#actually. yknow. maybe she's the only exception
idyllic-affections · 4 months
i miss signora they did my girl so dirty :(
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avnasace · 1 month
im loving the fact that tommy is an established character with established relationships with the 118, just like karen, just like athena, just like maddie, because that was a huge thing that made it a part of why i think it was so hard to like bucks previous love interests.
like, yes. abby and taylor tried to gel with them, ali kinda knew OF them, but natalia was completely seperate and lucy wasnt even really a love interest. neither of the main 2 (abby and taylor) actually had any link to anyone other than buck. taylor was the closest (but she fucked that up badly lmao).
im so hyped to see whether we get more of tommy and the 118, because he has history with all of them, except eddie (who he's now good friends with), and buck (who he is now dating).
if you look at all the other 'partners', they are all a part of the 118 family, and pretty linked together: athena is besties with hen and married to bobby, karen lived across from and was good friends with chimney and is now married to hen, maddie is bucks brother and is married to chimney, etc.
i feel like bucks other love interests were only ever linked to him, and he always worried about losing them, because he didnt think he was good enough.
but this time with tommy the difference is (tommy actually cares about buck) that hes known by his family and hes safe and hes confident and caring and patient, plus the rest of the 118 all think hes a good guy, and also tommy saved bathena and chimney and hes friends with eddie, and christopher likes him, etc.
everybody that matters to buck, except maddie, likes and knows tommy.
(and who is he going to introduce tommy to next episode? maddie.)
maybe buck doesnt have to worry so much about him leaving, like abby did, or worry how to introduce tommy to his family and not have him run for the hills from the complex parts of his life, like natalia or ali did
because tommys already halfway in it yknow?
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xanasaurusrex · 8 months
hi can u make some hcs of hecate’s cabin/childs?
⇢ ˗ˏˋ hecate cabin headcanons ࿐ྂ
of course i can do hecate cabin headcanons! i love hecate, she's one of my favorite of the gods. also, fun fact, there's a lot of debate on where hecate originated, like they think that maybe she was an anatolian goddess that the greeks "stole," and she also has some egyptian history? i did some research on her real quick and it was honestly fascinating! anyways, here are the hecate cabin hcs!
something to note about hecate kids is that all of them, every single one, is kind of a mystery in their own respect
there's a lot of mystery surrounding hecate, so even the most open of hecate kids is going to have something they're keeping to themselves
hecate kids, specifically before they're kind of taught to master their abilities, have a habit of accidentally spelling people
like, for example, say a hecate kid has a really annoying kid in their bio class that won't shut up
if they think really hard about how much they want that person to shut their mouth, magically, they will
it's something they were never able to explain
until they were claimed by hecate, of course
they also all have dark eyes
not necessarily a good color, per se, but there's something about their eyes that are dark
most hecate kids get her green eyes, which could only be described as "enchanting" of course
the hecate cabin often smells like burned sage and/or incense, and always has a smoky hue because of that
there are star charts and moon charts and things like that literally everywhere, practically littering the cabin floor
hecate kids are kinda messy
all of them, just find it really hard to keep themselves organized enough to make the cabin organized enough
this gets them into trouble sometimes, but they have... ways of convincing whoever's inspecting the cabin to leave them alone
hecate kids also always have crystals in their pockets
like, literally, at any given time, with an outfit that has pockets, they have crystals that are used for different things in said pockets
they have necklaces and earrings and rings with crystals on them as well, all having different purposes based on what they want their day to be like
there are a few kids at camp who are like "crystals don't even work" and blah blah blah, but the hecate kids know better
the kids that say that are usually idiots, but yknow
(obviously i'm not saying that if you don't believe in crystals irl you're an idiot, but this is camp half-blood and their mother is hecate, so obviously they're gonna work for them)
hecate kids can sometimes be known as "two-faced" when it comes to relationships
this probably comes from the fact that their mother has three faces
except this is a more literal meaning in this sense
the hecate cabin also does a lot of tarot readings
that's like, one of the first things you learn at camp if you're claimed by hecate
everyone has their own deck, and it's customized to you, it's a whole thing
it's like hecate cabin culture kinda
if you have a hecate child friend, you've probably gotten your future read by them at one point
obviously future-telling is more an apollo cabin thing, so the predictions usually aren't correct, but it's fun anyways
ooh! and ouija boards
ouija boards with the hecate kids are so fun because they get so into it, and usually it's actually working and they're actually talking to a dead person
i mean, it's camp half-blood
probably a lot of people have died there (rip)
it's especially fun if they can manage to convince a hades child to play with them, because then the hades kid can actually hear them and help translate if the ouija boards are being kinda confusing
it's not the most reliable way to talk to a dead person, as any hades kid will tell you
hecate kids are also avid readers
not as consistent as athena kids, but they have their own little library in the hecate cabin, with lots of fantasy books and historical fiction
they're also really good with recommendations, so if you ever need a book rec, honestly go to the hecate kids first
they take your personality and reading background into account when giving you a book rec, and pretty much every time, whatever they recommend, you're actually going to enjoy
hecate kids also make the worst chariots
when they do the chariot race (i'm not sure if this is actually something they do on a regular basis, but they did it in one of the books in the original series so i'm going with it), and every cabin has to make their own chariot, hecate makes the worst chariots and get out first almost every time
honestly it doesn't really bother them anymore because they just genuinely have no idea how to make a good chariot
hecate isn't exactly known for her fighting abilities
usually in battle, the hecate kids stay as far away as possible and use their magic to help the fight
hecate kids are also criminally indecisive
they’re the masters of eenie meanie miny moe
they’re also known to have coins always rattling around in their pocket because sometimes they have to flip a coin to make a decision
they also have lots of magic 8 balls even though they know they’re faulty
(faulty, not fake 😉)
moving on
hecate kids also really like tim burton movies
it might have something to do with the fact that tim burton is a hecate child, but they also just really like the movies
they give off the same vibe
(there is a rumor at hecate cabin that tim burton used some hecate baby magic to make his movies)
only occasionally though
so yeah, that’s all i have for hecate kids
they’re all super unique and interesting
they are definitely sort of strange, but that’s what makes them so cool!
sorry if that was awkward i never know how to end these things
so that’s it for hecate cabin hcs! i had so much fun writing this, and thanks so much for the request! i just wanted to say thank you to everybody liking and following and reblogging for the support, this is already so fun! i have a couple requests for different cabin headcanons and that i haven’t been able to get to because ive had to rewrite this one about three times, which is kinda frustrating, but i love how that turned out! thanks sm for reading!
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killrockstar · 9 months
so many bands get called riot grrrl without actually being riot grrrl I always get confused do you know what bands are Actually riot grrrl?
absolutelyyy i do.
so what sucks is most self-proclaimed riot grrrl bands are all from the 90s; bikini kill, bratmobile, sleater-kinney (idk if they still use it though!), + heavens to betsy & excuse 17, skinned teen, emily's sassy lime, huggy bear, tattle tale, and mecca normal. the only modern band/s who use the label, that i know of, is big joanie atm.
older bands at that time who were inspiration to the riot grrrl movement tend to not consider themselves riot grrrl, which is fair cuz like, they were out before it started. and it does piss me off a little to see them named as riot grrrl like babes in toyland, l7, lunachicks, slant 6, 7 year bitch, older grunge bands yknow. most of them don't mind being affiliated with RG which is sweet & cool of them and they (except for like courtney love obvi) did/& do show a lot of support and love for the bands that came from their music. donita sparks loves riot grrrl. l7 isn't riot grrrl though.
also affiliated with riot grrrl a lot in that time were 90s queercore bands: tribe 6, sister george, team dresch; and a lot of them did a lot of work in the scene ! however their bands weren't considered to be riot grrrl then as most of them were trying to keep in the queercore genre. there was an overlap which rules and She's Real (Worse Than Queer) is a great doc on queercore/riot grrrl as a scene, as well as goes into the exclusivity throughout both, and is available on youtube and vimeo 👍
moving onnnn, like i said, the only real, haven't rejected the label, riot grrrl band right now (that i know) is big joanie. skating polly, the linda lindas, destroy boys, skinny girl diet, the regrettes, dream wife, etc. have all pretty much stated they, while most inspired by it, aren't riot grrrl. all amazing bands whom i love btw i'm not putting them down but i don't really know why this is ! it's not a bad thing to be called like tbh i think it's a bit of uhh internalized shit going on which is ok and also because like honestly, most people who think of riot grrrl go straight to the faults of it. & i understand the flaws within the movement but i def feel like it shouldn't overshadow the obvious work & activism that was done throughout the scene, & the numerous people who, then and now esp, combatted these flaws while keeping in riot grrrl.
ok anyway tldr : the only bands that are "riot grrrl"~ offically were those in the 90s at that time, besides big joanie now (maybe others idk). early 90s/grungy bands are affiliated with the scene because they were considered inspirational to those in it. almost no feminist/political band nowadays consider themselves rg even though they're slapped with it.
if yr interested btw : Not Bad For A Girl is a great documentary on early feminist/grunge bands; this was filmed right as riot grrrl as a movement was starting so it wasn't well-known at the time, but it goes in depth with like l7 & lunachicks & hole. it's one of my favorites<3 Don't Need You: The Herstory of Riot Grrrl is a good one too; and as mentioned, She's Real (Worse Than Queer). thankssss <3
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monggay · 2 years
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heyyyyy remember this series? yknow, hermitcraft x the mechanisms, the one i keep thinking ill be able to post about once a week or so? well its actually apparently more of once a month instead haha. anyways heres cleo as ashes! rambling under the cut as usual!
also see: pearl as gunpowder tim, gem as drumbot brian, and mumbo as nastya-ish !
OK OK OK SO. their mechanism is their heart :) idea was from @octopus-defence-squad OH MY GOD OZ IM SO SORRY I JUST REALIZED THAT ASK WAS FROM FREAKIN SEPTEMBER and i only now just answered it even tho ive been thinkin abt it since then 😭😭
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[id: a tumblr ask from @/octopus-defence-squad: having thoughts about a mechanisms cleo. maybe she’s the inverse of gem, all her body human except her heart. (i know this is jonny’s thing but i don’t necessarily love his backstory for her? maybe she was more of like. the body was found and the heart didn’t work but bc of Reasons everything else was okay except memories? idk i like cleo being maybe a bit less backstory-having before the mechanism)]
maybe she was found on a desolate planet with stone and dust for ground, inky black seas, and strange purple growth as the only sustenance 👀👀 maybe with some tall thin glowing purple friends
so anyways, the mechanisms are a steampunk band blah blah blah, they play characters as the mechanisms, an immortal space cabaret from the starship aurora travelling the stars having fun violence adventure ...and more violence! they were turned immortal by d. carmilla after dying/nearly dying idk
ashes o'reilly, the one who cleo is based off, has mechanical lungs after getting betrayed in the mob and killed off in a burning building, relevant song backstory here or a live one here in all its 2012 480p recording glory ft jonnys trademark gravelly voice and ashes being ashes (aka being ridicoulously cool 😳), its called lucky sevens, hit it.
but cleo's story is a bit different w a different backstory (found dead alone mysteriously, gets their heart replaced) but they have a similar vibe :) aka badass people who can kick your ass and also probably commit copious amounts of arson and/or murder
another inspiration for this one was this bernadette banner video haha
ALSO the skull is joe :) hes just. a talking skull idk
ALSO ALSO love the headcannon of cleo just taking other body parts for their own so thats a thing here :) hence the skin n also the cane (lil detail i kinda like, the hair maybe being like yknow how ppl put in doll hair? yea) anyways im p tired maybe ill add some more later :)
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readbyred · 2 months
Hi :)
Heard you were accepting dps requests so what about a charlie fic
I feel like charlie is the type of person to flirt with everyone and ask anyone he finds attractive out except when it comes to the person he actually has feelings for so what about charlie x reader where reader has been waiting since before they graduated for him to ask her out and as soon as she decides to move on charlie gets all sad and jealous and confesses and yknow how it goes
Would love to see this in a fic ♡
Not a fic blog (maybe someday), but I can give you a headcanon (so, shorter and no dialogue) though… I did get a bit inspired, so its longer than my usual writing
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I think as a teen he was the sort of person to try and prove he’s popular with people. It would feel bad to lump you in with that. Like, he actually liked you, so it's different. Not that he has no respect for people he flirts with, but he knows it isn't anything serious. He was just a teen guy trying to impress his friends and get the experience he was prevented from getting (with his strict school and all). Especially with his position in the friend group and all.
Still, he hoped to have something serious with you one day. One day when he gets the courage, when he feels like it will work out and he won't jeopardize the whole friend group because of his crush.
But that day didn't come when he was at Welton. Then he had other things to worry about, considering his departure from the school. It was a hard time for everybody. But no matter the odds the poets kept in touch, as much as they could. And that included you.
Only, as years passed you started losing hope. I mean, if he wanted to he would, right? It felt so helplessly pathetic to be waiting for Charlie when it seemed that he had never and will never return your feelings.
When you were younger, it felt like the end of the world. Like you were destined to be alone. Oh, how many nights you’ve spent with Knox, wallowing in self-pity after Chris left him. Just sitting there with your buddy, talking about how you should go to a monastery. Not out of a spiritual need, but because there would be no one ever to love you. Guess you were a bit dramatic back then. It took Pitts many tries to smack some sense into you but you matured eventually.
When college approached, you were ready to meet new people. Although you weren't in the same school together anymore, you made a promise with the poets to keep seeing each other regularly.
Meanwhile, you met Mark. A true romantic soul with quite a witty humour. And Jack who would always treat you so sweetly and had the same interests as you. And Adam who walked you to the dorms every day. And Matt who had so much passion for life. You opened yourself up to people. Started meeting up with others.
Suddenly, you’d bring up your dates every meeting. Not to rub it in, just to recall funny moments. Like when a rainstorm caught you and Jack in the middle of a walk and you raced to the dorms. Or how you and Adam got lost in the park at night because neither of you lived in that city before. Knox would encourage you to spill every detail.
Surprisingly, the more you talked about your love life, the less you heard Charlie talk about his. By winter break you haven't heard him talk about any girl in weeks. At first you didn't notice. Then you figured that maybe he just fell for someone who wasn't as easy to charm so he didn't have anything to brag about yet.
The thought of him being so head over hills for this unnamed person made something inside you feel empty. You knew the feeling well from high school and you detested yourself for still having those sorts of thoughts and feelings. But you decided to let it all fizzle out.
You had better things to think about too. There was a ball coming around. Some fancy tradition at your university. Before you knew it, you had quite a few invitations. The sweetest one was from Jack.
He told you to close your eyes and open your palm. Then, he handed you a handcrafted note asking if you'd like to go with him. Later that day you found another one in your pocket (so that's why he told you to close your eyes) telling you he’s grateful to have you in his life. It was perfect. And officially approved by Knox Overstreet!
When you recounted the story, the guys were pretty happy for you. Before anyone could get a word in, Charlie suddenly asked if you were planning to go with Jack. Sincerely, you affirmed. Why not? He was the sweetest guy and you certainly were done moping around. I mean, you knew that Charlie wasn't going to change his mind so you could as well see if you end up liking someone else.
To your surprise, Charlie wasn't as ecstatic as the rest of the poets. He was rather skeptical and even a bit snarky. Commenting on the guy and just being so… weird about it. It angered you to no end because softly rejecting you is one thing. But trying to get in the way of you moving on? That didn't sit right with you. But your drama queen days were over, so you didn't walk off or anything. Just huffed and looked for a way to change the topic.
At the same time Charlie was thinking. Before college it was easy to reassure himself that he had all the time he wanted to make you his. And all the time he wanted to decide if he would do that at all. Everything was easier back when you didn't talk about any guys. Ever. Now he felt like he had to do something. Damn the risk of ruining the friend group. Damn the fear of rejection. And damn Knox for encouraging this mess.
The last thing you expected was for Charlie to get up suddenly. The poets all looked at him confused. When he stood up, his eyes met yours and he asked you to talk with him outside. Honest to Gods, you had no idea what that was about. But he was being dramatic (more so than usual) and something about the determination in his eyes told you to follow your friend outside. It was snowing and only buildings around you somewhat shielded you from the cold wind.
Charlie didn't waste time choosing words. For the first time when talking to a girl, he was completely raw. Just as it hit him, he blurted out his confession. No overplayed charm. No smirks and winks and cheap tricks. Just him. Charlie Dalton telling you that he likes you. That he had liked you for some time. That you should just, please, think about it.
As the last word fell from his mouth, a heavy silence fell between you. Silence colder than the wind and the snow. But Charlie stood there, undeterred, waiting to see the answer in your eyes. Even at his most frantic, he was confident. He understood that he did what he did, what it meant, and that he grasped this last chance by a miracle. There was no turning back now.
Your response first came muffled, as if the falling snowflakes were absorbing your voice. But finally, you confessed. Not without telling him, how long he made you wait. And how stupid he was acting, if he really just ignored his feelings for this long.
Your talk was tender, full of relief. But, as it happens with Charlie, as soon as the talk of real feelings was out of the way, he dragged you back inside, to announce your happy ending.
You couldn't believe he wanted to brag to your friends at a moment like this. But you just stood there, watching him with a smile. Some things never changed. Charlie certainly didn't. And you wouldn't have it any other way
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illegiblehandwriting1 · 8 months
i can't remember if an interaction ever happens like this, (probably) but imagine Kaladin being as stoic as ever, he's on duty (idk if this is during Words of Radiance or just before Rhythm of War, so he's either in the warcamps or Urithiru probably. If warcamps then its after the chasms. actually yknow what this is both fanfic and random bullshit, i do what i want and say fuck canon)
So he's standing guard like he's supposed to, except Shallan decided that a productive use of her time is to go and bother him. Radiant thinks it's rude and the respect she has for both him and any soldier means she hates this, but Veil is totally in on it.
So she's just pestering him for his entire shift, and he's standing there, not looking at her, completely dead-faced, offering the occasional clipped answer, and generally being incredibly annoyed, but at some point, she says something either humorous, heartwarming, or both, and without really thinking about it, just COMPLETELY UNCONSCIOUSLY, his face breaks into a small little grin. Not a sarcastic one or a bitter one, just a little smile of joy that breaks through his perpetual storm. The moment he realizes, of course, he very quickly hides it, but of course Shallan catches it.
And she just gasps playfully but also genuinely surprised, but she keeps it lighthearted in the hopes she sees it again. "Storms, what was that? Captain Kaladin? Was that a smile from the Captain Kaladin, whose scowl could curdle milk?"
And he glares at her, because he wasn't smiling and he was on duty and frankly, she had been annoying him for ages and he wanted her to shove off. But she grins up at him.
"Oh, come on, Captain, don't make all the troops run off in fear now! You have a lovely smile, it's wonderful!"
And she pokes him in the side, just to get a little twitch and a deeper frown.
"Aw, that usually works on my brothers. Well then. I'll have to figure out something else, won't I?" Her mischievous expression softens a little, and she just tells him, "You really do have a lovely smile. I don't know why you try to hide it." And she just sits down and spends the rest of his shift telling jokes and ridiculing passerby, no longer trying to annoy him, but just there to keep him some company and maybe make him smile again.
And if a grin broke through his stormy facade every once in a while, well then, she wouldn't point it out. She just took a Memory and carried on chattering loudly about axehounds and lavis polyps and how Adolin had worn his shirt backwards and that lady's hat over there looked like a pile of cremlings had eaten too much and died on top of it, hoping that smile might stick.
(Later, Shallan finds Adolin and runs up to him, screaming, "I MADE KALADIN SMILE!" and Adolin's like "WHAT IN THE ALMIGHTY'S GOOD NAME, I DIDN'T KNOW HE KNEW HOW TO DO THAT" and they just freak out about it and generally make fun of him. That night, Kaladin has a dream about Tien and wakes up crying, only to wonder what reminded him of the time Tien had visited him in the clinic for hours on end, talking and keeping him company as he tried and failed to get his stitches as perfect as his father's.)
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anonymouscheeses · 14 days
Vaggie and Valentino are connected and no one has been talking about it (I think 😭)
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Brutha. I've always known this but like these two are surface level similar yet so SO SO SOOOO different its terrifying.
Question might be, why tf am I comparing the r*pist and the beautiful, gorgeous, fantastic, inspiring, humble, generous, smeggsy, former angel?
Simply because they are both moth demon's that speak Spanish. It's a bit too specific. And rlly that's kind of all I have right now. Sure, you could say "erm actually, Vaggie isn't a moth demon 🤓" and ur probably right. But if she's not, why is it that in her redesign for the show they lean into the moth hair? It's look much MUCH more moth than in the pilot. So if Viv wanted to stray away from the moth theme, why make it look more like that? She may not he exactly a moth demon but she does have intentional moth features. Perhaps Vaggie just disguised herself like that, either way, still a connection..
I would get it if one of them were in helluva boss jst as a way to recycle and make room or whatever. But no, they are in the same show, same world, same ring of hell, same city(I think). It's a weird connection and I kind of don't want it to exist. Like at all. Because if they are connected I can't think of any other way they are except that Val could be a fallen angel. Which I CANT imagine. Unless Vaggie is like, a winner that became an exterminator, but genuinely that would be a bit complex. But what isn't in this show. Then again, Adam said he created her, or that could be a metaphor for that Vaggie was never noticed as a human and just brushed off to the side so therefore Adam "created" her (created a name and image/status of her). But that's unlikely, I don't they would be that smart lmao.
Personality wise, they both have anger issues. Pilot Vaggie and show Valentino are more alike but show Vaggie is still somewhat spicy. They also both have hot voices, sorry not sorry, like fuck Val (not literally) but his voice is BAZINGA 😍 and I'm a simp for Stephanie Beatriz. I'm a simple gal.
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Design wise they have rare commonalities. They are both heavily red but thats everyone in the show it make my eyes bleed. But. A weird thing someone pointed out in a slideshow on tiktok is that show Valentino has white stripes on his hips. Me personally I'm not sure what to think about it really. Like I mean it IS a new detail that spawned AFTER the pilot and it is like... on the EXACT place. But like, it's such a weird thing to include when it's such a common pose yknow?
Also the X's on the boobs are so sensual I cannot be the only one. And ykno Val is the king of sensual (🤮)
Maybe you could be asking, "if Val and Vaggie r connected jst because they are moth demons then that jst means that anyone that are the same species are somehow tied to eachother huh? 🤓" like Angel Dust and Zestial. But what I think differs from that is the fact these two have actual big similarities apart from jst the fact they are moths. Like what I just explained, personality, design, both speak Spanish. While Angel Dust and Zestial are only just both spiders. Angel's reason for being a spider is due to the ykno, "web of crime" thing. And Zesty man? Idk he probably got bit and fucking died by a poisonous spider. I mean, health shit wasn't exactly great back in his ye olde time.
For Val and Vaggie we have NO idea why they are moths
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But I did find this! From google AI.....? (I didn't even know that was a thing..) but, I think it's true. It explains the dynamic with Angel alot and I think that's an interesting detail.
Which could also apply to Vaggie because of her hyper-dependency on Charlie.
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Plus this fits Vaggie so. SO much. If my theory that Vaggie just disguised herself as a moth to blend in then that would be a good connection to the entire moth motif. Love, I don't even need to explain.
It can fit Val too if you think abt the disguise part a bit. Like he disguises himself as this charming and calming figure to avoid suspicion and lure victims... fucking creepy 🤮
Also in Vaggie's past designs she was more moth.
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Here is like. ONE image I could find that wasn't too blurry. Like I wouldn't say it's heavy moth but I think if you asked me what insect she was based off I would guess moth in like a few minutes. The colors being dark, the fluffy legwarmers. Yum, that's a mothy. (THIS DESIGN YHO KINDA PISSES ME OFF. WHY IS THERE THE FEMALE SIGN OK HER SHIRY I THOUGHT SHE WAS STRAIGHT IN THIS VER??? also str8 vaggie scares me don't ever bring up that thing around me. They are NOT the same. #notmyvagina)
From what I know there aren't any previous old beta designs of Valentino, so he was likely made for the show specifically.
Overall, they are both sexy Spanish speakers who are moth demons, in the same show, oddly specific connected design choices, and have some anger issues.
Oh also they both hate Angel Dust 💜
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proseka-headcanons · 2 months
- So in pjsk, our children ofc have their own parents. Some are nice (godbless Ken Shiraishi), some are not the best but theyre trying, but some are just straight up fuckin assholes (looks at mafumom and harumichi).
- But well, not all parents are perfect are they? so all of pjsk's parents are assholes in some ways just bc. (yes even Ken is somewhat)
- Literally i'm only setting this up for angst
- Ok and like, half of the cast's parents dont approve of their children pursuing music or at least try to make them only do that as a side hustle yknow, instead of actually going pro.
> The pjsk cast units all hold concerts/shows (except for n25, but sometimes they perform music live)
> None of the parents ever came to them (except people like Ken, since he's the only responsible adult in this game apparently, and thats a low bar considering who Ken is)
> maybe Minori's mother watched her perform on tv, or Mizuki's parents heard her commotion in their room making music, or smth like that.
> Look i dont read MMJ or L/N stories that much so maybe some of them have nice parents?? im writing this on a whim
> Anyway their parents either never goes or rarely goes, for one reason to another.
> But imagine their reactions, when they finally, finally, decided to make an appearance to their kids' concerts/shows/live;
Imagine Shinei Shinonome, watching his son, who he said cannot pursue music, up there on a live house stage, singing with so much emotions that Shinei can feel it himself. Imagine Harumichi, who goes just to see how "good" his failure of a son is, only to get a fuckin whiplash when he heard his son's powerful singing voice. Imagine Kohane's parents, who always worries about her doing street music at god knows where at ungodly hours, always telling her to just stop, only to gape when they witness Kohane, who used to be so timid, now singing with a voice so loud and so beautiful. And Ken Shiraishi grinning proudly at An and the others bc hey, at this point VBS is his kids.
Imagine Tsukasa's neglectful parents, who never goes to Tsukasa's shows in favor of Saki's concerts, decided to come bc Saki asked them, and can only watch as Tsukasa takes the fuckin stage, like the star he always talks about becoming, and then asked themselves, "what have we miased this past few years?". Imagine Emu's father who never have a very good relationship with his daughter, decided to come to like review WxS performance or smth, only to be surprised when he heard Emu's singing and dancing (Emu's siblings are proud af). Imagine Nene's parents who never thought much of their daughter, one day got an invitation from her, and when they came, they watch in awe as their daughter shows them the reason why she's called the Songstress. Imagine Rui's parents, who cares so deeply about him (i think?) but never goes to his shows, finally has time, and doesn't regret coming as they witness the amazing performance that their son directed.
Imagine Kanade's father, watching N25 live concert on youtube, and slowly, faintly, recalling a familiar soft voice within all the voices who resonates in the live (i think he lost his memories right??? i forgot what happened to Kanade's father). Imagine Mafumom, watching live of her daughter's singing, how much emotion, how heavy the lyrics are, and maybe, just maybe, she for the first time doubted herself a little. Imagine Shinei, who always doubted his daughter, having his jaw dropped bc not only the illustration of the live is gorgeous, his daughter's voice is so filled with emotions that he felt shivers, just like when he heard Akito sang for the first time in a live house. Imagine Mizuki's parentd, who never rlly cared of what Mizuki does as long as she's okay, decided to take a look at her live, only to have their jaws dropped because wow, their daughter's singing is amazing.
- I wanna make scenarios for MMJ and L/N too but i dont read much of their stories 😭
rlly the WxS and N25 also has a little bullshitting bc i dont read all of their stories either. the only scenario im sure would happened is VBS bc i practically read almost all of their event stories, plus the ones in the past that i missed.
- yeah i just want to see pjsk parents seeing how much their children grow and getting a whiplash from it. imagine them reacting to like, all 5 units holding one giant concert. and you can see the contrast, the difference between each unit's parts, but their melody resonates nonetheless.
- also i think i sent an ask about the Shinonomes headcanon but it hasnt been answered? idk if it went through, but i did ask if i can be an unofficial mod there, so once again, can i be unofficial mod Tsukasa? :3
SOBBIBG SCREAMING CRYINH. pjsk parents can suck it tbh but their room for redemption is soooo interesting to me.
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pfaerie · 8 months
actually i'm spinning medieval au in my mind sorry i'm kind of obsessed actually
imagine johnny used to be the prince and y'know, like, his father probably died like when johnny was still a toddler or whatever and the kingdom (and i imagine that laura married below her station and it's her family's land and has been for generations) just runs out of money by the time he's 12 and laura remarries because she wants to ensure johnny won't be destitute and will still have a home
and it's fine for a while except it isn't and johnny never warms up to sid at all and hates him. through some blackmail fuckery i feel like johnny is threatened by sid and has to make a deal to not claim his throne or wouldn't it be a shame if something were to happen to laura (and i'm sure johnny takes it because all he cares about is his mom and he doesn't want her to live through anymore hardship)
he throws himself into his knight training and little else - doesn't care much about his education or status as a diplomat. the cobras dote on him as a posse of knights who took an oath would - act almost exactly the same as they did in the movie the just jingle when they walk. i feel like kreese is knight captain and wants johnny to take back his place on the throne - he has his own motives (something something terry silver warring kingdom
i think daniel would be part of a troupe and just tours around the kingdom and does performances wherever before laura takes a liking to him? and she hires him as a court jester? maybe even ali lives in the castle and is, y'know, betrothed to johnny and susan is her lady in waiting and ALI hires daniel for her amusement (partly because he annoys johnny and she likes to tease him - in this au, i think johnny and ali are Courting, but it's mostly a display - johnny doesn't want her that way, but he's expected to and it's better to just go along with it bc that's his duty - maybe he even takes some comfort in the fact they never will marry because of Sid)
and anyways, daniel is frustrating and cute and johnny can't help but watch his fingers as he plays the lute or juggles and he wants to shove him around bc that's the only way he can touch him and eventually johnny stops threatening him and listens to daniel practice in the courtyard (perhaps he gifts daniel with a genuine compliment or daniel plays one of his favorite tunes and johnny says as much to him or DANIEL catches johnny humming one of the tunes he's only ever played privately and his heart almost thumps out of his chest when he realizes the prince has a soft side)
i also simply have a soft spot for medieval/middle ages aus where one of them likes a bit of poetry about gays - like it's all dressed up in metaphor and maybe it's tragic and stuff, but gay resonates with gay. johnny telling daniel one of his favorites is that and daniel maybe hasn't heard of it and johnny lends him the book ("you know how to read right?" "YES I KNOW HOW TO READ ASSHOLE") and daniel Gets It immediately
and yknow they start fucking each other and maybe even daniel's writer's block finally goes away and he can finish writing that song he only ever plays in private...
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scientistservant · 4 months
I haven't watched Hazbin yet, I was a fan when I was younger and consumed all the lore surrounding the characters (specifically Angel Dust) but I was so put off by everything that ended up coming out about it that I never watched it, but I have a friend who watched it and liked it. She only watched the first season of it, and when I told her that I didn't want to watch it because I disliked that they seem to put more emphasis on angel dust being a sex worker than his past as a gangster, she full on told me that she didn't know that he was a gangster and that it was never said in the show.
Is... Is that true? Is it ACTUALLY never discussed that Angel Dust was a gangster in the show itself!? I read that (really good article) that interviewed chai, and I also realized that the person writing it also seems to be under the impression that Angel Dust is in hell for being a sex worker, not for being a gangster.
That's... Baffling.
Does this mean that Angel Dust is no longer canonically a gangster, or did the show really just not introduce incredibly important information on why this character is even in hell in the first place?!
And we're supposed to think heaven is being unreasonable when evidently the sinners aren't even repenting for the things that they actually did wrong!
The show does this a LOT. It doesn't go into anyone's backstory except for maybe Vaggie's and Husker's sort of, which, yknow, is a pretty important detail to put in the FIRST SEASON of your show.
Vivziepop made the show as thought everyone would already be familiar with these characters because the pilot was really popular, and she made that Addict music video (which, by the way, deals with Angel's abuse and assault MUCH BETTER than Poison did) and a couple of webcomics.
But the problem is the show is on Amazon and owned by A24, and thus isn't indie anymore. So those who stumble across the show and want to check it out will have ZERO CLUE what's going on or who these characters are. The show doesn't explain anything and stupidly goes for the "tell, don't show" approach.
It's fucking appalling.
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kitty-av · 9 months
Hello CC fandom!
I've been lurking on CC Tumblr for a hot minute, and decided I needed to talk to people about the Facebook murder hidden objects/visual novel game. The brainrot won over the anxiety XD
I don't actually know a lot about the later games ( I watched like half of travel in time and the beginning district of MoTP and honestly it didn't feel the same. ) I mostly just brainrot over Pacific Bay and Save the World. I don't know why, but those are just MY games, you feel? The characters are just great, I vibe with them a lot. That being said, I doodled some of them!
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I have no explanations or context except this. Amy influenced by Russell and the entirety of Pacific Bay would be unhinged in a good way. They become the CC equivalent of ' go kick his ass bby I got your flower ' if you get what I mean.
Angela loves Lars, I will die on that hill. She loves everyone, but Sombra is... Yknow, Sombra. Tell me they didn't try to threaten her husband and kids at least once, I dare you. Maybe it's me looking for nuance, but I firmly believe that besides her being raised in a cult essentially ( one of their branches literally was one ) she also thought there literally was no way she could stay with the team without sacrificing her family. I mean, Sombra agents got into and almost killed people in the Bureau multiple times. The only reason they didn't is because Jonah exists and he's not having any of it.
Speaking of STW, Michelle deserved better. I don't know why exactly, but I headcanon that because they were never shown together ( or so I remember ) she knew Jonah. Maybe she hired him for protection once. No other reason other than I feel they'd be those two friends that stay sober and drive everyone home after a party.
I'm really speaking about this because I randomly doodled these five, so I might as well give my thoughts.
I swear, I feel parched for interaction, I need more people to nerd out with over these games, even though I'm busy these days and likely will be. Is there maybe a discord server? Maybe I'll also lurk there ( likely not, knowing how excited I am to share all my little headcanons about these two games in particular) but it'll just feel nice to have that space to view more of people talking about the game. •^•
I'm open to doodling some more characters, but I'm doing it from memory, while bored at a seminar thing - and I'm also taking notes. I am a master of multitasking clearly. These are all done at the back of my notepad. XD
I suppose you guys can ask and I'll figure it out. I'm also probably going to give my thoughts on each character, or the little I remember if I don't.
I'm planning on rewatching Grimsborough gameplay soon because half of it has left my mind, and there isn't much emotional attachment, as with these two games, so... Yeah!
This is wordy because I'm feeling awkward posting into a smol fandom Tumblr honestly. I know it's not a crime at all, but it feels like I'm intruding into a sacred space or something XD
Well, I'll get used to it. So will you, hopefully. 👀💫
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himbo-in-limbo · 8 months
Now this is probably just because I’m a huge simp for Monty, but while I do think he’s lazy with aftercare, I do think he’d snuggle you. But that’s about it. And not just because he’s lazy. He’s also just a little stupid and doesn’t know what to do 😭
Now, since I rambled about Bonnie and Monty, and you rambled about Freddy and Bonnie, I’ll ramble about Freddy and Monty. And maybe another little surprise!
Now Freddy and Monty are both himbos. So two sides of the same coin. In other words, Freddy’s so sweet and gentle and telling Monty to be gentle with you. Not like Monty listens, so maybe. Jusssst maybe, Freddy gets aggravated and starts dominating Monty. Like we’ve established, Freddy doms brats. Monty is a brat. You see me?
And maybe you also get a bit of fun with Monty!
And then there’s after. Where he gets his revenge. Yeah you and Freddy are both gonna get a bit roughed up. Just imagine Monty dominating you while Freddy watches. I can just imagine all the dirty talk Monty says. Especially if this is a situation where you’re in a poly with Fronnie (Obvi with both Freddy and Bonnie being okay with this… okay not alright with it, but they both said you could smash Monty.) and Monty stroking his own ego and degrading you while Freddy just watches, knowing Monty’s about to do the same to him after.
I said I’d give you a surprise so here it is! Glamrock Foxy. Except I’m not mentioning bottom Foxy cause I do not hc that Foxy is ever a bottom. At most he’s a sub top.
So. He’s a half time cowboy half time pirate. According to SB and RUIN anyways…
Pirate Foxy: Definitely into knifeplay with his hook, teeth, claws, maybe a sword if he’s feeling extra frisky. And also, hammock. I’ve never banged in a hammock (Actually I’ve never.. actually banged. Irl. Just in fan fic and my imagination. Yknow that’s kinda weird cause I’m represented as a cro-) but Foxy definitely would smash you in his.
Cowboy Foxy: COWBOYS HAVE BIG DIC- ahem. So cowboys use rope is what I meant to say. (Unrelated but I find it extra hot to see Freddy all tied up in wires. Like imagine he went to go fix something and accidentally got all tied up in the wires and you just find him.) So Foxy ties you up. Anyways, milks you like a cow JSNAJKDJDN BYE
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I think I’ve finally perfected the way I will draw Monty….(hopefully)
Anyways, yes 100% these two would only (in my opinion) hate boink each other bc theys got tension (it also happened to be sexual tension…) I feel so sorry for Freddie bc 😭 Monty would be giving him such a hard time (in more than one way 😏)
And he’d DEFINITELY hog you like expect to get topped by Monty the most bc he’s a greedy bastard. oh but the degrading remarks he’d make at Freddie…..oof they way Monty would make you beg for HIM instead of Freddie and like you said that’d eventually piss off our Honeybear…if they start wrestling in bed I’m throwing money…
Uhhh…now for Foxy….honestly I don’t feel much for him LMAO not even enough like I do for Monty 💀💀💀 cute guy tho!
Maybe that’ll change if we get more lore about him? If he even is canon in SB (like yeah we see his old cardboard cutouts) but atm to me it looks like Foxy could have been Roxanne’s old model??? So she’s trans maybe?? If so good for her!! ♥️
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stendysolos · 4 months
silly rant about wendy and stan :3
but like the rants are seperate
so to whoever wants to read this shit i think wendy doesnt work with anyone else besides stan. if you say "kyle can treat her better!" first of all stfu u kyndy shippers are annoying asf and second of all no he would not. he would clearly get jealous of other guys and he would be really controlling (not in earlier seasons) and lets just be fr for a sec... wendy would either fall out of love or get back with stan again because yknow they always go back to eachother. and plus an arguement between wendy and kyle would be ugly especially if theyre together, they both can get mad asf and the arguement would last ATLEAST a few days. and atleast stan can handle her disagreeing and yelling at him. now lets see who else shes paired with. i wanna talk abt wendy and token. first of all i dont believe wendy ever loved token because we never see theyre relationship outside of raisins. what i believe is that wendy only dated token to try and get stans attention because he did neglect the relationship and maybe she was attention-hungry. and now the final one i wanna talk to about is cartman. i hate wendy x cartman (more than i hate kyndy) because we know it would never work. she even said that she lost all feelings towards cartman after chef goes nanners. and even if you argue and say that they had good chemestry in that episode let me remind you that she ran back to stan at the end of the episode. she clearly hates cartman and clearly would rather killherself than date cartman. i dont think cartman deserves to be with anyone (except maybe yentl) because he's pretty much unlovable.
now onto stan, i dont think he works with anyone but wendy. lets take a look at style. first of all kyle has left stan several times before. he left him for token and he also never helped him with his depression in your getting old. but guess who was there to cheer him up? wendy was. wendy was one of the only people that didnt get sick of him in that episode and it really shows how much she cares for stan. and in you have 0 friends even though wendy was kinda being... weird, stan did listen to her and tried to edit his settings on his facebook.
also i wanna bring up... best friends doesnt = dating.
also i wanna talk abt stendy as a relationship. i think that they might be able to work as friends but as partners is when theyre dynamic works best. girlboss and loser bf. in all honesty stan and wendy might have the best dynamic/healthiest relationship out of everyone. theyve been shown to care about eachother lots of times and in the older seasons was when they really had their cutest moments. modern stendy isnt bad either, wendy is able to forgive stan at the end of the chat gpt episode because she loves him. and stan really cares for wendy too. he went with wendy to see shitty movies just to spend time with her and he also wrote a song for her. stendy is my absolute favorite ship and i hate when ppl make them cheat on eachother. stan would never and wendy wouldnt either. and one thing i noticed is that stan is loyal to wendy, sure he may have had a few crushes on other girls but, he never actually tried to make a move on any of them (except ms ellen) but through out all their break ups, stan never dating anyone besides wendy, which shows he really does love her enough to the point where he would hit on anyone while she was gone
also this section is just random but i wanted to put it here:
would stan work with other girls?
theres 3 main people i wanted to pair stan with. heidi, bebe, and red. first i want to talk abt is red and stan. i feel like they would be more friends than lovers. we dont really see much of reds personality but we do know that she acts like the other girls. stan doesnt really interact with girls that much so we dont really see a certain dynamic between them. another girl i want to talk abt is bebe. bebe is an interstening character, she can be nice, outgoing and funny but she can switch up to be sassy and rude. stan and bebe are like the listeners/jocks of their groups. they both have their hobbys that go on the field (stan plays football and bebe is a cheerleader). i feel like stan and bebe would be besties shit talking everybody. and lastly i want to move onto heidi. i feel like they could work as an alternate incase stan and wendy have a permenant break up (lets be honest thats never happening). i feel like heidi likes/ is fond of stan. she went up to him for advice abt cartman and he's probably the one that knows cartman the least. and in the bracelets episode he asked her for glue which i find funny. and i feel like their love of animals would help them bond.
ok i think im done with this rant
so basically:
wendy and kyle dont get along prob, stendy is a healthy relationship, cartman and wendy hate eachother, stan and red are mutuals, stan and bebe are prob besties, and stan and heidi could work but like... stendy solos.
ok bye yall
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system-architect · 1 year
i took some of my friends/guildies on a run through 'story mode' (listening to all the dialogue) of shattered observatory recently and some of them learned new stuff despite running fractals often, which made me realize a bit there's actually a decent amount of fractals lore that people might not know or have picked up on, especially if you ran through the fractals pretty fast?? imo it's genuinely one of the most fascinating and well-written areas of the game
so, here, some of my favorite fractal/dessa/arkk lore tidbits (and why i Really Love Fractals):
1. arkk and potentially dessa are implied to be ex-inquest-- in the nightmare fractals, arkk mistakes the players for inquest debt collectors, and in his chaos fractal journal entries mentions his 'witless subordinates', so the implication feels to be that his mists research was inquest funded before he ghosted them. in thaumanova, dessa mentions two of the inquest npcs as having been krewemates of hers-- in ls1 she refers to them as being from her 'old krewe', and still describes them as friends (she also refers to them as 'good technicians', like yknow, the inquest rank). also, it may be for aesthetics, but tiles with the inquest logo are used throughout fractals (and in mistlock sanctuary)
2. simon, the cat obtainable from fractals, is implied to have been arkk's cat as per the headstone next to it (does this make arkk's cat golems make sense? maybe! they're also a cheeky reference to the other cat golems throughout fractals)
3. there was a little incident back in ls1 that revealed the fractals lobby is, itself, a fractal, and it and all the creatures in it loop continuously just like the regular fractals. shattered observatory is also vaguely foreshadowed in it, in a sad way :")
3a. similarly, by the way, the mistlock sanctuary is a fractal too-- ever talked to the npcs in there? go speak to ilia-- and the bartender
4. dessa hates the consortium, supposedly 'lost' her boyfriend (potentially arkk's father?) to them, and is not aware that the consortium are the ones who started promoting the fractals to tyria as an 'attraction'
5. dessa is, in some way, connected to the asura boss at the end of uncategorized fractal-- a small fact we only know from the dreamer collection, combined with dessa freaking out and having to leave when the fractal begins. we don't know their relation
6. dessa seems somewhat aware that she is non-existent/a mists magic construct bound to the timeloops. in a now-lost lore interview from wartower, she is described as being afraid to leave mistlock observatory in case she can't return to it. at the end of shattered observatory, she is much quicker to have the revelation than arkk is-- to the point where you could read it as her having known the whole time
7. and now, my favorite, which is more of a headcanon with a solid lore basis that i tend to go full pepe silvia about-- there's two types of fractal we see: ones that are sort of 'possible' or somewhat alien alternate realities, and then ones that are repeating loops of events that actually happened.
chaos, nightmare, and shattered observatory are all evidently loops of events that actually happened. arkk very much does smash into the fractals, you very much do stop him, dessa and arkk very much do effectively sacrifice themselves to stop the fractals from becoming destroyed, and then the loop repeats-- as they explicitly state it will
here's the thing... during the dialogue at the end of shattered, dessa states that arkk did successfully account for all variables except for the reality that they themselves aren't sentient and are just echoes bound to the fractal loop. thus that arkk's DDR would have successfully worked to extract them from the fractals if they were real, corporeal entities.
but since the shattered observatory is an echo of an event that happened, then just like all the other 'echo' fractals, then there needed to have been actual people acting upon the mists to create the event that's echoed in the first place. that is, it didn't just pop into existence of its' own accord. and while we encounter the fractal looped versions of arkk and dessa, they definitely were real people outside in tyria at some point in time
so... in the original version of the fractal... what actually happened? did a real, corporeal arkk meet a real, corporeal dessa? if so, did his DDR work? did they actually escape the mists, and then the loop in the fractal only ended up like it did because the copies couldn't follow in the originals' footsteps? or was arkk real, only to find that dessa wasn't? if the arkk and dessa we meet are only impressions or echoes of the real things, then where on tyria are the real arkk and dessa?
we don't know!! we simply don't know! we also know very little about the consortium, their connections to the inquest, or the uncategorized fractal! there is SO MUCH lore they could expand upon in future fractals and i really really hope they do ;_;
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Miscellaneous headcanons. Maybe some weird ones later we'll see
Farah who keeps track of time by reciting little prayers under her breath. At some point she starts teaching Alex some.
Gaz who at 18 had a surprisingly grownup conversation with his girlfriend, they split on friendly terms, so peaceful in fact that they still check in on each other now and then. (as in the one couple that made we should stay friends truly work)
He loves going window shopping and he actually gives you constructive criticism on the outfits his partner show him.
Johnny who despite being a punk and a nuisance to the local neighborhood, was the sweetest boy to his ma and grandmas
Also he is so efficient in the bathroom after years of getting chased out of it by his sisters for taking longer than 5 minutes. Sits down to pee, learned the hard way that his ma doesn't want him standing.
A young Alejandro who's the worst fuckboy until he meets that one person and now he's stuck trying his hardest to get rid of that title. Just to spend atleast a year getting ignored, almost gives up but asks them for a last dance and actually gets a yes.
Owns a bunch of colorful short sleeve button ups, yknow those Hawaiian ones that only dad's and lesbians wear.
Rudy who actually isn't shy but reserved. He just is that quiet naturally. In contrast to alejandro he had one partner his entire life, they're an actual pretty happy couple with an extremely normal life (except for Rudy's job). Like they're just vibin™
His spice tolerance level is ass.
Simon volunteering at the local animal shelter in his free time. He tends to either the kittens or the extremely reactive dogs.
Refuses to drink those electrolytes sachets, the water feeling all thick makes him gag.
Price who during his youth caught a bunch of STDs including herpes.
Nowadays he gets screened regularly.
Also he has a bald spot in his chest hair.
And my goodness Lyra I agree with all of those
Minus, Rudy can 100% handle spice but he'll sweat like crazy and go all red in the face (but he handles it, he eats it without going all "AHHHH WATER, MY MOUTH IS ON FIRE")
Also, I'm SO glad I'm not the only one that HC'S Price as being RIDDLED with STD's??? (I ALMOST went that route with It's a Match)
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