#ernie appleby
hitchell-mope · 4 months
Very funny movie. Cheesy. But funny.
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augment-techs · 29 days
Character asks: farkas bulkmeier
favorite thing about them: He is loyal to an absolute fault when it comes to Skull and anything he's doing or has ever done, but I also quite like that he can admit when he's wrong and shows excitement for things that most people would cringe and avoid. And he is a GOOD MAN.
least favorite thing about them: First season of live action MMPR was not his shining hour, second season was little better, but I can largely chalk that up to the writers of the time having not a scintilla of an idea what it actually MEANS to be Punk. And in the comics, it's the way he did bully Billy, but...for some reason it felt like he had a justification for that in a fucked up way? Keeping him away from Skull, basically. Also his knee-jerk reaction to literally any possible relationship Skull seemed to get into and that weird pseudo-rivalry with Brady...but that's getting better.
favorite line: .....oh boy. Coinless Bulk, in the Ranger Slayer One-Shot: Alright, stop it! If you're gonna hurt her, you're gonna have to hurt me first! Mighty Morphin #4: I knew this was gonna happen! I knew he'd end up falling in love with you, then eventually you'd get bored, break his heart, and I'd get stuck putting that skinny dork back together. MMPR #46: ...I am so angry.
brOTP: Bulk & Skull. They literally created two or three TV Tropes. Like this wasn't obvious.
OTP: Depends on the universe. In live action... I dunno. In the Coinless universe, Bulk/Kim, in GGPR it's Bulk/Jason. In the general timeline, I'm not too picky.
nOTP: Not Ernie, not Adelle, not Miss Appleby.
random headcanon: His parents are LOADED, he was conceived as a term of their marriage agreement, and they basically ignore him; which is why he has slight self-esteem issues.
unpopular opinion: He could make a perfectly lovely partner to literally anyone--and that includes every single member of the og MMPR team. And he's good in bed.
song i associate with them: Holding Out For a Hero; the Shrek 2 cover.
favorite picture of them: ....is this a joke?
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sitp-recs · 2 years
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Hidden Gems by @lqtraintracks
Happy happy birthday LQT! You’ve been a dear friend for some time, and a gem of an author I’ve admired for even longer. After many recs and lists I loved the challenge of coming up with new ideas to celebrate you! I hope this little gift makes your smile. I am particularly proud of this banner btw - not that anyone asked but my inspiration (beyond the shining gems) was LQT’s connection to music, my love for the brilliant and breathtaking Teddy/Bill & Teddy/James like the lost lyrics of a song suddenly remembered (watch me sneakily adding recs that didn’t make to this list!!’) and also, I love how guitar aesthetics resemble feminine curves which is of course a subtle nod to LQT’s equally brilliant and sexy femslash catalogue. Thank you for being you, this warm, passionate and gentle soul, for being such a role model in this fandom and a caring, generous friend! We’re all lucky to have you here 💜
As everyone knows LQT is incredibly prolific and talented, and there’s SO MUCH to explore in their catalogue. I want to highlight a few short fics that didn’t get a lot of buzz over the years that I personally love and might have gone under most people’s radar, including both Drarry and rare pairs of course. Here’s a mix of tropes and ships that showcase their brilliant mind and versatility, not to mention the inimitable talent for self-indulgent smut!!! No one explores pleasure + tender vulnerability in PWPs like LQT and I’m sure everyone will be able to find something kinky special to meet their tastes. Don’t forget to give these shorts some love, and feel free to reblog this adding your own LQT favorites!
Into You Like a Bludger (E, 500 words) - one of the best drabbles I’ve ever read, so much character and story within 500 words! Watch smitten Draco finally get what he wants deserves through everyone’s knowing eyes.
Everybody knows that Draco wants Harry loves the Appleby Arrows.
Finite Incantatem (E, 1.8k) - I live for this brand of fuck buddies with banter!!! Scorching hot with delightful dialogue, plus bondage and come play, we love to see it!!
Quidditch star, Harry Potter; Auror, Draco Malfoy; alcohol. Is it any wonder they can't keep their hands mouths off each other?
Duel (E, 2.2k) - I’m a simple woman who cannot resist this delicious combo of Headmaster Harry, shower sex and armpit kink okay 😳 here’s peak humor, intense fucking and sweet vulnerability underneath it all, as per!
Harry is headmaster of Hogwarts. The last thing he needs is yet another Malfoy obsession running his life. He needs his work and his wanking, and he'll be fine.
On Your Way (M, 2.4k) - one of my favourite comfort fics, soft lovers reunited and all that tenderness and sweet domesticity I love so much! Auror Harry, Professor Draco, Headmistress Hermione, love this life for them!
Draco waits for Harry to return from an Auror mission.
Make Whole the Ruined (E, 2.6k) - scar worship my beloved! A poignant and gorgeous Draco POV, really lovely characterization and scorching smut feat. bondage and spanking as we deserve!
How to explain that even though they'd never offered me any sensation before, good or bad, when Potter touches them, I'm electrified with the possibilities?
Rare pairs:
Worth It (E, 1k) - jfc exhibitionist Narcissa fucking all the young dudes at the Knight Bus under Ernie’s hungry gaze is so much hotter than I imagined, this is sinful🔥
Narcissa likes to slum it on the Knight Bus during the summer months when all those delectable boys are out of Hogwarts. At least, I think that's what's going on; it's all Ern pov. Cw: underage
Anything to Hide (T, 1.1k) - love this Harry/Teddy, superb 1st person POV, pining Harry, so much UST and longing I can barely breathe, plus a hopeful ending!
Harry struggles to be a good godfather on the 9 3/4. Cw: underage
Afterimage (E, 1.7k) - LQT made me see Ginny/Ron in a whole new light with Where Does It Hurt? and Afterimage just intensified the blow with unexpected devastation and melancholy. There’s heat, desperation and heartbreak all mixed with the irresistible wrongness of it all, yum!
Ron comes home drunk (again); Ginny takes care of him. Again. Cw: incest, drunk sex
90 Seconds (E, 1.8k) - sweet and delicious Harry/Teddy est relationship, I am obsessed with this playful Teddy teasing Harry in front of everyone! So very tender, extra bonus points for hot metamorphmagus sex!!!
It's Harry's birthday, and Teddy has teased him one too many times.
Rites of Passage (E, 2k) - a gorgeous and sexy string of little vignettes exploring Hermione & Millie’s relationship as they experience sex and feelings. Perfect storytelling, satisfying emotional arc and a lovely Millie voice!
Millicent and Hermione start an affair during eighth year.
Sirius' Mark (E, 2k) - one of my fave dirtybadwrong Sirry fics, deliciously kinky and emotionally devastating. A complex and brilliant exploration of how past relationships can haunt and define our lives forever. Endgame Drarry
They may only be together a few months, but the mark Sirius leaves on Harry's life will last. Cw: underage, MCD
Meant to Last (E, 2.4k) - incredibly hot Ron/Pansy with excellent smut and superb characterization, I love their voices and the intense heat, not to mention the gorgeous ending! Background Drarry as a treat
She was brutal in her love and in her hatred. God help whoever became the object of either one.
Sugar Wanna Kill Me Yet (E, 3k) - I don’t read Draco/Teddy often but this one is so excellent! I love their secret affair, the dynamics and the subtle angst explored through the metamorphmagus sex. That belt fastening scene still lives rent free in my mind…
This is their dance. This is their push and pull. This is how they move through life: Testing the people that purport to love them. Filling in the gaps. Looking for what's missing. Picking up the pieces. And what a fucking hot piece Draco has found in Teddy.
Nipple Clamps and Cinnamon Buns (E, 4.5k) - oof hands down one of the hottest Sirry fics I’ve ever read, kinky and tender with delicious wall sex, very creative sex toys and voyeur Remus, yes please!!!
In which Sirius is horny, Remus is scandalized, Harry is sort of caught in the middle, and everyone else is oblivious. Happy Christmas! Cw: underage
Like Love Itself (E, 5.3k) - superb angsty Al/James that hits me right in the feels. The devotion! The yearning! A sexy, tender and melancholy look into the tragedy that is falling in love with the one you love the most, a story only made possible due to LQT’s heartfelt and delicate writing.
Albus has spent his whole life chasing after James. It never occurred to him James might want to be caught.
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rainbowjay20 · 2 years
So did anyone else watch Roswell, NM finale? I was a bit disappointed in the Liz/Max ending. Did no one think of sending Liz to Oasis? She is a scientist and even if she somewhat forgetful, who wouldn't want to go to an alien world? Also they may need what's left of her ingenuity to help stop the imminent world apocalypse.
And before anyone adds, "But what about all the other stuff like, Can she survive there or is the food edible or the water potable?" Obviously the alien race that inhabits Oasis is carbon based and close enough to humanity that they were able to cross-breed(in many-many instances!).
My other comment on the final(although it happened previously too) was the scenes with Liz and Sheri Appleby are disconcerting. They hurt my head.
Overall, the series was good. Some characters had better development then the original. I understand why they made all the choices they made and all the changes from the original as well. I liked the original but I liked this version as well. I think some things were thrown in at the end that either weren't well developed or added to help round into the falling action and trigger the denouement. As in the original, the series was not on long enough to fully develop the plot. It is a shame this happens so often.
Here's fingers crossed for Ernie Hudson and the Quantum Leap Remake/Reboot?
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ashleybenlove · 4 years
This episode ends on a food fight because Bulk and Skull, and Mrs. Appleby pies her boss, the Principal Caplan.
Also, this is so rude to Ernie, who owns and runs the Juice Bar. 
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
October 13, 1904
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Bennett Green was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, on October 13, 1904. He is primarily remembered as Desi Arnaz’s camera and lighting stand-in on “I Love Lucy” but also frequently appeared on camera. 
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His first screen appearance was uncredited, in the Universal serial Raiders of Ghost City (1944). 
His first appearance on TV was in the “I Love Lucy” episode, “The Audition” (ILL S1;E6), just six weeks after its premiere mid-October 1951.  He went on to appear in at least 22 episodes (probably more), nearly always as a messenger or deliveryman, and most times uncredited. Sometimes he would have a line of dialogue. Here are some notable appearances: 
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In “Breaking the Lease” (ILL S1;E18) Green played a scruffy bum at Ricky’s late-night living room concert, while Hazel Pierce (Lucille Ball’s stand-in) looks over his shoulder. 
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In “Pregnant Women Are Unpredictable” (ILL S2;E11), Green plays a Deliveryman bringing Lucy a heart-shaped box of chocolates. This time he wears a mustache to look slightly different.  Lucy doesn’t bother to tip!  
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Green was the orderly who apprehends a wild native witch doctor (aka Ricky) when “Lucy Goes To The Hospital” (ILL S2;E16).
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In order to patch things up between Lucy and Ricky (who he believes are feuding) Fred orders Lucy some flowers from Ricky with the help of Pete the florist played by Bennett Green in “The Black Eye” (ILL S2;E20).  Green is finally given a character name!  
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In “Sentimental Anniversary” (ILL S3;E16), Green and Hazel Pierce (Lucy’s stand-in) are first through the door for the surprise party planned by the Mertzes. Little do they know the Ricardos are celebrating in the closet!  
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In “The Matchmaker” (ILL S4;E4), Green is a Western Union messenger who delivers a telegram to announce that Dorothy 'Spider’ and Sam 'Fly’ have decided to tie the knot!  
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Green and Hazel Pierce (behind Lucy) are dining in the Brown Derby booth next to William Holden in “Hollywood at Last!” (ILL S4;E16). 
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During “The Fashion Show” (ILL S4;E20), Green appears in two different places at the same time: he is in front at the right of the stairs where the clothes are modeled, and he is also sitting behind Ethel at the back of the room!  Busy Bennett!
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When “Ricky Sells the Car” (ILL S5;E4), Green delivers the train tickets that cause lots of confusion between the Ricardos and Mertzes. 
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In “Homecoming” (ILL S5;E6), Green and Hazel Pierce are among the neighbors welcoming the Ricardos and Mertzes home from Hollywood. When their cab pulls up to 623 East 68th Street, Green is wearing one of Ricky’s jackets!  Camera and lighting stand-ins were required to be the same height and body size as the actors, even though they may not resemble them. They were not doubles, but stand-ins. 
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In “Lucy Meets Bob Hope” (ILL S6;E1), Lucy must convince the Yankee Stadium hot dog vendor (Green with a mustache) to swap clothes with her, which he does!  
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Staying with the series to the very end, Green was in the crowd when “The Ricardos Dedicate a Statue” (ILL S6;E27) at Westport’s Yankee Doodle Dandy Day!
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In 1959, when Lucy and Desi (as the Ricardos) turned up on “The Danny Thomas Show”, Bennett Green was in the background!  Needless to say, “Lucy Upsets the Williams Household” and causes chaos at Orbachs!
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Having been present in the last scene of the half hour series, Bennett was also in the last scene of the hour-long series, the last time we see the Ricardos and Mertzes in April 1960, “Lucy Meets the Mustache” (LDCH S3;E3) starring Ernie Kovacs. 
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In 1961, Green did two episodes of CBS’s “Angel”, a show filmed at Desilu Studios. In one, he acted opposite Doris Singleton (aka Caroline Appleby). The short-lived series was created by Jess Oppenheimer. 
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In October 1962, while Lucille Ball was premiering “The Lucy Show”, Green made a single appearance on Desilu’s “Fair Exchange” starring Eddie Foy Jr. and Victor Maddern. The series was best known for the debut of Judy Carne. 
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When Lucille Ball finally returned to network television with “The Lucy Show” she employed Green as a background performer in at least ten episodes, probably more.  
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When “Lucy Goes To Art Class” (TLS S2;E15), one of her classmates is Bennett Green. The instructor was played by John Carradine.  
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During the run of “The Lucy Show” Lucille Ball presented a 1964 special titled “The Lucille Ball Comedy Hour” aka “Mr. and Mrs.” in which Bennett Green played a member of the board of directors of Consolidated Pictures; Lucy is President. 
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He was a supermarket checker in “Lucy and Joan” (TLS S4;E4), where the Joan of the title was not Crawford, but Bennett!  
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It’s a reunion of sorts when both Green and Hazel Pierce turn up as guests at a dude ranch in “Lucy the Rain Goddess” (TLS S4;E15). 
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When “Lucy Bags a Bargain” (TLS S4;E17) Green and Mrs. Carmichael both get to the sales table too late!  Sold out! 
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When Lucy gets on the jury of a daytime drama (with Jane Kean) in “Lucy and the Soap Opera” (TLS S4;E19), Bennett Green is the jury foreman!  
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When “Lucy Goes To A Hollywood Premiere” (TLS S4;E20), Mr. Mooney went as the guest of Mr. Albertini (Bennett Green) a fellow banker.  They are interviewed on the red carpet while Lucy is disguised as an usher! 
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Bennett is ‘behind the camera’ when “Lucy Puts Main Street on the Map” (TLS S5;E18). 
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When “Lucy Sues Mooney” (TLS S6;E12) Bennett Green appears as the Medical Attendant who wheels Lucy into court. 
Ironically, Green’s final appearance on “The Lucy Show” in “Mooney’s Other Wife” (TLS S6;E18) is as a Western Union telegram messenger, just as he was 15 years earlier on “I Love Lucy.”
After “The Lucy Show” Green retired from show business, never appearing in “Here’s Lucy” or any other show.  He died on September 8, 1982 at age 77.  
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fromthe-point · 5 years
ECHL Transactions - Mar. 01
Adirondack Thunder: Arthur Brey, G || signed contract, added to active roster Alex Fotinos, G || signed ATO, added to active roster Jake Linhart, D || returned from loan to Utica (AHL) Alex Sakellaropoulos, G || placed on reserve
Allen Americans: Riley Bourbonnais, F || loaned to Iowa (AHL) Alex Breton, D || loaned to Springfield (AHL) Mitch Maloney, F || activated from reserve Alex Ranger, F || activated from injured reserve
Atlanta Gladiators: Jake Flegel, D || placed on injured reserve (effective 02.03) Luke Stork, F || placed on reserve Brandon Troock, F || activated from injured reserve Joshua Victor, D || signed contract, added to active roster; placed on reserve
Florida Everblades: Patrick Bajkov, F || assigned by Springfield (AHL) Liam Bilton, F || added to active roster (traded from Orlando) Ernie Hartlieb, F || signed contract, added to active roster Brandon McMartin, D || claimed off waivers from Atlanta
Fort Wayne Komets: Garrett Clarke, D || placed on reserve Oskari Halme, D || signed contract, added to active roster Cody Sol, D || placed on injured reserve (effective 02.21)
Indy Fuel: Zeb Knutson, F || activated from reserve Logan Nelson, F || activated from reserve Mathew Thompson, F || placed on reserve Reggie Traccitto, D || suspended by team [02.27] Brett Welychka, F || assigned by Rockford (AHL)
Jacksonville IceMen: Ken Appleby, G || recalled by Manitoba (AHL) Eli Lichtenwald, F || placed on injured reserve (effective 02.16) Lional Mauron, F || signed ATO, added to active roster Chris Rygus, D || placed on reserve Denis Tsaruk, G || added as EBUG Justin Woods, D || assigned by Manitoba (AHL)
Kalamazoo Wings: Ivan Kulbakov, G || assigned by Utica (AHL)
Kansas City Mavericks: Brett Beauvais, D || placed on reserve Ben Halford, G || returned from loan to San Antonio (AHL) Brayden Sherbinin, D || activated from reserve
Maine Mariners: Domenic Graham, G || signed contract, added to active roster Brycen Martin, D || placed on injured reserve (effective 02.23)
Manchester Monarchs: Pavel Jenys, F || activated from injured reserve
Newfoundland Growlers: Semyon Babintsev, F || placed on reserve Josh Kestner, F || assigned by Toronto (AHL) Zach O’Brien, F || assigned by Toronto (AHL)
Reading Royals: Jack Riley, F || activated from reserve
South Carolina Stingrays: Cameron Askew, F || placed on reserve Miles Liberati, D || added to active roster (traded from Indy)
Toledo Walleye: Mike Moffat, D || signed contract, added to active roster Charlie O’Connor, F || activated from reserve Connor Schmidt, D || placed on reserve Charlie Topping, F || placed on reserve
Wichita Thunder: Dillon Donnelly, D || activated from reserve Colin Larkin, F || activated from reserve Mark MacMillan, F || placed on reserve Keoni Texeira, D || loaned to Springfield (AHL)
Worcester Railers: Ross Olsson, F || signed ATO, added to active roster [02.28]
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A model showing how the Muppet Performers performed the wedding scene in The Muppets Take Manhattan. Interesting Note: Here's a list of the Muppet Character Guests (in alphabetical order) Animal, Agnes Stonewick, Baby Band, Baskerville the Hound, Beaker, Bears, Beauregard, Bert, Beth Bear, Biff, Big Bird, Bill, Bobby Benson, Bubba, Bunsen Honeydew, Buster the Horse, Camilla, Chester Rat, Clementine, Cookie Monster, Count von Count, Crazy Harry, Deena, Dinger, Dr. Teeth, Droop, Elmo, Ernie, Fazoobs, Female Koozebanian Creature, Flower-Eating Monster, Floyd Pepper, Foo-Foo, Forcryingoutloud Bird, Forgetful Jones, Fozzie Bear, Gaffer, George the Janitor, Geri and the Atrics, Gil, Gonzo, Gramps, Grover, Grundgetta, Guy Smiley, Herry Monster, Hilda, Mr. Honker, Honkers, Juliet, Irvine, Janice, Slim Wilson, Jill, J.P. Grosse, Julius Strangepork, Lew Zealand, Louis Kazagger, Link Hogthrob, Lips, Lothar, Lou, Lubbock Lou, Luncheon Counter Monster, Mahna Mahna, Male Koozebanian Creature, Marvin Suggs, Masterson Rat, Maurice Monster, Mildred, Mrs. Appleby, Newsman, Oscar the Grouch, Pearl, Penguins, Pigs, Pops, Quongo, Rizzo the Rat, Robin the Frog, Rowlf the Dog, Sam the Eagle, Scooter, Sherlock Hemlock, Simon Soundman, Slim Wilson, The Snowths, Sully, The Swedish Chef, Tatooey Rat, Telly Monster, Two-Headed Monster, Uncle Deadly, Uncle Traveling Matt, Whaddayasay Bird, The White Rabbit, Yolanda Rat, Zeke, Zoot
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allwomentours · 4 years
Callaway Golf Tour Pros and the Clubs They Play
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The 40 or so men and women tour professionals on the Callaway Golf staff come from the world's premier professional golf tours, including the PGA Tour, European PGA Tour, LPGA Tour, Nationwide Tour and Champions Tour.
They are elite players with extremely high standards. Who are they, and which Callaway clubs do they play?
A few are spotlighted below, followed by a complete listing of Callaway Golf tour professionals.
Phil Mickelson
Callaway Golf tour pro Phil Mickelson is currently the No. 2 ranked player in the world, having amassed 34 PGA Tour wins, including three majors. Here's something you may not know about Phil: golf is the only thing he does left-handed. The pro known as "Lefty" began the game as a left-hander so he could mirror his dad's right-handed swing during practice. Learn more all women tours
"I've been using this Diablo fairway wood," Phil said recently about the new Big Bertha Diablo Series. "This is the best fairway wood I've ever hit."
In Phil's Bag:
FT-9 Driver Big Bertha Diablo Fairway Woods Tour Authentic X-Prototype Irons 5-9 X-Forged Irons 3-4 White Hot XG #9 Putter Ernie Els Callaway Golf tour pro Ernie Els competes globally and has won 48 worldwide titles, including three majors. Nicknamed "The Big Easy" for his long, fluid golf swing, the 6'3" Els was a consummate athlete in his youth, excelling in rugby, tennis, cricket and other sports.
Like Phil Mickelson, when it comes to Callaway drivers, The Big Easy swings the FT-9 Driver. Ernie also favors Tour Authentic X-Prototype Irons.
In Ernie's Bag:
FT-9 Driver X Fairway Woods Tour Authentic X-Prototype Irons 3-9 Tour Milled 1 Putter Annika Sorenstam To say that Callaway Golf tour pro Annika Sorenstam is the greatest female golfer of all time is no stretch. Annika, now retired from tour competition, collected 72 LPGA Tour wins (including 10 majors) in her Hall-of-Fame career. She is also the only woman to fire a 59 in a tour event.
Known for her precision play, Annika has played Callaway irons throughout her career. She currently plays two models: Tour Authentic X-Prototype Irons and X-18 Irons.
In Annika's Bag:
FT-5 Driver X Fairway Woods Tour Authentic X-Prototype Irons 7-9 X-18 Irons 4-6 White Hot XG 2-Ball Putter Graeme McDowell Callaway Golf tour pro Graeme McDowell is an up-and-coming player on the European PGA Tour who has won four times and was a member of the 2008 European Ryder Cup team. The Irishman played collegiate golf at the University of Alabama, where he was ranked No. 1 in the United States and won an amazing six of 12 college tournaments.
In Graeme's Bag:
Fusion FT-3 Driver X Fairway Woods 15 X-Forged Irons 3-9 White Hot 7 Putter Gary Player Callaway Golf tour pro Gary Player is a living golf legend. Still active on the Champions Tour, the man nicknamed "The Black Knight" has won 163 tournaments worldwide and was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame in 1974. Gary also won nine majors in his illustrious career and is one of only a few players to achieve the career Grand Slam, winning the Masters, U.S. Open, British Open and PGA Championship by the age of 29.
In Gary's Bag:
FT-5 Driver Steelhead III Fairway Wood 4+ Steelhead Plus Fairway Wood Heavenwood Hybrids X Hybrids X-Tour Irons 6-9 Tri Hot 3 Putter Complete List of Callaway Tour Pros PGA Tour Stuart Appleby Cameron Beckman Notah Begay III Olin Browne Ernie Els J.J. Henry Fredrik Jacobson Danny Lee Rocco Mediate Phil Mickelson James Oh Nicholas Thompson
LPGA Tour Sandra Gal Vicky Hurst Leta Lindley Morgan Pressel Momoko Ueda
European PGA Tour Thomas Bjorn Michael Campbell Nick Dougherty Niclas Fasth Alastair Forsyth Stephen Gallacher Anton Haig Thongchai Jaidee Michael Lorenzo-Vera Graeme McDowell Alexander Noren Alvaro Quiros Robert Rock Marcel Siem Oliver Wilson
Nationwide Tour Bubba Dickerson Nick Flanagan
Champions Tour Mark McNulty Gary Player Eduardo Romero
Golf Icons David Leadbetter Johnny Miller Arnold Palmer Annika Sorenstam Justin Timberlake
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jobinterviewghost · 4 years
Adam Scott tames leading players for 14th US career win|The West Australian
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Adam Scott credits the current thrilling home Presidents Cup contest for a record-setting start to 2020 by Australians on the US PGA Tour.Scott's two-stroke success in the Genesis Invitational in Los Angeles was the third win for an Aussie in 7 tournaments played this year, following Cameron Smith's Sony Open win in Hawaii and Marc Leishman's triumph at Torrey Pines in California.It is the fastest Australians have built up three wins in a calendar year, overtaking the 2005 season when Stuart Appleby, Scott and Geoff Ogilvy had each won a United States trip title by February 27. A big factor, Scott states, is that he, Leishman and Smith were all associated with the white-hot competition of the biennial Presidents Cup clash with the United States at Royal Melbourne in early December.Although their
International group came up simply brief of a drought-breaking win, losing 6-14 to Tiger Woods-led Team USA, Scott thinks the global competition can raise a golf enthusiast to another level. "I think it's something
that happened from that Presidents Cup and it's not surprising,"Scott said."I've seen it before with some men off the back of an amazing Presidents Cup experience."When there's pressure out on the golf course and guys truly find out and elevate their games, they can put that into practice the next time they're in a pressure circumstance."Scott credits winning three points for Gary Player's Internationals at the 2003 Presidents Cup in South Africa for kick-starting his career.He won the elite Players Championship in March 2004 and never ever looked back."I understand I did that back in 2003, when we played in December in South Africa and I remember leading the Players Champion entering into Sunday but utilizing that pressure situation playing with Ernie( Els) as a way to know that I can manage it,"Scott said.Scott forecasted fellow citizen Jason Day, who withdrew from the Presidents Cup injured, might win soon for his very first United States Tour title in 20 months.Former world No. 1 Day completed fourth at the Pebble Beach Pro-Am two weeks back.
"It was certainly inspiration for me seeing Web cam and Marc win(in January)
so I desired to come out and make sure I'm not the one dragging, so over to you, Jason,"he joked.Adding to a terrific start to 2020, Australian triumphes on major tours this year likewise include Lucas Herbert winning the European Trip's elite Dubai Desert Classic, WA's Min Woo Lee taking the exact same tour's Vic Open, and Wade Ormsby winning the Asian Trip's Hong Kong Open.
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hitchell-mope · 4 months
Poor old Ernie.
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augment-techs · 1 year
Ernie: Favorite variations of that ‘live, love, laugh’ thing? I’m thinking of putting things up for the walls. Kim: Bed, bath, and beyond. Adam: Kiss, kick, kill. Rocky: Manipulate, mansplain, malewife. Zack: Gaslight, gatekeep, or girlboss. Trini: Outwit, outplay, outlast. Jason: Weep, wine, weaponize. Aisha: Queer, quote, queen. Tommy: Isolate, ignore, or Ibuprofen. Billy: Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Bulk: SLAY! SERVE! SURVIVE! Matt: Hero, himbo, and whore. Ernie: That doesn’t-- Skull (offering up a distraction once Matt realizes what he just said): Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. Ms. Appleby: …Just go with Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome, dear.
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ao3feed-trimberly · 7 years
truth will out (you)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ssqEUs
by andawaywego
Everything always comes out eventually. Even Trini and Kimberly.
[basically: Trini and Kim's blossoming relationship through the eyes of people who (mostly) don't matter]
Words: 7766, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Power Rangers (2017)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kimberly Hart, Trini Kwan, Jason Scott, Zack Taylor, Billy Cranston, Pearl Scott, Alpha 5, Harper, Ernie, Trini's Dad, Maddy Hart, Ms. Appleby
Relationships: Kimberly Hart/Trini Kwan, Kimberly Hart/Trini (Power Rangers 2017)
Additional Tags: Outside POV fic, Brief Language, Mild Sexual Content
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ssqEUs
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ao3feed-scorbus · 7 years
(Working title) The Trials of the Untested
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2s4rkEe
by Firebird24811
Next generation, sort of. Instead of taking place directly after the epilogue, this takes place twenty-five years later. Includes my head-canon OCs, Nicholas and Merritt Potter, because I wanted to write a story about Dudley's kids, couldn't see him having kids quite that soon, and wanted a Potter cousin to hang out with them. Nicholas and Merritt happened to be a package deal. -- Clemency and Ace Parker have always had strange things happen around them, but they've never thought much of it. Their father is loving but not very observant, and their mother believes that science has or will have an answer for everything. So when an owl brings their father a letter and a strange man--Uncle Harry--tells them they're wizards, they certainly don't expect their father to know what Uncle Harry is talking about, or for Mum to simply give in and send them off to a strange school called Hogwarts. And while it's scary at first, the two begin to settle in and feel like they've found their place in the world. Except things are happening in the wizarding world. Old feuds, underestimated enemies, and secret rivalries are all being opened up, all the while the fog rolls in...
Words: 1544, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Multi
Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Audrey Weasley, Percy Weasley, Angelina Johnson, George Weasley, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley, Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, Rubeus Hagrid, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott, Draco Malfoy, Teddy Lupin, Veta Cantor (OFC), Horace Slughorn, Geranium Spring (OFC), Aurora Sinistra, Trisana Thunderglass (OFC), Cuthbert Binns, Maria Legrange (OFC), Joan Riverbough (OFC), Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, Madison Cresswell (OMC), Oliver Wood, Charlie Weasley, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Nicholas Arthur Potter (OMC), Merritt Alexander Potter (OFC) (OTC), Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Rolf Scamander, Lorcan Scamander, Lysander Scamander, Fred Weasley II, Roxanne Weasley, Victoire Weasley, Dominique Weasley, Louis Weasley, Gillas Weasley (OMC), Iva Weasley (OFC), Genevre Weasley (OFC), William Weasley (OMC), Lowell Weasley (OMC), Molly Weasley II, Lucy Weasley, Benita Weasley (OFC), Irene Moore (OFC), Kenneth Moore (OMC), Arthur Moore (OMC), Samantha Moore (OFC), Jennifer Price (OFC), Urso Weasley (OMC?), Millie Silvent-Lee (OFC), Catherine Chang (OFC), Jasper Cedric Chang (OMC), Allison Mae Longbottom (OFC), Augustus Drake Longbottom (OMC), Franklin Henry Longbottom (OMC), Aliyah Bhatti (OFC), Felicity Jordan (OFC), Carlos Jordan (OMC), Sarah Kate Parish (OFC), Davina Gudgeon (OFC), Wilona Thomas-Finnigan (OFC), Ada Cresswell (OFC), Jacob Macmillan (OMC), Drew Macmillan (OMC), Theodore Macmillan (OMC), Bernice Nott (OFC), Sage Brown (OFC), Donna Brown (OFC), Sarah Vogel (OFC), Edith Rogers (OFC), Maureen Pool (OFC) (OTC), George Muley (OMC), Melisand Carrow (OFC), Ronan Carrow (OMC), Jarrod Yaxley (OMC), Laurel Parkinson (OFC), Adan Parkinson (OMC), Graham Fawley (OMC), Jaylon Flint (OMC), Oscar Flint (OMC), Terrance Flint (OMC), Robin Shacklebolt (OFC), Victor Shacklebolt (OMC), Elliot Shacklebolt (OMC), Eli Travors (OMC), Quincy Travors (OMC), Glen Travors (OMC), Conor Travors (OMC), Ruby Travors (OFC), Kelsie Travors (OFC), Cillian Travors (OMC), Jodie Travors (OFC), Devonta Appleby (OFC), Clyde Appleby (OMC), Quinn Goyle (OFC), Wulfric Goyle (OMC), Lynet Goyle (OFC), Ian Marshall (OMC), Dougal Marshall (OMC), Amelia Parker (OFC), Margaret "Peggy" Parker (OFC), Clemency Hestia Parker (OFC), Ace Daniel Parker (OMC), John "Jack" Parker (OMC)
Relationships: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Audrey Weasley/Percy Weasley, Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley, Angelina Johnson/George Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Arthur Weasley/Molly Weasley, Dudley Dursley/Original Female Character(s), James Sirius Potter/Original Female Character(s), Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood/Rolf Scamander, Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Cho Chang/Original Male Character(s), Hannah Abbott/Neville Longbottom, Katie Bell/Original Male Character(s), Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas, Original Male Character/Original Female Character, Ernie Macmillan/Original Female Character(s), Lavender Brown/Parvati Patil, Dudley Dursley/Amelia Parker (OFC)
Additional Tags: Harry Potter Next Generation, Adventure, Dudley Dursley Has a Magical Child, Well two actually, they're twins, and yes, He named one after Hestia, The Travors are a big family, They're not all siblings, They're just mostly cousins, Including the Applebys, Trying to focus on more background DE, Wizarding Culture, Harry is crazy rich, That was just his trust fund, The goblins don't like telling humans stuff, Unless absolutely needed, Professor Harry Potter, Because fuck that auror shit, Professor Neville Longbottom, Professor Draco Malfoy, Because Minerva is nice, The school is giant now, BAMF Minerva McGonagall, Because she's always BAMF, And a great headmistress, Minerva gets shit done, OCs - Freeform, Professor Teddy Lupin
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2s4rkEe
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ao3feed-deamus · 7 years
(Working title) The Trials of the Untested
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2s4rkEe
by Firebird24811
Next generation, sort of. Instead of taking place directly after the epilogue, this takes place twenty-five years later. Includes my head-canon OCs, Nicholas and Merritt Potter, because I wanted to write a story about Dudley's kids, couldn't see him having kids quite that soon, and wanted a Potter cousin to hang out with them. Nicholas and Merritt happened to be a package deal. -- Clemency and Ace Parker have always had strange things happen around them, but they've never thought much of it. Their father is loving but not very observant, and their mother believes that science has or will have an answer for everything. So when an owl brings their father a letter and a strange man--Uncle Harry--tells them they're wizards, they certainly don't expect their father to know what Uncle Harry is talking about, or for Mum to simply give in and send them off to a strange school called Hogwarts. And while it's scary at first, the two begin to settle in and feel like they've found their place in the world. Except things are happening in the wizarding world. Old feuds, underestimated enemies, and secret rivalries are all being opened up, all the while the fog rolls in...
Words: 1544, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Multi
Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Audrey Weasley, Percy Weasley, Angelina Johnson, George Weasley, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley, Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, Rubeus Hagrid, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott, Draco Malfoy, Teddy Lupin, Veta Cantor (OFC), Horace Slughorn, Geranium Spring (OFC), Aurora Sinistra, Trisana Thunderglass (OFC), Cuthbert Binns, Maria Legrange (OFC), Joan Riverbough (OFC), Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, Madison Cresswell (OMC), Oliver Wood, Charlie Weasley, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Nicholas Arthur Potter (OMC), Merritt Alexander Potter (OFC) (OTC), Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Rolf Scamander, Lorcan Scamander, Lysander Scamander, Fred Weasley II, Roxanne Weasley, Victoire Weasley, Dominique Weasley, Louis Weasley, Gillas Weasley (OMC), Iva Weasley (OFC), Genevre Weasley (OFC), William Weasley (OMC), Lowell Weasley (OMC), Molly Weasley II, Lucy Weasley, Benita Weasley (OFC), Irene Moore (OFC), Kenneth Moore (OMC), Arthur Moore (OMC), Samantha Moore (OFC), Jennifer Price (OFC), Urso Weasley (OMC?), Millie Silvent-Lee (OFC), Catherine Chang (OFC), Jasper Cedric Chang (OMC), Allison Mae Longbottom (OFC), Augustus Drake Longbottom (OMC), Franklin Henry Longbottom (OMC), Aliyah Bhatti (OFC), Felicity Jordan (OFC), Carlos Jordan (OMC), Sarah Kate Parish (OFC), Davina Gudgeon (OFC), Wilona Thomas-Finnigan (OFC), Ada Cresswell (OFC), Jacob Macmillan (OMC), Drew Macmillan (OMC), Theodore Macmillan (OMC), Bernice Nott (OFC), Sage Brown (OFC), Donna Brown (OFC), Sarah Vogel (OFC), Edith Rogers (OFC), Maureen Pool (OFC) (OTC), George Muley (OMC), Melisand Carrow (OFC), Ronan Carrow (OMC), Jarrod Yaxley (OMC), Laurel Parkinson (OFC), Adan Parkinson (OMC), Graham Fawley (OMC), Jaylon Flint (OMC), Oscar Flint (OMC), Terrance Flint (OMC), Robin Shacklebolt (OFC), Victor Shacklebolt (OMC), Elliot Shacklebolt (OMC), Eli Travors (OMC), Quincy Travors (OMC), Glen Travors (OMC), Conor Travors (OMC), Ruby Travors (OFC), Kelsie Travors (OFC), Cillian Travors (OMC), Jodie Travors (OFC), Devonta Appleby (OFC), Clyde Appleby (OMC), Quinn Goyle (OFC), Wulfric Goyle (OMC), Lynet Goyle (OFC), Ian Marshall (OMC), Dougal Marshall (OMC), Amelia Parker (OFC), Margaret "Peggy" Parker (OFC), Clemency Hestia Parker (OFC), Ace Daniel Parker (OMC), John "Jack" Parker (OMC)
Relationships: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Audrey Weasley/Percy Weasley, Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley, Angelina Johnson/George Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Arthur Weasley/Molly Weasley, Dudley Dursley/Original Female Character(s), James Sirius Potter/Original Female Character(s), Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood/Rolf Scamander, Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Cho Chang/Original Male Character(s), Hannah Abbott/Neville Longbottom, Katie Bell/Original Male Character(s), Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas, Original Male Character/Original Female Character, Ernie Macmillan/Original Female Character(s), Lavender Brown/Parvati Patil, Dudley Dursley/Amelia Parker (OFC)
Additional Tags: Harry Potter Next Generation, Adventure, Dudley Dursley Has a Magical Child, Well two actually, they're twins, and yes, He named one after Hestia, The Travors are a big family, They're not all siblings, They're just mostly cousins, Including the Applebys, Trying to focus on more background DE, Wizarding Culture, Harry is crazy rich, That was just his trust fund, The goblins don't like telling humans stuff, Unless absolutely needed, Professor Harry Potter, Because fuck that auror shit, Professor Neville Longbottom, Professor Draco Malfoy, Because Minerva is nice, The school is giant now, BAMF Minerva McGonagall, Because she's always BAMF, And a great headmistress, Minerva gets shit done, OCs - Freeform, Professor Teddy Lupin
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2s4rkEe
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
October 10, 1918
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Paul Dubov was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1918. He became a busy character actor appearing on radio, television, and films. His first film was Little Tough Guy (1938), one of the Dead End Kids movies. From 1942, he was a Universal contract player and was often found in the films of Samuel Fuller. He was seen on TV for the first time in April 1952 with an episode of “Gang Busters”. On radio, he was the second person to portray the title character on "The Adventures of Frank Race" (1949-1950). 
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Although Dubov never made a film with Lucille Ball, he did appear (uncredited) with William Frawley (Fred Mertz) in We’ve Never Been Licked (1943). 
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In October 1952 Dubov appeared on “I Love Lucy” in “The Handcuffs” (S2;E5). Dubov played Jerry, Ricky’s agent, a role usually played by Jerry Hausner. It is unclear whether this is supposed to be the same character and if so - why Hausner (who played the character subsequently) did not appear. 
This puts Dubov in a small group of actors who played “I Love Lucy” characters originated by another performer:
Little Ricky - originated by John Michael Ganzer, but played by the Simmons Twins, the Mayer Twins, and Keith Thibodeaux. 
Marion Strong - originated by Margie Liszt, assumed by Shirley Mitchell.
Charlie Appleby - originated by Hy Averback, assumed by George O’Hanlon.
Grace Munson - originated by Hazel Pierce, assumed by Ruth Brady. 
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In 1958, Dubov was seen on “The Westinghouse-Desilu Playhouse” in “The Night The Phone Rang” by Aaron Spelling starring Eddie Albert. Executive Producer Desi Arnaz introduced the story. 
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In 1959, "The Westinghouse-Desilu Playhouse” presented a two-part pilot for “The Untouchables.” In the pilot, Dubov played Jack Rossman. When the show was picked up for series, Dubov returned for three episodes, playing various characters from 1961 to 1962.  
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In 1960, Dubov was back with the Ricardos, this time as Crandall, Ernie Kovacs’ chauffeur in “Lucy and the Mustache” (LDCH S3;E3). In the episode, Lucy disguises herself as Crandall, who has a mustache, just like his boss. This was the last time America would see Lucy, Ricky, Fred, and Ethel.  Coincidentally, in September 1958, Dubov appeared on an installment “The Dinah Shore Chevy Show” in which Ernie Kovacs made a cameo appearance from the audience. Kovacs’ wife Edie Adams was co-hosting. 
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From 1959 to 1961 Dubov played the recurring character of Michel on Desilu’s “The Ann Sothern Show” in six episodes. Lucille Ball played Lucy Ricardo on the series in October 1959, although the episode did not include Dubov’s Michel. 
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From 1958 to 1962, Dubov appeared on “The Danny Thomas Show” seven times as 5 different characters. On his first two episodes he played a Maitre d’. In 1967 he played a Maitre d’ on “That Girl,” a series starring Thomas’ daughter, Marlo. “The Danny Thomas Show” was filmed on the Desilu lot and in late 1958 and early 1959, the Williams’ and the Ricardos’ made reciprocal appearances on each others’ shows. 
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In 1963 Dubov married screenwriter Gwen Bagni with whom he created the 1965 TV series "Honey West". In 1966, Dubov acted in an episode of the series. 
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In 1979, Dubov was nominated for an Emmy Award for writing the mini-series Backstairs at the White House. It lost to The Jericho Mile.  Dubov died 10 days later, on September 20, 1979, at age 60 of cancer. 
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