#adam fuller
academicelephant · 11 months
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Characters from left to right: Doc Hudson, Aragorn, Terminator, Captain Adam Fuller, Owen Grady, Yondu Udonta, Dr. Daniel Charles, Detective Alvin Olinsky and Merle Dixon
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on-21-jump-street · 7 months
On April 12th, 1987, we began our story. This page is dedicated to the impact we left behind.
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ragesingoddess · 2 years
(greywaren spoilers)
Hey, do you ever think about how Adam Parrish grew up believing that everything he ever wanted had to be painful for him to deserve it?? Ronan says this in the dream thieves: "Adam was so used to the right way being painful that he doubted any path that didn't come with agony." , and this mindset follows Adam into every decision that he makes for as long as we know him. In the dreamer trilogy we can see him clearly struggling with the weight of everything he's left behind because he has convinced himself so thoughtly that him being in misery is worth it because he prevents himself from feeling that way in the future. He's so wrapped up into this cycle of suffering because of a childhood he spent with the hope for the future being the only thing that could keep moving him forward. He hasn't had the chance to learn that being happy now is as important as being happy in the future because the future is never guaranteed in the first place. He backtracks so much in the dreamer trilogy; tries to convince himself he doesn't crave magic (he does), he doesn't miss Henrietta (he does), doesn't miss the Barns (he does), doesn’t miss his friends (he does), doesnt need his past (he does), doesn't love Ronan (he does) etc etc. He tries to convince himself to be happy at harvard even though he clearly doesn't like it, or at least doesn't like as much as he wanted to like it, because that's everything he's worked for and he doesn't know how to accept that maybe he was wrong. He doesn't allow himself to doubt his decision because that, in his mind, means that everything he fought for in the past, everything he gave away in order to achieve it, was for nothing (it wasn't.) This passage from greywaren; "Although life is unbearable now, and Adam Parrish has lost everything important to him in the present by pursing the things important to him in the past, he will be fine.", sums it up perfectly. And that's why the epilogue of greywaren makes me quite honestly foam at the mouth. Adam transfers colleges not once but twice! Gansey asks him if he would like to marry Ronan at some point and he says yes! Ronan offers him a ring and he wordlessly accepts it! He comes to realize that his happiness now matters more that the idea of happiness he has made up for himself, that he is allowed to change his mind, that not wanting the life he thought he did doesn't make him less worthy. He comes to realize that he deserves happiness and love and good things and that actually none of those have to be painfull.
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heartlandians · 6 months
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Heartland Season 17 you stole my whole ❤️. Ilan O’Driscoll you were an exquisite scene partner & road trip ride or die. Kristin Lehman, you directed such a beautiful episode. It was an honour to step into the circle with you and Charlotte Léa who is strength and grace personified, all while defying gravity. And Amber Marshall you put the heart in Heartland. Thank you, and Roseanna Bradshaw for holding and taking the proverbial and literal reins! 🐎 ❤️ Photos by: Natalie Brown
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21jumpstreet-x-reader · 8 months
Updated: 9/20/23
Tom Hanson
Tom Hanson Headcanons Pretty LadyPretty Girl w/ Pretty Boy Pretty Boy
Doug Penhall
Doug Penhall Headcanons
Harry Truman [H.T.] Loki
Judy Hoffs
Dennis Brooker
Pretty Girl w/ Pretty Boy
Captain Adam Fuller
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nofatclips · 1 year
Spineless by Nick Lutsko - Directed by Justin Cipriani
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confinesofmy · 8 months
season 2 episode 8 su-zakana most hannibal episode of all time!!! the villains being a social worker and a psychiatrist (and former doctor), our main character identifying with a mentally disabled man which most shows would either never do or do in a saccharine/condescending way, hannibal and will finally talking frankly about their relationship to each other, and our closing shot being hannibal cupping will's face saying "with all my knowledge and intrusion, i could never entirely predict you. i can feed the caterpillar, and i can whisper through the chrysalis, but... what hatches follows its own nature and is beyond me. :3c"
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ashmp3 · 7 months
thanks to miss zaynab i’ve been now compared to 4 VS angels which is of course very flattering but also just tells me i need to learn how to do bouncy blow out asap!!! 🥱
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theriddlesoflife · 2 years
I cannot stress enough how hard this goes
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badmovieihave · 1 year
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Bad movie I have Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed 2008
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academicelephant · 11 months
I love it how both Holly Robinson and Steven Williams have had a role in One Chicago
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sorbet-and-gelato · 2 years
A test with Up and Adam,, I might do some more but leaving it at this for now (the song is a snippet from BlackBoxWarrior – OKULTRA by Will Wood)
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hitchell-mope · 3 months
Very funny movie. Cheesy. But funny.
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ulrichgebert · 6 months
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Als wir hier im Theater All About Eve anschauten, schrieb ich, daß ich mir wünschte, es würde mal jemand die Musicalfassung Applause spielen, oder wenigstens das Video restaurieren. Das ist jetzt nicht passiert, aber immerhin hat mal eine freundliche Person eine leidlich ordentliche (zumindest verglichen mit der ganz fürchterlichen, die wir bisher hatten) Kopie der Fernsehverfilmung auf Youtube gestellt. Es ist very 70es, mit herrlich eingängigen und groovigen Melodien von Annie-Komponist Charles Strouse und Lauren Bacall ist natürlich ganz fabelhaft. Wie schon bei Bette Davis hat man allerdings wieder Zweifel dran, daß das Stück mit Eve wirklich besser ist, und noch schöner wäre es wahrscheinlich mit Len Cariou statt seinem Ersatzmann Larry Hagman geworden. Aber wir wollen jetzt mal nicht quengeln, und womöglich restauriert es ja irgendwann doch noch jemand.....
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cathygeha · 6 months
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Norse Mythology by Kelsey A. Fuller-Shafer PHD
The Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes Handbook
From Vikings to Valkyries, An Epic Who’s Who in Old Norse Mythology
Beautifully illustrated, well-written, easy to follow look into a topic I have always wanted to know more about. This book is one that cannot be read and remembered in its entirety in one sitting…not if you want to know all the characters and how they fit into the world they inhabit. I can see myself adding this book to my mythology collection and returning to it often till I am sure I know who is who in this pantheon and what each of their stories is.
The first section of this book deals with the WHAT of Norse Mythology and where the information comes from. As with the Bible, the stories were written down after a long history of narrative telling and not first hand historical recordings. I learned what Vikings really were and what era they pirated about in and then learned more about Norse vs Scandinavian and a few other tidbits. This section included the creation myth, talked about the nine realms and their relation to the Life Tree, and discussed Ragnarok as the destruction myth.
Section two introduced the Aesir and Vanir – Gods and Goddesses of the Pantheon. Here I learned that immortality was not a given and that these entities had quite a few rather human issues to contend with, too. They lived higher up in the realm on the tree than others
Section three brings in the Jotun (Giants) and other villains or antagonists that play parts in the stories found in this mythology.
Section four finishes off with human heroes and a bit about each one that made it into the book. I was most interested in King Harald because I have been reading about him recently and also wanted to read about Egil One-Hand as I wanted to see if this might be related to Otto of the Silver Hand that I read long ago. My take on Egil and Otto was that they both lost a hand and came up with a way to make a device to use in place of the hand that was no more there.
Each section’s characters are easily found with the name at the top of the page, alternative names they were known by, what they were known for-alternative translations, and who they were related to. Characters sections also included what was important about them and a section on what one should remember about them. A the end of the book there is a list for further reading and an index.
I enjoyed this book and thank NetGalley and Simon & Schuster – Adams Media for the ARC.
5 Stars
Discover the gods, goddesses, and heroes from Norse mythology with this beautiful handbook that captures the ancient stories that captivated the Vikings. Learn more about your favorite Norse gods, goddesses, and heroes with this collection of profiles that share the real stories behind the characters. With characters from Norse myths coming to life on the big and small screens, and in the pages of new and exciting fiction, this guide can give you all the details you need to understand your favorite heroes, villains, and powerful deities. With comprehensive entries that outline each character’s names, roles, related symbols, and foundational myths, you can get to know the roots of these personas, and better understand the new stories we tell about them today.
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