#afgan army
sparviero44 · 2 months
Great school for great operators
Grande scuola per grandi operatori
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daancienttime · 10 months
The Best Approach to Naga Sadhu vs Afghani Army for Every Personality Type
In a rare and unusual encounter, the ancient traditions of the Naga Sadhus clashed with the disciplined might of the Afghan Army in a remote mountainous region. The Naga Sadhus, revered ascetic warriors of Hinduism, found themselves inadvertently caught in the crosshairs of an escalating conflict between the Afghan Army and local insurgents.
The Naga Sadhus, with their distinct ash-smeared bodies, matted locks, and adherence to a life of austerity, had journeyed to the rugged terrain to undertake their spiritual practices and seek enlightenment. Unbeknownst to them, the area had become a hotspot of insurgency, and the Afghan Army had been actively conducting operations to counter the threat.
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As the sun rose on a fateful day, the peaceful atmosphere was shattered by the sound of gunfire echoing through the valleys. The Naga Sadhus, committed to a life of non-violence but also self-defense, found themselves in a precarious position. They were neither allied with any group nor capable of comprehending the complexities of the political and territorial disputes at play.
The Afghan Army, trained in modern warfare and unaware of the Sadhus' presence, mistook the ascetics for potential threats amidst the chaos of the battlefield. Accustomed to facing armed insurgents, the sight of ash-covered, unarmed Sadhus seemed anomalous, raising suspicions among the troops.
As the two parties confronted each other, it became apparent that the Naga Sadhus had no intention of engaging in violence. Their spiritual beliefs forbade them from causing harm to any living being. Nevertheless, the Afghan Army, driven by the urgency of their mission, hesitated to fully grasp the Sadhus' pacifist approach.
Despite language barriers, some members of the Afghan Army managed to communicate with the Sadhus, realizing that they were not combatants but seekers of spiritual truth. A moment of shared humanity emerged, with both sides momentarily setting aside their weapons, leading to an impromptu dialogue.
The Naga Sadhus explained their ancient tradition, rooted in the philosophy of non-violence and renunciation. They emphasized their neutrality in worldly conflicts and their quest for spiritual enlightenment, which resonated with some of the soldiers.
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Witnessing the sincerity and deep conviction of the Sadhus, a few soldiers began to reevaluate their perceptions of the encounter. Realizing the potential misunderstanding, they decided to help the Naga Sadhus find a safe passage out of the conflict zone, protecting them from harm.
This meeting of worlds, though brief and tense, offered a unique perspective on the collision of cultures and beliefs. The clash between the Naga Sadhus and the Afghan Army underscored the importance of communication and understanding in times of conflict.
As the Naga Sadhus departed the region, they carried with them a profound experience of encountering the harsh realities of the world beyond their spiritual pursuits. The Afghan soldiers, on the other hand, gained a newfound appreciation for the diversity of human existence and the significance of preserving ancient wisdom amid the tumult of modern warfare.
In the end, this unlikely interaction serves as a testament to the transformative power of compassion, empathy, and open-mindedness – qualities that can bridge even the widest cultural divides and offer a glimmer of hope in the face of conflict.
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thenationaltv243 · 1 year
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Bettle Saragarhi The Legendary Battle of the 21 Brave Soldiers
On September 12, 1897, 21 brave soldiers of the British Indian Army fought against a force of 10,000 Afghan tribesmen at a remote outpost in Saragarhi, located in the North-West Frontier Province, now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. This battle, also known as the Battle of Saragarhi, is regarded as one of the greatest last stands in military history.
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countrysideframing · 1 year
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Win a 50x32" crocheted American Flag with Soldiers Silhouette, custom framed in a shadowbox with UV glass. Raffles are on sale now to help fund Newtown Hometown Hero Banners honoring those veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our Freedom. Raffles available at Countryside Gallery & Custom Frame Design and Ned's Cigar Store. Raffles are $10. Thank you to Jan Baller for your incredible artistry and creativity, producing this afgan. #hometownhero #newtownpa #veterans #afgan #honor #sacrifice #memorialday #usa #armedforces #veteransday #army #julyfourth #navy #southstatestreet #coastguard #military #marines #banners #fundraiser #raffle #nonprofit (at Countryside Gallery & Custom Frame Design) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpSY-3Fu8h8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lamilanomagazine · 7 months
Milano: arrestati altri due egiziani per associazione con finalità di terrorismo.
Milano: arrestati altri due egiziani per associazione con finalità di terrorismo. Milano. La Polizia di Stato, nella giornata odierna, al termine di una complessa attività d’indagine coordinata dal Procuratore Capo di Milano dr. Marcello Viola e dal Pubblico Ministero dr. Alessandro Gobbis, ha dato esecuzione a due misure di custodia cautelare in carcere emesse dal GIP dr. Adriano Filice, a carico di altrettanti soggetti di origine egiziana di 44 e 49 anni, ritenuti responsabili di partecipazione ad associazione con finalità di terrorismo ed istigazione a delinquere con finalità di terrorismo. In particolare, l’attività investigativa condotta dalla D.I.G.O.S. di Milano - Sezione Antiterrorismo e dal Centro Operativo per la Sicurezza Cibernetica di Perugia, in collaborazione con la Direzione Centrale della Polizia di Prevenzione e con il Servizio Centrale Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni, ha avuto inizio nell’agosto del 2021 quando, sulla base di acquisizioni d’intelligence e del compendio investigativo emerso da altro procedimento penale, gli investigatori hanno avviato mirati approfondimenti nei confronti dei due indagati, entrambi evidenziatisi per la comune presenza su gruppi WhatsApp di matrice jihadista e riconducibili allo “Stato Islamico”. L’indagine ha confermato la centralità del cyberspazio e dei circuiti mediatici internazionali, nella diffusione del messaggio jihadista finalizzato al proselitismo ed all’esaltazione delle azioni terroristiche da parte dell’organizzazione a cui hanno aderito gli indagati. In particolare, la Polizia ha riscontrato l’utilizzo della rete per una sorta di addestramento diffuso, cristallizzando a carico dei due soggetti indagati i seguenti elementi indiziari: 1. copioso materiale inneggiante ad azioni terroristiche violente, in diversi casi con bambini protagonisti; 2. condivisione sui propri account Facebook di contenuti jihadisti, con commenti e like di approvazione su profili altrui; 3. presenza su canali Telegram e gruppi Whatsapp direttamente riconducibili allo Stato Islamico o ad esso affiliati, con la partecipazione di centinaia di utenti, registrati con numerazioni siriane, afgane, irachene, nord-africane, ma anche europee e sudamericane; 4. versamenti di denaro disposte a favore di nominativi stanziati in Yemen e Palestina; 5. indottrinamento religioso svolto nei confronti dei familiari, con particolare riferimento ai figli minori. Nel corso della lunga indagine, il quadro probatorio si è ulteriormente aggravato con un giuramento di fedeltà allo Stato Islamico postato su un profilo Facebook da uno degli indagati nel maggio 2022. A riprova dell’assoluta gravità degli elementi ricostruiti, è stata rilevata da parte degli indagati un expertise nell’uso delle armi e la disponibilità a dare consigli a chi volesse essere introdotto al loro impiego. Inoltre, sono state individuate, sempre sul medesimo profilo Facebook, delle minacce dirette a cariche istituzionali italiane.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Devil as Well wisher
Devil always come as Helper, Devil came to Adam as well wisher. Devil went to Japan as peace keeper Devil come in Mediterranean sea as Helper of it’s God. Devil killed Vietnamese and reached as peace voalntear He went in Badar as helper if Quraish . His pupils were with army of Talut He was in Afgan as Nato. He lived in world as nation of gentlemen His pupil regularly kills…
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jfvnknvdngdcbj · 1 year
Getting high off eachothers tans and body suits, then an afgan Army comes blazing threw and washed all the green stuff off the stoneries
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4veds · 2 years
Naga Sadhus: The Untold History Of Sacrifice
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In 1757, when the Afgan invader Abdali tried to conquer the holy city of Gokul and its Krishna Temple, 4000 Naga Sadhus defended it against his army of 40,000 soldiers. In order to preserve their faith, 2000 of these holy men sacrificed their lives in order to expel the invader from their homeland. This is a rare defeat for Abdali on Bharat's soil.
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vertgod24 · 2 years
Week 5 Rumination
This week's lecture taught us about orientalism and the life cycle of an image. We a first introduced to Edward Said, Edward Wadie Said, a professor of literature, a public intellectual, and a founder of the academic field of postcolonial studies. Said was known for explaining how colonialism worked, not just through armies, conquest, and oppression, but through literature, anthropology, and justification through narrative. He showed how the west painted a picture of the east, and this is known as orientalism. Said was able to see this in 19th-century western literature. Fast forward to the present day, we can see this in modern culture. If we look at society, and the media, we ask the questions what stories are being told through the images that are being presented to us? In week 2 we learned about the power of images, and in week 3 we learned about how each person can process an image in a different way. This brings me to talk about the story of "Afgan Girl." Afghan girl is a photographic portrait of an Afghan refugee in Pakistan during the Soviet-Afghan War. This picture was taken by photojournalist Steve McCurry, and first published by National Geographic. This image was part of a commission to take photos of refugee camps along the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. When posted to National Geographic magazine, the image blew up, with many people the thought of a “beautiful female victim” for “image-conscious, voyeuristic America” (p. 83) To finish off the lecture, we are left with the question of is this image for witnessing and charity, or exploitation and voyeurism? I personally believe that this picture was taken for both in some ways. Because the picture became popular more people were interested in the situation that the girl was in, which I believe was the original purpose of the commission. However, there wasn't a need to take a picture of a twelve-year-old girl's face.
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McCurry, S. (1985). Afghan Girl. National Geographic . National Geographic . Retrieved September 18, 2022, from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/.
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lobotomizedskull · 3 years
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queerism1969 · 3 years
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champagneproblemes · 3 years
One single person in western countries get hurts and boom hashtags and essays are on the way but in Middle East poor Middle East every day people go through hell and it’s all because of countries like US and their invasions and nobody cares. Mostly children and women are dying and getting raped and nobody cares. Afghanistan is going through hell and Taliban are ruining cities one after another and forcing little kids to marry them. This needs to be in every news and every platform. Nations should help them. Everybody should be talking about this but i guess it’s not that important just thousands of Middle Eastern dying and forcing to leave their own country and bunch of little kids being force to marry rapists and that’s all nothing for others to worry about……..
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tomraineysworld · 3 years
This breaks my heart 💔
#AfghanWomen #TalibanTakeover #Afghan_lives
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larriestyless · 3 years
USA Equipment Left Behind After Biden Retreating USA Troops.
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U S S.R like an elephant whose legs captured countries from north Koriya to Vietnam war U.S.S.R defeated America many times but in Afgan war he not only loose the war but loose the alk occupied territories . Afgan again proved that Afganistan is the graveyard of world powers. U.S.S.R. army established their head quarters near U.S.S.R. border area two sides they surrounded by forrest one side…
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mountainebony · 3 years
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