice. “I mean, for this. Obviously. But… for what I said to you. That day. [redacted] I didn’t… I didn’t mean that”.
“I kind of figured that, Bubba,” Owen said, even though he was relieved to hear it. “And I appreciate that”.
“So,” TK looked up at his dad hopefully. “Look, I know I screwed up big. And I won’t complain if you and Mom ground me and don’t let me out until I’m old. Like your age. But… do I have to [redacted]? I mean, can’t we just chalk this up to a bad day?”
“We can’t, TK,” Owen said, gently squeezing the back of his son’s neck. “Because we have to do what’s best for you”.
“But you don’t know that”. TK pouted. “You don’t know [redacted] is the best thing for me”.
“We know you need help,” another voice said. Owen and TK both turned and saw that Gwyn had re-entered the room.
“Mom—” TK started, but Gwyn cut him off.
“Sweetheart,” she said as she joined them on the bed, “do you remember when you and your sister were little, and we had to take her to the hospital because she got food poisoning?”
“Yeah”. TK nodded. “That was the time she bit the IV”.
“That’s right”. Gwyn nodded. “You were in the room with her when that happened. Do you remember what you said, when I asked you later what she said right before she did that?”
TK shook his head. He was having trouble remembering anything past he had become one with a hospital bed.
Read what happened on ao3 -
No pressure tagging - I tag @sznofthesticks @anewkindofme @carlos-in-glasses @nancygillianmvp
@carlos-tk @lemonlyman-dotcom @herefortarlos @thisbuildinghasfeelings
@liminalmemories21 @chicgeekgirl89 @bonheur-cafe @honeybee-taskforce
@chaotictarlos @celeritas2997 @welcometololaland @actualalligator
@sugdenlovesdingle @lightningboltreader @snowviolettwhite
@firstprince-history-huh @reyestrandd @lochnesswriter @safeaswrites
@mikibwrites @kiwichaeng @goodways @theghostofashton
@eclectic-sassycoweyes @doublel27 @birdclowns @ladytessa74
@paperstorm @happilylovingchaos @freneticfloetry @orchidscript
@alrightbuckaroo @nisbanisba @fallout-mars @vineofroses
@literateowl @inkweedandlizards @alltheprettyplaces @tailoredshirt
@thebumblecee @kiloskywalker and anyone else who wants to do it - open tag 🫶
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spencer-is-dead · 5 months
Rereading chapter 62 and this is my mood
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Manga spoilers under cut
God, it’s just so fucking tragic. He loses everyone he loves, he loses his name, his identity. It’s all torn away by war.
And you can see how happy he is with his friends in the beginning. He’s just a little kid wrapped up in all of the propaganda. He thinks war is just a game, because he’s just a kid. I cannot emphasize enough how I love Endo using the theme of “they’re just kids”, it just hits you right in the gut.
When the first bombing happens, the only word I can really find to describe it is horrific. Just a few pages ago, the town was full of happy people who were enjoying their lives. And just a few panels ago he was talking with a woman. One moment, she’s there, the next, she’s been crushed. And you see the town, his hometown, destroyed. You see people trying to save their loved ones. And you see [REDACTED], horrified. And it probably hits him in that moment; this is war.
And he doesn’t want to leave, he’s worried about school, and the town fair. He doesn’t realize that they can’t stay. And when he sees the destroyed building he and his friends used to play in, that he had found for them, you think they’re dead.
the scene where his mother dies is probably one of my favorites in the chapter, simply because it’s so well done. We don’t see her body, we don’t see his face. All we see are screams. All we know is that this boy found his mother’s body, and I think that’s all we need to know.
This is when [REDACTED] dies. He is buried with his mother. But his body still lives. He’s lost everything he’s ever loved, and the only reason he keeps moving is because he wants to destroy what had destroyed his life. He is not living, he is merely surviving. I hope that, when it gets adapted, the anime expands upon this part. It probably won’t, but one can dream.
When he becomes Roland, I doubt he ever accepted the name. It was just a nickname to him, not an identity. It’s just a vehicle for vengeance. He lies about his age, though my bet is that he’s at least 16, maybe even 15. And then we see him, in a tight spot. As a child, he pulled some strings to beat his friends, as a teen, we see him blow up his enemy. And don’t you think it’s haunting, to see someone alive one moment and gone the next? Even if they were a common enemy, you can remember that they were human once. Even he (Roland) was human once. But they’ve all been torn apart into beasts, beasts who want nothing but blood on their claws. And he wonders how many have to die? How much blood will be spilled before he can be happy again? How many more have to lose their lives just so he can live his?
He meets Franky, or, the man who would become Franky. When Roland hears his pleas, hears that “He’s never been with a woman”, it humanizes him. For a moment, he sees him as an equal. So he gives him a cigarette, a sort of truce. He still hates the enemy, but he learns that the enemy is the same as him. Everyone has lost someone, everyone was in it for revenge and glory. They were all told that they had a reason to fight, that they had a right to be angry at the other side.
This upsets Roland, because he wants to hold on to his worldview. It only shatters when he sees his friends, half the reason he’s been fighting. A side note, I appreciate how Endo still makes him look like an older teen here, it adds to the effect that they are still just kids.
It’s a short-lived reunion, as he finds that they die due to people’s stupidity. And he realizes: Ignorance is a weakness, Ignorance is a sin. This is probably one of the most gripping pages in the manga. It’s just so… depressing.
when he’s approached by the WISE guy, he really views it as the only chance he has, the only reason he can keep going.
The train station scene is also very important. We see the man ask why he’s doing this, and He sees a group of kids pass him. We focus on his eyes. This is why he’s doing this. He wants to make sure no child ever lives the life he had to live. He wants to make sure no child has to cry.
But he doesn’t realize it.
Twilight’s backstory doesn’t have a happy ending. Sure, the chapter ends happy, but you can’t help but feel… dark after the chapter concludes. You realize just what brought Twilight to how he is today. You realize that, deep down, he’s just [REDACTED], a small child who wants nothing more than to be comforted.
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Redacted Incorrect Quotes Pt. ?
Haha you really thought my lazy ass was gonna work on WIPs? Nah. Have some redacted incorrect quotes based on tweets I saw, either on the app or screenshots of.
No I don’t care if the dashes are uneven.
Redacted Masterlist
Angel: *Flirting poorly with Davey at the grocery store* Hey so do you eat food often?
Sweetheart: Curious George is not a monkey because he has no tail. He is an ape. He will grow into a silverback gorilla and kill the man with the yellow hat in a display of dominance.
Milo: I’m literally just trying to read to Aggro.
Milo: I love when kittens yell, but their heads are too big so they squint.
Guy: Roommate broke up with boyfriend that cooks for us. Excuse me while I go die.
Angel: In 1920 we took children out of the coal mine. In 2020 the most popular game on the market is minecraft. 
Baabe: Children yearn for mines.
*3 AM*
No one:
Asher, in wolf form: I wonder if I can break the record with how loud I can lick my paw.
Darlin: If civilization crumbles, I have a little flashlight in a drawer somewhere.
Sweetheart: Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime” is about friends practicing magic but when someone walks in they have to play it cool.
Milo: No. It isn’t.
Sweetheart: *starts singing* The moon is bright, the spirits up. We’re here tonight, and that’s enough. *whispers* This is the part where someone comes in. *Continues pointedly* Simply having a wonderful christmastime!
Angel: My husband gives people a thumbs down instead of flicking them off when driving. He reports that a thumbs down makes them a lot more angry.
Adam: I would be such a good “dead wife”. Like, can you imagine how good I would look in a dead wife flashback sequence? Someone make me their “dead wife.
David: As a kid I thought Simba was crazy for running away after the death of Mufasa. But now watching it as an adult, I get it. It did look pretty incriminating of him leading Mufasa to that gorge. Witnesses saw him singing “I just can’t wait to be king.” A persecutor could do some real damage with that conviction.
Honey: I don’t like the saying “don’t speak ill of the dead”. It always struck me as disingenuous. People are multi-layered. Yes, I did light up a room. But I also stole my roommate’s milk to make mac and cheese blackout hammered. Let’s acknowledge both sides.
David, giving a pep talk to the pack: For anyone feeling down, just remember Velveeta cheese has been on the market since 1918. If trash cheese can succeed, so can you. And for anyone who likes Velveeta cheese, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you like trash cheese.
Angel: Lying awake thinking about the time I ordered a giant magikarp plush from Japan but then got refunded because the plushie got crushed under a shipping container.
Asher, and maybe Guy too: I’m here if you need moron support. It’s like moral support but I’m stupid.
David: If I have to throw a party for my pack, it will be breakfast. Not lunch. Not dinner. It will start at 8:30 am so there is a valid reason for no one to come and I can kick them out before noon because I only promised breakfast, not lunch. The introverts will win even if it kills me.
Milo and Ollie: My cat has no responsibilities, but all day he walks from around the house, from room to room, with this sense of purpose, as if he has a long to-do list of tasks no one asked for. Just a weird small furry dude going about his little cat errands.
Freelancer: Aww my microbiome fancies some high quality fermented foods, does it? A little kombucha perhaps? I don’t give a shit. I’m a megabiome, I do what I want. I’m having a fanta lemon. I’ll swallow coins.
Lovely: I would be an awesome drug dealer. Like, can you imagine? *giggles* We don’t have coke, is pepsi okay?
Freelancer: Math professors be wildin like “a man tossed a coin, find the probability of him getting a head?” BRO WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU GOT A H-
Huxley: I wanna reply back same to my data analytics professor so badly!!
David, at the pack solstice parties: I, myself, am understaffed at this time.
Milo with Marie watching Aggro for him:
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Asher: Fuck your zodiac sign, what button do you press when it says “press any button to start”
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milogreer · 1 month
blake 🤗
rubs hands together like a supervillain. ↳ send me a character!
My first impression: BASTARD. i’ll kill you. get away from sunshine and bestie or i swear to god i’ll gut you like a fish you FREAK. etc LMAO i remember first listening to his confession audio and going to courtney like “he has been talking my fucking ear off for what feels like three hours!!!” 😭😭 he somehow managed to ride the line of annoying dickhead and actually scary villain and i absolutely couldn't stand him
My impression now: oh my god i have not been this brand of obsessed with a character in years. like. he is in my head CONSTANTLY, i’ve listened to the balance three times and i’m considering a fourth, i have at least two more rambles about him/bestie to post, he’s got the longest playlist out of all my redacted playlists. if he had merch i think i’d go broke. it’s brutal man i want him back so badly. i miss that freak.
A favorite thing: the devotion !!!! say what you will about his methods and i’ll likely agree with you but oh my god his devotion … to see the person you love the most die in your arms over and over again no matter what you do to change it and be so wrecked by it that you get involved with a cult trying to contact ancient gods for just the CHANCE to maybe save them. doing unimaginable things in your pursuit to keep them safe. to be so obsessively in love that it makes you delusionally cocky enough to look the god who just said they shaped your reality in the face and say “i’ll do whatever you need, as long as you save my love.” he's CRAZY
Least favorite thing: he is so fucking stupid LMFAO. like it’s a fantastic character trait to be so blinded to reality because he’s got tunnel vision but you can’t help but be like what the FUCK are you DOING when he does shit like dropping the ward to kill himself via shade so he can do exactly what brachium said not to. truly the guy in a horror movie you yell at for doing something so inconceivably stupid to push the plot forward and i wanna strangle him for it sometimes
Favorite line/scene: sigh … the last scene in “falling for your yandere childhood friend” … the switch on “i won’t be able to give you space” ?? COME ON. it made me sick on my first listen but now it makes me sick in the opposite direction 🫣 ughhh that scene is just so good because it’s really easy imo to go through this audio out of context of the balance overall and trick yourself into thinking like, oh, he’s just kind of a guy. aww. and then it switches and it’s like HUH?? “the things i think about you, how much i want you, it’s the stuff you’re not supposed to say out loud” + “if you pick this, it’ll be all of me - and we both know a lot of that’s not pretty” ?? oh it is so delicious.
Favorite interaction that character has with another: :modcheck: “looking for answers with your dreamwalker boyfriend” when he comes in to talk to elliott and sunshine 😫 i’m such a sucker for condescension and it just oozes out of him here. the patronizing little hums after “can i call you eli?” and “that deathwalker friend of yours really left you out to dry, huh?” and “but don’t worry. i’m sure he’s very proud of you.” >>>
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: I WANTED BRACHIUM TO BEAT HIM UP i’m so disappointed he didn’t get to feel brachium’s wrath bc he deserved to after putting sunshine and elliott through all that bullshit. i hope they face off again eventually somehow
A headcanon: when he turned 18 him and bestie went and got little tattoos out of one of those roulette/mystery egg machines. i haven’t decided what they got or where yet though because i’m too indecisive! he also has a snake tattoo like this :)
A song: I HAVE SO MANY. but the one that kicked off my blake obsession is explode by mother mother so it’ll always be one of the most important ones 💘
An unpopular opinion: kind of suggestive so i won’t Get Into It but i don’t think he’s as dominant as perhaps he would seem to be … i’ve been really back and forth on this though so don’t quote me here
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teecupangel · 1 year
this is about the Desmond x modern warfare
What if Desmond still had trauma from Abstergo forcing him into the animus? Like, even after he died, Desmond always had a massive fear of needles (and reclining chairs) and so when the team needs to do mandatory check ups, he is quite literally found climbing out a window to escape.
how would the team feel about this news? Also what if they find files about Abstergo’s experiments, and Desmond has a top secret files, with videos of his time in the animus (they don’t know what it is, so assume it’s some sort of futuristic torture device or something). Did he have seizures in the animus? Was he in pain? How would the 141 react?
To be fair, Shepherd wouldn’t let Desmond have any medical exams or checkups while he’s with Task Force 141 because any record of his DNA would be flagged by Abstergo immediately. Desmond can’t even pretend to be Desmond Miles’ ‘secret younger brother’ because his genes would immediately flag him as 100% Desmond Miles.
And Desmond knows that so he’d always make excuses or flat-out just not appear or even use his stealth skills to leave without anyone realizing it because Desmond understands how dangerous it would be for anyone to get a hold of his DNA (again). Sure, they say they’re just giving him vitamins or some other medical whatever but Desmond can’t risk his DNA getting taken even with the promise that nothing would be taken (which is bullshit because how can they check his health if they don’t take any samples???)
Anyway, this won’t happen during the timeframe of The Shadow’s Endgame but let’s say that:
Task Force 141 learns of Desmond’s past, maybe it’s even the ‘redacted’ condensed version about a ‘Subject 17: Desmond Miles’ that they got from an Abstergo facility
Task Force 141 would see snippets of Desmond Miles’ time in the Animus although, to be fair, he just looks like he’s sleeping in that one. There were no mentions of him having a seizure or any negative effects while in Abstergo’s Animus because, well, he was only in the Animus for about 9 days.
If you really want them to believe that the Animus is some kind of torture device, it would probably be better to focus on Desmond’s time in the Animus when he was with the Assassins because that’s where his Bleeding Effect started taking center stage and, from what I could remember, Abstergo’s Animus didn’t need any needle. That needle was more of an addition from Rebecca’s Baby as some kind of IV drip to keep Desmond ‘healthy’ while he’s in the Animus for long periods of time (although I do usually write it as both an IV drip and another way to stabilize the synchronization rate without affecting the subject’s health) as Rebecca is the type of person who would try to make Baby as ‘comfy’ as possible.
Honestly, Price and the others would probably assume that Desmond was tortured or had been part of a program that used some kind of drug to manipulate a person, whether it was a torture session to make him talk or some kind of experimental psychoactive drug that is meant to do something (Gaz guesses the drug might be a mind-altering drug of some kind)
Especially if the video they see has Lucy going “Do you know who you are? What’s your name?” which, to spec ops teams like Task Force 141, would sound like someone trying to get a base answer to check the current status of the drugs in Desmond’s system and not someone who is trying to be careful not to ‘spook’ Desmond if he is currently Bleeding.
So yeah, they’d believe that Desmond is under some kind of psychoactive drug in those videos and the redacted files would only confirm their theory once they start reading things like “Subject 17 has the highest affinity to the Bleeding Effect so far” and “Bleeding Effect duration is now 50% longer than three days ago…”
Unfortunately, Task Force 141 would accept this new information grimly because they have seen shit and this kind of thing? It’s, unfortunately, not unique in their line of work. They won’t try to act any differently around Desmond because they know that treating him like he’s made of glass would just make Desmond realize what they have learned and, well… those who usually had been in Desmond’s (supposedly) position usually don’t like to be treated differently. They want to be treated normally, to affirm to themselves that they’re okay, they’re still ‘normal’.
If Desmond opens up to them, that would be good but they won’t force it on him.
Because sometimes…
The best way to help someone is to remind them without trying so hard that there are people who think and see them as… normal.
(Price would suggest Desmond be given a licensed and discreet therapist to one of the higher-ups and, really, the most qualified would probably be Chewy at this point since Victoria Bibeau is already dead)
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autisticempathydaemon · 6 months
For the matchups /np <3
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
At the moment it’s Vienna by Billy Joel, ‘she’s always a woman’ is one of my favourites ever and Vienna just hits right as I feel like I’m behind a lot of the friends that I grew up with atm. (My fave parts are ‘you’re so ahead of yourself that you’ve forgot what you need’ and ‘ you can’t be everything you wanna be before your time’.
What is your Enneagram type?
I don’t know my enneagram sorry but I know my personality type is ENFP if that’s any help :)
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
Funnily enough he was a dog, like I used to just imagine I had a dog and he’d follow me around, sometimes he’d talk and sometimes he wouldn’t and he was named after ‘Balto’ from the animated movie.
What is your go to way to fall asleep?
I don’t really have one, I usually end up waking up not remembering falling asleep in the first place. I basically just wait until I’m tired enough for it just happen.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
Although I wouldn’t like to change my first name, as I think it suits me, I did change my last name to my Grandma’s maiden name after she’d told me she was sad that she couldn’t keep it when she married my grandad.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
I feel awful about this one, but Guy. I don’t dislike him or anything but I’m also not necessarily excited when he gets an upload. I’m also not sure why, he just doesn’t hit the same for me as he seems to do for a lot of other people.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
Fantastic Mr Fox. I love it, I love the framing and the colours and the characters. They’re all very ‘human’ in different ways and the moment between Foxy and Felicity near the waterfall is so relatable I want to eat it.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
SO MANY. Like the entire D.A.M.N squad. I love all the characters and I don’t mind anger but if Damien directed it at me I’d get defensive and that wouldn’t make for a good couple. Gavin, I wouldn’t really like my partner flirting with other people, Huxley I enjoy hiking but simply can’t picture myself dating him because he’s with Damien etc etc
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
The signal for me being tired is actually that I go very quiet/ not talkative. But if I was to ramble about something it would probably just be about things that had happened irl, old funny story’s and stuff (or whatever fandoms I’m in at the time depending on who I’m with).
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Red Bull. Always Red Bull. 🧎����
Extra’s: My favourite colour is green. I love movies, reading/writing and animals. I’m a Libra. My love languages are acts of service and physical touch but again, depending on the person.
Thank you!
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As always, I love it when I am given so much information to work with! You seem so lovely and agreeable, it’s hard to think with whom you wouldn’t work well. Somehow, the “loving animals” bit convinced me, because what’s better for an animal lover than our beloved beta boy who can turn into a wolf on a whim?
Asher strikes me as the type of guy who works best with someone like himself. He works well with everyone, by his nature, but you and he would have so many similarities that being together would be wonderfully easy. It’s the big things like your extroverted natures and your compatible love languages. Yet it’s also the little things like your shared love of hiking and caffeinated battery acid (I say affectionately as a Strawberry Apricot Red Bull fiend).
You’d be the sort of couple who operate like well-oiled cogs of a machine, like one of you was a telepath, that’s how naturally you communicate and maneuver around each other. It’s a wonderfully comfortable, joyful life that the two of you have. There’s lots of alternating days of him showing you Halo and you showing him new, interesting movies, countless lectures from David about y’all having to drink something not poisoned with taurine, and so, so much love.
I confess, I messed up/ Dropping "I'm sorry" like you're still around/ And I know you're dressed up/ Hey kid you'll never live this down/ You're just the girl all the boys want to dance with/ And I'm just the boy who's had too many chances
I’ve just got to give the boy a FOB song, you must understand; I also think it’s a really fun choice for y’all. I love the movie references, the fun, boppy tempo, the dramatic, theatrical way Asher would fall to his knees on the kitchen floor as he belts it out at you in true, emo kid fashion. It’s infectious, and you would be helpless to either sing or headbang along.
This was hard. Again, I feel like you could pair well with just so many people; narrowing it down to two was an ordeal. In the end, I like Anton for you because you two contrast in a lot of the ways you and Asher compare. Also, I chose Sam as a runner-up for you because you two hiking together would be really cute. Also, You/Sam is giving kind of David/Asher but in another font, and I love Dasher /lh
note: thank you so much for waiting 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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thank you for your time Jamie :3
hi i really appreciate these posts [1, 2] and your tags.
i’ve been stuck in baby bat limbo for about a decade now (oof) [born in the early 2000s introduced to alt subcultures in 2010, tried to be more authentically me as the years went on, took stock and solidified my values in 2013 [redacted hell world] and now we are here!]
i feel like the lack of community is why i can’t ‘grow up’ to bat kid. when i tried to find other like me— sorry dollskill hauling influencers i didn’t count you but i was looking for a more of a community feel versus social media mutuals
i was expose to a). ‘vampire elders’ who teach and recreate spaces for all the culture that us poor zoomers missed out on— but suspiciously only wants to take young girls under his wing, something about auras. [35+ y/o men who want a harem of succubi] or b). 28+ y/o men that have the whole ‘nu-metalhead’ thing going on [not as in ‘nu-metal’ (the genre) as in a specific wave of ‘alt guys’. long hair, tatted, mirror selfies, wants you to call him daddy, ghosts you when he realizes you’re not going to have sex with him on the first meet up]
and man, it is disheartening! i don’t have the funds to go concerts or festivals and a lot of them aren’t accessible, so i can’t meet anyone through there (plus people hardly talk to new people at those events nowadays— i say nowadays even though i wasn’t even there for those days lol). i’ve been invited to goth clubs by people who fall onto the vampire elder side of the spectrum… so possible but no likely because i don’t want be ‘thrown to the wolves’ so to speak and clubs are literally so inaccessible— the noise for one.
this whole summer i’ve debating if i should download bumble etc and say ‘hey i’m looking for alt FRIENDS’
i think the community aspect is so important to me because i am a lgbt disabled person of colour. i look at beautiful photography from the 70s to about the 90s (sprinkles of the 2000s). the photos are so diverse and feel real (so much trans people, dreamworld). and now the representation of the scene is pale e-girls (usually cisgender) decked out in killstar and dollskill with perfectly propped bedroom (a black skull there, coffin rug here product placement over there) etc
this not a question— though maybe there is a question hidden in this brain dump… your posts just turned a specific gear in my brain and i had to say something about it!
this can’t be the legacy of alt in the 2010s and 2020s what happened to the ‘rawring 20s’ (covid, capitalism). maybe i’ll be the change i want to see in the world…(thank you for allowing me to send this i appreciate your time a bunch, uhmmmm yeehaw!)
So you're probably not gonna like what I have to say simply because I don't like what I have to say here. I'll just start with the older guys. I find that there's a bit of a... How do I put this... Our community is made up of new blood that wants to be much older and more jaded than they are, and old blood who remembers being like that and is inclined to let them, which makes the scene a bit less dangerous for predators than it probably should be. Like I remember being in highschool and all my goth friends having fake IDs and lying about doing drugs and having older boyfriends, and I certainly don't begrudge any teenager that behavior because I've been there. Goth kids and young adults are very worried about breaking rules and being hard core, basically, and that is a known fact to opportunistic creeps. That being said other scenes also absolutely have problems with this sort of thing as well, I don't want to portray it as an alt scene exclusive thing partially because it's simply not true and partially because there are religious extremists and also just run of the mill conservative normies who absolutely have an interest in portraying our scene as exceptionally degenerate for whatever reason. I don't have a problem with age gaps either as long as everyone is legal and there's no other exploitation going on. If you want something like that having an older, better established squeeze when you're 19 can be as much of a status symbol as having a younger person who wants you when you're in your 30s is an ego boost imo. If you don't want something like that these guys are annoying. The guys who want a succubus harem are weird and gross tho ngl. Cult leader kink lookin ass.
Anyway now that that's out of the way onto the more difficult realities of the scene. By more difficult I mean entrenched problems that are more specific to our scene than the standard "disgusting individuals using the scene to try to ingratiate themselves to potential victims" that you find in literally any sufficiently large group of people.
Punk has never really been accessable. I don't like it, but it's true.
And by that I don't mean punk clothes or punk music has never really been accessable I mean punk events have never really been accessable. Punk originated in the 1970s in dinky little music clubs in major metropolitan areas. The original punks were mostly poor that's true but they were also the sort of people who were going to hang out at places like CBGB in NYC. Ever since then all of the culture basically happens in night clubs and concerts and the like. There was sort of a boom with the Emo movement on myspace when being alt got a little more accessible to people outside of major metro areas but we've never really left the night life behind. I would argue that this is also a problem that faces mainstream culture. Everything either costs money or is 21+ and everyone is drunk.
That being said, my experience has been really good so far. Everyone I meet at the club has been nice. I get asked for pronouns at the goth club more often than I get asked for pronouns at the gay club. The club I go to the people who work there and the regulars whom I've met with one exception all seem to be some flavor of queer. idk how old you are or what disabilities you have, but I will say the last time I went to Ground Zero (the goth club in Minneapolis) there was a group of people with blind canes there and the place is definitely wheel chair accessable. I also went to a Meet Me @ The Altar concert and there was ada seating right near the stage. If you're autistic my recommendation would be to get ear plugs. I'm autistic and went to When We We're Young in Vegas. I loved it. I moshed, I crowd surfed it was amazing. I saw my fav bands. I didn't get overstimulated once. And then I headed out and as I was leaving I took my earplugs out and put them in my pocket before I was fully clear of the venue and immediately the noise was overstimulating and I realized that my whole experience would have been completely sour if I hadn't had those babies in.
I also always see PoC every time I go out. I know thats just tangential experience and not all places are gonna be the same, but I'm getting the vibe that the reason the scene seems overwhelmingly white is because the guys with the cameras are a lil racist and only approach skinny white girls they want to fuck for modeling. I will say tho I see a few PoC every time I go to the club, and at WWWY the crowd was mixed but largely white. The crowd at the Meet Me @ The Altar concert (a pop-punk band which is made up of three WoC, here they are with two guitarists I don't recognize)
Tumblr media
The crowd at their concert was by far the most mixed crowd I've seen at these sorts of events. So I guess what I'm saying is that I would guess based on what I've seen and what I've heard that there are a lot more PoC who want to go these things but only come out to events where they know they aren't gonna be the only one than who actually go to these things consistently. Which makes perfect sense, you probably don't need me to tell you that you're not the only person with those concerns, but what I can tell you is that there's enough of y'all that I feel comfortable saying the scene isnt all white and that the more people who come out the more people who are going to feel comfortable coming out.
Now the money thing. I would seriously recommend finding out where your local clubs are and who the local nobody bands are, because you're not getting into fall out boy and you're probably not getting into in this moment either. But there's always garage bands charging 5 bucks at the door for their first gigs, and that's the kind of concert where you meet people who are deep into the scene. I know Meet Me @ The Altar are touring right now. They've got a band called Kid Sister and a chick named Chloe Lilac opening for them. All three are pop-punk. And it cost me 25$ to get into their show. When I went to the show I discovered that the bar they were playing at has a whole room dedicated to shows like this and they have a lot of pop punk and punk bands that play there for not a lot. They serve food, you don't have to be an adult to get in. I assume that they're gonna be doing that sort of venue wherever they go so just check out where they're touring. If they've already passed you get on Google see what else you can find. I've met people who don't drink at the goth club but there's a 10 dollar door charge so it is what it is.
Personally I would not be afraid to do this stuff alone. Granted I'm white and able bodied, so your milage on going alone might vary. But I promise you once you get in the door the scene is not full of creeps. The creeps are just the ones seeking out the young girls who don't know where to start. There's people there who watched out for me with no benefit to themselves when I got out there the first time. And don't be afraid to talk to people. You make some acquaintances and hopefully you get invited to a house party or something and you become friends. I've mostly got one night stands so far but I've also shown up high off my ass a few times so I wasn't very conversational. There's people who want to be your friend. You just have to come out of the shell a little. And there might be some dicks. Fuck em. If they make fun of your vibe it's because they're insecure because the death hawk is their only personality trait.
TL;DR: unfortunately 90% of the goth scene is in bars and night clubs. But if you can get into one of those I promise it's not like being thrown to the wolves. My experience has been overwhelmingly positive. I won't pretend that the scene isn't largely white, but I'm also confident in saying you're probably not gonna be the only one there. And accomodations can totally be made for a lot of disabilities.
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doberbutts · 2 years
Also the other reason I’m talking about it so much is:
It feels very... snobbish. Mean-spirited. People really out here complaining it’s tagged “Lord of the Rings” when the show itself is titled “Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power”, or saying that they want to sabotage ROP fans who have a new interest in the books and prevent them from ever showing interest in the source material. People making up random shit that doesn’t even make sense, can’t be bothered to remember characters’ names or plot points, but Trust Me Bro It’s Bad.
There just seems an awful lot of looking down one’s nose from an imagined lofty place, spitting on those who should honestly have been welcomed into the fandom rather than chased away. And for what?
At the end of the day I just can’t condone the behavior of people who side with actual racists because someone Did Their Franchise Incorrectly, nor can I condone the behavior of people who show such horrific attitudes towards their fellow fans. Like it or not, this is a Tolkien adaption and thus you are going to have to share space with people who like this particular adaption over whichever one your favorite is. That means [redacted] is going to be tagged as Sauron and show up in the Sauron tags. That means Morfydd Clark is going to appear next to Cate Blanchett. And that means dirty ROP-enjoyers are going to buy the books if not just to get more context and maybe some of them will even like it so much they’ll do exactly what I did 20 years ago and immerse themselves in the lore. And it will be because of this adaption, just like how most of y’all my age or younger are into it because of PJ’s adaptions and LOTRO and WB Games.
It’s shithead behavior. What’s the harm of another adaption? It doesn’t lessen the quality of whatever one you like best.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Ah the theology of the Nation of Islam…the Yakub shit…which makes me want to play the orchestra version of uncle ruckus theme.
“There’s white officer, there the crazy ass imhotps that trying to destroy our precious America!”
Also it started here in Chicago, how the fuck we got Mr T from here but then Nation of Islam?
Also like the uncle Ben and Jemma thing, um white liberals have been to the south and meet southern blacks? Like…there a reason those images exist.
Also I been looking into pre 2010’s stuff, yes there are zoomers that remember stuff before the 2010’s. And when we talk about black struggles…expect roots…that really damage how we actually came to the Americas.
But back in the day we went “Yes there are still bigoted white people and politicians that trying to keep us down. But not every white person is evil.”
Then the whole Killmonger thing where far more educated people will say he the voice of black Americans
So an Oakland [REDACTED N WORD] who joined the cia to being in destroying countries represents the issues between black Americans vs native Africans?
I’m pretty sure that the pan African bs is causing most strife between the two groups.
Seriously if Killmonger was written by a black writer without a persecution complex (not saying Ryan Coogler is super racist just…god idea modern black creators can’t leave the plantation)
Killmonger would have his jaw punch off by another black American character like War Machine and Nick Fury.
Also give Wakanda the middle finger it’s desperately needs
“Fuck you aristocrats, black Americans are part of space travel history while your asses did nothing for us. Byyyye 🖕”
Though probably I’m not race obsessed as the current black panther writers. But I would make black Americans characters that ensured the Wakandans are uncomfortable af around them.
NoI is fun because they're not secretive about anything really, not their weird ass Yakub invented white people to punish black people, they blatant racism which they just seem to feel really really proud of for some reason (should have linked up with mugabe and moved to Zimbabwe formed their own little commune where they could be super black), their Antisemitism, oh and the fact that they've stolen pretty much every part of the 3 main Abrahamic faiths they liked and then claimed they were doing that first even though Wallace Fard Muhammad didn't start proselytizing till 1930.
And that was in Detroit not Chicago, they moved their home base, you can scratch that off of your shame list.
First real leader of the group Elijah Muhammad is absolutely not fooling anyone with that name choice.
Also like the uncle Ben and Jemma thing, um white liberals have been to the south and meet southern blacks? Like…there a reason those images exist.
Free to make their own decisions people took up these roles and became icons, but ya so many decades later people with no grasp on history screw it up.
Really should have done some polling on that one, and several others.
“Fuck you aristocrats, black Americans are part of space travel history while your asses did nothing for us. Byyyye 🖕”
I remember hearing about something in the comics wakanda had a cure for cancer but wouldn't share it, which there was some cheering for that right up till it was pointed out to the cheering readers that this meant more than white people would be dying of cancer as a result.
Maybe sickle cell would have hit harder.
But back in the day we went “Yes there are still bigoted white people and politicians that trying to keep us down. But not every white person is evil.”
Almost skipped this bit.
Check the timeline for the death of the occupy movement and the birth of the blm movement, as I've said before it's not a coincidence, once again class solidarity was forming.
That's not allowed because then the elites get voted out.
Staci Abrams and Maxine Waters are just as scared of that as any white politician you can think of.
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flaylore · 7 days
MAJOR: Jan 7, 2023, 【DEBUT STREAM】Get in the Robot? Okay :) #Flayon_Debut #holoTEMPUS
This is Flayon’s debut stream, please read the summary for more detailed information.
Right as Flayon’s about to end stream, X makes his first appearance ,please watch the full clip for proper experience.
Feb 5, 2023
‘He was on stream, but here he is again! 
My own mascot from the HOLOSTARS English Team 🪫
Looks very familiar, huh...What's his name?’
Feb 19, 2023
(He's wearing Armor...! ) His actual body actually looks like [REDACTED]’
Mar 1, 2023
‘machiroon fuel for the R-TRUS never forget😊🪫🔋’
Mar 27, 2023
‘whho thehell arey ou’
Apr 7, 2023, 【100K CELEBRATION】MachiMaid & ...THAT VERY NICE BOARD!!
As Flayon maniacally laughs over Machiroons getting baked alive, the screen transitions to a static image of X, where he comes to the conclusion to be worthy of love, he has to become special.
May 19, 2023, Pocket Mirror GoldenerTraum! // THE REMAKE IS HERE! w/ [NIJISANJI EN DOPPIO] & [HOLOSTARS FLAYON]
Doppio, through typing text displayed on the intro card, questions if the viewers know what, ‘Osananajimi’, which is a romaji of the phrase, ‘childhood friend’.
May 19, 2023, Pocket Mirror GoldenerTraum! // THE REMAKE IS HERE! w/ [NIJISANJI EN DOPPIO] & [HOLOSTARS FLAYON]
During their childhood years together, Doppio calls Flayon by his middle name, X.
May 19, 2023, Pocket Mirror GoldenerTraum! // THE REMAKE IS HERE! w/ [NIJISANJI EN DOPPIO] & [HOLOSTARS FLAYON]
Doppio questioned Flay's red hair.
May 24, 2023, 【 CHATTING 】So much rust. Rusty.
Flayon is unsure of the R-TRUS exact height, with the only frame of reference is him being the size of his foot, where his height stops.
Jul 16, 2023, 【SUPERCHAT READING】You think you can give me gifts and get away with it? *THROWS U*
Machiroons’ tail can regrow.
Jun 2, 2023 
MAJOR: June 5, 2023, X
This is Flayon’s birthday lore stream, it’s also the link to a visual novel under the same title was made public. Please read the summary for more detailed information.
June 5, 2023 (This is a deleted tweet)
‘i remember now
[screenshot of Flayon’s first post-birthday tweet, except it’s all scribbled out]
i’ll have to fix you again.’
Jul 19, 2023, In The Hole With Machina X Flayon Extended Cut - Talk Show With Koefficient
Flayon spills the entire premise of his whole lore.
Aug 10, 2023,【MACHI Q&A】You Ask Me Questions, I Give You Nothing
To pilot the R-TRUS, Flayon has to stick his tail, the ignition key, into one of the shields, and transmit himself via electromagnetic waves, as the interior is all digital data. It’s meant for a single user, but the others can be projected as well. 
Flayon and the R-TRUS share a symbiotic relationship, it’s why he’s the only one who is good at it. However, the Elysium government also considers this as a threat, since if he loses his temper and goes rogue, they can’t do anything. Despite needing help from him, they distrust him, which is what Flayon would say, ‘they fear what they can’t get it’. This relationship has been going on since he was young.
Aug 10, 2023,【MACHI Q&A】You Ask Me Questions, I Give You Nothing
Due to his strength, Altare asked him to join the guild and help fight for Elysium, but tried turning down multiple times, as he had other things to do. He only met the R-TRUS after joining and received his current pilot outfit.
Aug 18, 2023, 【DRAWING w/ MACHIROONS】Machisona + Meet & Greet
A viewer asked if they could pull Flayon's tail, but he denies it, saying that it's lewd since it's directly attached to his nervous system, due to it being lodged to his spine. The dopamine is too much for him.
Aug 26, 2023, 【HIGURASHI: WHEN THEY CRY HOU】#3 | All Good Things Eventually…
The R-TRUS runs out of power if he dies.
MAJOR: Sept 11, 2023, canis minor
This is an unlisted stream that introduced a new figure, a hooded figure in a mysterious train. Read the summary for more information.
MINOR: Sept 11, 2023 (This is a deleted tweet)
We’ll meet again soon
[screenshot from the stream, that only finished streaming moments before]
MINOR: Sept 12, 2023, POST TEMPUS WEEK: I'm tired, everyone is tired!
This is a teaser of the canis minor stream, where the hooded figure appeared. Please watch the longer clip for the full experience that leads up to that part. The short clip skips to his appearance. (short / long)
Sept 19, 2023, 【LIES OF P】#3 Hi, I'm #machinaxflayon and you're watching my Flop Arc 【Spoiler Warning】
Flayon said he was always good with machinery and piloting things but The R-TRUS is the first mech he piloted. No one knows why the R-TRUS was found there, and what they can do with it, but he’s the only one who can use it. The others somewhat can, but not as well as him. He also expressed interest in piloting other things.
Oct 15, 2023, 【SENTIMENTAL DEATH LOOP】#2 GIRL LOVE 【Spoiler Warning】
Flayon experiences an out-of-body experience whenever he goes in and out of the R-TRUS.
Oct 15, 2023, 【SENTIMENTAL DEATH LOOP】#2 GIRL LOVE 【Spoiler Warning】
Flayon plugs his tail into the panels and transports into the R-TRUS by dematerializing via electromagnetic waves. 
Oct 16, 2023, 【RESIDENT EVIL 4】Starting From The Beginning! One More Time.
Flayon uses an interesting example to describe how he and the R-TRUS are one of the same.
MINOR: Oct 28, 2023, 【Your Turn To Die / キミガシネ】I've Been Waiting Forever To Play, NO LONGER
A stream of strange messages from Flayon appears in the chat, begging him to return the Machiroons to him. Eventually he noticed them, got confused and reassured him that he was fine- only for the screen to have a gray filter, and the BGM stopped, as he disappeared. 
However, a more close up Flayon appeared in the middle of the screen, harshly telling the other person in the chat they, the Machiroons, are all his. Everything returned to normal, and he continued to play the game as usual.
Nov 14, 2023, 【FASHION DREAMER】Fashion is life, are you alive?
Flayon’s body suit opens up from the tail back.
Nov 15, 2023
‘R-TRUS doesn’t feel like moving We can just let them be, right? I mean does anyone actually know what happens when these “beasts” get you? What’s wrong with a little corruption?
The Guild is always so busy too.. I can only use the R-TRUS when it’s deemed “necessary” But how many times do we have to play by the rules? I’ve lost count on how many people I could have helped if they trusted me Fine, let the corruption spread I’ll just stick with the Roons
And if they don’t want me Then I really shouldn’t abide by the rules of this world, yeah? I’ll make it suit my needs What’s yours is mine
MINOR: Nov 16, 2023, 【RUNE FACTORY 3】I've Heard This One Is A Fan Fav! [Spoiler Alert]
Flayon dismisses ARMIS’ debut, saying how he’ll use any dirty trick necessary to get the corruption spreading. He puts TEMPUS’ reliability under question and reassures viewers to not worry about the outside world and continue to stay and watch him.
Nov 16, 2023
‘So those are the beasts?’
‘Feels familiar…’
Flayon proclaimed that if he were to go rogue, Shinri would be the one to kill him. He also introduced himself as the R-TRUS’ pilot, but unable to use it as much as the Elysium government deemed it as a war weapon. He confirmed that in order for another person to use the R-TRUS, they’d have to rip the tail out of his spine.
Nov 19, 2023
[schedule post with an illustration of flayon and corruption]
Nov 19, 2023
‘I Don't Know Who I Am’
Nov 19, 2023
‘He's Not Working Right Lately’
Nov 19, 2023
[a foggy image that alludes to the Church of Rune stream]
MINOR: Nov 23, 2023, 【Refind Self: The Personality Test Game】Who Am I? Who Are You
This is a preview of the Church of Rune stream, please watch for the full experience.
MINOR: Nov 23, 2023, Unlisted Waiting Room
A few hours after the Church of Rune teaser stream, he uploaded a mysterious waiting room a week before the actual stream. However, it was eventually deleted. The thumbnails have changed several times, from a glitchy grayed out image to a picture of a drawing in front of a stained glass wall.
[image of glitchy waiting room]
[image of stained glass waiting room]
The title of the waiting room was changed several times, to ‘connection lost’, ‘a’, ‘.’ and ‘you do know, don’t you?’.
[image of the title, ‘connection lost’]
[image of the title, ‘a’, ‘.’, ‘you do know, don’t you?’]
Nov 24, 2023, Graphics Changes
Flayon’s twitter PFP twitter banner, YT PFP and YT banner change. It is the same as before, except with black & white glitching.
[flayon’s partially glitched out Youtube header]
[flayon’s glitched out youtube icon]
[flayon’s glitched out twitter/X icon]
MAJOR: Dec 1, 2023, 【CHURCH OF RUNE】
This stream introduced a new figure called Father Machina, a priest that takes in people who are lost. Please read the summary for more information. 
Dec 1, 2023
'My beloved "roons" If I have somehow gotten to you. Even if you believe otherwise. Thank you for your support to spread corruption. Truly, the world may be saved if put your faith in me. Love me alone. You will be saved, surely. Both runes and roons, I will protect you.'
Dec 1, 2023
For those of you devoted to me, have any nay-sayers who would dare remove "corruption" from this world.. Give them a taste of our truth.
Dec 1, 2023
I can assure you that the monastery was not built in one day, I have these amazing benefactors to thank. 
Rune Robe + Sacred Stained Glass: Aquatail
x.com/aquatail35 @aquatail35
Church of Rune Tailor: Mofu
Dec 2, 2023, 【MEMBERSHIP】Watching Heathers For The First Time!
In the description box of the membership Heathers watchalong, the stream proceeding Church of Rune, ‘TEMPUS’ is crossed out in the ad link for the new Christmas ornament acrylics. This ad doesn’t appear in any other stream’s descriptions.
Dec 7, 2023, 【DRAWING】I Try To Make A Machiroon Emote..?!
Flayon showcased the updated Machiroon 3-way reference sheet. He describes the their texture as goopy and wispy. They’re see-through, but it’s influenced by their emotional state. For example, if they’re scared, they become harder to see, and if they’re more grounded, they look more solid. Machiroons look cute because he believes it is fitting of his fans. If someone were to eat one, it will bond to you on a cellular level.
Dec 12, 2023, Playing Gartic Phone w/ rhe Machiroons (Cutest Blorb) in 2K BITRATE HELP
Machiroon’s eyes become more swirly the more emotional they are.
Dec 12, 2023, Playing Gartic Phone w/ rhe Machiroons (Cutest Blorb) in 2K BITRATE HELP
The red clips on Machiroons ears are tracking chips.
Dec 4, 2023
🪫Official MACHIROON Reference Sheet🪫
➡️Say hello to my lovely supporters or else
⚫️- Main Form, Goo-like, capable of bonding w/ host
🔴- Armor Form, customizable armor/hat
⬇️features original sketch reference sheet by me
[official reference sheets of machiroons, followed by the concept sketch version drawn by flayon]
Dec 4, 2023
⚫️Roon Taste: Depends on the food they eat, if they eat lots of strawberries they will taste like that
⚫️Roon in Water: They will float, but if stressed enough they will sink
⚫️Stronger Than They Think And Deserve Love
🔴Armor: Serves as comfort zone + personal expression
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yukidragon · 1 year
Not sure if you've talked about it before (Apologies if you have and I just didn't see the post) but I was replaying the game and when Jack starts talking after the whole "You don't miss him, do you?" "..." "Aw, Sunshine..." exchange, it sounds so personal.
"He promised you the moon and stars. But what did it all amount to, in the end?" That's not the entire exchange but the way it's phrased... Sure, it could be Jack trying to nudge MC away from Ian, trying to really hammer it home that considering getting back together with Ian isn't worth it, all the heartbreak. But for some reason, it sounds to me like Jack is talking about his own experiences?
Now, we have absolutely nothing to go on but I feel like he COULD be talking about someone he used to be in a relationship with (or at least was very close with), who also worked on the show. Could be a director or... (and this is me reaching. Like, REACHING reaching) but what if Jean (aka Raspberry Rory) and Joseph were involved? If Jean (or a director) promised Joseph the moon and the stars, made all these lofty promises? To be together forever, to reach new heights? But then the relationship crashed and burned. Perhaps they didn't expect Joseph to get as popular as he did and got jealous. Maybe other things happened and all those dreams of staying together? Nothing but dust. Which would hurt Joseph, who, from the tidbits we got had a VERY unstable (home)life, very, very deeply. Opening up to someone is hard and was probably harder for Joseph and if his partner was a guy, that would doubly go because of the attitude re: homosexuals of the 80s. Or maybe whoever Joseph opened up to played him like a fiddle and took advantage of his vulnerability?
Hence why Jack sounds so bitter when he is talking with MC during that scene.
(Bonus points if 1) Jean and Joseph were involved. 2) If Jean was the guy who killed Joseph in a fit of jealous rage. 3) Ian really is Jean's kid. Can you imagine the fury Jack would feel upon connecting all the dots?)
That line from Jack stuck out to me too. It inspired me to write one of my darkest theories, the Tragedy of [Redacted] in fact.
Also, maybe it's just me, but when Jack almost seems distracted at this particular part, as if he's remembering something. He's looking away the entire time he says it and sounds a little distant, which is a credit to his VA to put so much emotion in his lines.
Jack He promised you the moon and all the stars…And I bet he did it so well… … Jack …But what did it all amount to in the end? … Jack He doesn’t love you…He can’t love you… … Jack Nobody who can do what he’s done to you knows what love even is.
It certainly lends more evidence to me that Jack is seeing parallels between the way Ian hurt MC and something that happened to him in the past.
Although it's a popular headcanon that Jean was jealous of Joseph or even was the reason for the murder, we don't actually know if that's the case. For all we know, Jean could be revealed to be someone just as sweet as the pastries he pretended to bake on the show.
I do, however, think that Joseph was taken advantage of back when he was alive. The way he cautions MC about "other people" makes that pretty clear. Also, he asks what Ian "provides" to MC to make their pain worth it. Did he have a toxic lover who "provided" him with something he needed as Joseph? Did they make him feel like he had to "provide" something they deemed significant enough for him to be loved?
It's possible too that it relates to Jack being a star... specifically the way he was used by LambsWork Productions. Producers could've promised Joseph the moon and all the stars... or at least a life of stardom. But in the end they erased everything about him. They didn't actually care about him at all.
That possibility is a bit of a stretch, admittedly, due to the emphasis about love. Also there's the fact that Jack is a yandere, whose love has been twisted. His past probably plays a big part in that, all things considered...
Given some of the hints we've gotten about Joseph's past and the way people treated him, I have a feeling that he had quite a difficult time when it came to love...
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur 
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magicayuri · 2 months
i can’t remember if i did this but 🍓
YOU DID NOT DO THIS HELLO SAM OF ANTHA !!!! my wife. most tolerable person in [redacted location]. all of your characters are so creative and i love hearing about them (grabbing ysam and shaking her i love her). i genuinely enjoy all of our conversations and hanging out with you in general thumbs up emoji. your outfits always fuck and you are Very Funny tee em. everything you talk about is super cool and you are the one who introduced me to chibo the guy. the cunty slimecicle reposting was also your fault btw.
i am so glad you didnt skin me /silly
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cybermeep · 3 months
as to not taint the humor of the millipede post, i say this separately and as its own sort of weird entry thing; today was not all that nice. if you somehow wish to read emotional ramblings then feel free below i suppose. this will all probably be very embarrassing & stupid & gone at a certain point
at first, it seemed to be fine; by all accounts, i felt normal. i was happy, content, neutral, what have you. near the end of first period, i felt a sudden and all encompassing sort of emotional pain which is hard to explain besides a knife in ones gut. i try to shrug it off, go back to normal; i listen to instructions of my teacher before i ask to sit outside. i proceed to bawl my eyes out silently.
and you may ask, WHY? and i ask the exact same thing! i have no clue why i suddenly break down like this, but i do, and its heavy and uncomfortable. i sob out of both guilt and intense emotions unable to be placed anywhere definitively. i sob because i don’t know what else to do, as trying to hold my emotions in has seemingly only made me sick thus far in the day.
i continue to cry for an uncomfortable amount of time i won’t disclose. a teacher who i enjoy greatly sits beside me in the hall; without even having to say the words aloud, i answer him. i talk quietly of things i remember and talk of how upset i feel; not mad upset, but sad upset. he seems confused on what too much of something would be. ive been wondering this for months. he asks if it was possibly seen as something more intimate. i say this could be likely and i feel far worse; i feel awful, actually. he runs off because hes a busy man. i think about our conversation and i feel overwhelmingly distressed. i feel sick. i feel as if ive ruined everything by accidentally implying something different then what i may mean. i dont enjoy the vague way certain events occur. i hate being vague, i hate not being able to read between the lines of things; vagueness scares me to a point of distress and acute worry, which is probably hypocritical.
i have to resort to one of the stupidest things ive imagined in a long time in order to not feel the overwhelming & all encompassing feeling of wanting to [REDACTED]; imagining myself as stanley from the stanley parable and being lectured about how this action would quote make the timeline collapse in on itself or quote ruin the game by the narrator. i can imagine his voice clearly in my mind saying STANLEY, YOU CAN’T SELF-IMMOLATE STANLEY, THAT WOULD RUIN EVERYTHING WE WORKED FOR! something stupid like that. its odd that it helped.
i was fine, although i then proceeded to not be fine. got asked if i was okay. answered truthfully and said no. an acquaintance prompted me to talk about it with her, then simply.. left. had to find the girl she enjoys being with. she said she would find me later and talk about it; i really didn’t want to talk about it. i moved to put on my headphones then realized it was stupid & was already on the verge of tears again at simply the discussion from before & feeling like a circus animal being heavily scrutinized and laughed at under intense gaze. i get to class but i am overwhelmingly unable to do anything but cry.
i get to go to the library, but at the detriment to my friends. i text one and tell her i won’t be at lunch as im dealing with emotional distress and don’t want to quote, be a debbie downer. i am saddened at my actions; i wish i would’ve just went and talked with them, but i also don’t wish that i did because i hate distressing those i care about. i didn’t want to put more on my friends plates. i’d deal with it myself
of course, nothing is ever sound & calm for long; the area which i feel comfortable crying in is overtaken and i move uncomfortably. i am asked if im okay. i lie blatantly to a girl ive known as an acquaintance for years. i feel bad for lying; i don’t want her to worry about me. it wasn’t important, anyway. eventually i regain my composure and get back to class. it ends and i move on; as per usual, my mood fluctuates and i soon find myself worried sick and leaving her classroom.
i stay after although i know the chess club is cancelled for this week. i don’t like the change. its not as if im mad at the change, i just so desperately wanted to believe the days i dealt with before actually still accumulated to something i enjoyed. now the one thing i enjoy is off to not occur for next week, either; giving me very little to look forward to, if anything
i sit in the airlock. i write in my notebook a list of things someone would do before self-immolation. hypothetically, of course. maybe four or five things on it are actually things one would care about. one is to play a DLC, another is to finish a novel; one is to stay in order to see the cicadas arrive & to visit the cemetery in the spring like someone (fine, me!) mentioned weeks back that i wanted to do. its uncomfortable how the novel i enjoyed dearly was not one of the important things on the list.
it takes quite a lot to kill me, i think. kind of like a tick.
i’ll be fine; i always am. i think ive gotten better. im slowly feeling more and more sane again, although the stress puke is still prevalent. as ive lived on, its gone down to a point where i just gag; don’t puke. i enjoy documenting when i do feel things like this, strangely enough. having an archive of my life makes me feel sane. its also interesting to look back on.
thanks if you read this somehow, even after the warning of how stupid it would be. i appreciate you, hypothetical reader. i enjoy your hypothetical quiet company
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ace-avian · 2 years
It’s time.
To rate the versions of Garroth. Please note these are my opinions, you do not have to agree. I will be going from least favourite to most favourite. All the seasons are going to be counted as separate Garroths. No I am not counting mini series’ but upside down stories gets a participation trophy.
Here we go.
At the bottom of the list: Mermaid Tales Garroth. I love pirates so much I have a bias but this man- THIS MAN- you can bet he wouldn’t pay child support and would probably call me a slur
Next- PDH S1 Garroth. I don’t have to give my reasoning- mans kissed a girl without her consent. That’s reason enough. In the words of Chris from TDI- not cool dude.
Next- FCU Garroth. Hoo. This man infuriates me to no end. Garroth, buddy, if a girl you know and are very close to is CLEARLY not doing well and you NOTICE THAT, if she asks you what you like about her when you ask her out, do not say something physically. Dumbass.
Fourth from the bottom; PDH S2. He’s got a bit of development, he apologised for kissing Aphmau with consent. Though it was after SHE mentioned it so points deducted for not knowing it was a shit thing to do and apologising beforehand.
Next- Mystreet S1 Garroth. This man somehow did not learn- moving to a town/street where the girl who has stated she doesn’t like you like that is moving- that is CREEPY. Stop it. Stop that. And do I have to mention the play? I don’t think I do.
After them- MCD S3. As shitty as that season is, I love MCD so much, but I just- I cannot excuse the casual racism. Garroth you don’t trust Lio cos he’s from Tu’la? Okay you went evil for a bit but we’re not gonna talk about that? Sure he apologised (the Lio thing him betraying was never addressed again) but it still happened.
Next on the ladder is both Mystreet S2 and S3. They go together cos…they’re just there. I just kinda feel indifferent, they’re just kinda vibing. I’d say S3 is a bit higher than S2 but that’s cos S3 is like the only season I really like.
Next- MCD S2. Again- he’s kinda there. He’s lower than S1 cos he does kiss Aph without consent AGAIN- but he does get points for apologising for his anger during the going to rescue Zianna arc (though that anger was PERFECTLY justified the pregnant storyline was ridiculous with a capital what the fuck). Nice himbo man.
Next! Mystreet S5. Again. Just. Kinda. There. I love werewolf Garroth to be entirely honest though the Garroth and KC kiss scene throws me for a loop and gets him points redacted- I can’t remember how or why that happened. Prolly Jessica being a terrible writer.
We’re getting to the top; next is MCD S1. Brilliant himbo lad, even more in the rewrite. I adore him and his little awkwardness, though again- went evil cos- friend kissed the girl he liked- okay then- though not many points deducted cos I imagine Lillian did a fair bit with that.
Next is Mystreet S4 Garroth. I like him, his panic over Zane, and their brother dynamic ACTUALLY HAVING DEVELOPMENT- my beloveds. I have a vivid memory of crying when they hugged. Emerald Secret Garroth gets in the top three. Good job buddy. Gold star.
Second place! Mystreet S6. I have a supernatural creature bias as well including to werewolves (though unlike Jessica admitting it’s a werewolf fetish I just think they’re cool especially when the lore is fleshed out or changed), it enhances his himbo and AGAIN- ZANE AND HIS RELATIONSHIP IS WHAT SAVES HIM. The development of the forever potions helps tremendously. The moment of zane trying to reach out to his brother? Ow. O w.
And first place!! A Royal Tale Garroth! This man is peak I will not accept criticism. Him and Jenny are kinda cute in this scene I’m not gonna lie. Also trauma over killing his dad, gives him some spice a lot of Garroths lack (but that’s the writing :) ). Good job my boy. Gold star.
And as said, honourable mention to swap/upside down stories Garroth. Or as my friend says, Girlboss Garroth. He gets participation trophy and a head pat.
Hope y’all enjoyed. I’ll have to do this again.
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sumu-samu · 2 years
Ok so, it’s currently 1:00 in the morning and I’m laying in bed just thinking about redacted as r things. And I came up with some really interesting theories/headcanons or at least I think they’re interesting. Note: none of this is canonical just my brain working over time. Trigger warnings follow.
Ok so we all know that Tank/Darlin used to run with Quinn. And there’s a lot of speculation as to weather or not Quinn and them had romantic interests. But here is my theory: Tank ran away from the pack after feeling casted out by someone (either Ash or Chris) They already felt like they didn’t belong but that sent them over the edge. They became pretty much homeless and fell into some sort of substance abuse. Quinn found them and offered to keep them supplied in exchange for blood (because empowered blood just hits different) and possibly even sex. Well Quinn hopped up and left long enough for Tank to get sober enough to realize they need help. They manage to escape and go to a rehab facility where they meet the unempowered friend that was mentioned. Once they both get out they start living together and form a romantic relationship. A couple months go by and Tank comes home to find their partner killed by Quinn and then the story continues canonically.
So as far as we know three people in the redacted verse were in fatal car crashes. 1. David’s dad 2. Sam 3. Sunshine. However we know that David’s das was the one killed by a drunk driver (unless they all were and I can’t remember things) my thought is that maybe it was Alexis and Sam who had a collision with Gabe. Like Alexis being mad that Sam called it off them fighting on the way back, Alexis swerving the car out of rage. But regardless two of those three crashes were related. (Up date: thank you to those who have informed me about how Gabe’s and Sam’s crash couldn’t be related but now I have a new question that I’m putting out there *that I am also currently re listening to investigate* does anyone remember when Sunshines crash was?)
I saw this thing that Fred and Lovely were cousins which would be super cool but also I feel like at this point they would have realized it, but I do feel like some people in the redacted verse are related I just don’t know who yet and how. Maybe Freelancer and someone.
Is no one gonna talk about how in this years halloweek Vincent fucking implies that Ash and David were a thing???? Like am I reading too much into that comment or….
I think someone already said this but the dream-walker that Avior encountered was Blake. Like straight up gonna say it.
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