#ada being so close to evil. free my girl
kirkwall · 2 months
tag game 🫶 do this test and this picrew for ur oc!
tysm for tagging me fray!! im gonna do it for four of my children bc i literally could not choose rip
tagging @aloyssobek @camelliagwerm @tekehu if u feel like doing this <3
amrynn, he/they, ffxiv
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adaline, she/her, ffxiv
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rethan, they/them, bg3
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lorsan, he/him, bg3
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
Resident Evil 4
CLUELESS: Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader
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Summary: Five times they were sure they weren't dating and one time they weren't. OR: Luis, Ashley, Ada and Krauser having enough of how oblivious and clueless they are about their feelings.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
Warnings: swearing, violence, my Spanish (if I used something in the wrong context please feel free to tell me so I can improve), Luis being the number one fanboy and Ashley being best girl
Prince Charming and his señorita
"Tell me señorita, are you and Prince Charming a thing?"
She looked up at Luis with furrowed eyebrows, her face full of confusion. She examined his gestures and the way the muscles around his mouth moved, forming a small, knowing smirk.
"Why? You want to take me out on a date or something?" she asked, quickly falling for the assumption that all Luis wants is to know if she's single so he can continue his flirting, hoping the one liners will magically work.
But then again, she thought, he'd still do it without remorse.
So what does he really want with that question?
"I'd love to cariño, but not with a señorita who's already taken."
"I'm not. Do whatever you want with that information."
She turned away from him, continuing her search through the small villa in hopes of some extra ammunition. She opened a drawer, but found nothing other than some old photos.
"I don't believe you, cariño." Luis said, suddenly breaking the silence.
She slammed the drawer shut in frustration and looked at him, trying to keep her cool and not get annoyed at his antics. She took a deep breath to calm herself down.
She should've gotten used to his teasing by now, but it was impossible to do so. He always found something to talk about, question her about and annoy her about. And now that she was afraid her partner and the president's daughter got hurt in some way after they got seperated, Luis's teasing just crossed a line.
"Look, 'cariño', I don't know why you have to annoy me with literally everything all the time, but I'd appreciate it if you stopped." she pleaded slowly, hoping he'll just stop.
"Oh, there's nothing to feel ashamed of, mi vida. Love is a beautiful and natural thing." he continued on, as he leaned against the wall, looking at her with pure naught. "Besides, I'm sure our Yanqui feels the same way... Deep in love, you know, I'm sure it sounds familiar."
She turned away, this time to hide the slight blush that appeared on her face. Thinking about Leon like that made her stomach feel like it's doing acrobatics.
"No one looks at another person like that without being in love. And our Leon looks at you like tu eres todo su mundo."
She turned to look at him quickly, wanting to ask what he meant when he said that - and when Luis noticed her pink cheeks he just smirked.
"Aw, look at that blush! You for sure look you're not in love cariño."
"Shut up!"
"Really? You want me to? How will you let him know your feelings without my advice, ey?"
"Like I'd take your advice."
"I'm not saying you have to," Luis started to explain himself. "I'm just saying I'm your best option."
She just rolled her eyes shamelessly, but Luis didn't seem to care.
"Now- with a boy like our Leon, the best thing you can do in your situation is to make him j-"
She'll never know what he really wanted to say, because in the next second loud noises were coming from outside and both of them ran to the nearest window to figure out what was going on. The moment she realized Leon and Ashley were running towards their hideout as hoards of Spanish undead were chasing them and shouting at them, she ran towards the door, opening it without thinking twice.
"This way!" she shouted.
Ashley was the first to arrive and she gave her a short hug as she waited for Leon to get inside. When they were finally able to close the door behind themselves, she felt two strong arms quickly wrapping themselves around her shoulders and waist, and the next thing she knew she was hugging Leon like there was no tomorrow.
"Are you okay?"
"Of course I am."
"You sure?"
And even if in the next moment Luis was stuck between the wall and a very upset Leon Kennedy, he still sent a smirk her way, as if he'd say: "Sure, princesa, you two are just business partners with heart shaped eyes."
The way they act around each other
"Can I ask you something?" Ashley asked as she was sitting on top of a barrel, dangling her feet as she watched Leon at the shooting range.
"Of course."
"This may sound a little weird, but- are you and Leon dating?"
She turned to look at Ashley as if she just grew another head - what in their situation was quite likely to happen.
"Excuse me?"
"Are you in a relationship with him?" Ashley asked again, examining the ways her expression changed as she waited for an answer.
"I understood what you meant the first time, it's just- what makes you think that?"
"The way you act around each other." Ashley started to explain as she looked back at Leon, who shot a cutout of a pirate in the head. "He always makes sure you're okay and you always check if he has any new bruises."
She leaned against the barrel Ashley was sitting on as she looked at the man they were talking about as well. She watched as his muscles tensed up a bit everytime he pulled the trigger, she watched as he bit his lip in concentration when the target was further away and she watched as his eyes followed the bullet's movement. She bit her lip as her heartbeat got quicker at both the sight and thought - the thought that every single person in Spain seems to think they are dating.
"I care about him."
"That's all?"
"That's all."
"He seems like a great guy."
"He is a great guy." she said, knowing she's saying the truth. Whoever Leon'll date in the future - that girl will for sure be a lucky girl.
She couldn't help but giggle as Leon turned towards them with a satisfied little smile, being proud of himself that he just beat his own highscore.
"Do you think you can beat me?"
"Oh, it's on!" she smirked, accepting the challenge.
She ran up to the shooting range, leaving a confused, but happy Ashley behind. She could literally feel her gaze on them and she could heard her thoughts saying: "They are really cute!" - she shook her head, getting those thoughts out of her head. She needs to focus if she wants to win.
Leon smiled as he put his hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeez, causing her to almost choke on her own saliva.
"Let's see what you can do."
As she rose her gun she could hear Ashley saying "Leon, can I ask you about something?". She missed the first shot when Ashley asked "Are you two dating?", because her heart skipped a beat and beacuse she had to force herself not to look at Leon's expression.
She should keep her boyfriend on a leash
"You should keep your boyfriend on a leash." she immediatelly stopped what she was doing when she heard the very familiar voice of Ada Wong, the woman who was there the night her life became horrific. "He likes to get himself in trouble."
"He's not my boyfriend." she said her voice becoming higher from the annoyance. "And I'm sure he can make his own decisions."
"He clearly can't if you're still not together." she heard the noises of high heels meeting with the wooden floor from behind her and she was sure Ada was walking towards her.
"Where are they?"
" 'They?' " Ada asked and she hated how her voice was full of pride, meaning she knows more than she does. "They got separeted half an hour ago, so now Leon is looking for the both of you."
She turned around, looking at Ada's features hoping they'll give her an explanation to what's going on. But she couldn't read anything off of her face, it was stone cold with a bit of teasing naught.
"So what, you gave Leon a surprise visit as well?"
"No need to get jealous, he didn't give me the welcome I expected."
"What can you expect in a situation like ours?"
She didn't get an answer to her question.
"Leave the girl and get out of here as soon as you can. So maybe you two can finally go on a date." she almost shouted out in frustration, but stopped herself from doing so just in time. "But please, be brave enough to make the first move, because he won't."
For the first time since forever she became speechless and didn't even think about shooting Ada in the leg when she climbed out of the window.
La misión
She almost punched Luis in the face when he touched her shoulder, scaring her and causing her well trained reflexes to react. She stopped just in time, missing his cheekbone by a thread.
"Jesus Christ!"
"Just Luis, mi amor."
"Do you want to die or something?" she asked, not knowing if she meant it as a threat or as a free life lesson.
"Not really, cariño." he answered as she let go of him and took a few steps backwards. "Now tell me, how is la misión going?"
"What mission? Ashley is fine with Leon-"
"I meant our mission, princesa, how are things going with Leon?"
"Oh my God, why do you hate me so much?" she whispered the poetic question as she hid her face in her palms.
"Any success with the confession yet?"
"Can we just stop talking about my love life?"
"Not really, cariño, since we only share this mission together. After that you're on your own."
She chose not to answer and decided to take a look at her surroundings. The other door was locked, she checked it just before Luis arrived, so she had to find another way around the castle if she wanted to reunite with Ashley and Leon. God, she really hoped they are okay, there are some strong enemies around here.
Five seconds. She left Luis unsupervised for five seconds while she walked up to a window deep in thoughts, and Luis has already gotten bored. And in his boredom he decided to give Leon a call.
"Luis, where are you?" she could hear Leon's slightly annoyed voice through the trasmitter.
"Sorry I, uh, I screwed up." he started in a quite serious tone, but then glanced at her and smiled. "Come to our rescue Prince Charming!"
"I'll show you charming!" she almost laughed at his anger. "Wait, what do you mean 'our'?"
Luis turned the transmitter towards her, so Leon could get a clear view of her standing in front of the window. She just furrowed her eyebrows, having enough of both Luis and the situation.
Leon looked both frustrated and confused as he looked at her. She sent a smile his way.
"I met up with your señorita, Sancho. We might as well continue our adventure together, sí?" he turned the machine away from her. "Meet us in the Ballroom and don't be late! Or I'll be the one asking her for a dance! Nos vemos!"
As she looked at the man acting like a child, the only thought she had was: "I should've punched him straight in the jaw."
The rookie kept his girl scout around
"I see you kept your girlfriend around, rookie."
That was the last fucking straw. The last fucking person she wanted to hear that sentence from. If Leon doesn't grab her hand, she would've shot Krauser in the face - and it's not like she's stupid. She knows it wouldn't kill him, but she'd enjoy the feeling of looking at the damaged muscles on his face.
Luis should be the one teasing them. He should be the one walking with them, telling them every five seconds how cute they are and how beautiful amor is. Not that asshole...
She wanted to shout at him, scream at him in anger and sadness, but Leon's grip on her stopped her in that as well. She looked at his face, questioning why he's holding her back when Krauser killed Luis in cold blood for absolutely nothing...
"Don't let him get in your head..." was all he said, as he kept a firm hold on her and they started to walk among the ruins.
"Oh, you're worried about the girl, is that it?" Krauser asked as he played with the knife in his hands. "No, I don't think that's it. I think you're worried about another girl, am I right? You're worried about your girlfriend even though she went through the same training as you. But that's just like you. You always had poor judgment."
She saw how Leon's jaw tightened and it was her turn to keep a firm hold on him, not letting him fall apart.
"But if you think I'm gonna let you out of here alive... you're even more naive than I thought." she was pushed to Leon's other side, further away from Krauser. "You can't save her. You can't save anyone."
She could feel the tension in his body grow and in a last hopeful chance to calm him down she said: "Come on, Leon. 'Don't let him get in your head.' "
"Or do you think you can save the girl scout?" for a short second their gaze met and she wished she could spit at him from this distance. "We both know she wasn't the best in hand-to-hand combat."
"Give it up, Krauser!" Leon acted on his anger so suddenly, that her heartbeat quickened from the sudden fear. "Being a lackey for these maniacs won't bring your men back. And what the Hell for? Revenge on the goverment? You think they would want that?"
She could feel the cold running through her back, the feeling of close danger sharpened her senses. She kept her gaze on Krauser, not daring to blink, afraid that she'll miss the first attack.
"Revenge? You think I'm doing all this for revenge?"
"Isn't that what this is all about?"
She stopped listening to what Krauser was saying and rather focused on his body language. She saw how with every word he says out loud his shoulders become more tense. Some kind of slight anger was about to overtake him.
So what? Let it. She's always liked to fight him when he was pissed off, because then he made more mistakes.
"You know," she started. "you were always an asshole. At least you were a honored one in the past... now, you're simply just an asshole."
She felt Leon's body tense up at her words and she realized he's afraid Krauser will hurt her.
"Enough reminiscing!" this time he couldn't hide his frustration. "Move out and draw fire, soldier!"
She reacted quickly, pulling Leon behind a broken column long before Krauser started to fire. As she sat there, she pulled out her handgun and then put her knife in her shoe. Knowing their ex-major, she'll need that more, but it's better to use that as a surprise.
"Next time, try not to piss him off."
She turned to Leon with a half smile. "What? You think only you can do that, rookie?"
"Stop it!"
"Come on!" she teased with a small smirk. "I know you love it when that name is coming from me."
Leon couldn't hide how his mouth wanted to form a smile. "I let you call me that. Now let's go and kick his ass!"
"Oh, I feel honored!" she said as she got to her knees and shot her first bullet from behind the column.
Fear makes your heart feel full
She felt like her heart stopped beating for a few moments when Leon fell to the ground and it didn't take more than half a second for her to join him on the floor. She landed on her knees as she pressed one of her hands to her chest tightly, still feeling the pain the machine caused as it removed the plaga. The fear that flooded her mind made her numb, her breathing became heavy as she looked up at Ashley and asked her to help her get him up in the medical chair, so they can get the plaga out of him as well.
And now as she sat next to him, holding his hand as she waited for him to wake up she felt like nothing else matters. She won't take a single fucking step without him.
"He'll be fine. I'm sure of it." Ashley said who has found a chair close to them.
"I know." she muttered and she had to swallow, because her mouth felt dry. "I know he will, I'm just- worried about him."
She examined his features, looked him up and down to make sure he's okay - and when she realized he seems calm and relaxed, she felt like she can breath again. Only moments ago he was in pain. She could see it on his face, the way the muscles around his eyes and nose moved... But not anymore. Now he seems to feel better. His cheeks aren't red and the black veins disappeared as well.
"When- when you thought we were dating... You spoke about this, didn't you? How we take care of each other..." she felt her heartbeat quicken as she muttered the last few words.
"Yes, this is what I was talking about."
She looked at Leon again, feeling the pure need to hug him and keep him close so she could feel the heat radiating off of him and feel the way his body is moving with every small breath.
"I don't think I'd be able to feel like this about anyone else... Not even in a relationship."
She could see the soft smile on Ashley's face and for a moment she saw the both of them in a café back in the USA, talking and laughing about nothing at all.
"He's not just a friend, is he?"
"I don't know. Luis said he looks at me like 'tu eres todo su mundo'. Like 'you're his whole world'."
"I can see what he meant by that." for a moment the atmosphere became sad - Luis was still a new loss and a fresh wound, and with that a still present regret. She should've been more playful instead of being an asshole. "That's how you look at Leon everytime we're at the shooting range."
"He looks good at the shooting range." she said without thinking, feeling her cheeks become red soon after.
"You know, it's hard to find a normal guy these days. I'm happy you found each other."
"So you don't have a nice guy in a suit waiting for you at home?" she asked teasingly.
"No. Not really."
"Well I'm sure we can say that after this messed up adventure you won't need one. You'll look after yourself just fine and you'll have time to find that nice guy." she smiled at Ashley who felt more like a friend by now than the president's daughter.
In the next second Leon's hand moved in her hold and she almost fell off the chair. She stood up instead of staying there and she tightened her hold on him.
"Jesus Christ, Leon!" she spoke up, her voice full of both worry and happiness as she looked down at him. "You pull an act like that again and you'll burry me the next time you wake up."
He opened his eyes, the blue irises full of confusion as he looked up at her while he tried to get used to the light.
"The plaga..."
"We removed it." she said, not letting him finish his sentence. "There's no need to worry about that anymore."
She noticed that Ashley walked further away from them, giving them some privacy even if there wasn't another room to go to. Then her gaze was back on Leon again as she slowly let go of his hand.
"You removed it?"
"Yeah, we did." she smiled at him, feeling like her heart is full - full of so many emotions she doesn't know what to feel. "God, I was so worried about you."
"It's fine, I'm fine. Thanks to you."
They smiled at the other with one of those small, shy smiles what paints everyones cheeks pink.
"Can you stand up?"
"Sure, don't worry about that."
But he couldn't stand up. His legs gave up halfway and if she's not there he would've landed on the ground again.
"Careful. You have to take care of yourself." she scolded him as she helped him up, but didn't take a step away from him even when he was standing with a straight back. She craved the closeness more than anything.
"I'm not the priority here."
"Of course you are! To me you fucking are!" the frustration and worry spoke from her without regret and now that she said that out loud, her breathing became heavy.
"Good to know we feel the same about each other."
They didn't speak for a moment and she couldn't do so even if she tried to, because Leon's right hand gently touched her right cheek; his thumb brushing along the angry red cut she got from Krauser's knife.
"Does it still hurt?"
"It never did."
"Such a liar." Leon laughed as he let go of her face.
"But you love me like that."
"Damn right I do."
For a few seconds she forgot how to breath and her chest started to ache, ache from all the bottled up emotions and the realization that he said that out loud. He said that out loud. Her eyes started to sting - God, she's such a weak girl, just like Krauser said in the past; crying over the things she shouldn't cry over...
"You do? You-" she took a deep breath before she continued. "You love me?"
The silence set in again, neither of them daring to speak up. She noticed how Leon shied away from her gaze and how her own heartbeat became dangerously fast.
"Of course he does!" Ashley's voice came so suddenly that she flinched, getting closer to her partner, because she forgot Ashley was still in the room with them. "And if he doesn't take you out on a date when we get back home..."
No one said anything else about that. Leon just pressed a kiss to her forehead, almost giving her a heart attack whille he did so.
"Let's get out of here, yeah? So we can go out on a date..."
She didn't miss Ashley's quiet 'Finally' after they parted. She couldn't miss it even if she tried to.
As they got ready to leave, she noticed that her heart feels full. Full of love, love to give and accept. After all, love is a beautiful and natural thing and she for sure won't be afraid to look at Leon like he's her mundo entero. Not anymore.
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
I forget like 90% of the game notes, despite enganging with so much fandom stuff. I'm really interested in that Sherry Birkin piece from RE6 you just shared, though.
The "we'll let you leave our protection, if you come work for us", sounds eerily similar to how Leon was forced? It's a golden egg of character interaction just begging to hatch. The little girl he only ever wanted to save, ending up in the same, shitty life plan as him? At the hands of the same shady people that are supposed to defend and protect? Urgh, the angst. The potential for a Leon and Sherry team up to just fucking leave or finally end it all.
The way it could be potentially be such a deeply heartwrenching end of Leon as a character. I need to chill, I'm going insane thinking about what they could do with this and how easily it could be fucked up.
My question, IS the note implying that Sherry was threatened/forced or am I reading too much into it? I ask, because other fans never portrayed it that way in their talks or fanworks. Sherry's always portrayed as an immature little girl who hero worships Leon and doesn't fully comprehend what's happening arlund her (which I obviously don't agree with, clearly she's grown up and can very muxh handle herself, she's far from a cutesy little schoolgirl).
It's been a hot minute since I've played through Sherry's RE6 campaign, but iirc the parallels were done deliberately -- but for Sherry, it was less that she was threatened/forced the way that Leon was and more that she was duped. Her "offer to work" was extended to her by Derek Simmons, who's the big bad of the game.
Simmons, however, was an opportunist. In the void left behind by Leon's absence from Sherry's life, Simmons was able to move in and become Sherry's legal guardian (which was something that Leon should have done as a condition of his service/his deal with the CIA, but he was too guilt-ridden over the entire situation to have the foresight to even think of something like that) -- which he did for less than scrupulous purposes. When he gave her the "offer" to become an agent, it was a way to continue her imprisonment while getting more use out of her. But Sherry genuinely trusted Simmons and wanted to genuinely be helpful and do a good thing, and she had no idea that she was being put in a position to get screwed over later. Basically, Simmons was a combination of Leon's experience with Ada and the CIA all wrapped into one.
The idea was to show off Sherry as following in Leon's footsteps by becoming a federal LEO and continuing the fight against bioterrorism, with the unfortunate consequence of following too closely in said footsteps by taking a bad deal and getting trapped. She was technically "emancipated" from the CIA after Wesker died in 2009, but she wasn't ever actually free to go until Leon killed Simmons in 2013.
If RE6 had been better written, it would have been a much bigger deal that it was Leon -- and not of any of the other six playable characters in that game -- who hunted down and killed Simmons. It would have been framed as Leon righting the wrong he made fifteen years prior of removing himself from Sherry's life and deliberately abdicating his role as her caretaker to the CIA. He kills the charlatan that was masquerading as a father to her and finally accepts his proper place in Sherry's life.
But RE6 was written by a group of drunk monkeys who just slapped some keyboards around in between flinging poop at the screen, so Leon's beef with Simmons focused solely on their fight over the right to claim Ada's vagina.
Man, fuck what Resident Evil 6 did to/with Leon. Seriously.
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to-come-alive · 3 years
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Baht Oyunu 1x04
Ada and Bora. What can I say? Gerçekten! They are my favorite couple of all summer dizis! They're funny and so so SO cute together! I just can't with them. I simply loved this plot of him trying to avoid her, only for her to get more and more closer to him! It was amazing!! My favourite scene of them in this ep was, of course, the scene where she's in high heels and he can't control himself. WHAT WAS THAT?! Let me just tell you why that's my favorite scene. When Ada and Trash broke up, or better, when she got rid of him, when she was set free from him, the only thing I wanted was for Ada to find a guy that admires her exactly the way she is and who wants her (both romantically and physically if you guys understand me), I just wanted her to be seen and desired. And Bora bey is giving that to me. He sees her as a person AND as a woman. He longs for her. I think he already loves her, that's why he's so scared of that feeling. UGH! I need them together!!! And he's SO jealous of her with Trash. I think he knows Ada is hiding smth from him, he just doesn't know what it is. That's why he was insisting on her telling him why she went to the restaurant ruin his date with his ex. I think he also had hopes that the reason might be bc she likes him. Poor boy!
I hope that in the next ep Bora fixes up what he did to Ada, not only their fight at the end of the ep but also how he treated her during the whole ep. I hope he fixes this but I hope he does it in the right way. Ok, so now I'm gonna compare him with Serkan ... again (sorry, I just can't help myself). Everybody remembers when Serkan accused Eda of stealing right? One thing that bothered me A LOT with that plot was how Serkan was unable to realize that the only thing Eda wanted from him, was an apology. Simple like that. For him to say 'I'm sorry'. I got really annoyed by the fact that he only apologised to her after she said, at his face, that she wanted an apology (and he didn't even said I'm sorry to her, he sent a note!). So I hope, I pray, for Bora to do the right thing. Which is to say I'm sorry to her. Please Bora, I never asked you anything! I'll spend the week anxious to see them making amends. I'm living for that now!
Did anyone else see how Bora's father was in love with Ada?! I said that our girl won his father! And I think he's trying to bring Ada and Bora together. I mean, he and his wife never go out of their house and when Ada comes to sleep with them, they're never home! He was trying to leave Ada and Bora alone, and that's that!
I loved how Ada and Tuğçe were so close this ep. I love the idea of them being friends. Hope they do that, although I think this is very not likely to happen.
So Tuğçe is the person that ordered that video of Bora! It was a surprise I must say. I was thinking that it might be Bora's cousin Ali (I thought he was weird in the beginning, but now I think he's safe). So, why did she do that? Oooh yeah, right. To have shares in the company. Why I haven't thought about that?! I guess I thought she was harmless. I was wrong. So, should we expect more evil plans coming from her? Let's see.
What can I say about Trash? He's getting trashier each episode (if that's even possible). What was that scene of him talking with Ada and asking her why she wasn't angry with him, why she wasn't making a scene for him. He likes and wants her to be forever running after him. He's disgusting! And the only thing he did this ep was to follow Tuğçe wherever she went. I pity Tuğçe, I don't like her but she doesn't deserve a guy like that stalking her. He's totally unnecessary.
Ali and Selin. Never saw that coming. Although is so obvious that they were going to be a couple. The male lead's bff/cousin with the female lead's bff. It was clear from the beginning, I just never thought about it. Neyse, they form a good couple. I think I like them.
Can I admit that I like aunt Nergis more than aunt Yasemin? Nergis loves Bora while Yasemin insists on Trash. I guess I don't need to explain myself any further right?
I LOVE Elif. I loved Elif going to Ada's house and how Ada's family took care of her. And I love Elif with Ada, they're the cutest together. But I gotta say Elif is too dependent on Ada and too needy (I don't blame her, she's only a child that lost her parents. And how could she not be this needy? The girl never goes out of home, she doesn't go to school probably, and the only people she talk to are her grandparents, Bora and their housekeeper). This thing of Ada reminding her of her mother is so sad! How does anyone see that this child needs a therapy, urgently?! I love Ada and Elif but what is happening with this girl is too serious! Well, while nobody sees Elif's real problems, I have an overdose of cuteness with our girls together. Bring it more, please!
Wow! That's was too long of a review! That's it, thank you for reading my thoughts. And if you have smth to say please send me an ask, I would LOVE to keep talking about this dizi!
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theemightypen · 5 years
eothiriel for 18?
18) Things You Said When the Sun Was Shining
also yikes this took me 18 million years to fill
It is a beautiful spring day in the Riddermark. There is a gentle breeze coming in from the south, stirring up the scent of honeysuckle and lavender in what was once Theodwyn’s garden. Eomund had built it for her in their house in Aldburg as a wedding present, years ago.
Not for the first time, Lothiriel wonders what her mother and father-in-law would have made of her. Never more so than now that she, at Merthwyn’s insistence, has been all but banished from Edoras for a few days, for a much needed reprieve from her duties as Queen.
“You’ve done your duty admirably these past few months,” the housekeeper had tutted. “And we are all very proud of you, but no eorlingas alive would begrudge you a break, nor time with your children. The council can handle the Riddermark and I the Hall. Go, my lady, and spend time with your babes!”
And so she is. Olfete is playing with her carved horse–a much beloved gift from Eothain–under the dappled sunlight of a nearby tree, while Ecwen gurgles happily around a wooden teething ring, one hand fisted in the fabric of Lothiriel’s skirt.
All in all, a perfect day, but for one thing: Eomer’s absence.
He has been away on campaigns before, of course. Sauron’s fall and the dissolution of Mordor’s armies had not rid Middle Earth of evil. After re-swearing the Oath of Eorl, he has had to aid Aragorn numerous times in keeping their mutual enemies at bay, both within Gondor’s borders and without.
But he has never been gone quite so long. Ecwen had been six months old when he’d left, and six months has it been since his departure. To say that Lothiriel misses him would be an understatement. He has been as consistent as he can, with his letter writing, but that is simply not the same as having him home. Of being able to turn to him for help with Ecwen’s midnight tears, to laugh about Olfete’s attempts at making flower crowns, or to be able to press her face into the curve of his neck at the end of a long day. Their bed has been cold, in more ways than one, for six months. Lothiriel is weary of it.
His last letter had said he would be home sooner rather than later, as quickly as Firefoot’s hooves will take him, but there is the well-being of the returning eorlingas  to consider, the new treaties with North Harad to solidify, and all the many miles still to travel.
Lothiriel had known what it would mean to wed a man in such a leadership position. How many times had Ada been called away for just as long when she was a child?
That knowledge helps–somewhat. The ache of missing him–of their girls missing him, for surely that explains at least some of Ecwen���s fussiness–will not be eased by anything other than his eventual return.
“Modor, look!” Cries Olfete, pulling her from her melancholy thoughts. “Buterflégan!”
And it is. A handful of them, brightly colored and graceful in the spring sunshine.
“They’re pretty,” Olfete declares, abandoning her play to climb into Lothiriel’s lap for a better view.
“Pree!” Echoes Ecwen.
“They are indeed,” Lothiriel agrees, “thought not as pretty as you, min swetes.”
Ecwen babbles happily as Olfete giggles, leaning her head against Lothiriel’s shoulder. Their oldest daughter looks very much like her. Dark skin, dark eyes, darker hair–hræfnsweartu, Eomer has always said of them both. Ecwen, even at only a year old, has her father’s tawny hair, his green eyes. But there’s no mistaking the House of Eorl in both of them, in the delicate point of Olfete’s nose, in the stormy expression Ecwen makes when she is well and truly displeased. It has been both balm and pain to see Eomer so plainly in them during the campaign.
“But where’d they come from?” Olfete asks.
The butterflies, Lothiriel thinks, and resolves to stop being so gloomy. Being so will not make Eomer arrive faster and will only serve to upset the children. Olfete has always been very perceptive and Ecwen mercurial, so even the hint of a sour mood is enough to make them both less than happy.
“From far away, I expect,” she says, stroking a hand through Olfete’s dark hair. “Perhaps Haruni sent them.”
“Haruni sent them? Why?”
“Let me show you.” At this she reaches out, gently, carefully, toward the flock of butterflies. One–bolder than the rest–inches towards her finger from its safe perch on a bloom. Lothiriel waits, patiently, until it is settled on her finger to slowly bring it back towards them. Olfete is watching in wide-eyed fascination, one fist tight around the silver chain of Lothiriel’s necklace.
“She will not hurt you, Olfete. I promise. Can she give you her gift?”
Cautiously, Olfete nods. Lothiriel brings the butterfly close to her daughter’s cheek where it obligingly flaps its wings. Olfete giggles, wariness quickly giving way to delight.  
“It tickles! What is it?”
“A butterfly’s kiss. Our loved ones can send them to us on their wings, no matter where they are.”
“Ecwen should have some too!” Olfete declares.
“Mo!” Cries Ecwen, in obvious support of the idea.
Lothiriel laughs, bringing the butterfly close to Ecwen’s nose. Fearless as ever, Ecwen eyes the animal with fascination–so much so that her eyes cross. Lothiriel laughs, Olfete giggles, and Ecwen grins, even though it is likely she doesn’t understand what is so amusing. She grins wider at the touch of wings to her nose and mercifully doesn’t try to bat the butterfly away with her chubby, baby fists.
Eventually, the butterfly takes flight, fluttering off to rejoin its kin in the flowers.
Ecwen has crawled into Lothiriel’s lap as well, her head on Olfete’s shoulder. They watch the butterflies in comfortable silence for a while.
Just as Lothiriel begins to contemplate gathering them both up for a nap, Olfete stirs, turning a little to fix her with a piercing stare. It is such an utterly Eomer-like expression that Lothiriel’s breath nearly catches.
“Modor, did the butterflies have to come from Haruni?”
“Well, no,” Lothiriel assures her, shifting Ecwen more comfortably into the crook of her right arm. “Any one we love could have sent them. Aunt Eowyn, Mistress Brandybuck, Legolas–”
“What about Faeder?”
Oh, Lothiriel thinks, willing herself not to cry. “Of course. That is who probably sent them, Olfete, you’re right.”
Olfete’s lip quivers in what is a valiant–and heart wrenching, Valar, how strong she is, for one so young–attempt not to cry. “S’not as good as Faeder’s real kisses, but. It would be ok. If he did send them.”
“I am sure he did. And besides, he will be home soon. He said as much in his last letter, remember?”
Olfete sniffles and leans her head back against Lothiriel’s shoulder. “Soon is taking forever.”
Lothiriel cannot help but huff a laugh before pressing a kiss to her eldest’s forehead. “I know. I think so, too.”
“Fa!” Declares Ecwen suddenly, with a very forceful point in the direction of the butterflies.
No, not the butterflies, but rather the broad-shouldered figure rounding the hedge behind them–
“Faeder!” Cries Olfete, launching herself from Lothiriel’s lap with every ounce of her four year-old’s strength. She is down the path before Lothiriel can even draw a breath to urge caution–surely it could not be Eomer in truth, she would have been told if his eored was so close–
But no, it is him, handsome and tall as ever, bending down to sweep Olfete up in his arms with a relieved laugh.
“How tall you’ve gotten, mitting!” He is saying, as if he hasn’t been gone for months. “And even more freckled than I remembered–
“Faeder, you’re home, I missed you–” Olfete cries, wrapping her little body as tightly as she can around him.
“I missed you too, swete.”
“How much?”
“Very much.”
Lothiriel’s heart is in her throat. Oh, Valar, she’s so happy she could burst. And there has never been anything more touching than Eomer with their children. But she also is torn between the distinct urge to throttle her husband, no matter how much she’s missed him, and give Merthwyn a serious piece of her mind, so for so obviously–in hindsight–tricking her into coming here.
“Say hello to Ecwen, too, Faeder!” Olfete orders.
Somehow Lothiriel manages to stand though her legs feel like water beneath her, with Ecwen balanced on her hip. Eomer has shifted Olfete to one side, so that one hand is free to reach out to her and Ecwen both. For once Ecwen is uncharacteristically shy and hides her face in Lothiriel’s hair as they approach. Eomer’s expression shifts–happiness to incredible sadness and regret–in the blink of an eye. Valar, how could she even feel a moment’s irritation with him? It is not as if the separation has been easy for any of them!
“She does not remember me,” he says, voice rough. “I had not thought–I should have expected–”
“Give her a moment,” Lothiriel assures him. Ecwen had not hesitated to pet a stallion the other morning; surely her own father is less threatening than that?
Mercifully, she is proven right, for Ecwen lifts her head from her shoulder with a small–but still sunny–smile. “Fa,” she says, again.
Eomer swallows. “Yes. That’s–yes, Ecwen.”
He reaches out to touch the soft curve of her cheek. Ecwen giggles, pressing her face further into his hand, and Lothiriel gives a helpless sort of laugh. “She was just surprised, I think.”
Eomer’s eyes shoot up to meet hers. “I do not think she was the only one. I–it was meant to be a kindness, Lothiriel, but–”
She steps forward to kiss him, unable to bear the note of uncertainty in his voice. As if she can be anything other than happy to have him back again, safe and whole. It’s much more chaste than the welcoming kiss she’s dreamed of giving him over the course of the past six months, but it achieves its purpose; Eomer relaxes, his hand sliding to grip her arm that’s around Ecwen’s back.
Olfete’s giggles pull them from their embrace. “See? Told you Faeder’s real kisses would be better than the butterfly’s!”
Lothiriel laughs at the confused expression on Eomer’s face. “The buterflégan you sent,” she explains, with a nod in the direction of the flower bushes.
Mercifully, he follows her line of thinking. “Ah. I am glad I can stand up to their kisses, Olfete!”
“Silly Faeder,” she says, wrapping her arms tight around his neck again, “you’d always win!”
The blush that fills his face is so endearing that Lothiriel cannot help but kiss him anew, even as Ecwen gives a sharp tug on her hair. “I agree. And welcome home, Eomer King.”
His smile is no less beautiful than it was the day she knew she loved him. “There is,” he says, nudging his nose against her temple, “nowhere else I’d rather be.”
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madpanda75 · 6 years
Sorry to bother you again hahaha but your imagines are wonderful so here is my request : What about Rafael and Y/N babysitting Noah and they are enjoying this and he start to talk with her about having a baby
“Adventures in Babysitting”
First of all, it’s never a bother to ask me to write! I love doing it….I just wish I had more time to devote to it 😂 Anyways, I hope you liked this, it was fun to write. Also if you’ve never stepped on a lego….consider yourself lucky! 
Tags: @amirightcounsellor, @obfuscateyummy, @letty-o, @lyssa1385 @sweetsummertime99, @burningsorr0ws, @sonnysdoll and if anyone else wants to be tagged in my writing, let me know!
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Fits of laughter filled the air while you pretended to munch on Jesse Rollins’ little toes. Your good friend and coworker invited you over for dinner with her and her daughter, you jumped at the chance to have a little girl talk and get in some baby time. Amanda came out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn, “I think my daughter likes you more than me.”
“Well Jesse has good taste.” You teasingly said. Amanda playfully rolled her eyes, watching her little girl interact with you. “Do you ever think about having kids?”
You sighed and handed Jesse over to her mother, “I don’t know, it’s not something I ever really thought of before, but now things are different.” Amanda softly smiled at you, “I never thought I would be a mom, but now that I have Jesse, I can’t imagine life without her. She’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”
Nodding your head, you looked down at Jesse, the baby giggled and clapped her hands. The three of you enjoyed the rest of your evening watching bad reality tv and munching on popcorn until it was time to go.
Becoming a wife let alone a mother was never something you had planned on, you were perfectly happy with your career as a forensic psychiatrist. Life took an unexpected turn; however, when your mentor, Dr. Huang, recommended you for a job as a criminal profiler with Manhattan’s SVU squad and you met Rafael Barba. Now here you were two years later, engaged and completely in love with the ADA. Both you and Rafael were committed to your jobs, the thought of children had never entered your head before and he never breached the subject.
Lately, it seemed as if children were all you could think about. You would see them everywhere, the subway, the elevator, all of your friends were having babies, you even had dreams about them.  A part of you wondered if it was your biological clock ticking a little earlier than expected, but it was more than that. It had taken a while for yourself to admit, but you did want babies and everything that came with it, macaroni art, sweet little kisses, dance recitals, bedtime stories, you wanted it all and you wanted it with Rafael. The only problem was you didn’t know if he felt the same way.
The next day, you walked into the SVU squad room after being called in to profile a perp believed to be targeting senior citizens. Once the interview was over, you entered Liv’s office to give her your opinion of the man and if he was capable of the crime. Afterwards you exited the bullpen when Olivia called your name.
“Y/N, I hate to do this, but I’m wondering if you were free tonight to watch Noah. Tucker called and we had plans to meet, but Lucy has the flu and can’t babysit.” Olivia had taken her breakup with Tucker hard, you knew she missed him and how important this date was, plus you adored Noah.
“Absolutely, just let me know what time.”
Olivia smiled, “You’re a lifesaver! Thank you! If you could stop by at 6 tonight that would be great.”
She walked away to take a call while you waited for the elevator doors to open only to run into your fiancé. The two of you had been so busy that past week you had barely seen each other, only passing each other on the way to work and crashing into bed during the evening. “Hey cariño!” Rafael gave you a quick kiss on the lips. “I have to talk to Liv, but I’m glad I ran into you. I made the dinner reservations tonight for 7.”
You mentally kicked yourself in the head for forgetting your date with Rafael. This would have been your first night together without any distractions from work in weeks and you both were looking forward to it. “Yeah….about tonight. I may have just agreed to babysit Noah for Liv.”
Rafael sighed and looked up at the ceiling, exasperated. “Y/N, I can’t believe you forgot. I made this reservation two weeks ago.” He lead you down the hall out of the way of prying eyes, pulling you into an embrace. “I was hoping to get some alone time with you,” he purred in your ear, going straight to your center and making you wish you had turned Liv down.
“Believe me nobody wants a night alone with you more than your sex starved fiancé, but Liv is meeting Tucker tonight. You know how she was when they broke up, this is important to her.” Rafael raised his eyebrow, “What am I, chopped liver?”
“You know you’re my world, Rafi.” You smiled and kissed his lips, feeling him begin to relax under your touch. “Why don’t you tag along? I’m sure Liv won’t mind and you like Noah. When he goes to sleep We can pretend we’re teenagers and make out on the couch.”
Rafael snorted a laugh, “Ok, anything to spend some time with you. I’ll let Liv know I’m tagging along.”
The evening got off to a bumpy start, within the first twenty minutes of babysitting, Rafael stepped on a lego. He cursed, clutching his socked foot as he hopped over to the couch. “Uncle Rafa said a bad word!” Noah exclaimed.
Your fiancé rubbed his temples, feeling a headache begin to set in as the little boy ran around the living room, shouting. To make matters worse, while you and Rafael were heating up dinner, Noah had managed to take his cellphone and switch the language preference to Turkish. The ADA was less than pleased.
While feeding Noah pizza, you looked over at your fiancé while he grumbled trying to fix his phone. “Maybe Rafael isn’t really a kid person, maybe it would be better if we didn’t have children,” you thought to yourself.
After dinner, Noah walked over to Rafael who was still working on his phone. “I’m sorry I broke your phone, Uncle Rafa.” The ADA looked down into the little boy’s big blue eyes and softly smiled, his anger and frustration melting away under the child’s gaze. “It’s ok. It was an accident.” Noah reached out and gave the man a hug. You smiled, watching their interaction from the kitchen.
Rafael got up to help you put the dishes in the dishwasher. “You’re a total softie, Rafi.” He smiled at you and gave you a quick kiss on the lips, “Don’t give away my secret, mi amor.”
“Hey guys, I have a great idea.” You said upon entering the living room. “Let’s have a dance party!” Noah jumped up and down, “Dance party!!!!”  The three of you hopped around the living room, dancing to music from your playlist. The best was when Noah insisted on listening to the Village People and you watched Rafael rock the hell out YMCA.
After you all were out of breath from your impromptu dance party, Noah had you pretend to be a princess. He and his elephant were going to rescue you from Rafael who was supposed to be an evil wizard holding you captive.
“Save me Noah! You’re my only hope!” You cried out while Rafael did his best evil wizard impression. “Never fear! Eddie and I will save you.” Noah declared.
After your heroic rescue, Rafael cleaned up the living room while you put Noah to bed and read him a story. He smiled when he overheard you doing funny voices as you read “The Stinky Cheese Man” making the little boy laugh.
The ADA never thought he would get married or become a father. He had closed that chapter of his life a long time ago, but then you came into his world and everything seemed to change. His heart swelled at thought of you being a mother to his child.
Rafael tiptoed over and watched as you finished the story and tucked Noah in. “I love you Y/N. Good night.” The little boy said snuggling closer to the stuffed elephant.
You felt tears pool in your eyes, “I love you too Noah. Sweet dreams.” Running a hand through his curls, you turned off the lights and gently shut the door.
You sat next to Rafael, laying your head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arm around you. “You’re going to be a wonderful mother someday.” Staring at your fiancé, you felt a lump form in your throat. In all the years you’ve know him, he had never said anything like that before. “You ever think about having kids?” He tentatively asked.
“Yes, I do,” you answered. “Do you?”
Rafael nodded his head, “I never thought it would happen for me, but now, honestly there’s nothing I want more than to have a baby with you. What do you think Y/N?”
The tears were streaming down your face, “Ok…lets make a baby.” Your fiancé smiled and looked around, “Right here, right now?” You laughed and playfully smacked at his chest, “Rafael Barba!”
Your fiancé laughed and looked down at you lovingly as he ran his fingers through your hair, “Let’s have a baby, Y/N.” Wiping the stray tears from your eyes, he cupped your face and kissed you gently. “I love you.” You whispered against his lips.
“I love you too.” He turned his head to deepen the kiss, his tongue seeking entrance into your mouth. You placed your arms around his neck, both of you so wrapped up in each other and the moment that you didn’t hear Olivia open the door. “I knew I would come home to find the two of you making out like teenagers.” You blushed while your fiancé rolled his eyes at his friend.
The two of you said your goodbyes before leaving the apartment. Once alone inside the elevator, he pushed you against the wall, his hands roaming your form. “So about this baby, I think it would be incredibly beneficial if we go home and practice.” He purred as he kissed down your neck, making you giggle into a soft moan. “Well, practice makes perfect.”
You paced the floor in the living room, waiting for your fiancé to come home. Sighing, you looked down at the three pregnancy tests in your hand. All of them positive. You laughed to yourself, placing a hand on your stomach, you were pretty sure you could pinpoint the time of conception. About a month ago when you and Rafael had gotten home after babysitting Noah, the two of you had “practiced” all night long.
Hearing the door open, you sighed, hoping Rafael would be as excited as you were. “Y/N, you home?” Walking down the hallway, he found you standing expectantly in the living room, your one hand holding the tests behind your back. “Everything ok?” He asked taking in your nervous appearance.
You gifted him a smile, shuffling your feet a bit, “Raf, remember that night at Olivia’s where we decided that we both wanted children.”
“Yes,” he replied, his heart beating fast, hoping you would tell him the news he wanted to hear ever since that night.
You moved your hand from behind your back, showing three positive pregnancy tests. “Well, looks like it’s going to happen sooner than we thought.” He took the tests from you, his eyes darting between you and the three sticks in his hand.
“Yeah, I peed on those. So you may not want to handle them too much.” You said with a nervous giggle. Rafael didn’t say anything for a few minutes, staring down at the tests before he looked at you with tears in his eyes. “You’re….you’re….pregnant? I’m going to be a father?”
You nodded your head, feeling your own tears begin to form. Your fiancé smiled the biggest brightest smile you had ever seen. He laughed and scooped you up in his arms, twirling you around the living room before setting you down on the floor, his hand moved down to your lower abdomen, currently housing your child.
Rafael held you close, your tears of joy melding together, heads reeling over the reality that you two were going to be parents
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radreactions · 7 years
Companions Meet Negan
Another one written for you courtesy of @saintlyguy! Seriously, this guy deserves a golden medal. I fucking love this one.
Hi, I’m Negan/Nora. And this is Shaun. He. Is. Awesome.
Ada: The bot’s caravan had faced every threat the Commonwealth hive hosts: feral ghouls, super mutants, raiders and occasionally the Institute. She had thought that the greatest evil her caravan would ever encounter would be The Mechanist. Boy did she compute wrong. It was just like any other day when her caravan was attacked by the Saviors; who were much more organized than any other they had encountered, also wearing armor that doesn’t look like scrap welded together. It was down to her, Liza and Jackson when the Saviors circled her diminished caravan and began whistling as if taunting them or calling out for someone. Then came a quartet: to the right was raider looking thug with an eye patch; to the right was a redhead wearing a corset; in the middle was the leader, a vault dweller swinging a bat covered in barbed wire followed by a dog. “Who’s the moron who gave the order to smash all but one of MY new robots?” Jackson shouted “They aren’t your property!” The Vault Dweller turned in their direction and pointed towards Ada, “Well now they are. And is so she, Gage take the girl. She’s ours’ now, gonna make a good wife. That is if she condones it. Otherwise. She gets to have a chat with Shaun here” The one eyed Savior dragged a kicking Liza to a fate Ada wished she couldn’t predict. “So about the moron who left only one robot for me, step up.” A rather young woman stepped up. “(sigh) I thought you were smarter than this Isabel, you were the fucking technophilic MECHANIST.” They turn to the redhead “Cait, fuck her up.” Ada then deduced this vault dweller was going to be the end of her free life on the road. They walk up to her and hook her up to their pip-boy. “Sleep for now my little killing machine. But as for your friend here; he gets to meet Shaun.” Before Ada shuts down, the vault dweller slaps “Shaun” onto Jackson’s cheek so that the barbed wire is stuck to his face and rips his entire cheek off.
Cait: The Combat Zone was full of some of the toughest motherfuckers in the Commonwealth, but none were tougher than her. That is until the Saviors came knocking on the door and shot up the place, leaving no one alive but her and Tommy. They were tied down in the ring, Saviors blocking any exit and preventing any retaliation from the two prisoners. At this point Cait reverted to survival instinct: doing anything to get out of this alive. Tommy can go eat a dick. After a series of annoying whistles a dog and vault dweller wielding a barbed wire bat enters and squats down to meet both of their eyes. “So. Anyone gonna start begging? Y’know one, and only one of you two poor shits will get out of this alive. Who lives depends which one of you licks my boots the hardest.” Screw it.
“Go fuck yourself.” Cait spat.
“Ooh. You got guts. Spencer would be jealous. Maybe I’ll spill them.” As the vaultie reached for a knife, a Savior walked up to his ear and whispered something that stopped him. This Savior had an eye patch and smelled like Nuka Cola. “My bottom bitch here says I should give you a chance to be a Savior. Earn points, or become one of the wives. All you gotta do is kill your friend.” At that moment Cait snapped Tommy’s neck to save her own.
“He ain’t my friend. And I ain’t gonna be anyone’s wife”
Codsworth: 200 years alone. No one has ever set foot in Sanctuary, leaving a lone Mr. Handy to complete futile chores while he rusts away. His loneliness ends when Preston Garvey and his friends settle in the old neighborhood. The butler had new purpose and friends. Codsworth helped Sturges make Sanctuary into well… a sanctuary. This place became a booming place full of life and Codsworth thought “The master would have been able to raise Shaun here.” He spoke too soon. “Honey I’m home!” An explosion at the bridge broke the peace and Codsworth watched in disbelief as he witnessed his old master, as pristine as before they left for the Vault strut in holding a barbed wire bat and leading a rowdy group. The butler was in shock; he couldn’t hear the calls for help from the settlers. All his attention was aimed at his master. “Codsworth? Motherfucking Codsworth! How the hell have you been?” Codsworth felt a mix of disgust and joy: a distaste for this new persona but relief in seeing his master return to him alive. “Master Negan/Nora! Welcome home!” They put a bloodied hand over his dome and the two walked through a burning Sanctuary, all friendly like.
Curie: Vault 81 had a new resident after discovering a secret portion of the vault, a Ms. Nanny scientist called Curie. Being reintroduced to society allowed Curie to continue in her scientific endeavors to improve life. Her new life consisted of working in the clinic as well as helping teach at the school. An innocent to post war America, Curie had no idea of the savagery needed to survive outside the vault. Until a vault dweller with a different number opened the door with an army behind them. Going through the Vault with a barbed wire bat, killing any resisting dwellers; this person gave Curie a rude awakening to the brave new world that belong to the Saviors. The Ms. Nanny had a close encounter with them when she tried to stop the violence, being disabled except for her optics so she could see what’s to come. The Saviors had grouped all the adults and the vault dweller with the bat had them play Duck, Duck Goose with all the children watching. The Overseer was first to choose: duck… duck… duck… duck… duck… goo- SMASH. There goes Bobby. Curie couldn’t scream nor cry, only watch as the outsider killed all the adults in this sick game. “Whew! That was fun wasn’t it kids? Well all good things must come to an end, but don’t worry. My friends and I will be back for half of everything next time. And after that, And after that. Oh don’t cry now, you got Ms. Nanny over here to watch over you.” Curie is reactivated, but can only hover in silence. Curie closes the vault door behind them as they leave. Curie then gathers all the children and any food to the safest place she’s ever known: the secret lab. The scientist aims to keep these children safe from the horrors of the surface until the day she shuts down.
Danse: The Paladin left for the Commonwealth in hopes of uncovering lost technology for the Brotherhood. He knew it wouldn’t be easy; that he would have to face the threats of super mutants, the Institute and raiders. But never did he think he’d see the day raiders would get the best of a squad of trained Brotherhood soldiers. These Saviors were much more organized than the average raider and had armaments that rival that of the Gunners. Their outpost at Cambridge police station was infiltrated and one of them pickpocketed the fusion core out of Danse’s power armor while a handful got the best of Rhys, Haylen and the rest of his troops. While his team were held at their knees, one of the Saviors (with an eye patch) had a stare down with Rhys. It only lasted a minute, until the Savior began to stomp on Rhys. “Cease that at once you filthy-” WHAM! Something blunt and sharp came down on Danse’s head, leaving it as stable as a torn burlap sack full of potatoes. A vault dweller with a barbed wire bat walked in front of him; through his flowing blood, Danse saw the worst smile anyone could see before dying. “This power armor is a lemon! Shouldn’t it only clank about? All I hear is a bitch…… I have an idea.” WHAM!
Deacon: Kellogg had been the name to stir fear among HQ on account of him being the Institute’s number one enforcer and servant. When news reached Desdemona that some vault dweller named Negan/Nora killed him, a sense of relief swept through all members and she wanted to find this vault dweller in hopes of recruiting them. Deacon was the first agent she asked, but to her surprise he freaked out and refused. “That whack is hell walking on Earth, they make Kellogg look like a patron at Weenie Hut Jr’s!” So instead she sent Drummer Boy. After hearing of the order and giving Des a piece of his mind, Deacon rushed to intercept the runner. Instead he found the kid hanging from the side of a Red Rocket Stop near Sanctuary Hills. Wait Sanctuary Hills? Oh shit. He needed to know more, so he infiltrated Sanctuary and found Negan/Nora addressing their kneeling Saviors. “At least they ain’t Trump.”
With a loud, scary yet enthusiastic voice: “Who are we?!”
Everyone in unison “Negan/Nora.”
“We’re the new world order. We're the big swinging dick of this world, have been for a long fucking time...but it seems people are forgetting that. So now our big swinging dick is going to swing harder...and faster, until we take off like a motherfucking helicopter and blow all these motherfuckers away.” Wow. Before slipping away, a Mr. Handy tore off Deacon’s disguise and threw him in front of Negan/Nora. “Bald! My Eyes! Just dicking with you. Well I may end up dicking you anyway. Some of my men ran a train on that kid from the Railroad before I had them string up his corpse.” For the first the in Deacon’s life, he couldn’t crack a quip. “What? Was the joke that bad?”
Dogmeat: It was this dog’s sworn duty to help those in need. Most of the time he’s helping that metal man in the long coat. But the day he was attacked by mole rats at Red Rocket, he thought that this was the end. That is until a vault dweller charged in and smashed all the mole rats with a bat. “You fuckers are low! Ganging up on a dog! I should get some friends and return the favor to your mothers!” The way their voice drove fear into the mole rats as well as Dogmeat, the way they swung their bat, the way they came to help them. A NEW BEST FRIEND? “Those bastards are dead now, you ok boy? You’re a good boy. I bet you get all the bitches. More than me I bet. And I’ve had my share of harems here and there before the bombs dropped.” They spoke like raiders but acted like the metal man. Dogmeat began traveling with this dweller, it felt right. As if this had happened before. The pup stood by loyally as his new best friend burned a barn full of “ungrateful fucks”, befriend the one eyed man and make many more friends who fight with the two. This vault dweller was indeed special, who would they be without faithful Dogmeat?
Gage: A vault dweller in Nuka World doesn’t usually spell out change for Porter. He assumed the park would chew them up and spit them out in a day. Boy did they prove him wrong when they beat Colter to death with a barbed wire bat instead of following his advice. The Pack and Disciples immediately fell in love with this newcomer swearing loyalty to someone as bloodthirsty as them. The Operators weren’t impressed, seeing only a brute even when Gage allied with them. “I’m Negan/Nora. And so are the rest of you. From now on, you’re all my Saviors. I am your Savior.” After organizing the two gangs, Gage’s first advice was to assimilate the Operators. Instead, Negan/Nora led an assault on the defect gang, leaving few survivors; giving them one last chance to be a Savior or live to serve them. All but one gave in, Mags. So the new Overboss slapped a slave collar on her and threw her to Gage. “First one’s on me, first mate.”
“No fucking way, you’re worse than Colter.” Just as Gage began to rip her shirt, the Overboss stopped him.
“Stop you retarded fuck! Didn’t you hear her? She said no! Just lock her up.” Gage was shocked but intrigued at this motion of mercy. This monster has a heart, or at least some moral compass.
“This is going to be one interesting run.”
Hancock: It took everything in the ghoul’s being to surrender to Negan/Nora after they smashed in Kent and Magnolia. Not to mention taking Fahrenheit. “She's got guts - not a little bitch like someone I know. I like her. She's mine now.” That’s all they said, and just like that she was gone. She tried to punch them, and Magnolia paid the price. And Kent, all he did was cry. “Welcome to a brand new beginning you sorry shits.” Sorry especially for Hancock. No longer was he a freedom fighter, he was a husk. He might as well just wander into the Glowing Sea to turn feral. He couldn’t possibly be the leader Goodneighbor needs. Hancock watched as the Saviors went into every building taking half of everything. The most painful sight was Fahrenheit being ordered around like some hired help. Just before they left, Negan/Nora demanded “We gave you service. YOUR WELCOME!”
With a depleted spirit, Hancock whimpered “Thank you.”
“I just slid my dick down your throat and you just thanked me for it.”
Longfellow: The old timer was wary of the major threats in Far Harbor: synths, the fauna and of course the Children of Atom. Never in a million years would Longfellow ever see raiders as more than a nuisance. Negan’s/Nora’s Saviors were much more than raiders. At first they appeared to be guns for hire, offering to deal with the Children of Atom. They demanded a hefty payment of half of everything the town produced, but they delivered High Confessor Tektus. Negan/Nora then proceeded to beat him to death with “Shaun”, that bat they always carry. This single act impressed Longfellow not only because it made Far Harbor safer, but he was able to see the leader of the cult that took Hannah suffer. “Smash that son of a bitch in! Where’s your Atom now you bastard?” He was the only one cheering, everyone else either turned away ran away. It was because of Longfellow’s deviance, that Negan/Nora offered him a place with them. Why not? These people seem to be likeminded and he gets a cut of the profits. Their next job was to take care of Acadia. Longfellow assumed they’d address this differently, seeing how these synths weren’t exactly the crazed psychos of the Atom. But they hogtied DiMA and dragged him to the center of the town and did the same: beat his head in with Shaun. Longfellow knew this was his cue to leave. Under the cover of mist, Longfellow snuck onto a boat headed for Point Lookout in hopes of escaping the wrath of Negan/Nora.
MacCready: The merc without a potty mouth had taken notice of the lack of Gunners and threats from Winlock and Barnes. This was a tragedy disguised as a blessing, which Mac finds out when Hancock is reduced to a sobbing mess after a vault dweller bashes in Kent and Magnolia. Not to mention enslaving Fahrenheit. The reason why the Gunners were dying out was because these “Saviors” killed them all and extorted any settlement; claiming they were providing protection. All this was happening because of that vault dweller, Negan/Nora. Mac knew he had to leave the place and set up shop elsewhere, maybe that Sanctuary place up north. As Mac packed up and started heading out, he was face to face with the devil themself. With the creepiest smile, Negan/Nora gently took Mac’s rifle and bag full of food, caps and supplies. “I love a guy who buys me dinner and doesn’t expect me to put out.” Afterwards Mac began speed walking away which turned into running away in whatever direction gets him away from there.
Nick: The gumshoe was trapped in Vault 114 for at least 2 weeks, having to deal with Skinny Malone’s triggermen jeering at him through the glass. During his time he noticed Skinny discussing with the men about “dwindling supplies” and “not being able to make anymore payments.” Nick knew that this gang was going into disarray, which means an opportunity to escape will arise. So he bided his time until he saw through the glass Malone meeting with a smug looking vault dweller with Dogmeat (?!) at their side. The two parlayed for a bit until the dweller became agitated and began beating Malone to death with a bat. At that moment Darla fell into the room locking the door behind her in a panic. Nick went to her aid, but heard advancing footsteps. He hid Darla in a large vent behind the Overseer desk and went to deal with the threat. “Holy crap! You are freaky as shit. Anyway, you see a lady around? Skinny’s girl?”
“Would you like to see where they dumped the broad?”
Sigh “I knew this would happen. Did Skinny eat the bitch? Whatever, come on out.” Nick winked in Darla’ direction before following the vault dweller. Hope they don’t notice the pistol in his coat.
Piper: First McDonough gives up without a fight to these Saviors, now they’ve taken all the guns! All except Piper’s. She’s never met their leader, supposedly called Negan/Nora but she knows they’re a vault dweller so Blue means danger. The day they did pay a visit, Piper had forgotten to keep Nat in check. “You should all go home. Before you learn just how dangerous we all are.” No!
Negan/Nora drew closer to Nat, and so did their swatter. “Pardon me young lady and excuse the shit out of my Goddamn French, but did you just threaten me?” Of all the things her sister can do, this is the most stupidest thing she’s ever done. Why would she do it? Because her goddamn sister taught her to stand up to scum like Negan/Nora. “How about I take that printing press of yours? Or should I just take you home?” Something in Piper snapped, no one threatens her family. BANG Crap. In that moment a red-headed Savior disarmed Piper and tackled her to the ground. “Shit! WHAT THE SHIT! DID YOU JUST TRY TO KILL ME? YOU SHOT SHAUN!”
“He got in the way.”
Holding their bat over her head, Negan/Nora went back to their happy go lucky voice. “Cait! Kill someone.”
Preston: After establishing Sanctuary as a new home with the help of a friendly Mr. Handy, Preston actually believed things were turning for the better. All that ended when Negan/Nora’s Saviors shot their way into Sanctuary. To make things worse, Codsworth seems to be obligated to obey Negan/Nora. After wiping out most of the settlers leaving a handful alive for a line-up. Negan/Nora began going through all of the people Preston have come to call his friends. Reaching Mama Murphy they taunted “You look shitty. I should just put you out of your misery right now.”
Out of his protective instinct “Just stop!”
The vault dweller then bent down to meet his eyes “All right, listen. Don't any of you do that again. I will shut that shit down, no exceptions. First one's free. It's an emotional moment, I get it.”
Preston felt the same rage he felt at Quincy. “I’m gonna kill you.”
Negan/Nora retorted sarcastically “What? I didn’t quite catch that, you’re gonna have to speak up.”
“Not today, not tomorrow, but I’m gonna kill you.”
Scoff “Are you kidding me? Did you see what just happened, what I just did? Your best chance is to stand up, grab my knife, and drive it through my head. See how you do. Keep actin' tough. Go ahead. Grab the damn knife.”
Strong: The brute waited in the prison on top of Trinity Tower while Rex quoted MacBeth to pass the time. It wasn’t until their third day in the cage, when a vault dweller, their dog, a one-eyed man and redhead bashed their way to the top. After killing Fist, the vault dweller stood at the top, inhaled and took in the view. “Hot diggity dog. This the type of shit that just tickles my balls.” Strong was drawn to this blue person, impressed by how they killed all his brothers. After being freed, Rex immediately went to thank him only to be told to piss off. Directing their attention back to the mutant, Negan/Nora “Wanna kill for me? I won’t kill you. You owe me.”
“Only if we look for the Milk of Human Kindness.”
Negan/Nora disregarded his request, only interested in having the muscle. Strong traveled in hopes of finding the Milk while he followed his new leader. Everything was simple, until Negan/Nora announced they were going to attack a settlement. “Why humans attack other humans? Brothers would never attack other brothers.”
“Well not everyone can be big, green, ugly motherfuckers.” Strong was shocked, his one chance to fulfill his destiny is someone who goes against everything he stands for. The killing is great, but is it worth it when he’s stomping on innocent lives.
“Strong is leaving!”
Sigh. “I had high hopes for your green ass. Before you leave, give a proper farewell to Shaun.”
X6-88: After hearing Father’s parent had killed Kellogg, the Courser was sent to gather intel on this candidate for the next director. “I couldn’t disagree more in Father’s choice of successors.” Negan/Nora was a leader, but their personality and intentions were far from the Institute’s goal of improving humanity. Despite his constant objections, X6 was still ordered to continue observing Negan/Nora. One day the dweller strolled alone in the southern part of Boston, only to encounter a voice from a fridge. They shot the door open only to find a ghoulified kid.
X6 listened in: “You look disgusting! Have you seen it? Have you looked in a mirror? I wouldn’t blame you if you hadn’t. It’s fucking gross.” The child began crying. “Oh damn. Holy shit, kid. I’m sorry.” The vault dweller is apologizing? Not only that, they’re escorting the child home? Past intel has identified Negan/Nora having an unstable personality. But who knew they were capable of compassion?
“Perhaps I’ve misjudged them.” X6 followed them and was about to get involved when Negan/Nora was confronted by slavers demanding to take the child. All were dead in under a minute with Negan/Nora swinging their bat at each. “Last chance! Try to take this kid and I’ll force Shaun up your asses. You know what? Too fucking late!”
More intel is needed.
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vintagemichelle91 · 7 years
A Hard Lesson in Perseverance: Chapter 15
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Author’s Note: Can the bridge between Rafael and Natalia be mended? In this last chapter you will possibly find the answers you seek dear readers. @rauliskafan and I hope you enjoy and look forward to your feedback! 
          “Today… is gone. Today… was fun.
         “That’s right. Keep going.”
           “Tomorrow is another one.”
           Every day,
           from here to there,
           funny things are… everywhere.”
           It took Violetta several long moments bordering on a full half hour to make her way through Dr. Seuss. Some words seemed to confound her tiny tongue, but she scrunched her brow in supreme concentration, silently determined not to give up until she reached the end. He would have waited all night. She could mangle Proust and it would still sound like poetry.
           “Done!” she finally exclaimed with a deep sigh. Just as she seemed ready to toss the book to the floor Natalia’s fingers circled the spine.
           “Sweet pea, we don’t throw things,” she gently reminded their daughter.
           “But I not want to put it back to my room!” she whined, her little lip quivering. All for show; she laughed as soon as Rafael nestled nearer and pinched her toes.
           “No one’s going anywhere,” he said, placing the book on his nightstand. “But don’t I always tell you to mind your mother?”
           “Even if she say we have to go again?” Violetta asked, her face suddenly turning serious. Natalia hung her head, and the sight brought the dread back to his veins. But his wife had walked through the door at Violetta’s insistence. Told her mother that she would stay for the night. Alessia promised to look after Harold. Also at Violetta’s insistence. Rafael wanted that damn hippo back; he wanted Natalia home forever.
           “Hermosa?” he quietly asked. Natalia ran one finger over his wrist before all five fingers expanded and quickly locked around his hand. Her hold tightened, but her gaze stayed far away, silence falling over the bedroom.
           Until Violetta chirped as she tugged on her mother’s sleeve.
           “Say the right thing, Mami,” she pleaded. “I want to stay and read more stories.” Natalia’s eyes brimmed with soft tears, but her lips curled into a gentle smile as she nuzzled Violetta’s nose.
           “And I’ll always be here to listen.,” Natalia said. “Papi, too.”
           His heart swelled and he kissed them both, wanting to say he was sorry, to forgive his wife, to put the past few weeks behind them…
           …when Violetta jumped up and stood tall on the bed.
           “That better, Mami! Now everything okay again.”
           Please let his little girl be right. Let them stay up all night so Violetta could read. He promised a tray of cookies and gallons of chocolate milk. Let them fire up Eloise on Netflix. Yes it would be the thousandth time, but he’d missed the little blonde girl’s antics and was ready to watch them in a continuous loop.
           “Muñequita?” he asked when he saw Violetta yawn.
           “Tired, Papi,” she admitted. “Not been sleeping so good.”
           “She hated being away from home,” Natalia said as his eyes grew wide with worry. “And she missed your lullabies.”
           “We’ll have to do something about that.”
           Smoothing Violetta’s hair as he helped her head to the pillow, he gingerly winded one arm around her small shoulders.
           And a tune came to mind.
“Sleep, my child, and peace attend thee, All through the night Guardian angels God will send thee, All through the night Soft the drowsy hours are creeping, Hill and dale in slumber sleeping I my loved ones' watch am keeping, All through the night…”
        Violetta was on the verge of sleep when she blinked through her lashes so like Natalia’s and smiled into his eyes.
           “Gracias, Papi,” she said. “Now I go have a nice dream.”
           Once she drifted off to make like Eloise and have all kinds of escapades that would keep her smiling through her slumber, Natalia rose and placed her pillow on the abandoned side of the bed.
           “Wouldn’t want her to fall out,” she whispered.
           “Where are you going?” he nervously asked.
           “You have me thinking about a snack,” she said. “I won’t be long.”
           “Want some company?”
           Natalia nodded but still pointed to his pillow.
           “One of your side, too,” she said. “We have to keep her safe.”
           “No argument here.”
           With Violetta secure, they headed down the steps in silence. Natalia tore open a box of chocolate chip treats. But she only took one bite before letting the half-eaten cookie fall to the counter.
           “Chocolate milk?” she asked.
           “Um… I might have exaggerated.”
           “Didn’t Maggie go shopping?”
           “She offered. Lots of times. But I haven’t been very hungry.”
           He was unable to stop the words before they hit her ears, and she turned her back as he hugged her waist and buried his head in her hair.
           “Please, hermosa. I didn’t mean anything by it.”
           “It’s not like I don’t get it.”
           “I get that,” he said, softly kissing her neck. “You seem so small.”
           “That’s how I feel.”
           She nearly took hold of his hands again before pushing away.
           “Don’t leave,” he begged.
           “I’m not,” she murmured without meeting his eyes. “Just going outside. Come with me?” Rafael followed her to the balcony, hovering close as she glanced up from the lounge chair.
           “You look tired, too, Natalia.”
           “I am. Of all of it.”
           She looked up slowly, her eyes just brimming with tears as she extended her arms. He waited and watched until she nodded again and then he fell to her side, relishing her embrace as she loosened his tie, his buttons, and settled her hand over his heart.
           “I don’t want to fight anymore,” she started.
           “Same here.”
           “I won’t lie to you; part of me still feels… so empty.” Rafael frowned as he kissed her temple and held her closer.
           “Natalia, it’s---”
           “Please let me say this.”
           Her tone stayed soft as they sat up.
           “Violetta is smart. But… everything isn’t okay again.”
           “I understand,” he said, biting his lip and wishing for a magic wand when her soft palm brushed against his cheek.
           “But it can be. If we’re together. Somehow, I forgot that. I won’t. Ever again.”
           For a second he was afraid to touch her, wanting nothing more than to soak in her words and watch the light dancing in her eyes.
           But she curled into his palm.
           “I want to be with you. I need you...”
           Natalia snuggled closer, her hands pulling on the back of his shirt as she leaned into him…
           …and the lounge chair slipped, Natalia squealing as his back slammed into the balcony.
           “Oh my God! I’m sorry!”
           “Don’t be, hermosa. I’m just fine.”
           “Are you sure?”
           “I’m looking at you. I’m fantastic.”
           She laughed lightly, her hands threading through his hair as she plucked a rose petal from his dark locks.
           “My flowers stayed in shape,” she mused.
           “Watered them twice a day,” he confessed.
           “Didn’t Maggie---?”
           “Maggie did more than her fair share. Your sister is almost as amazing as you are.”
           Helping him up and righting the chair, Natalia cuddled into his chest again before she tensed and stared into his eyes.
           “What is it?”
           “Ward,” Natalia said. “The man is evil.”
           “I know.”
           “I can’t stand that you have to answer to him.”
           “I’ll keep him on his toes,” Rafael promised.
           “Liv looked like she wanted to rip his arms off.”
           “You should have seen Rollins before you arrived. Whatever else he tries to pull, we have friends on our side.”
           His words seemed to put her at ease, and he rubbed her back, his own pain forgotten as he lifted her chin.
           “Mi flor mas bella. Todo es posible con usted.”
           Wrapping her arms around his neck, Natalia kissed his hair, her fingers sliding down his back. The feel of her head on his shoulder calmed his heart and they stared up at the sky.
           “I love you, Atticus. Always and only you.”
           As he lay with his wife in his arms, Violetta’s story rang through his ears.
           Every day,
           from here to there,
           funny things are everywhere.
           Natalia deeply kissed his lips, caressed his face. But this wasn’t funny; it was enchanted, and as she sighed into his ear, the world felt warm. As if nothing bad would ever reach out from the darkness to harm them again.
           Rafael Barba…
           Collier Ward sat as his desk with a tumbler of vodka and ice, nursing his wounds and glad to be free of the SVU bunch. This ADA of Manhattan by way of Brooklyn was bound to be a problem. A man who could sell out his oldest friend with no panache for politics. Threatening his wife’s happiness should have worked. But his backbone was something he hadn’t counted on.
           Or hers.
           Flipping through his files, he scanned a picture of Natalia and nearly crumpled it in his hand when he stopped short and moved to the other end of his office. Punching the combination code into his safe, he pulled out a far dustier folder from his time in the trenches.
           “Barba’s not the only one who knows from dirt.”
           And soil under one’s fingernails was not necessarily meant to be scraped away. Not when it could be washed away at a precise moment and sully the waters. Until his enemies drowned. Until they choked on the rank taste and wished that they’d played the game by his rules. Because fucking Rafael Barba and Natalia aside, he still had the upper hand.
           “Now where is…?”
           He thumbed through the pages, his eyes narrowing as he found the answer. It would take some doing, promises that he’d have to bend over backwards to make good on. But in the end, it would be worth it, and he jotted down an address before returning the secret pages to his safe.
           “Poor Rafael,” he said as he sat and sipped his drink. Thumbing through his day-to-day intel, he lifted a photo of the happy couple from the first night he encountered the lady. Natalia was lovely. That would work to his advantage.
           “You will sweeten the pot, my dear,” he said. “Hope you’re happy tonight. Because it won’t last.”
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