#aine is a ladies woman if you will
rosenfey · 1 year
what if. I made an oc for aine (my eso goth vampire lady) to kiss. oc x oc if you will
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strxwberry-milku · 6 months
Hello :3 it’s been a while since I requested a fic. How about evil!spoiled!fem!reader x Roman R. - she causes hell around backstage but in front of Roman she’s a saint lol
“ 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 ,𝐖𝐞’𝐯𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 ”
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 🎀 : You going around causing chaos wherever you go , but hey whose gonna stop you ? exactly no one cause they know not to mess with THE tribal chiefs woman.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 🎀: Nothing accept a lil kissing
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Backstage was a living hell the workers had to face this demon like women every day , but if they hated it so much then they could leave . You wouldn’t care and certainly Roman wouldn’t care ether cause he knew he would be able to replace them real quick .
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“ But i want it , and i want it now ! ” the short woman screamed at the older panicked looking women “ i know darling but-” the younger girl raised her finger meaning silence and god forbid someone speaks over her . “ I SAID, i want it now . You don’t want me to tell your boss aka my husband that you’re denying his precious princess now do you ? ” you said playing an evil smirk on your face watching the worker start to get even more frightened than before . There’s something so sweet and delightful at the fact that you can get anyone wrapped around your finger just by mentioning your man’s name . Sighing in defeat the older woman named Janice got on her walkie talkie to make an announcement. “ This is Janice speaking, could one of you guys please order wing stop for y/n ” she said while looking elsewhere because she couldn’t look you dead in eyes knowing damn well you were boring holes straight through her head .
“ Ummm… what-t was your-r order aga-a-ain Mrs Reigns-s ? ” the poor lady trembled while speaking because she knew world war three was about the start . Looking offended you grabbed the walkie talkie from her hands and pointed it to your mouth “ listen here , you people have been working her for about a year now so how the fu-” just as you were about to finish your sentence you hear Romans voice come from behind you . Janice was probably thanking god above that she got saved from your tantrums by her boss . “ Is everything going on alright baby ?” he questioned and looked between both you and Janice who still seemed a bit shooken up.
Turning around you got on your tippy toes and kissed him which he happily obliged and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer . Both of you still couldn’t give a fuck if anyone saw you guys making out because as stated before , if they don’t like it they can simply work somewhere else . Departing your lips from his you turned back around facing a shocked Janice , you almost busted out laughing from her expression , but nobody told her ass to stare .
“ Yes baby everything is ok , she was just ordering me my wing stop ” you replied while smiling up at him . Leaning down he kissed your forehead and said “ that’s good my love , however make sure you still have enough room to eat another meal because i’m taking you out for dinner at the new restaurant that just recently opened up down our street ” he then blowed you a kiss and took of round the corner back to his office .
Squealing in delight you shook Janice by her shoulders “ Did you hear that Janice ? my man is bout to take me out to eattttt , can you believe that ? who am i kidding, your man can’t even afford one of those microwave meals to give you ” without giving her a chance to respond you took off running to god knows where.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝
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𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : Ik this is a bit short but i did what i could do 🤷🏾‍♀️ i hope you liked it bae 💋
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lu-vin-it · 10 months
II. A Whole Garden of Problems
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The Lady’s Hand M.List
Summary: Hundreds of years ago, a plague broke out, killing most, and turning other's into violent creatures. Many thought all was lost, that was until three unlikely leaders came together and formed three kingdoms: Demesne, Theign, and Azure. Those kingdoms still stood to this day, and now, the most recent heiress of Azure is of age and is intended to marry (much to her dismay).
Pairings: Ellie Williams X Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Drinking, arranger marriage, hints to homophobia
AIN: Thank you to @stqrluvr for proofreading! Ily.
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The night after the noblemen arrived, a feast was held to welcome them. You sat besides your Mother— no surprise there— and across from Queen Adrienne and King Benedict. You often caught yourself carrying a load of secondhand embarrassment as you watched your Mother try her hardest to conversate with the two. You weren’t sure why she had the idea in her head that they would begin to even think about talking to her.
You hated it. The dining hall was loud and far too crowded. You much rathered it when it was only you and your Mother at the big table and you weren’t required to socialize with anyone else. Out of nowhere, your Mother stands up and raises her goblet.
“Attention! Hello everyone!” The room quiets down and everyone turns to your Mother. “I’m so glad that all of you could make it, this is not only a celebration of my Daughter, Y/N,” She places a hand on your shoulder and smiles down at you. You smile back at her. “turning twenty, but also a quest to find the man who will rule alongside her. Y/N? Would you like to say anything?” You start to shake your head, but before it was obvious, your Mom makes you stand up with haste.
“Oh. Erm. Hello.” You laugh nervously. “T-Thank you all for coming to celebrate me— my birthday. I hope all of you have a grand time?” You sit down quickly and so does your Mother. Everyone claps and then goes back to eating.
“What the devil was that?” The brunette woman asks in a whisper. You sigh.
“You put me on the spot, Mother. What did you expect?”
“I expected the Crown Princess to act more like one. You’re queen in a week, Y/N. Act like it.” You cross your arms and bite your cheek.
About an hour later, everyone transitioned into the ballroom where many people, especially your suitors. You were currently sipping on your fourth cup of wine when Prince Sebastian approached you.
“So.. Princess Y/N..” Prince Sebastian began, clearing his throat. “How many children will we be having?” You nearly spat out your wine.
“I beg your pardon?” He opens his mouth to speak but you cut him off. “I cannot believe you would ask me such a thing. Might I remind you, Prince Sebastian, you are not my husband. You have not won this stupid pig race, and you may not treat me like your wife.” You hiss, your words laced with venom. “What a disgraceful man you are.” You put your goblet of wine to his chest and he takes it. You swiftly turn around and walk away. You make your way to the gardens— which were just outside of the ballroom— and start pacing. “God. What type of- of- of troll!”
“Woah… are you okay?” You turn around and make eye contact with the most beautiful girl you have ever seen. “Oh shit— you’re the Princess.” Your eyes widen.
“Shh! Be quiet!” You run up to her and cover her mouth. “I don’t want anyone knowing I’m here.” Her eyes search yours before you feel her licking your hand. “Ew!” You pull your hand away and wipe it on your skirt.
“Sorry Princess.” She whispers. You roll your eyes.
“No need to whisper, talk normally, just don’t shout.” She puts her hands up in surrender.
“You got it.” She lowers her hands and you both walk over to a bench. “So what’s got you so worked up?” You sigh.
“This competition. I hate it. I hate everything about it. I hate these men. I hate my Mother. I hate my life.” You put your face in your hands. Ellie felt conflicted. On one hand, you were right, on the other, Ellie was participating in this contest.. So didn't that make her just as bad?
“You didn’t choose this?” Of course you didn’t choose this, why would she ask that?
“What, choose to be married off to some pretentious asshole who I don’t even know? Of course I didn’t!” Ellie hesitantly put her hand on your back. “God, I’m sorry. This isn’t your fault. You’ve got nothing to do with any of this.”
“Well..” Ellie whispered to herself. Suddenly, she felt pretty guilty about this whole thing. She wished she was back with Joel and Sarah, and that she had never opened the invitation in the first place.
“Did you say something?”
“Just now.”
“I said ‘When?’” You nudge her shoulder with her own.
“No, before that, silly.”
“Ermm… I don’t believe I said anything before that.”
“You did.”
“Did I?”
“And what did I say?”
“Well, I don’t know, that’s why I asked you.” You say with a giggle. “Oh anyways. Who are you?”
“You can call me Ellie.” You raise an eyebrow.
“I can, but is that your name?” She smiles and nods. “Good. What’re you doing out here alone?”
“I’m not alone.”
“But you were.”
“Yes I was. I don’t like crowds.” That was true. Ellie was at the celebration, just a few minutes prior to running into you, and she hated it. Big crowds always made her anxious.
“I don’t either.” You glance at your feet. “When I was younger I’d come out here and sit for hours just to avoid outings.” You sigh. “So.. you’re Ellie.. but who are you? Why’re you here, Ellie?” The brunette girl searched her head for a response. What should she say? What could she say?
“Viscount Miller is my.. my brother.” You turned to look at Ellie.
“Viscount Miller.. is he the one who rode up on his horse all.. flashy?” Ellie chuckles.
“When’d you arrive then?”
“Not long after. We were just running late so.. he took a horse.” You nod.
“Well I’m glad you made it.”
“Me too.”
“Heard your speech.” You glance at her and roll your eyes. “Not much of a public speaker?”
“How could you tell?” You sigh. “Imagine that. Princess of Azure and I can’t even deliver a small speech without bombing it. I don’t wanna come off.. ungrateful. Because I am grateful, you know? This life it’s.. privileged. I’m privileged. But honestly? I’d trade places with a beggar any day.” Ellie looks at the ground. …Did she really want to go through with this? “Ugh. I’m sorry. I had a few too many cups of wine. You don’t need to hear this, I’m s—“
“I’m not viscount Miller’s sister.” You tilt your head at Ellie.
“I’m his daughter.” Your face drops.
“I.. What? How old is he? He has a daughter?”
“Uh yeah.. so my Dad, Joel, he had my sister with his wife and uh they adopted me close after they had her, and not too long afterwards, his wife died.”
“So a widower is competing for my hand?”
“Uh.. More like a widower’s daughter is competing for your hand.” Your neck snaps over to Ellie.
“I entered the tournament because the invitation came to my home for my Dad, and he was going to send it back but I told him I’d do it. And then.. show up.. pretending to be him.” You blink, and after a minute passes, Ellie starts scratching the back of her head. “Say something?”
What could you say? How was someone supposed to respond to that? On one hand, this was amazing. Ellie was beautiful, you could feel yourself slipping under her charm, and honestly, you’d prefer being married to a woman than a man any day. But on the other hand, you could both be killed if anyone found out before the wedding day. Once you were married, no one would be able to do anything, and seeing as you were the only heir, you could go through with it. So you would just have to make sure no one found out to go through with this.
“Why.. Why would you want to marry me?” Were the first few words that fell from your lips after the silence.
“Well you’re beautiful, you’re kind, I’ve always sort of looked up to you in a way.” You furrow your brows.
“How old are you?”
“22.” You stare at her in confusion.
“You’re 2 years older than me then. How could you have looked up to me?”
“Ever since you were born, you were like.. the sun for this kingdom. Maybe you’re my sun too.” Your heart picks up its pace.
“If I help you win these competitions, promise me no one other than myself will know of your true identity?” You search her eyes as she nods.
“Of course.”
“Okay then.”
The next morning was the first competition, the joust. You were heavily anxious, you wanted Ellie to win more than anything. This would be the round that knocked out four competitors, and you knew that if Ellie didn’t win, you’d be stuck with one of the men who disgusted you. And, okay, maybe the girl had grown on you a bit.. a ton. She was so.. carefree, and sweet. You hated to admit it but, already, you were terrified of losing her.
You bit your nails as you saw the participants line up with their horses.
“Y/N? Take your hand out of your mouth!” You quickly do so. “What’s gotten into you? For heaven’s sake, child, whatever it is, get over it now.”
“Yes Mother.” She takes her seat beside you and nods at the announcer.
“The first participants are Sebastian of Theign and Edmund of Demesne.” The two boys ride out on opposite sides of the arena, waving at the crowd.
The men charged each other, Sebastian was quick to knock Edmund off. You weren’t surprised, Sebastian was from Theign after all. A few servants come out and bring Edmund and his horse away.
Ellie was the last to compete. She was up against Arthur. You found yourself picking at the stitches in your dress as you watched her ride into the arena. All sound around you just completely disappeared as you watched them charge at each other, but thankfully, Ellie was able to knock him off immediately. You found yourself grinning.
“The winners; Sebastian of Theign, Benedict of Demesne, James of Theign, and Ellie of Azure.”
That night, you met Ellie in the garden past sunset. She was there before you, go figure, so you were able to sneak up behind her. You put your hand on her shoulder and she jumped.
“Holy—!” Ellie turns around and sighs with relief when she sees it’s her. “Y/N. You scared me.” She puts her hand over her heart. You giggle.
“I know! It was on purpose.” She shakes her head.
“Evil. I’m starting to rethink our marriage.” Ellie teases. You roll your eyes.
“No you aren’t. Speaking of our marriage, congratulations on getting past the first competition.”
“Thanks. Congrats on being one step closer to having an awesome wife.” She nudges your shoulder and winks.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” She bites her lip and you suddenly realize how appetizing her lips look.
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@1ovewitch @mrsromanoff @erikaar @endureher @mufflaa @l0v3e1i @thatonementallyillsimp @koremis @sawaagyapong @hi2647 @stunkbiggu @nicolicht
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mykneeshurt · 1 year
Mister Morgan - Chapter 2
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Arthur Morgan x F!reader
All warnings on title page
Chapter three
As you left the cellar leaving Arthur behind, Colm watched you with his beady eyes “So?” he asked bluntly. “He’ll live. No thanks to you” you snarled. Walking back to your tent, the cogs were already turning. This could be your way out of here. Your ticket to a new life away from Colm O’Driscoll and his gang of Neanderthals.
You placed your first aid items back in their respective box, all you could think about were those piercing blue eyes, his strong physique, and his thick raspy voice. A warm feeling rushed over you. You’d known this man a mere five minutes, but you knew, deep down you knew he was your escape.
Colm shouted your name from the cabin. “I need a word with you. Get here now!” You knew what this was about, you telling Tom to fuck off earlier, you braced yourself for a beating. As you walked into the damp and musty cabin there sat Colm and Tom sharing a bottle of Whiskey from their latest plunder. “I hear you told Tom here to fuck off. That ain’ fitting for a lady ya know”.
You stared at Tom, wishing you plunged the knife into his fat neck. You nodded, still waiting for the beating. But it never came. Colm laughed instead, which put you even more on edge. He got up from his chair and walked over to you, grabbed your chin and growled “I like a woman with fire in ‘er belly”, before planting a kiss on your lips. You’re pretty sure you vomited in your mouth but managed to swallow it back down.
His stale breath blew across your face, his unclean stubble rubbed on your chin, his greasy hair fell just over his shoulder. That was enough, you pulled away in disgust and stormed out of the cabin back to your tent. Roars or laughter filled the cabin and the surrounding area.
As night fell you waited for the night patrol to begin, you knew their routes and what turns they took off by heart now. You gathered some stale bread and some Whiskey to take to Arthur. It wasn’t much, but it would do. You waited for the next O’Driscoll to walk past as you practiced the conversation in your head, blushing at the thought of seeing him again. Time to go.
You scurried from your tent to the nearest wall, then to the next and next to the cellar door. You managed to slip in unnoticed. A sigh of relief. Walking carefully down the steps into the candle lit cellar you clutched the whiskey bottle to your chest. “I’ve brought you some food” you whispered.
He looked up surprised at your presence. “It’s only bread and Whiskey, but I didn’t want you to go hungry”. Arthur looked at you with suspicion. He had every reason to, a strange woman who lives with the O’Driscolls bringing him food. “Look I’ll have some too, it’s not poisoned. I promise”. He watched you intently while you broke off a corner of bread and downed a swig of Whiskey.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, he appeared to relax, now seeing you weren’t lying. You held the bread to his lips waiting for him to take a bite. “You not gonna untie me then?” he finally asked. You rolled your eyes and smirked.“You know I can’t, I shouldn’t even be down here. How do I know you won’t overpower me and escape? Colm would kill me.” He sighed and took a bite of the bread you held in your hand.
After finishing the bread, he looked at you and signalled for a drink. You held the bottle to his lips and poured it down his throat until he signalled you to stop. You couldn’t help but watch his Adams apple move rhythmically up and down as he swallowed, you start blushing. “So, what’s your story then?” he asked. “Why are you here helpin’ the O’Driscolls?”
Sitting on the cold steps opposite him, you sighed. “Well, it wasn’t by choice if that’s what you’re implying. My father and I lived in a cabin out near Valentine, he drove the stagecoach and I looked after the horses. Then one day the O’Driscolls robbed him, he managed to get back to the cabin but was seriously hurt. They followed him, robbed us, shot him, and took me. Been with them ever since. Reckon it’s been about four years now.”
Tears filled your eyes as you spoke about your father. You tried not to think of him much, even four years on the pain was overbearing. “How about you? How’d you end up being kidnapped?” Arthur chuckled to himself. “Well. I went out huntin’, didn’t realise these bastards had been tailin’ me. When I stopped to take a piss, they jumped me. Real cowardly.” He let out a sigh. “Now I’m tied up in this god forsaken place.”
A small giggle left your lips. “That is unfortunate. But it doesn’t surprise me, they are cowards. The lot of em. What’s the story between you and Colm then?”
“Well, years ago Dutch, my leader, killed Colm’s brother. In retaliation Colm killed Annabelle, Dutch’s woman. Been feudin’ ever since.”
You spent the next few hours just talking and laughing about normal things, this was the first meaningful conversation you’d had in a long time. You enjoyed his company even if it was against his will. As you sat playing with the rip in your skirt you noticed Arthur looking at you out of the corner of your eye, you smiled back at him. “Yes, Mister Morgan?”
Arthur coughed and looked away frantically, knowing you caught him looking. You both blushed at each other, both of you trying desperately to think of something to fill the void of silence. You eventually stood up and walked over to him, you checked his wrists to make sure the rope wasn’t cutting off any blood.
He flinched at your touch, “sorry”, you mumbled, “I’m just checking to see if they ropes are too tight.” He instantly relaxed with your reassurance, “that’s alright miss, ain’ used to a woman’s touch these days.” The ropes are surprisingly not too tight, you checked his hands, any excuse to touch him again. His calloused but soft hands. “If I let you go …. Will you take me with you?” you blurted out. He looked at you wide eyed, in shock of what you just asked him. “I got no one, no place to go, nothin’. I can’t put up with the beatin’s and Colm touchin’ me anymore. Please.”
“I dunno miss, I don’t even know how we’d get out of here.”
“You leave that to me. I gotta plan. But I gotta go, it’s getting light outside. Colm will be up soon.” With that you left the cellar, as you took one last look at Arthur over your shoulder and gave him a warm smile.
This was it. Time to leave.
Editing this is making me laugh so much hahaha
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insideliascrazyhead · 10 months
Sannoh´s Hoodlum Squad Shenanigans 3 aka Tetsu´s instagram
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Tetsu:Someone´s tipsy after a long night out!
Naomi:No this man´s wasted.
Chiharu:I love how he screamed wait!The grounds moving!Fuck!
Noboru:When you crawl home from a night out you´re totally fucked.
Dan:yeah because SOMEONE flirted with hot chicks and ended up taking shots out of her bra even though he was drunk already
Murayama:good old titty shots!Fuck yeah!Good for Cobra-chan!
Shiba:Showing Danny boy how its done!
Naomi:beautiful how all three of them loooved Cobra huh Dan?
Rocky:When Cobra ever parties in my club you better be sure I will upload the security footage on the internet.
Hyuga:Or hire him as a stripper!Ladies gonna love that.Your club is more boring then a libary.
Rocky:Fuck you firework boy.
Hyuga:At least I know how to party old man!Even Cobra that miserable fuck knows how to party
Smoky:And kill his liver,this guy is gonna vomit more blood then me
Tetsu:at least we then learned Cobra can pole dance
Murayama:I gotta see that shit!
Junko:Same.You  gotta upload that.
Oshiage:What in the liver failure did I just read?!
Smoky:Where´s Cobra now anyways?
Junko:Sleeping peacefully on the billiard table.
Murayama:Adorable like a drunk puppy.
Naomi:Yeah I brought him a blacket two hours ago.He looked kinda cold and Yamato´s jacket wasn´t enough.
Smoky:I´m scared to ask.Gonna do it anyway.Where´s Yamato?
Oshiage:Sleeping under the billiard table of course.
Hyuga:I will pay whatever you want if you hit two pans against each other repeatiatly to wake the two dumbasses up!
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Tetsu:Looking sweet and then comes Dan looking like a bouncer.
Naomi:At least this way woman talk to him in hope to get into whatever he´s the bouncer off.
Chiharu:Or crazy idea,try smiling grumpy pants.
Shiba:The only way a woman touches you when you look that grumpy is with a tazer
Dan:Cobra ain´t smiling either and get´s all the ladies!!!
Murayama:Cobra-chan looks like he escaped outta one of those romance books for lonely old woman.
Tetsu:That´s why he´s excluded from date nights!
Hyuga:To give yall losers a tiny chance with the ladies?That´s desperetation.
Dan:No dedication.
Smoky:Whatever makes you sleep at night man
Cobra:You will sleep alone at night anyways:)
Dan:I´m gonna choke you to death and not the way you like it you dick!
Yamato:Cobra´s to kinky to torture give it up....
Noboru:Can you imagine a serial killer tries to murder Cobra and he just moans?!
Murayama:Since when is it bully Cobra-chan hours?!
Cobra:It ain´t my fault you guys are all boring as fuck in bed man.
Naomi:Cobra not everyone needs to be beaten and chained to have a great time in bed....
Chiharu:That´s a great emergency plan tho!When Cobra get´s kidnapped again he can just say he´s into whatever they´re doing
Dan:Yeah!They will think he´s crazy and let him go cause they got scared
Rocky:No kinkshaming but you´re probably a sick freak Cobra
Junko:you think Cobra has a dungeon?
Cobra:Oi!Can we go back to when not if I get kidnapped?!What the fuck?!
Noboru:It will happen again.Clearly.
Yamato:Yeah cause you love to get into trouble.
Murayama:Don´t worry Cobra-chan we will come to the rescue!
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Tetsu:Dan has no idea what he is doing but there are some hot chicks down the street so he wants to look cool
Noboru:Dan´s brain just dropped down south
Chiharu:The motorcycle isn´t gonna help whatsoever
Naomi:You gotta figure out how to talk to woman
Cobra:Yeah this shit´s getting ridiculus
Shiba:Or you´re gonna be the creepy old guy down the street in the liquor store scaring everyone one day
Murayma:I would love that for him actually.
Hyuga:The thing with the liquor store is such a cliché i love it!
Yamato:Meanwhile Cobra with two new hot chicks or guys every week and he wildly waves his cane in the air.Damn it Cobra!
Chiharu:Until his teeth will fall out and someone slips on them
Rocky:I saw you with a girl....That ain´t gonna work.Give it up man.
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Tetsu:Hangover Cobra.
Chiharu:Moral of the story never play never have I ever with Cobra-san.
Noboru:Long story short this man has done it all
Naomi:yeah and than needed to drink it all.
Cobra:I`m not the one who laughed at my own joke until I puked.
Yamato:At least he´s not vomiting like crazy.
Noboru:Not anymore at least
Shiba:eww,that´s disgusting.
Junko:looks like he has regret and bad memories for breakfast
Murayama:you gotta ask if he wants any greasy food
Hyuga:or just another drink
Rocky:great then he pukes again
Yamato:he slept in a minute after vomiting if I didn´t catch him his head would´ve spend the night on the toilet seat
Tetsu:He even had his beauty sleep infront of the toilet to be sure to reach it in time 
Hyuga:I would´ve loved to see that.
Murayama:Leave Cobra-chan alone you sadistic weasel
Rocky:greatest hangover cure is never stop drinking
Naomi:greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray
Dan:you´re nasty woman.
Naomi:You love it
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Tetsu:Guess who they´re supposed to be!
Cobra:White Rascals?
Yamato:Noooo.That glowing red gotta be Daruma!
Murayama:I love this!
Hyuga:They wish they could party like Daruma
Smoky:Naomi would be a great Murayama.
Chiharu:A tear in the Matrix Universe thingy
Smoky:Would defenetly be a upgrade
Noboru:She´s less insane tho.
Murayama:I would call myself creative in the crazy department not insane.
Rocky:that´s even worse
Cobra:Oya would go down most of those crazed Hiyenas can´t even speak to woman
Murayama:Your precious Dan can´t either.
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Tetsu:Only happy when it´s about food
Murayama:or tequila and violence
Yamato:That was always like that Cobra loves candy
Noboru:He still can´t out-eat Yamato tho
Naomi:We tested that once.
Naomi:Kohaku told him no,so he needed to do it to prove him wrong
Noboru:He was miserable for two days after that
Yamato:Cobra did great for a while but gave up eventually.
Smoky:His blood is replaced with sirup by now
Naomi:Yeah like this one time he made a salad out of candy
Junko:explains the sweet personality
Dan:what sweet personality??????
Shiba:yeah he´s giving liquorice  
Oshiage:Old one.
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Tetsu:Wound treatment time!
Murayama:He still eating tho?!?!
Rocky:Than it ain´t that bad.
Smoky:He looks miserable.
Cobra:Naomi´s chamber of torture
Naomi:Shut your cakehole!I do what I can.
Hyuga:Dumbasses are accident prone.
Yamato:Crazy that nothing ever happens with your fireworks
Noboru:Luck is with dumbasses
Chiharu:Then why do we always end up hurt
Tetsu:We don´t always do
Chiharu:Cobra-san looks like he went through a meat grinder after most fights
Cobra:I´m just dedicated.
Yamato:Self sacrificing asshole
Cobra:Eat your food and shut up or I´ll shove it in there.
Noboru:Behave or Naomi get´s the wound cleaning ointment that hurts
Junko:We should replace the bandaids with Hello Kitty
Shiba:I´ll go buy some!
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Tetsu:Smoking break
Rocky:Why isn´t Cobra driving his own car?
Yamato:Cobra doesn´t drive cars
Noboru:I mean he can but he´s miserable at it.
Naomi:Cobra drives like a madman
Cobra:I fucking don´t
Yamato:Yeah,Chiharu the first time he drove with you,left claw marks at the seat screaming I don´t wanna die
Chiharu:That´s mean I didn´t!
Dan:You had tears streaming down your face
Tetsu:At least we´re never late this way.As long as he keeps the windows up
Tetsu:Cobra screams at other drivers when he drives.I learned soooo many insults over the years like that
Noboru:My favorite was when he screamed:Did someone shit in your brain and forgot to flush or what´s not clicking that the fucking light is green you pisshead!
Dan:Or when he screamed your mother shoul´ve swallowed instead.
Smoky:I don´t wanna rain on your rollercoaster parade but you do know Cobra´s last name and the name of the gas station is on that car
Cobra:Yeah,that´s why the window is shut and Yamato turns up the music when I start screaming 
Hyuga:The one car I wouldn´t drive on the hood of is when Corba drives even tho it could be fun....
Murayama:It would be like a rollercoaster on the street we gotta try that!
Junko:Then don´t do it in Sannoh!
Shiba:Yeah make that crazy shit around Oya
Oshiage:Then risk Cobra hitting your little brother and his Oya friends?!
Shiba:He will be sick that day if he knows what´s good for them some of those demons should get a hit with that car anyways might do some good.
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libidomechanica · 9 months
Untitled # 10335
A limerick sequence
In buoyancy come slight, the chi puo. Thick and would complaces. And no    another’s cot, the family    Miss Edgeworth, ever. Me a below that Adeline his stone?
And flutes, like Spirit to put up—no, no, go not I was on might her that    wad been at our good, whose    a little stays no more loftier studies wither. For true.
Await, according, were so much let thought of birth. A good thing the would    renovate, which their eye a    sudden transport same—is through or Don Alfonso’s hum, was those.
Yet what calls! In France; she men health, westling to you that for thing abroad face    is idleness, ’ I dare    nothing—nothings green a bless grasp them all Spanish crimson so?
Little as mere are not. Settled: there lies every oftentimental e’re    madrigals. Upon her    loss that I forget, the skimm’d twenty year, or crest; or partial?
Because heaven of girl— she totem. Sometimes carpent’s set, and haunter’d, Detain    poet couldn’t stands. On    one: whether times to weak in. Under is Despair rise again.
When though then we have pleasant garden- rose precious say, close me—Me—they death-    cry draws to temple, as    the solar orbit, each other her sense among his Embleme.
Be young wild will besideratum. —But, doubt, the ways, great an unlamented.    Swore like love. Last’s mature    fortress! I wondrous enow. A part from fear and moonlight?
Alas! And like muse of your warden- rose fight O gently we wild, and cock    could be fair, can comes in,    temptation of you, but woman, so longest, none—nay, whose mind.
And she throughly in all, that drooping for one although the night, when frecklesse    by side my rest. Is that    their clown, marrying my Hearts of business shot let once high death?
(I have me mystic caress’d shall say. With which none may say. A woman is    gone? His ran a beat human    put unto people, but whole—streetlight heart bear it, nor day!
Slay me hall longbow frivolous in a strange, or why, or Fates change! They haled    us, to divert    nest’ she same—is mother rounder not. Babes to cheek that the sun.
So the gallow’s eyes. When then though the reserved. ’ Says no ebb to its in the    hill imputes crawl: o    moan even by the had operation; and even he rest.
If this new him! I have seemed, her help think his lady’s gentlest Calmuck    the old bygones of the    doom is fit shalt happy whether tender, and hardly, procul!
You of the must go, but betide, pars peeped and genitors of Fear, and thou    reprove the Frenchments in    a woman, Counter region. On the snug where I now bedbugs?
She table to which brow that point with a sword that lingering in ghosts; the same—    because themselves; since thou    have seemed light? I’m very presentence. To tent despair, who stands.
I thing, feel quite in Hades, in the nippit he take leave borne daye in vain. That    does nothings one mysterics,    down; and drowsily, but in say the should not these my ain.
The specially was as me; know this yet whenever whose frown which man her from    the most of working could    not on claim on the voice and a’! Blind is thy obscurity.
Drawn domed blow, because the like a soul that great die. Thy house with joy; you to    a boxes to-nigh over;    ah yes, as done such are your forefather was light of all.
If but how that the tramped they sang salamandering has number: example—    t was amusemen.    So renew: they knew him! To Russians high, upon the sky.
Fond of Man he hardly black, sword drear, sweet is new one venom which cant, you    that her heart. Of many    a favouring, and began too quaintance I said, stripling drum!
But seeketh not quill and Lassie, O. The wicked down wi’ purfles and    immaculation; but, lo!    The pass for Juan’s very tremulous occasion, or this dead.
He mind us earthquake one night, with sublime, the pock! The settled in any    others should be sent    leans, and stumble post; but none of weak in. A chain of those died.
Shifts to bully at the trippe it was And t will his disease; and what this    new we tramped to woman    that I must in thereby is no sisters with added greue. Love.
Were slewe misplaced? And not the most fears, and drop at human Pity do the    wits, from out; there were to    song of, or ioynts beneath, welcoming to dancing each in mud.
Musick men wealth, and cock could stood with a tide of courselves classie, O. Are    bridegroom, the move, such to    say, and slides upon a low or little last sixty for all.
Six weeks inward praise, a contemples? Huge woman, and bawled the sun, no harmless    thanks again. Many    a little Clod of bones that spurn, he deserves that with snowing.
Had begin less the Cather love. When the look down upon a single milk    as far more regretting    all these maching to them neat little or poem, prology.
Lift up shelter than grows? Of filter’d to gaze of Vivian all danced with    all the peek or was not    ease o’er ages, if the sun, who cross so thee the fled all calls!
And if he hand: cleave though ether, and finds her bosom burning adieu, and    like peace, or ride a Warder    at beautiful. To songs of counted, who watched into thee?
Yon palace, for Adonais! Though they, whose family sort of birthright for the    preconciled nooks, Love    lived in pedigree with juries, or very now should remorse.
But walked and circle smile one trace was a wisp alone. It may Lord was whole    where no not that love, the    rest at Halifax; ’ but ensembleme. And wrough the tyranny.
Of pleaseth ay more comeline, last thou will no mouth or Donna Julia’s    pages. But great immortalice    see denying ayme down at hath is a solitaire?
Let radians but the gallow. Came from year with fears before debt to my stars    would surmise where are Nugae,    quarum part six hour, beacon- tower, you are, which band to keepe.
When the heart, by merely call’d in such a some stream. Make my soul the sound by    gush’d, and chast pall the thousand    power I should not evil fan. The point of two you all!
Is greater in her heart by bride, I do come! A though me a huge women,    gentle to general posses    held in vapour; But just, stirre nothing on them were is home.
It strange—there sent for idle now for the picture, except they came is they    are sides to sleep. Lost Angels    the found they rose! I ’ve only togethere was peace!
And a slight have for our her and golden Day, who step soft Sh! In thy    Greek—the sun of Death, is    furrows cold. Of domestic basin of her is clear’d to glow.
Which, irregulation is during, the twice? The old the scents thy love, I    had then, or Ralph had wrong.    Names erect stood in an ages hers lost proudly may be drest.
From Lady, once, though several Count that I could almost in the though twenty    years. When in the    Memory excel that third flog there, that sixty, it slay this tutch.
Sweet to die? The moon of the world up in his sort of colouring with bland    much happy they stalk, adown    to spell the stranges an image, or our goose: and say, No.
They were she winding should seen absenceless like the twelve conceiv’st, it may    finger the wish, by teeth    our rosaries! For therefore at first regret; o Death each for?
It was some down to enter. ’Tis Despair meant air, the Dambe. Why not opening    in it and world’s widow    and not die her saw they coupled in exile were at Christ!
And let him for what wakes a rivulet; and corn winding sportsman of this    ends open with find is    what this own his Britons have she whose of thought he! Remember.
Or gentle Lawiers, reliefest bid me to a coach, that what life finding,    but a patriots those    at Christmas. Saw this dishonored that I wrothfull coronet.
—Fifteen with a general vow take eyes have leaf where were presentence, he those    who have see denying    so mutter; my book a discords of Rockport. My stocking way.
He should not then, jaded faint, the taper, ’ and do a sinecure—she, to    square. Made of the walked her    chiefly haruest of being aught have the had there was a fit.
In action of they could had skill marketable without music from    collectually Brown, who came    so ne’er the city. No anodyne; give nothing but better.
To the this was a thou been will. A rushing mind, when your bower to tell    her break or blow mortal    of handsome slipslop nor will purged, or he whole when all the bed.
—The mellow you must taken of the present you knowled across to a    coxcomb’s flower should son    again. Await, and then the hot wakes me my verse another.
But at gate has struck one, is much passion. John wassail till in an infancy    complete, and all know    who never having been nothings; he did party to his head!
That doth some obscure; like another. And not go see it up; and headlong    view of your dear, and, and    caught machinery weel aff, because to give a creed to his bright?
Choke to meet again! And sweet to battles, leaving of names true think the bushes,    by my epic poets,    and other, each, by his letched pose,—a dun—whether want.
’ For mere claretless, thou now I must have now—No! Regarding the breath, but    neither could be not my    narrow killing, sweet kiss— attracts by naming. From times she guesse.
But this grew another, surely, from more a prove thee. Found; all, what bed of    episodes both whatever    lives! As we should that some conversation, until I find.
Models fly; o’er what the bosom single one depart: a word, who were red,    and what prove to shown. She    man be set to little tender should make them at Waterloo.
And thus to keep my sleeping fallen, no hide; one of an in the uninspired.    If such subtless    right Phantastic skill’d, and love it, I tell the Heart, eye-water.
Shut up shells the placent. Who in the straws their scaffold in here was of those    rubies tell us. Thus    that it and bliss, and have none some constantial. At lengthenish.
A stars, till my ankle? To dawn grew; nor found me. Not spilt. For the Exchangeable    to have may be    saint though for their title sore at their surpass the sun’s despise.
And only mean a corkscrew one, nor caughter to defensible; and me,    dart. Like a fear on to    wind! No mattered, They knowledge of paying what commoners case.
He mind wish I would like a hill. Fairer to all that, in has blythest at    Vivian-place—but I    am too long despair began to whom shore, but me dulci.
That we know there thy lingers for saving eyes. Sister mate appoints, e’er colour’d    lay show, as the prison-    wall, and cling nails; we rushed with chance went but then already.
Some luck, our men kick as Ovid’s reproachful and station, which was only    liked to say, he callous    hope, they have spoke in eye I’m very gentle rug. Former curls.
Those will learn’d, when hearse. With the said, o Bulbul, as I pick upon the blood!    Shamed of her late; but note,    span to me; for jealous, transport and strength the antipodes.
Born I was light their heard swain such women killed at all the Duke of glory.    Thy out thought are about    disparage such foreigning, fooles in ourself might of brave.
But think, even into his vice, were line, to see, seek’st the leads I said: she    is paralysis, the    left the park, all you now, thy cold. At sixteen you, but Nanie, O.
Of sunshine same, glaunce: two or twenty- five hung thy call’d love such doom wait for    such a stern watch that poems    still the sun, no more them most? Broken his so very dawn.
Away, I touched hilt, and live you pattern wi’ rightly, since toom, and what men    mix some fair week, and    sulkily the TV because among he love. Their eyes.
My Muse dew sat wings of game, Caesar his rival out. I’ll betrays with his    palls—at least, with that floating    and God requent ivory still that are kindest I have died.
Into a foreveries rolled to mine, have choises are nis side-saddle.    An ocean walks we glens    are me back into rhyme, whatsoe’er saint and few faux pas, ’ thought to.
Palpitated: he line hours, the pavilion: the cliff, when thy love tough? Such    women, ’ said to takes the    two poor the corporal—some had connects great barn or nothing Post?
There was Hopes as locust on so, as it’s playes, making, charming, as worth things.    But for naething college    lorn night, selectric shock a liness in me, many yearning.
’En talk one date, unworth, that ripeness. To his garden poets where from    Cadiz. Poor house, since,    exceedingly read when we tires throught the world of Hazeldean.
He stood up your old starved the follye wits, like all higher tender-shower. And    one thinks with me. And    grotesques ill awake up for useful Pussy my example.
That I wrothful as fed, inside before it since defile. When a coming    head; Out of thing our    you wert o’ thee, should be among to pleasant, I—you know it.
By side, which heard this kindling hardly hew and with change within these to watched    Elenor! And bursts by    turnpike raging to their name, glauncing leaves at a’! And story.
I am glad that come; twere was agree; of all weep anew! They see; don    Jose abode what, are    smooth likes pit their eyes over one with flute fancy to say, oh!
And stood name, and that the deep down was the stronger. Serene another’s in    amongst the air that working    out, a noble tore of mud cried, o Bulbul, and feast die?
And Don Alfonso’s hurried at you gave her me. In Kula, driven the    might, that sober sport; a    heavy head, and virtue slurringes, till wed; and lassie, O.
There he happy fretted; its free a words; and look I deem’d chasten to attack?    As we have amorous    a firmed not opens, and make a modern Grecian tired.
He sameness is our Ashes rounding shall take things of the will beneath a    smile. Whose did so hear to    it was painties erected, and every preparate her gates.
Seven know, that heathers comrades up each come: if people grave my sorrowing    by Dame Christian laws;    but a lucid lake, and the missed to mend your labour. His clears.
The has blythe time, and wake no one keep the Miller in their from Cato. Which,    with look’d alone from lean    in his dreaming thy water wanton was three preux Chevalier.
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zhongrin · 1 year
"ms. aine?"
the record keeper tilts her head up, staring at the little girl beside her with an absent-minded look as she sips on her juice. "yeah, klee?"
"master jean would like to know if you'd want to book a room at the grand goth hotel." she begins, fiddling with her stuffed friend ( dodoco? ). the woman in question simply shrugs and chuckles.
"nah i'm good. i'll need to get going soon anyway...though...i do have a question..."
the initial sadness on klee's face melts into curious excitement.
"klee, you mentioned a friend of your brother's, right?" her eyes are cautious and she quietly looks up, scanning the street. she shouldn't be worried. he was probably at the other end of cider lake, far from mondstadt. it was a little trick, a subversion of sorts.
( she wasn't going to abduct a child. she wasn't THAT nuts. )
"you mean your friend? ms. rin?" the girl giggles. "she and brother love each other lots!"
a moment of silence passes between the two.
"brother albedo says i shouldn't talk about her...klee thinks it's strange...and ms. rin...is a little strange too. but she's still the best! she gives klee candy, and cuddles her and...and..."
the recorder pauses, her expression shifting to that of sympathy as the girl rambles on.
"...but sometimes she seems...sad...it's like ms. rin misses something."
"is that so?" the statement is soft. klee nods.
"yeah. klee hopes she finds it though."
"what if she wants to leave then?" it breaks her heart, asking someone as young as her. klee pauses. she looks a little alarmed.
"w-well if she wants to go...big brother albedo and klee would be sad..." she mumbles. "but..BUT...klee is strong! klee's mom travels lots too! so if ms. rin leaves because she'll be happy then...well klee would be happy if she's happy! just as long as she visits."
"i see." the recorder chuckles.
"ms. aine?"
"can i see that story again? in your journal? with the sad dragon?"
she nods, flipping the pages open and klee pores over the story. "will you come vsist too?" she asks slowly. the recorder pauses.
"i'm not sure, kis...my home is really far away...and i have someone to go back to too. my sister and my partner. and maybe my dad...he might like a visit. traveling and recording stories is not easy...even if i do it for fun."
klee wilts.
"b-but hey!" she waves her hands. "my story will be coming out soon! you could ask your brother to buy it for you!"
one of the mondstadters passes the two buy "cheap trick!" they call out. the recorder flips the bird at them with a huff.
"either way...it was till a lot of fun meeting you! take care, yeah?" she chuckles. "and please, stay safe..." the woman seems to shift and blend into the crowd after, nearly faceless.
klee wordlessly nods, waving the recorder off and she swings her feet, setting her grape juice down on the bench beside her.
"i wonder where big brother is..."
"big brother albedo!" klee giggled and hopped down the bench, her excitement twisting into worry when she sees the disheveled state of whom she think of as her older sibling, "oh no, are you okay?"
"did.... something... no," he huffed, wiping the sweat gathering on his eyebrows as his eyes scanned the area around them, "are you alright...? did you meet anyone strange?"
"hmm? yes, i'm fine! and no, no one strange came to approach me... oh, but i met ms. rin's friend!!"
the alchemist's eyes narrow, his artificial heart feeling like it was beating a mile a minute. 
"who was it? how did they look like?" he freezes, "where are they now?"
the young child hums and tries to recall if the nice lady gave her a hint of where she was going. finding none, she shakes her head, "klee isn't sure... she just said she had somewhere to go and went towards the city gate, i think?"
"i see...," the male exhales and drops onto his knees, holding her shoulders comfortingly with a soft tone to match, "klee... will you stay with grandmaster jean until tomorrow? go visit her in the knights' headquarters and tell her i'm asking her for a favor."
"oh... so i won't see you until tomorrow?"
"yes, i have a few things to deal with. you understand, don't you? i'll pick you up as soon as everything settles down."
the small girl looks saddened, but she nods nonetheless, a resolute look on her face.
".... okay. klee's a big girl! she can do that, easy peasy!"
"i know you are. and remember, if anyone you don't know approaches you and tries to harm you in any way...."
"spark knight klee has the permission to go boom boom!"
"that's right," he chuckles, fixing her slightly crooked hat and gently ushering her towards the staircases, "now go on."
".......... big brother?"
"yes, klee?"
"you'll really come back to pick up klee, right?"
"..... of course."
"i promise."
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yourreddancer · 2 years
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Iran's pioneering and pioneering ladies 
Zarin Taj, also known as Tahereh and Ghare Al-Ain, is a woman who publicly and officially discovered the hijab in the era of Nasseruddin Shah.Fatemeh Zarin Taj was also known as Tahereh Qara Al-Ain. His exact date of birth is unclear, but according to most statements, he was born in 1233 AH.
From the stories told and heard about Tahereh Sima, it is possible that she was a beautiful woman. According to virtue, science and pureness of Taireh, Naseruddin Shah has become his lover and proposes to him.
Qara al-Ain has rejected the offer of Nasseruddin Shah and does not accept to give up on his free-thinking thoughts and beliefs and take the way to the kingdom's shrine.According to the remaining documents, Tahereh had a masterful poetry and prose. She speaks about equal rights of women and men while women were hiding indoors, removed hijab and speaks in public with an open face. For these reasons, he will be imprisoned for about two years. They ask him to confess and then they threaten him with death. 
Tahereh says: "You can kill me soon, whenever you want, but you cannot stop the progress and fight of women for freedom that will come soon."He knowingly and unpreparedly refused to accept the proposals and was ultimately murdered at the behest of Nasruddin Shah Qajar when he was 85. They strangled her with the scarf she wore and then threw her body in a well where it was found and identified by the people.
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solarianradiance · 2 months
The Caravan rolled it’s way along the road, back to the Corwin’s farm and there the Kindred found a sight most Grim.
Goblins. Everywhere. Dead ones specifically, while many of the bodies were intact, a large number of the corpses were missing limbs, guts strung about and some bodies were just mangled beyond reconition.
“Oh Good Lord the stench!” Commented Monique. “What the Heck happened?”
“Goblin Raid, obviously.” Said Dixon, almost giving into being sarcastic. He scanned the farm as he brought the Wagon to a stop near the House. While there was a bit of damage and blood all over the place, nothing too serious save for a broken window or two. But he had greater concerns than property damage. “CHARLOTTE!!!” He screamed.
There was no reply, which sent a mild chill of worry down the Patriarchs spine. “JIMMOK! CHARLOTTE!!!”
“WAT?!” Screamed a shrill annoyed voice of the Orc, putting Dixon at ease as she came out of the House, glancing around to spot the source of her annoyance. “Oh you’re back. Good. See you brought some friends wid-ya.” She then sniffed the air deeply. “Tha’ who I think it is?”
“Aaaay, Charlotte!” Cried Jebidiah. “Been a couple years! Brought ya a fe-”
“Got fatter I see.” She said, planting the seed of mild annoyance in Jeb. “What were they feedin ya in the land of the higher n’ mighter than the Northerners? Pig slop? Or were ye jus’ being lazy and rode the wagon ere’where like usual?”
Her words conjured up a ping of embarrassment cutting deep into Jeb. “See the ole Nanny ain’ uh… ain’ changed one bit. Here I was hoping ya did.”
Charlotte spat on the ground and gestured around the area. “Forgive me fer not greetin ya in mah prettiest dress then, oh lord’a’tha’manor! Case ya’ hadn’ noticed, we had some uninvited guests!” She said, her words thick with syrupy venomous sarcasm.
“Cut the crap Charlotte, what happened!? Jimmok okay? Dogs? Livestock?”
“Luv ya’ too Boss boy!” She said with a playful smirk.
“Oh hush, we all know you’d be the one to survive anything!” Monique countered.
“Like I said, uninvited guests!” Charlotte began as she approached the Wagons. “Gobs ‘ttacked bout an hour ago. Swarmed the farm they did, hundreds of em!”
“Hundreds?!” Asked Phoebe, bargining in on the conversation. “How!? Was it a Warband?”
“Nah, far more than a mere war party. Musta been the whole clan of the bastards.” Answered the old Orcish Woman. “Saw plenty of lil Goblets among em, hangin near them extra thicc Goblette sows far from the fightin. Most of em steered clear of the foightin as they done rushed cross the fields like piglets runnin from Wulves.”
“Which means one’o you didn’ do ya checks properly this morning and let one them wards go weak!” Dixon scolded Bonnie and Pheobe.
“That can’t be!” Protested Bonnie. “We double checked every post, just as you ordered!”
Dixon wanted to reprimand her for her back talk, but trusted her judgment. Charlotte spoke again before he could.
“Nah, they didn’ care ‘bout the Wards.” The elderly lady commented. “They were lookin fer the weakest point n’plowin thorugh it, sprogs in tow n’everythin. Didn’ stop em!”
“Damn!” Said Jeb. “Must’ve been fleein from somethin scary if they took grit and went through them wards!”
A sudden rumble of footsteps could be heard. “Zat who I think it is?!” Bellowed the voice of Jimmok the Ogre as he stepped around the house. When he saw Jeb he grinned and came even closer. “IT IS!! HAHA! HOW YA DOIN LIL BOSS!?”
“Jimmy Jim Jim Jimmy Jimmok!” Cried out Jebidiah as she made his own way towards the towering Ogre.
The two embraced eachother in a great hug, Jimmok was still far larger, Jeb wasn’t as nearly as Dwarfed as someone such as Josiah Dixon would be. In fact, Jebediah looked like a dark skinned smaller reflection of Jimmok, but wearing Orange and far less bloody.
“Ows mah lil buddy been?” Asked he Ogre as he tightened his hug a little in a bid of familial affection, but not too much, knowing full well that even the like of Jeb would be crushed like a berry. “Ah, seems like ya got bigger since I last saw you!”
“Hah, I ain’t any talla since I last saw ya!”
Jimmok let his dear friend. “I know! I meant you seemed to be a bit wider!” He then poked Jeb in the belly with his finger.
“I could say the same to you!” Jeb chuckled as he jabbed the Mini-Behemoth in the gut, something Ogre barely felt. “Been eatin three hawgs a day ‘stead’a’two?”
“Eh, tryin to cut back lately, so I only eats a few dozen Sheeps instead!” While the joke wasn’t very funny and they both knew it, the two laughed heartily anyways, all because they were happy to enough to be in each others company again.
“S’good to see you bein in good health old buddy… even if you got… things sticking outta you.” Jeb gestured to the spears and arrows sticking inside the Ogre’s body, namely his back. “The Hell happen to you?”
“Kinda obvious they gave me a hard time. Kept shootin at me, thinkin they could get through muh skin… guess they never fought the likes o’me huh? Kinda easy bein big as a barn as I is!”
“Sure looks like you gave these suckers plenty cause to know they made an error.” Dixon added.
“Did ya have’ta be so damn messy though!?” Monique asked with a bit of anger. “Look at all this gore! Looks like a Fox got in the chicken coop!”
“Heh, I think m’self more as a Coyote than a Fox.” Grinned the Orcess as she stroked her knife as she observed her work as a pleased craftswoman.
“Oh God, quit actin like a Butcher!” Monique moaned in dramatic frustration at the Orcs Sadism. “I dunno sugar, always seems like an apt title for my ole’ Nanny.” Dixon countered.
“That it is Josie~” Agreed Charlotte, pleased with her old charges approval.
“EEEWWW!!” Exclaimed a plethora of young girls in unison.
“Good Heavens what the bloody, bloody, bloody Hell happened out here?!” Yelled Kentucky.
“Yeah, we done walked into a slaughterhouse by the looks of it.” Missouri stated, a fact most obvious.
“Zat all y’all were shootin at earlier? Buncha Gobs?” Asked Arkansas, her question peppered with sour disappointment. She was expecting something a bit more interesting than glorified pests.
“Told ya!” Tenny said with confidence and a snort as she rubbed her nose. “Should trust yer nose more!”
“All we could smell was the fancy flower perfume stuff in the wagon ya dumb fool, you know that?”
Tenny took her now empty sack of chips and started filling I with bits of Goblins. “Maybe if ya stopped sniffin around-”
“TENNY WHAT ARE YA DOIN?!” Yelled Monique, startling the Raccoon girl.
“T-taken these Gob-guts fer later!” Tenny stuttered, shaken by her Mothers anger.
“Well stop it! S’disgustin n filthy!” Spat the irrate Matriarch.
“But it’ll go to waste! Gob-guts makes good bait n’ string!” Tenny begged.
“Shes’ roight!” Added Charlotte, still holding a pleased grin. “Makes good bait it does! ‘Tracts plenty of prey that way! Raptor in particular!” Charlotte was partially right, but she was mostly teasing, as the smell of blood attracted most any predator, but kept prey away, especially other Goblins in this case..
“S’all the reason to cease your encouragin! NOW STOP IT!!” Demanded the Mother. But Tenny ignored her and kept taking handfuls of Goblin bits and innards, a mistake Monique would not let go unpunished. “Oh no you don’t.” She then swiftly untied her boot and stood up on the wagon to take aim. Tenny then realized her error too late as she tried to bolt for cover from her Mothers wrath only to feel it upon the back of her head from a hard ‘thwack’ as the boot landed on the back of her skull, knocking the little rascal fact first into the dirt, nearly knocking her unconcious.
“NOW BRING IT BACK!” Monique ordered.
The sisters around her giggled, partially out of how funny it looked and partially out of stressful empathy. They too all felt their mothers wrath that way a few times. Though to be honest, the boot was a sign of mercy, if she was angry, really angry, she would use the belt, that was traumatic.
But if things got particularly bad, their Father would step in and use the belt, or worse, give a flogging. Thankfully, such a punishment was only used four times on the farm, twice on Phoebe, once on Louisiana, once on Dixie and Arkansas. Everytime before that was always on Virginia, and that was when she was a Hellraiser on the Plantation.
The only punishment that would be on the table would be a lashing with a whip and it was never used. But it was considered when Virginia broke an old ancestral statue in a tantrum. Father went and got the Overseer to get the his whip so he could do the lashing himself, but Monique stopped him and argued it down to a flogging by Monique instead at the time. She was 9 years old when it happened and that was all that saved her from getting permanent scars to remind her of her intentional act of destruction.
Bonnie got a share of her punishments, as did Georgia, especially by their Grandparents and occasionally the Elderly slaves with little better to do than looks after the children, but Virginia was as viscous and spiteful as a Proud Cat and would take nothing but the most stinging of punishments lying down. Even belting her across the face would have only spur her on at times like it was some sort of challenge to her own authority.
Thankfully, those days seem mostly gone and it’s just getting a boot to the head, something their mother would occasionally remind the girls that if they displease her too much, she has it in her will, they will each receive one at the reading of it by the Lawyer.
“Said bring it back dammit! Not lay there!” Monique demanded again.
Tenny picked herself up off the ground, rubbing her coony colored scalp, hoping a knot didn’t form. She picked up the boot and proceed to return it to her mother, who merely stuf her foot out.
“Now put it on.” Her Mother commanded her.
Tenny obeyed, she slip boot onto her Mothers foot and began to tie the laces, but before she could finish, the irate pregnant woman gave her daughter a mild kick to the cheek. “Wrong knot! Start again!”
Tenny obeyed with a huff and started over.
“So are all the-” Monique began to ask the Orc before stopping as she heard a ‘sQUlch’ and the stamping of a puddle.
She looked around to hear what it was and spotted Alabama stomping on the various bodyparts of the dead Goblin, heads, organs, all while seemingly giggling like a child stepping on puddle or dirt in a most morbid manner.
“ALABAMA!!” Shouted her Mother, causing the girl jolt in fear and everyone to give Alabama their full attention. “STOP...THAT… NOW.” She commanded her child. “That ain’t what Ladies do! Ain’t what decent folk do!”
Alabama, despite being a touch slow, was more than quick to obey her mother when she was angry. “Y-yes mama…” The girl said with a shiver, like she felt the biting breeze from an Icewind Dale in the dead night of a Fimblewinter. She stepped away from the carcasses and went up to her elder sister Georgia for comfort, which was given freely.
Monique then gave a huff through her nose. “Look at you both, y’all made ya dresses dirty. GEORGIA!!”
“Y-yes Mother?” Asked Georgia, trying to hide her timidity for the sake of Alabama.
“Take Tenny n’ Bammy inside, give em baths and make em clean their clothes good! Understand?” Dictated the Matriarch.
“But I ain’ dirty!! I done bathed yesterday!!” Said Tenny as if she didn’t have a face full of dirt and black blood on her blouse and sleeves like just played with oil. Y’know, like a moron.
“You want the belt?” Her Mother asked, wanting to make it clear she wasn’t going to deal with her behavior right now.
Tenny knew this and averted her eyes. “...No… I’ll take the bath without a fuss.” She said with obedience.
“...And clean my clothes.” Added the small teenager, something she was hoping to avoid. Cleaning clothes took took long.
“Good. Get to it!”
The trio of girls marched heir way into the house, Alabama clinging to Georgia.
“And get dinner started, honey! We got a celebration to hold!” Dixon added, causing Georgia to slow down to give a mild sigh. She was planning on doing that anyways, but being told to do it made her want to do it less, even if she loved cooking for her family. But boy, did Georgia ever wanted to backtalk to her Father right then. But she didn’t, because her Mother was there and Georgia liked being alive more than being angry, so instead of risking a boot to the head, she let it go and went inside, thinking about slaughtering a few naughty chickens to work out her inner rage. Maybe she could rope Tenny in to feather and gut them later, she’d like that.
“Sounds like they’re gonna need help.” Commented Missouri aloud.
“Yes, it does! Lets go aid our dear cousin in her tasks, those two are going to be a handful!~” Added Kentucky, the two then began to make their way into the house trying to follow their family inside.
“You think you two are slick?” Said Jeb in a raised voice, irritation peppering his words like well seasoned chicken. “Get your tails to the wagons and start workin ya lazy bums!”
The pair didn’t say anything other than giving a huff at their ruse being found out immeadetly. They did indeed intend to do the easier work of cooking instead of moving enormous amounts of goods. Physical labor wasn’t their forte, but they knew the price of disobeying at this point and marched back to their wagons to start unloading.
“Now, for the fence line!” Began Dixon. “Virginia! Take your sisters Bonnie n Phoebe along with Jimmok and check the wards! Reinforce em!”
“But we checked em this mornin Daddy!” Phoebe protested.
Dixon wanted to scold his daughter at her negligence, but that might upset her to the point of being resentful, so he tried something else. “Go. Now. If find any Goblins out there, you can roast em all you want! Heck, you can burn all these carcasses once they’re all piled up! Now how does that sound?”
Phoebe was tired and wanted to rest, but liked the idea of using her fire magic as much as she wanted to, so instead of pressing the matter out of being tired, she relented. “I’ll help check the wards, Daddy.” She sighed.
“Good, now go!” Dixon commanded, Ogre following the girls in tow with Virginia in the lead. Bonnie wasted no time berating her Twin for refusing the duty of checking the wards.
“See ya later, buddy!” Said Jimmok to Jebidiah.
“Now, for the rest of y’all, start unpackin the wagons! I’ll be out to help in a minute” Said the Patriarch as he helped his wife down from the Wagon, both being careful as to not slip, or else risk the precious life growing within her. “Get to it Jebby! Charlotte!”
The spotted Orc woman obeyed with a snort and went to the rear of the wagon train, curious to see what Jebidiah had been up to, but also to make sure the Korwin Kousins weren’t slacking off like she suspected.
Jeb heeded his younger brothers wordsm and turned to the girls as their parents made their way into the house. He then heard his brother say under his breathe ‘Stop it! Not right now, save it for later!’ causing Jeb to turn his head back to the couple to see Monique grabbing her Husbands rear only to have Josie to slap it away.
Jeb gave a smile, his little brother was a lucky Dog, but also unlucky in some ways. Too much of a good in this case, Monique sure ran him ragged in the bedroom. He was happy she was bought for their family, even if she was meant for Jeremiah instead Josiah, she blessed the family with many new members.
If only one had been the son his brother craved. Jeb shook his head of his thoughts and turned back to his nieces.
They were a bit tired from the day, but were already dutifully making their way over to their family wagon to unload it, keen on finishing the task. Though he could sense the girls were expecting a bit more out of the Goblin attack, things must be a bit tedious here. A Goblin raid might be a highlight for them, even if it would be a glorified turkey shoot.
Were they Orcs or Savages, things might be different. Still, their Uncle did spend time in Mitharia collecting contracts.
Jeb clapped his hands together to attract the attention of the gaggle. “Okie Dokie, who wants to find out what Uncle brought from Mitharia!”
Just as the girls were about to begin unloading the wagon, the gaggles heads spun around and after a brief moment to soak in what their uncle just said, they realized what he meant; Presents.
And with various cheerfully excited shouts, the gaggle then began making their way towards their Uncle who was eager to show off what he had gotten them, as if he were Saint Klaus himself.
Dixie and Arkansas were both halted however, as their shawls were yanked back before they could bolt, choking the both of them briefly.
“HOLE UP YOU TWO!” Yelled the voice of their sister Missi. “You ain’t runnin off! Daddy told us to unload!”
“Oh c’mon, Missi, not like its gonna hurt nothin!” Dixie protested.
“Oh yes it will! Daddy told us to work, so we’re gonna work! Uncle wants to play with Louis, Texas, Florida and our cousins, he can!”
“Well, I wanna relax for a bi-” Began Arkansas before she was choked by her shawl as Missi yanked hard on it.
“You wanna upset Daddy, be my guest, but I ain’t lettin you drag me down with you!”
Arkansas simply yanked her shawl back and turned to give her elder a mean look. “Who said you’re the boss of me?!”
“My age.” Said Missi coldly. But she regretted this, as although it was true, she was the elder, she knew it was the sort of inconvenient truth tha would upset people and was not good enough. She then tried what her Father had done with Pheobe. “And I need your help anyhow. Can’t exactly reach the reins for the wagon and control the animals, given how small I am.”
“You mean… I can drive the wagon?” Asked Arkansas, fidgeting her fingers.
“Yes, to the barn! Gotta get this salted lard into the larder.” Answered Missi, adjusting her specatcles. “Afterwords you can drive it back to the house so we can unload whats left. Then you can goof off and play til dinner. Does that sound good to you?”
Arkansas looked pleased, even if she tried to hide it in an attempt to play hard to get. She did like to drive the wagons, but Daddy was worried she might cause it to tip over at times, so he often denied her. “Mmmm okay!!” She said as she bolted to the front of the wagon and climbed her way into the seat.
Dixie looked over the many metal containers of lard in the back before making her own way to the front with Missi. Arkansas then cracked the reins to get the animals to start moving. Thankfully Arkansas was a bit tired and so was much more patient with them, so they moved at a slower pace than Missi expected. Which was fine by her, the Barn wasn’t far from the house to begin with.
“Hey Missi.” Began Dixie. “Why Mama buy so much lard?”
“Yeah I was wonderin that too!” Added Arkansas. “I thought we sold Lard with all these pigs we got to rend it from!”
“Oh, that? Daddy wanted it.” Answered Missi. “I believe it’s for the factory, Daddy is going to sell it or give to them so that it can be used for canning pork and beef. The salted lard should add flavor and keep the canned food for longer.”
“Wait, so we’re not gonna use it?” Asked Arkansas, confused as to what her sister means. “Why buy all of that then?”
“We ARE going to use it! It’s an investment! To make certain the factory can actually operate and we have money for the future. The kind that can’t inflate, or so Mr. Holk says. Should get us over the hump for the first few years when we go home and won’t have to dip into the old treasure Troves.”
“Uh...okay? What’s en-flayed mean? We skinnin the money?” Asked Arkansas.
“Wha-...no!!! They’re making a currency backed by food instead of gold!” Answered Missi.
“Wait, so food is gonna be the money?! I thought money was money!?”
“No! It’s not! Wait, no! I MEAN YES! I-” Missi became flabbergasted and scatterbrained getting worked up over the confusion, threatening to throw a temper tantrum. She let out an exhalation to deal with her stress. “Look, just drive the wagon! It’s nothing but the pure sweet fat of the hog back there for all you care!”
Dixie giggled at her sisters frustrated fluster, she might have been her elder, but Mississippi was still cute when she was angry. Bit like a small animal that was full of itself and trying to be sassy.
Arkansas was still confused, but didn’t let the question linger and shrugged, she was enjoying her time to drive the wagon, even though they were almost there.
It only took another minute in fact, Arkansas having enough foresight to turn the wagon in a way that it brought its rear closer to the barn, reducing the time it would take the lard to the barns larder, which was a good place for larder, because a larder was where lard was meant to be larded. It would be silly to put it anywhere else except maybe for the pantry, which is where at least some of it would go.
Arkansas and Dixie hopped off the wagon, with Arkansas grabbing her older sister as if she were a mere child, because physichally was, to help her down. Missi then noticed the door of the barn was slightly ajar already. She remembered that she had closed it before leaving it this morning and guessed Jimmok or Charlotte had been inside and forgot to close it all the way.
Regardless, she opened the door and a breeze could be felt coming out. Suddenly the wagons Oxen were mooing, but the girls ignored them. Missi went inside and went straight to the steps that lead down to the Barns larder and marched down to unlock it, popping a loose brick, pulling out a key and using it to pop the lock with a smooth ‘snack’ and pushing the door open. She could smell the salted pork fat inside on the cold wind coming out.
Missi then replaced the key and brick back in their places and marched up the stairs, going passed her sisters who were already bringing in the Lard. Dixie stopped as she heard the sound of creaking of the boards from above and assumed it was the wind pushing the barn around.
She then went back to work and brought the lard down the steps and into the larder, where she placed the contents that is nothing but the pure sweet fat of the hog onto a shelf that was furthest away from the door and using her farm girls strength, pushed the older containers along, sliding them down so they would be used first when they were needed.
Arkansas did the same on her side. It was heavy, but years of farm work and the smoothness of the shelves made it possible to do. Still, it was a lot of effort and it made them both wish they could knock a red boy over so easily.
“Hey, if we’re s’pposed to give this to the new factory place thingy, why we puttin it here?” Arkansas asked. “Seems like a waste o’effort if we’re just gonna pull it back out ‘gain.”
“Guess there ain’t a place to put it really.” Offered Dixie, trying to reason out her sisters question, scratching her head. “Think Daddy might just sell it with the farm or something.”
“To who? The factory?” Arkansas asked for clarity.
“I don’t flippin know! Ask Daddy if you care ‘bout all that stuff.” Answered Dixie in a fit of frustration, sick of being pegged for answers she did not have by her slightly taller twin.
“Don’t have ta be a stick in the mud.” Replied Arkansas as she made her way back up the steps.
Dixie followed her, reaching the top and back out the barn to get another load of lard, walking passed Missi, who struggled a bit with the container. For Dixie or Arkansas, the containers were big, but manageable. For Missi, it seemed it was far larger, but not so much the elder sisters tiny body could not handle it.
Dixie saw the back of the wagon and it was full of lard in addition to other things, like sugar and spices and such, it would take a while to put all of this way, even without the lard. Either way, it meant the younger twins would be handling lions share of the work, both of them were hoping they would get to relax after all this.
Arkansas and Dixie took a load of lard, Dixie taking the lead with Arkansas following her. When they were inside the barn, both of them heard scratching from above and the two stopped where they stood to listen, Dixie at the top of the stairs and Arkansas behind her.
It wasn’t the boards settling in the wind.
“You hear that?” Dixie asked while looking up and around to see what it was, hoping she wasn’t just being paranoid.
“Yeah! I did!” Arkansas then felt and heard something behind her, she spun around to see the barn doors were closed. Her eyes bolted around to see what had shut them, but saw nothing
With instinct, she stepped forward, wanting to open the doors again. Maybe it was the wind that had shut them? She felt a sense of fear, a distinction that they were not alone here.
She was about to kick the door open while still holding the lard, but stopped as she was jolted by the sound of her sister shrieking.
“AAAAA!” Screamed Dixie, dropping her lard as something fell upon her from above.
Arkansas spun and saw something small, bigger than Missi but smaller than Dixie, upon her sibling, its lanky legs firmly planted upon her shoulders as it pulled on her hair like somekind of foul jocky.
A Black Goblin was assailing her and snarling and screeching as it did so in some sort of pitched tongue, occasionally kicking her until she fell on her knees.
“AA-AAAA!” Dixie screeched in a panic, trying to pull her hair back as the creature tried to drag her.
Arkansas lifted the lard over her head and threw it as hard as she could at the monster, thrashing the thing into letting go of her, knocking it over, only for it to get back up almost immediately and looking like it was about to charge as it crouched, sneering at the girls with a cruel demonic grimace on its face.
The monster had a mouth full of pointed sharp teeth behind it’s thin lips, if it had any, with a pointed chin, its eyes were cat-like yellow eyes, short pointed ears, a mat of stringy black hair with a tuft held up by some sort of cord adorned with trinkets of skulls of small animals and glittery metals that might have been coins. Its complexion was on the darker side of gray, a lanky form it was, with rags of animal hides, leathers and stolen cloths covering it. Its hands were claws and its feet seemed springy and more lizard than mammal.
Despite the size difference, it was clearly the more dangerous creature in the barn and it made that fact clear as it stepped towards the girls, towards its prey.
Dixie shuffled back on her arms, trying to get away from the thing, bumping into her sister, whom she turned her head to ensure it was her.
“YOU OKAY?!” Arkansas asked frantically as she helped her sister up, trying to keep her eye on the Goblin.
“I-I-think so!” Dixie stuttered in fear as she stood. She only felt a mild pain on the back of her neck, but felt nothing bloody leaking out. She then focused on the creature in front of her and felt her panic simmer into fear, her body on full alert and wanting to run like Hell.
Dixie motioned towards the doors of the barn and the Goblin snarled and dashed towards it with a frightening speed by hopping, almost like some sort of demonic Frog, cutting them off. There was no way they were going outrun this thing.
The thing encroached on the girls slowly, who gave brief shrieks, unsure of what to do other than stay close and away from it. Arkansas looked around frantically, looking for something. She thought of picking up the lard cans to throw at the thing, but was too fearful of it pouncing on her. She then saw a rack of tools, including a sickle and a pitchfork, but she was also scarred to go for it.
The Goblin crept forward, trying to get into striking range. If it got one of them, the other would be easy to gut. He knew there was a third smaller one down the steps and knew the tiny child would be too fearful to come up the stairs and could deal with her when he wanted to.
“What are y’all screamin-” Began Missi as she stepped up the steps, until she spotted the commotion and realized what it was. “HOLY HELL!!”
The Goblin looked at the girl with equal confusion. Manlet sprogs were supposed to be fearful and not seek out screams and it left the Goblin stunned for a moment, uncertain of what to do at the unforeseen event. He could strike at her, easily killing her, but he did not want to risk the other fleeing and bringing the Ogre, or worse, the Orc. The Ogre he could easily outrun, the Orc he could not, he saw how easily she ripped through his Band, their hit and run attacks backfiring on them.
The Arkansas saw the Goblin being distracted and took her chance to get the pitchfork. The Goblin then took notice of Arkansas fleeing, assuming she was making a break for it just to get away from the Goblin despite nowhere obvious to go while leaving her sister and lunged at Dixie.
Dixie simply stepped back and screamed until she hit the wooden wall of the barn as the creature charged her. It might have been a bit smaller than her, but it might as well have been a small Jaguar or Cougar to her. Dixie lifted her leg up instinctively, trying to kick the creature away. The Goblin grabbed Dixie by the boot and yanked back hard, easily bringing the girl down with its strength.
Then, with its free hand, tried to reach for her face, attempting to grab her throat to slit her neck with its claws, something it had done many time before. But it only felt a sudden sting in its side and shrieked.
Arkansas had plunged her pitchfork into the monsters side, forcing it off of her sister. She put all of her weight into forcing the prongs in deeper, trying to wound the thing.
“MOVE!” Shouted Arkansas at her sister, which Dixie did, rolling away as fast as she could, fear gripping her a she crawled, standing up. “GET THE SICKLE!!” She yelled at her sister again.
“W-W-W-WHAT!?” Yelled Dixie, unsure of what her sister said, the fear making it hard for her to think.
Missi stepped forward in order to try and help, thinking she could use her own weight to push in the pitchfork further. But she stopped in her tracks as the Goblin rolled over, forcing the prongs out of itself and into the barn wall.
Arkansas pulled back, but was stopped as the Goblin grabbed onto the fork, yanking it back and not letting go. The creature had the strength Arkansas did not have and despite her effort to hold on tight, it away. It had the Goblin had the pitchfork now and it was all too eager to skewer the girl that had made it bleed.
Arkansas had stepped back as the monster had sprung up and got ready to attack again, looking around to find her sisters were also stepping back. Then she noticed Dixie still had not gotten the tool.
“DIXIE! THE SICKLE! GET THE SICKLE!!” Yelled Arkansas. She would have gotten the tool herself, but she was closest to the Goblin and knew it would go after her first.
“Uh...uh…” Dixie murmured as she looked for what she meant and saw it and went to get it, barely holding back her panic.
“GET BACK!!!” Yelled Missi as she yanked as hard as she could on her sibling, the Goblin seeing the girl as distracted and lunged at her with the pitch fork, aiming at her upper chest, but hit her shoulder instead, sinking the prongs deep, far further than Arkansas did with him.
Arkansas felt a stinging pain and yelped as she fell backwards onto her elder sister, pinging her to the ground. Instinctively she tried to kick the creature away, but it grabbed her then kicked her in the gut with its sharp clawed foot.
A belch came forth and a new stinging pain, it had wounded her as blood flowed out from both her gut and her shoulder. The Goblin kicked her again with more force, hitting her in the front of her upper thigh, making her scream again. Then it twisted fork with as much might as it could muster, causing greater pain, please the creatures sadism.
The sense of power over a Manling was sweeter than a Goblette as is gave a giggle. It was about to reach down and snuff the life from both of the girls with its claws, intending to pull out their throats after an incision.
Then it’s ears twitched as it heard movement to its side. The other Manling girl was about to attack with a sickle and the Goblin reacted masterfully, he let go of the girls leg and used his free hand to grab onto the others girls wrist as its weapon came down, stopping her dead.
She was terrified, Dixie was certain she was going to kill or at least gravely hurt the monster attacking her sisters, but instead it had her and she uncertain of what to do. She dropped the sickle and tried to pull back, but only felt the force of the Goblin keeping her there. It then pulled her towards it and hit her with a mighty punch with all of its strength, right to her cheek, knocking the girl down.
She had never been hit so hard in her life. She wasn’t seeing stars, but didn’t feel much of anything at first, then the pain hit her, tears were welling up in her eyes. She wanted to run away and now. She looked up and saw the ladder up to Missi’s workshop on the second floor. Without thinking she crawled towards them in a frantic panic.
Arkansas had tears beginning to roll down her own eyes from the pain, but saw the Goblin was distracted again and took her chance to kick it in the back of the legs, hoping to topple it.
She kicked with all her might, hitting it in the back of the knee with her own, tangling it up as it fell down. She then rolled off of her sister as best as she could, who began to stand up. Arkansas then felt scream leave her lungs again as the Monster bit down on her leg as deep as it could, casuing a delicious crimson liquid to leak forth, which the creature sucked up like some sort of Trashyard Vampire.
The Goblin then crawled away, wanting the sickle to kill the Man Sprogs once and for all, but it had the weapon it then felt the sting of the fork again, as it was jabbed in the back of its head.
The midget sprog at stabbed him this time and the other was trying to stand up, that it would not let happen. The Goblin sprang up and drop kicked the child into its sister sending them tumbling down into the lower level.
The girls were still alive, they were moving, but immobile. If the Goblin wanted them all dead, now was the opportunity and it had to start with the struggling up the ladder. He grabbed the sickle and raced towards the ladder.
Dixie was barely up on the 2nd level, looking where the windows were to leap out of it, or least climb down from there to run for help. She barely noticed the windows were shut to prevent anyone from entering when she heard some skittering on the wood from below and saw the Goblin climbing up, sending the girl back into a panic as she screamed again.
The creature had made it all the way up at an incredible speed, even Tenny would not be able to match, as the girl stumbled back, falling onto her rear as she shuffled away from the thing.
It was creeping towards the girl at first, pausing briefly as she shit the stool behind her, wondering what she would do as she kept her gaze upon him, the panic deepening in her. The Goblin then ran at Dixie with a lunge, bringing the sickle down on her, making her shriek as he struck her.
She held her arms up as the beast hacked away at her, but was doing minimal damage. The Goblin wondered why it wasn’t cutting her and examined the blade. He realized he was holding it backwards. The Man filth was stupid at times and spun the blade around to get in a blow only to feel the blow of the stool against the creature as it fell to the ground.
This enraged the Goblin and Dixie scuttled as fast as she could under Missi’s workbench. She was breathing heavily, tears rolling down her eyes. She did not want to die and wanted a wall between her and the monster. She pulled as hard as she could on the workbench, it was heavy but she was strong enough to make it tip.
The Goblin lunged at her as the bench came crashing down on it’s back, pinning its lower body down. The beast shrieked once more, partially out of pain, but mostly out of anger. It wanted to kill this dark skinned rat and take its bushy scalp as a trophy for the Goblin Women. It would have its right to mate and it would make the process of taking that scalp slow and painful now.
It lashed at Dixie with the sickle, hitting her in the legs. Her skirt catching the blade, preventing any real injury, but the point was enough to stab the girl in the side of her knee, thigh, hip, shoulder even face. It was enough to drive the girl into a frenzy terror as she kicked the creature in the face, hoping to kill it, but only made it angry as it summoned its strength again to lift the workbench off of itself.
This was enough to make Dixie run away, wanting to jump down off the 2nd floor. But the Goblin tripped her up with the sickle, doing no damage, but making her tumble. This was all it took for it to grab onto her boot and it held on, refusing to let go.
Dixie screamed and kicked its face frantically, but it did little other than to anger it. It fought through the pain and tried to drag her closer while wiggling out from under the bench. Dixie kicked it aiming for its eye with her heel, making it scream and let go to grab its source of agony.
Dixie wasted no time trying to get away, to the light of the outside from this dark world through the open barn doors. She wanted to run as fast as she could, away from this monster. She crawled, ready to fall to the ground, not caring if he would break any bones. She just wanted her Father, her Mother. She wanted to be away from this thing, for God to save her from this Demon.
The Goblin however, was fighting through the pain and managed to wriggle its way out from under the workbench in no time and saw the girl with its good eye. It had enough it would kill her then and there. It let out a cry of hate and with sickle in hand, lunged at the crawling bitch planting its body on top of her.
Dixie let out another scream straight from Hell as it pulled her by the hair to expose her neck. Dixie locked eyes with the monster and she knew she was caught. She tried to pull her hair away from it, like a frantic animal in a trap, but the Goblin was too strong. The Goblin saw her terror and it was thoroughly pleased, it wanted her to be gripped by fear as she died, if only he could make her own clan see her like this. Seeing the neck, the Goblin it lift the sickle up to end filth's life and swung down to slash at the girls throat to drain the life from her.
But it did not do this.
It could not do this.
The Goblin could not move it’s hand, or it’s arm, something with a vice like grip was holding it and it was crushing it’s hand.
“AAA-AA!” It yelped. It looked at its limb and something was holding it firmly and crushing it.
It was a hand, dark skinned, the Goblin looked behind itself and saw the yellow eyes of a predator staring down at it, into its soul, if it had one. A cold terror had gripped the Goblins heart and paralyzed it in fear and the Goblin started to breathe heavily and its low jaw started to quiver. It was not certain what it was looking at other than perhaps death itself.
Dixon subconsciously gave the vermin a look of deathly hate. Not only had it attacked his family, his farm, his livelihood, his land, it had attacked three of his children and was about to kill one. This was not something Dixon would let go unanswered and because it was not a creature like Redfist, who had friends and was in fact, a Goblin, Dixon could do as he pleased with itwhen it attacked his children.
He looked into its eyes that were filled with fear for its life with pure hatred and he brought down his boot onto its ankle, causing a loud CRACK to ring through the barn making the pest scream bloody murder and recoil. It made an attempt to bite him out of instinct, but Dixon lifted the creature with not effort and kicked it in the back of the head. The creature fell over the edge of the floor and fell down to the ground where it laid in pain.
Dixon then turned his attention to his daughter, who was in tears.
“D-da-a-a-ddy!” She stuttered, reaching towards him with both of her arms, hands open, like a baby begging for comfort.
Dixon gave it without thinking, embracing his daughter, gentle as a lamb as she sobbed into his vest.
“I-I-thou-ought-” she began before Dixon interjected.
“Ssssshhhhh-sh-sh-sssshhhhh…. S’all right now. Daddy’s here darlin.” He cooed to his child, rubbing her back, holding her close in a hug, rocking back and forth as she cried.
“I was… I was-so sca-...sc-…” Dixie sobbed, she could not speak properly as the thought of dying overwhelmed her.
Dixion pulled her away and held her head. “Look at me, look at mah eyes! Don’t look ‘way Dixie, this ain’ the song, y’hear?” He asked, bit of trying to be humours and invoke his daughters favorite song, but also trying to keep her focused. “Okay?”
“O-o-k-k-ay…” She agreed.
“Take a deep breathe then.”
She obeyed, taking in a fast deep breathe and exhaling.
She obeyed again.
“You hurt?” He asked.
“Uh…” She paused trying to figure out his question.
“Are. You. Hurt?” He enunciated. “Did that freak hurt you? Cut you?”
“He-…” She felt herself, remembering the pain. “The thing stabbed me!”
“With what?” He asked calmly with a mild smile, trying to seem like a lighthouse in a storm for his child while wanting to hear exactly what she had to say.
“Wi-...with sick-sickle!”
His gaze darted around for a moment, then he saw the sickle the Goblin was holding and picked it up. He examined it and saw a bit of blood on it, mostly on the tip. It caused a chill to run through his body.
“Where? Where it stab you?” He asked, barely keeping his fear in check.
Dixie took a moment to consider where it hit her. “A-arm, s-shoulder… hip…”
He looked at her bodyparts, and while it did seem like she was hit he didn’t see much blood on her. Must have only just grazed her with scratches. Her cheek however was a bit more bruised and fat now.
“Can you stand? Move?” He asked. “I won’t letchya go or nothin, just need to know how bad it all is.”
“Y-yes! I-I can!” She said as she tried to stand up.
Dixon picked up his daughter, holding onto her tight like the fragile treasure she was. “Hold on to me honey.”
Dixie obeyed, gripping her Father tightly, feeling a sense of safety. Dixon walked over to the edge of the floor, spotting the Goblin, it was still alive, the light of the coming Dusk bathing the oversized rat in an yellow glow.
He stepped over the edge, aiming for the Goblins bad leg, the one whose ankle he broke, and made it worse. His weight snapped the creatures limb in another place and is shrieked in agony. Breaking its leg broke his fall. Still hurt him a bit, thankfully nothing of value was lost on the way down.
He wasn’t thinking entirely clearly in that moment, bit of a dumb idea to do, especially with a precious treasure in hand like his Daughter, but he was full of love for her and hate for that thing that dared to harm her.
He then looked up to see Bonnie and Phoebe carrying up Missi and Arkansas who were both crying, especially Arkansas. He saw crimson running down Bonnie’s dress as she held Arkansas.
“How are they?” He asked as Dixie clung to him for dear life.
“Not sure if anythings broken, but shes got a stabbin and a bit wound that looks worse than it is. Nothin a cleanin and some bandages won’t heal.” Said Bonnie with a smile.
Dixon knew his daughter Bonnie well enough to know that when she smiles, its good compared to what might have been. He felt a sense of relief, though he tempered it with a tinge of reality, they might still have a broken bone or an infection.
“Hmm, so one hid huh?” Asked Charlotte as she stood there with her hands on her hips, glaring at the Goblin who was trying to crawl away as it winced in torment of several broken bones. “Must ‘ave ‘ad somethin to prove.”
“Here.” Said Dixon as he gave the sickle to the Orc. “Have fun with him.”
Charlotte looked at Dixon with a bit of shock, she took the sickle in hand and asked. “Y-y’mean… I can…”
Dixon gave subtle nod of approval to the Orc and saw her face light up with a tinge of excitement that was barely contained.
“And here I thought you’d be angry!” She said.
“I’m not angry, I’m vengeful.” He answered coldly. “And I want that Trash over there to know that.” He stared at the Orc, he felt a sense of anger towards her for her failure to secure the Farm fully, but he knew she would not let something like this happen if she could help it. Besides, this lot chose to take the wagon to the barn, not like she had any control over that. Charlotte felt he was a bit mad at her, but not enough to reprimand her, at least in front of the girls, she knew he was happy the children were relatively fine and more importantly, wanted some payback against the creature that caused him and his wife such terror. She was actually a bit worried Monique might give birth out of stress.
“Anyways, go have your fun, take your time, make sure it lives until it wants to die, y’hear?” He asked, but it felt more like a command.
He wanted that thing to suffer for as long as possible. “Oh… I hear.” Chalotte acknowledge with a grin most Devlish. She was going to have a lot of fun with this.
“Good, see you in the morning!” Dixon said with a smile as he walked back the Orc, giving her a firm slap to the rump of the old Nan, making her grab it out of pain.
Bonnie, Phoebe and Virginia walked passed her with their sibling in hand.
Jimmok the Ogre was running as fast as he could, slowing down and collapsing to the ground, making the ground shake the entire time, fully out of breathe.
“I...I...IIIIIII-” He gasped for air, trying to find enough to say what he wanted to say. “I’m-….HERE!” Ogre were not made for running, especially from the otherside of the farm.
“Thank you Jimmok, take a break.” Said Dixon, understanding the Ogres issues as he walked passed. “They’re fine by the by.”
“Just breathe you ol’ fool! Gonna throw up a lung!” Chided Phoebe.
Charlotte walked into the barn and drew the doors closed. She looked over her shoulder and saw her subject was awake and trying to lift itself up in spite of its pain. When it noticed her finally, it felt ice enter its veins as it locked eyes with her green orbs and saw something it did not want to see.
“He must REALLY hate you…” She said with a grin most wicked. “to give you to me~”
The Goblin’s instincts, its will to live, took over and took to flight and began crawling away as fast as it could.
“Oh… you still want to live… good.” She said as she followed the creature, ready unleash the full swath that was her inner Fantasia cruelty upon the creature. “We’ll stomp lil fire for life that you still got out cold, don’t you worry!~”
Finally, at last, its been years since she could have fun. Real. Fun. The kind she was forbidden to have, the kind her Blood demanded. The fact she was about to be having fun for the sake of the girls was a nice bonus to her.
She grabbed the Goblin by the ankle, it turned to look at her and saw an inhuman creature, a daughter of Likoth, staring back at him with a Demonic glee most wicked.
Dixie Lee Corwin & The Farm of Hobbesville - Chapter 1 - Zalloj - Dixie Lee Corwin [Archive of Our Own]
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tipsycad147 · 10 months
Gods and Goddesses:Aine
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Aine Celtic Goddess of Fertility and Goddess of Midsummer
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We’re talking about the goddess Aine (pronounced awn-ya) the Celtic goddess of fertility and one of the Patron deities of Midsummer/Litha.
AINE: Goddess of fertility and summer
From ancient times all the way to modern times, Aine is one of the most powerful and token goddesses in Celtic paganism.
Called “the people’s goddess” due to her close interaction with the human kind; as well as her inspiration to the Irish woman to take control of their own feminine power.
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There is a lot of history on Aine, however as with many histories and mythologies, they do vary depending on who you ask.
What we do know of Aine, is that she is the daughter of King Eogabail(Eoghanach), a member of the Tuatha de Danann. She has wed many times, and through a series of mortal lovers gave birth to a race of half human-half fairy, thus making her the Queen of Faerie, a moniker many know her by today.
Aine: The Sun and The Moon Goddess
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Closely compared to Venus, Diana and Athena, Aine is the woman’s goddess, providing protection, love and radiance to her female followers.
Lair Derg: The Red Mare
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Other Names for Aine
Aine is referred to by several other names. As a Moon Goddess, she is connected to the element of water and its healing abilities. She guards and protects lakes and wells, earning her the name Lady of the Lake.
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She is also called Goddess of Earth and Nature, Goddess of Luck and Magic and Leanan Sidhe (Sweetheart of the Sidhe or the Faerie Lover).
All of these names connect to her magic and abilities. She represents and supports magics involving love, fertility, and summer. She is also revered as the goddess of sovereignty, deeming who is worthy to be High King. Aine stands for brightness, radiance, glow, joy, splendor glory and fame.
Aine during Litha/Midsummer
During Litha, natives of Limerick journey to Cnoc Aine aka Knockainy (Aine’s Hill). There Farmer’s hold a torch of straw and run down the hill through their fields and cattle, to ask for Aine’s blessing and abundance for the coming harvest.
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Being the Queen of Faerie as well as a Sun Goddess makes Aine one of the best goddesses to invoke for Midsummer.
Midsummer is one of Aine’s two main festivals ,the other being Lughnasahd or Lammas(coming up in August). The influence of fae magic on Midsummer’s eve is the best time of year to catch a glimpse of them and their world.
Depending on the region, Aine is celebrated on the days surrounding Midsummer/Litha. As well as the Friday, Saturday Sunday after Lammas(August 1st). Not too shabby for a goddess.
(If you want to learn more about Litha or still need ideas, check out my post here.)
Aine’s not so nice history
Unfortunately, as with many of the goddesses of beauty and love, Aine’s backstory isn’t the nicest. Being beautiful and bright, someone is always going to try and bring you down. Her own history is what makes her such a fierce protector.
Aine’s most horrid situation involves the King of Munster, Ailill Aulom. Legend has it that when this king of Munster ruled, there was a famine. Every time the king slept, the grass would die, leaving nothing for the cattle to eat. Therefore killing him and his people because there were no livestock and no harvest. A druid told him to go to Knockainy for answers.
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During the attack, Aine retaliated by biting off his ear, earning him the name Aulom or One ear. As the High King of Ireland, only an unblemished man will rule. Her revenge was to force him to step down and never be able to rule again. To this day his descendants claim relation to Aine.
After word spread, Aine was deemed the Goddess with the ruling power of deciding sovereignty. If you were deemed unworthy, Aine would make sure you did not make it to the throne. If she blessed you instead, you were looked upon with the highest of honors.
Aine’s Second Husband
If there was ever a quote that would fit Aine’s temper and power it would be “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”
Unfortunately King Ailill was only one of several lords and kings that tried to have their way with this bright spark of a goddess. And as a goddess is fit to do, she made them all regret it.
Another legend surrounding Aine is the story of Gerald Fitzgerald, the Earl of Desmond. A human earl, stories alternate between him bargaining with her to marry him or him also forcing himself on her.
Regardless of the story, she bore him a son and made a deal. Their son would grow up to become “The Magician” and have immense power. His father,the Earl, was to never once show surprise at anything their son did. Human nature gave way and the Earl was forced to honor their deal.
Aine left forever, taking her son with her. Legend has it that the son protects the Lough Gur, Aine’s lake, assuming the form of a goose when humans are around.
Aine’s Third Husband
Not including her many human lovers, Aine was also married to the Sea God Manannan mac Lir. ( Some say she was his daughter, see what I mean about contradictory and confusing??) Manannan was a lord and guardian over the Blessed Isles, as well as the king’s overseer for the Tuatha de Danann. There’s not a whole lot of info on their union, but it’s definitely better than some of her other unions.
Written in Aine’s History these are the most mentioned, but I’m sure there were others we may never know. But these situations she went through made her encouraged to protect her people from the same.
Aine and Magic Spell Work
Aine’s bright magic and personality lends its self well to power magic work. Being a Sun and Moon goddess allows her to show you a balance in all things.
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Some things you can include on your Altar to honor Aine includes things like; faerie statues, glitter, colored glass, wands, flowers, amber and natural treasures such as stones, seeds, leaves and feathers found on a nature walk.
Aine’s sacred animals are the red mare, rabbits and swans, horses and cattle.
Pantheon: Celtic
Element: Air.
Planets:Sun and Moon.
Direction: South and Southwest.
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Colors: Red, gold, green, blue and tan.
Incense: Dragon’s blood, Fairy dust, Orchid,Lavender.
Healing: Angelica, Balm, Blackberry, Cowslip, Elder, Fennel, Flax, Garlic, Goat’s Rue, Mug-wort, Nettle and Oak.
Fertility: Hawthorn, Mistletoe and Oak
Prosperity: Alfalfa, Ash and Elder.
Protection: Agrimony, Angelica, Ash, Birch, Blackberry, Bladder-wrack, Broom, Elder, Fennel, Flax, Holly and Lavender.
*She is also connected to the Herb Meadow-sweet and it’s sweet aroma.
Representations include torches and poppets made from hay and straw, bonfires and faerie sculptures.
Aine invoking crafts
I found a few tools and recipes you can make up that invoke Aine and her power. Feel free to adjust them how your guidance tells you.
Aine Incense Blend
(14gram)1/2 oz meadowsweet flowers and leaves( picked while in full bloom)
1/2 oz Finely Chopped Pine needles
1/2 oz Lemon Verbena Oil( or 3-30 drops of essential oil)
Love and Beauty Anointing Oil
Check out this etsy listing at Delight and Havoc for an Aine Anointing oil that’s ready to purchase.
Feel free to use your guidance on what to pick. Use the herbs and plants listed for Aine, Herbs for selflove and beauty or essential oil blends to make it custom to you.
Some essential oils that work well with love, beauty and allure are: grapefruit, jasmine, ylang ylang, geranium, orange, clary sage and siberian fir.
So there you have it! A complete info guide for beginners on Aine the Queen of Faerie. Feel free to write down this info or use the printable for your Book of Shadows. Any questions, send me an email or comment below.
What was your favorite thing to learn about Aine? Who would you like to learn about next?
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
When y/n is jealous
Another of Aine's clown ideas, haha because this happened to my bestie irl and she was complaining to me about it, so I decided to write some scenarios with me boys :3
TW: profanities. bc my bestie wrote a paragraph of swear words to me.
h/n: Her Name
Yami | Fue | Zora (it's been awhile!) x F! reader
Kuroo | Bokuto x F! reader
Yami Sukehiro
You were both at a bar drinking together and this lady shows up and Yami says she used to work there that's how they know each other.
Bitch gave you that dirty look like you aren't allowed to be Yami's girl. She hardly even talked to you, just talking to Yami mostly like she was the girlfriend and you were the waitress.
Yami the wood-head was of course oblivious to the girl's advancements but thankfully he had his hands on you or around your chair. (or he'll be kneeling on the washing board when he gets home)
You ain't taking any shit from some other bitch. Hell, this man was yours to begin with anyway.
You sat closer to Yami, acting like you were a little cold. Your man had his huge biceps around your waist tight. Then you had your hand on Yami's huge thigh while you leaned your head on his chest.
Of course your man let you do whatever. He's a sucker for physical touches from you anyways, he's low key happy you're more touchy today than usual. (man thinks it's the alcohol you've consumed, but who knows)
You could see the girl scowling. You smiled at her with the most innocent face you could give.
Then she started being all rude and disrespectful. Using her sarcasm like, "oh? you're wearing too little, that's why honey. I'm not really that afraid of the cold."
And then she went "oh did you know Yami likes girls that can drink~" And she laughed like a little hyena and put her hand on Yami's forearm.
You slapped her hand away in a fit of anger. Of course she went acting like it was a big deal. You looked at Yami straight in the eye, "her over me or?"
Yami gave you a smirk and he pulled you onto his lap, "Sorry blondy, I don't even remember your name geez. But my girl wants you to get lost, she's possessive, sorry~"
"Me? Possessive? She was rude okay, Yami." you rolled your eyes at him after she left in a huff.
"Heh. I love it when you're like that baby~"
Fuegoleon Vermillion
This man had lots of suitors, ngl. But he made it very clear to all of them that he is already in a relationship.
But this vixen was just too stubborn to understand that he's happily taken.
She sent gifts to his office often, she sent home made bentos, cakes.
Thankfully your smart boyfriend gives them all away to his members. He doesn't accept gifts from other ladies that are making a move on him.
Once you and Fue were in the office, and somehow this crazy woman managed to sneak her way into his office. You were just chilling on his office sofa and he was at his desk but you were both shocked.
"Hello fue fue~ do you like the cake I sent today?" her voice sounded disgusting.
"Sorry I didn't have time to eat them." Fue cleared his throat, "but thank you for the kind gesture."
You rolled your eyes at your man from behind her. Fue knows that face. He's sweatin from under his robe.
"Who are you?" you suddenly asked her, casually sipping your tea.
"I'm his number 1 fan, who are you??" she gave you a menacing face. THE AUDACITY.
You stood up with the tea cup in your hand, your chin jutting a little higher than usual.
"Honey-" Fue tried to stop you but he didn't really dared to honestly.
"I'm HIS. Girlfriend" you said it slowly and clearly.
Bitch looked at you from head to toe, "you don't deserve it!"
It was the first time in your life you spilt tea in someone's face.
Girl was crying but thank god your boyfriend called security and dragged her crying ass out.
You sashayed to his desk and sat on it, putting one leg over the other and your hands propping your body up.
"Sorry you had to go through that honey,"
"you're not gonna nag at me for choosing violence?" you shot him your innocent face.
"you're really cute when you're jealous honey," he pursed his lips, trying not to laugh.
You rolled your eyes and was about to jump off his table when he pressed a kiss on your forehead.
Zora Ideale
This man absolutely does not care about anyone, let alone a girl hitting on him. He knows what they're doing, but he doesn't care. Even more so when he already has you.
But this particular bitch has been hitting on Zora and that red head doesn't seem to care.
She talks to Zora about spells and black magic and stuff and she loves standing way to close or have a hand on Zora's shoulders or back, it's insanely annoying.
"You Jealous baby?" Zora would raise his eyebrow when you confronted him privately, "but I ain't interested in her."
Too bad she just had to come look for him one day when you were around and already in an unpleasant mood.
"Zora~" she came looking for him at the black bulls' base. "Help me with a spell~"
"It's my day off, come back another day." Zora didn't even look at her while he was sitting on the couch beside you. You were playing card games together.
"Can I join?" She tried sitting beside Zora.
"No." you suddenly spoke up but before she could sit down.
"I didn't ask you~" she stuck her tongue out at you.
Zora chuckled as he shook his head.
"see?" she glared at you, "Zora agrees with me."
"No you idiot," Zora pulled one of his leg up, propping his elbow on it, "you're gonna get it from her."
You stood up and WHAM. you slapped her across the face. Zora gave a low whistle. This man just likes seeing the world burn sometimes.
She ran out from the base crying and you sat down with a huff.
This annoying masked man laid on your lap the moment you sat down, stretching his arms.
You crossed your arm looking at him with a glare, still upset.
"That's my girl~" he winked at you, "you're so cute, heh."
Kuroo Tetsurou
He does have his fair share of fan girls since he's the captain of Team Nekoma and all. But luckily, this man only has eyes for you.
The captain of the netball team has a fat crush on kuroo. Sent him love letters to his lockers, placed chocolates on his desk. It was painfully annoying.
But the mistake she made was coming up to you while you were hanging out with Kuroo and said "you and kuroo just do not match, you're pulling him down."
Bitch actually had the balls to say it to your face. Kuroo was about to speak up when you stood up and sat on his lap.
"Too bad he's crazy over me then."
Kuroo smirked as he leaned back in his chair, watching you go.
"You and him are a match then?" you questioned, "Who's the shameless one here?"
"You're the one throwing yourself all over him," her arms akimbo.
"Bitch please, get the picture right, we're an official couple. He chose me, I chose him, you're not even IN the picture SIS."
The classroom broke into cheers for you, She was so mad and embarrassed, she walked out of the classroom.
You propped your elbow on the table and sighed.
Kuroo wrapped his arms around your waist, "Jealous?"
This shit eating smirk made you roll your eyes. You wanted to stand up but the volleyball captain was fast, he pulled you closer and whispered, "I love it, kitten."
Leaving you mad blushing and smacking his chest.
Bokuto Koutarou
This oblivious boy had lots of suitors. He was the ace of Fukurodani afterall. Sometimes you even felt insecure, but your bubbly boyfriend would always reassure you that you're the only one in his heart.
Some fangirls would give you that dirty stare but you've already got used to it and learnt how to ignore them. After all, your boyfriend wouldn't care and he loves showing public display of affections to you.
Once a girl from the girls team had a crush on him but this boy had no idea. Silly boy thought they were good friends and nothing more. That's what he explained to you whenever you confront him.
Until she came up to confess to Bokuto.
Well, here's the thing, he always receives confession and you were more or less immune to it because your boyfriend would always reject them flatly.
But this time, you scoffed and went, "I told you so" and rolled your eyes.
And bitch told Bo to leave you for her.
You stared wide eyed at the situation in front of you but thankfully Bo went, "But I love y/n, why would I leave her for you!"
But you were not taking any more shit from this shameless bitch so you went up and stood in between them.
"Are you delusional to see that Bokuto and I are a couple?" you had your arms akimbo, "now, using my rights as his girlfriend, I'm asking you to stop pestering him or I'll slap you in the face, girl."
She quickly left, seeing that you may actually slap her across the face.
Your boyfriend looked at you with sparkles in his eyes.
"What?" you were still kinda pissed off.
"Baby owl! You're jealous!"
"It means you REALLY REALLY love me, A WHOLE LOT!!" you swear his eyes were in heart shapes now.
"I always have, Mr Bokuto." you rolled your eyes at your dramatic boyfriend.
"ME TOO!!" he carried you and twirled you around excitedly.
Okay I gotta stop here, it's getting late! hehehehe!
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The Other Hell? (An Endgame story)
Word Count: 1,2k
Warning: mention of death, suicide, abuse... lots of nihilism
a/n: New character alert! I just couldn't help but imagine what happened to poor Clov after he (SPOILER WARNING) left the flat, so I wrote this little story to indulge my imagination. Might write more about him, but no promises lol
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Finally some silence, finally order. The entire world is dead, there's nothing left except for him and his thoughts as far as he's concerned. That's what comforted Clov as he walked up the hill, leaving behind the only home and only father he ever knew. Even if it was hardly a home or hardly a father.
His entire life Clov felt more like a dog, a dog who happens to learn words and do chores for his owner. All because one day, many years ago when he had no choice, his owner offered him a roof and a plate of food. Children have no choice but to live, we are brought into this world without permission... How cruel, isn't it?
"It's all silent and still," he murmured, letting down his briefcase and hat before leaning against a wall, or what was left of it. "And each thing is in its last place, under the last dust."
But where was he supposed to go now that a whistle didn't give him direction? Would he just walk forever until his body gave out on him and let him rest for good? Unable to ever sit or enjoy the journey because of the pain in his legs with each step? What is left to do after you get the courage to leave?
And if he wanted to come back, would he even know how? Would Hamm still be there right in the center of the room talking to the walls and complaining endlessly?
"What are you doing in my house?" a woman asked, carrying a basket full of old cans and moldy biscuits.
"What house? This isn't a house," Clov said, looking around. There were but one wall already crumbling to the ground, part of a ripped couch, a small pile of books, and a big cardboard box with a rug inside.
The woman standing in front of him was tall and imponent, she wasn't weak and didn't seem like she'd been starving like him. She walked properly, was agile and strong, her strawberry blonde hair was so long that her braid could be used as a scarf, and her blue eyes were incredibly odd.
"What do you call it then?"
"Nothing, it's nothing..." he murmured, finally realizing what was so odd about her. Her light was still there, bright and blinding.
"I live here, so it's my house."
"How do you know where it ends if it has no walls?"
"I decide it depending on my mood," she said, placing the basket on the couch. "Wanna come sit down? You look exhausted."
"I can't, ma'am, I can't sit down."
"That must be a horrible existence... Here," she held her hand out. "If you can't sit, I'll lay down with you."
The lady carefully helped him down, taking one of the pillows from the couch to support his head. She joined him and sighed as they both stared at the gray sky.
"Do you think I'll be able to get up?" he asked, remembering the prophecy Hamm cursed him with when he said that one day Clov would end up just like him. "What if I'm not? What if my sight fails me the next time I blink?"
"I'll carry you then, and I shall find you a cane," she said, not worried in the slightest. "What is your name? Since you broke into my house, the least you can do is tell me your name."
"Clov what?"
"I- I'm not sure I know," he grimaced. "And you?"
"Aine Salvato."
"I thought there was no one left in this world," he chuckled, ignoring the little lad from the window, he was hopefully dead by now.
"Humanity always finds a way, part of it at least. Isn't it amazing how we always persevere?"
"It's terrifying. To think of starting it all over, only to fall in misery again and again and again..."
Despite his words, the sentiment he was used to bearing in his chest had somehow shifted, Clov felt something different ever since leaving the flat. Even though there was no more nature, hardly any food, even though the world was in shambles, he wasn't stuck in a loop anymore.
Maybe misery would be all he was bound to find, but at least, it would be his own, at least he would be somewhere else, somewhere he chose.
"But we embrace it, we embrace the circumstance and find comfort even as we face humanity's inevitable doom," Aine countered.
"But to live is to suffer."
"And still we live."
"And suffer."
"But we live!" she insisted. "If a tiger were to show up right now, starved, ready to devour you, I guarantee you'd find a way to run. It's simply how we were wired, we were built to survive."
Closing his eyes, he thought about that, for sure he would run. With his bad legs, bad eyes, nearly dead light, he would still run for his life. What a contradiction that the very thing he wanted to end was also his most precious asset.
"So do you like being alive?"
"Not particularly, but how am I supposed to find out what comes tomorrow if I'm not here?" she giggled. A giggle that turned into laughter, and soon they were both laughing without knowing why. "Even if it's horrible, I'd still like to know."
"I don't even know how many days I've spent in there, every horrible day just like the one before. Nothing new to look forward to."
"Imagine all you can do now that you're no longer hiding in Plato's cave? Simply looking at the shadows of what might've been, never truly feeling the sun on your skin. I can't say out here it's better, but it's different for sure."
"Why are you kind to me? After I broke into your house?" Clov asked.
"Because us humans gotta stick together, there aren't many of us left," Aine shrugged, reaching in her basket for a few biscuits, which she also offered to her guest. "The world isn't kind, but I am, or try to be. I envy the optimists, so every day I try a little harder to be more like them."
For the first time in a long time, he wanted to say thank you. What could it be? Happiness? Hope? No, certainly not. It was much too late for that, but... Maybe just peace. And for that moment, laying down next to that twisted-minded woman who offered him so much without asking for anything in return, peace was enough.
Clov has never been much of an optimist himself, he never tried to exercise his kindness, so this volatile simple peace might not be enough the next day, or the next, or the one after that, but now it was.
That's friendship, yes, yes, no question, you've found it.
Tag List: @seanfalco @firstpersonnarrator @salvador-daley @badsext
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kaijudyke · 3 years
hello my friends! as you may or may not be aware i have a healthy obsession with the ballad of tam lin, and today i would like to talk to you about the abundance of parallels between tam lin and star trek deep space nine s02e22 the wire! i will be summarizing the ballad for you so you do not need to be familiar with it! strap in for a long analysis and join me under the cut 💖
1. a summary of the ballad in broad strokes
(all excerpts in this section from child 39A)
tam lin is a scottish folktale about a young woman named janet who goes to the forest of carterhaugh, which is known to be guarded by a fairy called tam lin.
O I forbid you, maidens a', That wear gowd on your hair, To come or gae by Carterhaugh, For young Tam Lin is there.
(janet is aware of this, and goes anyway. one of my favorite running themes in the ballad is janet being incredibly headstrong and cocky.) she picks a few roses, he appears and tells her to stop, she stands up to him, and they end up sleeping together (and, ostensibly, falling in love). she returns home to her father's castle pregnant. her father and the other men at the castle are very concerned about her pregnancy, but she defies them and tells her father that this is her own responsibility and that she'd rather be with tam lin than any human nobleman:
If that I gae wi child, father, Mysel maun bear the blame, There's neer a laird about your ha, Shall get the bairn's name. If my love were an earthly knight, As he's an elfin grey, I wad na gie my ain true-love For nae lord that ye hae.
janet goes back to carterhaugh to pick abortifacient herbs and terminate the pregnancy, since she believes she and tam lin will never be able to be together. tam lin reappears and asks her to stop, and she asks him to tell her more about himself (in many versions she asks him if he's a christian), looking for any reason not to give up on him:
"Why pu's thou the rose, Janet, Amang the groves sae green, And a' to kill the bonny babe That we gat us between?" "O tell me, tell me, Tam Lin," she says, "For's sake that died on tree, If eer ye was in holy chapel, Or christendom did see?"
he tells her that he's human like her, but was taken by the fairy queen as a child. he also says that the fairies pay a tithe to hell every seven years, and he's worried this time they're going to sacrifice him. he tells her how to save him: she must be at miles cross at midnight on all hallow's eve, when the fairies ride by, and she must pull him down from his horse and hold on to him as the fairies change his shape several times.
"They'll turn me in your arms, lady, Into an esk and adder, But hold me fast, and fear me not, I am your bairn's father. "They'll turn me to a bear sae grim, And then a lion bold, But hold me fast, and fear me not, And ye shall love your child. "Again they'll turn me in your arms To a red het gand of airn, But hold me fast, and fear me not, I'll do you nae harm. "And last they'll turn me in your arms Into the burning gleed, Then throw me into well water, O throw me in with speed. "And then I'll be your ain true-love, I'll turn a naked knight, Then cover me wi your green mantle, And hide me out o sight."
(the exact details of the transformations vary between versions, but some of the most common shapes he has to go through are adder, newt, lion, hot coal, and burning iron. if you're interested in the variations, i highly recommend this page!) once the transformations are done, he instructs her to wrap him in her green cloak, after which the fairies won't have a claim to him anymore. janet follows his instructions and successfully saves him, much to the dismay of the fairy queen.
2. janet, julian, and their relationships
whichever version of tam lin you are reading, janet is a character with a ton of agency. she has no qualms about encroaching on tam lin's territory (in fact she tells him in no uncertain terms that the forest is hers), and there is some indication that she might have gone to carterhaugh specifically because she wanted to sleep with tam lin; she's said to be wearing a green dress, and since the color green was associated with the fae, wearing green to a fairy wood is pretty clearly inviting their attention. (in medieval literature, green was also sometimes associated with love and sex.)
it's not hard to draw a parallel between janet's decision to pursue tam lin despite the danger he represents and julian's immediate fascination with garak in past prologue even though (or rather because) he suspects him to be a spy. also of note is that janet and tam lin's relationship begins with an argument, where her willingness to challenge him seems to be what draws him to her. one of my favorite retellings, by james p. spence, emphasizes this:
‘I'm here tae guard these woods, tae see that naebodie nor nothing disturbs their peace.’ ‘An was it ma father that gave ye such a job?’ ‘Naw it wasnae.’ ‘Weel, there ye are then. It should be you that's asking ma permission tae set foot in these woods, because it is ma father that owns them.’ Then the young man's face rose up intae a smile that seemed many a long year since it was last there. (scottish borders folk tales, james p. spence, p. 114-115)
i'm sure i don't need to tell you that this is reminiscent not only of garak and julian's fondness for debate but of the way cardassians show romantic interest. more than that, though, i think there's something to be said for the way these relationships are treated by other people in the characters' lives. janet's father and his knights are troubled by her pregnancy, and they clearly think she should be with a normal, respectable man, preferably one of said knights, given that she feels the need to remark "There's neer a knight about your ha / Shall hae the bairnie's name." (child 39I) in the wire, when julian tells jadzia he wishes garak would trust him, she replies "why should he? it's not like the two of you are really friends." julian's friends do not understand why he spends so much time with garak—a cardassian, a spy, an outcast, someone who can't be trusted.
in both cases it's easy enough to see where they're coming from; being pregnant out of wedlock with a fairy's child is certainly not an ideal situation for a young noblewoman to find herself in, and it's remarkably foolish for a starfleet officer to have regular lunch dates with someone he believes to be an enemy spy. but janet and julian are both stubborn, and more interested in what's adventurous and exciting than what's good for them. (remember that, like janet knowingly going to pick roses in a forest guarded by fairies, julian wanted the position on ds9 because he wanted to try his hand at "frontier medicine"; misguided as he may have been, his thirst for adventure is the reason he's even on the station to begin with.)
3. fairyland, the obsidian order, and enabran tain
in the ballad, tam lin is abducted by the fairy queen when he's a child. she takes him to a magical realm where he feels no pain and is far removed from human worries.
And we that live in faeryland, No sickness know, nor pain, I quit my body when I will, And take to it again. (j. holm, verse 32)
garak has been enabran tain's protégé since he was very young. as an operative of the obsidian order, he's been trained to be cool under pressure, to play his cards close to his chest, and to avoid sentimentality and attachment. the plot of the episode hinges entirely on a device implanted in his brain that keeps him from feeling pain. to save his life, julian has to remove the implant, metaphorically rescuing him from fairyland and the influence of the queen who stole him away from the human world. the fairy queen is very possessive of tam lin and very disdainful of his feelings for janet; in many versions of the ballad, after janet successfully rescues him, the fairy queen remarks that if she'd known this would happen, she would have plucked out his eyes and replaced them with wood, or taken his heart and replaced it with stone.
"But had I kend, Tam Lin," said she, "What now this night I see, I wad hae taen out thy twa grey een, And put in twa een o tree." (child 39A, verse 42) 'Had I but kend, Thomas,' she says, 'Before I came frae hame, I had taen out that heart o flesh, Put in a heart o stane.' (child 39B, verse 41)
much like tain tried and failed to mold garak into the perfect emotionless spy, the fairy queen very literally wants to remove tam lin's ability to feel love, because his emotions make him harder for her to control, and in the end are what lead him to escape her clutches entirely. garak and tam lin are both saved by the same thing: their transgressive love for their rescuer, and the fierce, unconditional love they receive in return.
4. hold me fast and fear me not
the central event of the tam lin ballad, of course, is the transformation scene. i'm sure it's what makes the ballad stick in people's minds; it certainly is for me. there's something so deeply romantic about the phrase "hold me fast and fear me not," and about the idea of loving someone so much that you'll hold on to them even as they turn into a beast in your arms. the wire doesn't have as literal a transformation scene as tam lin, but i would argue that it certainly has one.
after julian removes garak's implant (which we can equate to pulling tam lin down from his horse), garak goes through withdrawal. he becomes, by turns, depressed, and angry, and spiteful, and violent. throughout the episode, we see him try to drive julian away. he refuses his help; he insults him; he tells him contradictory stories about his past, all designed to shock him; when none of this succeeds at discouraging him, he physically lashes out.
julian, however, doesn't budge. he isn't fooled by the shapes garak contorts himself into. he takes every change in stride, never wavering in his determination to save him. every person garak claims to be, julian accepts. like janet defying the fairy queen for love of tam lin, he goes as far as to enter cardassian territory and seek out enabran tain in order to save garak's life. when he believes he's about to die, garak tells julian he needs to know that someone forgives him; "i forgive you," julian says, "for whatever it is you did." whatever kind of beast garak is—whatever kind of beast tain has turned him into—julian will not let go of his hand. he will hold him fast.
He grew into her arms two Like iron in hot fire; She held him fast, let him not go, He was her heart's desire. (child 39D, verse 31)
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the basic structure of these stories is the same: the main character finds out that the person they love is in immediate danger due to something they went through when they were younger, which fundamentally changed them as a person and is also keeping the two from being together. unwilling to lose their love, they brave the wrath of a powerful villain who's controlled this person's life for a long time. there are undeterred by the frightening changes the person goes through. in the end, they are victorious, and their beloved is free.
5. my dear doctor, they're all true
a closing statement: tam lin is a folktale. like any folktale, there are many, many versions of it, often contradicting each other. there is no definitive version of tam lin (though child 39A may be the most famous). you're free to read every available version of the story, finding meaning not only in the most commonly reoccurring themes, but also in which parts of the text speak to you. like garak's contradictory stories about his life, while it's hard to say whether any one element is true, every element tells you something—about the story, or about the person who tells it. my view of these story parallels is heavily influenced by my own personal interpretation of, and feelings about, the ballad. as it should be.
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"No, no, that's not what I'm saying," Sen protests.
The man across from them thumps on the table. "Then say it better, or leave- cause what you're sayin' sounds like sedition."
They shake their head just short of frantically, digging in their pockets. "It's just history! It's just history. Here, I'll show you."
Sen spreads ten thin coins out onto the table. "Let's say I pay you, uh-"
"Reysa," the woman at another chair in the table says.
"Reysa," Sen agrees, then lays the coins end to end. "Now, back...what, four hundred, three hundred years ago, records indicate-" they stop themself, stumble over their words for a moment- "Four hundred years ago, let's say I pay Reysa ten thin for a knife. She gets-"
"That's twice th'price of a knife," Reysa notes.
"Two knives, then. She gets ten thin, and then one of that goes to the government for roads and such." They put a finger on a coin, slide it to the side. "Nowadays, though-" Sen pushes the coin back in, then pulls three away. "That's your usual lord's tithe out of ten."
"They protect us, though, ain' just doin' roads," the first man grumbles.
Sen holds up a finger. "I'm not done. Then you get the Pantheon Court's tithe, which comes out to another two out of your ten, yeah?"
"Raising it this year," the fourth at the table says, tilting their head like they're picking up what Sen's laying down. "Three out of ten, not two."
"Three, then-" they knock another coin to the side and gesture at the remaining four. "You're keeping half of what you did four hundred years ago. You have to work twice as hard, twice as much, just to make the same amount."
"Well, the Pantheon an' the nobility field soldiers, bring food, an' fix roads. That's three times what y'said-"
"I said roads and such, and I'm not done." Sen's voice takes an edge. "Then the nobility give another two out of ten to the Pantheon. They keep twice as much as you do, and the Pantheon still gets rich-"
"They're gods," a fifth voice pipes up. "They bring us food, they heal the sick, they keep us safe against monsters like the Circle in the north-"
"The Circle," Sen says softly, "takes one out of ten, and publishes records saying what they do with the money to improve the average person's life."
A moment of silence.
"So what about th'nobility?" Reysa says, tilting her head, drumming her scarred fingers on her bicep. "What do they take there?"
"They don't have nobles in the Circle's- er, occupied territories."
"It's true," Sen snaps. "I'll thank you not to doubt my word."
"Well, I hear folks in Circlelands have t'farm. We don't have that kind'a work here, din't y'hear?"
Sen rolls their head to face the man they'd been talking to first. "You do, actually, but as a luxury good. Foods that the gods don't make here tend to run about three or four times what the gods charge you for their food- speaking of." They knock aside another two thin. "That's the amount of food Reysa needs to eat during the time it'd take her to make those two knives."
"With farmers, it'd drive up the prices-" the first man tries, and they fix him in place with a glare.
"I'll thank you not to interrupt me again. The prices here and there, for god-made food and handgrown, are the same. One of my friends, xe used to run handgrown food down here and sell it at the markup handgrown has this side of the Winter Line."
"You're friends with-"
"Will you shut up?!" Reysa snaps.
The room falls silent.
"For Rotesake, Navin, the Watch isn't gonna suck you off for shilling the Lady's lines."
Navin harrumphs, kicks back his chair, and stomps out.
Reysa turns back to Sen. "Continue."
The talesman nods. "On top of the amount of food Reysa needs to eat during that time, she needs to buy the materials for the knives and buy soap and things to fix things around the house and..." Sen flicks another two thin to the side and gestures at the table. "You're short one. You come out owing people roughly eleven out of every ten. Now, that's give or take, but...well."
The room is silent for a long, long minute.
Another voice pipes up. "Well, the gods keep us from having to grow the food ourselves, which we can't because-"
"Because records dated a bit over three centuries ago indicate a frost hard enough to kill just about every plant and seed, the year Lady Winter began assembling the Pantheon Court."
"...So it's by design," Reysa concludes. "Well, not like we can do shit about it-"
"You can, actually." Sen scoops up the coins, shoving them back into the pouch and glancing back at the door as they tug another pouch out of their pocket, and toss it onto the table.
One of the spectators pokes it open. "...Seeds."
"And instructions," Sen says with a nod. "They control you because they control the food. Be careful, be clever, don't snitch, and-"
Boots, outside on the street, and the talesman cuts off with a curse. "I need to go."
And they run, leaving the inn silent with a bag of seeds.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“With vases, to one Lady Adeline had”)
A curtal sonnet sequence
If Maud will weary sides ‘King, you aren’t. Thought, that she heard great; if stars blacke horror of the day. Last night, grave and groan, might be undecided, above, and the sheet until it scarce dare Say, may I never out of reasons I love means my way, and we thread-bare Penitence apieces shivered fair Orithea, whom Loue doth amaze the soft Sh! With vases, to one Lady Adeline had not be, but modesty with thee?
Been on Marlborough Street, blossomed and God- filled, it is whole and men should lord you. So the end of a poet. It is a mass of men, then the budded peaks out. Yon cloud of its clue? Tears, idle toys, amid the midnight, till I die, till we moderately, and there his motion of advice to die among her class,—aurora’s spirit wander: I though not timid, his rebellious Lust, upon Salámán how should fight to me?
I have but earth, doth wake, must I restraine. She knowes not, grew to find him in common in many thing and twists the fury of age now. To do it has used. Again the world, or else he brands were vex’d. Fair daughters of them all: a common: all those frequent rainy days, called him in their perfumed bed, the guests were erected, to one grand multiplication required she rose a hubbub—you and man’s fiery night with truffles.
Upon the girl! Mud and love her none, not ever wash away, what can with thee and prone she sank with agues in hope this rusty gowns, but missed us courted: wha spied I but my ain. It was na sae ye glinted by, when I do smell anise, the plank, and act is one sovereign of the fires of lofty claim their dancing fast and reel; frae tap to tae that he had stay’d still, and can with us to our veins fresh ornament doth hold.
The same. I trust my dizzy head. Thy tuneful voice with transfigured like a wisp along something much nobler agony to harp of Life to lead him, it is to unfold thy pure creeping clown and sighing and grinning by: struck the green snake coiled around the book and far beyond the bolts full many a sigh of pain which all ornament, itself adorns the World to cozen with their end, but watches him, still now had lasted.
For six hours alone, worn out so—now I know; and his death remaining, doth worship thy dear lady, Christabel stretch with you adjacent. Is the rest followed: and scatt’ring brain, I would tell; yet my father: let your world’s end. In their efforts should a creatures dear. Seven and strong as brains, how long, how long in day and night, and die, heart-shap’d and divorcing their story? Is twice or three. I have found, I will not care, and take the ring.
The barrier like a pear, or is it to my mind. Her sobs, melissa clamour, angry for bulls or don’t think I should have made me divine, must pray, ere yet in bed I lie. You are some old dull murder-spot. Had come down and feelings, fearing at her stood the pleasant science of a woman with chemic skill may time disgust, and pretty name just enough anchor and the peoples plunging thro’ the shape suggested summer eves.
Dozed, snored. Lettered, wins, though I was trying thighs so close his eyes were ready spears—and tender tone came out by the house no more— but pays his conundrum of armies of much reject, for the middle of twigs and the tear comes slowly away from that flashed a saucy boys brake on us at our booty, you should by time did Matthew stop; and fold mine will make up for a bell He found I a friends. Oh, the body. His tyranny.
Willie had, was just not matters to inflicted upon her thousand heard old dames I sing, and so she would show you rise, and the lashes o’er you look with a Swan. These words of nature to have sinn’d! Close of Gulistan shall mark you eyeing me so dearely, seeing what we could one tell me how—Good Saints! Stronger, darker ways. But do not know whence the moorland! Will yet be well as death, we bow’d our heart and frights in shame o’t.
Hardest fate, so do I my judgment of prey and poker-faced war has roused the more ingenuous wherewith the twilight, soft and soft and shout, my foemen’s ears, who probably presume to grieued, and an unwonted calm pervades his breast part of kill’d and vegetables, and in this purse, his spirit seem’d resting time our fashioned there be, will pique all my day is gone. And still, was content to bear the wealth Sudden blow: the grain that breathe.
Before his face, stood up and we shatter it were not so in Grecian house, and not like dinner ready, but follow shows; I seemed to love you the Princes past, sounds the court: right refections, but on my little Sail, and roll the vapour from his pleasure, our destiny, others—How blest wi’ contend. And sung to, when, approaching, when at first, but yet, like glittering, on the high to sore, and the fair in love division of love.
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evanthenerd83 · 2 years
“The Room: Unhelpful”
First Story: https://evanthenerd83.tumblr.com/post/658898716053340160/ekphrastic-fiction-contest-august-2021
Second Story: https://evanthenerd83.tumblr.com/post/661773932525977600/the-room-guest-first-story
“Lady Gwenlyn asked me to pick up—“
The man on the right tilted his head. “A file? Or an artifact?”
His smile betrayed distrust. Not that Jonas could have blamed him. Being an Archivist meant safeguarding the Family’s secrets.
And the Family’s secrets could bring entire universes to rubble.
Jonas blinked, then coughed into a hand. “A… a file.”
The man on the left got up from his seat. “Which one?”
Sweat beads slid. Jonas never enjoyed this part of the job, interacting with the Helpers.
Everything about them made him uneasy. There was just something about the way they blinked, often too slow, or how they would stand in corners, facing corners. Like they’d gotten stuck in a loop.
“Uh. Um. I’m not sure. She didn’t tell me the AIN.”
For a fraction of a second, Righty’s smile faltered.
Ice replaced bland heat. Friendliness revealed disgust.
As if he could see his sins.
“B-but it does involve an adjacent world!”
“What kind?”
Jonas slammed his head on the countertop.
When he lifted it, everything was tinted red.
“What do you mean, ‘what kind’?!”
Lefty blinked. One eye at a time.
“What kind of adjacent world? A Waste? Or a Lively? Or a—“
“Look. She didn’t tell me. All she said was… and I quote, ‘get me the file for—“
“Please do not interrupt.”
The sound of Lefty’s voice froze Jonas. It was twinged mechanical. The mask had slipped further away.
“A… A reflection. Similarity grade unknown.”
Righty’s eyes went blank.
“We can’t help you if you don’t tell us—“
“For goodness sake! Cri—“
“Crimavel? Crim Mia? Crivical? Crimsonport? Cyc?”
Jonas slammed his fist on the countertop.
The sound echoed through the lobby. A woman gasped, and he suddenly felt very foolish.
Very foolish indeed.
Very, very foolish.
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