#all the assassins at least
obsob · 5 months
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oooooooooough i love you i love you i love you!!!! hand in loving hand !!!!!!
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snailtrain · 1 month
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More Safekeeping fanart 😳
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mellowthorn · 6 months
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they’re not even properly skillfucking yet, this is just (mostly) regular skill use and fitz already describes the fool like this sjfkflslafjfk he is so stupid
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kcciny · 11 months
I‘m BEGGING everyone to draw their fav archer class servant like this
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moongothic · 5 months
So I'm confused about something. There was a cover story about Ms Goldenweek and other Baroque works agents breaking Crocodile out of prison but he just. Told them no? And stayed there with Mr 1 and Mr 2? I don't get why he wanted to go to Impel Down just to break out when he had the chance
I can't tell you 100% why Crocodile chose to stay in prison and go to Impel Down, but my best guess really is that he was just...
Taking the L with grace
More specifically. Crocodile had lost everything. I think deep inside he might've been literally too depressed to want to go free again.
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Like he does literally say that. He gave up.
He had been building his reputation as "the Hero of Alabasta" for at least 10 years at this point. He had built not just a criminal organization that he had been running for four years, but also he had been running legal business stuff (like his casino) for probably longer than that. A decade's worth of work and effort to take over a country, and most importantly, get away with it. The reason he had orchestrated that whole rebellion was so that the rebels and the royal family could "take each other out", leaving the country wide open for a World Government Official such as himself to take up. The reason Baroque Works was doing this all in secret was so that the WG never found out, otherwise they wouldn't have let him have Alabasta.
But indeed, his plans were foiled by a kid in flipflops in less than 24 hours, just at the final moment before Crocodile would win. He lost everything. And the World Government found out about what he had been planning.
So even if he escaped from that prison with his former agents, what was he going to do?
He wouldn't be able to take over Alabasta anymore because he did not have manpower (as he had lost all his goons), and having lost his financial empire he wouldn't be able to build a new army any time soon. And even if he did, now that they knew what he had done the people of Alabasta would not accept him as their new king, even if he personally assasinated Cobra and the entire family. Not to mention, the WG finding out about his plans meant that they had every fucking reason to try and stop Crocodile if he did as much as set foot on that island again. By which I mean, they could launch a Buster Call on his ass. Send all the fucking Admirals after him. And so, even if Crocodile still believed Pluton was somewhere in Alabasta and that he just had to comb through the entire desert to find it... Between the Alabastan people and the WG in the way, finding Pluton would not be easy. Especially when Robin wouldn't even be there to just point him directly to it. It could take years, if not decades, while fighting off the WG by himself. And that's while assuming Pluton was somewhere in Alabasta. Like WE the readers now know Pluton is in Wano, but since Robin didn't tell him that. All Robin said was that the Poneglyph "didn't mention the weapon", and Cobra's reaction to the name merely proved the weapon's existence in Crocodile's mind. But surely, because Crocodile is a smart young man, he'd understand there was a risk that Pluton could exist, but just not be in Alabasta, right? Like that would be a possibility too, right?
I think this is why Crocodile has given up on Alabasta. He had one opportunity at seizing the country, and he failed. And without Robin, he could spend the rest of his life combing through a haystack for a needle when there's no needle, and he'd have no idea. I think is why he explicitly says in Impel Down he no longer has "interest in that country". He won't be able to pull off another stunt like this, ever.
And that leads us back to "why not escape earlier and avoid going to Impel Down to begin with". Thanks to his status as a Shichibukai, Crocodile hasn't been on the run from the WG for like two decades. And the past 10 or so years he has seemingly lived a life of luxury in his funny little casino. But now, having lost everything, he'd be back on the run. And because he's a world famous former "hero of the people", there would be nowhere he'd be able to go where people would not recognize him and send the marines after him. So he'd be on the run, for the rest of his life or until he'd get capture again. And mind you, the guy does not trust anyone, so he'd be on the run alone. Without any purpose or goal.
And you might be thinking, "Daz and the rest of BW was still there!", yeah, arguably true. But at this point Crocodile had no reason to trust any of them. Like personally, I think the reason Crocodile ended up taking a liking to Daz was BECAUSE he chose to follow him to Impel Down when he really did not have to. Like Daz showed an unusual level of loyalty to Crocodile, and I think Crocodile recognized that. That's why Daz is still with Croc, post-timeskip. But Miss Goldenweek and co? Crocodile had no reason to believe they wouldn't betray him if given a chance and a reason. And if the WG would come chasing his ass, they'd have plenty of reason to try and betray Croc (handing Crocodile over to spare their own lives). Not to mention, when they come release their former boss from jail, what did Miss Goldenweek say?
"Let's do Baroque Works again"
As I've already explained in detail, I think we might know why Crocodile wasn't interested in being Baroque Works' "boss" again.
So. Yeah. If in Crocodile's mind he'd be on the run from the Government for the first time in two decades all alone, in a situation where rebuilding what he had before would be bloody hard if not downright impossible, and he wouldn't be able to obtain what he had spent the last decade working for regardless...
Taking the L and just going to prison might've been the easier option
#Moon posting#Asks#OP Meta#Sir Crocodile#Long post#Mind you Crocodile only *left* jail because he saw AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY for petty revenge#Like had it not been for that war bringing Whitebeard out he probably would not have bothered to try and fight WB again#Otherwise he could've just escaped prison with Goldenweek and co and travelled to the New World to fight the old man right away#((Also theoretically Crocodile might've been slightly suicidal with the ''taking WB's head'' thing))#Also worth noting that Crocodile choosing to stay in prison could've had two other purposes re:the former agents#It could've been a test of loyalty (to see if anyone would stay with him or would they all abandon him)#Which could be important to Mr Trust Issues (and to be fair he did find at least one loyal subordinate in Daz)#((Like if they had all told Croc they'd stay with him...... Who knows. Maybe he might've chosen to escape after all?))#Other option: Crocodile escaping with them would mean the agents would be in much more danger than they'd be without him#Like the WG wouldn't send tons of marines after the individual agents if they all scattered to the winds#But if they all stuck together they'd become a bigger target. And even more so if Crocodile was there to lead them#And like. IDK if Crocodile was willing to leave out Goldenweek from the assassination order and spare her... Maybe this was the same#Maybe he wanted to spare Goldenweek (and the rest?) from being put into danger by going with them?#I dunno man this reptile has far too many layers to him I can't tell what's going on in his head
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teecupangel · 6 months
I had this unhinged crossover idea, Desmond getting yeeted into left 4 dead. Consider this like a really, really late Halloween thing.
I hadn't thought too much on how things would play out for Desmond but all I know is he fucking hates it, he's thought he hated being the main target for Abstergo? Oh he's gonna hate the undead despite feeling a bit of sympathy for them.
I mean, the green flu appeared to have started slowly before things spiraled out of control continuing to evolve and further spread, and the next thing people knew, their loved ones were dropping like flies only to rise once more and begin just attacking out of nowhere. Heartbreaking to him but now his fight for survival just got worse, there's no innocents anymore, and survivors who were once kind and generous are now willing to kill other survivors just to stay safe and get supplies.
He did find some of the saferoom wall writing hilarious though, if he found a marker he totally adds his two cents in.
Absolutely hates the special infected, avoiding witches? He can manage that unless some idiot startles her, first encounter he had was not fun- he swore his heart stopped for a second hearing the witch screech. And don't get him started on the hunters, they boggle his mind and make him internally rage. Of all special infected, he's 100,000% certain if he drops and all he'd end up a hunter, and that thought terrifies him above all else.
Like, could you imagine that? Hunter!Desmond would be a freaking menace, and unlike other hunters who aren't all that silent due to his training and bleeding effects, his stealth goes above and beyond what the typical hunter is capable of. Nightmare fuel for sure.
Well, this is obviously a very late Halloween thing because I just answered this today XD
I have fond memories of L4D as it was the game me and my friends would play between classes if we were quite bored. I even play Back 4 Blood with my friend a few months back just to get back to that L4D feel (and also because it was one of the few games we both had that we could play together hahahaha).
Out of all the infected, I prefer being the Hunter so there’s definitely some bias when I say that I agree with you that Desmond would definitely be the worst kind of Hunter.
Made for stealth and speed, compounded by his unique genetics that makes him the closest Isu among the humans if we don’t count the Sages.
He wouldn’t just be a Hunter, he’d be a mutated Hunter.
One might even call him the Apex Hunter.
His vision would stay in a heightened state of Eagle Vision, unaffected by flashbangs or any kind of tools that might impede his visions or other senses.
The heightened state of Eagle Vision meant that not even walls can hide his preys and he has… ‘favorites’, one might say.
The Apex Hunter would prioritize hunting and turning specific humans.
Humans that would turn into Hunters as well, joining him with some kind of strange pack-like intuition.
To the humans, it would seem random and they won’t realize it but the Apex Hunter…
He turns those that glowed bright to him.
Those with higher Isu genes that the rest.
And it is those nightmares that plague Desmond’s sleep.
It makes him fear being infected.
Not that it was easy for him to be infected.
He wore a mask to cover his face and lessen the chance of being hit by blood or any kind of body fluids from those he takes down. He goes to the nearest museum and ransacks their historical weapon and armor displays, going for the chainmail and leather armor instead of a full metal armor. It was as light as he could get it while offering the necessary protections as he sometimes has no choice but to get into close combat with them.
He goes for weapons his Bleeds are familiar with, a hunting bow for stealth kills that wouldn’t alert the hordes, a sword with the nearest weight to what he was familiar with, a hunting dagger that he uses more as a utility tool than anything else and an emergency pistol he got from an undead police officer he took down.
He kept his identity a secret. There was no need to tell everyone he was Desmond Miles, not when he’s not sure yet if Abstergo had already been wiped out or if they’re not behind the scenes, protected by the best security money can buy.
He woke up alone, in a room that had enough clues for him to figure out that he was about to be dissected (or vivisected since he wasn’t dead yet).
No clues on where the Assassins were.
If there were even Assassins left.
All he knew was that he woke up and the world had turned into a post zombie apocalypse.
So he continues to travel, focusing on the rooftops to traverse and only making contact with other survivors when it was necessary (or if his kindness gets the better of him).
He does not give a name.
But his existence is whispered regardless.
The White Hood.
A man clad in a white hoodie with a blank mask that covers his entire face.
You know when you see him because…
His white clothes do not have a speck of blood at all.
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littledragondork · 7 months
The companions questline is so funny
I show up, get paid to beat up some guy on the street, go into one (1) dungeon for them and next thing I know I am promoted to one of their top guys and am turned into a werewolf
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goldensunset · 2 years
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my random unprompted enthusiasm post for the evening
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idkaguyorsomething · 4 months
me searching through bbc merlin fanart and fics for the heart of the show.
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(IMAGE ID: Doomguy in a red area fighting off hordes of monsters, captioned “WHERE IS GUINEVERE”)
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brother-emperors · 4 months
Is mark Antony the one who kneels or is he the one that people kneel before ?
both? like, he was Caesar’s dog, but he does not kneel before Caesar forever, and the proscriptions were a pretty clear warning light for how things would look under the new regime. Antony didn’t stop there, either: he was gunning for king of the world when he chose Cleopatra.
either way, knees or not, his teeth are sharp, look away from him at your own peril
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lyriumsings · 4 months
the excuse of “it’s an adaptation of coURSE it’s not going to be perfect” is so funny to me as if one piece didn’t do MONUMENTALLY WELL bc it is a literal frame by frame copy of the source material and tbh that’s not even exactly what i wanted (mostly bc it’s impossible to achieve with atla in live action and it not look cringey and cheap as fuck) but it’s such a lazy excuse lmfao they had what? over 8 hours of content atla runs for the same time (actually even less if you take out the beginning and ending credits) so this excuse of cutting down for the sake of time is a joke. they had the time to do the proper plot points they chose not to for the sake of adding weird death scenes, weird clunky romances with sokka? and massacring the plot points. it felt like the people who made this show hated atla tbqh. like the only parts they liked were the “main quest parts” (spoiler alert damn near everything that happens in atla is relevant to the main plot down to katara’s fucking necklace and sokka’s boomerang) it feels like they didn’t know the source material at best and at worst straight up didn’t fucking care. None of the characters are true to their core traits, none of the arcs are treated with any kind of respect or even just the courtesy of basic coherence. i don’t understand how anyone who actually likes and understands atla can go “oh em gee it’s just bandwagon hate it was actually so good teehee” have some fucking standards for gods sake
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thatswhatsushesaid · 4 months
the fool 🤝 jin guangyao being easily the most dynamic and compelling characters in their respective canons, likely for reasons that were substantially if not entirely unintentional on the part of their respective authors
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danwhobrowses · 3 months
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Okay sure just split the group again I'm sure nothing could go wrong this time dividing them into sub-groups to sting at high levelled and relatively unknown areas with high risk and high threat of boss level enemies in the vicinity and then go on another break to make us stew on that, it's fine IT'S FINE!
#critical role#bell's hells#cr spoilers#c3 e89#critical role spoilers#the volition#ruby vanguard#the imperium#ruidus#unseelie court#universe really gotta hit me with Frieren season finale and CR going on a break AND One Piece going on a break!#it's like you want me to have nothing to do on Friday#honestly how many times in all 3 campaigns has splitting up worked? Not a lot Matt it's just evil PCs have died#my Callowmoore heart of course is relieved that Ashton and Fearne are in the same group this time - they're not gonna lose her again#maybe we can sneak in some combo moves for Bearne and Bashton - play a bit of holies#but still it's difficult to gauge how to deal with Athion plus maybe a dragon indoors plus Ira's willingness to leave people behind#Otohan and Ludinus can be lurking anywhere too#we still have no idea where Ryn is being kept either#the Liliana assassination attempt is doomed to fail and as much as it's a terrible choice I think Imogen needs to let her go#she talks about Ludinus like an abusive lover but acts blind to the cries of the people she says she's protecting#like woman go home! If they need you then removing yourself from the board stops them that's why there's a target on your back#but we all believe in Gaz supremacy at least#and more moon lore always gotta have the moon lore#tag reader's bonus: turtles live in every continent except antarctica#idk usually I have this many tags in ship posts so I drop a headcanon but this is more just panic so you get a nice turtle fact
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blazingblorbos · 2 months
oh god. oh god. oh.. oh gosh. I didn't expect this so soon. I didn't expect this today, I've been busy with life related things so the HYV calendar is really unbeknownst to me, is this update really next week already?? where can I rant about this- whERe can I rant about this-
oh. I made a blog for that exact purpose ! OKAY—!
fuck. fuck me, dude holy-
the slightly worried look on Arle's face as Snezhevna is reaching out her hand, only for her face to seemingly revert back to cold and neutral once the camera actually focuses in on her. Her tone is cold but her words are reassuring,,,,,,,,
the d o o r. the DOOR. THE FUCKING DOOR, CHAT. the slow opening at first, and once you can make out that it's certainly Arle's silhouette she shoves it fully open - both doors, both hands. incredibly attractive—. the FEAR in that man's eyes.
The crossed hands. We can't see her face but you know what expression she's making (it's not really an expression. it's neutral but you can feel it). THE FUCKING F E A R ON THAT MAN'S FACE.
Oh- she literally just grabbed him by the throat. Just like that- ! There's the expression. Oh, you feel it, alright. If you go frame by frame, you'll notice her eyes narrow in the slightest right before ->
POV: you're getting chocked out by Arlecchino, and that's actually the least of your worries. (my god she is beautiful).
I did not expect him to simply be thrown down to the ground and I ... d i d not expect her to step on his FACE. [insert gay masochistic joke here. you know the one]. Did not expect her to smile (this is the ONLY scene wherein we see her smile even slightly... huh...) *And the reason I say "I did not expect her to smile", is because with the momentum we were getting I thought she was straight up going to crush his throat, or stab him (hand, weapon or otherwise). It looked like she was digging the forefoot of her shoe into the guys head and not the... .. y'know deadly fucking heel, so that.. confused me. (and the sound when she supposedly stomped his head in did NOT sound all that impactful) but ANYWAYS I digress-
I'm of course assuming more happened after the cut to black because . madam where did you get that bloodstain on you—
BLOODSTAIN ON HER FACE!?!?!? (more on this in a second)
Freminet??? Freminet feature ! (not Lyney or Lynette.. interesting). :(((( the poor boy sounds so,, desensitized. His father
holy shit quick intermission. After the mental chronological fuckfest that was "The Song Burning in the Embers" I don't think I can look at Arle and the HotH the same anymore because she's.. she's like not even 10 years older than them (?) it's insane this doesn't make any sense- ANYWAYS.
HIS FATHER comes back with what we later see to be real blood on her face. Tells him "I've acquired new funds". We know what that means... HE knows what that means!!, and the way WE - THE AUDIENCE - know that Freminet knows what it means is because the boy replies "Oh.. Okay.."
LIKE-! chat omg this is truly just routine for them,,,, Like out of the 3 siblings, Freminet always gave off the biggest child assassin vibe, but wow. To see that routine and desensitized nature of the HotH's line of work just,, splayed out in a Character Trailer is . wow. and the look in his eyes as he says it is- wow.
YEAH UHH BLOODSTAIN ON HER FACE??/ The lighting in this scene now is evidently less saturated. And it's just- oh my FUCKING GOD it does so many things:
the blood on Arle's face looks... dry. it doesn't look as fresh as you may expect which could mean many things. It could mean she spent,,, hella long in there with that guy doing what needed to be done. It could mean she took care of something else immediately after dealing with that guy (perhaps smth related to the children Snezhevna wanted to save). But regardless, it means she didn't put in the effort to clean her face and hide what happened. OBVIOUSLY !!! that is so . obviously her style but to S E E IT IN MY GENSHIN IMPACT CHARACTER TRAILER it's- oh my god
it serves to highlight the really, truly, bleak nature of the scene now that we know plain and simple Arlecchino just killed a man. There's no subtext, there's no reading between the lines. The only thing that didn't happen is that we didn't see contact nor see a body. But, no sugarcoating, Arlecchino killed a man. No one is hiding it. You are not surprised. No one should be but damn.
and ofc it acts as a representation of Snezhevna dying...
because it seems like the saturation is back once the camera switches to looking at Snezhevna laying in bed.
And is it me, or does it look like Arle's allowing herself to actually display a tinge of worry in her expression this time? And also, EVER so slightly in her tone as well. You can feel it, it's gentler.
"Once I'm better I'll start my next mission.."
OKAY. so bear with me. I haven't actually read any of the sibling's character stories yet, so there could be a LOT of info I'm missing but:
There's still a pretty thought-provoking conversation going on (in MY mind, at least) about just how intensely these children are being trained to be soldiers for the Fatui. They're obviously in an environment that indoctrinates them into being soldiers of SOME kind, but I still don't know what kind of soldier that's supposed to be. Are they all ALWAYS extensions of the Fatui? Or are they more-so extensions of Arlecchino specifically..? Snezhevna was obviously trying to help those children she came across, and I'm assuming that happened on her latest mission, so was the mission for a charitable cause?? What was her next mission supposed to be?? Same line of work? Saving people? Or would it switch up and was she going to be sent to "take care of" (kill .) someone???
So I don't know whether to interpret that line as a hint of them being overworked and 1) feeling like they need to continue their work out of pure fear that they'll be deemed ineffective and useless... or 2) feeling like they need to continue their work out of a sense of loyalty and duty to the place that took them in and raised them. Or both..
and ofc the funeral scene. I can't say much more than what's already shown right on the screen.
and am I bugging? Or is the location of the grave....
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#LONG post#first of all. I am kissing Genshin Impact's (HoYovere's entire) artstyle on the mouth.#second of all#Erin Yvette#oh my god Erin Yvette.#the 'My child...' line.. what if I literally blow up the world I'm going to explode#Arlecchino is drop dead gorgeous in this. That's a given but what kind of gay person would I be if I didn't say it anyway#it's always a given with their trailers. A l w a y s.#she's so drop dead handsome oh my god I fucking hate gender#blazingramble#holy shit new tag wtf#I try not to do these on here often but...#meh. my blog#I needed a place to write it down and I'm honestly getting self-conscious abt using my discord server#I say the kids at the HotH are desensitized 'cause like.. it's FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE that they DON'T know!!!!#they can ACT like they don't !!! sure! repression is very real and these kids are exposed to a LOT of trauma. Yes#but they are NOT FUCKING IGNORANT about it#the older ones at least; of course the younger they are the more likely they're sheltered from the Fatui's violent practices#like Lyney Lynette Freminet and other kids their age are child assassins. Now I'm PRETTY FUCKIN CONFIDENT they've killed people#like it wasn't hard to believe before but (and remember I haven't read their character stories) before it was mostly believable conjecture#I can't get over the scene where she returns to the bed#Arlecchino#genshin impact#genshin#genshin arlecchino#the knave#Genshin the knave#blazingshitpost genshin edition#blazingshitpost#Youtube
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teecupangel · 1 year
Submitted by the wonderful @fanworldbuildingfun:
What a lovely bunch of chill Desmond ideas… Would be a shame if someone just... Spilled some anxiety on it
But really, we always presume that Desmond will be able to slip beneath the notice of Assassins and/or Templars whenever he ends up in the past. And fair, we have a reason for it – if he managed to do it in present time, with so many more things to avoid, past should be a no brainer, right?
But consider also this: in present time, the only person we have who is noted to be able to use Eagle vision for any meaningful length of time, is Desmond himself. Other than that, an argument can be made for Clay (which we can’t exactly prove, with his death). Gavin Banks was taxed by its use. Templars were entirely shameful with their 3.5 seconds. Point is – it feels like the Purge took out a lot of proficient Eagle Vision users. And that, should have played well into Desmond’s ability to stay hidden.
If Desmond falls into any time where Assassins have more or less stable presence, it means a higher concentration of people with Eagle Vision
So imagine Desmond trying to go incognito, but utterly failing as the has oodles of Novices and Assassin’s flocking in his general vicinity. Because something way too shiny and gold suddenly appeared in their territory. Wherever Desmond goes, there is always a blue shadow somewhere in the corner of his eyes
Meanwhile Assassins, at witnessing the bright gold in their territory for the first time:
“Is it a target?”
“Is it a treasure? Please be treasure”
“What’s so important?”
“Dear God / Allah / Gods I’m blinded. BLINDED!”
Que trying to drag Desmond to the nearest Bureau / Safe house and find out how to stop him to be so shiny because it’s distracting their operations.
Teecup addition:
I mean, if you say it like that, my first thought will be the Levantine Brotherhood.
Of course, Ezio's recruits could count too and the Hidden Ones during Basim's time would probably count as well. (unless they're ones who prefer having an actual Eagle be their 'sight')
But just imagine...
Desmond not understanding why all these Assassins always seem to find him?
Was he that bad in hiding?
Did something give him away?
So he keeps running away and they keep chasing him.
It's an endless cycle...
Altaïr chased him all over Jerusalem and finally caught him by jumping on him, accidentally breaking the wooden ceiling below them.
Later that day, Malik sees Altaïr dragging Desmond by his hood, both of them drenched in the food they had fallen into.
He just... plops Desmond in front of Malik and tell him that this is his problem now.
Before leaving, food drenched robes and all.
Malik stares at Desmond with a frown.
And Desmond just sheepishly grins at him.
Altaïr drops Desmond into the Jerusalem bureau, making it Malik's problem, so he stops lighting up the city like a goddamn lighthouse that all Assassins want to check out because they're all magpies for shiny gold.
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roobylavender · 8 months
had talia not been character assassinated do you think she and bruce should have gotten back together?
no. i hate to use the word "phase" bc that would seem to diminish the importance of what's between them, which is something that will always persist esp as their continued dedication to the same causes and their respect for each other remains. but i do think realistically bruce should be a phase in talia's life. at least in terms of consummated romances specifically. i do love the idea of them remaining allies, close friends, and co-parents, but i think allowing talia to walk away from ra's and bruce in the first place has to stand for something in the long term. before talia went her own way i think it was easier to imagine a potential future where she ended up with bruce bc it felt like the desirable option. she was in this very debilitating position where she had little to no freedom to act on her own desires and goals, the embodiment of which was none other than bruce. so when you frame her situation pre-tower of babel, obv wanting to be with bruce was appealing. he was as much the love of her life as he was a means of escape and freedom and talia having the scope to then act on her own desires. i think that's what subsequently makes dc #750 (or is it #570. i never get the numbers straight and i'm too lazy to check) a really clever issue, actually, bc it acknowledges that and the fact that bruce once again setting her free bc of his love for her actually gives her the courage to step out on her own where she never has before. the fact that she has the option to go back to gotham with bruce and presumably have everything she's ever wanted with him, but she leaves it anyway, is a really huge deal. it's a statement. she loves him, but not more than she loves herself. and sure, what talia puts herself through during lex corp era certainly begs the question of whether her version of loving herself is really viable or in any way healthy, and i would love to see bruce help her recognize that she's not alone and that she doesn't have to do it alone to prove that she's capable. all of this i agree with. but i don't think that really means she and bruce have to fall back on their once-imagined dream of playing house. even if talia did find methods of going about her work that were mentally healthier i don't really know what'd be in it for her to play house with bruce in gotham. bc that is what it would have to be, for their relationship to work in any way. bruce will never leave gotham and son of the demon didn't need to explore that issue bc it was never going to get there but trust that corny as the line about naming the baby thomas or martha was it was reflective of a reality: gotham is bruce's entire life. no matter where he goes, no matter what he does, no matter who he works with, in the end he will always belong to gotham. and i simply do not think that would ever work for talia bc there is so much more she is capable of. while her vision is aligned with bruce's her scope of access and ability is entirely distinct of his own and there is so much more that she can do aside from relegate herself to gotham (hence why lex corp as an arc makes so much sense, bc it capitalizes on that scope). and yeah every superhero couple is kinda crazy and they have teleportation and shit but idk i don't think it's really a relationship for each party to go on long missions with ill-defined parameters that give them the worst sleep schedules known to man and occasionally they share a bed. it really isn't. and that's something that bruce and talia have to live with. their duty is always going to come first even though they both have a passion for civilian life. for talia to be in a relationship again she would have to stop having the liberty of being able to go wherever the work carries her and for bruce to be in a relationship again he would have to have the equivalent of a robin-wife. neither of these things is ever going to happen. so
#outbox#i realize this sounds somewhat hypocritical bc then it's like. but what about damian! wouldn't the same apply to him!#and idk i don't think it would. your kid is different from your lover#obv i imagine talia would try to be around for damian as much as possible#but as i've discussed a lot of times even that i think would be tricky for her. she was willing to say she lost her baby#bc she thought if she didn't the world would lose batman#she's like. craaaaazy dedicated to her work so yeah i do think she'd try to coparent with whatever capacity she could#and her love would be genuine and overflowing etc etc#but at the end of the day she's not going to settle in gotham solely for the purpose of raising him#or for the purpose of appeasing bruce's notions of pathetic puppy dog romance#her liberty is too impt to her#ironically enough this is funny to talk about in context of that batman & robin panel from yesterday bc like#had they not character assassinated her that's really how it might've gone. at least imo#like it's a shame they had to resort to all of these racist and orientalist tropes about her being an abusive mother#to somehow justify why bruce should be the resident parent instead#when you literally could've just followed the thread of talia valuing her independence#versus bruce being desperate for any remaining semblance of normal civilian life like it's an oxygen tank and he's losing air#not only would that have been realistic it would also have carried nuance and allowed insight into bruce and talia's psyches#and more than anything. it would have been funny#but i DIGRESS. tldr yes talia would coparent but even that would be with certain limitations#i think she's the kind of person / mom who like. leaves her love everywhere but can't necessarily stand where she leaves it. yknow#like i could even bring jason into this#i really do think she'd do everything in her power to try to get jason to break from the red hood persona and heal etc#and she'd have immense affection for him#but she's not going to sit and play house and babysit him once she's free and once she knows he's free too#she's very big on personal accountability#so she'd check up on him and the love would be there but like. the bigger picture would always interfere#anywayyyy. thank you for the question i love to ramble about this stuff LOL
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