#sp sted
stendysolos · 3 months
silly rant about wendy and stan :3
but like the rants are seperate
so to whoever wants to read this shit i think wendy doesnt work with anyone else besides stan. if you say "kyle can treat her better!" first of all stfu u kyndy shippers are annoying asf and second of all no he would not. he would clearly get jealous of other guys and he would be really controlling (not in earlier seasons) and lets just be fr for a sec... wendy would either fall out of love or get back with stan again because yknow they always go back to eachother. and plus an arguement between wendy and kyle would be ugly especially if theyre together, they both can get mad asf and the arguement would last ATLEAST a few days. and atleast stan can handle her disagreeing and yelling at him. now lets see who else shes paired with. i wanna talk abt wendy and token. first of all i dont believe wendy ever loved token because we never see theyre relationship outside of raisins. what i believe is that wendy only dated token to try and get stans attention because he did neglect the relationship and maybe she was attention-hungry. and now the final one i wanna talk to about is cartman. i hate wendy x cartman (more than i hate kyndy) because we know it would never work. she even said that she lost all feelings towards cartman after chef goes nanners. and even if you argue and say that they had good chemestry in that episode let me remind you that she ran back to stan at the end of the episode. she clearly hates cartman and clearly would rather killherself than date cartman. i dont think cartman deserves to be with anyone (except maybe yentl) because he's pretty much unlovable.
now onto stan, i dont think he works with anyone but wendy. lets take a look at style. first of all kyle has left stan several times before. he left him for token and he also never helped him with his depression in your getting old. but guess who was there to cheer him up? wendy was. wendy was one of the only people that didnt get sick of him in that episode and it really shows how much she cares for stan. and in you have 0 friends even though wendy was kinda being... weird, stan did listen to her and tried to edit his settings on his facebook.
also i wanna bring up... best friends doesnt = dating.
also i wanna talk abt stendy as a relationship. i think that they might be able to work as friends but as partners is when theyre dynamic works best. girlboss and loser bf. in all honesty stan and wendy might have the best dynamic/healthiest relationship out of everyone. theyve been shown to care about eachother lots of times and in the older seasons was when they really had their cutest moments. modern stendy isnt bad either, wendy is able to forgive stan at the end of the chat gpt episode because she loves him. and stan really cares for wendy too. he went with wendy to see shitty movies just to spend time with her and he also wrote a song for her. stendy is my absolute favorite ship and i hate when ppl make them cheat on eachother. stan would never and wendy wouldnt either. and one thing i noticed is that stan is loyal to wendy, sure he may have had a few crushes on other girls but, he never actually tried to make a move on any of them (except ms ellen) but through out all their break ups, stan never dating anyone besides wendy, which shows he really does love her enough to the point where he would hit on anyone while she was gone
also this section is just random but i wanted to put it here:
would stan work with other girls?
theres 3 main people i wanted to pair stan with. heidi, bebe, and red. first i want to talk abt is red and stan. i feel like they would be more friends than lovers. we dont really see much of reds personality but we do know that she acts like the other girls. stan doesnt really interact with girls that much so we dont really see a certain dynamic between them. another girl i want to talk abt is bebe. bebe is an interstening character, she can be nice, outgoing and funny but she can switch up to be sassy and rude. stan and bebe are like the listeners/jocks of their groups. they both have their hobbys that go on the field (stan plays football and bebe is a cheerleader). i feel like stan and bebe would be besties shit talking everybody. and lastly i want to move onto heidi. i feel like they could work as an alternate incase stan and wendy have a permenant break up (lets be honest thats never happening). i feel like heidi likes/ is fond of stan. she went up to him for advice abt cartman and he's probably the one that knows cartman the least. and in the bracelets episode he asked her for glue which i find funny. and i feel like their love of animals would help them bond.
ok i think im done with this rant
so basically:
wendy and kyle dont get along prob, stendy is a healthy relationship, cartman and wendy hate eachother, stan and red are mutuals, stan and bebe are prob besties, and stan and heidi could work but like... stendy solos.
ok bye yall
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gummidon · 1 year
Sp Lorax au doodles <3
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12 notes · View notes
-\ A weak threat. Given you haven't tried to execute it, I will look past it. The insubordination is quite halfhearted and unsupported in nature. -/>
-\ There are many creatures in the sea that aren't fish, though I suppose you wouldn't know that. My lusus happens to be one of them. -/>
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subskywalker · 3 years
Even better: spitroasting Anakin. Like you can't tell me Anakin doesn't want to be in an Obi-Wan sandwich
Thanks for sending this love!!💛💛💛😊😊😊
LISTEN!!! ANON!!! Agavgsgsvsv s
Like y’all can’t tell me Anakin wouldn’t be living his best life happily laying there as he gets sp*t ro*sted by Sith!Obi-Wan and Jedi!Obi-Wan. Especially when Sith!Obi-Wan taunts Jedi!Obi-Wan a bit over how good Anakin is for him. How he listens and obeys him. Because he’s Anakin’s true master. 👀
I am indeed writing this bc I have THOTS AND NEEDS!!!!
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smittenwithsugden · 5 years
Years ago today
14th March
2015:   No episode
2016:  Robert has a meeting because of his divorce and tells Vic Chrissie wants to give him as less as possible. He is surprised when he finds out about Gordon’s plea hearing. 
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2017: Robert gets Liv out of an uncomfortable situation with Gabby and some guys. 
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2018: Gabby is arrested for the ketamine spiking, which leads to Liv feeling bad and telling Aaron the truth.
(First links are always the transcripts/wiki page, the following are the clips)
(Years ago today masterpost)
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annaspraksis · 5 years
Intervju med veiledere i praksis
Da har jeg hatt et lite intervju med praksisveilederne mine, her er de spørsmålene som ble stilt og svart på: 
-Hva er deres tanker om deres/organisasjonens ønsker for fremtiden og deres fokus i 2018. Overordnet er Helsedirektoratets mål for 2019  å styrke hele befolkningens helse gjennom å være en faglig rådgiver, iverksette vedtatt politikk og forvalte lov og regelverk innenfor helsesektoren.  
- Hva gjør at vertens arbeidssted er et meningsfylt sted å jobbe?  Det som gjør det meningsfylt å jobbe her henger sammen med svaret på spørsmål 1; å få lov til å være med å påvirke hva som prioriteres nasjonalt innenfor helse og hvordan ulike tiltak bør gjennomføres.
-Hvilke egenskaper bør en medarbeider ha som skal fungere godt på laget, og hvilken kompetanse er det man ønsker seg mer av i organisasjon?   Hos oss er det viktig å kunne jobbe selvstendig samtidig som man er en del av et team. Det er også viktig å spille hverandre gode og dele informasjon som kan være nyttig for andre. Når det gjelder kompetanse er det hele tiden forandring i hva det er behov for. Kanskje det viktigste er erfaring med prosessene innenfor offentlig sektor?
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wiadomosciprasowe · 11 years
Familiepolitikk for den reorganiserte familien på dagsorden. Åpent politikermøte på Litteraturhuset mandag 10.06. kl 18.30-20.30
Familiepolitikk for den reorganiserte familien på dagsorden. Åpent politikermøte på Litteraturhuset mandag 10.06. kl 18.30-20.30
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Dato: 10-06-2013 00:11 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Familiepolitikk for den reorganiserte familien på dagsorden. Åpent politikermøte på Litteraturhuset mandag 10.06. kl 18.30-20.30 Kategori: , Juss Frivillighetsarbeid Familiespørsmål Konflikter Sosiale spørsmål Likestilling Barn, ungdom
Stortingspolitikerne Gunn Karin Gjuul (AP), Solveig Horne (FRP), Rannveig Kvifte Andresen (SV), Olov Grøtting (SP), Linda Hofstad Helleland (H), Guri Melby (V) og Anne Kathrine Skjørshammer (KrF) kommer. Kommer du? Tid: Mandag 10. juni kl 18.30-20.30 Sted: ”Amalie Skram”, Litteraturhuset, Wergelandsveien 29, Oslo Velkommen til åpent møte med noen av Stortingets og partienes fremste familiepolitikere.
Hilsen Foreningen 2 Foreldre
Kilde: Pressekontor Foreningen 2 Foreldre – PRESSEMELDING –
Foreningen 2 Foreldre ble etablert i 1985.Foreningen drives på frivillig basis og har medlemmer tilknyttet en rekke fylkeslag-/kontakter.
Vår visjon: F2F skal skape trygge familieforhold for barn med to hjem – så enkelt, og så vanskelig.
Trygge familieforhold for disse barna krever:
Felles omsorg/likeverdig foreldreskap som hovedprinsipp i barneloven Automatisk felles foreldreansvar for alle foreldre, uansett samlivsstatus En trygde- og stønadsordning som belønner samarbeidende foreldre Rettslig, reell beskyttelse av barns forhold til begge dets biologiske foreldre og beskyttelse av samværsretten Sikring av kontakt mellom barn og foreldre umiddelbart etter samlivsbrudd Biologiske foreldre forespørres først ift å overta omsorg for barn der hovedomsorgshaver ikke er i stand til dette Offentlig informasjonsplikt til begge biologiske foreldre om forhold som vedrører barnets ve og vel.
Hashtags: # #Juss Frivillighetsarbeid Familiespørsmål Konflikter Sosiale spørsmål Likestilling Barn, ungdom Juss Frivillighetsarbeid Familiespørsmål Konflikter Sosiale spørsmål Likestilling Barn, ungdom
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gummidon · 1 year
I kind of went crazy with this Lorax stuff
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And whatever this is
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19 notes · View notes
hbo remake of supernatural i think that anna and cas should have sp*t r**sted dean (anna pegging obv) in s4
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maelkevejen · 5 years
Det er ikke sjovt
Jeg blev så lettet forleden, da jeg fandt en mulig løsning på mit studieproblem. Men nu dampen ligesom lettet lidt, og er pludselig lidt i tvivl, om det er det rigtige at gøre, selvom jeg egentlig har snakket med en studievejleder og har det faktuelle på plads.
Jeg vil gerne have ringet til studenterådgivningen. Og snakket med SU-kontoret. Og min underviser fik svaret tilbage på min mail og vil gerne have en snak med mig om det hele, og jeg så den bare først nu, så jeg ved ikke, om han har tid. 
Jeg er svimmel, har sikkert ikke fået nok at spise og drikke, og jeg har ikke lyst til at trække vejret. Jeg ved godt, det lyder åndssvagt, men det er som om, der sikker en stopklods, selvom jeg ved, jeg skal bruge mere ilt end ved overfladisk vejrtrækning. 
Jeg har spist to kiks, men skal igennem to mere. Mindst. Og Mathias fik den sidste banan, så jeg burde gå ned og handle for at få mere frugt. Der er stadig mange ting, jeg burde, jeg har endnu ikke meldt mig fra blok 2, og jeg skal søge dispensation, og jeg skal skrive en mindst en ansøgning, jeg er forfærdeligt langt bagud, og hvad med min økonomi, og det virker som om, Mathias et eller andet sted ikke rigtigt forstår det hele, for han spørger ikke rigtigt ind til det, og kommer bare med ideer til jobs, jeg kan tage. Jeg vil bare gerne have trøst. Og jeg vil gerne have at vide, at det hele nok skal gå, og at han nok skal støtte mig. 
Jeg har brugt en halv til en hel time på at prøve at finde ud af, hvordan kan jeg kan få radiatoren til at virke. Jeg har aflyst min SPS-samtale imorgen, fordi vi skal ordne lejligheden. “Hvad er der egentlig tilbage, vi skal ordne”, spurgte Mathias. Jeg orker ikke at... Jeg forstår ikke, hvor hans stress med hensyn til lejligheden er blevet af. Han var virkelig frustreret og generet i sommers, fordi jeg ikke havde taget stiling til  bogkasserne. Men der står stadig tre af de små her, som han ikke tager sig af, og han er åbenbart pikke ligeglad med de ting, vi mangler at sætte på væggene, der står hylder ovenpå på gulvet, og hvad med det der guitatstativ, alle hans guitarer står i taskerne i hjørnet. Han sagde, han nok skulle sætte sengerammen på benene, men det blev aldrig gjort, og han opdagede ikke, at jeg gjorde det for ham til sidst. Er han ligeglad? Jeg tør ikke italesætte det, for jeg er bange for, at han bliver sur. Men... 
Jeg har ærligt talt bare lyst til at gå i seng. Jeg orker det ikke. Jeg orker ikke noget af det! JEG VIL IKKE! 
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trolloled · 6 years
==> Gerrel: Wheedle for sponsorship.
[08:51] -- autonomousMachinations [AM] began trolling mixologistMaverick [MM] at 20:51 --
[08:51] AM: G**d even!ng m!ster Nersc*.
[08:51] MM: Ah, right. Yau. Yau need anather delivery ar $amething? [08:52] AM: N*, n*, ! just have a...part!cular pr*p*sal t* g!ve y*u. [08:52] AM: The k!nd that pr*v!des a chance t* !ncrease y*ur pr*f!t marg!ns. [08:52] MM: ...Alright, yau knaw my weak $pat. Ga an. [08:52] AM: ! have an ass*c!ate wh* w!shes t* be...well, fam*us. H*wever, he needs the pr*per event t* get h!s face *ut there. [08:53] AM: ! tr!ed t* suggest s*meth!ng small t* start, but he's very c*nf!dent !n h!mself and !ns!sted *n a much larger fest!val. [08:53] MM: Get ta the part where I give a damn. [08:53] AM: R!ght, my ap*l*g!es. As ! was say!ng, the event he wants !s large. T** large f*r h!m t* pr*duce *n h!s *wn, and !'m a redbl**d s* ! cann*t ass!st h!m. [08:53] AM: H*wever, y*u c*mmand larger than average funds due t* y*ur adm!rable bus!ness ventures. [08:53] AM: ! was g*!ng t* suggest that, perhaps, y*u'd be !nterested !n sp*ns*r!ng the event...? [08:54] MM: Are yau drunker than I u$ually am? [08:54] MM: I ain't gat any intere$t in dumping maney an $ame idiat I dan't knaw! And haw wauld that even get me any maney anyhaw? [08:55] AM: ! understand y*ur m!sg!v!ngs. Th!nk *f !t as a chance t* !ncrease brand rec*gn!t!*n *f y*ur l!ne. Brand!ng !s a p*werful t**l, espec!ally dur!ng a h*t sp*rt!ng event where many spectat*rs w!ll be qu!te th!rsty. [08:55] AM: !f y*u catch my !ntended d!rect!*n. [08:56] MM: Yau mean hawk my baaze ta $ucker$ wha are tired aut ju$t watching $ame ather idiat break hi$ arm during...what, exactly? [08:56] AM: Well, he called !t s!m!lar t*...Altern!an N!nja Warr!*r? [08:56] AM: Apparently there !s an *bstacle c*urse. [08:57] MM: Yeah, I knaw what that i$. Buncha maran$ running araund breaking all their bane$ and dying by the dazen$ $a peaple will call them caal. [08:57] MM: I dan't remember hearin af anyane gettin $pan$ared in that thaugh. [08:57] AM: Well, yes, because the sh*w just surv!ves *n advert!sements and t!ckets ! assume. [08:57] AM: But *ur event w!ll be an amateur take *n !t, s* !nd!v!duals w!ll need sp*ns*rs t* help c*ver the c*st. [08:58] MM: And what, exactly, will I be praviding? [08:58] AM: M*ney f*r c*urse c*nstruct!*n, pr*bably h!r!ng a small team *f hand-p!cked tr*lls t* put th!s t*gether. Pr!nt!ng c*sts f*r the t!ckets as well, but that w!ll eas!ly be re!mbursed thr*ugh sales. *h yes, and flyers t* advert!se. [08:59] MM: And haw much will all thi$ $hit ca$t? [08:59] AM: ...! can fax y*u my budget est!mate. [08:59] MM: What the fuck i$ a fax? [08:59] AM: !t's a system f*r send!ng d*cuments t* an*ther pers*n. [08:59] MM: Ju$t email it yau idiat. [09:00] AM: Very well, ! just f!gured y*u'd prefer my s!gnature *f authent!c!ty s* y*u kn*w ! am n*t, as the new tr*lls say, 'pull!ng y*ur leg.' [09:00] MM: Whatever. [09:01] MM: Alright, thi$ i$ $tupid. What the hell i$ thi$, fag machine$, $tage lighting? [09:01] MM: It'$ an ab$tacle caur$e nat a primma danna $tage play! [09:01] AM: !t's what M!ster Ranp*e requested. [09:01] MM: "Mi$ter Ranpae" can ki$$ the fatte$t part af my a$$. [09:01] MM: Na, I'll $end YAU my awn budget af $hit I'll actually pay far, and YAU $tretch it aut ta make $en$e. [09:02] MM: I'm nat blawin a fat wad an $ame guy wha $wear$ he wan't break hi$ leg twa $ecand$ in. [09:02] MM: Will there at lea$t be ather campetitar$ ta eat time up? [09:02] AM: Yes, *f c*urse. !'ll be select!ng pe*ple wh* may seem c*mpetent but w!ll ult!mately fa!l. [09:02] AM: That way the cr*wd w!ll get the!r bl**dlust up and be th!rst!er. [09:03] MM: Gaad idea, I might actually turn a prafit naw. [09:03] AM: As y*u say, M!ster Nersc*. Sh*uld ! c*nst!tute th!s as an agreement, then? [09:03] MM: Canditianal. Yau $et up the cheape$t deal$ yau can get and I'll $ee abaut getting $ame maney aver ta yau. [09:03] MM: And redblaad? Thi$ better pay aff. [09:04] AM: ! understand. Thank y*u, M!ster Nersc*. [09:04] -- autonomousMachinations [AM] gave up trolling mixologistMaverick [MM] at 21:04 --
0 notes
subskywalker · 3 years
For y’all’s consideration: time travel/dimension travel with Sith!Obi-Wan who meets Jedi!Obi-Wan and Jedi!Anakin which leads to Anakin being sp*t r**sted (and also a thr**s*me) this is all goodbye .✌🏽😌🥰
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zom-bee · 4 years
homos get sp/t ro/sted
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australienadventure · 7 years
Sydney Harbour Bridge
Jeg vågnede i morges kl.08.00, efter en god aften. Så spiste jeg morgenmad og vågnede lige så stille.
Klokken 09.00 mødtes jeg med 2 andre fra holdet, og gik ned til rejse/oplevelses firmaet i receptionen. Der bestilte vi en tid til intet ringere end Bridge Climb Sydney! Det er en oplevelse jeg gerne ville have mens jeg er i Australien, da der kun er meget få steder man kan gøre det.
Vi fik en tid 12.45 og derefter gik tiden med at vente og finde en rute.
Vi tog så afsted og oplevede Sydney som turister på gå-ben.
Vi fandt det sted hvor vi skulle tjekke ind og da vi var i god tid, sad vi og snakkede og så på alle de souvenirs man kunne købe. Man kunne B.la. Købe en af de møtrikker der tidligere har holdt broen sammen.
Da klokken var 12.50 blev vi kaldt ind og skulle udfylde diverse formularer OG tage en alkotest. Der blev jeg lidt nervøs.
For at sige det som det er, blev der drukket et par genstande i går. Jeg havde ikke decideret tømmermænd, så der burde ikke være noget problem. Men det var mest tanken om ikke at komme afsted, når man nu havde sat sig op på det.
Man skulle tælle til 5 på engelsk ind i en maskine, og så kunne den aflæse ens promille.
Men der var intet at frygte for vi kom alle igennem. Der var os 3, 2 englændere, 1 australier, og 4 fra Hong Kong + vores guide Jon.
Han var en meget sjov og sanksaglig fætter, der forstod at fyre jokes af der virkede.
De tog sikkerheden meget seriøst, og vi blev spændt godt fast. I sidste ende lignede vi en række Michelinmænd der var på en slags mission!
Det var forbudt at lave jokes og lade som om at man hoppede ud.
Efter vi fik alt udstyret på og prøvet at bruge det, begik vi os ud på broen.
Til at starte med går man lige under den, så man kunne høre togene kører over en.
Vi var et pænt stykke over jorden, men det føltes meget naturligt. Efter en kortere strækning, bevægede vi os så opad. Mens vi gik på selve broen, fortalte vores guide en masse om selve broen, og hvordan den er blevet som den er i dag. Han levede sig meget ind i historierne og det var super fedt. På det højeste punkt stod vi 134 m over vandoverfladen. Det lyder højt, men det føltes ikke sådan. Vi stoppede forskellige steder på broen for at få taget billeder og nyde udsigten. På toppen af broen er der to flag af 10 x 20 m. Mens vi var der fik vi oplevelsen at se flaget bliver skiftet helt tæt på. Der kom en mand med flaget i en kæmpe sæk på ryggen. Så blev flaget skiftet og op kom det nye. Det yderste af flaget var spaltet, pga. Blæst.
Da turen var færdig kom vi ned, skiftede tøj og købte billeder af os på broen. Jeg lignede virkelig en flue på nogle af billederne med de solbriller jeg havde på! Puha. Men det var nu meget sjovt.
Med os fik vi et certifikat, gruppebillede, en kasket og de billeder vi selv havde valgt.
Sp tog vi toget tilbage til hostlet. Da begyndte trætheden for alvor at melde sin ankomst. Så spiste vi aftensmad og fortalte hinanden om de oplevelser vi havde.
I morgen er den sidste hele dag i Sydney, så der skal pakkes, og se det sidste af byen.
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tech-for-cyberpunk · 5 years
En trinvis vejledning til at begynde at sælge på Amazon Indien, udforske online muligheder
Små virksomheder og enkeltpersoner, der er på udkig efter den trinvise vejledning til at begynde at sælge på Amazon Indien, er faktisk på det rigtige sted. De sidste to årtier har oplevet en hurtig og voksende udvidelse af online-markedet, der har dækket betydeligt køb og salg af varer gennem tredjepartsplatforme og gennem de personlige onlineforretninger. Små virksomheder, der ikke finansieres rigeligt, ser frem til en billigere endnu resultatorienteret platform, hvor de kan udnytte deres forretningskompetencer til at opnå større overskud. Amazon i de sidste par år har vendt mange øjne både fra forbrugere og sælgere. Enorme kundebaser, verdensomspændende service, stor lagerbeholdning, ekstraordinære leveringstjenester og høj kundetilfredshed har gjort denne hjemmeside til det første valg for kunder og leverandører. Spørgsmålet opstår ofte – hvordan man sælger på Amazon? 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asaseya · 6 years
The Princess of the Court: Chapter Nine
Link to chp 8
Ao3 link
Blouse and Skirt, check. Blazer, check. White socks, double check. Feeling like today warranted a bit of sparkle Majida switched her front pair of earrings for golden star shaped studs. She normally kept her hair in one style during the week, today she styled the front portion of her hair into a crown braid and swept the rest into a side ponytail. The box from the uniform company was waiting by her apartment door after basketball practice last night. Since she had ballet practice the next morning she pressed it immediatly and placed it in a garment bag. She rode her bike to practice carefully so that the bag wouldn’t fall from on top of her basket. And hung the bag up as soon as she opened her locker.
Natsuki clapped as Majida did a little twirl.  “I thought you said your uniform wasn’t due to arrive til Monday?” she asked.
Practice passed quickly today. Their instructor noticed Majida’s good mood and was a little bit harsher on her than usual, not that Majida cared. “I thought so too, but I’m not going to complain.” She looked down and waved her foot. In her excitement she’d even shined her shoes, a pair of black leather mary janes, she could see her reflection in them. “It’s weird to see my legs.” The skirt should reach just below her knees, but like most girls she’d rolled her skirt up, just enough that the hem line was above her knee. She’d go higher but it didn’t seem appropriate, nor prudent. Accidentally flashing her neighbors while she rode her bike wouldn’t raise their opinion of her.
Natsuki giggled. “Are you sending your male uniform back?”
“They said I could keep it so...I guess I’ll keep it? Never know, I might break it back out in the winter. I don’t do cold.”
Natsuki laughed a bit louder now, drawing looks from the other girls in the locker room. Now that Majida thought of it they probably didn’t hear Natsuki laugh loudly often, if at all. Guess that’s the natural outcome of isolating a person.
Majida swiped on some lip gloss before zipping up her bag. She slung it on her shoulder and draped her garment bag over her arm. “Ready to go?”
Natsuki nodded and grabbed her things. “Are you sure that you don’t want a ride?”
“Yep. Wanna feel the breeze.” Majida made a swooshing motion with her hand, inspiring another loud laugh from Natsuki.
Furuse stood at the same spot as yesterday, watering the plants in his grandmother’s sted. Majida wondered if she should stop and say hello, but decided not to push her luck. She’d had enough weird conversations for the week. Furuse watched her as she speed past,eyes wide. That reaction was the standard once she entered the school. The stares continued as she walked down the hall, even her classmates greeted her with silence.
Amari-kun broke the ice. “Good job” He gave her a thumbs up. “Though you could roll the skirt up a little bit mo-”
Maki-chan bopped him on the head with a notebook. “Please stop.”
Amari scratched his spiky hair, he seemed to think the upward style made him taller. “Don’t worry I still like your legs the best Ma-”
Maki flushed.  She hit him with the notebook again, harder this time. The thunk could be heard throughout the classroom.
“Think this counts as spousal abuse?” Airi asked dryly.
“Sp...spousal!?” Maki got even redder and moved to attack Airi. Wielding her notebook with a vengeance.  
Airi doged, barely. She scrambled to stand behind Hina, a strange sight since Hina was the shorter of the two
Hina raised her hands defensively and Maki, dejected, stopped her assault. She sulked back to her seat.
“Sooo,” Hina started once she was certain she was no longer in danger. She disentagled herself from a still wary Airi. “Nakamura-kun, what do you think about the change?”
“Why are you asking him?” Majida asked as she sat at her desk.
“I hate it,” Shin answered.
Majida squinted at him. “Huh?”
“Doesn't fit in with my plans to smuggle you onto the team,” Shin said matter of factly.  He didn’t look up from his sports magazine.
She rolled her eyes at him then turned to face forward in her seat. “Yes, because living my life according to your plans is my ultimate destiny.”
Shin flipped a page in his magazine. “I’m glad that we’ve come to an understanding.”
“You two are the weirdest couple,”  Hina said as she took her seat in front of Majida.
Majida’s brain fizzled, managing only to stare at Hina in her shock. Where did she get that idea?
Airi took her seat next to Hina. “Oh! She’s not denying it!” she said in a sing song tone of voice.
Shin lowered his magazine as he laughed. “I’m sorry? You think we’re together?” He gestured to Majida. “Oh, that’s funny.”
“Ouch,” Hina said. “Are you okay with this?”  
Majida shrugged. If he denied it then she wouldn’t have to. “Not at all concerned.”
“Ignore Hina Majida-chan,” Hayashi said from across the room. “She just likes to play matchmaker.”
“No one asked you,” Hina responded bitterly.
Several students charttered, giving overlapping accounts of Hina’s failed matchmaking attempts. The jovial conversation was halted by the class door opening. Everyone turned to see Furuse-kun standing in the entrance. His eyes flitted about, looking for somewhere unintrusive to rest. He blushed deeply when his eyes met Majida’s. A sinking feeling washed over her. Please, Please, PLEASE let that just be a sign of general embarrassment.
Furuse ducked away, hurring to his seat. He was quickly ignored by the rest of the class.
“Excuse me,” Ko always felt ten times taller when visiting the first year floor. He felt five times taller when was a freshman, but the growth spurts never stopped.  He was now around 6’2” and if his father was any indication he still had an inch or two to go until he reached his full height.  The first years sitting outside of their classroom looked up at him with wide eyes. As if he’d suddenly snap and eat them if they made the wrong move. He was never good at managing his neutral expression and had stopped trying after middle school. At the very least he never had to worry about anyone disrespecting him, something he used to his advantage whenever possible.
The girl stood first. “Yes?” she answered, her voice wavering.
The boy stood soon after. He patted the girls shoulder before taking over. “What can we help you with?”
Absently Ko wondered how much hair gel the boy used to make his hair so spiky. He resisted the urge to ask.  “I’m looking for Mikami-chan.”
The pair looked to each other, communicating without saying a word. The boy broke their gaze first, moving to poke his head into the classroom. “Majida-chan. Someone’s looking for you.”
“Yeah?” Mikami called from the classroom.
Ko moved to stand in front of the door, quickly scanning the faces in the room. Mikami rose from the gaggle of girls who had pushed their desks together at the center of the classroom. Huh...Ko had heard a lot about Mikami. Mostly because she was a popular topic of discussion. The neighborhood was fairly insular so anyone from a larger city piqued the student body’s interest. Last year a transfer from Yokohama was the subject of rumors well past the first quarter. Mikami? She seemed bound to give the rumor mill material for years.  Ko didn’t take kindly to rumors. It felt rational to limit his ideas of people based on what he knew instead of hear say.
What he did know? Well, he wasn’t at all convinced that Mikami made a convincing guy. Mostly because he spent too much time around guys to miss certain tell tale signs. Most notably, she didn’t reek after practice. He had seen her in the male uniform and could see how an unobservant person could make the mistake from behind. And maybe someone who’s ideals of manliness were shaped by pop stars could think she was a boy from the front. But anyone who interacted with her and still thought she was a guy was an idiot. Cultural differences aside, she carried herself like a girl. Even her style on the court lacked the aggression and showmanship popular in basketball currently. Too many boys, himself included, watched too many NBA games and tried to copy what they saw.  Or at least they did until a good coach could drill proper form into them. None of the girls he knew who played, Mikami included, had this affliction.
As for the rest, she was stupidly flexible. Which meant the rumors of her studying ballet had to be true in some form. Ko toyed with the idea of making her flexibility a taboo topic for the team. The constant jokes made it such that he could not but notice or consider its implications. It was weird. It was weird because sure he would have noticed anyway, he wasn’t some paragon of virtue like Masaru seemed to think just because he didn’t have a new girlfriend every month. He checked girls out all the time. But she was, at least for the moment, a part of the team and thus off limits.  
Today’s meeting added to his knowledge of her physical attributes. She had rather shapely calves. Like, obviously she never skipped leg day and he needed to know her routine. Also, baggy gym clothes should be banned for women because, he sighed internally, hips. And now he was staring, okay maybe she didn’t need to be off limits all the time, just on the court. Or just- Ko now realized that she had caught him staring. “You changed your uniform?” he asked lightly.
“I have.” She didn’t seem to completely buy his cover. He’d seen her do this before while playing, that piercing gaze. Masaru did it too when he played, must be a point guard thing, always watching, always picking people apart. Masaru didn’t make him feel ticklish whenever he did it though.
“Have you already eaten lunch?” he asked, working hard to strengthen his voice. To pretend that everything is normal, that he didn’t just get caught.
“No, Captain. Not yet.” she answered with a little too much deference for his liking.   
“Good, Can we talk for a moment?”
“The captain huh….” a girl with short hair held back by a headband said. She gave Mikami a smug look.
“Must be some serious team business,” a girl with a high ponytail added.
“Hmm, but why would he only want Jida-chan then? Certainly Nakamura-kun should be going too.” headband girl said .
Ko managed to keep his expression calm. “It concerns the female team.”
Mikami looked over to the two girls with a smile that said “See, nothing to fuss over!” The girls didn’t look convinced. There was going to be another rumor circulating by the end of the day.
The walk to the courtyard was longer than usual. Partly because she walked silently behind him like he was leading her to the gallows. Added to that were the weird looks they were getting. There was no need to wait for her year mates to start rumors it seemed. By the end of the day It would be said that one of them had confessed their feelings or whatever because apparently life worked as depicted in his little sister’s manga collection.
Ko found a spot where they wouldn’t be overheard under a large tree and sat down. “I need to ask something before we get to business.”
Mikami sat, taking extra care with her skirt. That was another thing about her that he noticed. Sometimes her movements were oddly delicate, maybe it was because of the ballet thing. “Should I be concerned?” she asked.
“No, just.” He leaned in a little. “How do you deal with that?” He jerked his thumb towards the school building. “Do they always stare like that?”
She smiled knowingly. “Staring seems to be everyone’s reaction today.”  Gesturing to herself she continued. “It may take a while for everyone to get used to the uniform change.”
“You got me there.” Ko had the decency to look sheepish. “I’ll ask the student council president about it. Maybe he could drop a line to the teachers and-”
“No, you don’t have to worry that much over it. I’m new of course they are curious.”
“I’ll talk to him.” Ko reiterated firmly. “I’m a member of the student council, so its partly my job anyway.” He reached his hand out for a handshake. “ But we’ve already skipped a few steps. I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself.  I’m Akino, Ko.”
She returned his handshake firmly. “Mikami, Majida.”
“So, I knew the gist of why you’ve been training with the boy’s team. But I just recently heard the whole story from Mia.”
“Are you going to ask why I choose this school?”
He smiled, which seemed to catch her off guard judging by how fast she looked away. Interesting. “Why did you choose this school?” He asked as he picked up his bag. It was filled with various types of store bought foods. School kept him far too busy to pack his lunch like he used to.
“My grandparents live in the area and I didn’t want to go to the all girls school. I didn’t know about the girls team being disbanded though.” She unwrapped her lunch as well.
He could smell the fried shrimp from where he sat. Not fair, not fair at all. “So your parents moved here to be closer to your grandparents?”
“No. Work has them traveling around for the next few years. Since it’s a bit silly for them to drag the kids along I decided to stay here. My little brother’s still in the U.S. though.”
“So you live with your grandparents?”
“No, though I do visit. Actually,” she tapped her chopsticks against her lips. “I need to stop by again soon.”
He cocked his head as he looked at her, uncertain of which question to ask first.
She spoke again after she finished chewing. “I didn’t want to be driven everywhere so I found a place in a central location,” She said, answering at least one of his unasked questions. “It’s actually pretty awesome living alone. I can use the space however I want. Cook whatever I want.”
“So you cooked that?”
She offered her lunch box to him. Ko wasn’t proud enough to decline. Another bit of information. She could cook.  
She looked at him expectantly.
“It’s good,” he answered. That seemed to satisfy her, she beamed at him before continuing to eat. “We got a bit off topic,” he said after a few minutes of silent eating. “No one’s explained what happened with the girl’s team last year did they?”
Mikami shook her head.
“Their ranking is pretty low, so the number of girls who joined have always been limited. Last year the team was comprised entirely of second years.”
“All of the third years last year retired?”
“Or moved on to the volleyball team, yes. And as for the freshmen, no matter how many recruitment drives they ran last year no one took the bait. The administrators wanted a boost to the school's reputation so they hired new coaches.  It worked, the girls were finally winning games. But anyone who knew the team could tell something was off.  They always looked haggard, Mia especially.”
Majida grasped the hem of her skirt tightly, suddenly not wanting to know the answers to her many questions. “They didn’t complain?”
“ Never. After one game where Mia missed a shot she was made to practice for hours after school with no breaks.”
“That was for a mistake,what happens if they lost?” she asked. Her voice felt small, distant to her own ears.
The captain sighed roughly  “Luckily they were still eligible for the winter cup,” his voice had began to harden.  “But the practice afterwards? One of the girls was pushed so hard she twisted her ankle. She changed schools a week later.“
“How,” the proper translation was slipping. It happend sometimes when she got emotional. She pushed the looming anxiety from her mind to grasp at the Japanese words she needed. “How well did they do in the winter cup?”
“They lost in the first round”
The captain took a deep breath, he closed his eyes before speaking. “Mia showed up to school the next day with a black eye.” He could no longer hold back the anger in his voice. His eyes burned when he opened them again.
Majida shifted uncomfortably, setting the rest of her lunch down.
“ Rukiya told me the whole story. The head coach went nuts, the assistant coach...Er You’ve met Coach Ueda, had to step in. Broke a few fingers while fighting the head coach off. Needless to say the head coach was fired.”
“And they pressed charges?” she asked, willing some hope into her voice.
“Never got the answer to that question.”
Silence, and not the pleasant kind, stretched between them. Majida gathered the words she needed once again. “I looked up this school and didn’t see anything about it. So I guess not.”
“The principal, he generally means well, but he’s not the only one in charge of things. And Mia just wanted to forget.”
“If I had known I-”
“You wouldn’t have come here right?” he snapped. His face softened after speaking. “Sorry,” he said, calmer. “I didn’t mean-
“It’s alright. And possibly yes,” she answered honestly. “But even if I did come I wouldn’t have tried to reform the team. Or at least I wouldn’t have been so pushy about it.” She leaned back a little. “I feel kinda heartless now.”
“ I don’t think Mia completely hates basketball. She just has no confidence when it comes to playing. She told me that she told you that she would need to see your dedication?”
“Well from what I can tell she definitely sees it. The problem now is your skill.”
Majida was puzzled, she didn’t bother hiding it. “My skill? Am I lacking anywhere...no I mean sure there is always room for improvement but-”
The captain interrupted her by holding up his hand. “I don’t mean it that way. You are good Maybe the best at handling out of the first years. But don’t tell them I said that.” He winked at her. He better not be flirting right now. She wasn’t prepared for something like that right now...Okay she wasn’t prepared for something like that ever but somehow managed to swallow the squawk rising from her throat. Glory be he’s still talking so maybe he hasn’t noticed. “It’s a bit intimidating actually. They probably don’t feel like they could match up, and would just be dragging you down.”
Majida thought back to their short conversation yesterday. “So that’s why she said I’d be better off on the boy’s team?”
“Most likely,” he nodded somberly. “Also,  the logistics of hiring a new coach. I suppose coach Ueda could go back to the women's team but…”
“Adults aren’t immune to trauma,” she filled in.
“Yes, as you’ve noticed he’s a quiet man. He offered to resign but was shown leniency because he came forward with the whole truth after Mia was assaulted. Either way he’s sorta window dressing now. He mostly just watches and takes notes. I doubt he’d be an effective head coach for a reforming team.”
Majida cradled her face in her hands and took a few deep breaths. “I don’t even know what to do now,” she said from behind them. She can’t, she won’t, cry now. She wasn’t upset about not being able to play, not anymore, this was just impossible. Her upperclassmen were convinced of their own inferiority and had no hope that they could improve. And why would they? Maybe in another year. Maybe at another school. But now? She’d probably want to quit too if she was in their shoes.
Gingerly the captain pried away a few of her fingers. Majida froze, through her traitorous eyes didn’t stop producing tears. He removed his hand to retrieve a dark blue handkerchief from his blazer. The gesture made her laugh.
“Sorry.” She dabbed at her eyes with her fingers. He offered her the handkerchief again and this time she took it. “What are you a shoujo character?”
He grimaced. “Please don’t.”
She laughed again. “I’ll wash this and get it back to you.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“You know that’s not gonna happen. Now that the trope’s been activated I have to follow through.” Her comment made him laugh , the sound made her heart flip.
“Are you still going to try and reform the team?”
She thought for a bit before answering.“I’d like to, but don’t think that’s going to happen. At least not this year.”
“At least  you can stay sharp while practicing with us.”
“I only have one more week of that left so.”
“The principal can talk Coach Saitama into it if you asked.” He picked up his lunch and began to eat again.
“Actually, he might.” The thought wasn’t comforting.  The principal would do it just for the entertainment value. “I guess I’ll just have to adjust.”
“You seem to be fitting in just fine.”
She picked up her lunch box and messed with her food a little. “It’s going as well as can be expected.” Nishi was probably still sore over that last game. This afternoon’s practice was going to be interesting.
“Are they bothering you?” There was a warning in his tone. The last thing she wanted was to get any of her yearmates in trouble but the thought of him standing up for her at practice was appealing. She knew that it wouldn’t help in the long run.
“No, just getting the pecking order sorted out. Nothing time won’t fix.”
“Alright.” He didn’t sound convinced.
Majida gave up on the rest of her lunch. “Should almost be time to head back already.”
Ko pulled his cell phone from his back pocket. He checked the time before setting it down.  “Yeah. Want me to walk you back?”
“Please don’t.”
“Don’t?” He seemed almost offended. She wasn’t sure of what to make of that.
“I just don’t think it would be productive.”
He laughed again and she knew she was doomed. There was no going back on this crush now.
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