#a bed a rug and a storage chest
grarts · 6 months
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“I’m going to take my time decorating my BEDROOM, thanks… I was thinking about getting some plants…. Maybe a pet bed for Echo…”
Still doing some fun little OC Q&As!
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blackcatanna · 2 years
My Dad came over today and we finally cleaned out the sexy mezzanine in my bedroom ('twas very sexy but also very dusty, now is just sexi B) ). This involved getting down a load of MYSTERIOUS ITEMS and testing them to see if they were TREASURE!
All of the items worked! Even the remote control for the MASSIVE TV and some battery powered fairy lights! We also found two good lamps and a rug that shall adorn The Hole :D
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mukumukunomi · 7 months
Not Alone. Never Alone (part 2)
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Luffy x Fem!Reader
cw: fluff, no smut, first love, implied semi-relationship, no manga spoilers, takes place just after East Blue's arc in live action, idiots in love, kisses
wc: 1,964
a/n: This is part two! I may open a few requests in the future, but we'll see if I'm able to with work loads. :D.
Part One (You)
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
He tosses and turns but sleep evades him. 
Something isn’t right, he thinks. 
Insomnia is a foreign feeling. He almost never has trouble with it. Sleep is normally a welcome respite from their adventure, because even in his dreams the adventure continues in some way. It usually consists of more meat than real life, but he’ll never complain about that.
But the feeling in his chest is different from the pains of hunger or lack of sleep. It drills into his being with every beat of his heart. It feels like something is missing. Like there’s an absence that-
That’s it!
The covers are thrown off himself as he approaches the small emergency exit inside the men’s quarters. It connects directly to your and Nami’s room, but is almost never used unless under attack. Otherwise, the girl’s space is completely forbidden. But for him, these escapades aren’t an unusual occurrence. He’s not exactly welcome, but Nami has never told him to leave if it’s in search of you.
He’s not quite sure when it started. Was it when Sanji began using a lock on the fridge? Or perhaps when he awoke you to see the first meteor shower on the Grand Line? He can’t exactly remember. Your presence is like the taste of a good steak. He craves it. Finds himself in search of it in odd hours of the night. 
He creaks open the little door and slips inside. Nami sleeps on the pullout cot next to the entrance, while your makeshift bed is the hammock that hangs from the ceiling. It’s mainly a collection of cushions and blankets, having been originally used for storage until you came along. Luffy likes to think of it like a bird's nest with the way you sleep in it.
Nami’s soft breathing fills the space as he pads across. Even though it’s totally dark, he knows the room well enough to avoid the small table in the center and catch himself from tripping on the rug. He can barely see the outline of the hammock as he approaches. Grasping the side of the net, he leans forward.
“Oi. Y/N.” 
Silence is his answer. He frowns, shaking the hammock roughly. “Y/N. Wake uuuuup.”
No reply.
“Are you mad at me?” He pouts, “I’ll share my snack if you help me open the fridge.”
His hand pulls back the covers. He expects your fist to come flying at him from the confines of the blanket as you always do when he exposes you to the chilly ocean air. Your form is probably curled around the pillow like a koala trying desperately to keep warm. The same pillow you often try to use to smother him when he’s being too loud. 
But the hammock is empty.
Items go flying as he pulls everything out and drops the bedding to the floor. Checking under and around proves fruitless as he’s left standing in the mess. He blinks and scratches his head.
“Luffy?” Nami’s sleepy voice asks, “What’s wrong?”
He’s already climbing the stairs that lead to the storage room and bathroom above them. Not bothering to knock, he peers into both spaces to find them also unoccupied. He rushes to the deck, peering out into the overcast night. The moon is hidden behind the clouds.
“Y/N!” He yells loudly. Loud enough that you should be able to hear it no matter where you are on the ship. 
The wind is his only reply. 
His confusion turns to concern as his gaze draws upwards towards the crow’s nest. Rearing back his arm, he stretches it to reach the railing and uses the leverage to slingshot himself into the sky. He lands on the nest’s railing with a thud, ignoring the cold whip of air on his cheeks. A palm holds the top of his hat to his head since the wind threatens to blow it away. Dark orbs scan what can be seen of the island. 
The timbre of his voice reverberates in the air. A few birds startle from their slumbering place perched on the ropes of the Going Merry’s main mast. 
“Why are you being so noisy!?” Usopp’s voice carries to him. 
He chances a glance downwards, noting the ship’s sniper shiver even with a blanket draped over his shoulders. There’s a noticeable tiredness and irritability in Usopp’s eyes. “Y/N is missin’!”
The crew member nods slowly and begins to look around as he returns his sights to the island in front of him. There’s a line of smoke that trails towards the sky coming from the fortress beyond the hill. It indicates to him that the place has an active fire even in the dead of night.
“Luffy!” Usopp calls again, “Look! The ladder’s down!”
Jumping off, he lands back onto the deck next to Usopp. Poking his head over the side, he can see the rope ladder swing in the breeze. The blocks of wooden footholds lightly bang against the hull. It suddenly clicks for him. 
You had gone by yourself.
The frown deepens on his face. Why had you gone alone? He said he’d go with you! 
His sandals hit landfall before he can even process that he’s moving. Usopp’s voice calls out to him as he quickly leaves the inlet and moves swiftly through the underbrush of the forest. He doesn’t even register the thin branches that slice his skin.
The hill looms ahead. He charges straight for it, mind set on climbing the imposing land mass. It’s the quickest path to the fortress on the other side. Either that or he can skirt around and enter that way. Perhaps he could even stretch his way to the top of the hill.
But all options are circumvented as the ground beneath his feet suddenly disappears.
He barely registers the secret metal trap door that’s swung wide open at the foot of the hill. Luckily, the fall into the passageway is relatively shallow. The tumble nearly has him face-planting into the stone. However, he twists at just the last second, bracing his hands for the impact before rolling off his shoulder into a crouched position. The movement successfully breaks his fall, but the sound reverberates through the long hallway. It’s not a quiet entrance, but he doesn’t hesitate. He’s bolting down the corridor the moment his feet make contact back with the ground. 
“Y/N!!” He doesn’t really care who hears him. As long as you hear him. “Where are you?!”
At some point he registers that he’s no longer underground but now in some lower portion of the fortress on the other side of the hill. The sounds of shocked voices and loud footsteps are everywhere. Movements are manic as he opens doors only to close them the moment he observes you’re not behind any. In turn, the enraged inhabitants begin to give him chase. It doesn’t matter who else may be inside. They aren’t you. And he wasn’t stopping until he found you.
A flying arrow whizzes by him. He veers, inhaling to let out another yell when a hand suddenly slaps across his mouth and pulls him sharply around the corner and into a wall. His fist clenches to deliver a punch but is stopped by a pair of familiar glaring orbs.
“Luffy!” You whisper through clenched teeth, “Why are you here? No, scratch that, what are you doing?”
He breathes a sigh of relief. Something about your presence has that kind of effect. “Imf waf woomfing fr yo!”
You roll your eyes at him, releasing your hand from over his mouth. “What?”
“I said I was looking-” His speech falters as his gaze travels across your face. 
There’s a shallow slice that cuts vertically across the expanse of your left cheek. Tracks of blood are dried to the side. You startle when his fingers brush against the bruise at your temple. “Did ya’ get hurt?”
You scoff and avoid his gaze. “A-a little, but it’s nothing. I got the thing we were looking for.”
He can tell in the way your voice shakes and your fingers absentmindedly wring themselves together. “It’s not nothing.”
Your lower lip juts out. “Just got into a scuffle. Ran into a familiar face and I…you should see how he looks now after I beat the snot outta him…”
But he sees through the excuse. “You’re scared of this place.”
Your sentence trails off to an almost childish-whisper. “Am not.”
It had been a steady but noticeable shift in your demeanor leading up to the arrival to this island. The mention of this locale made you act differently. Every time it was brought up you’d shy into him like the words burned. Your reply would be to simply smile as though everything was okay. And that was not okay. Not to him.
He can respect the privacy of your past. But your present and future is his priority. It's his responsibility. There’s nothing you can ever do to change his perspective of you.
There’s a waver in his voice as he feels anger well up. “Are too. Why didn’t you listen when I said we’d come together?”
“I…” You take a step back. “I just thought I could prove to you and the crew that I was strong enough to do it alone. That I was useful.”
“But you’re not alone,” His brows furrowed as he interrupts, “And ya’ never have to be alone. We are your crew. There’s nothing for you to prove.”
You take several long blinks, as though you’re seeing him for the first time. Stepping back into your bubble, he presses his forehead against yours. The voices and chaos around them seems to dissipate when it's just the two of you together. He finds you strangely gravitating in moments like this where you’re both a bit scuffed up and frazzled. He can’t help but lean forward and kiss you.
You’ve got a split lip, and his are chapped from the cold, but they mesh into something warm and soft that satisfies something aching in his soul. You both erupt into a fit of giggles. 
You taste like adventure.
“You still are terrible at being stealthy.”
“Are not.”
“Are too.”
The next retort is cut off as an unfamiliar face rounds the bend. An axe threatens to slice your head in two, but is cut off the moment his punch connects. The axe’s trajectory misses you by just an inch. 
“Let’s get out of here, yeah?”
You two are blurs of laughter and joy as you both weave your way back out the fortress and towards the Going Merry. The entire crew is already screaming at you both as the sounds of cannon fire fill the air. The ship has long left the harbor by the time you both finally tumble into your room from exhaustion. You're a mess of limbs squished into the small hammock against him. 
You both wrestle for a comfortable position, once again almost smothering him with that pillow before finally settling. Your head now rests comfortably on his chest. For several long moments, it's just the two of you in the room.
“Hm?” He hums with eyes closed, both hands behind his back and the straw hat over his face. Your finger draws lazy circles on his arm and he feels more at peace than ever.
He notes the head gear being lifted from his face. “Thank you for coming after me.”
He smiles and peeks an eye at you, moving said hat to sit on your head instead. He roves over the bandage on your cheek and adds, “Of course! We’re better when we’re together!”
With you, he knows he’ll be a better King of the Pirates. Simply because you’re there beside him.
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: Golden Mirror
Character(s): Mirror Demon(?) (Unnamed character/original work)
Summary: You were a princess, beautiful and lovely you weren't meant for the bloodshed of the king's seat. Cautious of when a knife would go through your chest you choose to make a deal with a mirror once forgotten in one of the many old storage rooms.
Warnings: Fem!reader, general yandere themes, violence and blood, horror elements
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You hate the mirror on the wall. You hated what it has turned you into. 
You should have cast it away when you had the chance. Burn it calling it but a witch's catalyst. Yet you were too naive, too naive to its promises and words.
It gave you everything yet nothing at the same time, your dreams of becoming a queen of a nation it gave, riches, money and fame it gave but as payment, it took away your freedom.
You were a small child when you roamed the halls that were the castle's walls. You were a princess, one of many in the family. Ignored and uncared for your title was mere decoration compared to your older brothers and sisters who wished to be rulers of the kingdom.
You played often in the huge gardens when you didn't have lessons, and you roamed around the library in search of an interesting book to read. Travel along the castle in search of places you have yet seen before. One such place is a small storage room filled with antiques forgotten by everyone.
It was a treasure cove in your eyes, interested in finding a treasure or hidden gems but everything was old and rotten after years of abandonment. 
All except one.
It was an elegant mirror once covered by a rug till you took it off, clean and polish the frame was made out of gold roses and rubies so beautiful that you could only gasp at how pretty it was. “Pretty!” you said in enchantment when you heard a voice chuckling and then eyes appearing in the mirror you could only scream in fear as you ran away from it scared of something lurking behind it.
You never went back to that room after that day, too scared to come back when something dangerous hid in it. You choose to forget, choosing to be ignorant of the monster in the storage closet. After all everyone looked at you weirdly when you told them about that room, stating that there was no such room in the first place...
Time passed and you grew up to be a darling princess, bright and happy people would say yet it was far from reality. You were ignorant… Spoiled as a princess wanting love yet unable to understand how to get it.
They looked down on you.
You weren't the only one to grow, your father the king so soon, so suddenly passed away leaving the throne and crown empty.
Many tried to take the throne you were thrown into the chaos as well whether you like it or not. Targetted as a potential threat to a future your sibling wants.
You wanted to run away but most of all you wanted to survive.
It has been too long since you stumbled upon the storage door late at night. Alone you want a place of privacy for you found even your bed hard to sleep in.
The mirror was the first thing you see, the blanket that once covered the mirror was still on the floor moved away by your young self. The gold frame and mirror itself didn't even have a lick of dust despite it.
You didn't run away this time when you heard a voice greeting you in mirth. You asked what they were yet they didn't answer. But they gave you something else instead.
A deal.
They would let you become queen, and they would help you survive in this cruel castle where all your sibling want is your neck.
They will keep you safe all in exchange for your blood.
You were too desperate for all you want is to survive. All you want is to live, to see the next day for you feared death and pain.
On the floor lies a knife stained by blood as you let the blood from the long cut on your palm drench the mirror's reflection.
You didn't understand that you signed your soul to them. Bound by them forever even after death and they would never let go.
A promise it kept drenching the walls of the palace with blood and screams. The pain and anguish as you watch your siblings killed one by one, gore and pain were everywhere your ears ringing by their pain. You wanted everything to stop, you want everything to stop as you begged them to stop.
Yet all they did was coo at you softly taking gently forcing you into a corner talking as if it was obvious that you be scared. Stay here. They were only fulfilling your wish.
You can't see where they were. Their hands and body were invisible to the eyes but there was a way to see them look in the mirror and there you can't help but shiver as you make eye contact. The smile on their face, wicked and delighted still cooing at you as you watched them touch your cheeks keeping your head in place from looking away from the mirror. You didn't remember what they said, pretty little thing so frightened that they could not move.
They told you that they would bring you the throne. That they will place you on the top where no one can touch you but them, that you will be the queen of the kingdom and they would never leave your side.
You didn't want this you didn't want this at all. Yet you can't stop it, no matter how much you beg.
They told you to smile, a whisper that only you could hear for they fulfilled their contract and you are now the queen. The little touches they left in your arms felt like the wind which you let yourself believe as you passed by mirrors that littered the walls. Big and small you choose to ignore the shadow following you, near you.
When you headed to the hall where the king, your husband and the people waited. Hollow things, as death took them long ago leaving nothing but puppets for the monster to use to their amusement. Nothing in this castle truly belonged to you, and nothing in this kingdom belonged to you after all you didn't ask for anything but to save your life.
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Note: This is somewhat inspired by the mirror and the evil queen in snow white hope you like it!!
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Castaway Challenge for sims 4
You were on a plane which crashed and now you are stranded alone. What will you do?
Intro: Hello for this challenge you will need island living (for now) as I have made the island you need for the challenge there and with that pack. My gallery id is: NichoDB
Here you can find the island I have made for Sulani for the challenge, I will be making another one base game friendly in case you don’t have island living. This is somewhat a legacy challenge as you will need to survive on the island for 10 gen (generations) 
starting out with cas:
1 sim any age from teen to adult
Any traits really, may randomize if you want to.
The rules for the island and first gen:
get sim onto island, made it easy there is a ladder leading in so no need for cheats.
Pick 2 garden beds, and one tree bed from the basement.
Pick 1, either chickens, bee’s or goats and sheeps may only pick up to 3 in all of goats and sheeps (2 hens and 1 roster, 3 goats and 3 sheeps are in the household inventory) You can trade them for meat, indgredents and simoliens they will leave the bag at the egde of the lot wich you can drag in.
Pick 1 bed of choice, from the basement may change the color of the bed.
Pick one storage chest with 1 suitcase, may change color also from the basement.
Pick 2 hobbies: there is a small gathering of hobbies, knitting, painting, handiwork and such. You may only pick 2. These will be important choices, as they will have consequences.
Pick 6 book's from the lilttle bookcase thing. You may buy book’s, but you may only pick 6 in all.
Pick 1 grill or the cooler.
Pick the toilet if you don’t have, jungle adventure for the pee bushes on the island.
Pick 1 trashcan.
Pick laundry if you want.
Lot traits Off grind must be on, if you have cottage living so must Simple Living, and great soil must be on too, may pick any other traits and challenges for the lot.
Now put all plant’s, and the 2 ladders in the family inventory and delete everything in the basement. Now the 1 gen starts, rules:
Skills will determine what you can and cannot do. So if you want a hut/house you’ll need handiness skill, the higher the more you can make/buy. Gardening will determine how many plant’s you may have and how much from the harvest you may keep. If you have nifty kitting,the knitting skill will allow you new clothes and outfits. Painting will allow you to change color on objects you make/buy, so the higher skill the more color you get else it’s the wood/brown colors neutral colors, on the objects.
Handiness unlocks 1-3(Small decorations, and big objects that look broken or not put together right) 4-6 (Walls max 10x10, windows, doors,stairs no more than 4 steps and railings/fences) 7-8 (All hobbies and other objects, toilets, beds, kitchen stuff all objects are now unlocked but not the best quality so must look like it could be handmade)  9-10 (May build as big as you want and as much as you want no limit, and can buy any object, if you have eco lifestyle you may buy solar panels and water catcher, get some power going) Of course anything the woodworking table allows you to build as you level up you can build but the levels allow you to buy stuff from build and buy mode.
Gardening unlocks 1-3(May only have the plants you chose so 9 plants, may only keep 3 off each plant harvest so does a plant give you 5 or 10 then you have to sell until you only have 3)  4-6(May plant 3 extra crops, may keep everything) 7-8(May make a small farm no more than 6 garden plots from cottage living or you can use the garden beds) 9-10 (May have as many plants or farms as you want and can evolve plants now)
Knitting unlocks 1-3(May have any small piece of clothing hat’s, socks, gloves, underwear, bra’s)  4-6(Rug’s can now be bought too, any shirt any length, skirt’s and shorts) 7-8(All kids clothes and down, so toddler and infants, may buy sleeping bags) 9-10(shoes are now unlocked) Of course as before anything you can knit as you level up are you allowed to make.
Painting unlocks 1-3(beige, brown, white are unlocked) 4-6(Yellow, red and blue colors are unlocked and so are simple patterns) 7-8(Purple, orange and green are now unlocked) 9-10(All colors any pattern you like)
The last rules for gen one
Gen one may first get a partner when they have a small hut/house. You may make this sim or take one that is already generated from mange households, they must be single.
May have as many kids as you like, just remember only one is going to be the heir.
You may not have any pets in gen one sorry
Money cheats are allowed
CC is allowed and so are mods
The rules are guidelines the point is to have fun, is a rule making it less fun remove it
Gen 2:
Whatever gen 1 left is what you have, to survive with
You may get a pet, but no leaving lot for it
May get a partner/get married when they are young adults. You may make a younger sim, the partner is basically someone new who stranded on the island (use the basement to get them onto island by placing the ladders back in, and removing them after they are on the island)
Money cheats are allowed
CC is allowed and so are mods
The rules are guidelines the point is to have fun, is a rule making it less fun remove it
Skill rules:
The rules are the same somewhat
  Handiness unlocks 1-3(Small decorations, and big objects that look broken or not put together right, can NOT fix any objects that break, leave it broken or delete said item) 4-6 (Walls max 10x10, windows, doors,stairs no more than 4 steps and railings/fences) 7-8 (All hobbies and other objects, toilets, beds, kitchen stuff all objects are now unlocked but not the best quality so must look like it could be handmade, can now fix all broken objects)  9-10 (May build as big as you want and as much as you want no limit, and can buy any object, if you have eco lifestyle you may buy solar panels and water catcher, get some power going) Of course anything the woodworking table allows you to build as you level up you can build but the levels allow you to buy stuff from build and buy mode.
Gardening unlocks 1-3(May only have the plants you on the island so what gen 1 left, may only keep 3 off each plant harvest so does a plant give you 5 or 10 then you have to sell until you only have 3)  4-6(May plant 3 extra crops, may keep everything) 7-8(May make a small farm no more than 6 garden plots from cottage living or you can use the garden beds) 9-10 (May have as many plants or farms as you want and can evolve plants now)
Knitting unlocks 1-3(May have any small piece of clothing hat’s, socks, gloves, underwear, bra’s, may not make new outfits)  4-6(Rug’s can now be bought too, any shirt any length, skirt’s and shorts) 7-8(All kids clothes and down, so toddler and infants, may buy sleeping bags, new outfits can be made no shoes) 9-10(shoes are now unlocked,outfits with shoes are now unlocked) Of course as before anything you can knit as you level up are you allowed to make.
Painting unlocks 1-3(beige, brown, white are unlocked, may not change color on items, unless it’s to beige, brown or white) 4-6(Yellow, red and blue colors are unlocked and so are simple patterns) 7-8(Purple, orange and green are now unlocked) 9-10(All colors any pattern you like)
Gen 3:
Whatever gen 1 and 2 left is what you have, to survive with
You may get a pet, but no leaving lot for it
May get a partner/get married when they are young adults. You may make a younger sim, the partner is basically someone new who stranded on the island (use the basement to get them onto island by placing the ladders back in, and removing them after they are on the island)
Money cheats are allowed
CC is allowed and so are mods
The rules are guidelines the point is to have fun, is a rule making it less fun remove it
Skill rules:
The rules are the same as gen 2
  Handiness unlocks 1-3(Small decorations, and big objects that look broken or not put together right, can NOT fix any objects that break, leave it broken or delete said item) 4-6 (Walls max 10x10, windows, doors,stairs no more than 4 steps and railings/fences) 7-8 (All hobbies and other objects, toilets, beds, kitchen stuff all objects are now unlocked but not the best quality so must look like it could be handmade, can now fix all broken objects)  9-10 (May build as big as you want and as much as you want no limit, and can buy any object, if you have eco lifestyle you may buy solar panels and water catcher, get some power going) Of course anything the woodworking table allows you to build as you level up you can build but the levels allow you to buy stuff from build and buy mode.
Gardening unlocks 1-3(May only have the plants you on the island so what gen 1 left, may only keep 3 off each plant harvest so does a plant give you 5 or 10 then you have to sell until you only have 3)  4-6(May plant 3 extra crops, may keep everything) 7-8(May make a small farm no more than 6 garden plots from cottage living or you can use the garden beds) 9-10 (May have as many plants or farms as you want and can evolve plants now)
Knitting unlocks 1-3(May have any small piece of clothing hat’s, socks, gloves, underwear, bra’s, may not make new outfits)  4-6(Rug’s can now be bought too, any shirt any length, skirt’s and shorts) 7-8(All kids clothes and down, so toddler and infants, may buy sleeping bags, new outfits can be made no shoes) 9-10(shoes are now unlocked,outfits with shoes are now unlocked) Of course as before anything you can knit as you level up are you allowed to make.
Painting unlocks 1-3(beige, brown, white are unlocked, may not change color on items, unless it’s to beige, brown or white) 4-6(Yellow, red and blue colors are unlocked and so are simple patterns) 7-8(Purple, orange and green are now unlocked) 9-10(All colors any pattern you like)
Gen 4:
Whatever the last gen’s left is what you have, to survive with
You may get a pet, but no leaving lot for it
May get a partner/get married when they are young adults. You may make a younger sim, the partner is basically someone new who stranded on the island (use the basement to get them onto island by placing the ladders back in, and removing them after they are on the island)
May pick 4 plants from the family inventory or 1 tree, so a tree box or plant box 
Money cheats are allowed
CC is allowed and so are mods
The rules are guidelines the point is to have fun, is a rule making it less fun remove it
Skill rules:
The rules are the same as gen 2
  Handiness unlocks 1-3(Small decorations, and big objects that look broken or not put together right, can NOT fix any objects that break, leave it broken or delete said item) 4-6 (Walls max 10x10, windows, doors,stairs no more than 4 steps and railings/fences) 7-8 (All hobbies and other objects, toilets, beds, kitchen stuff all objects are now unlocked but not the best quality so must look like it could be handmade, can now fix all broken objects)  9-10 (May build as big as you want and as much as you want no limit, and can buy any object, if you have eco lifestyle you may buy solar panels and water catcher, get some power going) Of course anything the woodworking table allows you to build as you level up you can build but the levels allow you to buy stuff from build and buy mode.
Gardening unlocks 1-3(May only have the plants you on the island so what gen 1 left, may only keep 3 off each plant harvest so does a plant give you 5 or 10 then you have to sell until you only have 3)  4-6(May plant 3 extra crops, may keep everything) 7-8(May make a small farm no more than 6 garden plots from cottage living or you can use the garden beds) 9-10 (May have as many plants or farms as you want and can evolve plants now)
Knitting unlocks 1-3(May have any small piece of clothing hat’s, socks, gloves, underwear, bra’s, may not make new outfits)  4-6(Rug’s can now be bought too, any shirt any length, skirt’s and shorts) 7-8(All kids clothes and down, so toddler and infants, may buy sleeping bags, new outfits can be made no shoes) 9-10(shoes are now unlocked,outfits with shoes are now unlocked) Of course as before anything you can knit as you level up are you allowed to make.
Painting unlocks 1-3(beige, brown, white are unlocked, may not change color on items, unless it’s to beige, brown or white) 4-6(Yellow, red and blue colors are unlocked and so are simple patterns) 7-8(Purple, orange and green are now unlocked) 9-10(All colors any pattern you like)
Gen 5:
Whatever the last gen’s left is what you have, to survive with
You may get a pet, but no leaving lot for it
May get a partner/get married when they are young adults. You may make a younger sim, the partner is basically someone new who stranded on the island (use the basement to get them onto island by placing the ladders back in, and removing them after they are on the island)
Money cheats are allowed
CC is allowed and so are mods
The rules are guidelines the point is to have fun, is a rule making it less fun remove it
Skill rules:
The rules are the same as gen 2
  Handiness unlocks 1-3(Small decorations, and big objects that look broken or not put together right, can NOT fix any objects that break, leave it broken or delete said item) 4-6 (Walls max 10x10, windows, doors,stairs no more than 4 steps and railings/fences) 7-8 (All hobbies and other objects, toilets, beds, kitchen stuff all objects are now unlocked but not the best quality so must look like it could be handmade, can now fix all broken objects)  9-10 (May build as big as you want and as much as you want no limit, and can buy any object, if you have eco lifestyle you may buy solar panels and water catcher, get some power going) Of course anything the woodworking table allows you to build as you level up you can build but the levels allow you to buy stuff from build and buy mode.
Gardening unlocks 1-3(May only have the plants you on the island so what gen 1 left, may only keep 3 off each plant harvest so does a plant give you 5 or 10 then you have to sell until you only have 3)  4-6(May plant 3 extra crops, may keep everything) 7-8(May make a small farm no more than 6 garden plots from cottage living or you can use the garden beds) 9-10 (May have as many plants or farms as you want and can evolve plants now)
Knitting unlocks 1-3(May have any small piece of clothing hat’s, socks, gloves, underwear, bra’s, may not make new outfits)  4-6(Rug’s can now be bought too, any shirt any length, skirt’s and shorts) 7-8(All kids clothes and down, so toddler and infants, may buy sleeping bags, new outfits can be made no shoes) 9-10(shoes are now unlocked,outfits with shoes are now unlocked) Of course as before anything you can knit as you level up are you allowed to make.
Painting unlocks 1-3(beige, brown, white are unlocked, may not change color on items, unless it’s to beige, brown or white) 4-6(Yellow, red and blue colors are unlocked and so are simple patterns) 7-8(Purple, orange and green are now unlocked) 9-10(All colors any pattern you like)
Gen 6:
Whatever the last gen’s left is what you have, to survive with
You may get a pet, but no leaving lot for it
May get a partner/get married when they are young adults. You may make a younger sim, the partner is basically someone new who stranded on the island (use the basement to get them onto island by placing the ladders back in, and removing them after they are on the island)
May pick 4 plants and a tree or 2 trees
Money cheats are allowed
CC is allowed and so are mods
The rules are guidelines the point is to have fun, is a rule making it less fun remove it
Skill rules:
The rules are the same as gen 2
  Handiness unlocks 1-3(Small decorations, and big objects that look broken or not put together right, can NOT fix any objects that break, leave it broken or delete said item) 4-6 (Walls max 10x10, windows, doors,stairs no more than 4 steps and railings/fences) 7-8 (All hobbies and other objects, toilets, beds, kitchen stuff all objects are now unlocked but not the best quality so must look like it could be handmade, can now fix all broken objects)  9-10 (May build as big as you want and as much as you want no limit, and can buy any object, if you have eco lifestyle you may buy solar panels and water catcher, get some power going) Of course anything the woodworking table allows you to build as you level up you can build but the levels allow you to buy stuff from build and buy mode.
Gardening unlocks 1-3(May only have the plants you on the island so what gen 1 left, may only keep 3 off each plant harvest so does a plant give you 5 or 10 then you have to sell until you only have 3)  4-6(May plant 3 extra crops, may keep everything) 7-8(May make a small farm no more than 6 garden plots from cottage living or you can use the garden beds) 9-10 (May have as many plants or farms as you want and can evolve plants now)
Knitting unlocks 1-3(May have any small piece of clothing hat’s, socks, gloves, underwear, bra’s, may not make new outfits)  4-6(Rug’s can now be bought too, any shirt any length, skirt’s and shorts) 7-8(All kids clothes and down, so toddler and infants, may buy sleeping bags, new outfits can be made no shoes) 9-10(shoes are now unlocked,outfits with shoes are now unlocked) Of course as before anything you can knit as you level up are you allowed to make.
Painting unlocks 1-3(beige, brown, white are unlocked, may not change color on items, unless it’s to beige, brown or white) 4-6(Yellow, red and blue colors are unlocked and so are simple patterns) 7-8(Purple, orange and green are now unlocked) 9-10(All colors any pattern you like) 
Gen 7:
Whatever the last gen’s left is what you have, to survive with
You may get a pet, but no leaving lot for it
May get a partner/get married when they are young adults. You may make a younger sim, the partner is basically someone new who stranded on the island (use the basement to get them onto island by placing the ladders back in, and removing them after they are on the island)
May pick 4 plants or a tree
Money cheats are allowed
CC is allowed and so are mods
The rules are guidelines the point is to have fun, is a rule making it less fun remove it
Skill rules:
The rules are the same as gen 2
  Handiness unlocks 1-3(Small decorations, and big objects that look broken or not put together right, can NOT fix any objects that break, leave it broken or delete said item) 4-6 (Walls max 10x10, windows, doors,stairs no more than 4 steps and railings/fences) 7-8 (All hobbies and other objects, toilets, beds, kitchen stuff all objects are now unlocked but not the best quality so must look like it could be handmade, can now fix all broken objects)  9-10 (May build as big as you want and as much as you want no limit, and can buy any object, if you have eco lifestyle you may buy solar panels and water catcher, get some power going) Of course anything the woodworking table allows you to build as you level up you can build but the levels allow you to buy stuff from build and buy mode.
Gardening unlocks 1-3(May only have the plants you on the island so what gen 1 left, may only keep 3 off each plant harvest so does a plant give you 5 or 10 then you have to sell until you only have 3)  4-6(May plant 3 extra crops, may keep everything) 7-8(May make a small farm no more than 6 garden plots from cottage living or you can use the garden beds) 9-10 (May have as many plants or farms as you want and can evolve plants now)
Knitting unlocks 1-3(May have any small piece of clothing hat’s, socks, gloves, underwear, bra’s, may not make new outfits)  4-6(Rug’s can now be bought too, any shirt any length, skirt’s and shorts) 7-8(All kids clothes and down, so toddler and infants, may buy sleeping bags, new outfits can be made no shoes) 9-10(shoes are now unlocked,outfits with shoes are now unlocked) Of course as before anything you can knit as you level up are you allowed to make.
Painting unlocks 1-3(beige, brown, white are unlocked, may not change color on items, unless it’s to beige, brown or white) 4-6(Yellow, red and blue colors are unlocked and so are simple patterns) 7-8(Purple, orange and green are now unlocked) 9-10(All colors any pattern you like)
Gen 8:
Whatever the last gen’s left is what you have, to survive with
You may get a pet, but no leaving lot for it
May get a partner/get married when they are young adults. You may make a younger sim, the partner is basically someone new who stranded on the island (use the basement to get them onto island by placing the ladders back in, and removing them after they are on the island)
May pick 8 plants and 1 tree or 2 tree and 4 plants (if possible)
Money cheats are allowed
CC is allowed and so are mods
The rules are guidelines the point is to have fun, is a rule making it less fun remove it
Skill rules:
The rules are the same as gen 2
  Handiness unlocks 1-3(Small decorations, and big objects that look broken or not put together right, can NOT fix any objects that break, leave it broken or delete said item) 4-6 (Walls max 10x10, windows, doors,stairs no more than 4 steps and railings/fences) 7-8 (All hobbies and other objects, toilets, beds, kitchen stuff all objects are now unlocked but not the best quality so must look like it could be handmade, can now fix all broken objects)  9-10 (May build as big as you want and as much as you want no limit, and can buy any object, if you have eco lifestyle you may buy solar panels and water catcher, get some power going) Of course anything the woodworking table allows you to build as you level up you can build but the levels allow you to buy stuff from build and buy mode.
Gardening unlocks 1-3(May only have the plants you on the island so what gen 1 left, may only keep 3 off each plant harvest so does a plant give you 5 or 10 then you have to sell until you only have 3)  4-6(May plant 3 extra crops, may keep everything) 7-8(May make a small farm no more than 6 garden plots from cottage living or you can use the garden beds) 9-10 (May have as many plants or farms as you want and can evolve plants now)
Knitting unlocks 1-3(May have any small piece of clothing hat’s, socks, gloves, underwear, bra’s, may not make new outfits)  4-6(Rug’s can now be bought too, any shirt any length, skirt’s and shorts) 7-8(All kids clothes and down, so toddler and infants, may buy sleeping bags, new outfits can be made no shoes) 9-10(shoes are now unlocked,outfits with shoes are now unlocked) Of course as before anything you can knit as you level up are you allowed to make.
Painting unlocks 1-3(beige, brown, white are unlocked, may not change color on items, unless it’s to beige, brown or white) 4-6(Yellow, red and blue colors are unlocked and so are simple patterns) 7-8(Purple, orange and green are now unlocked) 9-10(All colors any pattern you like) 
Gen 9:
Whatever the last gen’s left is what you have, to survive with
You may get a pet, but no leaving lot for it
May get a partner/get married when they are young adults. You may make a younger sim, the partner is basically someone new who stranded on the island (use the basement to get them onto island by placing the ladders back in, and removing them after they are on the island)
All plants left are now yours 
Money cheats are allowed
CC is allowed and so are mods
The rules are guidelines the point is to have fun, is a rule making it less fun remove it
Skill rules:
The rules are the same as gen 2
  Handiness unlocks 1-3(Small decorations, and big objects that look broken or not put together right, can NOT fix any objects that break, leave it broken or delete said item) 4-6 (Walls max 10x10, windows, doors,stairs no more than 4 steps and railings/fences) 7-8 (All hobbies and other objects, toilets, beds, kitchen stuff all objects are now unlocked but not the best quality so must look like it could be handmade, can now fix all broken objects)  9-10 (May build as big as you want and as much as you want no limit, and can buy any object, if you have eco lifestyle you may buy solar panels and water catcher, get some power going) Of course anything the woodworking table allows you to build as you level up you can build but the levels allow you to buy stuff from build and buy mode.
Gardening unlocks 1-3(May only have the plants you on the island so what gen 1 left, may only keep 3 off each plant harvest so does a plant give you 5 or 10 then you have to sell until you only have 3)  4-6(May plant 3 extra crops, may keep everything) 7-8(May make a small farm no more than 6 garden plots from cottage living or you can use the garden beds) 9-10 (May have as many plants or farms as you want and can evolve plants now)
Knitting unlocks 1-3(May have any small piece of clothing hat’s, socks, gloves, underwear, bra’s, may not make new outfits)  4-6(Rug’s can now be bought too, any shirt any length, skirt’s and shorts) 7-8(All kids clothes and down, so toddler and infants, may buy sleeping bags, new outfits can be made no shoes) 9-10(shoes are now unlocked,outfits with shoes are now unlocked) Of course as before anything you can knit as you level up are you allowed to make.
Painting unlocks 1-3(beige, brown, white are unlocked, may not change color on items, unless it’s to beige, brown or white) 4-6(Yellow, red and blue colors are unlocked and so are simple patterns) 7-8(Purple, orange and green are now unlocked) 9-10(All colors any pattern you like)  
Gen 10:
Whatever the last gen’s left is what you have, to survive with
You may get a pet, but no leaving lot for it
May get a partner/get married when they are young adults. You may make a younger sim, the partner is basically someone new who stranded on the island (use the basement to get them onto island by placing the ladders back in, and removing them after they are on the island)
Money cheats are allowed
CC is allowed and so are mods
The rules are guidelines the point is to have fun, is a rule making it less fun remove it
Skill rules:
The rules are the same as gen 2
  Handiness unlocks 1-3(Small decorations, and big objects that look broken or not put together right, can NOT fix any objects that break, leave it broken or delete said item) 4-6 (Walls max 10x10, windows, doors,stairs no more than 4 steps and railings/fences) 7-8 (All hobbies and other objects, toilets, beds, kitchen stuff all objects are now unlocked but not the best quality so must look like it could be handmade, can now fix all broken objects)  9-10 (May build as big as you want and as much as you want no limit, and can buy any object, if you have eco lifestyle you may buy solar panels and water catcher, get some power going) Of course anything the woodworking table allows you to build as you level up you can build but the levels allow you to buy stuff from build and buy mode.
Gardening unlocks 1-3(May only have the plants you on the island so what gen 1 left, may only keep 3 off each plant harvest so does a plant give you 5 or 10 then you have to sell until you only have 3)  4-6(May plant 3 extra crops, may keep everything) 7-8(May make a small farm no more than 6 garden plots from cottage living or you can use the garden beds) 9-10 (May have as many plants or farms as you want and can evolve plants now)
Knitting unlocks 1-3(May have any small piece of clothing hat’s, socks, gloves, underwear, bra’s, may not make new outfits)  4-6(Rug’s can now be bought too, any shirt any length, skirt’s and shorts) 7-8(All kids clothes and down, so toddler and infants, may buy sleeping bags, new outfits can be made no shoes) 9-10(shoes are now unlocked,outfits with shoes are now unlocked) Of course as before anything you can knit as you level up are you allowed to make.
Painting unlocks 1-3(beige, brown, white are unlocked, may not change color on items, unless it’s to beige, brown or white) 4-6(Yellow, red and blue colors are unlocked and so are simple patterns) 7-8(Purple, orange and green are now unlocked) 9-10(All colors any pattern you like)  
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resolvebound · 3 months
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His Cabin. Part 2 (Part 1 here)
(see, very rough floorplan)
Set among some sturdy trees to protect from harsh storms, yet not too close as to never see or feel the sun’s warmth, the cabin could be classed as rather picturesque. Featuring a steeply pitched roof to prevent snow from settling too thickly, and a covered porch to offer protection from the elements, it seems an inviting place (in Gray’s opinion at least). On finer days, the outside furniture of two chairs and a table often sees use in the morning or evening, when Gray enjoys the peace of a meal or drink outside.
Within the cabin, the free-standing fireplace draws the eye as soon as you walk in. Its old but well maintained and looked after, boasting polished surfaces that speak to the recent revival of its life. In the colder times, the fireplace heats the living room/lounge and kitchen very well, reaching even into the bedroom and studio on the right side, if their doors are left open.
The wooden floors have been replaced over the years, with care taken to replace the ruined planks with the same type of wood, so that the repair still fits with the tone of the original. The floors are smooth and dark, a rich and warm shade, the same as the logs and beams used for the walls and structures, making the main descriptor of the interior “cosy.” Adding to that, a couple of large rugs lie in the living room, with another in the bedroom, aiming to lessen the chill that can come to the floorboards during certain times of the year.
In the left corner of the main area, the couch sits invitingly with a worn, yet very comfortable armchair beside it. They hold a few squashy cushions and a soft blanket and wait beneath the natural light provided by the nearby windows, or in the evenings, rest with the glow from the fireplace or lamp nearby. Beneath one of the windows, a large woven basket, plump with a patterned pillow, is ready to accept the sleepy company of one of Gray’s dogs (yet when Gray is not around, the dogs tend to make their bed on the couch instead).
Extending from the living room, the kitchen looks to the back of the property. On the small side, but perfectly functional, the kitchen is kept simple and well stocked. The pots, pans, and various dishes are held by a robust shelf, and their size perhaps reveals the fact that he doesn’t know the meaning of cooking small portions. While standing in the kitchen, it’s easy to stare out the windows and get lost in thought (dangerous to do if you’re cooking). The view of the woods is typically rather peaceful, as long as seeing dark shapes moving at night isn’t off-putting to you.
The kitchen also holds the back door of the cabin, which leads onto another covered porch. Unlike the front, this one tends to be where additional firewood is kept, waiting to be carried inside and used, as the weather has a gentler touch on this side of the small building. A modest little utility room is kept to the side of the porch, a place where laundry is done and muddied boots and tools live. The small sink in this room occasionally makes a rather unnerving gurgling noise, and the pipes seem to creak threateningly, the sounds carry through the wall shared with Gray’s bedroom and sometimes wake him during the night.
Quite purposefully, his bed takes up most of the limited space in the bedroom. He tends to sprawl out in his sleep (not to mention the tossing and turning he’s prone to), and in his opinion, a bed should be the biggest thing in a bedroom and there needn’t be much else there. The bed in question is extremely comfortable, with a newly built wooden frame and quality mattress, and he has a feather/down quilt that always holds the perfect temperature. The bed is hardly ever made, the blankets always rumpled and inviting. Aside from the bed, the room also holds a solid chest of drawers and a bedside table. Set into the wall, an inbuilt closet with folding doors contains additional space for clothes and other items needing storage. A lovely painting of a forest scene adorns the wall on the space between the door and the closet, so that he can look at it from his bed and admire the style in the times where sleep is trying to elude him.
On some nights, the slow and steady drip coming from the bathroom next to him is somehow relaxing, yet on others, it’s irritating. The drip is often fixed and often returns, perhaps the old style clawfoot bathtub it falls into would be too lonely without it. The small room contains the usual amenities (albeit rather cramped), all somewhat recently installed and keeping in style with the rest of the cabin. Above the sink, the mirror is the only item not yet updated, the one thing that has observed and remained since perhaps the beginning. It’s rather small and speckled with age, roughly edged with the darkness of deterioration. He’ll get around to replacing it, one day, he says.
Lining one of the walls outside of the bathroom, and in several other places, bookshelves fit neatly into place. Some of them are rather bare, only holding the odd book or thing, but others are full of books, objects, and one or two small wooden chests. A few picture frames scatter themselves throughout the shelves, adding a little life and colour with their artwork. In the safety of his own space, he supposed he could admit to being a collector of mementos and other things that caught his eye.
In a similar vein, there was a safe place where he could also admit and practise his artistic hobbies. The studio, as he thought of it as, was the first room on the right and captured lovely natural light for a decent amount of the day. A desk in the corner of the room held the light from the windows and offered a steady surface for smaller works, where the square table allowed for projects that were a little bigger in scale. The organised chaos of the room might have seemed a tad overwhelming to some, but he knew his system well. Surplus supplies or those that he used less frequently were stored in the closet, along with a few finished works of his. The room might have been where art was created, but it was not the room it would be displayed in, (unless half-finished projects were what was desired) as there was no such room in his cabin for that, he never cared for his end results, just the process of creating them.
Creativity and perseverance, two parts of his very foundation, helped him rebuild the cabin into what it has become, his home. To look at it, inside and out, gives the knowledge that everything has been done with great care. It is a quiet, comfortable, restful place, with unique aspects and intriguing insights within, if one cares to observe them.
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the-apostates-martyr · 6 months
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This was supposed to be a day 1 prompt but I absolutely forgot I had it WHOOPS
More tidbits from a Regency AU
First snow at the manner was coming quick, and this was the first time Daniel saw the preparations from this side of its great walls. Growing up the son of the stable hand, winter meant stacking gay along barn walls, breaking ice in the troughs each day, changing the blankets over the horses, being send to help the groundskeeper clear off large banks of snow should the master of the house need to leave. Hard work for anyone let alone a boy as slight as Daniel, a boy as prone to fits of delusion and screaming and forgetting where he was,  but now everything was different.
It had been only four months since Marius had ordered Daniel inside, 4 months since he'd found him nearly nude by the banks of the river, shirking his job and his father's crop to steal berries by the cool water. Four months since Daniel learned to tend Marius at his side as his personal valet, and not much under four months since he'd found Marius in his room and in his bed. Four months since his life changed entirely, and despite the chill in the air,  he had never felt so warm. On the inside anyway; on the outside he was feeling the winter snap as much as anyone. 
He watched the groundsmen carrying in straps of split firewood and begin to fill the bins by each hearth with them- it was among Daniels job to direct which rooms would be shuttered for the season and used only when necessary and which needed to be ready for show. Light, airy summer curtains were changed out for heavy lines velvet drapes, in the masters customary deep red, and the carpet covers of the same color were being brought out to protect the pale rugs from fireplace soot. Daniel himself has spend the day in his Masters private rooms taking care of these tasks, wiring out his warmest wools and furs on the balcony to rid them of storage must, laying new blankets on the beds. He oversaw the ordering weeks ago of candles and oil  as the days grew short but the houses needs did not dwindle, and he made sure the lanterns were cleaned from residue and sparkling like new. Finally he was checking windows for any cracks or splits in the wood. He found none; Marius kepts his staff well paid and they in turn kept the home in good repair. 
On the horizon the sun lowered, and all afternoon the sky had hung heavy with the threat of snow. The cook was convinced it wouldn't be cold enough; a slushing, miserable rain, she said, maybe a freeze after midnight, but not snow yet. Daniel found himself a little disappointed by this; it was only two weeks out from Christmas and he wanted it to show already, damn it. 
Daniel and most of the others worked clear through supper, losing track of time easily in a world that grew dark well before 5pm, and he swore to himself as the mantle clock in Marius' room chimed 8. Marius wouldn't be long now, not this time of night when he had been up at 5 that morning to ride into town. He kept watch out the window for his horse, smiling when he saw his master arrive, and set the water in the fire to hear for his bath. 
Ten minutes later Marius was at their door, and Daniel was immediately in his arms. 
“Haven't even gotten the door closed yet, my love,” laughed Marius, the rumble in his voice tired but so obviously happy to be home with his boy. Daniel smiled, pulling him inside and closing the white panels doors behind them. 
“As though you haven't kissed me in the kitchen just feet away from being caught,” he teased, standing up tall to kiss Marous full and hungry. “How was your visit?”
“Dull and exhausting as ever,” groaned Marius as Daniel began to undress him, sliding his jacket off his broad chest and shoulders. “Another man who hopes I would take an interest in wedding his daughter.”
“Well you are quite a talk, you know, my Lord, being 40 and unwed,” Daniel pointed out. Marius huffed.
“You know it is not the company of young women I prefer, Daniel.”
“No, only young boys,” he laughed, poking fun at the 21 year difference in their age. Daniel was grown, but so had been Marius when Daniel was even toddleing, something he both gently teased him for but which also drove him wild. He loved the lines at Marius' blue eyes and the wrinkle between his brows when he was concentrating, the gray streaming back from his temples through his blonde curls. Daniel couldn't get enough of him, and took pleasure in touching him as he undid the buttons of his waistcoat, then undid his tie and collar. His lord was a well built man, and he made no move to hide his admiration as he opened his shirt and trailed his hands down the firm curves of his chest and over the hair of his stomach. 
Marius sighed appreciatively as Daniel reached the front of his breeches, his interest showing despite his tiredness. “Well? What are you waiting for, boy? Undress me, bathe me.”
“With pleasure my lord,” Daniel whispered back, and off came Marius’ pants, his drawers, his stockings, and Daniel was proud of the roaring fire he had going, strong enough that Marius didn't shiver despite standing bare in his room. “Come.”
The bath was hot under Daniels work, several kettles of boiling water added to cold from the pump to make a wonderful place for Marius to rest. His gratitude was evident as he stepped in, the warmth soothing muscles sore from a long ride and a longer day.
Daniel drew a chair up and set to work immediately, taking a shaving of soap to begin down his lovers well muscled back. “It's to snow tonight,” said Daniel, lavishing his hands over his shoulders and neck as well.
“Don't worry my love, I will keep you warm,” said Marius, and Daniel flicked the back of his ear. Marius was nonplussed, and laughed. “Well what sort of master would I be if I could not keep my lover safe from the show and the cold and the frost?”
“Frost is beautiful at least,” said Daniel for black of anything else to say- flirtation was still new to him, and felt forbidden, even in the safety of their rooms. “The patterns of it across the windows always looked like lace to me. And now here I wear lace that is spun just as delicate.”
Marius leaned back in the tub so Daniel could wash his chest, and smiled. “And you wear it as beautiful as every bough of the trees and every crystal cut window pane,” he swore to Daniel, who could only blush as the chill creeped in closer outside. 
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hydra-collector · 9 months
Luke 18:14 (Good Omens Fanfiction)
"The seed which fell among the thorns, these are the ones who have heard, and as they go on their way they are choked with worries and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to maturity." Post S2-Crowley makes some reckless decisions, thinks about Aziraphale. I like to think that mystical demon powers and drugs would have some unique interactions sometimes.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49877530
Alcohol was getting a little boring. Crowley began opting for the various stocks of hard drugs he kept in his flat’s bedroom. Currently he was driving back to the bookshop (which he claimed was more interesting to dissociate or hallucinate to, but for the most part he was quite lonely and the bookshop was homey) with a small Ziploc bag that contained a few grams of a crystally, powdery white substance. It had been ages since he’d gotten it. He couldn’t quite remember exactly what it was and didn’t bother checking.
He pulled up to the bookshop and all but fell out of the car like a hostage from a plane. He unlocked the door with a key, only because Aziraphale had given him one a few decades back, for emergencies.
“Muriel?” he called tentatively, because the last thing he wanted was to talk to an angel. No response. Good, they were out, probably examining ugly trinkets in a pawn shop. He entered the small “kitchen” and rifled through the drawers for a straw. There was a reasonably good metal one, albeit a bit old. He was sure the only reason Aziraphale had it was for because it was special, as a gift or that it had belonged to someone important. Whatever. It would work fine.
He didn’t bother measuring, just stuck the straw in the bag and sniffed until it seemed like enough. In a cabinet was a rather old bottle of wine, which he took to drink. He may as well. He took a swig as a dizzy feeling began to kick in. He climbed upstairs in no rush, focusing on every step. The first door he found led to Aziraphale’s bedroom. He wouldn’t have had one, except that he felt as though he should appear more human to any visitors, and Crowley had recommended that he try sleeping sometime back in the 1890s. He had indeed tried, and felt fairly neutral about it. He did it once or twice more, but decided that he preferred to use his bed for reading, as it was quite comfortable.
The room was well-organized, neatly arranged with a subtle but respectable layer of dust settled on just about everything. An impressive king-sized bed was set against the back wall. The headboard was large and intricate, connected to a bulky wooden frame engraved with lions, wings, and pretty swirls. The sheets were white, gold, and blue, with red accents here and there. It was expertly embroidered in floral patterns, and on top was a frankly ridiculous amount of pillows. On the far side, there was an equally gorgeous dresser next to the window’s velvet curtains. There was a large rug–all sorts of pretty colors, upon which were a number of small dressers, chests of drawers, and other containers for trinkets and books. (Aziraphale had also found that the extra room was quite useful for storage as he collected things over the years).
Crowley noticed none of this, except for the presence of a large bed and a framed picture on the dresser. He picked it up, collapsing onto the bed and taking a gulp of wine that did its very best not to spill on the exquisite sheets. Crowley watched the dust he’d kicked up drift slowly around the room, a small shaft of light from the window curtains illuminating the particles.
He had maybe done a little more than he should have. He felt himself slip away, almost, the long-term memories in his brain glossing over. He felt it all through his body, a complete detachment from the light, the sheets, the sounds of cars outside.
Crowley examined the picture.
It was… it was… he almost had it, but his capacity for remembering slipped out from underneath him.
It was, in fact, the picture that Aziraphale had slipped into his sleeve in 1941, and kept in a precious frame for decades in his bedroom. Crowley was not able to understand what it meant at the moment, but out of it emanated a terribly strong feeling of love and caring, so he clutched it to his chest. He drank more, and sat up to lean back into Aziraphale’s luxurious pillows. He held it up and stared, and kept staring. He stared for the better part of an hour, until he wasn’t so much working it out, as he was just about to actually work it out, or figure something from it, at least.
He set it down on the nearest night table and snorted more from his bag. He felt empty inside having put down the picture. Well, not empty, per se, but filled with something that was hollow.
It was about now that Aziraphale’s search for Crowley led him to the shop. He was hoping he wouldn’t have to come here, because between Muriel taking care of it and it being his primary residence on Earth, it was only a matter of time before Heaven would realize he wasn’t coming back and pursued him as a traitor on the run. The shop would be the first place they look. Nevertheless, he needed to find Crowley, so he began poking around and calling his name, only hoping the response wouldn’t be angry.
But there was no response, so he went upstairs and found his bedroom door ajar. When was the last time he’d used it? No matter. Tentatively, he opened it to find a small, unmoving figure curled up on his bed.
Crowley had not heard Aziraphale call, and would not have thought to respond if he had. He wasn’t thinking all that much at the moment. What he was doing was feeling–and currently he could feel a wonderful warmth sink down beside him and pull him closer. Inside it was a great deal of love. Far more than the picture had provided, so he leaned closer to it, and with his inadequate ability to think, wrapped his arms around it through instinct.
Aziraphale held him tightly, almost fearing that Crowley would Fall back down to Hell should he let go. He had never seen him so vulnerable, sober or not. He gently took the half-drunk bottle of wine and the bag in one hand, sliding them into his nightstand drawer. They laid like this for a few minutes, and Crowley didn’t stir. He was entranced by the rhythmic heartbeat, not pumping out blood, but love, pure love.
“Do you think you could sober up, Crowley?” said a voice from his left.
“Sober up,” another voice repeated absently, the source of which was suspiciously close to Crowley’s ears. A hand cradles his chin, tilting it upwards. Crowley’s eyes contained a hunger that an astronaut could have seen from space, if they were looking. He was gazing at something absolutely beautiful.
Aziraphale repeated his question, but Crowley couldn’t answer. He sighed, tucking the demon’s head under his arm again, and watched his chest rise and fall for almost an hour.
Finally, Crowley lifted his head, ready to come back and face his angel. Aziraphale guided him upright, though he didn’t really need it.
“I’m sorry,” Aziraphale said. “I’m so, so sorry.” He didn’t know what else he could say.
Crowley still felt a bit woozy, so he urged some last few grains of powder back into the bag he got them from, and a larger bit of wine back into the bottle.
“You kept it?” he asked. Aziraphale looked at him in confusion, so he retrieved the framed picture from the other nightstand.
(What Crowley wanted to do is say: “Let’s take another,” and fish through Aziraphale’s drawers for a camera that may or may not have ended up in there. “Something to remember the darker moments by.” And guilt would flood Aziraphale, because he knew that he had created the darker moments, no matter how good his intentions were.)
But he didn’t, and Aziraphale told him lamely: “Well… I thought–it was a nice memory.” It was a token of them. It was about them being an us. It was a promise that Aziraphale never made, and didn’t keep.
Crowley chuckled, low and unconvincing. Aziraphale could practically feel the pain Crowley harbored. “Don’t worry about it.” Crowley gestured absently. “The whole Heaven thing. Finally let me get some alone time.”
“On ketamine? I seem to remember hard drugs don’t interest you unless you are exceptionally bored or, more commonly, miserable.”
“Is that what it was? Ketamine?” Crowley flashed a strained smile.
“And I rather think I will worry about it, dear,” Aziraphale leaned closer to him. Crowley looked away.
He was a demon, and he had lied. Aziraphale knew it as well as he did.
“I’ll make it up to you Crowley. I promise. For now, though, I think we’d better get a move on. Heaven will be looking for us.”
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simsnectar · 2 years
What pack/cc did you use for the furniture in your recent post of the paranormal investigators bedroom? I know some is from high school years.
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1: The Original Launchpad Bed - High School Years 2: Collage of Personality - Decor Max Kit 3: Smol Nightstand by @charlypancakes 4: Such a Tassle Floor Lamp - Vampires Pack 5: Drapery Delights by @peacemaker-ic 6: Luna Bedroom and Mirror Rack by @myshunosun 7: Majestic Remembrance - City Living 8: Uma Living Monstera Plant by myshunosun 9: Clothing Storage Chests - Werewolves Pack 10: Teenial Tide Dye Rug by @imfromsixam & Squarely Plush Rug Recolor by @pictureamoebae
Hope this helps! If you’re looking for a specific item feel free to ask, these are just the major furniture items in this very cluttered room
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theshiaxartistwrites · 10 months
Stardrop Valley
Fandom: Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach X Stardew Valley Rating: Mature Tw: 1st person, Lots of dead characters, Child Death, Missing Children, Graphic Violence, Stockholm Syndrome, Alternate Universe, Magic is Real, Monsters are Real, Not Canon Compliant, Different situations mean different behaviours, characters in distress, Kidnapping, Torture, thalassophobia AO3 Link
Chapter Two: Day two, Spring
Waking up is not as comfortable as falling asleep had been. You can feel a dull ache in your back and in your knees from sleeping in the small bed, but it's your arms and shoulders that burn when you move. Climbing in the window last night had been a little harder on you than you thought. You sit up slowly, stretching your arms and cracking your back. A yawn stretches your face as you reach for your phone to check the time.
It's almost noon. That's not great, but you don't exactly know when you fell asleep. A tiny bit of light seeps through the cracks in the boards on the windows, giving you enough light to see.
You move to stand and freeze.
The door closest to you is open. Wide open.
Panic hammers in your chest, your mouth suddenly feels very dry as you quietly gather up your phone and backpack and reach for your shoes. You nearly whimper when you find your shoes are missing.
Oh god. There really is someone living here. And now they know you're here.
They took your shoes…but not your phone? Or your backpack? And they didn't kill you or wake you up with a sword in your face…so…maybe they didn't mind?
Still, you needed to be careful until you were sure what kind of person you were dealing with.
You peek inside the minifridge and find nothing has been removed, so you take another big swig from the apple juice and tuck the maple bar into your pocket. With the minifridge closed, you move quietly to the door and peek out.
The shape of the room is almost identical to the workbench room, but this one seems a lot more dusty and cluttered with old barrels and boxes. Hell, you can see leaves and vines poking out of the ceiling and boarded up windows. There's another door immediately to your left that is also wide open, leading to another set of downward stairs. This time, the lights are on downstairs, a yellow glow that only makes it half way up to you.
Your heart is racing, stomach twisting with your frayed nerves and maybe a little with hunger. You want to just make a run for the door, but you're not sure you could outrun a crossbow bolt or if you'd even make it past the bottom of the stairs. So, in classic horror-movie dumbass fashion, you call out.
"Hello?" You call down the stairs, stepping carefully into the storage room. "Anyone home?"
Silence. You wait a moment, listening for any signs of life.
"Hello? I'm sorry for coming in the window last night! I didn't really have any other choice! There was a monster after me!"
You're met with more silence and the cold feeling in your stomach lifts slightly. Did they go outside? Or maybe they were hard of hearing? Well, you can't stay up here and you're not climbing back out the window.
With as much courage as you can muster, you grip the railing and begin your steady walk down to the first floor. You call out another 'Hello?' when you reach the bottom, but there's not a single living thing-
Well. No. That's not right. There are plants, a LOT of potted plants scattered all around. Cacti, monstera, a sunflower, a jade plant, and so many more you can't identify. Guess it's a jungle inside and out, huh?
Straight across from the stairs is the front door, the urge to bolt is so very strong, especially when you spot your shoes sitting on the rug right beside it. As weird as it feels, you're starting to feel less and less like you're in any danger. To your left is the living room, with a big yellow couch, giant tv, red brick fireplace, and even a massive fishtank. It all seems a lot cleaner down here, more lived in and less dusty.
To your right is a massive kitchen with soft blue tile floors and cloud decals put up around the walls. A long dining table with two chairs opposite each other sits in the middle. You blink. Sat at one of the place settings is a stack of pancakes drizzled in syrup and topped with strawberries and powdered sugar. Your stomach growls, but it's the note set beside the drink glass that draws you closer.
It's a simple little piece of paper, folded in half so it stands, with a smiling sun drawn on it in yellow crayon. You pick it up and read the inside.
'Welcome home, Starlight!'
You feel a cold dread seep into your chest. The only ones who called you Starlight were your grandparents. Your very long since dead grandparents.
This doesn't feel right.
Doesn't feel safe.
You set the note down and hurry to the door, shoving your feet into your boots and yanking them on as quickly as you can. You grab the front door and-
It's still locked!? You search the handle and door for a lock to turn to free yourself and find only another keyhole in the door. It has to be unlocked with the key no matter what side you're on. You're locked in. You turn and sprint across the living room to the other set of stairs, rushing up them and into the workbench room. You practically stumble, grabbing the railing for support, when you find the window you came in through has been boarded up.
How the hell did they manage to do that without waking you!? Your chest is starting to ache, your breathing quick and shallow.
No problem! There's a workbench right here-!
You want to curse and spit when you find the tools, and dust, have all been cleared off of the workbench. No hammer. No screwdriver. Not even a ruler.
You are in full blown panic mode.
Your stomach twists and you nearly throw up, holding it down as you put your hands on your knees. You stand there for a minute, breathing and trying to think.
You run back downstairs to the front door and slam your fist against it, pounding on it angrily.
"Hey! Let me out!" You yell, hitting the door as hard as you can so they'll hear you. "You can't keep me in-!"
You hear a gentle clink in the lock and freeze. The soft rustle of the metal key inside the handle has you backing up, taking deep breaths to steady your shaking shoulders.
The door is unlocked. You wait, but no one comes through. Hesitantly, you step forward and put your hand on the handle, your other hand on the door in case you need to slam it shut, and open it slowly. It's sunny outside, pink petals drifting gracefully through the air, butterflies everywhere in the dense grassland. You poke your head out, but still find no one there.
You cannot find any other words for this situation besides how much you hate it. Is your new home haunted? Who took your shoes and made you breakfast? Who unlocked the doors? Could a ghost do that?? You step onto the porch and nearly jump, spotting a figure standing out in the middle of the field. Except, you see an almost identical one a couple dozen feet to your right as well, and another even further out.
Well, that's not helpful, but at least it's not monsters again.
You look around the porch, the stairs, and even down around the edge of the house. What happened to your luggage!? Your clothes! Your documents! Your fucking birth certificate was in there! The DEED was in there! You let out a loud wail of irritation, kicking the side of the house in your anger. What the hell did monsters need with clothing anyway!?
You plop yourself down on the stairs and drop your head into your hands. Everything feels bad. You're more stressed in your first 16 hours on the farm than you ever were back in the city. You wonder if it would have been better if you had been eaten last night.
No. You can't think like that. You gotta get up, figure this shit out.
You stand and feel your stomach growl and twist in protest. You grab the maple bar from your pocket, but glance back inside where you can still see the pancakes and fresh juice sitting on the table. You can smell the strawberries and syrup, the sweet aroma hanging in the air, but it's too dicey. You can't trust something like that, so you unwrap your maple bar and munch it quietly as you step down the stairs. The stone pathway around the farm seems a lot less weed-infested than you remember it being last night, some of the dirt and stones freshly moved.
Someone has been busy.
You decide to investigate the farm properly and take a walk around. At the very center is a large pond, which you actually find a few crab pots dangling in at the edges, though they seem empty. The entire western, southern, and eastern edges are surrounded in dense forest, while the north seems to be a steep cliff with a gravel path carved into it. The most surprising part is the metal light poles that seem to dot the property. They're not very tall, but you're absolutely certain they were not turned on last night.
To the west of the house is a large grain mill, though it seems inoperable, a field full of honestly a random assortment of crops. Hell, some of them you're not even sure if they are crops or just overgrown weeds.
Further west you find the path leading up the cliffside also branches to a small cave, though you don't dare get close enough to investigate what could be inside. More west is a massive greenhouse nearly the size of your home itself, inside you can see a dozen different fruit trees, but when you try the door, it's locked.
To the left of the greenhouse is a big red barn, a woodchipper and what looks like a compost bin sat between them. The barn door is locked as well. You're going to start throwing rocks in windows if this trend keeps up. Your path west ends with a stone wall and a locked gate, past which you can only see tall grass and a large leaf pile. You backtrack to the field and head south down the stone path, finding another stone wall that seems to encircle the southwestern corner. You can see several types of trees and what looks like a large barn, but once more, the gate leading into it is locked.
Maybe you'll just find a big enough log and smash all the gates and doors open.
You follow the path as it circles around the southern part of the pond and find two more crop fields on either side of a path that runs straight down south into the forest. A silo sticks up near the trees in the distance. It kinda looks like a dick. You try not to smile at the stupidity of that thought and carry on.
The last thing you find is a flower field in the south east corner with a bee box sat at its center. You always loved bees and remember watching them crawl along the windowsill when you were a child. Your grandfather showed you how to make water stops for them during the hottest point of the summer.
You meander back to the house and sigh, seeing the front door is still wide open as you left it. Maybe it really was ghosts.
Something else catches your attention instead, the metal shed and wooden bin from last night that you passed on your way to the house. You try the shed first, expecting to find it locked, so you're not surprised when the door doesn't budge. So annoying.
The bin, however, is not locked and takes only a little effort to lift the lid so you can look inside. The lid doesn't have a stop though and falls all the way backward, knocking years of dirt and moss from the top with a loud bang. You flinch, but still peek inside. Empty. You can't help but pout.
Though…you place a hand inside and feel around. It's cool and lined with sturdy plastic, almost like a cooler. Maybe it's for dry storage? You could certainly put stuff here if it doesn't fit in the fridges or if you need to put it somewhere before cleaning it.
As much as the locked doors, missing luggage, and creepy ghost house have you frazzled…you're actually thinking about staying. Nothing bad has actually happened to you yet and you're sure you can find a way around the doors eventually. You'll need something to protect yourself, but you're okay right now.
You check your phone, almost three o'clock now. You've been wandering for a good long while. Maybe you should try to go into town? See if there's anyone around that you can talk to about the weird goings on? You close the bin and wipe the dirt off your hands, stepping back onto the path with a quick glance towards the farm.
It really is a beautiful place, you hope you can live here properly, without being scared shitless.
You turn and start your march to the entrance, pushing aside vines once more and leaving the property. It's about a twenty minute walk to town, the dirt path dotted with berry bushes and wild flowers. You can't help but pick a few of the bright orange and yellow berries, snacking on them as you walk. You don't remember the name, but fleeting memories of eating them make you confident that they're safe.
Reaching town is like stepping into a pastel nightmare. Paved roads led into a town center that you're certain was once beautiful and quaint, with several houses dotted around the floral space.
It was like the place had been hit by a tornado. The buildings, once painted nice pastel colors, were now rotted and bowing under their own weight, paint flaking and windows smashed. Trash cans were tipped and old, now rotted to the point of being liquid, trash was strewn around them. Trees and bushes had been ripped up and broken apart, piled up around the walkways and doorways. It was whiplash compared to how pretty and clean, if a little overgrown, the farm was.
You suddenly didn't want to be here. The bus driver lady must have been right, there was no way there were still people living here.
You moved closer to the nearest building, what looked like it had once been a lovely blue clinic, if the faded blue cross above the door was anything to go by. The door was smashed in, looking like it had been broken down and trampled long ago. What could have happened here? Was it the monsters?
You stepped up the stairs and peeked inside. It was fairly dark, but the sunlight from outside filtered through the broken windows and door. You could see that there were still some doors intact inside, the damage looking like it was mostly to the exterior of the building. Glass crunches under your boots as you step in past the door, a shuffle of sound inside making you pause.
Another opossum probably? Monsters are nocturnal, so even as dim as it is in here, it's still too bright for anything truly dangerous to be wandering around. You duck under some dangling wires and step into the clinic's waiting room.
"Eat shit, trashmouth!"
You don't have time to process the shouting teenage boy to your right, much less the wooden club he's swung at your head.
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kittycattoys · 2 years
Ink - Eddie Munson Part 4
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Part 3 | Masterlist | Characters
Ava's house has a roof that from a second story window you can access. she has one of said windows in her room
Warnings: 18+ content, Dick Steve, slight SA, Mentions of former FwB,
Summery: I never know what to say here so this is the last summary on ink
Last episode: "you said that if I enjoyed it I'd be your girlfriend"
She came home and walked straight to her bedroom and found Steve sitting on her bed.
"your mom said you'd be back soon so I just been sitting here waiting" he said seeing her confused face
"why are you here"
"why are you dressed up"
"I went on a date you would have known that if you didn't flip the fuck out on me this morning" she said walking over to her wardrobe and grabbing some pajamas
"well why were you wearing boys clothes"
"I spent the night with a guy after getting some stuff from Eddie" she turned back around and looked at him "you really jumped to conclusions now didn't you"
"Your doing drugs now" he asked his voice full of scepticism
"yes school has been stressing me out"
"why you have straight A's and if nothing else you can always sleep with a teacher to get your grades up" she glared at him
"I would rather take an F then ever do that" she replied angrily and he put his hands up
"I'm just saying"
"alright you came here for a reason Harrington spit it out before you piss me off more"
"I can't come over just to see my best friend" he asked getting up from the bed and walking over to her
"No you always have an alter motive"
"You know me so well" he crashed his lips onto hers and she pushed him off
"what the fuck do you think your doing"
"what do you mean we've done this before"
"and you didn't even ask if I wanted to or how my date went" she took a deep breath to calm herself "if that's the only reason you came here then please leave"
"your really being a prude Ava" he said leaving her room
She took another deep breath before changing into her pajamas
She lied awake on her bed for a while. She couldn't help but think that she was hurting Eddie in some way even though nothing happened. Eventually the feeling over took her and she pulled over the phone she had in her room and quickly dialed the number that Eddie wrote down for her. The line rung for awhile.
"Hello" Eddie said in a slightly annoyed voice
"hey it's Ava"
"hey" he said in a much happier voice "what are you calling for darling"
"um I... want to talk to you... in person so I was wondering if you could come over... you don't have to if you don't want to"
"yeah of course I'll come over"
"thanks I'll show you how to sneak into my room"
She sat on the roof of her house waiting for Eddie. She watched as his van pulled up and he quickly hopped out. She showed him how to climb up and which window was hers. Now they sat on the soft sheepskin rug in her room.
"So what did you want to talk about" he asked breaking the awkward silence that was building between them. She let out a small huff before kissing him he seemed shocked but quickly kissed back. They sat kissing for a bit before he pulled away "did you just want me here for kisses"
"No I just don't know exactly how to say it and I thought kissing would help me"
"well is it working" he asked pulling her onto his lap
"Maybe" she said and he went back to kissing her. They kissed until she found the right words to say and when she did she pulled away from him. Still sitting on his lap she started talking. "You remember how when we were in the storage closet and I told you how Steve and I were just best friends"
"yeah" he said nervously
"um I wasn't 100 percent telling the truth. We weren't dating or anything. But it wasn't just platonic um god why is this so hard for me to say" she leaned her head on his chest
"you don't have to tell me if don't want to" he said with a slight chuckle.
"no I want to I don't want you to find out from someone else... mainly Steve. He is going to get pissed when he finds out"
"ok but you can take your time I have nothing I need to do"
"thank you" she took a deep breath "uh Steve and I used to fuck" she said very quietly and if they weren't so close together he wouldn't of heard her. "But again we aren't dating"
"so it was just a friends with benefits situation"
"Yeah... your not mad at me"
"No I understand you were just horny... I've actually had a couple of those"
She let out a chuckle "can you please stay the night"
"of course your wish is my command"
Part 5
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Decorating a guest room to ensure comfort and style involves thoughtful planning and attention to detail. Here are some tips to help you create a welcoming space using ARV furniture:
1. Choose a Comfortable Bed: Quality Mattress: Invest in a good-quality mattress that offers comfort and support. Bedding: Use soft, high-thread-count sheets, a cozy duvet, and a variety of pillows to cater to different preferences. 2. Furniture Essentials: Bedside Tables: Place bedside tables on either side of the bed with lamps for reading. Storage Solutions: Include a dresser or chest of drawers for guests to unpack their belongings. Seating: Add a comfortable chair or a small loveseat for guests to relax or read. Nightstand Essentials: Ensure there are essential items like an alarm clock, a water carafe, and some reading materials. 3. Create a Relaxing Ambiance: Lighting: Use a combination of overhead lighting, bedside lamps, and possibly a floor lamp. Consider dimmable options to allow guests to control the lighting to their preference. Color Scheme: Opt for neutral or calming colors like soft blues, grays, or beige. These create a serene environment. Window Treatments: Use blackout curtains or blinds to ensure guests can sleep comfortably. 4. Add Personal Touches: Art and Decor: Hang artwork that is soothing and not too personal. Choose pieces that complement the room's color scheme. Fresh Flowers or Plants: A vase of fresh flowers or a small potted plant can make the room feel more inviting. Welcome Basket: Provide a basket with snacks, bottled water, toiletries, and local information or a welcome note. 5. Technology and Convenience: Wi-Fi Information: Ensure the Wi-Fi password is easily accessible, possibly framed on the bedside table. Charging Stations: Provide easily accessible outlets or a charging station for electronic devices. Television: Consider a small TV with access to streaming services or local channels. 6. Maintain Cleanliness: Linens and Towels: Provide a set of clean, high-quality towels and extra blankets. Closet Space: Ensure there's enough space in the closet with hangers and perhaps a luggage rack. Cleanliness: Keep the room dust-free and clean, and check before guests arrive to ensure everything is spotless. 7. Functional Decor: Mirrors: A full-length mirror can be very convenient for guests. Desk: If space allows, include a small desk and chair for guests who may need to work. Rugs: Use area rugs to add warmth and comfort to the space. 8. Personal Care Items: Toiletries: Provide travel-sized shampoo, conditioner, soap, and lotion. Hairdryer: Place a hairdryer in the bathroom or in a drawer. 9. Maintain a Neutral Style: Avoid overly personalized decor that might not appeal to everyone. Aim for a style that is universally appealing and cozy. 10. Safety and Privacy: Locks: Ensure the door has a functional lock for privacy. Emergency Info: Provide information on emergency contacts and exits. Using ARV furniture, which often combines functionality with style, can help you achieve a balance between comfort and aesthetic appeal in your guest room. The key is to think from the guest’s perspective and create a space that feels both inviting and practical.
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vaaree · 14 days
How To Decorate Kids Room?
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Decorating a kid's room is all about creating a fun and functional space that reflects their personality and interests. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Get them involved: This is their space, so try to incorporate their ideas as much as possible. Talk to them about their favorite colors, themes, and characters. You can even make a mood board together to visualize their dream room.
Focus on Functionality: Kids' rooms need to be able to handle a lot of living! Consider built-in storage solutions like ottomans that double as toy chests, cubby shelves, and beds with drawers underneath. This will help keep clutter under control and make cleaning up a breeze.
Let there be light: A well-lit room is essential for playtime, homework, and bedtime reading. Layer the lighting with a combination of overhead lights, task lighting like table lamps for desks, and maybe even some fun fairy lights or a starry night projector for a magical touch.
Wall Power: Walls are a great canvas for expressing your child's personality. Paint a bright accent wall, create a mural together, or use stencils for a more personalized touch. You can also use chalkboard paint for a creative outlet, or hang a bulletin board for them to display artwork and photos.
Think Fun & Functional: When choosing furniture, consider pieces that can grow with your child. A twin bed will last longer than a toddler bed, and a desk with plenty of storage will be useful for years to come. You can also incorporate some playful elements like a teepee, a beanbag chair, or a cozy reading nook.
Don't forget the details: The finishing touches can really make a room special. Add a colorful rug, whimsical curtains, and fun throw pillows. You can also use decorative baskets for storage, or hang mobiles or wind chimes from the ceiling.
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nazraanakids · 1 month
Transforming Kids' Bedrooms: 5 Fun and Functional Themes for Decorating
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Decorating a child's bedroom is an exciting endeavor that allows for creativity and imagination to take center stage. At NazraanaKids, we understand the importance of creating spaces that are not only visually appealing but also functional and conducive to a child's growth and development. With a wide range of furniture options including child's table and chairs, kids table and chair set, and children's writing desk, we aim to provide solutions that enhance both the aesthetic appeal and functionality of childrens bedroom furniture. Here are five fun and functional themes for decorating kids' bedrooms, each tailored to inspire and delight young minds.
Adventure Haven:
Take your child on an exciting journey with an adventure-themed bedroom. Incorporate elements such as a loft bed resembling a treehouse or a pirate ship, complete with a slide for added fun. NazraanaKids' sturdy and safe kids' table and chair set can double as a command center for planning imaginary explorations or drawing treasure maps. Add themed wall decals, a cozy reading corner with a bean bag chair, and storage bins disguised as treasure chests to complete the look.
Enchanted Forest Retreat:
Let your child's imagination wander in a magical forest-inspired bedroom. Choose earthy tones for the walls and bedding, accented with whimsical forest creature decorations. NazraanaKids' children's writing desk provides the perfect spot for creative storytelling or homework assignments amidst the enchanted ambiance. Hang fairy lights or install a star projector to create a dreamy atmosphere, and incorporate nature-themed rugs and curtains for an immersive experience.
Space Odyssey:
Blast off into outer space with a cosmic-themed bedroom that ignites curiosity about the universe. Paint the walls in deep blues and purples, adorned with glow-in-the-dark stars and planets. NazraanaKids' child's table and chairs set can serve as a mission control center for planning intergalactic adventures or as a cozy spot for drawing alien landscapes. Add a rocket ship bed or a space-themed canopy to spark dreams of exploring the cosmos.
Under the Sea Paradise:
Dive deep into an underwater wonderland with a sea-themed bedroom that evokes the mysteries of the ocean. Choose shades of blue and green for the walls and bedding, complemented by sea creature decorations and nautical accents. NazraanaKids' kids' table and chair set can be transformed into a submarine cockpit for underwater expeditions or as a creative space for underwater-themed art projects. Hang fish nets, install a bubble lamp, and incorporate plush sea creature toys for a truly immersive experience.
Jungle Safari Safari:
Embark on a wild adventure with a jungle safari-themed bedroom that brings the beauty of the wilderness indoors. Opt for earthy tones such as greens and browns, paired with jungle foliage wall decals and animal prints. NazraanaKids' sturdy children's writing desk provides a dedicated space for homework or artistic endeavors amidst the lush jungle setting. Integrate safari-themed bedding, plush animal toys, and faux fur rugs to complete the immersive safari experience.
NazraanaKids has successfully implemented these themes in real-life scenarios, transforming ordinary bedrooms into captivating spaces that foster creativity and imagination. Through our case studies, we have witnessed firsthand the positive impact of thoughtfully designed kids' bedrooms on children's happiness and development. By providing high-quality furniture such as child's table and chairs, kids table and chair set, and children's writing desk, we empower parents to create functional and inspiring environments that nurture their child's growth.
In conclusion, decorating childrens bedroom furniture with fun and functional themes not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the space but also fosters imagination and creativity. By incorporating NazraanaKids' furniture solutions and drawing inspiration from these themes, parents can create enchanting environments that provide endless opportunities for play, learning, and growth.
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Model Home Furniture Makeover: Revitalize Your Space with Timeless Pieces
Give your home a fresh new look with a model home furniture makeover. Whether you're looking to update your living room, dining area, or bedroom, model home furniture offers timeless pieces that can transform your space into a stylish retreat. In this article, we'll explore how you can revitalize your home with timeless model home furniture pieces.
Upgrade Your Seating:
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Enhance the comfort and style of your living room with a new sofa or sectional from our model home furniture collection. Choose from a range of designs, from sleek modern sofas to classic tufted sectionals, to find the perfect piece for your space. Add coordinating accent chairs and ottomans to complete the look and create a cohesive seating area that's perfect for entertaining or relaxing.
Refresh Your Dining Area:
Make mealtime more inviting with a new dining set from our model home furniture collection. Whether you prefer a classic farmhouse table or a contemporary glass-top design, we have options to suit every style and space. Pair your table with coordinating chairs or benches for a cohesive look, and add a stylish sideboard or buffet for extra storage and serving space.
Update Your Bedroom:
Create a tranquil retreat with a new bed, dresser, and nightstands from our model home furniture collection. Choose from a variety of styles, from elegant sleigh beds to modern platform designs, to find the perfect piece for your bedroom. Add matching dressers, chests, and nightstands for a coordinated look, and finish the space with soft bedding, plush pillows, and cozy throws for added comfort.
Add Functional Storage:
Maximize your space with functional storage solutions from our model home furniture collection. Choose from a range of bookcases, shelving units, and storage benches to keep your home organized and clutter-free. Opt for pieces with built-in drawers, cabinets, and shelves to store books, décor items, and other essentials neatly out of sight.
Incorporate Stylish Accents:
Elevate your décor with stylish accents and accessories from our model home furniture collection. Choose from a variety of rugs, mirrors, lamps, and artwork to add personality and flair to your space. Mix and match textures, colors, and patterns to create visual interest and make your home feel warm and inviting.
Transform your home with timeless model home furniture pieces from American Home Furniture. Whether you're updating your living room, dining area, or bedroom, our collection offers stylish and functional pieces that will revitalize your space and enhance your décor. Explore our selection today and discover how you can create a home that's as stylish as it is inviting.
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Wreckless - Ikea and Winner
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*Warning Adult Content*
I'm not sure what's gotten into Emmett.
He's gotten into me, both last night and this morning but I'm not complaining about that at all even though I am a little sore.
He was, damn.
Lessons learned.
He taught my ass a lesson last night and my throat one this morning.
He's in pure Dom-Mode and I can practically smell his testosterone flowing.
It's coming out of his pores.
I don't know why, if it's stress about the move or just hormones or something else completely.
I'm enjoying it but it's making me want to drop into little space and I really can't.
I've been sort of fading in and out since we got back from the house last night but now it's time to go to Ikea and I have to think.
He drives, he doesn't even ask.
I don't have a list because I don't have anything.
I have clothes for my closet and my computer.
Emmett has lots that he'll bring... I'm sure but we have an extra fifteen hundred square feet to fill.
"I'm not sure what Marten is allowed to be around," I wonder out loud.
"Not much, that's why my place is so sparse but I'm not kidding, he can stay in his room. It's twice as big as his old one, there's no need for him to be anywhere else."
"But I like playing fetch with him."
"He's a ferret, Finnegan... not a dog, so he doesn't need to run fifty feet. You could shut the doors and play in the hallway upstairs."
Good point.
"Okay. What do you think we need?"
"Finnegan... I can not begin to imagine. Maybe things for your playroom? We need bar stools."
I completely forgot about those.
"Yes, thank you. I want little stuff, décor stuff. They have the rooms all set up, will you let me know which ones you like? Maybe we can get bedding for the new bed too." 
I wonder what we'll end up putting in the china hutch in the dining room.
"That's fine with me."
We actually get a pretty good spot and he rides up the escalator right behind me.
And then shit gets weird.
Shit gets weird because Emmett goes a little bit crazy with the shopping.
He keeps writing down numbers from almost every room on his slip of paper with the itty bitty pencil.
Anyone else would use their cell-phone but no, they provide the paper so he's using it.
He finds a clock, some shelves, a footstool for our bedroom so that we can really recreate some beach fun, a cool chest, a chair that he wants to put near the closet and he's right, it'll be cute, three or four lamps, bedding, art, new pillows, some storage things and a chair for Marten's room and the list goes on and on.
We find stools we both love and I grab a plushie and a few things from the kids section. 
Then we go downstairs and our cart is immediately full of stuff for my office, kitchen supplies including a full set of dishes and silverware for twelve and two rugs.
We haven't even gotten to the end to pick up his list and we have two carts full.
I'm saying nothing because I like the stuff he's choosing and that he wants to decorate the house but I'm not sure how we'll get it all home.
Now he's eyeing the plants.
Finally he sees the long rows where they keep the furniture and he realizes our predicament.
"Shit, this is, this is crazy."
"No, it's fine but I may have to wait here while you run a load to the house."
"I haven't even figured out how we'll get to the registers."
He has a point but somehow, against all odds, we make it.
It involves me pushing a big flat cart and him hoisting a huge bag over each shoulder and pushing another cart but we make it outside.
"I'm gonna fold the seats down. Was that too much? You should have said something. Who spends three grand at Ikea?"
"It's fine. It's a big house, we needed things. Come back and get more anytime... I'm sure we'll notice lots of stuff we need once we move in but this is a good start."
I'm making sure the carts don't roll away or over him while he makes as much room as possible and starts loading.
Somehow he gets it all in.
I don't understand how.
It's like the Tardis in there.
"You can order on Amazon too, do you have Prime?"
"I do. I don't know what... what did I just do? Finnegan, this is ridiculous."
"No it's not. I don't want to spend three months putting this house together. I'm lucky that we don't have to. Buy whatever we need, please."
"Do you like it? I somehow took over."
"I like all the stuff you got and I know you have plans. I can't wait to see what you do with the place. We just need to make one quick stop and get a bottle of wine so we can properly celebrate."
"Christening both ways, I approve."
Emmett backs the SUV right up to the door, he's really good with it.
I hated driving something so big in the city but he seems to have a sixth sense which doesn't jive with all his wrecks... the man is a mystery.
Apparently he has no problem with stationary objects, it's moving cars that get him all confused.
"Nice parking job."
"Drove a lot in the Army, this isn't so big."
That explains a lot.
I mostly cart things into the hall and he takes them to their intended rooms.
The only exception is our bedroom and my office stuff, that stuff he puts in the dining room so as to not interfere with the painters.
Then we carry the big stuff together.
"I need to water the garden, darling but then I'll be all yours. Want to come out?"
Already did that. 
'Lame gay joke, I know. Sue me.' 
"Sure. We need deck chairs."
"Damn it, you're right. I'll find us a set. You want a big fancy table or something more relaxed, just chairs with little tables? Know what I mean?"
"Might be nice to eat out here. I like the umbrellas. I know they're sort of cheesy but they're very happy. I like the outdoor couches too, if we have room."
"You got it, I'll make that happen next week. Nice of them to leave us a hose."
It was. He grabs it and walks around, looking at everything as he waters.
"Such a beautiful garden, can't wait to see it in the spring but just look at these roses. They need to be deadheaded, I'll come do that tomorrow."
I love how much he loves the garden and that he wants to come back here. 
I also really love the privacy fence.
There's a bench tucked in the corner and I sit down. It feels like our own little world.
"We could bring a picnic tomorrow and eat out here."
"That sounds great, darling. I'll make that happen but first we have a bottle of wine to open and a sweet boy to open."
'Damn. Smooth Emmett, smooth.'
Emmett Locke
This house is so big that even though we spent a ton of money and brought home an entire SUV full of stuff, it's still pretty much empty.
I want to be back outside, that garden is a wet dream but there will be time to play and dig and plan later.
Now it's racing time and then I'm going to see about making Finnegan very, very happy.
"I forgot the cars, Emmett."
He's sad but I can fix that. 
"I brought them, they're in my bag."
Which is.... ah, there.
I pull them out and hand him his remote control.
"Thank you. So, through the dining room first?"
That direction is fine with me but...
"What does the winner get?"
"Wine? Fucked?"
Both sound good but there's no way he's going to win, nope.
"What if the winner gets to pick which room we fuck in first?" I counter.
"I'm not sure you lose in either scenario there, Emmett but then again neither do I."
He laughs and zooms his car around in a circle.
"You're on. Three laps."
He takes off and I'm already behind but that's okay, I'll catch up.
We run through the house, squishing each other in the hallway and trying to block lines of sight.
He plays dirty and I love it.
By the third lap I've given up.
I'm tired and don't feel like running around this house again.
I need to save my energy for what's coming next.
He whoops and hollers as he crosses the finish line.
"Alright darling, your choice. Which room should we christen first?"
"We bought a stool.'
"Yes we did."
"And I'd really like to put you over it, if you're willing of course."
Wait, me over it?
My mouth is hanging open a bit and he's smiling.
"I really wanna pull your hair again, Emmett."
"I don't think that was the deal, darling."
"Pretty sure it was. Winner gets to pick which room."
He's forgetting one little detail. 
"But you said the winner gets fucked, babe."
"No, I said that and you changed it, you wanted the prize to be the room. But Emmett, I'm fine either way. You've been all ugh ugh..." he grunts like a caveman and I immediately get it.
Maybe I have been.
"NOT that I've minded. At all!.So maybe tonight's not great, that's fine. Just asked."
And he asks so rarely.
And I didn't mind last time, not one bit.
So it's fine, of course it is, I'm just surprised.
"Darling, when do I ever say 'no' to you?"
"Do you want a list?" he sasses, fingers ready to count off. 
Then he sees my face.
"No? So is that a yes?"
"It was gonna be until you got all uppity, you little brat."
He cracks me up, he does.
I have a tendency to take myself too seriously and he manages to let me be fairly serious almost all the time yet not go too overboard.
Every now and then he reminds me to relax and it's good for me, the balance and the reeling me back in gently.
"It's not my fault that you felt so good that I want more, Emmett."
"But it's your fault you came so quickly" I tease because that's actually my fault too and we both know it.
"Yeah. Sure. Well this time, Emmett. I plan on taking my time. Upstairs?"
"Only if you strip down to your undies and walk up first. Gotta get me in the mood, Finnegan."
"As if you're ever not. But look who's talking, fine," he says as he lifts his shirt over his head and pushes his shorts down.
"Objectify me all you want. I don't mind."
He winks at me which cracks me up and then sashays slowly up the stairs.
"Is that enough ass shaking for ya? Hmm?"
It's probably a good thing he's being a dumb ass because otherwise I'd have him pinned against the stairs by now and be rutting against him.
I keep my distance so I have a nice view and then follow him into our room.
Oops, shit.
"Finnegan? My bag is downstairs and you're topping so..."
"God damn it. Topping is hard. Fine, I will get it. FINE."
He's flying down the stairs and comes back winded, bag in one hand and wine in the other.
"It's heavy..." but he stops because I'm sitting on the stool naked and stroking myself.
"Come here," I tell him and he does.
The energy shifts and we both know that we're serious now.
"You're gorgeous, Emmett and make me feel so good that I just want to... to make you feel good."
I know what he means but he's having a hard time making sense because I'm mouthing his cock through his cute undies.
"You do but I like having my hair pulled, especially by you darling."
That's it, there they are, pushing my hair back away from my face. This is going to be fun.
"First I want to drink wine off of you. You don't mind, do you?"
"Not at all but I might wanna return the favor."
"Oh I'll make sure you get a taste, Emmett, don't worry."
So I don't. 
"I'm all yours, Finnegan."
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