#ZR s9 spoilers
runner5anna · 1 year
Season 9 spoilers
5 when Ernie asks how he died
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kelzebub · 11 months
Hello!!! In honor of your most recent chapter I have drawn Valmont and ANNIEcat!!! Valmont ended up being a chibi version of himself, which makes it all more alarming.
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Incredible! How did you make ANNIEcat so shiny and smooth looking? And how is Valmont kind of adorable?
This is gonna make it harder to do to them what I have planned in coming chapters 😆
Thank you so much for sharing your talent, time, and effort! Do you mind if I add this to the fic on ao3?
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project-feive · 2 years
Janine: Well, my second rule is that no one can veto my rules or question my command as leadership.
Callista: Well, that’s called tyranny and seeing how we reacted when Sigrid tried it, you should know that it’s generally frowned upon.
Callista: But it will give me a valid reason to fight you so if that’s what you want to try then I say go for it.
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runfive · 2 years
(ZR S9 Spoilers) These lines from Janine, when it's just her and Five, really do feel so romantic: "The stars are radiant, aren't they? Milky Way streaking overhead, so bright."
As soon as I heard them I felt like Five's reply should be: "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
But that might be my inner anime fangirl rearing it's head. 😊
Yesss I am HERE for Five and Janine professing their love for each other in subtle ways because they’re both too emotionally repressed to say I love you flat out alsjskskak
the absolute romance of that scene though, the ‘Five are you with me to the last?’ and the ‘I knew you would be’ and the way the second line comes so fast like Five didn’t even hesitate before saying yes, like Five and Janine are such ride or die partners, and the mutual trust and understanding between them that they’re both ready to risk their lives to make the world better for others is just *chefs kiss*
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crownleys · 3 years
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“… I cannot remember how to assemble the rifle. The memory has gone, lost… …I… I can’t do it.”
I had a sudden fit of inspiration for some s9 art today 😌
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If I had a nickel for every time I saw mind controlled zombies as a plot in my favorite media, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but weird that it happened twice
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In the light of S9P2 of Zombies Run coming out this spring, I’ve decided to make a meme reminding everyone just how I felt about the first part of this season.
Not really spoilers but sort of so it’s under the cut
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dorkylittleweirdo · 3 years
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I can't remember if I posted this here or not yet but it hardly matters bc it's fucken relevant again 🙃
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goodplace-janet · 3 years
some kinda general zombies run! thoughts. no actual spoilers, only the most vague meta comments on seasons/story arcs over the years.
i'm thinking about stories where the writer has a plan for the end and is able to wrap everything up in a satisfying way (the good place, leverage from what i've heard?) versus stories that get canceled before they can do that (pushing daisies) versus stories that drag on so long that they go WELL past the shark-jump stage (fucking supernatural)
and as much as i love zombies run! and wish it could go on forever... if i'm being completely honest, i feel like it's already fallen into the gone-on-too-long category, for me?
seasons 1-3 were a solid, coherent arc. i LOVED s5 and had problems with s4 and s6, but if i look at them as another arc i can appreciate it as a whole. s7 and beyond... i'm not really enjoying it as much anymore, and i can't pinpoint at this moment exactly what is missing that i feel the story used to have, but yeah. i can see where they could have ended on a good note after s6, instead of carrying on past that.
I'm not a confident writer lmao but i wish i could write a little like, post-s6 series finale that addresses all the characters and settings and how they're doing and how they're moving on after the events of the story, how they're looking towards rebuilding the uk and finally reaching out to other communities around the world. and then i would just hang onto that as my own personal headcanon while we lowkey slog through the rest of whatever the fuck is going on with actualcanon.
[sorry this is so very negative, and truthfully, I still love zr and it would take something extraordinarily egregiously offensive to make me ever quit it.]
another option would be for them to end abel township's story, but tell stories from other communities? like the hebrides season and the tunisia season with the red fungus arc could have been a separate thing that didn't involve abel, because shoehorning these characters into these situations has led to breaks in continuity? (mostly in s9, to be clear.) maybe that doesn't make sense, especially factoring in the listener perspective character, but idk. I'm just thinking out loud at this point in the post.
i do feel like the app is switching focus to the new adventures, which is a shame (for me personally lol) because i don't actually care for those.
I don't know how to end this post... i will end with a disclaimer that i don't hate zr lol. I'm just noticing my feelings about it and how they've changed over time.
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mrs-elijah-wood · 3 years
Spoilers for S8+ below:
On god S9 better be kind to Janine. Let someone else carry the bad things happen ball for a little while. Also I hope we see more of the Abel gang this time around. I liked S8’s departure from the regular formula but I really missed Abel township (aka bring Steve and Kefi back please that’s all I’m asking also brain ghost Moonchild ma’am where tf have you been)
Who wants to put money down on Van Ark coming back? I’m not even kidding I’m about to make a bingo card (yes I know there was like ONE line that even hinted at him not being 100% dead but I’m running the race missions again AND THE FACT that he was back for a study in ichor and I’m Pepe Silvia levels convinced that’s what’s going on)
All I really want is five angst. Give me more ghosts in their noggin. Bring back some old ghosts. Lord knows there’s a whole cast of dead characters that could fill up a whole mission like that one in s3
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kelzebub · 4 months
Chapters: 21/? Fandom: Zombies Run! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Runner Five/Sam Yao, Janine De Luca/Peter Lynne Characters: Sam Yao, Runner Five, Janine De Luca, Peter Lynne, Veronica McShell, Brett Valmont, Original Characters, Annie, Amelia Spens, Paula Cohen, Maxine Myers, Sara Myers-Cohen-Yao Additional Tags: Psychological Torture, Grief and Loss, Trauma, Imprisonment, Rescue Mission, Don't mess with my operator, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Swearing, Drug Withdrawal, Human Experimentation, Fake Character Death, Reunions, Angst with a Happy Ending, Suicidal Thoughts, Canon Divergent, Escape, Adventure, journeys, Found Family, Kids, OCs - Freeform, Family Reunions Summary:
Sam Yao has always been an optimist, but that was before. Spoilers up to s9m30, canon divergent from s9m28 or so. Sam is imprisoned and experimented on. He doesn't expect a rescue.
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kelzebub · 9 months
Chapters: 18/? Fandom: Zombies Run! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Runner Five/Sam Yao, Janine De Luca/Peter Lynne Characters: Sam Yao, Runner Five, Janine De Luca, Peter Lynne, Veronica McShell, Brett Valmont, Original Characters, Annie, Amelia Spens, Paula Cohen, Maxine Myers, Sara Myers-Cohen-Yao Additional Tags: Psychological Torture, Grief and Loss, Trauma, Imprisonment, Rescue Mission, Don't mess with my operator, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Swearing, Drug Withdrawal, Human Experimentation, Fake Character Death, Reunions, Angst with a Happy Ending, Suicidal Thoughts, Canon Divergent, Escape, Adventure, journeys, Found Family, Kids, OCs - Freeform, Family Reunions Summary:
Sam Yao has always been an optimist, but that was before. Spoilers up to s9m30, canon divergent from s9m28 or so. Sam is imprisoned and experimented on. He doesn't expect a rescue.
Chapter 18
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project-feive · 2 years
Ranking my versions of my Five based off of her levels of unhinge-ness.
Read more below just because there could be some stuff considered spoilers?
1: NL!Callista Glover. “The Red Soldier” (my own personal AU) This bitch crazy and traumatized. Lived in Red Scorpion Base and was basically a test subject and didn’t meet Team Abel until S9. Do not turn your back on her ever. She will kill with no remorse. Feels everything and nothing all at the same time. Girly is in her Reputation Era and doesn’t plan on getting out of it any time soon.
2. ZR!Callista Glover. “Runner 5” (main series) She isn’t in her Reputation Era just yet but she’s close. Her mind is literally breaking and she’s been traumatized ten times over and her marriage fell apart in front of her eyes. Like girl needs therapy, meds, a vacation, the whole works. She’s approximately two seconds away from snapping and killing everyone.
3: Ista-Glow. “Rookie” (Dystopia Rising) She is a mercenary. What would you expect? Also major parental issues. Has died before and in Dystopia Lore coming back is a horribly kind breaking thing so def has baggage from that.
4. Evangeline Freeman. “Walker” (The Walk) Has mental health issues at the beginning but isn’t really unhinged at the beginning of her story. Slowly becomes more unhinged as the story goes on. Will definitely need therapy.
5. Callista ‘Cal’ Glover. “Rider” (Dragon Flight) This version of Callista is 14. Do you know how unhinged 14-year-olds are? I don’t think I need to say any more.
6. Glass Woman “Five” (Endless Sea add-on story) Poor girl loses her memory and has black glass armor. Doesn’t talk to the aliens on the planet she resides on much and doesn’t let them ever see her in the forest where she lives. If unhinged because she is very casual about breaking and entering into the literal castle of the alien royalty and bossing the king and queen around and getting them to do what she wants. Isn’t super high on the list just because she doesn’t ask for much or anything drastic.
7. Callista Elizabeth ‘Eliza’ Glover. “Apprentice Five” (Abel’s Buccaneers). Literally became Dr. Samuel’s apprentice because her sister abandoned her on the streets of a place she’d never been in because she flew off the rails after her fiancé died. Fell in love with Dr. Samuel because he gave her the tiniest bit of affection. Girly needs therapy. Not unhinged as the others but as some issues she needs to work on.
8. Callista Glover. “Specialist Five” (Venus Rising). Goes on a mission while dying so she can spend more time with her secret bf. When secret bf does she blames the Captain for not doing anything and plots to kill her even while running for her life. Ends up doing so after the last mission of the series. Ironically becomes the last one surviving when she is dying of a terminal disease. Although that last part doesn’t make her unhinged. Everything else though…
9. Callie Morse. “Stoker Five” (Mystery at 4000 Fathoms). Slightly unhinged due to grief. Literally loses it when she can’t find her locket with her late husband’s picture in the beginning. But she does start the healing process at the end of the new adventure.
10. Celeste. “Bellhop” (Hotel Hijinks). Not really unhinged, but does whatever unhinged stuff she’s told to do, like getting into a dumbwaiter to spy on others. This is especially unhinged for Celeste because she’s hard of hearing/mostly deaf so she’d have to peak through and read lips.
11. Quinn (Rule Britannia series). Not really unhinged, although we could say she’s crazy for dealing with so much bullshit for as long as she has. But for the most part is very level headed and isn’t completely murderous.
12. Detective Glover. “Runner 13” (The 13th Runner). The most level headed of them all. Has a brain cells and actually uses them. No inning was unless we consider how the story could end which can go which her going to most unhinged or remaining least unhinged. But during the mission she is not unhinged and is super prepared. Is a bit of a workaholic though.
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Clone Ark: I heard the original Van Ark had a run in with a rocket launcher.
My Five, vividly reliving the memory:
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Frances: I’m not trying to irritate you.
Five: Well, then you just must have a natural talent for it.
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Five: I love this picture of us as a team. We were all smiling. I was so happy.
Mo: Where’s Frances?
Five: She wasn’t a part of the team yet. That’s why I was so happy.
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