#almost tagged mchanzo
mc-hammerball · 7 years
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something not Mchanzo related lmao I find these two absolutely adorable and opposites attract and LORD THEY cUTe
*also I like the idea of Osoro calling Megami princess*
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lenmonberry · 4 years
Apparently ppl are flooding the pr*ud boy tag on twitter with pics of gay men. Don't, uh, know how I feel abt that one, fellas
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busg · 4 years
personally, i see mccree as bi. if it's confirmed he's gay, that's fine, all i'm saying is that there ain't no way that boy is straight.
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catharrington · 4 years
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Rules: Post your 9 favourite movies!!! Tagged by @shewritesdirty and I think someone else tagged me I’m so Sorry
This took forever to collect 9 movies I love. And when I’ve got them laid out this this it’s kinda embarrassing. It’s just like more campy shit the better????? But if anyone is curious T2 is my favorite movie of allllllll time~~~ 😎😎
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hellomynameisandiam · 7 years
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McHanzo Week 2017, day 1: morning/night.
... more like sunset/night, but shhhh.
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madirablack · 3 years
Time to cry
my angsty gay fathers
Okay so like with the Mchanzo one it starts with how they got to their current point
Both are 100% gay, and only really been with each other. they're soulmates.
first met in the pre-overwatch military, Gabe being Jack's commander.
Jack was sent to the military after his father found out he was gay to "make him a real man"
they grew closer and closer together over their years of service, becoming colleagues to almost brothers.
Jack first realised he loved Gabe after he patched him up mid-gunfight
he confessed rather awkwardly a day later, and Gabe accepted, out on a whim not really a hundred percent invested.
he fell for Jack faster than he could say "commander reyes"
Gabe made it his mission to protect Jack, to always keep him out of harm's way, which was rather hard in the middle of a war.
When they entered the S.E.P, they got even closer. Comforting each other after all the injections made them throw up and shake, after they were exerted to their limits. They were each other's constant in an ever-changing world.
Gabe always threw up from the injections and Jack got really bad migraines and they'd both pass out a lot
When they were put on leave, they met each other's families.
Jack's family were on the whole rather approving of Gabe, his mom loved him. The initial meeting was all going well until his father came back, and it was a shitshow.
Gabe had to teach Jack a bunch of emergency Spanish on the flight to LA, most of which he remembered. Gabe's mother was incredibly sceptical of Jack to begin with, but the longer the two stayed together, the more she loved him.
The first crisis was both terrifying and exhilarating for them. They got informally married about half way through, exchanging dog tags and then getting formally married later on
When Overwatch was established and they were allocated bedrooms and offices, they both instantly chose to stay in Jack's.
Gabe was happy for Jack when he got the Strike Commander position, he couldn't deal with the stress himself and the pride he saw in his husband was enough to keep him going.
The two suddenly became a lot busier when overwatch was up and running and had less and less time to be a couple but whoever fell asleep first would always latch onto the other the second they got into bed. if they couldn't spend the day together then at least they could cuddle at night.
Each near miss on missions was catastrophic and caused them both to be absolutely in shreds with worry.
Ana's 'death' destroyed them. She was a sister to both of them and they started to grow apart with their differing ways to deal with grief
The Zurich bombing was the worst either of them had ever felt in their entire lives. Gabe got impaled on a rebar and crushed by a wall fragment and died, his last words being "I'm sorry, Jackie." Jack got crushed by the ceiling of the meeting hall, but he didnt die from it.
When they figured out who 'Soldier 76' and 'Reaper' were, it broke them beyond words.
When they first met again unmasked, they stayed silent for an entire hour before Jack started with an apology, and everything came pouring back out.
Jack convinced Winston and everyone else to let Gabriel back on the watchpoint
Pre-fall relationship life HCs
FATHERS OF JESSE MCCREE. The second that boy gets injured they're practically flying down to the medbay and badgering Angela for details
CEOS of calming down PTSD. like omg they know everything about each other's triggers and how exactly to calm each other down.
Small gestures of love, a quick kiss when passing each other, a hand hold, leaving for a mission and leaving out a coffee and breakfast, that sorta thing.
they both find it very hard to sleep at night so most of the time they just lay there talking.
They try hard to make time to spend just the two of them. Their favourite pastime used to be being sat in an old airship, looking out across the base and just talking about everything and anything. just being in each other's company was enough for them
Jack can cook but it's all "white people shit" as referred to by Gabe
Nicknames!! J->G : Gabi, Star, Captain, babe, sweetheart, Angel, Soldier G->J: Jackie, Commander, "sir" but mockingly, Cariño, baby, Solider,
always defending each other
taking bullets literally and metaphorically for one another
Staying with each other in the medbay all night
reminding each other of self-care, like making sure each other eat, drink enough water, take meds all that kinda stuff
Cuddles, these boys cuddle so much.
Going home at Christmas to Gabe's family and having an amazing time
Their "deaths"
Jack saw the newscast and his world fell apart. He cried for days on end.
Gabe convinced himself it wasn't real
They left white Roses on each other's "graves" whenever they could.
they started to notice something was up when the flowers that only they knew the significance of kept popping up at the same time.
The reunion
Their masks had been knocked off in battle and they were both gravely injured. Jack set down a biotic field for them both.
"oh my fucking god."
"*tries to hold in tears and pass it off as laughter* you're so fucking old."
Struggling to stay intimate and loving like they used to, but it's obvious they're more than thankful to have each other back.
Gabe very insecure about how his body turned out, and so it takes him an incredibly long time to agree to let Jack see him again.
Once Gabriel managed to get out of talon and was allowed back on the watchpoint, (with constant supervision) he felt incredibly out of place.
Staying up all night talking to each other about what happened to them when they were separated.
Glad they got to grow old together.
Finding themselves staring at each other at random moments, in awe that everything turned out the way it did.
Sharing beers on the rooftops of the watchpoint and reminiscing about their 30+ years in each other's company.
"I still love you, and that will never change."
Getting to know each other again,and seeing glimpses of their younger selves in each other.
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goodluckdetective · 4 years
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by the lovely @secretlystephaniebrown
Name: Everyone calls me Iz
Fandoms: I’m all over the place, but I have spent time in RVB, Overwatch and DC comics. Currently dipping my toe into some more TMA ideas.
where you post: A03 or bust but I also crosspost here. 
most popular one-shot: (by kudos)
Like the River: 
(Overwatch, Mchanzo)
Dragon Spirits don’t trust just anyone.
McCree never expected for them to ever trust him.
Or how McCree gained some trust, won a shootout, almost caught the flu, and proceeded to be the most handsome damsel in distress Overwatch has ever seen.
most popular multi-chap: (also by kudos)
Playing Possum: 
(Overwatch, Mchanzo)
When Jesse McCree's bounty doubles, Jesse has a plan: stay low and don't die.
Waking up with his funeral on the front page of the newspaper, it becomes clear he failed step one.
Or Overwatch has a problem with fake funerals.
favorite story you’ve written so far:
It will always be “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.” No contest. I have a favorite fic child and it’s this one. However, the grimmons fic “We Will All Go Together When We Go” is the second in line.
The Devil Went Down to Georgia:
(Overwatch, Mchanzo)
Fifteen years ago, Jesse McCree made a deal at a crossroads for someone’s life.
Now, the creature has come to collect.
fic you were nervous to post:
Probably my latest because I haven’t posted anything in an ERA. It was like getting on an old bike.
Smile, You’re Trending
(TMA, JonMartin)
During an encounter with another Avatar of the Eye, Jon faces his past, Martin takes a turn at playing Kill Bill and Basira has a second look at the monster she’s determined to see.
For three people associated with the Eye, they could all use some perspective.
Contains spoilers for 179 but not 179 centric.
how do you choose your titles:
God, only knows. Song lyrics are a good go to, but sometimes I just grab a line from the fic or something I think is witty and hope for the best.
Do you outline?
Not in the traditional sense as I generally don’t do multi chapter works. What I usually have is a skeleton outline which is a list of scenes and dialogue I want to include in a piece. Not everything from the list is used, but it is a roadmap to points I want to hit.
In progress/upcoming:
I’m combining these as I don’t really do multi chapter works. Sorted by fandom with no promises to finish any of them.
Letters to Nowhere (SPN, Destiel, bg Sileen): AU finale to Supernatural where Sam texts Cas as they work to free him from the empty and learns some stuff along the way. 
Two Weddings and a Funeral (SPN, Sileen, Destiel): Series Code canon compliant Supernatural fic where Cas visits Sam on Earth when he is still alive. Featuring Cas as an angelic carrier pigeon, Eileen as the inside woman, and Dean trying not to abuse his boyfriends angelic powers for celestial email.
Currently Untitled (Hades, Canon Ships): Where Patroclus is Zagreus tutor instead of Achilles. 
Prometheus Made This Look Easy (Ace Attorney, Miles/Phoenix): Where Phoenix literally can’t die and that shockingly changes very little about his court room strategy. 
TMA reincarnation thing (Canon Ships): Where everyone gets a second shot and tries really hard not to fuck it up this time/fix their past mistakes.
Untitled (TMA, JonMartin): Speculative Post Series where Jon is studying for his librarian degree and has a conversation with a man listening to old tapes that he will not remember later. 
You can always ask but you’re not likely to get a fill.
upcoming work you’re most excited about:
Probably the SPN codas because there is a great need and once I’m done with them I can go back to not caring about Supernatural again like God intended. 
I shall tag @nitewrighter if you want to get in on this.
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dragestilwrites · 5 years
Your Wildest Dreams
*Rated E - 18+ Only!* 3300~ words McHanzo
Tags: Demon sex, Incubus Hanzo
Jesse McCree is in a bit over his head when he accidentally summons an incubus, but he certainly isn't complaining.
“You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into,” they said.
“You’re going to regret this,” they warned.
But Jesse had never been one for being told what to do, especially once his interest had been piqued. It had started simply enough. After classes one rainy Monday he found himself lingering in the library to avoid getting drenched on his jog to his car. There was an informal lecture going on in the main lobby, so he headed downstairs to the specialty section with niche materials. He spotted a section labelled “occult” and couldn’t help himself.
It grew from browsing the collection at the library to checking out books about witchcraft and magic. He had never been much for religion, but the occult had always been taboo. Now he had sudden access to forbidden knowledge laid right at his fingertips. When he wasn’t in class, at work, or doing homework, he was reading up on all things witchcraft. He had never imagined, though, that it would land him here.
His first spells were minor. He hadn’t even known if they would work. He grew a flower from a seed. He started a fire without a spark. He didn’t even consider looking at the sections in spell books for summonings. Magic was still only barely real. He had, of course, always wanted superpowers as a child, but he never would have imagined being able to do actual spells. But he took to witchcraft like a fish to swimming.
Now he was knee-deep in a summoning that was well beyond his expectations. But his preparations for the spell had been impeccable. He had made sure every word of the instructions was followed perfectly. If only he had taken the time to read about what he was summoning. He hadn’t, though, and was currently staring into a dark, swirling vortex opening in the center of the summoning circle. He took deep breaths as he braced himself for whatever was about to emerge from the abyss, and silently swore he would read ahead next time.
He should’ve known something was amiss with how large the circle was instructed to be. He should’ve caught on when the instructions said to expect a smell like rotten eggs at the moment of the summoning. But he had been caught up in the allure of a major summoning. He had been wanting to do something bigger for a while, but it had taken time to find a major spell that he could actually pull off without too much extra work. He didn’t have the resources for many spells or the stomach for others. But this one didn’t need anything he didn’t already have and only asked for a bit of blood.
What he wouldn’t admit was the small jolt of adrenaline he got from the nick on his fingertip. What he would pointedly ignore was the heat rising in him as a shadowy aura began to rise like smoke from the circle. What he would deny repeatedly was the thrill he felt chasing this dangerous unknown. But there was no denying the shock he felt when the vortex closed.
In the middle of the circle was a towering figure. Its bowed head scraped the eight-foot ceiling in Jesse’s apartment living room. The face was wide and angular and two curved horns emerged from either side of its forehead. From the features, Jesse took the creature - entity to be male, but there was no mistaking him for human or animal. His skin was charcoal grey. He was broad shouldered and bare chested. His torso and legs reminded Jesse of a minotaur, though he had no fur. Behind his shoulders sprouted an immense pair of mottled grey, bat-like wings.. One hoofed foot scuffed against the floor before he let out a huff.
“Perhaps one day they will not always stare. Never mind, I know what form you’ll like now.”
The entity - demon , Jesse began to suspect - wrapped his wings around himself and for a moment was engulfed in a thick, dark mist. When the coiling vapour settled down to pool on the floor within the circle, the demon had entirely changed form. He was now almost entirely human. In this form, he was at least half a head shorter than Jesse, and his horns were smaller. But his skin was still dark grey, he was still well-built, and his eyes glowed white. He was wearing a crisp, white button-up shirt with slim, black pinstripe trousers and polished, leather dress shoes. He also had on a black pinstripe vest with royal blue panels along the sides and a matching, royal blue tie. As his wings dissipated and disappeared from behind him, he rolled up the cuffs of his sleeves and stepped toward the inner edge of the circle. 
“Interesting preferences. Perhaps there is a reason you have summoned me, though you seem confused - even now.”
“Would you believe me if I said I didn’t know what I was summoning?” Jesse offered up with a sheepish smile.
“However foolish it would be if it were true, your expression is enough reason to believe. Shall I explain myself then?” He took a breath and allowed Jesse the chance to nod his head. “I am Hanzo, and I have been summoned into your service by this circle. I am a-”
“Demon! Ah, uh, a demon, right?” Jesse interjected rapidly, catching himself almost as quickly and rubbing at the back of his neck in embarrassment. 
“That is one term used to name me, yes, though it is broad. A more specific term within your understanding would be incubus.”
“Do I have to, uh, trade you my - well my anything really? I wasn’t plannin’ on makin’ any deals with devils today. Just wanted to summon something… complicated.”
Hanzo let out a bark of laughter that crackled in Jesse’s bones like thunder. It was rare enough that someone summoned him without knowing what they were doing. It was almost unheard of that someone who did manage to accidentally summon him would be composed enough to make jokes when confronted with a literal demon.
“Your summoning was remarkably well done for someone with no intent. Your execution was flawless. When you added your blood to the circle, you bound me to you for a period of twenty-four hours. For any continued service beyond that time frame, a contract would need to be made. For now, however, I am at your disposal.”
“Service? Well shit I should at least buy you dinner first.”
“Dinner?” Hanzo asked, eyebrow cocking as Jesse pulled a phone from his pocket.
“What do you like on your pizza? Wait do you even eat?”
“Accidentally summons an incubus and then asks if that incubus likes pizza. You certainly are interesting, aren’t you? What should I call you?”
“Jesse - just Jesse is fine.”
“Well then, Jesse, do you have a table? Shall I set it?”
Jesse took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to get some sort of grip on the situation. He opened his eyes to glance down at his phone and check the time. At least it was still early enough to order delivery, and he didn’t have anywhere else to be. Perhaps, even, in the time it would take for the pizza to arrive, Jesse would be able to figure out what he was going to do with a literal demon in his living room. He ran a hand back through his hair as he glanced over at Hanzo.
“I don’t actually have a proper table, but you can help move the furniture back in here. I usually just sit on the couch and eat off the coffee table.”
“You don’t usually summon company for your meals?”
Jesse let out a huff. “I thought you were at my service. Doesn’t that mean you’re supposed to be nice to me or something?”
“Only if that’s what you are looking for,” Hanzo answered with a slow smile that made Jesse suddenly aware of how warm he was in his flannel button-up. 
Jesse pushed his sleeves up past his elbows as he tried to collect himself from this latest jolt. He wasn’t sure what he had expected to summon. Whatever it was though, an astonishingly attractive incubus wasn’t it. He hadn’t even gotten around to browsing the sections devoted to the denizens of Hell. That, he realised now, would explain why he hadn’t recognised the summoning sigil. At the same time, he wasn’t sure he would want to have stopped this from happening. All things considered, this was a good outcome. He not only did a major summoning but he temporarily bound a demon to himself. 
Was this what everyone was trying to warn him about? Watching as Hanzo effortlessly rearranged the furniture on his own, Jesse wasn’t sure he saw a downside in this arrangement. It was unexpected, sure, but hadn’t life gotten boring? Classes, work, homework, sleep, repeat. Magic had been the first thing to wake him up in ages. And this was magic that he hadn’t even begun to dream of. He blinked and swallowed when Hanzo glanced over and he realised that he had been staring.
“I am an incubus, you know. You don’t have to romance me. If you want to forgo the formalities for the fun, I won’t mind,” Hanzo said, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his vest as he sat down on the couch he had just moved. He watched as Jesse’s gaze flickered down toward his crotch and smiled when their eyes remet. He leaned forward a bit and reached out toward Jesse, beckoning him closer. “Why don’t you put your phone down, forget the dinner, and let me give you what you hunger for?”
Jesse was halfway across the room before he realised it and he stopped himself to take a sharp breath. He blinked slowly as he exhaled and then returned his gaze to Hanzo’s. 
“I am going to get you dinner,” Jesse said purposefully, “but not right this minute.”
“Dessert and then dinner? More and more interesting, Jesse. I think we will both enjoy this,” Hanzo hummed as Jesse crossed the remaining distance between them. He reached forward and tugged Jesse down to straddle his lap. Jesse seemed surprised, his palms pressed against Hanzo’s chest almost as if to push him away. “Have you never had anyone handle you?”
“I wasn’t expecting-! I- You’re- I mean I did see you lift the couch by yourself but you’re still- I’m a tall guy and…”
“If it’s a matter of height-”
“No!” Jesse interjected, a bit more quickly than he intended and a lot more passionately. He began again, calmer, “No, this is- I didn’t expect it, but I figure you know what you’re doing here. You’ve gotten everything right so far.”
Hanzo caught Jesse’s chin in one hand and pulled him down for a breathless kiss. Jesse bent down hungrily into it and his hands slid up past Hanzo’s shoulders and neck to free his hair from its tie. Jesse’s fingers tangled themselves in the smooth, jet black locks. He felt Hanzo’s hand brush up against his chest and realised Hanzo was beginning to unbutton his shirt. Jesse felt his cheeks burning even as he leaned into the touch. He had to break the kiss though for a gasping inhale to fill his equally burning lungs. It felt like the whole world was spinning around him.
“Is this really happening?” Jesse blurted out before he could catch himself.
“If you want it to.”
“This is like a-”
“Fantasy? I feed on and embody the desires of the one I am bound to. I can give you everything you have ever dreamed of. I know what you want.”
“Could you tell me then, ‘cause this is - well this is somethin’ already and if there’s an explanation for why, I’d like to know so I can - y’know - have this happen again,” Jesse rambled, still a bit breathless, as he stared down into Hanzo’s bright gaze. 
“You have my service for 24 hours. We can go through your every fantasy. Even the things you keep hidden from everyone else. You cannot shock me, remember; I have seen far darker than anything you could share. But what you want most is to have someone take the lead, isn’t it? Out there, you’re so confident, aren’t you? You always know what you’re doing and you’re laughing through it all, right? But it’s tiring to always be so in control, don’t you think? And wouldn’t it be nice for a day, a night, a moment to just let it all go?”
“How do you know all that about me? I don’t even know all that about me!”
“Jesse, I am a demon you summoned from Hell driven by your soul’s deepest desires. If I can’t satisfy you, I’m afraid no one can. But you don’t need to worry about that. You are going to be quite satisfied.”
Jesse bit his lip. He stared at Hanzo. His hands slid down to rest against Hanzo’s chest. His pulse was racing. He was sure he must have looked a mess. He felt like he was in uncharted territory. He was in uncharted territory. But he had a choice, he realised, and more than that a chance. He nodded to himself as he brought himself back into the moment.
“If we’re gonna do this, we should be somewhere more comfortable. And-” Jesse caught himself before swallowing his hesitations, “and I wanna see more of... of what you have to offer.”
“Oh? What were you thinking, Jesse?”
“Aren’t you supposed to know all my desires or whatever?” Jesse said, too quick, too eager, fingers curling around the edge of Hanzo’s tie, running along his collarbone. He would have sworn he was on fire for the all-consuming heat of the moment.
“Have you considered that I might have desires? Perhaps I want to hear it in your words,” Hanzo replied steadily. His hands were moving though, slipping lower and brushing along Jesse’s sides. Jesse was drawing shuddering breaths and his eyes were wide. “Tell me what you want, Jesse, and I will make certain you never forget this night.”
“C’mon, Hanzo, you know what I want,” Jesse said, hoping his tone was just short of desperate.
“There is no need to feel self-conscious, Jesse. No one else ever needs to know. I am - as you must be aware - not from here. No one will hear of this unless you inform them.” Hanzo’s grip shifted lower still until he squeezed Jesse’s ass firmly. “So tell me what you want.”
“Fuck me,” Jesse gasped as he wrapped his arms around Hanzo’s neck and let go of his last attempts to show some sort of restraint. “If I summoned a demon, and he’s come all this way for me, I don’t wanna waste both our time. Besides, none of my friends can say they’ve slept with a demon.”
Hanzo smiled slowly, evidently satisfied. “You should hold on. You seem unaccustomed to being carried.”
Hanzo gave no other warning as he stood from the couch, Jesse in his arms. The entirety of existence was reduced to just this moment. The whole universe revolved around only them. Every breath was an eternity as two hungry souls sought the satisfaction only another body could provide. Every inch of Jesse’s skin was alight with each touch Hanzo gave him. Jesse felt like he was losing his mind, and he wasn’t entirely sure he cared.
Time seemed to spin in slow motion as Hanzo carried Jesse to the bedroom. The bed was soft when Jesse fell gracelessly to it. He scrambled to get out of his clothes and tossed them haphazardly toward the wall. He was all too grateful to see that Hanzo had equally bared himself as the demon climbed up the bed to push Jesse up against the headboard and pull him into a bruising kiss. Jesse gasped into the kiss as one of Hanzo’s hands slid between their bodies and calloused fingers brushed against his stiffening erection.
Everything was so much. Every sensation was like the very first - sharp and bright and igniting. Jesse wondered if he wouldn’t be entirely consumed by this inhuman passion and hunger. Everything blurred into one continuous, never-ending rush of pleasure surging to meet the ravenous, insatiable desire for more. In fleeting moments of tenuous grasping at sanity, Jesse tried to lock every moment into his memory.
It started on the bed - Hanzo carefully but quickly preparing him before sinking in so deep Jesse swore he saw stars. Then Jesse was bent over the bed, fingers clutching desperately at the bedding as Hanzo, fingers curled into Jesse’s messy hair, kept him from hiding his face in the mattress. And then Hanzo was more demon than man, and Jesse was pressed up against a wall, and Hanzo was fucking him hard enough that Jesse hoped the neighbours wouldn’t hear. And then Jesse was pushing Hanzo back into the living room, nudging him back until the demon was sitting on the couch. Jesse straddled Hanzo’s lap and let his hands wander the expanse of Hanzo’s broad chest and muscular shoulders as he ground himself down on Hanzo’s cock until he was unsure of where either of them began or ended.
Jesse wasn’t even sure how long it had been - or how many times he had cum - by the time he found himself lying bonelessly on top of Hanzo. Hanzo’s demon form dwarfed the bed they were on, and his arm was a comforting warmth far better than any blanket where it draped over Jesse’s torso. Jesse’s face was pressed into Hanzo’s chest and his arms stretched to hug Hanzo’s sides. Hanzo found himself carding thick fingers through Jesse’s hair and humming a low tune. Hanzo wondered briefly that this was perhaps the first time he had ever cuddled someone. It was certainly the first time he had in his true form. Was he slipping? Was he getting sentimental? And what if he was? Could he assuredly claim he cared? 
“You okay, Han?” Jesse mumbled, and Hanzo realised he must have abruptly stopped humming.
“You are unlike any human I have met before, Jesse.”
“I dunno, I thought it was common decency to ask the person you sleep with if they’re doing good afterwards.”
“I am not a person, you know…”
“Person, demon, does it matter? You gave me the time of my fuckin life. Least I can do is check in on ya.”
Hanzo carefully sat up, his demon form melting away even as he shifted Jesse from atop him to sitting on the bed. He tied his loose hair up as he stood and materialised a silky, black robe draped over his shoulders. He offered a hand to Jesse.
“Didn’t you say something about dinner? You must be starving,” Hanzo said.
“Should I get - uh - dressed or…?”
Hanzo shrugged his shoulders.
“There’s no need if you don’t wish to.”
“But you-”
“I have appearances to maintain. If I’m looking to be contracted, I need to offer the finest quality services..”
“To be contracted?” Jesse asked, incredulousness creeping into his voice and expression.
“You were not the only one more than satisfied with tonight,” Hanzo replied as he leaned in and brushed a few stray locks of hair back behind Jesse’s ear. “I might not even ask for your soul.”
Jesse felt the heat rising in his cheeks and he let out a chuckle as he finally accepted Hanzo’s hand and stood. He slipped away for a moment to pull on a pair of boxers from his clean laundry stack before returning to Hanzo’s side and interlacing their fingers. 
“I think it’s probably a bit late for pizza,” Jesse began, glancing at the clock on his nightstand, which read almost 2 in the morning, “but I make killer mac’n’cheese.”
“If you are even half as skilled with cooking as you are with complex summonings, I’m sure I will enjoy anything you make.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere, Han.”
“Oh I know, Jesse. I’m counting on it.”
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fireflyquill · 5 years
Prompt number: 9 (”There is a certain taste to it”) Fandom (AU if applicable): Overwatch (McHanzo) Rating: G Warnings/Tags: sadness (but Jesse fixes it!)
Prompt List | Prompt 1 | 
I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I read the blurb on the Overwatch Cookbook entry for Hanzo’s “Tamago Kake Gohan” and I had to. Hanzo is sad, but Jesse makes it better. 
When Jesse saw Hanzo make his raw egg rice bowl for the first time, he was certain that the man was drunk. Hanzo haphazardly poured a few condiments he’d brought along with him onto the cooked rice and cracked the egg directly on top, mixing it briefly before eating it like no one was watching. A grain of rice got stuck in his beard and it took every last ounce of Jesse’s willpower to stop himself from walking over and wiping it off himself. Hanzo didn’t seem much like he’d wanted the company anyway.
They hadn’t been friendly enough for Jesse to feel comfortable asking if things were alright. He found out soon after that it was often a sign that Hanzo was not.
Hanzo could be found making his rice after particularly difficult arguments with Genji. He would start the rice cooker other mornings with dark rings under his eyes that could not be hidden by his immaculate attention to everything else. Some weeks, he made it more days than not, and he would appear as each day passed—his shoulders a little lower, his eyes a little hollower, his impassive mask a little less intact. After eating, some of these alarming red flags would fade, if only slightly, and everyone in the room would breathe a collective sigh of relief for him.
Then there was the time that they ran out of eggs. One look at Hanzo’s face and Jesse could tell that Hanzo was just internally breaking, and Jesse’s heart broke with him.
“Hey.” Jesse placed a hand gently on Hanzo’s arm. Hanzo had been staring at the fridge for a full five minutes, looking distraught. Everyone else present had figured out why and gave him space, not knowing how to approach. Jesse decided someone needed to take the chance. “I’m kinda hungry and don’t feel like cooking. Could really use your help with some wings at that pub in town.”
Hanzo shook his head without turning. “No, thank you.” He closed the fridge door, shaken out of his reverie.
“…the bakery, then?” Jesse tried again, his flesh hand pressing just a bit more firmly, just a bit more insistently on Hanzo’s forearm.
There was no immediate answer.
“Yes. Alright,” Hanzo finally agreed, turning to give him a forced smile.
When they returned, they found three dozen eggs in the fridge. Jack muttered something about having to go into town for more bread anyway while conspicuously within earshot, as though he wanted Hanzo to know they were there if he needed them. They never ran short of eggs ever again.
The next time Hanzo made his egg rice, Hana sat down defiantly beside him and engaged him in a heated argument regarding the best starter Pokemon. The time after that, Ana sat down and brought him a cup of her favourite tea. The time after that, Genji just sat. Jesse knew that the younger Shimada was not good with situations like these, but his presence alone seemed enough.
Jesse finally found his own opening a month later. The kitchen was empty and Hanzo had just started the rice cooker.
“Teach me how?” Jesse asked, almost shy.
Hanzo turned, surprised. “It is an acquired taste.”
“Yeah, I know, but…”
Hanzo waited.
“You like it. I’d like to make it for you. Sometimes. If you wanna.” Jesse knew he was babbling. The slight blush that was creeping up Hanzo’s neck gave him hope though.
It was simple enough to do. Hanzo put together two bowls, and Jesse memorized exactly the way Hanzo liked it. He mimicked Hanzo and swirled the egg with his chopsticks before eating.
“Not bad.” Jesse was pleasantly surprised.
“There’s a certain taste to it, that’s for sure,” Jesse pondered, trying to reach for the right words.
Jesse turned his head slightly, alarmed by the waver in Hanzo’s voice.
“It tastes like home.”
Jesse couldn’t help himself: he put his chopsticks down and moved to wrap Hanzo in his arms, whispering comfort into his hair.
“I apologize,” Hanzo mumbled when he was able.
“Nothin’ to apologize for,” Jesse assured him. To his disappointment, Hanzo slipped out of his arms and took several steps back.
“Occasionally, I resort to—”
“My ma made the best cookies. Orange and spice.”
“…oh?” Hanzo tilted his head, interest perked by the story and the promise of sweets.
“That’s what home tastes like to me,” Jesse explained. “Biscochitos. Never found them again like she made though.”
Hanzo nodded, understanding something that was not spoken.
“She always told me they were easy, but I could never get the right balance of spice.”
“I cannot cook the rice properly either,” Hanzo confessed. “It is never the same.”
“Never will be,” Jesse shook his head. “But what we got here…it’s pretty damn close ain’t it?”
Hanzo picked up again that they were talking about something other than food. He looked down at his own fingers with a frown. Jesse was about to ask if he was okay when Hanzo’s hand darted forward to grasp at Jesse’s. Jesse beamed, and took a step towards him.
He leaned in cautiously, silently asking permission before pressing his lips to Hanzo’s. He could feel Hanzo’s lips curling up into a smile.
“Yes,” Hanzo agreed when they had to part for air. “It tastes pretty damn close.”
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wontyoureadtome · 5 years
Chapter 10: Substitute- Part 3 [final part] of “Acceptable Substitute” by mataglap (author blog @mataglap)
Ship: McHanzo (Overwatch)
Fic Rating: Explicit
Part Length: 18:00
First Part    
Acceptable Substitute Tag
We made it! Our goal was to record more longer fics and at +5.5 hours I’d say this qualifies 😉
The podfic can be downloaded on the G-Drive, and has been cross-posted on Ao3. There are also plans to upload a Blooper Reel next week since I apparently like to hate embarrass myself (hoo boy).  Thanks again to @mataglap (who’s also on twitter) for their blessings, and for all of you for tuning in on this almost-3-month adventure!
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huckleberrytm-a2 · 5 years
* romance headcanons.
Tumblr media
name:          jesse mccree.
nickname:          mccree, ‘cree, jess, joel (either in reference to his middle name or morricone ).
gender:           transgender male, he/him.
romantic orientation:          i suppose the best fitting definition is panromantic honestly. his romantic love knows pretty much no bounds in terms of who it is exactly, he just has a hard time of really opening up to someone enough for something like that to work. on the surface, however, he has no real preference.
preferred pet names:           jesse doesn’t really expect or desire pet names, but they make him feel nice when he gets them- someone giving him a pet name in and of itself means enough to him, he doesn’t really care as to what the name specifically is. he is an absolute fiend about using them with his partners, even non-romantic relationships. the more common ones are darlin, honey, pumpkin, baby, but he also has ones that are specific to the person that usually have something to do with their names.
relationship status:           very verse dependent but in his main he and hanzo totally are married and live their retirement in an old farmhouse with their dogs and their kids and their horses
favorite canon/fandom ship:         i have a shameless love for mchanzo, i do. it has to be written a very particular way though since the ship is so chock full of racist stereotypes and other nasty things, but i was graced with @uchitoru​ who has blessed me with a mighty fine characterization of hanzo to plot an in-depth relationship for our boys. i really do love them as a pair for so many reasons, i could go on for hours.
favorite crossover ship:           the only in-depth crossover ship i have is with @torturewon​ and her bucky, which is a fun ship because jesse and bucky have such an... interesting dynamic. theyre both extremely rough around the edges so it makes for really interesting romantic interactions considering how they are.
opinion on true love:         honestly i think he would like to. i think a part of him really wants to believe that somewhere out there, there’s one person who will just be... the one. the thing is he just hasn’t ever been able to experience some genuine, pure love without some sort of terrible occurrence in such a long time that he’s pretty much abandoned it.
opinion on love at first sight:         no, not really. he can definitely be attracted to someone at first sight, but not love.
how ‘romantic’ are they?:           when he gets comfortable and settled with someone, he’s a hopeless romantic. jesse is really very affectionate when you get down to his core; he very much wants to show the people he loves how much he loves them. he’s not really a poet- he won’t go on and on about how much he loves someone and all that. for him, it’s really about gestures. simple things like making his partner dinner, tucking the blankets around them if he wakes up first, little goofy gifts that he randomly finds on chance that just remind him of his partner. he’s a sap, it just takes a lot to unlock that part of him.
ideal physical traits:           he doesn’t pay much attention to physical attributes, really. generally he loves the physical traits of people because he associates them with the person.
ideal personality traits:         someone that he can continuously depend on. jesse has abandonment issues- he worries a lot about being left high and dry. he really looks for someone to just have his back, and obviously that’s very mutual. he also really appreciates people with a sense of humor, who are laid-back and easygoing. he also really appreciates when people accept him for what he is, instead of criticizing his past and telling him what he should be.
unattractive physical traits:           like i said, he doesn’t pay much attention to this. he would feel incredibly unfair to judge someone else’s appearance considering the way he dresses, his shaggy ass hair and beard, etc.
unattractive personality traits:         genuine meanness. like someone who is just a jerk for the sake of it. people who are overly childish, or selfish. most of his personality turn-offs are pretty run-of-the-mill and standard. he doesn’t like people he can’t rely on or people that treat others like dirt.
ideal date:           there’s almost no preference. he really likes being outside, playing music and thinks like that. he would love a simple meal and a movie at home, but he’s also okay with going out on the town for some drinks or what have you. he just doesn’t like to do things that are really fancy or elegant, like a fancy black tie party or something. it makes him feel awkward, it’s not an environment he enjoys. other than that, he’s down for whatever his partner would like.
do they have a type?:        not really? he says that he doesn’t but there may be some subconscious repetitions in the people he’s attracted to, even if he doesn’t realize.
average relationship length:         one night stands and short flings are pretty much his realm of focus. those are rare, only when he’s feeling particularly lonely, but he would not at all be opposed to settling down and committing to someone he really loved.
preferred non-sexual intimacy:         if not hand-holding, probably resting his head on someone’s shoulder. jesse is really starved in terms of kind, gentle touch but his past with abuse and fighting and what not can make him feel smothered or threatened really easily by physical contact. he likes being able to just sit with someone and lean on them a little, it makes him feel safe and comforted. he also gets really weak about his hair being stroked or played with, and he gets really emotional really fast if there’s any sort of tenderness with his arm stump.
commitment level:           if he commits to someone that he loves, he is absolutely committed to that person and no one else. he hates cheaters and honestly it’s disgusting to him. it can be hard for him to commit himself at first in a relationship, just because he is still scared about giving someone that kind of access to him and sharing that level of vulnerability. but if jesse commits to you, he’s not going anywhere unless you tell him to.
opinion of public affection:         it depends. he doesn’t like to be over the top with pda, like he doesn’t want to be all over his partner or vice versa enough that its like annoying and irritating to other people. but he will absolutely hold hands, give little kisses, murmur soft little things if he has the mind to, maybe some light snuggling if its applicable. he gets a little bit shy about initiating it sometimes, though.
past relationships?:           nothing of relevance. one night stands and nothing that lasted beyond a few days.
tagged by: @incnspcuous​ ( thanks dear! ) tagging:  steal it, punk, i dare you
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akiihiko-kun · 5 years
god, why are there so many porn blogs/bots at the mchanzo tag? it’s almost unbearable to go through it
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were-dragon · 5 years
Sharing room, sharing life
Here comes the new year of our Lord 2019 and with it I bring you my fic for the day 1 of Peapod Mchanzo Week 2 with the prompt: Oh My God They Were Roommates! (which btw I love XD). With it, I honor my resolution to be more productive on the writing front. fingers crossed
Please enjoy! 
P.S.: This will be a very McHanzo year for me, I feel it in my bones! 
Words: 3+ k
Rating: G/T
Pairing:  Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada
Tags:  oh my god they were roommates, getting together, supportive little brother Genji Shimada, Hanzo Shimada is his usual guilt-ridden self but he’s trying okay?, Genji has no time for your cowardice Hanzo go talk feelings like the adult you are suppose to be, Jesse is precious and I want him to be my best friend too, Peapod McHanzo Week
AO3: Sharing room, sharing life
“That is…”
“It does not come close to the luxuries usually reserved for the Shimada oyabun, I know.”
Those words spoken in the voice of his brother were enough to squash any and all reservations Hanzo could have. Instead, he gave a shallow bow to his brother.
“This is more than enough.” And then like an afterthought. “Thank you.”
For a moment he foolishly thought that would be it but then his brother let out a mechanically sounding sigh.
“It is not a permanent arrangement, brother. The cleanup and reconstruction go slow as we cannot hire anyone but with another pair of hands it will go that much faster.”
Hanzo made sure his face did not betray even the slightest shadow of his thought on that matter.
He swore allegiance to his brother’s cause, knowing it will come with its difficulties. It is only fitting, after all. He might not have expected one of those would be sharing a room with a virtual stranger but he will manage.
“It is alright, Genji. I have grown unused to the luxuries you speak of in the past years regardless.”
The silence following nearly made him wince. How foolish. He had no right to compare his past years of discomfort to whatever Genji had gone through.
Cold, metallic fingers touched his shoulder; the temperature difference startling even through the silk kyudo-gi. He managed not to flinch away from it, though he couldn’t stop his muscles from tensing.
“I promise, brother, this is temporary. I do not wish you to be uncomfortable here. I hope we can rebuild. In more ways than one,” he added with an amused kilt to his distorted voice that was so very much Genji Hanzo’s throat tightened at the influx of emotion.
After that, Genji left him to his own devices. Hanzo made his way to the unoccupied side of the room, testing the bed and mattress while taking the rest of the room in.
It was certainly lived in, though not in the usual sort of way. There were barely any personal objects Hanzo noticed. The bed had clear sights of use and there were clothes at the foot of it but there was hardly anything that would tell Hanzo more about his roommate. No pictures, no trinkets, nothing. And there was an unpacked bag under the bed, very much mirroring where Hanzo pushed his own bag under his new bed.
In a way, those were some hints at least. The man was probably drifter like himself nowadays. And he knew it was a man because Genji told him as much. That and a name. Jesse McCree. Genji said they were friends from the old days. Also that the man agreed to share a room with Hanzo.
That could go many ways. But Hanzo trusted Genji and his brother seemed to have full confidence in the arrangement.
Hanzo took in a deep calming breath through his nose… and immediately scrunched it up in displeasure.
And he was a smoker. Delightful.
Surprisingly, he did not meet one Jesse McCree until after the evening meal was done with and he retreated back into his- their room.
He walked in just as a plain tan shirt was half up an impressive expanse of tanned and heavily scarred back. With quite the pleasing muscle definition.
“Ah.” Hanzo let out eloquently just as the man turned around, his brown hair tousled as he finished pulling the shirt off in a hurry. Hanzo politely turned his gaze away but not before his brain managed to categorize several even more pleasing details; the slightly staggering amount of chest hair among them. “I apologize. I did not mean to barge in on you like that.”
There was a noise of recognition, quickly followed by a chuckle.
“Nah, is fine, pardner. Ya must be Genji’s brother, nice to finally meet ya.”
At that Hanzo’s gaze snapped back to the man expecting a mocking expression going with that sentence but receiving instead a broad smile and a hand thrust in his direction. It took him embarrassingly long to shake it but McCree patiently waited for him to gather his bearings.
“It is nice to meet you as well, Mr. McCree.”
A deep chuckle that very nearly sent shivers down Hanzo’s spine.
“McCree is fine. Or Jesse. I don’t dwell on that mister stuff much. Been an outlaw far too long for that.” There was something in McCree’s expression, hidden behind the happy exterior, that Hanzo felt keenly in himself despite not being willing to name it.  
That was enough for Hanzo to make a decision.
“You may call me Hanzo. Thank you for sharing your space with me.” He bowed to McCree very slightly. More of a hint than anything but clearly enough to fluster the man.
“Um, think nothing of it, really. I think we’ll get on just fine.”
His grin was dazzling.
And get on fine they did indeed. Hanzo joined the organization with a single goal in his mind; to earn Genji’s forgiveness. In his mind, he could not be forgiven so easily, no matter what Genji had said. There was much to atone for.
But as the days went on, he found himself more often than not in the company of the resident gunslinger. And he discovered he did not mind. The man was friendly and talkative but he could respect Hanzo’s need for silence. He had no inkling how the man did it but not once had to Hanzo ask for space or quiet.
It was after he brought the subject up with Genji that his brother told him McCree’s ability to ‘read the room’ was uncanny. Almost infamous, especially when it came to his commanding officers as he knew exactly how far he could push before he got into real trouble. Hanzo understood why McCree and Genji grew so close in the past despite their troubled pasts, they both were of the rebellious sort when it came to authority.
He knew about McCree’s past partly from his brother, partly from the man himself. He did not shy from talking about his days at in the old Overwatch, he hinted at his life in Blackwatch, and more often than not made fun of his days in Deadlock. Very much in the way Genji nowadays made fun of his life with the Clan. That told Hanzo enough and he did not pry for more than the gunslinger was willing to share. And he did find his stories amusing. It was no hardship to let McCree steer the conversation in that way.
The companionship was something he came to treasure much faster than he would ever guess possible. It could have been in part thanks to the ten years of loneliness but he believed it to be McCree’s nonjudgmental attitude more than anything else.
As much as he later felt guilty for it, there were moments where McCree could make him forget, for just a short while, his past mistakes and the pain stemming from them.
McCree even helped him understand the new Genji a bit more. And going so far as to play an intermediary for them to ease the atmosphere. It pleased Hanzo to realize they had less need of him as of late. It hurt less to hear the mechanical buzz of his brother’s laughter and warmed him more to be the one who prompted the laugh.
When he and McCree were drinking at cliffside as they were prone to do sometimes and he turned to the gunslinger with thanks, the man did not just wave it off as something unimportant, instead, he smiled and said: “I’m glad. Ya both deserve some more happiness in yer lives in my opinion.”
And Hanzo found it easy to return the smile.
Hanzo woke up choking on a scream. When he opened his eyes the room was dark and it did nothing to dispel the image of his brother’s body hitting the floor, his screams still resonating through the dojo of the Shimada castle.
He turned his face into the pillow just to muffle any sounds escaping from between his tightly pressed lips. Hanzo shivered as the sweat on his body cooled down in the climatized room.
Why is he here? What is he even trying to achieve?
What could he ever do to earn forgiveness for such a heinous crime? How could Genji forgive him for that?
His mind swirled with the images of blood and steel and green hair until his stomach clenched in a wave of nausea. He lifted he his head from the pillow to breath more easily in an attempt to calm it down when the soft humming reached his ears.
Hanzo extremely slowly turned his face towards the other bed where he hoped McCree was still soundly sleeping. He couldn’t see much but he could recognize the silhouette of the man, lying on his back, one knee bent and the left prosthetic arm lying over his eyes.
The gunslinger hummed so quietly it wouldn’t wake Hanzo on itself but now that he was awake he could recognize a familiar melody in it, thought the name of the song eluded him.
He barely noticed his own breathing calming down as he listened, still lying on his belly, half of the face pressed into the slightly damp pillow.
And he did not notice at all when his eyes closed and his mind quieted down enough for him to drift back into sleep.
They have not spoken about that night. Or any of the nights that followed. Hanzo was not sure if McCree even knew he had an avid listener now or if he pretended to not know for sake of both their dignities. Either way, they did not breach the subject of nightmares despite the fact both of them suffered from them heavily.
Surprisingly, it was their work that brought first big argument into what was nearly idyllic cohabitation.
“You are being unreasonable, brother.” Genji sighed from where he was sitting next to him on the roof of the building C. They had an unmarred view of the sea from there, the mid-morning sun making it glitter like a field of sapphires.
Hanzo breathed in the salty air, letting it out through his mouth in an attempt to calm clear his mind. Something that his brother was attempting to thwart.
“I do not believe I am.”
His brother huffed, the sound grating. “I know you do not believe you are. That does not make it any less true. I am sure Jesse is not being any less unreasonable though, so I guess I can’t blame you fully for this.”
Hanzo cocked his eyebrow at him as he detangled that sentence. They got into a habit of foregoing Japanese in favor of English but sometimes it got away from them. For both they sakes Hanzo decided to switch to their mother tongue.
“He willfully endangered himself and with it anyone who left their positions in an attempt to help him. And he had the gall to laugh it off as if it was of no consequence.”
“That’s just how Jesse is!” Genji threw his hands into the air in a dramatic gesture. “He’s all flair and brash deeds but he does know what he’s doing, Hanzo. And his plan worked! You should not have scolded him like a child in front of everyone.” Hanzo felt a pang of guilt at that. Belatedly he realized that was not a good decision on his part but at that moment, after he watched the gunslinger waltz in the middle of an open field to lure out the enemy sniper, Hanzo was too furious to stop and think. And so he unloaded all his fear disguised as fury onto McCree in front of everyone. And then McCree’s wounded pride took care of the rest.
Now Hanzo was imposing on his brother in a room with a single bed simply because there was no room for two. And at that a bed that was not intended to be shared by two grown men. He was aware that even the bags under his eyes had bags, for he has not been able to sleep for four nights, partly from the conditions and partly because his nightmares got worse now that there was no one who would soothe him back to sleep. And didn’t that sting his own pride, to realize he needed to be sung to sleep like a babe.
“Hanzo, come on. This is not so terrible,” ‘not as terrible as other things you’ve done’ Hanzo’s mind supplied, “it couldn’t be fixed with an apology.”
And that was it, wasn’t it. Hanzo could go and apologize and it could all be alright. Or he would apologize and learn it fixes nothing and he had ruined the one good thing he had in his life besides Genji. It was better to sit here, not knowing. If he didn’t try, he couldn’t lose.
Genji next to him sighed, again. “You know, never before I believed you to be a coward, brother. Not even back then.”
Hanzo flinched, the words stinging worse than anything the Elders ever threw at him. He stared at Genji as his brother got to his feet, disappointment radiating from his posture. He patted Hanzo on the shoulder.
“It is okay, Hanzo. You are just a human after all.” With that as his parting words, he scaled the building down, leaving Hanzo to gape at the empty spot where Genji had been standing.
Knocking at the door of his own room felt surreal in a way but it did nothing to alleviate Hanzo’s nervousness.
He could not let Genji’s words stand uncontested. He would not tolerate being called a coward. No matter who says it. It took him two hours to decide on a plan. In the end, he chose to confront McCree in their room, there was enough public baring done for both of them. If necessary he can make his apology public later, should McCree chose it to be so.
The door opened to an exhausted looking gunslinger with dulled brown eyes and a shaggy beard. Yet Hanzo had to suppress a gasp as their eyes met. It was a while since that happened, McCree avoided his eyes every single time their paths crossed this past week.
McCree seemed to perk up, before immediately stiffening. Hanzo’s heart sank.
“Hi,” McCree broke the silence between them first.
“Hello,” Hanzo replied, silently chastising himself for making McCree speak first. They were still standing there, looking at each other and Hanzo was beginning to lose whatever courage his spite bestowed him. “May I come in?”
McCree started at that, looking behind him before stepping aside, his left hand on the back of his neck. “Of course, sorry. I mean, it’s your room, too.”
Hanzo gave a nod of gratitude and stepped in, letting McCree close the door behind them.
The room was very much like he remembered it. His bed still made from the morning before the mission. Except there were four of his arrows on the comforter now. He must have made a sound of some sort because McCree hurried to explain.
“I- yeah, I found those on the range. Thought you might want to have them back. Probably should have put them in the armory, ‘s stupid. Sorry.”
He went to grab them, then stopped, and awkwardly took two steps back again, making more space in between them.
Hanzo felt like the awkward tension is going to choke him and huffed. “This is ridiculous.”
He turned before McCree could say anything else, already talking as he did so. “I have come to apologize. I should not have said what I said. And certainly not in front of everyone. I am sorry I lost my composure so… epically.” He winced a little at the word. It sounded rather Genji-like, probably betraying Genji’s involvement in the current situation, making him look even more inept at human interaction than his usual behavior did.
When he looked to McCree’s face he could see the corner of his mouth twitch and it stung. But then the man’s expression morphed into a solemn one and he took a step closer.
“I’m sorry, too.”
Hanzo opened his mouth to protest but McCree steamrolled over anything he might have said.
“No, I am, Hanzo. I know I can be rash and how it looks, and you didn’t know that and I could have told ya, and them, what my plan was. That’s on me. I’ll try to do better next time, alright? I won’t change, too old fer that, but I’ll try. For you.”
Hanzo blinked several times in astonishment. He… had not expected that. None of that.
“I-” He was at a loss as what to say. McCree huffed and embarrassed laugh.
“That didn’t- eh. I won’t lie I was right pissed at you scolding me like some newbie but I thought about it and talked about it. And was talked at about it quite a lot, too. And I think I get it. I just- I don’t want to lose ya but if you want, I can switch with Genji.”
“Switch- what?”
McCree’s smile was rueful. “Rooms. So you two could bunk together. Probably should have done that at the beginning but I didn’t think of it and he hadn’t asked.”
Hanzo stared. McCree wished to move out? Switch with Genji?
“Please do not do that, we would end up killing each other,” he blurted, then immediately winced. But McCree laughed.
“No, ya wouldn’t. But thanks. For not wanting to, I mean,” he was palming the back of his neck again and Hanzo thought he could see his cheeks color. But that couldn’t be right.
“I do not wish for another roommate,” was what he said next. “I had thought you might but maybe not?” He asked, not fully able to keep the hopefulness out of his tone.
The man shook his head rather wildly. “Nope, don’t want that either. Yer stuck with me.” He grinned and this time Hanzo let himself smile back.
“I am sorry, though. I should have come sooner to apologize but-” he paused, deciding to say thing outright this time. “You are able to make your own decisions, albeit rash and endangering sometimes.” McCree shrugged with a boyish grin on his lips and Hanzo rolled his eyes, then continued. “I want you to know my words did not come from anger as much as they came from fear.” A deep breath. Not a coward. “You have become quite important to me, Jesse McCree. And the thought of losing you influenced my actions and words that day more than it should have.”
McCree’s eyes were now wide as he stared at Hanzo but before he could start to worry the gunslinger’s face bloomed into a wide smile. The next moment he was hugging Hanzo who stiffened at the sudden invasion of his personal space before slightly relaxing into it.
“I’m so sorry, Han. We were arguing and then you didn't come back and, damn, I was so afraid I drove you off with the stupid stuff I said.”
“You did not,” was all Hanzo thought to say as he reached around McCree and put his hands on the shirt-clad back. With a little internal start, he realized it was the same shirt the man had worn the first evening they met.
“Yeah, but what I’m tryin’ to say is that I care about you too, Hanzo. And the thought of losing you was driving me half mad.”
Whatever power held Hanzo firmly upright this whole time decided at that moment to give up and he sunk into the embrace, his body molding itself to McCree’s.
“I will stay as long as you will have me, Jesse.”
The noise that came from the gunslinger was half laugh, half sob. He pulled back from Hanzo, his smile blinding. “You shouldn’t say that ‘cause that just might be forever, darlin’.”
Hanzo’s heart skipped a beat at that. As many times as McCree used that particular endearment, it never sounded quite like that. It never before gave Hanzo hope.
“I think we can discuss that later, for now, you look like I feel. We should go to sleep. I am excited about not having to share a bed with my brother anymore.”
They had time. This thing, whatever it is, does not have to be rushed. They can take their time exploring it and enjoy it.
“Wiser words, darlin’,” McCree smiled down at him before stepping out of the embrace. Hanzo did not even feel the loss too keenly as the warmth of McCree’s body lingered on his skin.
It was later when they were both in their beds when Hanzo dared to ask for what he wanted.
“Jesse?” The gunslinger hummed. “Would you sing to me?”
There was a beat of silence that stretched as the seconds ticked by before a soft hum sounded through the room and Hanzo let his eyes slip shut with a contented sigh.
His sleep may not be filled with only pleasant dreams in the future but he knew that his waking hours will more than make up for it. With that thought, he drifted into a dreamless sleep.
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barduil · 5 years
I’d been waiting for the Fandom Fic Rec Day to rec some fics, so here we go! The stories below are my favourite McHanzo fics, which I highly recommend! Some of them are pretty popular already, but I still wanted to include them. :)  
Like the River by Goodluckdetective  • Teen and Up Audiences, Fluff and Angst, Slow Build
Dragon Spirits don’t trust just anyone.
McCree never expected for them to ever trust him.
Or how McCree gained some trust, won a shootout, almost caught the flu, and proceeded to be the most handsome damsel in distress Overwatch has ever seen.
Fifteen Minutes by Goodluckdetective • Teen and Up Audiences, Mind Control, Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery
He was only gone for fifteen minutes.
Fifteen minutes can change everything.
Hanzo, Talon and Project Widowmaker.
Thinking Out Loud by xanavici • Teen and Up Audiences, Angst with a Happy Ending
McCree is bleeding out and it's Hanzo's job to keep him awake.
Paper Flight by Blackwatch_McCree • Teen and Up Audiences, Fluff
Some things just take time. McCree is convinced that he could spend the rest of his life folding paper cranes and he'd never get it right. But then again, perfection is hardly the point.
The Looking Glass by firefly_quill • Teen and Up Audiences, Alternate Universe - Modern Fantasy
Hanzo lives a quiet life in his small magical antiquities shop, just far enough off the beaten-path. Quiet, at least, until Ana arrives with a magic mirror and a request.
In Resounding Silence by Raepocalypse • Teen and Up Audiences, Alternate Universe - Soulmate-Identifying Marks
"Well now, aren't you the handsomest man who ever did try to kill me?"
The words of a soulmate were always determinate. They dictated a large part of each person's life. Hanzo had always been unfortunate enough to know that his soulmate will die by his hand. He is a Shimada assassin and they do not try.
If he's wrong, though, what is he supposed to say back?
Crescendo by CommonNonsense • Not Rated, Friends to Lovers
It turns out that Hanzo plays the violin, and McCree can't get that out of his head.
Discontinuity by SaltCore • Teen and Up Audiences, Angst with a Happy Ending, Amnesia
They tell him his name is Jesse McCree. They tell him he’s a vigilante and a mercenary and a brave man and a good man. He supposes he’ll have to take their word for it.
He can’t remember for himself.
A Better Fate Than Roadkill by robocryptid • General Audiences, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Animal Transformation, Fluff and Crack
When shelter worker Hanzo takes in a rescued armadillo, he doesn't expect it to be quite so much trouble. Or for it to take such a shine to him. Or for it to maybe, possibly, be more than an ordinary armadillo.
Something a Little Sweeter by DeskGirl • General Audiences, Asexual Characters, Miscommunication, Fluff
In the several months that they’ve been dating, McCree has never invited Hanzo into his room or asked to come over to Hanzo’s place. When Hanzo asks to have drinks with him in private, McCree thinks he knows where things are headed, and he’s not sure what to do about it.
Hi Fun Kou Gai by wyntera • Teen and Up Audiences, Angst with a Happy Ending
Hi Fun Kou Gai: a righteous, miserable anger, a frustration and despair over a situation that seems terrible but cannot be changed.
And finally, my favourite of favourites is actually a gen fic! 
Project Bloodhound by DeskGirl • rated E for Graphic Depictions of Violence, Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence. Beware the tags! 
Mere months after the collapse of Overwatch, Jesse McCree is captured by Talon. Held in an unknown location, he becomes the unwilling participant of a radical new experiment devised by Moira. Two years later he escapes, a changed man—both figuratively and literally. By happenstance, he finds a safe place with estranged family, and attempts to heal from the ordeal. But what, exactly, happened to him during those missing years?
If you read and enjoy any of these, don’t forget to leave a kudos and a little comment, you’ll make an author’s day, and they deserve it! <3 
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saintvalentinex · 5 years
Get to know me!
I was tagged by the Q U E E N @foxjockey
Favourite Colour: midnight blue. Where it’s almost black but you see the glimmer of blues underneath.
Top 3 ships: pharmercy (pharah x mercy), mchanzo (mccree x hanzo), and ineffable husbands (Aziraphale x Crowley)
Lipstick or Chapstick: I prefer chapstick. I don’t mind a red lipstick here or there though
Last Song: I 2 I from A Goofy Movie
Last movie: A Goofy Movie
Currently Reading: I’ve been on and off reading, but the last book I touched was Ready Player One
I don’t have anyone to tag so. Whoever wants to do it I guess
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luzdourada · 6 years
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McHanzo AU prompt: Hanzo has prosthetics on his feet because he nearly lost his legs when fighting Genji back in Hanamura. He kills his brother that night, but his brother nearly rips his leg off. The Shimada clan not only recovered back most of his legs, but they also increased Hanzo abilities greatly with the design of the prosthetics. ... More than 10 years later Hanzo is reunited with his brother and is an active member of overwatch. During a mission, however, he is badly hurt and his prosthetics are severely damaged. It's necessary to perform a surgery to make room for the new prosthetics, due to the fact some metal parts of his legs couldn't be recovered, so they have to make room for new ones (since his previous prosthetics were exclusive design, Dr. Ziegler would have to build up a new prosthetic for him with the help of Torbjorn and other mechanics from the team.) They make a new prosthetic, making as nearly as closed than the last. So they prepare for surgery on the Shimada. The recovery, however, is filled with excruciating pain. Hanzo isn't as young as he was, and his knees and muscle and tissue had always depended of the prosthetics. He never had to change, and at the time, when he was at his top form, he could manage to heal amazingly well. So when his body has to work with a new mechanical system in a part of his body that is severely deteriorated, things don't go so well. ... Hanzo, being as stubborn as he is, try to overcome the hellish pain and keeps saying he's alright. Mostly to himself. Even when he does not move a muscle, he can't stand, so he decides that the pain will be there anyway, and forces himself to walk, to move, to do anything to distract his foggy mind. He is desperate, tired, allucinating from his suffer. The pain meds are not effective, due to the great level of pain, and it's not safe to keep him under anesthesia for so long. Everyone notices, but no one can convince him to rest to heal quicker, no one can make his pain stop. No one except McCree, who dedicates himself to be at Hanzo's side, who comforts him when the pain is so unbearable that Hanzo can't even bother trying to pretend he's alright. It's only at McCree's arms that Hanzo let's himself cry and lose all of him. And Hanzo is glad he has McCree. Because coping with this kind of pain is almost unbearable for Hanzo. He becomes another person. He is weak, and desperate, and scared. Often he'll act suicidal when alone, with the only thought in mind of "stopping the pain". Genji and all the others always keep a look at him when the cowboy isn't around. It's a difficult situation for all of them. To see a friend or team member suffer greatly; to hear his shrieks and haunted screams every night of the recovery process, and not be able to do nothing. This whole situation also helps Hanzo and McCree to increase their bond greatfully, and it also helps the others get near Hanzo, through compassion (for Hanzo is a hard man to get close and fully know, due to his suspective and avoidant nature and his strong, stoic, honored personality). // Hey, guys... I'm really sick lately, and even if it isn't like Hanzo's situation, I'm really in great pain, that's why I had this AU idea, for writing and drawing distract me from the fact that I nearly can't breathe at the moment; also because I've been reading the fanfic "Hang the Fool" by AlmaMeDuele (Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7127210?view_full_work=true) I've never fully realized that Hanzo wears prosthetics, and it makes a lot of sense he started needing them after fighting with Genji; overall it's a wonderful fanfic to read! What do you think? If you want to complement the story from this AU and use your imagination, I'll be very happy!! Just tag me in your post! ^^
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