#affection spam
schnuffel-danny · 2 years
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Another MsPaint drawing :3c Really surprised with the positive response to the last one! Thanks everyone :D
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galedekarios · 3 months
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"When it was dark, you always carried the sun in your hand for me."
—Seán O'Casey
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livvylubug · 3 months
Are the AD team still on Copper 9?
Nope! They’re currently in space heading towards their objective, finding the absolute solver, and destroying it.
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what-aboutno · 2 months
It's crazy that in early maze days cOwen mentions he doesn't know first aid and he doesn't know how to fish. Like how did you survive as a soldier if you can't use the resources around you??
Also cOwen apperently not knowing hand to hand combat is insane. All his memories after the reunion show him fighting close up, and most of his kills later are close up too. I guess you could say that he remembers this stuff later on but it's still really funny to think about.
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moeblob · 18 days
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You know, sometimes you just play an otome and go "that's my son" and then he's the mom of the group. It just happens like that sometimes.
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sky-squido · 8 months
i, like every other fic author in existence, love getting comments from people who enjoyed my work. i don't care if your comment is "late" (that's so weird to me like it's literature—do you apologize to homer for being late to reading the odyssey?) or "unintelligible" (late night commenters, english language learners, people who feel like they "just aren't that good with words", believe me, i entirely understand what you mean and appreciate it immensely), or anything else that you feel might make your comment 'not good enough'. i love all of the comments i receive and i am eternally grateful to all of you for your continued support.
and yeah, i've read fics where i felt like adding a comment would be doing the fic a disservice because there was nothing that could be said that wouldn't cheapen or patronize the magnum opus i'd just witnessed. in instances like this, that is exactly what i say in the comment: "there's nothing i can say that doesn't do this work of art a disservice. thank you for writing this."
actually, now that i think about it, there are a bunch of ao3 comments i've gotten that i still haven't replied to because i felt any thanks i could give would be inadequate. i should really get around to replying because i want them to know how spellbound they left me. i love you all, have i ever mentioned that?
all of that being said, i would like to make a public service announcement!
at least under default settings, ao3 authors do get notified every time you edit a comment. i've accidentally hit send too early before, or realized i forgot something i wanted to say, i get it, i really do. i have edited many comments in my day.
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but you don't have to do this. really, it's okay. most of the time i honestly can't tell what the difference is. i'm not going to think worse of you for having typos in your comments because i guarantee that there were more in the fic you just read sfkljghsl
also these edits were over the course of twenty full minutes. i got another email while writing this post and had to update the image. please do not spend 20 minutes agonizing over your comment and changing the capitalization and adding a few words. it's okay, i promise. i love your comment, and i'm very very grateful for it, regardless of how "polished" it is. i'm not your english teacher in disguise.
tl;dr, i love you all and i hope you don't feel anxiety or a compulsion towards perfectionism in my ao3 comments section. i won't judge you, i promise <3
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e40536 · 10 months
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Your Potential.
Ok now for the lore, came up with most of this just thinking one night about the arrow:
The Requiem Arrow:
it can be activated just by simply cutting yourself with it or stabbing yourself with it (as we see done with Giorno.). However, there are a couple complications in doing this, it could work, you could get a requiem stand but it may result in your stand rejecting & acting against you, if you're not mentally strong enough to control it (Polnareff, prime example), if it doesn't work depending on how you use the arrow on yourself, like if you stabbed yourself, you could just die & that would be the end. Anyway, I was thinking about fugio & insecurities in their own selves & how that can bleed into their relationship, Giorno becoming mildly obsessed with strength & weakness. GER is like, no doubt, one of the most damn OP stands in Jojo, so it's not like he has to worry too much about himself, but he worries obsessively about his remaining loved ones not being able to protect themselves or he won't be there to protect them. As he believes he failed to do in Golden Wind, and this is especially protected onto fugo... SO i imagined like a big scene where Giorno pulls fugo in close & he's doting on him per usual, he tells Fugo how much he loves him and how much he wants him to be well & all, as he's talking to him he slowly pulls the arrow from his back and then stabs Fugo with the Arrow.
Giorno thinks he’s helping fugo "realize his potential", they're becoming "stronger together", Polpo with his test awakened Purple Haze in Fugo; and now Giorno wants to bring out something better.
The great thing about giving your hero an insane powerup is that you can make them addicted & dependant on them.
Some more food for thought:
Everything Giorno does is because it's what HE thinks is just & right, it's repeated over and over again that he fights for the dream he believes is just. But this, to him, is the first time he's done something out of love' he loves fugo, doesn't really care if what he's doing is the most 'just' way, he loves him and he wants him to be strong with him, even at the cost of what he thinks will be just a little pain, a little inconvenience. It’s for the overall good.
TLDR; giorno stabs fugo with the arrow in the name of love, whether Fugo survives it or not is…. Up to you?
Also, the fact that fugo was being held by Giorno, somewhere he feels safe & comforted, he feels loved in his arms. And when you get stabbed with the arrow, what manifests is what you desire most in that moment and… Heh hehe hehe.
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antii-me · 4 months
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sleepy angel fr 🤍🪽
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tripably · 2 months
my one complaint about the booping day is that now that it's over, all the notifications regarding it are gone too, and though I would finally have time to go through all the random blogs I interacted with massively but didn't immediately think to follow are now gone from recorded history )-:
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acetier · 1 year
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massive, self-indulgent elden ring art dump feat. varré and my tarnished, torin
he’s a lonely man of faith who finds himself slowly becoming disillusioned in said faith and succumbing to the Local Bad Influence (varré)
also wish you could bring your terrible little war surgeon with you when you become elden lord ,’:^)
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I may just be overly-anxious about online interactions, but do you ever get annoyed or frustrated when your blog gets spammed with likes? I feel like I may be guilty of this and I just want to make sure it's not annoying 🥲 I'm super hyperfixated on DC right now, especially Scarecrow and your blog is giving my brain so much material to work with! You also just pop up on my dash a lot lol.
Oh god no.
I live off interactions, likes count under that umbrella. Someone spam liking my content makes my day. It also makes the activity chart go wooo big number which makes monkey brain go BRRRRRR
I know other social media (insta I think?) is different and thus, people discourage spamming but tumblr is it's own beast. PLEASE SPAM ME
( I also encourage you to reblog and add tags if something really resonates with you, tags are a great way to show the OP love, even if it's a keysmash!)
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neon-draws-sometimes · 7 months
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(image ID: an ask from jaidonthemaidon which says “Hey if you know @/samijami he's a undertale and other artist and he's been accused of tracing art before but now he's stealing art and using them as commissions so tell your followers to steer clear of him”. the ask has been tinted blue. end ID)
Guys if you get an ask like this (probably will be on anon because people are catching on) don’t respond, it’s a smear campaign. This blog is harassing the person they’re accusing and their friends and spreading false rumors about them
reminder to never spread these things without checking and that if you get an ask about drama there’s a high chance it’s an attempt to spread lies using your platform.
you can always copy and search the text to see if anyone else is getting the exact same message and if there’s any proof there
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goldheartedsky · 3 months
Okay, time for The Regime episode 2. Pray for me.
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mollykflood · 2 years
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TFW you’re basically a magpie and find an incredible listener to show off your many trinkets and bobbles to
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solivagantingrebel · 2 months
(down on one knee, holding a rose in my mouth and a candy ring in my hands) for you, moots, I will hover my mouse over the boop button for a few seconds to send a super boop.
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timeturner-jay · 2 months
haHA I did it! Just seconds before midnight hit! >:D
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