#about: garnet
chevvy-yates · 2 months
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[NC_RES]-31052046-EUR-GER ritter_f_portraits_002_CCR_HB_JT_WB.file ///core:_falco_garnet_ritter.file\\\
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Some bits of infos about Garnet.
Like Ryder, Garnet is from Germany. His real name is Falco Ritter. He's the owner of the Hell Bunker, a location that hosts diverse techno parties and concerts (but also some other genres), located under the Dark Matter Building in Japantown, Westbrook.
He's the inventor of the event 'Chrome Chamber Rave', the radio station "Hellbunker fm' is also his own. He wants people of Night City to experience that techno(ise) from Europe is simply the best, especially the one from Germany (as techno roots come from there).
He's well knwon in the underground scene and he even may have some connections to Maelstrom. I'm not 100% done with him, so some details might change and his background story is also more or less in the making. He's more of a side character but a very close friend to Ryder. I created him mainly as supportive character for Ry rather than that he's a V or going to be a main character. He's no merc, but a musician (DJ) who knows how to defend himself as he's got gorilla arms (it's me wanting to play with that set up as well so yea why not give him that).
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garnetdawn · 9 months
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drew my Tav for brainrot reasons!! ...mostly Gale reasons..
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saphirdevil · 3 months
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recents vergils i made
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cottoncandysprite · 6 months
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Let's go lesbians
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peach-petrichor · 4 months
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i dont deserve someone as lovely as you
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flamingtoads · 11 months
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problamticsideanna · 26 days
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This was SUPPOSED to be a multifandom side blog thing so here are more Red x Blue ships I like!
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thornescratch · 3 months
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There was so much going on in that fight, not the least being the fact the arena music playing when it kicked off was ABBA's "Dancing Queen", but I really think the best part is Poehling and Lappy just standing there with their arms around each other while Ovi tries to pull Garny's head off and then Willy pulls Garny down to the ice.
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Look at them. In a punch-happy sea of hair and wrath between former comrades, two other warriors crossed enemy lines for a fleeting and fragile love. I can respect that.
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novantinuum · 3 months
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i feel like this needs to be posted on its own too, lmafo
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plethores · 2 years
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STEVEN UNIVERSE S1E00 Pilot | S5E32 Change Your Mind
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mister-celery · 9 months
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happy monday
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chevvy-yates · 28 days
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Falco ‘Garnet’ Ritter is the owner of the place he named ‘HELL BUNKER’, a location that hosts diverse technoise parties and concerts (but also some other music genres). He’s also the inventor of Chrome Chamber Rave as well as the radio station ‘109.6 HELL BUNKER.FM’.
He has earned himself quite a high cred and respect in the Night City party business as his location and main event is unique compared to other technoise events in the city. His vision simply was to bring European technoise (back) to the NUSA, especially hard tech from his home country Germany. He wants people of Night City to experience that technoise from Europe hits differently than other technoise does, especially the one from Germany (as technoise roots lie there)¹. He’s well known in the underground scene and also appreciated by Maelstroms. He used to be deejay-ing at Totentanz years ago and the location gave him a lot of inspiration for creating HELL BUNKER afterwards. He’s mostly known under the artist name ‘Garnet’² rather than under his real name. So in the first place Garnet is a musician and a business owner. But since he’s got ears and eyes everywhere to keep his club clean he may also have important info for mercs and he’s not easy to fight because of his installed Gorilla arms cyberware. He often acts as a bouncer for his own club. It’s likely to happen that you might get thrown out by him personally if you behave inappropriately. He doesn’t make any excuses. Chrome Chamber Rave especially has strict rules such as a certain dress code you gotta have to wear, otherwise you may not be able to enter.
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Garnet still deejays at CCR. His setlist is of course all hard technoise yet he concentrates to mix it with more emotions and a touch of industrial, even some lyrics and tends to venture further than that. Each song is unique to itself and can be a true experience if you are willing to let yourself soaked in and let it touch your soul.
“Technoise may not be able to save the world, but it will save your soul.”
— Falco ‘Garnet’ Ritter
Cover artwork by me. Steal and you will be doomed. I‘ve chosen tracks only by one artist named ‘Roman Gehrecke’. This artist is the closest to what I imagine Garnet would produce as well. So I decided to borrow the music for Falco. Of course all the music belongs to Roman Gehrecke! There's one song at the end of it I see as the one that is always played at last so the audience knows ok after that it's done. This song is also not by the artist mentioned above but has a well known melody majority knows.
Recommendation: ‚Gefallene Engel‘, ‚Anderswelt‘, ‚Stimmen der Tiefe‘ and ‚Schutt und Asche‘ – best listened to via headphones and making time for it should you want to try to get soaked into.
¹ "Technoise and its various derivations dominate much of the German scene. If you're hip, you already know about Technoise. If not, listen up. Technoise is quite popular with the discerning young punk; it was popularized by Germany's own NetWerk actually, you've got your Overlay style from London, Jazznetic from Rotterdam and Echo from Frankfurt. In addition, there are people producing Frock (Fractal Rock) all over the place. The good thing is, Technoise is quite easy to produce. You only need a small computer, some software and you're ready to buzz. Those of you with a message might miss the political attitude, but you're missing the point. Technoise is strictly for partying, tripping and dancing. People meet and dance up to the runner's point. Maybe that's a political statement in itself, oder?" — Eurosource Plus – The New Eurotheater Sourcebook for Cyberpunk
² Garnet first is a song by my favorite band D'espairsRay I still love to this day (they ain't anything to do with techno). And second a gemstone that has the color of a darkened red, which I also try to give him as a main color theme of his wardrobe (together with black ofc).
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garnetdawn · 2 months
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[OC: Horath]
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I had a horrible dream that steven universe had a velma-like spin off called connie
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weedle-testaburger · 6 months
'what do you want in a partner?' well I'd love if we could combine into a tall person who everyone thinks is really cool
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hirundo-demersalis · 9 months
If Madoka Magica was released in 2014-2017, you'd have tags like #pmmmcritical containing unhinged and opinionated discourse posts like: "Unfriendly fucking reminder to STOP fucking joking about He/ad/less Ma//mi because her death fucking TRAUMATIZED Mad//oka and Sa//yaka and you're a monster if you think a 15-year-old getting decapitated by a witch in front of her friends and giving them PTSD is funny", alongside various random posts rabidly hating on Kyubey or Madoka's little brother.
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