#a. anywAYYyyyY
whoreiaki-kakyoin · 2 years
I just wanna be fucked stupid holy shitttttttt please 😩
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strangerstilinski · 2 months
you and me both bestie </3
because i just know steve fucks, y'know, but also i know he loves slowing things down and giving it to you so sweet and tender that eventually you're gasping and begging for him to make you come. he'll hook his arms under your knees and push your thighs back until your muscles ache at the stretch, and he'll crush you into the mattress with his weight while he ruts into you with grinding little rolls of his hips. draws the whole thing out to the point that you're both flushed and dripping with sweat, all because he can't stop kissing you open mouthed with so much fervor that it requires all of his attention and makes his hips still, or pausing to bury his face in your neck, groaning the absolute filthiest things against your skin, about how hot he finds the slick sound of you sucking him back in, about how warm and tight you are, how good you feel, how perfect you are for him. he loves the way you keen and tighten around him at the sound of his praise. loves it when your resolve breaks and you plead for him to give you more, to fuck you faster, harder. he loves the way your whole body quakes and trembles underneath him when you come after teetering on the edge for so long. loves the sound of you gasping with every thrust that follows, the sound of you begging him to join you as you struggle to catch your breath. loves the feeling of your breath on his neck when he collapses on top of you and his hips finally stutter to a stop. he just loves feeling so close to you. he'll refuse to move until the sweat on your bodies has begun to cool and dry uncomfortably on your skin. stays buried inside you and keeps you pinned beneath him for as long as he possibly can. and you always allow it. hooking your legs up around his waist, combing softly through his hair, stroking your fingertips up and down between his shoulder blades the way you know he likes. because he's just so sweet and lovely and you can't really bear to separate from him either.
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tapeworrmart · 3 months
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Playing barbies with unhinged video game men rn
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mispelled · 7 months
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Smh scary dont you know cringe is dead
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luuxxart · 5 months
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sometimes all you need in life is a little cheese sampler and a sudoku
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jimimn · 2 years
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r&v ♡ for @namchyoon​ ♡ (cr. namuspromised, qdeoks)
happy 23rd! <3
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thelolarahaii · 18 days
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Natasha Behnam and Melissa Benoist in "The Girls on the Bus" 1x03 | "The Audacity of Nope"
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tigirl-and-co · 1 year
How Finite is Love?
This is a short little piece set in @shirecorn‘s super cool mlp AU! This is just a first pass at it, I’ll definitely refine it if I post it to a fic site. I just HAD to get this out though, the au hits all my sweet spots!
Shining Armor considers the ponies he loves, and how a mortal pony can love goddesses.
Shining Armor held no resentment towards his two favourite mares. It wasn't their fault. They had no choice. Shining wasn't certain he believed in destiny, but whatever happened to his wife and baby sister sure was close.
First it was his wife, and that he could handle. She was an adult. They had fallen in love in highschool, they had grown together, Shining knew how strong Cadance was. If anypony deserved ascension, it was her.
If anypony could weather this, it was them.
He loved his wife with every bone in his body, every fiber of his being, every ounce of magic he could channel. And he knew she felt the same. If she didn't... this never would have happened.
Can love be a curse? Can loving somepony too much damn your soul? Can it save it?
About a month after Cadance gained her horn, Shining Armor decided dwelling on these questions wasn't helpful, and the answers didn't matter. He loved Cadance, and Cadance loved him. He couldn't change the past, wasn't sure if he even would -- but he was dead set on building a happy future.
At least as happy as he could give her. He couldn't guarantee that the love his mortal body held would last into her infinity, but he was determined to try.
He hoped it wouldn't destroy her to leave him behind, when the time came.
He loved her too much for that.
He had celebrated when The Sun took notice of Twilight.
The young stallion was oblivious to the looks of quiet worry on his parents' faces, the body language that said they were resigned to a cautious optimism. How could the attention of the source of Equestrian life bring anything but fortune?
He wasn't yet old enough to have heard the whispers. The old fables weren't circulated in school for fear of divine retribution, and Shining Armor was not as studious as his sibling.
Had he the power, he would have torn The Sun from the sky.
His baby sister, the sweetest and most sensitive mare he had ever known, damned to an eternity of watching her friends die.
She was a child (she was older than Cadance had been) she needed protection (she had brought down false gods) she wasn't ready (The Sun had learned from its mistakes, this new goddess was more than prepared).
She needed him.
Didn't she?
(She did, once.)
He was proud of her, of course. And if he had been watching for the signs, he wouldn't have been surprised.
Twilight Sparkle had always had an innate love for those around her. Before she had locked herself away in that tower amongst the tomes, she had been a kind filly. And even then, she had never quite managed to harden her heart.
She was still openly affectionate with him, with Cadance, with Twilight Velvet and Night Light. She shared her knowledge with them because it was how she said 'I love you.'
Leave it to a goddess to exploit that trait.
When Shining managed to find time to talk with his Twily after she had earned her wings, she had said her job as goddess was 'to spread the knowledge of friendship' and to teach others what friendship truly meant. She sounded excited, happy. She had found a purpose for her research.
Shining Armor wasn't sure if his baby sister hadn't yet considered the consequences of eternal life, or if it simply didn't bother her. He didn't ask.
He realized that while she was still his Twily, and would be until the day he died, she was more. She was Ponyville's friend. She was Celestia's Twilight Sparkle.
She was Equestria's new goddess.
He renewed his vow to remain her BBBFF forever, to keep her safe from turmoil and danger.
He swallowed down his anger and despair that night, in favour of his inevitable role as protector. He had his cutie mark, and he knew what it meant.
Shining Armor loved the mares in his life, and he would go to the ends of Equestria to keep them safe and happy, whether they needed him or not.
He was glad, at least, that they would have each other.
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pprodsuga · 2 months
saw this quiz and thought it would be cool to see what my beloved oomfs got as an answer :D
won’t lie i 100% thought i’d get jay lol and i used to be a dancer and figure skater ahh
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tagging: @riftanswhore @alvojake @fakeuwus @onlyjaeyun @karinasbaby @ak4e7a @enha-stars @odxrilove @021894s (if you’d like to participate!)
+ anyone else bc im curious
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druid-boy-punk · 1 month
is it bad to say that as a kid i was unironically fascinated with stanford and bill’s dynamic and relationship??? the struggle for power, the mind games, the betrayal. like i kinda wish we just got a full show of them pre portal trapped stan. also i know they don’t show anything from the dimensional rift because it’s supposed to be incomprehensible BUT I JUST WANNA KNOWWW
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
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Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift
Motel single concept design print and shirt in my etsy shop
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staticrevelations · 9 months
wait. wait. wait so. the talk where laudna realized she might have feelings was the "i don't mind being your better half" talk? she said that and went "oh. oh."?? that is. i will not be able to stop thinking about this it's the wildest thing she has said to imogen and it was said with words so charged with weight and emotion and history for imogen and then laudna in that moment suddenly realized all the ways she may have meant it???
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nottspocket · 10 months
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Weird week. Made some warmups to show off my scruffy haircutttttt (I massacred that shit in my front yard :] 👍)
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septemberlilies · 11 months
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soldiers of the garrison are renowned for their weaponry
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hajihiko · 2 years
sorry sorry talky Tuesday was real short I just wasnt feeling chatty today
Here is a doodle
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milkhorns · 8 months
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✨🎁 Chaotically canon! 🎁✨
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