#also i almost didn't wanna tag you maria AND YOU KNOW WHY
seokmashu · 1 year
hi~ i found a zb1 quiz online and thought it would be fun to see what everyone's bias lists are 😚
⟶ zb1 bias sorter quiz!
⟶ copy & paste this link to your browser for mobile users:
my results:
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⟶ tagging: @haob1n @chxrrymxxnlight @cherriegyu @zerobaseonefics @haesunflower @bp-zb1fics @hanbeanz @zeroze + some new moots: @jjanguri @gunwookstan @hanbindans & anyone else who wants to do it!! i'm excited to see everyone's lists 😁
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r-romanoff · 5 years
Photon Blasts & Spider Webs
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Chapter: 1 Part 1
Peter Parker x Male Reader
Master list
September, 23, 2019
"I don't want to, take me home." I pout siting in the back seat of the black car. "Well you definitely are your mother's son." Fury starts looking over at Maria to say something, "It'll be good for you, you'll get to make friends your age bud." She smiles unlocking the doors from the passenger seat.
"Mom was supposed to be here, can't I just stay with Wanda, or Roadie? What about Sam?" I question not wanting to move from my seat. The leather seat that felt warm as the car had been sitting in the sun for an hour before the two coaxed me into leaving the house. "Look you know that if she could be here she would, now that the Avengers base has been arguably repaired you'll get to see everyone afterschool. Now get out, first period is in 5." Fury explains the already memorised memo in my head.
"I just-" "HONK!!!!!!" I'm interrupted by the blazing sound of someone honking in the silver car behind us. "Out!" Fury and Maria almost yell in unison, turning to look at me with hints of annoyance. Seeing as I've been difficult to handle as of late. Taking a breath of air allowing the smell of the car to enter and exit my lungs I let out a small noise; "Fine." The faint sound that is barely audible escapes. Opening the door I step outside of the car taking in all of my surroundings, taking my first step onto the sidewalk. "HONK!!!!!!" I jump at the same car that was honking at me before, running into the crowded hallway trying to avoid attention. "First period" I whisper to myself to keep my brain focused in this sea of endless students. The noise of their voices crashing against my ears, like waves to the cliffs. All of them clearing down the hallway to look for their class. After a while of navigating the ocean of teenagers, the halls have almost dried up in people and noise allowing me to finally find my physics room.
As I walk in to the full room the students all turn to look at me as well as the teacher, an array of confused looks head my way. Until of course I'm able to utter out a small sentence; "I-I'm new!" I look around waiting for a response. At that I see a boys head from all the way in the back shoot up and give me a strange glance, almost as if he'd been waiting or looking for me. I stand and think about it for a split second until my attention is drawn away, by the teachers voice. "Oh right! Class I would like to introduce you to Y/N Danvers. He will be joining us for the remainder of the year." He explains as the same boy's expression changes, as if he has some sort of objective or motive. "So, who will volunteer to be his partner for the rest of the semester? Extra credit will be granted." At the teachers announcement two people out of the entire class raise their hand. The first was a blonde girl with blue/green eyes, sitting two rows from the front on the right side of the class. The second being the burnett boy in the back left corner of the class.
"Ah... Ms Brant, thank you so much for volunteering, as for you Mr Parker thanks for the effort. Y/N please take a seat over there thank you very much." The teacher said pointing next to the blonde girl as he continued the lesson. While taking my seat the girl next to me smiled, "Hi I'm Betty!" She introduced herself, whispering very enthusiastically. "I'm Y/N but you already know that by now." I smiled back "So what brings you to midtown high? If you don't mind me asking." She asks politely. "Well I have always lived kinda near, it wasn't until recently though after the blip that my family wanted to stop homeschooling me. Then my mom was like 'You are going to normal school to socialise and whatnot' so sorry if I come off a bit strange." I nervously began to ramble. "No way that I so cool, so you've never been to a real school before?" Betty sports a grin on her face. "Well no... is that a bad thing?" I nervously question. "Huh? Oh no. It's not a big deal at all don't worry stick with me and everything will be just fine." She gives a sturdy response, yes go me making new friends... I think. "Thanks, so how long have you been going here?" I ask directing the attention towards her. "Well this is my third year, so I'm finally a junior." She begins to laugh.
After a while of talking back and forth the entire first period is officially over, and I officially have a new friend. The the rest of the day however begins to move slowly as not many seemed as interested in me as Betty. That or I'm actually doing something wrong and everyone thinks I'm weird. Besides that, lunch has officially begun and I am officially lost, again. Walking down what looks like the same hallway over and over again, trying to navigate the maze of lockers and trophy cases while also passing the occasional water fountain and bathroom. Eventually giving up I collapse onto the floor crisscrossing in the middle of the hallway allowing a loud groan to escape my lips; "AAAAAhhh!!!" I cried out not expecting anyone to have heard. "Is anyone there?" An unexpected response is shot back at me. Not wanting anyone to see me in my miserable state I immediately stand up. As I begin to turn away from the cold spot on the floor under an air vent, the same voice speaks again only this time closer.
"Were you just sitting on the floor?" Turning around greet who ever was there my face had officially turned pink with embarrassment. "Y/N, right?" I see the same strange boy from my physics class. What is his deal why does something seem so off to me about him. He always has this look on his face I can never exactly, recognize. He seems to be either expecting something, planning, or carrying something out. I just don't know what. "Yes, Parker???" I reply quickly as possible hoping I wasn't thinking for to long. "Peter, Peter Parker. Nice to meet you" he holds out his hand, unsurely I take it and we shake hands. Feeling a small tingle as I pull away, "So are you lost, or... what are you doing i-if you don't mind me asking." He says almost nervously, quickly admitting defeat I decide to explain my situation. "Yes I- There's a lot of hallways." I smiled earning a small chuckle from my strange acquaintance. "I can help you get to where you're going if-" "Y/N!!!" Peter is cut of by a familiar booming voice coming from the other end of the hall. "I was looking for you everywhere, and then I was like 'wait he's new so he must have gotten lost' and I couldn't have my new friend lost after I said I would stick with him." Turning to see Betty is the one who was speaking, I smile at the thought that my new friend came looking. "Sorry, Peter was just about to help me out with that. Uh see you around?" You ask Peter as you being to walk towards Betty. "Uh, yeah see you around." Peter waves as he begins to walk away to the opposite side of the hall.
"So where we headed?" I ask Betty. "I want to introduce you to a couple of my friends, and show you around of course." As the day went on I had the rest of my periods with Betty, and a couple of them with Peter although we didn't really speak to each other. We just sort of acknowledged each one another. When the day was finally over I was making my way to the front of the school to get picked up, still thinking about how I survived the day. "Got any plans this Wednesday?" Betty greets walking beside me. "Not that I'm aware of." I shoot a look wondering what's to fallow. "Good I'm going to the mall with a couple people from school, so I wanted to know if you wanna come. You know because you're new just wanna make sure you find everything well here. Aka get the full teenage experience." She elaborates. "That actually sounds pretty fun, but I'm gonna have to check in with my family first." "That's alright, just text me. Also we're wearing pink, just a heads up." The enthusiastic blonde informs. As we had finally made it to the parking lot Betty waved goodbye as she got in the passengers seat of a red sports car and zoomed. Leaving me to wait for my ride, all alone.
My cell vibrates Indicating that I've received a message. Looking to see who it was that texted me the name on the text says Wanda. However before I get a chance to open, it she begins to call. "Hello." I greet as I slide the green button. "Hey Y/N/N, how was the first day?" "Better than anticipated." "Told you!" I could hear her giggle through the phone. "I'm gonna picking you up a block away, ok." My sister figure spoke. "Coolness see you in a bit then." "In a bit."
An: I'm going to admit I was not expecting chapter 1 to be anything but short, but there will be a part two up by next week to this chapter. Before finishing the deadline was reached sorry. Ps the next part will probably also be filler
Also sorry for the prologue I wasn't happy with it, I'm not sure on whether or not I'll end up posting it though
Feel free to comment, also what's up with Peter he's acting weird.
Tag List (ask to be put on)
@klanceiscannon14 @wiitchy-wooo @multifandom-slytherin @jonnyjay2413 @lazerman217
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
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🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe wherein Nero gets his own motorcycle. 🖤
~ This time, this chapter is dedicated to all the people who reblogged the first three parts. Thank you so much!
~ Also, to @acieoj , thank you so much for your unwavering support.
~ And to @heaven-on-a-landslide , oh, my gawd! Thank you so much for the kind words.
"Ave Maria,
Gratia plena!
Maria, gratia plena,
Maria, gratia plena!"
V could hear, as clear as day, the solemn music that was coming from the other side of the portal. He walked, reaching the end of the dark tunnel, until light enveloped his entire body, giving him warmth. He finally arrived to his destination. But, all of a sudden, he was met with a violent slash of light that almost ripped him in two. If it weren't for Griffon, who grabbed the collar of his dark, leather vest just in time, he would probably be as good as dead.
"What the hell?!" Griffon screeched, looking around for any sign of Demons.
V looked around, as well, but saw nothing, except for a pastel pink, fur blanket on the grass beneath his feet, an empty basket, and the radio which played the song, "Ave Maria". He picked up the blanket and immediately noticed that it was still warm, not to mention very fragrant, like the smell of fresh flowers blooming in the morning.
"She was just here." V said, his voice almost dropped to a very low whisper.
"She?!" Griffon shot back. "How did you even know that was a girl? She tried to chop you like onions!"
Yes, how did he know that? Was it some kind of a strange, gut feeling, or one of his suppressed, male instincts?
"No matter. I'm very certain that we are the ones who are at fault here. We startled her." he said, purposefully making his voice louder. He took a quick glance at the bushes on his right and noticed something moving behind it. He smiled and placed the soft blanket back down on the ground. "I think I'll return this."
"Shall we go after her?"
"There's,... no need for that." he answered, making sure that his voice could be heard by that person behind the bushes. He then faced the path before him and walked, making sure that Griffon's following closely behind him. "We must press on."
The sun was getting low. Despite that, he still took the time to admire the lush garden of the very familiar place. He had been here, he knew it. And, the moment he arrived at the main road of the city, there was no mistaking it:
He was back at Red Grave.
But, why did the Yamato bring them there, of all places?
It looked as though he would no longer muse any longer, for there, speeding from the distance with a sleek, blue motorcycle, was the boy, himself. Nero was about to pass V when he noticed him standing there on the sidewalk. He put the vehicle to a halt, hitting the break, and stopping right beside V.
"Hey, V!" Nero said, smiling at him. "Long time no see."
"It has been quite a while." V said, then smiled back, not wanting to let the boy know that he was still a bit mad at him for what happened the last time they saw each other.
"Was it a month already?"
"Three weeks, you idiot!" Griffon screeched at him.
"And the little chicken is here!" Nero joked, pointing at Griffon and effectively mocking him with the cursed nickname. "Now, I know what we're having for dinner!"
"Why, you, son of a - !"
V quickly shielded Griffon with his cane, or the other way around, and tilted his head sideways, letting his hair fall to the half part of his face. "It seems that you are in a hurry."
"Yeah, I'm going to Nico's." Nero mentioned. "Said she had a job for me."
"And what would that be?"
Nero shrugged his shoulders. "Beats me. She only said to 'hustle over and make it damn quick'. Look, she even told me to bring formal wear. I don't even know what that is!" He pointed at the compartment of the motorcycle with his thumb and gave it a disgusted look. "Luckily, Kyrie knows stuff. She's a real life saver."
"Is that so?" V said, making himself sound like he was genuinely interested.
And, it was a success.
"Wanna tag along?" Nero graciously offered, revving his badass motorcycle and looking really proud.
What a simpleton.
A few moments later, V found himself riding with Nero, letting the delicious, early evening air splash on his face and sweep his wavy, jet black locks. He held onto the boy's shoulders with a hand, his other one firmly holding onto the metal cane and making sure it's not in the way as Nero drove.
"So, this job,..." V had to make his voice louder for him to be heard above the sound of the speeding vehicle. "Is it Devil May Cry related?"
"I think." Nero answered, not letting his eyes off the road for a minute. "I knew I told her not to bug me unless she wants me to kill some shit."
"And this,... vehicle?"
V noticed the boy chuckle. "It was a gift from the mayor of Red Grave for defeating that son of a bitch." He was refering to none other than Urizen, V's demonic half. "Well, actually, I bought it using the money he offered me for saving the lives of the citizens. Kyrie was opposed to this, at first, telling me I had no discipline with things like this."
"She was right." V answered. "You are not wearing any protection for your,.... cranium."
"Ahh, yeah, I think I forgot my helmet back home. Kyrie's gonna slit my throat for this,..."
V smirked, actually wishing for it to happen. However, at the simple thought of slitting someone else's throat, one person immediately popped into his mind.
"And,... Dante?" V asked. That's it, he finally asked about his stupid twin brother.
"He got paid by the mayor, too. But, he squandered everything in a casino one night, losing in one fell swoop. Let's just say he ended up with more debt than usual."
"Oh. I see." V said, musing about the fact. He may know Dante to be a bit of a risk - taker when it comes to challenges. But, he knew for certain that he would never take part in any challenge unless he knew from the start that he would win. Aside from that, he knew Dante would not indulge into such things, unless,...
So, why? V knew his brother too much. Was he secretly - ?
"We're here." Nero announced, putting the vehicle to a stop in front of a twenty - story building in an actually fancy neighborhood a few kilometers away from the park V just transported into.
He got down and looked up at the apartment, fully anticipating everything that would possibly happen to him from then on. If the Yamato really intended for him to be here, then he might as well do anything he can to unravel this rare phenomenon that reunited him with these people.
After properly parking the motorcycle, Nero invited V inside the apartment. Once inside, they noticed that the walls of the lobby were filled with classic, renaissance - style murals that simply took V's breath away. It's not everyday that he could see such sights as this, after all. Murals in an apartment? That's something. And clearly, Nero was surprised, as well.
"Huh, who knew Nico lived in a fancy place now?" the boy said as he pressed the elevator button that would lead the two of them to the sixteenth floor.
V didn't answer. Instead, he listened in on the music that was being played inside the elevator. Nero noticed V's interest in it and smiled.
"You like these kinds of things, yeah?"
"Definitely." V answered, his mind still on the riveting piece of music that was Mozart. "Actually made me miss playing the violin."
"Oh, right." Nero nodded, then jerked his head towards V in utter shock. "Wait, you could play the violin?!"
But, before V could even answer, they arrived at the destined floor. The two got out and went directly to the third room on the right. Nero checked and double checked the crumpled note he produced from his pocket and confirmed it was the right place.
"Okay. This is it." he said, and before he could even knock, the door was slammed open, almost whacking him in the face. "What the fuck?!"
"You're late, psycho!" Nico, the tattooed female who opened the door, screamed at him. "What did I tell ya about the third ring rule?!"
"Stop bitching! V's right here! I found him on the way here." Nero screamed right back at Nico, who immediately noticed the poet's presence in the area.
"Hey, you must be him, huh?" Nico cooled down, appraising her surprise visitor with an expert eye. "The mysterious one who hired Dante."
"You are looking at this mysterious one right now." V answered good - naturedly.
"Then, let's not wait for the grass to grow! Come in!"
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