#ak rosmontis
mui-ka · 6 months
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Abandoned Metal Crab
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lightinfections · 10 months
Arknights is neat cause you have incredibly cute characters that are super innocent looking but then you find out thag half of them could kevel a city on their own, a tiny cat girl is capable of mass extinction, a bunny girl is the future ruler of the world, and they all have trauma beyond what should be possible
And everyones gay dont forget that
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dlartistanon · 2 years
A button appears before you, it reads: "Rosmontis finally gets a skin." which seams like a no-brainer to press, but then you catch the fine print also saying: "But it's from Bloodline of Combat or some shit, and the skin description heavily implies she can never truly be together with Amiya.". What do you do?
If it looks good, then of course I'll take it. She's been denied one for so long, I'm starting to think it's a cruel joke.
And honestly
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I can imagine a sort of Future Past timeline in which Amiya ascends to becoming the Lord of Fiends, and Rosmontis--depending on if she received due development--will have to take her down.
As it is currently, Ros would probably join the dark side for Amiya. Some of the things she's said are rather concerning, a slippery slope
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greythroat · 1 year
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So adorable
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mrcformoso · 1 year
I play games, too!
This is my partner and I going through the first hour of the Arknights event Il Siracusano, trying to get Texas Alter and doing the things while sleep deprived at 1am with the knowledge that we have work in a few hours.
If you want a little pick-me-up, this is like our normal banter haha
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ouroborosorder · 1 month
Hi! As someone newer to ak, I would actually really love a “rawest Ak lines” list if u don’t mind sharing!
Okay so if I *did* run this, I would have to crowdsource some, because I haven't read everything, and I don't always remember to update my document when I do read shit. So my list is extremely biased, extremely incomplete, and very all over the fucking place. Do not take this as a comprehensive list, but rather just some of my favorites:
Patriot: "Rhodes Island. I will advance." A classic. A legend. A salsa that everyone at the table can enjoy.
Rosmontis: "You didn't want to die alone. You want to be remembered by me, and live on within me. But no. I came here just to watch you die. And now, I've forgotten you."
Eblana: "You'll remember me, shapeshifter. Your long and refractory memory will have chapters that belong to me." (not the official translation but I'm using this one because it goes SOOOO much harder)
Andoain: "I would rather be the torch that burns by the feet of those who are freezing to death. Even if its flame will soon be extinguished."
In game boss description text for Kristen Wright: Egotist. Betrayer. Seeker. Loner. Pioneer. Goodnight, Terra.
and of course, Woodrow: "May this bullet forgive what my heart cannot."
and then of course, Stultifera Navis, which has so many it was basically a contest to see who got the coolest line before the event ended. I have literally 8 lines in my notes document, my favorites being:
Irene: "You have not sinned in any way. The Holy Scriptures do not even mention your existence. Right now it is only I, as an Iberian, who is handing down this verdict. The scourge of the seas must be wiped out. You have no right to live. In the name of Iberia."
Carmen: “You, and your pathetic ideas, will be buried in Iberia. Before your last breath, be sure to pass on our thunderous roar to your kin. ‘The sea faces an ancient enemy called civilization, one you stand no chance of overcoming.'”
Captain Alfonso: “Remember this well, Irene! Return to land and sing the praises of Alfonso's feats! The last monster that Alfonso slew... was himself!”
Ulpianus: “If you care about the word of God, then so be it. The Seaborn are not gods, nor are their forefathers. I have seen how your gods die, their screams coursing through the currents, their flesh and blood smeared across abyssal ravines.”
I think for the sake of the hypothetical bracket, I'd probably want to limit it to one line per event before the entire thing is consumed entirely by just Stultifera Navis
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alkalische · 6 months
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ak requests pt.1
harmonie federico rosmontis
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dekapm0048 · 2 months
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I draw every Ponta version of my AK favorite characters (5/??)
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catgirlcrisis · 7 months
arknights 4.5 anni stream recap
haven't seen anyone put a full recap anywhere, which is a shame because there's so much going on in this one! so i'll be posting everything you might have missed in text-form, for anyone who wants that kind of summary.
credits to @AK_CN_Shitpost on twitter and Kazdel Team on youtube for translations/hosting, community members in my discord, and my friends on twitter so i know whats going on. putting this under a readmore because it'll be long:
stream starts off with 4.5 anni congratulation messages from several CN VAs, including:
we get a PV featuring Viviana and Arturia about a new event taking place in Leithanien. we're getting several new ops, including:
Bassline, a 5* Guardian Defender
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Lessing, a 6* Dreadnought Guard
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Viviana, a 6* Arts Fighter
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and Arturia the Virtuosa, a Limited 6* Ritualist Supporter.
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her e2 art, like all other limited operators, will have Live2D.
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the new event will be called Zwillingstürme Herbst (roughly something to do with the fall and possibly the twin empresses)
new skins for several operators! it's an epoque line this time. theme is "Life," and keywords are "Past/Story".
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Gwiazdcytro (Meteor), Noon Twilight (Absinthe), Lances Off (Ashlock), Royal Guard (Bagpipe)
two new animated Live2D skins:
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Wdali (Mlynar); the text says "'Fear neither hardship nor darkness'... Ah, an era that is not worth remembering, a dream which is too awake." (credit to @/lingtranslates on their twitter for this translation)
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Wingbreaker (Texas the Omertosa)
there's a new QoL update: players will now be able to auto-farm stages up to a maximum of 6 times per run
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new red cert shop operators
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new archive drops for operators, including:
new operator modules:
nearl the radiant knight
new themed furniture sets:
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there's a brief overview and explanation of the new operator skills and gameplay, but i won't go over that here because there's still a lot to get to. however, gamepress usually releases a review on these operators after release, and youtubers like kyostinv will upload showcases pretty quick after they drop, for people who are curious about them
there's a very cute PV about kjerag! it goes into the history of the country and some cultural celebrations about kjeragandr, as well as development of the country and such. it's pretty cute (and sorta wes anderson-ish)
AK is adding a german and russian dub for their lethanien and usran characters, respectively
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we'll be getting a new event in rim billiton with amiya and the dr
new sargon-related teaser
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we're getting more reclamation algorithm! this time you'll have the ability to "save" and not have to restart from the ground up every time it seems
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we got a teaser about the next sui sibling! from @AK_CN_Shitpost:
Next spring event will take place in an agricultural production city, Zuo Le who is sent to rest got involved in farming issue. So the next spring event will involve Zuo Le and possibly the agriculture Sui brother?
there will be another R6S collab. supposedly we're also getting a rerun for Operation Originium Dust, but this will also involve a new collab event.
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other assorted notes:
new trailer about a cute, comedic series that involves ceobe, popukar, ethan, bubble, and mountain update: it is called kay's daily doodles! a translated trailer has been uploaded to the official EN AK account here
perish in frost trailer (CN dub)
AK artbook announcements: Arknights Animation Artworks Vol. 1 and Arknights Official Artworks Vol. 3 are being released, with Vol. 3 being teased with an art of the 3 abyssal hunters(!!!)
release of a book that seems to be about the in-universe lore and worldbuilding of Terra, including maps and wildlife
a new manga about Silverash and Gnosis's pasts
release of the first 123 Rhodes Island?! volume, along with new merch featuring Kal'tsit, Rosmontis, Amiya, the Doctor, Blaze, and Ch'en
official boardgame. looks like you will be able to collect supplies, build or move shelter?, and there's various cards with different operators on them (we were shown Liskarm, Kal'tsit, Silverash, Dorothy, and W cards). it is called Nomad City: The Founders.
new figures: 1/7 scale figures of Angelina and Mostima (Fitness Time Ver.) prototypes, 1/7 scale Kal'tsit figure, THRM-EX figure prototype, mini figure prototypes of Lessing, Virtuosa (Arturia), and Viviana, as well as 6 more designs of those character-in-a-recruitment-bag figures of- rhine labs edition! featuring Muelsyse, Magallan, Dorothy, Silence, Ifrit, and Saria.
IchibanKuji x Arknights collab Gunfire in Darknights featuring Amiya and Ch'en (Londinium sprites) on the promotional artwork.
AK Cafe with Chongyue, Ines, and Goldenglow on the promotional artwork in Shanghai and Chengdu next year (AK X PrismLand), called Sweet Zone
AK collab with the Nanyue King Museum (yes, really)
new merch promo that shows what looks to be different plushies (originium slug, chibi nian in dragon(?) form, bunnies), character-in-a-recruitment-bag sora, and figures of Eyjafjalla (swimsuit skin ver.), Shining, and Amiya (these are not new, it's probably a sale or a re-run of some kind)
lowlight breaks eggs with the lethanien icon on them. with a giant hammer. yeah
promo for something that's called My First Story, looks like it's an animated song PV featuring W, Amiya, and Kal'tsit
lore about The First Catastrophe and a timeline of Terran history. the twin empresses are revealed to be Hildegard and Lieselotte (yes, really); the witch king is Herkunftshorn
there's some more extra goodies (like a Monster Siren Records promo, what looks like a new season of CC, a new Joint Action banner with Mizuki, Suzuran, Surtr, and Pozyemka, new ops now available in recruitment like Flint, Eunectes, and Acid Drop, a new free skin - maybe from a record restoration? - for Flamebringer) but i think i'll hit tumblr's picture limit if i include all of those.
that's a wrap!
(shoutout to discord user @/nobowo) who also gave a short stream recap in my arknights LGBT discord server)
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shuttershocky · 11 months
Do you know of any good arknights discord servers to join?
I'm in only one, DragonGJY's Discord server, a CN Arknights youtuber. It was basically an extension of their Youtube channel which went in-depth into the math behind modules and module upgrades, but now there's a small community there that shares AK news or answers questions about game mechanics.
They are my favorite Arknights youtuber, as most of their recommendations and review scores for modules have both calculations and some solid reasoning behind them, but they also make updates as the CN community discovers new strategies or value (for example, Nian's first module rising in value in the CN community as Nian became a more popular solution to tanking the incredibly high physical damage of many new AK bosses also made them reassess their original opinion).
They also do module upgrade showcases on the channel, which are fun and also great for actually seeing what the math looks like. The one I was most surprised by was Rosmontis' module, as I passed the extra 60 DEF ignore and 1 extra shockwave as a garbage upgrade only to see that it actually made a big improvement to how fast Ros could kill targets with less than 800 DEF
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hypaalicious · 7 months
hypaa what did you think of lonetrail? i've seen surprisingly negative opinions here but i personally loved it and agree with the people who say this is one of the best stories they've done!
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Negative opinions??? IMO the only negative opinion that matters coming out of Lone Trail should be that Rhine Lab scientists are eugenics-loving amoral narcissists with god complexes!
But I’m kinda not surprised at the same time to hear this because sad to say, the perception of EN server players not ever reading for shit is true, so when they are forced to read blocks of text it’s always gonna skew negative I bet 😂
But yeah I’m totally with you there; it IS one of the best stories they’ve ever done. The amount of depth they were able to convey tying so many loose ends together deserves an award! I told some of my friends the other day that for the very first time ever the story was way more compelling than the limited banner LOL (cause let’s face it, it’s the most mid limited banner AK has done thus far; if MuMu wasn’t limited then I honestly would have skipped it entirely).
Silence is probably the only adult from Rhine Lab that I truly respect because she stood on her values from jump. Ifrit and Ptilopsis were victims. Saria didn’t truly have her coming to Jesus moment until Kristen’s shenanigans humbled her. Dorothy and Kristen both shoulda gone to therapy instead of abusing their power to ruin people’s lives for their own selfish gain. Both Parvis and Loken didn’t suffer enough for me tbh (even tho I respect Rosmontis’s way of handling the latter). It’s a beautiful tale of what happens when you place “progress” over people, personal growth, intrigue, politics… whew. HG ate with this story and they know it.
A part of me wishes that Arknights had the acclaim that other narrative-driven games do, but I know it’ll never happen because it’s mobile and also a tower defense game. It’s seriously underrated and Lone Trail proves it!
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mui-ka · 7 months
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Arknights: Lonetrail
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rex101111 · 2 years
I keep thinking of an Arknights Side Story where RI hires a psychiatrist. Like on the one hand Amiya has shown some pretty good skill at managing mental health and dealing with trauma victims in Children Of Ursus, but on the other hand she already has to deal with So Much Shit so it would only be fair if they actually hire someone who’s actual job is to be support for any operator that feels like life is getting a bit too heavy lately.
So yeah I’m making an OC for AK because why not:
They get into work with the best intentions, they’re pro-infected and recognize how the recent events RI had gone through would be traumatic for just about everyone on board. They’ve suffered major casualties to their senior staff and new recruits alike, so they get into work ready to deal with some Real Heavy Shit.
They were not ready.
The psychiatrist, let’s call them Councilor, underestimated the sheer glut of disfunction even a landship this massive could contain. Between the Ursus’ Kids PTSD, Spector being functionally catatonic half the time, Nightingale’s nightmares, Nightmare’s DID, the many operators with anger issues, the whole medical wing’s odd habit of constantly depriving themselves of sleep to the functional biological limit, Warfarin being an entire thing onto herself, the entire Rhine Lab crew having a medical textbook’s worth of mental illness and disorders between them, Lappland...well being Lappland, and Rosmontis’...everything, they have their hands full to the brim on a daily basis.
Councilor is the highest paid non-combat employee on RI, but its still only barely enough to justify having to stick their head into the piranha tank that is the general state of mental health of Rhodes Island.
They’re here because everyone on this thrice damned ship needs their help, its a minor miracle, they think, that this crew of weirdos hasn’t torn itself apart before they showed up.
And that’s without getting into the senior and commanding staff of RI. All the Elite Operators are bad enough on their own. Each a heady cocktail of survivors’ guilt, PTSD,  and Gods know what else. But the three at the top are another kettle of fish altogether.
Amiya is the most well put together, but that’s speaking relatively. The girl spends half their sessions trying to council Councilor, suggesting that she take on some of their patients to lighten their load. Forgetting the fact that Amiya’s habit of absorbing other people’s trauma to help them was the whole reason Councilor was brought in to begin with, the fact that this child, and it doesn’t matter what crazy bullshit magic prophecy rumors going around say that’s what she is, is attempting to shovel more responsibility onto her already nearly spilling plate is very destressing.
Kal’tsit is....Councilor doesn’t think there exists a word suitable to describe Kal’tsit. Or, at least not any word that would make sense without an actual degree in psychology. Detached is the closest, and even that seems lacking. She scares them, honestly, but they’re here to help, help everyone, so as underqualified as they are to deal with the hot, immutable mess that is Chief Medical Director Kal’tsit, they’re gonna give it their all.
And Doctor? Oh hell. If Kal’tsit is a hot mess, Doctor is volcanic. The amnesia is the absolute least of it. The first few sessions went pretty much no where, since the Doctor just rambled on about random things that seemed to pop into their head without letting Councilor get a word in edgewise before the time ran out. But one day, they ask a question, “...ever felt like you weren’t...real?”
“...care to elaborate, Doctor?”
“...like, you’re just a big, empty cloak with a name someone came up with on the fly, that you’re only meant for the people around you to pour themselves into to see what shape they take?”
“...how long have you been feeling like that, Doctor?”
“....since I woke up, I think.”
“....you people don’t pay me enough, Doctor.”
“We really don’t, don’t worry though me and Amiya are gonna bring up a pay raise for you in the next budget meeting.”
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dlartistanon · 1 year
how do you have so much orundum omg :0
When video game hoarding tendencies meets pretty good self-control.
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Don't miss annihilations. The monthly card is the best bang for your buck. And for me, the occasional monthly headhunting pack and specialty deals like Duck Lord's Purse and the 6* selectors.
Also be selective about the operators you're hunting for. My gacha experience with AK has been mostly positive (the only time I ever had to spark was Rosmontis) because there were a scant few that I was actively seeking/preparing for. And by virtue of just playing for a long time, I still managed to get practically ALL of the characters I was interested in. Remember that non-limiteds will always have a chance to spook you. And now my funds are solely reserved for future releases.
Patience helps too--eventually every non-limited 6* will show up in the Distinction Shop, so you don't even technically have to roll to get them.
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cerastes · 2 years
Are there any AK operators that are beloved by most of the fan base that you don't personally see the appeal of?
Going by your exact wording, not really, there's some popular Operators and characters that I don't particularly care for but I definitely do see the appeal they may have on others that are not me.
Arknights characters range from "I love this character" to "I am neutral about this character and don't care about them", I don't really dislike anyone. The closest thing I have to disliking any character is Rosmontis, but that's because, as I've explained before, the writing around her is so dogshit that it just soured me on the character as a whole. She herself is fine however, literally no appeal for me whatsoever but I can see why others would like her perfectly fine.
I think the AK roster is really good and I see the appeal of the characters, even if that appeal isn't for me.
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harlequin-wheels · 2 years
Hey Wheels how do you feel about parodying the Shadowbringers trailer for Roaring Flare only for Arknights to hire a Shadowbringers voice actress to play Amiya's English voice?
I'd say the plan's all coming together for the ffxiv x arknights collab...
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although if i can be picky for one second I would have picked Ryne's VA for rosmontis since blaze is thancred in my extended shb x ak headcanon universe
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same images
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