#actually gonna pin this
hcm92random · 1 year
I think you’re gonna need to be a bit more specific with your missed connection details there m’dude
i’ll be honest, i wasn’t expecting anyone to even see that post let alone respond to it, m’dude
but if you really wanna know, m’dude
so i lived in Canada near Vancouver for a few years when i was a teenager, and in 2008/9 (dunno if it’s still a thing) the BC Lions used to have air, army and sea cadets take this giant ass canadian flag out onto the field for some of their games, which was cool for us cadets ‘cause we got to be part of something fun, see a canadian football game for free and hang out with cadets from the other elements (ha, it’s like atla, we just needed fire cadets and then we’d have the full set)
anyway, this sea cadet and i had a pretty good camaraderie and got on well - i’m annoyed that i have such bad memory problems because i remember what he was like but i can’t remember his name or rank… petty officer Poole maybe??? who knows
i remember him asking all us air cadets why we chose air and not sea or army, and every single one gave the same answer, so he comes to me and says “please, Mills, don’t give me the same answer”, so just to tease him i did exactly that and revelled in his groaning
i’m pretty sure i remember him telling me that he wanted me to take over what he was doing at the flag marching thing when he left, but i moved away pretty soon after and never saw him again - if i’d known i was gonna move away i would’ve asked for a way to keep in touch because ever since i’ve felt like i’ve missed out on having a pretty cool friend
so there you go, that’s my missed connection
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jellobody · 4 days
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have some kinitoPET content, 'cause why not
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a version with YOU
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+ a thing and a few YOU doodles
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captain-hen · 1 month
potentially controversial opinion but i think the only couple who should be having a big damn kiss in 7x06 is madney given the fact that: 1) the episode is literally about THEIR wedding and 2) they haven't had a proper kiss since s3
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thechibilitwick · 4 months
one thing that constantly plagues my mind is this single milgram timeline interaction between shidou and kazui on kazui's birthday
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like not only is it extremely gay but i've recently realized the fact that kazui mentions it's his birthday has certain implications. milgram is pretty thoughtfully written, which would lead me to believe that they wouldn't disregard things that have been said in the past no matter how long ago.
meaning the things kazui said on his first birthday is still just as relevant even now.
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this would imply that kazui bringing up the fact it was his birthday was just an excuse to get shidou to spend some time with him.
why would he go out of his way to mention something he claims he doesn’t care much about if not as an excuse to get shidou to actually spend time with him? either it's just his crippling loneliness or he actually does have a thing for shidou, especially with the way his development is going and how his feelings and desires are being affirmed. plus every milgram interaction has some form of significance to the characters' development.
i do still feel like it's kind of a reach to make this assumption and i'm probably reading into it way too much, cuz it really could just be kazui being nice, but, y'know, why place so much emphasis on it? and also a SHOULDER MASSAGE being offered by the guy who craves physical touch? the closet is not even glass atp it’s been disassembled and returned to ikea
anyways 0507 is real
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b4kuch1n · 9 months
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demadogs · 4 months
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transhawks · 11 months
Actually gonna put this here: I'm going to refuse to engage with Toga doomerism. She is not dead and the idea that Horikoshi would make Ochako do all that to have her lose a person she was trying to save, AFTER what happened with Nighteye, which absolutely shook her. This is not the manga where Horikoshi would "teach us a lesson" in this way, it would throw out so much. ADDITIONALLY - death is not redemptive in Horikoshi's eyes. I want to remind you that characters who sacrifice themselves for the sake of other's are often not treated kindly in the narrative, with additional consequences happening. That was introduced way back with the Nana Shimura plot. That's why Enji didn't die for Touya. Go go reread the Todoroki family stopping from doing that to see how Horikoshi treats "dying for the sake of someone" as a redemption as a cop-out. Toga might be ready to die, but that's again, we're not finished with the war. The final battle is for the villain's souls, not just them physically. The heroes have to make sure there's a will to live and hope.
Toga, Dabi, and presumably Tenko dying will not serve this purpose.
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blaiddraws · 1 year
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Summary: Emmet wakes up alone on a mountain, not knowing how he got there, but certain he wasn't there before then. And yet, it seems as if the few pokemon and people he meets recognize him...?
Genre(s): Mystery, Horror, Supernatural Horror, Angst.
Warnings: mentions of death, blood, injury
[Part 1:]
[one] [two] [three] [four] [five] [six] [seven] [eight] [nine] [ten] [eleven] [twelve] [thirteen] [fourteen] [fifteen] [sixteen] [seventeen] [eighteen] [nineteen] [twenty] [twenty-one] [twenty-two] [twenty-three]
[zero] [one] [two] [three] [four] [five] [six] [seven] [end]
[Part 2]
[one] [two] [three] [four] [five] [six] [seven] [eight] [nine] [ten]
[Interlude 2:]
[zero] [one] [two] [three] [four] [five] [six] [seven] [eight] [nine] [ten] [end]
[Part 3]
[one] [two] [three] [four] [five] [six] [seven] [...?]
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leisi-lilacdreams · 4 months
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in the spirit of transparency i want people to be aware that the mikey pins are incorrect (pin on the left, sticker on the right)
he's missing the shadow in his mouth and the tail highlight screenprint shape is wrong
this is completely my fault not the manufacturer
i missed these mistakes during the proofing stage and told them everything looked good and to send them to production
it wasn't until later when i was looking at progress photos they sent that i went back to look at the proof and saw the mistake
because of the time difference, when i emailed my rep about it, it was too late as everything was already finished
since it was my mistake and not theirs i would have had to pay for another batch of the mikeys with the correct design then i would have had 2x the amount of mikeys not to mention i needed to pay for other merch i wanted made so i decided not to remake them however, if the pins sell out and there's enough people wanting more, i can make another order and those mikeys will be correct
it's very important to me to be honest about things like this
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criticaaaaaaaal · 2 years
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misfithive · 9 months
Random things i would love s3
(and a few i know will not happen but idc)
wille in the purple hoodie
wille telling simon he is beautiful (sober)
wilmon dancing together
wilmon walking holding hands
simon telling Wille he missed him (or giving the sweater back)
simon singing the song to wille again
“wilmon” ship name being used by news/social media comments etc (i have seen it in a few fics and i Need it)
simon giving Wille a new frog like a frog stuffed animal with no crown
wilmon defending eachother
wilmon takes a nap together
Simon actually eating the sandwich
lake date
them laughing with eachother again (would be free therapy for me i’m serious)
Linda hugs Wille
forehead kiss!
simon calms wille’s panic attack (by singing softly to him hehe)
reciprocal i love you (multiple times, casually, before ep 6 pls)
Wilhelm comforting/ reassuring Simon
Wille gets a hobby or shares something he likes/ unexpected opinion with Simon hehe @k-pepp
simon actually sings Revolution like acapella or just like hums it to himself ( CAN U IMAGINE???? 😭 sorry i’m being unhinged i cant help it)
wille decorates his room more or has a framed picture of him and simon
they add more pictures to Wille’s “simon” album on his phone :((
Wille peels a tangerine for Simon or they share a tangerine together
wille sees that Simon has posted a photo of them on instagram and is happy looking at his phone
them skipping class to stay in bed or just hang out together
wilmon polaroid ????? 😭☹️ (why does sargust get one and not wilmon??)
wilmon roomates
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hi :) for anyone new to my blog that doesn’t understand bpd and needs insight, i’m happy to explain..
so bpd is short for borderline personality disorder, a personality disorder that can cause unstable moods, behavior, and relationships. also known as (i say this because they did change it in the dsm-5 but no one in the community really likes it, some do but most prefer to use bpd since it’s well known) emotional unstable personality disorder (eupd) and emotional intensity disorder (eid). the symptoms on google are pretty simple sounding but they definitely aren’t irl.
google describes them as ‘emotional instability, feelings of worthlessness, insecurity, impulsivity, and impaired social relationships’ but it’s a lot more than that.
bpd can also cause feeling very worried about people abandoning you, (and trying very hard to stop that from happening), having intense emotions that last from a few hours to a few days and can change quickly (such as feeling very happy and confident to suddenly feeling low and sad), feeling insecure about who you are, with your sense of self changing significantly depending on who you're with (“mirroring”), finding it really hard to make and keep stable relationships, and often viewing relationships as completely perfect or completely bad (black and white thinking, also known as “splitting” in the community), feeling empty a lot of the time, acting impulsively and doing things that could harm you, such as binge eating/eds, using drugs and alcohol, or driving dangerously, using self-harm to manage your feelings or feeling suicidal, feeling intense anger (which can be difficult to control), experiencing paranoia or dissociation in moments of extreme stress.. the list goes on…
but it’s basically like you feel like your running around in your own head to trying to find the right mask, expression, clothing, mannerisms to live up to some expectation of that role in your life whether it be a parent, sibling, friend, child,, but then when alone feeling like a faceless monster. just waiting for a cue from something to tell you what you are supposed to be at that moment… it’s a very complex disorder.
i’m so sorry this is so long but i truly love teaching people about my disorder and infodumping all of my knowledge onto people.. i hope you guys don’t mind :)
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the-metaknights · 2 years
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spreading my propaganda or whatever
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What are you excited for when the new Welcome Home update drops?
oh. literally Everything and Anything. to see how the site changes, to see all the neighbors again, for all the new things whatever they may be! Story Progression! Images! Words!
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carlyraejepsans · 7 months
you are the soriel AND salphys influencer but we all know your biggest #influencer moment was sexyman sans
oh my god el you're so right how could i forget my greatest internet achievement...
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